KennedyChapter 23: Grounded free porn video

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Kennedy walked from the jet to where Mr. Glastonbury patiently waited for her. Annie was standing by the car, her attention in every direction but hers.

"Welcome home, Miss Kennedy," her tutor said politely.

"Am I welcome?"

"Of course. I admit to being disappointed, Miss Kennedy. And if I were to characterize the extent of the disappointment, I would have to say I'm 'gravely disappointed.' You made a mistake, right?"

"Yes, sir. I nearly got four of my friends killed."

"Not the first time, though, was it?"

"No, sir."

"Well, you have to understand Slayers are always a work in progress. I don't know if there's ever been a Slayer who didn't lose any fights ... but if there ever was, I'm sure the reason she's not remembered is that she died soon after her selection."

"I still don't deal well with magic and spells; that stuff just makes my head spin. It's like I know they exist now, but I sniff in derision."

"Well, this should have resulted in your learning otherwise. Miss Kennedy, you need to get in the car."

She did, sitting in the back. Mr. Glastonbury and Annie rode up front, which, given the situation, nearly reduced Kennedy to tears.

They arrived at the house and Mr. Glastonbury shouldered one of her bags and Annie the other. "Miss Kennedy, your father will be here first thing in the morning. He wants to talk to you," Mr. Glastonbury told her.

She nodded numbly, went right up to her bed and collapsed on it. In the morning she woke early and took Lady Kennedy from her suitcase and spent two hours practicing with her.

Then Annie appeared and dipped in a curtsey. "Miss Kennedy, your father will be here in a half hour. You'll want to shower and change."

"Annie, both of us are behaving like we're walking on tacks. I swear, you don't have to."

She shrugged. "Tacks for you, high explosives for me. I am supposed to limit myself to 'professional' exchanges with you."

"Fine, be professional." Kennedy couldn't keep the hurt from her voice. The problem about good deeds and all of that was they didn't get you laid.

She walked into her father's study and he waved her into the arm chair. "Good morning, Kennedy."

"Morning, sir."

He smiled thinly. "We need to talk."

"I understand, sir."

"It's still Pete, Kennedy."

"Do you want Victoria to call you Pete?"

"No, of course not. You, Kennedy, are very nearly a professional peer. Victoria will never earn enough to pay for her credit cards."

"Is that a compliment?"

"Not exactly. Look, I don't want to mince words with you. You aren't a child, not by any means, but that doesn't mean I don't expect you to be in bed by ten, and to keep away from boys."

"The last, Pete, no problem."

He laughed. "Boys and girls. Kennedy, one of the most important lessons you learn when you start bossing people is that you have to be fair, but you also can't ignore reality. The reality here is that you are far beyond what any rational person would expect from a girl your age. Once upon a time I sought to exploit that, but you simply ignored me."

"Pete, I never noticed."

He laughed. "I suspected that. When I was a boy I read a lot of science-fiction. There was a book by John Brunner called The Long Result. In it, an alien visiting Earth had survived a commercial airliner crash. The hero thanked the alien profusely for his help with the injured survivors, then marveled at the alien's lack of desire to wreak vengeance on the terrorists who'd brought the plane down.

"It's a line that will stay with me until I die. 'When you are effectively invulnerable, you can afford to be magnanimous.'"

He smiled at the memory. "At the end of the book the hero realizes the alien, thought to be an agrarian farmer on a primitive planet, is anything but a farmer. He was, as I recall, a scientist, studying humanity. He was bio-engineered by his species for the niche he'd been in.

"That's who you are, Kennedy.

"There was another thing, too. Kenekito-madual. A nugget of truth. You, Kennedy, have access to more kenekito-maduals than I do. I recognize that. So please, one of the reasons we are here today is to discuss what we can do to stop the government's intrusion into your affairs."

"Is part of your concern about their possible intrusion into yours?"

"Of course. And your mother's, your sister's, and those of Mr. Glastonbury and Miss Brown. Everyone is involved, Kennedy."

"I'm sorry, sometimes I get so wrapped up..." She spread her hands.

"You're trying to stay alive, Kennedy. You're trying to stay a decent, sane human being. I've had this explained to me by someone other than Mr. Glastonbury. You know him. Ferinc."

"He's unusual," Kennedy said.

"Yes. And then there is Pipes. He says he admires you, because he was sure you'd use his friend's name in vain -- but you never have."

"I did use his notoriety."

"That is simple politeness, Kennedy. You were trying to give the king and that girl's father a chance to back down with grace. You have to understand that what happened was by far the more likely outcome of such a thing. Such people would never have started such a project if they were easily dissuaded."

"I know. But I can't hurt people."

"Mr. Glastonbury is a man of many talents. It's clear, however, that he thinks you skated the outskirts of the rules."

"I didn't break any rules."

"I don't think you did either, nor does Mr. Glastonbury. However, we aren't the only ones whose opinions matter. The White Plains police detective Harrison will be here after lunch. He's been asking questions and found out about Detroit."

"I'll take care of it," Kennedy said, trying to sound confident.

"Yes, I'm sure you will. But there is a problem we have; that Mr. Glastonbury and I both share. We're concerned about your desire to rush into rash decisions. Both of us feel that this is a sign of a fundamental immaturity; one that we're sure can be overcome by you easily -- when you're older.

"Therefore, Mr. Glastonbury and I have come to the conclusion that for now, you are grounded. You have become reckless. Yes, you are confident in your abilities, yes, your confidence appears to be well-founded, but there have been too many hair's-breadth escapes."

"There's someone I want to see in New York."


The single word hung naked and unadorned in the room.

"Pete, I've done some things on my own, although I've tried to consult with older, wiser heads first. Some of you encourage me a little here, a little there."

"And you're using that against us," he told her. "It's true I'm not a good parent, but that doesn't mean I haven't read books on parenting. You are trying to play us all off against each other, taking the results you like best, and ignoring the rest of us.

"One year, Kennedy. You are grounded for a year."

"I'm going to school in White Plains. If I have to run away and live on the streets, that's where I'm going to go."

"Okay. You can talk to your friends on the phone, by email or at school. I want you to look me in the eye and promise me there will be no sex for a year. There will be no further contacts with Pipes or any of those like him or Ferinc, or any of those like him, either."

Kennedy's jaw dropped. "No."

"Kennedy, do you understand that I could ask a few questions, get a few names, then go into any child welfare court in the country and get you committed to an institution? You've had how many lovers?"

She lifted her chin.

He smiled. "I never expected an answer ... but in that court you'd have to lie or face being committed for a lot longer than a year. And we would have to ask questions, under oath, of those people who are your friends."

"Pete, this isn't a good place to go. No."

From behind her she heard a soft movement she turned and looked over her shoulder and saw Mr. Glastonbury.

"Miss Kennedy, the Watchers Council has dealt with potentials and Slayers for a very long time. They have chemical preparations that will simply strip you of all of your advantages. If you don't obey, you'll go to a hospital and those drugs will be used."

Kennedy made fists, her fingernails, short as they were, cut into her palms.

She spoke carefully. "You are making a huge mistake. You are telling me that you don't trust me. The logical reverse of that is that I can't trust you. You will always think you hold a trump over my actions. That's not true."

"Miss Kennedy," Mr. Glastonbury, "the Watchers Council wants you stripped of your powers. This is a palatable alternative."

"Palatable to who? You? Them? You, Pete? I'm not stupid. I have no desire to go into a hospital. I have no desire to lose that which makes me who I am.

"So, yes, I'll agree, if you insist. If you insist, from this day forward, I'll say your names and spit. The first moment I can win my freedom, I will. And I will never, ever, trust you again. Not you, Pete, not you, Mr. Glastonbury, and never ever those idiots you call a 'Watchers Council.'"

"Miss Kennedy, you are a loose cannon," Mr. Glastonbury told her. "I know you think you can deal with these things on your own, but you can't."

"And if I was the Slayer, then what?" she said bitterly.

"You would have more leeway. Slayers are always given a great deal of slack. But, as the one Slayer in Sunnydale found out, it's not a bottomless well. At a certain point, the Council draws the line. That Slayer is a vegetable in a mental hospital today."

"Last year at camp, I learned a little about soccer. I learned a little more this year," Kennedy told them. "This is called an 'own goal.' Where you score a goal against yourself."

"Kennedy, you need to grow up some more," her stepfather said. "This is for your own good."

"If you say that one more time, the only way you'll be able to stop me from leaving this room will be lethal force. And I won't be gentle either, because all bets and restraints will be off. You want to put me in a cage and tame me. You're both fools if you think a lion changes spots in a cage."

"You're hysterical," he told her. "Please, Kennedy, you're demonstrating why this is necessary."

"And if I told you that you had to follow rules like this, you'd be just peachy keen with them, right?" Kennedy remonstrated.

"I'm an adult, with an adult's experience."

"How many times have you died, father? I've died three times. How many times have you had to kill something? I've killed six vampires. One I walked up to, held him down and shoved a table leg through his chest."

She watched them. "What? No comments? I was hoping for comments," she told them. "I could become a Slayer in the next second. Then what?"

"Kennedy, look me in the eye and agree," her stepfather demanded.

Kennedy snorted. "You don't understand, do you?"

"I understand that you are nearly unhinged, that you've become wild and, I think, a little self-destructive."

Kennedy turned to Mr. Glastonbury. "And you? What do you think?"

"Miss Kennedy, there are rules. You have to follow the rules."

"And when have I ever not followed them? You talk about me skirting the rules ... haven't you? You told me you had. You knew about Annie, too ... skirted that rule, didn't you? Did you tell the Council everything about Annie? Eh?"

He looked away. "The Council has decreed this. I cannot do anything about it."

"Fine. Tell your Watchers Council that I quit. They can ask for the time of day and I'll laugh at them. I'll accept being grounded; I will do as you say for a year. Then I'll be fifteen. That day I'll start work on getting emancipated. If that fails, the day I turn seventeen, I'm out of here. Fuck you all."

"Why don't you run away now?" Pete asked.

"I'm fourteen, moron! They'd send me back to you instantly! And what could I do, eh? Go to Pipes and get work as a button man? Sure! If either of you had the brains of a gnat, you know that's not in the cards."

"The question was will you abide by the rules as they will be laid out?" her father said evenly.

"What, are you deaf as well as stupid? How many times do I have to say I will? That does beg the question, though, if you didn't understand that simple yes, what do you understand about my leaving, and that I'm not ever going to pay attention to either of you again once the year is up?"

"In a year, Kennedy," her stepfather told her, "I expect you'll have matured a lot and have a better grasp of these things."

"In a year, I suspect you will have a lot better grasp of my meaning than I have of yours." Kennedy spun on her heel and started for the door.

"I have an agreement for you to sign," Pete told her.

"Sure," she said, turning back.

It was, she saw with disgust, nearly a dozen single-spaced typewritten pages. She read through it, with the two men standing silent, watching her. She finished it and laughed.

"No. Either parts of this are negotiable, or you'd better get the straight-jacket ready right this second."

She saw it in his eyes. So, they were ready, right this second.

"What?" her father asked.

"This part about Mr. Glastonbury. You can hire him for any reason you want. He will not, however, ever tutor me in anything, ever again. Like I said, White Plains High is non-negotiable."

She X'd out several paragraphs.

"Anything else?" her father asked resignedly.

"You have the year ending tomorrow. Today is part of this year. So it ends on yesterday's date next year, at the time you first told me of my grounding."

"Okay," he told her. She made a couple of notations.

"You have me swearing off sex. I want to add a paragraph saying that neither you, Mr. Glastonbury, or any agents of yours or his will ever monitor me in my private room. I fully intend to masturbate and I don't intend to be a running joke with the hired help. Nor do I want to see the film running on the TV news or on the Internet."

Her stepfather recoiled in surprise. "I suppose."

"You suppose? Yes or no? Where have I heard that lately?"


"Do you understand that you have every right to terminate the agreement if I violate the terms?" she asked.

"Of course."

"And I reserve the right to do the same if you do as well."


"Yes, me. You're setting limits on my behavior. If you don't agree to limits on yours, the deal's off."

He sat staring at her. Kennedy suppressed her desire to tell him that he was still free to pull out of this folly.

He wrote on the last page of the contract, two paragraphs. "On severability," he told her. She read it and nodded. She went through and initialed the changes, then signed it.

He signed it, and started to pull it away. Kennedy swooped down and picked it up. "This is my copy," she told him.

"It's mine," he insisted.

She laughed. "I'll stand here and you can run a copy over there," she pointed to a copier in one corner of his office. "I'll still take the original."

He laughed. "My, my! No one is going to have to teach you much about business or negotiating!"

"Pete, I'll be the first to admit I don't know everything. I thought I was being well-taught. Now I find it was all a sham, baubles handed out for good behavior. Now, I'll find my own way. And if that way isn't what you would have preferred, reflect on this day, when you could have kept your say, had you just kept control of yourself."

"Kennedy you are still so young ... so vulnerable..."

"Once again: how many vampires have you killed? When was the last time you turned back a magic attack? A world class hypnotist?"

His face hardened. Hers did too.

She turned and Mr. Glastonbury went to block her path. She dumped him casually on the floor without effort, spat in his face and kept going.

She went to her room, locked the door, buried her head under her pillow and cried.

The tears lasted about five minutes, then she realized she was making their case.

She sat up, pulled her phone to her and called Harriet and explained the new rules. Harriet sighed. "You know me, Kennedy. That's what it's been like that here since New Year's."

Same as Kennedy
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The walls of the transporter room came into focus as the newly promoted Lieutenant completed her transfer from the high-speed transport that had been her home for the last two days. Quarters aboard Hermes had been cramped to say the least, but they were little better than she expected to find here on Crockett. A patrol cruiser with a crew of twenty-eight, its accommodations were going to be very unlike those she’d had back on Enterprise. Especially those she had enjoyed as a Captain’s...

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Shutter ReleaseChapter 39 Gone to Ground

On the day that our connection was severed, I was roused by a warm hand caressing my face, the fingers leaving behind energetic currents. “Good morning, my love...” I opened my eyes all at once. The sun was just barely tinting the sky, and I was disoriented, wondering why the couch felt odd. It took me a moment to realize that I was down in the main house. Memories abruptly returned in a panicked rush. The night before, after partying for a while, the three of us had taken to Lara’s old bed...

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Ownership 2 The Breeding Grounds

All over the world slave labour was a much needed thing, anything menial then the whites and their cohorts would do the job. No questions asked. Don't like that idea well this isn't a democracy where they give a shit about what you whiteys think and quite frankly neither do we. Matthew had grown up being groomed for one day taking over the families main facility in California where he lived. His brothers would help to run the other facilities such as the auction house. Once Matthew had...

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For the Love of Another Episode 4 New Grounds

When morning came to the apartment, Nate had left, gone to class for the first time in a week. Melisa and Allison were left to sleep alone without even knowing it. When Nate had vacated the bed earlier that morning, he left a small space between the two girls, but when Melisa had awoken, she found her legs wound around the other girl and her arms around her shoulders. Mel’s dark eyes opened to see the resting eyes of the other girl two inches from her face. She could taste her breath and feel...

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The Training Grounds

It's really early and your just opening up the gym. Today is Saturday and that means there are only private lessons, and that suits you just fine. This place you've got is huge! It has a full cardio center with bikes and shit. It has of course, a weight lifting section, and all of the accoutrements. However it has a spa, complete with sauna, hot tub, and massage. It also has facilities for gymnastics and a pool. Today you are the only trainer. The only other staff present is the physical...

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Pacification Ground

…Hush! She whispered. Don’t move. I won’t hurt you… “Here you are, Mr Leon," I said. “Your prescription meds. Remember to take them once a day before you go to bed.” “Thanks, doc," the hunched elderly gentleman said softly, adjusting his black trench coat, voice husky. He wore a well-weathered grey hat over a thin mat of greying hair that was neatly swept back. Gentle grey eyes glanced knowingly across the room and met mine before his smile wrinkles deepened. “Fret not, Mr Leon. We’ll do a...

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Seniors retirement home is my happy hunting ground

Hi my name is Sam and being a devoted granny lover and fucker since I was 14, I decided to retrain as a care home worker when I was 50 in the belief that I would have a ready supply of old ladies to play with. And I wasn’t wrong. The place I preferred the best was private and expensive that catered for rich old biddies who were still fairly healthy but their families had dumped them, never came to visit, and waited for their inheritance. Shits, the lot of them. So, I took it upon myself to keep...

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Stand Your Ground

The sirens and flashing lights jolted Clara Mangum from her slumber. She reached for her glasses on the nightstand. The digital clock read 12:09. Shocked by the uncommon activity outside, she shook her husband. “Lesley,” she said. “Wake up!”“Huh,” grunted the 78 year-old, light-skinned man.“Wake up,” she admonished him. “Something’s going on outside.”“Hang on,” he sat up slowly.Lesley put his feet on the floor and felt around for his fleece-lined, suede slippers. He eased them on and affixed...

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For the Love of Another Episode 4 New Grounds

When morning came to the apartment, Nate had left, gone to class for the first time in a week. Melisa and Allison were left to sleep alone without even knowing it. When Nate had vacated the bed earlier that morning, he left a small space between the two girls, but when Melisa had awoken, she found her legs wound around the other girl and her arms around her shoulders. Mel’s dark eyes opened to see the resting eyes of the other girl two inches from her face. She could taste her breath and feel...

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15 High Ground

6:25 A.M., Saturday, June 20, 2015 Honolulu, HI Paula Akron awoke to growing noise and brightness. She found herself inside some sort of weird woody cave. When she saw a little girl in one of her own sundresses lying next to her she suddenly remembered what was going on. “Hey Paul, I mean Lucy,” she whispered. “Wake up. It’s morning.” The boy’s eyes focused slowly as he sat up. “You almost look like a boy,” he mumbled. “Hey!” With memory came full wakefulness. And, unfortunately, full...

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Missed CallChapter 2 Got Me Ten Feet Off the Ground

"I just wish ... I just wish that for ten seconds I could sit next to you and not have to please you, or hook up with you, or give you something to make you happy. God..." "Look, we knew that this was just hooking up from the start ... you obviously thought that it was something more..." "Excuse me? I thought it was something more? You're the one who wouldn't let me go to movies with my best guy friend!" "Because I knew he wanted to get in your fucking pants! I was watching out...

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Discussion QuestionsChapter 4 The Equinox Party breaks new ground

I guess the word got back to Mike and Tina, and Bob and Kate that we'd entered into a new and sexier phase of our relationships with the others. John and Steve came by a couple of times in the two-week interval between the parties, and so did Brenda. In each case, they were alone with us after our kids went to sleep, and so the two of us could focus on our guest to make them feel welcome and loved. John and Steve each got to make love several times to Stacy, and I did Brenda a couple of...

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Little SisterChapter 18 Breaking Ground

Nothing is ever as easy or simple as it looks from afar. I had finals to give and papers to grade. If anything, the number of students asking advice increased. Still, I had unusual amounts of free time. I used much of it to check in on my nine assistants. Evaine was also in Anthropology. Her paper on Amish adjustments to the 21st century would be Magna Cum Laude. Elspeth received her PhD, though without honors. I felt badly about that, considering how much time she devoted to my paper, but...

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After the Energists Championships Concerts CompletionChapter 42 Burn It To The Ground

Althouse College Gymnasium, London 9:11pm, Friday, December 28, 1979 When I pulled into the parking space reserved for us behind Althouse College, a security guard came running up to my deep purple Barracuda. As Wayne and I got out, this rotund man yelled, “Hey! That spot is reserved for members of the band playing, tonight. You’ll have to find some other place to park.” “If this spot is reserved for the band,” Wayne calmly replied as he walked to the front of my car, “then we’re in the...

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Not the Marrying KindChapter 8 Common Ground

He stood up and took my hand as we made our way to my bathroom. I led slightly even though he would have found his way there eventually. Walking past the two walk-in closets that faced each other, he looked to the right toward my exercise room off the bathroom. We turned and opened the frosted glass door that separated the hall from my large master bath. I had a huge tiled shower with frosted glass walls and door. Stepping into the shower I turned the water on. The shower had a temperature...

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The Fete of Versailles

Monsieur Colbert, the King’s superintendant, failed to save the Louvre as the seat of France’s Monarchy, and so always for the interests of his sovereign he oversaw the funding and such of Louis XIV’s love, the Palais de Versailles. In the spirit of the aptly named Grand Century, the best artisans and architects to be found were often the very best, and the old Palais was soon surrounded by so splendorous buildings and gardens to make it a dream scape. Fantastic paintings and statuary of...

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Xmas fun

Suddenly we are stopped on our tracks as we hear you say "lucky bitch she looks happy". We didn't hear you come in .You look absolutely stunning dressed in a Father Christmas outfit with black stockings and suspenders. The lads looked pretty embarrassed and Stan goes to switch the video off. Don't switch it off on my account you tell us. I am just going to change my clothes for something more comfortable. We carry on watching the video. You come back in the living room in a nightdress and...

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The Party13

I retired from law enforcement when I was 50 yrs old. My wife and I rented out our house and moved to Washington State. I got a job on the docks as a longshoreman in Seattle and after a year I had a “Fuck this” note on my kitchen table. My wife had left me and took my truck to move herself back south. I sat at the table and thought ‘it’s over.’ There was a loud knock at the door and I figured it must be some of my longshoremen buddies pretending to be cops again. They like to tease me about...

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The Presence Of The Unexplained

I am five feet flat, I have double D breasts and curves in all the right places. It all started June fifth, 2011 when I first felt "its" presence. It was a wonderful feeling. I knew why "it" was here. It wanted what I had and I had the intention to give it away. The next few weeks were normal. I would get up and feel "it" drift by. It was on November of that same year that I finally found out what "it" looked like. "It" started to form in front of me, which presented me with the fact that "it"...

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Mr Miller Begins Using me

Introduction: This is a sequel to Cornfield Rape This is a sequel to Cornfield Rape — Its fantasy. I didnt know how long Id been unconscious but from the light outside it was past morning. I also knew no one was going to miss me, Id told my parents I was spending the weekend with my friends the ones who had sent me into the cornfield and gotten me into this mess to begin with. I was tied to the bed naked, my arms above my head and each leg to a corner so I was spread wide open. I ached all...

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Incestuous Mind Control Explodes Chapter 8 Sharing His Slutty Daughter

A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Eight: Sharing His Slutty Daughter By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Deidre's mind reeled as she stared at the swollen belly of her eighteen-year-old daughter, Alexis. Cindy and Mindy's words that the two rapidly growing children inside Alexis were the true Gemini gods dazed her. That Alex and Alexis using the Halo was all part of Dr. Blavatsky's plan was such a powerful...

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Feminist SororityChapter 2

Life in a sorority, or rather this sorority, was not what Brandon expected. It sure wasn’t what Jason hoped it would be. They had moved in immediately; their stuff already having been moved by some guys who had obviously been promised some sexual favors. Since the blowjob contest with the rainbow girls, they had been here a week, and nothing even close like what they experienced happened again. Brandon studied, Jason hit on girls and college life went on as usual. Brandon did learn much...

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PurgatoryX Skylar Snow Paisley Porter Fertility Clinic Episode 3

Paisley (Paisley Porter) and Seth (Seth Gamble) finally get their long awaited appointment with the best Fertility Clinic around. After the meet and greet, Dr. Dera leads Paisley to the exam room as Nurse Snow accompanies Seth to the waiting room. Dr. Dera’s creepy and unorthodox methods soon make Paisley question the doctor’s credentials but the naïve hopeful is so desperate to become impregnated that she allows the exam to continue. Meanwhile, Seth is quite upset at what he’s seeing on the...

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Every Inch A NymphChapter 5

Melanie Patton squinted her eyes against the brilliant sunshine flooding the bedroom past the half-open curtains and then groaned, rolling over onto her back. Oh, God! Whatever had she done last night, she thought as her heart started pounding wildly in her chest. She was still wearing the clothes she had worn last night-- the skirt bunched around her slender waist revealing the smooth white expanse of her belly and the small golden thatch of her softly curling pussyhairs. Her body was...

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My wife enjoying a strippers show

My sexy wife had heard about a brand new male strip club, just a few miles from town. Her slut girlfriend Helena had told her about the place and then Anita felt anxious to go there. She was always complaining that is unfair for women; because they never have the opportunity of enjoying to see naked macho men on stage…Then Anita told me if we could go there and I said it was fine for me. She had seen many huge dicks before; including black ones…On next Saturday we drove up to the strip club.Ana...

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Jedadiah Jones

“Daddy!” Bonnie cried and gave me this terrified look. Oh shit! I pulled out of Bonnie’s cunt and stood up. I turned around and faced a well-dressed middle aged dude whose face was progressively turning darker shades of red. He kept looking at first my face and then my dick. I knew I was in trouble but he could see I was wearing a condom. I figured that might count in my favor since I was fucking his daughter in a responsible manner, right? Apparently not. He rushed up and slapped me...

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The Legend of The Pit

Chapter 1 Mark Withers sat on the edge of his sofa in his livingroom, leaning over the coffee table in front of him. On the floor between his feet was an open cardboard box. Strewn about on the coffee table were letters, photographs, greeting cards and various other momentous that his ex-girlfriend, Denise, had given him. He and Denise had broken up just over a week previous, ending their three-year relationship. Now Mark was left alone in the house that they had been renting, with nothing but...

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TeensLoveBlackCocks Destiny Love Switching Teams For Black D

Destiny Love is a little tired of all the cunt bumping she has been doing in the past year. So, even though it is her one year anniversary with her cute blonde girlfriend, she is a little distracted when our stud shows up to the park to work out. Destiny ditches her girl and takes him behind some trees so that she can suck his big black cock. It feels so good having a huge shaft in her mouth after all these long months of cooch licking. Then, they take it inside and she spreads her legs for his...

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Incest Deluxe By Blueheatt ____Knock it off you two&hellip,&hellip,that was what my Mom said loud enough for our dad to hear. Dad had seen my brother and I playing grab ass and told our mom to go and scold us. She went on and on loudly to tell us not to touch each other, keep our bedroom doors closed and to keep covered with our robes when we had on our night clothes. Mom stood in the doorway to keep a eye on dad in the living room as she rambled on. Our mom was so cool, she was the best in...

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The GovernorChapter 19 Meacutenage agrave trois

It had been an idle threat made under pressure, that's all. "If you move your hands," he'd mocked her, so long ago that now seemed. "I'll bend you over, spread your cheeks and stick ten inches of cock up your ass, and then, when I've had what I want of your body, I'll put a noose round your neck and I'll hang you! So don't you dare move an inch... not an inch..." It had been an idle threat that one makes without thought to the consequence, a promise made in a moment of madness,...

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I wish my wife was this dirty Part II It turns

Anita’s storyI woke up the next morning to the sound of the shower. The fog cleared from my brain and the delicious events of the previous evening swam into my mind. A bashful bath-robed Anita appeared from the bathroom and began to speak “I… I don’t know quite what…” “I don’t know either” I interrupted, “but it was wonderful”. We smiled at each other. “Perhaps it might be better if there was no explanation, for now”. “OK” Anita replied “but I want to, I just don’t know where to begin at the...

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