Bestfriend Intimacy
- 2 years ago
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‘She’s a cow! A real fucking cow!’ Prissy exclaimed, blowing smoke into the air of the pub where the wisping blue vapour was sucked into the smoke extractor. ‘I don’t know why I stick with her!’
‘Me too!’ agreed Cath. ‘My Jayne’s so fucking uptight. All she fucking wants to do is sit in and watch telly.’
‘So, you ditching her then, Cath?’ Emily wondered. ‘You know, like you said you would?’
Cath coughed. She didn’t really want to diss her lover like that. After all, Jayne had been real sweet to her today. And last night, when they were in bed together, Cath knew it was love she felt for her older partner. But then if there was any girl whose knickers she’d like to pull down and whose pussy she’d adore putting her tongue to, it was Emily.
‘Yeah!’ she said, not really convincing even herself, and flicking the ash from her ciggie into the ashtray. ‘Yeah, I reckon I will. But she still licks clit like a champion.’
‘So does my Tina,’ agreed Prissy, smiling at her two friends, balancing her cigarette between her forefinger and thumb. ‘But she’s a fucking cow, all the same.’ She looked at Emily with a sneery smile. ‘So you still between lovers, sweetheart?’
‘Yeah!’ said Emily, brushing her fingers through her short hair so that it stood up in the thick gel. ‘But that doesn’t stop my love life. No fucking way! I’m having more fun now than I ever had when I was with Marlene. I don’t miss a day since I ditched her. She still phones me up and all. I guess she wants her k. d. lang CDs back, but, fuck it, she’s not gonna have them. Nor her Polly Harveys.’
‘What’s it like talking to her?’ wondered Cath, afraid that her interest might betray her own true feelings for Jayne. ‘You’n’her were real close. A real item. You’d been living together for years!’
‘Well, she gets real blubbery on the phone. Still cries and everything. Like a fucking baby. She’s a fucking embarrassment. I don’t regret ditching her at all. And it’s great having the flat to myself again. I can invite back whoever I like. Y’ought to put your money where your mouth is, Cath. Ditch Jayne. I mean, she must be fucking forty or something!’
‘Thirty-seven next month,’ said Cath, almost instantly aware that this concern about her partner’s birthday said more than she’d intended. She didn’t want Emily to think she didn’t want to go back with her to her newly vacated flat.
‘Well, whatever! She’s too fucking old for you. And it’s not like when you got your own place you don’t get pussy. I mean, you know that Sally…’
‘Sally!’ Prissy exclaimed with a laugh. ‘You didn’t, did you? She’n’Pat, I thought they were welded at the hips!’
‘Fucking femme fanny! Good she was. And d’you know, she’s got this cute little ring in her clit and guess what else?’
‘What? She got pierced nipples as well?’
‘No. A tattoo just over her shaved pussy.’
‘A tattoo! Fucking hell!’ Prissy remarked, leaning forward, her face ever so close to Emily’s. This irritated Cath who wanted to be the one getting that intimate. And who wanted to be the one who placed a hand on Emily’s thigh almost bursting to get free from those deliciously tight jeans.
‘It’s kind of like a love token. It’s a tattoo that reads ‘Pat’ in kind of Gothic script. They must have been together since they were goths or something.’
‘I remember that! Fucking black jumpers and eye-liner and everything!’ Cath said.
‘You were a bit like that once, if I recall,’ said Prissy, with not such a pleasant smile. ‘You used to be into all that goth shit.’
‘Yeah! Well, that was years ago!’ said Cath, fuming from Prissy’s unsubtle reminder.
‘Whatever!’ said Emily, who wanted the conversation steered back to her sexual triumphs. ‘So, it wasn’t just Sally I ate out. It was also Pat as well. And fucking tasty, it was too!’
‘Oh! You lucky bitch!’ Prissy shrieked. ‘I’ve always wanted a taste of Sally. She’s such a pretty girl! Wooh! Those lips of hers! It makes my pussy drip just thinking about her.’
Emily placed a reciprocating hand on Prissy’s bare knee below the culottes she wore. ‘It’s not dripped down this far!’ she said with a conspiratorial laugh.
‘It wouldn’t take much to get me moist, sweetie!’ Prissy said. She took her hand off Emily’s thigh, pressed it hard on her hand and dug the fingers into the thick flesh.
Shit! Cath could see where this was going. When Emily had phoned up to say she was going down to the Half Moon in Clapham and could Cath come along, she’d made no mention of Prissy being there. All that wasted anticipation on the tube, stop after stop on the Northern Line, for what? She wished she’d not been so nasty now to Jayne when they’d parted. It looked like she was going to have another evening where she’d return to her lover only to admit there really was no one else in her life than Jayne and her beautiful breasts.
Well, fuck it! Cath grimaced as she pulled out another cigarette, now feeling quite excluded while Prissy and Emily continued their rather detailed account of Emily’s lovemaking. She loved Jayne. She might be twelve years or so older, but theirs was a love worth more than an evening in Emily’s bed. However much she rationalised about it, she still felt deprived of the fun she’d promised herself and the prospect of which she’d so enjoyed taunting Jayne with.
She surveyed the pub around her. Why had Emily insisted on coming to a place like this where three young women with short hair and uncompromising swagger would only look out of place? It wasn’t that Emily was in any sense ashamed of her sexual preference, but this was no dyke bar. Most of the clientele were men, and the few women were generally in mixed company. In fact, the only other group of women unaccompanied by brutish men, sitting in front of their Bacardis and Coke, were probably the least sympathetic of anyone to Cath and her friends. She stubbed out her cigarette and let her ears focus again on Emily’s boasting, this time about some cute girl she’d seduced on the Central Line.
‘It was only when I kissed her she knew what the game was,’ she laughed. ‘Sometimes a girl just can’t see what’s coming however bloody obvious you think it is!’
‘And did you?’ Prissy wondered.
‘It was fucking touch and go, I can tell you! I could see she was wet. Well, you can, can’t you? But I had to be subtle. Push too hard and a girl runs away. But, yeah, it only took a few drinks in the New Inn and having to listen to her moans about her fucking boyfriend, and we were back at my place. Not the best pussy I’ve tasted, but better than my vibrator.’
Would Cath get to taste Emily’s vagina? It seemed increasingly unlikely. She remembered Marlene’s comments about how Emily shaved it sometimes. Would Emily be shaving it now? Or was she sporting a full bush? It didn’t look like Cath would ever find out.
”Scuse us!’ Cath announced heading off to the loo. Perhaps if she brushed her short hair, maybe re-applied that natural-look lipstick that gave her lips that seductive pout, Emily might see that of she and Prissy, it was Cath who was the most deserving.
Her hopes rose as she admired herself in the toilet mirror. She’d made such an effort. That new micro-check shirt she’d bought. The hip-hugging jeans she’d spent nearly a hundred quid on. The leather jacket with the silk lining that she only wore on special occasions.
It was obvious when she returned to the bar that it was going to be Prissy, not she, who would get to know Emily better tonight.
‘You don’t mind, do you?’ said Emily with a barely disguised smirk, ‘but I feel real tired. You know, these late nights can really fuck you up!’
‘And I only live down the road,’ said Prissy. ‘Shame you’ve got such a long trek back up North. You really ought to move down here some time. South London’s really happening, you know.’
”Specially round Battersea. When you ditch Jayne, give it a chance. It’ll be worth it!’
Cath was left alone in the bar, vulnerable and lonely, watching Prissy and Emily leave together, not caring at all what people thought of them as they put their arms around each other. With the last dregs of her wine, Cath was beginning to care very much what the other people in the bar thought of her. Could they see the mortification burning off her cheeks?
She pulled out a cigarette and hid herself behind the comforting veil of smoke while she fumed in equal measures of disappointment and uncertainty as to what to do now. It seemed too early to head back to Clapham Common tube station and the Northern Line.
She glared at the women on the other side of the bar as one of them poured more coke from her bottle into the small glass. She couldn’t very well show herself up in front of them, could she? She’d have another drink, just to show how little she gave a fuck for being abandoned by her friends. Perhaps they’d think she was waiting for another friend.
If only!
Cath stood up and wandered to the bar which was thankfully quite empty and ordered another glass of sweet white wine from the geeky looking barman. She glanced nervously at her leather jacket slung over the chair by the table where she’d been sitting. Perhaps those women would be useful, after all, by keeping an eye on it.
‘I’ll pay for that and I’ll have a single bourbon as well while you’re about it,’ a man’s voice announced.
Cath turned her head, her first instinct to decline the offer. Men and she didn’t mix, especially one who spoke in such an obvious American accent. He looked at the man who’d made the offer. He was in his mid-thirties, stocky, sporting a grey check jacket and no tie in the buttoned-down collar of his brush cotton shirt. Cath, who had an eye for these things, could see that nothing he wore came cheap.
‘Gee! I hope you don’t mind me buying you a drink,’ he said with a broad smile, ‘but I’m an American, as you must have guessed, a New Yorker, and that’s just how we do things. So, don’t feel obliged to do more than take your drink and sit down. I won’t hassle you if you don’t want me to.’
‘New York?’ asked Cath, despite herself. She’d always wanted to go there, but there’d never been an excuse. Jayne much preferred heading south for the sun. But what tickled her was his accent.
‘Yeah. New York. Best city in the world. ‘Cepting London, of course.’
Cath smiled despite herself. It was just like in the movies. ‘Noo Yawk’. The American accent was so funny.
‘Yeah, I’m here on business. A lot of business, mind you. My company’s kept me here for a couple of months sorting things out for them. It’s a drag living away from home. So, you a Londoner?’
‘Yeah,’ said Cath, hesitating between returning to her seat and the fact that there was bugger all for her to do when she got there. She hoped this guy wouldn’t spot the slight Brum accent she’d never quite managed to lose in all the years she’d been in the capital. But an American wouldn’t know the difference, would he?
‘Great city, London. And Clapham’s not bad either. This where you live?’
‘Islington, really. North London.’
‘Gee! I’ve never been there. I’m sure it’s a real cool part of town. By the way, my name’s Gareth. What’s yours?’
‘Well, Cath, I don’t really want to bother you if you don’t want me to, if you’re waiting for a friend and all. I’m just a lonely yank in town who doesn’t know anyone. But it’s been real good meeting you.’
He took the glass of whisky that the barman offered him and handed over a note.
‘Have a drink on me, bud.’ he said to the barman and handed Cath the glass of wine.
‘Not the best vintage,’ he continued as Cath picked up the glass and took a small sip. ‘You sure you don’t want anything better?’
Cath didn’t really know that much about wine. She didn’t drink much normally. ‘It’s fine.’
‘You sure?’
There was an awkward pause while Cath wondered what to do. Just returning to her seat seemed wrong. Gareth smiled and half-turned away. It couldn’t do any harm to be polite could it? It didn’t look like he was trying to pick her up or anything. He’d get a real shock if he thought she was a likely prospect!
‘So, where d’you come from in New York?’ she asked.
Gareth turned back, a broad grin on her face.
‘Manhattan. Lower West Side. I’ve got a great view from my apartment. Do you know New York?’
Cath shook her head. ‘What’s it like?’
‘Well, now you’re asking,’ Gareth said with a smile.
He launched into an enthusiastic account of a city that fascinated Cath. It certainly wasn’t only skyscrapers and car chases and Central Park. There was so much to the city. The financial district where he worked. The park where he jogged every day when he could find the time. The very many and varied restaurants. The museums and art galleries. The department stores and theatres. The Rockefeller Center. The Empire State Building. And, most of all, the night life. It was mad. A night life far wilder than Jayne had ever allowed her to have.
And then, Cath didn’t know how it happened, the conversation centred not on New York and the fabulous views from above, looking down at it from the top of the South Tower at the World Trade Center, but on her. And now it was Cath, not Gareth, who was doing most of the talking. And it was like a sudden relief to be able to talk about herself to someone who didn’t know her at all, about things she found difficult to talk about with friends and just as difficult with Jayne.
The conversation wandered along with Cath and Gareth back to where her leather jacket remained untouched on the back of the seat. Gradually, Cath found herself talking about her love life and her discontentment with the limitations on her freedom. Having an older lover really stymied her style. When she went out to nightclubs she couldn’t really go with her lover and she found it difficult to be as free with her body as she’d like to be. But for some reason, although she was specific about Jayne’s age and the way she seemed to get more pleasure from reading books and watching television than snorting lines or dropping pills, she was consciously vague about her lover’s sex. Or even that of the people she chose to have sex with.
‘So, you like a line, do you?’ Gareth wondered when he returned with another glass of white wine, a rather better quality label than she usually drank. ‘I take it you mean coke?’
‘Yeah. Charlie. Ching. Whatever!’ Cath boasted, though in truth she rarely partook. But she wasn’t going to let on.
‘I just happen to have some quality Colombian I brought over with me,’ Gareth remarked with a smile. ‘I’m not a cokehead before you say anything. I just like the odd line. It helps a busy day go by better.’
‘It’s good stuff,’ Gareth reassured her. ‘But you were saying? That deadline you’re working toward?’
Cath returned to her account of the software system she was helping to install, naturally inflating her role in its delivery. As a very junior programmer, or ‘software engineer’ as Gareth flatteringly termed it, she really had a minor part to play. All the while at the back of her mind she was wondering about Gareth’s quality Colombian. It would really piss off Jayne if Cath had a line or two. She was always snotty about any of the drugs Cath took. Even smoking dope in the house was something Cath had to be diplomatic about. She could really boast to her friends what it was like to snort quality coke. She was sure they’d no more real idea what that might mean than she had.
Gareth smiled all the while. Occasionally he interjected an encouraging comment, deliberately accentuating his apparent naïveté. His green eyes sparkled and his smile lit up a face that as Cath’s vision became more clouded with alcohol (how many glasses had she drunk now?) became steadily more reliable and attractive. Cath puffed away at cigarette after c
igarette, Gareth steadily sipping his bourbon and refusing the offer of a cigarette himself.
He noticed that Cath’s glass was empty. He indicated it with a finger.
‘I’m staying in a condo, company let, a flat the company uses to house its executives when in London, just round the corner from here. It’s only five minutes walk. If you like I’ll let you sample some of Colombia’s finest.’
Cath paused. Was this guy hitting on her? She was normally wary with men. After all, they were the enemy, weren’t they? But it wasn’t as if he’d been trying anything on, was he? And there was plenty of time till the last tube home.
‘Yeah! Why not? Let’s see what Colombia’s got to offer.’
Cath was very impressed by Gareth’s flat when they got there. It wasn’t cheap, that was for sure. It had a really grand reception area. And when he opened the door, she could see the place was huge. Everything was just that bit more splendid than she was used to. A massive living room with a widescreen television. A plush leather sofa and armchairs in the living room. And on the walls were framed pictures of English landscapes and views of London.
‘If you don’t mind, Cath, could you take your shoes off? The carpet, you know.’
‘Oh okay!’ Cath agreed, slipping off her moccasins and walking across the thick, luscious pile carpet to the sofa onto which she slumped, her head still fuzzed with wine.
Gareth knelt by the small glass table next to the sofa and began chopping up a line of cocaine with an American Express platinum credit card. He did it with expert promptness, gathering the white powder into four long thin lines. He smiled at Cath and rolled a crisp twenty pound note into a neat straw.
‘You first,’ he offered.
Cath knelt down and snorted the line through the note. She felt it burn the side of her thin nostrils and the grains pass through the back of her throat. She coughed. Fuck! It was a good hit! Almost instantly she got that weird buzz of clarity that obliterated the fuzziness of alcohol. Although her thoughts now seemed to be in a clear focus she was aware they were really no less scattered than before.
Gareth snorted a line himself with the note and passed it back to Cath. She picked it up, and now with her left nostril, which was a somehow less effective hoover, she snorted it down, stopping briefly half way and then recommencing. Overwhelmed by the impact, she collapsed back on the sofa, somehow unable to do anything more coherent, let alone resume the conversation that had stopped mid-sentence before they entered the flat.
She laid back, a ciggie in her hand, but mostly burning out by itself, its ash dropping in pristine cylinders into the huge ashtray Gareth offered her. As she lay there she became gradually aware of a tickling sensation on her left foot. What the fuck? She looked down, along the leg of her denim jeans, to see Gareth holding her foot in his hands in exactly the pose she imagined Prince Charming would do while evaluating Cinderella’s foot.
‘You have beautiful feet, you know,’ he remarked with a smile.
‘Do I?’
‘Beautiful! I’ve always admired a good foot.’
He placed his lips on her big toe.
Cath shivered. But was it from fear, apprehension or something else?
Emboldened, Gareth kissed each toe, one by one, beginning with the big toe and working his way down, slowly and with no haste, to the smallest toe.
‘You don’t mind, do you?’
‘No. It’s nice,’ Cath slurred.
It was true. Her senses felt somehow magnified and there was something very sensuous about those lips on such a sensitive part of her body. It was a part that Jayne rarely explored, and certainly not with the relish with which Gareth continued. Now on each toe of her right foot. And then with his tongue on the web between each toe. Gradually, slowly and surely, he took each toe into his lips, his tongue in and around the nails, the whole of her big toe inside his mouth: a dry and unthreatening fellatio of the toes. That sensation together with the effects of alcohol and cocaine was tickling another part of her, a part she was sure would never get stimulated tonight. Unless, that was, she managed to get home before Jayne fell asleep and she nestled under the duvet next to her, their naked bodies to be entwined in their slumbers.
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Zoe I sipped some of the tea, looking at her over the rim of the cup, wondering why she would care so much for a complete stranger and then, for once listening to advice, I laid my head on the pillow and closed my eyes. As soon as I relaxed I already started to drift off to sleep, feeling both my exhaustion and the effect of the drugs. For a moment I felt her standing beside me, then something warm and soft touched my forehead but maybe that was already a dream, although the other dreams I...
Zoe "Between us there can be no secrets." I wasn't sure how I felt about that. Well, of course, total honesty is what everybody, or at least everybody who isn't a crook, wants. I don't think I'm a crook, liar or cheater, at least I very much hope I'm not, so I'm no exception to this rule. But total honesty requires total trust. It also requires to be comfortable enough with one's own feelings to talk openly about them. As for being able to talk and be open about my own feelings and...
Zoe Shutting the world out to concentrate on what I am doing, especially when it has to do with a mathematical problem, is one of my fortes. But that day it didn't work at all. My thoughts kept going back to Ann, to the weekend we had spent together, my feelings towards her. Images of her and myself in bed, Ann sitting naked at the table, camera in hand, that look she had when she photographed, of me naked and exposed as she shaved me ╨ that particular image sending a blush to my cheeks ╨...
Zoe This was wrong. That much I knew. I also knew what was wrong. But I didn't know why it was wrong. Well, I knew why it was wrong on my side: Because I had been too overwhelmed to think straight, or think at all, and hadn't found the right moment to say the right things or ask the right questions. Of course I didn't know what would have been the right things to say either. But I didn't know why Ann had put me in my bed. Well, it was her bed too, of course, but the one in the second...
Zoe Once again sleep was elusive. But this time I didn't mind. This time I had so many nice images on my mind and for once no questions surfaced, or at least no questions that worried me or needed to be answered immediately. Time and again my fingers touched the chain, as if to make sure it still was where it belonged, time and again I clenched my pussy around Ann's fingers inside me, as if to make sure they still let me feel that I was hers. I thought of how the petite girl had danced...
Zoe I don't think I have a shoe fetish, really. But then again, I've worn heavy boots in winter and no shoes in summer long enough to appreciate a nice pair of shoes, too. Coming to think of it, it wasn't the running around barefoot part that had annoyed me and made me want to live someplace warmer but the six months of snow and slosh and icy roads. So, yeah, I like a nice pair of shoes, even high-heeled ones, as long as the heels are still within the range of wearable. But, basically, I...
Zoe Perversions ... we sure saw some. Quite a lot, actually. Things I couldn't have imagined even in my wildest dreams, things that looked interesting enough, things that made me want to try them out as soon as possible. I tried not to be judgmental about what I saw, but it's difficult not to be judgmental when your body reacts instinctively to what your eyes see. And maybe it's not so bad to have a strong reaction when you see a woman's back ornamented with a couple dozen needles. At...
Zoe There was so much that needed talking about. My holidays, some questions that had popped up during the brunch, the trip to Boston, the flat I still rented but never went to. That needed to be talked about soon, not just because of the money, I'd pay at least the same amount to Ann as I paid Winters now. But ... well, when I had let myself in, stripped and went to join Mistress it had really felt like coming home. A feeling I never had in that other place. It was a place to sleep, eat,...
Zoe I've once seen a picture of a tied up Tinkerbell, her magic wand used by someone, probably Peter, but I don't remember anymore, to... , well, you probably can guess. And now, as Ann was telling me about Bella the 'nympho-pixie', that image kept coming back to my mind. The pixie tied up, helpless, her translucent little wings rendered useless by the ropes and chains that held her in place or because she wanted to obey, was determined not to use them and fly away, leaving a trail of...
Zoe "She won't ever know." Bella's voice was barely a whisper as she looked at me, her eyes pleading. My eyes were fixed on hers over the rim of the cup and I couldn't suppress a smile as I replied. "True. But I do." "Aww, please. You know Dee will leave me here until she closes the shop." "Uh huh." I emptied the cup, rinsed it in the sink and picked up Dee's sketchbook, Bella's eyes following me all the time. "But we both know you'll enjoy every minute. And then you'll...
This story was written as a role-play with lucy. (The same as ‘Seven for a Secret’) As usual with us, there is a good deal of truth in what is written, perhaps you can guess what is true, only we know for certain. This story has been inactive for seven years, why? Because seven years ago the relationship lucy and I had shared stopped. Without her to write with, writing was no longer attractive, so the idea of continuing the story alone never entered my head. The why’s and wherefores are...
The minaret's shadow was short and distinct in the early afternoon sun. The blackness spread over the pavement obscuring a figure that staggered as if drunk as it dodged past a group of young women dressed in djalabas, their faces hidden under the hoods. Of course, Hamid wasn't drunk. He'd not had a drop to drink, although this was something he intended to remedy fairly soon. But the conversation he'd just had with his brother had troubled him so much he might as well be drunk. Yet it...
Phillippa flicked the ash at the end of her cigarette onto the dusty earth outside the window. She watched it fall from where she sat on the passenger seat of the rented four-wheel drive and contemplated its dispersal in the slight breeze. She inhaled another centimetre of cigarette and reluctantly tossed the butt onto the earth where it smouldered. It burnt off its final centimetre of ash before extinguishing itself. She regarded it sadly and wondered whether she might have to light up...
Paul's forehead juddered against the thick glass of the window as the bus sped over the uneven sunbaked tarmac, forcing him to jerk his head back. He studied the trees and villas the bus passed on this longer dash between stops, all brightly illuminated by the late morning Mediterranean sun. He rubbed his forehead uneasily and let it slump again onto the glass. At least he wasn't feeling like shit this morning, like he did most mornings on his three week stay in Ibiza. He had done well to...
"She's a cow! A real fucking cow!" Prissy exclaimed, blowing smoke into the air of the pub where the wisping blue vapour was sucked into the smoke extractor. "I don't know why I stick with her!" "Me too!" agreed Cath. "My Jayne's so fucking uptight. All she fucking wants to do is sit in and watch telly." "So, you ditching her then, Cath?" Emily wondered. "You know, like you said you would?" Cath coughed. She didn't really want to diss her lover like that. After all, Jayne...
Marianne wasn't the slimmest woman Gareth had ever made love with. In fact, as she unclasped her bra to let her heavy bosom fall loose, Gareth studied her full stomach with some hesitation. She wasn't fat exactly, not even plump, but by no measurement could she be described as slim. It wasn't as if Gareth could complain. Despite those few hours a week he found to attend the gym, he had definitely lost the slim figure he still sometimes imagined was just a temporary loss. He pulled down...
Marianne never used to smoke. It just wasn't something you ever did in New York. So much had changed in the last year that it was natural to accept the cigarette Phillippa offered her. It was far from the first she'd had today or even the last few weeks. She balanced the length of the British cigarette on her lower lip, her upper lip holding it in place, while drawing in determinedly on the flame from Phillippa's cigarette lighter. 'Fag' they called it over here in London, England, she...
HI friends this Kumar. This my first story. Now I am only 18. My mom was very sexy. Every day she used to talk my aunty staying in the ground floor. My aunty is pregnant. One day my aunty called me to the water bucket and keeps it inside the house. I said ok aunty I come in 2 minutes. She said ok Kumar. Now the day has changed for me. I went down stairs to help my aunty. The door was locked with the lack. I called aunty. She said “yes Kumar I am coming”. That time the windows were closed. I...
IncestCHAPTER ONE It’s been over three years since my husband James left me. I don’t think I’ve recovered from the devastation of the man I thought was the love of my life abandoning me for a younger woman, if you can call her a woman, she was more of a child. James and I met in Junior High, he was my first and only boyfriend, I was 12 he was 13. We went to the same college and married my senior year. We made it through 8 years of college, residency and internships, I thought it would last...
I want you to know how much I enjoy how kinky you are. You know my sister and I are not your average girls. The men who screw us call us whores and we are and I’m not afraid to admit it. I Love the feeling when a man takes his hard cock and rams it up my cant. I love when a man throws me against the wall and impales me with his rod. Last night I had sex with one man who fucked me like that and every time he rammed it inside me my feet dangle and I could feels his cock throbbing inside me. When...
Having an orgasm when off your head is one of the most intense feelings in the world and Flo made that happen and I don’t think Flo was ready for the intensity nor the volume of hot creamy seed that shot into her mouth in fact I was getting the feeling that she had never had such a big load in her life.She murmured rather loudly as she swallowed savouring the salty taste and then wanting more she then sucked on my helmet getting every last drop from me, I laid back exhausted as she finished...
My wife and I attended a wedding Last night.As I start writing this letter, My wife is still in bed with Jeremy.A little back ground first.We went to a coworkers wedding last night.The people were all a bunch of tight assed stuffed shirts.We finished dinner and were discussing leaving so we could possibly find a new lover for my wife.As we were finishing our drinks, a handsome young man sat down next to my wife and asked if anyone was using the seat.We told him no. He introduced himself as...
I had been widowed young at just 29 and never remarried nor reallyfelt the need to. I raised our only Son Sean who was now 19 years old andstill living at home while in college. I had years ago joined a singlefathers support group and became quick Friends with another man there whohad a Son the same age as my Son Sean. Danny was my age and in fact alsoa city Firemen like me. his Son Kirk and Sean had become Friends as welland were nearly always together. They would often split their...
Samantha's life is about to change forever. When Samantha turned 18 she had found out by her mother that whenever a female of the family reached this age, a powerful curse is placed upon her. The Curse has the power to make anyone or everyone distract the women while the public strips her from every bit of clothing untill she is completely nude. The public would purposely try to tear, ruin or sabotage Samantha's clothes in order to expose her without her knowing until it was to late. After that...
After the fun I had had with Jane, I decided it was time for me to get out and about and meet other transvestites. I had a taste for sucking tranny cock, and I wanted more. I couldn’t believe myself, after one evening of hot tranny sex I was a cock hungry slut, who couldn’t wait to get her red lips round another hard and sweet cock.I decided that the best way to meet girls was to go on one of their nights out. I chatted To Jane online as usual, and she told me of a night out in Glasgow in a...
There Can Be Only OneChapter 15Ross was surprised how easy in the end it was to get Susie to strip naked in front of the computer and even more surprised at the things his sister did when he asked her. God she even did things of her own accord which got him even hornier and had to stop stroking his cock or else he would have cum way too soon for his liking…he wanted this to last. Of course, Susie had no idea that it was her own brother watching on the other side of the monitor. Susie hardly...
Hanna Rey feels bored, so she decides to check on what her roommate Milka and her boyfriend do. So she knocks on the door of their room and joins the couple. Hanna Rey asks Milka to make some tea so she can get a chance to tease her boyfriend while she is in the kitchen. First, the dude tries to resist Hanna Rey, but she proves she can be very persuasive. Milka enters the room just in time to catch her boyfriend caressing Hanna Rey’s pussy. She joins the sex game to play with her best friend...
xmoviesforyouI was a boy perhaps ten year old. Had to pass through a park on an errand, it was in the month of May, sun burning at noon, no one around. One person, perhaps aged twenty twoo, called me, asked me to sit next to im. I liked it because of burning hot sun. There was no shade. After couple of minutes seeking my particulars he slowly took my tender palm and started rubbing his dickhead, it looked like an apple to me. I behaved as if I was not aware of what he was doing. After some time I felt the...
Corey, Fred, Gary, Lucy and Samantha are sitting in a circle on the floor in Corey’s lounge room. His parents are out for the weekend but had told Corey he was allowed a friend or two over to keep him company. Having turned 18 recently, his parents deemed him responsible enough to make good choices while they were gone. A few bottles of scotch sit in the middle of the circle with about five bottles of Coca-Cola. The members of the circle each have a cup in front of them, already looking a...
Shirley, Emily please come in here and see what your grandson is doing. Mrs Stevens was stareing at me almost not believing her eyes.Mom and grandma came in.Your son is playing with my waste the waste you said he was supposed to cleanup.I caught him red handed.Grandma spoke first Donny! your supposed to clean up the pot not play in it.Mrs stevens came closer and seen the shit on my mouth.My goodness I think he has eaten some too!.Why would you do such a thing Donny she asked?.I looked at Mom...
It happened! I can't tell you how long I've wanted a horny stranger to come on to me in a big way when I'm out on my mountain bike. He was a brut of a guy too with fingers thicker than many a cock I have encountered. His hands were like dinner plates. He didn't know it but he came to my rescue in more than the way he thought.I'd been out on my bike a few times recently in this particularly rural area of North Wales not so far from home. A woodland with some great tracks and technical sections....
Hi Guys, this is my first sex story hence I do not know how to start or proceed. Anyway this is a fantasy story which describes the cuckold feeling of a husband. I am not a cuck but know the feelings of cuck from my past experience through chats. Too much talking, lets continue with this story. I hope to get your valuable feedback on my mail id: . Let the husbands name be Vikram and his wife Sapna. We met on a chatting website and he messaged me saying a Hi seeing my username as youngmale21....
Hi, this is Rahul from Delhi. This story goes back to the times when i was a single and life was ummm…. more adventurous. I am still a very risk-taking person but lets recall those lovely years for now. I am writing this so that I can share with you my experience of seducing a married woman. I have been since long fascinated with the idea of having sex with married women. But unfortunately I had never got this opportunity until sometime ago. It is just not the sex with a married woman which...
Chapter 1:For the first three months and the last three months of study leave, Stefan Blatt was based at the University of the Saarland in Saarbruecken. The accommodation provided for him was in the University's guest-house. It was surrounded by a park-like forest, a ten-minute stroll from the university campus. This studio apartment became for Stefan his home base for most of his year in Germany.When Stefan and Irmgard became lovers, he had an additional reason to stay in Saarbruecken, even...
Straight Sex