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On the second evening of the Yangtze River cruise, I slipped on deck and saw two women from our tour group kissing. They had found a niche formed by some superstructure and a lifeboat, where they thought they would be hidden, where they thought they could see anyone who approached. I slid to a shadowed area and watched them kiss.

They were roommates, but more, always together. Any time one was there, the other was close. Of course there had been friendly speculation that they were gay, but they were circumspect and the speculation was just to pass time on the tour. If they had been older no one would have thought about it at all.

Or maybe they would. The couple made a lovely contrast. One was an administrator from my school, fair, with blown-dry, gray-blond hair. No, not fair, but pale. Creamy, English pale. And funny. She had an unlimited supply of jokes, could spout Simpson’s lines, and once, when we had over-sampled the local beer in Shanghai, she had managed to count to five in one belch. I would laugh at her jokes and try to one-up her, but I also liked to look at her. Her friend was dark, with dark brown eyes and dark curly hair. She was quieter and more serious. Perhaps she had a darker soul? She listened more than she participated. Both were athletic and trim, one trait they shared.

Now they were kissing and everything was different. I watched them brush their lips on each other’s, their mouths open only slightly. The pale lover put both her hands on the brunette’s cheeks, caressed her cheeks with the backs of fingers, moved her mouth over cheeks, eyes, back down to mouth. She combed fingers through that curly hair.

I was creeping, slowly, quietly, to see better, but they had become lost in each other, so had grown oblivious to the possibility of discovery. There were murmurs and I heard one say, ‘Yes, please.’ I couldn’t hear their breathing but I heard rustlings as they moved. I was that close.

I hadn’t been aroused in, how long? Days? Weeks? That dry spell was over. The dark lover moved her hand in a lazy s-shape all the way down the other’s front, ending between her legs. I heard her unsnap and unzip slacks, and she must have pushed her fingers deep inside panties. She ignored a soft protest: ‘No, not here.’ Her companion didn’t mean it, not really. She leaned back against a rail and pushed her hips out. I caressed my penis, the full length of it.

I was surprised at first that they were taking this chance, but the moon was full and the terraces marched up the incredibly steep slopes of the gorge, almost from the water all the way to the stars. Everything white — railings, life preservers, deck chairs, walls — had a faint iridescence, as though illuminated in black light, and there was enough light in their hideaway to show their faces. It was enough to illuminate the pale lover’s teeth, to make them unnaturally white. It was enough to show her cupping both her hands over the other’s breasts, even as she tilted her head back.

When I left the bar I had been captured by that otherworldly light, so different from the fluorescent glare in that vinyl-clad room where our group watched karaoke sets on the TV. If I had not been quiet, because the spirit of the night demanded it, they would have seen me. They must have been captured the same way: the night had called them out. There were only the three of us in the world, our little world. They moved their mouths over each other’s and then moved their breasts against each other’s in circular motions, but the darker woman kept her fingers buried. She moved her hand in and out, smoothly, over and over. My penis swelled enough to push against my slacks. I rubbed the head, it throbbed. The blonde made a sound in her throat and the other bent to nip the tip of her breast.

They were suddenly aware of me and jerked apart, trying almost comically to appear nonchalant, the way Lucy would if Ricky had caught her giving Fred Mertz a blow job. One was fooling with the snap of her slacks, though, and both looked stricken. My fair lady seemed about to cry. In the moonlight I could see liquid gleaming in her eyes.

‘I…I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to intrude.’

It always helps to sound a little hesitant in these situations, to let people know you aren’t being predatory. Though of course I had been. I backed away, turned, and went inside, to my cabin and my wife. They hadn’t said anything, or moved after they’d pulled apart. They could have been statues.


I lay in bed that night, listening to my wife coughing occasionally in the dark, but mostly playing the kiss over and over while moving my hand quietly, tickling the shaft of my penis, using my thumb to rub my fluid in a circular motion around the underside of the head. I saw the movement of the brunette’s hand, heard, ‘Yes, please.’ Were they worried about my catching them? I rubbed my slippery penis. I was very still and worked hard to control my breathing and not to shake the bed. I saw a face, so wan under the moon, and then I stopped. Her look had been woebegone. Lost. Her eyes had been swimming in tears.

After a bit I entered a fantasy in which her eyes were half closed and swollen with desire. I did something to her to bring her to ecstasy. She whimpered, ‘Yes, please.’ Then I came.


They weren’t at breakfast the next morning.

I thought to go to their cabin, to look in on them, but decided it would just compound their embarrassment, and anyway I didn’t know what I’d say. That I was sorry I’d seen them kiss and caress each other? They were, both of them, successful in their careers, and they must be tough-minded. They would live it down. But I couldn’t keep my mind on anything else. I wanted to see them and didn’t want to. I asked casually if anyone had seen them around.

Around midmorning she sought me out in the bar, my pale administrator. She certainly was not creamy now, but washed out, almost pasty. She was trying to look nonchalant again, and again not doing a very good job of it. Her eyes were bloodshot. I think she hadn’t slept. She always wore a little bright red lipstick, but not this morning.

I was schmoozing with some other tour members. She stood beside and slightly behind me, sipping a diet coke, pretending to listen to people’s stories, waiting for a time when attention was elsewhere. From time to time I turned to her to smile and nod in a friendly fashion, really wanting to talk with her, but she wouldn’t look me in the face. Then she seemed to screw up her courage and bent to whisper to me, asking if I would come outside with her.

We went out the back exit, not talking or looking much at each other, and climbed to the open observation area over the bar, away from everyone. The sun was brilliant, so that we had to shield our eyes. The wind blew with the passage of the ship along the river.

She didn’t know how to begin. After a false start, she said, ‘Look, I can guess what you think you saw last night, and maybe what you thought was happening.’

Then she stopped. She didn’t know what to say or even what to admit. She had to think I would out her, ruin her career, and destroy her social life. Frankly, I don’t think I could have accomplished all that, and maybe she should have realized it. But how would I take it if someone had discovered my dark side?

I waited for her to go on but she was frozen, even her mouth. The wind blew her hair into her face and when she pushed it back I could see she was again almost crying. She was facing the sun and the light made her look odd, ghostly, like she might disappear at any moment. I decided that I would have to step in.

‘I didn’t see anything last night. I was in the bar all evening. I saw nothing anyone will ever know. Please now. Don’t go expecting the worst.’

‘But what, I mean, what, well what must you have thought of us?’

She wasn’t hearing me. Her chin was quivering. I’d never seen that in an adult. She had been cheerfu
l and confident and outgoing. Now she was terrified, trying not to cry, swallowing hard, and she looked so vulnerable that I fell in love with her right then.

I liked her and would have liked to fuck her, but I didn’t want to love her. Nonetheless, it happened. I could almost stand outside of myself and watch the transformation, and amidst everything else that was happening at the same moment I made out a mocking comment from some odd corner of my mind: A crush on a lesbian? Why not just shoot yourself?

‘What I thought?’

It was time to take a chance. Carpe diem.

‘What I thought was that you were beautiful. The two of you were, but especially you. I didn’t think anything bad of you.’

The ship’s horn blasted through us. It was announcing us to any boats coming upstream, as we rounded a bend. We were far too close to it, so that it vibrated through bodies and drowned out everything. But it gave me time to think. Then:

‘Maybe for a moment, just for a moment, I felt some … jealousy, or regret. Because I could imagine how your mouth felt. I could imagine sharing your breath. And I knew you weren’t for me.’

Oh hell! End this nonsense!

‘I wouldn’t ever expose you. Please believe me. Go tell your roomie. You don’t have to worry.’

Then she did start crying. She had been holding everything in all night and had believed whatever the absolute worst was. Her face crumpled. She was standing there helplessly, not even trying to hide it, while I looked around to see if anyone would stumble onto this scene.

I took one of her hands and whispered, ‘It’s okay. It’s okay. Really. Here.’

I pulled her close, pulled her to me. She put her face between my left shoulder and my chest. Ah damn, damn it, no! Don’t do this to me! I was completely aroused again, and I hated myself. I put my left arm around her waist. I stroked her hair a very light stroke with my right hand. I kissed her hair. She smelled wonderful. This would be my one time to feel her body against mine. ‘There, there,’ I said.


At lunch they sat at our table. They looked tired and drawn and said they’d been a little sick. Everyone understood. Who hadn’t been? As time passed, though, they entered the conversations, grew jollier, sampled the dishes off the lazy Susan, told tales. My wife ate a little and returned to our cabin and the jokes and comments continued.

To his darling: If I love you, what business is it of yours? The line I was thinking is an old one, from Goethe. The couple was sitting directly across from me, acting as though nothing had transpired, and I was trying to do the same. More, in fact. I had to hide what I knew of them, which wouldn’t be difficult. The hard part was hiding my feelings from them, so I was helping them play a role for the audience at the table at the same time that I was playing a role for the two of them. It was hard work.

We were joking about administrators and about using The Force only for good. When the couple got up to leave, my ghostly darling stopped behind me, put her hands on my shoulders, and announced that henceforth as a new adminstrator I should be called ‘Grand Pooh-Bah.’

I said ‘Make that Grand Pooh Bear,’ but my attention was focused on her hands and I found it hard to be witty.

Her hands were soft and warm, the way you’d expect. There was nothing out of the ordinary about them except that they were perfect. I didn’t want to feel like a moonstruck teenager, but there she was standing almost against me, resting those hands as lightly as ectoplasm on my shoulders while she joked with someone, and I was filled with that fantasy about being the one guy who is man enough to turn her straight. She bent and kissed the top of my head theatrically. I patted one of her hands.

Then she put her mouth next to my ear and said, ‘Can you come up to our cabin when you finish here?’

No, I don’t remember the rest of the meal. Would you?


I’m adult enough to know what fantasies are and aren’t. They aren’t to be taken for the genuine article, for guidance on how to act when she confesses her love and slips off her robe, revealing a perfect body, because that isn’t going to happen. My fantasies wouldn’t stay banished, though. They were worlds better than what was going to happen. Most likely she wanted to apologize for crying up on deck earlier. In the worst case they would formally thank me for keeping their secret, reinforcing what I already knew, that I was forever an outsider to them.

But she was alone, and serious, and wanted to talk.

It was as awkward as it could be. ‘I … wanted to thank you for being so kind to me today.’

I had a retort about rescuing damsels, yadda, yadda, but it wouldn’t come out, so I said something about being happy to be able to help. It grew quiet awfully fast. The cabins had lovely, dark paneling, and she moved her hand back and forth over some wainscoting, going with the grain. A boat went past the window traveling upstream, and still nothing was said. Finally, in hardly more than a whisper:

‘Did you mean what you said this morning? I mean about us? About me?’

Cyrano de Bergerac would have the magic answer that would clarify everything and win her, but that wasn’t me. So after another moment I just said:

‘Yes. Everything.’ Then, ‘I’m not usually so bold.’

Again, silence. We couldn’t have been more than three feet apart in that tiny stateroom. This wasn’t right. I shouldn’t have said anything. I shouldn’t have come. I should make my excuses and leave, so I could be miserable alone. I almost did, when she spoke:

‘No one ever said anything like that to me before. It won’t leave my mind. It was the most beautiful thing anyone ever told me.’

Then she stepped forward and kissed me very lightly on the lips.

My hand went to her cheek and I stepped backward, bumping the desk behind me. Something was squeezing my chest. I didn’t know what to think. It was hard to talk, without any air. Finally I managed:

‘I shouldn’t have said that. I’m sorry. I know it can’t be. I shouldn’t have said anything like that when you were so upset.’ The thought came unbidden: so lovely.

She was suddenly relaxed and happy. She put her right hand up on my left cheek.

‘Don’t be so certain it can’t be, you silly head. A lot of us have been with men before, and some of us like men.’

‘Silly head’? What was she leading up to? Her ‘us’ was my ‘them,’ and that was what made this impossible. She paused, then became serious:

‘And I like you so much.’

She came to me again and we started kissing. I had a hand where her waist flared out to her hip, and one in her hair. She kept caressing my cheeks while we kissed. Her tongue flicked between my lips and I captured it and sucked on it. I still didn’t believe it.

Things are complicated when you’re an adult. There was something I had to know. ‘What about your roommate? Will she barge in on us, or do we have a limited time, or what?’

She giggled. I wouldn’t have expected that. It just burbled up out of her. Her eyes were half closed, but she smiled and said: ‘She doesn’t mind. She and I, we’re not like that. We’re not lovers or anything. We’re just friends who like to get together sometimes to travel and play. And the fact is, she thinks you’re cute.’

We kissed some more, and I stroked her neck with my finger tips. I was still shy about touching her body, but growing bolder. ‘So,’ she finished, ‘we have all afternoon if we want it.’

‘Maybe we could all play grown-up games together?’

She used a Mae West voice: ‘Not today, big boy. I’m all you get.’


There are only so many ways to sex your partner, only so many things that you can do, and you enjoy doing them over and over. It isn’t any different if you really care for someone. It is in one respect, sure. The experience has a different quality if you’ve
fallen. Still, there isn’t anything you can do in love that you can’t do just for passion. So shall I tell you what we did? Do you want to hear it again?

How often have you unbuttoned a blouse and pulled it open, or had yours opened? She wore a white blouse, a white bra, white on white on her white skin. I undid her pants so I could take the blouse off completely. She reached behind her back to unfasten the bra, and I pulled it off. She looked at me the whole time she did it. Do women know how erotic the unfastening is?

The first look at our partner’s body is exquisite, always different than we expected. She was like other women, her own version. She held her hands to her thighs and presented her chest to me, and it was obvious she didn’t need the bra. Her small breasts wouldn’t sag, they went with her body. The flesh of her breasts was more creamy even than her face, and had beauty marks. It added to her ghostly aspect, but her nipples were long and pink. I suddenly thought of that limerick about the man who made love to a beautiful ghost. But she was solid, a body of flesh to fuck and love.

I did what lovers do, what you have done. I licked and sucked on her nipples, first one side and then the other, while she kissed my head and ran her hands down my back. When I looked up, she had gone red and blotchy from the tops of those breasts, up her neck, all the way to her chin. No ghostliness there! Her eyes were swollen and half closed, exactly as in my fantasy.

My penis ached from being confined to my jeans. I didn’t want to take it out too soon, in case it might ruin things. When had she last seen a penis? You say you never worry about that? I hadn’t with any other lover, either.

I pulled her slacks down and helped her get them off. She wasn’t shy. It was as though she was used to someone undressing her.

Her panties were pale blue, setting off her belly and hips. I knelt and kissed her belly, which was smooth and firm, and rolled her panties down. Her sparse pubic hair was like corn silk, but on her it looked almost dark. I would get down there soon enough. She had a faint appendicitis scar, paler even than her skin.

She kept stroking my hair. Was she like this with all her lovers? Was I? Every lover is aroused by different things. I gave her a hickey just below her navel, leaving a red mark on her belly, and she gasped and then held my head tightly to her while I did it. I stayed there for a moment, feeling her belly move in and out as she breathed.

‘Oh, you’re bad a man.’

She used a breathy, Marilyn Monroe voice. She was still holding my head to her. I pulled back to see her face.

‘I’m usually more evil than this. Am I being too soft on you?’ I would be softer if she wanted.

‘How evil are you?’ Still in the Marilyn voice. Then she shifted the topic and offered me much more than I expected. ‘Do you want to do bad things to me?’

During the last sentence there had been a catch in her voice, and a little extra breathlessness. She couldn’t know what I liked, no one here did. I looked up at her and her expression was anxious and excited. Have you seen that look? I stood.

‘I want to do every bad thing to you. Everything you’d like.’

After I said that she looked in my eyes for a long moment, then wrapped her arms around my neck and put her head to my chest. She held me very tightly.

In her own voice she said, ‘I’d like you to do things to me. But I’m a little afraid. I’m really not very experienced — oh don’t be so surprised. And I’m just finding out things about you.’

She held her head against my chest the whole time she talked.

I moved my hands lightly all the way up her back from her flanks and felt her get goose bumps. I loosened her arms and held her back from me a few inches. I looked in her eyes, just below was her mouth, slightly open, inviting me. What would I like? What would we like? If I didn’t talk right away I was going to start kissing her again. I pulled her arms behind her and held them at the small of her back. She leaned against me, head back, looking back in my eyes. Why wasn’t I naked too? I took a deep breath.

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I awakened very early and silently putting on shorts a shirt and sneakers, left the room. Glancing at Aline before I left I saw a well fucked woman laying on her side of our bed under a sheet with her legs splayed looking as if she were receptive to an approach by me. At the moment I was too dazed by events of the last two nights to want to talk to anyone much less have sex with my wife. 'Christ, ' I thought, 'How sloppy is her cunt after all that fucking and what about her...

2 years ago
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I Told You

“No, please…” I barely audibly whispered.“Shut up you little cum whore!”“So... ohh god, no... Fuuuuuuuck,” the words leaked through my painted lips.“You want that hole filled too, you little cocksucking bitch?”“No, please! God, just stop please…”“You’re so ready… I told you you’d be my bitch,” she taunted.Of course, there wasn’t much I could do to argue with her. Regardless of the obvious physical advantage I would normally have over her, there was the small problem of being helplessly slung...

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Night at the Oil Party Part 7

“Janet turns you on doesn’t she?” asked Claudia.“I don’t think there’s anyone in these two rooms who don’t turn me on,” I replied.“But yes, I do find redheads very attractive,” I said.“It’s not because she is the skinniest woman in the room?” asked Jack.“Not at all,” I replied.“I actually prefer women with curves to skinny women, plus skinny women tend to be pillow princesses and I’m more into women who are aggressive, confident and like to be active partners,” I continued.“You like aggressive...

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HotMovies Asian

Do you love watching professional Asian porn? Are you the type of mother fucker that does not want to watch porn made by amateurs? If you want to see the best work their magic and won’t settle for anything else, then you need a place to go where you can watch all of this type of porn!But that can get fucking expensive! If you want to pay for what you watch, most of the time, you have to subscribe to individual channels on their respective sites. What if you could pay for all of the content that...

Premium Asian Porn Sites
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On a night patrol spider man was searching for any crime as usual, suddenly spider man heard a security alarm from the eletric station of New York Checking the station spider man didn't find anything, but suddenly get punched by venom (Eddie brock) "You're always so easy to trick Parker" "And you're always so easy to beat up venom" After spider man said that venom roared and then ran towards spider man, but what venom didn't know was that behind spider man was the main energy cable, on a single...

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Melindas Mountains

My name is Ray, I'm a man in my early 40's and my wife Ann is a sexy woman. Ann is 5'8” tall, 130 lbs., brown hair, blues eyes, small perky breasts and she has an ass to die for. Ann and I have been married for twenty years. In all those years, Ann hadn't ever taken a sexual interest in women until we got a new neighbor two years ago, Melinda. When Melinda moved next door my wife and I immediately notice her figure it was impossible not to notice. The most noticeable thing...

1 year ago
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Fap Fappy! Amateur whores are all the rage right now. Fappers are ignoring the professional babes who know how to take a fucking in favor of e-thots that make you pay to see them do the most trivial shit. Seriously, I’ve seen these girls string simps along for years without even showing a goddamn nipple, and they’ll be raking in tens of thousands of dollars on their OnlyFans. I respect the fuck out of these babes. They found a market full of horny cucks who will pay good money to get teased....

Free OnlyFans Leak Sites
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Taylor Swift A Swift Oral Dose

WARNING: The following is a work of erotic fan fiction, the events of which are completely made up and did not happen, and is no true reflection of the singers, record labels, musicians, places, etc depicted or referenced within. Fantasy is legal. This material is unsuitable to be viewed by those under the legal age limit of viewing pornographic material in your current country of residence. I am making no money as a result of the writing of this story.Starring: Taylor SwiftA Swift Oral DoseAn...

3 years ago
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An Ode to an Older ManChapter 5

Gretchen stepped from the bathroom wearing one of Rich's dress shirts. She had rolled up the cuffs, but she had left it unbuttoned and hanging open in front. Underneath she wore pair of white briefs. Rich had undressed to his briefs and was straightening the covers on his bed. "Fresh sheets," he remarked. "I haven't showered in three days," she replied. "Are you sure you want me between fresh sheets?" "It doesn't bother me." "I could take a shower now but I don't want to wait...

3 years ago
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Lord of the Ring

Walking down the street one day, something catches your eye in the gutter. You pick it up to discover it is a solid gold ring. You slip it onto your finger and it fits perfectly. It looks quite cool so you keep it on and go on your way, pleased at your find. After all, it could be worth something. You notice a group of girls going into the leisure centre and being a young, hot blooded male, thinks how good it would be if you could become invisible and go into the ladies shower block. You...

2 years ago
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Jamies Bloomers Part III

Aren't those just the cutest cotton bloomers, the woman at the beauty parlor complemented me. She had me take off my blouse so I wouldn't get it dirty when she did my hair all fancy. I'd left my shorts on and the woman noticed it was all a one-piece garment. I couldn't take it off unless I'd taken off my shorts as well. No matter, she said. She'd be really careful. Mother told Carol, the hairstylist, that it was a one- piece and she had one on as well. "Well, isn't that the cutest,...

2 years ago
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Head Above WaterChapter 19

That night I didn’t drink any alcohol, but oddly enough, I woke up hungover the next morning too. No joke, I rushed to the bathroom and dry-heaved for fifteen minutes into the toilet. It was not my most elegant moment. Wes wasn’t there to take care of me this time. He’d spent the night at his mother’s, and she was likely cooking him up a grand breakfast. It was a work day for me, so he probably wouldn’t be dropping by anytime soon. I brushed my teeth, gurgled some mouthwash and hopped into...

1 year ago
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Tracis Story

Traci was never good around alcohol. She didn't drink often but when she did she always made bad judgements. This is her story....It had been another rough day. We were on the brink of losing a multi-million dollar account that very well could have closed our doors. My stress level for the past two weeks had been unbearable and the long hours hadn't helped.Eleven o'clock on Friday night, I left the office exhausted and overwhelmed. I had been there since 5 AM, but wanted to unwind before...

2 years ago
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CrossDresser Fuels Feminine Passion In Sai Now Sindhu

Hi, My name is Sindhu (using a female name). Here, I am going to write about how I am smitten by my girlfriend’s brother and turned from a straight guy to a dick-loving cross-dresser. My girlfriend and I started living together after both of us got a job in the same city. Both our families knew about this, and they were cool with us. We were happy together; we were enjoying our life to the fullest until her elder brother came to stay with us and took me to a fantasy world which showed me how...

Gay Male
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The professor part 1

It was my second year in college. I needed help with derivatives, so i scheduled a 2 hour tutoring session with my math professor. She was about 5" 7 with a butt that was satisfyingly round and thick. To top it off, she had this thick Latin accent that made every word sound like sex Anyways, after the first couple of minutes in the session, she noticed me trying not to look at her breasts, she smiled at me and we continued working. There was something about her smile that just made me rock...

1 year ago
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White sissy used by black Masters

White sissy used by black MastersI’m booked into a London hotel and, after you text me to say you’ve arrived, I text you back the room number. It seems like ages before I hear someone attempting to open the door, followed by a firm knock and I jump up, excited but nervous about what’s about to happen. I walk over and unlock the door, careful not to meet your eyes as the door opens. I'm dressed in male clothes but I perform a very feminine curtesy as instructed, feeling both self-conscious and...

2 years ago
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Another weekend away

Another weekend away A few years ago, a friend of mine was renting a flat in a small village in the Midlands, which he and another friend used when they were called to work in the locality. One weekend my wife and myself had agreed to borrow the flat for a few days away. Before going to the flat we had agreed that it would be an ideal chance to engage in our favourite hobby, that being exhibitionism, with the occasional spot of sex with one or more strangers thrown in for good measure. Whilst...

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Coworker rocks my world

Stephanie (25F) and I (23M) used to work together a couple years ago. We didn’t work directly together but were in the same office. It was a smaller office (only about 20 employees including us) so we saw each other quite often. She was of Latin descent with naturally dark skin, long slender legs, 32C breasts, black hair, brown eyes, a beautiful face with juicy lips, and a narrow waist with a nice bubble butt. She was always flirty and lively, full of energy. One morning I noticed her walk into...

3 years ago
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My Sons Friend

My Son's Friend ? by: Sasha Jenkins It was late in the afternoon and I had just got home from work and decided to relax and have some fun. I have been a crossdresser since about the age of 8 or so when I had found a pair of my older sister's sheer tights lying in the laundry hamper. When I tried them on, I discovered that the sensations of the silkiness so exquisite that I decided then and there that they didn't belong to my sister anymore. Over the years I followed what seems...

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Shania Epilogue

A year after I helped Shania bury her husband (we always referred to him as the ex), Shania and I were married, in a church, no less. Shania’s vision had a spiritual aspect that I hadn’t anticipated. While I had some trepidation about this facet and the effect it would have on our relationship, my wife, my brilliant, intelligent, and incredibly beautiful wife proceeded to educated me. “What we have,” she explained, “transcends this plane of existence.” “Of course it does,” I replied, smiling....

Love Stories
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my wife storymy life storysuhagraat

Meri wife story-meri life story(suhagraat) Hello dosto , mera naam sunny sadisuda hoon. Meri age 25 year hai.kariban 1 saal se net surfing kar raha hoon. Surfing karte2 mene kai sex stories padhi.mujhe unmese kuchh real lagi aor kuchh juthi. Well ,stories padhne ke bad mujhe bhi apni sex life likhne ki ichchha hui.aor me apni pahli story likh raha hoon. Haan ,to mene bataya ki me sadisuda hoon. Mere ghar me maa-babuji, bhaiya-bhabhi ke alava koi nahi hai. Meri biwi 23 saal ki hai . uska...

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It was early fall 1979. I was sitting in my usual spot at the bar in the Steering Wheel drinking a beer and talking with the bar maid. My first wife and I had separated a couple of month's ago and I had moved back in with my dad and stepmother temporarily. When the workday was done I would shower and head to the bar so I didn't have to be in the house any more than necessary. I had joined the Navy after high school so I had been out of the house since I was 17 and to move back in with...

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Midnight In London

Midnight in London is an amazing time of the night. No one but the street police patrolling the streets and the much known night whores who will hide in the shadows waiting for a customer, and with the flickering of the street lamps, it makes it very hard for the police to find “us”. By us, I mean the night whores. I am one of them, and I see my next customer slowly approaching me.He was finely dressed; with a modern, three piece suit with gemmed studs as his buttons. His shoes, being black in...

4 years ago
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DISCLAIMER: This is a really long story but if you read till the end, I guess you might like it. Also, this is my first attempt at writing so please bear with me.The funny thing about life is that you never know what is going to happen next. One minute, you are on a bus ride to Coimbatore to attend a seminar and the next minute you are, well, in heaven.I’m 25, 5 ft 8 inches, well toned with broad shoulders and good looking. I work in a reputed company so I usually dress well. That day, I was on...

3 years ago
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Best Friends With Benefits

We met at work. When I first saw her, I thought, typical hot girl stuck up bitch. She was clearly the best looking girl in the plant and she surely knew it. It was my first day, I was by no means up to her speed on the line. I was surprised how kind and patient she was with me. She was nice to everyone and as it turned out, has no idea how gorgeous she is. I found out that she lives just around the corner from me so I offered to drive her home. She was very grateful for the ride and felt a...

2 years ago
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The Orphanage BluesChapter 14

That night at supper the mood was euphoric, with the possible exception of Sally. She had seen the same thing happen that day that always happened. Men just weren't interested in her. She tried hard to be happy for Meg and Prudence, and she was pleasantly amazed at Wally's interest in Rachel. But her face was back to its normal unsmiling visage as she dealt with supper. She was distracted during the evening radio mystery, and was still feeling sorry for herself when she opened the door to...

1 year ago
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Such a little whore

I come into the room and I look sternly at you. I tell you" I know what you did and now, now you need punished." I walk over to your bed and I grab you by your arm pulling you from you bed and letting you fall to the floor. " get on your fucking knees and face me you stupid slut" I growl at you."Look at that pretty face and your sexy pink your mouth. NO open it wider" I push two fingers into your mouth making your choke and gag a bit. " awww my little princess doesn't like that very...

3 years ago
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Company With Men

Diane, a former prostitute wants to escape away from her abusingpimps and other men. She wants to change her life around to become abetter person. Diane wants to go back to school, and get a good job. But, it'sseem whatever she do, she always fail. Diane loves to dress sexy, sheis 45 year old, and has a curvy shape with a size 48 D cup breast. Diane’ship is very wide and her ass shake very heavy when she walk. Guyscan't resist stopping and staring at her. She just ignores them and...

2 years ago
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Hanni Caulder

Sengende Hitze. Wie weit Sie gelaufen war wusste sie nicht, wozu auch? Die Richtung spielte keine Rolle den ihr einziger Impuls war die Flucht, die Flucht vor dem Grauen das ihr wiederfahren war und ihrem Mann, die Flucht vor dem Vergangenen. Seit Stunden irrte Hanni schon durch die Sonnenverbrannte Steppe, den beißenden Geschmack des Rauchs in ihrem Mund, jenes Qualms, in welchem nicht nur ihr ganzen Hab und Gut, sondern auch ihr Leben, ja ihre Liebe aufgegangen war. Nun nicht ganz. Etwas war...

3 years ago
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The Mental Sickness Part 2

Hello friends, I came back with the second part of my story the mental sickness. Earlier you read about how the boy got sick and I helped him to overcome that. Few days after that treatment I gave him, everything seems normal to me. The boy used to come to home for food. I feel somehow happy that the problem get resolved.. A week passed and everything works fine. He used to talk to me regularly or come to my home in my absence to watch tv. I left one key with him. I informed my husband about...

2 years ago
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Swapped Life Chapters 16 18

A SWAPPED LIFE, Chapters 16 - 18 A young male engineer goes to an engineering conference and gets swapped with a teen unwed mother who did not finish high school. Story discusses how the new woman makes new friends, and copes with motherhood, her new parents and sister, her former boyfriend, and eventually with love and marriage. Story also discusses the struggles of the new man, whose family and educational background did not give him the tools to fit into the world of men, and of...

2 years ago
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The Hungry PetChapter 8

Kevin hardly knew what had happened! One moment Eve Novack was lying beneath him with her long shapely legs raised and drawn back while he knelt between them and she held the throbbing length of his rock-hardened cock in her small hand. He was clutching with both palms and spread fingers the overflowing lushness of her nipple-hardened breasts, and like her, staring down between their naked bodies to see her use his swollen rubbery cock-head to part the warm hair-fringed lips of her wet, heat-...

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The Queen the Slave ch 14

Ch 1 An idea is the most powerful thing; stronger than the sharpest sword and more resilient than the deadliest virus. Nothing can stop an idea when combined with the strongest emotion. Desire. It was this combination that allowed Alec to enslave Diana, the Queen of the relm. The trumpet blared throughout the hall, signaling that this weeks Passing had been finished. All the nobles stood from their seats and exited the room, remaining silent until they passed the threshold. Alec, however,...

4 years ago
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Surprise Suck At Photo Booth by loyalsock

Finally, I was going to get a vacation. My damn boss never gave me any time off, but since I'm self-employed I had only myself to blame.I run a small electrical contracting company and business is quite good. Having been through slow times before, my motto was "Never turn down work." However, I've been going for nearly two years with little more than a day or two for kayaking, or hiking, or taking Stephanie to some exotic location like an abandoned stable to show her new ways to use ropes, or...

1 year ago
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Private Daniella Margot Enjoys a Double Stuffing from Two Mature Studs

Daniella Margot is a young sexy teen and she has come to Behind Closed Doors to live out her fantasy, a threesome with two veteran studs, Marcus London, and her best friend’s husband Ben Kelly. Daniella is hungry for both cocks as she gets things started with a double blowjob, sucking dick left and right getting warmed up for a hard fuck. And this horny teen loves two cocks inside her at the same time, watch as she enjoys some great anal action, double penetration, and finishes up with a juicy...

4 years ago
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Gender Role Reversal A New Term of High School Part 4

As we entered the dinner hall I looked around for either Fiona or Justine, eventually I spotted Fiona who was waving to us. I nodded and waved back, Alan and I joined the lunch queue grabbing trays as we did so. Both Alan and I chose salads as we were on a diet and then headed off to join Fiona. "Where's Justine?" Alan asked. "She's signing up for the football team. There was a notice board by the main entrance saying try-outs would be on Wednesday," Fiona replied, she had gone the...

3 years ago
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Halloween hand job

It was the Saturday before Halloween and three girlfriends and I were going out bar hopping and dancing to celebrate the holiday. As the only male in the group I decided to dress as a woman. Why not try to fit in. I had gone to the local Salvation Army and picked up a short skirt, ladies blouse and sexy camisole to wear underneath. I had borrowed a wig from a friend along with a silk scarf.Early Saturday afternoon we all met at Rose's house and she helped me get ready. Lots of shaving, I had a...

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