DanicaPart 2C free porn video

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The play continued much the same for the remainder of the two days. She served like a perfect little girl, and he took advantage of her innocence often. Danica found that she often offered enough resistance to get the belt — once even enough to get a violent fucking of her mouth, followed by a hard fucking of her tight ass. Danica woke up sopping wet, and went to bed filled with cum.

"It is time for me to go again," he said as he gathered up his things the second afternoon. "Come give me a kiss goodbye."

Danica walked up and kissed him, pouting as if she was sad he was leaving. Indeed, she was in a way, though she felt the need for something different after two days of the little game.

He lost the authoritative Daddy voice when he spoke his last words to her. "You have been a marvel — the best I have ever been with. You play the game like none other. I only wish I might have the opportunity again," he praised her, and then left.

Danica put away the little girl clothes in the closet, had a bath and a meal, and then went to the library to read for a while.

It was late when she left, and she had wandered to Andrea's room before she even realized what she was doing. She knocked, and Andrea let her inside a moment later. They spoke for a short while and then their desire overcame them.

Danica told Andrea to go pee, explaining that she was going to try to teach the young woman to experience the squirting orgasm, which so fascinated her when Danica did it. She explained the sensation was much like urination, and that knowing your bladder was empty seemed to help.

Danica wondered what had been awakened in her as she felt her juices begin to flow, listening to the sound of Andrea's golden stream falling in the chamber pot. It only happened every so often, but sometimes this ultimately private act aroused her to great heights. The very thought of her desires would have once repulsed her, but now she accepted them. She tried to shake the thoughts from her head as Andrea returned, but she slipped between the young woman's legs as quickly as possible to lap up the tangy, bitter remnants of urine on Andrea's nether lips.

Danica explained to Andrea what she would need to do in order to experience the gushing climax. She instructed her how to contract her muscles to make it possible between laps of the young woman's folds. Once again, she was fascinated by the taunt resistance and soft stiffness of the young woman's perfect, pink lips.

Danica slowly worked the young woman toward her release, hoping to build pressure that would erupt in a torrent. When she sensed Andrea was getting close to tumbling over the edge, she would pause a little. She never went to the torturous lengths Camilla had with her, but she did try to build up a lot of pressure in Andrea. When Danica decided it was time, she quickly rubbed the blonde's clit, whispering, "Don't forget to push."

When Andrea tumbled over the edge, she managed to leak a little trickle with just the faintest hint of a squirt. The young woman nearly hyperventilated from the intensity of the orgasm. Danica had to pull away to let Andrea catch her breath.

Andrea realized then that she had a task to perform soon and needed to go. Danica longed for Andrea's mouth on her, but she understood, and returned to her chambers. She stopped along the way and brought an off duty guard with her. He was unimaginative and came too quickly, but he managed to fulfill Danica enough so that she didn't feel like seeking another.

Danica returned to the library the next day, but she was distracted by thoughts of Andrea and could not concentrate. She went to Andrea's chambers early, and the young blonde managed to squirt twice while Danica was there. When she came this way, she squirted in streams, much as a man's cock when he ejaculated. Danica found it fascinating and enticing, realizing it was probably her own large lips and stronger pressure that caused her streams to diffuse. If she could concentrate enough to pull her lips apart while coming, she thought she could probably soak the ceiling.

She thought to return to the library when she left, but she was burning with the need to be filled once again. Finding she was near the chambers of the apprentice who she had come here with that first night, she turned toward his door. When she entered the room, he was instructing a novitiate in the ways of schooling here. The lessons were quickly suspended, because Danica was in no mood to wait.

She didn't even offer a word — she simply shed her clothing as soon as the door closed. The apprentice knew the joys he was about to experience. The novitiate could certainly guess.

Danica walked over to them both and pulled at their robes to indicate they should get undressed. They were both nude in less than a minute, looking a little uncomfortable standing next to each other naked, but that feeling was overshadowed by their desire for Danica's nude body.

Danica took the novitiate first, explaining to the other that he had already had a turn and should be willing to go second. Danica lay down and parted her legs, the novitiate wasting no time getting between them. He fumbled about for a moment or two, until Danica reached down and guided his cock inside her.

He was inexperienced, that was obvious, and just as obviously over stimulated. Danica tried to guide him with her hands and legs. He seemed to be picking up her cues for a few moments, but then youthful anticipation took over.

Danica knew he wasn't going to hold out and completely released him to his instincts. "Do it. Come inside me," she gasped. After all, she had two cocks here, and between them both, she knew she would come soon enough.

Danica reached over and pulled the apprentice toward her, stroking and sucking his cock while the novitiate alternated between furiously pounding her and fumbling to get back inside her when his enthusiasm caused him to slip free.

Finally, Danica released the apprentice's cock with a kiss on the head, and then wrapped her legs around the novitiate taking her, to keep him confined inside her. Moments later, she saw his face tighten and felt his cum bursting forth inside her.

It took a minute or two to stop the novitiate from apologizing. Danica told him that he'd do better in a short while when he tried again, now that he had let off some pressure. The young man looked delighted to know that he was going to have another opportunity. He pulled free from her, and Danica went to the chamber pot to let the considerable flow of cum inside her drip free. She then returned to the bed and used the convenient handle of the older apprentice's cock to pull him to the bed.

The apprentice took her from behind, and she was delighted to discover that in this position, the curve of his cock perfectly rubbed her special spot. Danica came twice before he exploded inside her.

Once again, she cleaned up, a slight smile crossing her lips when she noted that the novitiate was already hard again, and more than ready. He did give a better accounting of himself this time, making her come just as he reached his own peak.

Once more, she went to the chamber pot, chuckling when she saw the novitiate sitting in a chair dozing off — still stark naked. Danica had the apprentice take her from behind again, explaining how much better it had felt, and how hard he had made her come this way.

She continued to talk to him in sultry moans and purrs as he fucked her, and it seemed to drive him over the edge. He pounded her hard and fast, and Danica had just reached her own orgasm when he slammed his member home, emptying his seed inside her.

A short while later, she left them both passed out where they had collapsed, and returned to her chambers.

The next day, she was able to concentrate, and spent most of the day in the library reading and studying. She walked past the guard chambers as she returned to her rooms, and this time she turned inside when she heard the whistles, catcalls, and rude comments.

Danica immediately noticed a guard whom she had never seen before. "Are you new?" she asked.

"Yeah, but not too new. I've heard some stories," the guard replied.

"Would you care to see if those stories are true?" Danica inquired with raised eyebrows.

He crossed the room toward her with a nod, and she led him to her chambers. Danica moaned in approval when she saw him naked. While his cock was not terribly long, it was quite thick. It was almost as thick as the huge man who had nearly split her in half when she had first arrived here.

Danica sat on the edge of the bed and propped some pillows behind her back to help support her. She then guided the guard between her legs and watched with excited fascination as his thick cock stretched her lips wide while sliding between them.

Not only did his thick cock fill her well, but he also had remarkable control. He kept up a steady, powerful thrusting motion for what must have been a full half hour. Danica was yelping through a fifth orgasm before she realized how long they had been going.

"Do... You... Ever... Come?" she asked, every word proceeded by a sharp gasp for air.

He smiled, showing off his perfect teeth. "I just wanted to give it to you good before I pulled out. Every time I got close, you would go crazy and I would have to stop before I got there."

"Pull out? Why would you do that?" Danica hinted with a satisfied smile and a shudder.

"Well, I don't want to get one on you," he replied.

Danica shook her head. "That can't happen. I want your cum inside me."

His face lit up, and Danica knew. "You've never come inside a woman have you? Mmm, I'll be your first. Give it to me now. Hold me down until you fill me up if you have to. I want it," she exclaimed.

He pulled the pillows from behind her and lay her down with one of them under her bottom this time. Danica found that this position hit new, sensitive spots inside her as he thrust his wide shaft inside her again.

Danica gasped to him to fill her while he stroked his thick rod inside her. He picked up the pace involuntarily, and Danica could tell from that and the look on his face that he was close. Danica teetered on the edge as well. Soon, she felt her body twitching, and then she came. The young guard pressed down on her hips hard and continued to pound her with steadily increasing speed.

Danica gasped and moaned as he kept her coming. Whenever she could summon up the breath, she begged him to fill her. It worked, because he shortly slammed his cock home and coated her walls with thick cream.

He had to leave soon after, and it was only after he had left that Danica tried to get up. She looked down — with a yelp of pain — at her pussy when she did. His thick cock had split her lips, and the splits were burning like wildfire.

Danica then felt a cold numbness from the amulet around her neck. Almost instantly, the same cold shot into the spits and they closed. Danica gasped from the biting cold, and then ran her fingers over the healed spots. Zoraster had apparently told the truth about the amulet. Danica bathed and then went to bed. She knew Zoraster would return the next day to tell her of her second task.

Zoraster banished the image in his scrying mirror as Danica walked toward the tub. "Ah yes, my little rose, you acclimate yourself well to your new desires."

The light in the room dimmed and Zoraster crossed toward the source of the dimming light, a globe of pure crystal, suspended over what appeared to be coffins below. The light of the crystal globe faded completely, returning the room to its normal, dim illumination. Zoraster laughed and reached out a hand to caress one of the coffins.

"Soon, my pets — perhaps even this night. Now, we must see if Danica will prove as useful as she is entertaining. She grows stronger, doesn't she? It seems as if awakening her desires has awakened her mind as well. Perhaps she will be a more powerful tool than I had originally thought. She shows promise in the art of crafting magical items. Will she show such promise in other studies? What do you think my little one?"

There was the faint sound of rustling within the coffin. Zoraster smiled wide as he heard the rustling, and then laughed. "Oh, but I know what you think don't I? Exactly what I want you to — no more, and no less. Yes, yes — perhaps tonight indeed."

With that, Zoraster swept his robe in a flourish and raised his hand to his brow, as a gentleman might to a passing lady in the street. With a final laugh, he left the room, and the dim light went dark as the door closed behind him.

Faint rustling continued to echo through the room from the coffins, growing more frequent as the hours passed.

Danica was up, bathed, fed and dressed in her most comfortable robes when Zoraster arrived quite early in the morning.

"You have done well — so well in fact — that the young man who was your company for two days went immediately about another task for me without asking for compensation," Zoraster said with a laugh that conveyed full well that he thought the man a fool. "Thus, you have earned a freedom. But first, I will reveal to you your second task."

Danica sat on the bed listening, waiting for her instructions, and showing no emotion. Zoraster laughed as he sat down in the chair at the foot of the bed. "You will be provided with proper attire, as well as the tools of your mission when you leave in the morning. Now, here is what you shall do. There is a certain woman in the city whose household I wish to keep a close eye on."

He pulled a small globe from a pocket in his robes. "You shall be provided with these — many of them." He then spoke a word of command, and the globe shrank to half the size of a marble. "You will place these throughout this woman's household by whatever means necessary. I have devised the means to gain you entrance to her home. It is up to you to concoct a means to stay there long enough to complete your task. When your task is completed, you will leave the house, where you will be met by someone who will escort you back here. In exchange, you shall receive the freedom I spoke of before. Is this understood?"

Danica responded, "Yes. I understand."

"Excellent," he said and laughed. "Now, an escort will be here shortly to take you into town — to purchase furnishings and whatnot for your chambers here. You will also be shown the household where your task is to be. I suggest you begin to formulate your ideas once you have seen it. You will be leaving for there quite early in the morning. Good day, little rose," he finished and left.

Celes arrived shortly thereafter, apparently her escort into the city. They did not walk through the complex, but instead teleported directly from Danica's room into a house within the city, which Zoraster apparently owned.

"Come," Celes said, and walked out the door. "There is where ye will be at yer next task for Zoraster," she instructed while pointing at a large, well-appointed complex of buildings across the street. "Get yerself a good look, then let's be about yer shoppin'. Tell me what ye're lookin' for, an' I'll get ye ta the right shops."

Danica stopped in the street, and Celes took several steps before she realized she was walking alone. "What are ye on about?" Celes asked, and beckoned, "C'mon, let's be goin'."

"Why are you acting like this?" Danica demanded. "What have I done to deserve this?"

Celes' brow furrowed and her eyes darkened. She drew in a breath and looked as though she was about to deliver a stinging tongue-lashing to Danica, but then her eyes softened and her lip quivered. She said, "I'm sorry, dearie. Ye've done nothing."

"Then WHY!" Danica shouted, walking up to the old woman.

"Zoraster stole my hope that day, when he stole yer believed innocence. Aye, I knew all along there was no spell about ye. I have no hope — no reason to live fer meself. I'm sorry ta be takin' it out on ye," Celes sighed.

"Never give up hope," Danica said, raising Celes' face up so she could look into the old woman's eyes. "I have not given up hope. I will escape Zoraster's clutches one day, and I will make him pay. Whatever he said, there is nothing done with Art that cannot be undone — even a wish. The curse cast over you can be ended. If you let your spirit die, he has won."

Danica's words and her strength appeared to penetrate the fog of hopelessness in Celes' eyes. The old woman's eyes brightened. "Aye, yer for bein' right, dearie. The madman's probably laughin' his fool head off right now, but damn him to the hells, I won't let him win," she exclaimed, and then hugged Danica.

Danica hugged the old woman back and felt tears in her eyes. Her words were strong and full of conviction, but she wasn't sure how strongly she felt them herself.

"Let's be on about our shoppin' dearie. Turn that room inta yer own, an' get ye some clothes ye'll be likin'," Celes declared with a clap.

Danica selected several pieces of small furniture from a pair of craftsman's shops. She instructed the craftsman about some other things she wanted built as well. The small items were delivered by porters to the house they had teleported to here in the city. The others would be delivered there when completed. Danica was especially pleased to find a well-crafted chamber pot seat, which would allow her to sit comfortably instead of squatting.

They browsed the shops, carts, and booths for most of the day. Danica selected clothing, jewelry, toiletries, and numerous other items. Each time, Celes' paid on the spot with a seemingly endless supply of coin.

At last, they exhausted the shops and returned to the house. Celes teleported both of them back to Danica's chambers with all the items that had been delivered that day. In Danica's room, they spoke as friends about the shopping trip while they put everything in its new place within the room.

It had been dark for a couple of hours when they parted. Danica bathed and slipped beneath the new, thin, soft coverings she had selected with a sigh, and fell asleep.

Danica had barely gotten up, dressed, and had her breakfast when Zoraster came in the room. He tossed a bundle onto the bed. "There is your attire for your mission," he informed her.

Danica unrolled the bundle, finding a simple homespun shift — and nothing else. The material looked rough and quite uncomfortable.

"You shall be playing the indentured servant of a wealthy master," Zoraster explained as he sat in his customary place. "You will deliver a message from your Master, asking to pay court to the lady of the house. She is quite used to such messages, and accepts the messengers with amusement — because she has no interest in men whatsoever. Change your clothes. There will not be time to do so when I have finished."

Danica pulled off her clothes as Zoraster continued, "You will use whatever means seem appropriate to stay within her household long enough to compete your task." He tossed a small, homespun bag to her. "Here are the globes. The bag is magical, and only the trinkets within will be noticed by anyone else. There are fifty globes inside. Place them all within the household. Cover every room — every room. There are but twelve rooms within the main house. Place the globes liberally in each."

Danica finished undressing and pulled the homespun shift over her. It was just as scratchy as it looked. It barely covered her below, and her breasts pressed hard against the material up top.

"I should imagine you will be received with a little more than mere amusement," Zoraster said with a laugh.

Danica knew what Zoraster expected of her. She was to use her womanly charms to entice the woman to keep her there.

Zoraster clapped, and the door opened. Celes and Brandon The Quick entered the room. "Here is your escort — and Celes shall transport you both to the city. You leave immediately."

Zoraster nodded to Celes and Brandon when he finished, and then left the room.

Brandon smiled knowingly at Danica and winked. "I'll take good care of you," he said suggestively.

Danica and Celes both rolled their eyes at that statement. Celes grasped both their hands and spoke the words of her spell. The magic then whisked them away to their destination.

Danica and Celes both sat down in chairs with simultaneous sighs when they reappeared within the house in the city. Brandon was busy wiping his mouth after becoming violently sick on the floor.

"Damn me, but I hate magic," he mumbled.

"Are ye quite done?" Celes asked impatiently. "Zoraster will not be amused if'n ye miss yer appointment."

"Aye, I'm ready," Brandon responded while rattling his sword belt around into a more comfortable place.

"Get ye goin' then, Danica," Celes said.

Danica nodded and left the house, Brandon walking at the ready by her side, looking dangerous and prepared for anything.

They walked up to the gates of the complex across the street, and there they were greeted by guards who stood behind a large iron gate. "Who goes there," one of them said. Danica and Brandon both realized that the voice belonged to a woman. The powerful forms of both the women, their breastplates designed to give little doubt of such, with pronounced bosoms molded into the metal, hardly showed any frailty. These women were both well-muscled soldiers.

"Your master was told of our coming. My master sends us with a message, and a request," Brandon answered formally.

"We saw you come out of the house. You are expected. Enter and remove your weapons," the first woman ordered and opened the gate.

Brandon reluctantly gave up his sword and daggers, and they were led to the front door of the main house. Danica patted the pouch at her side to assure it was still there.

One of the warrior women knocked loudly on the door. A striking woman — dressed in a long, translucent gown of white — answered the door.

"The messenger," one of the soldiers announced gruffly.

"You are her escort?" The woman who had answered the door asked Brandon in a musical voice.

"I am," he said, puffing up his chest and trying to catch glimpses of her flesh beneath the teasing gown.

"You may go wait in the guard chambers near the gate," the woman instructed, and then took Danica's hand to lead her inside. Brandon started to protest, but the door slammed in his face and the two guards took up places on either side of him. They obviously intended for him to walk between them back to the guard chambers.

He fumed and grumbled the whole way back to the gate, and continued to do so as they entered the Guardhouse. He ceased grumbling shortly thereafter when he discovered that all the guards were female — and they were all quite hungry for some male attention. Brandon soon forgot his anger as he coupled with the strong women.

Danica was led to a room filled with large couches set around a fountain inside the house. There were enormous windows above the room letting bright sunlight bathe the room in a warm glow.

"Milady," the woman escorting Danica said, "The messenger has arrived."

"Very good," Danica heard a sultry voice say from a couch in front of her — though its back faced her and she could not see the speaker. "You are dismissed, Serena," the unseen woman continued.

The girl escorting Danica bowed to the back of the couch and turned to leave. The woman on the couch then sat up from where she had been lounging and beckoned Danica to come around in front of her.

Danica felt her passion stir while looking at the woman. The gown she wore left nothing to the imagination. Every line — every curve of her body — was perfectly visible beneath the thin, white cloth. Danica could plainly see the woman's nipples, bare-shaven sex, and even a small ring pierced through the woman's navel. Danica realized she was staring and snapped her gaze away from the woman's body back to her face.

The brown-haired woman made no such attempt to hide her actions as she admired Danica's body. She even licked her lips slightly before she raised her eyes back to Danica's face. "I know why you are here — and the answer is no. I will not allow your master to pay court to me."

Danica's heart lurched, and she wondered if she was going to be dismissed this quickly. She had to think fast — come up with some way to remain and complete her task.

"I would guess by how you are dressed that you are not the best treated servant in your master's household?" the woman asked, plucking at the hem of Danica's shift.

"I am treated fairly," Danica replied. It was the first thing that came into her mind as it raced trying to figure out a way to stay here.

"Bah! You are treated like an animal. I can see it in your eyes. It is well known that I never deliver an answer to a suitor until at least the next morning. You will remain here and see what it is like to serve a master who appreciates what you do for them until then. Your escort will find himself occupied. I have denied the guard access to men for a week now. They made a complete mess of their latest drill. It was such a small thing to ask — that they do it unclad. They are supposed to be soldiers, ready at any time, yet they fumbled their drills like rank amateurs in their nakedness. I'm quite sure your escort is being entertained — probably beyond his endurance," she said with a laugh.

Danica thought it might be the women who were being exhausted, considering Brandon's remarkable control over his need to climax. She blushed as she thought about it, catching the woman eyeing her at the same time.

"Please come with me, my dear. Let us get you bathed and into some more comfortable clothing. You may call me Mistress Jenna," the woman said, and rose from the couch offering Danica her hand.

The scantily clad brunette led Danica to a large private chamber — likely the Master Suite, considering the vast size of the room — then into an enormous, steaming bathing pool. Danica looked about in wonderment at the beautiful furnishings of the room, dominated by an enormous circular bed with a canopy and curtains. It had to be wide enough in diameter for two people to lay head to toe across it without hanging over the edges.

Jenna stepped to the edge of the pool and released the loose ties of her gown at the shoulders. It fell with a gentle sound to the tile below. Danica caught herself staring and her mouth watering as she watched the woman's shapely bottom slide sexily back and forth.

"Do get off that sack and come," Jenna said when she immersed herself to the bottom of her breasts in the water.

Danica thankfully pulled off the scratchy shift and eased into the water. As soon as Danica reached her, Jenna pulled Danica's head gently to her breast.

Danica's desire flared within her. She sucked Jenna's small nipples, flicking them with her tongue. She massaged the firm globes with her hands and felt the woman's hands on her own breasts. She licked and sucked with obvious need on the first breast for quite a while. Then she moved across the woman's body and engulfed the other in her mouth — moaning in pleasure as she did so — and hearing her moans echoed from the other woman.

Danica felt a hand rubbing her folds as she sucked on the woman's hard nipples, and her body being pushed slowly back into shallower water. Jenna leaned over and laid Danica down when they reached the edge of the pool where the water was only a few fingers deep. She moved between Danica's legs and slid her tongue out to Danica's swollen clit.

Danica gasped from the touch, a shiver running all through her body. Camilla had made her feel better than any man ever had before with her expert tongue, but this woman was a master compared to her. Danica's breath came in short gasps as Jenna drove her to the heights of ecstasy and held her there.

Danica gasped and moaned, thrusting her hips toward the woman's face while being lapped ever faster. She was hovering in a fog of seemingly unending ecstasy, and her climax took her by surprise.

She hadn't even thought to push, but she did, and erupted in a strong flood of girl cum into Jenna's face. This caused the mouth on her to tease her even harder. Danica came, her insides tightly contracted and inarticulate sounds erupting from her for what felt like an eternity. She quite nearly lost consciousness from the intensity of her orgasm before the woman licking her so well finally let her come back to earth.

Jenna moved up next to Danica and gently suckled the redhead's large nipples while Danica quivered through the sporadic spikes of ecstasy that still rocked her. When Danica at last caught her breath and was able to focus her eyes, Jenna released the pebble hard nipple between her lips, rolled over onto her back, and spread her legs wide.

Danica moved between Jenna's thighs with no further prompting. The woman had a gorgeous pussy, which almost begged Danica to taste it. Jenna's inner lips were large and puffy, and Danica found that she had to apply considerable pressure to slip her tongue between them and inside to the wetness within.

Jenna moaned approvingly and caressed Danica's face as Danica lapped and sucked with hot desire.

Same as Danica
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Sex with Deb had always been awesome. After our first assfuck, it got even better. A week had passed since I took my girlfriend's anal virginity, and not one day went by without me fucking her beautiful plump ass and pumping it full of cum. For reasons beyond my understanding, Deb's initiation to anal sex had sent her libido into overdrive. Deb always had a major oral fixation, much to my enjoyment. It was a sort of daily ritual for her to give me one of her incredible blowjobs, slurping and...

2 years ago
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Mom Ke Padosi Ke Sath Sambandh 8211 Part 2

Dosto mera naam ranvijay hai jaise ki mene aapko apni pehli story main btaya ki mere mummy ke padosi ke sath sambandh kaise bne..Us din ki chudai ke baad mummy aur uncle main pyar aur bd gya tha pr unko dobara chudai krne ka mauka nhi mil reha tha..Pr mene uncle ko kyi bar mummy ko kiss krte hue dekha tha..Pr wo mummy ki chudai nhi kr pa rehe the kyu ki papa aur main ghar pr the…Pr wo din dobara aa gya jb uncle ne mummy ki chudai dobara ki…Papa ko office ke kaam se out of city jana pda 2-3 din...

1 year ago
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We Few We Happy Few We Band of Brothers and SistersChapter 22

While traditional military recruiters might look down on sex workers, Dolores knew that some were very adaptable people, and might do very well in the new sexual ethics of the Diaspora. She already had arranged to use the strip club and informal bordello, Le Marquis, of her friend Aimee as a place for recruiting discussions, and also as a safehouse if needed. With the owner and manager, her friend Aimee, they actively started recruiting dancers that survived the sometimes adversity of the...

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My 1st insight to Bi sex pt2

The day past by without any sign of what I witnessed last night.   But this did not stop me thinking about it, causing me to have several erections one of which I gave in to and masturbated in the shower before going to bed.   I left my bedroom door open ajar and listened for any repeat performance.   I was starting to nod off without anything but the news on downstairs, when I heard the front door open and John come in.   ...

4 years ago
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Core of NightChapter 7

Three teams of horses and their attendants were required to pull down the mighty gates of the town of Dricena. Trask reminded the Prince of Dricena that the town needed no gates against the Northmen, and that the army of the North would be happy to provide for the security of the town. Inside the town, Roja and his men left the Prince and his family in place in the keep itself, and merely tore down a trio of back to back buildings that were surrounded by a usable wall. This newly open area...

3 years ago
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College Tail

You stumble home, drunk from another night out at the bars, another night of being ignored by the girls there. It is late, so you are not surprised to find your dorm room locked by your roommate. You fiddle with your keys, eventually finding the right one, and you stick it into the lock. You turn the lock, and then open the door. It is dark in the room, but you notice that the tv is on, and your roommate is on the couch watching some late show. He is covered up with a blanket, and seems a bit...

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Girls Night In

Wow, what a weekend.There we were: Emma, Annie and me relaxing on my bed, reminiscing about our action-packed cock-fest with three teenage college guys, our cunts and arses used by them to excess over the weekend.It all started on Friday evening. We were sitting in my lounge with a glass of wine each, awaiting our guests: Ollie, John, and Mike, my eighteen-year-old son. Annie wore an extremely short white dress, almost translucent, a plunging neckline to her navel revealing plenty of her firm...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 365

Get me on that raid. These guys are going to find our man, because they took him, I messaged to the farm. Okay so that fucking logic program of yours works. Yes, we were arming both sides. Only because we are usually on the wrong side, no matter which side we are on ... came the message from the farm. Interesting concept, but it isn't going to win us any favors with the government in power. So which side is winning? I asked silently. The government is always winning right up until they...

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Charlottes New Job Part 9

"Well, Peter, since it is 4:30 now and it's already been a busy day, can we just go to see the Grauman's Chinese Theatre and the Walk of Fame?" she asked. It took about twenty minutes to drive the eight miles or so to the theater due to the afternoon traffic. But they made it and they were able to find parking nearby.They crossed the street and began walking down Hollywood Boulevard looking at all the stars on the famous Walk of Fame. They walked past Grauman's Chinese Theatre and she asked...

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Horny Boss

"Hey, Shyla," I said, in a low voice as I entered her office. "Oh, there you are, Tony," she greeted me, standing behind her desk. "Did you fuck your wife last night? Did you stick that cock into her pussy and make her beg for more?" she pondered, grinning. "I bet you did, didn't you?" "Yes, we had great sex, thanks to you," I answered her, glancing at the floor. "Listen, I can't work for you anymore." "What the fuck are you talking about? Just because of last night?" I looked right at her...

1 year ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 306

This one is compliments of Gary, his wife didn't like it, and he has the black eye to prove that: Getting a word in edgewise with a lot of women is like trying to thread a sewing machine needle while the motor is running. This one is compliments of Johnnymax, a contrast to the MS Windows joke. a variation came to mind. Wife texts husband on a beautiful day after a fruit picking weekend: "Apples driving me nuts, what to do." Husband texts back: "put in cider maker and crank up the...

2 years ago
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I Want To Be A Sissy

He Wanted To Be A Sissy The Lincoln town car drove slowly up the long driveway and halted at the entrance to the two-story building. It was late morning on a warm sunny day. The chauffeur jumped out and opened the rear passenger door. A lady dressed elegantly in a mauve skirt, white blouse and matching jacket swung her feet out and stood up. She looked at the other person in the car. "Well we're here now. Seems like a beautiful place. So step out carefully." The other person...

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ITCS The Girl Of My Dreams

This is the first story i have written about my personal sexual encounters. This and all other stories i submit under the its ITCS are 100% true however do not take place in order. I am from UK and as such some of my words i use may be a bit different from you guys so i apologies for that in advance. If you guys like it i have a fair few more to write about of all different kinds. This story is about my current girlfriend and our first time together. She was going through a breakup with...

3 years ago
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Our First New HomeChapter 2

Ann came over at about ten o'clock. She had a glass in each hand. It was that same drink that they had plied us with last night. She gave Dave and me each one and told us to drink up. I tried to tell her that I don't drink in the morning but she smiled and said, "Silly girl! Of course you do! You do whatever I want you to." I knew that I really didn't want to drink the drink in my hand. But for some reason that I really didn't understand, I also knew that I had to. I took a sip. It was...

1 year ago
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Sister and brother take a ride

My name is John and I'd like to tell you a story about how my sister Emily and I became intimately close during our freshman year of college. We had both just turn 18. Growing up we did everything together. We are twins after all. We went to the same schools, played in band together, did some sports together, we have always just been very close. We didn't even think about going to different colleges, we just assumed that we would go the same one together. The year was about to start and we were...

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Planet of the Gigantic Schlongs

Planet of the Gigantic schlongsBy The IcemanIt all began in a place not too long ago but in a farawayplace. There was a planet way out of the galaxythat no researcher ever discovered and most likelynever will be. The story begins on a planet calledWeenus. Nobody knows how the planet gotits name. Perhaps we’ll never know….. Although not very much is known about the history of the planet Weenus, there was something very unique about it. There was no war, pollution, crime or poverty that existed...

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An Unsettled CalmChapter 21

The silence over the blower suddenly turned menacing. Not one to lam out on a fight, even one over the phone, I let him know how I was feeling. Well, so much for a friend for life. Listen Guido, you can choose who you want to side with, but you had better watch out who you decide to bunk with. I'm not gonna forget that you sent your chopper squad over to pay a visit after your guy Branch found out where I would be." He started to say something, but I cut him off. "I have to take my...

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As Day Follows NightChapter 5

“I went to a garden party to reminisce with my old friends. A chance to share old memories and play our songs again. When I got to the garden party, they all knew my name. No one recognized me, I didn’t look the same.” -Ricky Nelson, “Garden Party” The Sun shone through the open balcony doors into the bedroom of the castle. It cast its beam across the marbled floor, onto the Persian rug, across the king-sized bed, and onto the face of Contessa Helena de San Finzione. She opened one eye...

1 year ago
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Haleys BunchChapter 7

Bill Simon’s turn: Tuesday morning, more drudgery, but the weekend was GOOD. Russ Brown and his wife showed up, bringing four racks of REALLY good pork ribs, and we enjoyed the food and fellowship with them. Funny how that works: Even if it ain’t the same industry, contractors who WORK are fun to talk with. You get to comparing various jobs, and quickly realize you have comparable problems and solutions, often made up on the spot. Anyway, about 9:30, and my phone buzzed. Caller ID said...

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Coitus Copious Familius 2058Chapter 3

A week had passed since my talk with Father. We were all together on the couch watching a show on the telly. I noticed some motion over on my father’s lap. Cassidy sat on his lap facing the telly, but obviously paying little attention to it. Instead, Cassidy was on Father’s right leg, straddling it like a horseback rider with her back against his chest. She was slowly pushing forward, then pulling back. She was spreading her legs even wider, apparently to increase the pressure of her pussy...

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Ava the Sitter

Ava Dominique and Elle Monique's mom had a close friend Diane had become an auntie some time back. Diane's younger brother Tommy was a father to identical twins boy and girl named Louis and Layla. Tommy, a few years older than Dominique always had a thing for her. He never acted on it but he could never keep his eyes off of her body. Even when he was in the 9th grade and she was in the 5th, he liked when she played wrestling with him. He loved pinning her down and putting her into submission...

2 years ago
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Friday Night

George Smith lay in bed facing the large window deep in contemplation, he heard the clock in the hall strike twice a few minutes ago. It was just after two in the morning, and already it had been a long night, sleep was still a long, long way away. There was a stirring behind him as his wife, Wendy, moved position with a small exhaled breath once more. One consolation was that tomorrow was Saturday, and he did not have to get up early for work. The contemplation on George’s mind was about...

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Connie From MichiganChapter 2

Nancy went and picked up Connie when she called from the bus stop and the Cat and I fooled around while she was gone. One thing about Nancy and the Cat, they never let me get to that stage of horniness that makes a fool out of guys. The interview had gone well and Connie was up about the possibilities of working for this company. They were offering serious money and she thought she would be taking the deal. We talked about parts of San Francisco she would like and what the weather was like...

2 years ago
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ProeliatorChapter 21

I smiled too and said, "You would make a good grandfather. You have patients and a quiet voice. Some grandfathers may be surprised to what the grandchildren can do. I pulled back my forces because I felt that we many be able to talk this out. By now the majority of your forces would be dead and those in the city would be racing through your camp and kill everyone that put up any resistance." "First you say that you have stolen a few horses from the Mediomatrici..." "There were two...

1 year ago
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Indian Bhabhi Fucks A Young Student

This story is based on an episode from Savita Bhabhi comics which you can read Savita’s friend Pallavi’s nephew, Jogesh, was staying over to prepare for an exam. She knew exactly what thoughts filled his naughty 18-year old mind. She wasn’t wrong either. That night, she caught Jogesh spying on her and Ashok as they made love in the privacy of their room. He stood in the doorway stroking his hard, veiny cock as Savita rode Ashok wildly. Savita had to admit that his boldness made her wetter than...

4 years ago
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Was I Ever Surprized

It was my sixteenth birthday as I sat alone in front of the TV. My mom worked most nights and this was one of those nights. My older brother Joey was at his summer job but had told me at lunch that he would be back by seven.Finally he breezed into the house, “Are you ready for your birthday present?I told him that I was ready.He looked at me and said, “You have never fucked a pussy, have you?”He knew that I had always been real shy and tongue tied around girls. I stuttered that what he said...

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My Wife Tells All

My wife, Brenda, and I had been happily married for about ten years. I was forty-two and Brenda thirty-eight when we tied the knot. For the first few of those years, We never strayed or cheated on each other. We were pretty much just content to be together as much of the time as possible. We shared every moment we could - work, etc permitting. Right from the start, we always promised to be totally open with each other… no secrets, even if a particular truth was painful or embarrassing. It was a...

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Call Me Beth Version BChapter 3

“Prove it,” Beth said. I made love to her as gently as I could, hoping I wouldn’t hurt her. I fucked her hard enough to make her cum and that made her squirm and scream. She came so hard that she squirmed enough to pull out some stitches. I ended up having to fly her down to Fairbanks to have her stitches fixed. The doctor yelled at me, but Beth laughed and said, “Doctor, don’t blame him. It was my nagging him that got both of us too wound up to follow doctor’s orders. I can’t do without a...

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Bandstand Pickup

It was seven-thirty and another Saturday night wedding reception. I play the sax. I'm probably good enough to almost have made the big time, but just NOT that well connected. This was a lively crowd and we had plenty of people dancing to our musical noise. I call it noise because we can't play our music; we have to play stuff that's been gathering dust in their musical libraries for at least ten years or so. It's automatic for us, and B O R I N G as hell. I tend to watch the women, find...

1 year ago
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The Ring AOChapter 78 Petra Joining

On Wednesday, Harry had made sure the men were working on a problem together and arranged for Helena and Suzanne to be at the unit together. Whilst they were sitting down on the balcony admiring the view and drinking coffee. Harry mentioned to the two of them ‘I would like to bring Petra into the group. I see you two busy for the next few years here and in Vanuatu. If Petra is working for you as Project Manager in Brisbane, we, through her, can keep a closer eye on the building for the next...

4 years ago
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Pepper and I had left that bitch little Niece of mine sitting on the edge of the couch, legs spread widely out, ass at the edge, and that blonde haired pussy of hers all wet and matted haired from her intense orgasm. No doubt it probably was the first real orgasm the bitch had in her life and my Peppers tongue is the cause and reason for it all. I wanted her to come fully back around from passing smooth out from the tongue pleasure my Pepper had just given her, and fully submit to...

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Cruelty A Short Story By Maryanne Diary Entry 1 I cannot talk to anybody about these feelings that I have. I know that they are wrong. Not wrong for others perhaps, but just wrong for me. How can I tell people about things that I don't understand myself? I never thought of myself as gay. I had relationships with women. I had sex with women and I enjoyed it. I never looked at men with any lustful thoughts. But that all changed when I fell in love with a man. How can that...

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Ciarra the ColdChapter 5 Fox Hunting

[WARNING: Ciarra isn’t an impossibly innocent and bland Isekai self-insert, or a brooding anti-hero. She’s a villain. She’s amoral and a sexual sadist, with her own twisted version of morality and honor. This story isn’t for children.] All the others had just ran away, with little thought and no planning. The foxkins trail led me directly to an old abandoned fort. Her lingering scent carries hope and resolve. Fading scents from many bandits covered the area, all of them were familiar from...

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Twins After Party Show

Hannah and Samantha piled into the back seat out of breath and giggling after racing to the car from the KISS rock concert that had been incredibly energizing, and with the dance floor full of writhing bodies the whole experience had been a huge turn-on. The twin's friend Rich arrived moments later and swung behind the driver's seat. "So where would you ladies like to go?" They both erupted in laughter at the silly possibilities that question implied. Rich fired up the car with the thought that...

4 years ago
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A Simple Decision

Here I was, thirty-five and never married. And the thing was, unlike a lot of men who seemed to devote a great deal of time trying to avoid matrimony, I’d sought it out assiduously for many years, dating a myriad of women without finding the one.After the last time, I’d pretty much despaired of finding the ‘right girl’. Part of this was caused by a belief that I was ‘too weird’ for a serious relationship. Or, at least, this had been my self image; one of disgust with my own perversities. For,...

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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 82 Homeward Bound

"On the road again, just can't wait to be on the road again..." Warren sang as they pulled out of Madison, heading home for the summer. "Yeah, drive three days, be home for less than a week, and then get on a plane," Sophia mock-grumbled. "Yeah, but we get to get on a plane to go skate in the COI tour for a month." "Yeah, I am looking forward to it, but our life is getting really, really hectic if you think about it." "Yup." Warren drove in silence for a bit. "I have to say,...

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The Transformation of Allison

Allison walked off the trail and into some densely packed trees. As she walked behind the tree and began to unzip her pants, she noticed a large patch of grass 20 feet away . It didn't seem normal, the grass was much thicker, and way too green to be normal. She walked towards the strange growth, but stopped. She suddenly realized she didn't know which way to get back to Derek, as she was in the middle of the forest, but she was distracted by the plant again. She finally reached the...

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Louis the Gangbanger

It all started when I attended an off campus party of a friend of mine. She had one of those huge house parties where people from all over the spectrum were invited. Coming from a small town in Iowa I'd never really met anybody from outside my social circle before. When I was growing up I lived a rather privileged life. My dad was a very successful real-estate agent and my mom was a Mrs. Cleaver type so I was pampered and protected from the seamier side of life. But when I went away to...

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Bedtime Story for My Pet 5 Blackmail

By request, something a little different this time, though the structure is similar to the previous Bedtime Stories. This is an office role-play scenario for you to act out and respond to while you listen. You will want to dress in office-casual clothing: skirt, button-front blouse, matching lingerie. Heels and stockings if you prefer but no pantyhose. You will also need a dildo (or equivalent) and a chair. Your comments and suggestions are always welcome. Women who wish to be trained in...

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paid in full1

I went to him and asked him to front me a zip, nothing too major I thought, I'd sell to all of his old clientele and have the cash back by the end of the week. That was the deal. Until those fuck heads robbed me. And now, here I was standing in my bathroom examining the black eye and split lip in the medicine cabinet mirror. I wasn't a big guy, I had a wiry build that made me appear far weaker than I was. I had a shock of jet black hair, and my skin was just a few shades above sickly...

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Last night, April and I went to the Jazz and Blues Fest that takes place outside at a large park in downtown Chicago. The event starts on Wednesday and has different bands every night until Sunday. We got downtown just after 6:00 PM because we wanted a good spot to layout our blanket. We chose a nice spot on a hill and under a tree just to the left of the stage speakers and about thirty yards from the stage. The hill and angle made the spot perfect, and the tree gave us shade from the sun...

3 years ago
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Brit Tried Going Down On Me And OMG

"Ohgodohgod Brit it feels so good...oh, oh ohhhhh...." I couldn't stop moaning. With every swipe of her tongue across my vagina I felt like my body was leaving the earth and entering some other dimension. She licked and caressed my labia with an eagerness that felt like she really enjoyed what it was doing to me. I could feel the folds of skin flipping and rolling to the left and right as her mouth moved deftly around my nether places.I realized I was tightening my legs around her head, so I...

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Clifton Park

The head of my dick pressed against my panties and jeans, stiff again. But I was trying to ignore it, trying to make time. I did forget about it for a few minutes as I drove past the Albany skyline on my way north. The skyline was beautiful at night, especially in January. It was only around 6 o'clock and I was tired; work had been a bitch over the past few weeks. I was looking forward to a few days at the cabin with only the fire, a bottle of whisky, my sexy lingerie and my three favorite ass...

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Fertility Down Chapter 4 Future Solutions

Chapter 4: Future SolutionsI walked into the main office and there was a slick attractive woman standing at the large desk the receptionist sits at when you come in. She seemed to know me right away because she turned to me and put on a big smile for me.“Hi Logan. I’m from Future Solutions.” She stuck out her hand for a hand shake. Her outfit if you could call it that, almost seamed like it came from a Halloween shop labeled “Sexy Professional” of something. Her large bust had a decent amount...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 214

Selina was waiting for Jeff when he and Diana came out of the Grigsby's suite. "My Prime, I request a few moments of your time." "Sure, Selina." Diana reached to kiss her husband's cheek. "I'm going to check on supper. In a few minutes, I'll send someone to escort our guests to the dining room." "Okay, Babe." Then turning to Selina, as Diana walked away, "If you're worried about what happened, it wasn't your fault." But Selina was shaking her head. "I was cognizant of...

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Digimon Rise and Fall Chapter 5 Fear

Introduction: The new chapter dealing with Tai. Tai let out a deep breath. His eyes were closed tightly. Fear and Courage swirled in him like a whirlpool. He knew he needed to relax he had done stuff like this all the time. Not only that but he faced life and death numerous times in the digital world. So why was he scared of something so simple? The plane around him rumbled and it made his stomach turn. Soft footsteps moved towards him but he gave them no heed. A female voice sounded. Wow you...

1 year ago
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Into Sister Into IncestChapter 3

"Say, doesn't that look like Linda's car up there beside the road?" Patty said. "See it, Ben?" She was pointing toward a blue sedan apparently stalled about a quarter of mile ahead. "Nothing that's any of our business," Ben said, dismissing his wife's concern. "Probably just some local yokel who ran out of gas or had a flat tire. It's his problem, not mine." From the back seat, Ben's daughter, Sally, spoke up: "Aren't you gonna stop, Daddy?" "Yeah, Pop," her brother Ron...

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Torturous Cocoon

I awake with Your hands on me, teasing my nipples to wake me up I awake with your hands on me, teasing my nipples to wake me up. I moan gently as I come out of my sleep into the world. ?Immediately I'm horny having been stopped from cumming for the past 4 weeks, my cock still locked in its chastity device. "Morning slut" You whisper into my ear. You keep pulling on my nipples making me moan and groan. I squirm in your hands, while you slide your hand down to my balls, squeezing and...

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Back in 1989 I won quite a lot of money on the horses so,wife Sarah and I decided to visit my american family in eastern Washington and South Dakota while our teenage son and daughter stayed with Sarah,s kind parents for the three weeks we were away. Didn,t like the fact it was mid October, but fortunately the weather in South Dakota was mild for October, the second half of our visit to take in Washington. We flew into Aberdeen to be collected by my sister Anna and her second husband Vernon on...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 132 Dirty Mother Nature

Even though I don’t remember doing it, I sure did a great job making myself look like I survived a tornado by lying in the lowest place I could find in a pinch. My goggles popped up a message that 911 had already been called and there were lots of emergency responders heading this way. No one was killed thanks to me getting the family behind Trudy’s house into their bomb shelter. In fact, I was the only one with even minor injuries. The family behind Trudy didn’t even yet know that all they...

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