How Did I Get Into This - Part 2 free porn video

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This is the second part of the story of Diana Deans. Diana, kidnapped and transformed by a cruel transsexual professor, gets into trouble again. She also undergoes the final process in her transformation. If you haven't read the first part, this may not make much sense! Part 2 On the morning after my 'coming out' party, Trish visited me. She had brought with her a pile of women's magazines and a large red folder. Handing me the folder she announced, "Diana Deans, this is your life! "I have just finished preparing your dossier and now it is time for you to start memorizing it." The folder had to be two inches thick and contained the life history of someone I didn't know but was about to become. "You were born on August 1st 1980 - your real data of birth. Your parents were Doug and Leticia Deans." A photo showed a couple and their five-year-old child. I looked closer and realized that the girl was a younger version of me. "Tragically, both of your parents were killed in a car crash when you were 7 years old. Your father's heavy drinking caused the crash." A photocopy of a newspaper report showed a picture of an American car that had collided with a tree. (The report didn't mention a daughter). Another photo showed a grave. Trish continued to read, tapping the document with a pencil as she marked off the points. "You were brought up in the Municipal Orphanage in Boston. The names of the key staff members are included here. Your best friend was Madonna Munford." A photo showed a small girl with plats in her hair, wearing a gingham dress. "Obviously if you meet her, she won't remember you, but if you remember details of her past confidently, it's funny what tricks the mind can play." Trish read more facts from my life history. There was a huge amount of detail; there were photos of places in Boston I had grown up around, names with faces of people I should have known, school reports, and details of parties I had attended. There were more photos of me, getting progressively older, with clothes and hairstyles chosen to suit a girl growing up in the eighties and nineties. Trish explained that the photos had been prepared using software normally used to age a person in an old photograph to give an idea of what they look like today. Trish got up to leave. "Your work each morning is to study the folder. I will come in at noon each day to test your knowledge. Over the first few days, just try to memorize details, then we'll work on the details so you believe them. "Each afternoon you should look at the magazines. Read articles, and stories, study the fashions, try to decide what clothes and colors would suit you. Then each evening we'll discuss what you have learned." My education began. The morning work I found easy, perhaps due to my legal training, memorizing facts came naturally to me. However, I dreaded the afternoons. As a man, I had never been interested in fashion, buying a business suit a couple of times a year and when not working I normally wore jeans, a checked shirt and fleece purchased from a hiking center. Now I was a woman, I had to learn to consider the type of clothes, a dress, twin-set or separate skirt and blouse; the colors of clothes, should they match or contrast. Then I needed to consider the type and color of make-up needed for a particular occasion and whether appropriate for the outfit. Only when these questions were resolved could I consider practical issues such as keeping dry or warm. After several days of learning and testing the Professor visited. I had served my sentence for speaking out of turn and she would release me from the hood with its gag. She took a small key from her pocket, unlocked the padlock, unzipped the flap and finally untied the laces. I went into the bathroom; a thoroughly wretched lady looked back from the mirror. My short hair was greasy, my lips had remnants of lipstick most of which had been smeared across my face when I struggled against the hood and apart from around my eyes, my skin was going dry and spotty from the extended contact with the make up. I was only able to close my mouth with difficulty after having had it kept open by the gag for a week. I cleaned my face with makeup remover and turned on the shower so I could shampoo my hair. I sat at the dressing table, applied a light foundation, eyeliner and lip- gloss. Finally, I put on my wig and looking in the mirror once more saw a young, pretty woman smiling back. I received a final admonishment from the Professor. "It didn't take you long to get into trouble, just make sure that is the last time. You won't get off so lightly if I have to dish out a further punishment". One day, when I had successfully identified all my 5th grade teachers from their photographs, I asked Trish if I might ask a question about my training. "As I am just a guinea pig, why are you putting in all this effort to train me?" "To explain that you need to understand the services that TransLife Medical will be offering and the easiest way to explain is to tell you some of my history. "I told you that I found it more profitable to use my Computer Security PhD, to hack into corporate systems. Well, one day I was very careless, even stupid. I hacked into a system in Chicago, which belonged to the Mafia, not in itself a bad thing, but I was not using a secure line or any form of alias. The next thing I know is that there's a million dollar contract on my head and the bullets are flying. "The only person I could trust was an old school friend, now Martha. We discussed my situation and realized that I needed to disappear very thoroughly. Martha told me of her secret double life, cross-dressing when not in the genetics lab where she worked. She used her skills with clothes and make up, and Trish was born. "Martha had wanted to become a complete woman, but I have to tell you that she has a thing about operations. The sight of scalpels makes her heave! So, she had been developing the chemical / biological technique and I was the first to undergo the process. "The next step in my disappearance was somewhat gruesome. Martha's lab was part of a hospital complex and from there she obtained a suitable cadaver. We then did a little breaking and entering at my dentists, replacing my dental records and finally staged a fiery car crash. "The Mafia called off the search for me after the inquest and I was now a free woman. "We considered what we had done, and realized that there was a potential market for similar, very confidential services. Martha resigned from her job and with one other; we formed a partnership that eventually became TransLife Medical. Obviously, she developed the medical techniques while I look after the candidate history and finances of the company. "So you are not only a guinea pig for the medical side, but also in the placement and history. This is why I am making such a big effort on your behalf!" When I woke a few days later, I felt as if my head was going to explode. My stomach seemed to be going into spasm. I tried to get out of bed but I could not even sit up. I let myself fall back onto the pillow and pulled the duvet back over my head. Later, still feeling bad, I dragged myself out of bed and noticed bloodstains on the bedding. I called Professor Martha on the internal phone by my bed. When she arrived at my room, I indicated my problems. "Ah! I think I know what is wrong. The physical transformation is perfect in every respect, unfortunately, what we aspire to isn't perfect and we ladies have to take the rough with the smooth. I believe you are having your first period, but I'll check you over in the clinic. "I suggest you have a shower and tidy up. I will send Jenny to help and she will bring you to the clinic" Jenny found me slumped in the bottom of the shower. After washing my hair and cleaning me with a sponge, she helped me out of the shower. She wrote in the steam on the mirror. "The first one is always a bad one." She dried me with a big soft towel and helped me to get dressed. When she lifted the corset, I said. "Please, I can't face that today." She shook her head, pointed to her steel bridal and tattooed makeup to remind me of the rules, and then held the corset up once more for me to put on. Jenny applied my makeup, using a heavy foundation to mask the spots and then just light eye shadow and lipstick. She tried to make my short hair presentable, but it still looked like a military crew cut so I had to wear the wig. When we arrived at the clinic, Professor Martha was waiting for us. Jenny helped me out of my underwear and after assisting me onto the table; she held my hand. Professor Martha put my feet into stirrups at the foot of the table, leaving everything exposed for her inspection. She smiled as she snapped the latex gloves she was putting on her hands. Then she moved to a position between my legs. "I assume you are still a virgin? In which case I cannot do an extensive examination, but it should be sufficient to establish that everything is working correctly." She then took a large stainless steel speculum and inserted it into my vagina. The touch of cold metal made me shudder. The professor then operated the mechanism stretching the sensitive lips wide open. The unexpected pain made me scream. "Enough! I can't have all this noise when I'm trying to work!" The professor marched back to the head of the bed, pushed something into my mouth, and tightened a strap around the back of my head. My scream was stifled back to a soft moan and with my jaws pushed wide open; I remembered the tube gag in the hood. Returning to the foot of the table Professor Martha stooped to make her inspection. After a few minutes, she stood up and removed the speculum giving me instant relief. Jenny helped my off the table and removed the gag. When I was dressed, we joined Professor Martha at her desk. "Everything looks just as I would expect it to. Your period should be over in a few days and you will feel yourself once more. "Now I think this would be an appropriate time to give you some advice. When I asked if you were a virgin, I was only half joking. It is certainly possible for you to loose your virginity and although it has never happened, we believe that the method we used to produce your female organs is so effective that it entirely conceivable that you could, um, conceive and bare children. Please for your own sake always practice safe sex and don't rely on the man to provide it!" Back in my room, I slumped on the bed. The prescribed aspirin were having little effect on my headache and I now felt abused by the rough treatment on Professor Martha's table. I started to revise my opinion of the woman. What right did she have to behave like that? The more I thought the more I realized that she had a viscous streak a mile wide. I dozed and wept the entire day, not bothering to feed myself and finally I took my headache to sleep. In the morning, I still felt unwell but needed something to eat. Looking in the kitchen there were only the liquid foods that Jenny had brought whilst I was wearing the hood. I needed something more solid. I pulled on some underwear, applied my makeup and wig and then found some casual clothes - a white blouse and a navy blue A-line skirt, finishing off with the lowest heels in the wardrobe. For the first time I ventured out of the apartment on my own. In the corridor I was about to close my door when I realized I didn't have a key. Looking at the door, I realized that that wasn't a problem, as the door didn't have a keyhole. Instead, on the door frame there was a box with a little window. I covered the window with my thumb as Trish had done in the lift. There was a loud buzz as the lock opened. Relieved that I could get back in I closed the door firmly. I had thought of trying one of the doors of the other associates to see if they could tell me where they got their supplies. In the event, this was unnecessary as I saw Professor Martha coming from the direction of the clinic. "Where can I get..."? The question died on my lips as I noticed the professor's expression pass rapidly from a friendly face to a questioning look then through horror, finishing with plain hatred. "YOU ARE INCORRECTLY DRESSED!" She screamed at me. I looked down at myself and did up the top button on my blouse, as it seemed to be the only thing out of place. "Not that, you tiresome girl. Where is your corset?" "I didn't feel well enough to wear it." I stammered back. "You are now a woman, the rules say you should dress like a lady INCLUDING THE FOUNDATION GARMENTS." She continued to scream. "I thought you would have learned after your time with the hood. Get back into your room until I decide what to do with you." I ran back to my room barricading the door behind me and hoping that the professor would calm down before she inflicted physical violence on me. Later I heard the lock buzz followed by a rattle of the door against the chair. I stood prepare to defend myself. After a pause, a note slid under the door. "Please let me in quickly. You are really in the SH*T with the mistress. J." I opened the door and Jenny rushed in. She grabbed me in a big hug, tears in her eyes. I'm sure she would have kissed me if it weren't for the steel punishment bridal still welded around her head, which forced her jaws apart. She passed me a note she had prewritten. "I have never seen the mistress so angry. She has been storming around the building in a rage and finally marched Veronica off to the workshops. Why did you do it? At least she isn't blaming me this time! She says for you to stay in your room until she has decided what to do. However, I have to make sure you are properly dressed for when she comes." Reluctantly I undressed while Jenny pulled a corset from the wardrobe. She reached around from behind me and attached the busk clips at the front. I immediately realized this was different to the other corsets I had become used to wearing. I could feel it running from under my arms down to just above my knees. There was no mirror near me and Jenny already had a tight grip in the laces as she started to take out the slack in them. When I could only just breathe, she stopped lacing and wrote another note. "You need to put on your shoes before I go any further" She passed me a pair of ankle boots with 5" heels. I put my feet into them, pulled up the zips and fastened the buckles. Jenny then started passing a lace through eyelets in the front of the corset below my waist. I quickly realized that I wouldn't be able to bend at the waist or lift my feet very far off the ground when she was finished. With my legs effectively hobbled, she returned to the back and continued to tighten the main laces. My lungs would have been gasping for air if they could only move. Jenny stopped lacing again and moved in front of me. As she reached around my neck, I realized that the top of the corset reached up to my hairline. She pulled the extension to the corset around my neck and laced it but this time thankfully not tightly. Jenny passed me a final note before she left. It had the single ominous word on it. "Wait!" I was now rigid from my head to my knees, the curved steel bones in the corset putting my back and shoulders in to a position of "good posture". I tried to take a step and managed about 4 inches, but tottered so much I realized that if I fell, I would stay fallen, also that it would be when I fell, and not if! So I stood still, waited..., and waited. I couldn't see a clock and lost track of time. All I could do was concentrate on the parallel impossibilities of breathing and staying upright. My feet hurt from the high heels and taking my full weight on my toes and the balls of my feet. At last, I heard the buzz from the door lock and from the corner of my eye saw Trish enter the room. "God! Don't you ever learn? Martha is livid. She has sent me here to offer you an ultimatum. She says either you have to accept her punishment, or she'll throw you out on to the streets with no support from the clinic and no further medical procedures. In fact she is only offering the option of punishment because of the effort she has taken in preparing you to test the vocal procedures. She also thinks you may be able to help her professionally. You have until tomorrow to make up your mind, but until then I have to take you somewhere more appropriate for a disloyal associate!" She loosened the lacing at the front of the corset so I could walk, albeit with short steps and then I followed her from the room and to the lift. This time Trish placed her thumb over the window for the basement. In my fear, my mind started to work in a completely disconnected way. "I didn't think the buildings on the Damraak had basements because of the risk of flooding from the Amsterdam canals?" Her reply surprised me. "My dear, we aren't in Amsterdam any more. You were moved here whist under the first dose of sedatives." I was going to ask where 'Here' was, but the lift arrived at its destination. As we got out, movement sensors turned on a few lights in the dark corridor. A strong smell of animals and their droppings was in the air. At the third door, Trish stopped and used her thumb to unlock it. As we passed inside, I put my thumb over the window. There was no buzzing from the lock. In the room were rows of cages and I could hear rustlings as animals were woken by the unscheduled illumination of the room. Trish walked to the end of the row of cages and opened one. It was about 6 feet tall, less than 2 feet wide and a foot deep. The construction was of stout steel rods, welded at their ends and intersections. "Get inside" I hobbled in and turned around. Trish stooped to re-lace the front of the corset and then clanged the door shut. Without another word, she turned and left the room. Twenty sends later, the sensors turned out the lights, leaving only a crack of light below the door. A minute later that also extinguished. In the pitch dark, animals who had been disturbed from their slumber started to call and scream, sounding like the jungle sound effects of an old Tarzan movie. For the first time in my life I started to sympathize with the extremists in the anti-vivisection movement. In my cage I was getting into a bad way. I couldn't stand upright; my height in the ankle boots was greater than the cage allowed. I couldn't tilt my head over, the built in posture collar of the corset saw to that. All I could do was shuffle my feet into one corner and slouch diagonally across the cage, neither standing, nor leaning and very shortly all my joints began to scream. At least my arms were free and I could relieve my self slightly by hanging from the bars. However, there I could not do anything about my bladder and I sobbed as the fluids eventually ran down my leg. I settled down for what I knew would seem like the longest night of my life and again I was able to release my mind from my current situation and consider my position and my short and long-term future. The Professor was obviously a sadistic bitch. Why hadn't I realized that only such a person goes around performing sex changes on strangers? I must have been under the influence of tranquillizers of some kind to believe that she was some kind of philanthropist. I thought of the punishments that I knew of. For not wearing make-up, Jenny had been tattooed and for talking out of turn, welded into the bridle. For my part in the 'illegal' conversation, I had a hood with a built in gag locked over my head. I considered my 'crime' of not wearing a corset. Well, she couldn't tattoo a corset on to me and if she locked me into a corset it wouldn't be forever. I considered my current situation. With the exception of my short hair, the transformation had left me with a shapely body that would not only pass as female, but would positively turn heads. However I still had my male voice, which would also turn heads when associated with that same body. The biggest problem was that I had no identification. I knew that Trish had obtained a full set of documents for me, but I had to assume they would not come as part of my 'severance package' should I be expelled early. There was probably only one profession available to a good- looking girl with no legal status and that was the oldest one of all. Definitely not part of anyone's master plan.... Except maybe, it was part of the bitch's plan for me! Lastly I considered my longer-term future. Firstly, I had to accept that the bloody periods were going be part of my future regardless. I felt I could probably cope with being a female in the outside world (I was to find later that my detachment also caused optimism in abundance!). With my documents and qualifications I could resume my professional position. Suddenly, I felt an enormous feeling of freedom. I wouldn't resume anything! I could start a new life. I had no skeletons in my closet; I had no past except the fictional one Trish had created... Oh! And the other one that started when I entered this building, wherever it was. That past would have to go. And Mistress Bloody Professor Martha with it. I felt extremely calm. I had made my decision. A punishment was to come, but I would retake every suffering minute back from Martha. Noted in my professional life as a very patient lawyer, I had been willing to wait for a case to build up or for witness to keep talking long after he should have stopped for his own good. I would use that patience and whilst I would appear to be subservient, I would be watching, listening for information and start to build a case against Martha and her business interests. A case tried by me, the judge, me, the jury and me, the executioner! With my reduced perception of time, the positive thinking period appeared to last only a few minutes. The rest of the night seemed to go on forever. The mental detachment disappeared, returning me to a world of pitch-blackness where I couldn't tell if my eyes were open or closed. A world of discomfort from the bars that were pressing against my head and shoulders and the unnatural position of my joints. A world of strange noises from animals who wouldn't settle down, without doubt alerted to the human presence in their room by my odor. Throughout the night though, in the back of my mind there was a little burning ember of determination. A feeling of hatred that was not part of my soul fanned it, making it glow bright red. I would survive and I would come out of this on top! Eventually the light appeared under the door and shortly afterwards the door opened, revealing the silhouette of the Professor. As she advanced into the room, the sensors turned on the lights. Behind the professor was Jenny on hands and knees, dressed in her maid's uniform with a chain running from a collar around her neck to the professor's hand. They approached along the corridor of cages until only the bars of my cage separated us. "I hope you have had time to reflect on your disgrace. I want your answer to my ultimatum now." It was time for me to start showing my subservience. In my present state it wasn't difficult to pretend. "I am very sorry to have broken your rules. I can only say my illness prevented me from thinking my actions through. I do not want to leave yet, and I will accept your punishment." "You have no illness, just the same complaints as any other woman! Don't try to use that as an excuse. "My punishments are always tailored to the crime, therefore I sentence you to be corseted 24 by 7 for the rest of your stay here and I will ensure that you do not have the ability to break this rule. In addition you will continue this close confinement for the next week. Veronica has already started to make your punishment corset, Jenny will now take the final measurements. It will take Veronica a couple of days to complete the work. I will not see you until your confinement is complete." "Jenny. Get to work. I have only deactivated the security system for you for the next hour. If someone has to let you out of here I will be most displeased." She turned and left the room, slamming the door behind her. Jenny knelt down on the door in front of the door and passing her hands through the bars, unzipped the boots so I was able to step out of them. It must have been something like 20 hours since Jenny had helped me into the shoes and corset and it took a while before I could bend my ankles enough to allow my heels to touch the floor. The relief was enormous, I could stand straight at last. I flexed everything I could in the limited space available. Jenny started to take measurements, leaning through the bars, writing their values in spaces on a piece of paper, she took a great deal of measurements. Questions sprang into my mind. Why was she taking so many measurements? Why couldn't they lock me into a normal corset? What did Veronica the metal fabricator know about corsetry? The answer Jenny gave was the same in each case, a shake of her head. Eventually she shook her head, put a finger to her lips and then drew the same finger across her throat, her meaning was clear.... No talking or big punishment would result. Finally she put her pencil down, knelt once more and placing her hands through the bars prepared my boots to put on. "No! Please?" She shook her head and glared at me. I realized that she should not have removed them in the first place. Reluctantly, I held my feet ready to have them put on and I resumed my lopsided position across the cage. Jenny left the room and once again the light went out. Time passed, but I had no idea how much. Several times I saw light under the door, extinguished on each occasion without anyone coming to this room. I could hear different forms of machinery running and sometimes, loud hammering sounds. Finally the door opened and the lights came on. The newcomer was one of the associates I had briefly met at the coming out dinner. I tried to remember her name and thought it was Susan. She was wearing a pink boob tube, a white leather jacket and matching mini skirt and white pumps with 4" heels. She had her blond hair pulled back in a ponytail, leaving a fringe. "I'm like, SO here to feed and clean the animals. I suppose that, like, means you as well. I have been like, SO warned that talking to you is dangerous. So, please, don't even, like, think about it." I thought I must have been delirious. But it was true. Frank Zappa's blond valley girl was talking to me in a baritone! The sooner Professor Martha started doing something about these peoples' voices the better, as far as my sanity was concerned. Then I remembered that that wouldn't happen until the procedure had been tested on her human guinea pig - me! As I watched Susan going from cage to cage, ineptly removing the sawdust at the bottom of each cage, refilling the water bottle and putting food in the animal's bowls, the thought came to me that I hadn't eaten for at least 2 days. The tight corset must have shrunk the capacity of my stomach taking away my appetite. Eventually she reached my cage. She tried to pass a bottle of water through the bars, but it wouldn't fit, so she used one of the drinking spouts from another animal and attached the bottle to the outside of the bars. She did pass a sandwich through. Finally she raked the saturated sawdust from the bottom of my cage and sprinkled fresh down. I ate the sandwich ravenously, pulled the water tube into my mouth, and sucked in the tepid fluid. As she left the room, she set a dial by the door and called "I SO need to let the animals have some daylight for a while." This time the lights didn't go off. That was the most excitement I had that day. Eventually the lights turned off and the pitch darkness enveloped me. I must have dozed somehow. The same pattern followed for two days. Dozing, relieving myself onto the floor, Susan mucking out and providing basic food. My nervous system had given up trying to tell me of the discomfort my body was suffering. I just lolled against the bars and let time pass. On the forth day Trish came. "Your corset is ready. Time to get it fitted." She looked at me. "I think we should go via your room so you can clean yourself up first, and just to ensure the professor doesn't see you looking such a mess I'll put this on." From behind her back, she pulled the leather hood previously locked over my head and then she unlocked the cage. I tottered out, stretched myself and took a few tentative steps. Trish put on the hood, laced the back and zipped over the lacing cover, but didn't put on a padlock. She also unlaced the bottom of my corset once more, turning her nose up at the smell as she did so. "This will have to be consigned to the garbage. Still you won't need it again." We went back to my room, my legs slowly getting used to the ability to move once more. Jenny was waiting and after looking at the state of my corset, just cut through the lacing and put it into a refuse sack. The sudden release of the corset caused blood to drain from my head and I blacked out. The next thing I knew I was coughing as Jenny held smelling salts under my nose. "Come on, hurry up. We don't have time for messing about. Don't bother getting dressed completely. Underwear, corset and a dressing gown is all you need." Trish urged. Once more Jenny helped me to clean up and make myself tidy then dressed in the minimal clothing we went back to the basement. This time we went to a room at the end of the corridor. This was a large well-equipped workshop where Veronica was waiting "I'm sorry to welcome you to my workshop under these circumstances. I do not relish this sort of task that Professor Martha sets for me." She said in her deep Scottish accent. "I have your corset over here." We followed her around to a bench in the corner of the workshop. I gasped as I saw an object that looked like no corset I had seen in my limited experience of the subject. It looked like a female torso made from a dull gray sheet metal. "It is in two half's, with busk clips at the front and the fastening at the back." Veronica explained. "Take a close look at it." She passed it to me. My mind became objective, not wanting to consider that it would be me fastened inside this inflexible metal clamshell. I was expecting the corset to be very heavy, but this was not the case. The workmanship on the object was beautiful. Each half though formed from several pieces of metal welded and beaten to shape, no joints were visible and there were no hammer marks. The joint at the front, where the two pieces separated, nearly invisible, so fine were the manufacturing tolerances. "What is it made of?" "I've used titanium. It's very light and causes little reaction when in contact with the body for long periods. Surgeons use it for pinning broken bones" At the back, three metal tabs with half-inch holes stuck out on each side. "Is this where it laces up? They look like they would catch on any clothes I wear over it." I asked. Veronica looked uneasy. "Aye, something like that. Don't worry; they'll nay catch when completely installed. Let's get it on now." Installed was definitely the right phrase. I wondered if my decision to accept punishment was right and again very quickly considered and rejected the alternative. I willingly submitted myself. Veronica disconnected the two parts and after I had removed the corset I was wearing, held them in place. The touch of the cold metal made me shiver. She engaged the front clips and then Jenny held everything in place whilst Veronica collected something from the bench. The corset went from above my breasts down to just above my crotch, but rose over my hips, allowing freedom to sit and walk around. The shape matched my body exactly, holding my breasts into the rigid titanium molded breast cups. It would be more accurate to say that my body would match the shape of the torso exactly, for below the breasts the torso swept into a very narrow waist, compressing my body to fit. As Veronica passed by, I noticed that she had three long, half-inch bolts in her hand. I suddenly realized the strength of the fastening and the available mechanical advantage of bolts in the rigid form over laces in a flexible corset. She threaded the bolts through the tabs and spun nuts on, quickly taking out the slack. She showed me a long piece of thin sprung steel "I need to temporarily put this in to stop pinching your skin as the bolts are tightened. It will slide out afterwards." The tightening began. Veronica methodically turned each of the three bolts, tightening them evenly. The smooth metal slid over my soft flesh, without the tugging and gripping that I experienced when being tightly laced into the normal corsets. She took her time, allowing me to adjust and continually checking the fit. I hoped that Jenny's measurements were accurate. I had been getting used to tight corsets and perhaps I had lost some weight whilst I was in the cage. In any event when Veronica announced that she had finished, I was still able to breathe. What I couldn't do was bend, except at the hips. Veronica walked me to a mirror and what I saw reminded me of images of the armor worn by Britannia or 'Xena - Warrior Princes', except neither of those characters had a narrow wasp waists. "I made the fit a wee bit looser than the training corset you were wearing. It could have been the same size but I thought it safer to have a margin since you'll have to wear it 24 hours a day for an unspecified period" "But you can unbolt it for short periods to allow me to wash and relax can't you?" "Sorry, but the professor was quite explicit, it is not to be removed. The bolts are only to close the back up." "So where are you going to fit the padlock then?" Trish took over. "Please, come over and sit in this chair, Err no, the other way around" I sat astride the chair with the front of my breastplate leaning against the back. She knelt in front of me, took my hands and quietly said, "There isn't going to be a padlock. Like Jenny's bridal, this has to be welded closed." Then before I could react she held my wrists firmly against the chair whilst Veronica quickly strapped them down. She then strapped my legs and feet to the side rails of the chair, binding me helplessly in a position that was ideal for the completing of the installation. Trish's voice was cracking as she said, "I'm sorry, it's just until the work is completed." I was speechless. I hadn't believed Martha when she said 24 by 7. I couldn't decide which was more frightening, the permanent entrapment or the welding process that would make it so. "W. w. w. won't I be burned by welding? I don't want this. It's not fair." I broke down with loud gasping sobs, repeating, "I didn't want this. I didn't want this. It's not fair. You can't do this to me. It's not fair. I don't want it!" Veronica now took Trish's place in front of me. She placed her hand on my cheek and with her thumb gently wiped away a tear. "You'll no get burned. Tis a special argon laser welding process that only heats a very small area. The heat will be conducted away before it gets through to your skin." "But I'll be permanently in this thing! I don't want to be a tin can for the rest of my life." Veronica just slowly shook her head and turned back to her equipment. Trish and Jenny left. My continuing cries matched the buzzing of the laser as Veronica completed the grizzly job. It felt no different, not tighter or looser, not warmer or cooler but just knowing that my release with a spanner was not possible made me feel sick at the bottom of my compressed stomach. "I just need to remove the bolts and grind off the brackets and I'm all done." At this point Martha came in. Her face had a wicked leer on it. She walked around the chair inspecting the work. She then spoke to Veronica in a voice too low for me to hear. Veronica looked at me then shrugged and left, collecting a tool trolley on her way out. "So you now realize that when I make a promise I keep my word. It WILL be every minute of every day until I say you are ready to leave. You will be going back to your cage in a minute, but there will be a surprise waiting for you." The sound of a powerful drill was coming from the other end of the corridor. Shortly after it ceased Veronica returned. "The removal of the brackets will have to wait until your confinement is over. I'll take you back to the animal room now." She undid the straps and passed me the dressing gown. After the training corset I found it a relief to be able to walk normally. I entered the cage, relieved that I could move my neck and I wasn't wearing the 5-inch heels any more. Then I noticed a bracket on the bars at the back of the cage that I was sure hadn't been there previously. I looked at Veronica. "What's that for?" "The professor has ordered that you be restrained inside the cage. Please turn around and don't struggle." She removed the now redundant bolts from behind me, and lined me up with the bracket. It proved to be a little high so she put in a low step for me to stand on. Then she threaded the bolts back through the corset mountings and into the bracket. Putting on the nuts she quickly tightened them down. My metal torso and the cage were now one. The professor had followed us and still with a smug look of satisfaction, inspected me. She looked at my feet. "There's no need for that step to be there. Please remove it." Veronica shrugged her shoulders, bent down and pulled the step out, as a magician removes the tablecloth. I could just reach the floor with my toes, but I found the metal superstructure I now wore supported me. As the professor left, I heard her sniff and say "Find that air headed woman and tell her that I don't like the animals to suffer. She must clean them properly." So the days passed. My only visitor was Susan who would only speak at me. My one attempt to talk to her ended when she clamped her hands over her ears and as she ran from the room she shouted "Nah nah, nah nah, I SO can't hear you." One of her misguided attempts to clean the animals properly was to bring in a powerful hose and spray the animals. She treated me no differently and the cold stinging water sluiced over me, leaving my teeth chattering. Everything she did was slapdash. She replaced all of the straw before using the hosepipe and then left the wet straw on the floor and this added a pungent rotting smell to the other unpleasantness. During the lights out times, I slept with my head in my hands, my elbows resting on my metal bust. Apart from the inability to move around in the confines of the cage, I was probably more comfortable than I had been in my previous stay in the cage. I could move my head, and legs (both together, if I chose!) But I did feel like a Barbie doll attached to the packaging of her box. The worst aspect was the mind numbing boredom. My mind sought something to keep it active. Once I had counted every bar of every cage I could see (825 of them) I allowed the ember of determination to glow brighter and started to plan my revenge. I thought through various strategies, ranging from jumping on the Professor and hitting her with my handbag at the first opportunity, to numerous forms of cruel and sadistic torture - I quite enjoyed those! However, currently I was in no position to attack and like every good general I would need intelligence. I made a mental checklist: Who was the other partner in TransLife Medical? Where did the finances come from? Were there contacts on the outside? Whom inside could I trust? These questions lead to others. How did the professor find out about my conversation with Jenny? However, the biggest question, did I have the determination to go through with this? At last Trish and Veronica came to release me. The cage door opened and Veronica leaned around behind me with a spanner and removed the bolts. As she removed the last bolt, I tottered forward and if Veronica hadn't caught and steadied me, I would have fallen. Once more laced into the hood, Veronica took me to her workshop where she used an angle grinder to remove the tightening brackets. I then made the return trip to my apartment for a shower. In the lift, Trish said, "The professor will start the vocal procedure this afternoon. She says it'll only take about 24 hours. Relax while you can. I'll come by later on and collect you." I gulped. I my room I stripped off the dressing gown and soiled underwear. I turned on the shower, let it run hot, entered the cubical, and enjoying the luxury of soap, soothed myself in the steam. When I had dried myself, I looked in the mirror. My hair had grown a little more and I realized that if I blow dried it and added some gel I could get a butch female looking style. I hadn't practiced with makeup for over two weeks. So, I sat at the dressing table and following the instructions in one of the magazine articles, worked hard until I was satisfied with the result. Later that afternoon I returned to the clinic. First Martha explained the procedure I was to undergo. "The technique is similar to the other procedures you have received here. I will introduce microbes into your neck through a number of injections. They will re-sculpt the larynx and Adam's apple. During the procedure, you must be immobilized and I'll have to put a breathing tube down your windpipe. So, I'm sure you'll be glad to know it'll be performed under a general anesthetic." A little later, I lay on a bed as the Professor injected a pre-med into my arm. Trish watched and as I became drowsy, said, "I hope this is successful for all our sakes," My senses returned one by one. First, my hearing came, then smell, the discomfort of a tube sticking up my nose and dryness in my throat. My eyes wouldn't yet open but I could tell I was lying in a bed, covered with sheets. I tried to lick my lips, but something was preventing them opening. Eventually, I dragged my eyes open. Trish was sitting by my bed. "Martha! She's coming round. Good to see you awake again, Diana." Martha came to the bedside. "All went well with the procedure. There's just the mouth restraint to come out. I didn't want you talking too soon and damaging my work." She reached behind my head and undid a buckle, then pulled a series of straps from my head, allowing me to open my mouth once more. "Well, I think it's time to hear if everything went as well as I believe." "Can I have a drink of water please?" was the first thing I asked. At least my mouth made the shapes to sound those words, but I made no noise. To be continued...

Same as How Did I Get Into This - Part 2 Videos

3 years ago
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Howie RandolphChapter 4

The Friday after football was over, Becky totally avoided him. Wanda said, "Three pounds and I feel good." Howie squeezed her butt and said, "You do feel good." Wanda looked good. Now she looked more muscular than overweight. "You look really good. I am very proud of you. I know it wasn't easy," he said. The next Friday, the school gave out athletic letters. The coach called out, "Howie Randolph, a letter and the conference champion patch. In addition, Howie was All Conference...

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Howie RandolphChapter 2

Howie waited patiently for the plane from Ireland. The television monitor listed their flight as one hour late. Howie sat totally relaxed and focused on the door. Howie thought he was patient before he met Black Eagle, now he knew how to be patient and vigilant. If he had to, he knew that he could sit and wait for as long as it took for his parents to come though the Customs terminal door. He waited, relaxed but focused. Howie's parents were very surprised when they cleared customs at BWI....

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The Initiation of Georgette Part Two

Lady Georgette Lockwood was bathing on the orders of the voluptuous Madam De Voillet. The maid Maisie caressed her sperm encrusted skin with a soft cloth, washing away the sticky essence with perfumed water. Georgette lay back and gave a soft sigh, reliving the events of the last few hours. When she awoke this morning she was an innocent virgin, unaware, and ignorant of, the ways of men and women. And now, just a short while later, she had masturbated a cock, tasted sperm, and been...

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The initiation of Georgette part one

“You`re sure madam? We can really fuck her?” Madame De Voillet stood in her drawing room before the semi-circle of seated guests and smiled. “Yes, Sir Edgar. She is 20 years old and the daughter of one of my most valued friends. And might I add, one of the most licentious. The girl that will shortly stand before you, is the result of an overprotective father. A man who knows nothing of his wife`s wanton ways.” A chuckle of delight rippled around the room. “And do we get to fuck the mother...

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I Dream Of Bridgette

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Howie Returns to PennsylvaniaChapter 7

"It seems that I end up in the hospital with something major a lot. I get forced to think about things," he said. "There are better ways to do that. Hopefully, you won't keep this up or your mother is going to be old before her time," she said. "Nobody loves you like your mother. I never thought that I worried you. I feel much safer in Oklahoma than Baltimore," he said. "I feel much safer when you are home with me in Pennsylvania," she said. "Mom, I think I am going to law...

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Howie Returns to PennsylvaniaChapter 5

Howie decided to go the southern route. He liked the drive through the Virginia mountains. And he wanted to show Brooke where the Cherokee lived before they were marched to Oklahoma. Howie put a cover over the truck bed. With a cover over the bed, he didn't worry about a place to sleep. The cover was level with the top of the truck cab. Brooke had never been to the University of Virginia or been through the Roanoke Valley. And she wanted to see Charlottesville, where Dorothy was going to...

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Howie Returns to PennsylvaniaChapter 6

Dorothy called Howie. "We were afraid you weren't going to make it back. How is Brooke?" "I imagine Brooke is fine. We broke up," Howie said. "Are you serious?" "Yes." "Howie. I'm sorry. Mike's family rented Professor Trevale's house. You know, the big house just down from the dorm. Come over." Howie said, "I know where Amy lives. I am an art major remember. You are too busy to bother with this now." Dorothy said, "Howie, get your butt over here, now." "Yes maam. Who...

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Howie RandolphChapter 6

His mother said, "Howie, I am worried about you. You are getting mixed up with too many older women. I am sorry that Wanda moved and you had problems with Becky. You are juggling to many things for a boy your age." "My luck with women for the long term is not good," he said. When Howie started back to school and the new semester, he noticed that Becky wasn't in any of his classes. There usually was only one section of Advanced Placement in a subject area, so Howie was surprised that...

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Howie RandolphChapter 7

It was called the Pledge Leadout. At the first of the dance, the room was darkened. Each pledge came to the spotlight. The girl and her escort were introduced. "Howie, this is the A group. I wouldn't have been asked to join any group before I worked out with you and lost weight. It helps that mom has a high level job at this college too." Howie responded, "You dieted and you exercised. You did it and you deserve the credit. And we are going to have a good time tonight." "Thank you...

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Say Hello to Georgette

Fiona liked to meet up with her girlfriends at one of their homes or at the shopping mall. No one else seemed to mind either because I never interfered with their activities. I usually just sat there and listened to them gossip or complain about boyfriends. I liked to imagine I was a sheikh and they were all my harem girls. Occasionally one of the girls would ask my opinion about something they were talking about, something they were wearing or a boy one of the girls liked. I was...

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Say Hello to Georgette

My name is George. I'm 15 years old. My parents are divorced. I live with my mother and younger sister. I was painfully shy growing up and I didn't really have any pals to hang out with so, out of desperation, I started tagging along with my sister Fiona who was two years younger than me but much more outgoing. Fiona didn't mind because that meant she could stay out later being escorted by her big brother. Fiona liked to meet up with her girlfriends at one of their homes or at the...

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Howie Returns to PennsylvaniaChapter 2

Howie was given two years of science credits for his paramedic license. He entered as a freshman. When he signed up for the fourth course, his status changed from special to full time student. Wednesday, he went to the Phi Gamma Delta house for his pledging ceremony. His father was invited and pinned Howie's pledge star on him. Howie listened to the words of the pledge ceremony. Dad was right. It is very much like the Kiowa. Of course, the Kiowa never spoke of Robert E. Lee or the southern...

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Howie Returns to PennsylvaniaChapter 4

Howie was up at daybreak and out running on the road. By seven he was in the Fitness Center. Brooke joined him everyday there. She used the Nordic track. Brooke studied after she exercised. Howie only had one final, and that was in Investments. He had an A average as did Dorothy. They both didn't need to study. Howie was so interested, because of the Kiowa trust, that he went way beyond what was required. Dorothy hung on for the ride. Dorothy was one of the few women in the business major...

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Howie Returns to PennsylvaniaChapter 8

Howie got home about four a.m. on New Year's Day. He slept until nine then ate breakfast with his parents and children. After they ate, Howie washed dishes with his mother. She asked, "How was the dance?" "Very fancy, but I wasn't able to dance much. It is a high society club. Did you have a good time on the cruise and at the country club?" he asked. "The cruise was wonderful and very romantic. I recommend it for any old married couple. Actually the country club was very nice. They...

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Say Hello to Georgette

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Owning Aunt Bridgette Chapter 6

“Crap,” she thought, green eyes snapping open. Dustin had given her specific orders before falling asleep last night. “I want to fall asleep tonight with my cock in your mouth and it better be in your mouth when I wake up in the morning,” was the last thing he’d said to her. The last thing the slender blonde wanted was to be punished again. Glancing fearfully upwards at Dustin’s face, she discovered his eyes were still closed and he was breathing easily. At least he was still asleep....

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Xena Versus The Spartans

It was a time of horrible raids by terrible marrauding hordes, which caused untold misery, fear and poverty in all of Pelopones. It was a time when Xena and Gabrielle were needed by all the towns, before it is too late, but she was nowhere to be found. The century before had been a good time for all, under the Cooperation Accord of Olympia, there was piece between all the polises, and Xena could concentrate on petty crime and feuding Gods. But now Xena had been on a mission in Asia for years,...

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UpgradeChapter 18 Georgette Fits in Reese Has Her Baby

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Owning Aunt Bridgette Chapter 2

She meant it, too. At that moment, still on a high from the long edging session capped off by her nephew’s hard fuck, she was willing to do anything to keep the experience going. Crawling to him, she pressed her cheek to his thigh as she hugged his legs, desperate to show her devotion. Feeling his hand in her hair, she smiled and kissed his thigh with a quick, open-mouthed swirl of her tongue on his skin. “You really are a whore, aren’t you?” the boy marveled. “Is there anything a slut...

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Anything For Georgetown part five Monica is realizing what shes getting into

After Monica had left, Houlihan got up from his chair and changed into his sweats. He always brought an entire change of exercise clothes to work every day. He’d put himself in a precarious situation, but among the faculty and administration, Monica O’Toole caused mixed reactions. She was one of their brighter students, but her reputation baffled and even ashamed them. It was known that she was picking on Brenda Hartley, Brenda seethed under the verbal jabs, but hadn’t gone to school...

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Anything For Georgetown part five Monica is realizing what shes getting into

After Monica had left, Houlihan got up from his chair and changed into his sweats. He always brought an entire change of exercise clothes to work every day. He’d put himself in a precarious situation, but among the faculty and administration, Monica O’Toole caused mixed reactions. She was one of their brighter students, but her reputation baffled and even ashamed them. It was known that she was picking on Brenda Hartley; Brenda seethed under the verbal jabs, but hadn’t gone to school...

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Didi Bani Meri Life Partner

Hi me Ajay Shah me ahmedabad me raheta hu me fir ek story leke aaya ho jo aap ko jarur pasand aaye gi ye story friend ki he jine apni didi ko kese pataya aur apni life partner banaya mere dost naam monty he uski 20 sal he uske gar me uski maa jinki 48 sal he pita ji ki age 52 sal he didi ki 25 sal he unka pariwar shukhi tha aage kahani mere dost monty ki jaban se suno hi mera naam monty he garme me sab se chota tha is liye me sab ka ladla tha manni ki aakh ka tara tha didi bhi muje bahut pyar...

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Owning Aunt Bridgette Chapter 1

So, it wasn’t long before he was searching for MILFs and slut moms on Tumblr … which led to The banner across the top was a leggy blonde with her ass in the air, vibrators shoved up her ass and pussy as she held a third one to her clit. He unzipped his jeans and started stroking his cock as he scrolled down … and his heart stopped. The next photo showed his aunt, topless in her kitchen. There was no mistaking it. It was his Aunt Bridgette. The long blonde hair,...

2 years ago
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Anything For Georgetown part eightHoulihan finds out Monica danced at a party

Monica looked behind her. Some boys had come upbehind her, and she and Nick had been surrounded, but when Blake had tripped up the stairs, Nick had whirled around and two of the boys who had come up behind them saw the gun and backed away. She got up the stairs and burst out of the house. Nick followed behind her. Oh Geez, she thought. This was bad. This was very bad. Nick had asked her about the gun during their phone call, and she’d said yes, but she never thought he’d have to bring it out....

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Anything For Georgetown part eightHoulihan finds out Monica danced at a party

Monica looked behind her. Some boys had come upbehind her, and she and Nick had been surrounded, but when Blake had tripped up the stairs, Nick had whirled around and two of the boys who had come up behind them saw the gun and backed away. She got up the stairs and burst out of the house. Nick followed behind her. Oh Geez, she thought. This was bad. This was very bad. Nick had asked her about the gun during their phone call, and she’d said yes, but she never thought he’d have to bring it out....

1 year ago
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Owning Aunt Bridgette Chapter 3

It wasn’t like they hadn’t seen her naked, she thought. The boys always found excuses to pop their heads into the bathroom while she showered or got dressed. On hot days, she was almost never full dressed, letting them see her in the skimpiest of cut-off jeans and bikini tops. Hell, she’d flash them her boobs or tits just because they asked any time. And they asked a lot, usually on movie nights when they’d compare her to the actresses on the screen. They’d seen men fuck her on more than one...

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Anything For Georgetown Part three

“This school has a reputation for being very good, and we want to uphold that. You’re not helping matters any by being mean to students and flaunting your sexuality.” “It’s a crime to be sexy? You sound like Brenda. I can’t help it if she’s ugly.” “But you can stop your behavior.” “And what if I don’t want to?” Houlihan was still sweating. “I went to Georgetown, you know.” This caught Monica off guard. “Really? That’s my top school! I so want to go there!” Houlihan regarded Monica for a moment....

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How a disgusting midget stole my beautiful young wife

Introduction: A depraved midget blackmails his neighbor into giving up his new bride. PART I Im going to be completely honest and tell the whole story, even though Im ashamed to admit any of it… It started about a year and a half ago, when Kelly and I had been living in our new house for only a few months. Everything was pretty great up until that point. Wed bought the place because we were thinking it was time to settle down and maybe have some kids. Kelly, by the way, was my wife. She was a...

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Owning Aunt Bridgette Chapter 4

The older woman’s pussy tingled. She knew it was wrong to let this kid who was half her age treat her this way, but that just made it hotter. She licked her lips and gave him her sultriest gaze, practically inviting him to rape her. “I told you, Dustin, I’ll do anything you want me to. All you have to do is ask, baby.” Her nephew spit in her face. “I won’t be asking for shit,” he snapped. “You’re my fucktoy slave and you’ll do as your told.” “I’m not your slave, Dustin,” Bridgette...

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Howe and Watson

“Her name was Kelly Simpson. She was a producer for a TV series that was shown on three different cable networks,” the tiny redhead informed Sally Howe. “Maze, how did you make the ID?” I asked. “Her ID card,” Sally said pointing to it hanging from her jacket. “I’m surprised you missed your chance to say ‘elementary, my dear Watson’,” I said. You do that at least once every shift. “The Shift has just started Marion,” Sally said. “She is such a smart ass,” I said to Maze the forensic lab...

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Tommy and Georgette are holidaying in Mexico. Georgette goes into the bathroom early on their second day, shuts the door and looks out the window without turning on the lights.She sees a light go on in a bathroom window across the way and sees a man standing in front of the toilet. He drops his boxers and grabs his penis. He stretches the skin on the end of his penis outwards and then pulls it back behind his glans and proceeds to piss into the toilet.Georgette is amazed. She has never seen a...

Oral Sex
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Tommy and Georgette are holidaying in Mexico. Georgette goes into the bathroom early on their 2nd day, shuts the door and looks out the window without turning on the lights. She sees a light go on in a bathroom window across the way. She sees a man standing in front of the toilet. He drops his boxers and grabs his penis. He stretches the skin on the end of his penis outwards and then pulls it back behind his glans and proceeds to piss into the toilet. Georgette is amazed. She has never seen a...

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Owning Aunt Bridgette Chapter 5

At the moment, the boy was spent, face down on her bed, recovering from his marathon fuck session. Bridgette, still naked, straddled him, the warm mixture of his cum and her juices dribbling from her well-fucked pussy as she massaged her master’s shoulders. She alternated working the muscles beneath his sweat-slick skin with her hands with leaning forward to lick and kiss his shoulders. “Thank you, sir,” she murmured between licks. “Thank you for knowing what this slut needed and being man...

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Anything For Georgetown Part four the spanking and tickling scene

“So, Monica. You’re willing to do this?” “Well, yeah. I mean, it kind of sounds like fun in a way. The boys … well, they’re just interested in sex, and that’s pretty much it. They're all about sticking it in, and … I’ve not even had an orgasm. I don’t know if there’s something wrong with me … but …” Houlihan chuckled. “You’re young yet. To be honest, you probably won’t reach your sexual peak until you’re forty or so.” Monica frowned. “You’re kidding, right?” “No. Young men are reaching it at...

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How a disgusting midget stole my beautiful young wife Part II

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Howe Watson 7th Heaven

The call came from Big Mac the next morning. “Watson, how about you and Howe meeting me in Queen City. Come down tomorrow and be prepared to stay a week at least.” “That’s a long time to stay if we don’t know what we will be doing,” I said. “You can always leave, if you don’t like what you hear,” Mac said. “I’ll talk to Sally and call you back,” I suggested. “Watson, I’ll just hold for you,” He said. “Did you hear?” I asked Howe. “Yes, what have we got to lose?” she asked. “You still...

3 years ago
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Anything For Georgetown part 10 Monica has some unwelcome news

The spring semester droned on. Monica found keeping up her self-confident persona a bit difficult. The sex with Houlihan was amazing and frightening at the same time. He’d finally satisfied her, bringing her to orgasm, the first she’d ever had with a man. But it was her first and last time. He’d made it clear that since she’d lied to him about having any more stripping parties, then doing the one in late December, was unforgiveable. Always, he held the threat of not getting into Georgetown over...

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Ladies and Gentlemen President Chelsea Clinton

Ladies and Gentlemen, President Chelsea Clinton By Heather St. Claire January 20, 2025 NBC News Anchor Natalie Morales: And there you have it, the inaugural address of President Chelsea Clinton. And now the new President is embraced by her husband, Marc Mezvinski, and her children, Bill, who is 12, and her daughter Olivia, who just turned eight. And now, a heartfelt hug from her mother, Hillary Rodham Clinton. Wouldn't you like to know what words they're exchanging at this...

1 year ago
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Midgets Like to Pork Too

My wife and I went to have a beach vacation. We rented a nice condo right on the beach. My wife's sister and her husband was to join us but they had had a big fight and only my sister inlaw showed up. My wife, Lucy, was 43 when this story happened. She has black hair, big blue eyes, 5ft 6inches tall. She weighs about 130lbs, nice 32c tits. Her sister, Sandy, was 37, 5ft 3inches tall. Blonde hair with the dark roots, big blue eyes and 32c tits. Both women are fairly attractive. The first day...

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Bridget The Story of a trained Slave

Bridget - The Story of a Trained Slave by Lewis Chappelle with assistance from ?Alli?Chapter One -   Parts 1 - 5Part # 1Bridget could not remember much about her early life. She did know a little about her former master and mistress, an older German couple, who got her from her parents before she even started her first menstrual period. The couple trained her to be a good slave but, had done nothing to educate the young girl, who was now practically illiterate. She did not have aspirations or...

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mums rubber lined mackintosh

A little about myself I have had a mackintosh fetish for as long I can remember all types leather pvc and rubber.            When I was very young back in the early 60s my mother used to wear a rubber lined mackintosh, at that time I loved it and didn't know why, I would often touch it or hold the rubber lining against my face and smell the fantastic aroma it gave off, thought I was the only one in the world with this problem. As time went by I discovered wanking and when ever my mother was out...

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Clinton By Cal Y. Pygia "How many inches?" she asked. "Twelve," he said. "Really?" "Really." "If you're lying, you're just wasting your time." And mine, she thought. "I'm not." "Okay, then. It's a date." Tiffany hoped the jerk was telling the truth. In her experience, men often lied about the size of their dicks, and she liked her cocks big-- and Black. Supposedly, Clinton, her latest client, was both. She'd see soon enough, she...

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Bridget The Transformation

Bridget - The Transformation Chapter One written by ?Alli? based on a concept by Lewis Chappelle Carefully, Bridget arranged the implements on the floor: the flogger, the cat o' nine, the cane, the leather belt, the large paddle - they joined the others in a neat, straight line across the floor. Everything had to be perfect when Adam, her Master, came home. Bridget worked quickly and smoothly, almost humming as she readied herself and the room. Her Master, the love of her life, traveled...

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Sex With Red Chudidar Girlfriend

Hello friends this is Sanjay I am a regular reader of this site going through a lot of stories I also thought of sharing an experience I had with my girlfriend recently and well to introduce myself I’m a doctor and completed my internship recently and this story which I am trying to share with you happened 6 months back when I was in my internship while working in my college hospital. I used to work in a private hospital for a night shift in order to earn money as a duty doctor and that was a...

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Anything For Georgetown Part sixMonica is asked to entertain at a party

Over the Christmas break, Blake Hartley had calledMonica up. He managed to get some guys to pony up for one of Monica’s stripping parties. She hardly talked about them anymore, but part of the attraction was the infrequency of the event. Once every two months. Otherwise, it became routine. But this was a different situation. Monica hadn’t danced in months—well, she hadn’t danced for any of the boys for a while. Once a month, after school, usually on a Friday, Houlihan had her strip for him....

4 years ago
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Harry Potter and Bridget Regan as Professor Regan

Bridget cried out and thrust her pelvis up against the mouth of her favorite student as she came. His mouth had been servicing her bits for the last half hour the teacher estimated. Time held very little meaning for a woman when she had a gorgeous young man eating her pussy. Harry’s tongue continued to stroke through her juicy folds while she arched her pelvis and grasped the back of his head with her left hand. Harry grinned mentally while his favorite professor shuddered and moaned...

2 years ago
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BridgetChapter 2

When I went to see Bridget yesterday I was actually worried she might know what I was thinking by the expression on my face. I was still high on the fantasy sex I had with her the night before, as well as the orgasm she gave me, without her knowledge, of course. I thought she might take one look at me and know about my lusty play, of which she was the star attraction. Thankfully, if she did sense anything like that in my demeanor, she didn't seem to mind. She greeted me more joyfully than...

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Sayak Sex Story Didir Bodnam Ghochalam

Ghum theke uthe Maa er kache sunlam Sutapa di asbe. Sutapa di amar masir meye. Amar theke 3 years boro. Soddo biye hoyeche. Jai hok sunei mon ta valo hoye gelo. O alo. Dudin thaklo. Kothai kothai masir chhoto meye mane amar chhordir kotha uthlo. O nurse er chakri korto Berhampore posting. Onekdin or sathe kotha hoini. Sutapa dir kachei phn no. ta nilam. Phn korlam kintu porichoi dilam na. Dekhlam besh provocative kotha barta. Sune valoi laglo. Tarpor porichoi dilam. Girl frnd sonno jibone tobu...

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Didir Bibahitoh Bandhobi Keh Chudhlam Didir Bieh Teh

Hi ami krish kolkatai thaki age 25 ami ek jon computer hardware engineer ami amar prothom sex experience tah share korchi apnader sahtheh r setah holo amar didi r bandhobi jar naam soma ami didi bollei dakhtam prothomeh kintu ahkhon seh amar sex partner r tar figure tah bolleh di 28-30-38 ehbar asol gotnahtah bolli ami prothomeh soma keh khubh sonman kortam karon amar didi r bandhobi r woh der barir sahtheh amader khubh bhalo somporkoh chilloh prothom amar moneh wor protti chintah dharonatah...

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When I started my job about five years ago, I was initially working first shift. I would be over at about 3:30-4.00 pm every day, and it was predictable. On occasion I'd get asked to stay over and pull a double shift. I didn't mind it. The money was good, I liked the work I do, and I loved the environment. After about three years, my supervisor asked if I'd be open to changing shifts and modifying my schedule. I wasn't too keen on working second shift, but I agreed to change on occasion. I...

Office Sex
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My House Mate Bridget

When I was younger, I needed a place to stay after my first house mate Dave decided to get married, and Bridget a good friend I had known since school said I could crash at hers.She had a house in a nice neighbourhood that she had inherited from her parents, after they had died a few years earlier in a car crash, and was more than happy to let me rent a room."Are you sure?" I asked as I carried my boxes in the front door on that first day."Yes, of course dumbass, or I wouldn't have offered!"...

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Discovered by Bridget

I realize that this is not one of my best stories, but I had a couple of free hours a few days ago and decided to write a quick story. I am still working on the next chapters for "My life in a Cage" and "Dana's Revenge". I apologize for how long it is between postings but it takes me quite a while to write those stories. Thank you for all the encouragement and support you have shown me. Discovered by Bridget By Tweak My name is John and I am a 32 year...

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