Climbing Porn Valley - Part I free porn video

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Climbing Porn Valley by Carly I. Anyone under the age of 18 or states/municipalities where such erotic material is prohibited should cease to read any further. Please be aware this story also contains drug use and sex between consenting persons. My name was Henry Duvall. I was a 17 year old boy who lived in a trailer park outside Los Angeles city limits. I was a skinny 120lbs and was barely 5'8" tall. I had pasty white skin, dark brown hair, and brown eyes. I was a decent student, and made honor roll almost every semester but besides being on track to graduate high school, I didn't have the money to even get into a junior college. My mother worked 2 jobs as a waitress at diners and my stepdad was a mechanic. My father was a Navy SEAL and was killed while trying to rescue American hostages in Somalia. After that tragedy my mom's life took a turn for the worse. She began to drink and use drugs and she met Larry, my stepfather at a dive bar. He was a drunk and so was she. They fought all the time and he beat me more times than I can count. I dreamed of escaping for a long time but I just couldn't get the nerve to leave. The last straw was the time Larry had beat my mom and me black and blue and one of our neighbors called the police. When the police arrived my mother refused to say anything had happened and Larry didn't even get arrested!! It felt like she had chosen him over me time and time again. The next day, after my mom and Larry left for work, I packed up a backpack with food, water, clothes, my phone, and ID and ran away instead of going to school. I walked and hitchhiked into the city. I had enough food for a couple days but I was going to need to earn money and find shelter soon. I didn't want to be homeless. While walking along the sidewalk, I came upon a utility pole that had a flier on it. The flier read "Want to be a movie star but don't look like one?" I read further and it said, "Phase 3 Clinical Drug Trial, now accepting subjects. Afraid that you are undocumented? Don't worry! All participants who complete the trial and undergo a physical change will receive new documentation. Subjects will receive room and board at a five star hotel fully paid by Genesis Pharmaceuticals. Upon completion of the trial subjects will receive $25,000, a fully furnished apartment with a lease fully paid for 1 year, and assistance with job placement in show business. For more information or to sign up for the trial please call (888) 682-2112." It felt like God had put that flier there just for me to find! I pulled out my phone and dialed the number. I friendly voice answered saying "Thank you for calling Genesis Pharmaceuticals, this is Amber, how may I assist you today?" I tried to suck up and in my most friendliest voice replied, "Good morning Amber, my name is Henry Duvall and I just read a flier on a utility pole regarding a Phase 3 Clinical Trial, and wanted to sign up." Amber said, "no problem Mr. Duvall, we would like you to fill out an application and undergo some a routine physical with one of our physicians. We are located on Lexington Ave between 2nd and 3rd Street. When would be a good time for you to stop in Mr. Duvall?" I replied, "I am available right now and the gps on my phone says I'm about 5 minutes away on foot." Amber said, "Ok Mr. Duvall, we look forward to seeing you shortly!" And then she hung up. After all that walking from my former home, I was exhausted and sweating. I entered through automatic doors into the company's headquarters. The building was very modern with glass and steel front facade and entering the lobby it felt nice and cool from the air conditioning. Looking up, just the right amount of light was entering from the lightly tinted glass roof. Below my feet was a beautiful black marble with small white specks and streaks. My initial thoughts were this company was very successful and if they were making money hand over fist, this R&D Department must be first class. At the center of the lobby was a semi-circular white marble receptionist's desk with a 20ft tall artificial waterfall wall. At the desk were three women all the women were very attractive and couldn't be older than their mid 20s. A brunette was sandwiched by a dirty blonde and a honey blond woman. I walked up to the brunette and after she hung up with her call she looked up with her big beautiful hazel eyes and spoke moving her full and sensuous cherry red lipstick coated lips saying "Hi! You must be Mr. Duvall!?" I said. "That's correct!...Amber?" She said, "Yup, the one and only!!" Amber came out from behind the desk with forms on a clipboard and handed me a pen saying "Ok Mr. Duvall, please have a seat over here and fill these forms out front and back and return them to me once you are done and I will call up to the medical wing to fit you in with a physician." I nodded, took the forms and sat down in a big black leather chair. I filled out my bio on the form, and other information like my ssn and driver's license number. It asked about my sexual orientation (heterosexual FYI), number of sexual partners (1), any surgeries or hospitalizations (2, tonsils and appendix), and if I had any allergies (none that I knew of). After completing the forms I handed them to Amber and she made a photocopy of my driver's license and Social Security Card before handing them back to me. She then directed me to the elevator bank to the left and told me to press 4R and have a seat in the waiting room there and a nurse will come get you shortly. I walked over to the elevators and pressed the up button and one of the many elevators dinged open. I entered and pressed 4R. Getting out on the 4th floor was decorated more like a doctors office. A beige short pile carpet with cherry wood coffee tables with magazines and chery wood and beige upholstery chairs. I was surprised that I was the only one in the room. I sat and played candy crush to pass the time. After about a half hour of waiting a nurse in her mid 50s, with short dirty blonde hair and an average body type dressed in white scrubs with little brown teddy bears came into the waiting room and said, "Mr. Duvall?, I'm Kathy, RN to Dr. Palomino, would you please follow me?" I got up and followed her into exam room 3. She asked me to take off all my clothes and put the blue with white pinstripes gown on the examination seat and tie it in the back. She began to leave the room and said, "Just press that red button on the remote when you are done." I nodded and quickly took off my t-shirt, shorts, underwear, socks and shoes. I li the gown on and loosely tied it in the back. I pressed the red button and Kathy came back in. She asked me to stand on the scale as she took down my height and weight. She then had me sit down on the examination chair and took my blood pressure (which came back normal) and rolled a thermometer across my forehead to behind my right ear (also normal). Then while exiting she said Dr. Palomino will be in shortly. About 5 minutes after Kathy left there was a quick double tap knock on the door and then Kathy and Dr. Palomino entered. Dr. Palomino was tall, tanned and if he wasn't a doctor, he definitely looked like he could've had a career modeling. He came over to me and shook my hand and said, "Mr. Duvall, I'm Dr. Russell Palomino, but you can call me Russ." I said, "Nice to meet you Russ, please call me Hank." Russ nodded and put the buds of his stethoscope into his ears and asked me to take deep breaths in and out as he moved the other end of the scope at three places on my back. Then he came to my chest and did the same routine in one place and then just listened to my heart. After he was finished he said to me and Kathy, "Normal rhythm and breath sounds," and Kathy made notes of it. The doctor asked if I had any family history of cancer, or other diseases or conditions relating to the heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, or diabetes. I knew that my mother had no history of any of these conditions and I told him my father was a Navy SEAL who died before I was born. Russ nodded and said, "Ok we'll put down that there is no known family health issues." Russ then proceeded to talk about the trial. He said, "The clinical trial we would like you to participate in is for Transforluminab which if all goes as planned will be marketed as the biggest breakthrough in modern science to change a person from the inside out! The trial will involve administering the drug intravenously along with other FDA approved hypnotic-sedative drugs to help you adjust as you are going through the changes both mentally and physically. You will be required to stay at The W Hotel for 96 hours for which the majority of the first 72 hours you will be sedated and asleep. At the completion of the 72 hours you will be a new person and we monitor you and run more tests for 24 hours before we move you to your new apartment and deposit your stipend into a new bank account and begin reintegrating you into society with a focus on the film industry. We will give you a life coach geared toward the film industry and have you sign with one of the agents/managers that have agreed to participate with members of this trial." He asked me if I had any questions and I asked if my body shape or size changes will I have to buy my own clothes? Russ said no, and that your assigned life coach will amass a wardrobe for you after we give him/her your measurements after the 72 hours have passed. Kathy gave me a clipboard with forms and Russ said that, "These are consent forms. Please sign at the bottom of each page acknowledging that we have told you or the forms have of all risks involved and that you surrender your right file to suit in court and accept the predetermined settlement amount of one million dollars should the trial impact your ability to live a normal, healthy, and productive life." I felt that that settlement amount was more than generous so I signed all the pages consenting to participate in the trial. Kathy said, "Please head down to the lobby and see Amber. She will direct you to the vehicle that will take you to The W. Tonight is on us so please enjoy room service and anything in the mini bar. We will begin administering the treatment early tomorrow morning. Russ shook my hand and said, "I look forward to treating you and seeing you progress." The elevator doors opened into the lobby and I spoke to Amber and she pointed out to the curb where the Town Car was parked and said that was my ride and would take me to The W. I exited out the automatic doors and to the curbside where the driver opened the rear passenger side door and said, "Please have a seat Mr. Duvall, I'm Carl and I will be your driver today." I got into the rear leather bench seat as Carl closed the door and came around the rear of the car and got into the drivers seat. After the short drive, Carl pull into the circular driveway in front of The W and came around the front to open my door. I thanked Carl and entered the hotel's lobby. I walked over to the front desk and told the gentleman behind the desk who I was. He asked for my driver's license and after confirming I was who I said I was, he said, "Welcome to The W, I hope you enjoy your stay with us. If there is anything we can do please dial *1 from your room's phone to directly speak to the front desk. This is your room key the elevators are just around that corner, room 709 is on your left after exiting the elevator on the 7th floor." I thanked him, took the key, and went up to my room. For the rest of the day I watched tv. I also occasionally went to raid the mini bar...why not right? As the sun went down I called down to the kitchen and looked at the room service menu and ordered southern fried chicken, mash potatoes, green beans, and a biscuit along with an extra large glass of sweet tea. After dinner, I fell asleep with the tv on. I woke up again around 2am, shut the tv off and went back to bed. My room phone rang waking me from my slumber at 6am. I answered and I heard a man on the other end say, "Good morning Mr. Duvall, I'm sorry if I've woken you but I have a Dr. Palomino and his assistant here for you." I said with an annoyed and still sleepy voice, "Mmm...yeah...send them up," and I hung up. I got to my feet as I stretched, yawned and wiped the sleep from my eyes. I answered the knock at my door to see Russ and Kathy standing in the hallway with several rolling heavy duty plastic cases. I moved from the entrance to invite them in as they wheeled their stuff in. Kathy began to unpack the cases, setting up the medical machines and equipment. Russ said, "Hank why don't you get out of all your clothes and get into bed and let's get started. I got the lover half of my body under the covers as Kathy came over. She used this cold alcoholic sponge on my neck and said, "Hank, we are gonna start a central line in the jugular vein in your neck. Using this blood vessel will maximize delivery efficiency. After the little pinch it almost felt like nothing was there. She injected a syringe of saline to flush the line, then hooked a big bag of red liquid on the IV stand, ran it through a machine below on the stand and then screwed it to my neck line. Russ said, "Ok Hank I'm now going to start the IV infusion." And the machine on the IV rack started up and sounded kind of like those old scroll printers or receipt printers. Next Russ said, "now I will be injecting a hypnotic sedative and while you are under I will be using new audio/video technology to help you adjust to becoming a movie superstar! Good luck!!" As he pushed the plunger down on the syringe I began to get a little dizzy and drowsy. As my eyes were closing I heard Russ say to Kathy "When she wakes up she will be a brand new person and we'll definitely make her a star, just not in Hollywood!" I was in and out of sleep but it felt like my head was in some kind of helmet and I could see pictures of someone from a little baby and growing up from there. I saw the first day of kindergarten. I saw her first day in middle school. I saw her living in a trailer park from somewhere that was sunny. I saw her excited at the sight of growing breasts. I saw her first day of high school. I saw her all pretty for a date..then a school dance. She was a pretty blond cheerleader. She was kissing a football player with his helmet in one hand and his sweaty and grass stained body up and close and towering over her frame. I see her shopping at what looks like a Kmart or Walmart. I see her at an old fashioned salon getting a makeover. I see her sign high school dropout papers. And the last image I saw was her putting a backpack on and exiting the trailer park. Theses images and several more played in order over and over again whenever my eyes opened. Little did I know I wouldn't remember my old life for good. At some point someone was shaking me and my eyes shot open. I was very confused. I didn't know who I was or where I was. Some lady was removing a needle from my neck and said, "sorry if I irritated your neck Candice." I said, "ummm whose Candice?" They lady said, "you silly!!" I said, "uhhh I don't remember anything...who are you, where am I, what did you do to me?" The lady said, "sweetie...I'm Kathy, that over there is Dr. Palomino. You are in a hotel room in Los Angeles and we just helped make you look as you really pretty and ready for being a star as you and your life coach decided was best." I said, "li-life coach?" Kathy said, "yup that's correct! Your Manager/Agent Gino Michaels said he gave you a life coach/mentor to help you adjust to and grown in the porn industry. You sweetie are a knockout and I know you will be pornstar!" I said in an high and sweet voice "ummm...thank you!" I still couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right but Kathy and Dr. Palomino seemed like trustworthy people cuz medical professionals are important for saving lives. Also Kathy had showed me all these pictures from my life and coming to LA was definitely a step up from a crappy dead end trailer park. If I've come to make a name for myself it's obviously to live a better life so I put my doubts to rest as nothing but dumb confusion from the amnesia. Over the next day Dr. Palomino, who asked me to call him Russ as he said I did before I started the procedure, conducted blood tests and monitored my vitals. Kathy showed me pictures of my life because she said the experimental anesthesia can sometime cause memory loss. I began to see pictures of my life. I was an only child to a single drunk mother. I was a high school drop out from Florida and from pictures of some of my birthday cakes I saw that I liked to be called Candy for short. Later in the day Kathy answered a knock at the door and a man who looked like he was in his early 50 entered. He had slicked back salt and pepper hair. He had an athletic build for a 50 year old. He was about 6' tall and had brown eyes and a black goatee. He said, "Hey Candi! How ya feeling?" I said, "umm hello sir, I'm sorry but who are you?" He said, "aww I'm hurt baby! It's me you friend and agent Gino!" Russ said, "sorry Gino, Candi has had some side effects from the procedure and has amnesia." Gino said, "oh no! I hope this doesn't change your life plans baby!?!" I said, "ummm..n-no I still wanna be famous." Gino said, "ok good...great!! Because I have some papers and contracts I need for you to sign and initial." He took a stack of papers out of his shoulder bag as I got into a seated position against the headboard. I immediately noticed the big breasts that looked like they were bolted into my chest and the long dirty blond hair that went past my breasts and was tickling my pink pencil eraser like nipples. As I rose up to put my back against my headboard and my breast came out I quickly tried to cover them up with my hands. Gino said, "no need to be shy Candi! I know u can't remember but we've already taken nude test shots for your portfolio and there isn't anything there that I haven't seen on your 18 year old body baby!" Feeling a little better and confident, I let my hands drop but my breasts didn't they almost defied gravity by staying round, perky and high on my chest. Gino gave me pages filled with lots of legal mumbo jumbo and he had put tabs where I had to sign in blue and initial in red. Gino said, "I know you may not remember but you decided to go by the name Candi, with an i, Cox instead of you birth name Candy Branston. I have updated all of your legal documents like your birth certificate, passport, drivers license, even though you don't own a car yet. So when anyone asks your name you can say Candi with an i." Kathy said, "sweetie it's perfect to have your name end with an i because you can draw a cute heart for the i!" I took Kathy's suggestion and wherever I had to sign my name, I signed it with a cute little heart!" After finshing signing all those pages Gino said, "wonderful baby!, we can get started creating your persona with your mentor and life coach Kelli, also with an i, tomorrow! Rest for the rest of the day and tonight and then bright and early tomorrow Kelli will pick you up, show you your apartment and get you a makeover before starting to train you." Everyone said goodbye to Gino and he mentioned something about cutting a check to Russ after I do my first vid. I was kinda annoyed with all the pricks from the blood draws and the pressure cuff but I tried to take my mind off of it by reading some women's mags that Kathy got me from the gift shop in the lobby. It had lots of interesting stuff like summer fashions, makeup tips, and advice on how to keep your man happy. That last section had tips on blowjob techniques and encouragement to try anal to keep things spicy in the bedroom after the lust and honeymoon phase of the relationship is over. For dinner I had a grilled chicken salad with Italian dressing and a Diet Coke. Russ and Kathy left shortly after I finished dinner. I watched a little tv...nothing was really on, so somehow I got glued to watching QVC. The women on their had long classy acrylic French manicured nails and it made me think about how my own hands with their current short nails would look like that? What would it feel like? How would I even pick up anything or even use a phone or computer? I fell asleep with my own thoughts about nails making me tired. I was awoken again with a call from the front desk. The staff member informed me that a Kelli Kittles was requesting to come to my room. I told them that it was ok. I opened the door when Kelli knocked. Wow was she pretty! She looked like she was in her late 20s or early 30s. She had hazel eyes, wavy red hair, full pink lips and thin arching eyebrows. She had very big breasts that while they were probably implants they looked very soft and natural. Her hips were wide and she had a big bubble butt. Her hourglass figure made her look very eye-catching. She wore a green tank dress that ended mid thigh and clung to her like a second skin. Her breasts overflowed out the top and her nipples poked through the dress. On her feet were black patent leather pumps with 4 inch heels and a small platform as well. She was serious yet cheerful as she said, "Hi!! I'm Kelli, Kelli Kittles! Gino has hired me to be your life coach and trainer." I replied, "ummm hi! I'm Candy Branston!" Kelli came into my room with a little duffle bag and said, "ok sweetie, let's get you dressed to see your new digs and for a day of shopping and beautification!." Kelli handed me yellow neon g-string which I slowly slid up my legs. Having that string ride up between my bubble butt cheeks was a new feeling. Next she gave me super short denim cutoff shorts that had half my ass hanging out the back and the pockets could be seen hanging out the front. Then she gave me a matching neon yellow push up bra that raised and smushed my DD-cup breasts together. Next, she gave me a tiny button up shirt and tied the ends under my breast showing off my flat mid-section. She put 4inch cork wedge sandals on the ground for me to step into and they fit amazingly but also changed my posture so that my butt and chest stuck out more. She used a neon yellow scrunchie to tie my hair into a ponytail and said that I didn't need any makeup because I would figure out what I needed at the salon. Kelli and I went down the elevator, checked out at the front desk and exited the hotel into a black suburban waiting curbside. Kelli told the chauffeur where to go. With all the traffic it took forever!! After more than like a half hour we pulled up to a what looked like a new luxury apartment building in the city. There was even a doorman like in NYC who tipped his cap to us as we entered! Kelli got the key that was like a card used for hotel rooms for my apartment from the security in the lobby. Kelli called the elevator and the doors opened almost instantaneously as we got in. Kelli inserted the let into the panel and the elevator doors closed and took us up to the 30th floor. The place was amazing!! The elevator opened directly into the apartment. The place had high ceilings and floor to ceiling windows that looked out to the skyline on one side and the ocean on the other. It was breathtaking! I had oak floors, stainless steel kitchen and black granite countertops. The living room area had a huge tv hanging on a wall that I couldn't even venture a guess to how many inches it was. Heading to my bedroom the hallway was white with artistic black and white photos hanging in black frames. The master bedroom was done in black furniture with a king size bed with red satin sheets and mirrors on the ceiling and the two walls between the bed. Kelli opened the walk-in closet door and showed me a closet that was not even a quarter filled. Kelli said, "I just got you a few essentials like jeans, a few shorts, a couple days of underwear, some tops and a pair of sneakers in addition to the wedges you are wearing now. We'll do some retail therapy after your salon appointment. Before I forget, here is your new cell phone, Gino said a rose gold iPhone 6s was the perfect one for you, especially for taking selfies and posting on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter." I took the phone thanking her, and put it in my back pocket. Kelli said, "If you are done here we can head to the salon." I nodded that I was ready. We arrived to what Kelli had said is one of the top rated salons in the country and has locations in New York, Paris and Milan. Entering we went to the front desk and Kelli said to the receptionist "Hey Meghan!! I have an appointment for hair, mani/pedi, and makeup for Candi Cox!?" Meghan said, "Hey Kelli! Ya like I just checked Candi in and Sergio will take her for hair first." A flamboyant man in a tight purple shirt with rolled up sleeves and black tight skinny jeans came over and greeted and kissed Kelli on both cheeks and then did the same to me and then held me by the waist at a distance and said, "omigawd you must be Candi!!! You just look precious! But to make it in this business you are gonna need to make every man's cock go to full mast and have their mouths hang open and drooling! Don't worry sweetie you came to the right place!!" I was a little nervous and undergoing a makeover cuz I mean I like the way I look and I'm still kinda scared to get that much attention from men. I followed Sergio to the hair washing station as he had me sit in a chair and tilt it back into the wash basin. The warm water felt wonderful and made me feel comfortable and sleepy! But soon enough the washing was over and Sergio mixed some foul smelling stuff into a container and began to apply it to all of my hair and set a timer on his phone and went over to another customer and cut and styled their hair. When the timer on his phone began chiming he finished up with the customer and came back to me and washed out the smelly stuff from my hair. He then tilted my head back into the basin and washed and conditioned my hair. He pat dried it with a towel and led me over to his styling chair and made small snips here and there but seemed to keep the length that went to the middle of my back constant. He said that I had such thick and luscious hair that extensions would be way overkill and that I was lucky because most women have thin hair that needs to be paired with extensions. Sergio blowdried my hair and used a curling iron to introduce waves and large curls to my newly bleached blonde hair. After spraying a generous amount of hair spray he led me to the nail tech Carmen and Kelli came over and suggested to Carmen that I get square-tipped acrylics in a shimmering pale pink that would extend about an inch past my finger tips and just a simple nude and white French pedicure. Carmen went to work first on my toes filing and painting them before beginning to work on my hands. I got great respect for the work Carmen does as it takes great skill and talent to complete a set of acrylics. When she was done they looked amazing but the made my fingers feel weird as my fingers now felt heavier and felt interesting when I moved my fingers thru the air and the pull they had on my read nail beds. Kelli said that I'd eventually get used to them and that I was lucky that in this day and age we get personal chefs and maids to do all the work so you won't ever have to worry about breaking a nail doing work and that in show business it's rare to break a nail! After my mani/pedi was finished I went over to Mandy who was one of the salon's estheticians. She had me sit on a high stool and said with my creamy white skin and newly bleached blonde hair I should stick with nudes, pinks, and purples with black and/or white for eyeliners and as part of the eyeshadows. She applied pink eyeshadow to my eyelids and lightened it to white near the browsing and near the bridge of my nose and tear ducts. She also applied white eyeliner. She applied pink blush to my cheeks and a cotton candy pink lipstick and gloss to my pouty and full lips. When I looked in the mirror after she was done I couldn't believe the change I was as Sergio had said when I first entered the salon...I was a sexy bombshell vixen! Kelli paid with a business credit card that Gino had given her from the company I had signed contracts with. Kelli said it was all part of creating my persona and that was the investment that Vixen Media had made with me to make me their top star and hopefully win this year's AVN for best female newbie. We got back in the suburban and headed to the mall to do what Kelli called "retail therapy." While I still felt conservative on the inside, Kelli picked out only skimpy articles of clothing for me. She picked out mostly what would be called club wear like micro mini skirts, tube and halter tops, mini dresses with and without cutouts. All the shoes and boots she bought for me were with no less than a 4 inch heel. We had to make several trips to the SUV to put everything in. Next she took me to the Piercing Pagoda and we got each of my ears pierced twice and I relented and got my navel pierced as Kelli said with a barbell. She also picked out different dangly navel rings for other days. The attendant said to leave my posts in over night and I would be able to change into whatever I like by tomorrow night. Kelli then took me into Macy's and we bought lots of earrings different kinds of studs for the top holes and all kinds of hoops for the lower holes. Last she took me over to Sephora and bought me all sorts of makeup and the applicators and tools I would need. We also bought me a hair dryer, curling iron, and other hair care products. When we were finally done Kelli said we were going to drop everything off at my apartment and then we had to get to Malibu this evening to meet and dine with James and Becca Marsten, the founders and majority owners of Vixen Media. The elevator doors opened into my luxury high rise apartment. Kelli and me, with the help of the doorman Kyle, put everything into my closet and on my vanity. Kelli gave Kyle $20 for his assistance. Next, Kelli asked me to strip off my clothes to get ready for the Marstens tonight. She gave me black thigh high stockings and a black lacy garter belt. After putting it on we snapped the suspenders in place to the stockings. Kelli went into my underwear drawers and pulled out a lacy black g-string which I gingerly slid up my legs. Next, I put on a matching strapless black lacy bra that made my breasts look absolutely enormous and they rose and fell with every breath I took. Next she gave me a pink mini tube dress made of a stretch material like Lycra. It went to about mid thigh and looked hot! I put on black 5" platform heels and then sat at the vanity to touch up my lips and put on a few bangles, and silver necklace that went down into the my valley of cleavage, and a few pretty rings to draw more attention to my newly manicured hands. Kelli handed me a black quilted leather Michael Kors handbag with some makeup, my IDs, phone, and some other stuff. We made our way downstairs and into the Suburban. With all the traffic on the PCH it took a while to get to Malibu. Arriving, I was amazed at how beautiful the Marsten's home was. Home was an was a compound! It was a modern design with lots of rectangular shaping and flat roofing. The place had floor to ceiling windows that allowed for great lighting. Kelli and I walked up to the door and she rang the door bell. A beautiful woman in her 40s answered the door and gave both of us and said, "Hello...Welcome, I'm Becca, come on in Kelli and Candi! We are excited for you to share the evening with us." James got up from the Herman Miller recliner and kissed the back of my and Kelli's hand and it tickled a little from his mustache wishers. He look to be in his late 40s with brown hair and eyes and a 6'3" athletic frame that announced he loved to exercise daily. We sat down in the living room and the Marsten's conveyed how excited they were to bring me on board and make me into one of the most popular pornstars. They asked me questions about my sex life and I told them I didn't remember anything because I got amnesia after a medical procedure. They asked me how I felt about being pictured and filmed in sex acts and I responded honestly that I was nervous and very scared at the though of it. Becca said that Kelli and her had spoken and that tonight they would help me eliminate my concerns. James said they have a special room in the home to help with the transition process from the girl next door to a hot and sexy pornstar. I was interested to see what this room was all about. Becca led me by hand to the second floor of the house. We then walked down a hallway until she stopped and let go of my hand and punched in some number code then held her eye up to this pad which then popped the door to this room open. Bright fluorescent lights turned on and the room sort of looked like a surgical sweet with cabinets on the far wall and a table in the middle. James said, "this is Becca's special invention. She has a multiple degrees including an M.D., Psy.D, and an M.S. in biomedical engineering." Becca said, "I have used this room and the techniques to turn many innocent girls like you, looking to become something in the industry. I'm sure you've heard of Ariana Marie, Courtney Taylor, and Angelina Valentine. All of them were Vixen gals before they moved onto other companies. We've made them who they are and it all started in this room! Are you ready?!?" I was a little nervous but I guess in order to become a star, I'll have to agree, so I nodded yes to Becca. We all entered the room and Becca had me remove all of my clothing and shoes. Next she asked me to get onto the table with my back facing the ceiling. The table had arms jutting out from both sides and the corners near my feet. James said, "the straps for your arms and legs are to keep you secure and prevent you from seriously injuring yourself. James and Kelli strapped me down while Becca went into the cabinets to get some more equipment. She pulled out some studio headphones with full ear cups to isolate my hearing. She came around to the side of the table where my head could look and began explaining some of what was to happen. Becca said, "those grooves in which your breasts are resting have vibrating and suction capabilities and will turn on once we start. Below your pubic mound is another groove for the same capabilities for your clitoris." Next she held up what looked like two black rubbery dildos attached to small diameter piping. Becca continued and told me "this dildos are special because the metal end will be attached to motors that will not only allow the dildos to piston in and out of you but to also grown in length and width to prepare you for your scenes." She hooked up the dildos to the table so that they kind of looked like a scorpions tail but there were two separate motors, one for the vagina's dildo and one for the anus. I couldn't remember if I had ever seen a penis that big so I was really scared and tried to struggle against my bonds and began pleading with everyone "please please let me go! I change my mind! I don't wanna be a star! Please let me go and I'll leave LA...I don't want anything. Please let me go!!!" I began to almost shout at the top of my lungs. Becca and James smirked at each other and Becca said to James "Hun can you please get me the red ball gag? I need some peace and quiet to finish this up." James pulled out the gag from one of the drawers and gave it to Becca. Becca came over to my head and tied the gag in place as I continued to struggle and mumble incoherently through the gag. Becca hunched down eye-level to me and said, "No no no sweetie! You have signed and agreed to our contracts. We have spent thousands of dollars to get you to even this point and we are gonna need to see a return on our investment. Don't you worry by the middle of this evening you will be perfectly satisfied with everything we want from you! Now I'm going to put these head phones on your ears and this special eye mask with a built in flexible OLED screen that will ensure it is pitch black when we need it to be and images can be projected and imprinted onto your brain when it's appropriate. I'm going to inject a mild hypnotic into your jugular vein to relax you and then we'll see you on the other side!" She lowered the eye mask and put the headphones over my ears. I couldn't see or hear anything which was really weird. Then it started. The breast cup grooves began to increase suction and then a buzzing vibration. It was drawing heat to my crotch. Then the groove at my clitoris began the same and the feelings were beginning to get intense. I felt some one put something cold and almost wet on my anus. Then I felt the dildos both my entrances. They both started to slide in slowly and were met by some resistance. I was feeling pain from there huge and now hard dildos but the vibrations and suctioning was drawing an equal amount or pleasure to counteract the pain. I began to moan as both the dildos began in slowly move in and out of me. They also began to lengthen and increase in diameter. I began to moan in pain and pleasure.."mmmm..unnnnn...mmmm." I then heard Becca's voice in the headphones. " are Candi Cox and you love cock. Candi Cox loves to get it any one of your openings. Candi love to swallow cum. It tastes delicious and Candi can't get enough. Candi need it at least once a day in each hole. Candi love to open mouth to lover and show him his cum. Candi like playing the slutty bimbo both in real life and when Candi is at a shoot. Candi want to act like a dumb bimbo all the time because it makes Candi more popular. Candi love to look slutty it makes Candi feel pretty. Candi love cock as much as pretty clothes and makeup. Candi like to please James and Becca. No one is as important to Candi as James and Becca. Candi listen to and obey everything they tell Candi." Becca's voice kept operating on loop and images of naked men and their huge glistening cocks fucking blonds in all different acts kept flashing and were being burnt into my memory. The dildos continues to shrink and grow and piston out of me at variable speeds but the vibrating and suction of my breasts and clitoris stayed steady. I had lost count of the amount of orgasms I had. Initially I had wreathed in pleasure but after some time my body became a limp as a fuck doll the moaning continued but all this fucking had allowed the hypnotic suggestions to permeate throughout my entire brain. The girl next door was gone and Candi Cox had arrived. I felt the dildos pop out and I felt sad. Becca removed the eye mask and headphones but I was still tied to the table. James' cock was hanging out of his pants and I had this immense urge to do something with it. I said, "Mmmm...Candi wants cock!! Pweeese?! Candi want cum, pwetty pweeese?" With my limbs still shackled, James came to the head of the table and my mouth opened to welcome his cock. I covered my teeth with my dick sucking lips and began to suck and swirl my tongue around the head of the cock. My tongue began to assault his piss slit...anything to even get a little pre-cum onto my tongue. He kept fucking my mouth until Becca told James to pull it out. I came out with a pop and I whined. Becca undid all the restraints and she let me out of the room and into one of the many bedrooms. The room we entered also had mirrors in similar positions to my apartment and now I got what they were for. Becca said, "have fun you two! I'm gonna film this as a teaser for the site!" Becca began to direct and had me put my heels back on. I began on my back and James got in between my legs that were in the air and spread in a V. I looked at the camera and said, "Hiya! Like I'm Candi Cox and like my last name I like loooove yummy cocks! I love to suck them, I love them to fuck me in the ass, in my cunt and for a great titty fuck anytime. Teeheehee!" I looked above my at James and said, "oooooh fuck me baby!" It didn't take long after that as James put his entire 11 hard inches into my cunt. I came immediately as his pubic hairs mashed into my clit. I began to draw my new long nails up and down James' back and forearms. "Fuck me daddy...yes...mmmm...fill me with your cum...yes...yess.." As I wrapped my legs tightly around his waist. My heels began to clack against each other to the fast paced rhythm of James plowing me. He abruptly pulled out of me and flipped me over onto my elbows and knees and plunged his cock into my stretched and waiting asshole. As he began plowing my ass I began to push back to meet his thrusts. I was getting really horny and aroused from my thick and engorged nipples sliding across the sheets. I was like "mmmm fuck me hard...yes...yes...harder...yes...fuck me hard....yess..yess...ohhh..." I kept rubbing my clit in circular motion and scratching it with my nails orgasming like sooo many times! Becca said, "Candi get on the floor on your knees and give him a good titty fuck." I got on the ground and wrapped James' big cock around my funbags and stuck my tongue out so I could taste the pre-cum on the upstroke. I said, "mmmm...yess...ohhh yeah big boy...mmm.." And after only 2 minutes of rubbing his velvety goodness against my yummy titties James said, "fuck I'm close." And Becca said, "open your mouth so James can cum on you." I look up sexily to James with my mouth open as he hit my face and hair with shot after shot of hot cum. Some of it landed in my mouth as I happily looked at the camera with one eye open and swallowed. As Becca asked I scraped the cum off my face and licked my finger clean greedily. Becca finished recording and said, "that was very good for your first time Candi!! I can't wait to get you on set. Kelli, how about you bring Candi onto set tomorrow by 11AM, we should be ready to do her hair and makeup by then." I was really happy with her good words and stuff for my teaser and like I was excited to get to work yay!! Teehee!! To be continued

Same as Climbing Porn Valley - Part I Videos

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Tales of Ancient Rome 3 Lions in the Valley

Synopsis: Salidia's Little Lion, Lydia, sparks a fight with neighbors, and she picks up a bow to become Hell on Horseback to protect those she loves.  Out of the fires of this conflict, they forge the place that became known as the Valley of the Amazons.  Action story with Femdom leads. `165 pgs.        Tales of Ancient Rome 3: Lions in the Valley                                          By                                          TG                                    Chapter 1                ...

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Coming Home to La Petite ValleyChapter 8

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Coming Home to La Petite ValleyChapter 10

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Valley of Sinners Ch 07

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Valley of Dead Kings

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In the Valley of the Amazons Ch 01

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Valley of Sinners Ch 04

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Firtie Valley 2

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Silicon Valley Party Whore

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The Horror Of Afon Valley

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Valley People

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HQporner Art Porn

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Valley Wives Ch 01

The sun rises over the western mountains and bathes the cities and towns nestled in Silicon Valley with a pinkish light. It promises to be another hot day but every house is armed with central air and swimming pools. It’s the mid-90’s and everyone is rich as the dot com boom begins to swell and money flows freely from venture capital firms all over the Valley. In the sprawling suburbs of San Jose one can find many streets filled with cookie-cutter homes. Many homes have swimming pools out back...

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In the Valley of the Amazons Ch 06

Thanks for reading the story so far. This is the final segment, bringing the story of David and Hosi to an end. They face more challenges here, some—unfortunately—of Hosi’s making and others from outside the valley. Please feel free to vote and leave a comment. © 2013 by Senorlongo. This story is a fantasy that is written in a realistic manner. All characters come from my imagination and any resemblance to real persons is unintentional and coincidental. ***** CHAPTER 1 I stood there, my...

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Firtile Valley 4

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Coming Home to La Petite ValleyChapter 3

The next morning I headed out for the trail on the other side of town. I didn't figure I would have to wait more than a day or two before the judge and his officials were coming down the trail into town. I camped three miles outside the town in a little patch of trees. I could observe the trail coming and going. I hadn't anymore than set up my camp when I saw six riders coming toward town. They looked as if they had ridden a long way. About the same way as Abby and I did when we arrived....

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PornHub PornForWomen

Alright guys, time to take a back seat and let your girlfriend or wife into the room. Yeah, that’s right. Get out of here. Go play some video games or go jerk it to some hardcore porn somewhere else. Me and your girl need some alone time to talk. Don’t worry, you’re not getting cucked yet, at least not by me. I’ve just got some good shit for her.Okay, is he gone? Sweet, let's get down to business, babe. You probably don’t like the same kind of porn your guy does. And before you start denying...

Porn for Women Sites
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PornPics Shemale

Do you get off to looking at porn picture galleries? I have heard this question come up in several discussions, and usually, there are sides. Some people think that pictures are a thing of the past, yet there’s another side that still appreciates good smut in the form of images. Personally, I prefer videos, but what are videos if not moving pictures. Besides, I’m dedicated to providing all perverts with their preferred smut.This article is for dudes that enjoy jerking off to shemale galleries....

Shemale Porn Sites
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PornPics Masturbation

PornPics has been on my mind for a while now. There are some pretty good things about this free porn site, one of those facts is that it features photos. Browsing through an endless amount of porn pictures is a good pastime along with watching porn videos. It's a different vibe, you know? These are pictures that can last forever, always being this one item that gets you off. PornPics does a really good job of bringing in quality porn pictures in a way that's a bit different than most other...

Female Masturbation Porn Sites
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PornPics Big Tits

You may feel the need to jump on a tube site and start jerking that tiny little ghost penis every time you are horny. Sure, I get that. But I also know that you don’t need to sit on and discount porn picture sites, either. You may think I’m crazy as fuck, but what I am speaking is the goddamn truth!We may have technological advancements in pornography that would have only been dreamt of on an episode of fucking Star Trek decades ago, but it does not change the fact that jerking off to porn...

Big Tits Porn Sites
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PornPics Cuckold

Do you love the idea of looking at content that features hotwives sucking other men’s dicks – while their husbands jerk off? If you love watching wives get used and the husbands that love to watch, then this is exactly where you fucking need to be. Save for the fact that you don’t mind looking at images and galleries that will deliver those goods to you.If you want to browse amazing galleries of images and want the lion’s share of this kind of content, then I urge you to take a look at...

Cuckold Porn Sites
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PornPics POV

Do you want to cum to hot as fuck POV XXX content? If I told you that I found a huge library of POV goodness, you'd probably be begging me for the URL. Oh yeah, what are you going to do about it, you horny bastard? What are you going to give me for it, huh?ThePornDude is just fucking with you! I always give you horny fucks the down low for free. This time is no different. Also, it's a porn picture site.Oh, what, are you bitching now? You ignorant bitch, you shouldn't be! I should bend you over...

POV Porn Sites
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Valley Wives Ch 04

Tiffany is shopping for groceries when she hears her name called out. ‘Tiffany!’ a man’s voice says. ‘Is that you?’ She turns around to see someone that looks vaguely familiar. ‘It is you. Don’t you remember me?’ She stares at him. He’s average height, has a receding hairline and looks out of shape. His clothes are rumpled like he’s slept in them. Then it slowly comes to her. ‘Rick?’ she asks as she moves her cart closer. ‘Yeah, it’s me!’ Rick, as in Rick Powers, gives Tiffany a hug as...

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Valley of Sinners Ch 05

SO FAR: A jobless and sensitive young man becomes innocently associated with a bubbling woman in her late forties who lives alone on a vineyard out of Auckland, New Zealand. Nash is attracted because she drives a beautifully re-built and upgraded 1939 Chevy pick-up and draws him from his ‘shell’ with ease. Hope Honeybun’s interest in young Mr Carson is that he writes a little and seems to have a worldly sense so installs him downstairs as resident author and commissions him to write a novel...

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Valley of Sinners Ch 08

SO FAR: Divorcee Hope Honeybun has commissioned Nash Carson to write a novel based on her colorful and turbulent life, much of which spans the time she has lived in the valley But as Nash learns more about the development of the valley and about her lusty father and his three illigitimate children. He confirms through his research that this indeed is a Valley of Sinners and becomes entangled in that himself. This interloper and sinner also has the prospect of finding real love as Hope’s...

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Paradise Valley 4 Roundup

Rusty and Tall Elk galloped into the mouth of the blind canyon, whooping and twirling their ropes. They hazed 12 cattle into the canyon and drove them toward the brush corral. Silver Quail appeared out of nowhere with a rifle and sprinted to the mouth of the corral. She dropped the logs and stepped back as the cattle stampeded inside. Tall Elk slid from the saddle of his blaze faced chestnut and helped her return the three logs to their place. “A good day’s...

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Paradise Valley 2 Homecoming

Tall Elk rode warily, with one eye on the sunset, the other on the canyon ahead. They were minutes from home now. The nearby canyon protected Paradise Valley from outsiders arriving from the south and it was a bad time to be approaching the canyon. With most raiding parties riding south, that is the direction of the greatest threat. Any pursuers would be ambushed there at the narrow valley. He looked around the herd to make sure everyone was present. Now was the time to count,...

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Dawn over Sun Valley Ch 02

Author’s note: Welcome back to my story, y’all! First of all, thank you so much for the lovely reception on my first chapter. I’ll admit to have been biting my nails with anxiety as Romance is a completely new category for me. I love romance and have been reading it forever, but as a writer, I’ve been focused on edgier, more hard-core categories if you will – mainly BDSM and Group Sex – so I wasn’t at all sure that I’d be able to get the vibe right on this one. Your feedback so far is...

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The Drive through the Valley

Introduction: This is Part 4 of the Business series. The private dirt road from the ranch back to the main highway led through the scenic Washoe Valley. The gravel track crossed through various ranches and side roads. Bruce drove and Carla looked at the fields around them. Suddenly something caught here eye and she asked Bruce to pull over. He looked out into the pasture and saw a band of ponies and a few smaller miniature horses, some no larger than the size of large dogs. On one of the ponies...

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Sissy Blane in the Hart of the Valley

When I got home from the Hollywood Hills I barely had the strength to remove my makeup. I was so exhausted I just wanted to flop on the bed and pass out, but I persevered and undressed properly, removed all makeup and even put my wig back on its wig head.But when I was finally between the covers my brain refused to cooperate, rethinking the night's events, imagining how they may have looked to an observer, or to Harold Plumrose himself. I saw my lap as he must have seen it as he hovered...

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Sunshine Valley

Hi, my name is Dave. 1995 was the summer I was fifteen. It was June and my life sucked out loud. We had moved two months before because my dad was transferred to a new plant. I hadn't really had much time to make any new friends at the high school before my freshman year ended. As a result, summer was here with no friends and nothing to do. The only thing that kept me from going out of my mind was that my dad had gotten me one of the first Sony PlayStations. It was a Japanese model he had...

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Coming Home to La Petite ValleyChapter 6

When I went by the livery stable the next morning I looked onto the hay barn floor. I could see a man hanging there. There were a half dozen of the troopers taking down another body. I paused and asked why the barn was used to hang the men. The judge thought that any more of a public display might unsettle the town more than it was so it was hidden from their view. I agreed and headed up the street leaving the troopers to carry on. Before I reached the hitching rail before the bank, I saw...

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The Hermit of Scarecrow ValleyChapter 2

Jennifer kept saying it wasn’t that bad. But the people who came out and looked at her in the truck acted like she was about to die or something. They brought a gurney, and when she got out, six people grabbed her and lifted her, yelling at each other not to jostle her or let her bend her back. They laid her ever so gently on her stomach on the gurney. She looked for The Hermit, and saw him standing to one side, talking to someone who was taking notes. For the first time she realized that his...

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Billionaire Valley Its Bitches

It was a cool day in June. Peggy was doing the morning dishes. Looking out of the wondow. She saw Betty her next door neighbor. Getting her news paper from her mail box. She thought to herself, how lovely Betty always look. Even on this cool morning she look gorgeous. As she clench her robe tightly, around her firm twenty nine year old body. She is such a nice person to be around. Not like that husband of hers. Tim is such a snake in the grass. He's always trying to fuck someone. I would think...


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