ShawnChapter 24 free porn video

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Our bus took my newest family to the house while I went to the hotel for to meet Inspector Waters. My eye had seen him loitering around the front of the hotel after being denied entrance. With the family going home I came up behind the man and said, "Good day Inspector. I didn't expect you to come here yourself."

"What? How did you know?"

"I am a detective too. You are wearing the 'London bobby' suit and look like a harried bureaucrat. Reporters and..."

The reporters saw me and almost jumped on me as they started to ask questions. I interrupted right back and said, "Tomorrow I will have a meeting with all the reporters. The wall in front of the hotel will have the time and place noted by six o'clock tonight. Please leave me and the people I helped alone, or you will not be allowed to the meeting. Please enjoy yourselves in this country at your newspaper's expense until you are able to submit your story. Good day till tomorrow then."

"Will you..."

I was in the reporter's face in a second and said, "Are you willing to miss the meeting or do you think I am going to go back on my word now that it has been given? Bother me again and I will ensure that you have difficulty producing children. If you wish to call the local law enforcement you will find that I can indeed get away with it. We are not in Britain now."

The inspector and I walked off without any further harassment. "You have a way with words Sir Shawn. Do you always threaten people that you don't like?"

"Usually I try to appeal to their better side. I have found that this doesn't always work with all people and if you show some the slightest weakness they will never leave you alone. If I tried being nice they would just walk all over me. Don't forget I have been putting up with obnoxious people a lot more than you."

"I don't know about that. I have superiors and most of the people I deal with as a policeman are unsavoury at the very least."

"That means that you are meek and mild to them and the suspected murderers confesses all to you because you threaten to make doilies for them?"

"No but I don't threaten them."

"Inspector, as you said, 'you are a policeman, ' don't start lying to me when you say you don't threaten. You may not say you will strike them but you threaten and use your power to let a suspect know that he has to give you want you want."

"Well, maybe you are right. Where are we going by the way?"

"My new home." I called a taxi and talked of the situation in Britain. We pulled up to the house and I invited the man into the house. The women came and bowed to me and my guest. "Ayana, will you get us some tea with lemon please?"

"Yes mas... yes Shawn."

We sat on the patio out of the sun and Waters said, "You speak the language. I had heard that you spoke a great many."

"Languages like most things come easy to me. My mind sucks them up like a sponge. You are thinking of this home and how I got it. It is easy to see with your eyes wandering all around trying to pick out all the details. The facts will unfold as I tell you the story." The story began with me saying I heard two men at the airport. I was standing in front of a urinal. The men began talking in Arabic. They didn't think a blond haired child would understand their language or their coded speech. They had last minute confirmation about the kidnapping and everything was ready to proceed.

The inspector accepted this crucial piece of fictitious conversation and I went into how I tried to gain the support of the Captain. With two people unconscious I naturally thought of a mutiny and assumed the Captain was part of the plan. I went into some of my karate moves with the result that the plane was only on autopilot. The commotion brought the rest of the rats out from the woodwork and I mentioned how I used apples to subdue some with one even dying as a result.

The fact that I was able to land and even fly the plane was difficult for him to understand. My wallet showed him my pilot's licence from Rhodesia, which helped a lot.

The fighter's destruction I attributed to me startling the pilot into making a fatal error and him crashing as a result. All fighting from then on was just a rehash of what I had done immediately after my family had been killed a year earlier.

Kirsay brought the drinks out and I poured for both of us and asked her to go get two more cups. When she came out I poured her a cup and added sugar and picked her up to drink it in my lap. I continued with the story of the two pronged attack while I had the passengers in a safe place. The results being that the kidnappers were killed and I did the same to most of the others.

The mostly fictitious story continued with me finding out from various captured people that Alem Neh Mebreatu was behind the plot. I explained how I used threats to him to gain his business. The financial assets he now had would allow him to run from the law while I liquidated the property slowly to help the people that needed it.

"Where is Alem Neh Mebreatu now?"

"If you check the flights to the Ivory Coast yesterday, you will find he took two bags of money and left. I doubt if he is there now."

"So this house was his?"

"Yes and he divorced his two wives just before leaving. The children are now fatherless and that is why I wanted to stay a bit longer. I want you to see something else." I set Kirsay down and said, "Honey, please get all the women in the house to come out here for just a moment."

The girl smiled and ran off. "What did you say to the little girl?"

Rather than answer, the door opened and all the woman came out. I introduced every one of the European women by their original name that brought tears to each of them. They started to cry so hard that they had to hold each other for support. I finished with the names of the two Ethiopian wives.

"What is the matter with them?" The inspector asked.

"The Europeans were kidnapped long ago. They are from Finland, Norway, East and West Germany and other countries with beautiful blond women. Inspector, it was only a little over twenty years ago that slavery was supposedly abolished in this country. You see the results of one man's unconcern for the rights of others. He has fathered children and I plan to make sure these people are taken care of. I will give you a list of their names and you can see about repatriation if that is their wish."

"God!" Was all he said.

I spoke in Amharic and told them that the man with me was a police officer and would help them find their parents, their brothers and their sisters. I said the same thing in English and knew that the man would help.

"I have to tie up matters tonight. Mebreatu was a businessman but also a crook. I will be meeting the heads of some of his businesses tonight and explain how things have changed. I would invite you to come but you will not understand the language. There may also be opposition to this change. In this case they will try to remove me and go their own way. Some people will need a physician or perhaps a mortician."

"You are going to kill them?"

"Inspector, your feet are on Ethiopian soil not British. I will do things the local way and you can take your prejudices and preconceived ideas with you when you leave. I work within the morality and customs of where I currently reside."

Fannah, or by her Christian name Ingrid, sat with us as I dismissed the rest. "Fannah tell us of your life before coming to this country."

The girl had not spoken English for a long period of time until just recently. She started slowly and cried and smiled, then cried again as she unloaded many of the things that had been inside her for a long time. I poured her some tea and placed in her hands.

I left the two to talk and I went in to comfort the others. They were still crying and I held them as best I could. The children were upset because their mothers were crying. The children were told in simple terms that they were just thinking of the life they left before coming here.

Ten minutes later the Inspector came in with Fannah. She ran to me and was hugged as with the rest. She had never had any hope of getting home because it had been beaten out of her at an early age.

The women got up and started our meal as I took pen and paper and wrote a page about each blond haired woman. I put enough for the police to find the particulars without giving too much and them wondering where the information came form. I listed the children too so that parents and grandparents would know about grandchildren in advance.

The inspector took the phone and called the information in to London, so that another investigation could be started immediately. Hopefully something would be accomplished for I planned to take all of them to Europe with me and see that they found adequate homes. Otherwise they would have to remain mine.

When he was done I phoned the hotel and reserved a meeting room for ten o'clock in the morning and another at six tomorrow afternoon. I would give the inspector a room but I didn't want him browbeating the group without somebody to protect them. We ate a meal but this time the males ate with the females and children. They were starting to get used to this but it would be difficult for a while yet.

Inspector Waters left in a taxi and I left for my meeting. The sword and some documents went with me. The driver of the car was provided by my new lawyers. He had heard a great deal about me and was afraid.

I carried the sword with me. Many Ethiopians still did the same thing along with their rifles. The steel was imperfect and though it was good, it wasn't great. As I travelled, I thought about the carbon and silicon atoms and shifted them to make the molecules as precise as possible. Finally the molecules were formed into the most neatly aligned crystals possible to give extra strength. Finally, a trail of pure Carbon atoms in the classic tetrahedral structure were placed in a very compact matrix along the edge. Effectively diamond backed steel, it was now was the sharpest sword that I had ever made.

The two lawyers were there ahead of me. We were in a large warehouse used for both legal and illegal business. Chairs had been put out and a raised dais of crates would serve as a stage. Though the meeting was not scheduled for another half an hour some people were already here. They uniformly discounted me as man enough to lead their company or the group as a whole. As idle chit chat I told them of how I had killed some of the people they knew. This time I lied again and said about the guns, explosives, knives, hands and especially my sword that was now sheathed and laid on the head table.

More people came and some mentioned how others would be late. Punctuality was not important here and coming late was a way of showing importance. Many of the people present were just smaller businessmen and not outright crooks. None was an angel though and would do what was needed if they were pushed into it.

Exactly on schedule I started the meeting and explained again who I was. The ones that would come late would be the crooks and the largest businesses that were able to come. The papers were displayed so everyone would know that the business were now in my name.

My statements that the businesses would act within the laws of Ethiopia and within the spirit of the law too brought on a round of derision. This was a handicap that the competitors would not have they said. "That is true. I still want the businesses to be honest. You will get something that none of the others will have though."

"What?" Came from many mouths.

"My brain and my name. I am well known and probably have the best mind for business around. I don't want to grow so big to be the only company for our product or service but I want to be the biggest conglomerate. Ethiopia is growing and the coffee industry is but a start. The people here are intelligent but need training. The population in general needs schools so that your workers are trained enough to make things that other countries can't."

As I talked men came in and were not acknowledged. They sat in the chairs further back. I continued, "There are ways that can double or triple the value of the businesses you manage if you only work with me. I have the right to change my managers but I want the ones I have if they will try."

I had to go into specifics about each business and all the comments revolved around what I could do and not what they could do on their own.

The last group to come in were obviously gangsters and the rest cringed from them. They had come armed, but that was not odd, for they were always ready to fight to protect their interests and their lives.

I continued to chat about ways of maximising profits and dealing with our own companies as a source of supply. Accountants would now have to have a position in the companies but I told them that accountants had no heart and that I needed real men to lead the companies.

From the back of the room amongst the gangsters a voice rang out, "We are not going to follow a child that knows nothing of our business."

I continued till the end of my sentence before turning to the main opposition. "I thought you men would be too frightened to come here tonight, you usually deal with a man that fails to pay back a loan or fails to pay money to you so that the businesses are not hurt. Your work will now change as you are going into the military business and putting all that aggression into a new and profitable venture."

"Like hell we are. Nobody tells us what to do. Even Mebreatu was polite to us."

"Oh dear, I guess I have to do some more work. You boys must have noticed that in the last week your numbers have dropped significantly. I found that some colleagues weren't so cooperative and they had to go. You men may need to go where they went too." They knew roughly what had happened and had come this evening to kill me and keep their business for themselves. "In case you are too stupid to understand what I just said, that means I may have to kill a few of you as well."

Guns came out and pointed at me. The people before me ran to the side in panic and waited only for the blood to flow. My blood. "Put the guns on the floor or some people are going to suffer for this," I said in a quiet voice. Nobody moved and I opened my hand and the sword slid from the sheath and floated to my hand. The blade was now glowing. I had excited the surface silicon at a molecular level and as the electrons fell back they gave off visible light.

"Last chance gentlemen."

Bullets came as their answer so, moving extremely swiftly, I was behind them before they knew what was happening. The ones that had the most to loose and the ones least likely to change were struck by the sword. I worked hard to bisect each with surgical precision. With eight of the twenty three men dead, I put the sword point to the floor and stood as bullets flew at me and never landed. One man broke and ran, then the rest followed. I was among them again and punched and kicked to put them out as a normal man would.

I walked back to the stage and the petrified solicitors hid with my guests. "Regain your seats gentlemen. I am sorry for the demonstration but I knew this would happen. This was another reason why we are not at a carpeted meeting room." The men did not move. "I said, please retake your seats gentlemen." They came this time and sat far back on any chair they could find as long as it was far from me.

"That crew were going to take over the businesses you manage, very soon if I hadn't stopped them. Now let's continue with my talk. Heartless accountants will have to be used." The men hardly heard me for they were looking at the living and the dead on the floor. "Gentlemen, please pay attention to me." They reluctantly turned to face me. "There will be a uniform way all the businesses report. We will pay our full taxes but we will try to find any loophole we can to avoid what we can. This country and our people need the money we will make. I just don't want it going into some corrupt official's pocket or to pay a gangster similar to those ones on the floor."

There was more talk about how to increase the size of the businesses, bringing wealth to all. "There are two more things before we leave tonight. The first is that you will be given a salary and a bonus, based on a percentage of how well your company does. The second is that all of you were cheating Alem Neh Mebreatu and would continue to cheat me. This will stop now. What you have stolen up to yesterday is yours and what you stole today will be put back. What is stolen tomorrow will be taken from your body a piece at a time by me. Is that understood gentlemen?"

They understood this very well. "I would ask if you have more questions but you are all too frightened at the moment. Our next meeting will be in a better location with no unsightly bodies littering the floor. Please pick up the chairs and stack them in the corner. I have to get this mess cleaned up."

They scrambled to obey and one slipped in the blood. I walked to the pile of gangsters and picked up the living two at a time. I walked with them held high and placed then against the wall. A container of water used for drinking was thrown at three and they awoke with groans. The solicitors brought more water at my bidding and the rest were similarly awoken.

"Gentlemen," the men were very passive now and tried to get away. Their eyes travelling to their former commanders that lay in two portions on the floor. "Gentlemen, look at me. I don't think you want me angry at you again. Clean up this mess. Wash the floor. Bullet holes will have to be repaired within a month. There will be no evidence of how foolish you men can be. Tomorrow at six I want you to be at the hotel for another talk. If you are foolish again I will not kill you but cut your legs and arms off. Then I will make sure you remain alive."

I just left with my property and had to get a ride home with one of the petrified solicitors for my own driver had left at the sound of the first shots earlier in the evening.

The women were unaware of where I was and just wanted me with them. They had sent the children off to bed early when they saw me coming. "Fannah, bring the children back out please."

When everybody was present, except the babies, I got the rings I'd made and presented them to each, starting with Ayana. There was an inscription in each with their name and saying they were from me with love and devotion.

I took each woman's hand and placed the ring on her finger and kissed her. Then I told her what it said in each band. They cried and I did a little too because this was as close as we could come to a wedding ring. After I had handed them out to all the women, they were all crying together.

They were surprised when I went to Benyam and gave him a ring and kissed him too. "Yours says that I love you too and I want you to be the best son you can be. The boy cried too and I hugged him again and gave him another kiss and handed him to his mother. The rest of the rings were handed out and each got a kiss and a hug. The mothers of the infants got rings for their children placed in their hands.

That night I told them of what I envisioned their futures to be. Most cried thinking that they would leave me to go to their old countries and their parents. I talked of school and how I demanded that they get at least a minimum requirement. Some were not suitable for higher education but could do with much more than they presently had. To Benyam I said, "I would like you to follow me as a physician and keep the line going in our family. Your sister Meseret has a crafty mind and would make a good solicitor or a fine accountant."

The rest became the centre of attraction for a while as I picked out what I thought they would each be best at. The three babies got the same treatment. Most of my choices were wishful thinking, for a young child's mind was far too mercurial to put a label on.

When I was finished I went to the kitchen and make some warm drink for the children before sending them off to bed. I wanted to make love to their mothers.

The children snickered a little but drank the sweet drink I prepared for them. When they were done I personally put each to bed and tucked them in with a kiss. Benyam at the last enjoyed the attention and the kiss. He liked it even better when I said, "Goodnight son."

I washed and found the women ready. This time we were all in one room and I started with Brihan the woman just younger than Ayana. She got the full treatment and the rest this time were very ready when Brihan had her final climax and fainted.

When the rest were all done I too was satisfied so picked up each of the women and put them to bed, then came back and cleaned up the menstrual blood. All the women had to know they were loved and not just for sex. Most men didn't like this time of month and I was one too, but the situation demanded that it be done and performed with love and compassion.

That night I slept with Brihan. The next morning when I woke up she was trying her best to please me with her mouth. After my orgasm I returned the favour and her cries during orgasm woke up the rest of the house for me. I made breakfast with help this time and again we all sat down to eat. Everybody still wore their rings and admired them at any chance they had.

Ayana was given more money than she knew existed. She was told that this was for the home. She had to write down what she spent the money on when she did it and how much she spent. I had already said that she would be an accountant and this was the start of her training. Each child got an allowance and could spend it or bank it for later. The mothers got money specifically for them and their children to be spent as they chose.

By ten I was at the hotel. It was a hit or miss thing because the women wanted to show me how much they cared. The reporters were let in and had to go directly to the meeting room. I smiled to them and carried my sword that had proved so dramatic the night before. Inspector Waters and some Ethiopian officials were at the meeting too. I started the meeting by addressing the officials by name and then the representative from Scotland Yard.

They were amazed at my perception, but not that much because of all the things that they had heard. I gave them the same story as I'd given to Waters, pausing at certain points to answer questions. Most of the time I had to say that the explanation is coming. The death by an apple was questioned quite strenuously by one man and I had the kitchen bring me one of the fruits and a wooden cutting board. The man was asked to stand against the far wall and hold the board out in front of him. He made a smirk and agreed to the joke. "In front of your stomach please and about eight inches away sir."

"Like this."

"Perfect. Are you ready sir?"

As the word yes came from his mouth the apple flew across the room, struck the board, breaking it in two with the remainder striking the man's suit jacket. He collapsed on the floor as if somebody had struck him viciously there. His fellow journalists picked him up as he slowly regained his breath.

When he looked at me I asked, "Are you satisfied with my explanation now sir?"

"Yes, more than enough," he stammered. The pain made his voice hoarse.

"Then the cleaning staff will clean the applesauce off the walls and we will continue."

When the flying was brought up I showed them my pilots licence and how many hours I had logged flying. The destruction of the fighter was explained when I jumped at a man in the front row and he fell when he instinctively tried to avoid me.

My ability to kill was next brought into question. This time I was lucky that the man asking had a short beard.

"Sir I can prove it without hurting you like one of the other doubters. May I give you a shave? You will not be hurt. If there is even the slightest nick I will give you an hundred pounds and an apology. You must give me a pound if there is no blood lost." The man thought it over like he was being asked an important question by a mythological being.

"Sure." Again as the words left his mouth I brought the sword out from behind my back and slashed five times. He moved after the first and I compensated each time to slice the growth from his face. As his hands came up I stopped and he screamed and fell to the floor. He had even wet himself.

I put the sword away and tried to help him up but he didn't want anything to do with me. The rest of the crowd were the same way and thought me a madman.

"Sir, please feel your face and tell me if you are bleeding."

Everybody looked at the wide eyed man. He didn't move at all and was in shock from the event. Hotel staff took him out to clean him up. I would have to give him an apology later. "Does anyone here believe I am too slow to kill men intent on killing me or kidnapping my friends?"

There was no reply so I regained my old position and carried on to the next point. The reporters had a difficult time but started asking questions again. There was no incredulity this time mostly the questions were just a way of clearing up a point or two.

Alem Neh Mebreatu was finally brought up as the man behind all this and I explained how he had made so many wrongs that I took most of his property. I made it very clear how I was using the proceeds to help the people that he had hurt over the years. I stated how he abandoned his family and I was protecting them and seeing that they recovered from his draconian rule. The passengers too had to be compensated. Both groups needed our support to get through this trying time. I surprised Inspector Waters by introducing him and getting him to talk on the whereabouts of the mastermind.

He stood and mentioned that the man had apparently left the Ivory Coast and nobody was sure of his present location. Police agencies all over the world were now looking for him.

Questions came again and lasted an hour. When the questions came about Alem Neh Mebreatu's family I said in an ominous voice that they were to be left alone. The reporters were getting the hang of it now and asked other questions. When they were running out of steam I called for Marcie, Peter, Rachael, Sofia and for all six stewardesses.

"I have called for some of the stronger people from the plane. I ask you kindly to ask one question at a time and keep them simple. You have five minutes each. They are still under a strain and even this meeting will put a great stress to them. The first person to my right asks the first question and so forth. You screw up and I will get angry. Is that understood?"

They all now understood clearly about my anger.

The people came in and I sat them in chairs and explained what I wanted them to do. "Just tell the truth but remember that you are dealing with a pack of jackals no matter what they sound like, or say." The reporters resented the remark but said nothing about it.

The Ethiopian officials were in the front row and took their turn as well asking questions, like a Crown Attorney, but being very polite. Everybody found out that they only saw the man killed by an apple and the rest had always been cleaned up by me first. Except for three that were shooting at me. Later the conversations between the kidnappers was brought up as they accused each other of not doing what was needed or seeing the correct signs. The lone woman kidnapper was especially pissed that when I came on board everybody was looking at my penis instead of my face, hair and clothing. The reporters got onto that and asked the girls why that was done. Marcie said it was a small diversion but it worked. Everybody laughed at my expense.

Peter piped up out of turn, "I told him about his pants being opened and he turned red and hid his face and wouldn't look at anybody."

Most of the people were shaking their head in understanding and continued with their turn. Eventually the girls were asked what they thought of me. This was what I was dreading. This could have untold repercussions for all our lives. Sofia the most quiet one answered, "Oh I love him. If he was old enough I would tie him up and take him to the church and marry him." This opened a new line of questioning and all the girls even the stewardesses said about the same thing.

Peter said, "I want to be his friend forever. I feel better being with him than anyone else. He even let me drive the tank and shoot it." The tank had never come up in the discussion and that was followed with Peter getting more and more excited as he and his friends drove it to protect the rest at night. The last five minute interval for the last person was over and Peter still talked.

I walked up to him and put my hand on his shoulder, "Everybody needed something to do and they all got important jobs. The boys did an excellent job of protecting us and so did the girls. We had sentries around the clock. Basically I started another army."

The time was up to question the girls and Peter but I went into why I did what I did. Strong, self assured individuals were not the kind to suffer later. My technique was questioned and I used my other army in Rhodesia as a good example. I said how my forces had been tracking General Mobutu's men when they came to Rhodesia for training in an enemy's land.

Same as Shawn
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Once I Was I was busy at work typing up my dictation notes. My boss Ms Anne Butler was someone I learned long ago in another life not to disappoint. I hurried to get my work done for the end of the day. I knew she would be out of HER office as 5.30pm was approaching. We were leaving earlier than our normal 6.30pm ? 7.00pm. I checked the letter and then my hair and make up. It was part of my job to look the part of a feminine and totally complete lady secretary that I now was. But...

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Selena and JoeChapter 9

The buzz of the alarm startled Joe from his sleep and he quickly hit the snooze and lay back next to Selena. He looked over at her and she looked so sweet and innocent he could not resist propping up on an elbow to stare at the young beauty. After a few moments he leaned and kissed her cheek and then her lips in hopes of waking her. As she began to stir, he leaned and whispered in her ear, "... and the handsome prince kissed Sleeping Beauty to wake her from her deep sleep." Selena smiled...

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Tom Opened My Door

This is a true story concerning the beginnings of what lead to an itch in my brain that even now triggers sexual stimulus when the need arises. I am a thirty five year old well adjusted woman with just one kink - a secret fascination for canines! I am not sure when it happened in my childhood or which event started the ball rolling so to speak. My first encounter that made me realize that my loyal border collie had other feelings than just to be fed or patted happened when I was about 13. My...

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Test Run

He stood in his garage, looking over the machine when his Woman came in from the sunroom. A lot of time, and a large amount of money had gone into it. Not that the money meant anything to him since he had won the lottery. It had been one of the biggest jackpots in the lottery’s history. He was set for life now, retired at age 55 with an after-tax income of over $2,000,000 a year for 25 years. His Woman had been with him since before the money, she truly loved him, the money just meant that they...

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NubileFilms Vina Sky April 2021 Fantasy Of The Month

Vina Sky lives out her hottest fantasy this April by dressing in some hot sheer lingerie, complete with bunny ears. This naughty little bun shows off how the lingerie clings to her every curve. Clipping herself into some fluffy handcuffs, the sexy young coed runs her hands up her pert ass to caress her lush assets while her lover, AJ, watches and waits. Getting up and strutting across the room, Vina puts those cuffs on AJ. Then she sinks to her knees and opens wide to flick out her tongue to...

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rant about tiny holes a little taboo too

making every hole a cum filled wont happen all at once... well unless i really take the next step in making the most out of the overall crazy taboo fuckfest that is gonna happen.... as in not one by one filling each hole myself... but imagine if i got two other guys to fill up the holes which are wide open to be filled and had them at first just cock inserted.. of course i would be the one pumping from behind, but before i cum in that nice nasty cock hardening ass, i make sure to...

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Das Milieu hat viele Gesichter

Diese Geschichte ist ein genehmigter Spinoff der Geschichte von Die Erzählung setzt nach dem Kapitel fort. Was bisher geschah: Die Hauptperson der bisherigen Geschichte ist Simone. Die junge hübsche Frau hat sich bei dem missglückten Versuch, ein Cateringunternehmen zu gründen, schwer verschuldet und hatte gerade zum Ersten Mal Sex mit einem...

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I remember my first experience with bondage.  It was at college, I was a big-breasted blonde virgin with a hot body and perfect teeth.No not really, but that’s how people always seem to start their stories.  In truth I was about 21 and at college, but the virginity, no that’s a myth.  And Jamie and Adam from Mythbusters, along with John Mckenzie could work together to very quickly bust that myth.I’d love to say that my first experience was awesome; I’d love to say it put me on a path I have...

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RuneswardChapter 38 Unwelcome Confrontation

The room was much smaller than her own – but beggars could not be choosy. There was a dry, stale smell inside the room, not unpleasant but different from her own room. The plastered walls were a warm shade of blue in contrast to the stark white she’d grown up with, but she could find no warmth in the room. Only worry and angst. Bena wiped the cool cloth across Yren’s brow. It had been almost two weeks – twelve long days – since the ‘Battle of Hasp’, as the townspeople were calling the fight...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 263

I rode back to the Island Airport with Joey to pick up my Suburban; then made my way back to the office. On my desk was a stack of paperwork I needed to work my way through today. Jenny had been at her desk most of the morning; she came in and plopped in the extra chair beside my desk. She was holding a cup of hot chocolate and a partially eaten donut. "I am going to work out in the gym in a little while, can you join me?" she asked. I handed her one of the FedEx packets, "You read this...

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The SisterhoodChapter 41

Samantha Conroy arose from Jack’s lap and said, “Mom, I guess we might as well get it over with, don’t you think?” Hank just grinned and nodded her head rapidly. Then with a parting, “Here goes nothing...” Sam disappeared from the room. Moments later she was back. “Jack, I would like you to meet my brothers and sisters. Or almost all of them, anyway. Tom and Bobbie couldn’t make it over tonight. He’s my married brother.” First in line was a tall young man of about eighteen. He was six feet...

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Burning DesiresChapter 8

"Ponkert, look! There--by the roadside--a rose!" Elf's excited words drew him from his idle thoughts of the events that transpired since his emergency landing on this strange planet. Tugging his loyal Richard, the cowardly mankil, to a halt, the Earthman watched as the girl slid from the back of her mount and trotted toward the deep red bloom. He smiled to himself, remembering the weapons demonstration Tomar had provided the morning following their night of wenching in the Hortian...

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ZebraGirls Luna Corazon Shona River 10172018

In yet another installment of Dogfart’s Invasion of Europe, Prince Yashua has learned of a studio he may be able to rent. Dogfart needs more content! And it’s true: Luna Corazon, the beautiful Ebony Babe, manages one of the finest studios in Budapest. After checking it out, Prince leaves to get this camera gear. But he has a problem: Prince’s model for Zebra Girls’ sister site, Black Meat White Feet, has fallen ill. So he’ll need a model. Luna offers up her...

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Journey into Melanies Reality Ch 03

Author’s note: You will follow this more readily if you begin with the first two chapters. My apologies to readers for the long gap between the second and third chapters. Thanks to all who have commented by post and email. My deepest gratitude to my careful editor, and to a new friend who has also helped. ***** He flicked off the alarm, immediately realised he was alone. Lay for a bit, reflecting on what Melanie had told him about life with George. And on the sex they had shared last night....

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Growing Up A MasterChapter 10 Gemma

Friday night, my mother was once again driving me to a girl's house, but this time it was Gemma's. As we got closer, my mother glanced over at me and asked, "Are you nervous?" "I guess I am," I replied. "Despite all the practice that you got with Cat?" she asked. "Yes, because that was a safe situation. This is different. I have to see Gemma every day!" "Just be yourself, and have a good time," Mom suggested. "OK," I said, and then we were at Gemma's house. I got out of...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 335

God Created Newfoundland. God was missing for six days. Eventually, Michael, the archangel, found him, resting on the seventh day. He inquired, “Where have you been? God smiled deeply and proudly pointed downwards through the clouds, “Look, Michael. Look what I’ve made.” Archangel Michael looked puzzled and said, “What is it?” “It’s a planet,” replied God and I’ve put life on it. I’m going to call it Earth and it’s going to be a place to test Balance.” “Balance?” inquired Michael, “I’m...

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The Bad Prank Chapter 2 Revenge

It wasn't quite a meeting by chance. Kathy had seen her old teacher, Miss Paige, walking towards the shopping centre. She had followed her and was pleased to see that she went to a coffee bar and sat down by herself. She still had her schoolgirl crush on Miss Paige and so was delighted to almost bump into her.Kathy was now seventeen-years-old and had left school four months earlier. She had changed to the local College for her A-levels.Miss Paige was twenty-eight-years-old still and had known...

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Foursome the best way to start

It started as Tiffany and I. She's a taller than me, we are both very fit, I'm a bit more petite. She and I like pegging, she's very dominate. I had my chastity cage on since early in the morning, it had made me pretty horny so I thought I would play to Tiffany's dom-side and get one of Anna's cheerleading outfits. She and I are about the same size and Tiffany likes a flirty girl type.Tiffany got her strapon and Anna got curious so she wanted to come watch (watching is not uncommon in our...

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I Sometimes Say the Dumbest ThingsChapter 6

I slept through the night and when I awoke Sunday morning Keary was sleeping beside me with his arm over my waist and his hand resting over my tit. He was still asleep though and I didn't move for fear of waking him. I needed to go to the bathroom. But I was in no hurry for the rapes to begin again. It was probably close to half an hour later when I heard a change in Keary's breathing and he started to stir. I was dreading whatever the day ahead might hold for me and I almost cried as I...

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Sweet revenge

This happened about 5 years ago, I was 17 and in the sixth form of a mixed school in Surrey. I had a great time at school, the only thing that spoiled it was a boy in my class called Peter, Peter was a bit of a jack the lad, he was quiet good looking, and he knew it. The worst thing was that he was a bit of a pervert, always trying to look up girls skirts, patting there bums and trying to touch their breasts. He would do it in front of his mates, I guess he thought it made him look big in front...

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I know Ana is cheating on me

I was suspecting my sexy wife was having an affair with one of our young neighbors; but I was not sure who could be the lucky one.I had confronted Ana; but she denied everything, asking me if I had gone mad. But one day I finally confirmed my fears…My wife and me had talked many times about her fantasies with this young neighbor; but she had never told me who was him. She had never got the courage enough to try to make anything happen, or so I thought…One early evening my Boss called me in...

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The road trip for Peter PART 1

"Jane he dosen't deserve you anyway! He's a dick." "But but but-" Jane choked off while bawling and holding a book titled "The ten commandments of love" "Come on, were going to cheer you up. Borrow Courtney's dress. Youre going to go clubbing with us" Courtney took one arm and Sam took the other. "Nobody wants to talk to me and this is BORING!" Jane yelled over the music.A pretty brunette waitress came over with 2 martinis "Compliments of the gentleman at the bar." "Thanks brown leather coat...

1 year ago
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A Paladins JourneyChapter 18 A Boy A Girl

“And that’s about all of it,” Smythe finished with a sigh. He’d just told Aran, Elaina and Amina about the recent events at the Chapel, including the darkspawn attack and the timely arrival of Solovir. Aran whistled softly. “Sounds like you had a close call, there.” His eyes reflected the concern Smythe could feel in him. “It’s fortunate that this Solovir appeared when he did.” “You could say that,” Smythe replied brusquely, shrugging off the memory of being squashed beneath the Troll’s...

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Training Cassiopeia Chapter 8

  “Bree! I don’t think I can do that. It’s private and besides – “ “Just how well do you know Sapphire Reynolds?” My question caught her off guard and I cursed my big mouth for putting myself in this hole I’d dug. Sapphire had a lot of kinks and pee was one of them but I must declare to my readers here that it is not one I shared. I just let her watch and it seemed to satisfy her needs, in that area at least. She turned bright red and stammered out some disjointed story about how ‘Sapphy’ liked...

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Nicolette had a dream she was fucked by the stalli

Nicolette had a dream she was fucked by the stallionThunder whinnied and stamped as he was led to the marein heat. Still, he had done this many times before, andso allowed himself to be led up to the breeding stand by Nicolette whose father helped him settle into place. The mare snorted as the large dick penetrated her vagina, and the stallion began to thrust in and out. He was a magnificent creature, 4 years old,strong, and fast. His fur was dark brown, heading toblack on his “socks” on his...

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Staceys playtime

Stacey is a stay at home mom, that truly enjoys masturbation. She has masturbated for as long as she could remember. It started out with drying humping her teddy bear. Then she eventually discovered how much pleasure she could receive from her own hand. As Stacey got older she was exposed to the world of toys. Toys that spin, vibrate, pulsate, and thrust. Stacey has actually broken a few toys over time...some with in a week of getting them. There are times were she would masturbate 3-5 times a...

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Tom Boy 1

Tom Boy By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Myers Part 1 The ride to the new neighborhood was extremely depressing for Tommy and his mother. With the economy in the tank and her unemployed status, they were forced to sell their house in the middle class suburbs and move thirty minutes away to a lower class, racially mixed neighborhood. It was just the two of them now, as his sister had gotten married and moved away, and he never...

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JulesJordan Autumn Falls Natural Breast Worship

In the early 1800’s, man set out to try and discover the perfect set of tits. Through many trials and tribulations, in the year 2020, it seems that Jules Jordan has discovered the (DD) double deliciousness. The woman that possesses the majestic mammaries is none other than tantalizing teen, Autumn Falls. To begin this stellar discovery we are treated to a wonderful tease sequence involving Falls’ blinding headlights. Jordan has Autumn bouncing and pressing her bodacious boobs...

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Introducing Georgina Part Two

Introducing Georgina(the sequel) I left University at the age of twenty-one with a good degree in Media and Business Studies, and set about the task of finding myself gainful employment. By this time I was sharing a flat with two other girls, Katie and Jade, both of whom I had been introduced to by Jessica, and whilst we had a lot of fun and some pretty wild times together, after three years of communal student living I was beginning to feel the need for my own space. Jess herself had kind...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 2114 Suddenly Last Summer

By the last week of August, everyone had come home to the ranch. Angela and Del were taking a month to move to her new position at The Hutch in Seattle. They were spending the first two weeks at the ranch. She did a lot of hovering over Doug and reviewing his medical records to see if she could spot anything the doctors had missed in his bone marrow transplant. “I’m going to find a cure for this, Doug. Just hang on. As soon as I get to Seattle I’ll make arrangements for you to come out....

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POVLife Addison Lee Five Star Bang In Car

Addison loves partying with her friends. And she is responsible, too. At the end of the night, she makes sure to call an Uber so she can get home safe and sound. Within a couple minutes, her driver pulls up, and she makes the unusual move to get in the front seat with him. She is feeling some type of way, so she keeps telling him that she can see the outline of his cock through his pants. He keeps trying to change the subject, but Addison just has to reach out and touch. His cock gets so hard,...

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The Teachers Sucking Lips

It was Friday afternoon very near the end of the sixth and final period of the school day. Jeannie Boyce sat at her desk in the classroom and watched the students gathering their books and papers and baggage and getting ready to dash out. The bell finally rang and she watched as the students scrambled and dashed for the door. She noticed that one of the students did not join the scramble. She saw him walk back to the rear of the classroom and open the door of the cloakroom and enter it. She...

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cruise vacation

It was there dream vacation, Jim and Becky had been married for 14 years, now both in there mid 30's were finally taking that dream cruise , they had worked and saved for this and wanted to enjoy it, for the past 6 months they both dieted and got in bathing suit shape, Jim was still a pit chubby but Becky looked fantastic, 34 ,dark hair down just past her shoulder blades, 5-6 , 130 lbs, very shapely legs and a great ass, Jim was loving what he saw everyday, she had her flat tummy back again and...

4 years ago
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Turned into a Sissy Slut

Turned into a Sissy SlutMy name is Mark. I’m 19, and am around 140 lbs, thin, with a kind of girly ass. I began to fully embrace my love of dicks by watching hours of gay porn and at the same time embraced my feminine side by buying and hiding a lot of women’s clothes. Still, by the time I was 18 and going off to college, I had not done anything with a man. It’s not that I didn’t want to or that I was scared, I just didn’t know any gay or bi people around my neighborhood.Luckily I was able to...

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She Made Us Rub Our Cocks Together

As I approach the age of 40, there is little that I have seen nor done sexually over the course of my life: I’ve experimented with both boys and girls of all ages and races. I’ve been in threesomes, in orgies, and practically every kind of sexual act known… but when I think back to the very beginning of where and when I had my first sexual experience, it all started with *****.I was very young and just about to enter my first year of high school. It was the end of the summer, and I spent my...

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Pounding Paris

Ever since I was 10 I'd always get a lottery ticket in my birthday card from my aunt. I never won much though a dollar maybe two or even a free ticket. I couldn't cash them in until I was 18 even though a lot or all of the people knew that I was the one with the winning tickets. Around the time of my 18th Birthday all that changed my aunt sent me a ticket that would change my life forever. It was not one of those scratch off tickets. It was one of those with the ping pong balls. It wasn't a...

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Liquid Mind MachineChapter 9 Glory Hole

Big Jake was about as frustrated as a man could be, every attempt he had made to find someone who would talk about Neil had failed miserably. Jake had even phoned the C.I.A. to try to talk to Colonel Talbot. "I'm sorry sir; we don't have anyone here by that name." "What do you mean? He picked up a prisoner from us." "I'm sorry sir, you must be mistaken. Good Bye." Jake slammed the phone down on his desk. His previously simple life was getting completely out of control. He had...

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GangbangCreampie Ophelia Kaan G311

The Cocksmen begin Ophelia’s FIRST GANGBANG EVER eager to have a feel of Ophelia. The hands start wandering over her dress until they inevitably pull it down to reveal her firm 32Ds with their permanently erect nipples. Her nipples aren’t the only thing erect in the Gangbang Station as Ophelia finds herself surrounded by FIVE COCKSMEN, more men than she has ever had at the same time before. All of them are hard and ready to fill her with creampies, thanks to her amazing performance...

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Bosss Favorite Little Worker Ch 01

Becca was 30 minutes late to work. She was always late and always got away with it. The other employees and I hated the fact that our Boss favored her. It was obvious why he did though. She was beautiful. She was short, 5’2, with long red hair with big long curls. She weighed 125 lbs but didn’t look at all chubby. She was proportioned in just the right way. She could make it in the porno business without hesitation. Her thighs and waist were pleasantly thick. Her breasts were a perky full C,...

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Bianca in Red

Bianca is too stunning in her red lingerie to escape the bathroom without some internal male moisture being added to her pretty exterior bodily lotion. Bianca is in the bathroom. I swear she spends more time there than the bedroom. She is always prepping herself. I mean don’t get me wrong, she gets it all right; from her succulent soft lotioned skin, to the scents she chooses on her body, her lightly plucked eyebrows and that goddamn mascara she uses that drives me wild as I look into her...

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Cherri was a sixteen year-old school girl. The loveliest and hottest looking young girl in school. Since she reached puberty folks have been saying that she was a very beautiful girl. Recently they have described her as being exceptionally gorgeous and voluptuously sexy. She had a baby face with sparkling eyes and rosy cheeks and luscious lips. Her blond hair cascaded in lovely curls down to her shoulders. Her face alone, together with its captivating smile, could arouse even an impotent man,...

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The Devil and the Deep Blue SeaChapter 3 The Circle is Complete

The arrival of the new couple turned the lunch into a celebration. It quickly became apparent that they had played some part in tracking down the man that shot Ted last year. Ted had never had the chance to meet them or thank them, and with charm and a simple sincerity, he quickly introduced himself and convinced them to accept a case of his 2000 Private Reserve as a measure of his gratitude. The Bellers were pre-Gretchen, but that didn't stop her from giving them both a hug and a kiss. I...

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Fucking a college girl in Chennai

Hi readers of Indian sex stories. I am big fan of ISS and have read almost all stories which inspired me to share my true life experience with u. This is a story about a girl friend called Deepika. Deepika is 18 years old, 5”5, 57 kg weight, 34-28-36, extremely fair complexion, brown hair, in short a truly sexy and gal whom anyone would die to fuck.. I am 19 yr, old student studying at one of the reputed deemed universities in Chennai. Besides studying I like to, make friends, meet people, and...

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Naff Girl

Naff Girl (Mff+, bd, ws, scat, fairytale)By Molly SCopyright (c) Molly S.  This story may be distributedso long as no charge is made and the text remainsunaltered.  For any other use [email protected] welcome, let me know if you want more!=======================================================    Mff+, bd, ws, scat, fairytale    It contains material that some people may find    offensive.    This work is a piece of fiction.  The author    does not condone any of the...

3 years ago
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Sex ProcurerChapter 11

Well, there are so many experiences we can have. And yet we are searching, always searching. I traveled the country again after that, hitting the road and going from coast to coast, up and down the land, seeking and searching, getting my kicks whenever I felt like doing it. And yet I still wasn't satisfied. I still wanted something else. Let me tell you how I almost found it. Her name was Janice and she was one of the most striking girls I've ever seen in my life. Everything about her was...

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Work In ProgressPart 2

She awoke to the sun caressing her face. As she slowly came to being fully awake, she was suddenly aware of all her muscles. Stiff. She pulled her eyes open, the first thing she saw was the design laid out on her kitchen floor. The last thing she remembers seeing were Stephen's black leather oxfords. "Funny, their not here anymore" she thought calmly to herself. With a deep sigh, she slowly sat up, running her fingers through her tangled tresses. Still feeling sore and groggy, she...

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Mother daughter and Dog Bonding

Mother daughter and Dog Bonding The Griffin family has become a very close family a really close family over the last few weeks. Although they may not appear close in public together all that often Lois and her teenage daughter Meg are very much ‘close’ but not in a mother daughter way. When Meg had her breast implants her mother was the first person there to see how real they felt and how soft they were to the touch. And when Kevin Swanson died fighting in Iraq it was her mother who...

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Sheriff PorterChapter 123

The old men sat quietly for the most part. The oldest of them hadn't been part of the business from the beginning. The others had been brought in when it started to need more hands. His input was as important as anyone's. "I personally wish Sylvia would stay and be our go between on this thing," he said. "If it weren't for her we would all be sittin' on the porch with a finger up our ass. Don't seem right to do this without her." "Duke the plan was always to turn my share of the...

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Peeping TomChapter 6

By the time I got back into the fun room, Holly was already being strapped and secured into the swing. Rub, Stacy and Jan securing her in when I arrived. Just standing there looking on as they did that, and as she looked over towards me, smiling ... was more than enough to harden my prick almost instantly. Holly hung there suspended, her hands, legs and feet bound and secured in the sex-swing, virtually unable to do anything but just sit there. "Ok, Tom ... now it's your turn!" Rub stood...

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