Mr Stephensons Fucking Machine Part 4 free porn video

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Georges equipment attracts the attention of Prostitutes and Nuns and then he is persuaded to make a left handed version.


Ada Monckton was a woman to be feared, a colossus of womanhood only five feet tall but reputedly twenty stone, and as leader of the Gateshead and Heaton branch of the Pubic Sector Workers Union her wrath was legendary.

Woe betide the Gentleman who failed to pay the agreed rate for services of a carnal nature, or who abused in some way not previously agreed any union member and woe betide the loose woman taking up the trade of prostitute to the detriment of paid up Union members.

Fat and ugly she may have been but within her thick balding disease raddled skull lived one of the weakest intellects ever found on Tyneside, coupled with a mule like stubbornness and a vocabulary which would make a Fishwife blush, she got prostitutes a bad name

Ada led the march, up the muddy road to George Stephensons works, "Smash the Fucking Machines" the posters were supposed to say but "Smas the Fukklink Massings" was one of the more legible attempts.

George Stephenson was woken by Ernie Higglethwaite sounding Scramsby Main Colliery Hooter as women passed and he peered from the window to see the procession still a mile away.

"Best get up lass" he urged his new wife Fanny.

"Geordie, I haven't had a fuck yet, come back to bed" she replied.

"No Lass its prostitutes, they are revolting"

"Yes and diseased " she agreed.

"No lass protesting, that gurt fat Monckton tart, coming this way"

George rushed to the workshop where he found one of his Class b double acting six inch stroke twenty five p.s.i Steam Fucking machines still in steam simmering from the previous night, when the Vicar's wife had tested it, he pumped the bellows and added some small lumps of coal and as he watched the steam pressure rose.

He strode out to meet the protesters.

"There he is, he wants to ruin us girls"

"Shut yer fat face Ada, Fucking Machine could never replace you, they cost two thousand guineas and you charge two pennies."

Ada struggled with the figures.

"Three on Saturday nights," she corrected.

"Tell thee what, come in and see one and, yes bring that girl with no shoes on with thee and then see if I am talking bollocks, meanwhile there must be some ale about somewhere, I'll get Bessie to find some."

Ada was surprised, she realised she did not actually know what a Fucking machine did but she earned her money fucking, well from Union Subs actually, and so it was a threat to her wages.

Ada walked slowly through the door.

"This is it, now I'll pay sixpence if this charming young lady will allow me to demonstrate." George stated as Ada interupted.

"Two pennies, Union rate is Two Pennies."

"All right two pennies, now take your knickers off and sit down here."

"I can't sir" whined the girl.

"Why not?" he queried.

"I ain't got no knickers sir"

"Just sit then, now this goes up yer, you know inside."

"Please sir I just takes money and run away, I never done that sir"

"You evil girl" Ada clouted her heavily with her huge fist, "Them like you gets whores a bad name"

Ada grabbed the brass fitting and thrust it brutally inside the girls privates.

"Eh lass are you all reet?" George asked with concern.

"Course she is, like a pig in muck, gerron we it" Ada cooed charmingly.

George connected the connecting rod to the flywheel, turned it through two full turns to check all was well and strapped the girls feet to the machine.

"Turn that valve Ada, while I turn flywheel", George ordered he turned the flywheel, Ada turned the valve and it started, Hiiisss, Pock Hiiss, Pock, Hiss, Pock, Hiss.Pock

"Aaahhh, OOOh, eeeehhh, Oh its lovely Mr Stephenson, You must try it Mrs Monckton, Oooh," The girl was enjoying herself and getting paid at same time.

"So how do it fuck men?"

"It don't Ada, it's for women"

"Bugger we come for nothing," Ada realised.

"You can have a go if thee wants, I got twenty here all told so if we gets them all going you lot can take turns" George suggested.

"They need one of these at the nunnery" the girl announced as George stopped the machine to let her off,

"My sister is always getting a busted off candle stuck up her since she became a nun" she continued.

"Yer a bright girl, how about you join team as sales lass, do demonstrating and that?" George sugested.

"Hey, Stephenson, I paid her mam eighteen shillings and six for her," Howled Ada.

"Here have a Guinea," George tossed her a small coin,

"Now gee us hand with machines." he continued.

"Am I got job then mister?" the girl asked.

"Yes lass, what yer called,"

"Bloody Kid usually."

"I'll call you Nicola on account you got no knickers, Knickerless get it?"

She shot him a glance that could have killed at twenty paces.

The activity in the yard became frenzied, the desultory interest in the steam cuntraptions changed to excitement and impatience to try the machines as one by one they were brought out and brought to the boil, ready for use.

The Vicar wife sought out Ada.

"How much is subs for union?" she enquired.

"Fuck off you're Vicar's wife, not Tart." suggested Ada.

"I want job as tester" she explained,

"Ten Shillings." said Ada grumpily.

"I can't afford that."

George heard, and handed her a Guinea.

"Have two years"

"Years be buggered, that were life membership," trilled Ada.

George worked late into the night, borrowing farm carts to take the exhausted women home and that night all around Tyneside men despaired of finding a street woman and reluctantly took pleasure with their wives, leading to a sudden surge in Baptisms ten months later.

Goerge kept Nicola back, he asked Bessie and Fanny to give her a bath and supervised a few of Lads from dayshift at pit as they worked into the night to put the fully tested Fucking Machines back in store.

"Mr Stephenson, come quick," Bessie wailed.

"We got trouble, drain's blocked."

He hurried to the house where a two tone naked Nicola awaited him.

"We done her bottom half then when we went to change water it were so muddy we blocked drain," Bessie wailed.

"I see problem," asserted George poking a piece of wire down the plug hole and with a great slurp the foul water was gone.

"Lor blimy sir I'm as white as her ladyship," Nicola observed in amazement.

"I thought t'were suntan not shit," agreed George, his prick stiffening.

"Yes and you have not fucked me today at all have you?" chided Fanny.

"No Lass, sorry Lass, lets do it while Bath is filling," and George unbuttoned his Breeches lifted Fannys skirt and gently tearing her bloomers off her entered her as she stood against the wall.

"Mr Stephenson, please" shouted Bessie covering her face with her hands, but leaving a gap between fingers to watch through.

"Mr Stephenson, please" trilled Nicola.

"No he is all mine" insisted Fanny guessing Nicola wanted a go as she bounced up and down, his huge shaft stretching her to her utmost.

"You tore my bloomers," complained Fanny.

"It was your idea to wear them" observed George.

"You are working class now missus!"

She thought of Arthur, Lord Maplethorpe, the stuck up prat with an appendage more appropriate to a Stoat than a Man she had so nearly married, and smiled as George slowly withdrew form her leaving her feeling satisfied, at least until proper bedtime.

"Thee wants to get a Fong," said Bessie.

"Wassa Fong" asked Fanny.

"Tiny little knickers they Burmanese wear, Archie Fong used to try to flog em a while back from stall in market, he had canvas and silk all colours, out there bloomers is too hot yet the needs summat to hide them twat if 'em falls ass over tit in Jungle." Bessie was clearly an expert.

"I'll just leave them off" giggled Fanny.

George returned to the Workshop and they turned their attention to Nicola once again, scrubbing her upper body and thoroughly washing her hair.

Bessie took Nicola's filthy rags to wash and she found herself sitting naked on the bed while Fanny slowly combed her long Auburn hair with a long handled brass inlaid Mahogany hair brush.

"Can I borrow the brush please" asked Nicola and as Fanny agreed she grabbed it and thrust the handle between her legs.

"Oh I needed that," she cooed.

"Here let me," Fanny kissed her cheek and started to slowly wank her with the brush.

"Oh Madam, that's so nice, I am such a lucky girl."

Nicola started work next morning, wearing ill fitting clogs and a clean but threadbare dress she went round to the Convent, saying she were interested in joining as she could not find a Husband.

The Mother Superior saw her at once.

"You are very clean girl!"

"Thank you Mam"

"Are you a Prostitute?" she enquired.

"I takes money and runs away" Nicola stated.

"Ah, I see, you must be punished, and repent truly before we proceed further"

"Yes Mam"

"So undress and bend over that rail"

Nicola hoisted thee dress over her head and knelt with her arse in the air. Swish splat the whip stung her backside.


And again, eleven more times.

Nicola sobbed.

"Come here child" the Mother superior ordered, she explored Nicola's sex with her fingers.

She continued.

"We are brides of the Lord and must be ever ready for his ministrations, the Lord must never find us dry and unreceptive if once again he wishes his son to be born among us, do you understand child"

"No" Nicola admitted.

"You yourself are aroused, and receptive to the lord, here these will help"

She slid brass clamps over the girls erect nipples and tightened the screws, sensations, part pain, part pleasure, confused the girl.

"You are a bloody odd lot, any road sod this for a lark," Nicola spoke with commendable eloquence, and continued.

"So unless you want's a Steam Fucking machine or three at Two thousand guineas apiece I will bugger off while I can still walk."

"My dear chid, there is no such thing as a Steam Fucking machine," she grasped the girl's arm and roughly pushed her through a door and along a short corridor.

A door opened into a long chamber where a monstrous crankshaft with fourteen pairs of connecting rods serving twenty eight penetrators at twenty eight seats slowly revolved.

"That my child is a fucking machine. We pipe the water from upstream and feed it through a waterwheel and it has sufficed for nearly three hundred years." the Mother Superior boasted.

"Bit bloody slow innit" queried Nicola.

"We are Ladies of the cross not bloody doe rabbits you stupid little bitch, I mean my child." The Mother Superior continued, "What do you mean slow"

"Steam Fucker is ten times faster than that."

"Don't lie in the house of god, child."

"It does 60 thrusts per minute, in and out."

"Child, we shall proceed forthwith to expose the untruth of your assertations."

She rang a small bell very loudly. An ugly old trout in a Cassock stuck her fissog round the door.

"You wanted summat?" she queried.

"Sister Capricious, pray saddle my mule and have the Sisters presently meditating join us on our odyssey."

The little procession walked slowly from the Convent following the fat lazy mule,

"Forgive them Father for they have Sinned, Glory be to the Father," spake the Mother Superior, as they left town changing to. "Its about time they lazy bastards filled in pot holes and seeing a farm hand stripped to the waist, my god he's gorgeous, I would not mind breaking all my vows with him." as they proceeded into the Country.

George was again alerted by Scramsby Main hooter and the looked down the track to see the approaching throng, he rushed to the workshop and raised steam on the engine in the test bay.

The Mother Superior knocked on the Stephenson's workshop door. “Good morning Mr Stephenson, I am given to understand you are manufacturing a machine to provide simulated copulation.” she announced as George peered through the spy hole.

He opened the door “Well Madam don't know about that I only makes Fucking Machines”. The Nuns swept past into the workshop area.

"That's not a Fucking Machine that's a six inch stroke portable steam pump with an extra rod or two, we had them in Pit when I were on game." The Mother Superior shut up sharpish as she realised she had said too much.

"Modified to serve as a fucking machine" added George.

"Hop on and demonstrate Nicola please." he requested.

"Oh thank you sir." Nicola beamed.

"Make sure she is moist, then insert the Penetrator," Instructed George gently parting Nicola's lower lips and entering the polished brass penetrator piston within her.

"Put the clevis pin through to fix it to connecting rod like so, " He continued, "then fit new split pin to hold it, ease it through two full turns to make sure she can take it all and then turn steam valve and ease it over the dead centre like this." he turned the flywheel.

Hisssss, Pock, Hissss, Pock, Hisss, Pock. The Geordie gathered speed.

"You wanton trollop, you are enjoying being abused, verily that is no penance. we shall leave instantly" spake the Mother Superior.

"Not till I had a fucking go we wont." Sister Capricious spoke, "I know about you and the window cleaner."

"Sister I paid you very well to keep that secret" Mother Superior blushed bright red.

"Oh yes yes yes fucking yes," Cried Nicola.

"That's a real penance, murmured a small nun in the crowd, Come Sisters we must away."

"All are equal in the sight of the Lord and we ain't going till we has a go" Sister Capricious put her foot down.

"Very well then, do you do a penetrator in Gold Plate Mr Stephenson.?"

"No plate might peel off, solid gold with a brass core should be easy enough, pricey though." he replied.

"Very well I shall test this myself, when that strumpet has finished," the Mother Superior announced.

Nicola slid from the machine and George washed the egg shaped penetrator in warm soapy water as the Mother Superior sat at the machine.

She raised her robe and George stared in amazement at the array of gold rings through her labia and her clit from many of which precious stones dangled.

"Sorry, It ain't safe Missus. not with all this junk there, might get caught in mechanism". George apologised.

"No, you must, I can't" she blustered.

"Cut the bastards out you can't abandon me, please" she wailed in a most un-nun like manner.

And George set to work with pliers and a fine file to remove the finery and soon her cunt was as God intended, but much wetter, George inserted the penetrator but feeling excess play he reached for the tool kit, Fanny had suggested he make larger versions for any old slappers, and they had measured up next doors Donkey and Farmer Frisson's prize Bull, for the Donkey and Prize Bull size options he intended to supply with the de luxe version.

The largest version the Ultra Donkey had simply been a joke but George was astonished to see and feel it slide tightly inside this supposed Virgin.

"Oh Mr Stephenson, there truly is a heaven." she whispered as he turned the mechanism slowly to make sure she could take it all, then he cracked open the steam valve and slackened the governor nut for 10 RPM, Hiiiissss, such Pock, Hiiiisss, such, Pock.

"That's about the maximum your water power engine can manage." he announced,

He continued "I will bring it to 30 rpm. Half speed, Hissss, Pock Hissss, Pock, and 45, this is about enough with the heavy penetrator.

"Uggghh Ah, God" The Nun was in a dream world of her own.

George twiddled the spanner "60 RPM, normal for lighter penetrators, and Max is 120 really but it wears the big end, so try 90."

Hiss, Clang, Hiss, Clang, Hiss, Clang. something was wrong, the whole machine jumping from the floor with each stroke and liquid escaping.

"I got a leak"

"It's her cunt juice you fool, that or she pissed herself" suggested sister Capricious tactfully.

The Mother superior flopped as in a daze as George slowed the machine.

"We will have three, with Gold fittings," she announced before she fainted from excess pleasure.

Later after the last Nun had received her penance from the machine and they sat in Georges Lounge eating Chicken, prepared to the Army secret recipe which Arthur Cleghorn's friend Col Saunders of the Gateshead Militia had lent them, and drinking Newcastle Brown ale, except Sister Capricious who would not touch the devil's own brew preferring bottled water, distilled in Scotland, the deal was done four engines for price of three but they would do demonstrations for any other Convents.

The Nuns returned to the convent and the frustration of a ten strokes per minute water wheel, and after a good night and some sleep Fanny and George set about making money, Fanny travelling to Heaton to order a hundredweight of Gold and George set to work on the batch of engines for the Nuns.

Fanny returned from shopping in Heaton village with Bessie, upset and disconcerted.

"Mr Lloydd would not take our money, in his bank, says it's too much risk."

George saddled the mule and they returned to the village, suddenly he had an idea, the Estate Agent's, he looked at the board, coal mine, row of houses, unfinished Mansion and at the bottom, Lord Maplethorpe's mansion.

"How much is this lot?" queried George.

"Which one would sir be referring to" slimed the yes man in the hand me down suit two sizes too small.

"Bloody lot man, Job lot like, how much, Oh except bottom one."

"Piss off, you 'ent got that much cash" said the slime-ball as his eyes widened as George hauled the biggest bag of cash he had ever seen from under his Jacket.

"S,Seven h,hundred and Thirty Six pounds Eighteen Shillings and three Pence three farthings." he stammered.

"Cash" George reminded him.

"Seven" said the slime-ball.

George frowned at him.

"Six fifty then," the slime-ball offered.

"Sign papers then love, I am off to see his Lordship." George ordered counting the cash out on to the counter.

Maplethorpe was distraught, his mother the Dowager had left the ancestral home and moved in with his valet since she had discovered sex at the age of fifty courtesy of a Stephenson Fucking Machine at Arthur Clegghorns new unfinished red brick Mansion, and what with losing his betrothed to Stephenson and then finding Stephenson owned the Mortgages on his estate he decided to sell up and run.

His world collapsed as Stephenson arrived.

"Doing a runner, Arthur?"

Lord Arthur broke down, Sobbing.

"It's all gone wrong, Mother stole my Valet you stole my Fanny now I have no one."

"Thee allus was a Pillock. there's plenty more women."

"I don't want a Woman I want a Man, a real Man."

George had heard of these left handed people but thought folk were joking.

"What thee gets roggered up thee ass-hole for pleasure?"

"Not the phrase I would use, but yes"

"What about an ass-hole Fucking machine?"

"No, such a thing has not been invented!"

"Tell thee what, you come over my place tomorrow and we'll bloody invent one, 'bout, eleven, Fanny likes a long slow fuck in the mornings."

And so it was born, and working together as a team George and Lord Arthur Maplethorpe invented the Maplethorpe Gentleman's Companion, a conversion kit for the Stephenson "Geordie" Fucking machine to facilitate the usage by a person kneeling before the machine with rectum raised, a separate slide bar assembly on triangular brackets raised the axis of operation up to eighteen inches above the Geordies range intended as it was for useage by a lady seated on the floor immediately in front of the machine.

George and Arthur worked late into the night and the machine was equally efficacious for such ladies as preferred their penetration from behind, and with a slight adjustment front or rear orifice could be used with equal facility, Arthur diligently tested each iteration and modification the flywheel whizzing round and the shaft pumping in and out of his ass-hole, but soon they realised the raised centre of Gravity was a major problem, and ideas of conversions were forgotten and the Maplethorpe we know today with its wide rectangular water tank base and direct acting cylinder adjustable from 6 to 24 inches above ground level with an integral boiler was perfected.

George allowed Maplethorpe to stay on at Gribblesdyke Manor as Manager as they converted most of it to a Fucking Machine manufactory and George kept out of the marketing of the Maplethorpe, he admitted only that Lord Maplethorpe had paid to use his patents but soon up and down the land Military establishments, Gentleman's clubs and Monasteries were snapping them up as fast as they could build them.

The Vicar's wife still tested the machines from George's works from the woman's perspective but while very pleasurable she preferred the simpler "Geordie" but she made the observation that it would be nice to lie back in bed and get shafted.

George Immediately grabbed a piece of slate and chalk and designed the bell crank assembly for the Geordie IBF (In bed fucker), the operating arm appearing through a slot in the mattress, which many lazy cows have found so efficacious over the years.

And so within three months of marriage George had made friends with his rivals, his order books were so full he had to get parts made in Birmingham, despite them being soft southerners and not trustworthy, he had to sub-contract his mining industry business, and to cap it all Fanny asks George if he would mind fucking Nicola as she was worried he might crush her unborn baby.

And so George and Nicola thoroughly tested Frenchman Monsieur Alain Du Rex's patent pigs intestine penis cover for the prevention of Clap and Children, which were useless as they could only be used about three times before they split.

"What use is a cover you could only use twice? you would have to sell them in packs of three," complained George, "And them spoils the feeling"

To be Continued ?

Probably Not


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Fighting Machine

I watched the code as it flickered and flowed and finally moved with it. It was almost simple to move around the security and into the system. I moved to one side to watch the data flow with the constant guard and security programs streaming past. I dove into the stream and headed to a hub to retrieve the location of the files I wanted. I moved away and deeper into the flow and kept going until I reached an interface. I gathered the data I had come for and slipped away. I sat back as I reached...

2 years ago
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The Time Machine Paradox

The Time Machine Paradox Copyright by: Donna-Allyson McCleod Mindy may archive or use this story in whatever way she sees fit within the Fictionmania environment. If anyone else wishes to archive my works, please E-mail me at [email protected] with your request and the address of the site where the story will be located. I will check out the site to see if it meets my standards as posted on my website. If you intend to post any of my stories on a dedicated X rated Hard-core...

3 years ago
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The washing machine pt 1

When you read the title you may find this hard to believe but it’s a story based on facts. I am Jake and I am 18 and I have a s****r, Kara who is 20. She is as tall as I am which is around 5 feet 9. She gets a lot of comments from my friends especially about her lovely long legs and nicely shaped butt that is apparently more boyish than mine. I don’t really understand why they call it boyish. I don’t think it’s boyish at all. She looks very hot in a pair of shorts and her flat abs and c cups...

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The Washing Machine

“Be serious” Laura said with a shy smile to her best friend Tally. Laura and Tally were sat in a coffee shop as they normally did on their dinner break chatting. Tally had been Laura best friend since they were at school; here they were still best friends at the age of 33, even working in the same office building. What they were chatting about was a present that Laura had been given for her last birthday by another friend. “I am serious Lau you should try it” Tally smiled as she tried...

4 years ago
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Bob Stephensons Torture Machine

Warning, this historical fantasy contains references to fucking and fucking machines and contains four letter words and any resemblance of any characters to any person living or deceased is entirely unintentional.In addition it contains folk getting strapped down with leather straps and there's Snuff, Prostitutes and steam valves, and the Dowager lady McNeedle and Mini Carr getting machine fucked, and eccentrics and split pins and the horrific though slightly comical bloody death of one of the...

2 years ago
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Up Skirt Photo Machine

Up Skirt Photo Machine I could not believe the success of my “Up Skirt Photo Machine.” I rolled it up next to the entrance to the shopping mall and stood back. At first the girls seemed leery of it. They read my sign and giggled. Then all of a sudden there were ten girls lined up to use it. My sign read, “Please stand on the marks, look at this sign, and then press the button with your thumb. Thank you for your cooperation.” They lined up like cattle to the slaughter. They...

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Before my daughter Christina got married as a bit of fun she sometimes hosted parties for a well known sex lingerie/toys firm and her close friends would attend and usually buy something to enhance their sex lives and the small amount of commission Chris got from sales helped a single girl sharing a rented house with three other career women. At one such party the firm had recently introduced a range of “fucking” machines, rather expensive items at 200-1,000 pounds not including various...

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F Machine Pro Review

F Machine Pro ReviewI was contacted by a gentleman called Ian and asked if I’d be interested in reviewing this machine having seen pictures of them I was more than happy to review them as they look amazing and I’ve always wanted to be fucked by a robot. Upon my interest he emailed me the machines image and an instruction package so I could read about it and get advanced knowledge before the set date. Ian was very helpful and efficient in providing answers to questions allowing me to feel...

2 years ago
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Catrsquos Machine is Trinarsquos Pain

Cat walked around with a big grin on her face, or rather a bigger one than usual. No one knew why, except for Cat. Beck had intervened and helped her get over her Sky Mall addiction, but she managed to find another version of Sky Mall, except this one was for adults. "Sex Mall" was that it was called and it was a sex toy catalogue and she loved it. She consistently bought several things out of there on weekly basis and now owned the top 50 female toys in the list and had even lent some out to...

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The Machine

The box sat in the middle of the living room floor where the express service delivery man had left it. It had no markings on it other than a standard shipping label with Claire's address and a generic looking return address in Iowa. Claire knew what it was, though. She was expecting it. She knew it would arrive today and called in sick to work to sign for it.  Ordinarily, she loved getting stuff in the mail, tearing the boxes apart to get her hands on a new pair of shoes or what not. But this...

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Orgasms by Machine

I had the opportunity to try a fucking machine a while ago and ever since then have been addicted to watching videos of fucking machines. If you have hot videos of women being fucked by machines (especially if they are bound) please send them to me. Makes me so damn hot to watch other women being fucked by machines. Recently I had the opportunity to enjoy a fucking machine in person once again. What a night! So many leg shaking, mind blowing orgasms. I was invited to a dinner party. There were...

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Simitar Gude Vibration Machine

Hi Bandhura kemon achho? Onek din kono golpo lekha hoi ni. Tomra Amar Golpo “Simitar Shave Kora Gu” Asha kori tomra porechho. Aaj ami Simita K niea aar akta golpo likhte jachhi. Asha kori tomader bhalo lagbe. Simita Sei golper seshe to USA chole gieachhilo or Hubby ar kachhe 2 years hoea gachhe. Aar modhey oor sathe majhe majhe Fb te chat hoto. 2 years ar modhey ami Hyderabad chhere Mumbai chole alam. Okhane akta company tea mi job korchhi. Akdin Hathat chat hote hote o amake bollo ami Indiai...

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Transition Machine

Daniel awoke in total confusion, he couldn’t remember falling asleep or where he was or what he was doing before he woke up. His eyes were heavy and he felt so weak that he could barely even lift his eyelids, he couldn’t lift or move anything actually. He felt the cool air around him, he was obviously in an air conditioned room. For a second Daniel thought that he had been in an accident and that he was waking up in a hospital but then he smelled something. The perfume scent that had just made...

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The Time Machine

I have always been interested in stories about the past and decided to create a medium, which anyone could contribute. This took much thinking on my part, but I am fairly happy with the results. I have created a story in which my character is transported back into time by means of his own invention, however he doesn't actually land in the time, instead he must occupy a "host" body to be able to stay there. His own invention is used against him to get him out of the way so others...

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Blythes Machine 3 the Chinese MenaceChapter 3 A Traitor Found

It was half an hour later, Lloyd and Susan had arrived at the house and were with Jack in the basement; Professor Blythe was working away at the machine, checking it over. Lloyd stared at Jack. "Well? What happened?" He demanded Jack looked back at the machine that had just destroyed itself, "He took her through the window. She's trapped there." He said softly. "Not really Jack my boy, this happened to me several times with my machine, but it's simple enough to get the parts, the...

4 years ago
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Dream Machine With correct paragraph spacing

Chapter 1: The Machine My fingers shook as I unwrapped the package. Finally. My own Duelling Machine. Actually, I mused as I skimmed the instruction manual, “Duelling Machine” is a misnomer, it should be called a Dream Machine but the wrong name stuck. Unlike Bova’s conception which was brought to life in the DM-90 model and allowed two people to share a dream as a virtual battle, the more advanced DM-92 allows the sharing of a dream without violence and this one, the DM-100, allows one...

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Sharon in the training machine

We had posted an open invited to Sharon’s training on the machine, we had just bought for her, and needed extra help. Twenty responders had been selected, and invited round.the machine consisted of a frame of scaffolding poles with a phallic poll to impales Sharon on which could be move to varying degrees so she could be horizontal or vertical while always having the insertion poll inside her cunt. A head restraint kept her in place and always lined up with the insertion pole. I dressed Sharon...

3 years ago
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Dream Machine

My fingers shook as I unwrapped the package. Finally. My own Duelling Machine. Actually, I mused as I skimmed the instruction manual, “Duelling Machine” is a misnomer, it should be called a Dream Machine but the wrong name stuck. Unlike Bova’s conception which was brought to life in the DM-90 model and allowed two people to share a dream as a virtual battle, the more advanced DM-92 allows the sharing of a dream without violence and this one, the DM-100, allows one or more people to control a...

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The washing machine repair men

My name is Roxanne, I am a 30 year old brunette with 38DD and a good figure if I do say so myself. make my mind up. Today wash day and although I was not looking forward to it I got up had some breakfast and loaded the washing machine with a load of my knickers. The problems began when I got going it stalled and decided not to play. I had no alternative but to ring for an engineer. After about a hour there was a knock at the door. That was quick, so quick I was still in my very short dressing...

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Publicly connected at a milking machine

This is a true Story we both have experienced. Traudl had published half a year before her death here at xhamster in German. (Öffentlich an der Melkmaschine angeschlossen) For over a decade, we will visit to dance a bar on the outskirts of Vienna. Every April happens there for the regulars a fetish party (PVC, rubber leather). Admission there on evenings only for couples. High-lights are the performances of the female part of the couple. The man is in advance of the management his plans with...

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Publicly connected at a milking machine

This is a true Story we both have experienced. Traudl had published half a year before her death here at xhamster in German. (Öffentlich an der Melkmaschine angeschlossen)For over a decade, we will visit to dance a bar on the outskirts of Vienna. Every April happens there for the regulars a fetish party (PVC, rubber leather). Admission there on evenings only for couples. High-lights are the performances of the female part of the couple. The man is in advance of the management his plans with...

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The Vending Machine

The Vending Machine "I promise you, Rachel can come out tonight!" said Veronica as she made the short walk from their hotel to the beach. "But tonight is our last night. We head home tomorrow and I was hoping to let her out sooner," her husband, Mark exclaimed. Mark and his wife Veronica had spent a week on the south coast of Spain and were heading to the beach to soak up some rays. In order to find a great place to sunbathe, they had set out early, straight after breakfast....

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The washing machine repair men

My name is Roxanne, I am a 30 year old brunette with 38DD and a good figure if I do say so myself. make my mind up. Today wash day and although I was not looking forward to it I got up had some breakfast and loaded the washing machine with a load of my knickers. The problems began when I got going it stalled and decided not to play. I had no alternative but to ring for an engineer. After about a hour there was a knock at the door. That was quick, so quick I was still in my very short dressing...

Group Sex
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The Machine

 If you didn’t know, I’m A retired engineer. I worked in the aerospace industry Primarily working with jet engines, so it wasn't a surprise when a friend of mine called me to ask me if I would be interested in looking at a design he had.Don came over to the house that evening. After getting him a beer, we sat at the kitchen table where he pulled out all of his drawings and notes. It turns out that the machine he designed was a fucking machine.Now you see these all the time, but back then they...

Wife Lovers
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The Mindy Machine

With a side business of building BDSM gear, Guy was making a nice little side income. His most popular item was a Sperm Sponge harness: a rather complicated item of straps, rings, and buckles that the slave wore on her head with a cock-ring pressed tightly to her mouth, and another collection of straps, rings, and buckles that he Dominant wore on his hips with that same cock-ring pressed tightly to his crotch at the base of his cock. With such a garment, a man could wear a woman's head with...

5 years ago
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Vibration Platform Fitness Machine Product Review

A few months ago my husband and I looked at all different brands of the vibration platform physical fitness machines displayed at a Zoomer Show. After testing all of the exercise positions shown on the visual guide (particularly the sitting ones), I decided that the Turbovibe Light suited my personal requirements the best. I particularly liked the dual motors concept and the flexibility of the electronic remote programming features. All of the other machines at the show had a complex...

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The machine fuck Continued

'What do you think'. It sat on the arm of an old chair, my eyes firmly focused on the straight hard dildo sticking up from it centre, 'Bid cock', I muttered, my tongue moistening my lips, as they suddenly dried and my heart pumped harder.I made the last few strides to be alongside it and immediately put my hand around the firm but soft shaft, my fingers could barely close around it's soft rubber girth, its veiny lifelike feeling causing my pussy to contract as I imagined it penetrating me to...

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Body of a Man Mind of Machine Chapter Five1

Adrian was lying in his hospital bed, working on his laptop and checking all of his stocks, bank accounts, and corporate updates. He had already checked them several times, but he was bored out of his mind and wanted some sort of mental stimulation other than just watching movies online and reading articles. It had been a week and a half since he was shot in the head, and he was recuperating at an incredible rate. Having woken up only a few hours after his emergency surgery and regained...

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The Secret Machine of Doctor Zero

Introduction Steampunk is a genre which came into prominence during the 1980s and early 1990s and incorporates elements of science fiction, fantasy, alternate history, horror, and speculative fiction. It involves a setting wherein steam power is widely used. It can be in an alternate history such as Victorian-era Britain or the "Wild West" in the United States. Another scenario would be in a post-apocalyptic time. The scenario would usually incorporate elements of either science-fiction or...

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Not Quite a White Knight Book 1Chapter 26 Rise From The Machine

My balls were still drained but I knew she was up for anything that could please her. We still had time so she wanted more. I was beginning to wonder about my ‘not sharing toys’ stance, a pinch hitter might be nice right about now. Well, if not flesh and blood, I had a fair number of toys downstairs in the play room, so we went back down. She could not see but for some of the items touch was enough. She recognized my Magic Wand and a few of the other vibes. Then she found the fucking machines...

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The Machine

Mike sat back as he pushed the financial report to the middle of the desk. He smiled as the profits were on a record pace and he looked at the screen. His club was almost full and he recognized his usual patrons as he moved from screen to screen. The warm mouths on his cock made him look down and his smile widened. The identical waitresses looked up at him as their pierced tongues rolled across the head of his lipstick covered cock as their lips brushed together enclosing the hard shaft....

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The Final Machine

I kind of expected what we saw, but whenever I do, it never fails to excite me. They were both sitting on the couch. They both wore nothing but thigh-high stockings and high heels. They both had their legs spread with Terry's right leg over Mary's left. They had a hand in each other's pussy.“Mary tells me that she didn’t have a chance to finish my husband off. Well, she’s going to do that right now, and Don and I are going to watch. After that, I’m going to play with Don’s cock.”I stepped up to...

Wife Lovers
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The Machine

Milly had invited me around to her house for the weekend. Well, it wasn’t her house; she was house sitting for a family friend or something or another. It was a pretty sweet deal, she got this amazing house all to herself for the entire weekend, plus, she was getting paid for doing it. We had known each other for most of our teenage years, her family had moved to town from New Zealand, so Milly had a sexy New Zealand accent, growing up right next door to each other that’s what happens and we...

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Ruby and the Machine

Note:I realize this story is based off of "The Princess Bride" torture scene. I've always had this fantasy and needed to put it in print. I claim no copyright of "The Princess Bride" dialogue, setting, or other aspects. This is simply for entertainment.?Also, I am always looking for stories like this, if you are an author and would like to write a similar one/continuation, please do so! I would love some help getting this concept in print more, and maybe one day in an actual porno (minus the...

2 years ago
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Robbing the BunkerChapter 13 The Time Machine

With the prospect of finding a real time travel machine close at hand, we discussed what we would do with the machine. I told them what I knew about Brantwell's travels, how I thought the machine worked, and where we could go. Different motives for traveling surfaced immediately. Andrea and Sue wanted to go in hopes of finding out more about who killed Lucy. Bert and Ernie were interested because time travel sounded more interesting than their routine lives. I was all for going to the...

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Time MachineChapter 10

The next day as I walked back home from Anita's; my ex-girlfriend and now again my girlfriend, I suddenly felt how the hair on the back of my head suddenly stood up and a shiver ran down my spine. I didn't slow my pace but looked around to see what it was that had caused these age-old warning-signals to come to life. The street behind me was busy, and I couldn't see anything suspicious so I brushed it off as imagination. This continued for almost a week and than it stopped, and everything...

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Kaelyn James Spanking Machine

Chapter 1The black corrugated soles of my boots let out a distinct screech as I gave ground to my friends insistent pulling.  My resistance cause the knee high – high heel boots to leave black scuffs on the, formerly clean, white tiles.  Still my friends continued to drag me along.  Jake and Eric held me firmly by my slender wrists and would not take no for an answer.  Their continued pulling had caused my black and purple fingerless gloves to bunch up around my wrists.  ?Quit it guys!  I said...

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Superman Vs The Bending Machine

Something went terribly wrong in Metropolis. At least it did for six of its citizens. And Lex Luthor was one of them. His plan was simple. He wasn’t even TRYING to destroy Superman this time. He was just feeling a little bored and thought he would use a recently invented machine created by S.T.A.R. Labs---a machine funded through his company LexCorp---to cause some minor trouble for the Man of Steel’s marriage to the Daily Planet’s star-reporter Lois Lane. But when the trap was set for Superman...

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Liquid Mind MachineChapter 2 Stacy

Neil ran into Stacy at the end of the following week and she told him that the effects of her last treatment were finally starting to decline. That meant that the one-hour treatment he had given her lasted for approximately 8 days. Neil wrote this down in his notebook and smiled when he wrote the words "Her Treatment" the images of her bouncing up and down on his dick oblivious to what she was doing, flashed through his mind. "Well time to go home and have a beer." Neil said to the...

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