Obituary: Michaela Maracas free porn video

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Obituary: Michaela Maracas [A story by Trainmaster] Recording star Michaela Maracas, 46, passed away Thursday evening in San Francisco of congestive heart failure. Sources in the San Francisco County coroner's office blamed acute obesity as the underlying cause of death. In the past four years, her weight ballooned uncontrollably to over 400 pounds, and her doctors said her early demise was inevitable. The singer is survived by her five-year-old son Jeffrey, mother Angelina Mitchell-Griffin, sister Andrea Carmichel, brothers Arvid and Adam Mitchell-Griffin, stepbrother Marc Lawson and stepsister Marilyn Zimmerman, maternal grandmother Isobel Mitchell, wife Ellen Smith, and long-time companion and manager LaBelle Jefferson. Her father, businessman Sinclair Mitchell-Griffin preceded Maracas in death. Maracas, the first man/woman to experience an all-natural sex change, was famous for her extraordinary recording output and her sophisticated and often steamy trend-setting album covers. She is well-known internationally for electrifying musical performances and often bragged that she loved shocking her audiences. In a 2004 People Weekly interview, she said: "Some think my album covers and performances are too steamy, perhaps even overly sexual. It's what distinguishes woman from man. I'm both ... or neither, depending on your viewpoint. So I chose to flaunt what I have, part of the legacy of my life." Maracas, whose birth name was Allen Jeffrey Sinclair "Mitch" Michell- Griffin, was heir to the Mitchell-Griffin Electronics fortune and had planned to take over management of her late father's assets before she had an opportunity to begin singing. Her birth sex was male. Mitchell-Griffin became transgendered after a 1988 motorcycle accident in the mountains of Kyrgyzstan left her in a coma. She found herself in a small rural village, unable to walk. "I was surrounded by women wearing burkas and confined to a cot in a mud-walled hut. I should be dead but they took care of me." In the People Weekly interview, Maracas said: "I might have had a few too many uzi's with some hill people. The Yurti's really know how to party. That night they gave me the rest of the bottle and another to speed me on my way. [Ed. note: her story is traceable to any of several villages southeast of Chatyr-Tash, located in the Ak-Say Valley between the Tien Shan and At Bashy mountains near the Chinese border.] "The bottles got me about half way toward At Bashy. I don't remember dumping the bike but I woke up hurting like hell, laying in the rain in the debris." She later denied remembering anything that happened during the first six months. At the bottom of a steep cliff, Mitchell-Griffin's broken body was discovered by unknown persons, who apparently initiated treatments indigenous to that region. After another four months, anxious friends and family traced Mitchell- Griffin to Kyrgyzstan, then a Soviet Socialist Republic. They learned that she had broken almost every bone in her body and was recovering from liver and kidney failure. She was carried out of the Tien Shan mountains to Naryn, where a Peace Corps team transported her to the capital, Bishkek, and then airlifted her to Frankfurt, Germany, and on to the United States. Mitchell-Griffin was beginning to exhibit the secondary sexual characteristics of a female -- visible breasts, narrowing waist, lack of a beard despite not having shaved since the accident, and changes in pitch and timbre of her voice. "I looked so much like a teenage girl they made me wear a burka on the way out," she said. "It was really a restrictive society." Details surrounding Mitchell-Griffin's recovery are still a mystery and her western doctors have no explanation for her miraculous survival from the injuries. Part of her liver and a crushed kidney were removed. "[The doctors] told me I was lucky -- at least I still have one that's functioning. Whatever they gave me out there, it saved me. But you can sure see how it was a double-edged sword." The most viable hypothesis for the spontaneous gender change seems to be that Mitchell-Griffin's endocrine/hormone system may have been fragile even before the accident and the native treatment exacerbated imbalances, causing her testosterone to metastasize into an estrogen overdose. At first, the doctors assured her she would become normal. In an interview with Cosmopolitan in 2002, she said: "Normal? Yeah, right. I'm just like other guys. All real men tie their bikinis in back, don't they? You betcha. Seriously, it was bizarre to go through puberty all over again and see myself in the mirror [as my shape changed]." The hormonal imbalance bypassed her head. "People ask ... what's with the face, since this [body] stops at my chin?" At that point, Mitchell-Griffin still considered herself male. She retained male facial features through the rest of her life. "After a while, they got over laughing at that kind of voice coming from a face like mine." During a 2002 tour to Russia, Maracas told Reuters, "I really hated myself. My body was still changing and none of us knew what I would look like from week to week. Sometimes I felt like a clumsy kid sister, sometimes like a Miss America wannabe, sometimes like a debutante at my first ball." "But it was difficult. There were times, I wanted to quit, just curl up and die. Becoming a girl was about the worst thing I could imagine -- it was happening to the person in the mirror, not to me." She told Entertainment Tonight, "My male friends started making excuses not to be seen with me but the women in my life were becoming more fun. They showed me how to dress and helped me choose a new wardrobe that fit." Mitchell-Griffin's body went from a 185-lb. male to a 135-lb. female, within the norm for a person with her six foot height. She bragged that her waist narrowed to 30 inches and her bustline went from "almost nothing to an amazing thing. It's never been the same twice and I still have one hell of a time fitting for bras." Her hormone saturated voice was the first thing that stabilized. "I was never much of a singer before. My male voice broke in the middle, so I had to sing the high notes down ... and low notes high ..." As a woman though, her voice took on a pleasant alto that extended down into the tenor range and up to a nice coloratura soprano. "As my vocal range got steadily higher, I found I had better control. We started schlepping around to bars and singing with the music." She was entirely self-trained and never took singing lessons. In 1990, a year after returning to California, Mitchell-Griffin found a nightclub in Santa Monica that would occasionally let her sing with its house band. "I was young [29 years old]. At first, it was just my friends who clapped. But then others started throwing money onto the stage. It was interesting to discover that people would pay to hear me sing." When the house band's lead singer was recruited away to a recording contract as a member of the Ka'Boys, Mitchell-Griffin was the natural replacement choice. She also audition with their manager, Saul Cecerello. "Saul was hesitant," Mitchell-Griffin said. "But his girlfriend, LaBelle, liked me and she didn't hesitate at all -- she dumped him so she could work with me. We finally clicked with a major agency [William Morris]." Within two months, Mitchell-Griffin recorded her first album, a duet with Jefferson, doing covers of Beatles songs. The album sold poorly and is now a collectors item. It was the only time she ever shared singing duties with anyone. "It just sounds better by myself. I love being in the studio with LaBelle, but only for her moral support." Despite the poor album sales, her talent was obvious and Jefferson became her staunchest advocate. The two found themselves strongly attracted to each other in a personal way. "We started living living together. We were so hot -- it just made sense. And look, we still live together. If that's wrong, who cares." Discovering she enjoyed performing was a shock to Mitchell-Griffin. She explained to Jay Leno on the Tonight Show: "I was so shy when I was young that I never joined the glee club or anything. In high school, I was the last one asked to the prom. There was no way I had enough courage to ask anyone. Finally, one of my classmates broke the ice. I was only 17 and fell in love with her. We stayed married 10 years until the accident. We've just drifted apart." Mitchell-Griffin told Leno, "I learned a lot from Ellen. The important part of growing up is to take chances. The only thing at risk is my own perceptions. If the attempt doesn't work, don't do it again, and soon people will forget the fool you made of yourself. If it does work ... gee, wasn't that a lot of fun. But you'll never know if you stand next to the door wishing you could melt into the wall." There was never a divorce. Mitchell-Griffin separated from Smith in 1988, after the accident, but the couple remained married. "Her mother, my mother, hell, I just couldn't beat those odds." Smith has always refused to talk about the marriage or any infidelity. Mitchell-Griffin's relationship with Jefferson, at first platonic, grew increasingly sexual. "Ultimately, we grew into a ... yeah ... a lesbian bond as my sex transformed." As her mew career began to take shape, Mitchell-Griffin withdrew from her father's company. She claimed she never wanted to be a businessman. "That's why I went looking for adventure. I bought the bike in Australia and gypsied through Indonesia and Thailand. They smuggled me across Burma (Myanmar) and into India. I wasn't supposed to be in Kyrgyzstan either -- the State Department wanted to shoot me." At first, she struggled -- especially when the talent agency changed her name. To a reporter from The New York Times, she said: "The one thing I regret is that we didn't pick a better name, one that would be much more ... sigh ... more feminine. We didn't know. We thought the damage would be reversible; that I could go back to being me. I was still struggling with my changing sexuality when I started recording. My first manager came up with Maracas as a reference to my increasing bustline. They took my nickname and changed it and it's always been uncomfortable -- I learned the hard way that it's pronounced 'mik-A-la,' not 'MY-kel-a.' " As the records began to sell, Jefferson took over full management of Maracas' career and worked tirelessly to promote the singer's albums and live performances. Between 1996 and 2001, Maracas began to produce female hormones legitimately and her testosterone levels dropped to almost non-existent. When she wore bathing suits, as on a number of her covers, there was a notable lack of any bulge between her legs. Despite her misgivings, she changed her name legally to Michaela Maracas in 2001. "It was a millennium gift to myself; a way to start over in the new century. I worried about the kharma ... but hey, this is me." Although she also petitioned the court to change her birth certificate to female, her request was denied. "As I recovered from the loss of my dignity -- don't let anyone kid you, taking on a female body when everyone remembers me as a man was not easy. I moped and grumbled. And finally, I decided it was not worth making myself or anyone else miserable," she said in the Times article. Early on, she grew her hair longer hoping to hide her face. "I shaved at least four times a day so my 'secret' wouldn't slip out. But I started to go bald in the back about the time I joined the house band as a permanent member. And [the hair loss has] been progressive." During an appearance on the David Letterman show, Maracas said, "LaBelle and others pleaded with me to go back to a severe masculine cut, arguing that it would become my 'trademark.' Well, it certainly has." She told People Weekly: "It's been a rough rocky journey since I tore myself to pieces that rainy night. At first, I was ashamed. Losing my masculinity was unspeakable, embarrassing. Then I realized what a gift I've been given and stopped feeling sorry for myself." Once her figure began to stabilize, Maracas wholeheartedly embraced her feminine side. "People change. I changed. As I explored my essence, it became easier to 'strut my stuff.' My voice has improved with every album -- and life can only keep getting better." Under Jefferson's tutelage and management, Maracas created a prodigious legacy of vocal work -- contemporary, opera, spiritual, jazz, big band, and other genres. She enjoyed recording and performing. "It's so easy. I spend four days in the studio every couple months after they lay down the music tracks. I've always loved to travel. And audiences turn me on." Maracas was nominated for best female vocalist Grammies eight times between 1996 and 2004, (for pop in 1996, 1998, 2001, and 2004, including "Best New Artist" in 1996; for jazz in 1997, 1999, and 2003; and for gospel in 2000) but never won the coveted award. She was hugged at the 2001 awards ceremony by Faith Hill, winner of Best Female Country Vocal Performance, a category Maracas was not nominated for. Constance Esser, president of Maracas' U.S. fan club, said, "We hope Michaela will be presented with the 'Lifetime Achievement Award' next year." Although Maracas and Jefferson remained a couple until her death, she was encouraged to explore the sensations of heterosexual maturity. In her Cosmo interview, Maracas said: "The first time I got laid, I was scared to death. I didn't know the guy very well and didn't know if [breaking her hymen] would hurt. But he was really sweet." In 2002, Maracas became pregnant. "I got careless. Stopped using protection. I think, subconsciously, I wanted it to be the final mark of my transition. Having the baby would be my official 'coming out,' so to speak." During her pregnancy, Maracas recorded five albums. She deliberately flaunted her condition, appearing total nude with her bulging belly on the cover of her "The best time of my life" CD. She claimed that it was liberating. In the Times article, she justified herself. "People write and ask why my album covers are becoming a little more ... racy. I've been accused have having a dirty mind by some who claim that they're my fans but don't seem to understand." "Well, it's like this -- having a baby changes things. I never thought of myself as promiscuous and I love LaBelle more than anyone in the world. But when I got pregnant, I thought, 'now, this is one of the most progressive changes in the world.' " "Frankly, I was apprehensive but LaBelle never gave in to my fears. She was determined that we would make the best mothers in the world. I love Jeffrey and he's the most wonderful gift a woman could ask." She opted for natural childbirth, wanting to explore the full gamut of female experiences. Unfortunately, the birth triggered new changes to Maracas' body. She could not lose the pounds added during the pregnancy and was unable to control her weight, which gradually crept up until it was obvious to her fans that the change was irreversible. "I've tried all the ways to diet," she apologized to the London Daily Mail in 2005. "But nothing's working. So I kind of gave up starving myself." Maracas stopped touring in early 2006. She told The Los Angeles Times in 2007, in what was her last interview, "I really miss the thrill of live audiences but I'm tired all the time. Just walking through an airport makes me want to take a nap. On stage, I sweat so much I feel like I'm in a swimming pool." Esser said that Jefferson told her, "Michaela had headaches and a fever every time she performed. It was time to rest." But her recording output never dropped. Even as she became so large she could hardly walk, she continued to release albums, each documenting her increasing girth on the cover. "It seems natural that my albums should continue to reflect the changes," she admitted to The Los Angeles Times. "It's simply one more step toward maturity. I never deliberately set out to upset anyone but this is who I am now and if that's a problem, it's not mine." "I suppose I should be embarrassed. But I've changed so much that getting fat is just one more stage of my life. People still buy the Cd's, so obviously they don't disapprove." In a Playboy magazine excerpt from her unpublished autobiography, Maracas said: "Having a career focus -- having a life again after being dead in Kyrgyzstan, literally -- helps a lot toward my self-esteem." "It's too late to change and I wouldn't now, even if I could go back and stop myself from falling off that cliff. I have no complaints. My life is wonderful. I have a beautiful girlfriend. I have a lovely growing little boy. I've discovered what I'm good at and what I love. It took me a long time to get here but it was worth the effort." In her 12-year career, Maracas compiled a catalog of more than 115 recordings, including live performances in Amman, Jordan, as well as Waikiki, New York's Central Park, the University of Texas, and Moscow. "I love Russia," she told Reuters. "The people are so polite and respectful. It's a beautiful country and I'd love to retire and live there year round." "I think she just bought an estate there," Esser said. "It's so sad she'll never get a chance to use it." The family plans to hold private services for Maracas and details about her interment are not available. Memorials should be made to the Michaela Maracas foundation at Bank of America, to fund arts programs being eliminated by lack of support from the federal "No Child Left Behind" laws. Copyright © 2008, Trainmaster, All Rights Reserved Traimaster's stories are available at

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P Fogg A MEMOIRPart 5

Doll, using her dainty left hand, gently stroked the length of my prick and on reaching it's zenith, spied a droplet of my seed appear at the tip. I pursed my lips and waited tensely to see what would transpire. I say this because women tend to react differently to the actions of a man's prick. While almost all but the most jaded are somewhat fascinated by this wondrous instrument, they go about handling one differently. That Dolly was no stranger to a man's pride and joy was evident from...

2 years ago
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The Answering Service

The Answering Service ? by: Ricky Hey, we're not in a recession! It says so on the news and of course I believe it. I get to listen to the news a lot lately, because the only job I can find is answering phones. "Hello, Doctor's office." "Hello, Mr. Pint's Emergency service." "Hello, Dale Plumbing." There's plenty of time to listen to the radio on the night shift. Actually, it isn't a bad job, in fact the training was a blast. I was the only man among six woman while I...

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Hot Group Sex

My husband and I had made a plan for an evening out. We had reserved a room at the airport Marriott and had planned on a dinner and time in the lounge. A lavish expenditure for us, but a necessary luxury that we both needed. For many years my husband has been trying to get me to have sex with him and another man. I must admit that while having sex, I did enjoy hearing the stories he told me. How my lover was doing this or that to me while he watched and sometimes participated. I love my husband...

1 year ago
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Relative Terror

I stood at the foot of the porch steps, gazing up towards the door. Twelve steps to the top. I had counted them long ago. Twelve steps to the top, eight steps to the door, then just knock. Wow, sounded really easy when I thought about it. So, why wouldn’t my feet move? Eleven years later and I still dreaded this place. All the old signs were there. My heart was racing, my palms were sweaty and I was stuck at the bottom of the stairs. Ah, home sweet home. ‘Buck up, Nicolai, this isn’t going to...

4 years ago
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Another Sunday Morning

Once again, thanks to brian34After a particularly rousing session the night before, we both awake lazily on Sunday morning. I make breakfast and take it out to the screened in patio, while you’re still stretching out in the bed. When you finally come outside, wrapped in a spare robe of mine and boxers, you see me in one of the chairs, feet propped up on the ottoman, reading a book and sipping coffee. You join in the chair next to me, separated by the small table. After a bit, you see my empty...

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MyGirlfriendsBustyFriend Dana Dearmond 23229

She’s back, and with big tits! Yes, Dana Dearmond busts in with a busty chest to bust your nut once again! This time around she’s giving a helping hand to her good friend who recently injured her neck in a car accident. Dana arrives to help the poor girl trim and shave her bush since her boyfriend Danny has no idea what he’s doing when it comes to grooming her mound. But what Danny can and does do is watch sexy Dana, her steady hand, and most of all, the jiggling of her fat, new tits. And when...

2 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 267

Thank Petre for this one: A Marine squad was marching north of Fallujah when they came upon an Iraqi terrorist who was badly injured and unconscious. On the opposite side of the road was an American Marine in a similar but less serious state. The Marine was conscious and alert and as first aid was given to both men, the Squad Leader asked the injured Marine what had happened. The Marine reported, “I was heavily armed and moving north along the highway here, and coming south was a heavily...

3 years ago
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BSC07 the First Lifestyle NudistsChapter 20 The Goddess

Tom found his towel and put it around Belinda’s shoulders as they made their way over to the sauna room. Belinda’s parents stood up in surprise when they saw their sodden daughter coming towards them then began to laugh when they worked out all by themselves what had happened. Belinda very politely gave them the fingers then laughed herself as Tom escorted her off to the sauna room. Tom’s mother looked at Tom and smiled that ‘knowing’ smile that mothers can often get. Tom just smiled back...

3 years ago
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What We Do for LoveChapter 8 Girl Prostitutes Herself for a Good Cause

I couldn’t believe it was already Friday. As much planning as mistress and My husband had done, none of that mattered to me. Thursday, mistress began the day by reintroducing me to Dave. For now, gone was ‘boy’, mistress’s pet name for her submissive dad and I was woken roughly by him, but not him. We’d all gone to bed Wednesday night as a ‘regular’ incestuous family - that is mom, dad and daughter naked and snuggled up together. There’d been no sex before bed, but that was just because I...

3 years ago
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We both get His Big Cock Couple

We are a married couple of six years. I am 5'4", 34C pert breasts and wear a bikini well. My husband is 5'10" with a well toned build. We have always been pretty open and honest with each other when it came to sex.One night, while making love, my husband expressed his desire to watch me fuck another man, one with a large cock. I told him that I indeed was intrigued with the idea and that it turned me on. As I wondered why he wanted this man to have a big cock, I asked him if he was more than...

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Rajaji8217s challenge

When I entered Rajaji’s office after 30 minutes (to allow Suvarna to leave) he was sitting on the takiya and smoking. I walked in smiling and touched his feet and sat near his feet on the floor. “Come Prema,” He said and pulled me in his embrace. I went willingly enough but I was surprised how he was horny so soon again. Our lips were locked in a kiss as Rajaji made me sit in his lap and stroked my round ass. “what a piece you are,” he said and pulled my saree pallu down. I looked at my...

1 year ago
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The Eighth Warden Book 1Chapter 16

The stop at Dalewood was uneventful. Corec had asked at The Smiling Jester, but there hadn’t been any packages needing delivery. He was starting to believe that working as a courier wouldn’t pay any better than being a caravan guard, unless he could get hired on full time by one of the houses. They got back on the road the next morning. At the edge of town, the West Road split into the Trade Road, which led to Four Roads and then through the hills into Larso, and the Old Road, which led into...

1 year ago
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Back To Navi Mumbai With The First One

Hey readers this is Aman again! Thanks for the amazing response for my previous story- my first time in Delhi. The place where I live in Mumbai is called Vashi and is an amazing place. The female lead is also well known here she is awesome in bed and now more crazy due to the loss in we weight. For all those who don’t know me I’m a 22 years old Mumbaikar who had shifted to Delhi and is back now. My email Id is I don’t boast about my dick size but it is long enough to satisfy any female. I’m...

1 year ago
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Horny Mithila Comes Back

No more sex with Mithila as she went for a holiday with Rajan, her husband. My whole instinct was missing s sex with her. I concentrated on having regular sex with my wife Maya. But you know that Maya gave me sex but could not satisfy my appetite. I also turned to our housemaid Kamala. I was still hungry for sex– hungry for sex only with Mithila. To my great surprise Mithila came back. This time she did not give me sex not behind my wife but in front of her, at my home. I was over the moon,...

3 years ago
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Twin Escapades

Cara and Tara had always been inseparable twin teenage girls, but now that they were fresh out of high school, they decided to get part time jobs for spending money when the time came that their parents would send them off to college. Cara got a job at a shoe store in the mall. The interview was easy, and she knew she would be hired. The Manager could not take his eyes off her legs. “Now that you’re nineteen, Cara,“ he said, “I would expect you to wear pants in the store, or at least skirts...

2 years ago
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Miles Apart Chapter 1 Circumstances of kink

I remember this like it was a minute ago, but in reality it's been years since his fingertips engraved every inch of me.Embark with me on this story of how Josh and I dismissed the fact that we were the same blood.---Me and Josh, although closely related, never met until I was eleven and he turned twelve. He is from a completely different continent, and our families are thousands of miles apart. They came over to visit Europe and decided to stop by our home. Josh and I didn't talk a lot,  we...

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Samunder ke kinare maje kiye raat bhar

Naam arun hai main gujarat ka rahene wala hun. Main ne iss ki desi sab stories padhi muje bahot pasand ayi. Is se pahele meri apni ek story “pyasi bhabhi” iss per apne padhi mera dusra ek vakya apko batane ja raha un dino ki baat hai jab main me tha mere uncle ke saath raheta tha. Ek din uncle ne muje kaha “arun teri bahen ki shadi tay ho gayi hai papa ki chithi ayi hai aur tuje india bulaya hai” bahen ki shadi ki baat sun ke main khush ho gaya. Uncle flight ki inquiry...

4 years ago
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The Alchemists Path Ch1

This is my first story. I hope you enjoy. (in no way is any of this true.) A lone professor scribbled mixed notes and complex formulas on a chalk board. A child outside yelled about today’s news and what it entailed, which he cared little for. In the professor’s line of work politics and history mattered little. Only numbers and theories, some mixed idea that something else could be discovered just a throw stone away. And with so many scientists throwing stones, someone has to break glass at...

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Cyber Dating

Start: You are pretty much your average Joe. You have a good job and make decent money, you have a nice apartment and you get fine marks with the ladies. Speaking of ladies you haven’t been with one in a while and it’s starting to get to you. You hop onto your dating site and start to browse: SunNSand123 – Her profile pic is pretty nice. She’s got nice tanned skin and light brown hair. Her brown eyes and upturned nose are cute and she has a nice welcoming smile. Age: 22 Ht: 5’7” Body:...

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Gay sex with student

Hello, I am raghunath from andra pradesh, Hyderabad. I am now aged about 55 years. While I was 45 years, working at Vizak in private sector, this incident happened. As per the govt decision my organization started plantation of trees to make the city green. For that I approached to a junior college and met with the principal and expressed the matter and requested to send a batch of students to participate in plating trees. I have invited forest authorities also to participate in it so that...

Gay Male
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Adventures of an Innocent teen guy part 1 the first fuck0

The drive to her house was mostly uneventful though her hand never left his jean-covered crotch as he felt his not unsubstantial member start to rise in her grip. "Lets go!" She all but yelled as they got to her house. As soon as they got to her room she pressed herself against him and kissed him hard ahoving her tounge into his mouth. "Oh James!" She moaned into his mouth. He reciprocated and kissed her back content to let her be in control. "Clothes off now!" She demanded...

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Flamingo By Cassandra Morgan Even before I was a sissy, I was a sissy. Mock me if you will. You know what I mean. Before I was a sissy with that word's connotations of sexual byplay, a submissive sissy, I was a sissy of the grandest kind. I was the frail child you see playing hopscotch instead of baseball, or jump rope instead of basketball. I was the little boy playing with girls long before he knew why. I was the boy with dolls. The idea was never to be girly. It was never a...

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Metro Magic

"Hi honey ... yes, I'm leaving now so I won't be long. I want you to meet my new friend Kevin from work, so I invited him to have drinks with us." I'd been teasing Kevin for nearly a month about how much my beautiful wife likes to expose herself occasionally, so he was VERY anxious to meet her as soon as possible. "I don't know why, but she's anxious to meet you too, though you may have to be willing to play a little too, to give her a 'green light'." When I told him she often rode...

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The Nervous Game

Allow me to start out by telling you that this story is entirely true, it took place right after I turned sixteen. And for the boy’s name, I don’t know if it would be right to say, it’s an extremely uncommon name so that will remain anonymous . I had my first sexual experience with someone I never would have expected. It was with my best friend, who like me was a young male. He had come over for a sleepover, and we did the normal stuff: video games, talking about girls, and finally made our way...

First Time
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Suite Sex on Deck

Emma Tuttweiller was lonely. She laid in her double bed on the SS Tipton feeling sorry for herself. Her alarm was about to go off but she'd already be for a while. She rolled over and stared at the clock. Emma had been on the luxury cruise ship for a few years now and hasn't had much luck in the romance department. Sure there were a few choice on the boat, like Mr. Blanket, the creepy school counsler who liked to stalk her and Emma was pretty sure he'd been in her cabin, smelling her unwashed...

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Unspoken Love

Unspoken Love Janet L. Stickney [email protected] I suppose I should have known better when I left the house, but after waiting so long, I just couldn't help myself. I spent almost two hours getting ready for my first debut outside the house, then, drawing in a deep breath, I casually walked outside, got in the car, and left. I never looked better, or felt more afraid in my entire life, yet the exhilaration I felt when the cooler air hit my legs was enough to help me deny the...

2 years ago
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Mom and dad ki chudai

Maine is site ke lagbhag sare kahani ko padha hai. Mujhe sarikahani behad hi achhe lage. Unko padhne ke baad mai apke liye ek aisikahani laya hu jise maine apne akho ke saamne hote huye dekha tha. Ye kahani waise to kuchhpurani hai lekin mere samne jab bhi wo din yaad ata hai to mujhe aisalagta hai ki ye kal ki hi baat hai. Mera naam bablu hai hamare parivar me mai ,meri maa aur mare papa rahte hai. Meri mummy jinki umar ab chalis saal ki hai ek behadhi khubsurat aur kafi akarsak mahila hai....

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Emily Part One

I work for a large, multi-national financial products company that is a very strong advocate of what is known as “Employee Wellness.” As an incentive for employees to get them active in the program, they offer substantial reductions in the employee cost of healthcare benefits, in exchange for meeting certain “health initiative” benchmarks. One such benchmark is the required accumulation of a certain number of points that can only be earned by attending various health-topic mini-seminars. It was...

Straight Sex
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Jen and the Gloryhole

Introduction: Jen and her husband checkout the pot store in their new town. Jen and the Gloryhole My wife and I are the types of people willing to try new things. We are each others first time, and since then, we have been willing to experiment with new things. I spent the first year of marriage in Iraq, where on a whim, she would buy porn DVDs and mags and send them to me. What really threw me off was that the movies were almost always opened. When I asked her about it, she said she had to...

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