Common Interests, Part Four free porn video

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The story continues with the departure of Brenda's husband and my wife as well. A house guest with benefits to say the least comes to continue our adventure and cum she does.

Friday rolled around and I made it to work early as usual, Brian dropped off Brenda as usual, yet this time she came in and asked if she could borrow the keys for a minute and put a suitcase and some hung clothing into our SUV. Her husband was now on his way to the southern most part of the state. I smiled at what this could mean, Jane was all in favor of helping them out, she really liked Brenda to work with and knew of our similar struggles over the years. Jane wasn’t scheduled until 1:00, so she was at home doing whatever she does on her mornings off, I'd pick her up on my lunch hour, this time probably with Brenda in tow to drop off her clothes and such. I had already de-winterized the guest house for her arrival so it would be nice and toasty warm when she arrived. The water was turned back on and the heater for it as well for when she needed a bath or shower. It was tough, but we behaved ourselves on the way to my place when we went to pick up Jane, our eyes only feasted on the lover beside us. Not even so much as a touch or kiss to seal what should be a glorious visit. We picked her up and dropped off Brenda's change of clothes and such without a hitch and all went through the drive in to get a bite before returning to the store. The ladies had a nice visit whilst I drove in silence; they needed the bond so that my wife would be comfortable with her staying so close and, unknown to Jane, so very accessible.

I managed to work the balance of my day, chatted with Jane about as much as usual, and stayed clear of my lover for the most part. Though others knew of the arrangement of our departing employee and gave a few quick sidelong glances as if wondering if anything hinky was going on; it didn’t seem so and Jane would be the first to acknowledge it. I clocked out at 4:00 and waited for Brenda to get off a few minutes later, we each bid Jane farewell and walked together to the car, no one the wiser of what I, or we, had planned for the evening. I drove home with my lover at my side, her eyes hungry as were my own; when we turned off the main highway towards the house I reached over and laid my hand on her shoulder and whispered, "It's a shame this arrangement couldn't be permanent," and smiled a very naughty sultry smile.

She chuckled softly and leaned over, gave me a kiss on the cheek and replied, "I'll settle for whatever I can get, for as long as I can get it," and smiled with equal tease. We got to the driveway and had decided to let me retrieve the cordless phone before we settled her in to the guest house; together. I unlocked the guest house door and handed her the spare key, went to the main house and retrieved the cordless and returned as she finished carrying the first load of her stuff into the bedroom, I grabbed the rest and joined her, tossing it aside onto the arm chair in the corner of the room. "Let me give you the tour of your castle milady," I chanted seductively.

To my dismay, she replied, "Just show me where the bath room is first, I really need to pee," and giggled. I led the way down the short hall and opened the door for her with a sweep of my arm to galanty show the way.

As she entered the bath room I said, "I'll wait right here for you in case you need me Brenda," and chuckled again naughtily.

I heard her from inside the closed room, "I should be okay Jerry, but I will let you know when I'm done. How about a bath before I unpack?"

I shuddered at the offered time to hold her naked body close in soothing warm water and replied, "You got it, I'd be honored to wash your back if you‘d like." I waited quietly in the hall without hearing a reply. I took the opportunity to remove my clothing to be in readiness of her offering, making a pile where I stood. It must have been several minutes later as I stood naked and aroused to a noticeable degree before I heard the water begin to fill the tub and her voice call out to me. I opened the door slowly and saw just as she stepped into the tub, her hair pulled up into a pony tail swaying just above the shoulders, her back so sweetly narrow at the waist, the lush curve of her ass. And even the narrow flattened area of her sweet petals that I could hardly believe would widen to accommodate my girth, yet had was in plain view as she sat down in the tub to await me to undress no doubt. She hadn’t looked back, but would soon find out her lover was more than ready to join her.

I stepped into the room and left the door open, there would be no interruptions except perhaps a phone call and I laid the cordless and my cell phone on the counter to be handy just in case. I spoke softly as I asked, “Would you like front or back babe,” and chuckled as her head turned and saw I was not only naked already but that my manhood had swelled thicker as well. It was by no means hard yet, but it wouldn’t take much provocation to make it so; she giggled as she slid forward to allow me some space.

“I guess,” she began as I placed one foot and then the other into the tub behind her, “I’ll have to be careful how I say things,” and giggled playfully. “What I meant was that I wanted a bath,” and arched her back as she felt my arms close around her waist. Her head lay back against my shoulder and she whispered, “But this is much better anyway,” turned her head to face mine and kissed my jaw tenderly.

I scooped up some of the nicely warm water with each hand and raised it to pour over her chest, watching as it ran seductively over the firm orbs and then was caught as each palm cupped one of her breasts. She cooed softly and whispered, “How did I ever get so lucky to find a man who really knows how to make me feel special?” My lips pressed to her hair as my hands cradled her breasts soothingly. Her nipples grew taught even as each thumb pressed against them, her voice deep and throaty as she spoke again, “Damn it Jerry, I don’t want to move away,” and turned her torso to be half facing mine as our lips met with the loving passions we each felt so deeply.

I whispered my reply, “Brenda, I am the one who has found joys more than I could have ever hoped, you are special, not only because of the great sex, but the bond of friendship we share, the joys of reading the same books, the pleasure of just being around you even when I am tempted to embrace you and can’t.”

I sighed deeply when she confessed she didn’t want to go, didn’t want to leave what we had found, didn’t want to move away. “Baby, we have about two weeks to figure if there is any way for you to stay, or for me to join you. You know I’d go anywhere to be with you; not that I want any of us to be hurt by what we want; what I need so desperately.”

Her heart raced as I clung to her, her breast swelled against my chest, the nipple swelled and taught, as she turned further and pulled my face to meet hers with desperation to feel our bond. “We can’t hurt them Jerry, I’ll have to go, we both know that,” and kissed me hard and deeply as her breaths came in gasps of want and need, as were my own. The heat of our kiss grew as we tangled our tongues and danced the torrid dance of lovers once again and then slowed, mostly my doing as I wanted her to know we didn’t have to rush, our joining of sexual pleasures was not the all of our relationship.

When our lips parted I held her close for another short bit of time, likely only a few seconds, but they were the perfection and bliss of peace. I whispered, “Turn around and let me wash you Bren, I said I would, and kind of think you’ll enjoy it,” and chuckled softly. She turned, and as she did my swollen dick scraped over her buttocks and she squirmed back against it teasingly before settling snugly between my thighs, my knees raised to allow her closeness. I picked up the Ivory soap bar from the holder and pushed her shoulders away from me as her pony tail slipped in front of her shoulder. My hands scooped water from the partly full tub and allowed it to cascade down from her shoulders over her back. I began rubbing circles of soap onto her shoulders and worked my way to her lower back, my fingers pressing in as if a message more than simple cleansing. Her flesh quivered at my touch, her breaths came in calm soothed draws of air and left her with equal relaxation. She could well have purred as I rubbed and rubbed more over the tensed muscles of her lower back and rendered them loose and totally free of tension.

“Oh Jerry,” she cooed softly, “damn you do that well,” squirmed a bit to force my hands to a particularly tight group at the base of her spine just below the water’s level. Her body fell farther forward and I rubbed, and rubbed more until she was almost face first into the now soapy water drawing the long slow breaths of peace and tranquility.

My body leaned over hers as my hands swept to her shoulders, my abdomen pressed to her back, my chest to her shoulders as I pulled her back by them to feel her slick soapy flesh touch me completely. I lay back in the tub and pulled her with me, her soapy back now lying against my torso felt so delicious; my hand swept water over her chest and began the same actions of her front as she lay reclined onto me. The soap coated her abdomen first, and then with her breast cradled in my palms I whispered into her ear, “You are so perfect Brenda. We just fit so right,” and kissed her just above her ear in the hairline. I rubbed her shoulders and abdomen as well as her tits, though she breathed more heavily as I cradled them in my hands and plied the firm supple flesh more firmly as my desires increased. Cupping water into my hands I rinsed her tummy and the swell of her tits, her nipples now had hardened into firm textured nubs and as I cleaned the soap from them squeezed them gently between thumb and index finger, her head fell back against me as her body joined in the sync of my desire, my cock lay between us coated with soap pulsing against her lower back sent waves of heat through us both.

She rose up and sat, spinning around to face me with her legs draped over mine and scooped up water to rinse my chest and abs, playfully splashing water over the periscope rising from the surface of the water with a giggle. She raised her hands and held her pony tail up as she lowered her lips to surround my cock and swirled her tongue over the crown as my heart’s pulse thudded behind my ears. Her mouth so warm, so wet I hungered for more and found her all but psychic as she lowered her lips farther down the shaft and sucking gently of half of my manly instrument. I only let her have me for a few seconds before I couldn’t wait any longer and pulled her face up to mine. Our mouths crashed together as I pulled her into my lap and settled her over the hardened prong I wanted deep inside her. She groaned and then purred as she allowed herself to lower over it and parted her knees farther to accommodate the invasion. I shook with the heat of my pounding heart’s flow and gasped at the joy of her wet deep well as her mound pressed perfectly against my own. “Oh God Brenda, you feel so good. Stay just like that for a minute and let me relish the joy of our connection,” I said with awed tones of arousal and bliss rolled into one. My cock trembled deep inside her clenching walls, “uhhhhhhh,” I groaned. She leaned back and our arms locked together, her hands at my elbows and mine at hers as she found her pussy slipping harder over the meaty prong and cooed silently in her own heavenly thoughts. Without even the slightest motion we were escalating to the plateau of erotic perfection, my cock thumping uncontrollably inside her, her muscles rippling along the thick hot meat she reveled in filling her sheath.

After a few minutes the water was beginning to chill, we hadn’t moved since the joyous bliss of connection had come to pass. It was time to move on to other things and she raised up, still straddled my hips and meaty cock, her pussy spasmed around it as she rose to her knees and then feet, my dick plopped against my abdomen as the water level dropped with one less body to fill the space, the sound echoing from the porcelain tiled walls. I reached up and caught her leg as she turned to get out of the tub and leaned up to her mound, a kiss and then taunting lick over the puffy petals of her flower and clit to let her know we had only just begun before releasing her to step out and dry off. She smiled as she dried off, her pussy dripping with either water or nectars, though I felt it likely both. I rose from the tub and took the towel from her to dry her back and butt, she giggled as the fluffy towel touched her intimate and sensitive pussy with a feather’s touch.

I dried myself quickly as she released her hair from the scrunchy she had bound it with, she shook her head and let the wild mane flow free as it fell over her back and shoulders, some of which covered the lush mounds of her tits as she struck an erotic pose before the full length mirror for my benefit; not that I needed any further encouragement. I hung up the towel and took her hands as we faced each other, her smile fully intending to entice me to take her to bed; the cordless phone rang blaringly on the counter and we both jumped as the reality of where we were and what we were doing slammed home.

I lowered her hands and let the phone ring three times before picking it up to confirm the inevitable number on the caller ID; it was, as expected, Jane. “Hello,” I said in as normal a tone as I could muster, “sorry it took me a minute to get to the phone; you were in the wrong end of the house again,” chuckling at the normal response we had shared for several years. Her end of the conversation was routine, she asked how it was going to which I replied, “Not bad, I guess Brenda is settling in, there’s still a light on in the guest house.” She went on to ask if she had said any more about the small house; my reply, “Yeah, I helped get her in and she seemed to really like the living room and I heard her squeal when she saw the bedroom. She even hugged me, but I am sure you can remember how exciting this must be. You can ask her tomorrow, I’m sure she’ll be in bed by the time I come to get you.” So far I had not told a lie, each phrase chosen carefully and succinctly put. Jane was satisfied that I had taken care of our house guest and said she’d see me just after midnight; I said, “I’ll be there, your night going alright?”

“Yeah,” her simple reply, “it’s busy, so the time is going by pretty quick. See ya in a few hours, don’t be late.”

I chuckled almost silently as I always did at her reminder of the one time about ten years earlier of being late for her time to get off work. Some things are forever held over one’s head. “I’ll be there; on time Jane, you know I will,” and chuckled aloud this time. “See you then, behave yourself,” I said in closing as we each hung up. The whole time I spoke Brenda had picked up a brush that my mother in law had left, it had been cleaned, but it surprised me with her beautiful hair she would take the chance. I shrugged my shoulders and took the brush from her hand as I set the phone back down. I began brushing out the long lustrous hair from behind her as she watched me in the mirror, I know my expression was one of silent awe of her beauty, her nipples still stood erect and waiting to be caressed. I finished brushing her hair and she turned to face me, her skin flawless from head to toe, the sweet curve of her mound coated so perfectly with just the right amount of pubic hair to add to my arousal as my cock revived from the phone call’s interruption.

“Does she know?” Brenda asked quietly. “She’s not stupid, and it’s not like this isn’t a bit of a leap of faith on her part. Tell me the truth; do you think she knows about us?”

I knew her question was serious, but for the life of me I could hardly respond. “I don’t think so, she can be a real witch when she gets mad, and I’m pretty sure she’d be really pissed off if she even had an inkling of what we’ve done, much less invite you to be our guest and so accessible if there was anything going on. Neh, she doesn’t know.”

“I hope not, I really don’t want her to get hurt, or Brian, or even you and me, for that matter,” she said as her eyes welled with threatening tears.

I stepped up to her and wrapped my arms around her waist; our moods had changed with the simple reminder of our infidelity and adulterous acts. I kissed away the tears that had flowed from her eyes and then the side of her head as I nuzzled against her neck and held her close, our bared bodies now numb from the inopportune call. “Let’s get you ready for bed Brenda, even if we don’t make love I want to tuck you in it’s the least a good host can do for a guest.” We walked, my arm still around her waist, to the bed room, it was kind of small like the entire guest house, but it did have a really nice four poster bed, full size and decorated with soothing hues of golden amber and pale, pale yellow. : My mother in laws choices, of course. “Do you like to sleep in the nude Brenda,” I asked hopefully.

Her eyes changed; the chill of the phone call waning quickly as we stood beside the beauty of the bed naked and alone. They welled with tears, but this time sparkled with a familiar wanting need. I leaned over and pulled the comforter back and then the blanket and sheet, her hand slid over my back and I felt the surge of blood filling my member again, the fright of the call all but forgotten, for now. As I stood back up her arms surrounded me from behind, her hands slipping over me with temptation’s touch, one hand cradled my sack, the other grasping the swelling shaft and stroking its length from base to crown and back again. I felt her lips press to my spine and I shivered; my hands slipping behind me to cup the small of her back and pull her tighter against my naked, heated flesh. “I want us to make love Jerry,” she pleaded with a sorrowful tone. How could I refuse to bring back the smile she so deserved.

I turned in her arms and wrapped her in my own, we melted together as our lips met with the growing embers of heat we shared so well and I swept her into my cradling arms, setting her onto the bed. I followed her body down, our lips still connected. Heated, enthralled, fulfilling as my hand traced over throat, collar bone and then to her breast and hard eager nipple. Her body quivered as all else was forgotten. My mouth moved down to her throat and then shoulder as my hand caressed her tits, one and then the other. My lips followed suit and kissed every inch of her breasts and then suckled her nipples seductively as one hand wandered lower along her tummy and slid into the sultry curls of her pubic hair. She groaned and then gasped as two fingers curled into the moist flower of her womanhood, gently parting the labia and plying the inner flesh with the persuasive flourish of my fingertips. As my mouth traversed the same path that my hand just had and kissed her mound tauntingly I felt her hand curl around my dick and begin the long slow strokes that would arouse me beyond any thoughts other than our joining. Her scent was full and ripe, it wafted into my nostrils taunting me further towards our common need and bond; slowly I seduced her womanhood to boil with nectars even before my lips pursed to kiss the puffy swollen petals surrounding the haven I sought.

Her flesh pulled away as my fingers plied her inner labia, the protective hood of her clitoris withdrew and revealed the swollen bud that would arouse her to commanding levels, we both knew it well and I would use whatever means I could to feel her glorious climax again and again, as she would to bring my onslaught of thunder and the filling seed she craved more often with each new time shared or encounter found. My tongue swiped over the engorged nubbin and she gasped as her hips rose trembling to meet my advance, it trailed into the sweet inner flower and she gave forth the first of the honey sweet juice I sought within seconds, her flavor even more hearty than I recalled, she was stirred more with each time we joined as one in love and passion.

Her hand pulled anxiously at my manhood and I too groaned, she knew just how much I could take before she would find my climax and ejaculation at hand and held me at bay giving only enough to torture me with pleasure. Her hand cupped the head and squeezed her fingers around it hard to force my need to pause and whispered in panting breaths, “Let me suck you while you eat me Jerry,” and pulled my dick to have it closer. I slid onto the bed I had remained standing beside and laid on my side to give her access and her wish. Her breath hot, her lips soft velvet on the heated eager flesh, her mouth filled with spittle to lubricate the member she would consume. I could not withdraw and pushed my opened mouth into her petals and stabbed into her sheath with a pointed tongue that forced her to cry out as it swept over the g-spot within. The vibration of her enchantment sent my blood to boiling as well and I cried out into the haven of her wiles. Her back arched to receive my throbbing tongue as it stabbed time and again over the textured patch of her most erotic inner spot, her mouth open to engulf all she could of my manly intruder. She swallowed half and began sucking harder as the thick prong pulsed within her throat, her cheeks contracting with the delicious vacuum she prevailed upon my full throbbing member. Her mouth withdrew and she gasped in a breath as my fingers played over her groin from the outer flesh of her pussy to the tight muscle of her anus, her body contracted as a finger pressed against the sensitive sphincter and entered the forbidden crevasse to the first joint. A surge of juicy nectar flooded her channel and my mouth as her voice cried out even louder than before, this time only my name understandable. I withdrew the offending digit and moved enough to lap at the tight circle to sooth it; her body lunged at my lips and tongue; with clenched muscles she forced her cheeks to part and allowed me to take the domain we had not yet shared.

With both hands I pulled her cheeks apart and lapped over the tender muscle as she returned to engulf my cock once again into her throat. My tongue stabbed into her ass and she groaned with intense pleasure, my beard scrubbing against her clit and petals furthering her arousal. I focused my attention fully on giving and not receiving joy; this calmed my need to ejaculate as she sucked in an attempt to drain me but would not for now. Soon her mouth again fell away from the velvet steel of my meaty tool as she laid gasping in utter joy at my invasive probe stealing in to her virginal ass’s wants; a full inch of my tongue stabbed in and out viciously as her pussy gave forth the evidence of pleasured arousal, but not full blown climax. I turned my frame to have more control of her lower body and she allowed me between her thighs, my face still fully entrenched in her groin, lapping nibbling, and suckling on every inch of her womanhood. “Oh God Jerry,” she moaned as her thunder drew nearer with each time my tongue stole her anal cavity’s entrance, her taste robust, her nectars filling the cavity with her own pleasure juice as my tendril forced it into the now relaxing muscle.

“I want to know you there,” she said breathily as my head rose above her soaked mound and flower. Her hips rose as she dug in her heels to allow me any wish I might have.

I rose up and pulled a pillow under her hips and knelt between her sweat coated thighs. I looked into her eyes, all but closed with the erotic fulfillment of our newest adventure, she opened them long enough to nod approvingly as her heart raced and breaths came in stuttering gasps of need. I lowered my hips and pushed the crown of my wide cock to her anus; she whimpered and yet pushed her hips to meet my advance. Harder I pressed against the tight muscle and harder she returned the pressure to have me find her back door open and inviting. The head slipped in and she screamed in the perfection of pain and pleasure, the cavity wet with spittle and nectars allowed me to slip in deeper as her body convulsed with orgasm at once. “Shh,” I whispered, “I want you to know my all here as much as you have in the haven of your vagina. Slow baby, nice and easy,” I cooed as I pulled and pushed ever so gently to invade the forbidden cavity. Half of the thick shaft now stroked in and out as my fingers plied her clit and channel with gentle caress, she came again with a flood and screamed my name with passions she thought impossible; my cock slid deeper and she continued to cum with wave after wave of nectar slicking the shaft below. I lifted her knees and pushed in to the hilt and our bodies shook with the intensity of her grip upon the broad two inch think cock she now held where no man had dared go before.

I stilled my hips as hers rose and fell to let the shaft slide minimally at her pace in and out of her cavity, her gasps matched my own as arousal overtook my control. I slid two fingers into her pussy and she again screamed out her pleasure as my fingertips plied over the textures of her g-spot. Her body went silent as the orgasms peaked to a crescendo of unbelievable proportion; I held my self deep within her and reveled in the muscles she availed my shaft, three fingers invading her pussy as her eyes rolled back and her body fell numb to the onslaught of perfect glory. I gently pulled from her anus and felt the cool air caress the heated flesh that had lain in her hottest chamber. Grasping it with my right hand as my left filled her pussy with eager plunges I masturbated over her until I saw her eyes open and only then shot my stream of lava hot cum over her belly and chest. Her hand was shaky as it rose but she too gripped my cock and helped to jack me off as again a steam of semen coated her chest. She collapsed, her head falling to the bedding below it; I guessed she had found the triumphant completion she had sought. Her legs lay splayed around my knees motionless, her body all but numb and unconscious from the trials of such intense pleasures and pain. I watched as her chest rose and fell with quivering muscles and moves, her titillating breasts so perfect to see, her mouth open to get enough air, her narrow groin now laid bare and devoid of any possible modesty to my gaze. My cock shriveledTo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.

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Paris Partie 1 sur 3

Ce jour-l?, Maxime Lamothe eu 17 ans pour la premi?re fois de sa vie. Bien s?r, il avait eu 16 ans, aussi, et 15 ans avant ?a. Mais ces ann?es-l? ?taient encore porteuses d'espoir. Il avait attendu, attendu, mais il s'?tait jur? que si ??a? ne changeait pas, il irait voir quelqu'un. Au cas o?. C'?tait maintenant. - Ecoutez, jeune ne vois rien d'anormal. Votre taille ne tellement changer. Vos parents ?taient d?j? petits eux aussi, apr?s tout. Mais c'est vrai, g?n?ralement...enfin....-...

3 years ago
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Le Retour partie 3 sur 3

Maxime resta tr?s longtemps dans un demi-coma. Ou, tout du moins, il le pensait. Des images allaient et venaient. Des personnages apparaissaient devant lui. Il ne pouvait pas voir leur visage, mais il les entendait parler. Parfois en fran?ais, parfois en anglais. Il se sentit avoir froid. Puis chaud. Puis froid ? nouveau. Et faim. Et chaud. Plusieurs fois il voulut ouvrir ses yeux, mais il n'y parvenait pas. Lorsqu'il ouvrit enfin ses yeux, il ?tait dans une chambre d'h?pital. Toute blanche, toute...

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My Best Interests

MY BEST INTERESTS By Geneva A young man is captured intruding into the ancient Amazonian realm of Genoria. He is changed by a magic book and made into a slave girl to its queen. When the queen develops a mental illness the girl is caught up in intrigue and warfare. START The sun had set behind the low hills over to the west and the gloom was getting too much for me to see my way. Then, when I slipped into a cold stinking pool in the marsh, up to my knees in water and slime, I...

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Aria di cambiamenti Parte 3 Rachel

Note from the author: The story is in Italian as I realized it is too hard for me to keep writing in English, but I will probably translate it later on. ---------------------------- Capitolo 3: Rachel Matt sedeva al tavolo della cucina di Steve. Una massa indistinta di capelli viola le ondeggiava davanti al viso ogni volta che si muoveva. Indossava ancora il pigiama prestatole da Chelsea. "Non riesco proprio a credere di aver avuto bisogno di un...

1 year ago
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Common Ground

The walls of the transporter room came into focus as the newly promoted Lieutenant completed her transfer from the high-speed transport that had been her home for the last two days. Quarters aboard Hermes had been cramped to say the least, but they were little better than she expected to find here on Crockett. A patrol cruiser with a crew of twenty-eight, its accommodations were going to be very unlike those she’d had back on Enterprise. Especially those she had enjoyed as a Captain’s...

2 years ago
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Cousins une Histoire de Famille Partie 5

Cousins - Une Histoire de Famille - partie 5 Par Loulou Note : cette histoire est pure fiction et aucun des personnages n'existe vraiment ? l'ext?rieur de ces lignes. Ne m'en veuillez pas de prendre quelques libert?s avec la r?alit?. Chapitre 21 - Une jolie secr?taire Sam se r?veilla en pensant que jamais il n'avait si bien dormi. Comme Chris dormait encore, il prit son petit d?jeuner en silence. Quand il entendit Chris arriver derri?re lui, Sam leva la t?te pour recevoir un baiser. "Sammy, tu as l'air...

3 years ago
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Introduceing the Spartan Spitter

Introduction: Ron Popeil offers a new invention called The Spartan Spitter. Introducing the Spartan Spitter Story: #25 Copyright 2005 Written: February 06 2005 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: Piasa_Troll Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************************** Imagine yourself sitting in your favorite easy chair, nagging wife finally went to bed, or those unruly daughters disregarded your rules and ran out again,...

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An Interesting Profession Part Four

An Interesting Profession Part Four By Virginia Kane Standard caveat applies. Please do not post onto any other website without express written permission of the authoress. If reading explicit adult fiction is illegal where you live, or if you are not yet eighteen years of age, read no further and go do something innocent and constructive. 1. I had agreed to be put into a temporary chastity device to keep Grant and...

4 years ago
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Introduceing the Spartan Spitter

Story: #25 Copyright ©2005 Written: February 06 2005 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: Piasa_Troll Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************************** Imagine yourself sitting in your favorite easy chair, nagging wife finally went to bed, or those unruly daughter's disregarded your rules and ran out again, you wish there was some way to spit and process them without spending a fortune, flipping...

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Escapadinha no Douro Parte 3

Parte 3- Boa! Exclamou o J, que logo se refreou um pouco perante a minha quase indiferença.- Excelente ideia I, concordou o P, e como temos pouca roupa em cima de nós acaba num instante. Risos.- Não sei não…disse eu, tentando reverter a decisão que parecia tomada.- Qual é o problema? De qualquer forma já nos vimos todos nuzinhos hoje à tarde! Argumentou o J.Estava-se mesmo a ver onde eles nos queriam levar, mas perante tanta insistência e concordância, não seria eu a estragar o barato. Tb era...

2 years ago
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7 de octubre 2017ESTEBAN, DAVID, MIGUELDurante el día fui hacer compras para mi casa y fui a vitriniar en un centro comercial, luego en la tarde me puse a ver una película con Denzel Washington y Marc Anthony sobre un secuestro, no pude ver el final ya que me dormí, lastima pero sabía que con la dormida tendría más energía para la noche.Me aliste para salir sola, me entro la idea durante la semana, una ducha y loción corporal para estar deliciosa. Salí bastante sexy para provocar, fui a un...

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Historia 8 La Cita 2 Parte

Después de lo que había pasado en el hotel aquel, no podía quitarme de la cabeza lo ocurrido.Antes de salir de la habitación me había dado un pequeño papel con la dirección de su trabajo y el número de teléfono.Había pasado ya casi un mes cuando encontré esa nota guardada en mi cajón entre mi ropa anterior, la saque y no pude evitar sentir que mi respiración se agito recordando de nuevo aquella verga en mis labios entrando y saliendo, sus venas marcadas.Cargue la nota entre mis libros unos días...

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GRAN BEL PASTICCIO -parte 1Una serata andata male!?!Dipende dai punti di vista... vediamo un poco. Dal mio punto di vista, beh... si!Appuntamento alle 21.30.Auto lustra e con pieno.Agghindato come un albero di Natale.Arrapato come...Lei mora, occhi verdi, un poco a mandorla, bella al naturale, un seno proporzionato con due capezzoli che dietro al costume erano sempre turgidi, fianchi perfetti, alti e stretti, ginocchia esili ed ossute, caviglie sottili, glutei da bralilera, ballerina ed...

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Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis.Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets blown out of the sky and you...

Love Stories
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(C) Mojavejoe420 2020 Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis. Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets...

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Similar Interests

Similar InterestsI had run an ad at a spanking website that I was an older male disciplinarian spanker that was looking for women in the area that needed a good spanking. About two months after the ad ran, I got a response from a woman who lived in the same city I did. Her name was Vivian, and we first got to know each other via email. Then she told me about using instant messenger, and that got us talking to each other in real time. I also write spanking stories, and I shared a few of them...

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Discovering Sexual Self Interests On The Internet

By: W. A. Chohan Tasaparera was his first name. My first meeting with him was just as accidental as it is in films or novels. I had come out of the super market and the shopping cart hit something in the parking lot, making it tip over and quite a few of the items were thrown out of the bags. Tasapa (as he asked me to call him), the good natured Sri Lankan was standing close by and he helped me to get the things back in order. That’s how we got introduced and as he left he gave me his business...

Gay Male
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Similar Interests

Similar InterestsI had run an ad at a spanking website that I was an older male disciplinarian spanker that was looking for women in the area that needed a good spanking. About two months after the ad ran, I got a response from a woman who lived in the same city I did. Her name was Vivian, and we first got to know each other via email. Then she told me about using instant messenger, and that got us talking to each other in real time. I also write spanking stories, and I shared a few of them...

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Lenfance DAlex Partie 1

Note de l'auteur: vous trouverez dans ce chapitre et dans les suivants, quelques tranches de vie de l'enfance d'Alexandre. Ces petites histoires, qui se d?roulent entre 10 et 15 ans environ, permettront d'accompagner Alexandre dans la d?couverte de sa vraie personnalit?. L'enfance d'Alex - Partie 1 Arriv?e... La nouvelle maison ------------------------ Victor Martis n'?tais pas m?content de quitter cet appartement qui commen?ait ? ?tre trop petit pour eux trois... Il savait qu'Alexandre serait ...

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Cousins une Histoire de Famille Partie 4

Cousins - Une Histoire de Famille - partie 4 Par Loulou Note : cette histoire est pure fiction et aucun des personnages n'existe vraiment ? l'ext?rieur de ces lignes. Ne m'en veuillez pas de prendre quelques libert?s avec la r?alit?. Chapitre 17 - Nouveau look Assise ? son bureau, Jessica se demanda comment Sam serait habill? ce lundi matin, elle trouvait qu'il avait un gout tr?s s?r pour coordonner ses v?tements. Il avait tellement chang? depuis trois semaines qu'elle se demandait si c'?tait bien le m?me ...

4 years ago
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Cousins une Histoire de Famille Partie 6

Cousins - Une Histoire de Famille - partie 6 Par Loulou Note : cette histoire est pure fiction et aucun des personnages n'existe vraiment ? l'ext?rieur de ces lignes. Ne m'en veuillez pas de prendre quelques libert?s avec la r?alit?. ***** Chapitre 23 - Un matin enchant? Sam eut toutes les peines du monde ? ouvrir les yeux et de plus, il avait une affreuse migraine. Il regarda autour de lui mais pas moyen de se rappeler comment il ?tait venu jusqu'? sa chambre. Quel jour d?j?? Ah oui, samedi... il a...

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Cousins une Histoire de Famille Partie 7

Cousins - Une Histoire de Famille - partie 7 Par Loulou Note: cette histoire est pure fiction et aucun des personnages n'existe vraiment ? l'ext?rieur de ces lignes. Ne m'en veuillez pas de prendre quelques libert?s avec la r?alit?. Chapitre 25 - M?tamorphose Comme maintenant tous les matins, Sam se r?veilla dans le lit de son cousin et la nuit avait ?t? encore une fois merveilleuse. Il sourit et l'embrassa pour le r?veiller. "Chris, c'est d?j? lundi, il faut se lever." Chris ouvrit p?niblement les ye...

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Cousins une Histoire de Famille Partie 8

Cousins - Une Histoire de Famille - partie 8 Par Loulou Note: cette histoire est pure fiction et aucun des personnages n'existe vraiment ? l'ext?rieur de ces lignes. Ne m'en veuillez pas de prendre quelques libert?s avec la r?alit?. ***** Chapitre 29 - La Nouvelle Fille de l'Agence Le soir venu, Samantha rentra chez elle et attendit impatiemment Kathy. Quand elle arriva, elle trouva Sam si adorable dans son ensemble rose bonbon qu'elle ne put r?sister ? la tentation de la caresser. Comme Chris...

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Cousins une Histoire de Famille Partie 10

Cousins - Une Histoire de Famille - partie 10 Par Loulou Note: cette histoire est pure fiction et aucun des personnages n'existe vraiment ? l'ext?rieur de ces lignes. Ne m'en veuillez pas de prendre quelques libert?s avec la r?alit?. ***** Chapitre 41 - Totalement Samantha Dans les affaires que lui avait offertes Jessica, Samantha d?couvrit des choses toutes plus jolies les unes que les autres. Des robes, des jupes, des chemisiers et pleins de tops et chaussures... il y avait m?me des sous-v...

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Histoire dune poupe Partie 2

------------------------- M?MOIRES D'UNE POUP?E ------------------------- UNE ?TERNIT? DE PLASTIQUE Tant de vigueur sexuelle malgr? l'?ge Il me chargea sur la banquette arri?re de sa voiture et d?marra. Alors qu'il conduisait, il se mit ? me parler, jetant dans le r?troviseur des petits coups d'oeil amus?s dans ma direction. - Tu sais Lola, si tu es aussi bonne qu'ils l'affirment, je crois que je ne vais pas regretter mon achat. C'est que, ? toi je peux le dire, les femmes en g?n?ral me les br...

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Girlfriend with Testing Device Part 15 Partying is Such Sweet Sorrow

Author's Note: Hello again! I've only got two chapters left to write at this point, so I figured I'd try to increase the pace at which I'm posting these here in an effort to catch up. I have several more chapters of this story posted at and at Warning: This wham-episode chapter includes, but is not limited to, a reality blind protagonist, short skirts, exciting plot twists, boobs, body swaps, strap-ons, clothing swaps, oblivious swap...

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Youngsville Part 4 Expanding interests

During the days after my arrival, I got better acquainted with my new household, learning about the Day-Sea’s routines and getting used to the farm. The girls took very good care of me and helped me with anything I needed or wondered about. The girls found a way for me to repay them too, which I thought was more of a treat than a debt.After they returned from their long working hours I would find them at their usual resting areas. The first one who had free time was Jill. All of the girls left...

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The Railway Compartment Part Two

(Continued from Part One) Before I had an opportunity for any further thought, the girl reached down and unpopped the third and final button of her shorts. A clearer vision emerged of the sexy little panties she wore underneath. She looked over at me again. I stayed very calm on the outside but in my mind I was drooling like an idiot. By this time I had a powerful erection inside the loose fitting combat trousers I was wearing. No doubt it had been there a while but was only now registering in...

4 years ago
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The Holiday Party to Top All Holiday Parties Part I

I only knew Rachel as a friendly neighbor who lived a few houses over from where my family and I lived in a North Dallas suburban community. Every now and then, we’d run into each other either at the neighborhood market or the 7/11, or we’d pass one another when one of us would be out walking the family dog.Rachel’s husband was a contractor and their son, Eric was a grade behind our son in high school. I always admired Rachel from afar, as she had a knockout of a body and she sure didn’t mind...

2 years ago
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Spartan Bonding

Introduction: Cyrus, a trainee in the Spartan army, bonds with the perfect one. Hey people! Im thinking of starting a series of stories based on historical times. This is my attempt at one and if you guys like it, please leave positive feedback! And if you feel like it, leave me some time periods. Ill be more than happy to do some research and write a story. Happy reading! Birth Records– Winter 561 B.C. 37 male children have been born and taken into the custody of the Spartan Army. Of the...

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Encountering the EnergistsChapter 4 Another Brick in the Wall Part 1 thru Part2

Time Irrelevant: Within the Energists' Universe After reviewing the events surrounding my funeral and that rejuvenating period of rest with Kaleigh, I was once again ready to jump back into instructing the Energists. I performed a quick review of all the concepts I had previously helped the Energists acquire on this journey towards their becoming individual physical beings. Not surprisingly, all the Energists were able to articulate a solid grasp of that material. Several of the more daring...

2 years ago
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Just My Luck Part Four

Just My Luck - Part Four By Virginia Kane Standard caveat applies. Please do not post onto any other website without express written permission of the authoress. If reading explicit adult fiction is illegal where you live, or if you are not yet eighteen years of age, read no further and go do something innocent and constructive. 1. P.O.V Mel. I couldn't believe how my luck had suddenly changed toward the better!...

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Spiderman part 3 Ultimate heros part1

Introduction: continuation of part 1 and 2 Spider man part 3 Ultimate h?s part 1 Gwen Stacy took Spidermans dick like a pro. She was back against the alley wall as Spiderman pummeled her with his huge cock. Gwen Stacys big tits swung freely as her legs wrapped around Spidermans back. Her hips gyrated up and down as spiderman thrust into her receiving pelvis. Stacys hips ground into Spidermans dick. Her pussy wrapped around his cock milky it as the hot rod pulled in and out sucking her pussy...

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The Railway Compartment Part One

My name is Sam Clarke. I was 19 years old and on a backpacking trip across Europe a few years ago now. As it happened, I didn't get that far "across" it. I ran out of funds early in the trip and never got beyond Switzerland (having begun the trip in France!). But given the following incident which took place one afternoon on a train travelling across the Swiss countryside, it nonetheless remains the one of the great journeys of my life. I love travelling on trains, especially the older European...

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Kumar Appartments Part 8211 2

Sabko mera bahut bahut thanks mere story ko padne ke liye, aur also thanks for mail replies. Am really glad to know that you all are waiting for the next part of kumar apartment. But as you are waiting for the next episode but a story is never interesting without unexpected twists and turns so the next part of kumar apartment deals with another guy who too came to the apartment to stay at his uncles place. His name is amit and this part is going to be narrated by him. The evidence that he is...

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Departmental Storeil Pennai Usar Seithen

Hi friends vanakam, indru kama kathaiyil departmental storeil oru pennai paarthu pesi usar seithu ootha kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. En peyar Vimal, vayathu 28 aagugirathu. Naan paarka azhagaga irupen, tshirt aninthukondu irupen athanaal pengal epozhuthum ennai paarthu sight adipaargal. Ipadi thaan oru naal en nanban udan departmental storeku sendrom appozhuthu angu oru pen aval mulaiyaal ennai urasi vitu sendraal. Avla mulai perithaaga irunthathu, aval mulaiyaal ennai idikum pozhuthe...

1 year ago
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Spartan Bonding

Birth Records-- Winter 561 B.C. 37 male children have been born and taken into the custody of the Spartan Army. Of the 37 children, 9 children were found to be inadequate for the needs of the Spartan Army. The remaining 28 have been committed to training. “Cyrus! Keep your shield up!” My trainer yelled, followed quickly by the sound of a cracking whip at my heels. I quickly brought my shield up and felt my shield arm get shaken as my partner strikes at me. I pull my shield away to...

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The Party part1

"I'm not talking about you," Alice said. "I'm talking about Caroline. I don't care if she is in college. She lives here and will abide by my, our rules. No sex until marriage. I don't want there to be any 'Mistakes' and you know what I mean."I thought back about my mistake. My name is Erick, and Alice was my fiancée when it happened. We were high school sweethearts and had promised each other that our first time of sex would be with each other on our wedding night. On the night of the 'mistake'...

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Spiderman part 3 Ultimate heros part1

Ultimate h?s part 1 Gwen Stacy took Spiderman's dick like a pro. She was back against the alley wall as Spiderman pummeled her with his huge cock. Gwen Stacy's big tits swung freely as her legs wrapped around Spiderman's back. Her hips gyrated up and down as spiderman thrust into her receiving pelvis. Stacy's hips ground into Spiderman's dick. Her pussy wrapped around his cock milky it as the hot rod pulled in and out sucking her pussy lips with it as it moved. Gwen's black high heel...

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Kumar Apartments English Part 2 Getting Friendly With My Shobha Bhabhi

Hello, friends, welcome back. Hope you enjoyed the first part of my series. This is the continuation of part 1 were you met Akash and his sister-in-law Shobha. Anyone who wants to give me their feedback can text me to . Narrated by Akash After I reached my cousin brother Rakesh’s house in Bangalore (a flat in Kumar apartments), I met my friendly sister in law for the first time. That moment when I saw her in her sleep shirt, exposing her milky white thighs just changed my entire view of a...

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Apartment Number Four

Summertime was always a tough time to keep occupied. I was away at college for most of the year and when I came home I found I’d lost contact with a lot of my friends. I worked long hours at the local store but on my days off I tended to just stay in bed wanking or walking around the local neighbourhood seeing what was going on. The rest of my family were at work through the day therefore I’d help out around the house doing the laundry and suchlike. Not very exciting I know but it...

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A Fantasy Part four

?A Fantasy? and all its parts are an original work of fiction by Caitlin Rose. Any similarity, to persons living or dead, is purely coincidental. The work is protected by copyright. It may be archived at any site that does not charge a fee for access. Please obtain author?s permission before archiving. This work does not contain any sex. It does contain descriptions of crossdressing. If that offends you, don?t read the story. The story so far: Rob Balter was an ordinary...

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Innocence Enslaved part 4 Afterparty

Emily lay still, exhausted. She could feel the prickly fur of the dog that had mounted her, stuck to her soft, smooth skin of her bare body, stuck to the dried saliva, sweat and cum of multiple men. Even now she could feel remnants of the creatures cum slowly leaking from her sore, stretched pussy to mingle with the sperm of her father and uncle dripping down her round buttocks. The pretty young redhead had given up. Just hours ago she had woken, dazed and confused, strapped naked to a...

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