Spanner indian porn

4 years ago
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Der Spanner

Der Spannernach einer Idee von Nylon-ThomasAls ich mal im Urlaub war ist mir eine Sache passiert, von der ich euch gern berichten möchte. Es fing alles ganz harmlos an.Für ein paar Tage war ich verreist. Dazu hatte ich mir eine schöne kleine Ferienwohnung gesucht. Die Wohnung lag ein wenig abseits, war sehr schön ruhig und sollte mir in aller Form der Entspannung dienen.Die Tage nutze ich und schlief stets erst einmal aus. Anschließend gab es ein reichliches Frühstück. Während dessen plante ich...

3 years ago
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Mein Onkel der Spanner

Mein Onkel der Spanner In meinem Elternhaus, besonders bei Familienfesten, wurde gerne viel gebechert. Während wir jüngeren hinterm Haus am und im Pool chillten. Ließen die älteren Herrschaften im Haus die Korken knallen. Ich ( 18 J) hatte mir angewöhnt eine gewisse Zeitspanne abzuwarten. Dann ließ ich die anderen Teens kurz allein, um zurück ins Haus zu schleichen. Meine Mutter und auch die Tanten hielten nichts von gesitteter Kleidung. Ihre Kurven, in freizügigen Kleidern, zur Schau zu...

4 years ago
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Der Schwimmbadspanner

Ich wuchs als Einzelkind in einer zumindest nach aussenhin prüden Familie auf, in der Nacktheit nie ein Thema war. Als ich langsam erwachsen wurde und anfing, mich dafür zu interessieren, wie die Geschlechtorgane anderer denn so aussehen, habe ich das Spannen für mich entdeckt. Damals gab es noch in vielen Schwimmbädern sogenannte Spannerlöcher in den Umkleidekabinen, durch die man gut beobachten konnte, was so in der Nachbarkabine vor sich ging. Auch gingen viele Umkleidewände nicht bis zum...

2 years ago
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The Clan

When I met Glen, I had no idea what lay ahead for me. Upon meeting him, a one-on-one encounter was as far as my imagination stretched but then, maybe I was somewhat naïve. Glen was a butch biker and very macho. I was aware that bikers usually hung out together in packs. Being shit-scared of motorcycles, I avoided these guys. Glen, however, had a very sexy smile and eyes that could melt the South Pole. Glen’s former lover had been seconded to an overseas branch of the company he worked for, and...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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New SecretsChapter 5

Sarah was ordered back to her house that Sunday night and her father picked her up from the flat; I think her parents thought that either she would be sick of me, or she would want to spend time with her family. I missed her, and as strange as that sounds, I had got used to waking up with her warm body pressed against my skin. I also missed the morning kiss and cuddle, the sex, the smiling and the glorious playfulness. I was without Sarah for twelve hours, and it pained me. Rhea, of course,...

4 years ago
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Meine Fickmama Fortsetzung www

Teil 6Da Wochenende war konnte ich mich mal wieder ausschlafen, gegen 10 UhrKlingelte mein Handy und Heidi war dran.„Guten Morgen mein Süßer, kommst du heute zum essen! fragt Heidi mich„Ja so gegen zwölf Uhr kann ich da sein, antworte ich.Nach dem Frühstück räume ich endlich mal wieder meine Bude auf packe die schmutzige Wäsche für Heidi in einen Korb. Wie versprochen bin ich gegen Zwölf bei Heidi, die mich heißersehnt erwartet. Sie hat sich für mich deftig herausgeputzt, aus ihrem weißen...

2 years ago
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The fat man s revenge

Ethan Harrington was a large man by any measure. He topped out at over 6 feet tall and was over 400 pound. Right now he was trying to squeeze his way into a sub compact. He was a mechanic with his own body shop and he needed to get this car up on a lift. "Fuck" he shouted as he managed to wedge his way in. "Fucking women with fucking tiny ass cars." He got the car up on the lift and struggled his way out. "It's never fucking easy." He ran the lift up when suddenly a car...

4 years ago
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The Three Signs Book 4 LisaChapter 26 Justice or Vengeance

“Will! Oh, Will, I’ve missed you so much! It’s great to be back here with you, we have so much to catch up on!” Fiona wrapped her arms around me, kissed me hard on the lips. She squeezed me tight, almost as if she was trying to get my body to fuse with hers. “So much has happened; you went and got yourself shot ... when I heard, I was sick with worry, I was about to jump on a plane and fly back, just to make sure you were okay, but Lisa told me to stay there ... we must have burned through...

2 years ago
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In Nachbars Garten

Es war Sommer und ich wollte wieder mal unsere geile Nachbarin Ira beim FKK-Sonnenbaden in ihrem Garten beobachten. Sie war so etwa 35 Jahre alt, schön drall mit großen, schweren Titten und sie hatte einen prallen und ausladenden Hintern. Sie war braungebrannt und hatte ihre Muschi immer blitzblank rasiert. Iras Ehemann Georg war oft auf Montage und sie nutzte die Zeit zum Sonnen in einer Ecke ihres großen Grundstücks, welche schlecht einzusehen war. Wenn man aber über die Mauer kletterte und...

4 years ago
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Meddling Goddess

This is something of an experiment in trying to write a supernatural story, hope you enjoy it. Meddling Goddess. by Trish. Having slipped away from the playful family entourage the entity know as the Goddess was bored and looking for mortal entertainment. She liked watching them, and although it was much harder now that machines also inhabited the material plain when the opportunity...

2 years ago
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How To Fit A Starter Motor

Here’s how to change a starter motor on a car. Have a cigarette. And a coffee. Step outside and look at the car. Adopt a daunted expression. Pop the bonnet of the car. The bonnet is situated where the hood should be if the car was situated several thousand miles west. ,) Glance under the bonnet at the engine. Adopt an EVEN more daunted expression. These expressions only work correctly if the degree of daunt exceeds 80%. Have a cigarette. Coffee optional. Fetch the toolbox and open it....

2 years ago
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Blonde Angel Part One

*** MORE IMPORTANT *** I am planning for this to be a series of stories involving M/b, M/b/b, b/f, M/b/f and I apologise if the first one is a little longer leading up to the good stuff, but this is based on reality and I want to set the scene properly. I hope you enjoy the story and if you want me to continue, I actively encourage emails to tell me so. Thanks. BLONDE ANGEL - Part One When I lived in the UK I had a bit of a hobby restoring old cars. It was a fun thing to do and it...

3 years ago
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The Mysterious Case of the Vengeful Lothario Entwhistle Investigations 2

The Mysterious Case of the Vengeful Lothario The changing rooms were empty now all except Laura Robson, the Captain of the hockey team and it was time to make a move. Laura was in the shower and was singing the latest Rita Ora song completely out of tune. That alone might not be a reason for this, but it certainly added to her crimes. She took off shoes and then undid the zip at the back of her skirt before letting it fall to the floor. Slowly, deliberately she undid the buttons of...

3 years ago
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Zum Cuckold erpresst German

ZUM CUCKOLD ERPRESST    (Multi Fetisch)   ? 2012 by MasostudKapitel 1: Ein gro?er FehlerSeit Ende meines Studiums als Lehrer f?r Altgriechisch und Latein lebe ich, Matthias Steigleder, mit Gabriele, die ein Jahr j?nger als ich mit meinen 28 Jahren ist, zusammen und habe sie vor knapp drei Jahren geheiratet, nachdem sie ihr juristisches Staatsexamen bestanden und eine Anstellung in einer bekannten Anwaltskanzlei gefunden hatte.Wir leben in einem Haus mit Garten in einer gehobenen ...

3 years ago
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An Unseen World Story

An Unseen World Story The following events take place before the events of The Unseen World and as such Part one of this story can be read as a complete stand- alone story without first reading The Unseen world. Part two of this story is a direct sequel to The Unseen World... I hope that you enjoy it. Part One. The Return Of The Daisy Glade Witches The law of conservation of energy states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed but changes from one form to...

3 years ago
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Summerhouse Blues

Once again, is this realy a BDSM story? Well, not really but it has, at it's heart, a Femdom relationship and I hope you'll enjoy it.You, the reader, should share in my heartfelt thanks to Estragon, Rhonda's biggest fan, who persuaded me that it was worth my effort and, far more importantly, worth his effort to correct the innumerable errors in grammar and punctuation so that Tracy's story could be properly enjoyed. Any errors that remain are my fault, not his.L.J. Tracy's StoryI was young and...

4 years ago
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Lauren Gisal II In South AmericaChapter 49

Lauren side-stepped a difficult conversation with Emma with white lies and an unusually creative mind. She had been sitting cross- legged on her bed, wearing only her regulation shirt when Emma walked in, sat on the opposite bed and stared at her. "What'cha doin?" "Mending my knickers. My only pair of goddamn knickers" "What happened?" "I caught them in the door catch. Stupid, eh?" Actually, brilliant. Perhaps next time, though, she should prepare an excuse in advance. "Hmm. I...

2 years ago
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The Builders Next Door 0

Hi, my name is Vanessa. I was born in December 1975 and now have a 34AA–24–35 95-pound figure with blondish hair. In 1998 I quit my boring existence in a little town in North Wales and went to work as a Housekeeper for a middle-aged man in the East Midlands of England. It was a brave decision to make as I’d applied for the job after seeing the job advert in a BDSM magazine that someone had left in the hairdressers where I worked. I didn’t really know what I was letting myself in for, but I...

4 years ago
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Mit mehreren Spa szlig drinnen und drau szlig en

Mit mehreren Spaß drinnen und draußenDie Zeiten wo ich im Süden lebte, sind vorbei. Kein Sea Sun and Sex. Ausflüge und Abenteuer am Meer unter der Sonne des Südens sind Vergangenheit.Zwar ist der Sommer hier dieses Jahr ganz nett aber die Gelegenheiten nackt sich zu zeigen und auch zu spannen sind geringer. Der Job als Hausmeister einer Sporthalle bietet auch nicht gerade viel Freizeit und meistens sind nur Senioren Gruppen die Besucher, aber nach einigen Wochen fand ich doch auch attraktive...

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Hermione s New School

Hermione's New School[Contains fantasy ball-, tit- and cunt-busting, castration (many, some graphic) and big tit themes]HermioneHermione sat on the broken down school bus with her arms folded tightly across her budding breasts.“I bet I finger the new girl first.”“No way - I’ll have her stink on my fingers before home time.”A chill ran down her spine and she re-crossed her arms tighter over her tender young tits. It had been a month since she had been expelled from Hogwarts and a week since her...

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Revenge is Sweet Chapter 4 Planning the Job

As the other three came into the dining area all showered and dressed there was a knock on the door and a call from outside saying, “Room Service!” Suzie opened the door and one of the hotel guys pushed in the trolley and proceeded to lay the table and put out the food. He placed the coffee pot in the middle of the table with the milk and cups.“Would you like me to pour, Sir?”“No that will be all thank you.” I said giving him a tip and sitting at the round table. He left closing the door...

4 years ago
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The guy called round in the morning to fix a new cupboard in the kitchen for me. I left him to it and went on the computer in the living room to send some emails and catch up on things. A charity collector knocked at the door after a while so I saw to them, but when I came back the carpenter had come into the living room and was looking at my computer screen."You into this sort of stuff?" he sneered.I'd been browsing my X-Hamster videos. "Oh you know," I said embarrassed, "it's just...

3 years ago
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Der Flaschengeist Teil 24

Der unvermeidliche Disclaimer Diese folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum des Autors der in dieser Community das Pseudonym "Drachenwind" tr?gt und von ihm frei erfunden, ?hnlichkeiten mit real existierenden Personen und/oder Orten sind rein zuf?llig. Es ist ausdr?cklich verboten, diese Storie f?r kommerzielle Zwecke zu nutzen. Finanzielle Vorteile d?rfen mit dieser Storie nicht erwirtschaftet werden. Kurz gesagt, Ver?ffentlichungsverbot f?r alle kostenpflichtigen Foren oder Webseiten, ...

2 years ago
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I sat there, quietly contemplating and digesting the ways that I could get to meet Sara again, the last time had been a mere taster of how we could be together. She was stunning, more than I could ever imagine a beautiful woman to be, sensual but dirty, gentle but raw, young but intelligent…she was everything that I wished for but at the same was everything that I had not had before. My work made it easy for me to be away from home but that wasn’t sufficient, I needed to play a game, the game...

4 years ago
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Ek Anokhi Daastan

Woh itwar ki subah thi. Sabere 6 baje uthkar mai ghar ka sara kam nipat rahi thi. Aaj main bahut hi khush thi kyonki pure 2 saal baad mere pati dubai se pure ek mahine ki chhutti lekar aanewale the. Ve Budhwar ko aanewale the, uske pahlehi muze gharko saj-sawarana tha. Mera subah ka kam khatm hote hi main nahane chali gayi. Gana gungunate hue main naha rahi thi ki achanak muze yaad aya ki mere pati ko shower lena bahut hi pasand hai. Isliye main shower on karane lagi , lekin shayad jyada dinose...

4 years ago
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The British Sea WarChapter 3

Convoy Work The weeks and months passed. A few days in port and then back to sea. Now Tony was the Senior officer of the fast convoy AH122 with two more new Flower Class Corvettes commanded by Lieutenants RNVR and an ancient armed sea going tug commanded by a Lieutenant RNR.( Royal Naval Reserve) Both the Captains of the other two Corvettes had gained some limited experience in previous convoys, and like Summer Rose Tony knew that they would give a good account of themselves when called to...

3 years ago
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The Kids From FoldenChapter 14

I'm a little scared, but I know we're going to be okay. Yavi and Farhad are actually fixing the bus, with Rosie's help. They downloaded her into their Pocket Pals so that she can guide them better. Jody is also helping them. The biggest thing I don't understand is Tasha. Somehow, after she got locked in one of the living modules we freed her and she came out different. I don't know, it's really skiz. She's trying really hard not to be difficult or anything. But I'm really confused...

3 years ago
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FM 2012

"Stephen, what's in this big wooden trunk," Sarah my soon to be ex-wife asked as we cleared out the loft of my soon to be ex family home."I don't know, junk probably," I suggested."It might be bone China, we agreed I had the China." she said greedily as she stood there and if I half closed my eyes I could pretend she looked sexy with her in her dungarees and checkered shirt, with her blonde hair tied back severely. It was amazing the way Sarah had changed, was it only three years since we met,...

3 years ago
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Mafia And The Journalist Of Seduction Part 6 Deep Throating Guns

“Hello Dev, this is Alisha,” she said as the call got connected. Dev knew Alisha was ‘Maleficent,’ but he never disclosed anything. He had different plans for her. Alisha was almost weeping as she told Dev what happened. Her life had turned upside down. The cops, media, and those deadly gangsters were searching for Maleficent, aka Alisha, and most of them wanted her dead. Alisha knew asking Dev would be a huge risk. But she took lesser of the two evil. Dev was one of the topmost cops in the...

2 years ago
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Aggy Book 1Chapter 6

'Polack' took a deep breath as he punched up the holo of a ship's engine room with figurines placed at points about the diagram. "We decided to look at a destroyer's engine space; we had to start somewhere and all ships are but a destroyer writ large". He waved away McCock's raised eyebrows. "We know that's not absolutely true Sir..." "Aggy." "Uh, Aggy, but as I said we had to start somewhere and small and simple we thought was better than jumping in on a BB's...

4 years ago
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ThesisChapter 21 Private Investigations

Corinne and Jo are watching Jenny's sexual torment on the monitor fed by the camera in her cell. "What do you think we should do, Corrine?" Jo says. "Do you think she is actually researching us? It could equally be some sort of put up job by some of the tabloid press." "Hmmm, well Fifty will not be the last person to try to capitalise on her experiences, I'm sure," Corinne responds. "On the other hand again, if she has organised her visit was solely as part of a research project and...

2 years ago
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Editing Reailty Book 1 Chapter 9 A Special Tool

Book One: Naughty Fantasies Created Part Nine: A Special Tool By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this. James Davies I groggily rose from sleep, unable to ignore my bladder any longer. I thrust off my blanket and sat up, blinking, the world a blur without my glasses. I groaned, wanting to slip back into sleep. It was Saturday. I was up late drawing. I almost finished the next panel of my comic. I glanced at the wall, at the drawing of my two...

2 years ago
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Painting with Lydia

CHAPTER 1 Eddie Carter had been working for Gilmore Home Decorators in Crawley, England, for three weeks and during that time had been painting commercial premises – a paint store, gymnasium, bicycle shop and bakery. The Australian preferred painting homes where there was always the chance of the woman of the house providing coffee and freshly-buttered scones for morning and afternoon tea and a hot lunch in return for excellence in painting. Eddie wasn’t sure how women could tell if the...

2 years ago
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The Ugly Duckling

I was talking to a couple of friends when this girl walked by. Doris was a local girl and certainly not the best looker in this town, in fact she was ugly, but she had a great figure. I watched as she walked by. I thought if she had a good head she would have men lined up for miles. Silently I thought, with a bag over her head or in the dark she might pass muster between the sheets. Her nose and mouth were big, and she had slightly buck teeth. Her eyebrows were dark and heavy and her hair...

2 years ago
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We Look After An Old Gay Guy For Our Inheritance

This is a story of how my wife and I inherited a bungalow by doing odd jobs and looking after an old Gay Guy named Bill to keep him from moving into a home ...only thing was the ODD JOBS  started to become sexual favours FROM ME.We recently moved into our bungalow that we inherited from an elderly gentleman who i had done odd jobs for for the last few years of his life, at times this was a real chore but it was to save him from going into a retirement home and the deal was if we kept him out of...

3 years ago
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The Ugly Duckling

I was talking to a couple of friends when this girl walked by. Doris was a local girl and certainly not the best looker in this town, in fact she was ugly, but she had a great figure. I watched as she walked by. I thought if she had a good head she would have men lined up for miles. Silently I thought, with a bag over her head or in the dark she might pass muster between the sheets. Her nose and mouth were big, and she had slightly buck teeth. Her eyebrows were dark and heavy and her hair...

Straight Sex
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A neighbour in deed is a neighbour in need

We had a fire at the office, and it was going to take a few days to repair the area and get a few modifications done. I had to work from home. It suited me as I could work my own hours, and download anything I wanted to the cloud from time to time. I live alone, at the moment, having broken up with my lover of six months. He could not keep his cock out of other girl’s pussies, and he got caught. Not by me, but by one of the husbands, and it was all around the office, so he also got the push...

2 years ago
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Frau von Grafenstein Teil 3

Frau Vanessa von Grafenstein war nun bereits seit einigen Wochen Witwe. Das beträchtliche Vermögen ihres verstorbenen Mannes bestand nicht nur aus Firmenbeteiligungen sondern auch aus dem umfangreichen Anwesen der von Grafensteins. Frau von Grafenstein bewohnte alleine das stattliche Haus am Stadtrand von Düsseldorf. Anfangs war die Situation für sie noch relativ ungewohnt, doch langsam begann sie die Vorteile eines Lebens als „junge Witwe“ zu erkennen. Sie war finanziell unabhängig und konnte...

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Die Schulsperre

Die SchulsperreReiner, 18 SohnGudrun, 38 MutterRenate Borg, 54 LehrerinDer Anruf von der Schule kam überraschend, ich dachte mit 18 werden die Eltern nicht mehr unterrichtet, wenn ich etwas angestellt habe. Ich merkte sofort, dass etwas nicht stimmte, die Stimmung war ziemlich frostig. Meine Mutter rief mich mit meinem vollen Namen ins Wohnzimmer, ein eindeutiges Indiz, dass etwas faul war. „Deine Klassenlehrerin hat mich kontaktiert. Was fällt dir eigentlich ein, dich so zu benehmen? Du...

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A neighbour in deed is a neighbour in need

neighbours While the wife is away then there is time to play./We had a fire at the office, and it was going to take a few days torepair the area and get a few modifications done. I had to work from home.It suited me as I could work my own hours, and download anything Iwanted to the cloud from time to time.I live alone, at the moment, having broken up with my lover of sixmonths. He could not keep his cock out of other girl’s pussies, and hegot caught. Not by me, but by one of the husbands, and...

3 years ago
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my firest time

"Caitlyn, can you get the mail?" My mom called out from the kitchen.I glanced down at myself. I was wearing black velour shorts and a white tank top with a plunging neckline. I wasn't wearing a bra and the shorts was so tight that the soft swell of my pussy mound was visible. I hesitated for just a brief moment, did not see any neighbors around, and quickly walked out into the sun.I jogged over to the mailbox, picked up our mail and was about to walk back to the house when I saw my new...

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Workman gets seduced by seymour clevage

Sarah hated the Monday morning rush. she'd woke up late again dropped the k**s of at school done the shopping and just wanted 5 minutes to chill. it was now 10.45am and the gasman was due at 11. what to wear? she thought. Sarah was in her late 20's size ten figure. pert tits legs to die for and a nice tight arse. She went for the short skirt blouse knee high socks look with her hair in pig tails not out to impress or anything. The door rang dead on 11. " 1 minute!" as she called out the bedroom...

3 years ago
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How Did I Get Into This Part 2

This is the second part of the story of Diana Deans. Diana, kidnapped and transformed by a cruel transsexual professor, gets into trouble again. She also undergoes the final process in her transformation. If you haven't read the first part, this may not make much sense! Part 2 On the morning after my 'coming out' party, Trish visited me. She had brought with her a pile of women's magazines and a large red folder. Handing me the folder she announced, "Diana Deans, this is your...

4 years ago
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Whoopsies Chapter 7

Whoopsies, Chapter 7 - By: Beverly Taff The following morning I woke to find myself lying on my back. This in itself was unusual for we usually slept curled up in a ?three-sided? bundle of intertwined arms and legs. Before I had time to consider this unusual separation, I realised that it was the gentle twitching of my butt-plug that had woken me. As I became more awake, it was starting to writhe and squirm inside me. For a moment I lay on my back beside Pauline, wondering...

2 years ago
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Der Flaschengeist Teil 10

Der unvermeidliche Disclaimer Diese folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum des Autors der in dieser Community das Pseudonym "Drachenwind" tr?gt und von ihm frei erfunden, ?hnlichkeiten mit real existierenden Personen und/oder Orten sind rein zuf?llig. Es ist ausdr?cklich verboten, diese Storie f?r kommerzielle Zwecke zu nutzen. Finanzielle Vorteile d?rfen mit dieser Storie nicht erwirtschaftet werden. Kurz gesagt, Ver?ffentlichungsverbot f?r alle kostenpflichtigen Foren oder Webs...

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Der Flaschengeist Teil 11

Der unvermeidliche Disclaimer Diese folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum des Autors der in dieser Community das Pseudonym "Drachenwind" tr?gt und von ihm frei erfunden, ?hnlichkeiten mit real existierenden Personen und/oder Orten sind rein zuf?llig. Es ist ausdr?cklich verboten, diese Storie f?r kommerzielle Zwecke zu nutzen. Finanzielle Vorteile d?rfen mit dieser Storie nicht erwirtschaftet werden. Kurz gesagt, Ver?ffentlichungsverbot f?r alle kostenpflichtigen Foren oder Webs...

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Der Flaschengeist Teil 25

Der unvermeidliche Disclaimer Diese folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum des Autors der in dieser Community das Pseudonym "Drachenwind" tr?gt und von ihm frei erfunden, ?hnlichkeiten mit real existierenden Personen und/oder Orten sind rein zuf?llig. Es ist ausdr?cklich verboten, diese Storie f?r kommerzielle Zwecke zu nutzen. Finanzielle Vorteile d?rfen mit dieser Storie nicht erwirtschaftet werden. Kurz gesagt, Ver?ffentlichungsverbot f?r alle kostenpflichtigen Foren oder Webs...

2 years ago
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My hubby encouraged me to exhibit

I am a 50 year old married woman with three sons. I am an Indian American, born and bred in USA . My hubby, an Arab American, is 10 years older than me. We got married when I was 21 and my hubby 31. Both have conservative family background.   My hubby is of a very loving nature. I am far more conservative than him. For the last five years or so we have had a fairly routine sex life. Lately, however, my hubby seems to be becoming hornier. He has started to indulge, and induce me too into...

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Pooja and best friend 8217 s brother

It was late Friday morning and Ravi had finished his breakfast a few minutes earlier. He had slept in late since, with his parents and sister away at his grandmother’s for a long weekend, there had been no reason to get up early and he’d had enough of doing that when he’d had to go to morning lectures at college. But now it was a few weeks into the summer holidays and his time was his own, or most of it was as he had been set three chores this particular weekend; to clean the swimming pool, to...

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The Journey

It was a Sunday evening. Not a usual one. I had to make a journey in the afternoon to my house from the place I worked. I missed the 2 pm bus. I waited in the ISBT and asked a handyman there. He pointed me to a bus standing in the garage. “That bus may go.” He said, “But it will take time. Something is wrong with that. They are working. You can go and ask those guys.” I moved on and asked the long haired thin fellow standing near the bus. “Is the bus going to Amalgaon?” “Yes,” he replied...

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Hallo Herr Nachbar

Hallo Herr Nachbar! Ja, dich meine ich. Woher ich weiß, dass du hier bei Chyoa bist? Reine Vermutung. Ich möchte mich bei Dir bedanken, für den genialen Samstagabend. Na, klingelt es so langsam? Von deinem Schlafzimmerfenster hat man einen hervorragenden Blick auf unsere Terrasse. Aber das brauche ich dir wohl nicht zu erzählen. Wie oft stehst du eigentlich heimlich am Fenster und beobachtest meine Frau? Macht es dich an wenn sie sich “oben ohne“ sonnt? Anfangs dachten wir ja noch es wäre...

4 years ago
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Thrust Upon You

Wounded, her engines were offline. The Sparrowhawk's engineering crew could muster only thirty percent of nominal power. At this point, she drifted like a loosed arrow. No power was passed to the main particle beams from any source. Worse, the shield generators were phasing in and out. On the bright side, enemy fire had ceased to strike her. Damage control parties spread throughout the ship. The crew was effectively blind to the battle behind them. Experience stated that the Sa'arm had some...

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The House Guests and the Desert

It all started with an e mail. "Your pal seems to be short of accommodation", the husband said one evening after opening the e mail area. His wife read the message and gave a bit of a 'tut', 'tut'. As she pondered the message he said. "Why not invite her here". For seconds the wife was silent and then excitingly said. "You don't mine". When that question was given approval she immediately picked up the phone and then for the next few hours busied herself in preparing the room and...

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The Last Trump

I had played the bugle when in the army cadets at school, and when I joined the RAF as an aircraft apprentice I hoped to continue my musical career, but now as a trumpeter there being no buglers in the RAF. Trumpeters at RAF Halton played reveille, lights out, fall in, and all other applicable military trumpet calls, on the long stemmed cavalry trumpet, which I found much more difficult to master than the bugle. There was also the fact trumpet practice was held every evening, which became an...

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Three Square MealsChapter 52 The Trankarans reveal the cause of their recent troubles

There were several space-faring alien species that had tiny empires dotted along the border between the Trankaran Republic, and the Terran Federation. Port Megara was the biggest outpost along the border with Trankaran Space, and this huge Terran Federation Space Station provided a convenient place for them all to meet and trade. Port Megara was built along the familiar vertical “stack of plates” design used by most distant Terran stations, and like the others they had visited before, the...

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The Pleasure of Her CompanyChapter 3

The next week was a whirl of activity for me. I was running all over the place, walking Faye to and from school, running home to get my homework done and then running back over to Faye's so we could go for a walk and have a little time alone together. Mostly we walked over by the school, not the high school, the elementary school. We'd stand over behind the corner of the main building and, out of the wind, we'd kiss and talk. We both liked to snap off the long icicles that hung from the...

3 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 357

Helpful hints about tools from dorsetmike A beginners guide to the common tools found in the workshop DRILL PRESS : A tall upright machine useful for suddenly snatching flat metal bar stock out of your hands so that it smacks you in the chest and flings your beer across the room, denting the freshly-painted project which you had carefully set in the corner where nothing could get to it. WIRE WHEEL : Cleans paint off bolts and then throws them somewhere under the workbench with the speed of...

3 years ago
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RestoredChapter 6

Monday I was up at the crack of dawn, once I was ready I made my way downstairs to the inn, make myself a cup of coffee. A few minutes later, Patsy walked in carrying a couple of bags, surprised to see me, she said. “You’re up early today, and that smell is that cologne I smell on you?” To change the subject, I went over to take the bags from her. “Let me help you put the shopping away Patsy.” Pulling them back as she held them tight, she said. “Don’t change the subject with me, young man....

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Teacher s DogChapter 2

It was all wrong. The day had started out wrong when she'd accidentally poured soap flakes in her scrambled eggs, and it had progressively worsened. Lisa had tentatively planned to forget some of her troubles by whipping up a fancy shrimp creole dish for supper with a good big bottle of Chablis she'd bought to help top it off. But that was before walking into the girls' locker room, and she could consider that idea shot all to hell now. A bitterness blazed in the older woman as she...

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Teacher s DogChapter 3

Shortly before young Scott Phillips had confronted his chemistry teacher in her bedroom, he'd been walking back toward the high school. Scott was a bright lad, able to keep up with the older students in his grade quite easily, although he was keenly aware that his birthday in late May put him at a physical disadvantage. It was sort of like being the runt of the litter, always being left behind whenever possible, and always picked last when it was not. Scott was compact and wiry in build,...

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A Well Lived Life Book 3 PiaChapter 18 Skating and Stockholm

November/December, 1979, Hovås/Göteborg, Sweden On Monday when I showed up at the ice rink, I saw the regular hockey skaters, Åke, Per, and Johan, and greeted them as I usually did. Talking with them, I had discovered they all played for the same junior hockey team in Västra Frölunda and all hoped to play in the Elite Series. They skated each morning for about an hour before their regular practice started, which is when I had to leave the ice. Katrina and Mikael, the ice dancers, weren’t...

2 years ago
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Eva rekindles her dislike of clothes Part 04

by Vanessa Evans Part 04 There was what could well be a nice restaurant there but it was all shut up for the winter and they wandered around and found a bar that was open. They went in and saw about 8 or 9 men who all turned and looked at the strangers who had walked in. “Hi everyone, we’re not disturbing anything are we?” Eva said. “Fucking hell lady, no, come on in, park your cute little ass over here.” One of the customers said. Jason was starting to thing that going there was a...

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Emily s First Solo Holiday Part 04

by Vanessa Evans Before you read this part I strongly suggest that you read the previous part. It will give you the background that will make this part a lot more enjoyable. Part 04 DAY 08 – The second day of my ‘enslavement’ ****** Will didn’t wake me by fucking me. We were both woken by Harry telling us to get our lazy butts off the bed. When Will woke he looked disappointed, I know that I was. “Will, you go and shower in our room, you know how long girls take to get ready” Harry said...

2 years ago
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I HAD A DREAM! The scene could be set just a decade or so in the future, in an area for want of a better description, we’ll call middle America. There is a wind of change about! —— ‘Come in Major? So you’ve found something?’ ‘Sure have General,’ answered the fresh-faced Major, looking too young to be holding such a rank. ‘Apple has really come up with the goods since that new woman took over the Job. The new Mark 5 i-Scanner has detected something already.’ ‘A transcript Major?’ ‘Better...

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The Damaged Stowaway Pt 2

'Is this what a Dad is supposed to be?' Lily found her mind wandering, as she put out some washing. Maybe she had finally lucked out. Making up for eighteen years of insults and backhands. The last lot of her father's handiwork was still healing. Lily had decided if she were to stay for a few days, she needed to be useful. At least while Mark worked his land, disappearing of a morning in his best up truck. It was only until she had the strength to move on. Mark was happy to have her stay,...

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Rene Completes His Schooling

Rene retired to his room, a ramshackle structure roofed over with asbestos sheets. He was preparing to stretch himself on the cot when he heard the sound of someone sluicing water into a tub in the next room. The room next was apparently the bathroom, and the plywood partition that separated the rooms was full of cracks and holes. Rene looked through some of them. Aunt must have been aware of the possible uses of these openings for she had papered them over from the other side. There was one,...

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Keeping A Secret

Sandy stood in front of the large mirror in her room and examined herself. She was wearing one of her very short summer dresses. If she leaned forward a little, like now, you could see that she hadn't put on panties. Sandy straightened up again and stroked through her long blond hair. She sighed softly, wrapped in thought around Peter, her same-aged stepbrother. The damned guy had figured out something he should never have found out - something that no one in her family should ever find out...

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Her Boyfriend really is Bisexual

I didn’t write about it at the time because I didn’t have the consent of the people involved and I didn’t think it was appropriate to ask at the time either. After posting some bisexual threesome photos last week, I thought maybe I should seek permission to write about it and permission has been granted and I hope you guys enjoy this as much as I did..... Last night Kip and I hosted a wonderful dinner party here in Breckenridge (Colorado). The guests were; a gay couple from Denver, Kip,...

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Uschi Ch 01

‘Tell us, Alice, what you think you could bring to this role.’ Roger Addington, forty, smiled at the young job applicant sitting opposite him. He was grateful that her steely blue eyes and elfin good looks provided sufficient distraction from the temptation to let his gaze drift down her straightened blonde hair which fell loosely onto the upper swells of her ample breasts, between which a tight, deep crack of cleavage rose again towards her shapely chin. The job was hers, Roger would see to...

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Vanessa s New Life Part 06 0

Vanessa Sunday August 30 When I got up Vicky was already in the shower so I joined her and we soaped each other. She asked me why I had a little tuft of hair at the top of my pussy so I told her about the hair-removing machine that Jon had bought. She wants to know how we get on as she says that she still has to make the effort each morning to shave hers and sometimes doesn’t do it when she gets up late. She said that like me, the ‘itching’ had long gone and she now hated it when she had a...

3 years ago
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Annie and the School teachers Part 2

“So do you really think they’ll be back again this week?” asked Mick, as he clambered over a dusty pile of carpet that lay in the middle of the store-room floor. “If Mr Nettleship discovers that I didn’t have a dental appointment this afternoon, I’ll be in detention for a week.” “Don’t worry” I said. “The way they were at each other last week, they’ll be here, I’m sure of it”. But secretly I had been having misgivings. What if Mr Pearson and Miss Sharpe couldn’t get away that afternoon? What...

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Realms of Eden Home Fires B2A2

Act 2 — Play Games Chapter 1 — Only women bleed Kelsey and Sydney walked back towards their motel around midnight. Kelsey was a little tipsy as she giggled beside the warm body that held her up helping her keep one foot in front of the other as they walked in the moonlight. Suddenly she stopped. ‘Syddy,’ she cried, ‘didn’t Alfie want you to do something if you ever got up here? Something for Bonnie?’ The man’s eyes narrowed in concentration for a moment and he softly asked the nano-bots in...

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The Cul De Sac

My name is Peter; I'm single, I'm 6ft 1inch tall and weigh 210lbs. I live in a cul-de-sac, which suits me because I do not intend to go anywhere else. It used to be a sad street in a sad part of town, but the circle of life took another turn and suddenly the world was a much brighter place and life was really worth living. One side of the street used to consist of a wall, behind which lay a disused canal. The council have removed that wall; renovated the canal path, and erected a wrought...

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A Boy and his Genie Chapter 07

Matt had his typical Saturday morning lay-in the next day. Though to be fair, recent events had left him rather exhausted, what with the large amount of sex he’d been having. Not that he was complaining in the slightest. When Matt eventually got up, he got dressed, and started walking downstairs. He could hear giggling from downstairs, followed by his sister saying “Fuck, he’s coming”. Matt walked into the living room, and found Becky and Jamie sat on the sofa, trying to look innocent....

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The Dildock Virus Chapter 3

Ziglo The Dark The next working day was coming to a close for Laurel as she brushed a few wisps of stray blonde hair from her face. Most of her long locks were tied back in a pony tail as per company rules. Concentrating on work was useless. Her thoughts were in total distraction from the events of the previous night. No memories lay buried out of harms reach, locked within her subconscious this time, although she wished they were. Every moment of her incredulous internet sex session was...

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Somewhere There s a Someone

As the mountain train climbed slowly approaching the rockier beginnings of the mountain, Helen was enraptured by looking out at the green pastures shining in the sunlight. She had the usual stirrings of anxiety and expectation. Almost the same curiosity and hope she might have felt as a theatre curtain rose, but with added uncertainties.She had made many journeys to unknown places, but she knew this place so well, loved its languid stillness, the majesty of the peaks, some of which rose like...

Love Stories
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The Dildock Virus

Laurel reflected on the past few weeks as her walk from the supermarket drew her closer to the apartment building where she now lived. It only had been a couple of weeks since her move to the big city and a world of difference from life with mom and dad to being on her own. Recently graduated from college as a production line specialist, her new job at Spanner Industries was the biggest change in all her twenty one years. She thought how especially her mom didn't want...

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Mr Stephensons Fucking Machine part 4

Georges equipment attracts the attention of Prostitutes and Nuns and then he is persuaded to make a left handed version. ====================================== Ada Monckton was a woman to be feared, a colossus of womanhood only five feet tall but reputedly twenty stone, and as leader of the Gateshead and Heaton branch of the Pubic Sector Workers Union her wrath was legendary. Woe betide the Gentleman who failed to pay the agreed rate for services of a...

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Mr Stephensons Fucking Machine Part 2

A Sequel to Mr Stephenson's Fucking Machine Before the Victorian Era safe sex meant kissing and a chastity belt, but when the key broke in Fanny's lock it took an engineer of Stephenson's stature to resolve the problem. ================================ “Thee done champion job of Fucking Machine for the missus so if thee can spare time I got another job for thee, bit delicate like." Young George Stephenson sat in the kitchen at...

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A Phone call pt 2

"It's Elsie. ring me." I grabbed for the phone but she was gone. Elsie, how could I forget her, I was still finding tiny flecks of aluminium under my foreskin a week after our unwise liaison. I rang the last caller redial, "The Honourable Miss Stracham is unavailable at present but, " the answer-phone replied but it cut out as she answered. "Is that you, Mr Barker." "Hi, what do you want at one a.m?" I asked. "My machine's broken." "Only the stupid attachment"...

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Ice Lord

Although they said it was a ‘random inspection’, I felt that I was the target of their operation. All the contents of my car were emptied onto the roadside; a drug-detecting dog gave everything a very good sniff. I was frisked very thoroughly and quite roughly by a burly police officer. They didn’t find anything and just left me to pack all my off-road gear back into the car alone. I was merely two hundred meters from my destination: the International Airport parking.‘What the hell has she...

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Adventures of Rohan Part 1

I was spending more and more time with my Bhabhi and I was enjoying it. I was so happy in her company. I never felt same when I used to with Puja. And so I was loosing interest in Puja. I always used to compare her with Bhabhi and in each case Bhabhi was in winning side. And finally we broke up. But I was not feeling bad. I don't know why but now I was feeling that I don't need girlfriend. At this point of time I was not ready to accept that I love my Bhahi but ya I know that I Cares a lot...

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New Neighbours New Life

I had been out playing golf and came home late and it was dark.As I put the car in the garage, I saw a figure that may have been a peeping Tom or a pervert creeping around in the neighbour's yard. I shut the garage door and thought I would have a look to make sure I had not been seeing things.After a minute or two, a naked female figure appeared.Both Bill and Norma had moved into the home within the last six weeks and whilst we had introduced ourselves and been sociable, we had not had a lot...

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my sexy young slut wife stacy part3 CAMERA CLUB

If you have read my other 2 stories about stacy you will know she is a complete slut. Since sucking her first cock at the age of 17 until I write this story she has sucked off between 650 and 700 guys cocks. Stacy is 21 now and has an insatiable appetite for giving oral sex. She will suck of any man young or old black or white. she has also sucked of 12 dogs including our 2 rottweillers starsky and hutch. She loves the taste of semen and will also do gangbangs and bukkake. She loves to...

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The Abduction And Training Of Kitty

The letters instead of names for some of the characters are to protect the not so innocent. LOL. REMEMBER: I welcome suggestions for things or situations you might like to see in my future stories. PM me with your suggestions if you wish. Vanion_3000 ENJOY The Abduction and Training Of Kitty by Vanion_3000 ...

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Watching The Teachers Part 2

“Don’t worry” said Mick, “You’ll be thanking me later”. But secretly he had been having misgivings. What if Mr Johnson and Miss Ford couldn’t get away that afternoon? What if one or other of them had had second thoughts about meeting up again – although after the way they had carried on last week, he doubted that very much. But anything could happen to put a spanner in the works, and he didn’t fancy having to explain to Jenny why he had dragged her down to the old school store-rooms that...

3 years ago
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A boy s femininity awakened Part one

In the North East of Scotland, large families were the norm even up into the 1950s.  So, when I attended the local Primary School, there were scores of children of my age there, all shapes, sizes, and temperaments. This meld of kids meant that I didn’t stand out from the crowd despite being a softy. My time at Primary School was therefore quite comfortable and peaceful, but this situation changed when I moved up to the Senior Secondary School. The overriding ethos of the school was that boys...

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Feeding an addiction Part 3 Ch 4

Scarsdale, New York: Saturday 4th August 2018Hell, I was tired. It had been the week to end all weeks. Wall to wall meetings, clients and colleagues who seemed hell-bent on bickering and arguing about every tiny detail. Somehow me and my number two guy, Steve, had managed to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. But it had been a real stressful, roller coaster ride of a week.And now it was one twenty in the morning and I felt totally wiped out. My shoulders ached, my legs hurt from the long...

Wife Lovers
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The Room

Okay, here’s the usual description of this post. Folks it totally fiction for people and places although the weather described might just have a hint of truth. Other wise it’s a product of an idle mind. Enjoy.Chapter 1:Life changing experiences can be in odd places and times. I had that feeling as I closed the door to room 641 that something big had happened.A little background first. My wife Barbara and I met almost five years ago after both of us had gone through divorces.I’m 5’7” and she’s...

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Auntie Mabel Ch 22

‘Fuck me John, look at the Tits on that,’ exclaimed John’s best mate Steve as they walked across the factory parking lot. Steve was a Tit man, and John knew he could spot a nice pair of tits at 100 yards. The young woman Steve was drooling over was certainly worth an erection, as Steve was fond of saying. She was about twenty years old, looked very suntanned, of medium build with long dark hair. She had a well-built figure, and of course large breasts. It took a great deal to wrench...

4 years ago
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The Restraining Order

A foreword Terms used Old bill — slang term for the police Brief — slang term for solicitor or lawyer Snogging — what our American cousins call making out My editor is sick and unable to work her magic so any errors are all mine. I’m sure the English teachers will have plenty to find fault with. I hope it doesn’t spoil your enjoyment. The Restraining Order Everyday was the same. Five minutes before the children came out of school the old Volvo would appear. It never came close and the...

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The Bush Publican

For the benefit of those who don’t know how to speak proper, and to assuage those who would rather not have explanations in parenthesis in the body of the story, I have included a Glossary of Terms at the end of this story. No-one that I know speaks grammatically correct English with perfect syntax. So I write it as these people would speak it. CM The Johnsons Creek of this story does not exist. Instead it is an amalgamation of several towns in the North Flinders Ranges and arid desert...

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Lucky Alex Ch 11

Chapter 11 Natural Progression Over the next few weeks life continued normally, work, training and time together with Lorraine, life was very good. I even took up tennis and golf, both of which I thoroughly enjoyed and we managed to play both on as many weekends as we could while the weather held. Chrissy started to spend more time with her friends, exactly as Lorraine had predicted, going to clubs and even a few dates with men that she met at work and whilst socialising. There was talk of...

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Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds

He puts his best jeans on tonight. His black boots are polished, laced up nice and tight. Frankie’s hair is slicked like back in seventy-five, come on baby, let’s drive… His fingers caress the cold curves and raise dusty stripes on the sleek black skin of his oldest friend. ‘Summertime baby, summertime… Let’s get your top down.’ ‘You talking to me or the car daddy-o?’ He winks at her where she would be standing at the passenger door. ‘Why not both baby, why not both…’ he grins lopsidedly,...

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6 THE PA pt A

6.THE PA. pt A She sat mouth agape, she knew the offer was genuine and that he was not in any way k**ding, she had never had such an outrageous offer before in her whole 36 years. He sat coolly regarding her with grey unmoving eyes, a millionaire a few times over Ted Longfellow [Sir Edward Longfellow of Trentham to give him his correct title] he knew that the offer he had made was one that would upset a lot of the applicants, in fact the last had flounced out in disgust, the one before had...

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Different Worlds Ch 02

Here is ch2, still no sex, but it’s coming its coming I promise. Again, my eternal gratitude goes to those who’ve had a hand in editing this, NaokoSmith and North200, honestly it would have been a car crash without them ***** It was Monday morning. Sally had just arrived with a package for Ivy. It was clear she wasn’t going to leave without some kind of conversation about Saturday night, so Ivy put the kettle on. ‘How are you today, Ivy?’ ‘I’m fine,’ she replied. Sally looked at her,...

3 years ago
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As Bad as Each Other

Skye finished pulling the black lace top stocking slowly up her long, toned leg and clipped it carefully into place. The bottom layer of her outfit was finished, at least. She stood and checked herself in the full length mirror and smiled approvingly. Black panties with lace edging sat on her pert bottom, and the suspenders traced a delightful path to the stockings which she knew made her legs look amazing. The matching bra had a slightly maximising effect on her full breasts. She had always...

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