All For Charity (Part 3 Of 4) free porn video

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All for Charity (Part 3) -- Charity Awakens Susie moves back home and Charlie prepares to volunteer Charlie The moment he finished, Charlie couldn't believe what he had done. Yes, he had another fight with Connie on the phone. Honestly, he thought, she says she wants to be with me and I want her, but she makes everything so hard. She is jealous of everything, domineering and never, ever thinks she's wrong. I'm on pins and needles with her all the time. Is this really where I want to be? Worse, after his fight, he felt vulnerable. His sister, Tina, was a solace for him, though Connie hated how close he was with her. And the fact that he lived with Tina, Connie thought that was bordeline incestuous. Nevertheless, Tina could calm Charlie, remind him of the good things in his life, build up his confidence, and, of course, tell him not to put up with someone who belittles him like Connie. But Tina wasn't there at the time of his crisis. She was out -- out with Charlie's teenage infatuation, the literal girl next door, Susie. Tina dropped that bombshell on Charlie just as they were finishing their Friday night "thing" together. Susie was looking to move back home and sought Tina out. What did she want? Charlie couldn't get Susie out of his mind after Tina's comment. That led to him, in his vulnerable state, recalling the things he, Susie and Tina did when they were young and the way that Susie ever-so-subtly talked him into girlish things -- and that wonderful afternoon on his bed when they shared lipstick, pink nails and his first sexual experience together. Susie Susie couldn't have been happier after her dinner with Tina. Not only did she rekindle a friendship that was dear to her, she got exactly what she was hoping for. No, maybe more. Tina had confirmed that she and her brother Charlie were still in town. And Charlie seemed to still be that sweet, soft person that she knew when he was a boy. As she stood to leave dinner with Tina, she smoothed the skirt of her dress, the one she borrowed from a friend, a man with the feminine qualities that Susie now realized was the kind of man she wanted for herself. Susie was determined to see Charlie and to seduce him. If she admitted it, Charlie really was her first love. And maybe he could be her next love. If she played her cards right. The Next Day When they left the restaurant, Susie made arrangements to visit Tina again the following evening. They were going to see a movie, after Tina's shift at Darcy's, the dress boutique. Tina was the manager, and in line to buy the store from the owner, Darcy, who was looking to retire. Tina worked until 6, so they agreed to meet at 7 and go to the new theater with the recliner seats, fancy food and alcohol. Susie arrived at Tina's to meet for the movies, just like they agreed. But her watch said 6 pm, not 7. Just as she planned. Hopefully, Charlie would be home. She reached up to knock. Inside, Charlie was relaxing while playing video games. He was playing Star Wars: Battlefront II, and, as he often did when alone, he was playing as Rey, the female lead of the current series. He liked Rey, a character who was badass, determined and pretty hot as well. When he heard the knock on the door, Charlie jumped. He wasn't expecting anyone, and he wondered who it could be. Quickly pausing the game, he headed toward the door. At the last minute, however, Charlie remembered he was barefoot and ran back to cover his pink toenails with socks. Opening the door, he was shocked to see Susie. It's been over eight years, but she looked the same. Maybe even prettier. You never forget your first love. And you never quite get over it, either. He invited Susie into the house. They sit in the family room. Charlie offered her some wine and they sat to catch up on old times. It's amazing, Susie thought, how quickly and easily the conversation goes. It's just like old times, only the conversation is jobs, extra curriculars and dreams, instead of school and gossip. Tina arrived at about 6:30, breaking up their little catch-up session. Tina took only a few minutes to change, and the two women were off to the movie. Charlie reached out to give Susie a hug goodbye. Charlie is a kisser while hugging, so he leaned in toward Susie's cheek during the move. But as he did this, Susie turned her face toward him, rather than away, and their lips met directly. Susie pressed her lips forward, giving him a kiss that was more than a friendly peck, but not quite a passionate kiss. It was just enough to make Charlie want more -- and to wonder about her intentions. And that was precisely what Susie wanted. Charlie's Big Decision Before all of this went down, before Charlie was taken back in time, before Susie got back in his head, before all of that, Tina had presented Charlie with an offer. Tina's friend and sometimes hairdresser, Rita, was having a charity fundraising event at her salon. It was her annual Mother's Day event for the local women's shelter. They cut hair the first day, donating all the proceeds to the shelter, and then the second day they do the hair for the women of the shelter. This year, Rita was expanding the services to full-service beauty, and was looking for manicurists and makeup artists. Tina had accidentally spilled the beans that Charlie had a unique talent for nails and Charlie had an offer to be one of the manicurists for the event. He hadn't made his decision when Susie interceded in his life. Now, seeing and hearing of Susie had brought all of Charlie's past to the forefront, a past he had neatly hidden away. A past he thought he had outgrown. Suddenly, Charlie wasn't just Charlie anymore. He wasn't a twenty-something app developer. He wasn't going to save the environment. He wasn't Connie's boyfriend. Or was he? The only thing clear to him was that he was confused. Charlie spent most of the evening playing Battlefield II as Rey as he mulled his decision. Was it really so bad that he enjoyed his skill? It didn't make him a woman, right? Connie would hate it, though. And if he told her, he'd have to come clean about Tina and their Friday nights. That wouldn't be pleasant. But maybe he could concoct a cover story, one that didn't reveal their past and one where the next few Fridays would be "practice." She might even allow him to do her nails. No, he doubted that would work. Connie probably would dump him the moment she heard, convinced he was a pervert, for sure. On the other hand, Susie undoubtebly would be pleased if he accepted the offer. She always encouraged Charity. She ... she LIKED Charity? And that kiss she gave him tonight. That wasn't some accident, a mistaken turn of the head, not knowing which cheek to present. No, that kiss was intentional. It meant something. But what? Is he fooling himself? She can't just drop back in his life eight years later and pick up from before. And what was before? We were just kids. She was my sister's friend, not my girlfriend. I mean really: I was more of a game to her, right? The little brother that they treated like a doll. The annoying hanger-on that they forced to dress up as a girl, forced to do girlish things. (I was forced, he told himself. Right?) No, no, no. Connie is his girlfriend, not Susie. Sure, they were going through a rough patch, but it could get better. Connie was encouraging him to succeed. She got him his job with the startup. She gave him style, encouraging the skinny jeans, the shoes with no socks. She even wanted him to grow a trendy beard, though that was definitely not possible with his pathetic facial hair. Wait, he thought. Was that any different than Susie when he was a teenager, really? Connie was changing him, dressing him, forcing him, just like Tina and Susie did. Sure, the clothing was different, but it was the same behavior, right? But, to Charlie, it seemed that Connie was embarrassed by the old Charlie; it was like she was making him change for her, so she would look good. That's not what Susie and Tina did. But, then again ... they were just kids then. That was different. Besides, he liked his tight clothes, his hipness. Maybe he was going to grow his hair out and put it in a bun. A bun like Rey's --- No, come on Charlie! Get your mind clear! Coming back to the question at hand, Charlie thought some more about the offer. It is for a charity event, for a good cause. He could do well, he knew that much. And, if he would be honest, he enjoyed giving manicures. It was creative, artistic and relaxing to him. And he took great pride in seeing Tina look beautiful and attractive. Why shouldn't he do that for the event? After all, as Rita said, there are guys that paint nails. It's not like he would be sitting there in a short skirt and flaming red nails himself. He'd just be a technician, someone helping raise money to benefit women who really needed it. He might be a bit of an attraction - - a curiosity for the women attending the event -- but that would be OK. Hey, maybe it would even lead to more money raised for the cause. So, as Rey vanquished her opponent and raised her weapon above her head, Charlie resolved that he would accept Tina's offer. Getting Ready for the Event (and More Susie) When Tina returned from the movies, Charlie told her of his decision right away. Tina was excited, and thanked him on Rita's behalf. With that, everything was set. Mother's Day was more than five weeks away. All Charlie had to do was lay low, and to figure out something to tell Connie. But that was proving to be difficult. Recently, it seemed that every time he was with Connie, they were just a single comment away from another fight. Plus, with Susie in the picture, Charlie had to be even more careful. Sunday evening, he picked Connie up from the train station. "You're almost ten minutes late!" Connie harped. "Didn't you check the schedule before you headed over here? Well, whatever. Here, take my bag." She pushed to him her roller bag. It was a pink hard-sided case. Large, even though she was only gone for a weekend. Charlie put aside the thought of him rolling a pink case through the busy station and focused on Connie. Seeing her in person always made him feel better. First, there was no doubt that Connie was attractive. She had straight blonde hair, down just below her shoulders. She didn't overload her hair with bows, clips or headbands, but somehow, her hair always stayed in place, perfectly framing her face. The sole framing device was her big round sunglasses, perched perfectly on top of her head. Her hazel eyes and tanned skin glowed. She did not look like she just spent two hours on the train. That was typical of Connie. Her looks had actress written all over them, 24 hours a day, every day. Her beauty school training served her well, even if she didn't yet have that beauty job. Second, she did appear to love him, at least in public. After handing him her bag, she reached her arms over his head to give him a kiss. But, rather than falling into his arms, Connie more sort-of pulled him toward her, with her locked hands placed strategically behind his neck. She kissed him openly and deeply, lifting her right leg in the process, as you see the ladies do in those old movies. Everyone could see the beautiful blonde with a very public showing of PDA. In the car, Connie told him all about her weekend. How her Mom and Dad are doing, her sister's latest boyfriend drama. Even the cute terrier that her parents got. "Let's get a dog!" she declared. "But we don't live together, and neither of us is in a position to take care of one." "Of course, we could," she insisted, "if you just moved out of that stupid house with your sister. Or, better yet, get her to get her own place, and I can move in." "You know that's not going to happen," he countered. "Jeez! Why do you let her boss you around so much? She's your sister, not your mother! I know she practically raised you after your mom drank herself to death, but still. You need to cut the umbilical cord. Get out of the house. Grow up." "Don't you dare mention my mother!" Charlie shot back. "You weren't there. You don't know. You can't judge me. You didn't go through what Tina and I did during those awful two years. You have no right to criticize me -- or Tina!" They drove the rest of the short ride in silence. He didn't tell her about the charity event, like he planned to. He didn't take advantage of the happy feelings around a reunion, like he wanted. He couldn't casually drop it into the "how was your weekend?" discussion, like Tina advised. In fact, he just realized, Connie never once asked him about his weekend. She was too busy talking about hers. He would have to find another time. Soon. Build up to the Event Charlie didn't find an easy time to raise the charity event the following week either. When Friday evening rolled around, Connie was working her waitressing job (as she always did, since Charlie was "busy" right after work). Charlie, meanwhile, worked on Tina's nails like usual. He gave her a French manicure while they talked. French manicures were classic and sophisticated. Plus, he wanted to practice before the fundraiser, since they were a popular request. The talk this week was all about Charlie. Why he put up with Connie. What he really wanted to do. And Susie. Tina told him that Susie asked a lot of questions about him. "She seemed very interested," Tina remarked. "Was there something between you two that I didn't know about?" That's when Charlie told Tina about that afternoon on his bed. He told her about his anger and confusion about the girly stuff, how Susie came over to console him. How she never belittled him over wearing girls clothing, makeup and the whole thing. How she vowed to keep his secret and, even, how she called him "Charity" when she orgasmed. "She has kept your secret, you know," Tina told him. "There were many times she had the chance to do so, but didn't. She had her mom convinced that Charity was my cousin, one of Aunt Lisa's kids, who occassionally would drop by to keep us company. I remember one time, a few months after that summer, when Billy Robinson swore he saw Charlie enter Susie's house but Charity exit an hour later. He had it in his mind to tease you endlessly and bully you at school. But Susie pushed him down, told him that he's a moron who can't tell your cousin Charity from you. For good measure, she said that if he ever did anything mean to you -- no matter what -- she was going to make his life miserable. She threatened to tell everyone how Billy liked to steal her bikinis and how she caught him red handed one time -- well, red fingered, given the fire engine red he was wearing on his fingernails at the time. She would swear that he begged her to let him buy that bikini from her, so he would never have to steal one again. 'I'll tell the girls that you get a hard on when they wear bikinis not because you're attracted to them but because you want to wear their suits.' She was so convincing with that threat, too. Susie really cared for you, you should know." "I know," he responded. Tina's assurances calmed Charlie. They always did. But afterward, Charlie kept thinking about Susie, even as he met Connie after work. Charlie entered the bar where Connie worked, like he always did on Fridays. He wore the skinny jeans Connie purchased for him, even though they left almost no room for his phone or his keys. On top, he had a pink tee that Tina bought for him. Or so he thought. In reality, Susie had given it to Tina for Charlie. As he approached the bar, Charlie's mind wandered to Susie. This shirt, he thought, is like the clothes he used to wear of Susie's way back when. He pulled the shirt down, smoothed the fabric and prepared to see Connie. "What? No flowers?" Connie said to him. "After the crappy boyfriend you've been, I expected you to make it up to me with some roses." Charlie shrugged. Had he been a crappy boyfriend? Exactly how? he wanted to ask (but didn't). Instead, Charlie played up his puppy dog blue eyes (Connie's favorite feature of his), and joked, "I'll make it up to you at your place later tonight!" They spent the night as they often did: bar-hopping with a group of Connie's work friends, a few drinks (a few more, for Connie and her friends, who always seemed to be well into the night before Charlie arrived), and then back to Connie's place. With Connie having been gone last weekend, it had been over two weeks since they had sex. She practically attacked him in her apartment, pushing him against the door after he closed it, and climbing into his arms, wrapping her thin legs around his back as she kissed him passionately. He carried her 105- pounds easily into her bedroom and laid her down on the bed. Arms and legs wrapped together, they kissed each other repeatedly. Charlie pulled back just enough to unbutton her black server's shirt, the one she wore a tie with only a few hours ago. Funny how women can wear men's clothing, even in a work environment, but men can't do the opposite. Imagine the ruckus at my non-profit if I showed up in a maxi dress, he thought. Connie's flowing blonde hair and sultry makeup, the essence of femininity, contrasted with the masculine shirt and tie, her A cup breasts barely visible. The teenage Charity also wore an A cup, that was one thing Susie and he could not share back then. Charlie pushed back her shirt, unhooked her bra -- thank God for front-clasps, he thought -- and caressed her small but firm breasts. Connie arched back, leaving Charlie to kiss her neck while stroking her chest area. Soon, Connie had managed to shed her upper clothing and unbutton her black jeans (more server menswear). Charlie would feel her wetness as his hand shifted lower, never separating his body more than was needed to maneuver lower. His sole focus was on Connie -- as usual, attending to her was the first task in their lovemaking. With a push, Connie forced him back from her. Charlie knew that move. That was her signal that she was ready, that he needed to undress himself -- quickly -- and return to their bed. Not sparing a second, Charlie tossed his former clothes on the floor, piling them in a mixed bundle with hers. Last off was his pink tee, which landed on Connie's bra. Briefly, Charlie heard a voice in his head -- Susie's voice -- asking him, "Are you still an A-cup, Char?" Charlie ignored the voice and returned to his girlfriend. Connie was ready. It did not take long after he entered her to hear her reaching ecstasy. "Yes! Yes!" she moaned as she finished, "Oh, Charlie, that's how you make it up to me. Apology accepted." Connie rolled on top of him. She always did this with the utmost skill, never letting him leave her as they rolled over together. Now sitting on top of him, she pushed herself on him, moving her hips to enhance his pleasure. "Hmm," she teased, "do you deserve a reward? You've been naughty recently." "And you didn't even get me flowers," she said as she smiled. "I'm sorry, Susie," he started to moan, but, correcting himself, said "sue me" instead. "Sue you? I don't know. How much money do you have?" she continued, "If you're broke, I might have to spank you, not sue you." As she said this, Charlie thrust his hips upward, propelling his eruption into her. As he lay in bed, waiting for Connie to change for the night, he relived the night's experience. "Sex is amazing with Sus -- er, Connie," he told himself. Like Old Times As the next Friday arrived, Charlie still had not told Connie about the charity event. It was now only three weeks away, and he needed to figure something out. Adding to his dilemma, Tina informed him the night before that Susie was coming back for the weekend, and she would be dropping by on Friday. "Would it be OK if I invited Susie early on Friday? She said she was going to leave work early, to beat traffic. She would arrive in town 5:30 or so. Can I invite her over?" "But that is when I do your nails, Teen," he responded, "Are you sure you want to skip a week?" Tina looked away ever so slightly, then back to Charlie. She casually reached her right hand to her forehead and brushed back her hair, gently sliding her fingers through her straight brown hair. Charlie knew what she was doing. She did that with her boyfriends when she really wanted something. And a teenage Tina had done it to Charlie, to coax Charity out for some of their adventures. This move was intended for Charity, just like old times. "Charlie," she started, "I kinda spilled the beans with Susie a while ago. Not that she didn't really know anyway! I mean, Susie was right there in the middle of everything during those years. She, not me, enticed you into your first dress, when she flirted with you in the women's dressing room. She gave you the name "Charity." She was the one that enjoyed seeing you in that girls swimsuit. And, as I learned only last week, Susie is the one who seduced you on your bed and called Charity's name during sex. "Anyway, Susie knows that you do my nails on Fridays. She asked me if you would do hers too. It was so funny, Charlie, she was shy and hesitant, in a way I never used to see her. She said she misses having you do her nails, that it was so much fun when you did them. What do you say? Can we invite Susie as well tomorrow?" Charlie makes a face. "It will be like old times," Tina pleads, "What do you say, Char?" And, as they both knew he would, deep down in their hearts, Charlie accepted. On Friday, Susie arrived promptly at 5:30, luggage, a Darcy's shopping bag and a bottle of vodka in hand. Charlie let her in and helped her settle down. "Tina won't be here for another 45 minutes," he told her, "she works until 6 on Fridays." "I know," Susie replied, "I stopped by the store a few hours ago. She helped me get a few things for my new job." "And something sexy for when, you know," she added with a wink. She tilted her head slightly and, ever so slightly, brushed her own breast. Susie knew full well the effect of that move. Susie and Charlie were on their second vodka and tonics when Tina arrived. Chinese delivery was on its way already. "I'm not interrupting, am I?" Tina asked, as the two giggled at something between them. "Of course, not," Charlie responded, which for some reason prompted Susie to giggle once more. Tina ignored the comment, but if she was going to feel like a third wheel, Susie put her at ease. "You are my best friend, Teen!" she declared, slightly slurring her words. "You were back when we were in high school, and I couldn't have made it through without you. You are the kindest, most dearest friend I could ever wish for. And Char here is still your kid brother; he's more handsome now than he was as a scrawny kid, but he'll never come between us. You KNOW that, T. Now, let's get down to business; my nails are a mess." Susie, being the guest, got to go first. She practically bounced as she sat at the table to begin her manicure. Maybe it was the alcohol, maybe not. Charlie, too, seemed excited. In his mind, he knew that was strange. Here he was, again practicing a typically feminine activity, with his sister and his girlfri -- his sister's friend, he quickly corrected himself. But he found some solace in the activity, and, with Susie back, it somehow felt like more. Physically, he was 23, but his mind was transformed back to another time. Back to when he was a lonely teenager, trying to find his way with a dead father, a half-dead mother and so-called friends that looked at him with either pity or embarrassment at the way his mother carried on. But Susie was never like that, and their times as a trio were full of mischief, escape and a closeness born of their shared secrets. Charlie felt at home again. Susie tried to pick her color but Charlie was having none of it. Declaring himself the "artist," he insisted he got to choose. Susie acquiesced, but only after declaring that she got to choose what Charlie would wear with Connie tonight. Not to be left out, Tina claimed she would get to pick the movie tonight. An hour later, as they settled down to the movie, Tina declared that it would be a popcorn and pajamas night. A little drunk, the girls quickly changed into pajamas, right in front of Charlie. Tina put on a long nightgown, Susie changed into pink satin pajamas. Charlie didn't own pajamas, but planned to head to his room to find some sweat pants and a t-shirt. Susie, however, stopped him, saying that she had an extra pair of pajamas in blue. "It was a 'his and hers' set," she claimed, "so they came for free. Please, Charlie. Please try them on. I don't want them to go to waste." In reality, they were female pajamas that Susie purchased specifically for Charlie -- well, for Charity, really -- the night after her dinner with Tina. She only hoped she would ever get the chance to see them on him. They made Charlie change in front of them, aguing that it was only fair. The movie turned out not to be so great, so their attention soon shifted to other things. Susie began playing with Tina's hair. She put it in pony tails at weird angles, recreating the funny hairstyles they used to try as teenagers. Only this time, the funny styles were enhanced by Instagram filters on their selfies. Charlie mostly watched, only occasionally running to fetch hats, barrettes or other things that the girls needed. It was just like when they were teenagers, minus the back- rub chain they used to form during sleepovers. Around 10, Tina was tired and headed off to bed, leaving Charile and Susie alone. Charlie had to stay up because he was going out with Connie after she gets off work at 11:30. "I'll stay with you Char," Susie offered. They begin talking. Susie told him about her job in Atlanta, about her friends and, carefully, about her friend Ben/Jennifer. "Ben is a good man, kind, adventurous, not full of macho BS. He and his wife Ann reminded me a little of you two. I was the third wheel in their relationship, without being a third wheel. I could hang with them together or either of them alone, the same way that I can with you." "Yeah, but I bet what we did together was different, right. You know, the stuff we did." "Oh, Charlie, we were just kids. We did some pretty juvenile stuff -- stuff that I enjoyed so much," she responded with a wink and that head- tilt move of hers. "But, like I said, there were a lot of similarities. They're like the husband and wife version of you two." Charlie had a million thoughts running through his head. What did she mean about "similarities"? Surely she didn't mean ... No, she couldn't mean ... And if she did, why is she telling me that? I'm not about to do all that stuff again. I was just a kid. I was just looking for an escape from my nightmare, and Charity was that escape. I don't want to be her now. That was a juvenile infatuation. We were just goofing around. Susie saw the confusion on Charlie's face, but did nothing to react. After a brief pause, she said, "Thank you again for doing my nails, Charlie. They look great, and I really enjoyed spending the time with you." "Yeah, sure. But the price is steep: silence. You can't tell anyone where you got them done." "I won't Charlie, but it's not going to be a secret for much longer. You did agree to work Rita's charity fundraiser. You're going to be the hit of the event! I bet your line will be the longest of all, especially once the women see the quality of your work." Charlie blushed. "Thanks. It's just for charity ..." But Susie interrupted his explanation. "You know what my favorite thing was back then, Charlie?" "It was when you used to braid my hair. I felt so relaxed, so comfortable. ... Would you do it again for me, Char?" Now even more confused, Charlie weighed the options in his head. Reluctantly, he agreed. Or maybe not so reluctantly. She sat on the floor, between his legs, with him on the sofa. While he brushed her hair, she massaged his feet and ran her hand slightly up his legs. She continued to touch him while he slowly pulled her hairs into two tight french braids, one on each side of her head. At the end, she turned around, and noticed that Charlie has an erection. It was clear to see pressing against his silk pajamas. They're a women's cut, so it's a little tighter in that region anyway, and Charlie's reaction was even more evident. Susie couldn't help but smile. "Like old times, Charlie," she said. "Umm, I think it's time for me to get ready. Connie will be off work soon," he mumbled in response. Still between his legs, Susie reached out and presses her palm against his groin. She pressed it for a fleeting moment, long enough to acknowledge his condition. She could see Charlie yearning to give in. "Yes, maybe it's best, Charlie. I don't want to cause trouble." He kissed her, on the lips, but quickly pulled himself away. "I have to go now," he mumbled again. When he is far enough away, she muttered under her breath, "Come back soon. Please."

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Homeowners Association A Big Deal at Sunny Manor BDSMTaking Charity to the Pool

I turned to Twitter to help find a hottie I could beat my meat to. I was hoping for some sexy amateur MILF. I’d been following an “Uber Driving Slut” lately. She looked a lot like Karen McGifford the woman we saw at Minerva’s market only younger. She would make it appear her tits fell out of her shirt to boost her tips or even suck cocks and fuck guys if she thought they were cute enough and then film it and put it on Twitter. Her husband knew all about it but he wasn’t submissive. He just...

2 years ago
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Homeowners Association A Big Deal at Sunny Manor BDSMCharity Speaks to the Family

Charity placed her hands behind her head, stood with her legs apart, tits out, shoulders back, and ass cheeks clenched tightly before addressing us. Dad switched off the TV completely and told us to put away our phones and hear her out. “Thank you all for letting me address you openly in this manner. I know the sight of me like this may still shock you. I also know that not all of you wanted to live like this, and I asked Master to allow me to address any concerns you may have. I would...

2 years ago
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The Charity Auction ndash A route into Cuckolding Part

This is purely fantasy. My wife and I have several charities close to heart. When one of them advertised that they were holding a local auction of services we thought about what we could auction. Our skills were limited, especially when we saw people like carpenters, plumbers, gardeners and dog walkers offering their skills for half or full days. There wasn’t anything along these lines we could do. In the end I offered myself to do someone’s weekly shopping and my wife offered herself as a...

3 years ago
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Cat girl Charity Transitions part 2

Second, centered around two members of the Academy leadership – Chancellor Storm Dragon and Headmistress Charity; revenge has been sworn, with the murder of many school Masters and Journeymen, death and destruction of businesses who deal with either of these two, and much more are placed at their feet. For Charity, one who is constantly swept up into such chaotic messes, this is ‘business as...

4 years ago
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Cat girl Charity Transitions part 1

The one exception to his rule has always been the academy. This great bastion of learning and knowledge, where the arts of magic are taught to students, scholars come to discover and hone skill for purposes best left to the imagination. Constant, unyielding, unbending, always there – a true solid foundation for the community; and yet even here the forces of change demand their tribute. A series of events have come about, one along with the other that is turning this stability upside down...

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Cat girl Charity the beginning

Center to the series is the young cat-girl Charity (patterned after the anime favorites such as Dragon Pink), who is both a magician (the practice is called the arcane Art, or THE Art) and a practiticoner of psionics - the magic of the mind. Please let me know how you think of it. Also, as a twist the lead virgin of the story is not the girl -- just a hint of what awaits. ********************************************* ********************************************* Among the roads...

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Faith Hope and Charity 3 Charity Breaks Down

Introduction: Charity dates her dream beau which is killing her Hello again faithful readers. When I last left you in my memoirs, I had just started dating my new boyfriend Chet. I was on the cheerleading team and having a great start to my school year. My best friends Faith OReilly and Hope Jenkins and I shared the same ridiculous sex drive, and my Momma Dee was a wonderful enabler of any of our perverted adventures. We were sucking and fucking our way through teen life, there was the donkey...

2 years ago
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Cat girl Charity The fox and lion

Each experience we have on all three parts of the mind play togeater, forming new wonders and memories combining in infinite ways. This is what makes us "US' the one where I am myself. The lifetime of all we have done, seen, shared, loved and so forth. Yet what happens if those memories we cherish the most could be rewritten unwillingly by another? Or worse yet, taken away, plucked by one who walks the roads of the mind and steals at will? One who loves terror and all (yes a real...

4 years ago
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Cat girl Charity The fox and lion

Introduction: What would you do if someone could steal the very memories we hold and treasure as our own most precious of gems and jewelry, those memories that make us and then find them all gone. Having known something precious was there and now gone for good. What would you do. Have you ever looked into a mirrors depths and seen the wonders of the image reflected back? What about having a second and a third mirror close enough to where you can see reflections of the other mirrors in the...

2 years ago
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Faith Hope and Charity 3 Charity Breaks Down

When I last left you in my memoirs, I had just started dating my new boyfriend Chet. I was on the cheerleading team and having a great start to my school year. My best friends Faith O’Reilly and Hope Jenkins and I shared the same ridiculous sex drive, and my Momma Dee was a wonderful enabler of any of our perverted adventures. We were sucking and fucking our way through teen life; there was the donkey dick nerd Beeder, there was Momma’s boss Marcus and his two assistants Denny and Bill...

5 years ago
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All For Charity

The charity event my wife runs started about two months ago. It’s not a normal charity event. My wife, Maggie, and her few friends; there’s about five of them that are real close, occasionally get together for a night out. One night, they all arrived back at our place and Maggie announced, out of the blue I may add, that one of them was going to have sex with me for charity. They had worked it all out; they all put around ten pounds into a pot and they would pull out some straws from a...

4 years ago
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Charity Graduates 3 Hope and Change

Without further ado, more dirty writing. Okay not entirely dirty writing, it’s a story about a journey. My journey for the most part, but not just mine. It’s been a long hard road from where I was when I first got off the bus in a strange town to where I am now; fulfilled wife and mother. I didn’t do it alone, and it wasn’t always roses. Sometimes it was bad, sometimes it was good and sometimes it was both. This is one of those stories, actually it’s two of those stories. I promised...

3 years ago
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Charity Graduates 3 Hope and Change

Introduction: Elections and Loss for the trio Welcome back faithful readers Without further ado, more dirty writing. Okay not entirely dirty writing, its a story about a journey. My journey for the most part, but not just mine. Its been a long hard road from where I was when I first got off the bus in a strange town to where I am now, fulfilled wife and mother. I didnt do it alone, and it wasnt always roses. Sometimes it was bad, sometimes it was good and sometimes it was both. This is one...

2 years ago
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All for Charitybyclinton09©[©2011 BY CLINTON09; ALL CHARACTERS ARE OVER THE AGE OF 18 WITH IDENTITIES DISGUISED; FOR AGES 21 OR ABOVE][Son is drafted by his mom to be an item to auction off for charity; he ends up having to service 3 incredibly hot MILF's—then one last one: his mom!] *Let me 'set the table for you'. You won't understand what's going on until you understand the players. If you've seen 'Desperate Housewives' or 'Real Housewives of xxxxx County', then you're up to speed and can...

4 years ago
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Faith Hope and Charity 1 Beeder

Introduction: the continuing exploits of Charity Jones Hello once again my faithful readers As you may or may not recall, my name is Charity Jones, not my last name of course but one does have to keep their secrets. I am writing these memoirs as I reflect on the last 24 years of my life and how it has led me to my current lifestyle, church-going PTA mom by day, slut by night. It wasnt an overnight transition to where I am now, happily married with kids and a sex life that would make porn stars...

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Giving To Charity

Charity flipped on the windshield wipers and turned the heater up while she negotiated the Chicago traffic. It had been freezing all week, and the rain was coming down in sheets, looking more like a solid stream rather than individual drops. She’d worn her favorite skirt today, and the knit pullover sweater she had on clung to her body showing off her best assets. Her beige canvas raincoat was in the seat next to her umbrella; her purse tucked safely under it. The tall buildings of the city...

4 years ago
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Faith Hope and Charity 1 Beeder

As you may or may not recall, my name is Charity Jones; not my last name of course but one does have to keep their secrets. I am writing these memoirs as I reflect on the last 24 years of my life and how it has led me to my current lifestyle; church-going PTA mom by day, slut by night. It wasn’t an overnight transition to where I am now, happily married with kids and a sex life that would make porn stars blush; but a gradual transition. For those of you who have read my earlier...

3 years ago
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Charity Graduates 5 The Prom

Introduction: The end of school has arrived Charity Jones here again. Weve finally come to the end of the high school road for my formerly younger self. Ill skip the witty banter and lets finish this. The final week of high school. Here it was. A bunch of exams and lots of study time. The school became a ghost town to the students that did show up to bury their heads in books. I even went to school to study just to avoid the pleasures of the flesh that might befall me at home in the trailer...

4 years ago
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Charity Graduates 5 The Prom

We’ve finally come to the end of the high school road for my formerly younger self. I’ll skip the witty banter and let’s finish this. The final week of high school. Here it was. A bunch of exams and lots of study time. The school became a ghost town to the students that did show up to bury their heads in books. I even went to school to study just to avoid the pleasures of the flesh that might befall me at home in the trailer park. And then those were over. Then it was Grad...

4 years ago
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Faith Hope and Charity

The Virtue sisters were the antithesis of what their father had hoped them to be. He had structured their upbringing around the names that he and his wife had given them. Faith, Hope and Charity Virtue, as young girls, were everything that a deeply religious father could ask for, moulded in the Reverend Matthew Virtue’s vision of perfection. They each began Sunday School before they were old enough for proper school, and their religious education didn’t stop there, they were encouraged to...

2 years ago
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Charity At Work 3 Retail Therapy

Introduction: Charity helps with a private fitting Welcome back readers of my filth. When this humble narrator last left you I had just been fired from the rock and roll lifestyle know as flipping burgers for fucking the donkey dicked half wit night manager. It was merely the second in a series of three jobs I would lose over the summer before I moved into the two that would end up defining the next several years of my life. But thats getting ahead of myself, you want to hear all about how my...

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 She looked vulnerable. A few smears of mud on her ankle and the battered suitcase made her look genuine, despite a hint of being jail bait on legs. I think I can trust myself to resist temptation and anyway I almost always pick up hitch-hikers. It’s a kind of payback. Years ago, when I was a student it was the only way I could get around. Peggy was at a college a hundred miles away, so on my budget, if I wanted to see her, I had to ride with my thumb.I learned some tricks, like I always...

3 years ago
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Charity At Work 3 Retail Therapy

When this humble narrator last left you I had just been fired from the rock and roll lifestyle know as flipping burgers for fucking the donkey dicked half wit night manager. It was merely the second in a series of three jobs I would lose over the summer before I moved into the two that would end up defining the next several years of my life. But that’s getting ahead of myself, you want to hear all about how my big titted self got canned from the next job. Here’s a hint, it’s a...

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Charity At Work 1 Adventures in Babysitting

Charity Jones here again returning to entertain you with more adventures of my misspent youth. My lat recounting detailed certain highpoints in my life as it transpired through the11th grade in my 16th year of life. I introduced you to the complete trinity of my closest friends, Faith and Hope. I also landed myself a highschool sweetheart by the name of Chet, who in turned out to be my personal cuckold. And of course the trials and tribulations of jut being a high school teen. The...

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Charity Starts At Home Chapter 4 Learning the Basics

Despite my worst intentions, Faith and I could not come up with a plan for me to bed my Momma. We were inseperable the entire time, spending most of the days together and the nights as well when Momma was off at work. Our planning was obviously impeded by our constant consumption of marijuana as well. It was just a week later, three Saturdays from the first night where I had kindled my incestous lust for Momma , and Faith and I were entertaining ourselves. Our form of entertainment though was...

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Charity At Work 2 Do Fries Come With That

Introduction: Welcome to the Burger Baron! In the last memoirs of moi, Charity Jones, the search for the dreaded summer job had reached its first hurdle, I am a sex magnet. To be fair, if I hadnt insisted on sucking off Mr Smith then I wouldnt have been drawn into the insane sex triangle that was his marriage to Mrs Smith. A simple babysitting job turned into a torrid series of threesomes , with me being the meat in their crazy sandwich. It was two weeks and three torrid threeways later that...

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Charity at Work 5 May I take Your Coat and Cock

Introduction: Charity lands an easy gig After that rather heavy last recounting I bet everyone is the mood for something lighter. Good news! You got it. Charity Jones here. PTA mom by day, cockslut by night. Regaling you again with tales of my long journey from horny nympho teen to horny nympho cougar. When I last left you I had just finished learning painful lessons about myself and the journey with my cock-master George. I was gainfully employed as Assistant Manger at the Love Hut Lingerie...

2 years ago
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The Charity Ball

I hate going to charity balls. You have to get dressed in a monkey suit, they’re always so crowded and boisterous that even if you don’t have claustrophobia you feel icky, you have to listen to boring speeches, the band is often either too loud or bad, and the drinks are way overpriced. I have no problem sending money to worthy causes I just don’t like the events that they think they have to sponsor to get donations. My wife, on the other hand, loves to get dressed up, chat with dozens of...

3 years ago
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The Charity Ball

I hate going to charity balls. You have to get dressed in a monkey suit, they’re always so crowded and boisterous that even if you don’t have claustrophobia you feel icky, you have to listen to boring speeches, the band is often either too loud or bad, and the drinks are way overpriced. I have no problem sending money to worthy causes I just don’t like the events that they think they have to sponsor to get donations. My wife, on the other hand, loves to get dressed up, chat with dozens of...

2 years ago
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Charity at Work 5 May I take Your Coat and Cock

Good news! You got it. Charity Jones here. PTA mom by day, cockslut by night. Regaling you again with tales of my long journey from horny nympho teen to horny nympho cougar. When I last left you I had just finished learning painful lessons about myself and the journey with my cock-master George. I was gainfully employed as Assistant Manger at the Love Hut Lingerie Store, dating a wonderful guy, surrounded my great friends and family and putting out for any monster cock that came...

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Charity At Work 2 Do Fries Come With That

To be fair, if I hadn’t insisted on sucking off Mr Smith then I wouldn’t have been drawn into the insane sex triangle that was his marriage to Mrs Smith. A simple babysitting job turned into a torrid series of threesomes ; with me being the meat in their crazy sandwich. It was two weeks and three torrid threeways later that I quit my burgeoning career in babysitting. It was still early July, so I still had plenty of summer left ahead of me. I had come out of the babysitting gig with a...

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Charity begins at home Part 1

Charity begins at home (Part 1)I had lost count how many times I nearly tripped up as I raced back home, but when I reached the gate and swung it open, I paused and began to reflect on the events of the last 24hrs and what Auntie had done to me.Suddenly fear gripped me as I thought what if Mother discovers our secret because I blurt something out or she accidentally see’s my shaved tuft of pubic hair.Oh what a mess, and I started to panic, sweating and shivering, not just from running home.I...

4 years ago
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Saturday morning, and Jenny had woken up feeling very horny. Although this was nothing new in her world! She lay in bed enjoying the feel of the cool crisp sheets gently rubbing against her naked body, especially her sensitive nipples.She looked wistfully at the empty space beside her. Steve, her partner, had had to pop in to work early to sort out some problem, but with the promise to be back as soon as he could. "Typical Steve," she muttered to herself. "Just when you need his big cock, he's...

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Charity Has its Rewards

This story appears exclusively on This story is written for the lovely ladies from the Philippines who up until now have been neglected in my coverage of Asian leading ladies. Let us go then you and I as the Philippine sunset is plastered blood red against the sky. Do not remind me how my hair is growing thin; the waves splash cold against my skin. John’s Banka boat cuts through the foam-crested blue-green waves of the south Asian Sulu Sea. John is troubled by the eternal question: “Do I dare...

Straight Sex
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Black Charity

Black Charity Part OneThe Connecting DoorThe shop was just like any other charity shop, rows of second hand clothes on moveable racks, old books, toys, nick nacks, paintings, photographs, books, CDs, tools, cutlery, plates, musical instruments some vinyl records and cassette tapes although we no longer accepted them. No electrical goods either, but furniture, sporting goods, basically all unwanted junk and all donated to charity.The window frames were sky blue once but the paint was flaking...

3 years ago
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Charity. I am married 5 yrs. to my wife who is a fitness fanatic and goes to gym 3 times a week. She has a very nice figure and I am just a tad taller than her. I when she wears high heels we are the same height. I work in admin and can work from home a lot. She came home the other day very excited about a charity event her woman's group was going to hold and that the husbands would be the waitresses and kooks. It was going to be an evening event with a small dance area and guests...

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Charity Starts At Home Chapter 3 Gotta Hve Faith

Introduction: Charity meets a new friend We sat in church listening to a sermon on the bonds of family, both Momma and I wearing sunglasses and feeling rather ragged. We were both suffering hangovers, but the nature of our hangovers were very much different. Whilst Mommas head was pounding after along hard night of drinking, my body was aching from a long hard night of being pounded. Sitting in the pew I couldnt believe I was no longer a virgin! The last 24 hours had been very intense and I...

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My big charity gangbang

Until I became involved with Steve I hadn’t realised just how big the guys that take part in competitive boat races are. I’m only five feet five inches tall, and he towered over me even when I wore high heels, but some of the guys that he rowed with were even taller. I think one of them was something like six feet nine, and they were all extremely fit. Our relationship only lasted a few months until he took up a new opportunity overseas, but it was a lovely warm summer, and we spent much of our...

Group Sex
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My Wifes Charity Striptease Part 3

(Read parts 1 and 2 first. Honest, it's worth it!)Those of you have been following this story will know that my wife, Sue, works for a charity and had agreed, much to my amazement, to perform a striptease for a group of our (male) friends. This was in return for very generous donations to Sue’s charity and in guarantee of anonymity and that everyone kept it secret, e.g. from their wives who are also our friends! Sue had subsequently agreed to a further session where the guys took nude photos of...

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The Price of Charity 1 The Kindness of Strangers

Part 1: The Kindness of Strangers Nathan had learned that Charity could be a troublesome thing. As a person, she had slept with him for a month before running off with his savings, his TV, and his luxury cherry-red convertible. The Charity of his auto insurance only covered the book price of the car, which turned out to be a fraction of the price he'd gone into debt to buy it for. Without a car and with an empty bank account, he had no way to get to that high-paying job he held across...

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Its All for Charity A Little Winter Tail Part 7

I pulled into my garage when I got home from work. All the way home I was contemplating whether I should ask my husband about his lunch with John and Megan. Despite my overwhelming curiosity, I decided I wasn't going to say anything and I would just wait and see if he mentioned it. I felt like with all that had happened with me recently, I didn't want him to feel like I was questioning him or jealous. That's all I needed was for him to get defensive and then start questioning me.To my...

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Auction for Charity

Auction for Charity Submitted by babygirl1204 5/10/2008 This is the first story I have posted on any site.  I have enjoyed reading these stories for years, in fact it was reading erotic stories on sites like this that made me realize I am a submissive.  A couple of months ago I met a man that I now call Sir Daddy, with his encouragement developing  my submissive side is a natural as having a baby.  This story was inspired from an email Sir Daddy sent me and I hope you enjoy it, for Sir Daddy...

2 years ago
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I Gave My All For Charity

By Larry Malone In college I was always looking for ways to make some extra money. Fortunately, there was a “Job Board” in the cafeteria with regular postings for the usual help wanted ads like tutors, designated drivers, baby sitters, etc. I checked it on a regular basis and usually found something I could do or wanted to do. One day I saw one for “Adult Party Service Provider.” I had done my fair share of party gigs as bartender, waiter, etc. but this was a new one I didn’t quite know...

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All for Charity Part 2

All for Charity (Part 2) -- Susie's Story Susie decides to move back home to rekindle an old romance Preface Susie watches her friend Ben walk up to the stage. He was receiving an award for having raised the most money that night for the American Heart Association's gala. Susie was so proud of Ben. She had spent a lot of time with him these past few weeks, organizing fundraisers and contests to raise the money and, most of all, helping him prepare for this very special night. ...

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Charity At Work 4 Learning the Hard Way

It’s Charity time! As you know I had finally found a fulfilling summertime job which would end up being a part-time job through my last year of school. I was the Assistant Manger at the Love Hut Lingerie Store with my ¾ lesbian new friend Patti. But mostly important, that’s where I met George. Ah George. The first white guy I had ever met that could satisfy all my needs. He was tall, muscular, athletic, handsome, rich and hung like a fucking horse. Dominant, masterful, able to melt...

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Charity Starts At Home Chapter 3 Gotta Hve Faith

Sitting in the pew I couldn’t believe I was no longer a virgin! The last 24 hours had been very intense and I felt as if they were happening to someone else. I had always planned on saving myself for marriage, but I admitted to myself I loved what had happened and I wanted more and more sex. It was hardly this secret ritual between married couples that the church had taught me.. It was hot , raw sex, oure fucking and I wanted to do it again. But not today, I was way too sore from last...

2 years ago
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Charity Has its Rewards

This story appears exclusively on This story is written for the lovely ladies from the Philippines who up until now have been neglected in my coverage of Asian leading ladies. Let us go then you and I as the Philippine sunset is plastered blood red against the sky. Do not remind me how my hair is growing thin, the waves splash cold against my skin. John’s Banka boat cuts through the foam-crested blue-green waves of the south Asian Sulu Sea. John is troubled by the eternal question: “Do I dare...

3 years ago
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Charity At Work 4 Learning the Hard Way

Introduction: the difference between a slut and a whore What time is it? Its Charity time! As you know I had finally found a fulfilling summertime job which would end up being a part-time job through my last year of school. I was the Assistant Manger at the Love Hut Lingerie Store with my ¾, lesbian new friend Patti. But mostly important, thats where I met George. Ah George. The first white guy I had ever met that could satisfy all my needs. He was tall, muscular, athletic, handsome,...

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Sweet Charity

You may have heard of the phrase sweet charity, well in my case it was certainly sweet to me. I have built up a large part of my CD wardrobe through judicious visits to charity shops wherever I may be in the country. In one of my local charity shops there's an assistant called Wendy who I would judge is in her mid fifties but looking well on it. She's always well turned out in neat blouses, always a just above the knee skirt, never bare legs and 3 to 4 inch heels of various kinds. I must admit...

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