Ron And Ginny Weasley free porn video

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As far back as Ron could remember, he'd thought of Ginny as his . She had belonged to him in the same way that Charlie belonged to Bill, or Fred and George belonged to each other. Of course, all of Ginny's big brothers were protective of their baby sister, but Ron had been the one to be there for her while the others went off to school and later more exotic climes. He had been her protector and her playmate from the day she was born.

To Ron, Ginny had been just another brother until he learned the difference between boys and girls. At the age of three, he'd been puzzled by the fact that she had no willie — of course, Fred and George had determined that she'd been born tragically disfigured. Luckily, their mother had overheard the conversation and tactfully explained the difference between "boy-bits" and "girl-bits". Later games of Healer between Ron and Ginny had let him discover the details for himself.

Healer wasn't the only game they'd played, of course. Ron had dutifully consented to play House with Ginny, taking on the role of husband to Ginny's wife. They usually wound up mimicking their parents: kissing, holding hands and cuddling while taking care of a family of seven "children" (an ever-changing cast of teddy bears and other soft toys). Occasionally, they'd tried to make babies the way Fred and George had explained it, with Ron lying on top of Ginny, the two of them wriggling around for a few minutes. Of course, it had never worked.

However, that part of the game had ended the day their mum had caught them at it, and promptly gone into an inexplicable fury. She'd sent both Ron and Ginny to their respective rooms without dinner, demanding they never do such naughty things again. Upon discovering who had given her precious (and innocent) little lambs the information, she'd made certain neither Fred nor George could sit down for an entire week. It had taken Ron years to suss out exactly why his mother had reacted so strongly.

Eventually, Ron and Ginny had become too old for that sort of play, turning their attention to Quidditch and tree climbing and other rough and tumble pursuits. Ginny wasn't like most girls her age, preferring mud puddles to dolls, torn jeans to frocks. With Bill and Charlie off at Hogwarts, Percy, and the Twins wrapped up in their own respective worlds, Ginny became Ron's closest and dearest ally.

Circumstances changed dramatically once Ron went off to school. His friendships with Harry Potter and Hermione Granger, and their fight against He Who Must Not Be Named began to dominate his life. Ron was reluctant to share his new friends with his kid sister, especially after she showed signs of fancying Harry. Ron definitely didn't like the thought of that one bit. He also didn't want Ginny involved in anything related to the Dark Lord; she needed to be safeguarded from all things dark and dangerous.

Ginny, of course, had other plans.

Over the next few years, his sister integrated herself into Ron's social life, getting along famously with his friends. Sometimes, Ron thought, she got on with them a bit too well. He couldn't have explained why if anyone had asked, but it irked him to see Ginny with his mates, especially the other boys in his dorm: Seamus, Neville, Dean, Harry . He didn't mind her friendship with Hermione at all — that was different somehow. But seeing her talking, giggling, flirting with his dorm mates at every given opportunity, seeing them flirting back and looking at her like that , made him want to whack them repeatedly with a Beater's bat until they left his little sister alone.

She was his , and the last thing Ron wanted was a bunch of randy, hormonal teenage boys ogling her or thinking about her. Especially when he had to live with them night and day. It was just brotherly concern, he assured himself over and over. At least until one day, when Ron came to the realisation that it might be something more.

Ron came into the Gryffindor boys' dorm, bone tired and muddy. Quidditch practise had run late, and Harry had worked the new team long and hard. Exhausted, Ron flopped on his bed, still in his muddy uniform, unable to move.

"So, what's she like?" Ron heard Seamus ask as he presumably entered the room.

"None of your bloody business," Dean replied testily. There was the sound of his school bag hitting his mattress.

"Oh, come on, mate," Seamus urged. "I'm your best friend. You've got to tell me all about her."

She had to be Ginny, Ron realised. She had been dating Dean since sometime last summer. Ron wasn't crazy about the idea. In his mind, Dean was a slick git, but then again, no one he knew was good enough for his sister. Taking the utmost care, Ron shifted, hoping to remain obscured by the red velvet curtains surrounding his bed.


"She's got great tits, hasn't she?" Seamus continued, oblivious to Dean's warning tone. "Has she let you touch her up yet? What do they feel like? Lavender once let me—"

"A gentleman never kisses and tells. Or," Dean let out a low, throaty chuckle, "touches and tells for that matter."

Ron could practically hear Seamus's eyebrows shooting up into his hairline.

"Brilliant!" There was a momentary pause before Seamus added, "So, has she let you go any further, then? Given you a bit of finger pie? Is she a screamer? I bet she is..."

Ron began to seethe; he could feel his ears starting to burn. It took all his resolve to stay where he was hidden rather than coming out swinging.

"Not talking, mate," Dean repeated. "Besides, I know anything I tell you will just be used to help you toss off later tonight. And you don't need any more motivation, if you ask me."

"Oi!" Seamus exclaimed.

Dean snorted. "C'mon. We've got to get to the library and get that Transfiguration essay done. Besides, if Ron catches you talking about his sister like this, you're a dead man."

"Heh. I'm not afraid of him," insisted Seamus.

Balling his fists, Ron considered giving Seamus plenty of reason to be — but at that point, the other two boys shuffled out of the room, closing the door behind them. He lay there, waiting until he was certain they were gone before he made any attempt to move.

Disgusted with his crass dorm mates, Ron shook his head and stomped off to the Prefect's bath, intent on cleaning up. Perhaps a good soak would soothe away his anger. He muttered the password, flinging the door open as it unlocked, then slammed it shut with a loud 'bang'. Locking the door with a quick spell, Ron stripped off his filthy clothes and then got into the large tub, ignoring the giggles and stares from the Mermaid portrait which hung on the wall above.

The sensation of steaming, soapy water against his skin did work to calm him down considerably, but he still couldn't get Seamus's words out of his head. "Great tits! Finger pie! Bet she's a screamer!"

Ron flushed, and not just because he was up to his neck in scalding hot water. He was well aware of Ginny's breasts — it was rather hard to ignore them given their prominence on her petite frame, especially when she wore tight, form fitting Quidditch tunics. For a moment, he wondered how they'd feel in his hands, how well they'd fill them...

He shook the thought off. This was his sister , not some tart in one of Seamus's dirty mags.

Still, he couldn't get the picture of Ginny's bare breasts out of his mind, considered what it would be like to touch them, to fondle them, to suck on them until she squirmed and cried and sighed in delight. Ron could feel his cock springing to life as he tried to make himself stop thinking about them.

He failed miserably.

Down deep, he knew how wrong it was to even consider Ginny in that light, but he couldn't help himself. His cock ached as it bobbed against his bare belly; he wrapped his fingers around the base of his shaft and began to stroke.


It had been two years since the War had ended, two long and eventful years. The long nightmare of the Dark Lord's reign was over, and Ron's whole world had changed. He had realised his lifelong dream to become an Auror, working with Harry to clean up the entire Department at Kingsley Shacklebolt's request. He lived alone in a cozy flat off of Diagon Alley, and overall, his life was quite content. Except for his love life, or lack thereof.

That was a complete and utter shambles. Try as Ron might, relationships were things that eluded him. He and Hermione had made a brave attempt to get together, but in the end, it had fallen apart. Hermione had gone back to Hogwarts after their arduous year of Horcrux hunting, and within months, things had gone completely pear-shaped between them. Hermione got involved with Neville Longbottom, who'd proven himself to be quite the hero while they'd been gone, and Ron found himself happy for her. At least they'd remained friends, in spite of everything.

Ron had made vague and fruitless attempts at dating after that, but none of the women he went out with seemed to be his type. And when he was alone, he found himself thinking about a petite girl with long red hair, dark brown eyes and freckles. A girl who looked just like his little sister. A girl who was his little sister.

He could never have admitted that to Hermione — or anyone else — that he'd missed Ginny far more than anyone else during their year long quest, or while she was away for her last year of school. It was even further complicated by the fact that Ginny was involved with his best mate in the whole wide world, and he had to pretend to be thrilled for the pair of them when in actuality, it was tearing him apart.

At least Harry had the wherewithal to be discreet about his sex life with Ginny. That would have been more than Ron could have borne.

Ron settled on his sofa, perusing The Daily Prophet for the day's Quidditch scores. To his dismay, his beloved Chudley Cannons were still in the bottom of the League, having been summarily trounced by Falmouth yet again. He groaned with frustration. It didn't matter that he knew the Cannons were a crap team; somehow, he still held out hope that some day, they would emerge victorious.

A gentle rapping at his window distracted him from the Sport page and the disappointing scores. Ron looked up to see a familiar owl standing on the windowsill, its beak hitting the streaky pane in a staccato rhythm. "Oh, for fuck's sake," he muttered, throwing the paper on top of the coffee table and heading to let the bird in.

Ginny's brown and grey barn owl looked about as thrilled to see him as he was to see it. Which was to say not at all. The owl hooted in annoyance as Ron grabbed it and pulled it into the flat, nipping at him as he tugged at the roll of parchment tied to its leg. "Oi!" he exclaimed; the bite was superficial, but it stung.

He couldn't imagine what his sister could possibly want from him at this time of night. Perhaps she wanted to gloat about the Cannons, especially when the Harpies were due to play them later in the week. A Harpies win would relegate the Cannons to dead last for the rest of the season. It would be just like Ginny to take the piss over something like that, especially now that she'd landed a position as the Harpies' newest Chaser straight out of school.

To Ron's surprise, the note had nothing to do with Quidditch in the least. In Ginny's neat handwriting, it read:

Are you free tonight? I really need to talk to someone. Please let me know if you're around.
—Ginny xx

"Huh," he said, staring at the note, puzzled.

The owl clacked its beak in expectation, causing Ron to scowl.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm going to answer. And no, I haven't got any treats for you." He ran and found a working quill, hastily scribbling a reply before attaching it to the owl. He pitched the bird out the window, then set about tidying up the flat before Ginny came round, hoping to make it presentable before she arrived.

She was there within the hour. Her hair was mussed, her eyes swollen, and her nose red. Even Ron, who Hermione had once proclaimed had "the emotional range of a teaspoon," could tell that his sister was extremely unhappy.

"Hey, Gin," he said as he ushered her into the flat. "What's wrong?"

Ginny worried at her lower lip, inhaling deeply. Ron could see tears welling up in her eyes as she looked up at him. She let out a breath, then murmured, "It's Harry."

"Harry?" he echoed. "Has something happened to him?" Come to think of it, his friend had been acting a bit odd lately, seeming a bit distant and preoccupied whenever Ron ran into him at the Auror's department. Ron had just written it off as Harry being overly involved in a case, as he was wont to do, but now his friend's behaviour seemed suspicious in retrospect.

Sniffling, Ginny shook her head. "He...," she angrily wiped a stray tear away with the back of her hand. "He...I...we broke up tonight."

"You what?"

"Harry said he needed his space," Ginny sneered. "That as much as he cared about me, he realised he was only twenty years old, that he'd hardly dated anyone, and that he didn't want to rush into anything with the first person he'd got serious about."

Ron stared at his sister in disbelief, trying to remember if he'd heard about Harry being hit by a particularly strong Stunning Spell or a rogue Bludger. "Harry said all that?"

"H-he did," Ginny replied. "And then I hit him with a Bat Bogey Hex. A big one. He'll be leaking snot for days." The corners of her mouth curled up into a slight smile. "From every orifice imaginable."

Ron made a mental note to give Harry wide berth until further notice. "Sounds like he deserved it, good and proper."

Ginny nodded, her smile vanishing as quickly as it had appeared. "He deserved a lot more than that. He's lucky I didn't turn him into a Puffskein and use him as a Bludger... after all the time we've been together, after everything we've been through, he just...just...!" She let out a roar of frustration. "How could he do this to me? Are all men this thick when it comes to relationships?!"

"Erm..." Ron didn't think he was the best person to answer that question. Luckily, Ginny didn't wait for an answer; she stormed around the room, still ranting.

"Do you know how much time I spent waiting for him to come back? A whole bloody year! Did he honestly think that pretending I didn't exist was going to make the Death Eaters forget we were together before then? Or bloody Malfoy for that matter?"

"I don't think he actually—"

"I took him back after that, Ron. I did! Even after he treated me like some sort of ridiculous fairy princess during the final battle — as if I couldn't fight too! He was worse than Mum, but did I say anything? Of course not!" Ginny fumed. "Instead, I took him back and never said a damn word. Because I loved him and I thought...I thought..." Suddenly the fight was out of her. She looked at Ron, defeated. "Oh, Ron, I can't believe he—" she choked back a sob, her fists tightening as she clutched at herself.

He flew to her side, draping an arm around her shoulders. "Don't cry, Gin. He's not worth it."

"I-I know," she replied, although she didn't sound very convinced.

"Here, let's go into the kitchen for a cuppa." A cup of tea was his mother's cure-all for everything and anything wrong in the world. It was as good a time as any to see if it really worked. Without waiting for a response, Ron led his sister into the tiny, cramped kitchen, letting her sit in a creaky wooden chair while he heated the kettle and found a tin of tea.

As he set about getting down a pair of clean cups, he heard Ginny weeping softly. He turned around to see her slumped in her chair, her face buried in her hands. The cups landed on the counter with a clatter; Ron sprinted over to her, wrapping his arms around her. "Aw, c'mon, Gin, it's not that bad."

"Yes, it is," Ginny moaned in protest, then buried her face into the crook of Ron's neck, hot tears splashing against his collar. "It really is."

"No," he insisted, "it isn't." He tightened his embrace, rocking her gently. "He's just a bloke, Gin. Trust me. He's my friend, I ought to know."

She let out a hiccupping sob in response.

"We'll get him back, Gin. Do something really wicked to Harry when he least expects it."

"Like what?"

"I dunno yet, but I reckon we'll need to talk to George about this," Ron continued, one hand absently stroking her hair. "He's brilliant at coming up with ways of getting revenge on people he doesn't like."

To Ron's relief, Ginny managed a laugh. "But George likes Harry!"

"He won't when he hears you've been dumped by him. Here, take this." Ron offered her a napkin, allowing her to wipe her eyes and blow her nose.

"Ron, thank you."

"Ah, it's what big brothers are for." Ron leaned down, intending to kiss her on the cheek, but precisely at that moment, she turned her head, his mouth landing directly on hers. Her lips were soft and wet beneath his; Ron found he could not stop himself from kissing her. The result was immediate and visceral — a jolt of arousal coursing through his entire body, leaving Ron feeling as if he'd been struck by lightning.

Ginny gasped, then pulled away, staring at him in what Ron could only assume was shock. He steeled himself for a blow which never came. The next thing he knew, she'd pulled his head down to hers and they were kissing again, heated, desperate, and furious.

He lifted her up from the chair, yanking her flush against him as they stumbled, landing against the wall. Ginny was trapped between Ron and the wood panelling; she moaned against his lips as he slid one leg between hers, his painful erection straining against the flies of his jeans as it pressed against her hip. Her tongue was in his mouth, her fingers in his hair as she ground against his thigh.

Ron's hips jerked up as he did the same, rubbing shamelessly, the fabric of his pants rough against his skin. He worked one hand between them, burrowing under Ginny's shirt, feeling her warm and smooth beneath his fingertips. He heard her mewl at his touch, her movements growing more frantic, her kisses becoming increasingly urgent.

And then, without warning, Ginny broke off, shoving him away violently. Ron flew back into the counter top, the edge smashing into his lower back, causing him to yelp in pain.

"What the—?" he started, dazed, confused and gasping for breath. He reached for her, Ginny's hands flying up to block him, stopping him in his tracks.

"Don't you touch me!" she exclaimed. "For Merlin's sake, Ron, how could you?"

"I just—"

"I can't believe you kissed me like that!"

" Me? You were the one who—"

Ginny cut him off immediately. "But you started it!"

"Well, you weren't exactly stopping me, were you now?" he countered, then took a step forward. "You wanted it as much as I did!"

Ignoring him, she continued, "This can't happen. This isn't happening."

"But, it did. You can't just—" Ron reached out to her, only to be swatted away as if he were some pesky fly.

"Just stay away from me, you pervy git!" She shouted, glaring daggers at him. "And don't you ever try anything like that again! The only place you'll ever have me is in your dreams. Your filthy, disgusting dreams!" With that, she tore out of the kitchen.

Bewildered, Ron didn't bother to follow. "Don't worry, I wouldn't dare!" he shouted at the empty kitchen, then kicked the counter in frustration. The only response he got was the shrill, piercing whistle of the tea kettle as it began to boil over.


The following weeks were absolute, excruciating torture. Ron was miserable, moping around at both the loss of his sister and his own foolishness. The last thing he'd wanted was to push Ginny away; after Fred's death, Ron had come to realise just how important his family was to him. Even Percy, although he'd never actually admit it to the prat.

Ron purposely avoided a few family functions, knowing Ginny would be there and wanting to avoid any unnecessary contact with her. Unfortunately, he knew he couldn't hide forever, especially when there was no way to explain to his parents or siblings why he was unable to come round. Eventually, he ran out of excuses and decided that Ginny would just have to endure his presence or be the one to stay home.

Being a perfect example of a Gryffindor, Ginny chose the former. At first it was awkward as hell; she wouldn't even look at Ron, let alone acknowledge his existence. It made Ron miserable. Finally, at a birthday party at Shell Cottage for their niece, Dominique, the ice finally broke. Ginny had consumed more than a few drinks, and her words were terse, her demeanour distant, as if he were someone she'd just met, but at least she was talking to him again. Ron was hopeful for further improvement.

From then on, things grew slightly less uncomfortable. Ron was able to exchange a few pleasantries and jokes with Ginny when he saw her, something he was infinitely grateful for. Of course he wanted to do more. Whenever he saw his sister, memories of their time in the kitchen together came flooding back; her touch, her taste, her scent... it was enough to drive a man spare.

He wondered if Ginny ever thought the same. He thought he caught her staring at him when she thought his attention was focused elsewhere, and from time to time, her jokes seemed a little bit more flirtatious than they ought to. But he couldn't tell if it was fact or just wishful thinking. He found himself blaming Harry for the current dilemma. If the bastard hadn't thrown over his sister, then none of this would have happened and Ron could've kept his dirty little secret to himself.

Harry, of course, was completely oblivious to the havoc he'd wreaked. When he and Ron went out, they just talked about blokey things like Quidditch and work. However, Harry had admitted to the break-up over drinks one night, letting it slip that he was now seeing Romilda Vane, who was now working as personal assistant to Rhys Williams, the new head of the Department of Magical Games and Sports.

Upon hearing the news, Ron wondered if Harry was under the influence of a love spell or some other enchantment, but Harry seemed to be his usual self in every other way. Plus his friend didn't sound particularly besotted with Romilda, admitting to Ron that he was just exploring his options while he decided what he really wanted. Ron, of course, had very strong suspicions that "options" were not exactly what Harry was exploring, especially when it came to the voluptuous and accommodating Romilda.

The strange and unfathomable limbo with Ginny lasted over the span of a few more months; they were neither friends nor enemies, although Ron longed for the day when they could just be again. They occasionally socialised with the same friends, were invited to the same parties. The odd longing looks and ambiguous comments continued, leaving Ron frustrated and aroused in equal measure whenever he saw her.

It was past ten when Ron arrived home from the Leaky Cauldron after a night with Neville and Harry and a never-ending round of drinks. As he pulled out the key to unlock the door, he realised it was already open, his security spells all seemingly disarmed. Drawing his wand, he crept into the flat cautiously, unsure of what or who he'd find waiting there.

"I know you're in here!" he announced as he inched into the sitting room.

"Honestly, Ron, you really need to work on those defensive charms," Ginny said, then tutted at him in dismay. She was sprawled on his sofa, as bold as brass, as if she owned the place. "It was all too easy to break in."

Ron scowled. "I don't need you of all people telling me how to cast spells."

"You are an Auror, aren't you? I could have sworn you said you'd passed your training—"

"Of course," he snapped in annoyance. The sense of well-being that he'd experienced all evening had now completely dissipated. "But the war's over! I can afford to be a little lax now and then."

"Tonks used to say that an Auror could never ever be too careful —" Ginny
continued, clearly trying to suppress a smirk, as if she was enjoying winding him up.

"Well, she would have, wouldn't she? Especially with Mad-Eye Moody as her bloody mentor. Constant vigilance, my arse," Ron hissed. "More like constant paranoia." He crossed his arms over his chest and huffed. "What the hell are you doing here anyway?"

Ginny looked up at him soberly. "I decided that things couldn't go on the way they've been going between us. Pretending as if nothing happened, as if there's nothing between us."

"Oh, you did, did you?"

"Ron, don't be like that. I know you're as unhappy about the situation as I am." There was a momentary pause as she seemed to choose her words carefully. "Probably even more so."

"Might be," he replied, knowing he probably sounded like a petulant child, but not particularly caring at this point. "So, what do you reckon we do about it?"

"Well, I've been trying to suss that out for a while now. It can't continue this way — people are starting to notice how weird things are between us, aren't they?"

"They are?"

"Yes," she said. "They are, and I haven't got any answers for them. Anyway, I think I've found us a solution. If you're willing, that is."

Ron braced himself for whatever Ginny was about to say, certain he wasn't going to like what he heard.

"Luna lent me this book, a Muggle novel. She said I'd find it quite illuminating."

Quirking an eyebrow, Ron stared at his sister, wondering just how some Muggle novel was going to change anything. "Why would Luna give it to you?"

Ginny wrinkled her nose. "I think she might suspect there's something off about us. You know how intuitive she is. Anyway, in it, there's a brother and sister. Just like us. Well, they were Muggles, and Americans at that, so not really like us, I suppose. But their relationship...they had feelings for one another and..." she let out a sigh of frustration, as though realising that she wasn't make very much sense. "And the way they got it resolved was to lock themselves in a room. A bedroom , determined not to come out until they'd got it all out of their system."

"So, what did they do, murder each other?"

"No." A slow flush spread across Ginny's freckled cheeks. "They shagged each other rotten."

"Ah." Ron's mouth was suddenly very dry, his tongue thick in his mouth. "And did that resolve things for them?"

"Yes. They shagged and shagged until they'd got over each other and could move past it."

"So, that's your brilliant idea, is it?"

She nodded slowly, then got to her feet, picking up her bag from the floor. Pointing to a brightly coloured brochure lying on the coffee table, she said, "Look, I've booked a room for us at a bed and breakfast in Portsmouth this weekend. The information's all here."

"How do I know this isn't some wind up?"

Wounded, Ginny frowned. "Because it isn't. I don't want to deal with this mess anymore, Ron. I want to have done with it already."

"And what about me?" he asked. "What if this isn't the way I want to handle this?"

"Well, you'll just have to." Her stubborn expression told Ron she would brook no argument, that it was her way or nothing. "I will see you there."

Gobsmacked and tongue-tied, he could only nod in agreement as she swept out of the room, her long red hair flying behind her.


Ron reached the Apparation point in Portsmouth, checked his gear to make sure nothing had been lost somewhere between There and Here, and then pulled the crumpled brochure out of his pocket. "Mermaid House is a delightful and historic Bed and Breakfast designed for the most discerning Witch and Wizard built in 1585. With rooms overlooking the sea, we offer a romantic getaway for Wizarding folk from all over the world..." The address was printed on the bottom in glowing green ink, and seemed to be only a few minutes walk from where he was now.

Ginny had promised to meet him there, checked in under the name Gwen Prewett and wearing some sort of disguise to avoid any undue publicity. No doubt someone like Rita Skeeter would love to get their hands on something as salacious and scandalous as a member of the Harpies going off to shag her brother in a remote corner of the country. This was assuming that Ginny was actually there when he arrived.

The bed and breakfast proved to be an impressive old house, designed in the typical eclectic Wizarding style; a hodgepodge of architecture old and new stuck together with no particular rhyme or reason. Inside, it was homey, clean and bright, filled with an eclectic mixture of ornate wooden furniture covered in rich velvets and satins, the windows hung with white eyelet curtains and heavier damask drapes.

Glancing down at the register as he signed in, Ron caught sight of his sister's pseudonym written in her familiar handwriting. He sighed in relief, then took the offered key from the desk clerk, who gave Ron a conspiratorial wink as he handed it over.

"Lovely lady, that Miss Prewett is," the clerk – a short plump older Wizard with a bald pate and a beard— said with a cheeky grin. "I've always had a soft spot for a pretty brunette. You're a very lucky geezer."

Ron snorted in response. "You're not her bloody type," he muttered.

The walk up to the second floor room was interminable, the staircase never-ending. Finally, he reached Room No. 23 and let himself in.

The sight that met his eyes stopped Ron in his tracks; thankfully Ginny had the presence of mind to wave her wand at the door and shut them away from the prying eyes of any other occupants. Placing the wand down beside her on the bed, she lay back against the mound of pillows and gazed at him through her upraised and parted knees.

Ginny was wearing a pale green negligee made of some filmy material, low cut to reveal generous cleavage, and split down the middle, exposing the flat expanse of her freckled stomach and a pair of skimpy, matching knickers. Ron's breath caught in his throat as he stared at the tantalizing sight.

"Don't just stand there," she said huskily. "Come here."

Ron dropped his bag and bolted to the bed. Gathering her up in his arms, he kissed her hard, clinging to her as if he feared she'd turn to smoke at the first touch. But she was warm and solid and here , kissing him back with equal fervour, her small, deft fingers unbuttoning his shirt and pulling it off him in haste.

Ron's cock sprung to life, his trousers already unbearably tight. He pushed forward, pressing against Ginny's warm, bare thigh, groaning as she cupped him through the thick fabric. She trailed her kisses over his chin to his throat, dragging her tongue along the side of his neck before sucking greedily. A guttural moan escaped his lips, the awareness that she was marking him only making him harder.

"Want you," he breathed, his hands finding their way to her breasts, kneading them through the lacy top of her negligee, her nipples taut beneath his palms as he caressed her. "I want to f-fuck you so badly."

Ron felt his cheeks heat with more than arousal as the words sprang from his lips. He'd never said anything like that to a woman before. Hermione had hardly been the type to talk dirty to, and he'd never been comfortable enough with any other girl he'd seen to make the attempt.

Ginny raised her head, her face partially obscured by the curtain of her copper hair as she flashed him an enigmatic smile. "Not yet. We don't need to rush."

He whimpered in protest, which turned to approval as Ginny tightened her hand over his crotch, squeezing lightly. Taking in a deep breath, he leaned forward, brushing her hair off her face and then cupped her chin in his hands. He drew her in for another kiss, long, lingering and infused with as much passion as he could muster.

Ginny responded in kind, her fingertips stroking down the length of his spine before burrowing their way under the waistband of his trousers and his pants. Ron gasped as she grabbed his bare arse, her nails sharp as they cut into his skin. His hips bucked forward as his hands found her breasts again.

Withdrawing one hand, Ginny reached between her breasts, releasing the catch on her negligee. There was a rustle of fabric as the baby doll nightgown fell away, her breasts freed from their confines of chiffon and lace. Ron broke off the kiss to gawk; Ginny had the most perfect breasts he had ever seen.

"Go on then," Ginny said huskily, giving him a light nudge which broke him out of his reverie. Ron dipped his head down, closing his lips around one rosy nipple, and began to suck.

She moaned in assent as he began to lavish her with lips and teeth and tongue, licking and kissing and sucking her pale, freckled breasts, working his way to the undersides and then back up again, refusing to stop until he'd covered every last inch of her sweet flesh. Ron had never been given free rein in his ministrations by any other partner, and he wasn't about to squander the opportunity.

Ginny's hands were in his hair as she whispered words of encouragement, undulating against him and crying out as he bit down on her nipple and tugged at it. He began to range his kisses lower, swirling his tongue in slow, languid arcs along her rib cage and the line of her belly until he hit the satin-trimmed edge of her knickers.

With shaking hands, he untied the small bows at her hips, then peeled the knickers away entirely. Ginny lowered herself back on the bed, legs splayed wantonly. This time, Ron needed no further prompting. He settled between her knees, hands firmly on her thighs, and leaned in for a tentative lick.

"Mmmm. Yeeeeeees, " Ginny moaned.

He swiped his tongue along her folds again, savouring the taste, the scent, the feel of her. She was unbelievably wet, and her moans urged him to keep going, assuring him that he was doingTo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.

Same as Ron and Ginny Weasley Videos

4 years ago
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Summer heat Hermione and Ginny

It had to be the hottest summer in years. The heat was practically suffocating and seemed to leave everyone feeling lazy. There was also a warm stillness to the air that didn’t fade even with the best cooling charms. It produced a restless feeling that wasn’t helped by staying indoors where it was somewhat cool. For the last three weeks, Hermione had stayed inside with her books. She had charmed a Muggle fan to work along with the charms so the sitting room felt better than the rest of the...

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Lusty Road Trip with Ginny

“I’ve been thinking” she said. “Why don’t we leave a day early and take a nice relaxing little road trip to start our vacation week rather than make all of the drive tomorrow?” She smiled slyly as I considered her proposal. “Well, I suppose we could have everything ready and hit the road by mid afternoon or so if you really want to” I grinned back at her. I knew she had just proposed some erotic road time combined with a night in a strange motel with ample time for burning a bit of...

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Nandita To Nandini

Hi, To all Iss reader this is my first story hope U all would like it a complete self raj i live in Mumbai this story is about my aunty nandita,let me describe her she is in her 30s,lives with her husband and daughter.She is born beauty with an awesome fig of 36.28.40 ..her assets are her huge melons of 36 d and her ass that will give a hard on to any guy who looks at it So now my story starts this was like 5 years ago when I was appearing for my 12 th HSC examination at that time my...

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Study friends Ginny and Hermione

Hermione walked towards the libary to meet up with Ginny - who had asked Hermione if she could help her with studying for the OWLS. The mere thought of studying sent Hermione into a frenzy of delight! What would she teach the young Ginny? Transfiguration? Defense Against The Dark Arts? Oh! Hermione did not care which subject, for she loved them all. She walked into the libary and proceeded to look for Ginny - she overheard several people talking, "man, I never knew she could be that hot -...

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Ginny on top

There were things her mother never told her. Ginny wasn't referring to the war, Dark magic, or the Order of the Phoenix. She stood in the middle of Wicked Witches, a store she never knew existed until five minutes earlier, and desperately tried to absorb the sight of shelves overflowing with countless magical sex toys, books, things she assumed could be categorized as clothing—maybe, and extremely naughty portraits. It was like Wheezes, only everything had something to do with sex, even when it...

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Harry listening to Hermione Ginny

It was going to the fifth year for Harry Potter at Hogwarts. Lord Voldemort was now alive again, and out there somewhere. The paper had been saying a lot of mean things about Harry, and the Wizengamot Court and the Minister of Magic had tried to get Harry expelled from Hogwarts except that Professor Dumbledore had come to his hearing and had gotten him cleared. Now Harry was sitting in the room that he was sharing with his best mate Ron at Grimwauld Place that his Godfather owned and the Order...

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Hermione Teaches Ginny and Harry how to Share

Hermione Teaches Ginny and Harry how to ShareRough flight to the BurrowThe butterbeers were helping to take the edge off, but tensions were still running high at the Burrow. Voldemort and his army of Death Eaters had struck the moment they took off from Harry’s c***dhood home, and the battle took a terrible toll. Mrs. Weasley had just stopped crying. Fleur was still pacing about. The rest were silent, still processing the loss of Moody. Mrs. Weasley hopped up from her armchair. “That’s enough....

3 years ago
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my sister Ginny

"I'm just letting you know," said Joey. "I don't know what you can do about it, but that's what Peter told me."Vic nodded and the two boys parted. He thought about everything that his friend Joey had said that afternoon.Vic's 14-year-old sister Ginny just became a high school freshman about a month earlier. According to Joey's brother Peter, almost all of the guys on the varsity team had gotten a look at her and they were all more than impressed by her. They were almost unanimous in their...

2 years ago
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Ginny Ginny Ginny The Redheaded Stepchild part 3

There was screaming. There was shouting. Threats and counter-threats. Doors slamming. Josh outside her door, pleading for entry. Through it all Ginny sat on her bed, in the darkness of her room, an old shirt tucked underneath catching the cum dripping from her no longer virgin pussy. Her father's cum. And her asshole brother had also been tricked and had been jamming his big cock into her too. She'd stopped him before he added his load. She wondered why she had bothered. Might as well have...

2 years ago
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GinnyChapter 2

When we arrived back at the house, we went into the kitchen. Mom was there at the sink when we came in. "Have you two eaten yet?" she asked. "No, ma'am," I told her. "I'll make you something," she said, as she turned around to look at us. She stopped when she got a good look at us. We tried to look normal, but I guess we didn't succeed. We were both grinning like crazy and probably looked guilty as hell. Moms can always tell. "Why don't the two of you go upstairs and take a...

4 years ago
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GinnyChapter 4

Downstairs, lunch was ready, and Ted was already here. It seems their parents hadn't returned yet, and he was hungry. Erin put in an appearance while we were eating. She took a chair next to Ted. I noticed that she was moving very carefully. Maybe five times had been too much for her. Apparently, I wasn't the only one who noticed, because when Mom was cleaning the table, she had advice for Erin. "Why don't you go up and take a nice hot bubble bath, Sweetie. I'm sure it will make you...

4 years ago
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GinnyChapter 5

In April, Brad and Grace were married. It wasn't a large wedding by any means, just some close friends and family. Ginny and Erin were the bridesmaids, and Helen was the flower girl. Dad gave the bride away, as none of her family lived nearby. They all lived on the other coast and had pretty much ignored Grace since she had been divorced, as they still liked her ex. I got stuck with being Brad's best man. He had asked one of his friends from work, but that friend had to go out of town on...

2 years ago
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Training Sarah PArt Seven Ginny gets her due

“Yeah bitch, before you call, you should know that I’m willing to go all the way with these cards. You and Sarah will end up waiting on me the entire evening. Can’t wait to see your flowered underwear…” Gail, remaining quite calm said, “So, all the way huh?” Ginny shot back, “You don’t have a chance.” All the while, Ginny knew that if Gail called her bluff she was in deep shit. “Fine”, said Gail, “All in, so whoever loses joins Sarah in servitude the rest of the night, right?” Ginny, knew...

2 years ago
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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter 38 Ginny Goes Black

Chapter Thirty-Eight – Ginny Goes Black Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mf, mf, mf, anal, blackmail, cream pie, grope, hp, inter, magic, spank, unif ‘Come on guys… I know you’re making a calendar and I want in for at least one shoot!’ Lee Jordan demanded of his two best friends, Fred and George Weasley. ‘I’ve been helping you out for months now making some big...

4 years ago
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An Incestuous Episode Ginny and Vic

"I'm just letting you know," said Joey. "I don't know what you can do about it, but that's what Peter told me." Vic nodded and the two boys parted. He thought about everything that his friend Joey had said that afternoon. Vic's 14-year-old sister Ginny just became a high school freshman about a month earlier. According to Joey's brother Peter, almost all of the guys on the varsity team had gotten a look at her and they were all more than impressed by her. They were almost unanimous...

2 years ago
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Harry Potter Ginny Weasley and Cho Chang

The two witches practically pounced on the wizard. Cho’s lips found Harry’s mouth in a hungry kiss as the Rider tore her workout pants from her lower half. Cho wasted no time in guiding the mage’s prick to her slick opening. While Cho was a virgin she did not have a hymen given how much time she spent on a broomstick recently. The Ravenclaw slid her tight snatch down around Harry’s dick with one fast move of her hips. “Ugh…you’re so bloody big, Harry,” Cho gasped.Suddenly a vial of potions...

4 years ago
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Fatty and Ginny do anal

I met Ginny when she came to the UK for summer school.There was an instant attraction between us, even though I was 30 years her senior.I took her out to dinner, we got along really well. I asked her if she would come with me if I booked a room.She said that she would, but that she was still a virgin, and she intended to remain that way until she got married.I booked the room and we went up in the lift. As soon as the doors closed I pulled her to me and kissed her. It was like a minor electric...

2 years ago
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Harry and Ginnys first time

This story is fan fiction intended to take place immediately after the end of . It was written after the publication of Harry Potter and the Cursed c***d, and therefore should be canonically correct. Fair use policy is in effect, no copyright infringement intended. Harry could not say how long he had slept. It could have been weeks, months. He had never felt this well-rested in his life. For the first time since that fateful Hallow's eve in 1981, he had slept without the burden of a mental...

2 years ago
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GinnyChapter 3

When we got back home, Ted was still in the bathroom. Mom and Dad were in their room. Ginny and I went into my room. She already had her nightie there. I put on some new shorts and Ginny put on her nightie. It was amazing how quickly we had become accustomed to changing clothes in front of each other. Her nightie didn't hide much, and she wasn't wearing anything under it Ted came out and went into the guest (Ginny's) room and closed the door. Ginny and I scooted across the hall and into...

3 years ago
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Ginny Weasley Watches Hermione Granger Get Dominated

This just made the young redheaded witch’s cunt spasm and clench. She had been missing out on good dick during these summer months outside of Hogwarts stuck at the Burrow, and so she was insanely jealous. As stealthily as she could, she crept towards the rhythmic sounds of “Ah! Ah! Ah!” It wasn’t until she reached the door that she froze as completely as if someone had cast petrificus totalus on her. She knew that voice, knew it from years of being the bestest of friends, between sleepovers...

3 years ago
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GinnyChapter 14

Over dinner that night I met the colonel's two daughters. They were full of questions about who I was and where I got my funny accent. I explained to them that I came from Scotland which, though a country in its own right was also part of Great Britain. The older one wanted to know why the country was called great. I explained how it was made up of four countries welded into one kingdom and should really have been called Greater Britain because of that. Most people now call it the United...

5 years ago
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Aunty Ginny and the fire within

The raging inferno that was my relationship with Sadie blew itself out when she fell in love with Kira. For a few weeks we were the perfect triangle (see my previous story, Three-course feast.) I was the dependable caucasian man (I think that's a description they would agree with), Sadie was the fiery BBW and Kira was the subtly sexy, enigmatic Asian woman.People say that trios never last because two always form a stronger alliance within the three, and they're probably right. My relationship...

2 years ago
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GinnyChapter 13

Pete reported back to John Gladstone with the statements from all three guys who lied about Shirley's pregnancy. They all pointed the finger at Bill Lambert's mother. He was glad that he didn't have to make the decision about what to do with this. The final decision about how to handle this evidence was up to his client so he posted the statements with his report on how the evidence had been obtained. Despite the fact that pressure had been put on at least one of the people concerned, he...

3 years ago
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GinnyChapter 17

The week at Bill's place passed quite quickly. Shirley decided that she wanted to go riding and I decided I would go with her. In the end the girls talked Ginny into going along. They had her practice the day before and she got the rudiments. The next day we all set of about mid morning and the girls had a great time showing us the extent of their ranch. It was much bigger than I had imagined. It turned out that Shirley seemed to be a natural, but she told me that riding a horse was a bit...

2 years ago
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harry potter Pansy punishes ginny

She stalks the corridors long after dark, prefect badge shining dully on her chest in the moonlight that spills through high windows. No cloak covers the crisp white shirt of her uniform; she refuses to admit vulnerability, even to the chilly night air. Her skirt dances around pale thighs as she moves, lithe, catlike. Dark eyes glisten as she spots her prey. She follows the gangly redhead in silence until she gets close enough to push Ginny's back against the wall. "Out after dark,...

2 years ago
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GinnyChapter 5

The next week flew past. Both Ginny and I began approaching people we felt would like to join our self defence class. Ginny approached Penny Mitchell who had heard about our run in with Jake and our star quarterback Paul Wilson. She thought it was a good idea and said if we got it started she would come along. She also managed to corner Sylvia Plath who was horrified at the thought of doing something that would get her noticed. Eventually she persuaded her to come and have lunch with us so...

3 years ago
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Futa Naked In School 01 Futas Naked Temptation Chapter 1 Ginny Bares It All

Chapter One: Ginny Bares All By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Ginny Reynolds's Week, Monday “They have to be announcing the start of the Program,” my futa-girlfriend, Samantha, said, her arm around my shoulder. “Try not to sound so excited,” I muttered, my stomach churning as the students of Joanna Rogers College flowed across the open grounds towards the gymnasium. “I bet you want to see one of those busty girls like Claire Nowell or Janice Simms I saw you drooling over.” “Ginny,...

2 years ago
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GinnyChapter 19

It seemed strange being back home after our week with Bill, Eleanor and Frank. Having them and all the children around had made all of us feel we were now part of a much larger unit than any of us had ever been before. Now that Shirley had thawed out a bit about her relations with her mother, I could see that our family ties could be extended even further. Ginny had always had a family she did not know about, but for me this was a strange and new experience and one which I was enjoying. They...

2 years ago
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Ms Ginny

First, I hope this story inspires others to write about their first time experiences. I remember mine fondly and it has definitely molded my sexual appetite. Second, I hate when I read these stories (that are supposed to be true) and the writer enhances their physical endowment or their sexual proficiency. Hang in there with me as I begin slow with some early stuff but take you to my first great sexual experience. In this story, I call it as it happened. In the summer of 1977, I was 15...

2 years ago
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Ms Ginny Not true story

First, I hope this story inspires others to write about their first time experiences. I remember mine fondly and it has definitely molded my sexual appetite. Second, I hate when I read these stories (that are supposed to be true) and the writer enhances their physical endowment or their sexual proficiency. Hang in there with me as I begin slow with some early stuff but take you to my first great sexual experience. In this story, I call it as it happened.In the summer of 1977, I was 19 years...

4 years ago
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GinnyChapter 1

I have known Ginny for as long as I can remember. There isn't a time in my life that I haven't been around her. Our parents have lived next door to each other since before we were born. Our dads are cousins ... They went to school together. They worked for the same company for a long time. Since it went out of business, they have worked for different companies. Ginny's mom is a hair dresser and has been away at work a lot. My mom is the gardener and has always stayed at home. She watched...

3 years ago
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GinnyChapter 23

Frank and I met with Pete next day to discuss the project. The first question which Pete asked was what kind of building would be needed for what we had in mind. Did we want small blocks or would it be the conversion of a larger building which could be made into flats? I said that we had not really thought through what would be required but if he knew of anything suitable we would be receptive to his ideas. He told us there was a disused rather large linen mill which would be ideal for...

2 years ago
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Ginny and Dad

“Of course,” she said. “The usual, Carmel Macchiato?” He asked. “Yes daddy. You know me all too well. I lub you.” She responded in her little girl voice. She did love him. Her real dad walked out when she was 4 and he had been in her life, since she was six. He taught her how to ride a bike, drive a car, change a flat, he even taught her to shoot a gun. He was there when she had her first broken heart. He was her dad. The man that showed up at her graduation and refused to help with...

4 years ago
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Moments in a LifeChapter 3 Ginny

Normally Bob Lacy didn't like to delay doing things that needed to be done, but this time he had and time was running out on him. In one and a half weeks it would be New Years Eve and if he wanted to go to Jim McMahon's party, he was going to need to come up with a date. All of the girls he knew were already committed so he had to find someone who wasn't. He had noticed some good looking girls in school, but he really didn't know them so he would be comfortable in asking any of them to go...

3 years ago
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Ginny and Jacob

But it wasn’t the heat that was pissing him off; nor was it the humidity. It was the fact that his young, easily excitable cock was hard as steel, straining against the insides of his briefs. The tent in his pants was noticeable, but he didn’t care. There was no one around to see him, anyway; especially not his girlfriend who put him in this state and then took off. Jacob hated a lot of things in the world- cheap beer, bad westerns, skinny bimbos- but he didn’t hate anything more than not...

2 years ago
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Harry Potter and the Shadows of EvilChapter 4 Ginny

Ginny whistled to herself quietly as she stepped through the painting into Gryffindor's common room. Although one of the youngest of Dumbledore's army, she was pretty pleased with herself, keeping up with many of the older kids in spell casting. In the last practice, she had even managed to knock Harry's wand out of his hand. Heading up the stairs to the girl's sleeping area, she stopped as she heard noises coming from a room to the right. Since all of the girls who lived in that room...

2 years ago
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GinnyChapter 9

Ginny's mum settled down after our talk and within a few days she was moving about the house quite comfortably. The next decision we had to make came up a few days later. The rent was due for the apartment and she had to decide what to do about it. I advised her to take a look at the flat that I had available before she decided to pay another month's rent. Then if she felt she would prefer to stay here we would give the landlord a month's notice and pay the rent for that time. She felt...

2 years ago
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Futa Naked in School 01 Futas Naked TemptationChapter 2 Ginnyrsquos Naughty Desires

Ginny Reynolds’s Week, Tuesday I trembled as I let the shower spray fall on my rump and pussy, my fingers reaching into my sex to wash out the futa-cum my friend, Candice, fired into me. It was both our first time. She stood nearby me, watching me cleanse my new deflowered pussy of her girl-spunk. It was only the second day of the Program, and I had cheated on my futa-girlfriend, Samantha. People always claimed that the Program—a government sponsored activity in the wake of the Sexual...

4 years ago
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GinnyChapter 20

By breakfast time on the day of departure everybody knew that Shirley and Bill had spent the night in Shirley's flat. But they did not appear for breakfast at the house. This did not cause any surprise. I think we all felt they would keep a low profile and perhaps turn up for lunch as Bill, Fiona and Bill's Children were due to depart by mid-afternoon to catch their flight home. Frank, Eleanor and their children were going to depart at the same time though their flight was a little...

4 years ago
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GinnyChapter 22

As the Easter break neared Ginny and I were both happy with the way our studies were going and we found time to think about a wedding present for Shirley and Bill. This was not as easy as it sounds. What do you give to a couple who really have everything they need? Eventually I came up with an idea and Ginny approved. Both Bill and Shirley were into horses and they were interested in rebuilding the stud which had once flourished in Bill's father's day. So I suggested looking for a foal with...

2 years ago
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GinnyChapter 15

The colonel walked towards Shirley with a sort of dazed expression on his face and said, "I am so pleased to see you again Shirley, and though I have no right to say it, you are even more beautiful than I remember." Shirley took his outstretched hand and shook it. She then gave a little curtsey and said, "Why thank you Colonel, spoken like a true southern gentleman. I was sorry to see that you had been so badly wounded. I hope you are making a good recovery." "I am happy to say that...

3 years ago
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Ginny Exposed

When fantasies are vivid and strong, there comes a point where they must be put to the test. Ginny told her husband that she had a long-standing vision of exposing herself to public view. The fantasy even managed to invade her dreams at night.“How did it make you feel?” he asked.Her face flushed as she tried to compose the right and respectable words. “Well, it was interesting,” she said after a long pause.“Is that an answer?" Will said. "You're playing safe and nebulous,here. Did it excite the...

2 years ago
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Harry Potter Missing The Weasley

Hermione had cried practically non-stop for a week, and even though she was no longer crying in front of Harry, he knew that she still was sometimes, when he wasn’t there to see. Their stop at Godric’s Hollow, and the close encounter with Voldemort, had only been a momentary distraction from her misery. As if Harry didn’t have enough to feel guilty about; he knew how his two friends felt about each other, even if they were both too scared to admit it openly. Harry knew that Ron’s hot temper,...

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Miss Ginny Chapter 2

Thanks for all of the positive feedback and suggestions. I have reworked Chapter 2 to incorporate more paragraphs and hopefully did a better job of proof reading!! This is the last of the story of my first time with Miss Ginny. I actually got together with her a total of three separate times. I will also write about my second time since it was just as hot! Hope you enjoy the rest of this story. Miss Ginny told my Mom she would like to take a shower before dinner since she had...

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Chapter 37 Harry Ginny Finally Meet Alone

“Harry,” she said, “We’ve been wondering when you'd show up. We thought it would be days ago!” “I had some business to attend to, and it took a few more days than I expected,” replied Harry. “Is she here?” Molly shook her head. “Are you…” she started to say. “Yes,” Harry answered quickly. He looked from one parent to the other. “Do I have your blessing?” Tears sprung to Molly’s eyes as she grabbed him in another fierce hug. “Of course, you silly fool. We’ve been waiting for this!” “But...

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GinnyChapter 4

I picked Ginny up for school the next day. She seemed pleased to see me and smiled as she got into the car. "How are you today," I asked. "Fine. I had a good think about things before falling asleep last night." "So what was the outcome of all this thinking?" She giggled, "Well for one thing, I decided I was very happy to be your girlfriend and decided I would play my part in trying to make our relationship a good one. I also decided that with your help I would look at what my...

5 years ago
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GinnyChapter 18

Saturday was our last full day with the colonel and his family. The bonhomie from the night before carried on into the Saturday morning and as Eleanor and Frank and their family were leaving after lunch we spent the morning together. Eleanor said to Shirley over coffee," "I learned something about your family last night Shirley, but I am not sure if you want to hear it." "Now that you have told me that," she said, "of course I want to hear it. I would be left wondering what it was if...

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Late spring of 1949, we moved out of the temporary house that we had built on arrival in Alaska, and into the new family home built over the past several years at the other end of the five and a half acres that we owned. Father immediately subdivided the property and keeping 2 1/2 acres for us, started by selling our first house to some more newcomers from Texas. It wasn't very long before I added their two kids (Bernie and Ginny) to my social group. Let's see. I was 10, Bernie was 10 and...

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GinnyChapter 16

We saw the colonel and his girls off at the airport and made our way back home. Ginny made coffee and the three of us sat around the table in the Kitchen. As we drank I said to Shirley and Ginny, "I think the visit went off rather well considering everything that happened in the past. I really appreciated the way you accepted Bill, Shirley. I thought his presence here might have been more difficult for you considering all you suffered at the hands of his family." "I think having the...

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Futa Naked in School 01 Futas Naked TemptationChapter 3 Ginnyrsquos Naughty Futa Revelation

Ginny Reynolds’s Week, Wednesday I huddled in my house’s upstairs bathroom as the shower’s spray grew colder and colder. Despite washing off all the futas’ cum that had splattered my body from the gangbang, I still felt so dirty. Candice’s blue eyes, peering behind her glasses, haunted me. My friend had witnessed me enjoying being fucked by all those futas. In my high school’s bathroom, I was taken again and again by futas who were fourteen-year-old freshmen like me to seventeen-year-old...

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GinnyChapter 2

I had just challenged two of the football team who were trying to force themselves onto the girl who was my lab partner and demanded to know what they thought they were doing. The one leaning against the wall turned and looked at me and then said, "Nothing that concerns you, Braniac, so if you know what's good for you will just get on your way." He then turned to Ginny and said, "Come on fat bitch, you are not going to get a better offer. Who else is going to offer to show you a good...

2 years ago
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GinnyChapter 10

The new term started and Ginny and I had persuaded Shirley to try to become computer literate so she was taking courses at the community college on Microsoft Windows and also Office. We felt this was a good way to get her back in some kind of atmosphere of learning. She had watched us using the computer for so many things that she had expressed a desire to learn how to use it. We could have taken the time to show her ourselves, but we felt it would be more beneficial for her to go somewhere...

4 years ago
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Hermione Ginny Harry Rons Sore Arse AdventuresChapter 6

Told in Ron’s Point Of View: I was a few months away from turning nineteen when my parents decided I was old enough to be on my own. They raised me up to that point, showing love in a limited way while enforcing discipline with a firm paddle over my butt. From the time I was old enough to go to school until the day my parents left, I was subject to spankings from any adult or older teen relatives. Now, with my parent divorcing they decided it was time I make my own way in life. I had taken...

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Ron and Ronnie Chapter 12 The Truth Comes out about Joe

Ron had told me about his trip down south to convince Sarah that she should return home and try to patch up her marriage with Gary on her terms. My wife, Sue was cheating on me with her friend Lyn’s husband, Jon. It seemed that my life was starting to fall into tiny fragments but I couldn’t work on that now because my good friend Ron needed my support.I needed to allow Ron to work through what had happened to him and his wife, Ronnie and maybe, just maybe by doing so he might find a solution...

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Ron And Ronnie Chapter 1 The Early Days

It was an early morning trip to a football match on a cold day when I first met my soon-to-be good mate Ron. He and I were so different and our positions in life should reasonably have made us enemies. Anyone looking at us and at how we met would have shaken their head and simply said, “No way, couldn’t happen, they couldn’t be friends,” but we became very good friends and we still are today, many years later.Ron played in the forwards for the opposition Rugby League team while I played...

3 years ago
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Ron Gets His Wish

Lindsey and Ron had been married for five years. Lindsey had recently delivered the couple's first c***d but had managed to keep her body in great shape. She had already lost all of the weight she had put on during the pregnancy and her breasts had blossomed to a size 36C. Ron loved to feel Lindsey's tits, as they were still very firm. Ron's only disappointment with Lindsey was the lack of exploration in their sex life. Lindsey had grown up in a very conservative household. Her father was a...

4 years ago
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Ron and Ronnie Chapter 16 Caught out

I had taken time off work because Sue was in hospital following a miscarriage. The previous night Ron had told me about discovering Ronnie and Joe in the guest’s bedroom and how he, Sally and Sarah had planned to raid her and Joe at Joe and Sally's house. All day I thought of what might have happened. It was like an adventure serial where the story ends at the most exciting time and you had to wait until the next day to find out.I wondered if, in fact, Ron was playing with me. I was aware that...

2 years ago
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Ron and Ronnie Chapter 14 Lunch Then What

Once again I awoke early to a beautiful sunny Saturday morning. Sue and the kids slept in as was their habit on a Saturday morning. My mind was in turmoil.I had dreamed of all types of strange things during the night. It had all started with me wondering if Sue had been impregnated following our discussion that morning. I then thought of my options including leaving her through to swallowing my pride and accepting any baby that resulted as my own. That then progressed into considering taking my...


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