A Phone Call Pt 2 free porn video

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"It's Elsie. ring me."

I grabbed for the phone but she was gone.

Elsie, how could I forget her, I was still finding tiny flecks of aluminium under my foreskin a week after our unwise liaison.

I rang the last caller redial, "The Honourable Miss Stracham is unavailable at present but, " the answer-phone replied but it cut out as she answered. "Is that you, Mr Barker."

"Hi, what do you want at one a.m?" I asked.

"My machine's broken."

"Only the stupid attachment" I corrected her.

"I'm lonely." she explained.


"Did that night mean nothing to you?" she asked.

"Well, I'm still finding bits of aluminium." I admitted.

"Come over."

She put the phone down.

She had to be thirty, around my own age, older than I liked, she had smaller tits than I liked, I liked brunettes with green eyes not blue eyed blondes, I did not fancy her at all, really, I thought as I pulled my decent shirt and jacket on and set off to walk the few hundred yards to her place.

The door was open, no need for keys.

She was waiting in the kitchen, dressed in a short black dress, jewels sparkled from her ear rings and necklace, she smiled as she saw me walk in.

"You came."

"Obviously" I replied.

"I didn't want to call." she admitted.

"I didn't want to come,"

"I had to, it was on my mind, sit down please." she requested.

I sat, "What is?"

She had been drinking, I guessed the drink had eroded her resolve to forget our night together.

"I should have called before but I didn't want to," she said.


"Guiseppe, he supplied the machine, he wants to meet you, I think he wants to offer you a job." she said awkwardly.


"I told him how you helped me, you are obviously into the scene as you answered my post on the site." she explained.


"Here is his card."

"Thanks," she pushed it across the table towards me.

"Is that all?" It seemed little enough.

"I'm lonely."

"Boyfriend away on business again ?" I asked.

"We had a row."


"Will you set my machine up for me, its all in pieces." she asked as she walked round the table to sit on my lap.

"Not tonight, I'm too tired."

"In the morning then." she stood up, took my hand and led me up the stairs.

"You can sleep here" she announced as she showed me to a small room on the third floor, a simple single bed and chest of drawers the only furniture, the carpets thin and poor quality, the walls bare but for cheap wallpaper.


"You're not very masterful are you.?" she asked.


"Accepting a nasty little room like this."

"Oh, its not so bad, but you will be cold sleeping on that thin carpet."

Her eyes widened.

"But no, it's too cold for that, I need you to warm me up."

"I was only joking," she said as I pulled the zipper on her dress down, before releasing her bra strap and baring her breasts in a single motion.

"Very Funny" I agreed slipping the dress off her arms, down past her waist, past her knees and on down before I pulled her panties down to join it around her ankles. "Now warm the bed up" I lifted her bodily as I first peeled back the old fashioned sheets and blankets and then slid them back over her tucking her in like a small child, I left her while I took a swift trip to the bathroom.

When I returned I found her sleeping. She looked so peaceful, I could not bear to rouse her so I got dressed again and sat on the floor in the corner for a while and fell asleep.

I woke to raucous laughter, she was sitting up in the bed clutching the bed clothes around her, while another woman was standing in the doorway literally crying with laughter.

"Oh Elle, have you turned dom."

"No I came to mend the." I stopped mid sentence realising how stupid I sounded , I tried to stand but I was too stiff.

"Go away Pan, oh this is Neil, my lover, Neil meet Pandora, my younger sister."

A taller younger, dare I say it slimmer version of Elsie, dressed all in black, black dress, stockings, shoes, underwear probably, she carried her wide brimmed black hat in her hands.

"Hi" I said.

"Oh so this is the Mechanic you keep on about, she likes a bit of rough, likes to be slapped about and abused," she fluttered her eyelashes, at me flirtatiously, "low self esteem you see, not like me." she continued, "well at least she used to, perhaps if you are her sub you would like to fix breakfast."

I walked out to their giggles and titters and headed for the kitchen, there were plenty of eggs and some bacon and I quite like cooking a girl breakfast as a reward for a pleasant night so after a few minutes there were three plates of bacon and eggs ready on the table and I called them down with a deferential "Breakfast is served." and they came running and laughing down the stairs.

Elise was wearing a simple short blue house coat.

"Well he is well trained." agreed Pandora.

"Who said you could get dressed.?" I asked.

"Sorry, master." Elsie replied with a slight smile.

"Its all right this time kitten, but remember what we agreed." I ad libbed.

Elsie took her plate and placed it on the floor and started to try to eat it without using her hands smearing egg all over her chin as she did so.

"Oh god Elle, what's he doing to you, for gods sake you beast."

Elsie managed about two mouth fulls before she collapsed in helpless laughter.

Pandora fumed in annoyance "How am I supposed to know, she keeps on about you."

I helped Elsie to her feet and she hugged me and then jumped up and wrapped her legs around me and we kissed.

"Oh god it's sickening" was Pandora's considered opinion.

Elle took my hand and led me to the small bedroom once again and lay back on the bed, "Tie my feet to the bed frame" she ordered but I was too busy getting undressed to waste time with such nonsense and instead I opened her housecoat and pulled down her panties slipping the flimsy lace off her feet before parting her knees and taking my place on the bed kneeling between her thighs, I explored with my fingers.

"Checking for aluminium" I informed her,

"Just do it, don't mess about stick it in me and OOhhh"

I silenced her with a single thrust and an open mouthed kiss and she started making the most amazing mewling sounds as I began to hump her.

It all seemed so pleasant, ordinary yet exciting, a habit to enjoy frequently, two parts of one single whole.

Pandora walked in on us, "Did you two get married secretly or something" she asked as she watched thoughtfully.

"Go away Pan"

"You'll get pregnant, she won't use the pill and you two are not using condoms are you?"

"Go away" Elle repeated.

"Or has he had the snip." Pandora queried.

"Go away, it's not a problem," I insisted.

"Guiseppe rang, said to ring him back" Pandora continued. "Elle, can I use your machine."

"Yes when I've finished with Neil he can put it back together for you."

"Hey" I complained.

"And use a condom," Elle ordered, "I don't want you getting my sister pregnant as well."

I found the machine came with all the necessary tools, it even had several spare fuses in the tool pouch in the bottom of the control pedestal, it was very strange, trying to work out the protocol for adjusting the machinery to suit Pandora, should she just strip in front of me or should she undress elsewhere and simply wear a bathrobe or something similar something easily discarded.

We adjusted the arm rests and thigh and foot restraints, to suit Pandora, Elle operated the winching machines to tighten the straps to secure Pan to the machine,straps at her wrists, ankles, around her waist and over the breasts under her arms and then because she had been so beastly we took the main fuse out and left her while we had a bite to eat.

She was incandescent with anger, "Elise Stracham let me out of here." she wailed.

"Is that your name, Elise not Elsie." I asked.

"Yes, weird isn't it."

"No, nice, like the Lotus" she looked blank, I guessed she was not into cars.

We returned to Pandora, she had gone off the idea of being machine fucked but Elsie told her not to mess me around, and to relax.

"No let me out you pervert, you machine rapist,".

I released lock on the leg restraints and eased her knees apart, the linkage spreading them equally as I pulled her left knee until I reached her limit and her pussy was fully displayed, glistening, pink, in the spotlight, centre stage,

Elsie pushed a finger into the wetness, "She is not very excited yet, show her your cock."

"No keep that disgusting thing away from me you pervert." Pandora insisted.

I looked at her, as she looked at me, her face framed by her breasts as I peered over her crotch and I marvelled at how firm and perky her breasts were, retaining their shape even as she lay down.

"Just let me up you pervert." Pandora wailed.

Pandora called me all sorts of other names as with her sisters connivance I prodded and caressed and nibbled her as I tried to get her relaxed enough to take even the smallest penetrator, that would fit the one and a quarter inch penetrator push rod, the smallest that was safe without an intermediate guide, but in the end sheer perseverance and lots of lube saw the green latex covered plastic phallus slowly ease between her pussy lips.

She had stopped complaining and was trying not to show her excitement, but her erect nipples and the way her juices were leaking rather gave the game away.

I adjusted the stroke of the penetrator, turning the crankshaft by hand and trading pushrod length for crank throw as we established how deep she could take the thrusts, it's not glamorous, its real hard work, manipulating machinery amongst the warm wet soft fragile, slippery juice soaked innards of a naked twenty something with the most amazingly firm tits while my lover, her sister looks on.

"Are you ready yet" Pandora whined. as I finished checking everything.

"Ready if you are" I announced and fed some power to the motor,

The penetrator started to move, the hydraulic motor easing it gently in a way no straight electric drive could achieve and then it started to move easily.

"It's slopping about like a broom handle in a bucket." Elle observed as Pandora's shyness evaporated and her Vagina opened like some exotic, or is that erotic flower.

I stopped the machine, to Pandora's frustration intense frustration, "You can't stop now" she whined.

I turned the crankshaft so the penetrator was fully inside her, pulled out the spring loaded clevis pin wound the crank back disengaged the pushrod, extracted the penetrator, undid the lock ring, unscrewed the green plastic phallus, chose a larger one pushed it right in her to check it was comfortable for her, then screwed it to the push rod and tightened the lock ring, all the time sensing her dripping cunt was just crying out for attention glistening and dripping and ready. As soon as I was certain she was comfortable I re-fitted the clevis and powered up the motor once more.

Her moans and shrieks bore testimony to a job well done as the shaft eased in and out and the crank revolved and her little pussy lips slid easily over the Orange three inch by twelve inch penetrator.

I did not want to risk leaving Pandora alone with the machine running but Elle wanted me so we compromised by making love in the corridor just outside the "play" room, we were both so turned on by this stage that foreplay was superfluous and I sank into her wetness with practised ease.

When we returned Pandora's straps were slipping as she perspired with the excitement of her over stimulation, I gave each winching machine a few seconds power to secure her better and she responded instantly with renewed cries of pleasure.

"What the hell would she be like with the anal running?" I asker rhetorically.

"Or the suction cups I have on back order." mused Elle.

"I really..... must...... stop." Pandora gasped between shrieks and so I slowed the penetrator to a gentle motion then stopped it completely.

I released the strap tension to allow her to climb out without dismantling or adjusting the penetrator setting, "I'll leave it set for you then Pan."

"You will have to give me a hand I'm exhausted." she complained and I carefully lifted her and took her, still naked, to the bedroom her sister and I had recently shared, I lifted her into the bed and tucked the sheets and blankets carefully round her as she drifted into a contented sleep.

As I went downstairs I heard Elle on the phone, "Five five, Pounds? yes, right, that would be easiest, bye."

"Mr Barker, Neil, how do you fancy making some money?" she asked.

"Yes great, is it legal?" I asked

"Guiseppe can supply the machines, Anal and Vaginal with the vacuum cups and a full set of Penetators and tools for five thousand five hundred delivered here. I think we can charge twelve to fifteen thousand for one assembled and tested and you can easily set one up in a day."

Things were moving too fast.

"How about paying" I asked.

"Sell before you buy, silly, Guiseppe has ten in storage because he has no one to do the set up and testing."


"He sacked his last mechanic, he started to supply some attachments he had made like that one we had trouble with, so Guiseppe sacked him.

"Oh I see."

"That's what he wants you for, but the real money is in buying them wholesale and doing the set up ourselves. and Guiseppe just likes the manufacturing side."

"So what's the deal."

"I sell, you assemble and test and we split the profits fifty fifty." she announced proudly.

"Yeah, why not." so we shook hands and became partners.

It was actually easier to resurrect my old Neil Barker removals business than start a new company, the old LDV van was an ideal size although I made myself unpopular with the lads in the local garage under the arches who had to weld the rusted chassis back together, but within a week we were ready to roll.

The first half dozen machines went to fill the outstanding orders Guiseppe could not fulfil, and every one was to someone who claimed their lover was a handyman or mechanic, and they claimed they could do the set up themselves, I got a couple of lads to drive the van and heave the heavy boxes up stairs while I unpacked everything, then I checked the parts against the parts list, took a photo or two with my Pentax as proof and left them to it.

I was called back to every one of those first six.

There was nothing really wrong with them, in fact after a bit of work they worked perfectly, we only supplied the Vaginal penetrator and suction cups, no anal device but you would not believe the mess those customers made of our new machines, bolt heads rounded off, damaged vernier adjustment where the bolts had been left slack, one poor girl actually came to the door with a penetrator inside her and almost two feet of push rod dangling past her knees where the wrong size ribbed phallus cover had been used and rucked up inside her, fortunately her lover had assembled the push rod wrongly so she could disengage it herself, but trying to ease a lump of plastic from a bronzed goddess's vagina with your lover and the girl's boyfriend watching is not as exciting as you might think.

Fortunately regarding the phallus cover, with the ladies' lover's kisses and my fingers we managed to slip the cover off the phallus and extract all the parts but it was a exhausting experience for all, I remember fishing for the cover with long nosed pliers trying to see down into her vagina when Elle just lost patience and she just shoved her hand inside the girl and fished the cover out. The girl's reaction was priceless, I don't think she had ever been fisted before.

Veronica called us back, her mother in law who was no lightweight, had sneaked in and tried her machine when she should really have been baby sitting, and somehow had ripped the entire wiring loom from the main connector at the base of the control pedestal, from the extent of the damage you would have thought a herd of elephants had been let loose, and the poor woman was so embarassed, but a couple of hours work with a soldering iron and the excellent wiring diagram in the handbook and it was good as new, I checked everything as far as I could then announced I had to get Elle over to test it.

"My bloody mother in law wanted to try it so here is her chance she announced," and bellowed "Mary, get in here."

The old lady was shaking with embarassment, well old, she was about forty something, badly out of shape, fat unattractive, and Veronica ordered her to strip. "If you don't I'll tell Giles and he will tell Charlie."

Mary slipped off her floral patterned tent and what looked like salvation army issue reinforced knickers and carefully sat her not inconsiderable flabby self down at the machine, I went to line up the penetrator and saw to my horror the inch and a quarter almost solid steel shaft was bent, luckily the penetrator she needed fitted the bigger but lighter two inch thin walled shaft so I was able to put it to one side, but the expression, on Veronica's face was an absolute picture.

"She is a right bitch, usually, so this is pay back" Veronica told me as I carefully lubed the older woman's lower lips and tested the penetrator.

"I'll try the same stroke you like" I told Veronica.

"With a plastic prick about twice the size?" she queried.

"Well actually." I started to say but she pushed the start switch. "No, She's
not strapped in," I yelled as I flipped the kill switch, then I winched each strap tight and after a few turns of the crankshaft by hand I reset the trip and handed the handset to Veronica.

She had the compassion to start the machine slowly then slammed it on to full power, the electric motor wound up to full speed as the hydraulics spun the crankshaft which rapidly became a blur. whizzing between the elephant ears of her Labia in a mist of cunt juices.

"She is not a Rabbit." I suggested.

"Mr Barker, she put my machine out of commission, do you have any idea how frustrating that can be."

I had a spare pentrator phallus on the bent shaft in my hand, and as one does in such circumstances, I pulled her Levis down and thrust the soft green phallus towards her pubes,

"Ah, I see you do understand, thankyou." she thanked me as she pulled her thong aside and began to wank herself with the penetrator on the awkward bent length of shafting.

"Veronica, that's disgusting," Mary warned her.

"What about you Madam, pot calling the kettle black."

Veronica saw I had slowed the machine from Rabbit like frenzy to slow fuck, "I said Maximum Mr Barker" Veronica ordered."

"It's for pleasure not torture Madam, and she seems to like that speed." I stated flatly.

Veronica was not impressed. "If you're such a fucking expert then why am I wanking myself?" she queried, but went quiet when I picked up a Anal penetrator from my tool box.

"Perhaps not." she agreed but when I pulled up her tee shirt and popped her perky little tits from her bra cups and paid them some attention she gave a very reasonable impression of a woman having an orgasm. I would almost swear I saw and heard her cum but she denied it later, she did however insist her mother in law had three orgasms although Mary said it was five when next day she rang to enquire about a machine for herself.

"Are you gay and unmoved by your work," Mary asked.

"No, Elle usually deals with that." I told her as I undid the straps and helped her to climb off the machine.

Veronica had gone down stairs to look after the kids.

"Oh perhaps if I am doing her job I should do all of it?"

Well, it would have been rude to refuse, and a strange experience, like riding the ocean waves was my reward as her rolls of flab squished around as I gently fucked her.

"Your machine is very good, Mr Barker, but sadly not as efficacious as your god given appendage, Oh for god's sake don't tell Veronica."

Caroline was another early customer, she was not an easy woman to like, frosty, always frowning or sneering, she insisted she could erect the machine herself and than two days later I had to sort the mess out.

The machine was crammed into a corner of her bedroom, beside the bed, the control pedestal hard against the wall so the tool kit was inaccessible, I pointed it out to her.

"Stupid design" she muttered.

"It will fit all four ways round, the base is a simple square." I told her. "Don't you read the instructions?"

"Oh!, but half the features don't work." she complained.

I tried the controls and some things worked, some would not, winching machines which pulled but not released, but it was the work of a second to find the fault.

The main wiring loom was routed the wrong side of the seat recliner and the recliner mechanism had sliced into it and severed several wires, the hydraulic pipes were loose and fluid had leaked into the carpet, and some of the bolts were cross threaded.
I set to work, as she looked on, working to splice in new wire and seal the insulation with heat shrink tubing.

The pipes just needed a tweak with a spanner, but the mess made me decide to ask if we could just use water in future instead of Hydraulic fluid.

"Right, it's ready for test." I told her as I cleared my tools away.

"Thank you that will be all then." she announced.

"I really ought to check it, I'll get Elle over, she is only round the corner.

"No Mr Barker, go away."

"Look I'll wait in the lounge while you try it."

Reluctantly she agreed and I turned on her TV and waited, I was trying to beat the contestants at Countdown when "Aaagggghhhh Mr Barker help!" she squealed in agony.

I rushed into the bedroom, blood trickled from her anus as she lay back in the seat impaled on a monster penetrator.

"That's a vaginal attachment, not an anal one you silly cow, it's far too big." I shouted in horror.

"It slipped out you idiot." she explained.

"Because the pushrod is too short, I said I needed to adjust it."

I unclipped the controls from the armrest under her right hand, and powered the leg restraints around the spread her legs wider, I think we both became aware she was essentially naked as I did so because her bravado evaporated.

"Are you going to rape me Mr Barker" she asked, "only I do seem to be rather helpless."

"Sorry, I don't have any condoms" I replied.

"On the shelf behind me, use the ribbed one."

"Well" I said reaching for the box marked ribbed, "I suppose it would be impolite to decline."

I clambered in amongst the wiring and the hydraulics, then clambered out again to take my trousers and boxers off, then tried again, it was a nightmare trying to get the seat height adjusted so we could be comfortable and finding somewhere for my knees to go that was not a sharp edge but finally she guided me within her slippery willing wetness, and we fucked pleasantly.

"If this is rape why do you keep saying Yes and harder?" I asked.

"It's a woman's perogative to change her mind." she replied between gasps

"Not in mid fuck." I corrected her.

"Stop then." She insisted.

I stopped thrusting.

"No, don't stop, oh hell, please make me cum"

I redoubled my efforts and her little face lit up with pleasure, the scowls and wrinkled brow giving way to something akin to beauty as she heaved and gasped her way to orgasm.

I was climbing off her, peeling the condom off, ready to seal it in a disposal bag when I realised we were not alone.

Her Mother was looking at me, I felt rather foolish, wearing a shirt and tie and socks but little else.

"Caroline, what is this?" she asked.

"Sorry." Caroline replied.

"You said you love me, not men."

"I got carried away, hell Susan I need a man sometimes, all right?" Caroline explained.

"I thought you loved me!"

The realisation was slow coming but clearly, well hopefully, Caroline and Susan were lovers and not mother and daughter.

"How would you feel if it was me fornicating with a tradesman?" Susan asked.

"Well, I can't see that happening," Caroline snapped, "You're old enough to be his mother."

Susan looked horrified.

"No, that's not fair, she is very attractive." I insisted diplomatically, but my manhood remained drooped at half mast revealing my true feelings.

"Don't lie, you'll make it worse." Susan explained.

"It's the machine," I explained, I fiddled with the controls, "They feel so helpless, look I've switched off the main power switch so she is completely helpless."

"So you take advantage?" she asked.

"Usually, if they don't object." I explained.

"And if they do?" she asked.

"I stop."

"What? self control." Susan said as she rounded on me, "But like all men your brain is in your pants, you just want one thing."

"Mr Barker's isn't" Caroline giggled, pointing to my swinging tool.

"Just get out!" Susan insisted. and I grabbed my tool roll and ran downstairs. I stopped by the back door to put my trousers on and Susan caught up.

"You're disgusting," said Susan but somehow seeing prim and proper Susan staring at me was having an unexpected effect, and I felt myself stiffening.

"No, way you filthy pervert." Susan observed, but she didn't resist as moved closer and hooked my thumbs into the waistband of her skirt and pulled it down, there was a wet patch on the front of her silk panties.

"I don't have any condoms," I explained.

"In my handbag." she replied and she reached across and extracted a packet of three......

To be continued ?


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Phone Calls

Not for the underaged in body or spirit. I mean it! Read Congressional Committee Reports if you must do smut! PHONE CALLS By Vickie Tern "' '" "Hello?" "Janet, thank God you're home!" "Cary?" "Yes. You've got to help me!" "Oh? Help you?" "Yes!" "Now calm down, Cary! Help you how? What's wrong?" "Everything! Nadine has found out about us!" "Found out? Found out exactly what?" "A neighbor saw us last Tuesday when we...

2 years ago
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Persephone in Winter Chapter 1011

Chapter 10  The shock that woke him was as though he had been dropped into the car seat from a great height. When he opened his eyes, he found himself strangely energized, in spite of the lucid details of his dream. Why had he let this man have his wife, over and over? Few husbands would have been so accommodating, so weak in the face of a wife's professed sexual encounters. How could he have brought her here a second time? Suddenly he knew what had to be done. Neither the manicured lawn nor...

Wife Lovers
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Phone Call

True Story..My fiancee and I spent 2 years travelling Europe.. We worked and lived in England and Scotland and would explore Europe from there. We had many sexual escapades, but this is very memorable to me..We were living in a time town in the South called South Brent.. Not a whole lot to do in this town, so when we weren't working in the pub, we would be naked in our room as we were young, horny people. We were very open minded, always trying new things, and had a bit of an exhibitionist...

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Phone Call

Copyright © 2002 by the author I'm a 40-year-old male, tall and heavyset (okay, fat), moderately attractive with blonde hair and beard, not spectacularly well-endowed, and I've always had a bit of the submissive in me. When I was in college I led a really wild sexual life, the kinds of things that my friends now would be totally shocked by but which I find myself remembering when I jack off (which is frequently). By the time I finished school and got out in the real world, I'd put that...

4 years ago
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My first encouter with a superb hijabi whore calle

It was a sunday morning in an early september when I was bored to death and I had to find a good slut to empty my balls that I had full! So I decided to go to the park in the hope of finding what I was looking for. Once there, I immediately noticed a pretty little whore, well dressed and wearing a veil over her head. I must admit that this kind of chick has always excited me. I arranged to sit on the same bench as her and looked at her insistently... She was beautiful with her veil and you...

4 years ago
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Loosening Up Book 3 GrowthChapter 5 Higher Callings

As Dave walked into his own home, his phone announced that he had a text. He picked up the phone off the kitchen counter, and opened his messaging app. In glorious color, with perfect lighting, a photo graced the screen just the way Alice had sent it. The picture showed two side-by-side naked female torsos from neck to pussy, each with a cock about halfway inserted into the wet vaginas. Dave laughed aloud. This was the promised ‘retribution’ for when he went to Sedona and had sex with seven...

2 years ago
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The Mystery Caller

My childhood friend Stoney was also recently divorced. Together we hit every singles bar in Queens, Brooklyn, Staten Island, and most in Manhattan. We'd arrive together but almost every night, we'd leave separately. In the heart of winter, Stoney decided to have a Valentine's Day Party at his house and invite only the best-looking women we could find. The night of the party, I put on my sharp black Armani suit, loaded up with flowers, grabbed a bottle of champagne, and drove across...

3 years ago
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Two Callers

As I raised it, she reached for my belt and began to unbuckle it. I moved to oblige the effort and quickly wriggled out of them. My half hard cock lay turned to the left and growing by the second. She immediately took it in her hand and stood it up, giving it a long, wet, lollipop lick from the base of my balls all the way to the tip. That was enough to stimulate a total hard on, which she wasted no time engulfing in her mouth. She had waited all afternoon to do this and had obviously...

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Two Callers

Introduction: She set the whole thing up… She had set the whole thing up. It was one of those, strengthen the marriage type of antics that I was lucky enough to be the recipient of. I knew something was up as soon as I opened the door from the garage into the house. The kids were nowhere to be found, and she was dressed in my favorite outfit&hellip,old blue jeans and a white, bra-less t-shirt. She greeted me with a warm, wet kiss and tasted like what she had in her right hand, a cool, crisp,...

1 year ago
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The Kennedys 35 The Doctor Makes Housecalls

But there was something missing, eventually I had to do something about it. I sent a text, just "?" to Kennedy. It wasn't too long before a terse reply came, "You want something?" I thought that was obvious, "Yes." Kennedy's next reply cut to the heart of the matter, "Doesn't the slut do that for you?" Kennedy never did seem to like Kiki, calling her "the slut," the feeling seemed to be mutual, Kiki called her "The Bitch" (on the rare occasions they acknowledged each...

4 years ago
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The Janitor Extra 1 Part 2 Dirty House Call

It was time for another dirty house call. He hoped that mother and daughter, Deb and Claire, were ready because today he was fired up. The ladies at the office were good, but he found his new experiances outside just as enjoyable, and he wanted more of it. Not only was it good practice, but he simply enjoyed how he could manipulate every day persons like them, the sense of power and mental dominance like a drug to him now. He simply couldnt get enough. As he entered the apartment, he...

2 years ago
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The Janitor Extra 1 Dirty House Call

Today was a boring day. His powers were working well and ever since day one, had developed into something that he was familiar and adept at, if artistically skilled. Using it has become every day life, helped him in so many ways. For one, he no longer had to pay for a lot of things as he made some of his payments almost literally disappear. Groceries, electronics, services, even taxi fares. He no longer had to cue over insanely long lines. He even no longer had to fight for parking every day,...

3 years ago
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Hot Callgirl

She resided at the local Bordello. She had the body of a goddess: blonde, tanned and firm, with stately breasts that stood out proudly; perfect legs and thighs, a rounded ass that moved seductively when she walked, the face of an angel. But she had been born retarded and had the mind of a small child. Her mother had been one of the call girls. The only alternative to keeping the girl at the Bordello had been turning her over to a government institution. So she had been raised by the...

1 year ago
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Those Naughty Spanking Phonecalls

On Susan Major’s desk the telephone rang. She glanced at it with a frown. That was all she needed. Didn’t the world and their ape know that she was up to her eyebrows in work and with a  never-ending pile of more work that stretched to the dim and distant horizon to be done? Why is there never a temp around when you need one?  Hopefully, whoever it was would just go away if she ignored it. The telephone rang again – this time it sounded more insistent as if complaining to her that ‘Hey, you’re...

2 years ago
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Her Late Night Hotel Outcall

It was Em’s last night in Paris. Tomorrow she was going to be on a plane home after a whirlwind business trip. She’d had no time to herself at all, not even for the nice hot massage she always liked to reward herself with on a long-distance trip. She was basically packed for the journey. She didn’t want to go out. It was already seven o’clock and chill outside.  Her plan was to eat in the hotel and then return to her room and have a nice hot shower and go to bed with Vic. Vic was her lovely...

3 years ago
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Training Callista

I’ve always been a bad girl. I don’t know why but when I hit puberty I just flipped, before I was a happy go lucky individual but now…I’m extremely cynical, apathetic and generally an anti-social sarcastic human being. I’ve always been small too, in every way. I’m about 5”2 or something and really skinny. That’s probably where my anger stems from to be honest, people always made fun of my height. Anyways, so I had detention. Big surprise…I always have detention, I didn’t even realise you could...

4 years ago
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Mein Leben als Callgirl

Hallo. Mein Name ist Jana. Ich bin jetzt dreiundzwanzig Jahre alt. Ich will hier mal erzählen wie ich mein Geld verdiene. Ich habe schon mit neunzehn angefangen mein Geld als Hostesse zu verdienen. Der Eine oder Andere wird sagen das ich eine Nutte bin. Mag sein, daß es stimmt. Aber mir macht es Spaß und einen Tausender für eine Nacht ist ein guter Preis. Und ich lasse nicht jeden ran. Ich biete auch ein Gesamtpacket für die Nacht an. Wie ich zu diesem Job gekommen bin? Der Exfreund meiner...

3 years ago
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Anke und ihr Callboy

Anke 31, ist eine Steuerberaterin in einer Wirtschaftsprüfung. Sie hat lange blonde Haare, eine schlanke Figur und eine Körbchengröße von 75 D. Durch Ihren Job, der öfters 70-80 Stunden pro Woche in Anspruch nahm, hatte sie schon seit 3 Jahren keine Beziehung mehr. Dann hatte sie endlich einen Tag frei und verabredete sich mit Ihrer besten Freundin. Sie erzählte ihr, dass sie sexuell ausgehungert sei und ob ihre Freundin ihr nicht einen Typen empfehlen könnte. Da sagte ihre Freundin, dass sie...

2 years ago
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Superman vs the goddess Callisto

A pleasant day in Metropolis turned to pure carnage out of nowhere. The cause, a scantily clad goddess called Callisto. Callisto was strong, powerful and sexy. She was tall, around six feet, and she was wearing a skin tight black tank top, skin tight black shorts and black boots. Her hair was blonde. Her body was an almost perfect athletic build. She weighed around 135 pounds but it was more muscle than anyone could see. Superman was stunned at the destruction happening in Metropolis. He...

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Her Late Night Hotel Outcall

It was Em’s last night in Paris. Tomorrow she was going to be on a plane home after a whirlwind business trip. She’d had no time to herself at all, not even for the nice hot massage she always liked to reward herself with on a long-distance trip. She was basically packed for the journey. She didn’t want to go out. It was already seven o’clock and chill outside.  Her plan was to eat in the hotel and then return to her room and have a nice hot shower and go to bed with Vic. Vic was her lovely...

Straight Sex
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Jabalpur Callboy

Hi friends, girls and all sex seeking women reading my story This is my 1st story I should introduce myself I’m of 21 yrs height 5 11”, athletic body (with 6abs), fair in colour and my penis size is approx 9inch with thickness of 6cm diameter Now without delaying I should start my story of my first meeting as a call boy with a lady named Shweta (name changed). I was looking for a girl in Jabalpur to have fun I tried everywhere facebook, tinder , Instagram, google, etc for 2 months...

1 year ago
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Best Sex Of My Life With A Callgirl

Info about me first, I am a 25 years old working in an MNC and earning enough to have a decent lifestyle. I was just missing out on sex, the problem with me is I am horny all the time like a teenager and no matter how much I had, it was always less. It was one of those nights when I had a long and tiresome day at work and I just needed to fuck the brains out of some sexy lady. So, I thought of getting some professional help. I got the number of an escort agency that was known to be very...

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Ex Girlfriend8217s Friend Made Me A Callboy

Hi, this is Neil. I’m 22 staying in Kochi, Kerala, very rightly called the god’s own country owing to its unmatchable beauty. I believe life is short, so I guess we gotta make every moment count. We just can’t afford to put up with regrets. I love sex and in fact, most of the people do. After all, it’s a biological necessity and I hate the fact that it’s considered a taboo in our society. Satisfaction in sex is my priority and it’s very imperative that both the partners enjoy completely. So...

3 years ago
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Wild Threesome Adventure With A Callboy

Hello friends and fans of this wonderful site. This is Gautam basically from jaipur but currently in delhi, india. I am 24 yrs, 5ft 11 inches male with a good physique, with some really hot looks & a very strong sex drive & I have a 8 inches rock hard cock to please & satisfy any female craving for sex. I’m very good in massage and women find it erotic when someone who can satisfy them in bed as we as make their body dip with oil. You can mail me at So without making you bored. Lets just start...

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Housecalls by UmmmDonuts I have worked at a local department store for the last few years. It was a big store that housed a dental center and a hair salon. I used to love walking by the salon and getting a whiff of the perming solutions and hair sprays. All the girls that worked in the salon were nice. One in particular was very friendly with me. She was a middle aged woman who was well versed in all aspects of her profession. She was slender and would change her hair...

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Training Callista

I’ve always been a bad girl. I don’t know why but when I hit puberty I just flipped, before I was a happy go lucky individual but now...I’m extremely cynical, apathetic and generally an anti-social sarcastic human being. I’ve always been small too, in every way. I’m about 5”2 or something and really skinny. That’s probably where my anger stems from to be honest, people always made fun of my height. Anyways, so I had detention. Big surprise...I always have detention, I didn’t even realise you...

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Forgetting The Phonecall

Forgetting the Phonecall By Solon Plorry Forgetting the phone call, though it was easily more important then anything else! Nuit wasn't good at this, but then again, he had little experience. A couple more calls after one o'clock failed to locate her wayward husband, and wrath replaced her earlier heartsickness. She knew he would call; what the hell was he doing? Getting his jollies at a strip club probably, or maybe watching a porn movie with one of his chums, maybe drinking...

3 years ago
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The Ring Senshi Episode 2 Enter Callisto

Thanks you guys sooo much for the feedback last episode, I'll try and meet your expectations some more |_~ The Ring Senshi Episode 2: Enter Callisto By Shellyness "A demon, a talking cat and you in a skirt? Are you sure you didn't just dream that?" Ichizu asked sceptically as he heaped another mouthful of noodles into his mouth. "Ugh... no! I didn't dream it! Besides, why would I dream about wearing a skirt?!" Justin had just spent the past five minutes explaining exactly...

2 years ago
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Sweet Rascal Chennai Turned Into Callboy

Folks first I need to thank the Indian sex stories team which gave me an wonderful chance to satisfy the ladies in chennai .So this will be my third story and the previous story link is given and I got many replies and emails for my previous stories and in fact got many fakers invitation who keeps the email address in girls format name. So my advice is please don’t contact me or send any emails and don’t waste my time and also your time. Be always true to be original and according to my...

1 year ago
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Oral Sex With Virgin Girl Leads Me To Become Callboy

Hello to everybody! I am Krishna from tirupathi (andhrapradesh) studying btech in andhrapradesh staying along with my family. I am a big fan of ISS and had read many stories here. Now it was the time for me to share my experience with you,this happened around 4 weeks back. This story belongs to the girl who introduced me to real life of sex. Her name is gayatri and lives just opposite to our house with her parents. That time i was 19 yeairs old and gayatri completed her btech . She is 22 years...

3 years ago
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Bullyboy Scally

Usual warnings/disclaimers apply! Don't read if you're easily offended,(and why are you on this site if you are all timid and prissy,lol),or if it's i*****l to be here,go read Horse and Hound or Womens Weekly! The story's fictional,though something of a fantasy.Enjoy!Walking through the estate on my way to a mate's house I was busting for a piss and knew I wasn't gonna make it to his place without pissing myself.Taking a detour I went into the nearby park and headed to the public lavs'.As soon...

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My Aunty Who Made Me A Callboy

Hello friends, this story was forwarded to me by a friend, this is AK back again with another true story of mine. Let me introduce myself again to those who have not read my first story. Am AK from Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India.. I am 5.8 feet and have a decent 6.5 inch cock and am cute looking as females say. From the beginning of my college life I had an eye over matured women who came across me……But never got a chance of have a day with them until I got to fuck my aunty Leena who is also my...

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Kaise Bana Main Callboy

Hi, I am Archie form Mumbai and I am 18 yrs old. And I am a regular ISS reader. Dis is ma 1st story so sory fr ny miskakes. Yeh story abi thode tym pehle ki hi hai. Mai college mai IT ka student hu so ek din college canteen mein baithe baithe mjhe call aaya, maine call recieve kiya toh woh ek wrong number tha, ek bahot hi sexy lladki ki awaz thi. Maine zyada kuch socha nai aur main class attend karne chala gya. Clas s nikalne k baad mjhe phr usi numbr s cal aaya maine call recieve kiye toh uss...

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I Became Callboy

Hello and Hi to all the readers of this ISS site stories. I’m reading almost all the stories of this site. This is the story how I became Callboy for my family problems. I am a businessman in Mysore. Usually I travel more to Bangalore to purchase materials. Like that few weeks back when I boarded the bus there were only few people in bus. I sat in two seat side and a lady around 30-32 years was diagonally sitting in next seat. Meanwhile I got a call from my client and I was discussing on rate...

4 years ago
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Christmas Wedding Part 6 A Piper Comes a callin

Late August, first day of school for Winnisimmet Public Schools Ethan Smith, Junior Kelly, Neil Jones, and Logan Finn were now fifth graders, the unofficial rulers of their elementary school. They weren't like the normal boys in their grade though. Logan and the trio were the boys who break the mold for 10 and 11-year-old boys just by acting like they had been taught by their fathers, mothers, and siblings- care, respect, and kindness. The boys had spent the past month getting to...

3 years ago
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Bhabhi made me callboy

Whenever I seemed to need her, Bhabhi was always there for me. She was always attentive to me, she gave importance to what I had to say, and she listened carefully to whatever I said. It was only natural that over a period of time I grew closer to her and started going to her with my little problems and questions. I particularly liked the time we spent together alone either in her room or on the terrace during the evening. I cannot remember when, but slowly I started noticing that Bhabhi was a...

2 years ago
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Dirty Spanking Phonecalls

Dirty Spanking Phonecalls. On Susan Major's desk the telephone rang. She glanced at it with a frown. That was all she needed. Didn't the world and their ape know that she was up to her eyebrows in work and with a never-ending pile of more work that stretched to the dim and distant horizon to be done? Why is there never a temp around when you need one? Hopefully, whoever it was would just go away if she ignored it. The telephone rang again - this time it sounded more insistent as if...

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Mere dost ne banaya mujhe callgal

Hi main manisha main abki baar kuch jyada zaldi aa gai aap ye hi sonch rahe hai na par kya karoon main apni baat apne dil main nahi rakh paati naa ok main aap ko bore nahi karoongi main apni story par aati hoon jaisa kiaap ne meri last story sex meri birthday par main padha hoga uske aage… Jaise ki sameer ko maine promice kiya tha din main milne ka maine apne kapade pack kiye aur ghar par keh diya ki shalini ke uncle ki tabiat theek nahi hai main shalini ke saath moradabaad ja rahi hoon do ya...

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Twenty year old Mikey, real name Michelle, and her twenty-two year old brother Don had both been in the same industry for nearly eighteen months, though neither knew it. Each had heard of the other's reputation, but only through the acting names they used, and it wasn't until they were both cast in the same hard core porn film that each found out what the other did. Mikey was already sitting in the lounge of the flat being used as a studio, going through the 'script' when Don was shown in....

2 years ago
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Daddys Little Callgirl

Copyright© 2003-2006 Sexybeast "You would not believe the things this girl could do with her mouth," Fred told me over dinner. He was describing the hooker he'd had up to his room the night before. Or is escort the proper term? Can she be an escort if she only escorts you to the bed? "I don't think I care what she could do with her mouth," I told him between sips of wine. "You wouldn't be saying that if you'd been there. I'm telling you, this girl was unbelievable. She made it...

3 years ago
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Momma Was A Callgirl

The Beginning Things were getting rougher and rougher around the Smith household. Money had never been so tight. When you have it you don't think about it, when you don't, that's about all you can think about. Dan, the husband and father in this household, was already working two jobs, Janet, the wife and mother, was doing all she possibly could to help her husband. But with no training other than for beauty contests and bikini modeling, she made little more than minimum wage, except when...

1 year ago
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Hermes arrived at sunset, although at first, Callidora was unaware of his presence. Bending over the body in front of her, eyes wreathed in tears, she was effectively blind, doing her work by touch. The lack of vision had actually been a blessing, allowing her to fantasize that this was some other person being prepared for burial, a stranger's body, no one she knew. "Callidora." Even in her distracted state, there was no way of mistaking his voice as human. It had an almost symphonic...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 5 MichelleChapter 62 Siobhaacuten Callaghan

March 4, 1992, Chicago, Illinois “Thanks for calling back,” I said when Keri put Dante’s call through to my phone. “Is there a problem with the project?” he asked. “From a technical standpoint, everything is fine. I’ll be blunt, because that’s how we deal with each other. I need you to stop hitting on my female staff members. And I need you to stop right now.” “Who complained?” “Does it matter? It’s not the first time. I’ve heard it from more than one of my female staff members over the...

1 year ago
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The Mob Book 2Chapter 6 The Battle for Callisto

“Welcome back, Jason. I’m sure we will all be fascinated to hear of your adventures, but you need to excuse us while we deal with the current battle,” said Andrea. Linda came over and gave him a kiss. “You look rather fit, and I think you have grown a bit,” commented Linda. “I think we will need to inspect your Warhammer to check if it is still operational once this little lark is over,” Linda said as she gently grabbed the front of his trousers, triggering hooting and cheering. “Arrival is...

2 years ago
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Trials and TribunationsChapter 5 Tuesday Major James MacAllistor

The Major and his friend Commodore Richard Cuthbert, RN, approached the trim little cottage in this small northern English town. A short, spare man in his 50's, trim of moustache and military of bearing, was crouched over doing something important with a spade and flowerbed. When he saw he had visitors, he arose to greet his guests. "Commodore, fancy meeting you here, and whose this with you? James? Is that you? You look so ... different. Say, I'd heard you'd been picked up." "Do you...

2 years ago
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Birds of Prey Bisexual EditionChapter 6 Callsign

“The prosperity of the pride depends on a successful hunt,” the narrator said as a lioness stalked through the brush, her straw-colored coat shining in the hot African sun. Her round ears pricked up, and the camera panned over to a warthog, the tusked animal raising its head from the ground to sniff at the air intently as clouds of flies swarmed around it. “She approaches, silent, waiting for the perfect moment to strike...” There was a surge of drums as the lioness leapt from her hiding...

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