DTtS Kara
- 2 years ago
- 22
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The girls come from many places. I really don't care, actually. But once they are with me, they move with me, wherever I decide to go. I move often, never staying too long anywhere. The girls, once they find me, are mine... until, of course, I've had enough of them. Then I discard them without even looking back. I figure, let the bitches figure out how to put their pathetic little lives back together in a strange place. Serves each one of them right.
Their mommies should have told them not to talk to strangers.
This is the second installment of "Don't Talk to Strangers," and it's a tale that I call, "Barbie the Bitch."
A pretty face don't make no pretty heart,
I learned that, buddy, from the start!
You think I'm cute, a little bit shy?
Momma, I ain't that kind of guy!
Doctor, doctor, give me the news,
I got a bad case of loving you!
No pill's gonna cure my ill,
I got a bad case of loving you!
-- Bad Case of Loving You (Robert Palmer)
I actually attended college for a couple of semesters. I wanted to study psychology to figure out why I was so different from other people. I took the simple "101" level courses to find out the more appropriate courses for the next semester, and then attempted to take courses that allowed me to "study myself."
Getting in and out of classes was easy. Despite the costs of college, it's easy to simply audit courses, especially those that are in the big lecture halls. The big tuition bills are for people that require a piece of paper that says that they're pretty smart people. I don't know. Paying so much money for that silly piece of paper doesn't seem all that smart to me.
Anyway, people never give me a second look unless I turn on the charm. I must emit some sort of "keep away" signal that the mind interprets that tells most people not to fuck with me. Even campus security gave me a wide berth. People that do notice me are the girls that would eventually wish that they hadn't.
I anticipated that those eight or nine months would more or less be a dry spell for me, sexually. I mean, I could have had any girl that I wanted, but my usual style is to take one, use her until there's nothing more to take, and then move on. Staying in one location for an extended period of time made my usual operation difficult. I figured that I would just turn off the charm, except for special occasions (hey... I'm not a monk!).
After destroying scores of lives, the same old thing sort of grows on you.
I found out almost immediately that taking a college coed was way too easy. All the guys on campus knew it and did so, and none had my talents. It's common knowledge that you could promise a girl some beer, a joint, or even chocolate and most of them would drop to their knees with your dick in their mouths faster than President Bush could declare war in the middle east. The girls figured they were sowing wild oats. I call it "learning to be a cunt."
I've never credited females with having brains, and coeds were living proof of that fact.
I am indeed a sociopath, I found out. I had only suspected this before, but now, studying these books, it was quite obvious. I was also classified as a misogynist, but I preferred the term "realist." I knew females for what they really are: warm buckets to accept my semen--nothing more and nothing less.
I think the term misogynist was invented by a feminist, which would be a pretty funny joke. In reality, I have found that feminists are more female-hating than I ever would be. I mean, telling females that they are the equals of the opposite sex is just uselessly getting their hopes up. It's cruel and it's females hurting females. How stupid is that? I'm not against girls physically abusing one another, by the way, but I had done so in the privacy of an apartment or hotel room. Feminists do it publicly. They should be shot!
As I said, females are so fucking stupid, it's pitiful. It just makes it easier for people like me to pick them up, fuck their brains out, and turn them into sex addicts for the rest of their lives.
As a sociopath, I don't live by any rules other than my own. For the most part, society stays away from me, and I stay away from society, except when I feel the hunger for a girl. Usually even then, it's the girl that seeks me out.
So why was I becoming a part of society, attending college? Curiosity, perhaps. Maybe a need to understand myself, but I found that I had no secrets from myself. I knew what I was, and how I worked. I admit that I'm a monster, the kind of person that could be your worst nightmare. I did not lie to myself, like those feminists did. I am brutally honest and frank about myself.
Did I hate myself? Of course not. Hating myself would mean that I actually thought that the things that I do are morally wrong. That's definitely not the case! I did consider myself a monster, but I thought that to mean that I was different in a way that most people would find alarming.
I thought taking the courses would explain to me why I did the things I do, and they didn't. It took me close to two semesters to realize that it was all gobbledygook. Nobody had a fucking clue as to why some people were sociopaths, other than to suggest that something was wrong with the wiring of their brains. That was pure, unadulterated bullshit. I figured that the only thing different about me was that I saw things differently. Reality and truth had different meanings for me than it did for most people. That didn't change the truthfulness of my reality, though. It all comes down to perspective.
As I made my discovery, I found myself in a lecture hall, shaking my head in disgust. This had all been a fucking waste of time!
"Mr. Frees, I'd like to speak with you after class."
I looked up. I had used the name Frees while in college. It wasn't my real name, and I wasn't even on the lists of students that were supposed to be in the class. I think I used that name for something or other in the bookstore when I had some dumb cunt purchase me the "abnormal psych" book in pristine condition for me.
I will admit here, parenthetically, that some females have money. They can be useful that way, too. I hereby state for the record that I also did fuck that coed hard and long all that night, in the living area of her sorority, in all three holes, and I made sure she was very vocal in her appreciation of me. She was therefore useful the normal way as well.
Back at the lecture hall, I had to admit that I had no idea how this professor found out my name.
The entire class was silent. This professor normally did not direct her attention to any student unless a student made an appointment to meet with her during her office hours.
"Are you talking to me?" I asked, refusing to be cowed in front of a bunch of mere students, especially by a female.
"Yes, Mr. Frees. Make an appointment to meet with me today." The professor then turned away from me and resumed her discussion.
A couple of things were obvious to me. The professor had an interest in me. Sure, I was one of the older students in the class, and I never did any of the assignments. As I said, I simply audited the course, and didn't even attend all the lectures. I wondered why the professor wanted to talk with me.
I shrugged. I knew that people don't normally fuck with me, but if the professor wanted to see me, it would be my duty to make sure she wouldn't forget me. I got up, picked up my stuff, and loudly walked out of the lecture, making sure the door closed noisily. I proceeded directly to the professor's office. Her receptionist looked up at me.
"Dr. Finella wants me to schedule an appointment for today."
The receptionist frowned. "I don't think she has any openings for you today..."
"She has a minimum of three openings that I might be interested in. However, I just want you to schedule me, Mr. Frees, as her last appointment at four o'clock today. Cancel any appointments of hers that might follow it, since she will be quite busy."
The receptionist simply nodded and did as I requested.
I loved it when people just shut up and did what I said. It made life so easy. At least, the girl knew her place.
I smiled as I left the office. I had a few hours to waste, so I went to the library and started reading portions of "120 Days of Sodom." After all, I hadn't really been enjoying myself as much as I usually do, and I figured that I could use the advice from an expert.
As people passed me, a few noticed my reading material. When I encountered a girl that audibly gasped in recognition of the author, I made her take her place under the reading table, giving Oscar some appreciative licks.
Nobody, not even the head librarian, made any comment about the sexual activity going on beneath my table. As I said, most people just don't fuck with me.
I didn't let Oscar shoot off. I just had the girls that were bathing him keep his attention riveted.
I was partway through the fourth day of Sodom when my watch alarm went off. I got up, told the three coeds that were under the table, loudly, that they could get up and get dressed, and wandered in the direction of the professor's office.
As I walked, I wondered about de Sade's anal fixations. To me, it seemed to be just a power trip, a desire to exert ones superiority over another. The only problem with anal that I had found--and it was just a minor one--was that unless you have a mirror handy, you don't see the reaction of the person you're screwing when you do it in their ass. Another problem I had with de Sade was that he didn't mind fucking youngsters, nor did he seem to prefer females to males. For some reason, this just seemed wrong to me. Of course, we live in different times, nowadays. The famous de Sade spent quite a lot of time in prison for his writings, so he might not have always had a choice in these matters. I also guess that some of that psychobabble horse shit was sticking to me. I sighed.
I arrived at the professor's office at three fifty-five. The receptionist shivered slightly as I entered the room, no doubt remembering how I had so easily made her reschedule the doctor's appointments around for the day.
Smiling at the receptionist, I watched her press the intercom button. "Doctor Finella, your four o'clock is here. A Mr. Frees."
"Have him wait there until I'm ready for him."
The receptionist looked up at me and shrugged.
I shrugged back and offered the receptionist my hand.
With an uncertain look on her face, the receptionist took my hand, looking at me as if Julia Child had just been handed a lump of shit. I took her hand firmly and pulled her into a standing position. "I think it might be best for you to accompany me. Lock the door to this room and then direct me to the doctor's office."
Silently, the receptionist obeyed me. She led me down a hallway and knocked on a door, all the time, looking at her hand where I touched her.
"Who's that?" the doctor asked, sounding unhappy.
"It's Candy. I have Mr. Frees..."
"I told you to have him wait, you mindless twit!"
I had enough of this. I opened the door and dragged Candy inside.
"Shut your fucking mouth, doctor!" I said in a commanding voice.
The doctor's mouth shut completely. She had a look of genuine surprise on her face. Looking from me to her receptionist, the surprise turned to fear.
"Candy? Is that your name?" I asked, turning to the receptionist.
"Y-yes, sir."
"Thank you, Candy," I said. "You'll be here as a witness. The doctor and I will be having a simple discussion of the class she teaches. As far as anybody else is concerned, nothing untoward will happen in this room."
"Of course," Candy replied.
"Are you married, Candy?"
"I have a boy friend."
"Good," I said and turned to the doctor. "Doctor Finella, are you married?"
The doctor looked up at me, frightened. She did not answer.
"You may talk, only to answer my questions, sweetie."
The professor reddened when I called her "sweetie." I grinned at her menacingly.
"I'm not married."
"Any boy friends?"
"Girl friends? Lovers?"
The doctor looked disgusted. "Of course not."
"Too bad," I said, smiling. I turned back to Candy, who still looked shocked, although not as frightened as the professor. "Candy, you have been most helpful. I'll give you some freedom here. You will not have to participate in the fun that I will have with Doctor Finella. Of course, you will be utterly truthful to me."
"OK," Candy said, still not exactly sure what was happening.
I returned my attention to the desk, where the doctor was still sitting silently, her face now a mask of terror. I saw a name plate that identified her as "Doctor Barbara Finella, Ph.d"
"Barbie," I said, liking my professor's name. "You and me are going to have a little fun."
I then turned to Candy and pointed to a chair, indicating that she should sit down. She did, and I moved to the other side of the desk.
"Barbie," I said. "I think I'd prefer to use your chair. Take the other chair opposite Candy."
Silently, the professor stood. You could see hatred in her eyes as she watched me sit down in her chair.
I leaned back and put my feet onto the desk, intentionally crushing some papers underneath my heels. I grinned at Candy and started talking.
"So, Candy, how long have you been working for Barbie?"
"I've been working for Professor Finella..."
"Barbie," I corrected.
Candy looked at her boss and blanched. "For Barbie... for... um... three years."
"How would you describe Barbie?" I asked.
"Describe her?" Candy looked confused.
"Is she a nice person to work for?"
Candy paused. Her mouth opened as if to say something, but it refused. Apparently, Candy was going to lie to me and found that she couldn't. She tried a couple more times, and then said, "B-Barbie can... sometimes be... difficult."
I turned to Barbie, who was now staring at her employee with open hatred. "Barbie, do you really give Candy a difficult time?"
"I do no such fucking thing!" Barbie spat.
I sighed. I was going to have to teach some lessons to my little professor. "As much as I like a slut that swears, Barbie, I think you need to learn respect. Every time you are about to use a swear word in a derogatory way, even if you are just thinking it, you will lose an item of clothing. You will then tell us what word you were thinking, if that was what caused you to lose an item of clothes. This order is retroactive to your last comment."
The professor looked at me as if I was crazy. However, I noticed that she was slipping off one high heel as she did so. I idly wondered if I should allow a shoe to count as an item of clothing, but then I saw her slip off the other shoe, saying, almost silently, "Shit."
Our professor apparently just thought another bad word. Oh, my. Maybe shoes should count--I don't think she was going to last very long with her mind in the gutter like that.
Returning my attention to Candy, I continued, "Describe your boss as accurate as you can in a single word."
Candy looked as if she were in a Bizarro world. Here I was, taking advantage of Barbie and herself, and she found herself compelled to answer me truthfully in front of her own boss. "Demanding?" Candy finally uttered.
"Are you a demanding boss, Barbie?" I asked the professor, who was now removing a scarf from her neck, after uttering the word, "Cunt."
Barbie glared at me and then at her employee. "I require promptness when I ask for things."
"Sounds like a real bitch to me," I observed. "Is Barbie a bitch, Candy?"
"Y-yes," Candy said after a pause.
"I guess my job will be to tame the bitch, then."
Barbie was removing her suit jacket now to the word "Shit," leaving her with just a white blouse, a skirt, what appeared to be panty hose and a bra. She had already lost four items of clothing already.
"Candy, how much longer before we see Miss Sugar Tits over there in all her glory?"
Candy shrugged and said, barely whispering, "Five minutes?"
I watched as Barbie mumbled "Cunt!" again, and then started unbuttoning her blouse, her eyes furious at the two of us.
Candy flinched at the nastiness that her boss just expressed.
"You were thinking that about Candy? The poor lass that has been working for you and taking your shit for years?"
Without hesitation, Barbie nodded in the affirmative, while bringing her blouse off her shoulders.
The professor was wearing a white, utility brassiere. Nothing fancy, nor desirable.
"Nice tits, although a bit on the small side," I sneered.
Barbie did not take my bait, and remained where she was, knowing now that even thinking bad thoughts would get her to strip. She was being cowed.
From my experience, it takes a woman about an hour to be completely subjugated to my power. During that time, there is an amusing period when her old mind interacts with the more docile new mind. I could see this starting to happen, and I wondered if I could stop it. I wanted the professor to remain her old bitchy self. I didn't want her as a fuck toy. I just wanted to teach her a lesson.
"Candy, do you have any cameras in the office?"
"N-no," Candy stammered.
"Is the bookstore still open?"
"Get a disposable camera for me. Meet me back in this office as soon as you can. Don't talk to anybody unnecessarily and don't mention what you've seen here."
"OK," Candy said, hurrying off.
Barbie watched Candy go, reaching behind herself to unclasp her bra.
"What was the word this time?" I asked, having missed it. "No penalty, of course."
"Fucking," Barbie spat.
I grinned. "You'll be doing that in just a bit," I said. "No need to hurry it along."
"You're going to rape me."
"No. I don't rape people. I'm not a rapist, sweetie pie."
"You need help," the doctor said, realizing that she was able to speak to me as if in reply to what I was saying to her.
"Do you think I need help? Should I get the football team to come over and give me a hand?"
Barbie blanched at my suggestion and uttered the word, "Shit!" as she freed her tits from the confining bra. I had been correct. They were smallish, about a 32-B. Her nipples were quite hard, I noticed. "N-no," she finally answered.
"It's interesting that you chose to remove your bra rather than your skirt. It makes me wonder what surprises you have in store underneath it."
The good doctor went from almost pure white to beet red in just a few seconds. It was comical.
"Are you on the pill?" I asked.
I think that question confirmed to the doctor my intentions. She nodded, her face starting once again to drain of color.
"You have taken your last birth control pill, Barbie," I pronounced. "From now on, you will never use any form of birth control. You will not use a condom, diaphragm, or any other sort of barrier-style birth control, nor will you use any regular or morning-after pills. No foams or other contraceptive sprays. No pulling out before orgasm, no rhythm method. Every time you fuck, you will realize that the person you're fucking could be the daddy of your child. You will carry your children to term, and then give them up for adoption."
The only reaction from my order was Barbie unzipping her skirt.
"What was the word, Barbie? I didn't hear."
I pointed downward to Oscar, my ever trusting friend. I simply said, "Daddy!" Oscar jumped in delight as I said that.
Of course, I knew that Barbie was still protected by her birth control pills. I just said that last bit to up her anxiety level. It worked.
The skirt dropped to reveal a white pair of panties with light little pink elephants on it. In the middle, it said, in light blue letters, "BUSH/CHENEY 2000." Underneath, she was wearing a pair of stockings, giving lie to my thought that she had been wearing panty hose.
"Oh, dear," I said, noticing the political panties.
Barbie's reaction was to blush once more.
"Republican panties. I didn't even know they sold these."
"Penalties are over. I like those," I said, indicating the professor's panties. "Feel free to speak, but you may not leave this room until I allow you to do so."
"What you are doing is rape," Barbie hissed.
"Is not! Is not! Is not!" I said in a child's sing-song voice.
"You have me here, against my will, and intend to force me to do sexual acts."
"I have a hundred witnesses at the lecture hall that heard you specifically request that you see me in your office. That was by no means against your will. Candy will be back and will swear that nothing happened in this room, except maybe you came on to me. You have no case, sweetie."
Introduction: A quick and kinky lesbian fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...
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MasturbationArchiving and reposting of this story *unchanged* is permitted provided that no fee be charged, either directly or indirectly (this includes so-called "adult checks") *and* provided that this disclaimer and attribution to the original author are maintained. Based on the characters and situations presented in "Seasons of Change" by Joel Lawrence, Copyright 1989. This story is archived in its entirety here at Fictionmania (go to search by authors and select Joel...
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She walked into the shop having not the slightest clue of which item should get to tickle her fancy. She perused the aisles aimlessly for less than a minute when the shop’s hostess beckoned to her. She asked if the young lady needed assistance and began to dig deeper. A simple, ‘No. I’m just looking,’ hadn’t satisfied the hostess’ vigor for making her quota. ‘Well…’ the young girl started. She eyed the woman carefully taking in all of her well-polished features. She noticed her hair was...
Turning out Barbie DollThe continuation of the “Barbie Doll” series. Brice listened and thoroughly enjoyed Jeff fucking Barbie. Hearing the story of his father stimulated him again. He hoped they would bring it up again. He had much of Barbie's past from her, the only thing she held back was who he actually was? Barbie lay with Jeff, both in the after glow of a great fuck, Jeff asked “tell me more about Brice's dad”? She giggled telling him that he was just a k** she loved. She was divorced,...
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59 days until the concert. Naruto laid on his bed and pulled his headband over his eyes, arms folded and fantasized about the day he would lose his virginity. He never really thought about the same girl but it was always an experience that would run in his head for days at a time. Hinata stood outside Naruto's door with her sister Hanabi, index fingers pressed together silently procrastinating. "Why did you need me to come with you to ask Naruto to the concert?" asked Hanabi who...
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((Most of this is true between a friend and I, but I haven’t moved back home yet, so the rest is just what I’m hoping happens when I move back next month )) * You know that friend that you have that you tend to never realize you want until way later than you should? Yeah, I had one of those. At least mine wasn’t too late… Marck was a glorious sight, 5’10”, dark hair, muscular, and a devilish smile you almost could never resist if you were anyone but me. Thinking back, I think I was just...
Before you read this work, please note that it is adult oriented and very sexually explicit. Also, it is very lengthy and broken into 10 ‘parts’ that should be read in order. Most of them will stand on their own, but certain nuances of the story will be better understood if each part is read in succession. * PART IV (days 7 -8) Later that evening I happened to be alone with Mark, the football player. ‘Lucky fucker,’ he said as he neared me. Not sure what he was talking about, I inquired,...
Amy and I meet up on Saturday. She's waiting downtown, wearing a big coat and huge sunglasses, and she looks down at me as I get off the bus. She's a lot taller than I remembered, though I don't think this weird transformation had anything to do with my height. I'm wearing a tanktop that used to fit me when I was a boy but now barely covers my nipples, underneath my usual hoodie. It was super warm on the bus so the hoodie is a little less zipped up than I was intending on...
My friend Shannon is really pretty. She is a true red head. She has a sprinkle of freckles across her cute face. Her lips are full and she has an enchanting smile.I am half Native American (my father) and half Greek (my mother) I have dark Native American skin and even darker nipples. I have long jet black hair. Most people think that I look Mexican. Although my mom swears my features are more Mediterranean...like her. And she is sexy!We are both seniors in high school. At eighteen, we're both...
Amche gele aat varshanche vaivahik aushya sukhat gele nahi ase nahi, pan samadhanat nakkich nahi. Yache kraran amchche sexual aushya. Majhi bayko khoopach changli ahe, sundar ahe, pan sex madhil vegle vegle prakar / proyog karayla tichi tayari naste. Tila nehamichi position avadte. Mala matra mukha maithun, guda maithoon, veg-vegli aasne karayla avadtat. Hya babteet amche kadhi vaad hi jhale ahet. Halli mee hya vishayawar bolne banda kele hote. Eka ravivarchya dupari mee majhya sadu barobar...
It all started when I was 18 and just moved to a new city because of my moms new/old boyfriend. He had, in the time him and my mother were apart, had two daughters one 13 and one 16 we got along quite well almost immediately and we had lots of fun hanging out. Around six months had passed by when I was told by the younger sister that the older one kind of crushed on me when we first met, but she knew it was weird because our parents were together and had been married around 20 years prior. I...
Gene awoke slowly, rising languidly though the sea of dreams. The sun was in his eyes and there was a woman in his arms. Annalie. Instinctively he curled around her, his face nuzzling in her hair, and breathed deeply of the sleeping scent of Woman (her). His cock was hard and nestled between her the softness of her thighs, seeking the warmth and delightful sweetness he remembered. Michele sighed and stirred gently. Gene moved with her, cupping her breast and pressing against her. Eyes still...
A big salute to all the horny cocks and cunts of indian sex stories dot net …. this is a story of my hot encounters with neighborhood aunt and her daughter, how I fucked both and made them mine….you can contact me at my Gmail I’d Now coming back to the story I’m from the city Patna and am a hard core sex freak… for me, sex is as basic and as important as air. First, let me tell you about myself I’m 5.9 in height, fair and muscular with a gym fit body and a rock hard dick, with a charming and...
Hello, friends, I am Gundu from Coimbatore, basically a Malayali but born and bought up in Coimbatore. I just finished my graduation, I m 5.5 with an average dick, use to hit the gym regularly and guess, I’m in a good shape. This is my real sex story. Let’s get to the experience I had, this happened before 2 yrs, at that time I was 18, just completed my 1st semester exams and was thinking of a way to spend my time, so my mom gave an idea that there is a temple function in my native, oops,...
IncestBefore we get started, I’m going to tell you a little about myself. My name is Marcus. I am 22 years old and in my fourth year of college. I am about 5'11", 160 pounds. I am well built and I tend to make friends with my female classmates fairly easily. I have had my share of sexual partners over the four years in college and I still don’t have any intention of finding a girlfriend. I mean, I do have some friends that I would love to go out with, but a long relationship has never really been my...
EroticShe timed her moment to perfection. Brad was idly sifting through a bunch of magazines looking for something to read while she watched a TV program he wasn’t interested in when she matter-of-factly delivered the bombshell.Ashley just grinned wickedly when she told him. She looked smug and superior, but she also knew things about Brad. She knew he thought she didn’t know about it, because she hadn’t mentioned it in the month that had passed since it happened. She knew that he would be...
Straight SexI had some time to kill midday before heading to the airport for a business trip, and I was craving cock. There’s an ABS near the airport that I sometimes visit, so I went there hoping to spend some quality time at a gloryhole before my flight. The pickings can be slim during the day, but I’d give it a try anyway.I walked in and paid my entrance fee for the movie arcade section. This ABS just has an entrance fee, and you don’t have to feed the machines. I knew which pairs of booths had...
I'm Kyle 19 m Uk This is how a weekend visit to my aunties Caravan in Wales ended up a being the best sexual experience of my life .........Not too long ago I split up with my girlfriend and my head was all over the place .My mum told me I should go down to Wales with her for the weekend down to My aunties caravan just to take my mind of things and see my Auntie Karen and the k**s who I've not saw for near enough a year .That Friday we drove down and met up with them , the weather was roasting...
In the 70s there was a normal bookshop in London, on the edge of Soho, maybe Tottenham Court Road or Charing Cross Road, and going past I noticed a sign saying ‘adult books’ and an arrow pointing downstairs. Of course I went in, and you had to walk the length of the shop, in your dirty mac, to get to the stairs leading down to the dirty bookshop. Once there though I had the joy many times of acquiring armfuls of mags to add to my huge collection. There’s always a few of us in there, pervs in...
A First for Both We had met online on a site for those interested in BDSM, etc. There had already been many emails and phone conversations as well as a meet and greet for lunch. We were both about to embark on a new journey for both of us. She as a sub and me as a dom. We had made arrangements for a Friday evening meeting at a restaurant. At my instruction she was supposed to select a nice seafood restaurant. To my disappointment, she selected a very casual, family style seafood joint. Wooden...
BDSMThe Wish Shift Table of Contents Prelude: Wish Shift Part 1: The Winter of Her Heart Chapter 1: Reunions Chapter 2: Deflection Chapter 3: Armistice Chapter 4: Home, Sweet Home Chapter 5: Examinations Chapter 6: Template Chapter 7: Reactions Chapter 8: Pathways Chapter 9: Confrontation Chapter 10: Tabula Rasa Chapter 11: Zai Jian Part 2: The Blossoming of Her Spring Chapter 12: Revelations Chapter 13: Confessions Chapter 14:...
Chapter 1 “Hey, Mister Ed!” Edward Walters looked over his shoulder and raised his hand in greeting as the pickup cruised past him on the town’s main street. He recognized the speaker as Reggie Halston, one of the wide receivers for the Bearcats, the high school football team Ed played the Guard position for. Reggie was grinning as he leaned out the window of his buddy’s pickup. His buddy being Mark Thompson, their quarterback. Mister Ed. He hated that nickname because… well, he...
Yasmin woke up in a panic, trying to work out where she was. Strange smells and feeling... She looked around in the morning light - the luxurious bedroom ... oh yes. It all came flooding back to her: she was a prisoner. She’d been dressed up as a fantasy maid, tied up, then dressed in a little bikini and forced to play with herself while her captors totally got off on making her have her first orgasm. It was hard to cope with. Still, as her dad would’ve said, it could’ve been worse....
Terry fiddled with the vet's Rolodex and swiveled from side to side in her chair. It was almost 4:30. She glanced at the door, hoping no one else would come in for the day. The little bell on the door chimed as the blond bombshell carrying a cage with a rabbit in it walked through the door. Terry tsked then put on a big smile. "Hello. Welcome to Dr Fredrick's Animal Clinic. What can I do for you?" "Hello!" the blond beamed. She smiled at the black haired receptionist. "It's my...
one day i was on facebook and i was talkin to my boyfriend so he emailed me and told me to go on skype so we could have cam sex. i replyed back say daddy you know ill do anything to see that big fat juice dick. so i got on and then he said stay on video chat and call him cause he wanted to hear my sexxy voice so then i call him and he picked up and i said daddy you goin to do that thing you said you were going to do and he said yes he got in tha bathroom with his laptop had thecam facing his...
These words from my bride of six months cut through me like a knife,"Michael, I am sorry to have to say this, but I need to be fucked by areal man with a decent sized cock who can last more than two minutes. Iam sick and tired of your tiny dick, and if we are going to staytogether, you are going to have to accept being a cuckold in future."I always knew that I was smaller than other men, but I thought that shewas happy with me.To give some background, I met Vicki just under a year ago at a...
By : Rahulroni31 Hey! ISS readers this is Rahul (20) from Hyderabad this is the first time I am writing the story which has happened to me last year. My aunt Swetha stays in Vizag with her family she has two children and my uncle works for some exporting company she has a very good personality I ain’t know the exact measurements of her but she has a an awesome personality and little dark color. Coming to the story I use to spend my vacation in Vizag staying at my aunts house so someway like...
IncestJack had told her every detail of every dream he could remember. It wasn't until then, that he realized that the secret she had said she wanted to share had not, in fact, been shared. Still, she sat upon him. She had rocked, somehow, exactly at the right pace to keep him iron hard, and on edge. It was obvious she wasn't disgusted and that, alone, made his heart soar. His guilt still lay heavily on his heart, but her acceptance of his confession somehow made it feel a bit lighter. "If she...
I met Fien during Erasmus in Portugal and was immediately enthralled by her. She was shy in the cutest of ways and it didn't take much for her cheeks to turn red, as I noticed from her conversations with others. She had long dark blond hair, was about 1,65m and couldn't stop smiling. But as everyone gathered in the meeting room on the first day, it were Fien's flashy cyan pants that caught my attention. That and her unusually sexy body. She had gorgeous legs; toned and just long enough leading...
Rachel grinned happily as she glanced around at John, Alyssa and Jade who sat with her on the sofas in the Officers’ Lounge, feeling relaxed and at ease in their company. They were chatting with Jade about her initial experimentation with shape-shifting, and Rachel listened with fascination as the Nymph talked about researching different creatures, so she could try her hand at copying their exotic forms. Alyssa suddenly turned to look at the door to the lounge, a sparkling smile lighting up...
Lilith Moaningstar was a smart girl. She was an artist. And a genius. She could use bigger parts of her brain than regular people. When she met the Bangbus crew she was smart in bidding the price up. She realized that it would be fun to get the whole wad of cash so she was quickly inside the bus. And quickly she was all naked with that whole wad of cash in her hand. She just didn’t realize how good Tyler Steel would fuck her. He banged her so hard she completely forgot all smartness and just...
xmoviesforyouBased on Spells R US # 39, from Femur's Lovingly Modified TG Romance Comics. Spells R Us: Love Magnet By Dale Ribbons The trouble started when Daniel Clarke wanted to lose weight. All of his life he had been thin, until he entered his thirties and started developing a 'middle-aged spread'. His job as a teacher at the local high school kept him from exercising like he should. So he took long walks when he could. One of his favorite places to walk was the local mall. That's...
I was 21, 5 foot 10, 170 lbs. with brown hair and blue eyes. I was gay but nobody knew. I just left college for the summer and went to stay at my best friend’s house in Minnesota. My friend was 23 and offered to stay at his house for a few weeks in the summer before going home. I arrived in minnesota on Friday night, he wasn’t going to be home from school until Tuesday and his parents were in mexico for a week and a half on vacation. So I got to his house at 10pm and only his 18 year old...
GayI settled down on the bus, taking out my phone. I scrolled through my downloaded files and clicked on the file marked anthros. My mother had sent me the file after all, something about learning 5he tools of me uncles trade. " Anthros will be your primary source of income as a rancher. Unlike their cousins the beasts meat selling isn't an option so byproducts are your primary source of income milk mostly from mammalian female anthros though there are some more specialized products, such as eggs...
FetishHi All my names Helen im a swinging slut, im married 42 years old, a bit of a cougar some might say, the other week I met a guy at the swingers bar who wanted me to film me giving him a hand job, that’s all he wanted so I agreed to it and he came to my home when my husband was at work… I was wearing a pink v-neck dress, why it showed of my tits perfectly and also it gave the guy who’s name was Bruce, the chance to easily grab a feel while I wanked him. Bruce came in and took all his clothes...
This story is not true, is just a fantasy of mine. It is based on a family I knew growing up. It is a fantasy of what could have been. I was 17 years old finishing up my junior year in high school. I was sexually active on the pill with no steady boyfriend. With summer approaching I befriended Scott Fredrick. He was in my class, new to our school in the winter semester. His family moved into a big house in our neighborhood that had a pool. I will admit I befriended him hoping to get to use...
First TimeMichael Clarke Duncan- Coach Clark Jackson Eliza Dushku- Kelly Rayne Me- Jamal Mitchell Chloe Sevigny- Ashley Mitchell Ja Rule- Spyder/Kenny Bone Crusher- Jenkins/B.J. Vin Diesel- Victor Kristen Davis- Lara Rayne Josey Scott- Lucas Gerald Butler- Dracula Fergie- Angie Baker Ashanti- Krissy/Trix Undertaker- Lord Ayres James Marsters- Spike Scott Wolf- Kurt Fuller Started out with Nas' "Dance", then to the sex scene that had Usher's "Twork it...
When Donna was a teen, aged around 18-19 we loved going down the local bar. I had a flat in the middle of town so it was really handy for getting wrecked in the local 50 yards up the street and getting home. We both loved playing pool and she would flirt like crazy with all the guys. By the end of the night we were both a little worse for wear and she was always real horny so back at my flat we'd fuck like rabbits till we drifted off to sleep. If the weather was good we'd sometimes go down the...
Hey...It's V's fiance...I know you were hoping to be able to treat her like a whore, but she is off taking care of stuff. I am in the mood to make some new pornography mixes and masterbate. I need motivation...something to make me, become the b**st. How many of you out there no of a hot barely legal teenager or a 19 year old college cutie who is just dying to try it up her asshole? U should send her my way because as I get older, the taboo of having a young lil' slut licking my nut off of...
I hope you have enjoyed the story of Josh and Katrina, and all the people that got entangled around their tale of love. All the towns named in this tale are actual places that can be found around Britain, and who knows, maybe some of the people are real too. * Laughing at the toast John had just made, Josh looked across at Kat. She looked so beautiful, her long black hair up in a French twist, the soft cream dress off setting her lovely clear skin, the bouquet of white and red roses laying...
Hey guys.. This is sam. At present my age is 19. I am from bhubaneswar, odisha. If you like the story mail me at Aunties and girls looking for sex and fun , feel free to contact. As I was saying I am from bhubaneswar. At present I am pursuing my btech 2nd year. Talking about me.. Fuck it.. Just know that I got a long dick(this statement was for the girls only).. Let’s be descriptive about the other sex. Honestly speaking I don’t know her name. She is my friend’s mom. And so I always call her...
Introduction: It was time for Alice to complete double penertration training……..then she could enjoy the same treatment as her whore mother fiona After the group fuck in the lane the previous night I was overly keen on readying Alice for some double penetration action. The following day I called Fiona at work and told her that I needed her to pop into town and purchase three or four dildos of various shapes and sizes and a couple of butt plugs, one small and one larger. Fiona knew better than...