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Charity Events

Chapter 1: Sugarplums

Charity wiped her brow and then closed her word processing program. She alwaysseemed to get steamed up when she wrote her erotica. Before turning off thecomputer, she checked her email again to see if any readers had responded.Her inbox was empty and she sighed with disappointment. She had posted a newstory last week and had gotten feedback from only five people, despite allof the vast thousands of people who had visited, and presumably read, her story. "Assholes," shethought.

It was late, so she decided to call it quits for the night. She left thecomputer on and padded down the hall to shower and prepare for bed. Finishedwith her shower, she padded back to her room and crawled into bed, pullingthe covers up and snuggling in.

It was not sugarplums that danced in Charity's head as she slept. Her dreamswere filled instead with chains and manacles and writhing naked bodies. Itwas these dreams that fed her stories and fueled her creative plots. In thisnight's dream, a young woman was stretched tightly on the outside of a hugewheel. The wheel slowly rotated, taking the naked beauty into the air and thendown the other side before returning her to her starting point. On one side,when she was upright, a metal clamp would be placed somewhere on her tenderflesh. On the other side, when she was upside down, another tormentor wouldlash at her exposed and vulnerable flesh with a short, but very effective whip.

Janice entered Charity's bedroom the next day on her cleaning tour of thehouse. Janice, or Aunt Janice, as Charity called her had offered to house herniece while she was attending college to let her save on room and board. AndCharity had turned out to be a wonderful tenant. She kept her room neat andtidy, volunteered with the household chores, and provided much needed companionshipto Janice. All that Janice ever needed to do in the room was to dust a fewsurfaces occasionally.

Janice did appreciate the companionship. At thirty one, she had been widowedfor only three years. The house had seemed very empty until Charity arrived.Janice had married the older brother of Janice's mother who had been twentyyears her senior. But, despite the age difference, the marriage was ideal andthe husband and wife had loved one another dearly. And then, a freak skiingaccident had ended everything. Janice was left a widow at the age of twentyeight. She was a wealthy widow since Charles had invested wisely and had ensuredthat his wife would be taken care of, but she was still alone.

Janice moved around the room efficiently, spraying and dusting and makingthe furniture shine. She had to straighten and move a book and a few paperson the desk and then started dusting that surface too. The dust cloth touchedthe computer mouse and then the computer screen lit up. Apparently, Charityhad forgotten to shut it down before she left.

Janice was getting ready to shut down the machine herself when somethingcaught her eye. The screen was opened to Charity's email and there were threecommunications waiting to be read. The subject line of one of them read "Dungeonsand Damsels."

"That's odd," thought Janice. Then she scanned the other two subject lines. "GreatStory" read one. The other was "Can't wait for future chapters." Curiositygot the better of the woman. She set her cleaning supplies aside and sat down.As she opened the first one, her eyes went wide with surprise. The first thingto appear was a picture of a naked woman tied upright and spread eagle in aframe with another woman, dressed in black leather, positioning a pole betweenthe naked woman's legs. It was obvious from the rounded end of the pole andits position that it was destined for the girl's sex.

The text of the email was no less surprising. It read: "Dear slavegrl, Iloved your latest chapters of 'Dungeons and Damsels.' I thought you might enjoythis picture, which reminds me of Janice torturing Charity in chapter eleven.Hope you enjoy and I can't wait to read the rest of the story."

"Oh my gosh," thought Janice. Janice torturing Charity? What was that allabout? She went on to read the other two emails. Both of them had high praisefor the same story. One of them provided a comparative review of "Dungeonsand Damsels" with "Slave Niece," which apparently was an earlier work by thesame author. The third one also referred to the website that apparently heldthe stories.

Janice deleted the emails and erased them from the computer's memory beforeshutting down the machine. Charity would never miss a few messages. She wouldnever even know that they had arrived. Then she put her cleaning supplies awayand went to the den. She started her own computer and sat down to learn moreabout her niece's writings.

She easily found the website but was astounded at the thousands of storiesarchived there. How would she find the ones written by Charity? Then she rememberedthat the email had been addressed to "slavegrl," and she did a search usingthat. Five stories were listed. Since "Dungeons and Damsels" was apparentlynot finished, she decided to start with "Slave Niece."

Janice read for a half hour, being totally captivated by the story. She discoveredthat her niece was an excellent writer and had a very active imagination. Thestory was highly erotic and, by the end of the half hour, Janice was so arousedthat she had to take a break to relieve herself of the sexual tension thatbuilt up inside of her. Removing her clothes and laying them over another chair,she sat back down and masturbated herself as she continued with the story.A small whimper escaped her lips as she climaxed, timing her climax with thatof the protagonist in the story. Again, the main character was named Charityand she was the slave of her Aunt Janice.

After the waves of orgasm dissipated, Janice shut down her computer. Shewould save the ending for another day when she wanted another climax. And therest of the stories promised to keep her in orgasmic bliss for weeks to come.

What did it mean that Charity kept featuring herself and her aunt in thesestories of bondage and slavery? Was her niece lesbian? Did she want to becomea submissive or was it simply a way of exploring new things? She supposed thatshe would have to read all of the stories to get a clearer picture of whatwent on inside Charity's mind but she couldn't do that today for fear of rubbingher clit raw.

She tried to picture Charity as a slave girl. The image that she conjuredup certainly made a compelling argument for enslaving the girl. Charity wasa beautiful twenty year old student ending her sophomore year of college. Janicehad only seen Charity naked once when towels had run out in the bathroom butthe image was imprinted on her memory. Two lush, full breasts were capped withsmall but very erect nipples. A beautiful, shapely figure highlighted Charity'sfemininity. And a sparse patch of blonde hair provided a little decorationfor the girl's sex. Janice had seen her numerous times in various stages ofundress or in a bikini and had grown to appreciate the girl's svelte and sexualbody.

Janice was not lesbian, but she had had some female lovers in the past. Mosthad been before she got married but she did have a few casual flings sinceCharles' death. She had been quite discrete, however, and was sure that Charitywould have no knowledge of her bisexuality.

Charity's sexual preferences came as quite a shock. She dated men and alwaysseemed to have new ones calling her or calling on her. That was to be expectedin Janice's mind. She was beautiful and bright and lively.

And her interest in domination and submission was an even bigger surprise.Her wholesome, girl-next-door appearances apparently hid dark desires. Shewas much easier to picture in a cheerleader's outfit than in ropes and chains,although Janice knew that her niece would look delicious naked and bound.

Janice had dabbled in domination and submission a few times but it had alwaysbeen role-playing and fun. Mostly, she had played the role of slave girl toMaster Charles. They would spend an evening with her serving him and him occasionallydraping her over his knees for a spanking. Once she was even a slave for awhole weekend. And she remembered how wet she would become and how totallyand constantly aroused she would be.

Only once did she play the role of the dominant one. That had been with oneof her female lovers before marrying Charles and it had been delicious too.She remembered how much she enjoyed binding her girlfriend and teasing herendlessly and how fun it was to create situations where her slavegirl couldmake choices but the outcome of each was some kind of punishment. It was alwaysthe lesser of two evils.

She would think about how to handle the knowledge she had gained. She mightdecide to ignore it and let it pass. But the tingling between her legs toldher that some of the more interesting possibilities would probably win out.

That night, the two women made dinner, ate dinner and cleaned up afterwardstogether. There were no outside signs or clues being given off by Charity.Everything fit into a normal aunt-niece type of relationship. After chattingfor a bit and then sharing a television show together, Charity went up to herroom to study.

It was at that point that Janice realized that she might be working towarda deadline. If she were to pursue some of the more interesting possibilities,she would have to either move quickly or wait until the Fall. Charity wouldfinish the semester in about a month and Janice knew that she would probablyreturn home for the Summer. Janice would have to wait until late August toact if she didn't act soon. That was the moment when the more interesting optionswon out.

Janice decided that a slow but steady approach would be best. This way, ifshe had misread her niece's fantasies and desires, she could more easily backout of the situation. She would take her time but would gradually step intoCharity's private space, thus reducing it over time. She would slowly exerther influence on her niece's life, thus gaining control. Over time, she woulderode Charity's will to resist and would have a slave to experiment with.

Janice heard the water running upstairs and went to the foot of the staircase.Once she realized that Charity was drawing a bath, Janice knew what the firststep would be, and it would be taken tonight.

Janice first went to her room and checked her appearance in the mirror ofthe master bedroom. She started to apply lipstick but then wiped it off, thinkingthat the makeup would make her first step appear planned. She did, however,take a minute to brush out her long black hair until it was shining. She finallysettled on having some of her locks draped over her shoulders and the restcascading down her back. She waited for a few minutes after the water was turnedoff and then opened the door to the bathroom and walked in.

"Aunt Jan!" protested Charity as she raised her hands to cover her breasts,which were floating and bobbing in the deep water.

"What?" asked Janice as she crossed the floor and sat on the closed toiletseat, smiling at her niece.

"What are you doing in here?" asked a frantic Charity.

"I just came in to talk," Janice responded. "I remembered that we were invitedto the opening of an art exhibit on Friday and I forgot to mention it to you."

"But.. but.. but, I'm naked!"

"Yes you are," smiled Janice. "But what difference does that make? Do youhave something that I don't? It's just us girls, Char."

"It.. I mean I… I mean it's not right!"

"What's not right? It's not right that I should come in and ask you a question?" Janicespoke with a slight edge of irritation in her voice. "Or it's not right thatI should see you naked in the tub? Or it's not right that I should be sittinghere with clothes on and you should be naked?

Charity slid a little lower in the tub and reached for the wash cloth, tryingto position it as strategically as she cold to cover her breasts.

"Yes," she replied timidly.

"Yes to all of them?" asked Janice with her eyebrows raised.

"No. I mean yes. I mean I don't know," replied Charity. "This is so embarrassing."

Janice stood up abruptly trying to act insulted and strode to the door. "Honestly,Charity!" she huffed. "I don't know why you are so embarrassed. You shouldn'tbe ashamed of your body." With that, she left and closed the door behind her.

A little later, Janice was lying on top of her bed, reading a magazine. Sheheard a knock and looked up to see Charity standing in her doorway. Her hairwas still damp and her flesh was still pink and rosy from the hot bath. Shewas wearing a pale blue cotton night shirt that hung down to mid-calf level.

"May I come in, Aunt Janice?"

"Yes you may," replied Janice. Charity shuffled into the room, keeping hereyes cast down until she was beside the bed.

I'm sorry, Aunt Janice," she started. "I was being childish. I didn't meanto hurt your feelings."

"Apology accepted," replied Janice. "Yes, you were being childish. I wasbeginning to think that you had something to hide. You haven't gotten a tattooor anything, have you?"

Charity's head snapped up in surprise at the question. "Oh, no! I would neverdo that! I think they're gross!"

"A piercing?" asked the aunt.

"No, Aunt Janice. I haven't done anything like that. Honestly. I have nothingto hide."

"Well, it sure looked that way to me," Janice retorted. "But, it's none ofmy business. I'll just turn the whole thing over to your mother."

Charity's eyes flew open wide. "My mother?" she asked. "Please don't do that.She gets so suspicious of everything. That would just make her worse."

Janice shrugged her shoulders. "I have a responsibility to both you and yourmother, Charity. And I don't know what you're worried about. If there's nothingthere, then all is fine."

"But there isn't anything there!" insisted the niece.

"Then your mother will have nothing to find."

"I'll prove it to you!" declared Charity, reaching for the hem of her nightshirt.She drew it quickly up her body and then held it in one hand as she stood nakedbefore Janice. "See?"

"Yep. I don't see anything," agreed Janice. "But I'll have to let your motherdo the thorough inspection."

"Oh god!" groaned the college girl. "That would be too embarrassing. Couldn'tyou inspect me and then just not even bring it up with Mom?"

"But you seem to uncomfortable around me. And I don't want to distress you."

"Please inspect me, Aunt Janice," begged Charity.

"Are you sure, Charity?" asked Janice with a very concerned expression onher face. "It really did seem to make you uncomfortable earlier when I onlycaught a brief glimpse of you. And now you want me to check every inch of yourbody?"

Charity nodded quickly. "I'm sure, I'm sure! I don't know why I acted theway I did earlier. It's really no big deal. I mean it's just us girls, likeyou said."

Janice set her magazine aside and slid off the bed. She stepped in frontof her niece and let her eyes run from the top of her head to the tips of hertoes.

"Nothing visible so far. Open your mouth." Charity quickly opened her mouthand Janice leaned forward peering inside. "Wider!" Charity opened her mouthwide.

"Stick out your tongue," commanded Janice. A tongue immediately slitheredout. Janice ran a finger slowly over the slippery surface and then graspedit, tugging it out further. "I don't see any signs of piercings. Have you everthought of having your tongue pierced?"

"Ngo," responded Charity as best she could with someone holding onto hertongue. "Ngegga."

"Good girl," replied Janice as she released the tongue and patted Charityon the top of her head. "Don't do it. That's for someone else to ask of you.It should be viewed as a precious gift." This caused Charity's eyes to openwide in surprise as she tried to take in her aunt's last comment.

Janice proceeded with the inspection by pushing the blonde hair off of Charity'sshoulders to let it drape down her back. Then, she gripped each ear, one ata time, and leaned forward to inspect them.

"Good girl. Only one piercing per lobe. That's respectable."

Then Janice lifted each of Charity's arms and placed her niece's hands behindher neck in a clear signal that the hands should remain there. The hands did.Janice acted as if she were visually inspecting the arms and upper chest forsigns of markings or piercing, but she was actually just setting the stagefor her next assault on Charity's body.

Janice lifted her hands and, with fingers splayed, lifted Charity's breasts.She made a show of looking beneath each breast for tattoos but was really justenjoying the weight of the firm mounds pressing down on her fingers.

"Oh!" gasped Charity as she felt her aunt's fingers claim her breasts.

"No tattoos or markings so far," proclaimed Janice. "Good girl."

Charity breathed a sigh of relief and lowered her arms. Janice anticipatedthis move and immediately reached around her niece and swatted her bottom.

"We're not finished yet! I'll tell you when to lower your hands."

"Ouch! Yes, Aunt Janice," was the obedient response as hands went back behindthe neck to intertwine fingers.

"Charity, you asked me to do this. But you seem to be having problems withit. Should I just let your mother finish this?"

"Oh no, Mistr.. I mean Aunt Janice," Charity quickly replied. "I was justsurprised. I didn't know you would be so thorough. But I'm fine with it."

Janice heard all that she needed. Her niece almost called her Mistress. Thatwas all the confirmation that she needed. She predicted to herself that shewould own a slave by the end of the semester.

"Good," nodded Janice. "I was just checking." Then, Janice grasped the tipof Charity's left nipple and stretched it away from her body slightly. Sheheard her niece sucking in her breath. She bent forward again and inspectedthe nipple.

"We're looking for signs of piercings,' described Janice. "Fortunately, Idon't see any. Have you ever thought about having your nipples pierced?"

"No, Mis.. Aunt Janice!"

Janice decided to become bolder. She knew that her niece had almost calledher "Mistress" twice and she wanted to take advantage of the tangled mess ofCharity's brain.

Janice grasped the nipple fully and pulled it outward from Charity's chest,stretching the beautiful breast into a cone. Then, she used her other handto roam over every square inch of the soft, firm flesh.

"If I'm to be reassuring your mother, or not even saying anything to yourmother, I also need to check for needle marks. But, thankfully, this breastis free of them. Now let's check the other one."

Again the nipple was slightly stretched under the auspices of looking forsigns of piercings and, again, the breast was stretched away from Charity'schest as Janice ran her fingers over the surface. When she was finished, herniece was sporting two deliciously stiff nipples.

Janice released the nipple, allowing the breast to bounce back into its originalform and then lifted both breasts in her fingers again. "Don't ever do anythingto change these," warned Janice. "They're perfect just as they are."

"Thank you," stammered a blushing Charity.

Janice ran her fingers down Charity's sides and then toward each other tomeet at the girl's navel. She squatted down so that her eyes were level withthe cute indented belly button and then ran a finger slowly around it causingCharity's belly to quiver.

"No piercings here either," announced Janice. "That's good."

Charity breathed a sigh of relief and lifted her night shirt to put it backon.

"Not so fast," said Janice sternly. "We're not finished yet." Then the olderwoman straightened up and walked behind the girl. She gathered the long blondehair and then fastened it into a ponytail, draping the locks over Charity'sleft shoulder. Then her fingers danced lightly down her niece's back. Janicesmiled as she saw the gooseflesh forming in the wake of her fingers.

Janice placed a hand between Charity's shoulders and pressed forward. "Bendover," commanded the aunt. Charity obediently bent at the waist until her chestwas almost parallel with the floor. Janice smiled as she saw the heavy breastsdangling and swaying beneath her niece's chest.

"Oh!" gasped Charity as she felt her aunt's fingers pry her bottom cheeksapart. She clenched her bottom cheeks trying to keep them together to protecther modesty but then squealed and reluctantly relaxed them when her effortswere met with another hard smack on the bottom.

At this point, Charity's mind was in complete turmoil. This seemed more likeit belonged in the plot of one of her stories than in her aunt's bedroom ona normal weeknight. Well, normal isn't exactly right, she thought. But thatwas about the only thought she could muster.

Charity's eyes opened wide and her mouth opened to protest as she felt afinger traveling through the forbidden valley between the firm smooth globesof her bottom and then she emitted another squeal as the finger reached thelittle brown pucker. She started to pant with her cheeks moving in and outwith each breath as the finger slowly circled the little rosebud.

Janice tapped several times on the little pucker before announcing, "no signsof anything here, either. Good." Janice straightened up and moved back to Charity'sfront. Janice reached beneath Charity's chest and grasped the dangling breasts,squeezing slightly and enjoying the feel of the warm flesh. She used the twinorbs of delight as handles to pull Charity upright.

"You can straighten up now."

Charity closed her eyes and breathed a sigh of relief that the ordeal wasover. But her relief was short-lived. Janice had squatted down in front ofher and was tapping on the insides of her thighs.

"Open up," commanded Janice. Charity moved her feet apart only to receivemore insistent taps. "Wider."

Charity's face turned crimson in humiliation as her very private parts werelewdly displayed to her aunt. She closed her eyes tightly as she felt fingersgrasp one of her labia to stretch it away from her body and then other fingersmoved along its entire length.

Janice smiled inwardly as she found her niece's sex to be quite wet witharousal. "This is going to be easy," she thought. Then she repeated the actionswith the other labia causing Charity's whole body to tremble.

Finally, Janice grasped the little hood of flesh protecting Charity's clitorisand stretched it out to reveal the glistening little nubbin. It took all ofJanice's strength to keep from leaning forward and licking it, but she resistedthe temptation.

Janice stood again and patted Charity on the head. "All done, little one.You passed."

"Thank god," sighed Charity as she finally opened her eyes. "May I get dressednow?"

"Of course you may," smiled Janice as she leaned forward and kissed Charityon the cheek. "You're such a good girl."

Charity smiled weakly in response and slipped her nightshirt back on.

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Charity At Work 4 Learning the Hard Way

It’s Charity time! As you know I had finally found a fulfilling summertime job which would end up being a part-time job through my last year of school. I was the Assistant Manger at the Love Hut Lingerie Store with my ¾ lesbian new friend Patti. But mostly important, that’s where I met George. Ah George. The first white guy I had ever met that could satisfy all my needs. He was tall, muscular, athletic, handsome, rich and hung like a fucking horse. Dominant, masterful, able to melt...

3 years ago
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Charity Starts At Home Chapter 3 Gotta Hve Faith

Sitting in the pew I couldn’t believe I was no longer a virgin! The last 24 hours had been very intense and I felt as if they were happening to someone else. I had always planned on saving myself for marriage, but I admitted to myself I loved what had happened and I wanted more and more sex. It was hardly this secret ritual between married couples that the church had taught me.. It was hot , raw sex, oure fucking and I wanted to do it again. But not today, I was way too sore from last...

1 year ago
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Charity Has its Rewards

This story appears exclusively on This story is written for the lovely ladies from the Philippines who up until now have been neglected in my coverage of Asian leading ladies. Let us go then you and I as the Philippine sunset is plastered blood red against the sky. Do not remind me how my hair is growing thin, the waves splash cold against my skin. John’s Banka boat cuts through the foam-crested blue-green waves of the south Asian Sulu Sea. John is troubled by the eternal question: “Do I dare...

3 years ago
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Charity At Work 4 Learning the Hard Way

Introduction: the difference between a slut and a whore What time is it? Its Charity time! As you know I had finally found a fulfilling summertime job which would end up being a part-time job through my last year of school. I was the Assistant Manger at the Love Hut Lingerie Store with my ¾, lesbian new friend Patti. But mostly important, thats where I met George. Ah George. The first white guy I had ever met that could satisfy all my needs. He was tall, muscular, athletic, handsome,...

2 years ago
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Charity Ball

Charity Ball By Sissy Lizzy I'd decided to take one or two years off between high school and college, so that I could learn more about the real world, and was talking to my mom, when Karen, my long time friend stopped by with some big news. "Kelly," she cried out, "You won't believe this. I've just won two tickets to the Landsown Charity custom ball on the radio." "My God, Karen," mom almost shrieked, "Those tickets are worth $500 each." "That's fantastic," I joined in....

1 year ago
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Charity Starts At Home Chapter 2 Entertaining Guests

Introduction: Momma passes out and Charity takes care of her friends When I woke up the next morning I was pleased to see the world had not ended. The Devil had not risen from the Pit to drag me to Hell for my impure and unnatural lust. Momma had not come into my bedroom declaring me a perversion of nature. The birds were chirping and all was right with the world. Except for me. My world had turned upside down in less then a week. Last Saturday I was tearfully saying goodbye to a father being...

3 years ago
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Charity Work

 At fifty-two I like to think I am still in great shape and have my figure intact. I am a loving wife and adore my husband. Our sex life is incredible.I do, however, love sex and orgasms. And every orgasm makes me hornier. This tends to lead me astray, especially when apart from my spouse. I do feel guilty about cheating on my husband but not enough not to do it.I have a newly “configured” 36DD-28-34 body after being repaired up top from breast cancer. I get plenty of looks. Yes, that turns me...

1 year ago
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Charity begins at home Part 2

Charity begins at home (Part 2)I composed myself and started to pace around the bedroom, the butt plug seemed to be drawn into my bottom as I walked, my “Dolly” was fully erect and with every stride it felt like an electric pulse went through it, the pleasure was intense.“Now ‘Sally’ I want you to sit, in front of the mirror of the dressing table, whilst I apply your make up and wig”, Auntie said.As I sat and marvelled at the transformation I couldn’t help thinking about what lay...

4 years ago
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Charity WorkI took my girlfriend Erin to a hotel in an inner city area, and we ate breakfast in a restaurant where mostly all black people go......people that don't have much money. We had decided that Erin will do what we call "charity work" and that is that she will have sexual relations with a mature black gentleman who although he has character, has very little money.Although Erin is not provocatively dressed, she attracts attention in the all black restaurant. Her skirt is only slightly...

3 years ago
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Charity Starts At Home Chapter 2 Entertaining Guests

Except for me. My world had turned upside down in less then a week. Last Saturday I was tearfully saying goodbye to a father being sent off to jail for the next seven years. This Saturday morning I was waking up from a night watching my long lost mother get fucked silly by a stranger. Things couldn't get stranger. Momma was already up and puttering in the kitchen when I sarted quickly across the hall to the bathroom. I spent probably half an hour in the shower mustering enough courage...

3 years ago
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Charity Auction

There’s this Charity Auction that changes his life. The actors in this script are of legal age, but may portray maturing young adults. This is a work of adult erotic fiction and contains descriptions of sexual acts between consenting adults. If you’re under the age of consent where you reside, delete this file immediately. If it is illegal to obtain adult literature where you reside, delete this file immediately. If it’s entirely legal for you to read sexually explicit material, I hope you...

1 year ago
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Charity working has its rewards

Colin had been volunteering at the local charity shop for about 3 months. His job was to move any furniture that had been brought in, and repair the item for sale (if needed).The shop was run by Sara. She was a lady in her mid 50’s, quite poshly spoken, always dressed smart in skirt and blouse, her light brown hair tied up in a bun. She was about 5’5” tall, thin build, had reasonably large breasts and had a great pair of legs. Sara gave the air of a prim and proper lady of the manor. Something,...

3 years ago
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charity work

Its required every semesterI need to do some charity work for credirs its cold outside Im walking with food boxes from houses to houses on my listdress as a Xmass elf, knocking at door delivering food He shook my hand looking down at me from his 6feet4 his bug dark hand making mine disapear as i shook it''hi there little elf you brought me some food for my mom here i guess''''thanks its really appreciated, the office got offshored and Im only startting to work in a month, a bit hard to pay for...

4 years ago
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Charity Fair at the Park

Charity fair atthe Parkby Splyf  ?? The sun was shining from a clear sky on thefifth of May this year, and the many hundred people gathered for the bigcharity fair in the park couldn?t have hoped for better weather.? Tents were up everywhere on the big lawn,selling all kinds of food and offering lottery tickets for the afternoonsdrawings. The Brettson family got there at noon.? John Brettson parked the car and his wife,Beth, their son, Lou, and their daughter, Trine, all got out and started...

2 years ago
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Charity to Demons

At night the further paths from the village were hard to travail, but Valeriya Artyomovna could come and go blindfolded. The branches and roots of the trees were as unruly as nature demanded, and unknown animals peered from their hideouts with gleaming eyes.Weren't humans one and the same? Didn't the wild animals feel similar apprehensions about her kin?Valeriya had nothing to fear, and no mystery would stop her from experiencing pleasure.Tonight she came to witness a peculiar breed of flowers...

Straight Sex
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Preface In December last year, as I'd just started writing 'Amy, Terry, Tom..." a reader gave me a character outline. I commented it sounded like a real person and he said yes, it was, but that he hoped I could make something of it; I had the permission of everyone involved to use it. I sent the first draught and he approved of it, so I sent it to Jerry for editing. It's perhaps not my usual style, but I hope you like it. It's posted hoping the original 'Charity' (not her real name) can...

2 years ago
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Charity Starts At HomeChapter 5 A Bonding Experience

Introduction: the final part of this section of her adventures Charity Starts At Home : Chapter 5 : A Bonding Experience The following 4 weeks were a truly wonderful time for our household. Momma and I had shifted into a whole new phase of honesty and exploration with each other. No subject was too tabo and there was a sense of complete security and comfort. Faith was even spending more and more time over and was quickly becoming more of a member of our naughty little family. My lessons...

3 years ago
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Charity Graduates 2 Getting Even

Introduction: the girls settle an old score Back to the sex-citing autobio of self professed superslut PTA mom, Charity Jones. The next few weeks my life got into a comfortable stride. I adjusted to the crazy busy schedule, plus it didnt hurt I was getting laid at least twice a week now. After discovering my dom George was also my boyfriend Chets father, I still continued to fuck him. I had my every other week threesome with my boss punk rock Patti and him at a no-tell hotel at the edge of...

1 year ago
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Charity Graduates 4 The Big Game

Introduction: Go Cougars! Charity Jones here again, sending you back in the time tunnel to the sexploits of my wonderfully misspent youth. The year was now 1990 and the eighties were officially over. Big hair would stubbornly cling to life for a couple more years, but it was in its death throes. Cassette tapes were going the way of the dinosaur and cds were the big new thing. And I was half a year away from graduating . The rest of the year was mostly sedate for the most part, Beeders...

2 years ago
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Charity glory hole

As many will know Jaq and myself live a sex fuelled life. A few years back while at our swingers club the conversation got onto raising money for good causes. It was suggested that it would be nice if we could all raise a little cash for a local hospice. The hospice was chosen as we had recently lost a dear member to cancer who had been looked after at the hospice.It was decided that each couple would raise money over the coming weeks, then the money would be collected and presented to the...

4 years ago
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Charity glory hole

As many will know Jaq and myself live a sex fuelled life. A few years back while at our swingers club the conversation got onto raising money for good causes. It was suggested that it would be nice if we could all raise a little cash for a local hospice. The hospice was chosen as we had recently lost a dear member to cancer who had been looked after at the hospice.It was decided that each couple would raise money over the coming weeks, then the money would be collected and presented to the...

3 years ago
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Charity Shop part 2

Continued from “Charity Shop”Colin walked back to the shop after a quick lunch, thinking about what he had just witnessed. His mind went over Sara’s body, remembering how lovely her breasts were, and wondered how they felt. Then, Sara’s pussy wide open, devouring the dildo as she masturbated herself.As he entered the back of the shop, he looked over to the office. Sara was there, working at her computer as if nothing had happened.He called out, “I’m back !”, but all he got in response, was Sara...

2 years ago
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Charity Slave AuctionChapter 3

As we left the restroom, people nearby heard the applause and turned to look. Many of my friends saw me coming out of the men’s room. But by now it doesn’t really matter. They already know what kind of a weekend I’m having. They may not know all the particulars. But they know I’m not just a slave to Glenn. I’m a sex-slave. And I’m having so much fun I should probably cut Dale some slack for not consulting me before offering me up for sale to the highest bidder. I’m a very willing sex slave...

1 year ago
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Charity Seduction Another boring fund raiser or is it

Craig was staring into the mirror as he tied the bow tie of his tuxedo. He knew he was stuck at yet another fund raiser event but this one was different. Craig's law firm had been actively involved in the community for many years and had always held a yearly lavish Valentine's Day ball for the local charities. This one required him to mingle with and persuade the other rich guests to part with money that others deserved more. Part of being an attorney meant that he was he was very good at...

Wife Lovers
1 year ago
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Charity Event

Karen is perfect, well kept, thirty five year old with a body deservingof attention.Her medium, beautiful breasts lifted neatly out at the front of her sundress and held my longing gaze. After an awkward pause, I produced a covered black box with a silver band on the lid. An introduction gift I said. As she opened it Karen gasped and for a second her heart melted. Inside were two of the most stunning diamond earrings she had ever seen, with a lavish, matching chain. They were absolutely...

2 years ago
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Charity Seduction Another boring fund raiser or is it

Craig was staring into the mirror as he tied the bow tie of his tuxedo. He knew he was stuck at yet another fund raiser event but this one was different. Craig’s law firm had been actively involved in the community for many years and had always held a yearly lavish Valentine’s Day ball for the local charities. This one required him to mingle with and persuade the other rich guests to part with money that others deserved more. Part of being an attorney meant that he was he was very good at...

4 years ago
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Charity Graduates 4 The Big Game

The year was now 1990 and the eighties were officially over. Big hair would stubbornly cling to life for a couple more years, but it was in it’s death throes. Cassette tapes were going the way of the dinosaur and cd’s were the big new thing. And I was half a year away from graduating . The rest of the year was mostly sedate for the most part; Beeder’s departure for some reason took the winds out of our wildness. Don’t get me wrong, I was still fucking up a storm every weekend. But gone...

3 years ago
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Charity Graduates 2 Getting Even

The next few weeks my life got into a comfortable stride. I adjusted to the crazy busy schedule, plus it didn’t hurt I was getting laid at least twice a week now. After discovering my dom George was also my boyfriend Chet’s father, I still continued to fuck him. I had my every other week threesome with my boss punk rock Patti and him at a no-tell hotel at the edge of town. Plus every other weekend my date night with Chet would end up with me getting power-fucked by his dad while he...

3 years ago
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Charity Starts At HomeChapter 5 A Bonding Experience

The following 4 weeks were a truly wonderful time for our household. Momma and I had shifted into a whole new phase of honesty and exploration with each other. No subject was too tabo and there was a sense of complete security and comfort. Faith was even spending more and more time over and was quickly becoming more of a member of our naughty little family. My “lessons” continued as well, with Faith joining me to learn as much as she could too. It was typically late Friday or Saturday...

3 years ago
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Charity Begins Next Door

=================== Life isn’t fair. So when you fight back, fight dirty. =================== Christmas has always been my favorite time of year. I married young, and had two perfect daughters, but my marriage was far from perfect. We had been young and in love. I was entering the community college and Denise was starting her senior year when we decided to tie the knot. Her family’s ready acceptance of me was a huge factor – the family I’d never had, making me feel like a real member of...

1 year ago
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Charity Auction part 2

CHAPTER 4The king-sized bed had the covers turned down already, but Alan pulled the satin comforter completely off before he sat me down on the side of the bed. I was facing a wall of mirrors along the closet doors, which doubled the size of the big room. He leaned down and pulled off my shoes, then knelt between my legs and grasped the top of one blue stocking. He pulled it down neatly and tossed it on top of my shoes. I watched our figures in the mirror as he pulled off the other in one...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Charity Auction

I dressed with extra care. The annual Scholarship Auction Dinner was always a special event, an occasion to wear evening clothes and black tie, but this year was extra special. I had been dieting and exercising like mad to fit back into my most elegant outfit, a St. John knit that was some years old, but truly a classic. A gorgeous royal blue suit with gold threads, it included a short skirt, silk blouse, and a form-fitting jacket.I looked at myself from all angles in front of the full-length...

Oral Sex
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Charity Shop part 3

Colin sat in the cafe, and contemplated about what had just happened. He wondered whether Sara was leading him on, or was he getting the wrong signals. She must of felt his cock pressed against her back, and she did move her chair back. So he decided just to see what would develop.Colin walked back to the shop, and went into the shop. He said hello to Mary, who was busy serving customers, and went to the back. As he passed Sara’s office, she called out “Oh Colin, can you go with Pete this...

3 years ago
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Charity begins in the PUSSY

It's that time of year when we are all feeling nice to our men and ladies, well it's nearly Christmas! I'm not too sure why I said that as I am 100% of the time feeling charitable..haha, well you know me by now that is if I craving a big black meat stick mmmmm and all that cream it serves up-O yes xI know well enough not to be too judgmental when it comes to picking my men, best quality, horny buggers, who give me that look -I wanna fuck you bitch! When I am in that mood, which is very often I...

3 years ago
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Charity begins at home

By the time I had my forty men, it was almost noon of the next day - I'll chalk it up to the truck stop being so deserted this time of year. I have to tell you though, that was the most fun I've had my entire life! It ended as I thought it would... I was so sore I could barely walk, and so exhausted I could barely keep my eyes open, yet I couldn't stop laughing. Travis dropped me off with strict instructions to get a hot shower and rest.  Entering the bedroom I saw that, while I was gone, my...

3 years ago
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Charity Begins Next DoorChapter 2

Cathy brought me dinner again and I realized I was starving. She beamed at me when I finished the whole platter. "Let's go for a walk, Alex. You could use a stretch of the legs." It had gotten chilly, and we bundled up a bit. She took the lead and we walked down the block and turned up the neighborhood. We headed back up the next block and she regaled me with the entire history and habits of the inhabitants of each place we passed. She might have been a good listener, but I had to wonder...

2 years ago
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Charity Begins Next DoorChapter 3

The pounding on my front door was not unexpected. Ten o'clock at night might be a little of a surprise, but the knock wasn't. I went to the front door, and looked out through the glass beside it. A woman stood there. I had a fairly good idea of who it was. I opened the door. "Mrs. Morrison?" She glared at me and nodded. "Come in, please. Can I get you a cup of tea, or coffee?" I turned and walked into the house, leaving the door open. I walked to the kitchen, and poured myself a cup...

3 years ago
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Charity Begins Next DoorChapter 4

I had recruited Cathy's help over dinner the night before, assuming things went Ok with Sandy, and by noon we were back at the Morrison house, knocking on the door. Erica let us in, and we hauled our goodies in after us. I had the tree folded up and left it on the front doorstep while we made room for it in the living room. After I'd put it in place, I hauled in a large plastic crate of Christmas decorations, and encouraged Cathy and Erica to get to work making the tree look 'festive'....

4 years ago
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Charity Begins Next DoorChapter 5

Back home, I dressed down to sweats and a t-shirt, torturing myself a little by watching The Little Drummer Boy, Briana's favorite. Life was so fucking unfair. My girls were gone. It was Christmas and I was alone. I'd never, ever, spend another Christmas with Briana and Allora. Never. An hour later I was at Sandy's back door with three huge garbage bags full of gifts. It had taken me two trips. I knocked softly and a few moments later Sandy let me in. She'd gotten rid of her party...

3 years ago
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Charity Begins Next DoorChapter 6

I woke abruptly, confused. I was alone in a strange bed, the covers pulled up to my chin. Daylight was streaming in the window, and I sat up, disoriented. It took a few seconds for me to recall the previous evening, and I looked around for Sandy. I started to get out of bed, and realized I was naked, my clothes were still somewhere downstairs. I pulled the covers over my waist, and looked around for something to cover up with, before spotting my clothing from the night before folded on a...

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