It's For Charity free porn video

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It's for Charity

Mr. Edgar Murray, one of the heads of the well-respected Lionheart Charitable Foundation, walked through his modest office with a proud and confident stride. He sat down at his desk, interlacing his fingers together as his shrewd eyes fixed themselves on the two youths sitting before him. One was pale skinned, had red hair and green eyes and seemed to have a constant sneer on his freckled face. The other one had much darker skin, brown eyes, black hair and a tattoo of a hawk on the back of his right hand.

“Now then,” Mr. Edgar said, clearing his throat. He picked up the file on his desk, opened it and cast his eyes over the pages housed within. “Noah Rearden, 20?” he said to the young man with the dark skin. Noah grunted in response. “And, Jacob O’Connell, 21?” The other youth, Jacob, nodded slowly. “Good, now, let’s see here …” Mr. Edgar read through the file and tutted. “Oh dear. It says here that you were both caught stealing donations from one of our charity bins. That is quite reprehensible.”

“Our needs are as great as theirs,” Noah interrupted, grinning from ear to ear.

“Yeah!” Jacob sniggered. “We’re two of the less fortunate too.”

Mr. Edgar pursed his lips together. “Yes. I can see here that neither of you have had the easiest of lives,” he said solemnly, closing over the file and setting it down on his desk. “But that is no excuse. Theft is theft. By all accounts I should report the pair of you rapscallions to the police and have done with it.”

Noah and Jacob glanced at one another, a look of worry appearing on their faces. They had been in trouble with the cops before. A fair few times in fact. But something like this, on top of their previous crimes would be very bad news. It might have even meant prison time. Noah and Jacob gulped in unison at that thought. They tried to come off as hard men but neither of them wanted to go to prison.

“But I’m not going to call the police,” Mr. Edgar said calmly.

The two youths looked at the older man in disbelief. Then they shared a quick glance and their brows fell. The pair scowled, unsure about this sudden turn of events.

“Why?” Noah said suspiciously.

“Yeah, why?” Jacob sneered, crossing his arms. “You expecting us to suck your dick in exchange or something?”

“Good lord, no!” Mr. Edgar replied. “What I’m thinking is that if I call the police, they’ll just cart you away and neither of you will learn any sort of lesson.” The man then began opening his desk drawers, searching through them as he continued to speak. “So instead, I propose you take some responsibility for your actions. Volunteer with us as donation collectors and perhaps that will give you more respect for this and all other charitable institutions. Ah ha, here are those contracts.” Mr. Edgar pulled out two large bundles of papers from one of his drawers and set them on his desk in front of the two youths.

Noah and Jacob shared another look, still a bit wary. “So, what?” Jacob questioned. “Like, community service or something?”

“In a sense, yes,” Mr. Edgar replied, retrieving a silver pen with a lion engraved on it from his breast pocket. “So, what do you both say? No police. Just sign these contracts and we’ll take it from there.” He held out the pen, offering it to the two young men.

Noah and Jacob looked at each other and smiled. “Deal!” they said in unison. Noah snatched the pen off Mr. Edgar and quickly began to sign and initial on all the dotted lines. Once he completed the rather lengthy contact, Noah handed the pen over to Jacob and he did the same with the other bundle of paper. As far as either of them was concerned, they would take standing outside for a couple of hours a day, shaking buckets and collecting money over prison any day of the week. Once their contracts were all filled out properly, Jacob handed the pen back to Mr. Edgar.

“Welcome aboard, boys.” The older man smiled, slipping his pen carefully back into his pocket. He then collected up their contacts and flicked through them. “Yes, these both seem to be in order.” His smile suddenly turned into a wide grin as he placed them safely into his desk drawer. “You know what I like best about thieving hooligans such as yourselves? You never read the fine print before signing.” Mr. Edgar chuckled.

Noah and Jacob looked at one another in confusion. But then their right hands started to tingle and throb. The hands they had signed the contacts with. Fuck! They really began to hurt! The two young men clutched their wrists with their left hands, their faces screwing up in pain. Right before their eyes, the tips of their fingers began to turn black. It was a smooth, shiny black and it rapidly started to spread down their digits. Soon their fingers were fully covered in the stuff, fusing them all together into a big, black mass. It then coated their palms and inched up along their arms.

“W-What the fuck is this?!” Noah screamed, trying to pull the rubbery black stuff off of him. But he quickly stopped as it felt like he was tugging on his own skin.

“What is this gooey crap?! Jacob roared, jumping out of his seat and onto his feet. The blackness had covered his arm completely and was quickly engulfing his chest. His body felt tight and stiff beneath the animated goo. Jacob stared murderously at the man sitting at the desk, watching them calmly. “What did you do to us?!”

“Nothing you didn’t agree too,” Mr. Edgar replied with a smile, patting the drawer containing their contracts. “I wouldn’t struggle. There’s really no point.”

“You bastard!” Jacob bellowed and went to lunge at the older man but his body wouldn’t move. It was covered in the black rubber, holding him in place. It was suffocating. It started to slowly creep up his neck, spreading over his head. Jacob shouted and swore but couldn’t stop it. He saw Noah out of the corner of his eye. He was fully entombed in the black rubber, covered from head to foot. It was pulsing, rippling, growing. It looked as if it was changing shape, altering Noah’s appearance. But Jacob didn’t see what his friend was becoming. Soon all he could see was darkness as he too was consumed by the black tide.

Jacob could feel it shifting around him. The black rubber changing shape. Clenching and bulging, shuddering and throbbing. It felt like it was pulling his limbs and positioning his whole body as if it was posing him. Time passed, seconds, minutes, maybe even hours. Jacob wasn’t sure. All he knew was the blackness surrounding him. But it was strange. It soon felt like his own body was also changing alongside the black rubber while it shifted its shape. As if they were actually one in the same. It quickly became apparent that Jacob had become the black rubber. He was completely rubberized.

Suddenly the blackness covering the young man’s eyes receded and he was greeted by blinding light. Jacob blinked to get rid of the spots from his vision. How long had it been? Hours? Days?! He tried to move but he couldn’t. His body felt stiff and numb. It felt like the world around him was rumbling. Was he in the back of a truck? Those bastards must have stuck him in one when he overwhelmed by the blackness. Jacob looked around as best he could. He couldn’t move his head. It felt like there was something covering his eyes too, something like clear lenses.

Jacob noticed boxes and crates around the truck, shaking slightly as the vehicle drove along. They all had the logo of the Lionheart Charitable Foundation on them, the head of a black lion. As Jacob’s eyes focused, he managed to make out more and more of his surroundings. It was definitely the back of a truck. And then, that was when he saw it. How could he have missed it?! It was there standing before him, staring right at him.

It looked like a statue made of some shiny black substance. Now that his vision had cleared up, Jacob studied it. It was a life size lion standing upright on its hindlegs on a base made of the same black stuff. There was a plaque at the front that read, ‘Lionheart Charitable Foundation. All donations welcome’. The statue looked a bit showy for a charity. It had a thick, swirly, majestic looking rubber mane. Its front legs were held out in front of it, claws unsheathed, right paw raised higher than the left and its mouth was open in a growl. A very powerful, noble pose.

Jacob gasped to himself when he suddenly noticed that the lion had a sizable cock and set of balls hanging under it. What the fuck?! The sizable member was erect and sticking out straight from between the inanimate beast’s hindlegs. How fucking strange. What would a charity want with such a thing? Sure, their symbol was a lion but why would they want one with a raging hardon? So weird. And just what was this thing made of? Black and shiny and smooth. It looked familiar to Jacob.


Jacob jolted at hearing his name. He glanced around as much as he could. His neck was still feeling stiff and unyielding. That voice! It was Noah. He must have been thrown into the back of the truck with him. Jacob couldn’t see him though. Was he behind one of the crates or the statue? He tried to call out but he couldn’t. His mouth wouldn’t budge. It felt like it was hanging open. Jacob could feel a slight breeze between his lips. What was going on?! He strained and tugged, trying to get his body to move, his muscles to respond but nothing was happening. It felt like he was paralyzed. What had those charity freaks done to him?!


It was Noah’s voice again. However, this time Jacob noticed that it didn’t sound like he was hearing his friend’s voice. As crazy as it sounded, it was as if Noah’s voice was actually in his head. Like telepathy! Like one of those superheroes from the comics they read when they were younger. Jacob thought about that for a moment and then tried something equally crazy.

“Noah?” he thought out into the ether.

“Jacob?! Oh, thank Christ!” came the reply. “Where the hell are you, man?”

Jacob sighed to himself in relief. It was Noah alright and despite the strangeness of being able to hear him in his head, just hearing his voice brought some comfort to this whole crazy situation.

“I’m not sure,” Jacob thought his reply. “I’m in the back of a truck. There are boxes everywhere…”

“Oh shit! So am I!” Noah’s voice echoed in this head. “And this fucking weird lion statue. You should see it, Jacob. It’s made of rubber and it’s got this big fucking cock!”

“You can see it too! We must be in the same truck!” Jacob strained again but this body still wouldn’t budge. “Fuck, man. I can’t move.”

“Me neither,” Noah thought in defeat. “I feel as stiff as that statue…”

Suddenly Jacob had a horrible thought. Noah had said that the statue was made of rubber. Black, shiny, smooth. Kind of like the same stuff that had covered their bodies back in Mr. Edgar’s office. No wonder it looked familiar. Jacob started to feel quite cold.

“N-Noah? Are you … facing that lion statue?”

“What? Yeah. It’s right in front of me. It’s staring right at me… Kind of creepy.”

Jacob looked ahead of him, right into the blank, rubbery eyes of the lion statue before him while Noah did the same. In the shine of those lenses, they both strained and eventually saw their reflections. Neither of them saw themselves. Instead they each saw another black rubber lion statue. No wonder they couldn’t move. Both were fixed in the same positions on a pedestal base. However, one had their right front paw raised higher than their left one and the other had the opposite. Like a mirror image. A matching pair.

“J-Jacob … We’re … W-We’re …”

Their realisation was cut short when the truck suddenly stopped and everything jolted. Jacob and Noah heard the engine being shut off, doors opening and closing and then footsteps outside. With a click, the back of the truck was pulled open and sunlight streamed in. The two friends heard gruff voices.

“…so he jumped over him, while holding the ball up on his knees. Then with one kick, BOOM! In the goal before the final whistle.”

“Wow. Sorry I missed it. I’m behind with the footie. Will definitely have to check out the replay after my shift.”

Two big burly men in blue boiler suits appeared in Jacob and Noah’s field of vision. They both had the symbol of the Lionheart Charitable Foundation on their breast pocket and a bigger one on their back. One of the men was bald and looked over Noah, smirking as his grey eyes took in the sight of his rubber cock. Meanwhile the other one, who had a head of gelled back black hair, looked right up into Jacob’s eyes.

“These look fantastic. Much better than the last ones,” said the bald guy.

“Yeah. We’re sure to get a lot of donations with these two beauties,” replied the other man. He turned in place and slapped his counterpart’s shoulder. “C’mon. Let’s get the dolly and move these two into place. You know where we’re supposed to put them, right?”

“The main square in the park. Right next to the flower beds. Either side of the fountain.”

Noah and Jacob tried to thrash about and scream and roar but were unable to. They could do nothing as the two men roughly manhandled them, loaded them onto large dollies and then took them off the truck. Each of the burly men wheeled one of the statues along a gravelled path. Noah and Jacob immediately recognised the place. It was the public park at the centre of the city. They always came here, mostly to drink cans, try their luck with the local girls, deface the bathrooms and benches with graffiti and hassle the park attendants.

The two burly men brought them to a square where several paths met up. It was surrounded by flower beds filled with blooms of every colour and there was a beautiful fountain in the middle. Noah remembered this place. He had once been arrested for being drunk and disorderly here. The men wheeled Jacob and Noah to opposite sides of the square. They set them down just on the outskirts so they weren’t in anyone’s way and forcibly positioned them. Noah and Jacob were facing one another, staring at each other from across the square with the fountain between them.

“There we go,” the bald guy said, wiping a sheen of sweat off his forehead with the back of his hand. “Alright, c’mon. We gotten drop off all those supplies for the homeless shelters next. And then we gotta stop by the hospital afterwards.” With that, he walked off back towards the truck, wheeling his dolly behind him.

“Be right with you!” the gel haired man called after him. He then looked up at Jacob and smirked. “Mister Edgar said he’s got high hopes for the two of you eager volunteers.” He chuckled and then reached up and slapped the rubber lion’s cock. Jacob tried to shriek but still couldn’t make any noise or even move his mouth. He expected it to hurt. However, it actually felt kind of good. As his big rubber dong bounced slightly, ripples of heat surged through Jacob. This was all so fucked up.

The gel haired man then offered a little wave to the two statues. “See you around, boys,” he said with a snigger, wheeling his dolly back down the path they had come from. “Maybe I’ll make a donation the next time I’m down this way!” He then walked out of sight, leaving Jacob and Noah, now two lewd rubber lion statues at the centre of a public park, unable to move or make a sound.

“What are we going to do?!” Jacob heard Noah’s frantic question in his head.

“I don’t know!” Jacob thought back, feeling a little panicked.

It wasn’t if they were just tapped inside these lion statues. Jacob had felt it when the rubber had invaded his body. They were the lion statues. Therefore, escape seemed impossible. But still, they had to try. Somehow. They had been in tough situations before but managed to get out together. Jacob just needed time to think. He just needed…

“What have we here?” came a voice from below him. Jacob strained his eyes and looked down to find a man in a blue suit carrying a briefcase. He was bending forward and reading the plaque on the front of the base the lion was posed on. “The Lionheart Charitable Foundation. They do such good work. I’ll have to make a donation.” With that, the man straightened himself, reached into his pocket, pulled out his wallet and produced a ten euro note. He then looked over Jacob, not seeming at all fazed by the rubber lion’s cock.

“Where’s the donation slot?” the man said, furrowing his brow. He walked around the statue. Since Jacob was unable to turn his head and quickly lost sight of him. “A-Ha!” the man exclaimed. “Here it is…” Unbeknownst to Jacob, behind him, on the back of the pedestal like base were the words ‘Donations made here’ and a big arrow pointing up. The suited man had followed this arrow to just beneath the rubber lion’s raised tail. There was an opening. A big, plump, puckered, black rubber opening. With a triumphant smile on his lips, the man stretched out his arm, money in hand, and pressed into Jacob’s tailhole.

Jacob cried out at the intrusion but couldn’t be heard. He felt the man reach so deep within him, his insides parting readily. The pressure felt so weird. It was so intense and so wrong. But also, his erect rubber cock responded. As the man thrust his arm deeper and deeper inside of him, Jacob’s member spasmed and began to leak what looked like precum. His silent cries of alarm suddenly became moans of pleasure. And then when the man released the euro note, depositing his donation in Jacob’s belly, the rubber lion saw stars. He came without warning, his black rubber dong firing off a hot, creamy load of cum.

As Jacob collected himself after the bizarre but quite pleasurable experience, the man in the suit pulled his arm free of the lion’s ass. He then walked away, whistling a happy tune, content in the knowledge that he had done his part for charity today. The man seemed to be oblivious to the fact that he had stuck his hand into a rubber lion’s anus and the fact that the lion had cum. He was just happy he could do his part for the less fortunate.

“Jacob!” Jacob heard Noah’s voice over the haze in his head. “What the hell happened?! I heard you screaming! And fucking moaning?!”

Jacob tried to get his thoughts in order. His inanimate, rubber body was still rippling with the aftershocks of his unexpected orgasm. “I’m … n-not … sure,” he thought at Noah. “I just … I just busted a nut, man.”

“What?!” Noah’s shriek echoed in his head. “What the fuck is wrong with you?!”

“Back off!” Jacob growled back. “That guy … He … up my ass and … he left money … a donation … I can feel it, inside me.” The statue’s rubbery insides quivered, his belly gurgling. “Ten euro … What a generous man. The charity sure will be grateful of that. Every little helps after all …”

“Jacob?! What the fuck are you talking about?!” Noah’s loud voice in his head shook some sense back into Jacob’s hazy mind. What had he been talking about? He was happy that that guy had stuck his hand up his ass and left money inside of him?! Jacob tried to shake it all off. No. No he wasn’t! Even in spite of how good that orgasm was. Would more donations mean more orgasms? Jacob mentally scolded himself as soon as the thought entered his head. Why would he think that?! That didn’t matter! He had more important things to think about, like escaping this crazy situation.

“You’ve never heard of the Lionheart Foundation?”

Jacob focussed his gaze ahead of him. There were three men standing in front of Noah, looking up at him. “It’s a great charity, does a lot of good work for a lot of people. They help the homeless, the unemployed, disadvantaged kids, loads of people!” said a man with curly chestnut hair. His two friends looked at one another and smiled. “Well in that case,” one of them with blonde hair and a nose piercing said. “We’ll have to make a donation. If it’s for a good cause, then we should.” The three men reached into their pockets and each pulled out a fiver. Then they all walked behind Noah.

“J-Jacob?” Noah’s worried voice resounded in his friend’s head. “Are they going to--?!”

The man with curly chestnut hair pressed his hand into the rubber lion’s plump pucker. It popped in with very little resistance. Noah screamed inside his head as he felt the man’s thick, hairy arm slide deep down his throbbing passageway. It inched along, more and more until the man reached his stomach. He opened his hand and released the five euro note. Noah couldn’t describe the ecstasy. The statue’s cock immediately spasmed and fired off a shot of creamy cum all over his base. Noah’s mind was lost in the throes of pleasure, the high of his orgasm consuming him.

“There we go,” the curly haired man said, yanking his arm free of Noah’s warm, rubbery tailhole. “C’mon guys, your turn.” He stood out of the way and the blonde haired man walked in front of the statue’s shiny rump. Noah had only just recovered from his mind blowing orgasm when he felt another hand press into his entrance and reach deep into his ass. He moaned and grunted silently. In Noah’s head he felt like he was thrashing about but the statue didn’t move at all as the second man left his donation in the lion’s stomach.

As soon as the blonde haired man let go, another orgasm tore through the rubber lion’s static frame. It was just as intense as the first. His black rubber dong pulsed and then fired off another volley of warm, thick cock snot. Noah moaned, his very soul quaking with pleasure. None of the men seemed to notice the statue’s climaxes, not even the blonde haired man who was buried up to the elbow. He simply pulled his arm free of Noah’s ass and stepped to the side, allowing the last of them, a dark brown haired man, to make his donation.

The last man was quite nonchalant as he stuffed his hand inside the rubber lion’s juicy asshole. He pressed in real deep, very quickly, forcing the air from Noah’s lungs. That is, if he still had lungs. After their transformation, Jacob and Noah’s internal structure had become much simpler. It was essentially a long, rubbery passageway leading to their stretchy stomachs. They were nothing but donation bins after all.

Noah shivered in delight, his member throbbing powerfully beneath him, balls quaking at another impending climax. The brown haired man had reached Noah’s stomach. His fingers breached the rubbery sphincter leading into the fleshy bag. He grunted as he forced his way in, depositing his fiver like his counterparts had done before. It was quickly becoming apparent that Jacob had been right. One donation meant one orgasm. As soon as the money had been placed inside his stomach, Noah came a third time. His eyes rolled skyward behind his rubbery lenses and his cock let loose with another gush of cum.

The three men walked away, all patting each other on the back. “Don’t you feel better now after that? It wasn’t much but every little helps.” His two friends agreed.

Noah was left panting, even though he still didn’t have any lungs. He felt hot and sweaty, even though he couldn’t really be either of those things. His mind was racing, covered in a thick lusty haze. He had never had such an intense climax, let alone three! All those times in the past he had jerked off or pounded pussy paled in comparison. But deep down, it wasn’t just the exquisite releases that brought Noah pleasure. He got a blissful tingling feeling in the pit of his stomach knowing that he was full of donations to help the less fortunate. The orgasms were really just the cherry on top.

“Noah?” Noah suddenly heard his name being called through the haze in his mind. At least, he thought it was his name. “Noah?!” The other voice was familiar. Oh yeah! It was his friend. Jacob.

Noah looked over towards the other rubber lion statue. “Jacob?” he thought towards him.

“Thank Christ! I thought I lost you there, bubby,” Jacob replied. “I was screaming at you but I couldn’t get through. Those guys … they did the same thing to you too, didn’t they?”

“They made donations, yes,” Noah thought back in a rather matter-of-fact tone. “It was very kind of them. Their money will sure make a different.” The rubber lion hummed happily, feeling his stomach shiver around the three five euro notes inside of it. “I hope more people will donate. After all, it’s for such a good cause …”

Jacob could hear the smile in Noah’s voice. He sounded so … so … chipper. Jacob had never heard his friend sound like that before. What was happening to him? What was happening to them? Jacob had felt it when that guy in the suit donated. He felt himself slipping away. Luckily it had only been one donation but Noah had gotten three so the effects were obviously stronger. Jacob was frantic in the confines in his mind. He had to escape. Somehow, someway, he just had to!!!

“Oh, I know this place,” said a jogger as he stopped in front of Jacob. “They have that centre close to me where they try and get young people more interested into physical fitness. That definitely deserves a donation.” Jacob watched in horror, unable to do anything as the jogger pulled his wallet out of his tight jogging shorts. Oh no. He took out a twenty euro note and then padded behind the lion. No. No! NO! Jacob roared and bellowed but as usual, nothing came out. Statues couldn’t talk after all.

The jogger stuck his sweaty arm up Jacob’s ass, pressing in real deep. It felt so good. He hated that it felt so good. His rubber frame shivered, pleasure pluming from within his stretched out passageway. The jogger kept forcing his arm in more and more, until, his hand popped into Jacob’s stomach. He let out a silent moan, feeling his rubber dick pulsing. As soon as the jogger let go of the twenty euro, Jacob came. His climax was intense. Exquisite waves of heat washed over his body while his cock fired off several ropes of cum.

It felt so good! SO GOOD! But what made it feel even better was knowing that the charity had gotten another generous donation. Jacob grunted as the thought entered his hazy mind. No, he was slipping away again. He didn’t mean that. He had to stay in control. He tried to keep a hold of himself. But the pleasure! The rubber lion rode out his orgasm as the jogger jiggled his arm inside him, trying to pull it out. He eventually managed to yank it free and then continued with his run. Jacob was left panting in his mind, feeling lightheaded. But good. Very good. His insides were tingling warmly.

When Jacob finally managed to collect himself, he was greeted to the sight of a dog walker standing before him. Another one?!

“The Lionheart Foundation? That’s where you came from, Rover,” the man said to the Labrador he had on the end of the leash he was holding. The dog barked at him happily, his tail wagging. “From one of their animal rescue shelters. Oh, I’ll have to give them some money.” With that, he reached into his pocket and took out some change. About seven euro in small coins and euros. “I wish I had brought more with me,” the man said, walking behind Jacob. “Next time I take you here for a walk, Rover, I’ll have to remember to bring a bigger donation…”

Jacob’s eyes bulged when he felt the man’s fist holding the coins pop into his plump puckered entrance. He murred deeply as the dog walker slid in, his arm opening the rubber lion up, his stretchy insides squishing and squelching. Jacob’s eyes rolled into the back of his head, feeling the man’s fist enter his stomach. His hand opened inside of him and the coins fell, adding another donation to the statue’s belly. Jacob came again. His rubber cock spasming, squirting out a hefty load of white hot seed.

Pleasure overwhelmed the lion. It was amazing. Still though, Jacob was a little disappointed that the dog walker’s donation wasn’t as big as the previous ones. No, he shouldn’t think like that. Every little helped after all. Any and every donation was always welcome. Jacob smiled widely inside, the high from his orgasm subsiding. But his stomach still tingled, hugging the money it held. His shiny rubber belly was already bulging out slightly from the donations.

After the dog walker yanked his arm free, Jacob found himself thanking him as he walked off. Now that the haze of pleasure had diminished, he started to think clearly again. Though, there was a lot he couldn’t remember. He remembered why he was here, doing good work for charity, collecting donations on behalf of the Lionheart Foundation. That made him happy. But other than that, he could only remember fragments of some hooligan and his friend causing trouble. Jacob wondered who they were. Were they someone the Lionheart Foundation had helped? That was possible, after all they helped a lot of people.

Jacob looked across the main square of the park. It was a lovely sunny day. He could see more people walking down the path. The rubber lion felt his stomach heat up at the sight. Oh goody! More donations. Jacob’s eyes then fell on the other rubber lion on the opposite side of the square. Like him, he was another good soul doing good work. The other statue was receiving donations from a group who had come to the park to paint. They took in it turn, each one stuffing money up the rubber lion’s welcoming tailhole. Each donation meant one orgasm, his reward for doing a great job.

The first rubber lion suddenly strained to think. What was his compatriot’s name again? Norman? Nigel? Something like that… Come to think of it, what was his name again? He was sure he knew it just a minute ago. But nothing came to him. What a silly statue he was. What had he been thinking? They didn’t have names. They were just there to collect donations from the generous public. That was their role, helping the charity and that was what made them happy. Nothing else mattered. He would simply call himself lion statue number one and his compatriot lion statue number two so as not to get confused.

Time passed and as the day wore on the park became busier. More and more people walked passed the two statues and many of them were only too happy to donate. So many men, and some woman too, stopped in front of the statues and decided to do their part for charity. Arm after arm was shoved up their rubbery holes and money was deposited in their bellies. With each donation, the rubber lion’s experienced another intense orgasm that made them silently roar in sheer delight.

Soon there was quite a sizable puddle of cum in front of them but no one really seemed to notice it. And each time they spilled their loads, another fragment of their pasts faded away forever. Their names, their memories, family, friends, their whole life outside the charity, all of it was disappearing. But neither of the statues really noticed or even cared. They had an important job to do after all. The charity and doing their part for it was all that was really important to them.

By that night, the park was closed and everybody had long since gone home. The two rubber lion statues remained where they were. Both of their bellies were quite distended. The hefty curves of their shiny rubber guts glinted in the moonlight. They were like two big balloons, swollen with all the donations they had received. The statues had lost track of how many people gave today. Between them, they had collected over two thousand euro. It made them so happy that they could do their part. And lion statue number one was no longer worried about those thoughts of those two hooligans from before. Mostly because, he just couldn’t remember them anymore. All those memories were long gone.

The two rubber lion statues were waiting patiently for the park to open again, eagerly ready to receive more donations. Early the following morning, the attendants opened the gates. The lions were very excited as they saw two men walking down the path. They hoped they’d both make a donation. But then lion statue number two recognised them. They worked for the charity too. The big burly bald man and the equally burly man with the gelled up black hair that had brought them to the park. They were both lugging something heavy under their arms. It turned out to be a pair of sizable lock boxes.

The bald guy walked behind the lion statue number two while his counterpart made his way over to lion statue number one. “…So I got home yesterday, after a long shift, wanting to relax, as you do,” he called over to his black haired workmate. “Sat down, kicked off my shoes, flicked on the TV, ready to watch the rugby and would you believe it, the flipping thing didn’t record!” He grunted as he set down the lock box he was carrying. The man then keyed in the code into the keypad on the front of it, twisted the handle and opened it.

“That’s rough. I hate when that happens,” the gelled haired man replied, doing the same with his lock box before rolling up his right sleeve, exposing his thick, hairy arm. “You missed a cracker of a match.”

“Don’t start,” the bald man grunted, rolling up his own sleeve. “I’ll be getting that all day.”

The lion statues groaned silently as the two men unceremoniously stuck their arms up their asses. They pressed in deep, squirming and riffling around the pair’s rubbery insides. Neither one of them were being at all gentle. Although, the rubber lions couldn’t deny that it felt kind of good. Their black rubber dongs shivered while the men assaulted their passageways. They reached in, soon breaching the rubber lion’s stomachs. After grabbing a handful of cash, they pulled their arms free and then deposited the donations into their respective lockboxes.

“Looks like these two had a good first day,” the gelled haired man said with a smirk, noticing the remnants of all the statues’ orgasms from the previous day.

“Yeah, they didn’t do a half bad job,” the bald man replied, patting his rubber lion’s shiny flank before stuffing his arm back in to retrieve more of the money. “Have you started watching this crime drama thing everyone’s talking about?”

“That one set in like Canada or something?” asked the other man, pulling out another handful of donations to place in his lock box. “No, I haven’t. Not really into that type of thing. You?” He jammed his fist back into lion statue number one’s asshole, shoving his arm in deep.

“Yeah, just started watching it the other night,” the bald man said, retrieving another load of cash, causing the rubber lion’s belly to deflate that bit more. With each handful of donations collected and safely placed into the lock box, the statues’ midsections returned closer to their original state. The bald man huffed, wiping a sheen of sweat from his forehead. “It’s a good show,” he called over to his counterpart. “You should give it a go.”

The two men continued to chit-chat as they emptied out the pair of rubber lions. It was nothing they hadn’t done before. Just another job. The statues murred deeply, thoroughly enjoying the rough treatment of the two burly men reaching into their plump, squishy tailholes and pulling out the donations. Once all the cash had been collected, the lock boxes were sealed and carried away. The two charity workers said their goodbyes to the rubber lion statues and wished them good luck with receiving more donations before walking back to their truck. In the distance, the pair of statues could see people entering the park and coming down the paths towards them. Their insides immediately surged with warmth at the sight. They were both feeling very eager for another day of charity work.


Three Months Later


Another day had passed. Night had descended on the city and the public park’s gates were closed and locked tight. In the main square, the fountain had been shut off and the two rubber lion statues each had a swollen belly bulging with another day’s donations. People had been so generous, as evident by the very large puddles of cum in front of the statues. It brought them both such joy that they had once again done their part for charity.

“It was another great day today, wasn’t it, my compatriot?” Lion statue number one thought over at his counterpart. “Everyone was so kind.”

“Indeed, my fellow compatriot. I agree wholeheartedly,” came the mental reply from lion statue number two. “Everyone did their part. Even that poor unfortunate who donated pennies to me from his begging bowl. I hope he finds his way to the foundation. We could help him like we’ve done with so many of his kind.”

“I hope so too,” lion statue number one thought. “We seemed to have both sides today. The poor and the rich. There was that group of well to do men in suits. Together, they donated over five hundred euro and one of them even donated his gold watch!” Lion statue number one giggled, his belly tightening around the hefty amount of donations it held. “It’ll all go to a good cause.”

“Absolutely, my compatriot,” lion statue number two replied with an equal amount of glee.

Suddenly, the two rubber lions saw something out of the corner of their eyes. Two streams of light in the distance. They both seemed to jump and then scurry across the grass. As the lights drew closer to the square, the statues could hear panting and hushed whispering. It turned out to be two young men dressed in black and the streams of light were from flashlights they both carried. This wasn’t right. The park was closed. There shouldn’t have been people in here at night. The lion statues tutted at one another, realising that these two young men must have been up to no good.

“See?” Michael said to his mate. “I told you hopping over the fence would be easy.”

“Yeah, but now what?” grunted Gabe, looking around nervously. “Why are we here, Mike?”

“I told you,” replied Michael. “We’re here for a score. Cold hard cash, mate. Here, look.” He crept closer towards the square, trampling over the flower beds as he did so. As usual, Gabe followed him. “Look at these things,” said Michael, shining his flashlight at the black rubber lion statues that stood motionless on either side of the main square. The beam of light illuminating their shiny, smooth black bodies.

“What the fuck?!” Gabe said, trying to keep his voice down. “What the hell are they? Fetish statues? Freaky modern art or something? Christ, Mike. They’ve got big fucking cocks hanging out!”

“I know, right! But nobody seems bothered by them,” Michael said. “And get this, these things are only for charity! They’re bloody charity bins!”

“Fuck off!”

“I shit you not. I’ve seen people,” Michael said, sneaking around behind lion statue number one with Gabe following him closely. “They donate money by jamming it up there.” Using his flashlight, he illuminated the rubber lion’s plump, puffy asshole nestled beneath his raised tail. “And, wait for it, every time they donate, these weird things squirt out white stuff from their cocks, like they’re jizzing or something!”

Gabe screwed up his face. “What? That’s fucking weird. In public? That can’t be right.”

“See for yourself,” Michael shot back, using the beam from his flashlight to show his friend the large puddle of what looked like cum in front of the statue.

“Christ almighty!”

“This has been going on for months now and nobody seems to really notice any of it. Like they’re all under some kind of fucking spell or something,” Michael said. “Not me though. And I’ve noticed some other things too.” He smirked, shining his flashlight on the statues big, bulging belly. “Most importantly, they don’t empty these things out until the morning so right now, there could be like a grands worth of donations in there. Maybe even more! And that’s for each of them.” Michael focussed the light back on the statue’s big rubbery butthole. “We just gotten stick our hands up there and pull it out, like a lucky dip.” He chuckled.

“I dunno, Mike,” Gabe said. “Setting aside how fucking weird that is … Stealing from charity? That’s pretty bad.”

Michael rolled his eyes. “Oh for … Look, charities are there to help the less fortunate, yeah? And we’re fucking skint. So, that means we’re the less fortunate. So that money’s for us, we’re just cutting out the middle man.” He patted Gabe on the back. “Our need is as great as theirs. So, c’mon. I’ll do this one and you go over there and do the other one, yeah?”

Gabe took another look around. “Erm … Alright, I guess,” he said. There was never really any point in arguing with Michael. He always had an answer. Anyway, it wasn’t as if Gabe had ever disobeyed him before so why should he start now? The young man sighed before scurrying over to the other rubber lion statue on the other side of the square. Gabe took up a position behind the strange figure, fixing the light of his flashlight on the fat, glistening asshole the lion was sporting. “This is so fucking strange,” he muttered under his breath.

Just behind the other rubber lion statue, Michael was eyeing up its plump, puckered hole and thinking the exact same thing. However, with the amount of money he was about to score, the young man decided he could put up with it. He rolled up his sleeve and leaned in until his fingers made contact with the rubbery flesh. It was strangely warm, causing a shiver to run up his arm. Michael took a deep breath and then pushed in deeper. He could have sworn the insides of the statue were throbbing as if they were alive.

Meanwhile, Gabe mustered up his courage and pressed his hand into the other rubber lion’s tailhole. He grimaced as he slid his arm inside. It was so squishy and rubbery. It felt so weird! Both men slowly inched along the statues’ internal passages, reaching in deep until at last their fingers breached their stomachs. This was it! The cash was ripe for the picking.

“Oh no!” thought lion statue number two as the young hoodlum named Gabe, rifled around inside of him. “These hooligans are trying to steal the donations! Have they no shame?!” Although he was in a panic over the money being stolen, the statue couldn’t deny that the young man’s arm inside him felt really good. But he tried to shake those feelings off. “What are we to do?!” lion statue number two thought frantically at his counterpart.

“Don’t fret, my compatriot,” lion statue number one replied, huffing a little as Michael reached deep inside of him, looking to grab a handful of cash. “These silly boys have just lost their way. We shall show them that nefarious actions such as theft have consequences.” The two lions started to feel quite warm inside. Soon their bloated stomachs were gurgling and rippling. “It’s time that they were both taught to take some responsibility!”

“AW FUCK!” Michael suddenly cried out. He expected to grab hold of money but instead he had put his hand into something slimy. And he wasn’t the only one. Gabe felt and shiver run up the length of his spine when his fingers dipped into some cold and gooey. Both young men immediately yanked their arms free of the rubber lion statues.

“What the fuck is this?!” Michael said, shining his flashlight on his hand and revealing a glob of black liquid rubber. He looked over at Gabe to find him staring back at him, his eyes as wide as dinner plates. His partner in crime had his hand raised and it too was covered in the same shiny, black gunk. Both of them began to panic, shaking their hands and trying to get the stuff off. When that didn’t work, they dropped their flashlights and tried to pull the rubber goo off. It hurt! It felt like they were tugging on their own flesh so they stopped.

Their blood ran cold when they suddenly felt the rubber pulse in their grips. It began to ripple and then thick tendrils reached out from the animated mass and coiled around the rest of their arms. Michael and Gabe watched in horror, unable to do anything as the black rubber goo spread rapidly. It slithered down their arms, over their chests, backs and bellies, covered their crotches, coated their legs and then enveloped their heads. The rubber had soon engulfed their whole bodies, rendering them frozen in place while it continued their transformation.

The next morning when the two big, burly charity workers came, lugging their lock boxes to collect the donations, they found that they were four rubber lion statues in the park’s main square instead of the usual two. They glanced at one another and smiled before looking up at the new ‘volunteers’, lion statue number three and lion statue number four. Both were black and shiny, mounted on their bases, posed, their cocks out, tails raised high and plump, rubbery assholes on show, ready for donations.

“Oh dear,” said the bald man, “Looks like some little punks tried to steal from charity.”

His gelled haired counterpart tutted. “How naughty, but now they’ll be able to work off their crimes,” he grinned up at Michael and Gabe who both stared fearfully back down from behind their rubber lenses. “Mister Edger was only saying how we should set up another donation point in the middle of town. These two will do nicely.”

“Very fortuitous,” replied the bald man, rolling up his sleeve. “C’mon. We’ll collect up the donations and then head back to the truck for the dollies for these two. Stick them in the back and we can set them up in their spots before lunch.” The two men patted the newest statues as they passed them by.

“What the fuck is happening?!” Michael and Gabe screamed in their heads, neither one able to move or make a sound.

“Don’t worry, my newest compatriots.” The two suddenly heard another pair of voices in their minds. They were very joyous sounding voices. It was lion statue number one and lion statue number two, welcoming the new recruits. “You’ll get used to it and even grow to love it, I’m sure. It’s very fulfilling work. And very rewarding too. After all, it’s for charity!”

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The Real Stepford WivesBrown Sugar

The Real Stepford Wives Brown Sugar by Sarah Barndt I was once a normal, heterosexual male. That is, I was until I happened upon the town of Stepford. I was spending a few weeks there, installing some equipment at Stepford Pharmaceutical Labs, for the company I worked for. I had recently broken up with my fiancee and was glad to be back on the road as a working engineer. I enjoyed it, but Stepford was odd. All of the men wanted to ask me about my sex life when I visited 'the...

1 year ago
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Erin Ashford

Reddit Erin Ashford, aka r/ErinAshford! Erin Ashford is not a pornstar from a bygone age, nor is she a famous modern-day pornstar. She’s also not a semi-famous Twitch streamer gone nude, not an Instagram model that promotes flat tummy tea, and definitely not a XXX cam model. So who is she exactly, and why should you care about her? Truth be told, she isn’t really known outside of Reddit - she made her XXX debut on /r/GoneWild after posting a large selection of XXX pictures (and some videos) on...

Reddit NSFW List
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Peggy Sanford a Worldly Woman Ch 05

Author’s note: I had planned to take a break from writing and submitting stories to Literotica when I reached 300 submissions. I know I said that when I reached 100 and again when I reached 200 submissions but many of you loyal readers asked me to continue. Many of you also sent me story lines and topics to write about, some more detailed than others. Recently I received an e-mail from Peggy Sanford who has written several stories for Literotica and if you have a Literotica log-in and...

3 years ago
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Stepford Brothers Change to Sisters

Stepford brothers (change to sisters!) By bojok71 Author's notes: this story serves to plug a hole, in my view, of the credibility of the Stepford stories. What if someone came looking for a lost relative? The answer is simple, and forms part of this story. Story notes: this story is very close, for obvious reasons, to the original Stepford story. However, it's new enough to be considered a new read. It's as sexual and interesting as my other stories. Thanks again to Sarah Barndt for...

2 years ago
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Forrest Part 2 Chapter 3

The next morning Forrest woke up at about 10 and woke me with a kiss on the lips. I surprised him by throwing my arms around him and deepening the kiss. I reached down under the covers and grabbed his balls. I played with them as I felt his dick start to harden. He did the same to me, squeezing my balls and moving them around in my loose sack, causing my dick to harden. Without a word, I grabbed my cloths and beckoned for him to do the same. After checking that his sister was still...

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We waved bye to Forrest’s and my parents as they drove off. It was summer break and they would be gone for several days. My friend Forrest and his 9 year old sister, Scout, were staying at my house for the time they were gone. None of our parents wanted us to be home alone, but they were fine if we were together. I was 15 and Forrest was 14, but he looks 10 or 11. I live in the middle of nowhere, but we found plenty of things to do during the day, but my favorite time was at night. My...

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Further Tales of Peggy Sanford Ch 12

Peggy Sanford stepped out of the elevator and into the lobby of the Roosevelt New Orleans Hotel. As she walked across the lobby she noticed several males obviously checking her out. She smiled to herself as she walked across the long spacious lobby. It always pleased Peggy that she could still attract such attention. Not that she should be surprised, for a married mother of two in her late forties, Peggy was still a very beautiful woman. Her long brown hair framed a face that belied her age,...

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Mrs Sanford

It was the summer before my second year of high school when I got a call from Darci Smith asking me to meet her at the high school the next day to help her clean out the costume room. Now Darci is the drama club teacher and the art teacher. Every guy in the school wants to fuck her and masterbates to her. Darci is in her early thirties, married, and looks like she is still twenty one. She has nice mid size tits, a fine ass, big blue eyes and blonde hair. She has a pert little hard body and...

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Mr Forrester

"There's a man here to see you, Mr. Forrester; he says he's a detective from the Denver Police Force." Oh-oh, thought John. "Ok, send him in, Angela." "Hello, Mr Forrester; my name is Paul Donohue, I'm a detective from the Denver Police Force." "What can I do for you, Detective Donohue?" as I pressed the intercom so Angela could listen in discreetly out at her desk. "Well, Mr. Forrester, sometime last year I was handed a case in Denver that has us all baffled. It seems that two...

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Stepford Househusbands Chapters 13

Chapter 1 Stephen sighed as he watched the world go by. "I still don't see why we have to move," he told his wife as he turned to look at her. "Because honey, the company is opening a new store in Stepford and they asked me to run it," Emily replied, not taking her eyes off the road. "Besides, the offer was too good to turn down and the house came as part of the job," Emily continued. "I'd thought that you'd be proud of me," she added. "And I am. Really," Stephen added as his wife...

1 year ago
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The Foremans Foreskin

I had been working in the construction industry a week when the foreman called me to his office. As I made my way over I wondered what I could have done wrong. As it had gone clocking off time I was annoyed that the meeting would be eating in to my free time. 'Aah, come in.' he said as I stepped through the door. 'Have a seat.' His office was much neater than I thought it would be. As I looked around the room I noticed that there were no girlie pictures like I had seen plastered up everywhere...

1 year ago
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Sex For Charity

By : Ranikomal Hi my name is Pooja 27 year’s old very fair complexion, 5”2 inch short height and slim body of 32-26-36, my best feature is my hips and my pouty lips, I just got married recently, my hubby works in a bank, he got his promotion immediately after our wedding. Our sex life was great, raj my hubby is a very sexy man and like to fuck me 4-5 times a day since the day we got married, sometime just before going to work he fuck me on our sofa, when he come back for lunch, when we wake up...

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Its all for charity

I’m sitting at my desk, trying to get the sales figures done for my boss. The month end is always a busy time. So when Georgina from Human Resources approaches I keep my head down, hoping she’ll pass me by. No such luck. "Hi Danny," she says, putting a sheet of paper on the desk, so I don’t get a chance to pretend I’ve not noticed her. "I won’t keep you a moment. As you know, I’m doing a 10k sponsored run this weekend, and you usually sponsor me. But I can’t see your name on my sheet, so I was...

Straight Sex
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Meeting at Bedford Mills

Meeting at Bedford MillsI had often thought about my friend Simone in the years since we had been at school together. After I graduated, I had moved to New York to pursue my career and with a husband and children, I had lost touch with Simone, but I knew that she had married a rich man whom she had met at college, and that they lived in Greenwich, Connecticut, but they had no children. I had also heard from other former classmates who had met her, that she had a glamorous lifestyle, with...

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Cuckolded for Charity

This is a story about Samantha, a young white woman in her late 20’s, and her fiancé Eric. Samantha has jet black hair that goes roughly half way down her back, blazing green eyes, and a very petite figure (think 32-22-32). Eric is a white man also in his late 20’s and has light brown hair and blue eyes, and is pretty athletic. Samantha also has a twin, Annabella, who looks just like her except Annabella’s eyes are blue. This is their third story, the first one being “Beginnings,” and the...

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The CollectorChapter 2 Welcome to Chelmsford Hall

Mary Pilson knew that her ‘uncle’ Walter was grooming her. ‘Uncle’ was a silly term that Mary’s mother used to describe the men who moved into their home to take advantage. Mary had no time for her uncles; she saw them for what they were, parasites and users. Mary’s mother could hardly make ends meet working as an usherette at the local cinema. Her good looks, curvy body and long legs ensured that she was well tipped by the male customers but she also attracted the sharks. Mary mostly...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess8e18 Sylvia Distin 55 from Chelmsford

We’re cruising along a wide and quiet suburban street. Green lawns stretch back from the pavement to the nice semi-detached homes. There’s a slim woman walking a large dog along the side of the road, and we pan around to look at her as we pass – it’s no-one we know, but we kind of wish we did! Then we’re looking forward again – seeing an intersection infront of us ... Then pulling up, looking out of the side window right at a single story, flat-roofed building. A sign outside reads,...

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Francines personal charity

Kate and Roger Anderson were now married for five years and still loved each other deeply. One afternoon while they were at the gym working out when young women introduced her self to Kate. He name was Francine and she knew Kate from college and asked her, “Kate I remember you as person who was open minded about sex and Lesbian relationships.” Kate said, “Francine I am married now and I don’t know how my husband would feel about sharing their bed with another women.” Francine said, “I would...

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A Cuckold Receives the Fruits of Charity

My name is Beth, and I am a registered nurse working in an ER trauma center in the San Diego area. I was 47 years old at the time of this story, and had been working as a nurse for 25 years. My hospital was just initiating a new community outreach program, and all of the hospital staff members were required to volunteer in the community for at least eight hours per week. My assignment was to work in a homeless shelter a couple of nights per week, and they specifically wanted me to help with...

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Long Distance Crgslist Charity

Through the stresses and demands of everyday life, I had found myself becoming evermore restless being alone after loosing Frank. It was coming up the five year anniversary since he passed. I had been looking on Cr*!gslist infrequently in search for a possible new partner. Often find men who are married seeking a play toy on the side, or those who want a gurl with a dick to suck, and bend over for. While in the world of alternative love, passion comes in far more than 32 flavors- that's not...

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A Cuckold Receives the Fruits of Charity

My name is Beth, and I'm a registered nurse working in an ER trauma center in the San Diego area. I was forty-seven years old at the time of this story and had been working as a nurse for twenty-five years. My hospital was just initiating a new community outreach program, and all the hospital staff members were required to volunteer in the community for at least eight hours per week.My assignment was to work in a homeless shelter a couple of nights per week, and they specifically wanted me to...

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Outpost Hetero EditionChapter 3 Charity

Schaffer dreamed that he was warm, no, hot. Growing hotter. Sweat coated his body, he felt as if he were on fire. Was he in hell? Was that what fate had decreed? His mind was muddled, unfocused. He reached out his hand, feeling downy fur and yielding fat. He opened his eyes with a start, this was not a dream. He was awake, out of the snow and out of his suit, too. It was too dark for him to see anything, and all around him, the same soft fur pressed against his naked skin. There was an odd,...

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