Stephanie Pt. 01 free porn video

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It’s been over three years since my husband James left me. I don’t think I’ve recovered from the devastation of the man I thought was the love of my life abandoning me for a younger woman, if you can call her a woman, she was more of a child.

James and I met in Junior High, he was my first and only boyfriend, I was 12 he was 13. We went to the same college and married my senior year. We made it through 8 years of college, residency and internships, I thought it would last forever, I was wrong.

The day after my 31st birthday he informed me he was in love with his business partners’ daughter, Angelina, (she was 16) and he wanted a divorce. It took over a year to finalize everything, we had no children but we had a substantial life and it took a long time for him to realize that he couldn’t just walk away with everything we both worked hard to achieve.

His business partner Alex was not too thrilled with James’ choice of a new bride and he bought James out for a very reasonable price. After the divorce James was left with next to nothing, I had secretly hoped he’d see she wasn’t worth losing everything for, but he wasn’t exactly thinking with his brain at that point.

I received the house and it’s furnishings (minus his belongings) and our boat as part of the settlement, he got the 4-bedroom vacation house in Telluride, the jet skis, our two rental properties and the six cars I didn’t want (I kept my ’68 Chevy Camero and my brand new Dodge Viper). I make a good living, money is not and never was an issue in our divorce, I have my own money and didn’t want a penny of his.

Unfortunately James lost most of his money trying to keep me from getting the house I paid for and keeping the cars I bought. He lost his business as a result of his affair, some people didn’t really find an attorney sleeping with a minor to be a trustworthy person, so they chose his ex-business partner, Alex, to handle their business.

Alex is an amazing man, he has been so good to me. His wife, Judy, passed away during my divorce and we’ve sort of clung to each other during the past 3 years after James walked out. We are just friends, nothing sexual has gone on between us, I don’t see him that way and I don’t think he sees me that way either. We both live alone, when Angelina moved in with James it broke Alex and Judy’s hearts and they cut her off from their lives. It’s been over three years and Alex hasn’t seen or spoken to Angelina once.

Alex and my two employees/friends are all I have in life. I love them like family and we are very close. They all stood by me during the divorce and have stuck by me these past three years. The gals in my office think Rick is an obvious choice for a lover but I can’t seem to look at him that way, he’s like my brother.

I guess the reason I’m telling you this is because I’m lonely! It’s been well over 3 years since a man has touched me and I’m beginning to think I wouldn’t know what to do if a man tried to. James was my first and only sexual partner, I’m terrified of being with another man, what if he thinks I’m a lousy lover?

I have to admit that there is a man I’m attracted to, I’ve never spoke to the guy but I find myself thinking about him more and more, especially when I’m alone at night. I don’t know his name but I see him everyday on my way to work. I’m assuming we live in the same area because we seem to meet up at the same time every day at the same traffic signal. Is it fate or just coincidence? I don’t know, I stopped believing in such things as fate 3 years ago.

I noticed him a month ago, he drives a red ‘69 GTO ragtop, it’s in perfect condition, and you’ve got to appreciate a man that knows his muscle cars, well, at least I do. It was a warm September morning and this guy in a red GTO pulled up next to me. He looks to be in his thirties and has blond hair and a tan. I can’t see his eyes because he’s always wearing sunglasses, from the look of it he spends time in the sun. I live about 15 minutes from the beach so perhaps he does as well. It doesn’t really matter as long as I get to see him every day.

It’s been 4 months now and I see Mr. GTO at 6:57 each morning on my drive to work. He’s caught me staring at him a few times, I don’t know his reaction because I’m so embarrassed I look away immediately, I feel like a schoolgirl. I get butterflies every time I see him, he has such a beautiful profile, I love to watch him.

I haven’t told my friends about my secret crush, I’m afraid they would think I’m crazy for developing feelings for a man I’ve never spoken to. One of these days I may get the courage to smile at him although for now I’ll settle for just looking at him.

The more I see him the more I think about him, it’s to the point that I’m dreaming of him, I guess you could call them fantasies. I see him in my dreams lying next to me in the dark, his perfect profile accentuated by the moonlight. I admit, that’s a pretty tame fantasy, but for a woman that’s spent her entire sexual life with a man only willing to make love in the dark in the same position…it’s pretty risqué.


Today started just like the others, I woke up, showered, dressed, ate breakfast (toast and juice) and headed to my office. I expected to see him at the usual time, but he wasn’t there and my heart sank. I know it sounds strange but he has become an infatuation and I couldn’t help but feel disappointed that he wasn’t there.

I drove to work feeling bummed, I walked in the office expecting to see my front office assistant, Georgia, sitting at her desk but she wasn’t there. Instead there was the most gorgeous man I had ever seen sitting in the waiting room. He looked just like my GTO man but better because I could see all of him (that body!) and his crystal clear blue eyes. I felt my heart skip a beat as he rose from his chair and walked to me.

“You must be Dr. Chase?”

His voice was so mellifluous I could hardly breath.

I cleared my throat and said, “Yes, I am.”

“I’m your 8:00 o’clock appointment, I guess I’m a little early.”

I didn’t know what to do, here he was, standing in my office, waiting to see me!!

“Great”, I said extending my hand and shaking his (it was soft and warm), “I’ll be with you in about 15 minutes.”

“Thanks!” He flashed the most gorgeous smile I had ever seen. My knees went weak and my stomach did a flip, I felt like I was going to lose my breakfast.

I smiled back and walked slowly to my office glancing back at his rear-end as he bent over to pick up the book he was reading. WOW! What a great physique.

I caught Georgia on the way to my private office wanting to find out his name.

“What’s my 8 o’clock appointments name?”

“He’s fine isn’t he?” she said, her cheeks were flushed and she was carrying a glass of water to the reception area.

“He’s a patient Georgia, I can’t look at him that way. Besides, we’ve seen all sorts of good looking people, he’s nothing spectacular.” I lied.

“Oh yeah? Then why are you blushing Steph?”

I reached up to touch my face.

“Ha, gotcha! I knew you thought he was hot!”

“What? Oh get out of my way, I have things to do.”

“Uh huh, I bet you do.” She teased as she passed me to take him the water.

I stepped into my office and cranked the A/C to 65 degrees. I didn’t want him to see me flushed and excited. I was worried he might notice my attraction to him, if Georgia noticed…then again I’ve known her for over 11 years, she’s the closest thing I have to a sister.

There was a knock on the door, my nurse Peggy poked her head in.

“Hey boss, should I call your appointment to room 1 or 3? The A/C in 2 is still on the blink.”

m, 1 is fine, thanks Peggy.”

What was I going to do? In a few minutes I’d have this man half naked sitting on a table in front of me and I’d have to be touching him! I had to summon all my training (not to mention ethics!) and focus on the fact that I was a doctor and he was a patient. It was a mantra I repeated over and over. In my years of practice I had never been attracted to a patient, this was going to be difficult.

I took some deep breaths, slipped into my lab coat and stepped out of my office. I walked down the hall to exam room 1 and pulled his chart from the slot on the door.

Vincent Chapman, his name was Vincent. He is 36 years old, 6’4, 228 lbs., his blood pressure and temp were normal.

Here I go…


I rapped softly on the door and entered the room. There he was, wearing nothing but his underwear (navy blue boxer-briefs!) and a huge smile. His body was beyond perfect, his muscles were big but not huge. Before I knew what I was doing my eyes drifted down to the bulge in his underwear. My heart skipped a beat and I felt my cheeks flush again.

“Are you warm Dr. Chase? You look flushed.”

I looked up and he was still smiling at me.

“Umm, yes, it’s a little warm in here.”

“Well, considering I’m almost naked, I’m pretty comfortable. Would you like me laying down?”

“What?! Yes, oh, umm not yet.”

I felt like an idiot! I was stumbling over words and blushing like a 15 year old with a crush.

“What brings you to my office Mr. Chapman?”

“I injured my knee 6 years ago and had surgery, it’s starting to bother me again. I figured you could help with that being you specialize in sports injuries.”

“What sport do you play?”

“Well, I do lots of things, I surf, ski, play basketball, football, tennis…”

Oh God, he’s perfect!!!

“You’re a busy man. How did you injure your knee prior to your surgery?”

“Football, I took a bad hit and twisted it. I had arthroscopic surgery and it was fine but it’s been bothering me the past several and I thought it was about time I came to see a doctor about it.”

He flashed that amazing smile again.

“I see, well let me take a look at it before we send you across the hall for tests.”

His skin was smooth and warm, my hands were trembling as I began the examination. After several minutes it became a routine exam and my nervousness began to subside.

“Well Mr. Chase, other than the possibility of scar tissue I can’t really find anything out of the ordinary. Have you lost any range of motion?”


“Go ahead and get dressed, I’d like you do a couple of range of motion tests for me.”

He smiled again and rose from the table. I was gathering his chart so I could exit the room when I noticed him walking over to me, still in his underwear.

“Dr. Chase, I need to be honest with you.”

He was standing less than a foot from me, I had to look up because he was so tall.

“Is there something wrong Mr. Chapman?”

“Not really. Well yes, there is.”

“What is it?”

“I’m not here because of my knee.”

“I’m not sure I understand Mr. Chapman.”

“I’m here because of you Dr. Chase.”

“I understand that, you just told me about your injury.”

“But that isn’t why I made the appointment.”

He cleared his throat and began to speak very rapidly.

“I spotted you several months ago and I wanted to meet you. I did a little research and discovered you were a doctor. I really did have knee surgery and I figured it would be a great way to meet you. It took me 4 months just to call, I was afraid you’d think I was a stalker or something.”

I was speechless! He was standing so close to me, I could feel the heat from his body and smell his cologne, it was intoxicating and I began to feel lightheaded. I wasn’t sure what to say or do.

“Are you okay? You look like you’re about to pass out, did I frighten you?”

“No, I’m surprised, that’s all. That and the fact that you’re standing in your underwear.”

He looked down and so did I, he was getting what looked to be the beginnings of a hard-on, at least I hoped it was, it was huge!

“Oh sorry, I’ll get dressed then.”

I wanted to scream, “NO, don’t!” but I refrained. I began to leave the examination room when he reached out for my arm.

“Would you like to have lunch with me?”

“It’s not even 9 o’clock.”

“Okay, would you like to have breakfast with me?”

Before I could stop myself I said “Sure!”

I walked out of the room so he could get dressed and raced down the hall to find Georgia.

“I know, I know, cancel your appointments for the morning.”


“You were going to ask me to cancel your appointments, weren’t you?”

“Yes, but how did you know?”

“When he called to make his appointment he told me why he was making it.” She giggled and handed me a cup of water, “Here, you look like you need this Steph.”

“Why didn’t you say something? How could you let me walk into that?!”

“It was easy! After you got your heart stomped on I figured you could use a nice stud. Besides, he sounds like a great guy! I already gave him the third-degree when he called and again this morning when he got here 45 minutes early for his appointment. He waited in the hall till I got here.” She giggled again.

“Really? Did he say why he was here so early?”

“He didn’t have to say! He was nervous you big dope! He wanted to make a good impression. Speaking of which, how does he look in his underwear?” She smacked me on the butt, “Lighten up Steph!”

“He looks amazing Georgia! I’m scared, I’ve never been on a date with anyone but James. I’ve never seen a man as gorgeous as this guy, what should I do?”

“Be yourself, have fun, don’t be nervous, he likes you! For God’s sake Steph he tracked you down months ago and it took him 4 months to come in here!”

“Thanks Georgia! I should be back in a couple of hours.”

“I certainly hope not!”


“Have fun for once in your life. Take the rest of the day off, you don’t have many appointments, they can reschedule.”

I turned to walk to my office and he was exiting the examination room. He looked amazing with clothes on (better in his underwear I thought). He had a deep tan which made his blue eyes stand out even more. I wondered what it would feel like to be in his arms.

“Let me put my coat away and grab my purse, I’ll be out in a minute.”

“Okay, great!” There was that smile again, my heart leapt in my chest.

As we passed each other he reached out and took my hand.

“I’m really looking forward to this.”

“Me too!”

In my office I freshened my makeup and hung my lab coat, I grabbed my purse and was heading out the door when Peggy walked in.

“I’m so excited for you boss lady! He is FINE!!!”

She gave me the thumbs up and walked out of my office. I work with two great ladies, I love them and I’m so grateful to have them in my life. I smiled at my good fortune as I headed for the door.

When I walked out I saw him standing with Georgia and Peggy. The girls were looking pretty intense and I overheard Peggy say, “you better be good to her!” as I walked up.

They all smiled at me as I approached them.

“Have fun boss!” Peggy winked.

“See you tomorrow Steph.” Georgia picked up a file and pretended to ignore me.

I started to protest but she held up her hand.


Vincent took my hand and led me from the office, his
hands were warm and soft. Even though we just met I didn’t mind him being so bold, I loved feeling his touch. I could feel the familiar stirrings of arousal, just like in my dreams.

We walked to the elevator and stepped in, we rode in silence down to the visitor-parking garage and then to his car. We walked to an unfamiliar car, it was a beautiful hunter green Jaguar. He opened the passenger door for me and I slipped inside.

I watched him walk around the car and climb in behind the wheel. He put the key in the ignition but didn’t start the car.

It had been several minutes and neither of us had said a word. I’m not sure what reason he had for his silence, I know mine was because I was so incredibly nervous I didn’t dare open my mouth to speak.

“Do you realize that we haven’t used each others first names?” He flashed me that amazing smile again. “I’m Vincent, I’m sure you know that from my chart.” He smiled again, “I found out your name from your drivers license.”

“Speaking of which, how did you find that out?”

“Didn’t Georgia tell you?”

“No, she didn’t say much other than have fun.”

“She seems like a great girl.” He smiled, I felt like I was melting in the seat. “Well since she didn’t tell you I guess I should. I’m a private investigator, I have my own firm downtown.”

“Downtown, as in downtown Los Angeles? If you work downtown why were you driving in this area every day?”

“You’re going to really think I’m a stalker if I tell you that.”

“Well now I have to know.” I smiled even though I felt extremely nervous.

“I was in the area meeting with a client several months ago, I spotted you traveling in the opposite direction and couldn’t believe such a beautiful woman existed. I had to see you again, so I spent the night at a local hotel and drove up and down PCH till I saw you again. I checked the time and saw you were in area the same time as the previous morning.”

“You’re saying you drive from downtown Los Angeles every morning just to see me drive to work?”

“No, well, not exactly.”

“I don’t understand.”

“I rented a house in the area so I could see you every day!” He blurted it out so fast I wasn’t quite sure I understood what he said.

“You rented a house out here just to see me driving to work?”

“I knew you’d think I was nuts. If you’re not comfortable going to breakfast with me I understand.”

“I still want to have breakfast with you, I’m just totally blown away that you did that for a woman you’ve never met!”

“I don’t know what possessed me to do it, I just knew I had to see you. It’s like my day wasn’t complete until I saw your face every morning.”

I was shocked! How could a man this gorgeous be interested in me? I couldn’t believe he went through that just to see me!

“I don’t know what to say Vincent.”

I heard him let out a soft sigh. “That’s the first time you’ve called me Vincent, it sounds great coming from your lips.”

I’m not sure what was going on at that moment but my body was reacting to this man in ways it never did for my ex-husband.

We sat for a short time in silence before he spoke again.

“Would you like to have lunch and dinner with me Stephanie?”

The way he said my name made my heart ache.

“I’d love to Vincent.”

He started the engine and we drove out of the parking garage.


At that moment I didn’t care where we went, I couldn’t think about food because my stomach was filled with butterflies. We drove in silence, I didn’t really pay attention to where we going and before I knew it we were pulling into the driveway of a house that was walking distance from the beach.

“This is my rented house, I hope you don’t mind having breakfast here.”

“I don’t mind at all.”

“Just in case you’re nervous of being alone with me I’ve compiled a report on myself.”

He chuckled and handed me a file. I opened it, in it was his life story. I looked at him and raised my eyebrows.

“Please, read it. I want you to know something about me before you venture into my house.”

I scanned through the file. I already knew his age, height, weight…this file contained some very personal information. Divorced, father of one…actually as I read on, it appeared his child passed away at the age of 3…leukemia. Apparently he and his wife divorced shortly after that. That was 6 years ago.

I looked up at him and he spoke softly.

“Her name was Marie. She was the light of my life, Jackie couldn’t deal with her illness and crawled into a bottle shortly after Marie was diagnosed with leukemia. I spent my time caring for Marie and trying to sober up my wife. I guess Jackie had enough of me, once Marie died…well, she spent her time with other men and I couldn’t deal with that. I divorced her.”

“I’m so sorry Vincent.”

“It’s been a long time. I still miss Marie, I think about how old she would be today, the things we’d have done…you know, stuff like that. I can’t dwell on the past though, I spent over a year in my office working 20 hours a day 7 days a week to try and forget my baby girl.”

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Family Fuck Night Part 2

Introduction: Comments welcome. Enjoy! Meanwhile, in the Bathroom… Robert sighs, his cock rock hard and throbbing as he washes himself in the shower. His thoughts are on his little brothers tight ass when he hears the door open and close, tiny footsteps, and then a hand draws the curtain back as a lithe, young girl steps into the shower with him, her already naked body glistening as the spray hits her flat chest. Hello big brother, she stands on tip toe and kisses his chin, her bald pubic mound...

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MomsTight Jennifer White Stepmom Pins And Drains Me This New Year

Jennifer White is getting used to living with her new stepson Joshua Lewis. When Joshua struggles to open a jar of pickles, Jennifer takes care of it easily. She suggests that Joshua should make a new years resolution to work out more. Later, Joshua complains that Jennifer is standing between him and the TV as she does her workout. Jennifer says he should watch her and maybe learn a thing or two. When Joshua says he’s going to just go to his room and watch TV there, Jennifer tells him...

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Fucking her was like a dg is never experience be

She looked different tonight. Not the way she dressed or the way she did her hair or make up. For four years she's came to my house countless times, watched countless movies, had countless sleep overs, but tonight when she came over, she definitely had something about her that was out of the ordinary. It excited me, and turned me on. Her name is Evolette, I met her in Spanish class when we were freshman, the story of how we met is cliche, so I'll skip ahead to the interesting part, the first...

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Rashmi Aur Mere Chudai Ki Daastan

Hii main apka dost raj pahele baar sex story likh raha hoo app sabko pasand aa jaye. Yeh meri life main hui kuch dino pahele ki ghatana hai joo main ajj apko batane wala hoo kahani shuru karte hai pahele mere baare main batata hoo ek engineering student hoo normal family se belong karta hoo. Dad multi national firm main kaam karte hai mom designer hai mere body athlete type hai but looks ke saath match hoo jate hai girlfriends bohut saari thi intrest hamesha se sex realted cheezo main tha porn...

4 years ago
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Housewives and Cheerleaders Chapter 92

Once Kat and Kelly had left, Marie showered again and shaved her legs and pits. Jessica had promised to take her to the French restaurant in town for her birthday dinner, and she was very excited at the prospect of an evening alone with her mistress.After perfuming and powdering herself, Marie picked out her favorites from the new underwear she’d bought that day and tried on all of her new outfits before deciding on a simple cream-colored dress that flattered her curves nicely. Jessica appeared...

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The civillian

I shadow wrote this story for a friend. The two of us hope you enjoy it.When I finished high school I spent a few months working, before being drafted. Aside from a short period of training, during the first half of my term I spent most of my time behind a desk. I did spend a day a week doing guard or drill duty, to keep in shape and keep my field skills fresh. When things escalated and another unit was in need of a new sergeant, I was promoted and got reassigned. Still behind a desk, but now...

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      I like to say that I explored sex, back in the day when there were a plethora of Arcades and bookstores to "play" in.  I had many experiences, mostly good, but some not so good.  Ben, I would say was somewhere in the middle.  He was a "big" sum-bitch, about six-six, maybe about 240 or so in weight.  I first saw him in the book room, while perusing "reading material.  It seemed that he appeared in the rows where I was shopping though he didn't approach me in any way.  I was a little...

1 year ago
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I thought Semenax was going to be a porn comic about a barbarian with a raging sword of flesh, hacking and slashing his way through big-titted orc sluts, elven nymphettes and probably some furry fox bitches in keeping with the typical formula. It turns out I was wrong. definitely still falls into a niche, one that may well be of more interest to the random pervert than some homemade hentai for neckbeards. What’s more appealing to you, a cum-based fantasy weapon or a real-life boost...

Male Enhancement Pills
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Alexandra Ch 02

It had been over a year since I moved in with my best friend, and lover, Alexandra. It wasn't known we were lesbians, just that we were roommates. We were at a party to kick off the second semester of sophomore year. I was having a great time, chatting with friends I'd made, dancing occasionally, and chowing down on the chips and delicious home-made guacamole provided. I could see that Alexandra was also enjoying herself. Things were going well... until I saw her expression suddenly...

4 years ago
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After the Fall Number 2 in STOPWATCHChapter 5 My Heart

"Ladies." I waggled my eyebrows at them. "I thought you'd sworn off sex." Wendy said. "Me too," commented Kim. "Yeah, what's the deal here anyway?" Rachael questioned. "I do admit," I admitted, "I was wondering when you decided." "Decided we were all wives and not just me?" asked Wendy. "Yes." I agreed. "We can't talk to them," Kim put forward. She gestured towards the native camp. "They can't talk to us." Rache said by way of explanation. Wendy said,...

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You Bet Your Ass Gay

There's nothing worse than two divorced guys sitting around watching television on a Saturday night. Lamar lost everything when his wife took everything he owned. All he had left after he got home from work that day was the car and the clothes he had on his back. I wasn't much better off. The only difference seemed to be in the bills that were left behind. In this department, I was the ultimate loser. Still I managed to get a tiny apartment behind an old house on the outskirts of town. When I...

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His Angel Ch 5 Finale

Amanda looked at the clock by the bed and it read 5am. She decided to get up, there was no use trying to sleep when she was this troubled. No matter what she said or did lately, things between her and Douglas, just did not turn out the way she had dreamed they would. She was way past the point of being upset, she was now angry. She was mad, for letting herself fall in love again. When she knew she had not even given her heart time to heal. God, she was doing the same damn thing she did, when...

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A Cautious ManChapter 8

Zena moved in with Bill three weeks later. It was at his invitation. He was smitten with the striking young woman and he felt they were destined to be together. Zena did nothing to dissuade him. She complimented him frequently and showed her affection often. As they become more familiar with each other as lovers, Zena showed Bill the special touches she enjoyed and he took pleasure in giving her his complete attention. As their relationship deepened, Bill began to think about a long-term...

2 years ago
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he old man

I was at an anniversary party in a really nice banquet hall. A man who I thought was about my age came up to me and introduced himself to me.We will call him Tom.He is a good looking man short like me slim athletic build short hair but full not balding. He told me that he had been married 40 years before his wife died. At that point I asked his age and he told me he was 70 years old. I was shocked. He really looked good for 70 really good. The disc jockey played a song and he asked me " by any...

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TeamSkeetXClubSweethearts Nasty Love Juice

They say the best things in life are free. Nasty and her bf are at the stage of fucking, good old fashion fuck. So they take any chance they get to turn a normal afternoon into a fucking frenzy. Yesterday morning for example Nasty was just minding her own business, making a cup of joe. He walked by and immediately got aroused. What was he supposed to do? The guy’s only human! Since she didn’t get the chance to have her morning coffee, Nasty doesn’t leave the room until she...

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The Beach

They drove down the open two-lane freeway in the most beautiful place on Earth. The rental car they were in didn't move fast, and that was okay because the couple was on Hawaii Time. That meant no watches and no making plans, just going with the flow. It was their first vacation in ages. They had looked forward to getting away from the daily grind and decided the best way to do this was to travel to a tropical location where technology couldn't distract them. Their choice was the island of Maui...

3 years ago
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Gotta love a bomb threat, it got us out of school at ten. If it hadn't been so cold outside I would have headed for the mall to hang out but instead I just went home figuring to play some video games. I hadn't seen Becky on the bus so I thought I'd be home all alone but I was wrong. Becky could be bossy sometimes and I didn't want to deal with her telling me what to do all day so I though I'd just sneak up to my room. Entering the back door I could hear her typing away on the computer. I...

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5 New neighbors Wild

OMG so excited when I had the little bump in with Angela, Let me tell you the rest of the story…So we were mixing cocktails together in the kitchen and had quite a few of them when we ended up on the couch in the living room watching Netflix. I’m pretty sure we were watching Twin Peaks episodes. I like the series but could not help looking at Angela’s perfect cameltoe. That bathing suit pulled right up between her pussy lips. Her lips were almost saying: “Liberate me from this...

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Summer Edge Session

It has been a few months since I have been able to have a good old fashiioned wanking session. A whole day to play with my greased and shaved cock, to stop , start again and buld up a big load of jizzz in my nut sac. Welle today was the day.It has been warm so I got up out of bed, came down stairs naked and enjoyed the pleasure of walking around naked, Slowly I made coffe and slowly i started to play with my cock, didnt want to get going too fast so it was nice to spread itout between breakfast...

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Met My Dreamgirl On My Journey Back Home

I am a regular reader on this site and I thought of sharing my experience to fellow readers hope you all like it. My name is Ashu a resident of Bangalore (Bengaluru) presently. I am 5’11 tall; average built with an 8′ inch little brother. This incident took place in the year 2010 when I was going back to my hometown after my semester end. I reached to Chennai airport to catch my flight back home to Sikkim at around 12pm and was pretty excited to go back home after a 6 month gap. The excitement...

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Molly Curt Naked In SchoolChapter 21

While the rest of the folks at the Pritchard compound found places to grab a few hours of sleep, Patricia and Ben were too stirred by what they had seen during the night to even think of sleep. Lisa was not interested in sleep, either. She was playing, people were listening, and they were enjoying it. It was a totally new experience for her and she just could not pull herself from the keyboard. Only when Patricia and Ben, talking quietly in the back of the auditorium, were the only listeners...

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The Expeditor

"No, you are all good to go." said the Shipping agent, "We don't have anything, you will have to write your own Bill of Lading" "Okay, that is fine, Have a great one!" I told him as I closed the rear doors on my Ram Promaster. "You too." He replied as he drove the forklift back into the warehouse. I climbed into the drivers seat, pulled out my clipboard and and a Bill, and filled out the necessary information, and pressed the depart button on the Dispatching app that the...

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ReunitedChapter 10

After a shower, which I thought would freshen me up, I was still half sleep, after two hours of shut eye last night. It was ten minutes before ten in the morning. Waiting here at the station, like instructed on the note. My only thought is, was I meant to be here last night at ten or this morning? It will not be too long till I find out. Standing outside the station, I am scanning each person to see if I can recognise anyone. I notice someone across the street watching me. It was the young...

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SparksChapter 5

11:20 Thursday, May 16th, 1991 Building 102 Ft Huachuca, AZ "Yes, Mom, I know I just called you Sunday for Mothers' Day. I might see you before the end of the month, I'm being sent to El Paso on duty for a day or two soon." Ben stood in the stairwell, on the payphone to his family. "I think I may have a surprise for you. I'll let you know when I have more details." The conversation carried on for a few more minutes, then Ben hung up the phone. Sandy kissed him before he could even...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 166

Golf, If You had a Caddy Number :10 Golfer: "I think I'm going to drown myself in the lake." Caddy: "Think you can keep your head down that long?" Number : 9 Golfer: "I'd move heaven and earth to break 100 on this course." Caddy: "Try heaven, you've already moved most of the earth." Number : 8 Golfer: "Do you think my game is improving?" Caddy: "Yes ... You miss the ball much closer now." Number : 7 Golfer: "Do you think I can get there with a 5 iron?" Caddy:...

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BONEHEAD SQUARE Upon my arrival, there didn’t seem to be a lot of activity, so I stayed at the counter and conversed with the clerk. Few words had fallen before I heard footsteps, looked to my right to get a visual on a man walking toward me from the area where I should have gone right away. The look of longing on his familiar and handsome face as he walked toward and then past me with a nod of acknowledgment told me I’d arrived too late to attend to the needs of his thick and uncut seven inch...

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Age of Darkness

Author's notes: This story is a spinoff of a branch of one of my other stories: A Fantasy Dynasty . If you wish to know more about the background story and lore that led up to this point, or enjoy this story and are looking for more. Please give it a look. Also, A Warning: This story may involve some darker subjects. If you have issues with stories that involve Murder, Rape, Torture, Violence, etc. This may not be the story for you. You have been warned. Queen Marissa Loon lounges boredly on...

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Forever Young

“What have I gotten myself into?” My palms were moist and my heart beat quickly. I knew what I was about to do was a mistake, but I sure didn’t have the brains to stop. Or rather, I had too much testosterone to make myself use my brains. “I actually told her my nickname, Fingers,” I thought with embarrassment. “What a fucking ass I am.” My college teammates had given me that nickname because of my really big hands and freakishly long fingers, which helped me snag passes that were behind me or...

Straight Sex
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Sheila Mclean

Sheila McLean was a name that brought my member to quivering attention. "Did you ever hear of a doxy called Irish Sheila, Mistress Sheila McLean perhaps?" one of my tavern mates asked, deep in his cups. I held my peace having already sucked him dry of information and not wishing to buy him any more of what the tavern was selling as gin. "She's as fine a piece of ass as the lord god ever made, that she is," he evered making wavy motions with both hands to show the shape of the woman. I...

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In the Band Room Closet

“See you later, Lucas!” “Yeah, later,” Lucas replied over his shoulder. He was hauling drum cases into the closet in the back of the band room. Not that it was his job, exactly, but most of the members of the pep band had left to get to the Homecoming Dance, and he felt like helping the director out a bit. ‘Dang,’ he thought, as he made his way out of the closet. ‘It sounds like everyone’s left, and I can’t get this big one up on the shelf by myself.’ As if on cue, as soon as Lucas stepped out...

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Fuller House Fourth of July WeekChapter 7

8:36 am local time, July 4 Independence Day “Well, this omelet is certainly the bomb! How the fuck did you twins get to be such great cooks? Clearly, we underestimated both of you!” Vicky Larson asked the boys who had double-teamed her only hours back and now made breakfast for everyone. “Just lucky, and frankly, we just didn’t find our niche until recently. We discovered that most jobs and hobbies bored us ... but we love to eat ... and cooking makes eating a lot easier,” Alex explained as...

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5 Doors Down

i was going round to jakes to play some xbox for a few hours , we usually did this a couple times a week , so around 1pm i left my house to go to jakes , he only live 5 houses away from me , so i knocked on the door but go no answer , i was puzzled as jake told me he would be in. so i knocked again and jane answered she was in her PJ's covered by her dressing gown . "is jake home ?" i asked , "he's at stans" jane replied , "oh thats odd he told me he would be in today" i said as...

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Earths CoreChapter 33 Alone

“The heir of the Malignant Monkey clan and an apprentice of its current leader?” Zax was confused. “Is the fourth level Martial Mortal your father?” “Indeed. My father is a Chaoyue type beast. Of his thirty seven progenies, thirty six are Zhihui, while I, the seventeenth, am the only Shenghuo. I am a stain to my father’s reputation. As a Feather in Violet Scaled Troops and a clan leader, my very existence is an insult”. Huland creased his brows in bitterness. ‘He is like Grandmaster... ‘...

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prema ki chudai doosra din

Maine prema ko aisi aisi jgah choda k prema aab tak bhool nahin paayi hai aaj bhi jab koi nai picture dekhta hoon to use waise hi chodta hoon saab batoonga par dhire dhire . Abhi aap doosre din ki kahani suniye.–phir dono sath uthe aur phir sath hi mein nahaye kyoni garmi thi aur raat ho rahi thi maine prema ko soongha to uske sharreer se sirf gulab mahak raha tha phirmaine prema ko god mein utha liya aur lekar bed par aa gaya aur khane kajo saman laya tha sath mein khaya tabhi maine pastry...

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This Could Be Love

In hindsight, I should probably have just turned her away there and then. However, you know how it is – no matter what sort of day you have, you just can’t turn away a devastatingly attractive woman on your front doorstep. Even when you know that she’s a professional assassin – and the reason you know this is that you hired her to kill your business partner less than two months ago. I’d moved into my new apartment shortly after the divorce began in earnest, it had dragged out longer than I’d...

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Love in London Ch 01

Andy rolled over, groaning, and hit her alarm clock. Squinting at it, she saw (through very bleary eyes) that it’s was 7:35. ‘Shiznit, I’m late again!’ she thought frantically. Her boss had warned that if she wasn’t on time this morning, he was gonna fire her. Jumping out of bed, she ran for the bathroom. Yanking her oversized T-shirt over her head, she started the shower and gasped when the cold water hit her skin. Scrubbing quickly, she ran out again, and just when the water was getting...

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Sweet CarolineChapter 11

On the way there, I told her about the errands we needed to run – she agreed. Upon reaching the address I told her to switch to our other rings. Her mouth opened to ask, and then she understood. It’s funny how she compared changing the rings to that moment in DIE HARD 2 when the bad guys changed the ammunition from the blanks to the live fire. Wow. A woman who can make a legitimate DIE HARD reference. Now, there’s a perfect woman. After walking in, I said, “Sorry it took so long, there...

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