- 2 years ago
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After that first wonderful weekend I knew my decision to open myself up to love and life had been the right one. We spent long hours talking about anything and everything, we ate the delicious food that Ben lovingly prepared, we caressed, massaged and touched each other every chance we got. My heart and soul swam in the warmth of feelings that were precious and new and my body gloried in the attention we all gave it. I was being nourished not just by wonderful comfort food, but by warm hugs, sweet caresses and beautiful lovemaking.
I hadn’t realized exactly how much I’d been missing out on in my rather lonely life. I had convinced myself that my life was full and I everything I needed, beautiful art I could lovingly run my fingers across, music that filled up my senses, everything I’d been carefully collecting for so long.
Jerry made me realize that there was nothing more beautiful than the human body, the pure shape and feel of a living, breathing person made art seem bland and lifeless. Ben made me realize that the sound of a human voice, flowing like a soft caress or burning like hot fire, made music seem like overdesigned mathematical constructions.
Not quite ready to give up my world of music and art, I experimented, finding that certain types of music could sharpen the feelings that the brothers generated in me. Soft, slow tones would also make for soft, slow lovemaking and quicker, sharper beats would make for more active, vigorous sex activities, and I loved it all.
I found that a caress could feel different, depending on what part of your hands – or the rest of your body – you used, in what pattern and with what speed, the amount of pressure applied and a lot of other small but important things. The thought hit me that the softest part of any human body was nothing compared to the cold smoothness of some of the beautiful fabrics that I owned. After hunting down some of my most cherished underwear, scarfs and sheets a happy afternoon of exploring ensued.
My thirst for knowledge about everything sensual and sexual knew no bounds, and both of the brothers were helpfully giving me all the information I could possibly need by simply showing me or by answering the questions I dared ask.
Ben had finally told me that they’d opened the boxes with my toys, and we spent some hours unpacking, storing and – yes – trying some of them out. In the end we all had our personal favorites but even Jerry had to admit that it would take more than one day to test all of them. When he solemnly swore he would get through them all – someday, Ben and I looked at each other and started laughing loudly at the very decisive, focused look on Jerry’s face.
When Monday morning came I woke up as a new woman, rich from hundreds of new experiences, feeling warm and loveable in a way I had never done before. The urge to stay in bed for the rest of my life was strong, but a complete personality change doesn’t happen over just one weekend. I still had a job to go to, and considering how much time the brother’s had spent taking care of me they probably did too.
When I had showered and dressed in a gray skirt and blouse I was treated to breakfast, which I ate enthusiastically, pretending not to notice the brothers silently communicating with each other.
‘You’re not going to work, are you?’ Jerry asked with a frown.
I nodded and continued eating.
‘No you’re not,’ Ben stated harshly ‘it’s not safe! That man might still be hanging around, waiting to get his hands on you again!’
‘You haven’t recovered fully yet,’ Jerry said shaking his head ‘you should give it a few more days! Have you looked at your face today?’
I knew that it would be completely safe for me to go to work, but I had to agree that perhaps I wasn’t quite as recovered as I thought I would to be. After taking one last long look at my colorful face I finally conceded and logged on from home to work my way through the most critical tasks. After a couple of hours of comfortably structured work I called my boss and we decided I would be back in the office by Wednesday, I was still ‘an important spoke in the well-oiled machinery of C&C Financial Management’.
As I had done a couple of times over the weekend, I also made a quick call to Mary to see if she had any news about Rose, but she cancelled my call and when I called Rose there was no answer. I worried, but didn’t really know how to help with a situation I didn’t know that much about. I hoped Mary would call as soon as she could, as I had asked her to in messages, both spoken and texted.
After hours of productive work, now and then interrupted by thoughts of my lovely weekend, I yawned, stretched and laughed when I felt the ache in my stiff muscles. Allowing my mind to drift away for just a short moment, I realized that we hadn’t spent any talking about the future. In fact, I didn’t even know when I would see them again. I thought back to the two long kisses I had gotten as they said goodbye in the morning and with a smile and a nod I decided chances were good that I’d see them again that evening.
I guess it wasn’t really surprising when I feel asleep in the sofa some hours later, my exhausted body and whirling mind needing some time to regroup and recover. I slept for at least an hour before Ben woke me up as he slid into the sofa, lifted my head and placed it in his lap.
‘Hey,’ I whispered as I righted myself and leaned in close, resting my head on his shoulder ‘how’s your day been?’
‘Productive but somewhat unfocused,’ he answered, keeping his voice as low as mine ‘this is a nick from a saw, when I started thinking about that green half-cup underwear thing of yours, and that blue nail there is from where I accidently hit myself when I started thinking about the many uses of silk scarfs…’
I laughed softly thinking about the way I had been interrupted by thoughts all day long. I guess sitting by a computer was a lot safer than handling tools or heavy machinery.
I sat beside Ben in silence thinking about the short time we had known each other, the many things that had happened and how utterly safe and comfortable he made me feel. Those feelings of trust and friendship were now heavily mixed with large amounts of attraction and lust. I felt the first tingles of arousal spread through my body, heating my blood as I turned my face into his neck and pressed my nose to his neck to breathe him in. I kissed his neck and felt his body tense up, that lovely telltale sign that showed me that what I did affected him. Before I could kiss him once more he leaned back slightly to look at me, his eyes dark and a wry smile on his face.
‘Umm,’ he said ‘as lovely as that feels I should tell you that Jer and I talked about some rules… about, you know… us and you… and well, you know… one on one time.’
‘Yes?’ I asked, still wanting to hold and touch him, but keeping myself in check.
‘And for now we thought it would be best to not engage in any ehh… activities unless all of us are present.’
I laughed, my just recently discovered streak of wickedness urging me to test his resolve. Before I could quite literally throw myself at him, he jumped out of the sofa muttering something under his breath about brothers being late from work.
‘I brought groceries, let’s make some dinner’ he threw back at me as he walked into the kitchen.
I leaned back in the sofa, shortly enjoying the feelings of empowerment that Ben’s reactions were giving me, quickly realizing that using that power without respect for his or Jerry’s thoughts, opinions and feelings would go against everything I believed in.
I helped Ben in the kitchen as much as I could, my inexperience limiting me to chopping vegetables and mixing a salad dressing. I watched Ben as he quickly made a dough, that he said would normally rest in the fridge for a couple of hours, then as he turned that dough into several round disks which he covered
with seasoned tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, salami and olives.
The doorbell rang as Ben put the pizzas in the oven and I walked to the door to let Jerry in, just then realizing that he didn’t have a key to let himself in with, one more ‘how do we go on from here’ thing we needed to discuss. Jerry gave me a quick hug and a kiss on my forehead before he took my hand and walked me back into the kitchen.
We talked and laughed our way through dinner, keeping the subjects as light and entertaining as the food was heavy and filling. As we cleaned up after dinner, I slipped in my resolve to keep to the mood light and told them I’d be going back to work in two days’ time.
The brothers were not happy about my decision and started making plans to match their work schedule against mine, so that I would always have one of them around for protection, like a poor defenseless child.
I stared at them as they were talking, realizing that I hadn’t told them about the self-defense classes Mary had forced me to take when she heard about my early and late hours at work. The only reason why I hadn’t defended myself against my co-worker was mostly because of shock, and also the fact that I thought the two big burly security guards would be able to stop him. I didn’t need two new guards protecting me, making me go all passive and soft, I needed to buck up and take care of my own butt.
‘Stop,’ I said, my voice loud and decided ‘I can protect myself, you know!’
Ben lifted an eyebrow and looked at me, doubt in his eyes. Jerry just reached out, touched the side of my face and shook his head.
I walked away with an annoyed huff and was followed by ‘but you must realize we only want to keep you safe’ and ‘please let us help you’ sentences all the way into my bedroom. Standing by my bed looking up at their pleading faces I decided that it would probably be best to show them. I took a hold of Jerry’s hand and pulled him close and then flipped him over, making him land on the bed with a surprised little ‘whoa’ sound. In a quick move I surprised Ben with a leg behind his legs and a slight push, unbalancing him and steering him so that he landed on the bed beside and partly across Jerry.
‘I can protect myself!’ I said and crossed my arms across my chest.
Ben got out of bed and reached out to help Jerry up. Jerry winced slightly, having been hit by one of Ben’s sharp elbows. They looked at each other and then back at me, Jerry’s face quickly covered by a wide smile.
‘Again!’ Jerry said as he stepped closer.
I happily obliged by sidestepping him, kicking his legs from under him and pushing him back onto the bed.
‘It’s disturbing how sexy that was’ Ben whispered in my ear before he locked his arms around mine from behind, trying to restrict my movements. I let my body go slack, the weight of my body making him loose his grip, then quickly rolled away, turned and kicked his kneecap, making him fall to the floor with a muttered curse.
‘I’m sorry,’ I cried as I crawled closer ‘I didn’t mean to hurt you, not that badly anyway!’
‘I’m ok,’ Ben answered his voice a bit rough from the pain ‘or I’ll be in a minute or two. And I’m happy you aimed for my knee and not my groin…’
‘But I think she proved her point kind of well, she doesn’t need us to babysit her.’ Jerry told Ben, whilst trying but failing to suppress the laughter bubbling in his voice.
With a grunt Ben got up from the floor, unbuttoned his pants and let them fall to the floor before sitting down on the edge of the bed.
‘Now, I need someone to kiss this pain away’ he said, turning an innocently smiling face my way.
I crawled up to him and in between his legs turning my face upwards to receive his warm, laughing kiss. After giving him that one short kiss I pushed away slightly and started kissing his knee, following the curve of his kneecap up towards his thigh, liking the way he tensed as my kisses searched their way ever higher and higher.
‘I bet you’re sorry she didn’t kick you in the balls now, aren’t you’ Jerry laughed as I stopped kissing Ben’s leg, not sure how to go on from there.
‘I don’t really know how to…’ I whispered ‘I’ve never…’
Ben pulled me up onto his legs and into his arms. He held me and pressed a kiss to my temple, his whole body telling me ‘it’s ok, don’t worry about it’.
Jerry glided up beside us and looked at my probably sad-looking face, a thoughtful expression on his own.
‘Do you want to play a game?’ he said with a low voice ‘It’s a version of ‘ Simon Says’, where I get to tell you what to do to my brother.’
I looked at him, trying to see if he was joking, but he seemed sincere. Thinking about it for a short while I realized that this was his way of making things less awkward for me, a way for him to teach me some of the things he knew, things that I quite frankly wanted to know. I nodded and stood up, letting him pull me in for a quick hug and kiss.
‘Can we move one of your big armchairs in here?’ he asked and when I nodded he motioned for Ben to come help him out.
The chair was swiftly moved to the bedroom and placed in front of the bed. Jerry explained he would be sitting there, giving us both – but mostly me – instructions. The first instruction he gave us was to get undressed. He kept his own clothes on, the chair and the clothes would make him stay in place and not get involved in the activities on the bed, he explained.
‘Ben, lie down on the bed, on your stomach!’ Jerry commanded.
With a shrug, Ben did what his brother told him to, placing himself back up in the center of the bed.
‘Susan, climb up on the bed and just lie down on top of him for a short while and let his skin warm yours for a short while.’
I did as he said, letting my body glide up the back of Ben’s body, placing my arms on his arms, my face on top of his head, my chest against his back and my legs on top of his, my feet not quite reaching his. The warmth of Ben spread across my cool skin and I realized that Jerry had somehow understood that I’d grown cold from uncertainty and perhaps even some parts fear. I felt myself grow calm and could then sense the tingles of arousal shooting through my body, raising the hairs on my body, making the parts of me that touched Ben buzz as if hit by electricity.
Closing my eyes, I pressed my face into Ben’s hair, enjoying the tickling sensation and the smell of his shampoo, almost completely masking his own smell. The feeling of my body relaxing at the same time as it responded to his nearness by tensing was strange but very, very pleasant. I let myself sink into the signals my body was sending, intent on storing the moment away with all impressions intact. Who’d have known such a simple thing as just pressing your body to another person’s, lying completely still, could make you feel so many things and so deeply.
I heard Ben’s soft breaths grow faster with my increasing arousal and it made me wonder if skin on skin contact enabled communication in a way I didn’t know of, my body somehow telling Ben’s body of its reactions, synchronizing our passionate response.
Having completely forgotten about our puppet master, I was awoken from my thoughts by a laughing voice telling me to climb away from my oh-so-comfortable resting place.
‘Stand on your knees, with your legs spread wide, your knees placed on the outsides of Ben’s. Mmmm… that’s right. Start kissing your way from his neck down the center of his back.’ Jerry said, his voice going a bit rough as he finished his speech.
I realized that my position on my hands and knees, legs spread wide, gave Jerry an interesting view to rest his eyes on and as I leaned in to press kisses to Ben’s neck and back, I heard both of them hum in appreciation.
‘When you reach his butt, crawl down some and swing your hair across his cheeks. Yesss… just like that!’ Jerry told me with a low voice that again turned a bit ragge
d as I did what he said.
‘Now, kiss first his left butt-cheek, then his right – slowly!’ the instructions continued.
I enjoyed both the way my kisses made Ben tremble slightly and the way Jerry’s voice shook as he asked me to continue, and to lick my way back up Ben’s body.
‘Let your nipples tickle his back as you lean in to kiss his neck. Mmm… just like that’ Jerry told me, his voice as tense as Ben’s muscled back.
‘Now climb up higher and sit down on his butt, let him feel your pussy-lips…’ Jerry almost choked out ‘… and then climb off and come here for a second.’
As I walked the few steps to Jerry he told his brother to turn around and lie on his back. I almost felt the hot looks Ben were sending my way as I stood, trembling slightly, in front of Jerry. He reached out and stroked his way up between my thighs, aiming for my warm pussy. As his fingers found me wet and willing he groaned, separated my lips and rubbed his thumb across my clit, once, twice, three times before he gently pushed me away and pointed me towards the bed again.
Jerry had to clear his throat a couple of times before he continued his instructions, letting me know that he wanted me to sit far down, between Ben’s feet and that he wanted me to gently trail my nails down the outsides of his brother’s legs.
I did as I was told, and as I ran my hands downwards from the top of Ben’s thighs down the full length of his legs, my eyes were fixed on the erection in front of me, no longer afraid of the idea of approaching it with my mouth, but quietly wondering how in the world I would be able to fit it all.
‘Now, run your fingers softly up Ben’s leg and let your thumbs caress the insides of his legs, slowly. And when you reach his balls, let your thumbs continue up, trailing their way all the way to the top of his dick.’ Jerry told me, his words a bit hurried.
I did what Jerry said, following his further instructions to climb up and sit down just below the kneecap of Ben’s right leg and to kiss my way across his stomach, letting my hair trail over the straining erection below it.
‘Now, make your tongue as wide as you can and lick your way from the base of his dick up to the top of it, softly.’ Jerry pushed out through gritted teeth.
I did that as he told me first once, then twice and then a third time, before Jerry found his voice again to give me another instruction. Ben was holding on to the bedcovers and his hips were rising towards my face, trying to reach my lips as I sat back slightly, listening to a half-whispered command.
I made my tongue thin and hard and started running it back and forth in a swirling pattern from the base of Ben’s erection to the tip of it, then started running my tongue in soft circles around the glans and finally licking the slit softly, tasting the pre-cum collecting there, finding that I liked the slightly tangy, salty taste.
‘Oh god,’ Jerry said with a low voice before continuing his instructions ‘use your right hand to lift his dick up, then open your mouth and put the top part of it in your mouth, just as far as it will go without it feeling uncomfortable. Once you get used to the feeling, start moving your head up and down.’
At first I moved slowly, hesitantly but soon followed the speed that Ben was moving his hips in.
‘Now, as you move your head upwards, suck the top of his dick, first softly and then increase the suction after a couple of motions, slowly working yourself up to suck almost as hard as you possibly can. Ben will let you know if it’s too hard.’ Jerry said, his voice hoarse.
I continued my up and down motion, following Jerry’s instructions, Ben’s hands touching the sides of my face to signal that I should stop increasing the suction, his hips pumping up and down, helping me keep the speed that he needed. Finally losing some of his tight control, he grabbed my head and pressed his erection into my mouth almost making me choke, stroking fast and deep four, five, six times, before he pushed my face away and came in three quick, hard pulses, spraying his seed across his upper body.
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Authors note: this story is mainly fictional, but based on something really happened to me. I must thank also the guys on here who helped me, editing the story. A special thank to Celtenham. Even though the story has been edited, since English is not my mothertoungue, i cannot assure that is foolproof. So please, dont be harsh!!! HIJABI WIFE One of my best friends comes from Morocco. So two years ago I went there with him to visit the country. We spent about a fortnight travelling and then...
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BDSMIntroduction: My first story…sorry if it isnt the best. My name is Ana and I am a slut to my mistress Andrea. I am a stunning 19 with black hair, black eyes, 36B sized brests, a 6 size waist and a shaven pussy. When I was 14 my parents so they could buy a couple bottles of beer. Thats when my mistress Andrea bought me and (after lots of whippings and beatings) trained me to be a slut. I have also become a lesbian during this long period. I love her dearly and I will always be loyal to her. ...
I don't know why I ever moved to The City. Short words, The City. Short, but big words for a big place, words with even bigger images of hopes and dreams with fame, fortune, and glamour waiting, only steps away for any beautiful and intelligent small town girl like me. Oh, and let's not forget the romances, with dashing and debonair men, so tall and so handsome. Men with sophisticated elegance and charm, strong men with slim tight waists and hips, broad in shoulders, clever talented men...
"I couldn't do it, Nick." Nicole says, taking the ear buds out and walking towards the bed. She's still naked; her pink nipples are pointing straight out from her small, white mounds and her face is flush. "What's going on, Nicole?" I ask. A second ago she was going to zap me with the transmitter and make me forget all about ... Wait! We're in Uncle Harry's bedroom and my cock is throbbing like crazy; it's harder than I've ever seen it. The veins are popping out and the head is so...
There’s just something magical about good, real amateur pornography. Yeah, those pornstars with the silicone-enhanced bodies and practiced moans are hot as fuck, but sometimes you just want to beat off to a horny babe who ain’t in it for the money. The best amateurs want to get off as bad as you do, and that’s exactly who you’ll find over at site has been around since 2000, which practically makes it an institution in the world of online smut. They’ve had ups, downs, and a...
Amateur Porn SitesSharon was working on her all-over tan when the rap star she was staying with received a call that some friends in a Brazilian band were flying in and he insisted they stay with him. Of course that meant he wanted to entertain them and have them party with his girls. He called Sharon over to his lounge chair by the pool. She had been tanning with some of the girls and rose quickly to walk to him. Her naked body shimmered with oil and sweat. He noticed her dark triangle & below how her lips hung...
My first love making session took place when I was studying in 12 standard when my volleyball teacher beguiled me into something I had been longing to do ever since I hit puberty. It’s not that I am a perv but I wanted to feel and relish the moments. Anyways my volleyball teacher name was Sweta and she is about 5″5 tall fair girl who was about 25 years old at that time and had joined our school right after she came off of a national tournament. I among all the guys was super athletic and huge...
We were eating, and Zelia sat to my right, but far down the table, close to our guest, Enrique, who sat opposite me, at the far end, so that we were facing one another. I could hear his hand rubbing along the fabric of my wife’s capris, the ones with the bluish posterboard print that fit her curves perfectly and glorified that big round behind of hers, which, according to Zelia, drove Enrique crazy whenever he saw it. They spoke in Spanish, and Zelia would occasionally translate for me, though...
Introduction: my 18th birthday ( i have pics of myself on my profile ) it was my 18th birthday and my boyfriend came home with a box wrapped up in wrapping paper and handed it to me. He was 32 at the time. i smiled at him as i opened the package up inside was a one piece dress that was very see thru and white. i was told to put it on which i did stripping in front of him down to nothing my little 32 a cups and shaved hairless pussy. i slipped it over my head and the dress just came down to the...
For over 2 years after Jen died I didn’t date at all. My step sister, Vicky kept trying to encourage me to get back “on the horse”, but I just didn’t want to. I sold my home, and moved to London, investing some of my considerable inheritance from Jen in properties. I also concentrated on my career, changing organisations, and gaining a big pay rise, better prospects and the opportunity to travel the world, although I soon found out that such business travel is pretty crap – I visited lots of...
Prachi was a sexy MILF in every sense. She was around 38 years of age with a bombshell figure when I first saw her. Prachi had huge boobs (around 40) and her ass (around 42) was to die for. She was plump. In our initial meeting, she was wearing a saree with a deep back cut and her back was looking awesome.Slowly, I got to know her and started with casual ‘hi’ and ‘hello’. I came to know that she was married and had a k**. However, she also had an affair with a much younger guy around 25 years...
I heard my mother on the phone getting more and more desperate until eventually I could hear begging "please tell the doctor I have no money and I cannot pay his bill, I will do anything to make it up to him, I can work for him for free"" it must've been her desperation but it appeared that she had finally got through to the person at the other end of the phone and I heard her organising an appointment for Saturday morning.Let me explain, it's my fault. I was in an accident when I was nine...
Sex with us was always good, light hearted and most of all fun. My husband always said that good sex is a equal measure of moans and laughter. Toss in some screams and it’s great sex. We also enjoyed being pretty wound up, meaning a dirty text during the day or a sexy note found in your lunch or pocket. It’s those little things that feeds the fire. We were also not against making it hurt, as in wrong time to do such. This story was one of those times that took on a life of its own. One which...
Legendary Shy Chapter 5 I gave a puzzling look at her then turned around looked at the demon then back to her. “ok if it’s a demon then why is it here?” she looked around then said in a hoarse voice, “its probably aft-“ right then a deep screeching voice said, “im here for you angel, you have been in this world long enough,...
I. The first day she crossed the line, she wanted a cookie and a grade change. It was a warm June day. She was on campus taking an extra sociology class. She decided that before she went to her sociology professor’s class to ask why she earned a C- on a paper she had written, she decided to stop by the local coffee stand for one of her favorite treats: a cookie. She was waiting in line behind a guy who was engulfed in a spaceship game, who paid her no attention, as did most guys interacted...
Hope you enjoyed the part 1 and part 2 of my story.Thanks for your valuable feedback and comments. Those who missed it can read it in below link. Coming to me , I am a software engineer working in Hyderabad.I am 5.7″ tall with average body and with satisfying cock ;-) Girls/aunties from Hyderabad who want to have a private sex/sex relationship can mail me @ Please do not hesitate in reaching me …will keep your details private and confidential. Coming to the story: Part 3: Like this ,days...
That night, after dinner, Annette took the twins and her own two sons in tow and told them that it was time for the entertainment. The room they entered was different from any other in the house. It was very masculine. Heavy oak panels supported bookcases and shelves containing a variety of books, all erotic in nature. A huge mural of a man and a woman in the act of fucking covered the ceiling above their heads. The room was without furniture except for a huge, round mattress-type affair...
I was always extremely sensuous, expressed in the love of the feel of satin and silk, as well as the feel of going barefoot, which was nearly impossible in the city, even indoors, not part of the culture. Where I live now it is, and so I go not only barefoot but also nude when at home. I don’t know if this is significant or not. However, the first time I noticed anything unusual was probably when I saw a film on TV in which a boy masqueraded as a girl for some reason or other. I recall how...
I was 24 at the time and have never been atracted to men or gay sex this is a true story of how i was blackmailed/forced into it I had recently started hanging out with a guy from work he was married and had 2 k**s i would hang out at his house and have a few beers with him after work all the time. I was at his house one night after work on friday his wife was out of town with the k**s. we were just sitting their drinking and bullshitting when he put on a porn out of no where after 5 mins of...
Congratulations! You've been selected by AR Industries to take part in their AR Sex Suite Programs. Based on the responses you gave on our survey, we've determined that you have an interest in screwing chicks with dicks. Before we begin, we'll just need to figure out what exactly you're looking for: your partner's race, breast size, penis size, and outfit that they're wearing when they meet you. So, let's begin.
FetishSo we were on vacation and I was enjoying reading a book in my favorite spot, overlooking the lake. I had dosed off and was awaken by the feeling that someone was in the room. Instead of the view of the lake, was the view of my wife standing in front of me, with nothing on. Needless to say, I was awe struck. The way her body was framed by the view from outside was magical. I grinned and asked her what was on her mind. She answered me by climbing on the arms of the chair I was in and...
But a doctor prescribed some testosterone and after applying it for a couple of months my libido increased, and actually seems now to have actually gone through the roof. I still fantasize a lot and my wife seems to enjoy listening to my lurid thoughts while I’m fucking her. What I whisper into her ear excites her and also helps her fantasize too and makes us both really randy. I love making her cum and I’ve told her how arousing it is to watch her in the throes of an orgasm. She’s become...
''no he is not getting the captain marvel costume , its a girl hero Mary my son not going in this''''you such a douche its 2020 Josef grow up''cursing out o the storeangry at his wife , he went back to the car and waited''the only hero left is bullshit there can be 2 spiderman, whatts up wit the Muktiverse anywais ...''mumbling going out to the carThe next day on friday night he didnt want to see him go out like this , but his son came out in the tight vinyl costume he look away and tell him to...
I was handing a bottle of water to Amelia who looked at my caged cock hovering just in front of her face. “Hey, guys,” she said to no one in particular. “Aaron here has done a great job of tending to our needs tonight. Anyone think he’s earned some relief?” Everyone just looked at each other without saying anything. Finally, it was Brent who spoke up. “Sure, I think so,” he said. “Just as long as I don’t have to help him with it!” he added hastily. Jess laughed. “No, I think we can handle...
Forward The girls come from many places. I really don't care, actually. But once they are with me, they move with me, wherever I decide to go. I move often, never staying too long anywhere. The girls, once they find me, are mine... until, of course, I've had enough of them. Then I discard them without even looking back. I figure, let the bitches figure out how to put their pathetic little lives back together in a strange place. Serves each one of them right. Their mommies should have told...
I believe in the flesh, sex and the appetites which keep lingering on me like meals, morning, afternoon, evening & night. Seeing, hearing, feeling about it are like miracles, and each part and tag of it is like a miracle. It is always a divine feeling being inside and out, the warmth the comfort of the skin and I feel like holy whatever touches me, for me the scent of the arm-pits, aroma finer than prayer. Vinay here 35 year old from Chennai – It is the wildness of my age that keeps me going,...
Hello ! iss reader . Mai janta hun ki aap meri is story ko sirf mere dimag ki upaj batayenge par meri kahani 200 % sachchi hai.mera naam xxx hai aur mai sangam bihar(new delhi) ka rehne wala hoon. meri umr 23 saal ki hai, mai jyada gathila badan ka naujawan nahi hoon, par mere land me bahut dam hai. Baat isi holi ki hai, jab mai holi me apne nani ke yahaan tha(mai nani ke saath hi rehata hoon). Mai aapko bata doon ki jis mami ko maine choda wo meri apni mami nahi hai, wo mere door ki mami lagti...
Part 1 It was 6:20am, still too early for her. But she could not sleep for hours now. She never sleeps in hotel rooms. Unfamiliar beds, alone, something about being in hotel room alone ... it always feels like something more supposed to happen. Like a fire burning inside of her looking for an adventure. Nothing has ever happened. She wasn't as brave as she used to, to go find her one. But she could not take off the edge either and sleep. Ok time to get up, though she still had hours until...
Lunch at the women's mess was great. The burgers were like the ones mama used to make, sometimes. All I could think of as a tip for Yolanda was a smile and thank you so I let that make do and headed outside. Even though Charlie was lined up to begin investigating the wrongdoings of our prisoners there was still plenty that I needed to get a handle on. The houses for permanent residents were only the first things. After all these years of imported people the planet still had basically...
Yearly Physical IV That evening, after getting back from the city, as we retired, we both got naked and laid on the bed talking. My wife reached down along side the bed and retrieved a the bag that we bought earlier this afternoon. She took out the prostate stimulator and put in batteries. Reaching into her nightstand, she got a good healthy glob of lubricant on her middle finger and leaned over toward me. “Raise and spread your legs, darling.” she said with a giggle. I...
Chapter 1 Red Light – Green Light Diana’s office was anything but uptight. It was the Eighties and everyone was still enjoying the sexual revolution, so things were pretty loose around the office. Women in the office environment were shedding the dusty image of the 1950’s receptionist and were working in jobs once reserved for men only. The woman’s movement of the 1970’s had adopted the bra as its symbol of being tied to old standards and they burned them in protest, now women were...
“Kill me!”“No... I won’t kill you. Come on. Stop acting like a baby.”I pressed the button on my talking watch for the tenth time.“The time is 8:38 am.”Last night at the Fox & Spice, everything was going fantastically well until... the kissing slave girl. I've been crying my life out since that moment. Immediately after what happened, I changed back in my regular clothes, and we went straight home; it, unfortunately, shortened our evening. This morning, Miles tried to make me feel better, but...
IncestThe Promise On a recent trip down South I promised my wife, Jay, I would call in on her best friend and say hello. Jill and Jay had always been close and often kept in contact by phone. Apart from the usual friendly banter, teasing and odd joking around between Jill and I when we lived in the same area, nothing ever happened between us. Although, on occasion I got the feeling that my wife, Jay seemed to be encouraging her. That is until the day I called in to say hello and pass on a message...
Straight SexWinter was pretty much over by March 1st. It was still cold outside and we usually only got one more light dusting of snow. The girls could be on the course after school almost every day. My life was going to get busier now because the boys' golf started too. So I thought. Coach Sanders informed me that Principal Harrison wanted me to stay focused on the girls. I would practice my game while I continued to teach the girls' team. I was concerned that I would become alienated from my...
Bless Me Father By Dawna Tompson August, 2000 e-mail: [email protected] (Story Synopsis) Jim Bowers had longed to serve God since his early childhood. Over the past 22 months he has lived with his friend and mentor, Dr. Curtis Selchrist, at the remote San Paulo Monastery in Northern New Mexico. With his help Jim has attained the pinnacle of insightful meditative prayer. Recently Jim has found that he can no longer enter this meditative state of bliss without being...
Hi horny site viewers.This is sanjay from hyderabad,29yrs.I like sex stories very much.But I think most of those stories are not true.But this is a true incident in my life and it is a sweet memory.I was deeply attracted by sex when is was studying in degree std.I always fantasy about my neibourhood aunty.Her name is visali.She lives in the ground floor.My family is in 2nd floor.we are living in this flat for more than 10 years.She is a close friend of my mom,since they both are housewifes.They...
Today is Rick’s last day at work. I wish he wasn’t moving to Denver. I have to agree with him that there’sno immediate future for us since I’m 19 and he’s 35, but I will miss him. He’ll be busy today, training the new manager, so I don’t bother to dress as provocatively as I might have in the past. Instead of a short skirt, I opt for black jeans. Granted, they are tight, but they don’t show any skin. My white shirt is a tight cotton T with a plunging neckline and thin fabric that only vaguely...
Oral SexJust wanted to share my story of me and my neighbour's wife...I live in a HDB in western SGP, and my flat shares a common rubbish chute in every floor. Every night, I will bring out the thrash to throw after the 10 pm news. A few times, I saw my neighbour's wife throwing rubbish too. I know her and her husband and k**s. We see each other family in the lift sometimes, and share smiles and greetings everytime. We will also exchange small talks too. One evening, I went to throw rubbish and saw her...
Your name is Robert Shaw. You’re a 26 year old man. You live in a large city. Specifically, you live on the elevator accessible tenth floor of a modest ten floor apartment building downtown. Your apartment is a spacious and attractive, but not ostentatiously so. You work as an analyst at a venture capital firm in town. You were able to get this job because you are a highly intelligent, socially capable person, but primarily because you have shown willingness throughout your life to subsume all...
Part 2: Wake Up Call May woke up at 7am lying naked in bed. She often had a habit of losing clothes in her sleep, but it was something she never felt ashamed of. She slid out of bed and walked up to the window pressing her tits against the glasses and looked for her new toy. She could see Megan lying naked in bed. The light on her body made her pussy glitter. May could feel herself getting damp from the torture of her new submissive being only a walk away and unable to touch her. So she...