DTtS Barbie
- 2 years ago
- 35
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The girls come from many places. I really don't care, actually. But once they are with me, they move with me, wherever I decide to go. I move often, never staying too long anywhere. The girls, once they find me, are mine... until, of course, I've had enough of them. Then I discard them without even looking back. I figure, let the bitches figure out how to put their pathetic little lives back together in a strange place. Serves each one of them right.
Their mommies should have told them not to talk to strangers.
I could describe myself in a few paragraphs, but I'm not really about to do so with any detail. For one thing, I'm not about to let people know who I am. For another, any description of me will eventually come down to three words, which are easier for me to write: I'm a monster.
I'm not particularly good looking. I'm not terrible looking. I'm mostly nondescript. If you saw me in a mall, you wouldn't give me a second look. Unless...
I do not give out any monstrous aura. Actually, I think I might actually give out some sort of aura that tells people that I'm not a bad guy. That's right... even my aura will lie to you!
I have a taste for pretty females. But I don't seek them out... they seek me out. Somehow, like a bee to a gladiola, they find me.
They would probably spend the rest of their lives regretting having found me, if they were to remember me. But they don't. I have no idea what happens when I kick them out, actually.
So... what's a monster like me doing writing a story about himself? Well, for starters, I want to tell somebody. People probably won't believe me, but I'll still have gotten it off my chest. After all, this is fiction, right? Yup. That's the ticket!
But I would also like to say that I could be much more of a monster than I actually am. For one thing, I could prey on kids. I don't. In fact, when I hear about those children that are kidnapped at gunpoint, abducted from their front yards, and all those other things you hear about in the newspapers nowadays, it almost makes me want to seek out those sick bastards and kill them.
I said "almost." I don't. I deplore violence, actually. Well, mostly.
I just wanted to point out that there are REALLY sick individuals out there. I don't go hunting for my prey like they do. I simply allow my "victims" to find me. Let the police get the really sick people. The police will never find me... and even if they did suspect me (which I seriously doubt), there is little that I do that is actually illegal.
I consider any female over the age of sixteen to be an adult. In most states, that's the age of consent. Not like the legality would bother me, but again, I have my principles. If a girl is seventeen or older, she's fair prey, as far as I'm concerned. I don't bother the younger ones. I have no need.
The closest that I came to endangering the life of a minor was having a mother seek me out while she had her young daughter with her in a store. She probably would have forgotten about her kid when she went seeking me out. I actually went out of my way to drive the daughter home, leaving her with no memories of how she got there or what happened to her mother. Of course, I don't think her mother ever returned, so the daughter probably was motherless for the rest of her life. Tough shit. I did my good deed. And I didn't personally hurt the kid.
As I said, I'm a monster. But I do have my standards.
I've studied enough psychology to know that I'd be classified as a sociopath. That's just a label and conveys very little as to who the real me is. I prefer the term "monster." It's what I am. I don't pretend to be a nice guy.
KaraI hate night clubs. They are too noisy. They're usually too smoky. The people that frequent them sometimes make a monster like me look like a saint.
However, I sometimes do go by them. It's a good place for people to find me, you know. Girls that have had too much to drink, and who have gotten fondled just one time too many and tell their boyfriends to take a walk can usually be found there.
And that, of course, is how Kara met me.
I was walking on a sidewalk outside the parking lot of a club named Rascals. Even from the street, I could hear the THUMP THUMP THUMP of the music. The parking lot looked like it was near capacity. It was a Friday night.
I was between girls that night. My last one had used up whatever bit of sexuality that she had left, and I had told her to get lost. As I said, I don't care where they go. They are adults, and are supposedly able to look after themselves. The girl had entered my life just to be used up like a sheet of toilet paper. And just like toilet paper, I had no need to keep it around once it's used.
Anyway, the doors to the night club burst open, and a rather pissed off lady emerged. She was followed by what I assumed was her boyfriend, who was being held back by the bouncers, apparently in an attempt to keep her from getting harmed. Of course, the bouncers never even considered that the guy walking past the club smoking a cigarette might actually be a danger to the woman.
Anyway, the boyfriend managed to get out of the club, and went to the girl. She turned on him, shouting invective at him. She was going to go home by herself... she'd find a taxi. And if she ever heard from him again, she'd have a restraining order against him.
I actually chuckled hearing that. The girl had spirit. She might last more than a couple of weeks.
After about five minutes, the guy finally threw his hands up. "Fine. Get your own ride home!" he shouted at her. He turned and looked for his car. In another minute or so, he found it, started it up, gunned the engine, and finally took off.
The girl was still close enough to the entrance that the bouncer asked if she needed to call a taxi. She was still angry enough not to be thinking and turned him down. Apparently, she was angry at the entire male race: she called the bouncer a few choice names.
By this time, of course, I was about a block away. If the girl didn't find me, and there was never any guarantee that she would, I'd find a laundromat or some other place where somebody would be interested in striking up a conversation with me.
It took the woman a few minutes before she realized that she had no transportation, and she had insulted the bouncer that would have called a taxi for her free. He might even have paid the taxi fare!
She looked around, mentally calculating the distance to her apartment, the cost of cab fare, whether or not there was bus service that could help. For some reason, she drifted off in one direction--the same direction that I had taken, of course.
I didn't even have to look back. I just knew what was happening. I slowed my pace even more to allow her to almost catch up with me. I spied a laundromat a couple of blocks down, which, as I said before, would have made a good place to make a catch. A smile went to my lips. Fate was smiling at me! Between where I was and the laundromat was a bar. I could make out the Budweiser sign in the dark window. I knew this place; it was a gay bar. A great place for the pickup!
The girl was nearly caught up to me when I turned into the gay bar. A few people looked at me as I entered, and all of them didn't see anything they were interested in. As I said, it's mostly girls--heterosexual ones, actually--that were interested in me. There were very few of them in there. Homosexual males were never attracted to me.
I found a couple of empty stools at the bar, and took one, leaving the one to my right vacant. I'm a bit conceited; I really think that my right side is my best one, and I wanted to look my best.
On cue, the girl that was following me entered the bar. Once again, a few people looked up, but this time there was some interest. The girl seemed a bit nervous that all the attention she was getting seemed to be coming from the female gender. She apparently didn't know the nature of this bar.
She ignored the stares and quickly found where I had sat. I was drinking a vodka tonic with a lime. She went to the seat next to me, just as I had expected.
The girl was actually quite safe where she sat. As I said, I do not attract attention from homosexual females. As a matter of fact, I seem to repel them a bit. Any one approaching her would find themselves thinking other thoughts when they caught sight of me.
"Excuse me, mister?" the girl said.
"Huh?" I said, pretending to notice her for the first time.
"Could you give me some money for a pay phone?"
I looked at the girl. "Sure," I answered. "Let me buy you a drink first. You look like you could use one."
"No thanks, really," she said, not wanting to increase her indebtedness to me.
"My pleasure, miss."
I signaled the bartender, and asked the girl what she wanted. She looked at me and finally said, "Merlot?"
I nodded my head to the bartender, and indicated that it would be on my tab. He got a bottle from behind him, and poured a glass.
"We don't get many like you two," the bartender said as he gave the glass to the girl.
"I can imagine," I said, twinkling my eye at the bartender.
The bartender realized that I knew the nature of the bar, and simply shrugged. He had just wanted to avoid the kind of scene that would happen when straight people inadvertently came in. There was a cocktail waiter at the service area looking for some drinks, and the bartender went back to work.
"The name's Frank," I lied. I wouldn't even consider "Frank" a good name for a hot dog.
"Kara," the girl answered.
"Cheers," I said, raising my vodka tonic.
She raised her glass and sipped it. I figured that she had already had three drinks in the previous hour and was tottering over the legal limit.
"So, how much do you need? A quarter? A buck? Is it a long distance call?"
"Huh?" Kara asked, confused. "Oh... money for a pay phone! Yes. Just a quarter or so. My ride left me and I need to get home."
"No money?" I asked, looking at her outfit. There was no way she could have hid a dime in her dress.
"No pockets," she said, grinning slightly.
"That's the problem with women's fashions," I remarked. "Never enough pockets. That way, they make more money selling pocket books."
This struck her as funny.
Kara hadn't noticed, but a couple of girls had approached her, only to be turned off when they saw me talking with her. It was just like I had predicted.
I signaled the bartender. "Do you have a business card for a taxi service?" It was a rhetorical question. Bars always had those numbers available for when their patrons had just a little bit too much.
"You need a ride?" he asked me.
"My friend here does."
He looked at her once again, and then looked at me. "I can call her a cab, if you want."
I turned to her. "Do you want, Kara?"
"Um... well, maybe in a little bit. I'd like to finish my drink."
"No problem, miss."
The bartender left, and Kara looked at me. "What did he mean?"
"Mean by what? Wanting to call you a cab?"
"I mean, when he said that they don't get many like us."
"Oh. Look at the couples at the tables," I said.
Kara looked, and after a few seconds, she realized that all most of the tables, the couples were members of the same gender.
"Oh! I didn't realize. Does that mean that you..."
I waited for her to finish the question, but Kara started blushing, thinking she was asking something too personal.
Finally, I let her off the hook. "No. I sometimes prefer this kind of place as a place where I can have a peaceful drink without being bothered."
Kara nodded and then said, "I didn't mean to be a bother..."
"You're not," I said.
She seemed to relax when I said that.
I already knew what would happen. She'd invite me to share her cab. Then she'd decide that she'd prefer to go to my place instead of hers. And, of course, she'd never be heard from again.
Kara followed her role perfectly. She arrived at my apartment, thoroughly infatuated with me.
My place was small, and I had already removed all traces left behind by her predecessor who was doing God knows what right now, trying to put her life back together.
My one-month lease would expire the very next Friday. Kara would follow me to my next destination, somewhere in the mid-west. I was due to escape the big megalopolis between Boston and Washington, and a small rural community would be a good place to dump Kara and find myself her replacement.
Of course, Kara had no idea that her life was predestined.
"There's only one bed," Kara said, giggling nervously.
"Yes. It's where I sleep. You can take the sofa."
This struck her as funny. "I thought we'd... you know... share..."
"The sofa doesn't appeal to me, Kara."
"I mean the bed, silly!"
"Oh. Are you making a request?" I asked, raising my eyes.
"I... um... I guess... I mean..."
"Because if you are, then I'll accept your request if you accept one from me."
"You want to sleep with me?" she asked, coyly.
"Maybe later. But first, I'd like to fuck that ass of yours."
My remark left her almost speechless. I had figured that she had never done anything so exotic before. I was apparently right.
"Fuck... my ass???" she asked, incredulously.
"Yeah. A good ass-fuck will put me to sleep nicely. Then you can wake me up tomorrow morning with a blow job, and then maybe I'll fuck that pussy of yours."
Kara had never been spoken to like this before. She was shocked that anybody would be so bold to just assume that she could be ordered to do those perverted things.
As Bugs Bunny would say, she didn't know me very well.
I could see a lot of emotions going through Kara's face. This is one of the joys in being me... watching a person go through the changes. She was changing from being a totally independent female that had recently told her boyfriend to take a hike to a subservient little slut that would fuck a professional hockey team just because I thought it might be funny.
Right now, my superior smile was slowly pissing the hell out of the "old Kara" that was gradually disappearing.
She was considering her options. She could easily go home. I had my wallet on the dresser, and would make no move to prevent her from taking out enough money to pay a cab. There was a telephone in the living room where we were. It wasn't connected, but she didn't know that. I had no interest in having any bills with my name on them. She could walk right out of my apartment, the same way that she left her loser boyfriend.
But what was really happening was that the "new Kara" was convincing the old one that she wanted, more than anything else, to be with me... to please me... no matter how weird I acted, or how insulting I was to her.
I watched the drama play out within her mind, her facial reactions making it clear to me what was happening. Once more, I had wished I had a video camera to record this. But when Kara's replacement came along, I'd get to see it again. And again. Ad infinitum.
Finally, she said in a small girl's voice, "I've never had anybody in my... my bottom... before."
"Cool," I said, playing my role. "I get an anal cherry as a bonus. Fine. For the cherry, I'll give you five minutes of pussy licking tomorrow morning, before I take my shower."
Once again, the "old Kara" couldn't stand being talked to that way. I idly wondered what Loser Boyfriend had done to piss her off before. It was probably nothing compared to what she was enduring now.
"I'd... I'd like that," Kara said, still in her little girl voice.
I bet, I thought to myself. A girl like Kara probably INSISTED that she get a good pussy licking before anybody even fucked her. Tough shit. Her life was changing, although she didn't know it.
"Of course, after the ass fucking, I expect you to clean my prick. I don't want to stain the sheets."
Actually, I didn't give a fuck about the sheets.
Kara meekly nodded.
Fuck. This bitch was already broken. She might not have enough to last the two weeks that I had estimated.
"F... Frank?"
"Would it be all right if I cleaned it with a face cloth?"
"A face cloth? You mean, something that will touch my FACE? Are you fucking nuts?"
"S... sorry," she said.
Well, she still had a little spunk in her. Not much, but maybe she would last a couple of weeks.
"So. Strip. Lets see those hooters. What size are they, by the way?"
"My... hooters?"
"Are you fucking deaf? I don't have time to learn sign language!"
"Thirty... thirty five... C."
"A C-cup?" I asked, looking unconvinced.
Kara simply nodded.
"Well... let's see 'em," I said, taking a seat on the recliner.
Kara was standing in the middle of the living room. She looked around nervously.
"Um... Frank? Could we... like... close the curtains?"
"Your lights are bright. Somebody across the street can see inside?"
"I knew it. B cups. Probably 34B."
"No! I mean... you want me to take off my clothes with the curtains open?"
"Fuck it," I said, getting up off the recliner. I walked towards the bedroom. "Find your way out, Kara. Good riddance. What a fucking asshole!"
"Wait!" Kara said. I could hear the desperation in her voice.
"Strip right now!" I barked. "Show me your tits. And then, press them against the living room window. If there's a peeping Tom looking in on my apartment, he or she might as well get a good show."
Kara looked at me, once again in shock. Things were getting progressively worse, and she had no way out. If I threw her out while I was pissed at her, there was no telling what would happen. I had done that with some other prick tease that pissed me off, and she committed suicide the very next day. Not that I have any conscience about that... I'm a monster, remember? But my emotions tend to really affect those people that are attracted to me.
Kara's hands moved to the buttons on her blouse. She had a bit of trouble getting her fingers to properly unbutton it. I got a bit annoyed and walked over to her, and pulled the two sides of the blouse apart, shooting her buttons all over the apartment.
"I said, STRIP NOW!" I yelled.
Kara meekly nodded, and pulled her ruined blouse off her shoulders into a heap on the floor. She then reached behind her to undo her bra. She allowed the garment to join her blouse.
Kara's tits were nice. They weren't too large and flabby. But they weren't tiny little cupcakes, either. They were nicely shaped with enough firmness to keep them aloft.
Her nipples were hard. I tend to have that effect on females. When I get angry, their nipples and clitoris tend to get hard... almost demanding attention. In fact, as Kara stood in front of me, naked from the waist up, she unconsciously started to flick at her sensitive nipples with her fingers.
"Stop that!" I said, indicating her errant fingers.
"Sorry," she said.
"Press them to the window now, slut!"
Kara cringed as I called her that word, but slowly walked to the window. She pressed her breasts against the window as ordered.
"Keep them there a minute," I said. "Just in case he has a camera. This is a Kodak moment, you know!"
The thought that some stranger might be filming her made her blanche, but she held her pose.
Kara's reluctance to undress with the curtains open was a new experience for me. I had never encountered this before. I didn't know why I had told her to press them against the window, but in retrospect, I think it was due to an old movie that I had seen called Kentucky Fried Movie. There was a parody of the old B-movies from the early sixties called "Catholic High School Girls in Trouble" which had a scene where a girl was getting fucked in a shower, and her breasts visible against the clear shower door, getting jammed against the door with each thrust. thrust. I had really liked that scene, and I guess I was reliving it.
I doubt that I had any peeping Tom neighbors. Even if I did, I would be gone in a week. If somebody got his jollies by spying in my window, then my punishment of Kara would probably be a bonus for him. Live and let live. Any peeping Tom would have no idea what I was really doing to Kara, anyway.
"Was that a minute?" asked Kara.
"Guess so. Now show me your pussy. Take off the rest of your clothes."
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March 28, 1997, Chicago, Illinois “You must be beat!” Sam declared when Kara, Jessica, Maria Cristina, and I walked into Bucktown Bistro just after 7:00pm on Friday evening. “I slept in this morning,” I replied. Which was true. After Karla and I had made love until the wee hours of the morning, we’d slept spooned together until just before I had to leave for the airport. We’d showered, skipped breakfast, and headed for Schiphol, arriving just in time for me to clear security and board the...
July 1981, Milford, Ohio Tuesday’s lunch at Kara’s was similar to Monday’s, though Kara’s mom spent a bit more time talking to us. It became totally clear to me that she was supportive of our relationship. I didn’t think she’d do anything to clearly violate her husband’s decisions, but knowing that she was there for Kara made me feel a lot better. Kara and I exchanged a nice kiss when I left around 2:30pm for my date with Joyce. I went home and showered and dressed. I left a bit earlier...
Last summer, both my parents and my cousin Kara's parents decided to go on a camping trip for the weekend. Since my aunt and uncle did not trust Kara to stay on her own, they asked me to watch over her for the weekend. For my troubles they gave me $100 for the weekend. Kara and I got along very well. Since I was older than her by 3 years she has always looked up to me. Ever since we were younger she was always like a lost puppy following me where ever I went. Although she is a little bit older...
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Hi, Mera naam rahul hai main pune main rahta hun height 5’11athletic body. Toh shuruwat kuch is tarah hui. Main jis society main rahta hun ussi society main ek bahut khubsurat pari ayi rehne. Shadi shuda thi figure 36-28-36 ekdam pari lagti thi. Ek din main terrace pe gaya shaam ke waqt khana khake toh dekha ki wo wahan tahalrahi thi red colour ka night dress pehna tha wo itni hpt lagrahi thi mann toh kiya jake usko apni bahon main lelun lekin control kiya… Thodi der badh main bhi as pas...
Hi friends main ajay 25 saal ka chora agra se fir se ekfir baar apni story ke saath ye kahani hai meri makkan maalkin nisha ki pehle mere emil id le moonstar111112gmail.Com koi bhi bhabhi aunty ya ladki gupt rup se sex chat ya chudai karne chahti ho sen me mail. Toh story hai jodhpur ki jaha main studies ke liye gaya tha mere chahca waha job kartey the main unke saath wahi rehta tha mere jo makaan ke malik the unka naam shyam ji tha woh army retired the unki ek patni thi jo aksar bimaar rehti...
By: Anjali Hi, I’m Rahul merei age 26 saal h main bhagwan ka bahut Sukargujar hun ki main ek bahut hi sunder aur handsome hun. Doston mujhe bachpan se hi ladkiyon ki bajaye ladies jayada sunder lagti hain. Mujhe bhara hua sareer jayada pasand h doston aaj se 4 saal pehle main ek shadi me gaya tha aur us shadi me jo mujhe experience hua use main kabhi bhi nahi bhul sakta. Yaron maine shadi me ek gajab ki aurat ko dekha. Uski umar 30 saal ki hogi rang bilkul gora aur figure aisa ki bas pooch...
By : Ibibo Hi friends mae ek bar fir apke liye ek maa beto ki kahani laya hoon ye kahani mujhe meri ek friend nae likhne ko kaha hai ye uski original kahani hai or woh iss se he merio dost bani hai. mae umeed karta hoonb apko ye kahani pasand ayegi or mae apki mails ka wait karunga mera id hai to chalo ab kahani shuru karte hai meri friend jiska naam anuradha hai uske ghar mae 4 log hai anuradha uska pati or 2 bache hai ab anuradha ki jubaani meri umar 35 Saal hai meri figure 38/32/38 hai...
Hello dosto main aaj first time apni story likh raha hu baay us samay kihai jb main 12th class main the of apni summer vication’s ki chuttiya bitane k liye bua ji k ghar gaya hua tha main har garmiyo mai waha jata hu bua ji ka ek beta hai jiska naam harsh hai wo 8th class main hai or ek beti hai jiska naam sneha hai wo bahut sexy hai bua ji or uncle jb karte hai or sneha or harsh din bhar ghar main rehte akle rehte hai jb main unke ghar gaya to wo sab muje dekh kar bahut khush hue maine sneha...
Mera dost manoj bhi mere sath waha rahene laga tha 50:50 rent share kiya. Humne makan malik se kaam karne ke liye koi ho to bhejde to unhone shaam ko ek ladki ko bheja jisne apna naam madhu bataya maine use gaur se upper se niche tak dekha kayamat thi madhu 36 ki size ke boobs the patli chikni kamar aur gand masal 36 ki hogi. Muje kahene lagi “namste sahib , muje rameshbhai ne bola thi apko kaamwali ki jarurat hai.” Maine kaha “haha aao ander aajao.” Wo ander aayi. Maine use ghar dikhaya aur...
It all started with suzie tell us one day that her son was showing the maid servant his penis. Shanta was a common maid and worked at houses. She was a tall well built and buxom babe with a tight ass and i wouldn’t mind showing her my cock as well – which in any case i had – so i was quite amused when i discovered that brian was on the same wavelength. One morning when shanta was at my place, i managed to get bryan over as well. He was a shy lad. We spoke of this and that and his passion for...
Hi guys this is Rohit from Ludhiana Punjab. It is the true incident occurs when I came to my home in holidays. Actually I’m studying in Bangalore. Let me describe myself. I m 5feet 11 inches tall, air and smart look guy. When I came to my home in holidays I saw that my parents had hired a maid which is hardily 18 yrs old. Her name is Geeta. She is 5 feet 2 inches tall fair and innocent look holder, her figure was 34b 26 37.my parents were very happy because I returned home after very much time...
Chapter 1 The screams began just before dawn. Though not unexpected, they still came as a shock. Men and boys grabbed sword, spear, pitchfork, whatever lay at hand and streamed to the south end of the city. Women untrained in combat, young mothers, and their children streamed towards the harbor and the last vestige of hope for escape. Many a woman handed off her children to relatives, neighbors, or total strangers in order to make a stand with her man, hoping that theirs would be the arms that...
After a couple of days I received a mail from a lady from Karachi. She read my story. She introduced herself as Naila. We soon started exchanging emails. She narrated her story that she is married woman who lives with her husband and is married for the last 4 years. She is not satisfied with her husband as he is an impotent and also does not give her ample time. He is mostly on his office tours. Moreover she was constantly pressurized by her mother-in-law for bearing a c***d. But she was not in...
Hi. This is Dani from Karachi. 30 Male, a CA by profession. I am working as Manager Finance in a reputed company, managing the whole company in the absence of owner. This event happens last year when I want to appoint an accountant in my department. In consent with my owner we decided to appoint a female accountant as they are more loyal to work.I gave an advertisement in news papers and as a result got 1000’s of resumes. I have selected 10 cvs in which the candidate pics are attached and they...
Hi all, I am here to share my experience with you all. I am Ritika Raj, 36-year-old working women. About my appearance I am fair, 5.2 ft tall weigh 55 kgs and my stats are 34C 30 36, I have shoulder length cut hair, black eyes. I am separated and live with my son. About my experience, I have had no prior sex life before marriage and sexual life with husband was more than average. After separation, I was left alone and had made up my mind not to marry again. I still was enjoying people...
Hi it’s again danial here from Pakistan. I am 30 yrs old, but looks like not more than 27, by profession a Chartered Accountant. Let me share my Recent Sex experience with everybody which happened a month ago. Let me explain you my setup. I am living in a bungalow with my wife, no kids. That day I just start my car in morning to go for office, suddenly I saw a very preety girl who was walking very slowly and watching house numbers as if she was searching some specific house. She was 19 years...
IncestHi it’s again danial here from Pakistan. Let me share my first Sex experience with everybody I was 25 years old and student of CA at that time. You can contact me at silent_magma [at] hotmail [dot] com. The story is all about my sexual encounter with the daughter of our maid servant. It was June (summer) and my siblings and parents would like to go on a hill station for enjoying vacations but as I have to appear in exams I was unable to go with them. They decided to go for 10 days and...
EroticHello mere sabhi garam doston aur pyaasi unchui kanyaon aur garam bhabhiyon.. Mera naam asim hai main asansol ka rehne wala hu meri body atheletic hai aur proper shape me hai iski wajeh ki main football player hu…,. To ab main apni kahani per ata hu ek baat to aap logon ko batana hi bhool 8 gaya main bahut hi hot aur sexy hu aur mera lund avg se thoda mota hai……. 0 to ye baat 8 din pehle ki hai main job ki 1 Talash me delhi gaya tha per kuch jama 7 Nahi aur paas rakhe paise bhi khatam 1 Hone ko...
Hi friends mera name Ashmit hai, ISS site par meri pehli story hai umeed karta hoon ap ko passand aye. Or mujhe mail jrur kreaga to dosto mai Kanpur (U.P.) ka rehne wala hu, age 20 healthy hoon height 5’8 hai and dekhne me smart hoon. Ab mai story pe aata hu,pados me mere papa ke cousin ka ghar hai unki beti ka name Shikha hai jo ki meri first cousin hui. Shikha bahut gori aur chikni age 18 hai uska size 36-30-38 hai usko dekh ke koi bhi chodne ko tayar ho jayewo hai e itni sweet. Hm logo me...
Toh guys story 2 saal pehle ki h . tb mai engineering ke 2 nd year me tha and mera school time se ek best friend tha Rahul(fake). Hum donno sab kuch share karte the.. Rahul ki ek saal choti behen thi Jiya (fake).. vo mujhe hamesha se hi bohot hot aur sexy lagti thi.. mai man hi man use chodna chata tha. tumhe kya batau m Jiya ke baare me. vo chubby chubby thi.. uska figure 34-28-36 hoga.. ek dum gori. Height average.. aur uski gaand to yaaro itni mast thi ki kya batau.. mera to uske baare me...
Karen is damaged goods but she is the love of my life. She owns a hundred baggy shirts and a couple dozen pairs of Levis. At 5’6″ and 120 pounds she has a beautiful body top off with brown hair and “girl next door” clean good looks. Her skin is her gift. She doesn’t have a blemish anywhere and she keeps every spot shaved clean. Karen suffers from her memories and fears. From ten to sixteen, her drunken father abused her. Good Ol’ Dad also slapped her Mom around until Mom finally found the guts...
Compliments of Earl J. I went out with a girl last night, that I thought that I could trust... BUT as we walked home, I said with a groan: “I must kiss your lips or bust!” Do you know what she did, do you know what she said, to preserve her maidenly vows!!! She said, “We’ll make it the lips tonight, ‘cause I’m wearing a high necked blouse.” These are compliments of Allan B. What do they serve at a Black-Korean fusion restaurant? Seoul food... What is the term for Roman...
Sarah stood in the kitchen tapping her foot on the floor and trying not to scream. The target of her anger was her loving, faithful (well that's probably out the window now) husband of seventeen years who was in the garage getting the car ready while she thumbed through the day's mail. The envelope that had caught her attention was one that was about the size of a greeting card and had no return address and her name, and only her name, scribbled on the front. Curious, she had opened it and...
“Slaves,” Michael started, “While you two are out tonight with Sir Alec, this whore and I are going to Barons. He is having us over for dinner, so if you need me call my cell.” Silk flinched at the new name he had started calling her. She hoped it was just part of her punishment but she didn’t know. He had never called her that before. Slave or slut was his usual word for his slaves. Sometimes he called them pet or little one but never whore. She hoped that once the punishment was over he...
Got inspiration to write this from a friends profile and content ( http://xhamster.com/user/pornperve666 ). Satan is a strong figure for many of us whether its love or hate....worship or revulsion. This story is just a fictional story of a young sissyboi who worships Satan.Billy had always been different from the other boys his age. At 16 he had never been into sports or chasing after girls, he had always been a shy and reclusive boy. This had been due to his timid nature many assumed but the...
After cleaning her down with the towel we left the woods her clinging to my arm still shaking with pleasure, pain and satisfaction and an inner glow.Soon we were back to mine and hurried to bed ,she needed lots of cuddles and kisses and a warm massage with oils to ease her body."Thank you Gram I have never felt so complete with myself,you hurt me a lot and sorry for the tears but I couldnt control myself I was lost in my mind. What have you in mind to do next?"Well I cant give that away I had...
Here I was, a widowed father, raising a daughters. My 19yr old daughter, Janay was still living at home as she commuted to college. She is very beautiful, 5"9", long dark hair, about 135 lbs. and she has big tits and a nice tight round ass. I know I shouldn't notice or say things like that about my own daughter, but hell it is hard not to notice. Since her mom passed away, I've tried to give her some freedom and be open minded as well as I try to give her as much privacy as possible. I wouldn't...
Please read Part 1 of this story, which explains that my name is Jeff, and I was forty-eight years old, and living in Omaha with my wife, Diana, who was forty-six. Diana lost interest in sex when she was forty-five, and after I resorted to reading porn stories for a while, I focused more and more on cuckold stories, which greatly influenced my sexual desires.I eventually began writing cuckold stories, and at about that time, my wife and I went on a trip to New Orleans for Mardi Gras with...
InterracialJAMES' TALE:It was a good life. We had a large two-story house in anexclusive subdivision. Dad was an executive for a large defensecontractor. Mom didn't have to work. Dad made plenty of money.Mom passed the time doing volunteer work for her church. Mom andDad never missed a church service.I was a model student. I always made sure my homework was donecorrectly and did well on tests. I had letters for both footballand wrestling. My folks had given me a nice car for my sixteenthbirthday. I didn't...
I wanted to become a guru to get love from women . I had to make many sacrifices , the worst being at age 12 having to wear a chastity device ! This was terrible I couldn’t jerk off which was my favorite hobby then , emptying my constantly loaded loins to playboys until I made big boy wee-wee. This belt was not comfortable boners hurt and made a loud noise and it not only separated my balls it didn’t protect them ! 33 years later an angry midget punched my crotch although the belt hurt him from...
My story starts with the fact that I was on a dry streak. I had made out with a few girls at lunch but the dumb bitches weren’t willing to go farther. I hadn’t had my dick touched for a good month. So one day after school, I said screw this and decided to jack off. I was incredibly horny and immediately went to my upstairs room and grabbed my laptop. I quickly got to a porn site and clicked the first video I saw. It wasn’t a great video, but hey, it had naked chicks sucking dick and that was...
Gary burst through the door brandishing his briefcase. ‘Jim got back’ he said with a big smile on his face. ‘Jim?’ I answered. ‘Guy I work with… huge collection of porn. Remember he turned up at the pub the other day.’ Gary clarified. ‘Ah, porn. Loan of. I remember! Its not any of that German pissing shit you borrowed last time is it?’ I said sitting up. ‘He says not but he’s not sure what is on these tapes. No pissing or animals though. I’m going to get changed, grab us a beer would you?’...
The next morning, I woke up to a beautiful sunrise. Still completely naked, I got out of bed and opened the heavy curtain to let in the new daylight.I looked out the window admiring the nearly empty beach with the sunrise over the ocean. “Wow!” I whispered a little too loudly. “Good morning.” Liu said. I could see that he was barely out of sleep as he lay on his back with the bed covers wrapped tightly around his waist. “Good morning, sleepyhead.” I said playfully as I walked towards him. “I...
Note: This story is an expanded version of "Aunt Madge's Fetish Persuasion," This version adds a bit of "edge-play" or what is known in common fetish parlance as "breath-play," This fetish is along the lines of "autoerotic asphyxiation" and unfortunately, if done wrong or unsupervised or even if supervised either of these fetishes can, and quite often do end in death! The mere practice of this "type" of fetish puts immense strain on the heart! It's a sick or perverted interest that...
As we were all sitting in the kitchen eating breakfast that Sunday morning, Dad offered to drive us over to the factory. "Mr Johnston said that he'd be there all day catching up on his paperwork, and he'll show you over the caravan if you like." "Thanks, Dad, that'd be really useful. You sure you don't mind coming?" "Not at all; you know that your mother will want to see it all for herself anyway!" Dad had a point. We all knew that Mum would worry about the welfare of her chicks...
Koi bhi ladki bhai aunty delhi dwarka me sex ka anmol maja lena chahe , kud apna multiple orgasm ko feel karna chaye sensational massage. Mei rahul, bis baras ka 20years aur meri bhan Asmita 18 years ki thi. Akela pan ke karan Asmita samay mere kamare mei hi bitati thi. Ashmita bhaut hi sundaar ladki thi. Hamara pheli chodai ki surwat mai batana chata hu us raat Piataji aur nayee maa ghar pe nahi the aur mei naha kar a naghe apne bistaar pe leta hua tha ki achanka se Ashmita ayee aur mere...
I first saw her at a local dirt race track. The track was located on the southern edge of a southwestern desert city. It was a hot Friday night in July of 1977. Earlier in the evening my car had suffered mechanical troubles so, I was out of the show for the night. Instead of racing, I was wandering around the pit area socializing with my friends and competitors. One of those friends pointed out a young lady hanging out in a pit several slots down from my disabled car. She was with one of the...
First TimeI'm Mark and going to get married to the love of my life Karen. As you know we promised to abstain from sex till our wedding night. I've had a lot of temptations but have been able to 'Just Say No', it hasn't been easy but I want to prove to Karen that I can do it. I'm also quite paranoid that someone is out to get me sexually, and stop Karen from marrying me. I'm just hoping it's not Karen, she's just not that type of person, I hope. I ran into Connie at the court house, I was...
Naruko-Uzumaki-Namikaze is a tall girl 6' in height sharp dark ocean blue eyes, sun-kissed gold blond hair that reaches to her shapely ass, sharp whisker marks on each cheek wearing a black and orange jumpsuit and black ninja sandals. She has large double E-cup borderline F-cup breasts and a large ass with wide hips also with curves and legs for days. The other man staring at her with an impassive look is wearing red samurai armor, a gunbai attached to his back, red eyes, and long spiky hair...
"Damn I look good!", Cindy said as she checked herself out in the mirror. "Yea, I'd fuck you, no beers, well maybe it'd take 2 or 3....", Her husband Jake said as he laughed. "Whatever, if it were up to you I'd be naked all the time, ready and in the bent over position!" "Not true, some times I like you on top. I mean you always tell me that's your favorite position.", he replied as he slapped her on the ass. Cindy really needed this night out, she had just lost her...
Introduction: A young Mormon boy leaves for mission work, but finds himself getting taken advantage of by a powerful man. James fidgeted nervously with his fingers as the car rolled down the streets of Manhattan. His eyes darted around, looking anywhere but over at Victor. This torture went on for what felt like hours, until finally Victor broke the silence. So. he said, making James jump in his seat. What do you have to say for yourself? James took a breath. Im sorry I was late, I just- ...
Saskia set up to seduce me to become her sweet lover. Her sexy scenario to use our mutual crush took the turn of hot humiliation. She is not sure how to handle her shameful situation of finding satisfaction in her surrender to my anal assault. Seduction she saught? Submission she fell for! She still shivers from her unexpected strong orgasm and tries to get back her breath, while waiting for my orders. Slowly I withdraw my manhood from her anal canal. I admire that tasty tight red ass. She...
It was end of April, and the weather was perfect. sunny days, and nice to make some tripAnn wanted to drive with her new car, a cabriolet to the see outside the town she was a 43 years old mother with a nice daughter Sue, she was already 18 the two ladies wanted to make the trip together... it was a warm and sunny day, the ladies drove with the new car 15 miles out of their town to this not well known sea at the middle of the route something happened with the car, the electronic get out and the...