Charity Graduates 4: The Big Game free porn video

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Introduction: Go Cougars! Charity Jones here again, sending you back in the time tunnel to the sexploits of my wonderfully misspent youth.

The year was now 1990 and the eighties were officially over. Big hair would stubbornly cling to life for a couple more years, but it was in its death throes. Cassette tapes were going the way of the dinosaur and cds were the big new thing. And I was half a year away from graduating .

The rest of the year was mostly sedate for the most part, Beeders departure for some reason took the winds out of our wildness. Dont get me wrong, I was still fucking up a storm every weekend. But gone were the random new adventures, elaborate new plots or funky new bed buddies. I was pretty busy with my stable of studs and sluts anyways.

Hope was a train wreck, the last thing a goth needs is something to actually have a legitimate gripe about. Where once she mostly wore black, she solely wore black now. Except for cheerleading, I had to put my foot down there as Captain. We were not changing the school colours to black on black for any reason. She no longer sucked and fucked with us on weekends and would take off once the clothes came off anytime Momma brought folks home.

The only exception was the monthly football gangbang, where she still limited her role to cocksucking now. She was like a sexual camel, swallowing enough cum to last her another month.

Faith was Faith, still selling pot, still drinking still cursing. She did surprise me though one night with a confession when we were talking about Hopes depression.

Im jealous of her heartbreak, she said puffing on the always at hand joint as we lounged in my bed.

Youre jealous of someones guts being ripped out, I said still cooing from a good session of her eating me out.

Im jealous because she sighed, Ive never had someone to love enough to make me feel that way.

I suppose that was true. Faith knew only three kinds of men, ones that wanted her pot, some that wanted her cunt, and some that wanted both. I always thought of Faith as a reverse Patti, Patti was a secret cockslut that lived by day as a lesbian. I just thought Faith was a secret lesbian with me as her girlfriend and lived by day as a cockslut.. The truth was just a tad bit more sad. Faith had just never been in love.

January turned to February, February into March, and March into April.

I continued working my two jobs, doing my drudging work for school council, leading the cheerleader team , dating my wonderful beau and still putting out regularly for a very small circle of men. In short all was well.

In April Hope finally came out of her funk during our monthly football gangbang. One moment she was sucking cock and the next moment she was lying on the floor of the almost finished swimming pool taking cock in her pussy and ass next to me. Welcome back Hope.

She decided her grief was done for now and was time to slowly move on. It was wonderful to have her back. The three of us even decided we were going to travel to the Mexican Riviera for an entire month after school ended as a celebration. We even went to get our passport photos and were truly prepared.

April turned into May and the end was pretty damn nigh.

Finally May turned into June and high school was only 3 weeks away from ending forever for me.

I was in an insane flurry of activity then so my sex life officially ended. As Class President I had to help organize the Prom, as Captain of the Cheerleading team I had to arrange pep rallies. Final exams were coming . And finally the Cougars had made it to the play offs so there were a shit load of games to perform at. It was high school madness.

I had gone nearly three weeks without sex when the Big Game against the county rivals the Creston Cowboys came looming in a few days. The Cowboys were a killer team, they had crushed all opposition on their way to this final game and the Cougars had barely managed to tie the series off by scant points to bring it to a final game.

So I was stressed and Chet was stressed and we only saw each other at games pretty much at this point, or maybe a sporadic couple hours here and there. Im a sex junkie and Chet and I never had sex, but you could tell I loved him crazy because all that spare time was spent with him.

He was a wreck, the Cougars had choked in the last two seasons just trying to reach the finals. This was the first time in 6 years that they were playing a State Champion game. If he won, he would leave this school a hero and a huge football scholarship just dangling before his eyes. He just didnt think the Cougars had enough drive left, that the Cowboys had crushed the last of their stamina in the last game.

This meant the world to Chet, and since Chet meant the world to me, something had to be done. I couldnt very well put on helmet and pads on charge onto the field myself, and my bouncing on the sidelines doing kicks wasnt going to intimidate them either.

But there was one thing I knew how to do very well, fuck men into exhaustion. Our monthly parties with the football team were always a few days before or just after a big game. Fucking them the day or night before usually left them a bit tired and/or sore, so they would end up losing. Theres a good reason coaches tell atheletes not to have sex before a big game, I just wish they would listen sometimes.

I explained to my sisters-in-sin Faith and Hope my oh so cunning plan at my home just a couple of days before the Big Game.

The Championship was to be a home game so the Cowboys were coming to our town. They would arrive the night before and then come and crush our dreams of winning the trophy. I was to have none of it, so we had to formulate a plan fast.

The Cowboys were staying at the very same No Tell Motel that I typically got my fuck on with Patti and George. That was good news because I knew where and when, the bad news was that they had hawk of a chaperone in their coach. He needed to be eliminated.

The jailbait routine wasnt going to work on this guy, so I had to figure out a way to deal with their coach. A way that would leave us all night with the boys. It would have to be one hell of a distraction.

Momma had been making us dinner of grilled cheese sandwiches ( a fine chef she was not) and had been listening in.

How bout ya girls let me handle this here sitshy-waytion, Momma drawled in her thick Texan accent.

We dont want you getting into any trouble Momma, I said chewing on a golden corner.

Aint no thing. I fer one am tired of them Cowboys lording the Championships, it would be my pleasure , Momma eagerly retorted.

Thanks Momma I smiled and she gave me a big hug.

That still does very little to actually accomplishing our goals:, Hope reminded us.

Big Tits McGee could always smack him unconscious with a boobwhack, Faith said pointing to me.

True, I would have suggested Momma but she would probably shatter his skull, Hope concurred in her droll fashion.

I might shatter your little skull if yall dont mind your mouths, Momma teased.

Can we get back to actually having a plan?, I interrupted.

The three of us girls went back to munching on our grilled cheese and nibbling on pickles. Getting past a born again coach to screw our arch rivals, was turning into a bigger pickle then anything we were munching on. Even if we did, he would still do a bed check and that would more then likely find us quite literally in a compromising position.

Momma wandered back in from our living room ( all of 5 feet away in a doublewide) and said she got an idea from one of her tv stories. Hope rolled her eyes and winced as Faith stomped on her foot. At this point I didnt care what the heck it was, as nothing had come to us.

I just gotta ask yall. Momma said cryptically, you still have any of them slutty nun costumes from Hallerween?

Mommas idea was ridiculous, something that could only work in sitcoms, and that was what she was counting on. We see through obvious scams and pranks when we see them on tv, not when they happen to us. Especially if its done to us by pretty girls.

Momma was going to play the part of a nun, taking us 3 religious school girls on a trip across the country. We would just happen to be staying the night at the hotel. In her role as our chaperone she would distract the boys chaperone.

Momma was convincingly comical in her outfit. Not the full nun penguin suit, just the universally recognized black and white wimple covering her head and throat. She dressed conservatively and plainly, but she made sure her blouse was tucked in extra tight to still show off her G cups. As try as one might, ones eyes would be drawn there, especially due to the crucifx she had hanging between them.

The rest of us girls were dressed as school girls, not our standard slutty ones but actually serious ones. Mostly. Momma borrowed a couple schoolgirl blazers from work and spent the day sewing some generic crests she bought from the sewing depot in town into slutty schoolgirl blazers she borrowed from the Zebra Club where se worked as an exotic dancer.

In the end the three of us were dressed relatively conservatively, Faith even surprised me by bringing out a pair of glasses. The redhaired tramp had been secretly wearing contacts the entire time I had known her. Naturally I decided to follow suit and borrowed some fake horn rimmed glasses from one of Mommas slutty schoolgirl ensembles.

We pulled our hair back straight and into a neat tight ponytail. Faith and I in glasses, Hopes new braces also helped complete the image. We were the epitome of wholesomeness and American purity. The final touch was Hope borrowing her dads station wagon, which we filled with suitcases to finish the mirage.

We actually added a couple little props to the whole deal, not to mention a couple little details Momma and I added on our own secretly, but Ill come to those later as I feel Ive already given up a lot of the goodies. We rehearsed and prepared and our room was rented. The night came and the fun started.
We knew the boys were out for dinner so we waited outside in the station wagon for about ½, an hour before the school bus with the Cowboys came back from a local family diner. We got out of the car and followed Mommas lead.

Momma went and laid out a map of town on the hood of the car and bent over to read it. She made every intent on facing the school bus as it unloaded its cargo of the Creston Cougars. The coach of the team counted out the boys as Momma pretended to fret over the map.

Oh dear oh dear, I just cant figure these things out for the life of me, Momma exclaimed out loud.

The coach turned his head as he counted towards the voice and almost did a double take when he saw Momma. There she was with the wimple and crucifix, but also with the astounding rack she was hiding behind her tight fitting blouse. He just couldnt seem to connect a nun to big tits.

Oh dear girls, I just dont know what to do if we dont find that church tomorrow, we may have to drive back all they way to Utah, Momma said with a dramatic sigh.

Oh no Mother Mary Margaret Helen!, Faith exclaimed in fake shock.

Momma shot the redhead a look, she clearly didnt like the name but was now stuck with it. She sighed dramatically.

Fret not little&hellip, Gertrude.. The Lord shall provide us with succor in this hour, Momma replied.

Ha! Gertrude. That was funny.

But whatever shall we do if we do not, if we dont win that choir contest they may close our church, Hope sighed.

Nobody ever closed a church for not winning a choir contest, assuming churches held those. But the coach didnt know that, and that was what we were counting on.

Excuse me, Sister, the coach said walking up to us, I couldnt help but overhear

Mother, , Momma corrected, Mother Mary Margaret Helen, of Saint Jezebels School for the Future Brides of Christ

That was a nice touch. Nuns in training.

A pleasure to meet you Mother Mary Margaret. Im the coach of the Creston High Cowboys

Isnt that thome thort of football theam, Hope said adding a hilarious lisp .

I certainly hope so, otherwise they might be chased by Indians, I said in nasal voice, honking a snort of a laugh at the end and straightening my fake glasses with a finger.

Shush girls, or you get the paddle!, Momma declared

I almost saw Faith about to add a smartass remark, but I quickly stepped on her toes nipping it cleanly in the bud.

What appears to be the trouble, Mother?, the coach asked smiling at our innocence

we have come all the way from Utah to compete and cannot find the church we are supposed to arrive at first thing in the morning, and the girls so desperately have been trying all year to be their best.

Well, I am a stranger here myself, so I dont know how much help I can be, the coach said sadly.

Oh please good sir Momma said stepping right up to him, we are in desperate need of aid

Momma took his hand in hers and pressed it to her breast in what appeared to be earnest. She stepped close and held the coach to her . He kinda sputtered as he could feel his arm pressed up to her giant rack.

I just, well, I dont know if&hellip,, he said turning a bit red.

Oh lord above us, we are but lost lambs, give this man the strength to aid us, she said looking up to the sky., hand held firmly against her in an act of desperation from Momma.

I guess I could look at the map, Ive always been good at them, the coach sheepishly said.

God bless you sir, god bless you sir! Momma said wrapping her arm around his neck and pulling him into a deep hug.

Momma is an old hand at this and she pressed her body right up to the nervous coach. She mashed her big boobs right into the coach, and since she had 2 inches on him and was wearing three inch hells, she was squeezing her bust right into his face.

Praise jesus! Praise jesus!, Faith exclaimed.

Amen , I chimed in, snort.

Thallallueah, Hope lisped.

Momma broke away from the befuddled coach and he stepped up to the map on the hood and started trying to mull out directions. Momma leant down beside him, almost over kneeling so that her bust was still dangling no more tan a foot from his eyes at any given time.

This had the coach with his back to the school bus and we three girls stepped softly to just out of his line of sight. The boys were mulling around the bus bored, but a couple of them were jostling each other and pointing at Mommas butt which was bent over facing them.

I then smiled and waved at the boys, they just kinda nodded and smiled back at us three boarding school geeks. So I then lifted my skirt and showed them my bald pussy and waved cutely. That grabbed their attention.

Faith did the same by lifting her skirt and then rubbing her finger up her bare slit. She then stuck that same finger in my mouth and I sucked it like a little cock. Hope also did the same, but she raised her skirt with one hand and squeezed one of her boobs with other.

The Cowboys definitely appreciated this, and the high school boys were nudging each other and pointing. They didnt know what to think. One guy grabbed his helmet and bobbed it before his crotch like he was facefucking a pantomime girl, that got a laugh fro all of them.

Hey, quit fucking around, the coach said turning.

We dropped our skirts back and instantly transformed into chaste virgins. It took all of half a second and the coach didnt see a thing.

Such language!, Momma said admonishingly.

Im sorry Mother Mary, teen boys just need a strong hand, I sometimes just lose my tongue, the coach apologized.

All is forgiven, I understand all too well, we are trying to banish the devil of lesbianism from Gertrude here, she said nodding to Faith.

Faith shoot an evil look back, then smiled innocently.

Now are you certain, its on this side of town, Momma said distracting the coach again.

The three of us then turned our backs on the boys, but our show wasnt over yet. Faith and Hope had now flanked me, and let their toys slip out of their school blazer sleeves into their hands.

Both Faith and Hope now had a dildo in their hand, which they showed behind them. I squeezed some lube out my pocket onto my hands and rubbed them up and down the length of them, then snuck a hand and rubbed the rest up and down my slit and backdoor.

The two girls then proceeded to push these toys into both of my holes, I gripped their backs for leverage as they the two fake cocks pushed into me. Faith was in my ass and Hopes dick in my pussy. They then slowly but surely fucked me right there in that parking lot, as I stood no less then 6 feet from their coachs back.

The guys were losing their shit, but in that paralyzed way. None of them could believe what they were seeing, but no one also wanted to alert the coach who would have killed the scene. The girls fucked me for about 2 minutes, slowly and surely before finally pulling out. Damn, and I was really getting into it as well.

Good thing we did though, as Mommas distraction of finding the church was coming to an end. The even funnier thing was, she was making him scour the map to giver her directions to the church we went to every Sunday.

Oh thank you kind sir, the Lord will truly bless you for your boundless kindness, Momma said squeezing his hand back against her breast.

Wasnt nothing, just good ole fashioned Texan hospitality, the coach blushed again.

Please let me thank you personally for your kindness if you wont take my blessing then.

Sorry Mother Mary, it wouldnt feel right taking money from a nun

Oh it was nothing like that, I am a Bride of Christ, that doesnt mean I cant indulge in certain pleasures, she smiled taking out a mickey flask from her trousers.

Ha! I guess I could join you for a drink, that seems right

God bless you sir, Momma smiled.

But that still leaves my boys, coach sighed, I need to keep an eagle eye on them till lights out, you know how boys can get.

Then let my girls watch over them!, Momma declared.

The coach laughed, Leaving teen boys with a bunch of teen girls is always a disaster.

For shame sir, these are Brides of Christ to be, all have taken their vows and chastity pledges. Plus Gertrude here is still a lesbian

The coach did seem a touch embarrassed by this. Second guessing a nun in the Bible belt was probably a direct ticket to Beezelbub to many.

Im sorry for second guessing you maam, I just dont want the boys getting any fool notions in their heads, the coach blushed.

I assure you , these girls are above reproach and are from the finest stock in this great country of ours,Momma said, except for maybe Gertrude, but she does try her dickens out.

Another evil glare from Faith.

The coach hummed and hawed, I dont know.

Plus the girls need to practice their vocal work, and Im sure your boys would be a rapt audience for uplifting hymns

I reckon your right, hearing the Lords good words would certainly steel their spines for tomorrows big game

God bless you sir momma said hugging him again tight into her huge tits.

Now girls, go unpack your things and show these young brave men the word of our Lord and Saviour.

Yes, maam we asserted, even Hope with that funny fake lisp.

The coach then marched the boys off to their rooms, which we had managed to bisect with our two rooms between them. Being a regular patron here, I had managed to wheedle this deal. We needed enough distance away from the coachs room for him to not hear anything.

When we got to our room, we quickly turned on a boom box we had already set up. We slapped in a huge casette tape with 4 hours of girls choir singing. Plus the machine was made to play the other side when one side was done. So essentially we had eight hours of praising Jesus to waft in through the walls to next door.

We then stripped out of most of our geek attire, and into slutty schoolgirl attire instead. Gone were the fake glasses and braids, gone also were bras too. We smoked a joint and had a beer while we waited for our cue from next door where the coach was.

Yes! Yes! Oh coach, your tongue is making scream out the holiest of holies!, I heard my Mommas cry from next door.

I looked at my watch. 15 minutes. She had gone from nun to slut mode in record time, and it sounded like our coach wasnt complaining one bit either.

Game time ladies, I said to Hope and Faith.

We cranked the volume of the choir up a bit and headed out next door.

You could hear the boys before you could see them. They were sharing a double room, but they were inside whooping and hollering.

The three of us stood outside their door and prepped each other for a second. I undid a couple more buttons on my top. Faith ripped off a couple inches from her skirt. Hope put on a dog collar with the word slut dangling from it. Then we knocked.

The room went instantly silent and a couple seconds later, the door opened an young man with freckles poked his head out.

Yes? he asked politely

He saw us and his eyes bugged out. Faith dangled a quintet of beer from an empty hoop ( the sixth beer in her hand. I just jutted my tits proudly forward.

You boys looking for some company?, I smiled impishly.

Oh hell yes! he smiled

He opened the door and let us in

Hey guys, its the Catholic girls!, freckles said leading us in.

There were easily 10 guys just in this room, and when he hollered out we were here, the adjoining door opened and another 10 guys wandered in.

And we brought beer!, I said raising another sixpack over my head.

Hope was relegated to bringing the cooler, and she opened at their feet. It was fully stocked with at least a couple dozen more. Not to mention the tequila.

Woo hoo!!!!! Alright! Radical!! Awesome!!!!, came the cheering.

The room was now packed. There were about 20 boys and it was standing room only.

I think we might have bitten off more then we can chew, Faith whispered to me.

We can take them, I whispered back relishing the challenge.

They turned on the tunes and soon the beer was flowing free and even. Faith even passed out a few free joints and soon the place was hopping.

Some guy was wandering around with a video camera, watching the guys show off and jump and down on the bed. The air was thick with testosterone, sweat and marijuana.

I found myself dancing between a couple guys to some hip hop, and they grinded deep into me. They were hard through their pants. Naturally they took off their shirts because how freaking stuffy in here it was. They had some godamn nice bodies on them too. Hot young ripped flesh, Yummy.

Faith was getting the same, but she pulled away and made a quick dash back to our room for the rest of the beer, seeing as our plan had worked.

The boys kept grinding into me as we danced. They would push the joint between my lips for a drag, or make me slurp down some beer. Hope was getting the same treatment too, and by the time Faith got back the boys were already pawing me..

My top was off and my big tits were out I had two mouths sucking my nipples and a tongue down my throat. Hands were gripping my ass, and a pair of fingers was probing deep in my pussy. Pot and tequila always make me horny and the anticipation of this gangbang was driving me wild

Hope was on her knees when I was given a chance to breathe. The goth girl had a cock in her mouth and was jerking off two guys. Another beat his meat waiting his turn. Faith was on one of the two beds. A guy on each tit and another one eating her trimmed red snatch. She had a lovely grin on her face.

I was pushed to my knees and was soon surrounded in dick, which I sucked on hungrily. It was a calvacade of them. Big ones, little ones, fat ones, skinny ones. I would jerk off a couple while sucking one, then switch off to another. I was in cock heaven.

The guys took turn filming us and I smiled up at the camera when I could, or at least tried making love ot it with my eyes.

Lets get this bitch on the bed! some guy said.

With that I was grabbed by a dozen hands and picked up and carried overhead and laid down on the bed beside Faith. The boys then pushed the two beds together , and Hope was also picked up and brought over to lie beside us.

We lay there all completely naked surrounded by a room full of hard horny young men. I had never seen so much dick in my life.

Even our monthly gangbangs with the Cougars didnt bring out the entire team. At most we fucked a dozen guys. Even at the Zebra Club, my record ( and that was sharing with other girls) was 14 men. This was easily 20 of them. This would be the biggest gangbang I would have untill I left high school.

I almost squirted.

The Cowboys were not subtle about it either. Soon each of us girls in our unholy trinity had a football jock between their thighs pushing their meat into us. Another would come along side of one of us and stick their cocks in our mouth.

The boys would pound away furiously until one of them came or tapped out or got tagged out by one of the other guys Big cocks little cocks, fat cocks and skinny cocks all banged into me that night. Their hands kept squeezing my tits and I couldnt really see much of the action going on around me with a dick in my mouth most of the time.

The few times I did come up for air for a couple minutes break, I I could look over and see Faith and Hope with their feet pointing at the sky as a jock rammed away home at each one of them. I would have some beer and smoke a few drags of a joint. Then another guy would come along and push me back on to my back and spread my thighs wide.

It was intense. I lost count at around the 7th load of cum that was dumped into me and about my 3rd swallow of seed. There was a small pool of cum forming between my ass cheeks at the excess of it all.

Shocking to a cock queen such as myself, I only had managed to cum 3 or 4 times ( and ony around the truly thicker dicks). Normally the thought of multiple cocks was enough to send me close to the edge. I imagine it was the lack of imagination in positions combined with no action with any of the other girls, that and the guys were more like a train then a bang.

This went on for at least 3 hours the assembly line fucking. It was really fun it just wasnt as raunchy as I hoped it would be. I was just wondering if these guys were ever going to finish as we would have get home and actually get some shut eye in order to not be tired for tomorrows big game either.

Thats when the cavalry arrived.

The party for some reason came to a crashing halt. The music went off and a blanket was thrown over us. The murmur was there was a knock at the door. The lights went off and so did the video camera. All was quiet. The door creaked open and a shaft of light from the parking lot seeped in.

Howdy boys, yall got some room for another horny gal?, came Mommas distinctive voice.

The door opened and exclaims came from the boys. Mommas nun costume was gone.

Now she was dressed up in full slutty cowgirl attire. Thigh high fuck me boots in white leather with tassles. A white string bikini top which barely covered more then her nipples.. A slim white belt with a couple of toy plastic guns in holsters and a big white cowboy hat. Nothing else. No panties no jacket. And a smile.

Hot damn! Holy shit! Look at those tits!Shit her pussy is bare! Thats one sexy bitch! came the many whoops from the boys as Momma strode in confidently.

Save a Cougar, ride a Cowboy! Yeeeehaw!!!!!! , Momma said firing the cap guns.

Momma dropped to her knees right away and pushed her tits free of the barely there bikini top.

Alrighty which one of you boys wants your dick sucked first?, Momma smiled.

The guys wasted no time taking her up on her offer.

Momma was in prime form tonight and soon she had a circle of boys around her. She would bob her head up and down on one furiously while jacking off two more. Then she would switch to another cock and double treat another pair with her hands. She was a whirling dervish of slurping and sucking.

The Cowboys had pretty much forgotten about this when Momma arrived. Boys and shiny things after all. And who could blame them, we were dirty school girls, Momma was a walking talking porno movie.

Make some room chickies, Momma called on as she took a cock in each hand and led them to the bed.

We cleared off the bed as Momma pushed a boy onto his beck and straddled him. She had a couple guys stand on the bed so she could suck them off while riding the first.

Momma went crazy on the boys riding them hard, her juicy ass bouncing up and down hard on every thrust. The three of us stood for ahile and just watched Momma go crazy. Some guys came to play with our tits, but their eyes were clearly on Momma.

She rode them, took them doggy style, the works.

We decided it was time to clear out , so we quietly dressed while the Cowboys were thoroughly distracted.

As we left I looked back and saw Momma on her back. A cock deep in her pussy, a cock in her mouth, two cocks in her hands and another fucking her tits. Five guys. Now that was a trooper.

I called Chet from a payphone and he drove us home. Not once did he ask about the smell of booze and pot and sweat and spunk. He had been dating me long enough to know Id give him all the details later. He completely trusted me even when he knew I was being a slut. Is it any wonder why I married him?

I slept like the dead until morning. Amazingly enough I was fresh as a daisy when I woke up. I was then thankful there had been no dp or anal the night before. There was no way I would have been cheery for the Big Game.

Momma had made it home some time in the wee hours and was passed out on the couch, having had no energy to even make it to the bed. She was still wearing her fuck me boots, but nothing else.

To my great relief, the video camera from the party was there as well on the floor beside the couch. I took the tape and put it in the vcr to watch while I ate some brekkie.

It was the gangbang show from last night. And a lot of dumb commentary from the boys. Lots of whooping and hollering etcetera. The tape would randomly cut out and there were different time stamps for when the camera came went on and off. The shots of the three of us fucking were not the best and there seemed to be always a boy blocking some of the view.

There was a lot of emphasis on my tits and Hopes cum guzzling though.

I fast forwarded through more untill Momma showed up and let it roll.

Momma did indeed have a wild night. She took on those boys every which way. She was crazy hungry for cocks. She would cream for them to fuck her harder and harder, and they sure did try. She would took cumshots to the face and keep sucking. The guys would dump a load in her and she would push him out and cry out Next!!!.

She even coaxed them into fucking her ass I noticed as I began to watch it in fast forward. She even got a few clumsy dps.

The camera would always zoom in after a guy blew a load in her or on her to look at her creampie or it glistening on her skin. It was kinda hot.

I actually didnt even watch then end of it because I had to get to school for practice.

The game came and the bleachers were filled. It was the game for the ages for us.

The three of us were in prime form and the rest of the team keep our spirits zinging.

The same couldnt be said for the Creston Cowboys though. While the Cougars rushed onto the field led by Chet to the roar of the crowd, the Cowboys kinda just jogged out. Their coach looked like he was nursing a huge hangover too.

I would like to say it was a tough game. That it all came down to a hail mary as the clock ran out. But it wasnt.

Hell, it wasnt even fair.

The Cowboys had a good first quarter, struggled through the second. But when they came back for the second half, they were toast.

The Cougars slaughtered them. The final score was 63- 13.

When the clock ran out I swear the entire school rushed the field. It was a madhouse. Chet was buoyed up on the backs of his team and the trophy was passed up to him as he waved it proudly. Our coach got drenched in Gatorade. It was pretty awesome

Chet climbed down and pushed through his admirers to find me struggling to get to him. He picked me up and twirled me in the air before planting a wet kiss on me.

I love you baby! Chet told me

Then I was up in the air and so was half the cheer team as we got bodied surfed. A few hands tended to linger mind you.

George offered his home as a party pad for the team. Chaperoned by a few respectable parents like himself, Momma and the preachers wife Mrs Parsons.

Ha! If they only knew.

It was pretty wild and we all got drunk and crazy. Lots of the guys had girlfriends there so no orgies broke out. But as the night wore on they took their girlfriends home. When the last of the girls went home some of the guys came back.

Thats when the orgy started.

Almost had you, didnt I ?

It was our last naked party with the Cougars. But this time Momma and George , Marcus and Consuela joined in on the fun.

The party went into the wee hours as the last of the boys grew tired from fucking all our holes.

In the end the last fuckers standing were Momma, myself, Faith, George and Marcus. Hope had given up halfway through still feeling a lingering loss knowing this was the last place she and Beeder were together.

In any case, the night ended with Faith and I sharing a facial from George and Marcus dumping one last sperm delivery up Mommas ass.

One week left till Graduation and the day after was the Prom, our final night as high school girls.

Go Cougars!

Same as Charity Graduates 4: The Big Game Videos

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Charity Graduates 5 The Prom

Introduction: The end of school has arrived Charity Jones here again. Weve finally come to the end of the high school road for my formerly younger self. Ill skip the witty banter and lets finish this. The final week of high school. Here it was. A bunch of exams and lots of study time. The school became a ghost town to the students that did show up to bury their heads in books. I even went to school to study just to avoid the pleasures of the flesh that might befall me at home in the trailer...

4 years ago
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Charity Graduates 5 The Prom

We’ve finally come to the end of the high school road for my formerly younger self. I’ll skip the witty banter and let’s finish this. The final week of high school. Here it was. A bunch of exams and lots of study time. The school became a ghost town to the students that did show up to bury their heads in books. I even went to school to study just to avoid the pleasures of the flesh that might befall me at home in the trailer park. And then those were over. Then it was Grad...

4 years ago
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Charity Graduates 3 Hope and Change

Without further ado, more dirty writing. Okay not entirely dirty writing, it’s a story about a journey. My journey for the most part, but not just mine. It’s been a long hard road from where I was when I first got off the bus in a strange town to where I am now; fulfilled wife and mother. I didn’t do it alone, and it wasn’t always roses. Sometimes it was bad, sometimes it was good and sometimes it was both. This is one of those stories, actually it’s two of those stories. I promised...

3 years ago
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Charity Graduates 3 Hope and Change

Introduction: Elections and Loss for the trio Welcome back faithful readers Without further ado, more dirty writing. Okay not entirely dirty writing, its a story about a journey. My journey for the most part, but not just mine. Its been a long hard road from where I was when I first got off the bus in a strange town to where I am now, fulfilled wife and mother. I didnt do it alone, and it wasnt always roses. Sometimes it was bad, sometimes it was good and sometimes it was both. This is one...

4 years ago
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Charity Graduates 2 Getting Even

Introduction: the girls settle an old score Back to the sex-citing autobio of self professed superslut PTA mom, Charity Jones. The next few weeks my life got into a comfortable stride. I adjusted to the crazy busy schedule, plus it didnt hurt I was getting laid at least twice a week now. After discovering my dom George was also my boyfriend Chets father, I still continued to fuck him. I had my every other week threesome with my boss punk rock Patti and him at a no-tell hotel at the edge of...

2 years ago
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Charity At Work 3 Retail Therapy

Introduction: Charity helps with a private fitting Welcome back readers of my filth. When this humble narrator last left you I had just been fired from the rock and roll lifestyle know as flipping burgers for fucking the donkey dicked half wit night manager. It was merely the second in a series of three jobs I would lose over the summer before I moved into the two that would end up defining the next several years of my life. But thats getting ahead of myself, you want to hear all about how my...

3 years ago
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Charity At Work 3 Retail Therapy

When this humble narrator last left you I had just been fired from the rock and roll lifestyle know as flipping burgers for fucking the donkey dicked half wit night manager. It was merely the second in a series of three jobs I would lose over the summer before I moved into the two that would end up defining the next several years of my life. But that’s getting ahead of myself, you want to hear all about how my big titted self got canned from the next job. Here’s a hint, it’s a...

4 years ago
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Charity Events

Charity Events Chapter 1: Sugarplums Charity wiped her brow and then closed her word processing program. She alwaysseemed to get steamed up when she wrote her erotica. Before turning off thecomputer, she checked her email again to see if any readers had responded.Her inbox was empty and she sighed with disappointment. She had posted a newstory last week and had gotten feedback from only five people, despite allof the vast thousands of people who had visited, and presumably read, her story....

4 years ago
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Charity Begins at Home

It was a typical Sunday morning and I was right on schedule. A typical Fall Sunday morning was as close to heaven as I could get. My schedule was pretty much chiseled in stone. I got up and went out for a run to start with. The runs in the fall are completely different. For one thing the air, though colder, is crisper and fresher. The fall scenery in Michigan is outstanding. All sorts of trees have their leaves spontaneously combust into a plethora of shades and colors that are dizzying in...

3 years ago
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Charity Graduates 2 Getting Even

The next few weeks my life got into a comfortable stride. I adjusted to the crazy busy schedule, plus it didn’t hurt I was getting laid at least twice a week now. After discovering my dom George was also my boyfriend Chet’s father, I still continued to fuck him. I had my every other week threesome with my boss punk rock Patti and him at a no-tell hotel at the edge of town. Plus every other weekend my date night with Chet would end up with me getting power-fucked by his dad while he...

2 years ago
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 She looked vulnerable. A few smears of mud on her ankle and the battered suitcase made her look genuine, despite a hint of being jail bait on legs. I think I can trust myself to resist temptation and anyway I almost always pick up hitch-hikers. It’s a kind of payback. Years ago, when I was a student it was the only way I could get around. Peggy was at a college a hundred miles away, so on my budget, if I wanted to see her, I had to ride with my thumb.I learned some tricks, like I always...

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Charity Starts At Home Chapter 4 Learning the Basics

Despite my worst intentions, Faith and I could not come up with a plan for me to bed my Momma. We were inseperable the entire time, spending most of the days together and the nights as well when Momma was off at work. Our planning was obviously impeded by our constant consumption of marijuana as well. It was just a week later, three Saturdays from the first night where I had kindled my incestous lust for Momma , and Faith and I were entertaining ourselves. Our form of entertainment though was...

2 years ago
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Charity At Work 1 Adventures in Babysitting

Charity Jones here again returning to entertain you with more adventures of my misspent youth. My lat recounting detailed certain highpoints in my life as it transpired through the11th grade in my 16th year of life. I introduced you to the complete trinity of my closest friends, Faith and Hope. I also landed myself a highschool sweetheart by the name of Chet, who in turned out to be my personal cuckold. And of course the trials and tribulations of jut being a high school teen. The...

2 years ago
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Charity At Work 2 Do Fries Come With That

Introduction: Welcome to the Burger Baron! In the last memoirs of moi, Charity Jones, the search for the dreaded summer job had reached its first hurdle, I am a sex magnet. To be fair, if I hadnt insisted on sucking off Mr Smith then I wouldnt have been drawn into the insane sex triangle that was his marriage to Mrs Smith. A simple babysitting job turned into a torrid series of threesomes , with me being the meat in their crazy sandwich. It was two weeks and three torrid threeways later that...

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Charity at Work 5 May I take Your Coat and Cock

Introduction: Charity lands an easy gig After that rather heavy last recounting I bet everyone is the mood for something lighter. Good news! You got it. Charity Jones here. PTA mom by day, cockslut by night. Regaling you again with tales of my long journey from horny nympho teen to horny nympho cougar. When I last left you I had just finished learning painful lessons about myself and the journey with my cock-master George. I was gainfully employed as Assistant Manger at the Love Hut Lingerie...

2 years ago
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Charity at Work 5 May I take Your Coat and Cock

Good news! You got it. Charity Jones here. PTA mom by day, cockslut by night. Regaling you again with tales of my long journey from horny nympho teen to horny nympho cougar. When I last left you I had just finished learning painful lessons about myself and the journey with my cock-master George. I was gainfully employed as Assistant Manger at the Love Hut Lingerie Store, dating a wonderful guy, surrounded my great friends and family and putting out for any monster cock that came...

3 years ago
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Charity At Work 2 Do Fries Come With That

To be fair, if I hadn’t insisted on sucking off Mr Smith then I wouldn’t have been drawn into the insane sex triangle that was his marriage to Mrs Smith. A simple babysitting job turned into a torrid series of threesomes ; with me being the meat in their crazy sandwich. It was two weeks and three torrid threeways later that I quit my burgeoning career in babysitting. It was still early July, so I still had plenty of summer left ahead of me. I had come out of the babysitting gig with a...

2 years ago
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Charity begins at home Part 1

Charity begins at home (Part 1)I had lost count how many times I nearly tripped up as I raced back home, but when I reached the gate and swung it open, I paused and began to reflect on the events of the last 24hrs and what Auntie had done to me.Suddenly fear gripped me as I thought what if Mother discovers our secret because I blurt something out or she accidentally see’s my shaved tuft of pubic hair.Oh what a mess, and I started to panic, sweating and shivering, not just from running home.I...

4 years ago
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Saturday morning, and Jenny had woken up feeling very horny. Although this was nothing new in her world! She lay in bed enjoying the feel of the cool crisp sheets gently rubbing against her naked body, especially her sensitive nipples.She looked wistfully at the empty space beside her. Steve, her partner, had had to pop in to work early to sort out some problem, but with the promise to be back as soon as he could. "Typical Steve," she muttered to herself. "Just when you need his big cock, he's...

2 years ago
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Charity Has its Rewards

This story appears exclusively on This story is written for the lovely ladies from the Philippines who up until now have been neglected in my coverage of Asian leading ladies. Let us go then you and I as the Philippine sunset is plastered blood red against the sky. Do not remind me how my hair is growing thin; the waves splash cold against my skin. John’s Banka boat cuts through the foam-crested blue-green waves of the south Asian Sulu Sea. John is troubled by the eternal question: “Do I dare...

Straight Sex
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Charity. I am married 5 yrs. to my wife who is a fitness fanatic and goes to gym 3 times a week. She has a very nice figure and I am just a tad taller than her. I when she wears high heels we are the same height. I work in admin and can work from home a lot. She came home the other day very excited about a charity event her woman's group was going to hold and that the husbands would be the waitresses and kooks. It was going to be an evening event with a small dance area and guests...

4 years ago
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Charity Starts At Home Chapter 3 Gotta Hve Faith

Introduction: Charity meets a new friend We sat in church listening to a sermon on the bonds of family, both Momma and I wearing sunglasses and feeling rather ragged. We were both suffering hangovers, but the nature of our hangovers were very much different. Whilst Mommas head was pounding after along hard night of drinking, my body was aching from a long hard night of being pounded. Sitting in the pew I couldnt believe I was no longer a virgin! The last 24 hours had been very intense and I...

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Charity At Work 4 Learning the Hard Way

Introduction: the difference between a slut and a whore What time is it? Its Charity time! As you know I had finally found a fulfilling summertime job which would end up being a part-time job through my last year of school. I was the Assistant Manger at the Love Hut Lingerie Store with my ¾, lesbian new friend Patti. But mostly important, thats where I met George. Ah George. The first white guy I had ever met that could satisfy all my needs. He was tall, muscular, athletic, handsome,...

2 years ago
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Charity At Work 4 Learning the Hard Way

It’s Charity time! As you know I had finally found a fulfilling summertime job which would end up being a part-time job through my last year of school. I was the Assistant Manger at the Love Hut Lingerie Store with my ¾ lesbian new friend Patti. But mostly important, that’s where I met George. Ah George. The first white guy I had ever met that could satisfy all my needs. He was tall, muscular, athletic, handsome, rich and hung like a fucking horse. Dominant, masterful, able to melt...

3 years ago
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Charity Starts At Home Chapter 3 Gotta Hve Faith

Sitting in the pew I couldn’t believe I was no longer a virgin! The last 24 hours had been very intense and I felt as if they were happening to someone else. I had always planned on saving myself for marriage, but I admitted to myself I loved what had happened and I wanted more and more sex. It was hardly this secret ritual between married couples that the church had taught me.. It was hot , raw sex, oure fucking and I wanted to do it again. But not today, I was way too sore from last...

2 years ago
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Charity Has its Rewards

This story appears exclusively on This story is written for the lovely ladies from the Philippines who up until now have been neglected in my coverage of Asian leading ladies. Let us go then you and I as the Philippine sunset is plastered blood red against the sky. Do not remind me how my hair is growing thin, the waves splash cold against my skin. John’s Banka boat cuts through the foam-crested blue-green waves of the south Asian Sulu Sea. John is troubled by the eternal question: “Do I dare...

3 years ago
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Charity Ball

Charity Ball By Sissy Lizzy I'd decided to take one or two years off between high school and college, so that I could learn more about the real world, and was talking to my mom, when Karen, my long time friend stopped by with some big news. "Kelly," she cried out, "You won't believe this. I've just won two tickets to the Landsown Charity custom ball on the radio." "My God, Karen," mom almost shrieked, "Those tickets are worth $500 each." "That's fantastic," I joined in....

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Charity Starts At Home Chapter 2 Entertaining Guests

Introduction: Momma passes out and Charity takes care of her friends When I woke up the next morning I was pleased to see the world had not ended. The Devil had not risen from the Pit to drag me to Hell for my impure and unnatural lust. Momma had not come into my bedroom declaring me a perversion of nature. The birds were chirping and all was right with the world. Except for me. My world had turned upside down in less then a week. Last Saturday I was tearfully saying goodbye to a father being...

4 years ago
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Charity Work

 At fifty-two I like to think I am still in great shape and have my figure intact. I am a loving wife and adore my husband. Our sex life is incredible.I do, however, love sex and orgasms. And every orgasm makes me hornier. This tends to lead me astray, especially when apart from my spouse. I do feel guilty about cheating on my husband but not enough not to do it.I have a newly “configured” 36DD-28-34 body after being repaired up top from breast cancer. I get plenty of looks. Yes, that turns me...

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Charity begins at home Part 2

Charity begins at home (Part 2)I composed myself and started to pace around the bedroom, the butt plug seemed to be drawn into my bottom as I walked, my “Dolly” was fully erect and with every stride it felt like an electric pulse went through it, the pleasure was intense.“Now ‘Sally’ I want you to sit, in front of the mirror of the dressing table, whilst I apply your make up and wig”, Auntie said.As I sat and marvelled at the transformation I couldn’t help thinking about what lay...

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Charity WorkI took my girlfriend Erin to a hotel in an inner city area, and we ate breakfast in a restaurant where mostly all black people go......people that don't have much money. We had decided that Erin will do what we call "charity work" and that is that she will have sexual relations with a mature black gentleman who although he has character, has very little money.Although Erin is not provocatively dressed, she attracts attention in the all black restaurant. Her skirt is only slightly...

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Charity Fair at the Park

Charity fair atthe Parkby Splyf  ?? The sun was shining from a clear sky on thefifth of May this year, and the many hundred people gathered for the bigcharity fair in the park couldn?t have hoped for better weather.? Tents were up everywhere on the big lawn,selling all kinds of food and offering lottery tickets for the afternoonsdrawings. The Brettson family got there at noon.? John Brettson parked the car and his wife,Beth, their son, Lou, and their daughter, Trine, all got out and started...

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Charity Starts At Home Chapter 2 Entertaining Guests

Except for me. My world had turned upside down in less then a week. Last Saturday I was tearfully saying goodbye to a father being sent off to jail for the next seven years. This Saturday morning I was waking up from a night watching my long lost mother get fucked silly by a stranger. Things couldn't get stranger. Momma was already up and puttering in the kitchen when I sarted quickly across the hall to the bathroom. I spent probably half an hour in the shower mustering enough courage...

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Charity Auction

There’s this Charity Auction that changes his life. The actors in this script are of legal age, but may portray maturing young adults. This is a work of adult erotic fiction and contains descriptions of sexual acts between consenting adults. If you’re under the age of consent where you reside, delete this file immediately. If it is illegal to obtain adult literature where you reside, delete this file immediately. If it’s entirely legal for you to read sexually explicit material, I hope you...

2 years ago
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Charity working has its rewards

Colin had been volunteering at the local charity shop for about 3 months. His job was to move any furniture that had been brought in, and repair the item for sale (if needed).The shop was run by Sara. She was a lady in her mid 50’s, quite poshly spoken, always dressed smart in skirt and blouse, her light brown hair tied up in a bun. She was about 5’5” tall, thin build, had reasonably large breasts and had a great pair of legs. Sara gave the air of a prim and proper lady of the manor. Something,...

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charity work

Its required every semesterI need to do some charity work for credirs its cold outside Im walking with food boxes from houses to houses on my listdress as a Xmass elf, knocking at door delivering food He shook my hand looking down at me from his 6feet4 his bug dark hand making mine disapear as i shook it''hi there little elf you brought me some food for my mom here i guess''''thanks its really appreciated, the office got offshored and Im only startting to work in a month, a bit hard to pay for...

2 years ago
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Charity to Demons

At night the further paths from the village were hard to travail, but Valeriya Artyomovna could come and go blindfolded. The branches and roots of the trees were as unruly as nature demanded, and unknown animals peered from their hideouts with gleaming eyes.Weren't humans one and the same? Didn't the wild animals feel similar apprehensions about her kin?Valeriya had nothing to fear, and no mystery would stop her from experiencing pleasure.Tonight she came to witness a peculiar breed of flowers...

Straight Sex
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Preface In December last year, as I'd just started writing 'Amy, Terry, Tom..." a reader gave me a character outline. I commented it sounded like a real person and he said yes, it was, but that he hoped I could make something of it; I had the permission of everyone involved to use it. I sent the first draught and he approved of it, so I sent it to Jerry for editing. It's perhaps not my usual style, but I hope you like it. It's posted hoping the original 'Charity' (not her real name) can...

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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...

3 years ago
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halloween with the graduates

After my wife realized what she was missing and realizing I was all for her getting some strange cock, She was always planning ahead for the next young stud to conquer. We had had a great summer with the graduates we met from a nephews party and she wanted to continue having fun by throwing a Halloween party. We planned it for a month and we built some phony walls in the basement to allow her to escape and hide away with some young stud and fuck his brains out. She was dressing as a witch and...

1 year ago
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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

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The Passion of Mother Ethel

Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...

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Dot Dorothea and Dick

Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...

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Charity Starts At HomeChapter 5 A Bonding Experience

Introduction: the final part of this section of her adventures Charity Starts At Home : Chapter 5 : A Bonding Experience The following 4 weeks were a truly wonderful time for our household. Momma and I had shifted into a whole new phase of honesty and exploration with each other. No subject was too tabo and there was a sense of complete security and comfort. Faith was even spending more and more time over and was quickly becoming more of a member of our naughty little family. My lessons...

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Charity glory hole

As many will know Jaq and myself live a sex fuelled life. A few years back while at our swingers club the conversation got onto raising money for good causes. It was suggested that it would be nice if we could all raise a little cash for a local hospice. The hospice was chosen as we had recently lost a dear member to cancer who had been looked after at the hospice.It was decided that each couple would raise money over the coming weeks, then the money would be collected and presented to the...

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Charity glory hole

As many will know Jaq and myself live a sex fuelled life. A few years back while at our swingers club the conversation got onto raising money for good causes. It was suggested that it would be nice if we could all raise a little cash for a local hospice. The hospice was chosen as we had recently lost a dear member to cancer who had been looked after at the hospice.It was decided that each couple would raise money over the coming weeks, then the money would be collected and presented to the...

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Charity Shop part 2

Continued from “Charity Shop”Colin walked back to the shop after a quick lunch, thinking about what he had just witnessed. His mind went over Sara’s body, remembering how lovely her breasts were, and wondered how they felt. Then, Sara’s pussy wide open, devouring the dildo as she masturbated herself.As he entered the back of the shop, he looked over to the office. Sara was there, working at her computer as if nothing had happened.He called out, “I’m back !”, but all he got in response, was Sara...

2 years ago
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Charity Slave AuctionChapter 3

As we left the restroom, people nearby heard the applause and turned to look. Many of my friends saw me coming out of the men’s room. But by now it doesn’t really matter. They already know what kind of a weekend I’m having. They may not know all the particulars. But they know I’m not just a slave to Glenn. I’m a sex-slave. And I’m having so much fun I should probably cut Dale some slack for not consulting me before offering me up for sale to the highest bidder. I’m a very willing sex slave...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 01

Our Last Day of School. I can’t believe it. This is my last day of school, I thought, not sure how I felt now that the long awaited day was here. Stepping out into the beautiful sunny afternoon, heading toward the group of waiting yellow school buses I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad school was finished. Throughout High School like a ship at sea, I had plotted my course, studying hard. However, the Scholarship that many felt I had rightfully won had somehow ended up going to one of...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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Abigail Forsythe Ch 01

Copyright Otto26, 2007 * The dungeon corridors had very low ceilings, such that Abigail was forced to bow her head. The torch of the guard in front of her danced in the puddled water on the rough-hewn stone floor and left thick ropes of smoke that quickly blended into the darkness. Even in the relative warmth of the Hungarian spring the tunnels were cold and the sound of coughing echoed through them. Abigail pressed a handkerchief over her mouth and nose and shivered for a moment within her...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 02

My Golden Summer with Blythe – Part 2 Josh’s childhood dream girl visits him in San Francisco. The Return of Blythe Coming from a small farming community, San Francisco proved to be everything Josh had ever imagined – and then some. He loved the freewheeling atmosphere – the friendliness – in short, he fell in love with the city by the Bay. Because of early retirements, and dedication to his work, he had advanced much quicker than he had ever expected. Arriving at his chic little Apartment...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Fallen Angel Chapter 11 Althea the School Girl

Chapter 11: Althea, the School Girl The infernal screeching of the alarm clock awoke Cal from his reverie. He had been up for about a half-hour, but he had only been lying in bed next to the love of his life. Althea's arms were still clutched about him as he stealthily clicked the snooze button, assuming that it was six o' five in the morning, his usual waking time during the school week. He had been thinking long and hard about the previous two nights. Evan... what have you become? He...

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The Devils Pact Sidestory Miss Blythe Is Hot for Her Students

edited by Master Ken Wednesday, September 4th, 2013 "Hi, I am Miss Blythe," I said to my class, writing my name on the whiteboard with a red dry-erase marker. "I will be your World History teacher." It was the first day of the new school year and, as I launched into the course syllabus, my thoughts kept drifting to that day in June at the end of the last term, when my Living God, the Holy Mark Glassner, walked into this very classroom and changed my very outlook on life. I didn't know...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

2 years ago
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Athena Corp Chronicles A Mothers Love

As he approached one of the hall's long mirrors he stopped to inspect himself. It was a familiar sight, the flowing, billowy French maid outfit surrounding his body. His arms and legs were outlined in silky, white stockings and arm-gloves. He wore pearl earrings and the lacy white collar around his neck was adorned with a beautiful pendant. It was a gift from mother that he wore every day, without fail. Jon's painted red lips and neatly applied eyeliner and blush were evidence that he was...

2 years ago
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Sex Therapy 2 The Thert

PREFACE:There are no sex acts in the story but the patient does have an orgasm as a result of the Ther****t’s physical examination. Part 1 is the Sex Therapy appointment from the patient’s point of view and part 2 is the same examination seen through the eyes of the Ther****t. I don’t think it matters which one you read first.I hope you enjoy it and will let me know what you think in any...

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