3am free porn video

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I woke up around three in the morning. The pink glow of the LED lamps reflected off of the mirrored walls and ceiling, filling the room with a dim, sensual light. I was sticky, covered in what I can assume was male ejaculate; it was all over my face, my breasts, and my legs. Cool, almost hardened runnels of the stuff led down the insides of my thighs from where it had drained out from my slit. I felt dirty, not just physically, but emotionally as well. Apparently, the janitor had not come by after the last customer.

No one else was in the room with me; I lay back on the large, pillowy, rose colored bed. The blanket, sheet, and pillows all lay scattered around the floor; having been knocked off the bed during the throws of lust. I felt exhausted and awake at the same time. A slow pulsing pane throbbed behind my eyes. My muscles ached like I’d just run a marathon. But mentally I felt like I had just woken from a great sleep. It was both a blessing and a curse. Even though my mind was telling me to get up; my body was telling me to stay on the soft bed and get some real sleep.

But three in the morning was as late as I could push it for sleep.

I sat back up, pulled my long black hair away from my neck and pressed the sim-stim switch at the base of my skull. The little Teflon nub twitched under my skin as I pressed it in and a small display in my left eye informed me that I was now in broadcast-only mode. Doesn’t hurt if someone wants to pay to piggyback as I went through my day. Most of it was boring, but some people like it, and I’m not going to say no to the money.

I walked over to one of the mirrored walls and with a practiced motion touched one of the mirror panels which swung out on smooth hydraulics to reveal a tiny shower-stall behind it. Slate-colored concrete walls with a bright fluorescent light in the ceiling cast harsh shadows from the dingy plastic sink and the mildew covered shower head left barely enough room to turn around in place. I shoved the sink into the wall and popped the door to the thin locker to its left. Pulling out my toothbrush, some hard soap, a shampoo and conditioner combo, and pill of AMP which I immediately cracked open and inhaled. The super light powder tasted bitter as some floated down into my throat, but the buzz and energy were worth it. I felt fully awake and ready to go. Closing the closet door, I started the shower. The water was never hot, barely more than lukewarm; today was no exception. I drowned myself in the water, using the hard bar of soap to scrub every inch of my skin. The water reconstituted the congealed scum that was stuck to my chest and the smell made me gag until I was able to replace it with the scent of the soap.

When I got to my lower half I just spread my legs and used my fingers to reach up inside myself and clean as much as I could with the lukewarm water. A shiver of disgust went through me as I scooped out a gob of the last customer’s leavings. I rubbed the soap over my fingers and hands as much as I could, letting the abrasive soap redden my soft skin.

The lather from the shampoo was thick and oily smooth as it coated my hair; I let it sit while I brushed my teeth, rinsing with the shower water, and then rinsed out my hair. The suds ran down the curves of my body to disappear down the drain in the floor, gone forever and soon forgotten.

Switching the water off I popped the locker door open again and pulled out my towel, nice and soft, freshly laundered two days ago. At least it hadn’t started to smell like mildew yet. I rubbed myself down as thoroughly as I could, tousled and toweled my hair till it was a semblance of dry, then replaced the towel, stashed my toiletries, and pulled out my school uniform. Standing in the cold pool of water in the floor I carefully slipped my plain white panties on, making sure not to get my wet feet on them, the soft cotton felt warm and nice as it slid over my hips. Shouldering the elastic tube braw over my head was always difficult, and the tightness across my chest was somewhat comforting, but always left me breathless for a moment. I buttoned the skirt around my waist, buttoned down my fitted white shirt and snapped the corners onto the skirt, holding it securely. The next part was always the hardest; balancing on one foot, drying the other off, slipping a knee-high sock up over my calf, and slipping on a shoe before I could put that foot back down. Every once in a while I slip, or lost my balance and set a half socked foot down on the wet floor. There is nothing more uncomfortable than wet socks.

I picked up my blazer with the university’s logo on it and my school bag at the same time and carried them out of the shower coffin. Just a couple mirrored panels to the left of the shower door was another hidden door. This one led to a maze of halls that the girls, cleaning staff, and management use to get around without the customers seeing.

I walked through the thin, dirty, concrete corridors till I got to a large room in the back. Three large men sat at a table playing cards and smoking black, foul-smelling cigarillos. “You off?” asked one of the men as I walked over to the terminal next to a large red door.

“Yep,” I said as I clocked myself out, “school starts in an hour.”

“You should wear that uniform in some time,” said one of the others, “I’m certain some of the customers would love it.”

I walked over to him, seductively rolling my hips and stretching my arms into the air, “Someone like you Uri?” I asked, sounding as sweet and innocent as possible. He leaned back and made some kind of noncommittal sound in the back of his throat as I got close to him. I could see the bulge in his pants, the tension in his neck, “But not today.” I stepped back away from him and the other two men laughed. “Besides, do you know how much this thing costs, no way am I letting some Stiff mess it up.”

“Well,” said Uri, “let me know if you ever need a ride to school, or home, or to dinner?”

“In your dreams dear,” I said as I walked backwards out through the door. I bent forward and blew him an exaggerated kiss. He gave me the finger and made a kissing face back at me. I turned and the door slammed shut behind me with a whir of electricity as the maglocks engaged.

Celeste was getting off her scooter and hurrying to the door. “You heading out Lynn,” she asked as she reached the door and started putting in her code.

“Yeah, I got to get to class. Good luck today.”

She popped a hip, put her hand on it, tilted her head, and pushed her chest out, showing off her immense cleavage. “Oh honey, luck’s got nothing to do with it.”

“Of course,” I said as I smiled and backed away.

We waved our goodbyes and I headed off down the alley at a quick walk. Two blocks later and the bus stop was in sight, the bus already there and waiting; I had to run to catch it. Luckily the driver saw me coming and popped the doors back open for me. “Thank you,” I said, smiling as kindly as I could to the old man driving. I swiped my key-pass and he nodded assent and started driving before I had even found a seat.

I sat back into one of the hard plastic seats near the middle, this early there were not a lot of people riding. I leaned my head back against the cold plastic wall of the bus, still out of breath, chest heaving from the sprint to the bus. A man sitting with a group of four a few seats down and on the opposite side kept looking at me as I smoothed out the wrinkles in my skirt. After a few blocks, he got up and sat down right next to me, the others watching. He wore a dark business suit, had salt and pepper hair, and a face that looked like he had been dropped as a child. His teeth were crooked, his nose was bulbous and his face was flat. He was not appealing to look at.

“I know you,” he said quietly, leaning over to me. I tried to ignore him, pretending to look out the window on the opposite side of the bus. “You’re a stim-girl, I’ve seen you on the net.”

“Sir,” I said turning to face him, “I think you have me confused with someone else. I’m just heading to classes.” He had a hand in his pocket and there was a lot of motion in his pants.

“I’m rubbing it for you, making it nice and hard,” he said. “Why don’t you come with me to the back of the bus and you can suck it off for me.” It wasn’t a question; he didn’t think I would refuse.

“No,” I said, disgusted at his presumption, “you really have me confused for someone else.”

Just then I felt someone connect to my sim-stim. “I’ll make it worth your while, twenty thousand, direct transfer.”

I saw text pop up in the peripheral of my left eye, the sim-stim user was messaging me. -Do it, fuck him on the bus, that will be so hot.-

“Sir,” I said, “I don’t care how much your offering, I don’t do that.”

“Thirty thousand,” he said.

-I’ll tip ten thousand too if you do it, - the text read.

I shook my head, “I’m sorry, no.”

Two of the men he had been sitting with came over, one stood in front of me, the other sat down next to me and grabbed my arm. “I’m not giving you a choice, and I will pay you for your time, don’t make this any harder on yourself,” the ugly man said. The fear started to rise, but I stuffed it back into a box, out of sight of my mind, felt the rest of me hide back there too, out of sight of the world.

-Oh yeah, - the text read, -this is so fucking hot.-

The man holding my arm stood up, pulling me with him, and the two apes pushed me down toward the back, following the ugly businessman. I stumbled as the bus hit a bump, then was shoved to my knees in front of where he had seated himself at the back most row. He undid his belt and pants and pulled his dick free. It was a pretty average thing, although twisted oddly to the side with a large pulsing vein. He was already fully erect. The man behind me pushed my head forward and my face was mashed into it with my mouth over his large balls, the fine, stiff here in my eyes and mouth.

He twitched his cock under my face, almost like he was trying to caress me with it. “Now suck it, you little whore.”

I did as I was told. Retreating into the back of my mind I barely noticed what I was doing. I ignored the texts that were rolling up from the sim-stim user. I felt his cock sliding in and out of my mouth as I rolled my tongue around his head. I took it all the way down, feeling it press against the back of my throat. The man behind me was grabbing tightly onto my hair and bobbing my head up and down for me. The businessman was groaning as I slobbered and sucked his dick.

Then he came, deep into my throat as the man behind me shoved my head down all the way. The businessman thrust up too. I felt his bush on my tongue; he was all the way in me. He pulsed again and again, he just kept coming and I kept suppressing a gag as it slid down my throat, forcing me to swallow it. I was almost swallowing his dick; I could feel my throat rippling over his head. He was grunting with ecstasy, a new sound with every twitch of his manhood, a new spurt with every twitch.

Eventually, he stopped and the bruiser behind me let me up, his flaccid cock falling out of my mouth, covered in drool. The ugly man pulled a handkerchief out of a pocket and wiped off his member, then threw it in my face. “Wipe yourself off, you look disgusting.”

The cloth was sodden with my spit and his semen, all I really did was push it around till it was dry and hardened on my face. One of the guards was still holding my hair keeping me from moving. One of the others handed the businessman my wallet from my bag. “Hey,” I started to reach up for it, but the hand in my hair tightened and the pain held me in place.

The businessman pulled out my bank chit and swiped it against his own. The left side of my left eye showed a transfer of thirty thousand credits. I also saw another ten thousand come through from the sim-stim user along with the text, -let the guards do you all at once, I’ll tip you ten thousand each.-

My stomach turned, disgusted at myself. The businessman dropped my wallet in my lap and stepped past me, the guards following. -Why are you just sitting there, go fuck them.- I didn’t move, I didn’t respond. -This is boring, I’m out of here.- I started to cry. I didn’t want this. I didn’t want any of it.

Eventually, I crawled into the seat beside me, the bus shaking and rattling gently as we rolled down the old streets. It stopped outside of a strip club and the ugly man and his bodyguards got up to get off. I vaguely realized this was not a regular stop, the driver knew them, spoke to him as a friend, money changed hands.

More people got on the bus as we went on, some got off, and after almost an hour it arrived at my school. At this point, it was nearly teeming with people, many of whom were students. We all filed out of the two sets of doors, off the bus and onto the campus walk.

I didn’t know many of the students, I didn’t associate with them, and I didn’t party with them. While the main group of them went toward the center of campus, everyone talking and laughing among themselves, I turned and headed around the back of the bus and across the street.

The convenience store was small, but popular because it was so close to campus, crushed in between an architectural firm and a laundromat. I went straight to the back, grabbed a toothbrush, mouthwash, wet-wipes, and a bottle of spray on fabric freshener, and then dipped into the washroom.

I turned the faucet on, adding more noise to the exhaust fan buzzing in the ceiling. The water splashed down into the grimy sink, where it reflected the harsh white light of the fluorescent lamp. Pulling a handful of wet-wipes out of the bag I started scrubbing at my face, the acid burn of the alcohol filled my nostrils and mouth, my face felt both hot and cold as the alcohol evaporated off. I ripped open the toothbrush and squeezed the handle so a small amount of toothpaste came out on top, then vigorously started brushing the taste of semen out. I kept scrubbing, harder and harder, spitting as I went. Slowly the spit changed from foamy white to a bubbly red as my gums bled from the abrasion.

I was crying, sobbing around the toothbrush, my knees shaking, barely holding me up. Why me? It’s not supposed to happen when I’m awake. I’m not that kind of person. I’m not supposed to remember it. When I flip that switch I leave and let someone else use my body, like letting someone borrow your car, or stay at your flat. I don’t need to know what’s happening as long as nothing gets broken. The toothbrush clattered into the sink as it finally slipped from my fingers, the water washing away the last of my blood and toothpaste.

The top of the mouthwash clicked loose as the safety seal broke away under my fingers. The wash tasted like mint fire, the acid burning against my bleeding gums and raw tongue. Trying to swish it around my mouth I nearly screamed but instead swallowed some of it. A quick turn landed me in front of the toilet where the contents of my stomach emptied themselves into the bowl. My stomach cramped and I heaved again, expelling bile and whatever was left inside me by my customers. The next several heaves were empty, harsh, and painful as my stomach squeezed out nothing but air and acid. Eventually, I was able to stand up enough to fill my mouth and keep from vomiting again.

Pulling my makeup out of my bag I arranged the myriad small items around the flat rim of the sink, balancing them like oddly shaped dominos. The foundation was cool against my skin as I rubbed a thin layer over my cheeks and under my eyes to hide the darkening circles. ‘At least he paid you,’ I thought to myself. ‘Forty thousand for only about fifteen minutes of work, that’s not bad, and a direct transfer is basically tax-free.’

‘No,’ I thought back to myself, ‘he raped me and because he paid me for it there is no way to prove it.’ These days it had become a common tactic to pay victims. As long as your victim is a registered sex worker it makes it almost impossible to prove that it wasn’t consensual when there is a record of money changing hands. I would need the recording from the bus, and I doubt it still exists, not after that man paid the driver. It very well might not have been running from the beginning.

Pretty much every girl has registered as a sex worker, even most men. It’s an easy way to make some money, and pretty much a rite of passage these days. After you turn sixteen, you’re not cool till you’ve registered and shown your friends you’re on the registry. It requires renewal every three years, and most just let it expire, but even then it can be said that it was just a laps or oversight. Everyone sells themselves once in a while.

A little contouring and eyeliner then I was ready to leave the washroom. I looked into the mirror and barely recognized myself. My lips shone brightly with fresh red lipstick the color of under ripe strawberries; matching the red of my hair, which was still in a loose ponytail, falling straight down behind me. Contrast to the red of my hair, the deep green of my eyes reflected the white light of the little washroom and twinkled, still damp and full of tears from when I vomited.

The label of the fabric freshener showed a spring field, flowers and tall grass rolling under a bright, crisp sun. After spraying a large puff into the air around me I discovered that it smelled, and tasted, like soap. Nothing summery or crisp about it, it was just a clean soapy smell, which was certainly better than vomit and ejaculate.

The light clicked off as I left the room, hiding the pale green tiles on the walls like the toothpaste and makeup hid my shame. The man behind the counter arched an eyebrow as I checked out, buying items I had opened and used. I smiled my most beguiling smile and shrugged. Neither of us spoke. There was no reason to.

Most of the day went normal, unavoidably dull. Lecture followed by a lab, then another lecture. A few people said hello as I walked by, others waved in vague recognition. I didn’t end up talking to a single person the entire time. Lunch was a lonely thirty minutes between two lectures where I ate a small sandwich from the lounge. I ate and sat in silence, reading course material.

Lunch was a prepacked sandwich from a vending machine and another AMP. After eating I cracked the plastic pill in half and put a piece up to each nostril, inhaled a quick, sharp breath through my nose letting the fine powder coat the inside of my nasal passages. The familiar bitter taste crawled down my throat as a bit of powder drifted down, followed by the familiar buzz of energy crawling back up to my head. I felt a bit light headed and elated, the events of this morning pushed so far back that they didn’t even matter anymore. I was in a much better mood, awake, aware, and ready to take on the rest of the day.

After lunch was a lecture on the techniques of practical microbial horticulture. The subject was interesting, but the lecturer was boring, he put everything in cold, clinical terms. It was all so precise and exact and there was no expounding on specifics. I found myself slumped over the table, nodding off into a daydream when I felt the small emotional jolt of someone piggybacking into my sim-stim feed. -This looks like a boring class, - the sim-stim user said.

-Tell me about it, - I messaged back. -What do you want me to do about it?-

-I’ve got a killer hard-on right now; you should do something sexy to help me out.-

-You planning to tip anything, - I sent back, or -is this pro-boner?-

The pun appeared to be lost on him. -I’ve already paid the thousand creds just to connect.-

-Thousand’s nothing, not even enough for a proper dinner at a decent restaurant.-

-One hundred thousand if you suck that guys dick, the one to your right.-

I looked to my right, about halfway around the curve of the amphitheater-style lecture hall was a jock type guy. Big, strong, pretty, probably pretty small in the pouch. -No, - I sent, -I don’t do that sort of thing, especially not in class.-

-Then what good are you?- I slid one of my hands up the inside of my thigh and felt myself start to get wet. He felt it too, -Ohh, this could still be good I guess.- I started rubbing myself through my panties, gently, letting the anxiety build, making sure he could feel every twitch and stirring that I felt.

-I want to watch, not just feel, - he messaged.

Still gently rubbing with my left hand I slipped my right hand up and grabbed my phone by the shooting star charm hanging off the back and gently slid it under the desk where it was out of sight. Quickly I tapped on the camera and connected it to my sim-stim ID. Now I could see through the camera and through my eyes. It was a little disorienting and the vertigo of having multiple points of view in my mind made my head spin for a moment. Twisting the phone in my hand the second vision swung strangely and centered on my panties. My finger rubbing up and down the shape of my cleft, a thin dark line of dampness was starting to show through.

-You should pull your panties off.-

-Tips first, - I sent in reply. There was no response at first, so I stopped rubbing and twisted my phone down toward my feet. Then fifteen thousand credits as a tip showed across my left peripheral. -What happened to the hundred, I asked?-

-There’s not a dick in you, fifteen is more than enough.- I shrugged and turned the camera back up, then started rubbing again, slipping a finger under the edge of my panties. Pressing them to the side, I rubbed gently while holding the phone in my other hand.

My breathing started to quicken, the heat in my abdomen started to rise and I was nearly dripping. I slid my finger in and out now, my panties stretched open wide. -Take them off.- I set the phone down next to me and shimmied them down to my knees, then picked up the phone again. -Ohh yes, you look good down there, I bet you would love my fat dick in there instead of your finger.-

I tried to imagine he was someone I wanted, a favorite sim-star, so I could keep up the feeling. I was not very good at faking my feelings, and if I let it slip, he would notice, which meant fewer tips. Another five thousand slid past my vision, -do it faster and harder.- I obeyed, jamming in a second finger, banging my clit with the heel of my palm. My fingers made a soft, wet sucking sound and my palm made a gentle smacking that I really hoped the other few people in the room could not hear. The mix of possibly being discovered and being embarrassed was actually exhilarating and added a deeper excitement to my masturbation.

Nearly breathless I started to slow down. -No, not yet, - another six thousand slid past my vision. I increased my intensity. -Ohh yeah, that’s so good. I’m so close.- I sped up again, twisting my hand as I went, adding another intensity to it.

I came. I came hard and squeaked out a stifled scream of ecstasy. The jock to my right looked over, confused but looked back down to the lecture, his face as a board as I was before I started touching myself.

-Thanks, - the user sent, -that was perfect. I came so hard. Want me to send you a pic of it?-

-No thanks. But if you want to hang around after the lecture I’ll go to the washroom, strip, and set the phone so you can watch me fuck a dildo in the stall.- Just the thought of it quickened my heart rate and made me warm inside. I gently rubbed myself a bit more as I pulled my panties back up.

-Mmmm, don’t mind if I do.- Another four thousand passed through my vision.

Thanking him I spent the next twenty minutes squirming in my seat, touching myself occasionally. I chatted dirty fantasies with the sim-stim user as we waited. Word got around on my host site and by the end of class, I had seven users attached. My head felt full as everyone talked, trying to get me to do things now, or telling me what to do when I got to the washroom. I mostly ignored them, occasionally chatting how horny I was, or that I really needed to go fuck myself. Eventually class let out and I nearly ran out of the hall toward the washroom.

The halls were crowded as I pushed passed identical uniform after identical uniform. It didn’t take long before the users were asking me to bring this guy or that girl into the washroom with me. I didn’t answer most of them, and redirected the others; if you say no too many times they will go away, better to just let them have their fantasies.

Their choices were based entirely off of estimated physique. I ran Spec-Tor which automatically blurred out the faces and uniform logos of people I passed, it also blurred external logos and any text so as to hide the location and provide a minimal amount of anonymity and security. It causes a quarter of a second delay in what’s broadcast to the sim-stim users, but most don’t notice as they’re too busy rubbing off whatever’s between their legs.

I pushed through a gaggle of other girls and pressed my way into the washroom amongst a flood of requests to pull them in and start an orgy. Sex may pervade our society, but it’s not like I can just grab a bunch of people and be like, ‘Hey, wanna have an orgy with a lot of people watching?’ I mean, I could, but I wouldn’t. Sex still inspires a modicum of privacy. Besides, I would get thrown out of school for starting an orgy in the women’s washroom.

The washroom itself was much quieter than the halls, although still filled with the chattering of girls gossiping about this or that. I barely noticed how clean everything was as I darted past the girls and dove into one of the stalls. The tile on the walls shown with a nearly mirror surface and the old wooden floors gleamed with fresh wax, even with all the foot traffic. Even the toilet was pristine brushed aluminum with antimicrobial brass plating on the commonly touched surface. The silver and brass colors also augment the school’s colors, giving the washroom an oddly ‘School Spirit’ feeling.

I used the small dangling charm on my phone to hang it from the jacket hook on the inside of the stall door. The phone hung at a bit of an angle but the camera auto-corrected for that and gave the viewers a straight look. I brought up the music player in my sim-stim and put on a mix of energetic electronica hits, then started swinging my hips back and forth. I turned slowly, rolling my hips as I went, making sure to give everyone watching through my camera a good show. Once my back was to the camera I locked my knees and slowly bent down. Albeit my face was toward the toilet, I kept my gaze on my legs and slid my hands down slowly as I bent. I could almost bend in half by wrapping my arms around my legs, everyone seemed to love this. It also caused my skirt to ride up so high that nothing was left to the imagination. Letting go of my legs I shook my ass and bent one leg, then the other, rolling my hips as I did, and arching my back, raising myself up slowly and as erotically as possible.

I turned around and danced slowly again, in time to the music, and unbuttoned my school blouse, just letting it hang open, revealing cleavage and my bra. Flipping my skirt up, I leaned back and sat down on the toilet then started rubbing and cupping my breasts. Then slid one hand down and started rubbing my slit through my plain white panties.

-Take the bar off, - one viewer sent.

-Take the panties off, - came another.

-Come on. Fuck yourself. I’m so ready to cum but I need to see your pink!- sent a third.

-Mmm, tips would help.- I sent back, pinching a nipple and gently flicking my clit. Suddenly a small avalanche of tips sprang up, almost everyone watching had tipped at least a thousand. -Mmm, you guys are ready.-

I slid my hand over and popped the fastener in the middle of my bra and my tits popped out. I reached up and gently tugged on my nipples, running my fingertips around my areolas. I teased up my nipples till they were nice and hard and starting to get over sensitized. So I slid my hands down and pulled off my panties. I used both hands to spread myself wide, then rubbed quickly and forcefully over the top, feeling the skin and muscle roll over my pelvic bone, setting alight a whole new range of nerves and sensations.

Reaching down into my bag I pulled out my dildo; I showed it off to the camera and pulled it out of its bag. I licked it seductively, then slid it into my mouth, and deep throated it. The feeling of sucking on it excited me more and I fingered myself a bit deeper. I was pretty wet now, almost dripping. The comments from the viewers were no longer requests, just expletives and comments on how hot I was or derogatory, dirty talking. Mostly men asserting their dominance over their sexual pray. It didn’t matter that I was the one in control, or that, if anything, I was praying on them since they were paying me.

I slowly pulled it out, feeling it run across my tongue and roof of my mouth. When it came all the way out I let it go from my lips with a wet kiss, the brought it down and slowly started to rub it up and down, slowly spreading my lips apart. Slowly coating the end in lubricating fluids and raising the anticipation of all of my viewers. I then started to press it in. Slowly at first, pulling it back and forth, pushing it in a little further with each time. I was practically laying back across the tank now, my legs sticking out almost to the door.

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Did I ask for this

It was busy. My friend was chatting to another guy. 3 of us together by the bar. I was leaning against it. I heard some of what my friend and the guy he was with were saying. The rest of the time I was people watching. Glancing around, checking out the clothes, hair, footwear, faces. As expected it was a mixed crowd. There were a lot of men, very few women and quite a few trans people. Some looked like men in woman's clothes and make up. Some looked prettier with feminine features, soft...

1 year ago
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Sexy neighbor mini

Hi all iss reader sahil again for u…. This happened when i was in my first year of my college.. She is fair in complexion, with an apt body. Believe me or not, even after being a mother of three she is lot sexier than women of her age. She is a mother of a son and two daughters. Her son is of my age, the eldest. They became our tenant when i was studying in my ninth std. Had a craze for her since the day i saw her in only her petticoat and her bra changing her dress in their bedroom usually go...

1 year ago
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NFBusty Lena Paul For The Night

Alex Legend is a high roller who has called in an expensive call girl. Lena Paul is everything Alex was hoping for as she struts in wearing a trench coat over her stunning lingerie. Her bra and thong are for looking but not for touching, as Alex soon learns when Lena teaches him to follow the rules with a slap to his hand. She strips before him, unveiling huge tits and a plump ass before turning around. Sinking down into Alex’s lap, Lena starts grinding her hips in a lap dance that leaves...

2 years ago
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Terri becomes submissive

Part One Angie and I were meeting friends of Angie for dinner. I had not met them before but Angie met them 6 months ago. Angie is my wife and we have been married for about 5 years. Our sex life has always been good, Angie is more aggressive than me and she usually decides when we have sex. While Angie was getting ready I noticed that she was really nervous about something. We got to the restaurant and Bob and Sylvia were already seated. Bob helped Angie to sit down and I noticed Sylvia...

4 years ago
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Hardwork In Gym Helped Me In Losing Virginity

Hi, I am Vicky 23 working in MNC Bangalore. I have been reading ISS stories for the past 3 years. I am interested in girls; because of my shyness I have never had any relationship with girls. The first time I talked to an unknown girl face to face is at my Interview day. Before joining MNC I was working as a part time trainer in gym for my pocket money. While training peoples they often used to get sprain and they request me to do massage to them (they used appreciate for my skill in massage),...

3 years ago
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her best friend Carolyn 2

I found out about a month ago that my wife had really hot lesbian sex with her best friend Carolyn when they were younger, and again a few years ago when she went to visit her in San Francisco. Just thinking about my beautiful wife kissing, and licking her beautiful friend has given me a pretty much constant hard on, as well as made for some incredible sex. I am constantly thinking about my wife having sex with Carolyn, as well as her other sexual escapades when she was younger. As long as...

1 year ago
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The Seduction

My name is Jennifer and I write erotic stories as a past time. I write these stories from my experiences over the years. I was a wild-child artist I suppose, and fell in love with exhibitionism and sex and sometimes both at the same time. I don't why, I wasn't brought up badly or abused or even poor and down on my luck. I just like the feel of a man's eyes on me, it makes me feel sexy. I suspect a lot of women like that too or they wouldn't dress as they do. I just take it a bit further...

3 years ago
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Friendly Limits

Author’s note: this story gets off to a slow start – I do hope the build up was worth it for you. Although purely fictional, Tess is based on a real person. If she ever reads this she will know it is about her. Tess knew she was different from a very early age. She came from the usual dysfunctional family – the product of an alcoholic dad and a mom who never saw or heard anything. It wasn’t so much that she was physically abused, she wasn’t, it was the emotional abuse. Tess was always a...

2 years ago
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Beach Fun 2

A TRUE STORY---When I ended part 1 I was sitting in the dark watching my best friends wife become a Black cock slut and loving (and filming) every minute of it. She sucked both men for another couple of minutes. She was the told to stop and they helped her off her knees and over to table where the ladies were still fingering their clits. They forced her to lay belly down on the glass table and began to tie her hands and feet to the table legs. There she was again in all her glory tits smashed...

3 years ago
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Tomb Raider XXX

Es war ein schöner, sonniger Nachmittag und der Himmel über Croft Mansion war wolkenlos. Seit Tagen hatte es nicht mehr geregnet, doch den grünen, gepflegten Gartenanlagen des Anwesens konnte man es aushalten. Laras Butler trat auf die Terasse und ging mit gesetzem Schritt zum Pool. Er breitete eine bequeme Decke aus und stellte eine kunstvoll gearbeitete Karaphe mit eisgekühltem Wasser und ein Glas ab. Mit einem Tuch tupfte er sich den Schweiß von der Stirn und schüttelte den Kopf über die...

4 years ago
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A Casualty of WarChapter 2

I awoke just before lunch time the following day, I'd slept for about fourteen hours, I found my old dressing gown on the wardrobe door and slipped it on before going downstairs. Laura was sitting at the table in the kitchen talking to her parents, they all looked up and her dad smiled, "Hya Frank, I take it you needed a good nights sleep" "Yeah, I didn't realise I was so tired" "Daddy!" and a tiny blonde haired bundle scrambled up onto my lap, "My daddy cuddled me last night"...

2 years ago
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Cute Sister Fucked

Friends i am a regular reader of ISS and it prompted me to post my own story……..here goes the story…i am a medical student and i have a cute looking sister a student of ninth std….as u all know in 9th class there is a chapter regarding male and female sex organs and about reproduction…when i came from hostel my mom told me that gudu(my sis)was waiting desperately for me to get some problem solved…i enquired from guddu about it she was hesitant to tell me …..After some time when i was alone she...

1 year ago
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Sex with a virgin girl Tanya

Hi Readers i am Sanju main 6 mahine pehele mumbai gaya tha waha maine rent pe falt liya. main roz subhe 8 baje nikal jata tha aur phir dopeher main ata tha. Mere padosi Mr. Agarwal He is a big businessman. unki ek ladki thi Tanya, jo amir bap ki beti thi. wo 12th main hai. wo din bhar ghar main akeli reheti thi. ek din mere flat ke bahar ek lifafa pada hua tha. usne wo dekha aur bell bajayi. maine door khola aur dekha to wo samne khadi thi. phir maine use andar bulaya. phir thodi der bad chali...

1 year ago
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MommysGirl Kendra James Haley Reed Rachael Cavalli Too Many Honeymoons

Kendra James and her new wife, Rachael Cavalli, are cozying up in a home they have rented for their honeymoon. As they chat, it’s revealed that this is Kendra’s third marriage in as many years, although she really feels that Rachael is the one for her. Although Rachael feels the same about Kendra, she isn’t thrilled that Kendra’s stepdaughter, Haley Reed, has tagged along with them on their honeymoon… Haley then barges in on Kendra and Rachael, and it quickly...

2 years ago
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Dating A Cute Teenage Girl

It’s an old trick: ask the invigilator to explain the question and get the partial answer. The cute teenage girl was trying just that with me. I was on exam duty for first-year students. Though it’s not my subject, I explained patiently and, looking at her pretty face, gave her most of the answer. Walking away, I checked out her name on the answer sheet. ‘Piyali,’ a cute name for a beautiful girl. In fact, I couldn’t remember seeing a girl so naturally beautiful on the whole campus. She was...

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Looks by Missy

I had met him several times before, and now that he and his new wife,June, had moved into our neighborhood, we interacted more frequently. Ihad actually dated her for a while before she and Jeff married, so I wasaware of more intimate aspects of her as well as their relationship. Ihad always found it strange that they got married, as they seemed an oddpair. He was not particularly attractive, nor personable. Also, Junecomplained a lot about him, in particular his tendency to be rude to herand...

1 year ago
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Double Switch Ch 18

A Note to the reader: Double Switch is a full length novel with a Prologue, an Epilogue and 18 chapters. So it will take a commensurate time to read. It is erotic in places but not on every page or even in every chapter. So, a little patience is necessary. It is a love story, actually three love stories. I hope you will be rewarded for your time and trouble. To understand the story, you need to read the Prologue first. So, look it up under my name in the Author Index before proceeding with...

1 year ago
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Travelling DbferChapter 6

So I hear some of you readers saying, "Not all cheerleaders are dumb, you pig." I never said all cheerleaders were dumb. That's why I have my forms and my test. Bunny is a perfect example. She had to be a cheerleader not too long ago, and she is smart. It's all about percentages. If I go to an Actuary conference, what's the percentage of dumb people? Yeah, pretty low. You don't need brains to be a good cheerleader. You need good looks and enthusiasm. These are both wonderful qualities...

2 years ago
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Older man teaches me to masturbate

I was just past my fo**teenth birthday and used to go and help a local man out who was retired and didn't get out as much as he used to. It was part of a scheme run by my local Sunday school although I wasn't really a church goer. Alan was about 64 and a widower, he was a really friendly guy, balding and with a bit of a tummy but a really nice guy to spend time with and always showed a lot of interest in me and what I was doing.It was summer time and I went round to his house with some shopping...

1 year ago
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The Affair Continues Part 1

Author’s note: This story was so long, I have decided to break it up into two parts being submitted separately. Look for part two soon. Also, although this story picks up right after the initial encounter of the affair between Clark and Teri, her age has changed from the first story. As I was writing this, I decided that her age didn’t work for them to have been college sweethearts and for them to have been married for so long. So Teri is slightly older in this story. The Affair Continues After...

3 years ago
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Complaint Karne Jaane Se Leke Chudai Ki Class Tak 8211 Part 8

Hello dosto mera naam hai Nikita Ghosh. Aur main wapas aa gayi hu apni agli kahani ke sath. Jo log mujhe nahi jaante, woh ye jaan le ki main apki hot bhabhi hu jiske baare mein soch kar ap dil khol ke apna lund hila sakte hai. Main 34 saal ki hu aur koi kamsin kali nahi hu. Balki har mard ka lund jisko dekhke pant se bahar aane lagta hai woh aurat hu. Mere gore-gore bade stann aur meri matakti gaand ke sabhi deewane hai. Mere pati ‘Ghosh Babu’ meri chut ki garmi nahi nikaalte to mujhe doosre...

1 year ago
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The Wait part 2

I am acutely aware of your cock stiff and warm pressed against me from behind while you woo me with your mouth and fingers. You inhale deeply at the nape of my neck and exhale a sigh that almost sounds like a long, purring “fuuuck…” but I can’t be sure because you’re moving away to aim your cock between my thighs. Now all I can feel of your body is the head of your cock poised at the entrance to my cunt. Face down in the bed and knees spread wide, I feel so exposed to you and the vulnerability...

2 years ago
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I am a slut A story about blackmail

Part 1 (references of unwanted sex, no description of sex yet) I am a slut. But it wasn't like that before. Honest. Just like any well-brought up girl, my parents got me focussed on school studies so I could better plan my future. Even though I had dated some guys, I kept the count to a small number and declined many invitations for dates. I knew I was attractive to many guys because I was told that by my previous boyfriends, and other guys that I had turned down, often not because they...

4 years ago
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Showing Off My Slave Hubbys Special Present II

I have a need. A craving for the kind of satisfaction I know I can only get from one certain person. The satisfaction of completely overpowering all the senses of he who I consider my sexy slave. That one man who is the only one able to accept my extreme type of affections and actually revels in being totally absorbed by them while giving himself completely over to my servitude, my Stephen. Now to craft my plan and make all preparations. My wonderful husband Daniel and I had a fantastic...

4 years ago
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Primal instinct

I spend a long break each winter in the Thai town of Hua HinTwo years ago after spending a few hours messing around on the computer, I went for a stroll. It was late afternoon and I had no agenda to find a girl, just to stretch my legs before finding a convivial bar for a sundowner.I was walking down a street called Poonsuk Road, which separates the temple complex from the nightlife area. Originally a stream that was covered over, it meanders very slightly. Towards the northern end, there are...

Quickie Sex
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Kathy and I were on our honeymoon, strolling along the lakefront. There was an art festival on the lake and we were admiring the work on display. Kathy became involved in a lengthy discussion with one of the vendors, a jeweler, so I wandered away on my own.   I found myself in a Potter’s tent. Just outside the tent was a makeshift, wooden potter’s wheel used for demonstrations. His name was Gary, a well-built sandy-haired guy in a tight tank-top. He looked about thirty-five years old. His...

4 years ago
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My Promotion

Actually I guess I have only myself to blame. I mean I was the one that insisted that we invite my boss Roger to our pool party. My wife Dot (short for Dorothy) didn't want to invite him because he wasn't married and with two other couples it wouldn't be even. She has rules like that about stuff. I told her that he was in line for a promotion to corporate and that would mean that he would move to the twin cities and I was next in line in our division. The next day was Wednesday so I invited...

1 year ago
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AmiChapter 3

That morning Ami awoke in Gopal's arms, she wiped the sleep from her eyes and purred while remembering the events of last night. She turned her head and looked at him while he was sleeping. Gopal had a delightful sexy smile on his face, was he thinking about what happened? Ami shivered. Oh, even while slumbering, Gopal's magnetism radiated toward her, setting her skin burning with desire. Ami's hands began trembling, the mounds of her breasts started swelling, her nipples hardened, and...

3 years ago
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Double TwistChapter 194

“Maybe we’ll have a vampire prom.” He shot me an appalled look. “What is this, Twilight?” —Veronica Wolff, Vampire’s Kiss OUR LIVES were defined by concerts. Saturday, we performed in our first ‘public’ venue at Marion Civic Center. There were around five hundred in attendance. Doesn’t sound like much compared to the thousands we performed for in California. Cindy and I lowered our expectations. We weren’t in a huge production with a cast of hundreds. We were two classical musicians...

1 year ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 589

The body builder takes off his shirt And the blonde says, “What a Great chest you have!’ He tells her, ‘That’s 100 lbs. Of dynamite, Baby.’ He takes off his pants and the blonde says, ‘ “What massive calves you have!’ The body builder tells her, ‘That’s 100 lbs. Of dynamite, Baby.’ He then removes his underwear and The blonde goes running out of the Apartment screaming in fear. The body builder puts his clothes Back on and chases after her. He catches up to her and asks why She ran out...

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CHAPTER ONE: BEGINNINGSThis story contains SLUT, EXHIBITIONISM, BIG BLACK COCK, GROUP, and OFFICE* * * *I opened the arriving email after hearing the signal its arrival. I received very few emails from outside the office so assumed it was from one of the company officers. It was from Mr. Nolan, President of BlackLand Enterprises. I scanned the email and the attachment it contained, then stood, smoothed my short skirt and nearly sheer blouse, left my desk at the front of the offices, and made my...

2 years ago
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A Day at the Lake

The weather was perfect for sun and fun at the lake. My wife and I were headed to a nearby lake for some relaxation time. The cooler was full of adult beverages and we both knew where that might lead. It was a risk that we were both willing to take. We arrived at the lake at about noon and there were swimmers and sun bathers everywhere. We carefully found a spot for our chairs and towels. Once everything was set up my wife asked me to rub some tanning lotion on her. I, of course, agree and she...

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Twins Summer of Discoverych02

Note : This story is completely fictional! When I awoke, Donovan’s arms were still holding me. My stomach growled at me, and the fact that the sun was setting, indicated that it was evening instead of late afternoon. I looked at my watch and saw that 3 hours had passed. It was now suppertime. I giggled when my brother’s stomach began complaining as well. He woke up immediately and looked at me with a mischievous grin. “Looks like I’ve slept with my sister. Are you still hungry?” he winked at...

2 years ago
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Absence makes the cock go harder

Our sex life used to be so raunchy but in recent years it had began to wane.I was scheduled to take an overseas assignment and discussed in detail with Becky what this would do to our relationship. Could we endure a long distant relationship? Would we be able to remain faithful? Becky surprised me by saying if we were unfaithful as long as the other partner knew about it and it remained only a sexual relationship then we could endure and possibly grow. This intrigued me and I began to enquire...

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The motel

Craig couldn't believe his luck! Buying the Sunny Day Motel had been the best decision of his life! He had gotten the idea to install hidden cameras in each room from one of those "Candid Camera" shows on television. Right from the beginning Craig knew that this little ten room motel could be a gold mine if it was run "properly"! After taking possession of the motel, Craig got down to the business of installing his hidden cameras and microphones in every unit, until by the time he was finished...

3 years ago
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Seductive Dreams Ch 03

Monday nights if I have to work late are usually really boring because there is no meetings and most of the staff goes home early as Monday is appointment setting day. But I have some newer goals that I have set kind of high for myself and I want to make sure that I achieve these goals. Even Sandy went home. About 7:30pm, I was in my office finishing my dinner that I brought in and I heard the back door open up. Well, I guess I won’t be alone anymore. I sort of waited to see who would be...

2 years ago
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The Awakening of Love Ch 14

CHAPTER FOURTEEN Jake paced in the hall as he waited for the doctor to tell him that he could see Ashira and when the doctor finally came out to the hall, he got as far as, ‘You can go…’ before Jake shot past him and into the room. Jake looked at Ashira who was propped up in the bed, a baby in each arm. He smiled softly, crossing the room quickly and gently sitting on the edge of the bed next to her. ‘How do you feel?’ Jake asked, staring at the two large yet tiny babies in her arms. ...

2 years ago
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Dynamic Duo Pt 01

AN: This is intended to be a short romance story with multiple characters. It will definitely be a slow burn, so if you was something more tantalizing, please skip this story and chose another one more of your liking. This chapter contains *NO SEX*. My goal is to write a compelling story that progresses naturally. Also, all characters in this story are above the age of consent. I look forward to reading your thoughts, but I will delete any abusive and/or hate-filled comments. Thank you...

3 years ago
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The Pleasure Slave

It was the third year in the reign of Emperor Nero, and the girl, Julia, stood with around twenty other girls, and about twelve male youths, waiting for the Priestess. She looked around her at the ornate columns and murals of the inner sanctum of the Temple of Diana. This was her first night where she would walk out into the fabled Groves of Daphne, as a Daphne girl. People from all the known world visited the Groves of Daphne near to Antioch, to sample the delights of the youths trained in the...

1 year ago
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Injustice IIChapter 5

The bed in the room assigned to me was definitely too small for my 6’-4’’ frame. I used a spell to stretch it and the mattress an extra six inches so it would be more comfortable to sleep on, but it wouldn’t be weakened much, as I do weigh two hundred and forty pounds or so. It was a much better fit when I lay down on it. Also, it was fortunate that we had showered at Jill’s house before returning here, as I had no idea where the bathroom was. Farmers get up early, and I was awakened at five...

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Living with daddy Part III

PART ONE : A VISITOR OF THE NIGHT Daddy woke me up in the middle of the night. Generally getting woken up would make me angry, but he was an exception to that rule. I was glad to see him. My heart raced wondering what it was that he wanted. By the look on his face I knew something was not wrong, so it had to be something good, and I was very much into good stuff. “What is it daddy,” I asked him in my cute little girl voice. My daddy did not say anything. He leaned forward into me and began to...

4 years ago
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A Dare In Rain Gone Across

Hi, friends, this is pleasure boy from Pune narrating a story after almost 2 years. Due to a busy life, I am unable to write stories. Today I was feeling an urge to write my fantasies so here I am with the story. You can email me at especially aunties, ladies and girls from Pune for fun. I am 26 years old living in one of the decent location in the city. Daily come across with many girls, ladies, and aunties. I hope many of you like aunties as compared to girls just because of their...

3 years ago
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accidental fantasies pt5

All the time Jennifer and I were talking, I was working on my plan. She had a big advantage over me since I hadn't been aware of her so called training program. Not that I was complaining about the results, but if my efforts to give her a memorable day were to succeed, I'd need some help and fast. Code word...toys.I may have mentioned that I had some toys, but not the fact that I have a collection in a box under my bed. Almost every month for a long time, I'd been buying toys on line and having...

1 year ago
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For years the drug companies have been looking for Hibercus a jungle plant said to heighten sexual experience for both men and women.According to legend the Napenthe people - also known as the "sex tribe" - were said to be experts in locating and using this rare plant. After months of tracking my wife Sylvia and I found the tribe in one of the remotest areas of the rain forest.They were amazed that we survived our trek through the forest but were even more fascinated by Slyvia's long red...

Group Sex
1 year ago
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Dealing with boys 2

Dealing with boys 2 This is the continuation of my log about child raising. We are now half a year into the process that started in February 2018. I have used the cuddle time around breastfeeding to help the boys express their needs. My two sons are becoming more and more confident in their feminine development, which is intensifying towards a heart-warming Christmas Eve. 2018 August 8. We are on holiday in Spain! It is at least as warm here as at home. None of the children's...

2 years ago
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Taffeta Torment VII

George felt nervous. He was sweating as he walked up the drive to the Taffeta Torment mansion. He felt all alone but most of all he felt ashamed. Since what he thought would be his perfect marriage to Margaret, she had hardly deigned to speak to him. At least before they had common interests in opera, theatre and the cinema and how George loved it when she made the effort to dress for the occasion. Once, when they were attending a Puccini opera at the local theatre, she had knocked him...

4 years ago
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The pleasure of pain

She was standing in a darkened room, stripped bare but for a strict black leather posture collar and a silk blindfold covering her eyes. Her arms were held high in the air, each one tied to the ceiling on opposite sides of the room. Her legs received similar treatment, spread wide with rope attaching each ankle to the walls surrounding her. No room for manoeuvre. As she heard the door close and his footsteps disappear she tested her bonds. First her arms, trying to pull them down, inwards,...

3 years ago
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The young Andrea having been the one to get the first of the "Master" in it's now complete form was laying aside after being withdrawn from the now installed bondage device that could hold them up as the "Master" had instructed the Professor and his wife Olleda to build. Olleda and Carletta had drug Andrea aside, off the mattress leaving her heavily breathing from the fresh attack on her young pussy. The "Master" had backed up and allowed them to remove her and get her aside to...

4 years ago
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Point of View

Point of view Okay, you asked. My story goes something like this: You have to see things from my point of view, to know how I ended up here. I wasn't just poor, I was invisible. Imagine, being the fourth of six children, with the only adult in the house a single mother who was always chasing the next dream dad for her kids. She usually just ended up getting pregnant, and then dream dad would take off with the next bimbo. Horrible thing to say about your own mother, but it's...

1 year ago
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My Mate

His eyes rolled back in his head. That smell…He’d know the scent of his mate anywhere. Opening his eyes again, he quickly scanned the crowd. There, near the back of the room, talking to his best friend, Derek, stood the most beautiful man he’d ever seen. Nodding and forcing a smile, Rhys made his way through the crowd, eager to get to the little man. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Rhys walked up beside Derek. “Hey, D. What’s up?” Derek took one look at Rhys’s eyes and grinned....

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Mai ghar se baher nikla bike start kia Sita Aunty ke ghar ki taraf bike mod ke chalane laga. Bijli bohot zor ki awaz ke sath chamak rahi thi lagta tha ke bohot zor ki barish hone wali hai. Mai Aunty ka phone aane ke bad 10 minute ke ander unke ghar ke door pe khada bell baja raha tha. Door khula aur usi samay bijli bohot zor se chamki jis se ghar ke ander tak roshni bhar gai aise mai dekha ke Sita aunty bohot patli si see through skin colour ki single piece nighty pehen ke aai hai bijli ki...

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