TandraChapter 26 free porn video

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I walked through the medical section looking at the people that had come to depend on me. Mecholov's wife and three children, his maid on one side. A mother and her two children of a man Mecholov had to kill, so that he could acquire the family. How could one man be so evil, as to do this to his family, people that he was supposed to protect?

It was almost 5 AM my time, and the girls would soon be waking. It would be good to be inside the base for some reason, but I knew being in the ship was just as good.

I tried to sleep and Chris finally came to me. She held me tight as she worked her long fingers around me so that I would fit within her. I saw her own pain and my own, mirrored in her. She worked hard to get me to cooperate and even to keep me that way. Somehow or other, her emotional turmoil kept her from her goal till I was ready. I fiercely held her, as I drove myself into her, filling her the best that I could. We stayed together as we slept, the ghosts with me rested, while I did the same.

Around 10 in the morning, I was jostled by Moth, Cloud, Jorge and Judith as they climbed into the ring around the anti-gravity bed, and onto me. Moth's small hands wrapped around my morning erection and moved it about. All the children giggled at the movement.

I woke up enough to see that the Human children were used to seeing an erect male. They had come many time recently to their mother, and she in no way, was able to say no. The only time she would protest was when the children were threatened. The woman was so beautiful that the men would rather have her, than have to put up a fight even if they would win.

"Are you having fun, little Moth?"

"Yes I am, my husband."

Jorge in a fit of understanding said, "He is your daddy, not a husband. You are too young."

"I am not. He is my husband, and we are all his wives. We just don't do much yet."

Judith said, "He is not. He is your daddy."

Cloud added, "He is my husband, too. He kisses us and makes all of us feel good, right here," as she pointed to her small pussy.

"He does not. He is going to be our daddy," added Judith defensively.

It felt like a fight was going to occur, when I said, "Good morning. Moth will you let me go, please?" Her hand released me and I continued, "Thank-you sweetheart. Now to the answers," I turned to Jorge and Judith and said, "The girls are right, but they are too young to be full wives, but one day they will be just like my other wives."

Jorge hung his head and Judith almost cried. "There is no reason to be sad. I can be a sort of daddy, but I think I will not be around much to do a good job of it. I am trying to think of a nice man that will watch out for both of you, and take care of your mommy too."

Chris had woken up sometime during our talk and she was still in need. She used her hand to manipulate me where Moth had left off. Before she could straddle me, Ingrid came quickly into the large room. I saw in her mind the sight before her. A man with a large erection was talking with her children. She saw me as a danger and wanted to immediately remove her children from peril. She had never been able to use force, so she tried her usual diversion instead. First she tried to remove her one piece ship garment and could not do it. Failing that, she raced to me and pushed her children away, as she tried to get her lips around me.

One of my arms was around Chris, while a now naked Cloud sat on the other, stroking her little pussy on my arm. Ingrid's lips descended and sucked me all the way in, before I knew what had happened. I felt a small pain from her, but she continued to try to get me to cum.

"Ingrid; Ingrid, stop this now." Her head stopped moving and she froze in place. Her thoughts were to get me off, before I would take her children. She felt she had to obey an order given her. "Ingrid, Honey, Let go of me, and sit down. We have to talk."

Her defence mechanism was still working, but so was her wish to do as she was told. Her head slowly left me, and her lips came off, but sucked as she pulled back. She was not aroused in the least, and just wanted her children safe.

I moved a bit and got my arm from around Chris, and took Cloud who was tightly grasping my arm, and trying her best to get her cum. I just picked her up, and put her little cunt over Chris's face. In a few seconds the child was able to relax. Moth too, had been playing with herself and came at the same time.

I read Ingrid, and knew she had been up for hours and had been given the details, about how she and the children had been rescued. "Ingrid, I think you remember me. When you came to us, I said you were safe. I am not going back on my word. By now you can read a little of our minds, your voice should be back, and most of your body is healed." I looked at her and she just lowered her eyes as if not worthy to look at me.

"Ingrid, look at me." Her eyes came up frightened. "You, and your children are safe. I would do nothing to harm your children; ever."

Her eyes fell again with the same reason as before. I reached through her long platinum hair and picked up her chin. Her head turned, so I was cupping her cheek. Her eyes only partially visible through the cascade of hair. "I have read your mind and know what has happened to you, and most of all, how you feel compelled to do as you are told. I have been working a little on how to help you, but I have been too busy so far. I will show you the truth."

She did have some of the ability to read minds now. She fumbled her way as I coaxed her along. She was heartened when she saw how I thought her very beautiful and immensely desirable. Her children were viewed by me as very precious, and she knew that I had small unethical feelings for them, but well under control. My only concern for her now, was how she could be healed and allowed to lead her own life.

As she read this last thought she just slumped and started to cry, not even wanting to disturb my hand holding her cheek. I just looked at the woman and saw all the pain again and all the pain she would have to go through finding someone to take care of her and her family. This was especially true when she found the one she wanted, for the first time in her life.

The trouble was that she wanted me. She would give me anything, but she always gave the man in her life anything she had. Her mind grasped on my attraction to the beautiful children, and before she could get it out, I said, "Ingrid, I will try to get you healed. We can talk after that happens. Is that ok?"

I could read the answer, but no words came out. Her head turned more and she kissed my palm before returning to its old position. She reminded me a lot of a dog, and this I had to hide. My feelings for her were changing. Any living male would want her. I knew she was too much of an enigma at the present to make a commitment about, and I also knew I had a lot of wives to discuss things with. I had the perfect family now, and did not want to ruin it, by being greedy.

I also knew that Susan wanted her too. I could feel much more than the simple need to help within her. The rest of the girls got their cue from Susan, and also felt the same way.

Ingrid twitched a little and I knew she had to go to the bathroom, but could not undo the seams. "Moth take Ingrid to the bathroom and get her clothes off. Then show her how to use the facilities. She has never done it this way before."

Moth smiled, jumped up and said, "Yes husband. I will take good care of her."

When they left the room I pushed a surprised Chris on her back, and got between her legs and pushed in. She was still moist from a few hours ago but Mom helped with a little lubricant. Thirty seconds later she came and came to my thrusts. I could see the beautiful girl beneath me and also the platinum haired one, as I plunged in again and again.

Cloud, Jorge and Judith just watched our actions. Cloud pulled Judith's hand to her small cunt as she moved it. Judith did not even understand her hand was being used. The Human children understood some of the mechanics, but did not have any of the feelings, even though they had witnessed untold couplings with their mother.

I pumped more as Chris came the last time, and I filled her again with my seed.

As I recovered, I felt Moth in the bathroom getting her own orgasm. Getting up, I walked over and saw Moth holding Ingrid to her small pussy and ordering her to suck again and again as her orgasms slowly abated.

Ingrid was naked, bent over the little body working the child for all she was worth. She felt no erotic feelings at all, and only did as she was told. Looking into Ingrid's mind, I amazingly found that she had never felt very aroused, and had never had a true orgasm of her own. Hiding my thoughts I knew that the woman needed a lot of work, before she could even function with us.

When Moth was done I picked her up and took her back to Chris to recover. On my return, Ingrid got to her knees and spoke for the first time in a croaking voice, "Will you take me, master?"

A small part of me wanted a sex slave that would do anything, but happily, the majority was appalled at the offer. I knew she needed to finish going to the bathroom, so I picked her up and guided her to the two raised areas for her feet and said, "Squat here and pee." She was only slightly reluctant but did as I asked. A large stream came from her and I felt her relief. She was going to get up, when I said, "The rest now." Again she wanted to not embarrass me, but did as she was told. I took the hand wand and cleaned her behind, before pulling her hand up so she could walk.

With down turned eyes, she again asked, "Will you take me, Master?"

The upper brain was working more than the lower, but just barely, and I said, "I will take you once you are healed, and not before."

She didn't say anything to that, and I read the way she understood the statement to mean that I would take her eventually, she actually smiled again.

There was lots of physical healing left for her to do. We walked back to the bedroom, and I said, "Lay down here with Chris, while you both sleep. Your throat and vocal cords are still not fully healed." Turning to the children I said, "And you, young ladies and gentlemen, I want something to eat, and you are hungry too. Let's go and get something."

Ingrid was only slightly worried, as she laid back down with Chris. They hugged one another, and I felt Chris do her best to reassure the woman. Mom too helped and shut down portions of her mind to allow her to rest.

"Henry, you better put these on. You have guests."

I took the coveralls and quickly put them on, then said, "I have two naked little girls here too."

The girls reached out quickly and got their own fresh garments. Judith and Jorge had shocked expressions as the clothes magically appeared before us.

In the galley I found Mrs. Mecholov, her three children and the maid sitting together talking to Susan and Secric. Kitten, Blue and Nova were still sleeping in another room. All the rest of the girls were sitting around at the next table listening to the conversation, or watching the three sleeping little angels in the box.

They had only simple medical problems and had not gotten any training in mindspeak yet. The mother still craved nicotine and would probably kill for a smoke. Our abductees stood up and backed away, as I came into the room. Fear was very evident in their minds and bodies.

"Good morning. I seem to have slept in." I walked forward slowly and extended my hand to the new head of the family, and said, "My name is Henry. I see that you have met some of my family."

The mother, Justine, a young wife had just enough courage to come forward and touch my hand with hers. She saw me with as much fear as she saw her husband, perhaps even more, now that I had been powerful enough to take them from not only their house, but her husband.

I looked around to the rest and said, "And a good morning to the rest of you ladies and gentlemen. You are all quite safe here. I seem to be saying a lot of that recently."

Susan said, "Good morning, husband. We have been just talking about how they will not be beaten anymore. Secric was explaining how we would give them a chance to catch their breath, and go out into the world again with a little nest egg."

Jorge and Judith had kept close to me and even held my hands as I listened to Susan. I felt a tug on my right and I knew Judith wanted up to see what was happening. I bent over and picked the twins up and adjusted them to my hips. Looking at them I pulled each forward and kissed their foreheads. "Better how?"

I got a nod from one and a hug from each that did not end. They felt very comfortable with me, and I figured they would be fine once they had a chance to have a normal family life. Or, I corrected myself, a normal Tandra family home life.

I knew Mrs. Mecholov was very frightened, so I tried to act normal, or at least normal for humans. They had eaten very little yesterday, and could use some more now. They had just awoken, and had not got much information yet about their place here or what had happened to Mecholov or his property.

Taking a few steps I walked over to the other table, and deposited the two children on Star and Sandy's laps. "You two sit here for a while and talk, I want to make something to eat too." I got two heads that nodded in unison as they looked expectantly at me.

I started preparing our noon meal, instead of sitting. "Mom, will you place the plates and flatware, as if they were in a home. I want the kids to help and get over some of the shock."

"Yes Henry. Would you like some fresh bread too?"

"That is a great idea. Will you bring me two roasts? I may as well start with something simple, that they will understand."

Mom kept food in stasis and all I had to do was peal and cut up potatoes, carrots, celery, onions, and a few other vegetables, while Mom made a protective field around two large roasts and pressure cooked it. I talked a little about my family, mainly to get our guests used to us.

"What Susan said is correct. By now the authorities will have come looking for any information about what Mecholov was doing. I know for a fact that you know next to nothing, and all the publicity will just destroy your family. I thought it best to just give you a place to hide, and when you are ready, you can leave."

Justine had a lot of difficulty believing my words. She was Mecholov's second wife and the mother of the youngest child, the girl Sofia. She had long black hair that she tried to cover her black eye. She did not know that Mom had worked on the capillaries, and the discolouration was almost all gone. She looked to be in her early twenties, and Mecholov must have married her young, to have a daughter of four already. At least he had good taste when picking out women.

The cleaned vegetables were added without even reducing the pressure. The container was hidden, so the newcomers did not see the method the food was cooked.

"Well, the stew will be ready in a few minutes." Looking at the older boy, I asked, "Jeremy, will you help Matthew get the plates? They are in the drawer behind you." They didn't want to leave their place, but at a nod from their mother, they did as I asked.

Susan helped by telling Jeremy to count the number of people and to set that many places. Matthew was amazed at the colourful plates and carefully set one in front of each person. Susan suggested bowls too, so that we could have preserved fruit for desert. Sofia was coaxed down from her mother's lap to get the napkins and glasses for the drinks. She had fun taking the glasses to an indentation in the wall, and getting each of the containers filled with water. She took her time and did not spill a drop.

With Amy and Topaz helping me, I filled each of the plates with stew and Mom brought forth a beautiful basket of iridescent hues for the bread. The two tables were joined so that we would not be separated by artificial boundaries.

Jorge and Judith sat beside me as we ate. I helped each of them to eat their portion, and had little to say during the meal, because I was busy. Susan instructed our guests on how to use the new eating utensils, then did what she could to get a conversation going, but it was a lost cause. Matthew dropped a piece of meat on the table from the unfamiliar spoonknife, and instantly stopped, for he feared that he would be beaten for the mistake. Susan just wiped it up with a spare napkin and ruffled his hair with a smile.

Mom was being sneaky and flavoured the food for the individual palates of our guests. Sofia wanted sweet food, and I vetoed the idea immediately.

After our tea or coffee, the younger members wanted to leave. The newest guests were still afraid and wanted to stay in their group. I wanted the kids out of the way and knew that a computer game was the best way of doing so. "Mom, will you make up a hologram of a worksite on Earth, and have small machines move around? You will need a mechanical link like the kids on Earth use, because not all here can visualize the orders necessary."

"I see in your mind, what you want. It is just a simulator, that you need. Four controllers are here, and I can make more easily."

"Would you put them in a drawer, so I can get them? I want to have a more serious talk with the adults."

"Well it seems the kids are getting a little restless. How about a game?" I got no response from the humans at all. I asked that the end table be cleared, and I went to a drawer, newly formed, and took out four small plastic hand controllers, that were very similar to ones found in many homes.

Sandy and Star sat on one side and I gave them two controllers. Immediately a view of sand, stone, gravel, pipe, lumber, and steel beams came forth. On the side of the table stood various machines, that could work with some of the materials, but not all.

Star grinned and pointed her controller at one, and started pushing leavers. The machine came forward and she drove it in a circle to get the feel of it. Sound came from the very air, to make the simulation as believable as possible. Sandy was not much behind her, as she did the same.

The two older boys moved a little to see what was happening. They had never seen anything so clear and vivid. It was as if they were in a helicopter looking down at a real worksite. "Here you two, see if you can dig a big hole, and make a building." They looked at me and then at their mother then back at me. They wanted desperately to try a game like this. "Go on. Get on the other side of the girls, and help them out."

They tentatively reached out their hands and took the small controllers. Their steps away suggested that they wanted to be able to jump back at the least provocation.

Their tools were not appropriate, but they did get a hole dug. English words were flashed to them suggesting what to do next, but not taking all the fun out of it. Justine and Monique were still amazed at the quality of the game and the graphics. I said nothing for a while as the children tried to get the building erected. About ten minutes after starting, I knew the boys' building would fall soon, so I said, "Why don't you guys work on the floor and get some more help?"

The boys remembered where they were, and laid their controller down on the table. The simulation ended because Mom made it happen.

I positioned the girls again, but much further apart. The boys reluctantly did the same things and flinched when I handed back their controllers. The simulation started from scratch again, and things settled down. Amy, Topaz and Kitty settled with their own controllers, and I could hear the mindspeak as the girls laughingly ran into one another with their machines.

"Moth, Cloud, why don't you show Sofia and these two around, while we talk?"

To tell the truth that felt good to them, because they did not want to just play with those kind of toys. They jumped to their feet and pulled four year old Sofia with them. She and her mother did not put up too much of a fight. Jorge and Judith knew whom I was talking about, and I helped them down, so they could start to work off their excess energy.

Justine spoke up for the first time, "Will they be all right?"

Susan answered for us. "There is no safer place on the entire Earth."

The reply made Justine think a little more. She knew that most of the people were not Human, but it was their old fears of Mecholov, that caused the most turmoil. "How did we come to be here?" She asked as she turned her head around to see who would answer her.

Susan and Secric too, turned their heads to me, so that I would do the honours. "Well it turns out that it was Susan's birthday yesterday. I wanted to do something special before going on a... job I have to do. We flew to Tampa for some shopping, and on the way back we stopped a stolen car so the police could catch the thieves. After that, the girls got excited and looked all over the place as we flew back home to pick up the things for a nice birthday supper.

"In Kentucky we found a woman and two children, being pursued by a pair of men in a new SUV. Why don't you look at a video of the pertinent parts of this happening, and then we can cut to where both of you come in."

I got nods from both this time, but they did not understand in the least. Mom projected the pictures on the table top so as not to disturb the children. They saw the Vet in Tampa, slow to a halt and stop. The men inside could not even get out and run but struggled with the doors till the cops came.

The next chase scene would be very traumatic for Ingrid if she were present, but I let all of it progress even to how we treated the survivors. They saw Ingrid being stripped and placed on the chair, as it reclined, and her wounds treated. Tractors invisibly moved her body as small spheres worked on the effected areas. Lastly she was cleaned and dressed in ship's clothes.

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The dream had been so real, for Kay it was like nothing she had ever experienced before. Kay had dreamed that she had made love to a man in a car. That she had acted like a slut with this man. Stranger still, the man had been black. Kay had a slight headache and no recollection of how she had gotten home. She had been out with her friend Jolene and made a note to call her later. Lying there Kay tried to gather her thoughts. Wow, what a dream, the man had really excited her, in fact she still...

2 years ago
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One Day But Not Tonight

Calvin loved his job. He was the owner of Top Choice Janitorial Service and he worked the Tech One Building for a dozen years. Thursday nights were his favorites because; he had the pleasure of seeing Mrs. Natasha Crawford's curvaceous body, when she routinely came in to monitor the network servers.I just know Mr. Crawford isn't stroking her right, Calvin thought as he watched Natasha set her coffee cup down and press her security badge against the keypad to gain entrance to the ground-floor...

3 years ago
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Wifes first experience with another couple

I know I haven’t gone in any type of order, I’m all over the place with the wife stories, hopefully they are good like pulp fiction and not too hard to follow. Anyway, I have one more, and it was the closest I think we have come to getting a different dick inside of her.Before we married, we had a period of separation while we were both finishing respective schools. I had asked Kristine to send me some naked love and towards the end of my law school she surprised me by sending me a nice...

2 years ago
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Professor Ruksana 8211 The Intellectual Bitch

Hi, This is James de (If you like my story, mail me at ). I present a story based on reality, though the sex postures and name of teacher (of cos) have been changed for rhetorical purposes. I was a studious guy. I still am. Reading was my passion. Perhaps that was the reason that I used to participate in class discussions with such vigor that all teachers whether art school or college were deeply impressed with me. And Professor Ruksana was also one of them. She was, and is, an intellectual of...

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Road Trips for Peter Chapter Seven

I had been on the road to Long Island, and I had arrived to a perfect reception. Margo had taken me for a great sexual ride. It was now late afternoon and we were chatting in the kitchen. She had decided that we needed to go out for dinner. The Boston Market was her favorite restaurant because the turkey was so good. That was fine with me. We were just waiting for her twin daughters, Martha and Mary, to get home from their jobs. They didn’t always work the same shifts. Today they happened to...

1 year ago
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Private Lyen Parker Ria Sunn Two Hungry Girls Love Rimming

Ria Sunn and Lyen Parker return in Private Specials, Ass Licking Sluts 2 where they have set up a car wash business, but after getting a glimpse of their latest customer, they decide to wash something else… It doesn’t take long for these girls to get on their knees and show what they’re all about, giving a great blowjob before turning their man around for some rimming and ass eating action. Then watch in this fantastic threesome as they take turns fucking outdoors by the pool, all the while...

1 year ago
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Classy ConversionsChapter 26

Hafie was the third daughter of the Imam, and had always felt she was a disappointment to her father. No great religious scholar or great beauty, she was the dutiful daughter. Having been consulted against the excesses of the flesh since early childhood, she was inexperienced in the ways of men. And having been brought up in a religious institution with very conservative values, there was not much chance of her gaining any experience. Especially now that she was one of the selected. She had...

4 years ago
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Jelly Bean Justice

UNTITLED   JELLY BEAN JUSTICE! ByAnne Gray It wasn?t a swagger, or even a strut, it was an attitude, she knew she looked good and she did.? Even at just 5? 6?, plus a bit more with the heels on the boots, she had an arrogance about her that managed to give the impression she was looking down her nose at everyone.?? In a sense she probably was.  I suppose that kind of confidence was needed when you made your living defrauding people, but the clothes certainly helped complete the...

3 years ago
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Modern Maturity part 2

“Who’s your best lover?” Mike was steering the pontoon up the small canal and the gentle hum of the little motor had almost put he and Jan into a trance. “Why you,” Jan didn’t hesitate with her answer, “why?” “OK, very politically correct answer,” Mike chuckled, “but let’s go with the same question but add besides me.” “Well now,” Jan thought a moment, “that makes it difficult.” She took a couple of minutes then began to think out loud. “Bob was awfully good that first time...

2 years ago
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Innocence Lost

© 1997 Chrissy was a sweet, sensitive young girl. She appeared to be much younger than her actual age, but of course, she had turned eighteen eleven months ago. She was short and very petite. Her skin was white and very smooth, and she had a sweet, shy little personality. She was, as they say, a late bloomer, small breasts were just starting to take the transformation from girl to woman upon her lithe form. She was shyly innocent, and she was adorable. Her fair skin was extremely white....

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My name is Rick, and this is my story. I hope you like it, and if so please tell me as this is merely the first installment. I am a 15 year old school student, and I live with my mom, Tanya, who is a hot, sexy 34 year old (let’s face it, stories like this do not have the same effect if they feature fat, ugly, bush pigs do they!) The third player in this story is my 13 year old sister Rebecca, who will not make her entrance until chapter 3 or so.My Dad is no longer around, since mom came home...

3 years ago
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Historical Erotica Ch 03

Note to Reader: This story centers on mother and daughter, the daughter name is Asya and the mother name is Funda. The story is told primarily after the First World War during the collapse of the Ottoman Empire and rise of the Turkish Republic. Both women are beautiful in their own right, Funda with her blonde hair and hazel eyes and Asya with her black hair and blue eyes. Theirs is a time of change and this story tries to capture this change. Enjoy!! ***** A running man cries through the...

3 years ago
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How I became a BBC slut Part Two

Part TwoI dressed, it was early evening. I hadn’t cleaned the house, hadn’t cooked dinner for the twins, or that useless piece of shit. I looked in the mirror. A big black cock slut looked back. I wore false eyelashes, my make up heavy, black and grey. Post box red lipstick. We’d been shopping Laura and me. Lots of underwear, tarty, and classy, dresses, always revealing, always short, some expensive some cheap. Hairdressers, beauty salon, nails, facial, and waxing. The difference in me was...

2 years ago
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Ahoy Miranda Ch 05

The evening was beautiful, absolutely still and Alan had intensified Lydia’s excitement by refused to even hint what was wonderful about the gorge. After some thought she decided it must contain some caves with glow-worms. Well they could look pretty spectacular she recalled from what she’d seen on a program on TV. They were on the double seat behind the skipper’s control console. As the nominated first mate (she objected to the term, saying it suggested other women were having a piece of...

3 years ago
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The Adventures of Samantha

The Adventures of Samantha 1 Chapter : Sam Gordon drove to the neighborhood bar about 8:30 that Thursday night. The bar was only a couple blocks away, but a guy never knew when he'd get lucky. It wasn't as if Sam wanted to get drunk or anything. It was just that there was nothing worth watching on the tube that night, a common occurrence these past few years. He figured he might as well go on down and lift a few brews with some of the other guys in the neighborhood. There might...

3 years ago
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A further visit to the toilets

The following week I went back. It was the same day around the same time. The toilets were empty. There were a couple of cars in the car park but no one inside them. I felt like there was no one there. I stepped inside it was quite dark and there was no sound. Looking across to the two toilet cubicles, I could see both doors open, no occupants. I stepped further in… Then I saw at one of the two urinals, a man standing seemingly urinating. He was fiftyish stocky with a beard, wearing casual...

2 years ago
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Cabin Fever

Ted and his dad, Sam, had been planning for months to take a trip to the cabin in the mountains his dad purchased when Ted was just a little guy. Every year for 10 days to two weeks, Sam, his wife Susan, and Ted would go to the cabin and Sam would teach Ted to hunt and fish. When they weren't hunting or fishing, the three of them would canoe, kayak or anything else they could not do at home normally. The cabin had two bedrooms, an upper loft for mom and dad and a guest bedroom on the main...

3 years ago
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me my girlfriend and best friend

I would be a fool not to be proud. She was very much in her element, Laughing and openly flirting with Greg, much to his delight. We had been married four years this September and I knew her antics well. When ever her drug of choice was on the table, which happened to be mine also... She would transform into this energetic soul, brimming with sexuality and excitement. Ecstasy was our favourite tool for fun, and tonight my long time friend had arrived unexpectedly, grinning...

2 years ago
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Fifteen Forever Girls from Outer SpaceChapter 9 Bullied

Paul had been half afraid of something like this: Mia was flirting with them. Them, plural. Mo and him. “They’re with me,” Mia was even seeing off a girl who’d been dancing a bit close. “See?” she grinned at him and Mo, as the girl moved away to safer territory, “you’re the hottest guys around.” She’d had a few drinks and was looking a bit wild. That would also be why she was calling him hot, he could only guess. She’d got them into a licensed restaurant and now into this club, and was...

1 year ago
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The Wish Coin A Legal Tale

The Wish Coin: A Legal Tale Ellie Dauber Copyright 1999 "We find for the Defendant," the jury foreman said. "And we direct the Plaintiff to pay damages and court costs in the amount of $25,000." "Belsky, you're dead meat!" Eli Haney screamed. "Mr. Haney, please," his lawyer said. "We can appeal, but you have to be quiet." Haney scowled, but he stopped yelling. He gritted his teeth, he glared at almost everybody in the courtroom, but he _did_ stop yelling. Alexander M....

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10th Ki Ladki Ki Chut Mari

Hello!   I am rocky , 19 year oldguy. I am from chandigarh, Ye meri pehli sex story h. Interested in females from 18 to 23 years old wants to sex with me can contact me on Chalo baki baten chhod kar seedha story par aata hu.   Jab main 9 th class(18 years old ) me hua to baki school ke students ne bhi mere school me admission le lia kyoki hmare vha par aas paas ek hi english medium government school tha.   To 9th main mere bahut sare dost ban gaye or kafi sunder ladkia bhi vha par aa gayi...

3 years ago
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Complete Strangers Toy

I was 24 working at a bar in the bottom floor of a condo in Daytona Beach last summer. It was a small place with mostly the same couple of locals and the people staying in the condos. I could almost take a new peice of ass home every night witht the constant flow of drunk girls and guys coming in and out every week. I am a bi guy average build brown eyes and hair. I was working one Tuesday night which is always the slowest night of the week when a guy came in and sat down at the bar. I...

2 years ago
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A Kenyan Interracial Vacation Adventure

[Another take on an African interracial impregnation scenario!]"Ohhhh, YESSSS!" I remember Omar saying to my wife as he was getting ready to ejaculate into her pussy, "have my BABY!!!" Then, just as he had said that, he drove his big black, African cock, DEEP inside of her, and I could tell that he was pumping his load of sperm into her!I wasn't far away. I was holding our camera in both hands. I knelt down on the carpeted floor of our hotel room, and watched, utterly fascinated, as Omar's...

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No, you see, I am David Roberts, a 29 year old, attractive single man who, in addition to a working as an officer in a local Police Department on the Gulf here in FL, teaches Criminal Justice at the local Community College, mostly to incoming ‘freshmen’. These young adults are mostly wide-eyed kids on their own for the first time. Gone are the bratty and smart-ass ‘emo-types’ of high school. The part that makes it so tough are the females With each school year, I am constantly...

3 years ago
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A Day At The Office

Emily Harris sat at her desk practically squirming with frustration. She looked over to her right and saw James Mitchum, the newest member of the office staff busily working at the computer in front of him. She had gotten word a couple days ago that there would be a new person in the office and she was looking forward to seeing a new face. But nothing prepared her for HIS face!She had met James yesterday on his first day with the company. Wendy, her supervisor called her into her office on...

1 year ago
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My Hot Bossy Female Trainer Kajal At Cult Fit

Hi friends, Naughty Professor is back to entertain all the naughty fans. Let me re-introduce myself. I am Sachin, currently based out of Hyderabad. I have a medium height and I am average-built but quite good with my words and moves. So, I shifted to Hyderabad last year and was doing a regular MNC job which was boring the shit hell out of me. So, I joined a cult fit center nearby. There it was going well since I could use all my energy and frustration into something fruitful. The trainers were...

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Alexis The Dark Fairy Chapter 3

Vanessa was woken out of a dead sleep to the sound of a screaming rock band as her alarm went off. "6:00 am" it displayed in bright red numbers in her dark room. She removed the covers and looked down to see that she was dressed in a black tee-shirt with a pink glittery skull and the same pink panties that she wore yesterday. She was clearly back to normal size and no sign of her new fairy friend in the room."Damn it, I couldn't have dreamed all that could I? It all felt so real," She quietly...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Her First Time

The rain smashed against the windows, it was another stormy night in England. I had already showered and was sitting at my dressing table wearing my normal bed clothes; my favourite blue silk bra and knickers with my silk blue robe tied around loosely. My hair, still wet from the shower lay against my shoulders and chest. I completed my journal installment and smiled. "19 today" I said aloud, and laughed as I cheered my hands in the air, thankful that no-one could see me. It was then a clutter...

First Time
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A Surprise

I am working hard on computer, answering emails and working on a new story, so I don’t hear Jamie come into room until he is right behind me and lays his hands on my shoulder. I jump about a foot and then melt as he massages my shoulders. “Too tense,” he tells me. “You need to relax for awhile.” I lean back in the chair, enjoying the feel of his strong, warm hands on me. I barely finish the email was I working on and shut down the computer – time to enjoy being with him. Turning, I stand and...

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Love Thy NeighborChapter 3

I was in Heaven, of course, taking Jessica’s ass while Rick impaled her pussy with his cock. Her bottom felt so damn good to me, once more, a little looser than earlier for obvious reasons, but that was no issue to us. The sight of those tanned, oily buns, damn if those weren’t the most beautiful things in the world! The way that she reacted to being sandwiched between her husband and her new lover, her neighbor, that was very intense ... she clearly exulted in it. “Fuck ... this is the...

3 years ago
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Married Life 06

Introduction: A story of Lust & romance It took us three days to recover from our weekend of debauchery at Sally & Peters home , Jan appeared to have struggled with the events & actions of the Saturday night party asking me if I still loved her after all the things she had done. But by Thursday we had discussed every detail and I had convinced her that I had been equally involved in all the actions and had thoroughly enjoyed myself. I loved her more for joining me and sharing the event. That...

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the intern tiny secret

It was now obvious to me , i was ...he knew, I was sure he would freaking knew, i was in my favorite toy in my butt. walking at night after dinner , my plug buzzing down there so good as i walk , my boss, my freaking boss was there , sit on the bench smoking a huge blunt''het alex? is it you?''''yes ...hi''''hey ....i had a dinner at a friend place didnt know you live close by''''yes....''my tall chubby Haitian boss was there smiling asking me if like to smoke''yes okay''i sat and he slided his...

1 year ago
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The Towel

 Mark came home late Saturday night from his friend's house and entered through the back door into the kitchen and noticed his mom talking on the phone. He immediately noticed that she had a towel wrapped about herself. "Hi, mom," he said as walked in. "Geez, you're home early," she said. Mark looked at her. "What, mom!? It's after ten." "Is it that late already?" Mark nodded as his mom said her good byes to her phone friend. "I'll call you again, Mabel. Good bye." As she hung up the phone, she...

4 years ago
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His fantasy come true

Introduction: this is a long story so please keep that in mind Jack was an attractive man. Tall, dark haired, and had bright green eyes for his dark complexion. After his wife died it was never hard for him to find a date, if you could call it that. More like a long list of one night stands to satisfy his sexual needs. But there was always the look of his daughter Lilly that got a stern hard on in his pants whenever he saw her. Being the ripe age of 14 he would always just make excuses that she...

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The Edification of Mary Kate BenniganChapter 3

Mary Kate’s Experiment School had been out for two weeks. The week before her rape, at her mother’s urging, she volunteered at Boston General Hospital as a Candy Striper where she was assigned to the men’s Geriatric Ward. Since Men’s Geriatrics was the worst duty for most Candy Stripe volunteers the staff cycled each new girl for their first two weeks in the hospital. This was the hospital’s way of getting rid of those volunteers who didn’t want to be there. The patients were mostly cranky....

2 years ago
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How I Spent My Summer Vacation

During my second year at the university, I never set foot in the library, not even once, a record I was kinda proud of, truth be told. I was too busy with swim practice and trying to pork as many of the betties on the campus as I possibly could to worry about grades, ferchrissake – and I did an admirable job with the betties, too, believe you me. I left a trail of satisfied women a mile long, the face of each and every one of them glazed like a fuckin’ jelly donut with a heapin’ helping of my...

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The Final Gift

"Please," he pleaded. She did not have the courage to look up. She knew that if she did she would see intense pain reflected in his dark eyes as she had for the past few months. His cheeks had become sallow and gaunt. The laugh lines around his mouth no longer deepened. New lines had formed from his grimaces. "It hurts so much," he rasped. His bony hand reached out to cover hers. He looked at her bowed head, at the silver strands that graced the dark hair. A single tear splashed on the...

1 year ago
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The Naughty School Girl

She was one of the sexiest girls in her school, built with pink lips, and long black silky hair. She stood about 5’2, with round firm breasts, and a very smooth and tight ass. She was athletic, soft with brown skin and deep beautiful eyes. Suzie was 17 and all the men went crazy for her. She had slept with most of the male population in her class, even some of the teachers. As the school’s most famous cheerleader, everyone wanted to be her friend. She wore skimpy and slutty clothes to class.One...

Quickie Sex
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Kissy Kat

Kissy Kat was the CB handle if a lovely young lady I dated back in the hay-day of CB radios. We dated frequently, maybe too frequently. She was twenty-years-old, and as cute as they come. She was 5'2" tall and slightly on the plump side. Her extra weight contributed to her having wonderfully oversized set of tits. I loved playing with her tits, and she liked them firmly fondled. She had shoulder-length blonde hair that was silky to the touch and always smelled like flowers. Kissy was a...

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