Common Ground free porn video

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The walls of the transporter room came into focus as the newly promoted Lieutenant completed her transfer from the high-speed transport that had been her home for the last two days. Quarters aboard Hermes had been cramped to say the least, but they were little better than she expected to find here on Crockett. A patrol cruiser with a crew of twenty-eight, its accommodations were going to be very unlike those she’d had back on Enterprise. Especially those she had enjoyed as a Captain’s Yeoman.

But the choice had been hers to make. Better to start over somewhere where people would have to judge her on the here and now, and not what she might’ve been in the past. She’d worked damn hard to earn her commission, despite what some jealous residents of the lower decks might’ve had to say.

“Permission to come aboard?” she asked of the redheaded Lieutenant who had been standing next to the transporter chief.

“Permission granted,” came the reply with a smile as the older officer stepped forward and reached for one of the two duffel bags the newly assigned j.g. had brought with her. “Let me give you a hand with those.”

“Thank you,” the younger blonde smiled in return as she relinquished one of her bags. “Janice Rand,” she added in way of an introduction, “but I guess you already knew that.”

“J.M. Colt,” the redhead countered as she slung the strap of the bag over her shoulder, “Second Officer. We don’t have a First right now so I’m the welcoming committee.”

“Hermes acknowledges transport,” the transporter chief reported from behind her, silently relaying the signal to the bridge as well.

“Thank you, Mr. Kane,” the senior Lieutenant said over her shoulder, “I’ll take it from here.”

“Yes Sir,” he replied as he locked down the console and exited the room though the door.

The redhead waited until the doors closed behind him before turning back to the new arrival. Who, she observed, was taking in every aspect of the room around her.

“I spent some time as a transporter chief before I was commissioned,” she said to explain her interest.

The overhead lights dimmed for a half-second, coupled with a louder vibration through the floor plates beneath them. It was an unaccustomed sensation for Janice, but one she recognized immediately.

“We’ve gone to warp,” she noted.

“Not bad,” J.M. said with a nod of her head. “It’s a bit different than you were used to on Enterprise. On a ship like Crockett, you can feel the engines a lot more.”

“I’m sure I’ll get used to it soon enough,” Janice said as she followed Colt out of the transporter room, remembering the Chief Engineer on Enterprise once saying he could tell what warp they were at by the feel of the deck plates beneath his feet.

“I’ve no doubt of it,” the senior Lieutenant replied, her tone suggesting to Rand that it was a transition she’d also made.

“Captain Imaru must’ve been anxious to get underway,” Janice said as she found herself comparing more of her surroundings as they walked to those of a heavy cruiser. “I hope I didn’t hold her up too long.”

“Actually, we weren’t scheduled to make the rendezvous and transfer for another two hours,” Colt replied. “Being able to go to warp early probably made her day. Even though Houston is covering for us, she hates leaving her patrol area for even a few hours. Also, she’s not happy unless she can take the ship out to where she can really let her fly.”

“Captain Imaru has an interesting reputation, I can’t wait to meet her,” Rand said as they entered a turbolift.

“Deck three,” Colt said as she took hold of the controls. “You’ll get your chance soon enough, but what say we first get you settled in.”

As the decks raced by, Janice looked at the woman at the other end of the turbolift. A full Lieutenant, she guessed her to be ten or twelve years older. About the same height and weight, Colt wore her hair in a style much shorter than Rand in an almost boyish cut, but one quite attractive. Their body shapes were similar and a familiar tingle made Janice wonder what else they might have in common. Then she decided that such thoughts were best kept to herself on a ship this size, at least for the time being. It wouldn’t pay to get off on the wrong foot five minutes after she’d come aboard. Not after working so hard to get a fresh start.

“What’s the J.M. stand for?” Rand asked, thinking it was an innocuous enough question.

“Just Me,” Colt said with smile and a shrug of her shoulders.

“In other words, none of my business,” Rand grinned.

“Its just personal, that’s all,” Colt replied as the turbolift doors opened and they stepped out onto deck three and walked down the corridor.

“Fair enough.”

“Well here we are,” Colt said as she stopped at the fifth door and it opened to her presence. “A little smaller than you were used to back on Enterprise, plus you’ll have to share the accommodations.”

“I’m sure neither will be a problem,” Rand insisted as she dropped her bag on the floor and took in the small space. The room looked to be already occupied and she wondered which of the two beds had already been taken.

“I hope you feel that way in a week,” Colt countered. “There’s a vicious rumor that your roommate has been known to snore under certain conditions. She of course insists it’s a lie.”

“It won’t be a problem,” Rand repeated as she took in the rest of the cabin, which didn’t take long at all.

“Well let me let you settle in then,” Colt said as she put the bag she’d been carrying down next to the other. “Why don’t I come back in twenty minutes or so and show you the way to the mess hall. We’re already into gamma shift, but I’m sure we could find you something to eat.”

“As tempting as that is, I think that maybe I should stay around and meet my new roommate when she comes off shift,” Rand said after a moment’s thought. “I wouldn’t want to give her a bad impression by just dumping my stuff and running.”

“I think she has a good enough impression of you already,” Colt said, confusing Rand.

“I don’t...”

“In case you were wondering, my bed is the one on the right.”

A half hour later, the two of them were sharing both a table in the far end of an almost empty mess hall and a late night cup of coffee. Their conversation centered on, at first, Crockett and how things ran on the ship. A lot smaller than the heavy cruiser that Janice had transfer from, the patrol ship was as heavily armed as it could be and even a slight bit faster than Enterprise.

They had to be because it was their job to patrol the areas the Constitution class ships didn’t have the time for. Used for down and dirty border patrol, it was their job to take care of problems with smugglers and other incidentals as well as alert the Fleet if something big came their way. Of course the running line was that you had to survive long enough to report it, not an easy trick if you’re suddenly faced with a phalanx of Klingon or Rihannsu warbirds.

Eventually, the conversation drifted to more personal matters and Janice brought up a question that had been occupying her thoughts.

“It’s not that I’m not glad,” Rand said as she laid down her now empty cup, “but I’m also curious. Since you’re a senior Lieutenant, how come you wound up having to share a cabin with a newly commissioned j.g.?”

“Well, I could say that in her infinite wisdom, the Captain decided a newly commissioned j.g. such as yourself, could only benefit from exposure to a fine officer such as myself,” Colt smiled as she refilled both their cups. “But the truth is that she has a lot more important things on her mind. So, I acted on what I was sure that she would’ve done had she had the time and volunteered.”


“Because you might not know it yet, but we have a lot in common,” Colt went on.

“Such as?”

“You were Jim Kirk’s Yeoman, correct?”

“It wasn’t a secret,” Janice said, thinking that she wished it had been. She’d had enough of that back on Enterprise, people thinking that she’d gotten her stripe by doing more for the Captain than just keeping track of his paperwork.

“I bet when you first got that job, you were overwhelmed by it.”

“A lot of people are,” Janice replied, feeling a bit defensive.

“And I bet that thinking that you can’t have been the first person to be faced with an insurmountable task, you went back and looked up how the people who had the job before you handled things.”

Rand nodded her head in agreement, wondering where this was leading.

“Do you remember any of the names from those reports?”

“Well there was Yeoman Smith,” Janice recalled. “I remembered the Captain kept referring to her as Jones when he brought her up.”

“Anyone else?”

“Let me see,” the blonde pondered as she mentally reviewed the endless files that had once been her existence. “Wait a second!” she exclaimed as realization suddenly washed over her.

“Yes... ?”

“Colt, ... J.M. Colt.”

The redhead smiled.

“You were Captain Pike’s Yeoman,” Rand said in triumph.

“Guilty as charged,” she smiled. “So as one Yeoman to another, how could I not take you under my wing. Who else is going to understand your problem?”

“My problem?”

“Well lets just say that I once found myself in the position of having jealous people think I got my rank practicing skills they don’t teach in officer training.”

Rand opened her eyes in surprised.

“And that was with Chris Pike, probably the original straight arrow,” Colt added. “I can only imagine the stories that went around with someone with Kirk’s reputation.”

“Does everyone on board know?” Janice asked, thinking that the ship had just grown a whole lot smaller.

“Only the Captain has seen your service record,” Colt assured her “and she’s not about to start spreading idle gossip.”

“Then how did you know...”

“Remember I said we had a lot in common,” Colt whispered, her voice growing even lower. “Well, three days ago I got a sub-space message from an old friend, someone I knew back on Enterprise. She had transferred on six months before I transferred off. She asked me to look out for you if I could.”

“An old friend?” Janice repeated, thinking that those two words held a number of definitions.

“Nyota Uhura, I’m surprised she never mentioned me to you.”

Janice had a suspicion she knew why J.M.’s name had never come up, but had no idea how to say it. If she was wrong, the Lieutenant might take offense at the suggestion.

Ten seconds later, that thought was the very least of her worries.

“Red alert, red alert,” the voice of the communications officer called out. “All hands to general quarters!”

With no duty station yet assigned to her, Janice followed Colt onto the turbolift to the bridge. An extra set of hand always came in handy. The doors opened onto a much smaller version of the bridge Janice was used to, more streamlined and lacking most of the science station larger ships carried.

“Captain, might I present Lieutenant Rand, our newest addition,” Colt said as she led Janice down to the small pit that housed the helm and the Captain’s chair.

“Welcome aboard, Lieutenant,” the white haired Andorian woman said as she glanced away from the graphic display on the forward screen. “I’m sorry we don’t have time to really chat right now, but if Jim Kirk recommended you, I’ve no doubt you’re capable of the job they sent you here to do. Lend a hand at tactical if you please.”

“Right away, Captain,” Rand replied, thankful that she’d taken the time to learn the layout of her new ship on the way here. It would’ve been embarrassing to have to ask where tactical was.

Colt had to wipe the wide grin off of her face when Captain Imaru turned her attention back to her. The Andorian’s antenna rose a few inches, a habit the Lieutenant recognized as a sign that she was happy with the new replacement.

“What do we have, Captain?” Colt said as she relieved the junior officer from the helm.

“Distress call from the colony on S’haki IV,” Imaru said as she glanced at a piece of information on her padd. “Someone couldn’t wait until we left our patrol range so they could make a raid on the Dritanium stores. Houston is an hour away so it’s a lucky thing we’re back early.”

“ETA two minutes,” Ensign Burke said from Navigation as he replaced the tactical image on the forward screen with one of the approaching space. “We’re reading two ships down on the surface and one in orbit, no id transponders.”

“Anyone care to venture a guess as to who they are?” the veteran officer in command asked out loud.

Not even thinking that it might’ve been a rhetorical question, Janice offered an opinion that they might be Orion Raiders. A half dozen sets of eyes turned her way, most shocked that with only five minutes of bridge time under her belt she had dared to speak up.

“If I had to put money on a guess,” the Captain said as her stern look faded to a smile, “I think that’d be a pretty safe bet, Lieutenant.”

Janice let out a silent sigh of relief at the Andorian’s response. Making a stupid guess right out of the gate would’ve been an even bigger faux paus than the one she almost made in the turbolift when she first came aboard.

“It looks like they’ve seen us coming, Captain,” Ensign Burke reported. “I show one ship from the ground now heading into orbit and it look like, yes there it goes, number three is on her way too.”

“Then I guess it’s time to lock and load,” Imaru said, using one of her favorite human expressions from her Academy days. “Send a signal to Houston and see if they can get here any quicker.”

“Sub-space jamming on all frequencies, Captain,” reported Lieutenant Salo at communications, “we’re not getting through to anyone for a while.”

The triad of raiders were now breaking orbit and it was a toss-up as to whether they were going to turn and run or fight. With Houston still a distance away, they must’ve felt they had a pretty good chance since they spread out in a three-prong attack formation.

“Bring photons and phasers to bear,” the Captain said, “that one on the far left is going to try and come around behind us.”

Sure enough it did, sending twin beams of destructive emerald energy ripping into Crockett’s port shields. They only broke off the attack under the impact of a photon torpedo. The attack succeeded, however, as it occupied the Federation ship’s attention just long enough for the other two raiders to get into a closer firing position.

“Forward shields down to sixty percent,” Colt reported as the view screen flashed again and again with bright green bursts.

“Photons again, full spread this time,” Imaru ordered as the phaser shots seemed to have little effects on their shields.

At tactical, Janice Rand concentrated her attention on the duties she’d been assigned, passing along the information to the helm and the Captain’s chair as quickly as she could. She’d come a long way since the days when she’d stood scared on the Enterprise bridge when that first Rihannsu Bird of Prey had come out of the Neutral Zone, destroying a string of monitoring stations and almost the Enterprise as well. She was still scared at times, but she’d learned to control that fear and do the best job she could to insure their survival.

“Number one is coming around again,” Burke reported, “They’re firing again, something different this time...”

He didn’t have a chance to finish as the bridge rocked with the impact of the new weapon. Sparks and fire exploded from the helm console, sending a shower of fragments into Burke’s chest. A second explosion brought a rain of ceiling debris down on Colt’s head.

“J.M.!” Janice cried out as she saw her new friend fall to the floor.

“J.M., look out!” Janice screamed as she jumped up.

It took a second for her to grasp it, but she was far from the bridge of the Crockett. In fact, she was also out of uniform, unless the uniform of the day was au natural.

Shaking her head, Janice realized it had been just a dream. No, not a dream, a memory. The battle with the Orions had indeed occurred that first day on the patrol cruiser, but that had been four months ago. Captain Imaru had proved that not all the great Captains commanded heavy cruisers and turned the tide of battle, destroying two of the raiders and having the third self-destruct when it had been too damaged to fight any more. It had been a victory, but a very costly one.

“You going to spend the day in bed, baby?” the T-shirt clad woman entering the room from the outside deck asked. “Cause if you are, I can think of some better things to do in it than sleep.”

“Good morning, J.M.,” Janice said as she pushed off the sheet she had pulled over herself during the night. “I was just about to get up.”

The look on Janice’s face told the whole story. Her lover of two months had seen it often enough.

“Bad dream again?” she inquired.

“If you mean the one where I thought I’d lost you even before I’d found you, yeah that’s the one.”

“But you didn’t lose me,” J.M. Colt replied as she leaned across the bed and kissed Janice softly. “I’m here, back in one piece and better than ever.”

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Adventure in the Playground

Finally, construction was complete, and just about every tried it out... for the first few months. Then gradually, kids became bored with it. The track started to grow over in places, and me and my friends found a great spot half way around the track to build a secret hide out. It offered a perfect, discreet view of the uneven bars. My mates and I used to hide out there and watch the girls swing upside down. Unless we made a sound, teachers and students didn't even know we were there. ...

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Endless Playground

He had been wanting to fuck her for three years. She was hot in the way Moms are hot. That sounds dismissive, but it wasn't, not to him. It was celebratory. She wasn't a twenty-something waif-thin hottie, she wasn’t a MILF, she wasn’t a model, she wasn’t a cartoonish divorcee on the prowl. She was just a single Mom, maybe a little prettier than the others, at least in his eyes. She had dark, alluringly unkempt hair and sea green eyes. Her ample hips curved deliciously into a trim torso before...

Straight Sex
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Our 5 day nude camping trip in a public campground

As you already know I love outdoor nudity but combine that with our other outdoor hobbies and you have a real winning combination. Not too long ago we decided to spend a 5 day get away camping. We packed our camping and fishing gear but I did not pack one stitch of clothing. In fact I was naked when we left home until we returned home. It would be 5 full days of wearing nothing at all with whatever exposure that brought me.We arrived at the campground early the first day. The campground was...

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The Campground

The CampgroundMy wife and I love to go to the mountains camping and hiking, specially since our k**s are grown up and we had more time for us, we both are older and settled, she is 47 while I am 49 and live had left some scars in form of some padding on the both of us, I carry my belly while my wife has only few belly but a nice big ass, and some great big breast.It was getting late when we pulled into the campground, so the only spot available for our camper was beside a small older tent,the...

3 years ago
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Laying the Groundwork

My fiancée and I always have been a bit more adventurous than the average couple when it comes to sex. While we both enjoy the sensual feeling of pure, romantic love-making, we also tend to get a bit rough and voracious when the moment calls. In the past, we had experimented with some anal play, with me initiating most of the contact on her. Fortunately for me, her hands also had wandered a few times in the shower together. Nevertheless, this was the extent of our pushing the boundaries from...

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American Royalty 1 Coming of AgeChapter 12 Grounding

“I know a lot of girls at St. Agnes who would drop their panties on a first date just to say they’d been royally screwed. You don’t need to wait for a cold fish.” Lonnie was trying to cut off Liam’s rant about not pushing anyone. “Susan is nice and she’s perfect for you. But I don’t want to date anyone like her. Neither one of you know the meaning of fidelity. She was propositioning me at the same time you were propositioning Meredith. You screwed me up on that in a big way and I don’t want...

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Red Hawk the Spear MakerPart 3 The Great Meeting Ground

“What is this wild dog and those camels doing here?” Wolfgard asked me. “The dog is a valuable member of our clan, and I will show you later, on just what the dog can do.” I responded back to him. “The camels I capture a summer ago when their mother died. I was going to kill them for food, but then thought about the dog, and I decided try and tame them. Now instead of us carrying our possessions, we can packet them on the camels.” I told him. I made a netting out of some vines...

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Dominion Chapter 2 Hunting Ground

The house trembled from its shingles to its foundations, struggling to withstand the unholy force erupting within. A scream echoed down its halls and burst through its doors and windows, every molecule of air expelled from the victim’s lungs while his face became beet-red. It was two sounds mixed together, his own pathetically human cry of agony and desperation, and the enraged howl of the beast fighting for control. “Most glorious Prince of the Heavenly Armies, Saint Michael the Archangel,...

4 years ago
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The best way to get grounded

When you’re horny… when you’re REALLY horny… you’re horny! If you’ve been there, you know what I mean. And most people over the age of 17 have been there at least once.I was at that age, one night when I was in that mood. Fortunately for me though, Sarah, my then g/f was in a similar state of sexual frustration. So when I started throwing tiny pieces of grit against her bedroom window one night, she was scared and angry, but also curries and totally turned on!Her parents were not terribly...

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A Murder Misstery Grounded

A Murder Misstery Grounded © 2008 by Nom de Plume For those who came in late, Matt McCoy - now Madeline Moreau - is on the run for a crime he did not commit, and a murder which she the saga concludes, Maddy bids her mother adieu and confronts her future. I was awakened a few minutes before landing by someone tugging on my blanket. "Strap yourself in, Maddy," Mom said urgently. "We're almost down." I sat up with a start, and after a glance out my window at...

2 years ago
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YelloweyeChapter 3 Getting Grounded

They’d worked out a pattern. Everyone had work to do and no one could spend all her time reading the book left for Ramie by her younger siblings. Nor could they handle more at one time than the hour they spent in the evening holding each other as they read. Every word the kids had written cut into the hearts of their mothers, father, and siblings. Even Aubrey, the only one not related by blood, worried that the babies might be affected by hearing the story at such a young age. But more than...

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On Blessed Grounds

Due to the pandemic, Aran had left the big city and decided to seek refuge elsewhere. Given that at the age of thirty-five, he was an established millionaire, he went through a more unique path. Aran had a house built in a more rural area of Washington, mainly away from people and more near the lake. The house was very upscale and due to remote work becoming the norm, the bachelor's home for good. One downfall of rural life was that Aran found it harder to meet women but thanks to some...

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Earths CoreChapter 6 Welcome To Glorious Ground

Zax passed his gaze at the battle that was enfolding. WHOOSH! He moved faster than anyone present could see, appearing right next the body of the first leader. Slipping his hand inside the small space between the first leader’s chest and armor, he retrieved the Pure Core along with a small sack, filled with a strange round object. In Zax previous estimation, when he used his Soul Sense to examine the Gray Lords right before their arrival, he discovered the first leader keeping close to...

2 years ago
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having fun on the playground

Under the moonlight, he was able to see through her translucent white flowing dress. He saw her slender hour glass figure, thin yet alluring as she stood against the light a deserted children’s play ground, talking about her missed childhood, and her dream.  She looked very pretty, too pretty indeed to fuck. So, he sat beside the see saw, and stopped her swing.  Without much hestitation, he slid his hands from under her knees, into the white dress and up her groin area.  This made her...

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Outdoor Anal at a Playground

It was the first week of January. I got an email from this girl named Carrie. She was extremely horny and I was the only guy she knew that could give her what she needed. Carrie and I had met on Craigslist and hooked up a few months before. She's a big girl and a technical virgin. She claims she's never had vaginal sex, but she loves anal. Our first encounter hadn't gone as well as I had liked. On top of her anal-only policy, which was new to me, she also had a thing for outdoor sex. We had met...

4 years ago
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Fun At The Campground

Introduction: A man and wife find oout about group sex Fun At The Campground My wife and I had been camping at this site for quite a few years and had met many people over that time. This time though, one particular couple gained our fancy. They were a little younger than us but had many of the same interests and especially sexual interests. They liked hiking so one day my wife went on a hike with the woman why her husband and I stayed at the camp site. The two of us talked for a while then...

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Hallowed Ground

The rectory stood empty for decades, a for sale sign stuck into the soft ground outside the wrought iron gates. The attached church hadn't been used for worship since the end of the war. When the mill went out of business, the people in the small port town went with it. All that was left were the fisherman and dockworkers, who kept to themselves, mostly. The town was stagnant and full of hollow shells of places families once called home.Angelica Hughs wasn't born in the town. She was born out...

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Hallowed Ground

The rectory stood empty for decades, a for sale sign stuck into the soft ground outside the wrought iron gates. The attached church hadn't been used for worship since the end of the war. When the mill went out of business, the people in the small port town went with it. All that was left were the fisherman and dockworkers, who kept to themselves, mostly. The town was stagnant and full of hollow shells of places families once called home.Angelica Hughs wasn't born in the town. She was born out...

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The Law of private ground

?then to show up as a bitch    TheLaw of Private Ground  Introduction Ifour government has been outstanding for something through history, that is forsure it?s exceptional capability in finding whom to blame: ?On which group to focus the population?s ragefor their own misdeeds.  Thefact would be rather trivial if not cause they use to carry it out in such asuperb way that the citizen really believe that all their problems were defacto related to and caused by that designed group, acting in...

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The Neighbors Chapter FiveApril loses her cherry at the Camp Ground

Continued form chapter four Well I'm here now and I want some of his hot sausage meat inside me too. She takes her glasses off & cheerleader outfit placing the on my night stand. She leaves her pigtails in place then joins us in my bed I'm ready now . She begins sucking sues breasts . I can't wait till they start giving milk . Do you think I could try some when it's ready?, why of course you can thank you . The only real pure breast milk I ever had was moms when I was a...

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A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 13 Seeing gold in the ground

After the nap and a snack, Tony, Willa, Willy, and puppy were out back finding out what Ben and Steven had found. There was a big hill between the house and back part of the property. Tony turned and said, “Look! What is that?” “What do you see?” Willa asked. “It looks like a great big snake under the dirt,” Tony said loud enough for Ben and Steven to hear. They both yelled, “Snake!” They grabbed Willy with the puppy chasing behind and went to get John. A few minutes later, “What are you...

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Quest Story Proving Grounds

Welcome! This place serves as a proving grounds for 'quest' type of stories. Definition of 'quest story' It's a type of story which reader can actively shape - in a simple way. In each new thread published by the author, the reader will be given a number of options, to choose from, which the story can take turn. After all the readers made their choice, the votes are counted and the options which received the most votes are selected. The following thread will be shaped depending on the options...

2 years ago
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Fair Grounds

Fair GroundsIf Only Dreams Came True...This is a short story of a dream I had.Dawn and I were at a fair in town. Like always she was dressed to kill in tight jeans, boots and a very sexy top. Every guy there was looking at her like I was not even there. We went on every ride they had and played every game there. She kept going back to the Tilt-A-Whirl and talking with the operator. She saw I was getting a little upset so she came up to me and gave me a kiss."Oh, stop getting upset I was just...

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At The Playground

Introduction: playmate at playground She showed up at the playground, when I first noticed her. My toddler daughter was playing on the structure with the ropes and slide and stuff right in the middle of the place and there was an older girl, probably of middle school age by the look of her, tall and thin with long dark hair running along with my daughter and playing right along, the two girls made good company together. After a while it was time to leave. The Florida heat was pretty intense...

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Threesome In The Playground

Hannah caught Jade’s eyes and held them, then turned her gaze out over the river, both their bodies facing the edge of the bridge while people passed by behind them. Without a word, Hannah’s hand brushed against Jade’s thigh. Jade sighed involuntarily, sinking against her soft touch. Hannah leaned over, whispering in Jade’s ear “I need to touch your pussy now”. Jade caught her breath as Hannah’s hand traced slowly, further up her inner thigh. She looked around, people continued to walk...

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Common Interests Part three

The weekend was hard, well not hard as one would think but difficult to bear with the absence of my new found lover. Somehow I wanted more, and then more again and again of the insatiable lush woman who could satisfy my every fantasy. I sat at the computer and wrote, as you have read of our time shared that she had planned for us to come together again. I saw her only once over our time parted, a pang of heat and yet guilt tracing through me as Jane stood close by and watched when Brenda...

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Common Pleasure

i. Douglas Roberts was away on a month-long business trip, and his girlfriend was missing him already. It was Saturday, normally a night spent playing Scrabble or horsing around with their ‘kids’-a shih tzu named Albrose, a labrador named Pasha along with two cats, Bella Luna and Riley. Instead, Nicola Forth found herself ambushed by her sisters Trish and Ellie. Knowing just how badly she was missing Douglas, the two had arrived at her doorstep with board games, a massive bowl of macaroni...

4 years ago
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Common Interests Part Two

I last wrote of an adventure of adultery and its reasons of the why it happened, how sweet the advent of the act came to pass and outcome of climactic orgasms and then how it had returned to a time of friendship, one not lost with the powerful pleasures we had shared, amazingly. I had thought that would be the end of the tale, nothing else worthy of the readers of my stories to read, I was wrong. God help me was I ever wrong. It had been two months since Brenda and I had committed the sin of...

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Common Interests Part Four

The story continues with the departure of Brenda’s husband and my wife as well. A house guest with benefits to say the least comes to continue our adventure and cum she does. Friday rolled around and I made it to work early as usual, Brian dropped off Brenda as usual, yet this time she came in and asked if she could borrow the keys for a minute and put a suitcase and some hung clothing into our SUV. Her husband was now on his way to the southern most part of the state. I smiled at what this...

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Common Interests Part five

I felt the covers that had lain over us stir and the absence of my lover’s body as I awoke. My eyes caught a glimpse of her bared buttocks as they disappeared into the bath room’s door. I stretched out my arms and legs luxuriously to drive the sedentary muscles of sleep from my body, it felt so good to simply relax. To know that soon Brenda would come to greet the morning with me, even though I doubted we would make love, the thought was nice to conceive. I let her have the time she needed to...

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