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Goodness class can be a terrible thing. Don't ever say that it doesn't distort things! There came the evening when he would introduce Carla to Mama and Pater. He would introduce her and Williams would wait on. They would just have to get on with it.
'You look.....absolutely stunning Miss' I admitted. 

I stared at my wife Carla. She wore her ash blonde hair up, and her long and appealing neck was accented with a black velvet choker from which dangled the expensive diamond pendant that
Marcus had bought her. On her right wrist was a diamond bracelet, extravagent and light catching. It seemed to trap everything around her, eyes, reflections, highlights. On her left wrist 
was a Chaumet dress watch that sparkled just as much. There was an extravagent cocktail ring on
the finger where her wedding ring used to sit. Carla wore a perfectly coutoured black dress, that fell in sweeping fabric from her feminine hips. Beneath her dress hem her elegant sandals peeped.  I tried not to stare at her but that was impossible. Her makeup was perfect. She wore a new perfume, something that Marcus had made up for her by someone in Paris. She looked absolutely hypnotic. 

'Thank you' she said quickly. But I could tell that she was nervous. She was very nervous. 

Tonight she was meeting Marcus's parents. There is money in Britain, lots of it. Some of it is new money and that, well it doesn't bear the same stature as that which has been graced in the accounts of the older, the established families. Marcus came from the old money world of albion, the world 
where impressions were very important. So far, the tests had been passed. Carla and Marcus had gone hunting with the country set. I had watched my wife dressed in the designer jodphurs and hacking jacket, mounting her mare. The hounds had chorused and I collected together the stirrup
cups that they had drank from. I was, to all intents and purposes simply Marcus's man. I drove
them to the meet n his Landrover Discovery and set up the refreshments at the agreed meet point 
that luncheon. Carla ignored me. She seemed to find it easy. What was more important was that
the others ignored me. I was just a servant. 

Tonight though was different. God it was different! Richard and Margaret knew that Marcus was 
dating a married woman. They knew that she was the heart's desire for their son. The question was
given that Marcus stood to inherit their very large house and estate in Northamptonshire, whether
they would approve. For sure Carla has poise, she has a presence. She is well bred and went to a
very good private school before going up to Cambridge. But they might reject her. They would certainlyinsist that she divorce me before nuptials with Marcus could be condoned. Dear God, right now it seemed inconceivable that they would allow Marcus to keep me on, as their manservant.
That would not be understood. How could any man of spirit beg for crumbs in this manner, to remain at their table, like a dog waiting for scraps. 

Two days earlier I had served Marcus and his lady afternoon tea in the drawing from of their large
townhouse and my master insisted that I wait as he had points to make about the forthcoming 

'I'm afraid that the dinner night is the watershed Williams' Marcus said, he always addressed me by
my surname alone. 'Your mistress wants to keep you on, and I would say as well that you have 
been a very biddable servant. But whatever we enjoy about keeping you, that can't stand in the 
way of the family, and having Carla join us.' He fixed me with a look. I bowed my head to him. 
'Mistress will divorce you. We will persevere with Mama as regards keeping you on afterwards, but
if it is the inheritence and the estate in Northamptonshire versus keeping you around, you will be 
sent away.' 

I bowed my head to him again. it would be trite to speak, on what was after all an instruction. Carla
had sat crossed legged in her jeans and watched me. It seemed such a stark moment. She had met
Marcus and gravitated to the society that she should really keep and i had been left behind like a
forlorn figure waving at a 1950s railway station. She proferred her fine bone china cup and saucer up, signalling that I should pour more tea. I did so without daring to look her in the eyes. It wasn't tha master told me not to look my wife, my mistress, in the face. It was that if I did my demeanour might crumble. I wanted her so much!

'You will attend us, serving supper Williams, and I won't have you scurrying away to hide in the kitchen just in case Mama or Pater say some nasty things. You will have to get used to this. If we keep you on, then others will inevitably know, at some stage, that Mistress discarded you as wha you were before.'

'Of course Sir' I said with another of my by now practised bows. 

'You accept that Carla is your mistress...that she wouldn't ever deign to consider you... (he coughed discreetly) a man again?' Marcus's eyes narrowed. I was being interrogated. 

'I do sir' I indicated quietly. 

'Confirm it to Carla then!' Marcus insisted. 

There then, those couple of days ago, I caught her glance just for a second. She awaited my response, Marcus's arm around her shoulders on the sofa.

'You are my mistress' I said evenly, 'you will always be my mistress. I know my station.' 

'Good Williams' she said sofly, and then kissed Marcus. 'That will be all for now.' 

Now, back in the bedroom where I have just taken her up the bracelet that she now wears, Carla, my mistress looks regal. 

'I expect you to behave yourself this evening Williams. You MUST be impeccable. Mama and Pater know who you are, they know what you are. They will watch you. They will follow you, your every facial expression, your every response, the very posture of your body.' Carla's eyes sought mine 
and now I was not allowed to look down. 'If you spoil things for Marcus and I, then you will be
forced out of this house tonight. You will go and have to start again, on the streets.' 

'Mistress I will do as I am bid. I worship you. I need this to work for you both,
my sanity, my very existence depends upon it.' I whispered the words and bowed again. It might
have seemed melodramatic to you, but it wasn't. I couldn't bear to be apart from my mistress. In what ever capacity. 

It is hideous. I know that you think it so. You can barely credit what I am. To submit, to beg, is
to disgrace yourself. But I have need of it. I have no other identity. Whilst for Carla's part it seems odd, there is a piquant pleasure. When they first met, as they first fell in love, there was a personal pleasure in vanquishing. My master said that I might stay on, just as long as I never pretended to be a husband, ever again. 

'Alright then Williams,' she observed, 'you had better run along to the kitchen, check that all is
well with cook and then come back to the hall to serve drinks when Mama and Pater arrive.'

'yes Miss!' 

As I run down the stairs into the basement kitchen, I would have you ponder these matters. If you loved a woman so much that her success, her happiness, was more important to you than anything else in the world, would you not stoop as low as I? I arrived in the kitchen breathless. Have you thought?  Have you at least found some crumb of empathy for me? I am terrified. I am absolutely terrified that I will somehow, unwittingly, damage her happness. It seems to me as fragile as a Faberge egg held aloft by me as I skate about on unsafe ice. 

Mrs Whicker tells me not to fuss! She has presented a dozen such suppers for Master and his new Mistress in the past few months. The courses are all on schedule and had i but half the nous she 
had I would not need to fret and perspire so! I mop my brow with a handkerchief and return 
upstairs dressed in my butler attire. My master is dressed for dinner too. He eyes me. 

'I've warned him' my mistress said and kissed his cheek. 'If he fails, dismiss him darling, it is
straightforward, i promise you.' 

Th door bell rings. My heart leaps. It is as if the starter gun has fired and my heart as set off early, pounding down the track. For a moment I fear that I might not be able to breath. I get the door, opening the highly polished oak to a couple somewhere in their early sixties. He is ex military
as well as gentry. He has an air of authority about him. His wife is shorter, but gimlet eyed. She casts a gaze over me like a mine sweeper might. 

'Good evening your lordship, good evening M'am' I address them with the brief bow of my head. I have been told not to seem obsequious, this is not a melodrama. I wait whilst master greets his parents, 'Mama! Richard, you look very well!' They embrace. My mistress waits behind Marcus. She MUST be terrified. They emerge from the hugs and Mama Margaret turns her gaze first to Marcus's extremely elegant woman. 

'Good evening! ' Carla greets her, the voice rising. She has spirit!

'Carla, hello! Call me Margaret please, and this is Richard! I find it hard to stop Marcus talking
about you! You look so beautiful in that dress.' 

Mama glances at her husband, who admires my mistress in the dress as well. He kisses Carla on both cheeks. 

'Williams, coats please' Carla insists. 

I take the coats, hang them carefully in the walk in rainwear room and return to lift the tray of drinks for their attention. Mama first, then of course my mistress, then Pater and finally my master. The older woman stares at me. I am a curiosity. I am something discovered at a zoo. I have been glimpsed pacing behind bars. Mama has a look of distaste on her face. i know it, i know, she 
simply cannot understand why Carla would keep on a beaten male in this role. 

'I hear you were at Cambridge!' Richard said, beaming. His eyes surveyed my Mistress, glanced at
me. It was as if we were two different species. He cannot hide that look. He thinks me bizarre. It
is as if the couple have chosen a mongrel from Battersea Dogs Home instead of something with
a kennel club pedigree. 

'I read classics!' my mistress tells him taking him by the hand and leading him through to the 
lounge where I have set out canapes. 'I think daddy served with you in the Blues and Royals?' They laugh, of course. Richard remembers Sebastian, but they lost touch when Richard took up the staff job and then, well, it was the Ministry etc. I try not to stare. But i can breath again. Richard likes her. She is well bred. If she is not exactly from landed stock then she is from a 'good' family. I
watch her seat herself on the sofa beside the man. Her Chaumet watch slips down her arm, she giggles and listens to the older man' s stories of military service. He will become her father in law. i know it. I know it. He has decided that she has poise, she has attitude. He likes the way that she called me Williams. My mistress is adorable. 

Canapes passed without incident save that Mama checked my appearance regularly. It seemed that i was a bone left in a dish of wild salmon. It would have been easier had I NOT been there. But Marcus had insisted on the matter. He wanted to show his parents. Mama could stand it no longer and she caught my mistress's eye. 

'He means nothing to you any more Carla dear?' she asked. The woman looked at me as if I might loose it and react in some way. I stared into space. I stared resolutely. 

'Margaret...(Carla paused for effect, she did not look my way), I made a frightful mistake. I was
very young and wondering what to do after Cambridge. Williams understands that.' 

I get inspected again by Mama. She is relaxing about talking about me, present or otherwise.

'What is he, an accountant for something?' 

My Mistress looked at me. I have held station. I WILL NOT LET HER DOWN. 

'He's our servant now. He wants to be our servant' she answered lightly. It wasn't a reposte. it was simply an affirmation of identity. But my mistress was eager to make sure that all was well. ' I am divorcing him, and if you consider it not too indelicate, we would like to retain him as our servant. But we will be guided by you. Manners are important. We have friends who approve. Williams has been well accepted.' 

I shook. Mama thought it unnusual, modern, but if friends had accepted the arrangement? 

Cook caught my eye from the hall. It was time for dinner. 

I attended them, four courses and wines to match. It became, a convivial matter. A string quartet had been engaged to play and they added a baroque charm to the conversation about the highly polished table. I trembled and served as best I could. Mama was watching me. As I came to serve her a sorbet, she had me bend so that she could whisper in my ear. She astonished me. 

'I believe that your mistress is disgusted by you' she said calmly, levelly, as if she was simply requesting a change of spoon. I waited with the sorbet on the silver tray. I couldn't answer that.
'But i believe too that she feels guilt. You are the mistake.' she paused for effect. My legs trembled. I felt terrified by the old woman's verbal assault. 'If your mistress dismisses you, you will go quietly I trust and make no tittle tattle with the journalists?' 

I glanced at her. My mistress was watching me intensely. As the men chatted, the women
scrutinized me. I whispered as quietly as I could. 

'I will do as my mistress bids M'am. She is my mistress.' I got the words out dry mouthed. i got them out just. 

The woman grunted beneath her breath. 'She should never have considered you. You are clearly
not her equal!' 

'I am not M'am.' 

'If you were cast into the gutter man?!' Now Mama's eyes are wide. 

'Yes M'am' I answer. I wanted to shout at her. I couldn't shout at her. She was testing me. 

To his credit my master's father did not interrogate me. He watched and he commented. 'It's like having a fag from school, what?!' Marcus laughed, 'quite!'. 'Bit like a batman, he do everything for you sharp and quick?' Marcus nodded. I sensed the growing approval. The working types, the 
lower ranks often knew their place and it give them some security, serving, under firm direction and
all would be fine. I listened, my ears red. I listened feeling ashamed of myself. 

Somehow, yes somehow, i made it through the evening. I helped the guests on with their coats whilst my master and mistress beamed at them. 

'Fine supper Marcus and Carla, you my lady are simply delightful!' Richard said. His sixty year old face was lit up with pleasure. It had after all, been a 'stonkingly good port'. I watched him wave at me and i nodded a bow, thinking thank god for him. He liked Carla, and I, well if I bemused him, then 'the pleasure of command and what not!'

Mama came to my side as the others talked about the next race meeting they might join up
together for. 

'I don't like you Williams,' she murmured softly, ' you are a stain on a well bred woman's skirts. You are throughly unsuitable for Carla and the fact that you were ever her husband disgusts me. She is 
so well bred.' She paused to let the pain work through my soul. 'Carla and I will became the best of friends I assure you. I can also assure you that I will have her remove you in time, you nasty little memory.' 

I blushed.  I couldn't hide a blush. My heart sank. 

'Good evening M'am' i said politely. 

She looked at me, searching for a sign of insolence. There was none. I made sure of that. 

The door closed. I watched my mistress and master look at one another. Mistress laughed. She laughed and master went to her laughing too. He swept her into his arms and kissed her slowly. I have never been able to concel my ache when I watch this happening. It cuts me in the heart. 

'They loved you!' Marcus said. 

He kissed her again.

My heart sang. My heart soared. You cannot imagine. 

'I thought so...fancy Richard and daddy serving together in the cavalry at one point!' My mistress's face was alight with pleasure. Master smiled back at her. 

'I'll just have Williams hang my clothes, change into a silk wrap and then shall we have a brandy in front of the fire?' she suggested. 

He nodded. 

I followed my mistress upstairs and to the master bedroom. I waited silently as she removed the choker and the bracelet. I ran the zip of the dress down for her and collected it from the floor as she stepped out of it. I was ordered to unhook her basque as well and take her slik panties down. She was to rest naked in the wrap against Marcus. Naked, save for the watch, her earrings, she looked emasculating. She took my manhood and crushed it, just with beauty. I longed for her to say something, to confirm that I had not displeased. I was kneeling on the floor gathering up her
basque and panties. Carla looked down at me. 

'No' she said firmly. I was staring at her bare sex. Sometimes, just sometimes, after Marcus had taken her, she liked me to caress her there, with my mouth. Tonight, they would make love, Marcus taking her, causing her to cleve to him, her back arching her throat open as she moaned. 

'We will have to see,' she announced as if I knew immediately what she was thinking, 'Richard likes you. He likes how pliable you are. But Mama thinks that you are disgusting, so I might have to get rid of you completely. Is that understood Williams?' how brusque she sounded. My stomach

'Yes Miss' I said humbly. 

'Now you may lick long as that is understood'. 

She waited. I was to ponder oblivion and then heaven in a moment. I licked and I prayed. 

Lutheran Maid

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Madison Summers was trying to decide which book to borrow next when the bang bus stopped next to her. To cut a long story short the boys quickly figured out that she was a stripper, they declared the bus as their private club and hired her to come in, strip and do a lap dance. During that lap dance Tyler Steel got naked and the lap dance thus got some much needed friction. As soon as his big dick slit into the vagina all fucking broke loose. Steve was trying to drive extra bumpy so Tyler could...

4 years ago
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Marriage Between Aunt And Son sisters son

This story is about my friend chamara.he lives in colombo.he lives with his parents.he has a relation aunt( mother's sister)she came to live with them 6 months ago.chamara is 19 years old.and aunt age is 30. his aunty's name is priyani. she is widowed her pregnant age she met to car accident with her husband.she lost her husband and c***d.After that she came to live with chamara's family. Priyani do love to chamara...

3 years ago
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Your Moms A Sloppy Fucktard Youre Welcome

Hey Jordan, Now that your mom and I have split up, I wanted to tell you a few things. You're the man of the house now. I know that we haven't always gotten along even at the best of times and that us breaking up was in large part thanks to you, so I bet you feel pretty pleased with yourself now. Really you've always hated me and every effort to make us friends. So fuck it. Why bother make the effort? Instead, I am going to enjoy fucking with you one last time. Let me tell you a story...

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Gold Silver and Thongs

It was the last but one day of competition and Jake sat on the bench on the walkway that led between the stadium and the athlete’s village. He felt dejected and deflated, his elbows propped up on his knees and his head in his hands. Fourth place was worse than coming last. He was the nearly man. Four years of blood, sweat and tears destroyed by one hundredth of a second. As he picked up his bottle of water Talinka and Trynka approached on their way to celebrate their gold and silver...

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June the Instigator

JUNE THE INSTIGATORPart 1I first met June about 10 years ago. Our family me and the wife and our two daughters were camping in Malacoota. On the site next door was another family with two girls and of course the k**s became friends and over the course of the next two weeks we would all go down to the beach, the other family and ourselves plus June the sister of the wife of the other family. She was divorced, apparently liked men but did not want to get married again or even have a commitment.On...

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Bar Slut

So some years back I was a bartender in this out of the way, seedy, biker type bar. Most of the patrons were wanna-be bad asses who talked the talk but ran out before the walk began. One particular night I was keeping company with an old friend, he and I were the only people in the place and by 11pm we were hitting the shots and waiting for Midnight when I could kill the lights and close up. Next thing you know one of those wanna be types walks in with this chubby big titted piglet in tow, he's...

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A Black party in full swing

I was head down in that filthy bed; my ass pointing to the ceiling.A huge black cock was pounding my soaking wet and now I was feeling a bit uncomfortable. The bastard was too thick and he was fucking me in a rough way.I came twice, although my cunt was feeling a bit sore.Suddenly, the nigger tensed his back and I sensed a wad of his sperm gush into my stretched pussy. He was the third black man of the night enjoying my slippery cunt.He whispered: “good bitch…” as he pulled out.I sensed his...

4 years ago
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Unplanned Sex With Colleague Which Gave Ultimate Pleasure

Hi friends.. My name is Nikita. I am 26 year old now. Naturally I am a very horny girl but these many days I had kept satisfied myself with masturbating only.I had lost my virginity to one of my cousin at the age of 18 itself who now works in the army and from then I never had an utmost urge to have sex with anyone even I had a lot of liking for many guys. My vital stats are 34d-32-34 and being from northern India I m extremely fair. My height is 5.4 and slightly on the plumper side which adds...

1 year ago
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My Eighteenth BirthdayGF81part1of1

I was looking at a guy that I thought was alone when suddenly a guy sat up in the seat next to him. He’d had his face in the other guy’s lap and it didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out why. It made me wonder how many of the other guys that appeared alone weren’t. My Eighteenth Birthday Part-1-of-1 I don’t mind telling you that I was excited. It was my eighteenth birthday and my first trip to an adult movie theater. When I’d moved across the lobby and walked into the darkened theater the...

3 years ago
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Pamela had been driving for hours, the mountain roads were twisting and deserted this time of night or really early morning. The sky was dark, no moon tonight but every once in a while she would get a glimpse of the stars through the windshield.   This area of the North Carolina Mountains was almost completely deserted, not even any side roads marked by lonely mailboxes. The radio was Pamela’s only companion as she drove along, she sang along trying to stay alert     Just pulled into...

1 year ago
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Alex to Alina Chapter 12 The Morning After

Chapter 11: The Morning After I awoke with a start, confused and for a moment or two scared of my surroundings... Where was I? What the hell was going on? I let my eyes slowly adjust to the dim light coming in through the blinds in front of me, and watched as the room came into focus. There was a bed across from me, and I scanned the occupant quickly. There was a gorgeous girl in her mid 20s, lying on her side on the bed. She wasn't under any blanket, but was instead out in the open...

4 years ago
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An Ordinary Teenage Sex LifeChapter 19 Little Sisters

JULY 2001, SUMMER CAMP Dawn and I arrived at the table for lunch, both of us with warm smiles on our faces and twinkles in our eyes. How could we not be happy? We were in LOVE. And it wasn't just puppy love or teenage infatuation. I didn't feel the rush of "new love" like I had with Keira or Adrienne. It wasn't even the pleasant but slightly awkward transition from friendship to romance like with Megan and Cassidy. It just felt ... right. I'd literally known Dawn for my entire life,...

2 years ago
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Older Husband Gifts His Wife Fuck Boy For Birthday

Hello everyone! To all my readers, I am writing after a long time because my previous story took more than six months to get uploaded. Anyway, I am glad to be back after a really long time. This time, I’m going to share a beautiful encounter I had with a cuck couple. They were very open-minded, genuine, and fun! (This is a true incident, only the names are fake.) So, let me tell you all about the couple. We will call the husband’s Roy and his wife Shivani. Roy was quite old and much elder to...

3 years ago
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An Indecent Execution

As the soldiers turned back from the charred corpse towards the rapidly collapsing cottage Edith madly tore through the brambles and undergrowth, heedless of the tears both to her clothes and to her delicate flesh, desperate to flee the nightmare scene. Six years later Edith still had nightmares about that terrifying day, sometimes seeing her mother still burning reaching a hand out towards her but heat from the flames making Edith back away, other nights she would dream that she was...

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My sister Sarah and I part 2

The second part of the story For all those of you who have asked, here's Part 2 - finally. I re-wrote it a couple of times, but this was the best version, in my mind.For all those who have left their encouraging comments, i thank you for your support. I just hope this part meets with your approval too. if so, please vote? Oh, and I appreciate your constructive comments as well. It's been a while since i've written anything like this, and I've gotten a little rusty. But I'm trying (very much...

2 years ago
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A retelling of the Sleeping Beauty

Clifford picked up the quill pen and carefully dipped it into the bottle of ink. He made one last notation on the parchment that lay before him and then he set the paper aside to dry. He glanced at the sunlight as it shone through the window of his tower room and reckoned that it was mid-afternoon. Clifford put away the quill, and smiled to himself. It was time for a break. He went to the only door to his chambers and carefully threw the bolt that would lock out any visitors. What he was...

3 years ago
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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 235

Randi had taken down her braids, as she did from time to time, and the impact on Laura was immediate. Grabbing a quick coffee to-go in the lunch room, she saw Randi making herself a sandwich at the sandwich bar. The girl had the kind of face that made a hot little flutter pulse deep inside Laura's pussy if she even passed a similar looking girl on the street. It was the same face, no matter what hair style, and yet Randi seemed like two different women, with braids and without. She did not...

2 years ago
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An Incest BirthdayChapter 28

Only eight more chapters including this one! Time flies man, never thought I’d get this far. Thanks to everyone who stayed with it for four years. It was that time. They had been planning it out for the last two weeks and it was finally here, mom and dad’s anniversary. Mom, dad, Aunt Lisa, Jim, and Marie were all taking a cruise on a luxury ship, leaving us kids to fend for ourselves, which we were completely fine with. Rita and I were upstairs helping mom pack what seemed like thirty...

1 year ago
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Plumber helps MILF and often

“You’re gonna leave it that way? You can’t just walk out and not finish the job young man. Just because I can’t pay you right now, doesn’t mean you’re not gonna be paid.” Mrs. Treves was shocked the two young men from the reputable 5 star company wouldn’t complete the job when they discovered she didn’t even have the money for a down payment. Lyle Davis a 4 year employee with the company and 26 years old apologized. “No, no there has to be another way” the 42 year old destitute woman pleaded....

Erotic Fiction
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mom and her 2 boys the 3rd

The boys just kept rubbing her ass and she then told them to spank her a little. Jon said "why do you want us to spank you mommy?" She said "well boys I like my ass spanked a little, it turns me on." So both boys started slapping her ass a little making her nice ass cheeks red and she loved it. Her pussy was getting really wet at this point and she looked down at her boys and asked "what would you boys like to do to mommy today?" Jon said " I want to put my cock in your asshole...

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The Horny Nerd

'Holy crap, they're making out,' I thought, sitting down. 'Fuck, Jade Carpenter and Erica Roberts are intoxicating. I have to watch them.'"Enough kissing already, Ms. Roberts and Ms. Carpenter," she whined."Fuck off, Miranda," Jade attacked her, getting off Erica.'Oh, those are nice cracks, I'm tingling now.'"Babe, be nice," Erica whispered."That's enough; you'll address me as Mrs. Glonic, you two, and respect me as well. Now sit down, Jade," she ordered them, standing up.My...

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There and BackChapter 34 Complications

"So ... now what?" I leaned away again to look up at his face, one eyebrow raised. "Alistair! If you suggest that we skip past the awkward part and go straight into the steamy bits, I'm going to take you up on the offer, out of spite if nothing else. You just be careful what you say next." "I ... well, the thought did cross my ... hey, wait! I told you to stop stealing my lines." We giggled together. "What I actually meant was, what do we tell everyone? They all gossip, you know...

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Peter Plucks 2 Pandas Peach2

Panda is as pretty, petite, sexy, submissive as tasty and tight, this red-hot real redhead teenPanda is as stubborn as well, so she solicits of Professor Peter Poet procedures for enslavingPanda is still a virgin and almost inexperienced yet with men, mutual arousal or sexy excitementPanda is still playing the innocent girl, knowing well that her lovely looks are a turn-on to menPanda is offered a choice for her initiation: soft sweet and seductive or be brutally bangedPanda is obnoxious as she...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Vina Sky BJs Spit Squirt And Spunk

A petite Asian doll with brown eyes and a big smile, Vina Sky is ready for her first two-boner blowjob. Her pink lingerie shows a tan complexion, a natural body and a cute butt. Vina says she’s ready to show what a slut she is. ‘I can’t wait for two guys to cum on my pretty, little face.’ She kneels to suck the big cocks of Jason Moody and director/stud Jonni Darkko. They grip her head and thrust their dicks deeply down her throat; her little hands stroke spit-soaked...

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ShoplyfterMylf Nicole Doshi In The Giving Mood

Cute Asian chick Nicole gets caught stealing some accessories for her bunny outfit. She has an important Christmas party to go to and her costume must be perfect. Officer Jack tries to be understanding with her, but he has to perform his duty and do a full cavity search first. Once Jack finds the stolen merch, he tries to negotiate a way in which they both can walk away satisfied. Nicole agrees and sits on Jack’s lap to find the best solution possible. She plays with Jack’s cock and enjoys a...

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Chedathide thoppul

Hai readers, I am chinchu going to share my experience had with my chedathi (my wife’s elder sister at my native in Ernakulum. It was during august, I went to my native for a week leave. It was a short leave, so that I couldn’t take my wife with me as she was not having leave. I used to go to my relatives and neighbors whenever I go to my native. As usual I went to geetha chedathi’s house also, specifically my wife had asked to have a visit to go give some gift ornaments to her sister. My...

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Who would have thought it a lesbian 3some

Hi im J a very fit tanned 40 something fitness instructor, see previous posts for more info, In my role as a fitness instructor i have met many fabulous people,some very fit some not soA couple of weeks ago i started training a new client, Harriet , Harriet is 29 and from appearances very wealthy, expensive clothes stunning Mercedes car but she was quiet in our first couple of sessionsAfter 3 sessions i asked was she happy in our training routines, she said she was so i mentioned she was very...

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Becoming A Slut Wife Mavis

Mavis and I had been married over ten years and while we loved each other our marriage had become stale, at least in the sex department. We still made love, but it was routine - twice a week, usually on Tuesday and Friday, and only rarely more than one time. I did always manage to get her to cum, but somehow or other the spark had gone out. One day Mavis said to me: "What's the matter baby, don't you find me attractive anymore?" and I assured her that I did. "Then why aren't we making...

3 years ago
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Having an Affair With My Sisters Friend Part 3

They both looked very serious at that point. “Well Karen what more needs to be said?” I asked. “Well do you hate us?” Karen asked. “I'd hate you less if you put a stop to it,” I replied. Then they both were speechless. It looked like I was not budging and showed no intentions of budging either. “Well, come on Amber, are you really so sure that never in a million years this could ever be justified? It doesn't matter if he cheated with one person or 50? Can't I be a little happy too?” Karen...

Straight Sex
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Push Into Rus

I finished school before I was eighteen and started on an advance degree in engineering. I earned it a day before I turned twenty. I had decided to join the military but I had a few ideas. My father has been a craftsman with a large group of mages for a long time. They met almost every afternoon in what they called their private pub. I pushed the door open and glanced at the richly paneled room. I crossed to an older man, "hey uncle William." He turned and looked at me and then grinned,...

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Fucking on The Ice

From the time I saw the ice capades on tv, I decided I wanted to dance and skate on the ice with one, if not more of those beautiful, sexy ladies, holding their firm bodies in the palms of my hands, while feeling them up, ultimately ramming their pussies with my hard dick. I enrolled in classes to learn to skate and dance on the ice and, soon started dancing with the gorgeous ladies I had seen on tv. No, I wasn’t gay, nor was I really interested in dancing on the ice. I was just...

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MaudeMadeleine Part 3

Jenkins Takes up the Narrative I was born 2 years before the old King died in 1760. I have no idea who my parents were for my first knowledge is of life in a poor house over which the Beadle, Mr Crabtree, and his wife held sway. They were cruel, miserly people and treated the deserted children under their care with hideous lack of concern. From the age of 4 I was required to undertake domestic duties and oft felt the sting of Mrs Crabtree’s rough, large hand for any misdemeanor I might...

4 years ago
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Early evening sex

Leaning against the bed I watch TV in our bedroom. You are in the bathroom, taking a relaxing shower after work. I hear the water clattering in the shower. I imagine the soap and water running down your slim body. The water stops, I hear you grab the towel from the sink. You step out of the shower and fold the towel around you. My mind wanders back to the TV. Suddenly I snap out of the TV. My eyes catch you in the doorway of the bedroom. You overwhelm me with your beauty. You put on the new...

Straight Sex

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