Barbies free porn video

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Barbies ? by: Jamisia On some nights, when you're on the town and walking around, it's better not to meet certain people. On some nights there could be a full moon and then there's no telling what goes on behind these people's faces. The usual friendly neighbour could very well all of a sudden be the guardian of a door to another, magical world. Most people do believe in different, magical worlds, but immediately let it accompany by the thought that these worlds must be better places as well, where no evil exists. What they tend to forget is that, if only for balance, there are worlds too where Evil reigns and good is only in a minor few. If you have the bad luck to run into someone from the latter worlds, then you had better take care. After all, kids and adults disappear without a trace every day to hear nothing from them ever again. And nobody gives a bloody damn. Peter was sixteen and a night out with his best friend, Roger. Both boys had a girlfriend, who had taken the opportunity in their turn to go out together. The boys however had a fantastic night and went from one pub to another. With one however they got a feeling of deja vu, although it was unfamiliar, which was odd, since they'd gotten to know practically every one. This one had a different feel. Whether it came from the atmosphere or the decoration, or even the clientele, they couldn't say, but it sure was different. Not that the clientele looked so different or displayed so out of norm behaviour, rather the contrary. So even though the boys felt somewhat uncomfortably, the pub represented at the same time a challenge. They went inside and sat down at a table. It only took a while before someone came up to them, which surprised them enormously. In most pubs, after all, you get your own drinks. The pub was rather crowded, which nevertheless didn't prevent them from getting their drinks pretty fast. With their second beer, they started to relax. Nothing strange happened and the thought that this pub was different, it had evidently only been a weird association. They drank and talked and after a while saw someone coming towards them. It was a man of some thirty-five years, but if the man had been forty, that would have been all right as well. The man introduced himself, although they forgot his name immediately afterwards. He asked if they felt like a game of cards. Both boys sure did, so the man took a pack out of his pockets, put it on the table and started to deal. That had the boys frown. The man explained that as they started to play, everything would point out itself. On the table was a game they'd never seen before. A little later the man proved to be right. As they played, they got better at it and it became fun too. The boys forgot all sense of time. They played on and on, thinking theirs was a winning hand, until in a final theatrical gesture, the man suddenly put his cards on the table. All fell silent and it appeared they had lost immensely and the game was over. Peter tried to talk, but found to his great fright he could not. A little panicky he tried to get up, but that didn't work either. From the corner of his eyes he saw that Roger tried to do the same and fared little better. In despair they asked themselves what would happen to them. Their thought kept spinning around that notion, for the rest of the evening had them immobilised. They were just literally paralysed, without being able to move a single muscle. Strangely enough, no-one seemed to take any notice. Everyone behaved as if the boys simply weren't there and nothing had happened at all. Suddenly, from one moment to the next, the pub closed. All the guests orderly left, after saying goodbye to the bartender and the man who had beaten them at cards. To their surprise they saw more kids sitting motionless. Peter saw two more boys and four girls were all unable to do anything but stare helplessly and frightened in front of them. The bartender and the other man cleaned the pub first, without paying any attention to the eight children. Only afterwards their thoughts returned to the eight teenagers. "This is a nice catch," the bartender said appreciatively. "Hmm, yeah," the other man answered, who seemed to be the one really in charge, "It is just inconvenient to have four of each." "It is a nuisance," the bartender admitted, "But we can do away with the clothes first." "Fine," the other man decided. Suddenly Peter noticed an enormous pressure to get up and get out of his clothes. All pieces of clothing seemed to feel wrong to his body. He saw the four girls and the other three boys doing exactly as he did, so they had to be feeling the same. Pretty soon there stood eight nude teenagers in the pub. None of them felt cold or even thought of getting cold. As soon as they were undressed, they all stood in a circle to an unspoken command, so they all could see each other. "What shall we do with them now?" the bartend asked curiously and somewhat excited. The other seemed to get lost in deep thought for a while, but after a couple of minutes, he all of a sudden said, "Dolls." "Oh lovely!" the bartender exclaimed. The other man however threw him out. The bartender left obviously disappointed, leaving the other man free to get down to the matter of the eight kids. Peter saw him start with the girls. One of them was a pretty dark blond girl. Her eyes clearly told how scared she was. "Don't be afraid," the man whispered in her ear, while walking around her, "Soon you'll be a doll, a pretty doll. Think what it would feel like to be a pretty doll. Would it be that different from what you are now? Actually you already make quite a pretty doll." Peter saw the girl change. Her skin seemed to become more transparent and it was good to see how it turned from flesh into plastic. Her hair lost some of its reality and was afterwards clearly recognised as fake, with a pre-shaped style. At the same time its colour turned from dark blond to platinum. The freshness disappeared from her face, to be replaced by machinelike put on make-up. When the transformation was complete, there no longer was a real, living girl, but a life-size, shiny, Colgate-smiling Barbie-doll. After that the scared girl next to the brand new doll was changed as well, in precisely the same. And thereafter the other two girls so finally there were four life-size, smiling, platinum blond Barbies. Peter couldn't help to have gotten horny, but he felt, and he was at the moment very glad for that, that he hadn't gotten a hardon. Unfortunately for him the man somehow did notice it. As soon as he was finished with the girls, he thoughtfully turned around to the boys. Peter felt uncomfortable under such a cold, hard glaze, but there was nothing he could do to stop it. After a while the man smiled and went to Peter, who obviously was first. "It turns you on, doesn't it?" the man whispered to him, "My dear boy, you have given me an idea. See, if pretty Barbie-dolls turn you on, how much more boys do you think will be troubled by it? My guess is more than you think. Then, wouldn't it be fair if there were made as much Barbie-dolls as possible? Then, every boy could have his own pretty little toy." Peter wished the ground would swallow him whole, but of course nothing of the sort happened. He was very ashamed for his excitement and wished it had never happened. But again he had very little to say in the matter and that left with nothing to do, when he started to feel himself change. For he too became a Barbie-doll, and an precise copy of the four previously fabricated dolls, who were also precise copies of one another. Peter thought it was weird, after his transformation that he was still able to breathe, to have self-consciousness and being able to fell, but to know at the same time he was definitely a plastic creature, a Barbie-doll. He had no idea how the other boys fared, but suspected it was more of the same with them. Finally they were all copies of one another. In the meantime the man finished the round of transformations, so at the end there stood eight smiling, platinum blond Barbie-dolls in the pub. Satisfied the man looked around him and let the dolls take various poses. He was very pleased with himself. They had turned out so well. As dolls they couldn't have been better. He decided to add clothes and put a boy or a man in the equation as well, to whom he could send one of these dolls. In order to go about pretty much unnoticed, he gave each different clothing, and finally he assigned functions to them as well. These would determine their entire behaviour. He made all of them `sweet, nice and incapable of violence', but only what he added after that, was different for each Barbie. Peter heard how the words were spoken, even though it meant nothing to him. Not until he could see the man right in front of him, did the words hammer in his brain. Sweet, nice and incapable of violence, the man said and patted the doll on the nose, horny, whorish, bisexual, masochistic, secretary, housewife and stepmother.' After that he went on and the words immediately lost their meaning to Peter, although he was aware they were the core of his being. As soon as the man was done, he put the eight dolls without any further ado, fully customised, into their habitat. Peter woke up. He immediately knew he was a Barbie-doll and a female one at that. Strangely enough he still knew he was Peter, but seemed incapable somehow of putting that thought into action. It was as if he were a boy's mind, trapped inside the plastic body of a hyper-feminine Barbie-doll. His mind seemed to have no control over it whatsoever. For example, he couldn't force it to get out of bed. Even though that was what the body did. Peter got up and saw, after he'd looked into a mirror (which was actually unnecessary, since now that he was a Barbie-doll he'd always look the same) that in the bed a handsome man lay, of some forty years old. At that point Peter had for the first time a thought which was not his own. The boy realised to his great fright that the body could let him think anything. If wanted to retain something of himself, he would have to adapt far more than he had anticipated. He also noticed the body badly wanted to get fucked. Inside, he swallowed deeply and forced himself to wonder whether it would really be that bad. I am a Barbie- doll after all, the boy told himself. While he was thinking like that, Peter was shocked to realise he would have to stop thinking of himself as a boy as well, because there was nothing in his appearance that hinted in any way of a boy. Again the Barbie looked into the mirror and saw, as if only now she truly regarded herself for the very first time, what she would be for the remainder of her life. I am a Barbie, the Barbie-doll realised with tears in her eyes in a decisive moment. The beautiful doll returned to bed and slid softly and horny next to her husband. She stroked him, as he woke up. She watched his penis become erect and was pleasantly surprised by its size. She had no idea whether he did or didn't know she was a doll. He stroked and kssed her as if she were made of flesh and blood, which she very much liked. And it got even better when he fucked her like a woman of flesh and blood. It surprised her that she liked it so much. She felt him cumming and shooting his sperm deep inside her, but noted nothing that looked like an orgasm herself. Afterwards they both got up and dressed. The man, whose name the doll only now realised was Andy, quickly kissed her on the cheek, said he'd eat at the office and would only return late, and raced down the stairs to drive away his car. The doll, who only now thought of him having, and therewith she, two children named Marco and Evelyn, suddenly found out she was called Berby, but never wondered where all this knowledge came from. She decided to get dressed and wore, since for some reason she knew she didn't have to go to work today, somewhat different clothes than her everyday work appearance. On the other had she had no idea what was meant by either word, 'normal' and 'different'? She put on silky, whitelace panties and a similar bra. On top of that she put a metallic, purple blouse and a silver, leather miniskirt with skin-coloured stockings. She put her feet in silver high-heeled shoes. Satisfied the Barbie-doll looked at herself in the mirror. She pleased there was no need for make-up. After that she straightened the covers of the bed, smoothed it somewhat and went to wake up her son and daughter, both age fifteen. She was pleasantly surprised to see a handsome, half naked lad lying in the boy's bed, who raised her need for sex sky-high. She promised, while Marco rubbed his eyes and yawned, not to give in to that for now. But it would certainly not be long before she let go of herself. Her mouth fell open when she stepped into her daughter's room. Not because it was a girls room through and through, but of the gorgeous girl standing in the middle of the room. Evelyn wore nothing and let her young stepmother watch her beautiful, young body calmly. Berby promised herself it wouldn't be long either before she was going to have a delicious time enjoying her fair daughter. In the same way she was very much aware of her own needs, she very well understood Evelyn gave her all the opportunity to watch everything there was to watch. Berby wondered, as she would do more with the same result, how a doll like her could come up with all this, but the next moment the thought was already gone from her head. She had no idea this meant that the self-acceptance of the fact she was a Barbie-doll could now be called complete. She went into the living room and started making breakfast for her son and daughter. As soon as Marco and Evelyn had come downstairs, Berby made sure to keep her legs straight, whenever she had to bend over. In this way she gave the two children an extremely well view of her magnificent, wellshaped ass and her fancy panties. After they had left for school, the fine doll sighed deeply. Now there wasn't anybody in the house left to show her to. For a moment she daydreamed about what it would be like to make love to horny Evelyn and hunk Marco. At last she began doing some household chores, that kept her busy for the entire day without her noticing. When she had finally completed them, she noted with surprise that it was time again to make supper and that the day was actually over again already. The following days were hardly any different, the only change being Berby going to her own job. She was the secretary of a multinational's manager. He obviously knew extremely well what he was watching. Since she was well aware of this, she dressed to it. The skirts of her suits hardly ever fell below her upper thighs and the jackets could only barely contain her full breasts. The blouses were of a similar nature, but on top of that they were also transparent and thus always showed whatever she wore underneath. Berby took care to wear expensive ;ingerie at all time, so she could show something to her boss whenever she crossed her long legs. It didn't take very long before her boss screwed Berby. It was on an ordinary, midweek afternoon. Once more she bent over keeping her legs straight and that gave her boss a complete view of her butt. That crossed the limit. He pulled her skirt up and tore the lacy string of her plastic ass and screwed his pretty secretary to an orgasm. Over that afternoon, which of course she deserved, the doll-girl felt rather guilty, but her day ended in shock when she was practically raped in her own office by a very feminine woman of whom she would never have expected such a thing. The worst thing about it however was that she found she enjoyed being on the receiving end of any sexual relationship. She got home that day fully confused, although it didn't get any better there, because Andy had to work overtime and Evelyn staying with a friend, leaving Berby alone with Marco. He made his intentions loud and clear. He didn't want to wait any longer and when Berby put up a weak protest, he simply carried the doll upstairs, put her on the bed and undressed her. The day she made love to Evelyn next wasn't very far away. On the day itself both Berby and Evelyn were, when they were lying close to one another wet with perspiration, very content about each other. Berby noted with surprise that this was the first sex with someone different than her husband that didn't make her feel guilty. Although she never spent much thought on it, every time afterwards she had sex, her sense of guilt went down a little, until the beautiful doll unconcerned enjoyed every minute of it. In the following weeks and months, it slowly became apparent something strange was occurring. Both Marco and Evelyn got sick and notified their parents in the meantime that that was befalling many children they knew. All doctors they consulted could establish that the children were ill, but none could say anything about the kind of disease or how long until recovery. The parents deliberated with one another, but could only watch powerlessly. The children, according to Marco everyone from his class, all suffered pains throughout the entire body, and fevers. Completely unexpected all was over. One morning most kids got up out of bed and were ready to go back to school, even though most were in a weak condition. Most parents protested for what they were worth, but it did precious little good. The net result was en stayed that their children returned to school. The parents were stupefied. It was just as if their children had never fallen ill at all, while the parents were certain they had seen it with their own eyes. This however was only a temporary effect, because it became only to apparent that their offspring had very much been ill. The children's recovery was in so far deceptive, because it showed only on the surface. None of the parents nor any of the children, was able to see all was already different on the inside. This only started to work a few days after the actual recovery. With Marco and Evelyn it happened as follows. As usual Berby was the first to get up and had already gone downstairs to put breakfast on the table, before she went upstairs again to wake her children. She opened the door to Marco's room and was shocked by whom and what she saw standing in front of the mirror. A little uncertain her son looked at himself in the mirror. Except that the creature in front of the mirror wasn't quite her son anymore. It wasn't the Marco anymore she had had sex with. Now her child looked a lot more like her. The body was slimmer and slenderer than was normal for a boy. The hands and feet were smaller than one would expect of a boy his age. The hair was the long, wavy hair of a brunette. It framed a face that was very feminine. The penis now was a lot smaller and therefore much easier to hide. The chest sprouted the perky breasts of a young girl. The movements of the child were graceful, slender and feminine, on top of that, the entire being now obviously a different version of a special type of doll. A Barbie-doll. Berby's mouth fell open, while at the same time she couldn't staring at her son's new body shape. When he finally noted her, she couldn't help but see how much she gazed into the dark brown, doe-eyes of a doll. One moment they looked deep into each other's eyes, until Berby could take no more. She turned around and got into Evelyn's room. A new surprise awaited her there. Once more she was shocked, because her daughter looked in practically every aspect but one like her brother. Evelyn was now a Barbie-doll as well, with exactly the same, large, brown doe-eyes, the same pretty breast and the same movements. The difference was literally between their legs. Evelyn was a girl and Marco a hermaphrodite, although his genitals could hidden neatly in his similarly dark little triangle of pubic hair. Berby stared and stared at what was now her daughter, until she again could take no more and then fled downstairs. Fortunately Andy hadn't changed a bit. He'd gotten down unnoticed, so she had at leas his presence as something to hold on to. She didn't dare tell him his children had changed into completely different creatures, but he noted that all the same something had shaken her up badly. He tried to get it out of her, but she refused to say anything. By the steps upstairs Berby could hear both children had now seen one another. She didn't wonder about what they were of had been speaking, for the simple reason that she was jealous. Berby saw only too well they were just as, if not more beautiful dolls than she. She thought that both the children had been very well aware of that, when they had had eye contact. It took a long time, much longer than Berby had expected for the two children to come downstairs. But when she finally heard them coming down the stairs, both at the same time, she nervously wondered what they would wear. Both were good-looking enough to wear any colour they wanted, but Marco's body shape now actually demanded very different clothing than what `he' had been used to. When the twins finally stepped into the kitchen, for the third time that morning Berby's mouth fell open and Andy promptly nearly choked on his sandwich. The twins had evidently decided to wear the same kind of clothes and the result was breathtaking and seductive to say the very least. When they sat down at the table with the same movements and both swept their hair with a perfectly girlish gesture behind their ear in the same manner, Berby saw that Andy could hardly take his eyes off of them and that made her even more jealous, even though she felt her own excitement rising still. They both wore high heels, which made Berby fleetingly, wonder where those came from, but she forgot it immediately. Both wore black, silk stockings that showed their legs at their best. Evelyn wore a short wraparound skirt and Marco a leather miniskirt, that for both looked spray painted on their asses. Marco further wore a stretch silk blouse, which emphasised his boobs perfectly. Evelyn wore a T-shirt, with an XL sweater over it, but her breasts pointed perkily upwards as well. Berby was keen to notice both were wearing earrings, each had a set of jingling bracelets around their wrists, each had daintily manicured and lacquered nails and both wore faultless perfume and make-up. In short, they were two girls feminine every inch, and Barbie-dolls. In school everything was suddenly different as well. Before school Marco already realised that from now on everything would be different, because everyone was staring at them. Only the kids from his age, fifteen years or so from his year, had fallen ill and now everybody could see the result. All the kids from his year were now Barbie-dolls, none of which had any discernible male characteristics. Marco didn't feel particularly comfortable when he had to move through a crowd of older students. He was only too happy to be with the other dolls, for with them it was at least safe. He couldn't spot his best friend that soon, but then again that was hardly a surprise. Marco was very surprised to legs in stockings everywhere, with all feet in high-heeled shoes or boots besides. He didn't think it was striking that all dolls were loose hanging, long hair, or that all wore make-up, earrings, perfume and bracelet and that they gave off an ultra-feminine appearance. On the contrary, he was glad it was that way and he was very satisfied with himself. For Marco it was already normal to be a beautiful Barbie-doll, a fact of life that was hardly exceptional anymore to him. It felt and smelled especially nice to go through life like this. No, among the dolls Marco as a Barbie-doll was very proud to be one of them. As the children went in, Marco felt panic for a moment rising, because all the children wanted to go in at the same time and suddenly everybody was walking everywhere. He was glad he could hang his coat, which fell neatly over the edge of his skirt, in the wardrobe with the other dolls. Again it wasn't striking, but just lovely to see that every doll wore some sort of short skirt. With some it seemed part of a dress, but for none the edge of their skirt came even close to the knee. He was relieved when the dolls stayed together after that, and sat down together in the cafeteria. Pretty soon the talks went about nothing but make-up and clothes and Marco found it completely normal to take part in it as if there was nothing more important on the whole world. When the bell rang, the dolls sauntered to their classes the way they should. Marco took an example to the others. They paid no attention to their other kids whatsoever, who couldn't stop staring. The staring was irritating and made him nervous. The other dolls pretended the other kids simply did not exist and kept on walking all the while giggling and chattering. In the classes everyone sat down somewhere, although each found out pretty quickly that they had sat down exactly next to the one who had been their best friend before. Next to Marco a pretty dark-haired girl sat down. She wore a silk blouse, a dark red miniskirt, black tights and low pumps. Marco thought she had put on a little too much make-up, but the effect was still well within range of what was pretty on a Barbie-doll. They gave one another an estimating look and it took a while before they recognised each other. Then however they embraced as only two girls would. It was Ally, the boy Marco used to call his best friend. Ally explained how good he now felt. He had always had a female name and a masculine boy. Now his sex fit his name. He also added, rather excitedly, that his parents wanted to change his legal gender to female. Even though I've still got a pecker, Ally said, and I really don't understand why, this'll make me officially a girl. Ooh, I would like that, Marco said with large innocent eyes, all the while enjoying the light and silky feminine voice Ally now possessed. We can start that now, she answered quickly, with a sweet smile, and from now on you'll simply be Marine, Corinne or Yvonne or whatever names you like. Ooh, Yvonne sounds like a nice name, Marco said, because she really liked her new name. At that moment the teacher came in. He looked around his classroom, sighed deeply and the sat down behind his desk, which was elevated slightly. He took pen and paper, sighed once more and said: I think it's best to have you all call out your names, to see whether everybody is present or not. As soon as he started that, it appeared quite a lot of dolls had all of a sudden taken another name, which they thought fit them better. The teacher only frowned at the first, but gave no verbal protest and after that just wrote down whatever name was called out. When he came to Yvonne, she was only too happy to give hers. All right, the teacher said, when he had written down all, I've now written down all you names and I hope it stays with that. All of us now you are now dolls. This, however, will have no consequences for the lessons you'll be having in the future. Only PE will be different from now on, if at least I am understood correctly. What do you mean sir? A pretty blond girl asked, just as Yvonne and Ally looked worriedly at each other. At the weakly staff meeting, this time entirely devoted to your transformation, the teacher said, We have decided that from now on there will no more mixed PE. Instead you'll be having PE with the boys from a higher grade, chosen randomly. Immediately there were protests of all children, who didn't like this new idea at all, which (given their new looks) was very understandable. The protests however were dismissed and stubbornly ignored by the teacher. It won't be any problem at all, he pushed on, and even the size of the classes won't pose a difficulty. No really, this is the best solution for everyone. After that the lesson began. Yvonne was less optimistic. She realised very well that someone with a body like hers and the other could give rise to very strange responses from the boys, especially those from a higher grade. During brakes the dolls once again stood in a neat group, to have at least some sense of safety. A lot of dolls, which came in late or had to worm themselves through a crowd of other boys of girls, were faced with feels and grabs as they passed through. Even a doll that stood in line all by her self could just wait for harassments. At PE the dolls faced a difficult problem: for what should they wear? When Yvonne talked to Ally, they both admitted they preferred to wear a sexy leotard, but realised at the same time it might not be such a good idea to wear it, surrounded by all these higher grade-boys. But as soon as they found out they'd be ten all, neither Yvonne nor Ally could bring themselves to dressing up in the clothes for boys. All of them went out dressed feminine through and through, which they were now used to be. In the dressing room they found out they were too early and the boys still had to show up. The ten Barbie-dolls used this opportunity to confer amongst themselves. Apparently none of them wanted to pretend or conform to something they were not - meaning they weren't going to wear any clothing, which might give of a boyish impression. Michelle, a slightly darker skinned beautiful doll, finally suggested giggling, they should all wear their leotards and then just start, so no one could send them back to change. Everybody agreed to that. They quickly changed into their leotards and not long after ten dolls danced through the P.E.-room. If you didn't know they were all hermaphrodites, would only have seen then gorgeous ultra-feminine girl in pink leotards. To their surprise nothing happened that hour. They did feel the many hungry looks from the higher grade-boys and from the teacher. But not for a moment were they harassed, while they had counted on that. So it was somewhat disappointed that the dolls changed into their normal clothes afterwards. From then on schooldays went on pretty much normal and a certain routine got into it. The other children got used to the Barbie-dolls, especially other girls, who had been jealous in the beginning, simply no longer noticed the dolls. After some time boys understood they could do with a doll as they pleased. They quickly discovered that even though Barbies could think, as real dolls they actually were empty heads. There were only four subjects of their interest: clothes, make-up, boys and sex and in that order. Make up, boys en sex. They liked to gossip about one another, but that was as far as their capacities could take them. Boys never considered it a problem at all that dolls were such stereotypical girls, because their bodies made up for a lot. Some boys took a doll as their girl, only to find out they didn't give a damn whether she had a tiny dick or a cunt betweenn her legs. Sometimes the hermaphrodite ones were more fun in bed than the completely feminine. From their point dolls never even guessed. They were forever engrossed in their own world, made up of soft, beautiful things, lots of make-up and perfume, to be dressed prettily and sexily at all times in order to get themselves a boyfriend, because barbies without any exception all ached for a hunk of a boy, to give themselves to completely. After a year all had as matter of fact a steady relationship. Yvonne found a cute boy called Roger, who dominated her the way she wanted and gave her the sex and the life she craved. Evelyn pretty soon had a relationship with a boy who always hit her, but she found she came back for more each time, so after a while she became his slave-girl and he her master. But most barbies after college became stereotypical house-wives, who were very content with their household, happily submitted themselves to their husbands and were utterly devoted to their children, because both the hermaphrodite and the female dolls discovered to their great joy they could get customised to get pregnant. A Barbie was always recognisable. They always wore a dress, tights and high heels, always wore perfect make-up, and always wore jewelry and long hair. A Barbie had no desires of her own besides. The only thing that matter was what he wanted, her family and her household. They always were gorgeous, hyper-feminine empty-heads. After a while easily recognisable Barbie-families showed up; with a Barbie-mother, two Barbie-children and Barbie-husband. For even though many men just loved to have such a wife, they for once never realised the effects and backlash of living together. In their turn they changed into male versions of their wives. This started as soon as his wife had their first child. Pretty soon afterwards the second one was due and that was enough for most. At that point men discovered the only drawback of a Barbie as a wife: she begot Barbie-children. Because the man then suddenly found himself surround by three empty-heads, they faced the choice of either leaving or adapting. Nearly all man adapted, with the aforementioned result. Dolls all got married at eighteen and then settled down after college all graduated without any single problem. In an unknown manner they fluently took care of getting pregnant halfway down their last year college. This led to the desired fluent transition from co-eds to housewives. They year after saw the coming of the second child and from that moment it was in fact a Barbie-family, with the course of life for every member determined: model-fathers, model-mothers and model-children. There were however exceptions to the rule. There were occasions were doll-families where, with both kids thirteen and twelve, suddenly drastic changes occurred. The parents then were both thirty-five and by some mysterious combination or coincidence one of them brought on the changes, after which the perfect model Barbie-family underwent enormous changes. Marc was part of just such a little family. He was a darkblonde 14-year old boy. He played hockey, was good at math and just started to get interested into girls. His blond sister was called Crystal, played flute and hockey, just like him, and was totally infatuated with horses. To Marc nothing could be more normal than his mother, Louise, doing household-chores and taking care of him and Crystal. Nothing could be more obvious than his father, Theo, going to work every day. Marc was a model Barbie-boy, something he didn't known himself, even though other boys in the neighbourhood they lived did. Marc neither knew his best friend was also a Barbie-boy and that they both only felt attracted to Barbie-girls. He didn't understand why some boys called him and Jasper (his best friend) `fake-boy' or `doll'. But one day everything became different. One day his father came home earlier than usual from work, to lock himself up in the study with his mother immediately. Marc could them talking agitatedly, but their voiced were kept too soft to make any of the actual words. That was the only unusual thing that day, so Crystal and him had forgotten it the next morning. They jammered and fought as always and never for a second-guessed their father had not gone to work at all. Only when both his kids were gone to school, did Theo come downstairs. His wife and he cleared the table in silence. After that they got ready for an appointment with the doctor. It was a doctor specialised in treating in Barbies like them, or to be more precise, like Theo. Theo was a Barbie-husband and he knew it damn well. Even more, he didn't care, Even stronger, when he had married Louise, he knew what would happen to him. He would become a doll, just like her. But because he loved her so much, it didn't seem such a frightening prospect. Now it appeared as though they were going to look a lot more like each other then either had ever expected. The visit to the specialist didn't take very long. He was familiar with the symptoms. He knew there was nothing he could say to Theo and so he only tried to prepare them to his best abilities. The doctor further promised to take of everything for both dolls, because he had had more of these cases and perfectly knew how to put both in their new, right place. Finally he urged both to prepare their kids as much as they could, since one of them would after all be swept along side with the change of one of their parents. Once outside both Barbie-dolls looked pale and sombre at one another. They quickly got into in little restaurant, in order to take something to drink. Finally a pale Theo said, "Well, I guess that was that." Louise put her hand on his and said, "I still love you, Theo, whether you change or not." "I still love you too," he answered and meant it, "I just hope I'll be able to remember." "Let's just hope for the best," Louise said with a watery smile. "Yes," Theo said with a sigh, Even though I already know Marc's going to have a hard time. He won't remember afterwards, but still.... "You'll take Marc?" Louise said, "then I'll keep Crystal." Her husband nodded a sign of his agreement. The changes had been brought about five days earlier, when Theo, still early morning, had accidentally bumped into one of the managers. Both had exhausted themselves in excuses, but lightning had nevertheless struck in Theo. The decent model-father had all of a sudden gotten a crush on the handsome, two year-older manager, while the actually looked younger than Theo. The next day he had been silent about it and had managed to hide from his wife, who otherwise immediately knew. The whole day through he had been unable to think of anything but his hunky boss. He couldn't concentrate at work at all and hardly anything came out of his hands. The second day it was even worse. The manager, his direct superior, was worried about and spoke to him about straight at the parking. To his best ability Theo played nothing was going on, but all the while he couldn't keep his eyes off the man and had to restrain himself constantly from embracing him and starting a good night of making love. He left work earlier that day and strolled around the city till city next. To his own shock he found himself in the kind of clothing-shops he otherwise hardly ever visited. They were shops for fashionable and expensive women's clothing and the better lingerie-shops. Theo didn't understand. It was very confusing to suddenly think of himself in women's clothing. He was a man and felt a man. Up till now, at least. But at night he dreamed he was the wife of his boss. Drenched in sweat Theo awoke, but he managed to convince Louise it had really only been a bad dream. The third day brought something new: Theo was jealous all day at the pretty secretaries getting attention from his boss, single. Again he left earlier and again strolled through the city. This time he tried to imagine in the same shops how he would look in those clothes. Carefully he gave earrings and bracelets a try, to actually find how good they felt around his wrists. And they certainly did make him feel feminine. At night he again dreamed he was a woman, happily married to his boss. But this time he was a good-looking woman too; satisfied with her role as housewife and overjoyed when she got pregnant. They had three children, all girls, and were happy ever after. The fourth day was when he told Louise and Theo finally realised what was happening to him. Of course he had heard of the change some Barbiemen underwent, but it never occurred to him he would be one of them. But at his job he noticed that his love for his boss was stronger than ever and from that moment on he knew what was going to happen. After they had paid, they decently drove him and went on with whatever they had been doing earlier. Louise with her household and Theo, who had taken a week off, with several chores around the house. He knew they would be his last. In a few day, he would completely a-technical after all. On the one hand it made him slightly depressed, but on the other hand also very happy and relieved. Contrary to what the doctor had advised them, they decided not to tell the children anything until the change in Theo was final. So Marc and Crystal never noticed anything, until one afternoon they saw their father's car waiting for them, with a beautiful blond woman in front of the door. It was winter. Hesitatingly the two children walked to the car, although they were cold and badly wanted to get in. They saw that, just like their mother, this woman walked in high heels and wore a pretty long coat. "Are you two coming?" the woman asked smiling, "I'm not to going to wait here all day." She kept the doors open for them and hugged them for a moment as they carefully crept on the backseat. Marc got a little kiss, to suddenly find a print of a red mouth on his cheek. They both smelled her expensive perfume and wondered who this woman was. Ma'am, Crystal finally asked, when the woman had gotten in and drove the car away, Who are you? Are you a friend of mommy and daddy? "Couldn't they make it themselves?" Marc asked, a bit frightened. "I am indeed a friend of your mother, the woman answered calmly, And I know your father very well too. And they indeed couldn't make it themselves, because something very serious is going on with your father. The two children started to ask all kinds of questions, but the woman got them calm again and said they would hear all about it at home. Marc and Crystal were both surprised, when the woman walked with them and hung her coat at the racket. Amazed they saw how the woman was dressed in the same way as their mother and they didn't know what to think when both women embraced each other and both asked the children at the same time whether they wanted something to drink. Of course they only wanted to hear about their father, but their mother promised they would hear and see all tomorrow. After that their mother finally introduced to the other woman, who was called Patricia. The children were again surprised when the found out both women responded to the word `mom'. Crystal wanted to know something and called for her mother, but it was wrong when Patricia appeared, whereby the girl saw she deeply embarrassed the woman. They were actually both glad when the woman got picked up by a handsome man, who kissed her carefully. Several suitcases of Patricia were loaded in the trunk, after which she said goodbye to them and their mother. The next morning his mum didn't wake Marc up, so by nine the boy climbed out of bed in a real panic. He dressed hastily and ran downstairs, followed by Crystal, who apparently had also overslept. Downstairs they heard from their mother they had the day off. Only then did Marc notice his clothes weren't exactly comfy on his body. 'But why are we having the day off then?" a curious Crystal asked. "Because we're going to visit Patricia," they're mum answered, with a calm smile. "But why?" Marc asked with wide eyes. "You'll see soon enough,' their mum sweetly answered, while setting her kids to the table, "And if you'll eat just now, I can go upstairs and put things for you ready." "What do you mean, mum?" Crystal asked, who didn't seem to understand either. "I'm going to put clothes for you down upstairs," their mum friendly explained, "Because I want you to look nice when we're going to Patricia. I want you to put these clothes on without any protest." She threw a warning glance at Marc, who didn't understand, but for some reason got red in the face nevertheless. The children ate their breakfast in quiet, while they heard their mum walking around. After that they went upstairs again, where their mum was waiting for them. Both of you are going to take a shower first, she said seriously, The shower gel is already there for you. And I want you to wash you hair as well, and afterwards only dry your body. You have to wrap your hair in a towel and as soon as you've dressed, come down that way. Both children obediently promised to do all this, although they didn't see why they should. As the eldest Marc took a shower first and didn't like it at all to notice the shower gel was one for women. But he was dumbstruck by his own responses. It turned him on, although it didn't give him a hard-on. Next to that it seemed as though by the fact he liked it, his nipples spontaneously came forward to give him the breasts of a young girl. Hesitating and still a bit shaky he touched the perky tits, but to his amazement this gave him a good feeling too. With a sigh he at last went into his room, leaving the shower free for Crystal. Marc had to swallow deep as he saw what was ready for him, but his mum had said not to want to hear any protest and so he made none. He really didn't understand why he took this, because any other time he would have stuck to his gums, but for some reason now nothing worked. Without fussing Marc put on the pink lace knickers, which turned him on too, but again caused no hard-on. There went a pink lace bra with it, with which he noticed that to his discomfort it needed no filling at all. A bit clumsy he put on the thin, black tights, but it went all right. After that followed an expensive velvet dress, of which the wide skirt fell to his knees. He felt the silken petticoats rustle on his legs, which gave him a very funny feeling. The dress had furthermore long sleeves and a lace collar. Marc put his feet in the low, suede pumps and felt his heart stand still when Crystal passed by his door. Only when she'd closed the door to her room, he dared step outside. With the towel around his head he walked downstairs, feeling very strange. On the one hand it surprised him that his mother was waiting for him with a smile, without any sign of amazement, but on the other hand it gave an enormous sense of relief as well. But he went from one surprise to the next. He got seated in the chair his mum had put ready for him. It felt really estranging to experience that he naturally made sure his dress fell right. The biggest surprise however didn't come until his mother took off the towel. His mum had put a mirror for him on the table, next to a comb, a brush, several cans hairspray and other items Marc couldn't identify. The mirror wasn't just meant for Marc. His mum had also put it on the table to see what she herself was doing. But as the towel went off, Marc saw that to his bewilderment he had, instead of his short hair, now much longer hair falling to his shoulder blades. He had no idea what to do with it, his mum however did. First she extensively combed her son's hair, what Marc with some discomfort found he liked, and started modeling it next. She brushed, sprayed and curled it just as long until Marc saw with his mouth open how he'd gotten long, silky-soft hair, falling in waves side his head. But his mum didn't stop there. She put some light make-up on Marc. He got a decent bit of eye-liner, a few strokes mascara, just enough blusher to get it noticed and on his lips came a bit lipstick and gloss. Marc had to smile when he got to admire the final result in front of the mirror. He loved looking like a pretty blond girl. To complete the image large, silver earrings were put on his ears and that he eventually thought that was the nicest thing of all. After that it came as no surprise to him when his mother told him he would be a girl for the rest of his life and from now would be called Marsha. Patiently Marsha waited until her sister Crystal finally came down, to have her hair curled and have her mother put make-up on her. Marsha admiringly watched how her mum turned Crystal's hair into a mass of wild, blond curls. She saw how her sister enjoyed shaking her long hair. On the spot Marsha decided she wanted to be a mother just like that. After that they both put on coats, shawls, gloves and they thought the image wasn't finished until they put on their hats. With pride both girls looked in the mirror in the hall to the smashing appearance they made together. They drove to the home of Patricia, who seemed delighted when she opened the door for them. Both girls received a long hug from Patricia and from her husband next. Once they were chatting in the living room, everything was explained to the girls, but neither was actually surprised. It just seemed normal to them and Marsha was to be honest just happy about it. It seemed similarly normal that at the end of the visit Louise and Patricia said farewell to each other with tears in their eyes and that Marsha stayed with Patricia. Again the girl was happy about it, because she really felt Patricia and Lucas were her true father and mother. Theo who became Patricia and Marc who turned into Marsha: for both it looked like major changes from the outside, but from the inside the step eventually wasn't very big. Both were much happier in their new lives than they'd ever been before. But they weren't they only ones to experience all this. Although it was a limited development at first with only a small amount of Barbies, it spread quickly. All Barbies fell prey to it, but not just them: it hit several humans as well. That was even more noteworthy because it hit mostly teens and people in their twenties. It caused very awkward situations. Arnold was a 25-year old young man working as assistant-manager for a large company. What he did was actually an office-job. The company allowed employees to dress informally, so most wore jeans and a sweater, although wild prints were frowned upon. Arnold had no problem with that, because he thought he never wore wild prints. He thought of himself as a 100% male, with short dark brown hair and ditto brown eyes. He played sports a lot and as a consequence of that he possessed a muscled body. He was the gym type, but preferred outdoor sports. Because tabloids didn't no what to do with the Barbie-disease, as it was called, nothing ever got printed about it. It was largely ignored, even though there were lavish comments on the descending number of single men over thirty and that the number of traditional marriages and families was rising explosively. Newspapers and shows appealed to zeitgeist and a sense of tradition. In the mean time the Barbie-disease had a free lunch. There were of course no real victims, because people who got it couldn't actually be called sick. All specialists and doctors knew the symptoms, often recognising a future Barbie intuitively and usually only prescribed lots of rest and a visit to the dating-agency. Because they were a booming business like never before. One afternoon on his way to a meeting, Arnold felt himself getting dizzy for a moment. He leaned against the wall and was able to on after that. In the company people got down with the flu and he thought that was it. He didn't think he would really get sick, since he'd taken all precautions through the in-house medical service. The young man was frightened when only two days he could see in the mirror how his normal, tanned skin colour had changed into a much lighter tint. He noticed aghast that he had gone from 170 pounds, without an ounce of fat, to a stunning 150 pounds, without doing anything for it. He did go to work, but felt miserable. His clothes suddenly felt wrong and constantly irritated him. Besides, most men he always went to the gym with were in the same wretched condition. While they were talking with one another, Arnold noticed that he talked a lot more than he was used to doing. He gesticulated a lot more too, but he thought that was the influence of the flu. In the evening he felt feverish and the next day he called in sick. He described his symptoms to the company-doctor, but he didn't trust it and paid Arnold a short visit. The doctor immediately saw what Arnold failed to see and sighed deeply. 'I don't understand," Arnold weakly said. "It doesn't matter," the doctor answered, "It will probably be over by next week. If you feel any better next week and are in the mood to return to work as well, please do. We'll take it from there. Arnold didn't understand any of it, but was given the advice to relax. This surprised him, because he had expected a medicine of some kind, but instead it would apparently pass all by itself. Even then he couldn't to make another call to the company-doctor the following day. Now we weighed no more than a 130 pounds. The company- doctor just barely succeeded in calming down the young man At home Arnold felt more and more ill at ease in his own home. It was all too quiet and too cold. He rang the painter and neatly arranged that the rooms' colours would be changed into softer tints. After that he threw away all sports' clothes and attributes, to his own bafflement. All day long he wandered in amazement through the house that now looked very different. He had fallen ill on Tuesday-morning; he started to feel better on Saturday. Even though the scale, the mirror and the closet gave him, as soon as he had gotten out of bed, a real fright. Arnold now weighed a mere 110 pounds and so had lost 60 pounds with record speed. He saw to his bewilderment that he had gone from 5 foot 7 to just 5 foot. His skin-colour could now best be described as cream- white. When he stepped out of his pyjamas, he looked a bit unaccustomed at his completely changed body. Suddenly he had a small waist and he was now plain skinny. His arms were small and elegant and he felt ill at ease with his pretty legs. When he wanted to put on clothes, nothing fit anymore. Everything was now far too big and hung around him. The shoes especially were many sizes too large. He wanted to shave out of habit, but as he touched his skin he found it was unnecessary. His throat felt completely smooth. A small voice told him that would be forever. Only after a minute or so he noticed his Adam's apple was gone as well. At last he put on the bathrobe and called the company-doctor, since he had now who else to talk to. He seemed to be waiting for Arnold's call. Arnold was advised to throw away all of his old clothes, the same afternoon something else would be taken care of. Go back to bed in the meantime, the company-doctor advised him. The young man, who didn't know what to do otherwise, followed it. He got back into his oversized pyjamas and crept back under the blankets. To surprise he felt again sleepy within a few minutes. He awoke when someone shook his shoulder. Sleepy he pulled himself up. The company-doctor sat half on the bed, looking at him friendly. ''How do you feel now?" the friendly old man asked. "Not bad, I think," Arnold weakly answered. His voice sounded very strange to his own ears, but he thought again that it was the flu. "I can assure you, you're going to be quite all right again," the company doctor said, "But, and you'll find out in a minute yourself, it will take some getting used too. There's no need to worry about clothes, by the way that's all taken care of." Arnold found he wanted to say something, but that he had to yawn instead. For the third time that day he feel into a deep sleep. When the young man awoke for the third time, he still had no idea that he would be a Barbie, a doll, for the rest of his life. But when he got up out of bed, he no longer felt ill. For the first time that week he again felt completely normal - in fact, he hadn't felt so good his entire life. Ounce out of bed he saw that on the chair in front of the bed lay no clothes. So to get his clothes for the day, he walked to the closet. On the way there, he passed by the large mirror and saw himself for the first time. At that point his entire consciousness made a U-turn in the way he thought of himself Arnold saw a pretty young woman in the mirror. Bewildered she looked at the full firm breasts, the extraordinary small waist, the beautiful hips, the pretty long legs, the elegant hands and the immaculate little face. She now possessed long blond hair, large, round, blue eyes with improbably long lashes and a sensual mouth. Hesitatingly she stroked the blond triangle between her legs with her long nailed fingers. After that her glance went all by itself to the closet. That would not be a problem, the doctor had told her. She walked over to it, and opened it. Her mouth fell open when she saw its contents. The entire closet was stuffed with women's clothing. Carefully her hand went by several of the smooth, silky fabrics. While she stood there touching, it slowly dawned on her that she would have to go work in a short while. And fully dressed to boot. The young woman felt a need - a remnant of her former masculine self - to go back to work again. She took a deep breath and pulled some items of lingerie out of the closet that appealed to her. First she thought they felt awkward, but then she corrected her self, because she realised she liked the lingerie actually very much. After that it was easy to put on stockings, a pretty dress with a belt and quickly a pair of elegant pumps. It seemed completely natural to put in earrings and put on make- up. It wasn't strange to her at all that she found she automatically knew her own name. Tessa took everything she need and went to work. She never noticed that all the men with whom she had always gone for a drink after work, were now all the same kind feminine women, just like her. All she saw was friends to chatter with. Within the month Tessa was happily married and had she taken leave to fully attend to her duties as a housewife. Within she had her first baby. Tessa was happy in her pretty little world, where everything was Barbie-like Jeremy, Frank en Stein were three students in their last year, who live together in one house. They all attended something different, which sometimes led to fierce discussions. They only knew each other for a year or two, because each of them had live somewhere else before they met. Frank was the one who had come to live in the house first and not long after Jeremy and Stein had arrived to complete the equation. Frank studied management, Jeremy philosophy and Stein psychology. Like many professors, these three students noticed how many co-eds dropped out. These were mostly girls who had started to attend college at age 17. They usually didn't even make through their first year. The three boys didn't know that these girls couldn't care less, after they had dropped out. Still they thought it odd that many of their friends seemed to vanish into thin air. None of them had ever heard of the Barbie-disease and yet they confronted it every day. Every day they somewhere saw a exquisite, feminine female pushing a baby buggy or walking with friend through the city. Even though these women were clearly beyond reach, they radiated too much demureness for that the three gentlemen couldn't help but stare everywhere their eyes went. Like many men they dreamed of one day being the proud husband of such a wife. Like many men they had no idea what the consequences would be and so they kept on doing it. In this way the Barbie-disease spread and spread, like an oil-slick. In the meantime the phenomenon started to grow into serious proportions. Where, in the beginning, there had been only a Barbie here and there, there were now not only entire neighbourhoods filled with Barbies, but whole cities as well. In these urban areas the human population had been completely replaced with hardworking, conservative empty-heads. Because no matter what view one took, Barbies remained dolls. And so it passed that society's elite, who had begun to realise what happened right under their noses, started to stop the first reports on the phenomenon from publication. They realised very well that a population, who for the largest part consisted of dolls, contained a great many advantages. Dolls were much more materialistic and completely satisfied with the traditional roles for men and women. They never complained and only wanted their lives just to go on as they had always done. Dolls would never produce visionaries or revolutionaries. They didn't want or simply couldn't see any further than their own petty interests. On meetings in clubs, this elite decided, which by the way consisted of men only, to help spread the Barbie-disease across the land. They would see to keeping their children fully human and that none of them would ever marry a Barbie. To protect themselves they too returned to the age-old, re-instated division of roles. A disadvantage was that their women had all to be brainwashed, to keep them in their place. But most men didn't think that was a problem; it only contained advantages for them. Hereby the first official reports were stopped and no research into the Barbie-disease ever got off the ground. And because no one knew, the phenomenon spread like wildfire. Slowly the upper classes how the disease stabilised. Not by the numbers, they kept rising, but in terms of gender. The relationship between the number of men and the number of women came to a nice equal level. In the end there was neither a surplus of men nor a shortage in women. But that was actually one of the smaller changes, although no Barbie felt it that way. It was ever so normal to them that society was changing. It appealed in completely natural fashion to the way they perceived the world. The elite was a little surprised by all of this, but not for long. As soon as they had regained the initiative, class society was rehabilitated in all its former glory. Wages were cut and jobs that had been practised for over a hundred years suddenly were fashionable again. Some people were looked down upon, but those persons never really felt it that way. Most people of the elite saw no problem at all to misusing the practically inborn servile obedience of dolls. They thought it was a lot of fun to handle policies, entirely based on random order. Sometimes promising male students were accepted, more often not. Feminism disappeared off the stage completely. It meant little to all the new women and besides the sexes were now exactly as men had always envisioned them. Men were indeed stronger, smarter and more naturally gifted, where women were actually the weaker sex. Another prominent change was that sexual preferences had gone as well. Dolls were only bisexual, instead of either gay or straight. Neither women nor men had any problem with sleeping with their superiors. It was also striking how all dolls seemed to be closet masochists. They were easily manipulated into painful situations and were able to intensely enjoy it too. One day Jeremy met a nice, shy girl in the library. He got into contact with her ask her to come and have dinner with him at his house. Many restaurants were no longer open to students. The girl had friendly said no, but the very next day Jeremy saw her again and popped his question, again. He made her laugh and although she again said no, she did start to wonder. So when he asked her again several days later, she said yes. He made damn sure she had a fun eve. Stein and Frank had been very curious about this girl, but had shown no further interest at first. The

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Being inside of Jake

While I loved his body, what I loved most of all was his ass. Every time he got up, I had to look at it. Every time he bent over I couldn't help but just stare at it. Once in a while he would catch me staring at him, blush, and go back to doing whatever he was doing. Me, I was 6'1" athletic, had blonde hair and blue eyes, and I had been fantasizing non-stop about fucking Jake in the ass for the past few weeks. I couldn’t be around him anymore without my heart beating like crazy. Today...

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Sharing my juicy maid with my best friend MaidServant Sex Stories

I had a maid working for me for a year now and often I had caught her masturbating. She didn’t know yet, but when she thought I was away, I would secretly watch her as she cleaned my bedroom. And one day when I caught her masturbating on my bed, I gave her a good pounding – in her pussy with my cock. Now she would sometimes shamelessly walk around only in an apron, showing me her cunt. So, one day I brought James, my friend, over to watch my juicy maid. She saw him come in but didn’t rush to...

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A Hot Evening With My Girlfriend

Hi everyone, This is Ravi from Jharkhand. With good education and comparatively good looks, I have managed to gain a good reputation among everyone. This is a story of me and my only girlfriend Riya whom I love a lot. We are school friends and she is Vry Vry beautiful. I really mean that. She has been approached by many boys but I m the lucky one. Talking about her stats she has a perfectly beautiful face. Gorgeous eyes. Lips great. And the thing which attracts the most. She has a wonderful...

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The Game the Whole Family Can PlayChapter 1

Frank Sheridan smiled down at his wife Karen. It was early Saturday morning, and he was dressed in clean and serviceable work clothes, khakis and a denim shirt. He carried a pair of thin leather work gloves. “Excuse me?” “You heard me,” his wife said, smiling up at her much taller husband. “I said that you shouldn’t go flirting with Ann, she’s your daughter’s mother-in-law.” “And just why not?” asked Frank with a laugh. “Because she’s too damn pretty. And her tits are bigger than mine,...

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Jackpot Chapter Seven

Disclaimers & Warnings: This tale includes, elements of BDSM, and a healthy sprinkling of verbal humiliation. Readers who are offended or triggered by such material are advised to proceed with caution or bail out now. © SheriffBart 2020. All rights reserved.Feedback is welcome. Enjoy!~~~~~ Chapter Seven: Olivia Dinner Date ~~~~~My third dinner date with Olivia was going well. I'd made reservations at Ferrari's Italian grill, an upscale restaurant near her home in Addison. It had an old...

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Screwed Over an NIS StoryChapter 7

Wednesday Afternoon and Evening We got in the car. She said, "Warren, we need a better long term plan for a place to stay. You can't afford to pay for that room until we graduate and there is no need. Let's get an apartment. I can cook and we can have a place of our own. I think my father would be thrilled to help with the rent." "I have to admit that sounds good. You're right. My money won't last forever. We are going to be together." I pulled into a convenience store. "Be right...

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My Sister and Me Swinging into the new year1

The owners were two eccentric gay guys, and a sexy older couple. The gay fellows, owned several bars, and would come by once or twice a week to check on us. They would hit on the pretty-boy bartenders when they were there. I remember when Owen, the younger of the two owners, offered Steve the upstairs bartender $1000 bucks for a blowjob. Steve said no, but according Jill, the lounge bartender, he did it for $5000 the next week. The couple were almost as bad. Eric, was a bi-coke-head who...

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My Wifes Exploits III continued

Well, it's been a few days; weeks, perhaps, since I last discussed my wife and her exploits with other men when we were separated after only a few years of marriage. I won't recap much but will remind everyone that her experiences with sex, up until we spearated, were solely with me. That all changed when we separated. She not only had intercourse with another man but she also experienced a man ejaculating into her mouth, which I have to say, shocked me when I heard her tell me about it. And...

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LEMONS By Rhayna Tera, copyright 2021 Warning: If you don't like reading transgender stories, then stop reading now. Author's Note: None. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. RT -----000----- I knew my sister somewhat hated me in a loving kind of way. I didn't think my parents...

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I fuck my teacher

This happened when I was studying in my class 15. I had already fucked two of my teachers already (remember my math teacher?). They said there’s going to be a new teacher for it. Shortly, a plump, fair & a sexy looking lady in a yellow cotton saree entered the class. I even forgot to close my wide open mouth when I saw such a awesome woman fit for a steamy night actually is my math teacher. Her figure was mind blowing. She had big & heavy boobs in creamy white color & a soft, silky stomach...

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Katie has her own story to tell

Katie wasted no time. She had my pants and underwear off and my naked erection bobbing in front of her in a jiffy as my Ohio grandmother would have phrased it. Katie: "Oh, yeah, I've been thinking about this since last night. Thinking about you. You shot your stuff right into my mouth. That was so hot, I've done that before, but only because the boy wanted it. Last night, I wanted it. I'll bet you could tell, huh? I wanted you to do just what you did...You're so fucking ...I want...

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Oh Nancy Chapter 3

Oh Nancy - Chapter 3Freddie figured she wanted them to complete their night in her room, so his destination was to her bedroom as he carefully made his way up the stairs carrying the most precious thing in his life. However, once he reached the foot of the stairs and turned to head for the goth's room, she stopped him with a soft tap on his shoulder and pointed towards another room with a door partially opened of the practical mansion of a house.He started in that direction without question and...

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"I want the fucking of my life!" I demanded, hands on wide hips, large chest thrust forward as I glared at my husband. "Jeez, not in the door two minutes-" He stopped as he noticed what I was wearing. Or, rather, NOT wearing as I stood completely naked before him. His eyes traveled from the half-erect nipples of my DD cups, down my stomach to my dark, curly bush which I'd trimmed down especially for him tonight. I was already wet from teasing my nipples as I read erotica online but his...

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MagicianChapter 11

The following day after treating Róisín to a West End show and a meal I set off to the world called Kurukshetra and then onto Loegria. Even to this day, Loegria is a secret world, not many Mages know of it, even on the Council of the Wise, even fewer how to get there. It is essentially the only world we've discovered where the native people cannot do magic. Nor are we sure as to how its people got there in the first place, all other worlds with people on were former Sidhe worlds where...

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Thats Not For Sale

I turned around to see where the voice was coming from and there stood women of rare beauty with the most striking blue eyes. I said, ‘I was just admiring the statue’ and was going to pick it up to check the price. She laughingly said, ‘I’m sorry that one is not for sale it was put out here by mistake.’ I shook my head and said ‘too bad’ because I was a big fan of Indian works of art. She said, ‘I’m very sorry but this one is from my private collection, and I really don’t want to part with it.’...

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Two Minute PenaltiesGame Four

I was too distracted all day Tuesday. I barely got anything done at work. Finally I called Sandy. "I really need to talk, meet me after work?" "Sure thing!" she replied. She was as solid in our friendship as she was in the goal. Sandy sensed my confusion the moment I walked in the door. "What's wrong?" "It's Steve and this stupid bet!" She nodded her head in sympathy. "You looked like you were enjoying it Saturday. What happened?" I took a deep breath. Would I be violating...

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Getting to know Amy Part 2

It was the following week, and once again I had set off on my weekly long walk through the Chilterns. I went out through Shardeloes and up towards Beamond End, then heading off further through open grassland and through some woods, once again descending into the valley. There was a sense of anticipation, combined with apprehension, as I neared the village where Amy lived. Would she be in? Had she remembered that this was when we’d talked about meeting again? and what were those needs that she...

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TrueLesbian Jane Wilde April Olsen Bad Reputation

Sarah (April Olsen) exits her home and says goodbye to her family inside. Dressed in a private school uniform with glasses and a backpack, Sarah is about to graduate at the top of her class. She may look innocent on the outside, but Sarah secretly longs for excitement … and other women. She slips in her headphones and puts on a punk song as she walks down the road to class… Meanwhile, Andy (Jane Wilde) sits at the base of a tree, legs spread as she dumps the contents of her school...

3 years ago
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Dysfunctional Lustful Incest 8211 Part 6

I was still on the sofa with my erected dick outside my pants which was wet with her orgasmic and pussy juice. She opened the bathroom door slightly and called me inside. I dropped the pant there only and walked towards the bathroom bottom naked with erected penis. As I entered, I saw her wet and naked. It was an erotic sight. She asked me to lock the door. The bathroom was big enough for both of us. She started to unbutton my shirt and removed it along with my vest and hung it on the hook. We...

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Caught My College Girlfriend Cheating With A Black

I’ve been into the cuckolding thing for at least two years now, my current girlfriend was aware of it because she saw some porn and it was awkward but she let it go. The porn she happened to find was interracial, and according to her it was a factor in what happened. A little over a year ago, I came home from a fishing trip early, there was a car parked in my driveway that I didn’t know but I just suspected it was a friend of hers. Speaking of her friends, I spoke to one of her closest friends...

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Next door neighbors son

A young guy from our neighborhood stumbled upon our profile and recognized Suzi. He knew where we live because we know his parents.He wrote a very nice letter and put it in our mailbox.He very politely asked us if Suzi wouldn't be interested in taking his virginity. He wrote that he read our profile description and he knows that Suzi likes being watched so if nothing else would she allow him to come by and watch her being fucked. He left his phone number. Suzi called him and invited him.I...

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Garbowskys Wedding and After Party

Introduction: Fan-Fic I Wrote for a friend of mine. I am the groomsman at my bass players wedding. I was happy for Greg to be getting married to Paris. We had just come out of the chapel and were headed back to take some photos at the park and then get ready for the party. Of course because Pariss brother, Reeve, is dating Ashley Greene, the party will be annoyingly long, but being the awesome guy I am, I plan on not getting bored and enjoying my time. We took a bunch of photos then were on...

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The Joy of the Fist

I'm surprised not to find more about anal fisting on this site. I'm bi sexual, and very, very hedonistic. I love to eat pussy and suck cock too. On some sites my screen name is "Tireless Tongue." I also love to fuck both men and women, although I like to fuck women more. I'm on the submissive side with men, and the DOM side with women. But, nothing is "etched in stone." These are just tendencies and preferences. I think I can get into most anything if there is a connection, or as they say,...

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Fucked by the Lake Reposted

Introduction: First story, leave feedback! (Try not to be too harsh though!!) Paige was 19 years old, she had brown hair, blue eyes, she was nice and curvy, always wearing clothes to show off her 38C tits and short skirts and dresses. She was dating a guy name Bryan, she was in love with him and they had some great times, and although she dressed like a whore, most of the time, she seemed to stay faithful. One day she was driving home from her boyfriends house and her car started to over...

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Judy and Her Itsy Bitsy Bikini Episode 4Chapter 4 Marco Polo

As a change of pace, Judy suggested, "Lets play Marco ... Polo." The rules, Judy explained, were just a little different from the regular Marco-Polo water-sport game. "When the person who's it says, 'Marco', you have to at least have something in the water; a foot, a hand, a finger. Something. Anything. Anyone who's out of the pool at that second is automatically it. "But," she continued, "The person who is 'Marco' has to count out loud to 15 before they can say it again. You...

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Neighbours EXDaughter in law

Well, ..I am a happily married wife of 21 years to a husband whom gives me anything I want. We have a very strong sex life and fantasize quiet a lot about all the things we would like to try. We have an understanding that if our fantasy can be fulfilled then go along with it and I did just that. A few years ago while on holiday while in the shower we had an amazing time and I managed to experience sex with another woman for the first time. I really enjoyed the little fling but didn’t really...

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College Friends With Benefits 8211 Part 1

This is Rahul, and I am back with another story about friends with benefits. I know it’s been a long time since my last story. But I will make that up with this great story. If you haven’t read my previous stories, then I would suggest you read those first. Well, for my new readers, I am a 21-year-old guy from Odisha. I am around 5 ft 10 in with a 6.5-inch dick of decent thickness. I have brown tanned skin. This happened when our colleges opened after the lockdown. There is this girl Muskan in...

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Filthy School Girl Fantasy

Ok, so technically I wasn’t a schoolgirl any longer. It was the summer after I’d finished my exams and I turned 18 two weeks prior. I had partied hard since school was out, had some ‘encounters’ with guys my age but they were all too full of themselves, all trousers and no dick, without even the slightest idea how to please a girl in bed. I had gone to third base with my previous boyfriend but was left feeling uninspired by his pussy licking skills – although, I have to give him an ‘A’ for...

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Demigod of WarInterlude 3

Day 266: The Valley of Hidden Matters was inaccessible on three sides, surrounded by the most rugged mountains in the world. The only entry was a tiny sliver of beach at one end, where massive wind-tossed waves crashed into the stepping stones which led inward. Two streams flowed down the Valley, one hidden, of course. They brought ice melt to the grass and shrubs dotting the green valley floor. Only a single tree towered over the lesser flora carpeting the Valley. Had anyone from Earth...

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To Hell and Back Book One SurvivalCH 28 Out of the Frying Pan

The great hall had been transformed for the celebration into a paradise for hedonists. Half of the immense chambered had been cordoned off with portable walls. The chair on the platform had been replaced by a plush, backless couch, raised on one end, and sitting on a thick carpet. More couches, carpets, and a mountain of scattered pillows lay about the massive room. Every chandelier held new candles shedding a halo of golden light. Half naked bodies lounged around the room in a loose circle,...

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Pakistani Mom Fucked by Daughters Boyfriend

I am Pakistani conservative housewife living US with my husband and k**s. This story is based on one of my real sex experience with my daughter's boyfriend. This experience is real but this story is inspired by from an other story. So real credit goes to real author. My little girl Shazi was getting back home this end of the week however she informed us that she is going to California overnight with her school's official study tour. She is so much like me in personality. She's a considerable...

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Brats Incestuous Lesson Chapter 3 Brats Final Taboo Lesson

Chapter Three: Brat's Final Taboo Lesson By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Kat Fear rushed through me at my mother's fury. I ripped my pussy off Daddy's cock and threw myself from straddling him on his recliner. Mother stood at the entrance of the living room, wearing her gardening clothes. She was supposed to be out in the backyard. She wasn't supposed to come into the house and catch me with Daddy. I fled. I raced out of the living room, tears spilling down my cheeks. I felt the cum...

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Fetish VacationJapan

You have loved Japan since a teenager like most the culture the anime the movies you name it if it was Japanese. You even tried sushi though you never really enjoyed fish. You had resigned that you was not ever likely to go to japan unless you saved like crazy and even it would be very doubtful. It was not that you was poor more that you had enough to live a reasonably comfortable life. Most of all you loved Japanese women especially the Dominatrices. You had spent countless nights on porn...

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My First Sex And With A Virgin Girl

Hi ISS Readers, as all you are I am also a big fan of ISS. My name is Sai and you can mail me your feedback at I am young and handsome guy 26 years of age and tool with 6 inches. As like everyone even I do have lot of sexual desires which everyday my bed sheets used to float with cum. This was my personal experience which was unexpectedly happened to me when I was at my 23 years of age when I completed my graduation. Coming to the story I used to stay along with 2 of my friends in a room in...

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Katherine and Ken

I met Katherine on the beach one summer’s day. The water was blue, the sky was bluer and the sand was as soft as talcum powder. She had been in the sea for a while and was just walking up the beach to her towel and umbrella. She had her head down and the water was dripping into her eyes. I was so busy watching her but purposely bumped into her. Katherine looked up then and I saw those bright green eyes for the first time. I also noticed at the time what a beautiful body she had.  I apologised...

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Friends and BenefitsChapter 7

Sherri leaned back against the arm of the couch and pulled her feet up onto the seat, tucking them under herself. Her skirt slipped up above the knee, accentuating her legs clad in dark hose. "So you really liked Sharon modeling the garter belt outfit for you?" she asked. "Oh, absolutely." "I'm wearing a garter belt, Joe." "Really?" "Really." I noticed that Sherri's hands were staying safely away from the edge of her skirt. "Any particular reason?" I asked. Sherri let out...

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Bobbi Sue And The College Guys Gangbang

It’s Bobbi. For those of you who haven’t been follow- ing my letters to this newsgroup, I am a 5’1″, 105 lb athletic, who has taken to showing off my body to liven up my sex life. I have shoulder length blond hair and blue eyes, and I like to think that my 34A-22-34 figure is firm and desirable. I am not beautiful, but I’ve been told by a lot of guys that I am. I would say that I am cute instead of gorgeous. My figure is firm because I work out at...

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Joke for today

Signs That You Might Need A New Lawyer* During the trial, you catch him playing his Gameboy. * Every couple of minutes he yells, "I call Jack Daniel's to the stand!" and proceeds to drink a shot. * He places a large "No Refunds" sign on the defense table. * He begins closing arguments with, "As Ally McBeal once said ..." * Just before trial starts he whispers, "The judge is the one with the little hammer, right?" * Just before he says "Your Honor," he makes those little quotation marks in the...

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A Drabble The Bet

A few weeks ago, there was exchange which appeared on the Hyperboard which resulted in someone making the suggestion that a rather well known story reviewer try her hand at writing a drabble. Having never attempted one myself, my interest was piqued. The next day I had five. What follows is one of them. The Bet A Drabble by Deane Christopher "Why the hell are you doing this to me?" fear raged in Carl's voice, as he felt his body tingle with the change. "The short answer is...

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13 Evening Train

As usual the line at the ticket counter was quite long. But today I was not in the bored and jaded mood that had become my normal reaction to this daily event. Reaching the station and getting a ticket for my ride home every day, had soon palled and had become a somewhat blasé ritual. Today the difference was that, a few feet in front of me stood a very attractive boy. He was slim and of medium height with a fresh looking face devoid of any trace of moustache or beard. He was dressed in a...

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Acquired Taste

IntroductionMature, but still definitely beautiful, Jill pursed then opened he deep painted lips. ?No Anton?, she asserted as she stared down at her date as she sensed him pausing over an item on the menu.‘But I’m paying.’ Anton could have rebutted, but he was raised a gentleman and there is nothing like a matriarchal Grandmother to imprint a code of conduct on a growing boy.  The waitress young, a brunette, and obviously just of age seemed a little more relaxed as his eyes moved past today’s...

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Sucked Into Incest 8211 Part VII

Dear readers, please pick from episode 1 of the true story to have its feel. Readers who have read my earlier episodes may be wondering as to how I am presenting this absolutely true saga in installments which started happening long ago, with such lurid details in absolute lucidity .For this ease ,I have created an ambience by being nude , my wife fully decked up in a blue Mysore silk saree the one she wore for our first night with loads of tied jasmine tucked to her head, eyes & lips with...

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Dwie lesbijki i dwoacutech facetoacutew

Dawno nie pisano tutaj nic ani o Julce, ani o Darii, Patryku. Przyszedł więc czas na kolejne pieprzne opowiadanko. Pewnego dnia do Patryka, Julki i Darii, dołączył Karol. Postawny, wysoki, dobrze zbudowany gościu, którego kutas gościł w cipie niejednej panienki. Tym razem nasz ulubiony trójkącik poszerzył się o Karola. Od razu wpadła mu w oko Julka i Daria. Nawet wprost mówił "Takich cipeczek to jeszcze nigdy nie widzialem". No bo Julka i Daria to naprawdę ładne, ponętne dziewczyny. Właściwie...

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Bob Whites CoveyChapter 22 Bob Whitersquos Covey Is Ready

As Katie walked with First Sergeant Patti Paiwonski, she acknowledged Signifier Woodrow Wilson Smith as he joined the pair making their way towards their new snowflake. “Good evening,” Katie began as she sat. “As you probably heard me announce, my name is Katie Wyoming Knott. This is Signifier Woody Smith and First Sergeant Patti Paiwonski. Am I addressing Mrs. White?” “Good evening. Technically, there is no Mrs. White,” the petite woman answered. “The Bob White Covey name is a take-off on...

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Salvation Ch 21 Cruel Training

His clothes were dark and cut in a style that was no longer seen in the city. However, Doctor Croft's discrete enquiries had discovered that he was highly respected at the Bank where he was Manager, but, as he put it, felt restrained by his family's lack of obedience. "You've tried training them yourself?" Doctor Croft asked. "Yes I have, but my wife Joanna is a burden in such matters and I have come to the conclusion that she needs to join the children in learning self control...

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Deep desires

That day, I went to the pub. My friend would be there also, but I arrived first. So I got a beer to drink and waited in the corner from where I could see the whole pub. It wasn't very crowded, but crowded enough so I didn't felt exposed. I felt secure and with nothing more to do than wait for my friend I looked around. Deep in thoughts I watched the people there and I notice that I agian and again rested my eyes on a boy, still, not a man, yet. Sitting with his friends. Dark hair, dark eyes,...

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Mr Rogers ResearchChapter 49

“Will he really come for us?” Janet asked me. “I have absolutely no idea. I expect he will come for me, when Mikah and I take a walk. It’s when I’m most vulnerable. Even so, I expect him to wait. He has nothing to lose by waiting and nothing to gain by coming for me now. Especailly with my bad ass bodyguard here. I thought a couple of minutes then said. “You did a lot of things right and you were damn lucky a couple of times. One of the right things was to be super aggressive. One of the...

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