Degrees Of Lewdity
- 2 years ago
- 33
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I've once seen a picture of a tied up Tinkerbell, her magic wand used by someone, probably Peter, but I don't remember anymore, to... , well, you probably can guess. And now, as Ann was telling me about Bella the 'nympho-pixie', that image kept coming back to my mind. The pixie tied up, helpless, her translucent little wings rendered useless by the ropes and chains that held her in place or because she wanted to obey, was determined not to use them and fly away, leaving a trail of pixie dust, but stay where Ann wanted her to stay.
And every time Mistress told me about another scene I saw a tiny, almost fragile girl with translucent wings, flooded with light or deliberately kept in the semi-dark, Ann moving about, camera in hand, part like a tiger stalking its prey, part like a painter who knows what she wants to paint, knows exactly what the picture will look like once it's finished, even knows where to begin but enjoys that moment when there's still an empty canvas, still all options available. Or, since I can't seem to find the right words, just like Ann when she is fully concentrated on what she is doing. You'd have to see her, then you'd know what I mean.
In the beginning I didn't really know why she told me about Bella at all. I mean, we were comfortably lying on the rug, sipping wine, bodies touching, her thigh warming mine, every once in a while one would be leaning in to the other for a kiss, which more often than not became much more than just a kiss. No, I didn't really understand why Mistress told me about the pixie. She had said that I was the only one. She also had said that it was her duty to care for the girls and I had understood that. Now, after I've experienced a few times how intensive and ... draining it could be to serve, I understood it even better. And if doing her job properly involved caring for the girls then I'd be the last who wouldn't want her to do her job properly. But gradually I began to understand why Ann told me.
In the end there wasn't anything left to say except for "I love you," although those three words didn't even begin to get close to what I was feeling. But luckily there are more and better ways to tell the one you love that you love her and they didn't involve talking, which would have been difficult anyway since our lips were glued together for quite some time.
Her talk about the upcoming photo shoot left me a bit nervous. It wasn't what she told me that made me nervous, but what she deliberately left out. Also, the thought of having to go to the leather-maker, probably strip to have him take measurements, wasn't too comforting. But at the same time I also felt that excitement I had felt before we went to the party. For a moment I wondered whether I would ever get used to that mix of feelings, or whether I wanted to actually get used to it.
What I knew, though, was that I'd be at Ann's studio as early as possible to go to the leather-makers with her. After all, Ann wasn't the only one who took some pride in doing her job properly.
My mind must have drifted away a bit for Ann's next words came rather unexpected. Either I was an open book to her or there were little question marks in my eyes, like the dollar signs in Scrooge McDuck's eyes. "Now you have something to say to me, don't you... ??"
Returning her smile, I sipped the last of the wine in my glass and put it away. "Yes, several things." Only then did it occur to me that maybe it wasn't appropriate to just go ahead and announce that I'd be going to Switzerland for the holidays and to Boston in January. Maybe slaves weren't supposed to do that. But then again, I wasn't sure whether I was a slave to begin with. I didn't even have much of a clue what the difference between a submissive and a slave was.
So many questions. At least I had an idea where to start.
"Today one of the students took me aside and told me that she was at the brunch too. She wants to talk about ... well, being a submissive and I think talking to a fellow sub would be good for me, too. And now I want to ask whether that's OK?"
Ann didn't have to think long. "I would never forbid you from speaking to anyone, at least not without a very good reason, one I'd explain to you first." She paused, all the time looking into my eyes. "All I do expect is that you take care not to reveal too much to those you don't know, and trust."
That made sense. And with Sanne being in about the same place as I was I didn't think there was much risk involved if I talked to her. "Good, I had hoped this would be your answer. And yes, I'll take care of what I reveal and to whom."
"Good girl," Ann said smiling while I blushed a bit. Partly because I wasn't too used to being praised but mostly because it still felt weird to be addressed as a girl. If someone would do that in German I'd probably roll laughing on the floor. Someone doing it in Swiss German was even more out of the question. "You have to remember that not everyone can afford their private lives becoming public, in the same way that the pictures I take of you will never show your face, not enough to ever identify you. Unless they are just for us," Mistress went on and even if I hadn't felt how I blushed even more at the thought of taking more photos I'd known that I was blushing from the way she was grinning.
I didn't see a problem with what she had said. Chances of me saying more than I should were slim. It was much more likely that I wouldn't manage to talk about being a submissive at all, or only just about. Also, I didn't see a problem telling Karin what I had told her so far.
"There is more I need to tell you and talk about with you, but first I ... well I wondered how it works. Us, I mean. Like, when I want to go to Switzerland, visit friends and family, do I have to get permission or does it work like with any other couple?"
This time she took a sip of wine before she answered. "Yes and no. Firstly, anything concerning your family takes precedence, whatever plans we make will always come second, so no, not permission exactly, just tell me in the same way you would if we were just lovers and not Mistress and slave as well." Mistress leaned forward and kissed my forehead, leaving a glowing hot spot when she leaned back and continued. "For other things, yes, you need my permission, or just my guidance, like asking me if you can talk to another, you did right to ask first."
I returned her smile. "And how do I know?"
"That is easy, if in doubt, ask ... in time you'll know instinctively, but for now, just ask, no secrets, remember?" Right, could have thought of this solution myself. "You can ask or tell me anything, anytime, just as I told you about Bella."
Her mentioning Bella made the picture of the bound Tinkerbell flash through my head again and I giggled. "Just something I thought of when you talked about her earlier. A silly image of a bound Tinkerbell." I just hoped Mistress wasn't already plotting a photoshoot with me as a bound Tinkerbell. "But what I really need to tell you and ask you is that I want to go home ... well, no, home is here, but to Switzerland for the holidays, to meet friends, family, see my godchild Mia. And I wanted to ask you if you want to come along, too."
I didn't expect her to say yes or no immediately, but once again Ann surprised me. "Of course I want to go with you," she said with a loving smile. "We need to decide dates, so I can arrange things at the studio and with Dee, but yes, of course I want too."
"Woohoo! Great!" I beamed, leaned forward and kissed her for a long time. When the kiss finally came to an end we were Mistress and sub again. Or at least I was back in sub mode, for Ann had slipped her fingers into my hair and curled them and now she was holding me. Not tight, not at all, but enough to make me aware, very aware.
But despite all that, despite the heat traveling from the root of my hair to my crotch I still remembered that I hadn't told her everything. "And finally, I'll have to travel to Boston in January for a colloquium. That should be everything I wanted to ask you and talk about." Better make sure I came to an end as long as I could still think straight.
However, Ann wasn't done yet. "Like family, your career comes first, always."
"Yes, OK."
Then apparently a thought struck her. "Say, are the costs of the Boston trip paid for you? Or do you have to pay them?"
"I pay them. But with what I get for that photo shoot it won't be a problem." Whether it was a problem or not wasn't what had been on Ann's mind, though. "Then tell me," she said in a serious voice, "that is not why you agreed to do the shoot, not just for the money?"
I was a bit surprised. "I think I said yes even before you told me about the money, Mistress."
Ann relaxed and smiled. "Good. I want you to model for me, but it is your choice, always. I will order you to do things, many things, but not something like that, not for work or money, only ever for us."
"Yes Mistress. I do it because I want to do it, for you and a little bit for me too. Because I'm curious." I paused, thinking about what exactly I was curious about. "Curious how it is to model for you."
"And you'll find out, in detail. They say curiosity killed the cat and satisfaction brought it back. I promise you'll be safe and satisfied." Ann paused, her smile turning wicked as she winked. "Eventually."
She tightened the grip on my hair and pulled me closer, the kiss now completely different than the one before. With just holding my hair we had become Mistress and slave again I thought as I melted against her body, my mouth open, her tongue pushing mine back as it claimed what was hers. I knew there wouldn't be any play tonight, not after the bottle of wine we had shared, but that was fine. Mistress had me in her grip, she tasted fantastic, she smelled even better and she felt wonderful. What more could a girl ask for than that? Time to enjoy all that, of course, but we had lots of that, too.
By the time Ann laid me on my back and her hand slid up my thigh beneath the skirt I could already feel my juices run down into the crack of my ass. And by the time we went to bed we both would have been in acute danger of dehydration hadn't we been smart enough to replace the lost liquids right from the source.
In my opinion, one of the best feelings to experience is the tingling and buzzing in one's pussy the day after having made love, or fucked, or had sex, whatever you want to call it, for the better part of the night. Provided the sex, the fucking, the making love had been good, of course. Well, maybe the tingling and the buzzing is the same, even if the sex was bad, but it won't make you feel as great as when it had been good.
Ours certainly had been very good and so I walked to University after I had kissed Mistress good bye for the day with a broad smile glued to my face. It stayed there the whole day and when I packed my bag and headed for Ann's studio it widened even more, especially after I stopped, pulled up my hoody and pulled a bit on the chain so that the pendant dangled and brushed against what it was supposed to dangle and brush against.
Dee was busy with a customer and told me to head straight on to the back. "She's already waiting for you. You don't want her having to wait too long."
I didn't. I didn't want myself to have to wait any longer to seehearfeeltastesmell my Mistress even less.
There are days that sparkle on the beach of memory, others that wash away, eroded by the ebb and flow of life. That day would soon fade, all the more so when set against an evening such as I had planned.
Dee was monosyllabic that morning when I arrived at the gallery, never a good sign, but expected after a visit from Bella. Over the years I've learnt to read Dee and recognised the pattern, perhaps even before she did herself, so I settled myself in the office, resisted the urge to review yesterdays shots, first pain then the pleasure. Paperwork is pain so I dealt with it as swiftly as possible, and waited.
When Dee finally joined me it was ten-thirty. Placing my favourite mug on the coaster besides my keyboard she wrapped both her hands around her own mug and stepped back, perching herself on the corner of the desk. We both knew she needed to talk, needed the release of speaking the hurt aloud, yet robbed of her usual quick wit and caustic banter Dee spoke in shorthand.
"She stayed the night."
"Thank you for taking care of her for me."
"We talked."
"You two always talk."
"She ... she pushed."
"She asked me, but the answers are not mine to give."
"She ... I ... she..." Dee lifted her head for the first time that day and looked directly into my eyes. "I said nothing ... but ... I showed her..." What lurked deep in Dee's eyes now rose vivid and angry, buried emotions, fears, need.
"Nothing ... I showed her, she stopped pushing, this morning she left."
"She'll be back."
"I ... she ... you liked her, I'm sorry."
"Give her time. She'll be back." Before Dee could reply the doorbell sounded, "I'll go."
"No. My job, my commission ... bitch..." Dee stood, the look in her eyes locked away once more, visibly steeling herself as she stood and headed for the door, then paused. "Ann?"
"Thank you ... Ma'am."
Before I could reply she was already flying up the corridor to attend to the customer. I smiled, thought over what she had said, filling in the gaps as I went, added what I knew of Bella. I smiled again, it would be ok, in the end.
By midday the gallery was unusually busy, Dee in whirlwind mode, so I slipped out and went to fetch us lunch, walking the extra distance to Dee's favourite Deli, a treat for a friend, nothing would be said, but she would know, that was all that mattered.
The afternoon fled before an avalanche of nympho-pixie, the camera loves her, from any angle, however close, it just loved her. If I closed my eyes I could recall each frame, shutter speed, exposure, most especially the picture framed in the viewfinder. None of that helped, none of it prepared me for an afternoon with a nympho-pixie filling the entire screen. So by late afternoon I was well primed to commit ravishment, just how well became apparent when Dee brought more EG, took one look at me and bolted for the door with theatrical haste, pleading to be spared and promising to send me a sacrificial virgin.
Perhaps it was coincidence that Zoe arrived so soon after Dee had fled, perhaps it was just karma, either way my girl never knew what hit her, never had a chance, right then, right there I took her, ravished her, owned her.
Zoe had no sooner entered the office that I almost leapt on her, too late for words, much too late as my kiss devoured her even as my fingers hurriedly stripped her naked, then, left hand gripping her hair, right hand pressed against her sex, trapping the pendant in her wetness, my fingers invaded her heat and I felt her melt against me. My heartbeat loud in my ears as I held her tight.
Still fully dressed and my initial passion spent, I needed release, needed it now. Breaking the kiss I pushed my girl to her knees, my grip on her hair firm, forceful, urgent, then pulled her open mouth to my soaking cunt and held her tight as her tongue opened me up.
There is something very sensual about being fully dressed whilst your girl is naked, especially if she is on her knees and enthusiastically proving her devotion. Especially when everything happened so quickly, without warning, that her eyes still show surprise, even as they burn with her own passion.
As aroused as I had been before her arrival, it was my girl's eyes that turned my desire into uncontrollable need, turned hot wet passion into a liquid inferno. I don't often scream as I cum, not that loud, not so much that I expel all the air from my lungs and fight to breathe again, dizzy with the effort, mentally drained from the intensity, physically drained to, though my girl did her best to swallow every drop, still some flooded out to coat her face and spill down over her breasts, down her body to dribble over her sex. It took time to recover, for the kaleidoscope to fade and my vision to clear, time my girl used to lick me clean, her arms around my thighs, holding tight. And all the time her eyes had remained fixed on mine.
At that moment explanations were needed, except that there were no words, not then. At that moment Zoe was my slave, needing nothing but to please me, as I in turn needed her, perhaps more than she realised, much more than I had realised, until now. It was not just a fleeting quickie, a one sided outburst of lust, what passed between us went far deeper, another step closer.
Right then our path lay in the direction of the shower, where I led my girl, fingers still entwined in her hair, even as my other hand worked to remove my own clothes. A trail of discarded clothing across the Dungeon, the shower hot, my girl even hotter, as for me, I was feeling wicked.
When we stepped from the shower we where both dripping with water, only my slave was dripping from her pussy. In my wickedness I had done everything to wash and rinse, whilst my lips and tongue matched my fingers skill at taking her right to the edge, and holding her there...
My girl's need was plain to see, the look in her eyes, the unconscious undulations of her hips, her hand straying towards her sex then pulling away as she realised what she was doing, I smiled and continued towelling her dry, everywhere but her sex, that would take more than a few bath towels to dry, much more, especially as I made sure to give the pendant a gentle flick every so often, just to keep it moving. Wickedness, thy name is Mistress.
I would have hooked a finger into my girl's pussy to lead her out of the changing room, but I doubted she could get across the studio without cumming, so closely was she to the edge, so I simply left my fingers in her hair and gripped tight as I led her away. Perhaps her need to cum distracted her, but she walked without hesitation, not yet comfortable in her nudity, but getting there.
We had a little time left before we needed to leave for the fitting at the leather-makers, thanks to Zoe's early arrival. I had not planned on having her change, or dress differently, but why pass up the opportunity? So instead of the office I led her to the dressing room and on into the adjoining store room that held the majority of the costumes and accessories. It took only moments to select a suitable collar and leash, the collar a wide metal band lined with neoprene, the leash made from chain, with a leather buckled strap at one end and a snap-link at the other, perfect.
As I fitted the collar around my girl's neck, she smiled yet her eyes looked questioning, unsure of what I intended, yet confident enough to accept it. I let the chain dangle from the front ring of the collar, the cool metal links brushing against her body, which trembled with her need as I let my fingers play briefly across her nakedness, fingers tweaking her nipples before leaving her to simmer whilst I selected the items I wanted to complete her outfit.
The sleeveless woollen tube dress was several sizes too small, perfect. It also had a full length zip at the back, which made dealing with Zoe's splint easy, even though it stretched very tightly as I closed the back and zipped it up, the heavy wool moulding to my girl's body, showing every curve, her perfect ass looked delicious. Then the long trench coat, after placing the leather strap of the leash in her 'good' hand, I helped her on with the coat, leaving her splinted arm inside, that sleeve hanging empty. After a side trip to the office and studio to retrieve her shoes and my clothes, which I put back on quickly, we were ready to go, or almost ready. Taking the leash's leather strap from my girl I wrapped it around my wrist and tightened the buckle. Her grin of understanding made me smile.
Zoe "You want something... ?" I kneeled at Mistress' feet and I was just, well, arousal. My whole mind, my whole body, my whole being wanting just one thing: Release. For a second I thought what a stupid question this was, until I realized she was teasing. That's how far gone I was. "Yes, Mistress, please allow me to cum ... please..." I begged, but those were just the words I said. I'm sure the begging my eyes and body did was far more intense. However, I wasn't granted release,...
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Zoe "Between us there can be no secrets." I wasn't sure how I felt about that. Well, of course, total honesty is what everybody, or at least everybody who isn't a crook, wants. I don't think I'm a crook, liar or cheater, at least I very much hope I'm not, so I'm no exception to this rule. But total honesty requires total trust. It also requires to be comfortable enough with one's own feelings to talk openly about them. As for being able to talk and be open about my own feelings and...
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Zoe Once again sleep was elusive. But this time I didn't mind. This time I had so many nice images on my mind and for once no questions surfaced, or at least no questions that worried me or needed to be answered immediately. Time and again my fingers touched the chain, as if to make sure it still was where it belonged, time and again I clenched my pussy around Ann's fingers inside me, as if to make sure they still let me feel that I was hers. I thought of how the petite girl had danced...
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Zoe Perversions ... we sure saw some. Quite a lot, actually. Things I couldn't have imagined even in my wildest dreams, things that looked interesting enough, things that made me want to try them out as soon as possible. I tried not to be judgmental about what I saw, but it's difficult not to be judgmental when your body reacts instinctively to what your eyes see. And maybe it's not so bad to have a strong reaction when you see a woman's back ornamented with a couple dozen needles. At...
Zoe There was so much that needed talking about. My holidays, some questions that had popped up during the brunch, the trip to Boston, the flat I still rented but never went to. That needed to be talked about soon, not just because of the money, I'd pay at least the same amount to Ann as I paid Winters now. But ... well, when I had let myself in, stripped and went to join Mistress it had really felt like coming home. A feeling I never had in that other place. It was a place to sleep, eat,...
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Phillippa flicked the ash at the end of her cigarette onto the dusty earth outside the window. She watched it fall from where she sat on the passenger seat of the rented four-wheel drive and contemplated its dispersal in the slight breeze. She inhaled another centimetre of cigarette and reluctantly tossed the butt onto the earth where it smouldered. It burnt off its final centimetre of ash before extinguishing itself. She regarded it sadly and wondered whether she might have to light up...
Paul's forehead juddered against the thick glass of the window as the bus sped over the uneven sunbaked tarmac, forcing him to jerk his head back. He studied the trees and villas the bus passed on this longer dash between stops, all brightly illuminated by the late morning Mediterranean sun. He rubbed his forehead uneasily and let it slump again onto the glass. At least he wasn't feeling like shit this morning, like he did most mornings on his three week stay in Ibiza. He had done well to...
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It was a beautiful summer day. I was out driving with no real destination in mind, taking the scenic route. This included a ferry that I usually avoided due to the delays involved.When my turn in line came, I drove my pickup down the loading ramp and was directed to the right side of the ferry.This was a small boat with a short crossing. There were signs posted stating that motorists were encouraged to remain in their vehicles, parking break set and motor off for safety. I turned off my motor...
ExhibitionismI was hanging around Dallas/Fort Worth International airport. Having flown in from the west coast on an earlier plane, I was waiting for a flight to New York to catch my London plane later in the day. I'd been visiting my sister in Sydney and, to be honest, things had gone a little awry on me. Out of laziness and overconfidence (I'd never had a problem before) I'd left booking my return flights until the last very minute. Only to discover that all flights from Sydney to London were fully...
A few days later I showed up at The Shillelagh, sidled up to the bar and requested a brew. Liam chuckled. It never got old. I was seated at a table when Darcy walked in. I waved her over. She kissed me on the lips. She was not FBI. I lied about having been so busy. She pretended to believe me. She said, "Why don't we catch up?" I thought we had been catching up, but then I saw the twinkle in her eyes. I got up, put an arm around her shoulder and headed for the door. I would genuinely...
The American war machine moved into Saudi Arabia. It laid waste to every site of resistance that it encountered. Rather than moving in a long linear front, the flocks of Pigeons were sent out in pincher movements that surrounded an area and then moved in towards the center. This tactic contained the battle inside the urban areas while protecting areas that had surrendered from escaping terrorists. Rail guns pounded the urban areas to great effect. Saudi Arabia fell in three days. Mike’s...
Julia Pink is a saucy German MILF and in Private Gold, Hausfrau Holidays 2 she has come to Costa Brava to enjoy the warm summer sun with old friend Dorian del Isla. Watch as this busty blonde treats her man to a face full of her huge tits and pussy before returning the favour with an incredible sloppy blowjob, MILFs really know how to suck a dick that’s for sure. Then watch as Julia hops on for a ride and puts those curves to work, enjoying a nice anal fuck outdoors on the sunbed, culminating...
xmoviesforyouJackie: Driving away from the airport, I was once again feeling very guilty. Sneaking around behind my husband's back was something I had thought I would never do, let along have a groping session in an airport hallway. My good Catholic upbringing was shocked and somewhat troubled. "What has gotten into me?" I shouted as I drove onto the expressway. I saw the humor in my last comment, and smiled to myself. What had NOT gotten into me was what George had HIS heart set on getting into me!...
Note : This story is completely fictional! I washed my face in the showers and tried to clean my mouth by allowing scorching hot water to burn my tongue. I had to get the taste of cum and redneck cock out of my mouth. I was hoping the water would take my mind off the man I had just let face fuck me, but all I could think about was his moaning when he was just about to climax and how he laughed as he sputtered his cream all over me. The more I thought about it the sicker I felt. As I was trying...
BisexualThe morning dawned sunny, for the first time in forever. Leliana woke, still wrapped in Nathaniel’s arms, finally starting to warm up as warm sunlight shone through the cave’s opening. She heard snoring, and realised that the handsome archer must have finally fallen asleep. She blushed when she remembered the night they’d spent, the kissing…Andraste preserve, had she actually bit him? She rolled her eyes at her own impulsive antics. She sat up carefully to look down on the nobleman,...
How my first match on Tinder while I was on a Goa Trip turned out to be the most exciting experience of my life. [email protected]
IndianPart Seven Someone could write a decent doctoral dissertation on the subject of recognizing crossdressers. As time went on, and as I went out dressed up more often, I noticed an interesting phenomenon: about half of my friends who knew the "male" me recognized me immediately when I was dressed as a girl; the other half had no clue that it was me, sometimes, even when they were told who I was. What is that combination of facial features and body type and posture that some people...
I’m a female, not hard on the eyes and am in my freshman year of college and looking for a female sex slave to dominate. I had my first slave when I was fifteen and she had just moved into the fairly small town I lived in. Her family moved in a few doors down from mine and I introduced myself to her while they were in the process of moving in. She was very cute and feminine, small tits but nice legs and I was betting a hot pussy as I wanted to be with another girl real bad but not in my...
It became a game between us. Unspoken. What humiliation would he demand? How low would I stoop? Almost anything, we knew. Any scrap of affection or moment of intimacy he promised I paid for with a currency of shame. I streaked across the city, his cum on my face, for a cuddle. What would I do for a fond caress? I came to dread he demands while pining for any morsel of affection. I paid for a hug with another public blowjob. On the off chance he might smile warmly at me, I walked paraded around...
BDSMBrandon hears his alarm ring, he wakes up and turns it off. Waking up tired and hungry. Brandon Lopez is a 20 year old man who lives his life honestly as he can. He was never the type of man who likes fighting, sports, swearing and drinking even though he is not old enough, Brandon promised himself that he will never drink when the time comes. Brandon is getting ready to go to his college; which is not far away from his house but he still wouldn't risk getting late. Brandon walks straight to...
FantasyDuncan arrived back at the estate first, carrying sacks full of armour and weaponry, not anything special but serviceable enough. When he'd been there last, the stash had been raided, presumably by Loghain, but while any documents as well as the Joining supplies had been removed, the gear had been left behind. To the horror of a couple of passing servants, I helped him sort it out into piles in the foyer, and then repack it in a more useful form – I was that bored. We stored it all in the...
Hello everyone, I am Naveen and I am 25 years old. This is my first story which I am posting. I am going to share my sex experience my hot sister and my cousin. Without wasting time, let’s get into the story. I belong to a nuclear family consisting of my father, mother, me and my sister. My sister’s name is Gomathi. My sister is 2 years younger to me. She is 23 years old and fair in complexion. We are living in an apartment in Chennai which has two bedrooms only. My parents live in one room. I...
IncestHi Friends, I have about a sexual fling. About me, I’m a 38 years married man, and I work in Bangalore. Basically, from south Tamil Nadu. Interested ladies or couples can ping me in hangouts at I am back again with a lady chat friend who wanted to post her story without revealing her real identity. Please don’t mail me asking for her details or mail id. I won’t be able to share. Let’s get into the story as told by her. I’m Payal, 36 working as a receptionist. As you can imagine, I maintain...
Aila Donovan is a skinny toned bodied hottie. She is currently single. As she is lounging on her bed doing some selfies for her social media she overhears her roommate’s phone conversation, who is basically breaking up with his girlfriend. Her reason is that his dick is too big. Aila can’t believe that any girl would complain about that. What a stupid bitch she is… As soon as he hung up she knew that her chance was coming. She walked in the living room nonchalant pretending...
xmoviesforyouTwo years ago (18 at the time) there was a hot summers day, a real scorcher, so I thought id crack on with some gardening, I grabbed the the lawn mower from the shed and plugged in the extension and proceeded to mow the lawn. I was getting awfully hot from the heat so I got a drink of water and I took my top off and continued to mow the lawn. I got half way through when I heard a female voice calling my name, I thought for a second, realising I did not recognise the voice, I turned around to...
You were lying on the bed. I was only wearing a long t-shirt and panties. I walked into the room and stood on your side of the bed. I leaned down and started kissing you. Tasting your mouth, feeling your tongue in my mouth. I slid the covers down while kissing your mouth deeply. I moved my kisses down your neck, down your chest, and started licking and sucking your nipples. I started rubbing your dick through your underwear while still licking and sucking on your nipples. You reached under my...
“My God,” Sonia said, breathing heavily. “That was incredible!” “Natural ability,” I said, extending my tongue, curling it down, easily touching my chin. I then stuck it straight out then curled it up, touching the bridge of my nose. My cock was rock hard and standing tall. Sonia looked at my rigid member hungrily. “I want you to fuck me. Fuck me with your fat monstrous cock now, fuck me any way you want be gentle at first…I got to get used to that size” Sonia was splayed out on the bed, her...
Daddy’s Plaything. Part 2. Good Clean Fun. I lay across his knee, the twitching spasm of my climax slowly dying. Oh God, a climax already. Dad and Uncle Dave had not even started to get undressed yet. They had only been in the flat for 15 minutes and I had already had two good spankings, one from each of them, and a finger fuck from Dad. I felt Dad push me upright and I stood in front of him, wrists handcuffed behind me and only a see-through nightdress to cover my modesty. Not that I had any...
Incest[Barbara writes] Our birthday was on a Wednesday which gave us two full days to prepare and think about the upcoming party. Our technical deflowering early Wednesday morning was wonderful for me. Since I had lost my hymen to sports, all Kenny had to do was stretch me and that was almost completely painless. On Friday afternoon, I encouraged Kenny to fuck everyone but me until late. We planned to continue sleeping together and I whispered to him that I wanted us to wear each other out every...
As I write this I am sitting at the computer wearing a summer dress that's pretty damn short. I'm about to go out again because yesterday was so fun...As we all know, certain unnamed stores in the not too distant past (stores that were already very LGBT friendly) decided to start allowing people to choose the bathroom they want to go to regardless of what their birth gender happens to be. As a closeted bi guy who loves to dress up on occasion, I realized that this must also mean that the...
Tammy moved bare assed to the bathroom where she quickly bunched up toilet paper to wipe the juices from her sensitively swollen and hairless sex, catching the juices before they oozed too low. The girl continued to ponder her future. Stuck like this. The thought made her grin self consciously. Nervously. She shivered. A girl. Small. Sexy. Under John's thumb. Never to be a man again... belly swelling with his child. Breasts laden with milk. A sense of forbidden desire clouded these...
Maid to Order - Chapter Four By Michele Nylons While Michele slept Bill drove home very carefully aware that he was drunk and glad he didn't have far to drive. It took him three attempts to get his key in the front door lock but eventually he made it inside to find his wife snoring on the couch and the TV tuned to an all night shopping channel with the volume muted. Her skirt had ridden up exposing the dark bands at the top her tights and glimpse of black satin knickers. Ordinarily...
The sex world is another dimension in which sex is as normal as drinking water. A man and a women can have sex as they please, even in public. For example a man could fuck another mans wife without any repercussions. People can walk naked in public, and covering up private parts and genitalia is considered odd. Fashion in the sex world is usually just less clothing. Women's shorts always show lots of ass and even the sides of pussy. Shorts are extremely short. Sometimes women don't even wear...
FetishDoes anybody remember that conversation when the fact that your wife is bi or bi-curious first cropped up? I don't. Not because it's all a bit hazy, but because it didn't happen. She didn't tell me she was bi. She showed me. Years ago, we'd often talk about mmf or ffm threesomes, groups, etc as fantasies while we fucked each other's brains out. I knew that Tinks had previously had an mmf threesome, but more and more, we kept adding a woman to our fantasies. I thought nothing of it, and kept...
Group Sex“How about coming over to our place for a few beers and a dip in the hot tub?” Cole asked her. She acted like she had to think about it a minute, then said ok. Mia was surprised when a limo pulled up in front of them, and Leo told her to jump in. She hadn’t thought of them being that well off. It only took a few minutes and they pulled up in front of a large house. “This is your place?” She asked. It’s mine, Mark told her. They went inside and she was in complete awe over the...
By : Anahitagarwal Hi everyone, this is Anahita, 25 yr old housewife, and I would like to tell you how I got was pimped during a marriage by a cousin of my husband. It happened about 6 months ago, when Rohan (the brother in law) was visiting town for the marriage. Being a 2nd year IITian, he had maintained himself quite well and was a 5ft10in muscular smart guy, who could have got anyone with his looks itself. It started in the pre marriage party, which involved some drinking and dancing. My...
Introduction: The neighbors daughter takes good care of Jack…(again, apologies for the apparent margin weirdness when pasting a document from Word 2003) Thank you for reading! If you want to read my other stories, they are found here: Wednesday afternoon. Hump day was finally coming to a close. What a crappy day. What a crappy week. Only two more days until the weekend, but there was nothing to look forward to. Our separation had officially...
Hi everyone..This is Rohith.A young fellow of age 22. I am good looking and slim guy who is working for good MNC in chennai. Basically I am from Andhra Pradesh. Coming to Story it was happened few weeks back. She is Reshma. She is having good figure and pretty looks. I don’t know exactly about her measurements but once she told her sizes were 34-26-34. Send me your feedbacks at She was my class mate in my college. I never had any feeling for her since the day which changed total momentum. We...