Uschi Ch. 01 free porn video

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‘Tell us, Alice, what you think you could bring to this role.’ Roger Addington, forty, smiled at the young job applicant sitting opposite him. He was grateful that her steely blue eyes and elfin good looks provided sufficient distraction from the temptation to let his gaze drift down her straightened blonde hair which fell loosely onto the upper swells of her ample breasts, between which a tight, deep crack of cleavage rose again towards her shapely chin. The job was hers, Roger would see to that, as he had seen to the appointment of so many similarly well-endowed women to positions in his team for which they were otherwise poorly qualified. He was, in a word, a pervert, and as such perfectly prepared to compromise his professional ethics and abuse his position of authority to ensure that he would spend every passing minute of his otherwise miserable working day surrounded by his favourite creature’s on God’s Earth: slim young women with large busts.

The spanner in the works this time was that one of said unscrupulously recruited members of his team, a certain 25-year-old dusky Bavarian beauty named Uschi Dorster, who, being not only jutting and sizeable of bosom but unexpectedly just as quick of wit and sharp of mind, had been encouraged by Human Resources to sit in on the interview process. Alice was the third applicant they’d seen that morning. The first two had been eminently suited to the vacant position, but had, unbeknownst to Uschi, fallen laughably short of Roger’s secret physical preferences. Similarly, the two applicants they had interviewed the previous day, and the five more that had sat in the same chair boasting their account management prowess the previous Friday. All bright young women (and a couple of men: Roger was keen to create an illusion of gender equality in his recruitment process), but not until Alice had there been a single serviceable pair of breasts attached to any of them. Once, he had conducted more than thirty interviews before filling a role in his team with the jiggly, top-heavy young Irish graduate Sarah O’Reilly, whose girlish blonde curls and penchant for tight, bustline-enhancing sweaters made her the perfect candidate in Roger’s eyes.

And he was more than happy to put in the extra hours making up for her sloppy paperwork in return for the eight hours of glorious sexual arousal which she unwittingly provided from Monday till Friday. And at least she had been to university. He had, after a lengthy search, given a position of alarmingly high responsibility to a French school-leaver of a mere nineteen years of age, purely on the strength of the disproportionately overdeveloped and pendulously hyper-mobile, yet defiantly well-formed mammaries which, with typically Gallic laissez-faire, she rarely if ever saw fit to support with a brassiere, despite the conspicuity beneath her loose-fitting tops of the puffy, upward-pointing tennis-ball sized areolae with which those mammary glands were so lewdly crowned. Her name was Vanessa, and her tall, willowy chain-smoker’s frame only served to emphasise how absurdly huge each wobbling breast was. He sensed that the rest of his busty team disapproved of this free-spirited contempt for underwear, but he was determined to let her continue to dress as she pleased.

‘For example,’ Uschi chipped in, ‘What difference did you make in your last job?’ Roger tensed. Ordinarily this would have been easy, but she was going to ruin everything.

The bosomy blonde on the other side of the table bit her lip thoughtfully (and, to the salacious Roger, erotically), and swivelled her baby-blues to study the top-left corner of the room, as though the answer might be engraved there. Her pensive distractedness afforded Roger the long-overdue opportunity to stare directly at her swelling bust as it rose and fell warmly and heavily with each breath she took, and to experience the pleasant lustful sensation in the engorged genitals that throbbed gently in his suit trousers. With expert timing, the result of a lifetime’s practice at stolen bosom-glimpses, Roger returned his gaze to Alice’s eyes a split second before she returned hers to meet his. ‘Um,’ she began uncertainly, ‘I came up with the idea for team drinks after work on Fridays?’

Uschi began to say something, but Roger interjected. ‘Excellent!’ he enthused loudly. ‘Team bonding. It’s just as important as the work itself, I always feel.’ Shifting his posture to allow his semi-erection to manoeuvre its way to one side beneath the wallet in his pocket where it would escape notice (he had long taken to wearing dark suits to disguise tell-tale bulges) Roger rose to his feet. ‘I think that’s all we need,’ he said, extending a hand in Alice’s dimly smiling direction.

‘Roger…’ said Uschi with quiet urgency.

But Alice had already slung her handbag over her shoulder and was submitting herself to a lengthy and vigorous handshake from Roger, a handshake which sent momentous waves of motion through her generously-proportioned chest, and gave the leering breast-fiend of a manager a good sense of her breasts’ significant weight and mass.

‘I’ll see you out, Ms Hall,’ Roger said, opening the door for the petite yet bosomy blonde. ‘Uschi, thank-you for your help.’

Later, back in the secluded corner of the third floor sales back-office where Roger and his team had their desks, Uschi approached her manager. ‘So, Roger,’ she said in her earthy Germanic tones. ‘That was the seventh candidate so far.’

‘Eighth, I think,’ said Roger, looking reflectively into the middle distance just in time to allow Sarah’s chest to hop, skip, and jump its jaunty way through his field of vision as she made her way to the watercooler.

‘That many,’ said Uschi. ‘Wow. Anyway, I have some notes on who I think would be best.’

‘Uh-huh?’ said Roger, digesting the sight of Sarah’s shapely Irish bosom.

Uschi consulted a notebook. ‘I thought Jonathan’s experience with CRM systems made him ideal, and Maureen from last week seemed to be a strong candidate also. Do you agree?’

Roger took a break from his fantasy about Sarah, and allowed the memory of Alice’s firm chest to return to his leering mind. ‘Actually, I’m going to give the job to Alice,’ he told Uschi.

‘Alice? You’re kidding, right? The airhead bimbo blonde?’

‘Now now Uschi,’ Roger’s voice took on a serious hushed tone. ‘Some of your colleagues are blonde, you can’t judge people by the colour of their hair.’

‘Or by the size of their…’ began Uschi, then stopped herself. Her lips pressed tightly together, her chin jutted.

‘I appreciate your input,’ smiled Roger. ‘But I’ve made up my mind. You’ll see. She will fit into the team quite well.’

Uschi scowled and appraised Roger with suspicious, narrowed eyes.

‘Vanessa,’ said Roger, calling across to the Frenchwoman, now twenty years of age. ‘Could I see you in the meeting room over there please?’ He stood and excused himself from Uschi, who glowered, hand on hip, as he headed to the meeting room, Vanessa standing and traipsing, bust swinging bralessly to and fro, behind him.

Roger closed the door. ‘Please take a seat, Vanessa.’ The two sat either side of the table in the small room. Vanessa studied her fingernails and sighed. Her long, light brunette hair hung limply and untidily in her pouting face. She wasn’t pretty in the traditional sense, but she had a smouldering old-world Parisian glamour about her and a commanding sexual presence, her nose striking and full of character, her lips swollen and sulking, her eyes weary beyond her tender years.

‘What is it?’ she said.

Roger took a deep breath. ‘I’m afraid there have been more comments about your… standard of dress in the office,’ he said. There hadn’t, of course. He was making it up, not to be divisive, but compelled by horny obsession to devise the excuse to steer any conversation to the subject of breasts and bras.

Vanessa rolled her eyes. ‘Look,’ she said, ‘I cannot ‘elp it. I ‘ave
not worn a…’ groping for the English word she cupped her heavy breasts gently in bony hands through the baggy beige long-sleeved top.

‘Bra?’ said Roger with convincing innocence, expertly disguising his glee at being able to say the word out loud to such a gloriously-endowed young woman.

‘Yes, bra,’ said Vanessa, releasing her loosely-clad breasts to sway freely again. ‘I ‘ave not worn a bra for years, not since my boobs grow so big. But I do not think it is your business, or anyone else’s.’ She folded her arms petulantly, but by no means self-consciously, across her ballooning breasts, squishing them into irregular shapes that pushed at the thin cotton fabric of her top.

Roger gulped hard. ‘I’m in an awkward position here, Vanessa. Your… appearance is somewhat distracting for your colleagues, and certainly for me.’

Vanessa leaned angrily toward her manager, unfolding her arms and squishing her wobbling chest hard against the table edge. ‘What about the other big tits in the office? Do you have meeting with them, too? I cannot ‘elp ‘aving these big tits, you know? And neither can the other girls. I never wear the low-cut tops with the cleavage, for example. Maybe I have problem when Susan or Kathrin or Sarah they walk around like zis.’ To illustrate her point, Vanessa tugged the indeed modestly high neckline of her top down as far as it would stretch, and with her thin arms squeezed her enormous breasts together, the effect being a good several inches of bare cleavage on display, whose gravitational pull seemed to invite Roger and his now fiercely rigid erection to lose themselves within its silky depths forever. She let her neckline snap back upwards and relinquished the tight compression of her billowing chest again, allowing some of the blood to from Roger’s penis back to the rest of his body.

‘Point taken,’ Roger said. Then, cautiously: ‘Do you not even own a… a bra?’

‘No,’ shrugged the grumpy Parisian. ‘Only old ones and zey do not fit me any more. Ze last time I wore a bra it was a cup size… D, I think. But no way zat will fit me now!’ She laughed mirthlessly. ‘I am now maybe H, double-H, I, J, K… who know?’ She let that sink in. ‘And anyway,’ she added, ‘I don’t think I need one. My breasts look good without a bra, an’ I am more comfortable like zis. So ze other women in the office, if zey have problem with me, zey can fuck off.’

Roger raised his hands and smiled grimly. ‘Okay, okay. I’m sorry to have brought it up.’

‘Can I go?’ said Vanessa with deep sarcasm. ‘And get on with my work?’

Roger gestured to the door. Vanessa stood and sauntered haughtily out of the room back to her desk and continued browsing the internet.

When his erection had subsided enough not to be a conspicuous public obscenity, Roger left the meeting room and returned to his desk. Making sure no-one was looking over his shoulder, he went to his personal folder on the company computer network and opened a spreadsheet innocuously named ‘contract admin’. In it he had listed the women who reported to him, and alongside each name the bra size which he supposed they wore, and in a separate column various notes and observations about each woman’s breasts, thoughts on bounciness, nipple size and colour, that sort of thing. He had passed the point of being proud or ashamed of this appalling ethical violation: it was simply something he needed to know. Next to Vanessa’s name he typed ‘H-CUP???’ Then he added Alice Hall’s name to the end of the list, saved and closed the spreadsheet, and typed an e-mail to Human Resources advising that he had finally found a suitable candidate for the new account manager role and that she could start on Monday.

As soon as Roger got home from work he undressed, lay naked on his bed as he did every weekday evening and, by reflecting on the heady femininity in which he had spent the day so hornily immersed, allowed his penis to swell rapidly to full, twitching rigidity. His testicles, tight, bulging, and overwrought, quivered as they always did and with a violent lurch his untouched erection pumped forth the day’s pungent build-up of thick opaque semen in a quick series of powerful spams, the viscous fluid flying variously onto his arms, chest, and stomach. Sometimes, after a particularly vivid day of tumultuous breast-based entertainment provided to him by his oblivious team, the eruptions would pelt him stickily in his own face, and at the height of summer when the bosomy abundance he had assembled was at its most scantily clad, his daily emission after work would sail, one explosion after the next, right over his face and hit the headboard of the bed, or even splatter the wall above it. It was how he had masturbated for many years, and if manual intervention felt necessary, as it did tonight, the rubbing of his subsiding erection with trembling fingers always felt like a grubby anticlimax. He never watched pornography, never saw prostitutes, never had erotic dreams, certainly never attempted to embark upon romantic relationships. He had found a perfect, though delicately balanced, sexual equilibrium of spending eight hours a day surveying a constant parade of fully clothed proudly bouncing young breasts, and ending the day by allowing his metabolism to respond as only it knew how: by ejaculating freely and powerfully, like a fire hydrant. As it was, his body’s natural release felt incomplete, the conversation with Vanessa about her bounteous French breasts and flagrant bralessness having left him more unfulfilled than usual, and he grimly rubbed his wilting penis to a few final pathetic spurts onto his belly. Then he showered, dressed, ate his dinner, watched some television, undressed again, and went to bed early to allow sleep to replenish his bodily reserves in preparation for another day of slow-burn titillation.

The next day at the office began much like any other. Susan Kawolski, the tall, curvaceous Canadian who despite her red hair, adorably cute freckled face and enormous breasts suffered from inexplicably low sexual self-esteem, was wearing a new floral wraparound dress and a bra that was boosting her cleavage to mind-boggling effect. Clearly having one of her good days. Roger wondered about flattering her by remarking on how good she looked, or at least letting her take notice of his admiring gaze, but he dared not risk exposing himself for the foul pervert that, deep down, he knew he was. So instead, Susan’s luscious buxomness went unremarked-upon by Roger as it did every day.

Vanessa was next in, and in peeling off her baggy woollen jumper came closer than ever to accidentally peeling off her T-shirt with it. Roger caught sight of her flat, bare stomach, but thankfully the cotton of the grey T-shirt got trapped under her ballooning breasts and her bust remained obscured, though leaving very little to the imagination regarding its shape and mass. She flung her jumper over the back of her chair, untucked the hem T-shirt from under her big breasts where it had become trapped under their bulbous form and weight, straightened herself out and sat down to switch on her PC. Roger wondered how his body would react if one day the inevitable happened and she accidentally stripped topless, actually baring her magnificent chest to him in all its youthful, overdeveloped glory. Were those areolae, so unignorable in their bulbous fleshiness, really as irresistibly suckable as he hoped and feared? Would he just spontaneously ejaculate in his trousers there and then, ruining the day’s long buildup to the gratifying orgasm he had become accustomed to enjoying every evening? The tease was all he wanted, all he needed, anything more would be unbearable.

Sarah O’Reilly was next to arrive, her nice chest tightly shrouded in a thin dark grey sweater, the sleeves rolled up to reveal pale, attractively chubby forearms. It was a cold day and her small nipples were poking visibly through both bra and sweater. Roger stole a couple of glances and reflected with admiration on how high-riding and shapely Sarah’s breast
s were, and upon the endearing asymmetry with which her stiff nipples squinted upward and outward. He had her down as a 38D, but his judgement in this matters was poor. More than anything he hoped to make sense of the arcane principles that underlay bra sizing, and to learn his team’s sizes in particular, but even after two years of building and managing this team, his attempts to find out remained futile.

Except in Uschi’s case. Some weeks previously, after the women had all gone home, he had rummaged through their desk cabinets for clues, and to his fervent excitement had found a sweat-stained sports bra at the back of Uschi’s bottom drawer. The data gleaned from the bra’s faded label took pride of place in his otherwise speculatively-populated breast spreadsheet. When Uschi was the next to walk into the office, her really rather perfect bosom prodding impudently from an open raincoat at a black silk blouse, the top few buttons of which were undone to expose a carefree and natural-effect cleavage, those numbers and letters cycled round and round Roger Addington’s feverishly bosom-obsessed mind on permanent loop. He wanted to sing them from the rooftops, to write her bra size on the office wall in a long, delicious ejaculation of pent-up sperm.

Selina Carpenter followed close behind. All bets were off where this petite redhead’s bra size was concerned, as she had recently announced that she was in the early stages of pregnancy, and indeed as a consequence her breasts, already a decently-sized firm and pert handful apiece to begin with, had visibly doubled in size in the past week alone. Her burgeoning, milky bosom had been the subject of much bawdy talk and teasing from the other girls, but to Roger’s frustration the actual details of what bra she had found herself having to upgrade to hadn’t arisen as part of the ribaldry. What was clear, however, was that Selina’s chest had lost nothing of its upswept shape and despite growing so rapidly had, if anything, increased in density. And there was no hiding her nipples, which, previously blending in with the attractive, perky curvature of her bosom, now announced their milk-giving presence in no uncertain terms. She had been forced to swap taut, gaping blouses for stretchy fabric tops, and her choice today of a plain white V-neck stretch-top was audacious indeed. As her coat came off and her engorged pregnant torpedo-breasts thrust forth from her svelte torso, Roger’s cock surged dangerously close to instant orgasm when confronted with the clearly visibly fact that Selina’s dark, swollen nipples had escaped the white cups of her new bra in their entirety, and were clearly visible not only from their protuberant hat-peg shape prodding through the fabric, but from the dark pigmentation that stood out in such vivid contrast to the colour of the top and the pallor of her skin beneath it. The idea had clearly been to disguise the darkness and pronounced pointiness of those magnificent new nipples with a padded white bra, but that plan had gone spectacularly awry, as the upper edge of each bra cup was clearly not only failing to contain the nipples, but there was a good two inches of breast between the cups and each richly enlarged pinnacle. Those nipples hadn’t just popped out, they were miles from home. Roger felt a pang of aching pleasure in his testicles, and a tingling sensation in his penis. He was heading too fast for orgasm, and looked quickly away, attempting to focus on the work on his computer. He heard Uschi laugh and draw Selina’s attention to the extent of her wardrobe malfunction, Selina gasping at the realisation and shrieking with embarrassed laughter, then excusing herself amid much mirth and heading to the ladies’ restroom to address the issue of her errant nipples.

When Kathrin walked in amidst all this hysterical commotion, she too fell about with laughter as Uschi, Susan, and Sarah gabbled their way through the description of Selina’s latest pregnancy repercussion. Kathrin Fischer was another German – the office they worked in was the UK address of a Frankfurt-based enterprise, and as European language skills were needed in every team, Roger had the occasional recruiting trip to the continent, which was where he had (eventually) found Uschi, Vanessa, and also Kathrin. Another slender young woman, and at thirty years of age the oldest in the team after Roger, Kathrin’s breasts had the habit, depending on what she was wearing, of appearing very much grapefruit-like in size and shape, or of seeming to vanish entirely. While Roger had employed her based on the tight, daringly low-cut dress and evidently strapless bra she had worn to the interview, today she was draped in some kind of shapeless poncho affair which rendered her apparently flat-chested. Roger had since then nursed suspicion that perhaps he had been deceived, and that Kathrin had somehow created a misleading illusion of bustiness by way of padding or strategic choices of colour and pattern in her attire. She could be anything from a B-cup to an E, though her band size was most certainly in the low thirties.

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Feeding an Addiction A Threeway Street Ch 20

Karonga, Malawi: Monday 23rd October 2017As the sun streamed through the hotel window, I couldn’t get the words out of my head.         'I see trees of green, red roses too. I see them bloom for me and you. And I think to myself what a wonderful world.’Louis Armstrong’s velvety tones serenaded me into another week. All felt good in the world. The project was still a mess. But that was only work. What mattered was that Sue and I were back on firm ground. We’d spent all weekend re-connecting and...

Wife Lovers
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a mooms point of view

Ever since the first time I slipped my first pair of nylons on my feet and legs as a girl, I was totally enraptured by the sight, sound, and feel of nylon. Whenever I was alone I couldn't wait to slip my shoes off and run my stocking feet up and down my legs and rub my feet together. It just felt so delicious and made my pussy tingle. Growing up I noticed that some boys liked to watch me do this which made it all the more exciting! I always wore stockings or pantyhose and constantly dipped my...

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Mrs Cranes Fountain of Youth 7

The throbbing tension in Jamal’s manhood had grown quite intense from watching the unsuspecting Shirley being ravished by the seductress Loraine. He was enjoying every bit of his deeply rewarding voyeur experience; he was so lost in the moment that he almost jumped out of his skin when suddenly an unexpected and ill-timed text message alert from his cell phone alerted the women to his presence. Loraine whipped her head around to catch him watching them. She had completely forgotten about him in...

1 year ago
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Whacked Round Ass Lass 5 Whipped Reporter Anal LostChapter 2

Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum: Author’s Note: Again in this chapter; some slaps and pops, but no actual spanking. Told In My Point Of View (POV): A funny thing happened on the way to the forum. That was the name the year-round art school had chosen for the shops which proceeds supported with their various merchandise. As I got up from my wood auditorium chair-seat and felt my own bottom buzz with a sudden sting where my poor butt had gone to sleep during the skit. With a...

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Pvt Tutions

Hi, This is your friend media giant once again with a horny experience. Here it goes… After passing from Std 10. I opted for Science with spl in Mathematics. It was great experience for me to go to college in jeans and t shirts with sports shoes. But once in college campus my seniors ragged me. They were a group of 7 guys and 10 girls. They made me remove my t shirts banian and run around the college campus. Which did bravely and that caught attention of one of the girls. She was impressed with...

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Daddyrsquos Pink Nightmare Room

My older, sometimes daddy is a big man in his late 60’s. He’s in excellent physical condition; and even has a small gym in his basement. His graying, hairy barrel chest and strong frame is still imposing for a man his age. Daddy (as I ALWAYS have to call him) is a former cop and says that’s one of the reasons his wife left him many years ago. He also got caught on more than one occasion, forcing prostitutes to service him, and pocketing d**g money which made him a dirty cop. I think over the...

3 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 167

General Whitworth had gone to see Lieutenant Mayfield. Whitworth's wives, Ellen and Barbara, were with Diana. Art was sitting in a recliner near the window of the living room as he tried to calm his nerves, but was quickly run out of there by a group of wives and Selina, all of whom were intent on cleaning and setting up the living room for the wedding tonight. As Art stepped out into the hallway, he met Jeff, along with Dave and Evie. The two project managers had just returned from their...

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Summer Lesbian Lovin

Elizabeth Suson walked along the golden white sandy beach of North Spain barefooted feeling the slight breeze through her long black hair. She worked in a dead end job in North London in a office and was glad to get away to paradise. She had to get away from all the grief work had given her when everyone found out she was a lesbian.Elizabeth walked to the end of the beach as the sun was beginning to go down. She saw a black bag on one of the rocks and sat down on the sand and looked out to sea...

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Transition to Vikki part 10

Transition to Vikki, part tenChapters one through eight of original story, completely rewritten (final draft). Vikki has her first party night, the weekend continues.This has been rewritten from the original script. Typo's and grammar have been corrected. Story gaps and mistakes put right. Some parts have been added to, others either cut and even some removed. Nothing in the main plot has been affected by these changesChapter lengths have been cut to ensure a more even format. Reading this...

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His eyes burn into me so intensely, I fear that I might be reduced to ash with only a glance. My sweet Daddy protector and of my life. As his little, I have flourished and grown, and even after six years of marriage, each day I stand in awe of him. Every day, his gaze brings me to my knees, and I willingly submit every bit of me to him. He is my Daddy Dom, and I am his baby girl.His hand reaches toward me and gently guides me into a kiss. Electricity shoots through me...

Straight Sex
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A Date With Destiny

(note from Author? (note from Author?.. This is my first attempt at writing a story?feedback is welcome. Thank you. )   It began simply enough, a dream, a wish, nothing more than a reoccurring fantasy. That simple beginning has plummeted into a mass of complex feelings and emotions, leaving me in this current situation. I steal a quick glance into my rear- view mirror and I take stalk of the reflection I see staring back at me. Strong, yet feminine features, warm brown eyes...

3 years ago
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Maa Aur Behen Ko Choda 8211 Part 2

Hello dosto main sumit aap ka dost fir se aap ki seva main aaya hoo. Jaisa ki maine pehle bta diya tha ki main bhratpur rajasthan se tha baad main up chale gye the. Thoda yaad aa jayga aap ko meri maa ka naam sunita aur bahen ka suman hai maa ab 43 ki ho gyi hai aur bahen 22 ki. Jaisa maine bataya tha ki meri bahen jaipur main padhai kr rhi thi aur gaon main maine maa ko chod diya tha bahen 2-3 mahine main aati thi hostel se ghar main main aur maa pati patni ki tarah rehte the . Papa ke...

1 year ago
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Jughead Jones and the Curse of the Bauble

The characters are properties of Archie comics. I am just playing with them in this fan fiction. No infringement intended. As always, a big tip of the hat to Editor Steve Zink. Nobody does it better! Jughead Jones and the Curse of the Bauble By Eric Jughead Jones had finished his volunteer work at the children's hospital. He usually dressed up in a silly costume and went around telling kids stories or playing silly magic tricks that usually didn't work and made kids laugh....

2 years ago
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Daughter cheats with BBC introduces Mom

My middle daughter who is 20 called me in such a state. I asked her what was wrong and she said she had been unfaithful to her boyfriend. He graduated this past May and got a job in Pittsburgh so they were in a long distance relationship. It had been bothering Nikki and she was having a difficult time with many boys trying to get her to go out with them especially a black guy at school.She told me that she had finally decided to go out with the black boy dancing. She said she had a great time...

3 years ago
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Chapter 25 of Wifes Story

Chapter 25 of Wife’s StoryIt’s been close to three weeks since Mel left for Florida and in the meantime, Jaycee has been hard at work studying for her real estate license as her focus from her accounting career has taken a different course.Since arriving in Florida, Mel was invited to stay with Julie and Christine while he worked his network looking for a new position to accept. Mel was in heaven staying with the lesbian couple; during the day Christine and Mel would fuck and suck and in the...

2 years ago
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Schoolgirl GamesChapter 4

We walked through the streets chatting, as you do, until when we got near my house she started to go quiet. We came to my drive and she stopped. “Are you alright?” I asked as though I didn’t know, “what’s the matter?” “Oh nothing,” she said, looking at Lisa’s car in the drive. She was torn, but in the end she wasn’t ready to blatantly run for it - I supposed with the humiliation and the questions it would raise. She came down the drive. I opened the front door and ushered her in. Now the...

1 year ago
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The JaysChapter 30

The next item on Libby's agenda was a dress for the concert. She wanted to find a long dress with short sleeves and without a plunging neckline. She was less definite on the colour but wanted something gentle. She and Jean browsed suitable shops in Pitsbury without success. They went to Southampton where they had more luck. Libby found just what she wanted in a soft smokey blue. It had to be altered but that only took a couple of days from the initial fitting. Court wanted to see it but...

2 years ago
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Virtue or Vice Ch 02

For some reason, ‘Virtue or Vice II’ was posted as ‘Virtue or Vice III’. Rather than explain or be all confusing, I have risen to the challenge and have written a new Chapter II, to be retrofitted here! Enjoy! * Terri felt like she was still nine shades of red as she and Devin made their way to the local Pizza Hut to grab a bite before dinner. She hadn’t intended to see what she’d seen, but now she couldn’t get it out of her mind. She had gotten off shift early at the precinct tonight and...

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Running Down a Dream

New York City, USA. November 2008. Like her quarry, she was a running fool. Angie Messina had completed thirty-three different marathons in her thirty years of life so far. She liked to run at least three marathons a year and train hard the rest of the time. Every morning she ran at least five miles. On Saturdays and Sundays she ran at least ten. The only exceptions were rare scheduled days of rest. She frequently took part in 5Ks, 10Ks, half-marathons and other races preparing for the...

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CHAPTER 6: THE NEXT DAYWell that was certainly an interesting couple of days! Have an orgasm in front of a shoe salesman Friday night. Deal with mom’s submissive disappearing act on Saturday and then take care of four guys (and Cody) on Saturday night. The evening ended on a high note with the exhibitionism at the gas station quick mart store.The next morning I was really no worse for wear. Although I had been fucked a lot, the guys were really very considerate about it. I got rest, they used...

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Becky and Her Son Chapter 2

Several days later Becky had fallen asleep on the sofa a few minutes before John came home. He awoke her with a kiss. Becky stretched and groaned, saying that her muscles were sore for some reason. John smiled and asked if she would like a massage. Of course she said yes, but a bolt of excitement went through her because she knew that the most recent story had a scene where the son had given his mother a massage. She wondered if he had read that part and if so what he was planning. The two of...

3 years ago
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Piece of Tail Wags the Dog

I'd never told my boyfriend what really happened to me while I was tied to the kitchen table as part of his little rape fantasy. I did tell him that his best friend, Bill, had fucked me while Tommy had been passed out on the chair, oblivious to my situation. Mind you, I enjoy sex and hadn't minded Bill fucking me, but what I didn't tell him was that Caesar, Tommy's big mastiff, had taken advantage of me as well. Yes, Tommy's fuckin dog fucked me, not just once, but twice. You see, I...

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Having Daddy

Having Daddy. I had made up my mind that I was going to have him. One way or another, I was going to have him. I had always loved him but as I got older my feelings had been changing from daughter/father love into more like lust. I was almost 18. I had wanted him more and more over the last year or so, ever since he had stopped letting me crawl onto his lap, and the rejection had hurt so much. I thought it was because he no longer loved me, it was quite some time before I realized it was...

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A Sissy Fantasy Night With Daddy

A Sissy's Fantasy Night with Daddy My heart is racing as I attach my pink stockings to my garter belt. My head is swimming from the thought of all the pretty frillies I am going to be wearing, hoping that they Daddy will be pleased with his sissy girl. I take out a pink ribbon and tie a little bow around my clitty. I lube up my butt-plug and put it in place. I take a pair of pink and frilly panties out and slide them on over my decorated clitty. I hope Daddy likes his "present"...

3 years ago
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Fucked My Hot Sexy Senior In Australia

Hello guys, I am Sam once again with another experience. This is the story about me fucking my senior in her room. My senior is one year older to me and I used to call her sister. She has the best structure but her face is not very attractive. Coming to her she has the measurements of 34b-26-36. Her name is Manasvi, she is my senior in my B-Tech. To my luck, she has joined masters in my college in Australia. As she doesn’t know anyone over there and heard that I am also studying in the same...

2 years ago
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Un Dia en Buenos Aires

Un dia, un hombre conoció a una mujer en Argentina... Once upon a time, a man met a woman in Argentina... As the airliner was on its approach to the airport in Buenos Aires, Bradley Taylor looked out at the metropolis below. It was a huge city — as one would expect, since almost half of Argentina’s population lived in the greater Buenos Aires vicinity. There weren’t many ‘tall’ building — not the skyscrapers that had filled the downtown financial district in Santiago, Chile — but there were...

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MyFamilyPies Ashley Wolf Kyler Quinn Sia Lust Family First

Ashely Wolf, Kyler Quinn, Sia Lust, and Ricky Spanish are the definition of a blended family in that they all live together but none of them is related. Ashley is the eldest, so their parents have left her in charge while they go out for an evening. She sits the other three down and insists that they need to listen to her. They can’t have any sexy shenanigans, they can’t drink, and they can’t watch porn. The other three aren’t having any of it. In fact, they claim Ashley...

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Life in the Empire

[IMPORTANT NOTES: this story is a WIP and I will upload new chapters as often as I can, this story is set in the futadom world collaborative writing universe, but is my own take on it, so it may differ slightly from the semi-established lore! Please feel free to comment suggestions for anything you’d like to see in my story] Your alarm clock rings loudly waking you up, you roll over in bed and slap it to turn the alarm off. Rubbing the sleep from your eyes you take in your surroundings. You...

4 years ago
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Shilpa8217s Little Adventure

Introducing psychologist Shilpa, aged 37 and has been married for the past 12 years. Even though she was highly skilled and had a good pay grade Shilpa was one who loved being a housewife. She had an arranged marriage as soon as she completed her degree. Her husband Vivek aged 40 is an engineer. Their marriage flourished initially and they had baby girl Sara who was studying in 5th grade. After entering their 30s both Shilpa and Vivek found it hard to get each other time and ultimately their...

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All the way down Bitch Gay

I had a free day and the house to myself when my phone buzzed with an email from Paul. "Are you free slut?" Is all it said. Yes I responded, saying I could be ready in a hour or so. I wanted to get my ass nice and clean for a serious fucking and needed some time to do it, already my cock was growing hard with anticipation. He informed me that he didn't have too much time and could only come over right away. I told him I didn't have time to get cleaned up but we could do another quick blow job....

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There Can Be Only One Chapter 16

There Can Be Only One Chapter 16I had mum naked up in her bedroom… thinking that I would watch her strip out of her work clothes and take photos as she did so, with the intention of getting rid of yet another erection by fucking mum. Mum was not too sure about us fucking in her room, and I didn’t really care where we did it…as long as we did it. She followed me out into the hall totally naked. I had my hand on the handle to my door when we heard someone coming up the stairs. Unsure whom it may...

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Simon and Mr Bowsey

Simon and Mr Bowsey by Archibald Young This story is set in the 1960s, when HIV had not been heard of. Unprotected sex is very stupid now, but it was less stupid then (although still stupid). This story continues from Simon and the Lodger. I lay in the bath after washing, and heard the two men talking in the hall below, and then the front door shut. It took Harold a long time to clear up after my wonderful time with Leo, and it was nice to hear that he was even hoovering up...

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While the cats away

It's Saturday and one of those wonderful mornings when I awake gently with the realisation that I have no commitments, nothing I have to do, and am alone for once. My husband Tom has gone to play golf and I had heard another car leave with Beth, the beautiful university student lodging with us for a while until she finds digs, off with her boyfriend for the weekend. I am alone. It is rare for me to have space like this and with the warm feeling inside I know that I need some release – let's...

Wife Lovers
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Random Sexiness

Reddit Random Sexiness, aka r/RandomSexiness! Have you ever seen a random chick and just went, “Damn, she’s fucking hot!”… I am sure we all have. Well, as I have said many times before, Reddit has a section for everything and everyone, and r/randomsexiness/ is a place for just that. You have random images of sexy girls, in a variety of scenarios and a lot of random crap all around.I’d say that this is a specific niche, but it really ain’t. As long as you enjoy looking at cute and sexy...

Reddit NSFW List
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Somewhere in Time A Road Less TraveledChapter 48

Man was that a lot to chew on. I got up and walked over to the lanai. I pulled a Sprite out of the the mini bar and took a long swig. I sat on the bar stool and surveyed my domain so to speak. My women were lounging around the pool basking in the glow of great orgasmic sex. They were grouped in couples or trios and were petting each other, talking softly or just holding. It was an idyllic scene. As I looked at each individual I felt a strong bond of with her. Yes, each one was definitely my...

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Connection in bus and pleasure in room Chapter 1

Hi Friends, this is my first story which I can’t forget for my life time was planning to share this story to everyone for a long time but now only I got time share this story.… Hi Friends, this is my first story which I can’t forget for my life time was planning to share this story to everyone for a long time but now only I got time share this story. So now I am moving into the story this not a imagination story this is a real story which happened in my life. Now moving into...

3 years ago
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Club Slut How I Earned My Nickname

I was a horny 25 year old girl, wanting to go to the club for some drinks and dancing. Unfortunately, I was also mostly broke."What the hell", I said to no one. "Maybe I'll meet a new friend who will buy me drinks." This was, after all, a common occurrence for me; heading out to the club with just a few bucks, meeting a guy willing to buy me drinks, and then taking him home for a quick fuck.I dressed in one of my sexiest outfits; a tight black dress that hugged my body like paint, lacy black...

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