Climb On KlymonnChapter 1 free porn video

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It was a surprise when the house across the street posted a FOR SALE sign. I was shocked when a SOLD tag was added the next day. I knew the real estate market was hot, but this was ridiculous.

In the middle of consuming left-over meatloaf, my wife interrupted. "Harvey, did you see the house across the street sold?"

"Un-uh." A lesson learned from years of marriage - acknowledge nothing in the affirmative.

"Don't you notice anything? You never said a word when I got my hair tinted."

"I thought that was the whole point. Supposed to look natural, right? Besides, it's dark by the time I get home."

She shook her head. "The Klymonns are moving back."

This was a real surprise. Bert and Maddie Klymonn and their two kids had moved out about a decade ago. Bert had a big promotion party to celebrate the occasion. Invited the whole block to his backyard, and not just for hot dogs and burgers. Shrimp, steaks, the works. I got sloshed on imported beer that night.

"Oh yeah?" This revelation deserved a more substantial reply.

"By the way, have you sent back the form for High Holy Day tickets?"

Oh yeah, I'd forgotten. Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kipper were coming up in a couple of weeks. I should have known - it was almost time to replace the screens with glass on the front and back doors. I hope that by now, through my vocabulary and references, you knew I am. Jewish, that is.

"I thought you took care of that." Harriett scowled and dug deep into her dry slice of baked meat.

About a week passed before the moving truck arrived, followed closely by a station wagon. No, not a minivan. And not a late model either. Grey smoke that matched the numerous rust spots on the body streamed from the tailpipe.

Bert and Maddie got out first. They looked the same, standing in the front yard of their old house. Maybe you can go home again. Jake and Janie came out the same door, in the middle of a wresting match. They'd grown up, both of them. Jake was tall, maybe a couple of inches taller than my six feet. His shoulders looked broad, like he'd been working out. Janie's growing up was as significant and completely feminine. Instead of the scrawny little girl, she was a nicely rounded young lady with curvy hips and a chest. She wore a sweatshirt, red and blue plaid skirt and blue knee socks. A very provocative combination, if I do say so myself. Let's see. If my math is right, she'd be just about ... oh shit! Eighteen. I decided then and there I'd keep my distance. Bert was a good friend. At least, used to be. I wanted to resume that friendship. No sexy daughter approaching the age of consent was going to screw that up, I mean, mess that up.

Harriett entered the living room, catching me peeking through the drapes. "I made a casserole and a bundt," she said.

"And I thought you liked them."

Harriet put her hands on her hips. "You take the cake."

"I do, don't I?" I tossed back a smile and a raised eyebrow.

"I mean, you, take the cake. It's in the dining room. I'll get the casserole from the fridge."

The cake had an excess of white sugar frosting, perhaps to drown out the taste.

"Janie's back!" Anna flew down the stairs blind, pulling a sweater over her head. It hung up on her chest momentarily, then completed its trip down past her waist.

"Hey, isn't that mine?" One of my favorites, too.

"I'm only borrowing it. Besides, it smells like you." She raised an arm and sniffed the wool, winked, then bolted through the front door.

I threw on an old jacket and went across the street. Maddie stopped giving the movers directions, came over and gave me a big hug. That was expected. Maddie was always openly demonstrative. Bert crashed through the front screen door, leaped down the four concrete steps and gave me a bearhug.

"It's good to see you, Harv."

I stood there, arms pinned to my sides. When he stopped wiggling me back and forth, I got my first good look at his face. Were those tears in his eyes?

"Good to have you back in the neighborhood." I stifled the 'how come' question until later.

"Right." He wiped his face off on a corduroy sleeve. "How's Anna?"

Tight as ever. No, no, banish those thoughts. "Fine. I've only got one."

Bert continued. "You've got to see the kids. They've really grown. Jake! Janie! Get out here!"

Jake came around from the back, hands stuffed deep into the back pockets of his jeans.

"Hey, Mr. M."

"Welcome back, Jake. You playing ball?"

Bert scowled. "Not like it hasn't come up. He's built for it."

"Nah. Sports suck." He scratched his head, mussing an already unkempt mop. "You got time later to talk tech?" Jake had been a typical nerd when he was younger. At least that hadn't changed.

"Sure, any time."

He backed and sided away, up the stairs into his new but old house.

"Great kid. I just wish he'd be a bit more physical." Bert swiveled his head. "Janie! Where is that girl?"

"Coming Dad." The voice came from an open second floor window. Moments later, Janie and Anna skipped out the front door.

Bert's eyes scanned Anna up and down. "Well, you've become quite a young lady."

Anna smiled and pivoted on one foot, hands behind her back.

Maddie came back out. "Where have you been? You know we need your help getting organized."

"Sorry. Just that we've got a lot of catching up to do." Anna's eyes twinkled and she smiled in my direction.

"Hi, Mr. M." Janie stood erect, chest thrust forward. I wasn't doing a bad job of getting erect myself. She lurched forward, her arms encircling my neck. The cake almost did a header onto the cement. "Nice to see you. It's been too long." She pressed her body against mine. There was no way to lean back and prevent her from detecting my hard-on, else we both fall down. The thought of her landing on top of me made me even firmer.

"Nice to, uh, see you too."

"I'll take that, Harvey." Maddie rescued the cake from my unsteady grasp. "And let go of him, Jane. He's not a piece of gymnastic equipment. You've got work to do, young lady."

"I'll help." Anna yanked Janie up the stairs and through the front door.

All the while, Janie was looking back at me. I offered to help Bert and Maddie with unpacking. They refused our help as well as Harriet's offer of a home cooked meal, so we left them to their chores.

Anna called from across the street, asking if Janie could sleep over.

Before I could offer my opinion, Harriett answered the question. "Jane just got back. There'll be plenty of time for sleepovers. It doesn't have to happen on her first night back."

I breathed a huge sigh of relief.

"Come home now and give the Klymonn's some privacy."

I crept past Anna's bedroom in a t-shirt and plaid flannel sleeping pants. Harriett keeps the thermostat and the refrigerator at the same settings.

The plaintive voice called out, "Daddy?"

I clutched the frame and stuck my head into her room. "What's up, sweetheart?"

"Why didn't you want Janie to sleep over?"

I gulped hard. "I didn't say a word. Your mother said no."

"But you didn't stick up for me. Come here."

I crept into her room and sat on the edge of her bed.

"Were you afraid?" She sat up and pulled her nightgown tight against her breasts.

I squirmed, an erection forming. "No, of course not. Why should I?"

Her voice was full volume. "It's just that, maybe you thought Janie would be interested in doing it with you."

"Shhhh. Your mother will hear."

"Well, is that it?"

"Bert is one of my best friends."

"Don't worry." She scooted closer. "Janie doesn't need a lesson from you. She told me she's been fooling around with somebody."

"Whooooo. That's a relief." The topic caused my erection to grow. "Did she say who?"

"Aren't you the nosey one? Yes, but she swore me to secrecy." She made an X on her left breast, then squeezed it. "She said they were getting closer to like doing it, pretty soon now. So far, they've been kissing -" She leaned over, putting a hand on my knee to steady herself and brought her lips to mine. Her tongue toyed with my lips, then parted them... "and touching -" She placed my right hand on her breast and snaked her hand inside the fly of my sleeping pants. "and getting each other really worked up." Her hand began to stroke me vigorously.

"Stop that!" I noticed I was fondling her breast and dropped my hand. She put it back, this time slipping it in the gap between two buttons. Her flesh was hot against my cool hand. Instinct forced me to rub my fingers against her nipple.

"Ooooh, that's nice," she whispered, head close to mine.

The penis massage felt too good. My hand was kneading her tit. I must have made some kind of grunt.

Harriett's voice carried down the hallway. "Harvey? Aren't you coming to bed?"

"You want to cum, don't you?" Anna pulled my cock from my pants and planted her mouth over the head.

"I'm - just - chatting - with - Anna. I'll - be - right - there."

Anna pumped and slurped with abandon. I thrust my hips slightly off the bed. Too far and Anna would choke or gag. Then Harriett would get out of bed to investigate the commotion for herself. I pulled at Anna's nipple. She responded by caressing my balls. That was all it took. After several spurts, she licked the tip of my dick clean without spilling a drop, then dramatically threw her head back and swallowed.

"Here." She wrapped a tissue from her nightstand around my erection and folded over the excess to cover the head. "G'nite Daddy. Sleep well."

With a major orgasm and the threat of an intimate encounter with Janie removed, I slept like a baby.

The phone woke me from deep sleep. I remembered dreaming about driving a Porsche through a tunnel. Harriett came into the bedroom.

"It was Maddie. Her mother is in a bad way. I don't want her making the trip to Florida alone. Is that okay?"

So Harriet would be out of town for a few days? "Fine with me." More father daughter time? "But what about all of your volunteer work?" Harriett didn't make a cent from all of the organizations she worked for.

"Friendship comes first. They'll have to make due without. Maddie needs me." She already had a suitcase from the basement crawlspace. "We're leaving this afternoon."

"Okay. We'll be fine."

I found my daily planner. Nothing would prevent me from working half a day and making a home-cooked meal for a change. Eating out would take a toll on the budget.

I watched from the living room window as Anna, Janie and Jake walked up the block. Jake was running around the two girls, jumping and pushing his sister. Shouldn't he be acting more grown up, since he's older than her? In front of our house, he gave her a shove, then ran across the street to their house. Janie flew backwards and landed on the leaf-strewn brown grass. Her short skirt sat high on her thighs, shapely legs far enough apart to expose blue panties that matched her socks. I got excited at the thought of touching that skin, or even climbing between those legs. No! Out of the question! What was I thinking? This is my friend's daughter, for cripes sake.

Bert barreled down the street, dark smoke burping from the station wagon's exhaust. His tires squealed as he swerved up his driveway, the car vibrating from the sudden stop. He caught Jake by the arm and summoned Janie with a wave of his arm. Jake smiled but Janie's head drooped. Then Bert ran across the street, ignoring the possibility of traffic, straight up my walk. I went to the door.

"Boy, I'm glad you're home." Bert leaned over, hands on his knees. His breathing was heavy.

"What's the matter?"

He raised his head. "My damn manager gave me an out-of-town sales call. I've got to leave right away. With Maddie gone, I don't know what to do about the kids."

I had mixed feelings about babysitting his two plus mine. "Have you left them alone before?"

"Yeah, for a weekend last year, when we attended the company's annual award's banquet." He'd caught his breath but his face got redder. "Can you keep an eye out? I don't think they'll be any trouble, but just in case?"

"Sure, pal. I'll be here."

"Thanks. I owe you."

Anna, who had been dawdling outside, came in.

"Hello, Mr. Klymonn. Hi, Daddy." She wiggled up the stairs. Bert's eyes followed every movement of her hips.

"They sure grow up fast," he said.

"Yeah, too fast."

"You've got your hands full with Anna. The boys are probably knocking the door down, right?" He nudged me with an elbow. What did that mean?

Two can play that game. "Jane's attractive too." An opportunity to satisfy my curiosity. "Is she dating?"

"Not that I can tell. No one comes calling. Listen, I've gotta go. Thanks again."

It was time to call Anna for dinner. She'd kept her distance all afternoon. With us alone in the house, I anticipated she'd be all over me. Just as she came into the kitchen, the doorbell rang.

"That's just great! Dinner is just about ready. I'll get it," I said.

I opened the door. Janie stood there, eyes narrow.

"Can I come in?"

"Sure. Something wrong?"

She looked over her shoulder. "Jake invited some friends over, and I don't feel safe with all those boys in the house. Can I stay here?" A small tote bag hung from her shoulder.

I looked past her. No cars in their driveway.

"Sure." What do I have to worry about? She's got somebody to mess around with. "Want something to eat?"

"Janie!" Anna pulled her into the foyer. "Oh, you're sleeping over?" She threw her arms around my neck and pressed her body against mine. "Thank you, Daddy." I got a wet kiss on the lips. Janie turned red. "We're sitting down to eat. I'll set another place."

Janie removed and handed me her jacket. A shapeless sweater covered her top, standard issue teen blue jeans molded to a round ass. All through dinner, Janie looked at Anna, then me, then back to Anna. Something was on her mind, but she kept it to herself.

"How about some dessert? Mom made us a cake too." Anna leaped from her chair and ran into the kitchen.

"Jake ate the one your wife brought us. In one sitting!"

Anna brought out an identical cake. At least, it looked the same to me.

"Oh, vanilla!" Anna grabbed my hand and dragged one finger through the sugar coating. Then she brought that finger to Janie's lips. "Taste it!" Janie gave Anna a puzzled look but sucked it clean. More than clean. Her mouth was a black hole. I had to rip my finger free. Her face turned red, and Anna giggled.

They cut pieces for themselves, then ran upstairs. The two girls huddled in Anna's room while I vegged out with the new fall season. I might have dug out one of my old VHS porno tapes if it was just Anna and me, but that was inappropriate with a visitor. An attractive female who I needed to keep my hands off. I prepared for bed early, to avoid the girls.

"Good night," I hollered through their closed door.

"'Nite Dad."

"Goodnight, Mr. M."

Just the sound of Janie's voice sent me to my bedroom with a partial erection. I locked my door and curled up, with horny thoughts of Anna's friends floating through my mind.

A shriek startled me from the warmth of my bed into the hall. The bathroom was the only one with a light. Anna stood there giggling in her flannel pajamas, hand to her mouth, with an empty cup in her hand. Janie held a full-length wet cotton nightgown away from her body.

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For the next hour, Susan was jumping on and off the express. She would walk around, reversing directions looking at the reflection in store windows. All the time worried that she was being followed. Sure that at any time, there would be a hand grabbing her shoulder. At one point, she considered heading to her quarters. But halfway there, she realized that would be the obvious place to be waiting for her. She felt that he was running out of time and was beginning to panic. She decided that...

3 years ago
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cross friends trick 4

I came down from my orgasm to see Jenna and Katey French kissing and licking my cum from each others faces, whilst still holding my cock in their hands.“My god, I never knew it would taste that good” said Katey. “Believe me” said Jenna,” it doesn’t always.”“You've done this before?” said Katey surprised, and Jenna blushed as she sheepishly looked at me, “Oh yes, and you and your girlfriends would be surprised who with” Jenna said bashfully. “Lots of those high school jocks you hang around with...

3 years ago
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Mr Lucky

The town was far removed from the problems of the big city. What little crime occurred in the sleepy hamlet was of the misdemeanor variety. Boys dreamed of running away from the community while the girls dreamed of marrying the local boys and running off with them. That night was no different than ten thousand others that had proceeded it. The local movie theater ran features on both screens, two showings of each feature that night. After all, it was Saturday. The young projectionist locked the...

2 years ago
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Morning at Home With the Daughters Pet

Fabiola sighed longingly. Even though she was sceptical at first about her daughter’s love for pets, Carolina’s Great Dane Diego finally had grown on her – especially when she discovered benefits she had not considered before. Life as a widow wasn’t easy, with a spoiled brat for a daughter, who would do anything except take care of her family or the business. And she missed Teodoro, especially in those moments when she woke from a wet dream and was dripping between the legs once again. Now she...

3 years ago
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Spilled Ice Cream Paved The Way

Hello dear! A warm welcome to the story of great lust. I am Raj from Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh. I am fair, 28 years and my little master is 8 inches. My heroine, lovely Tamanna is 32 years. She is amazing with snow-white (pure fair) skin tone. Her sizes are 34(c) – 30- 32. Her melons are so juicy and the figure is mindblowing, gives competition to any sexy goddess. This happened 4 years ago when I was studying graduation. A lovely couple used to stay in my neighbor house. They had a cute...

1 year ago
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One crazy night

I'm getting ahead of myself however so let me back up just a bit. I had been sleeping with Ashley since she turned 19. I had been her teacher, coach, and boss, during her high school years and we stayed obviously close even after graduation. She was the cutest thing that just dripped of sex appeal that I had ever known. A 5'1 blonde, that weighed a buck five, with this tiny button nose, pouty lips, perky little A cup tits, and a pair of the strongest, most athletic legs you would ever have the...

3 years ago
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Picking up a guy

“Ernst, do you like me?” She looked at him with her big blue eyes, her long eye lashes fluttering exaggeratedly.“Of course. I think you’re great… and beautiful too.”“But you’ve never made a pass at me?” she said with a hurt expression.“Everybody thought you were unavailable,” he said.“Yeah I guess that was true, but now I am… so… are you going to make a pass at me?”He looked into her earnest blue eyes “Well in that case yes, but I left the instructions in my bag.”She smiled. “I can save you...

2 years ago
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Shital Mami Ke Sath Meri Rangin Raat

Dosto mera nam vikas hii meri age 20 years hiiiiiii mera rang gora height 5.7 hi aur land laghbhag 6.8 inch ka hii aur miii Bhopal mai rahata hu. Ye kahani meri aur meri shital mami ki hiii meri mami mere ghar se 4,5 ghar chodh ke Reheti meri mami bahut hi sexy hi unka badan doodh jisa gora aur figure to aisa ki jise katrina kaif chali ja rahi hoo. unki abhi abhi shadi hui hii 6 months pahle Dosto meri kahani todhi badi hii par aap log ise jarur padhaiye ga aur mii aap ko gurrentee deta huu ki...

1 year ago
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A Halloween Transformation

A Halloween Transformation by Maria Ski Halloween is one of my girlfriend's favourite times of the year. We often wear costumes with a similar theme. We've been vampires, we've been superheroes and last year we were a gangster and his girl. But for Halloween this year... This year she decided that she wanted to do something a little different, something with a slight twist from the norm. Something that... Well read on and all will be explained. Sabrina, before you ask her last name...

2 years ago
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Meri Hot Sexy Bhabhi 8211 Part II

Hi, iss friends, myself guru,mera lund 8 inch lamba aur 2.5 inch mota he ahemdabad ,baroda ya uske najdik kisi bhi 18-39 sal ki ladki,ya unstisfied woman ki pyas bujane ke liye free hu muje pe contact kare. Me pahele se hi sex ke liye bahut exited tha magar mene kabhi kiya nahi tha magar ab meri bhabhi ke karan mene jindagi me sex ka maja bhi le liya.Ye meri aur meri bhabhi Swati ki sacchi kahani jo 2 din pahele ki he. Meri bhai yani mere cousin bahi ki wife jiski age 29 years he unki...

2 years ago
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Ravaged Music TeacherChapter 8

He climbed up to the head of the bed, placing his back to the wall. He placed a foot on each side of Julie's ribs, with his knees drawn up and his enormous red hard-on looming directly in front of Julie's face. He gripped her long hair and jerked her head up sharply, so that she faced his prick. "Now listen, you pussy-freak, we're gonna play a game," Buzz said. "I wanna see if you're as nice to a big cock as you are to a hot little pussy. You're gonna suck me off, lady - use those...

1 year ago
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It was at a party. I was wearing a long gown, a red tube dress. The fabric has a somewhat soft and silky look and it followed the shape of my body in a loose fitting manner. I saw Mike. We’ve been friends for years. He’s quite good looking and we flirt occasionally but things never get serious. He motioned for me to go over to where he was. I walked towards him. He was with a group of men around the same age as he is. They were by the corner of the wall. “Everyone, this is Sherry,” he said to...

Drunk sex
3 years ago
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Evening Out

This story was created over six months ago from an interesting chat I had with a guy here on lush. I told him that I would one day spruce it up and post it, so here it is for all to see. Enjoy! “I really don’t feel like being here,” I told my boyfriend, James, as he pulled up into the parking lot of the bar and grill. I had told him several times that I didn’t want to go and hang out with his friends while they talked sports and I was left alone to nurse my virgin piña colada. It would have...

2 years ago
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My first Creampie

“My parents are going to be gone for the whole weekend.” My boyfriend Michael said walking up to me at my locker after class on a friday.“Alright, well what time do you want me to come over tonight?” I asked with a smirk, knowing full well what was going to go down tonight.“They’re leaving at 6:00, so anytime after that would be fine.” Michael said smiling.“Okay sounds good, I’ll see you then.” I say before leaning in and giving him a kiss and headed to volleyball practice. During practice I...

3 years ago
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Made Friend Then Fuck Buddy

Hi guys this is Avinash Garg age 20. This is my first story so please forgive for spelling mistakes.The heroine of this story is Kritika Sharma. She is of same age 20. She is my neighbor. She lives just opposite to my house. In her family there are her mother father and a brother 1 year elder then us. He is my friend. I get always amazed when I see her. She is so hot and sexy that anyone who see her get an instant hard on. And want to fuck her.. Coming to the story… Guys story is bit long but...

3 years ago
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Saras Surrender Ch 1

Chapter 1Sparse raindrops dotted Sara Baldwin’s jacket, darkening the cloth like heavy rainclouds above dotted the twilight sky. She hugged her arms against herself and leaned into the wind and the purple-red twilight that cascaded over her from the clouded sky above.Her professor’s house was a good size, but not ostentatious. It overlooked a nearby lake from atop a small rise, and wasn’t too crowded by other development. It was a very nice property. The red front door was adorned by a gold...

3 years ago
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Date Night Secret Agent

The bar was busier than June expected, but then, the hotel was busier than usual this weekend too. It looked like there was some sort of artists' convention and a wedding reception both being held in the hotel itself. From the entrance coming from the hotel lobby, she scanned the crowded bar. There were several large groups of obvious from the artist conventions, decked out in their ‘I’m wearing a statement clothes” and the like, boisterously talking trash about the art world in general. Most...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 409

These are compliments of Gary: It may have been posted before but is worth a repeat ... this was before the bleeding hearts got into the child care... The Knowledge of Mothers 1. My mother taught me TO APPRECIATE A JOB WELL DONE. "If you're going to kill each other, do it outside. I just finished cleaning." 2. My mother taught me RELIGION. "You better pray that will come out of the carpet." 3. My mother taught me about TIME TRAVEL. "If you don't straighten up, I'm going to...

3 years ago
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Baby DollChapter 10

Jamie felt Tia's lips moving across her body. She shuddered, knowing that she was helpless at the moment to even bother to resist. As she felt her left nipple being gently sucked on, Jamie couldn't help but to let out a rather loud moan. Tia took that as her cue to continue. Jamie felt the Thai girl's fingers gently playing with her now hard clit, and let out another moan. "Just relax. I'll take care of everything." She heard Tia whisper in her ear. Jamie thought about it for a second,...

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He Couldnt Believe His Luck

It all began with an innocuous exchange of emails discussing their erotic writing. Suggestions and constructive comments went back and forth until he sent one, more in hope than expectation saying that, rather than continually emailing, why didn't they agree a time and a date and meet somewhere to discuss it further. Given they were only sixty or so miles away, it could be beneficial to both their writings.To his surprise, an email reply soon came back and rather than the no he was expecting,...

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Over Moms lips

I was at the point in my life when I started waking up with hard-ons. Embarassing?Yep!Standing in line to use the bathroom,with four younger sisters?Painful!Painful,because each and every last one of them was Sexy as Hell!Standing outside of the closed bathroom door,my cock had sprung from the flap of my boxer shorts. I was in no hurry to hide it. Simply because,I watched my sisters stare at my boner. They were always licking their lips,whenever they saw my cock. In fact,my youngest sister,who...

1 year ago
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Sex With My Longhair Aunty

Hi friends thanks for your response to my first story I would like to share another experience of mine after this first incident. Please do leave some comments about my stories thanks. I am young guy carving for sex you can send me mails about that too. Well let me come to story this is bit more like incest experience of mine with my aunty, my uncle’s (in a way mama’s) wife. I never ever thought I would end up with...

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Babymoons Holidays when pregnant

Babymoons: Holidays when pregnantHolidaying when you’re expecting is now so popular there’s even a name for it. Practical Parenting has these must-read tips for going on a ‘babymoon'Holidays for parents-to-be are a growing trend – so much so that resorts and hotels around the world are marketing special packages specifically aimed at ‘babymooners’.If you’re healthy and well, holidaying with a bump is a great way to relax and enjoy a bit of alone time with your partner pre-bub. But before you...

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She really loved the summer weather, she mused, as she stepped through the doorway of the health club into the picture perfect late afternoon. A warm breeze, heavy with the sweet aroma of the azalea bushes planted beside the walk swirled around her, gently stirring her shoulder length blond hair and giving her a rush as it caressed her bare thighs and curled under the hem of her tiny nylon skirt. She looked down at her stiffening nipples pushing against her thin cotton tank-top and wondered if...

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Mami Chi Jawani

Namaste Mitranno I’m chodurock from Navi Mumbai any girl or aunt want to have fun with me pls mail me at Tar mi aata majhya story kade valto, Majhya mamich naav aahe Narmada name changed ji unchila height jara jastach aahe agadi tichya navrya mhanje majhya mama pekshahi pan tila paahile tar agadi napunsak Mansachahi lund ubha hoil tichi figure aahe 38:42:46 pan ti sadi madhe evadi madak diste ki vicharu naka haaaye tiche stan (Ball) evade bhannat aahet na ki basss aani mahatavacha mhanje ti...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Autumn Falls 18 year old teen hot Latina Autumn Falls is a busty young slut

Brunette bombshell Autumn Falls’ big tits bounce as Manuel fucks her hard. Autumn is looking hot as ever in her black and gold lingerie with high heels, stockings, and a gold choker around her neck and gold gloves. She dances seductively around a stripper pole as she shows off her body to get you nice and hard, then takes off her top to expose her perfect “more than a handful” tits. Autumn slides down her panties leaving her with only her stockings, heels, garter, choker and gold gloves on as...

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Am 31 de ani si sunt destul de impacata cu ideea ca nu sunt o persoana cu prea mare succes. Nu sunt cea mai frumosa femeie am 175cm, aproximativ 73 kg, saten, sau ceea ce a mai ramas din parul meu era saten, oricum arat asa cum se spune ca ar trebui sa arate o femeie.....putin mai bine ca dracu.Mai mult decat atat, datorita aspectului meu deosebit, era normal faptul ca nu avusesem prea multe relatii si nu am nici la vremea asta. Casa in care locuiesc, are foarte multe lipsuri, mai ales ca nu am...

1 year ago
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Middle of Nowhere II

Last night, I had my first sexual experience with another person. Sure it was over the phone, but I am going to go out on a limb and say that it counts. There was the nervous part, and the pleasure part and all of the crazy emotions that were wrapped up between those two. So that question I pondered all day was the thought of love. Did I love this man that I had been talking to for the past couple of weeks? The man who made me smile and made me feel like a person again. Or was I just looking...

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Two girlfriends have a couple over for a fun night

My wife Dawn had surprised me by saying we were spending the night in as two girlfriends, laying out my clothes so we matched. Then after having amazing sex, Dawn surprised me by telling me that she had invited her friend, Maria, and Maria’s husband, Mark, over for some fun with the two of us and to fulfill the fantasies of all of us.So I was standing there with my red plaid skirt, white top, and red high heels, and my cock was rock hard underneath my skirt, and my mouth was wide open at this...

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A Little Fijian Gang Bang Chap 4

As usual, I woke early the next morning, and knowing Cath was in the lounge I tiptoed around getting my walking gear on, then went to creep through the lounge. But Cath wasn’t in her bed, it had been slept in though, so I wondered if she had gone down the beach for a walk already. Just to make sure, I opened the connecting door, to take a glance next door to check, and came face to face with a naked Cath creeping home. She covered her breasts with an arm and indicated to me to be quiet and not...

Group Sex

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