An incest birthday chapter 13
- 2 years ago
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In April, Brad and Grace were married. It wasn't a large wedding by any means, just some close friends and family. Ginny and Erin were the bridesmaids, and Helen was the flower girl. Dad gave the bride away, as none of her family lived nearby. They all lived on the other coast and had pretty much ignored Grace since she had been divorced, as they still liked her ex.
I got stuck with being Brad's best man. He had asked one of his friends from work, but that friend had to go out of town on business at the last minute on an emergency. I was just there and got picked. It worked out well though. I got to see how weddings worked up close. Since I was planning on marrying Ginny sometime in the near future, it was good practice.
Brad and Grace went on a ten day honeymoon out of town, actually out of state. I got to sleep with Ginny the whole ten days. Erin got to sleep with Ted. Helen slept in the guest room as Mom was watching all of us. A little problem came up because of this.
Helen had seen Brad and her mother sleeping together. They were adults of course and getting married, and that was what adults did. While staying with us, she saw Ginny and me sleeping together as well as Ted with Erin. Four days into her stay with us, Helen came to Mom crying and said that she wanted a boyfriend, too. Mom was more than a little surprised, and said, "Dear, you're a little young for a boyfriend."
"But everyone else has someone. I don't have anyone," Helen whined through her tears. Mom was somewhat at a loss as to what to tell the little girl. The situation was saved when Gerty II came in and rubbed herself up against Helen. Gerty hardly ever came in the house except to eat, or when the weather was really bad, yet here she was and making up to Helen. Helen was instantly delighted and started petting Gerty and talking to her.
Mom got the idea right away, and told her, "Well, Dear, Gerty really seems to like you. She can be your friend for now. When you are older, we'll see about getting you a boyfriend. Why don't you wash out Gertie's bowl and give her some food. and milk Then the two of you can go out in the garden for a while."
Helen fed Gerty, and then they went out and sat on the back porch. Gerty was in Helen's lap and just purred away as Helen petted her and talked to her. It was a really good solution.
Brad and Grace returned from their honeymoon after ten days. Ginny, Ted, and Helen went back to their house. Of course Ginny and Ted still got to sleep over here on the weekends. Gerty moved over to Brad's house with Helen. Of course, she still hung out in the garden most of the time as usual.
We hadn't gone out a lot, being content with each other, plus there were plenty of movies on TV. We did go to a couple of our school's home football games to show support for the team. Dad thought it was important that we do that as a gesture of good will, after what the coach had done at the beginning of school. We were given tickets on the fifty yard line - right behind the player's bench. We were really surprised when a number of the players waved to us. I did notice that some of them were guys who got to play a lot more because the other five were still in the doghouse with the coach.
During the holidays we had stayed home and participated in the celebrations with the family. In March, there was gardening. In April, of course, there was the wedding Near the end of April, Ginny wanted to go to the movies in a theater. She had seen the previews for this chick flick on the TV and was anxious to see it. So we went to the movies, as I still had a little money saved from last summer. Boy, movies in the theater are not cheap.
We sat about halfway back in this little theater at the big movie house. Of course, they have a number of movies showing in multiple small theaters. Ours wasn't crowded when we went. Maybe that should have been an indicator. Part way through the movie, Ginny said, "This movie is a real turkey, Jimmy. The previews looked good on TV, but the movie just doesn't come up to expectations."
"Well," I said, "we paid a lot of money to sit here in the dark, maybe we should take advantage of it."
"Why Jimmy, what are you suggesting?" Ginny asked, in mock horror.
"I'm suggesting we move to the back row and take advantage of the darkness we paid for," I said in all seriousness. We got up and did just that. We didn't see much more of the movie, as we were too involved with each other to care what was on the screen. We did manage to stop for the last few minutes of the movie and straighten out our clothes so we could exit the theater.
When we got home, Mom asked, "How was the movie?"
"It was a real turkey," Ginny said, giving it the raspberry.
"Well Dear, they always hype those movies up in the previews. A lot of them are turkeys. It pays to check the reviews in the paper, or on the Internet. Of course, you have to be careful which reviews you choose also."
"Still," Ginny said with a smile, "we didn't let the darkness go to waste, but, from now on, I'm going to wait and rent the DVD. Their darkness is too expensive. We can watch it here, or at my house a lot cheaper and not have to worry about other people either." We went up to bed after that and took up where we had left off in the theater. I hope Mom didn't hear us, because Ginny got loud. I wasn't exactly quiet myself.
May brought the proms. The seniors, of course, had theirs just before graduation. We juniors had ours a week before the Senior Prom. It was well attended. We do have a large high school because there are now a lot of subdivisions around our town. Brad bought Ginny a white prom dress. It had a scalloped white floral lace jacket with three quarter sleeves. The long gown had a matching form fitting lace bodice, and was full from her tight waist to just above the floor. She wore matching white wedge sandals on her feet. The dress showed off her figure very well without looking trashy. Ginny's long red hair hung partly down her back and partly over both breasts in the front. I rented a tux. The school had gotten a deal from one of the local rental firms.
The dance was on a Friday night. Dad drove us to the hotel where the dance was held. I was to call him when we were ready to come home. I danced with Ginny. My Martial Arts training had made me better at moving, so I didn't step on her feet. Some of her girlfriends wanted to dance with me also. I was on the floor with one of them and didn't see the start of the trouble.
A couple of the rednecks had come without dates, and they were the one's who started the trouble. Specifically, they started it with Ginny and two of her girlfriends, but they didn't get far. About a third of the football team was there. When they saw Ginny was in trouble, they moved in, in mass, and just swept the rednecks right out of the ballroom. There were a couple of punches thrown by the rednecks - a bad move on their part, as most of the players there were linemen - big guys, and they made short work of the rednecks.
By the time I was aware of what was happening, it was all over. The hotel's security people escorted the rednecks out of the building and also called the police. They were carted off to the hospital to be looked at.
The chaperons, the coach was one of them, settled everyone down and the dance continued. The coach had his people over on the side and looked like he was ready to read them the riot act until Ginny came over.
"Coach," she said, "I really appreciate the help the team gave me and my friends. Those other boys were intent on trouble and had been bothering us for a while. We really appreciate their help."
"It's OK, Ginny," coach said, "I guess they remember what I told them back at the beginning of school." Then turning to his players, the coach smiled and said, "You done good, all of you." The players seemed happy at that.
Ginny and I left early - about 11 PM. The dance went on for awhile after that and the partying continued in a number of rooms in the hotel. Ginny and I had both received invitations to some of those parties, but decided we would rather be at home in our own bed together, than hanging out with a bunch of people who would probably be drunk or high.
Dad was there about twenty minutes after I called him. We were home and in bed by midnight. We enjoyed each other a lot and I'm sure we had a lot more fun than those others did at the hotel.
School was out the end of May, and I went to work for Mr. Sheffield again. This year I was a cashier and got a raise. Of course, I had to be there by eight when we opened, but I still got off at five in the afternoon to go to Martial Arts training.
I was at work mid-morning on 17 June when Mr. Sheffield came to get me.
"Jimmy," he said, "you need to go home. There has been trouble, and the police are there now. I'll drive you home." A million questions went through my mind, but I couldn't ask any of them. I just said, "OK, let's go."
When we got home, there were three police vehicles in front of the house plus a paramedics vehicle, an ambulance, and an old pickup truck. Mom was holding Ginny, who was crying her eyes out. Her blouse was torn, and there was mud on her back and legs. Erin was there too. She was on Ginny's other side.
The police had two guys with bandages on their heads in handcuffs in the police cars and the paramedics were working on a guy on the ground. All were young Mexicans.
Mr. Sheffield took me right up to the police sergeant and demanded, "What happened here?"
"Morning Mr. Sheffield," the Sergeant said, "these three Mexicans pulled up and started making passes at the young lady. She told them to go away. They didn't take the hint and got out of the truck. They gathered around her and one of them put his hands on her."
"That was a bad move on his part. She let him have it with the hoe she was using on her flowers. He's the one the paramedics are still working on. The other two pushed her down on the ground, that's how she got all the mud on her. She still had the hoe though and cracked both of them in the head with it and knocked them down. They were pretty dazed, and the young lady was screaming. The older lady heard her and came out of the house with a pistol and told the Mexicans not to move."
"Somebody, I think it was the younger girl, called 911 and we showed up a few minutes later. The paramedics came just after we got here. We disarmed the older lady. Didn't want to chance any accidental shots. We'll return her gun, unloaded, when we get ready to leave."
"What is going to happen to these three?" Mr. Sheffield asked.
"After we take them to the hospital to be checked out, they'll be booked on assault and battery. They'll probably see the Judge tomorrow or the next day. We'll impound the truck as evidence also," the Sergeant told us.
"Do you mind if I talk to the two in the car?" Mr. Sheffield asked.
"No, I guess that would be all right. I'll move off, so I don't hear anything," the Sergeant said. Mr. Sheffield went over and talked to the two in the police car. He spoke to them in their language and got answers from them in a short time.
After five minutes, or so he came over, and told me, "I understand what happened here now. I'll explain it to you later, Jimmy. Right now, Ginny needs you more than I do. Stay with her the rest of the day. You look as nervous as a cat in a room full of rocking chairs anyway and probably couldn't keep your mind on work for worrying. Come in tomorrow at the regular time. We will talk then," Mr. Sheffield told me.
"Yes, sir, thank you. I'll be there at the regular time tomorrow. Thank you again, sir," I said, and turned toward Ginny. She came into my arms as I approached. She was still crying, but not as hysterically as before. I held her tight and kissed her for a long time, while I rubbed her wet muddy back.
By the time we came up for air, the ambulance and the paramedics were leaving. The police sergeant came over and handed Mom her pistol back. He then handed her the clip in her other hand.
"Be careful with that, Mrs. Watson," he said.
"Yes, I will, Sergeant. I practice with it at the range every three months," Mom told him. The police cars all left. Later someone came and drove the pickup truck off.
We all went inside, and Mom made some tea. I was holding Ginny the whole time. She seemed better now. After a few minutes, while the water was heating, Mom took Ginny upstairs to clean up and change clothes. They came down a little later, and Ginny returned to me. She seemed better now but was still trembling a little. I held her close. She was so sweet and still scared. Mom insisted we sit down at the table and drink our tea -- slowly. It seemed to do Ginny some good. Mom and Erin were watching both of us, and eventually Mom said, "Why don't the two of you go up to your room for a while. Erin and I will be fine down here."
Erin didn't look any too happy at that. I took Ginny's hand and pulled her up from the chair, put my arm around her, and we headed upstairs. As I was leaving the kitchen, I could just barely hear Erin say, "You know what they are going to do up there."
"Yes," Mom answered, "I think that's just what Ginny needs right now."
When we got to my room, I closed and locked the door, then I returned to Ginny. I held her and kissed her. As I rubbed her back and butt, she started to coo. When I kissed her ears and neck, she started to moan. Soon she was panting and moaning. I led her to the bed. We started removing our clothes and got into bed together. More kissing, licking, and hugging followed. Eventually Ginny pulled me on top of herself, as she spread her legs.
"Make love to me, Jimmy," she pleaded. "I was so scared when those men came after me. Please love me a long time. I need you so." With that, she started crying again.
I kissed Ginny for a long time again. When she had quieted down, I stroked myself against her moist lower lips and entered her. She was so hot, wet, and tight. We made slow passionate love for a long time. Ginny cooed, sighed, and moaned. Her little butt moved all over the bed and her fingers were clamped on my back as she held me as tightly as she could. Later there were scratches on my back.
When we were close, Ginny wrapped her legs around me and locked her feet behind my back. She thrust her hips up at me as I was thrusting into her. I think I hit her cervix. I wasn't sure, but I don't believe I had ever been that deep in her before. Ginny went rigid then and I blew out my load of baby juice into her. It seemed like a lot and that it took a long while. We had made love two nights before, so I knew that it probably wasn't more than any other time. It just seemed like more.
Ginny collapsed under me. My wilting dick slipped out of her, and I fell over to her side. We lay there for a while panting and breathing through our mouths trying to recover. After awhile, Ginny turned toward me, put her head on my shoulder, and was soon asleep. I followed a little later.
When we woke up, it was mid afternoon, and it was hot in my room, as I had failed to turn on the ceiling fan. We got up after a long kiss and went to take a shower. We played around in the shower for a while, but nothing too serious. Ginny is so great to take a shower with. I helped her dry off and to dry her hair. She always needs help with that, as it's still very long.
When we got downstairs, Mom had lunch for us, sandwiches and cold milk. They were great. After lunch, I asked Ginny, "Can you tell me what happened?"
"I was working on the flowers in the front garden, when the three men in the pickup pulled up and started talking to me in their language. I told them I didn't understand that and asked them to go away and leave me alone. Instead they got out of the truck and came over toward me. They were still speaking in Mexican, and I could hardly understand a word they said. It isn't the same, as the Spanish we learned in school. I did hear the word 'Puta' a couple of times, and I knew that it wasn't a very nice term and started to be afraid."
"One of them came right up to me and put his hands on my breasts. I was really scared then, and I hit him several times with my hoe just like I had practiced with Mioshi when I went with you to their house. He fell down, and his two friends pushed me down on the lawn. Mioshi had shown me what to do then also. I smacked them both in the knees, then whacked them in the head with the hoe handle. That handle is really dense oak and both of them went down on the ground."
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Author’s Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was written as part of a series. For full enjoyment, please read “The Barbie Lez Fantasies: Week 1-92”. *** Have you ever had one of those fantasies? You know, the ones that feel so real you begin to wonder if you are actually imagining them. Well, I do… because I have them all the time! Sometimes, they turn into a story, but mostly they remain trapped inside my brain. That is, until now… Before I begin this story,...
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Syren De Mer catches her stepson Juan driving his fathers car when he is punished. She’s not happy at all, she confronts him and sends him to the room. She yells at him because he’s not suppose to be going out and even worse driving his fathers car but he begs and pleads for his father not to find out. She tells him how she’s the boos and that she is horny so she grabs his cock to start having her way with him. She sits on his face with her big ass and gives him a great sucking to get him hard...
xmoviesforyouI'm Lisa. A 37 yo slutty and experienced CD who enjoys playing with groups of men.The following is the true story of what I was hoping to be the first of my visit to to one of the Bathhouse of my town - The Hawk in Portland, OR. It happened on February 2020 and after this first time I was planning to go more often especially this summer. Then Covid happened.... Anyway hope you'll enjoy and leave comments.By January 2020 I had decided that I was done with the Oregon Theater. Those who know the...
I got to the hotel 2 hours later than expected it had been a long day and I just wanted to chill out on my bed and watch TV. After an hour or two of lazing on the bed hunger and boredom got the better of me so I decided a beer and a meal at the hotel bar was in order. After a quick shower I left the room jumped in the elevator and headed for the hotel bar. It was 9pm on a Wednesday so the bar was quiet, a few tourists at the bar chatting to a young bartender but other than that it was just me...
CumslutJamie: very sexy! how does that popsicle taste?erika: not as good as it is going to be sucking your cockJamie: thats what i like to hearerika: *sucks the popsicleJamie: *walks over and pushes you to your knees* why not both at the same time?erika: mhm cuz i rather this*licks your shaft ever so lightly*Jamie: mmmm then take it, its yours!erika: i wasnt talking just that*pushes the popsicle in your ass slowly moving it in and out as i suck your head*Jamie: holy shit! that is...
School started in September and with it came relief. The summer had been too long – hot, stifling and overflowing with emotion. It had been almost two months since Dad’s funeral and talking to the same people had become as torturous as retreating to the four stark walls of my bedroom. Nobody knew what to say and I didn’t know what to say to them. I thought school could be an escape. New and different. The first year of sixth form would be the penultimate hurdle into adulthood and I figured it’d...
Taboo'Pregnant! Oh my God, no!'The effort it took to keep behaving normally in the face of this entirely unexpected and completely unwelcome news deserves an Oscar. The shock and horror almost made me faint; my blood ran cold and a strange buzzing noise came into my ears. For a moment I thought I was going to pass out; thank goodness I still had the presence of mind to slip the test with its dreadful news into the pocket of my dressing gown before my daughter could see it.Izzy didn’t notice but she...
Cuckold“Ay Mara, I just don’t know what to do,” Jackie whimpered “I feel like he’s slipping, but how can I blame him. I mean look at me; I’m disgusting” she was crying now. I didn’t know what to do, or what to say. I love her and to me she’s perfect. Jackie is 5’6, beautiful tan skin, big hazel eyes; long eyelashes that just make her eyes look even more exotic, thick full lips, huge bouncy boobs, and a nice perky ass. She is a little on the heavy side but always keeps...
LesbianIn some European countries are different rules about how old children may be present in the opposite locker room. Mainly there are problem with too old boys, mothers sometimes bring their schoolage sons with her to women’s locker of swimming pools, because they don't want to let them be alone at men’s locker room. This will lead to little girls and their mothers protest. The foremost thing is that a 10-year-old girl would not want to be with a boy the same age such as after swimming in the...
Catherine and I were sitting on the floor, using the bed as protection, should gunfire come through the rear windows. I held her and said, "It's Ok. We're going to be fine, but, remember that you don't know for sure if everyone in here with us is strictly on our side, so don't let anyone get behind you, no matter what." She gave me the look. "I'm the pro here. You DON'T have to remind me about simple things." I said nothing and waited for what she said to hit her. "Oh ... I HAVE...
I was around seven when i first really noticed my sister. She was around an hour younger than me (us being non-identical twins) and obviously, her being my sister I never payed much attention to her. Her name was Melanie and she would eventually go on to become a very succesful fashion magazine editor in New York City, the Big Apple itself. Back to the real reason you're here reading this however. My sister, at the time, was about 4' 4, with a flat chest and long browny-blonde hair coming...
Kate proved herself to be an excellent trail cook when she made dinner for all of us that evening. She made an Irish Stew that was delicious. "Where are you from, Kate?" I asked as we were partaking of her stew. "I'm from Pennsylvania. We had a farm there. We'd had a couple of bad years before pa left to go trapping and we were also having problems with one of our neighbors. He and pa had a real feud going." "What happened with your neighbor after your pa left?" "He was quiet for...
Friday I went to my classes and even did my homework and review before John showed up around 3:30. He had a new Mercedes-Benz 450 SEL in black. It was sweet looking. I threw my stuff into the trunk and hopped in. He didn't move. "That was pretty crazy in your room last night. You always seem to surprise me." "Yeah she is a long story. Do you know her mom?" I asked. "I do. She is a good attorney and actually works at my firm. She should be up for partner in a few years." "I told...
When I woke up on Sunday morning, I wasn't quite ready to get out of bed. As I lied there with my eyes still closed, I couldn't help but feel guilty about the party. Even though Claire seemed to forgive me fairly easily, I knew that I had been out of line. I made a mental note to sit down and talk with her later that day. I rolled over to find Kristen wasn't there. She must be up already. Maybe I'd slept a bit later than I thought. Then I heard her knock on the door. "Time to get up...
I've had dreams many times drkav my aunt that when I was 18 years old she had a 40 for me was perfect. Pretty breasts mmm what a nice rump butt immediately lift you horny when you see it.I used every moment when you sleep with them to look at bathrobe after showering. Even a few times when we were poking themselves when they shower. Of course that saw only the silhouette did not want to take any risks but me and that I was enough to thrill and go running into my room to handjob.At a celebration...
Paul the Sissy Cuckold Part One Sue sat at her kitchen table chatting with her friend Debbie while at the sink her husband, Paul, worked to clean the dishes from dinner. Sue and Debbie laughed and talked about how nice it was to be relieved of the burden of housework now that Paul had lost his job and was free to take care of the household chores. The two women sipped coffee and discussed the freedom this allowed Sue to go out at night with friends and enjoy herself. Money had never...
It was a surprise when the house across the street posted a FOR SALE sign. I was shocked when a SOLD tag was added the next day. I knew the real estate market was hot, but this was ridiculous. In the middle of consuming left-over meatloaf, my wife interrupted. "Harvey, did you see the house across the street sold?" "Un-uh." A lesson learned from years of marriage - acknowledge nothing in the affirmative. "Don't you notice anything? You never said a word when I got my hair...
"Dick want his little dolly back?" Jason taunted back at me holding the figurine just out of my reach. Curse him for being just a few inches taller than me. I jumped up for it, but he has quick reactions being a basketball player and threw the metal figure to his other hand. "Jase, come on!" I complained. "I don't fuck with your shit." "Damn right you don't or I'd beat the snot out of you," Jason taunted, still evading my hands to keep my mini. "JASON! RICHARD! Stop...
“I’m going to take a shower” I say to you “care to join me” I turn around to look at you and catch you looking at my ass with a smile your face. “Sure” you say, “start the water and come back here.” I go to the bathroom and am quite surprised by how big the bathtub is. I start the water and make sure it’s hot but not too hot, then go back to the bedroom where I find you laying on your belly propped up on your elbows. “Come to me Edward” you say “lay here for a moment.” I lay down on the bed...
Why does it take them so long, I wondered, sitting on the hard wooden bench. I had told them the truth, but they did not believe me. I could hardly believe it myself. And what a mess they made when they dug up the three young women we had so carefully dug into the flower bed behind the house. They had led me to their van through a crowd of curious onlookers. Then, sitting down in the police van with my hands handcuffed behind my back, was difficult and very uncomfortable. Lucy had promised to...
Hi readers this is sreyes here i am a pretty guy from bangalore doing my education aged 20.. First i will introduce about myself i am 6 feet tall having a good structure and about my member its 7″ of length and of good thickness.This is all about a true incident which happened when i was staying at her home with my cosin six months back let me introduce her she’s geetu(fuu name geetha) 19 yrs stands 5.5ft tall her structure god any man will jus fall in que to have a fuck at her she is 36-30-38...
Incest“Honey, Grandma wants to know if you can come home this weekend. She has early Christmas presents for each of us that apparently can’t wait until Christmas” Mom texted. “I have finals next week, then I’m off until the New Year, but if she needs me too, I’ll come home.” I respond. “That would be great. I’ll get your room ready. Not that you will be spending much time there. ;-).” She actually used a wink emoji, my mom has come a long way, I guess I should be glad she didn’t use the...
Karl woke with the dawn, the habit ingrained over the years. Quickly rising he shivered at the touch of the cold stone floor. It seemed sticky. His feet were freezing to the floor. The cabin was usually cold in the mornings but this was unheard of. He shuffled to the stove. Yep, still warm. He opened the damper, stirred the coals awake and stoked the firebox. The splits started to flare to life as he slammed the door and opened the airway. He would have heat soon. He used the thundermug, filled...
This is me :)This is my first story so I hope you enjoy. Just so you know I am 18 but these stories are based around when I was about 4 years younger then I am now (You do the math hehe)I hadn't had any sexual contact with any guy and didn't understand anything about sex, while in school I would pretend I knew what other people were on about but I had no idea. As I have a curvy body, small breasts, tiny waist and wide hips with a big round ass I got a lot of attention from the guys. Our school...
“What?” Was all Sammy had said. Sammy had been petting the back of Hercules’ neck when I asked her a crazy question. When she stepped back she must have grabbed hold of his collar because he moved away from me. I looked around and found both Sammy and Hercules together. I was about to complain when I noticed a worried look on Sammy’s face. I walked over to her and said, “I’m so sorry if I offended you with that question. I hope you don’t hate me for asking.” Slowly she responded, “Do you...
As the train shuddered and chugged away from the station, the unexpected movement made all of us jerk slightly and I felt her leg rub against my thigh, just for a second. At the next station, several people left the carriage but even more climbed on, pushing us all closer together. I found myself in the corner of the carriage with her in front of me and again, as the train moved off she swayed, her back pressing up against my chest for barely longer than a moment. At the next stop, no...
So, I just lost my virginity to the most amazing girl I knew and she wants more. Sara quietly collected her panties and teeshirt and walked towards the stairs and gestured for me to follow. I started to feel scared again but now I was hooked! I looked around the living room and was sure everyone was still asleep so I quietly followed. Instead of walking up the stairs to her room, Sara grabbed my arm and pulled me toward the stairs down to the ‘play’ room and she whispered for me to...