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At twenty four Adrian had started his own hi-tech light and precision engineering company. Now, at sixty two, he owned a multi-million pound company employing nearly three hundred people. He had a failed marriage, an ulcer and two adult children who generally ignored him as much as possible. He was looking forward to retirement and selling the company so that he could concentrate on his one passion, golf. Now he just looked angrily at his computer terminal as it told him that the network had eaten his last hours work. He didn't spend much time on the computer these days, he had secretary's and underlings for that, but this was his own little masterpiece he was putting together, and he didn't want to lose it.

He hit the intercom, "Lucy," he barked to his P.A., "get someone down here to fix this damn computer. The bloody network has gone pear-shaped on me."

"Yes sir," came the voice of his secretary.

Toni had been working for that same company for a little over four years when the call came through that 'God' wanted his computer fixed. As she was currently on the bench, she was the one who picked up the call, and with a sigh headed down to the executive offices.

She knocked on the door and entered the huge office.

Adrian just nodded and began explaining what had gone wrong. It only took Toni a couple of minutes to recover most of the work, the last ten minutes or so would need to be re-done, but at least the previous stuff had all been recovered. She was standing up again when the machine went blank.

"Damn," she muttered. "I must've knocked the mains cable. Sorry."

She crawled under the desk and for a moment or two all Adrian could see of the young woman was her firm buttocks encased in a tight skirt, and her firm slim legs. After a few moments of fumbling under the table, the computer came back on, and Toni inched her way back out again. She raised her head a moment too soon and caught it a viciously hard crack on the edge of the desk.

"Owww!" moaned Toni and sat down on the floor with a bump, her arms around her head.

Adrian bent down, "are you okay? Do you need me to get the first aider?"

Toni shook her head and raised her knees into a more comfortable position whilst she rubbed the top of her head. Adrian suddenly realised he was looking straight down between her thighs at her plain white knickers.

He'd had a bit of a horn most of the day. Lucy, his twenty four year old personal assistant, had come in with a very short skirt on that day, and had been flashing her knickers at all comers. She'd been trying to seduce her boss for months now, and only the fact that Adrian knew she was only trying to snare him because of how rich she thought he was, had prevented him from succumbing to her ample and very evident charms. Now though, as he stared at the plain white knickers of the thirty two year old sat in front of him, his horn got much harder.

"Come on lass, up you come," he half lifted, half pulled, Toni off the floor and into his chair.

"Thanks," she said with a wan smile.

Adrian gave her a half smile. Pressing the intercom button again, he asked Lucy to bring in a glass of water.

After Lucy had left, he looked at her. She was slim though tending to overweight, attractive in a slightly dried up way, and she too was divorced. He made it a habit of knowing as much as possible about all of his staff. At one time he would have taken every person who worked for him out for lunch just to get to know them, to find out about them, to instil morale and to get feedback from them. Now though it was only people who for whatever reason had come to his attention, who got the invite. This was partly to do with time, but mostly to do with the fact that his company now employed too many people for him to easily do it, and he no longer directly employed any of his staff. He'd never really noticed it, but in fact although his company was split almost exactly fifty/fifty men to women, he took out about seven women to every three men.

"What are you doing Friday lunchtime?" he asked her.

"Nothing," she answered, "I'd planned on taking Friday afternoon off, leaving around twelve thirty."

"Okay, don't change those plans, what about Thursday instead?"

"Tomorrow?, erm, well actually I was planning on going shopping for a birthday present tomorrow lunchtime, but tomorrow evenings okay." Toni knew what she was being asked, and was more than a little amused. Rumour had it that he had seduced, or attempted to seduce nearly a third of the women he took out.

"Good, Tomorrow evening."

Toni had recovered now and stood up and walked out, Adrian admiring her figure from behind. Lucy came in as Toni left, and perched herself on the corner of Adrian's desk, revealing her long tanned legs. With only a slight twist she would be thrusting her crotch right at him. Despite getting an even harder horn, Adrian was suddenly revolted.

"Book a table for two at the Il Postino, seven thirty Tomorrow evening. Check with Mrs Barber, and inform her I'll pick her up at seven."

Lucy flounced off, and Adrian gave a small grin of satisfaction behind her back.

Toni Barber went back to her desk and informed everyone that the old grouch, as Adrian was sometimes, less than affectionately, known, had invited her out for dinner.

"Lucky you," sad Max, Toni's immediate boss, who had had hopes of getting Toni into his own bed. Like everyone else, he believed the rumours about Adrian's conquests were more than just rumours. "Just be careful, he'll have you in bed in no time."

Toni just laughed. "He won't even try," she said confidently. She knew all the rumours of course, and was a little curious about them, but after a few discrete enquiries in the months after she had started, had been unable to find anyone who Adrian had actually seduced.

The following evening, Adrian picked Toni up at her flat, and escorted her to his Bentley. He was driving himself tonight, so after settling her into the passenger seat, went around and got in the drivers side.

The meal was a great success, far more than either of them had expected, and as Toni had known, Adrian didn't even try to seduce her.

"Thank you," said Toni, as Adrian dropped her off again a little over three hours later. "Look, would you like to come in for a little while?"

Adrian thought about it for a moment, and the nodded, smiling. "That would be nice, thank you."

Once inside, Toni took Adrian's coat, hung it on a hangar just inside the front door, and ushered him through to the lounge. "Tea or coffee?"

"Tea please."

As Toni bustled around making a pot of tea, Adrian looked around the small room interestedly.

After Toni had brought in two cups of tea and had sat down again, Adrian nodded at a photograph on the small mantelpiece. "I was just looking at the photo of you and your mother. It made me wonder, do many people in the office know you are my daughter?"

"No. I pretend I know as much about you as the next person. Why did you ask me out all of a sudden? After all, I doubt we've spoken more than a few words in the last ten years."

Adrian gave a wry smile. "Lots of reasons. I still try and take out a number of staff occasionally. Your boss has spoken highly of you, I know he doesn't know who you are. I suppose in the normal course of events I would have invited you out anyway sooner or later. Lucy my P.A. is starting to get a bit obvious now in her pursuit of me. I've given her no hint that I've even noticed, but she was a bit wearing yesterday with that ridiculously short skirt she was nearly wearing. And then you went and clobbered your head."

Instinctively, Toni rubbed her forehead and grinned. "It was a bit of a crack, wasn't it."

Adrian got up on impulse and kissed his daughter's forehead approximately where she'd banged it. "And then you went and flashed your knickers at me, unintentionally, but it made me realise that you haven't had a partner yourself since before you came to work for me."

Toni blushed. "Have you been having me followed?"

"Oh no. You may think I don't care about you or your brother, but I do, and I try to keep up as much as possible with what you are doing. I may not know about any one night stands, but I do know you haven't had a serious boyfriend since you gave Graham the heave."

Toni thought about it for a while and then frowned as she thought back to what her father had said. "And why did getting a glimpse of my undies suddenly make you think of that?"

"Because they were a very prim and proper white, and after Lucy flashing all these lacy frilly god knows what's at me, your simple white ones suddenly made me realise that I'm not the only one without a love life."

Although they'd had a bottle of wine with their meal, Adrian had only drunk two glasses, Toni had drunk the rest, and now she suddenly felt very light headed. A wicked grin crossed her face. She stood up and grabbed her father's hand. "I've got something to show you," she said.

She pulled him into the kitchen and pointed at a drying rack where three pairs of identical white cotton knickers hung. "There are the very undies you got a brief glimpse of yesterday."

"Oh it was more than just a brief glimpse," murmured Adrian in surprise. "It was a good long eyeful."

Toni just giggled and grabbed his arm again, pulling him into her bedroom. She took hold of the top drawer in the small chest of drawers and pulled it on to the bed. "My underwear." She stirred the contents around a bit, and Adrian saw that although there were a large number of similar white cotton knickers on the top, everything underneath was much more filmy, lacy and sexy. Much more feminine.

Adrian picked up a pair of filmy black thong knickers. "But do you still wear them?"

Toni shook her head. "Not for a while." She scattered the underwear across the bed looked at it for a while. "Not for a very long time," she whispered. Slowly she put them all back in the draw, the white cotton briefs on the top.

"There you go," she said triumphantly, but there was a brittleness to her voice. "I think you've now seen all my knickers except the pair I'm wearing, and possibly a pair in the wash basket that I missed" and with that she slipped the shoulder of her long dress off and let it fall to the floor in a whisper of silk. Underneath, all she was wearing was another pair of simple white cotton briefs, no bra, that even so managed to looked very attractive.

"You still look very sexy even in just white briefs," said Adrian softly. Although he now had another erection, he ignored it, as it seemed just possible that Toni was asking for help, and in any case she was his daughter.

Toni gave a grim smile. "I can't even get that right." She roughly pushed down her underwear and kicked them off, falling onto the bed and lying there sobbing. Although Toni didn't deliberately flash herself at her father, as she lay down Adrian caught a glimpse of her pubic mound, noting that it appeared to be very thick and bushy.

Adrian kicked off his shoes and swung himself onto the bed beside her. "What's up pet?" he asked softly, stroking her shoulders, uncomfortably aware that she was completely naked in front of him. Even as he tried to talk to her, he couldn't help his eyes wandering over her firm, and to him very beautiful body, her shapely bottom, slim waist, and trim legs.

Toni rolled onto her back and glared at her father.

"Father's are supposed to love their children. Do you?"

"Yes. Very much. I've always been very proud of you, of your achievements. I'd've liked either you or your brother to have come into the business proper, so that I could pass it on to you, but the fact that you didn't just means that you are your own person, with your own hopes and desires. I'm sad that your marriage to Graham didn't work out, but I'm pleased you had the courage to realise that it was over, and to get on with the rest of your life." He sat up and took hold of one of her hands in his. "You're my little girl, you always have been, you always will be."

"Prove you love me," whispered Toni and spread her legs a little and pulled her father forcefully down on top of her. Adrian was very surprised and tried to push away, but Toni had become a veritable tiger, and had most of his clothes off him, and his cock in her hands, in very short order. Adrian stopped worrying, all he cared about now was that a beautiful young women was lying underneath him, urging him on. His hands went to her small breasts, mauling them, whilst his mouth dropped onto hers and they kissed feverishly. Suddenly they stopped as they both felt his prick touch the opening to her body.

"Toni," whispered Adrian. "If this is what you want, I'll do it, but believe me, you don't have to. I'm your father, and I love you very much, you don't need to do this to prove anything."

"I know," she whispered, "but suddenly I very much want to." With that she slipped the tip of her fathers prick inside her. Adrian paused a moment longer, and then pushed slowly but firmly until he was balls deep inside her. They stared at each other in astonishment for a long time, just feeling the incredible sensations building within them, neither of them caring in the least that what they were doing was illegal, and then they were making love, slowly at first, but soon fast and hard, slamming away at each other, both of them crying out in wonder and delight.

Adrian was the first to come, filling his daughters vagina with huge quantities of his sperm. "Arggghhhh," he groaned as he unloaded his balls for what would turn out to be the first of many times over the next hours. Underneath him, Toni was still thrusting her hips, evidently enjoying herself, but equally evidently no where near her own climax. "Yes, yes, yes," she muttered to herself, her hips moving strongly and rhythmically.

Toni looked up at her father in astonishment as she felt him fill her, first with his prick, then soon afterwards with his spunk. In his turn, Adrian looked into his daughters eyes, looked at her sweaty face, and knew she was not regretting it. Not yet at any rate. For the first time in many years, Adrian's erection didn't falter after his climax, and knowing his daughter hadn't yet come, he continued to thrust slowly into her, but this time he changed the way his body moved over hers, changing the speed and direction, the depth of thrust, the force of each thrust, changing almost every stroke.

As she came closer to her own climax, Toni's eyes slowly closed, her head went back stretching her neck, which Adrian began kissing softly, enhancing her pleasure, and she took her lower lip between her teeth.

"Uuurrgh," she moaned softly, her moan getting louder as she felt a hot flame starting to lick out from her hot clit, and with a great cry she climaxed, shuddering and moaning as her father continued to thrust firmly in and out of her. Adrian could feel her spasming pussy around his hard prick, and would have come again himself if Toni's orgasm had continued for much longer.

They stared at each other for a moment before Toni wrapped her arms around her fathers neck and pulled his face to hers. She kissed him, hard, and when he responded, turned it into a deep and passionate kiss. For five minutes the two just kissed, their hands roaming gently over each others body, exploring each other, finding each others erogenous zones. They writhed and rolled around on the double bed until Toni found herself lying on top of her father.

"Watch," she whispered, a small grin on her face. She raised herself slightly, and took hold of her fathers erect cock, and slid the tip along her damp crack. Slowly, she allowed the tip to slide inside her, and with a couple of thrusts, slid down on him, burying it inside her. She rocked to and fro, before lifting her legs slightly and starting to bounce a little more violently, her buttocks coming down with a slap on her fathers thighs as she forced him into her with each stroke.

Adrian lay and watched her, feeling her tight pussy gripping his erection, watching her firm breasts bouncing up and down, her head thrown back, eyes closed, mouth open, a panting, grunting, noise coming from it. He slid his hands up her thighs until he reached his daughters crotch. He stroked her pussy, teasing out her prominent clitoris from its hiding place within her thick pubic bush, and gently flicked it with his finger nail. Toni froze, her whole body quivering.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH" she squealed as she came. She ground her crotch against his, her whole vagina gripping her fathers cock so tightly it was almost painful, for them both. Toni collapsed onto her fathers body, and lay there panting, a huge smile of satisfaction on her face, until Adrian rolled her gently onto her back.

She gave a groan of dissatisfaction, "awww", she pouted as he pulled free of her, but then began to writhe about on the bed again as Adrian began to kiss and lick slowly down her belly.

"Mmmmm," she sighed as his lips and tongue played with her hard nipples. She gave a little breathy giggle when she felt his tongue probe her navel, but she was so aroused that even her ticklishness didn't prevent her from loving every moment of it.

Toni knew what was coming, and she was already panting, breathless from her arousal and anticipation, long before his tongue reached her clit and pussy. Graham had gone down on her a few times early on in their relationship, and a couple more times after their marriage, but had never seemed to particularly enjoy it, or want to do it. Toni had always sensed that this was a chore to him, not something which would give them both pleasure. On the other hand, he had never had any problems with her going down on him, but after one fight, barely a year into their marriage, she had refused to go down on him again. Sadly, Toni had adored cunnilingus, and unfortunately hadn't had any for rather more years than she sometimes cared to think about.

As her fathers tongue touched her quivering clitoris, she gave a soft cry, her whole body tensing up in expectation. Adrian didn't disappoint, and for what seemed to Toni like hours, licked his daughter to a number of orgasms. Adrian also loved cunnilingus, his ex wife, Toni's mother, had been very responsive during the early years of their marriage, and had taught him a number of techniques that now had Toni gasping and moaning with pleasure and delight within just a few seconds. Adrian looked at his daughters gaping pussy, the coral pink inner surface glistening with her arousal, her thick, dense, wiry, pubic hair matted with her secretions. He alternated between burying his tongue as deep inside her vaginal passage as he could reach, and teasing her labia or her clitoris. He pursed his lips around the stubby organ and gently sucked, tickling and flicking the tip with his tongue.

Adrian had already come to one massive climax already that evening, but the sheer eroticism of having has face in his own daughters crotch as he brought her to her screaming climaxes; of having already made love to her once already, and knowing he was going to be doing it again kept him harder and higher than he could ever remember. This wasn't a dream come true for Adrian, this wasn't even a vague fantasy; this was beyond all imagining and that made it even more erotic.

Toni screamed in orgasmic delight, pulling her fathers face even tighter against her crotch, grinding her pussy against his mouth, as her whole body writhed in glorious climax. Adrian inserted a finger, then two, into her vagina, and spread it wide, the glistening pink of her vaginal passage begging for his tongue. As he took another long slow lick of her pussy, she slipped her hand down to her crotch, and used two fingers to spread her outer labia, and give him a clearer view of what he was doing. As he used his tongue around her clitoris once more Toni went rigid as her climax washed over her, spreading out from her vagina and clitoris in soft slow waves of pleasure. Waves of pleasure that just seemed to go on and on and on. She didn't realise she was screaming out her delight, her lust, but Adrian watched and listened in amazement as his ministrations continued to give his daughter such euphoria.

Slipping two fingers inside her he tried to find the g-spot, what scientists now knew, or at any rate strongly believed, was the back of the clitoris, a much much larger organ internally than had ever been realised. The combination of fingers at one end, tongue at the other, and the warmth of his breath over the whole area had Toni crying out her climaxes, screaming at the top of her lungs. Toni had never been a screamer before, but this was too much. Around them, in the neighbouring flats, three other young men and one young couple listened in envy to what was very obviously an incredibly powerful orgasm. All five of the unintentional listeners knew exactly who was having so much pleasure, and whilst four of them wished it was they who were giving the pleasure, for Toni was well liked in the block of flats where she lived; the fifth wished she was receiving the pleasure.

Eventually the intense sensations were just too much for Toni. She pushed her father away and rolled onto her front, panting and gasping, her eyes closed, but a huge smile on her face. "Fuck meee," she gasped softly. "That was just sooooo." her voice trailed off.

Adrian let his fingers run across the swelling of her buttocks then leaned over her and gave each bum cheek a kiss, followed by a trail of kisses up her spine. As he reached the base of her neck, Toni rolled over and looked up at her father. "Lie down," she said softly. Adrian smiled at her but didn't move. "Lie down," she said again, more forcefully this time. She pushed herself up as she spoke.

Adrian slowly lay back and Toni crawled on top of him. She looked him in the eyes. "Thank you." She said softly. "Now try this one for size."

She quickly spun around on her fathers body, and began to kiss and play with his slowly erecting cock. Her own crotch was not many inches from her fathers face, and Adrian began to play with her once more. When she felt his tongue on her she shuddered lightly, and then spoke. "No. No tongues. Fingers only. For now."

Adrian was glad to comply. He loved receiving blow jobs as much as he loved giving them, but he was always wary about sixty-nines. Many years ago, in college, a friend had been off class over a week once, and Adrian had only found out accidentally that his friend had nearly had his cock bitten off when his girlfriend had come first in a sixty nine and her jaws had clamped shut rather than open.

He loved the feelings and sensations of what his daughter was doing 'down below' and played softly with her vulva, examining it closely. To Adrian the sight of an aroused pussy was one of the best sights known to man, and Toni had a pretty pussy anyway. Not many could truly be called pretty, but Toni's was.

Toni licked slowly up and down her fathers erection; taking the solid purple glans into her mouth, sucking on it briefly, and then letting it loose once more to repeat the whole cycle. Toni liked giving head. She hadn't done it often enough to say she loved it, but she did love what it did for her partner, and doing this for her father whilst he stroked and caressed her own crotch was incredibly arousing.

Eventually it was too much for Adrian. He could feel the climax rising slowly and inexorably, spreading out from his hard cock. "Oh god, oh god, oh god," he gasped, and tensed suddenly. Toni knew exactly what was coming, and pushed her mouth a little further over her fathers cock and sucked with all her might, softly scraping the skin of his balls with her long fingernails. "Ahhhhhhhhhh," gasped Adrian, as his whole body bucked and jerked in time with his copious ejaculations. Her mouth was hot and alive, her tongue all over his prick, as he shot jet after jet into his daughter. Toni drank it down out of necessity, if she hadn't she'd have choked, and right now she wanted to give her father all the pleasure she could.

When his orgasm finally finished, he collapsed, exhausted, completely unable to move. "Come here," he whispered.

Toni turned around and lay next to him, cuddling him close. When she felt her fathers hand on her face, stroking her hair off her sweaty forehead, she closed here eyes with a smile, and lay her head on his chest, listening to his rapid heartbeat.

Neither said anything for a while, but when Adrian opened his mouth to speak, Toni turned rapidly, fasted her mouth to his, and just kissed him. He returned her kisses, stroking her back, down to the swell of her buttocks. With one hand Toni massaged her father's soft cock, trying to bring it back to life, but Adrian was, for the moment, completely shot.

When Adrian sensed his daughters mounting frustration, he simply lifted her off him and lay her down on the bed, face down. He leaned over her and began a long slow efflourage massage of her back, punctuating his stroking movements with little kisses all over her body. This was both relaxing and exciting for Toni, as his fingers would occasionally reach around her chest to flick at a nipple, or just down between her legs to tap at her anal opening. The one time she felt him reach over father between her lags and flick once at her clitoris, she jumped and tensed, waiting for him to do even more, but his hands quickly came up and onto the small of her back once more.

She gasped and pressed her crotch into the bed, trying to get a little more pressure on her engorged clit. When, a few minutes later, she snaked one hand down beneath her body to her clit, Adrian pulled it away, pulling her arm from underneath her. Toni moaned in frustration, and Adrian's sole response was to kiss both buttocks, and then work up her spine to her neck.

Toni was in an agony of lust and expectation. He had been teasing her for ages, and she felt she was as ready as she could ever be. Adrian didn't agree though. He knew, just by the touch of her, by the feel of her, that she still had some way to go yet.

Eventually Adrian rolled his daughter onto her back. Toni moaned and spread her legs. "Finally," she thought. "He's going to do me." But he wasn't. Instead Adrian continued has massage with soft kisses ... His kisses seemed at random over her body. One on her tummy, the next at the top of a breast, then on her shoulder, to the opposite armpit, down to her thigh via a nipple, her clit, a nipple again, the inside of her elbow, her mouth. It went on and on and she was getting desperate. He whole body throbbed with the erotic tension building up inside her, until even Adrian knew she was not far from exploding. He moved away from her for a moment, giving her a few seconds to relax.

When Toni didn't feel her father at all after a few seconds she opened her eyes to search for her father. As soon as he saw the querying look in her eyes, he bent over and kissed her mouth once more. before licking and kissing a straight, unbroken, line all the way down to her open cleft. When she felt her fathers warm breath on her crotch, Toni opened her legs as wide as she could, and reached down with one hand to pull her labia apart for him, giving him a cleaner access to her pussy.

Adrian licked at the nub of her clitoris, one finger going inside her, finger fucking her. Toni gave an extra loud moan as the sensations coursed through her, and Adrian was surprised at the copious amounts of sticky fluid now starting to leak from her. He knew she was now ready.

Standing over her, he raised her knees up, took hold of his by now fairly hard cock, and began to swipe it up and down her gaping cleft...

"Yes, yes, do it," gasped Toni, raising her head sufficiently off the bed to watch her fathers hard cock as it slowly slid inside her once more. "Ohhhhhhh, fuuuuuuuuck" she whispered softly before all sense left her with the arrival of a huge, body wracking, orgasm.

Adrian still wasn't all the way inside her when she went off. But that was okay because he was no where near to coming himself, he just wanted, needed, to watch and feel his daughter's stunning climax. He slid the rest of the way inside her grasping cunt, before leaning over her to kiss her erect nipples and up to her mouth.

Toni howled once more in orgasm, but this time her howls were quickly muffled by her fathers mouth as he kissed her frantically.

Adrian couldn't believe just how comfortable it felt to have his cock inside his own daughters climaxing body, and comfortable really was the right way to describe it. He held her thrashing body tight to him, kissing her, stroking her, fucking her, as her climax continued to ricochet around her body for over ten minutes.

Eventually she relaxed and gazed blearily into his eyes, feeling him against her still hyper stimulated body. She smiled at him when she realised his erection was still solid, and pushed her crotch hard against him, feeling another, much softer, climax wash over her. "Ahhhhhhhh" she moaned softly once more, but it passed almost as quickly as it came.

Three more times, as her father moved against her, she felt another soft climax sweep quickly up through her body and away, and still he was hard, still he hadn't come. After that fifth orgasm, her body relaxed further, away from orgasm altogether for the moment. Adrian saw and felt the change in her, and slowed his movements to a stop.

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Ever since I was a little girl, I wanted to join the porn industry. That started when I saw my older brother, Joe, jerking off to a video in his room. It got me hot, and I wanted to be one of those girls that guys masterbated to (and maybe some girls too). Dad also had some Playboys in his room. I liked looking at them, but I loved fantasizing about being a centerfold even more. Anyway, my name is Lisa. I'm a petite brunette with average size tits, but my ass is fantastic. I've had a lot of...

1 year ago
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My Favorite Public Cuckold Sex Moment

About 15 years ago, I was dating my husband‘s boss, Guy, from the construction site he was working on. We had been dating for about 5 months and one of the first weekends we went away together, we took a trip to Santa Cruz for 4 days. We were pretty pent up and eager to be together even before we got driving, so the prospect of spending the next 4 hours focused on driving to our destination was frustrating to say the least.We spent a good 20 minutes debating exactly how to handle the excessive...

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18 year old ebony slut

Just follow me and wait and see, I promise you'll love this' said Steve. We worked together but Steve was fromanother city. Every time I was in his city he'd show me a good time and I would hook him up with a sluty black chick when he was in my neck of the woods. The last time he'd been by I set up a hooker for him and he had been shocked but loved it. Now here he was dragging me to some apartment block and knocking on a door, it was answered by a white guy about 25 who had just a towel around...

2 years ago
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Playing with the ParkersChapter 10 The Aftermath

We all slept late on Saturday morning, but by 9:30 we were together around the Parker's kitchen table, enjoying orange juice, French toast, and crisp bacon. I filled my coffee cup for the second time and wondered what the proper attitude was, after a night of hot public sex on your friends' own marriage bed -- all of it recorded by Don's skilled photographic hand. The Parkers weren't feeling any tension, that's for sure. "What a night!" Louise said, refilling her own coffee cup....

1 year ago
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Total Woman Excursions 12

The Total Woman Excursions beachside was pure white sand, lapped by leisurely waves of the clear blue sea. The scarab speed boat was anchored offshore. Somer was accompanied by his three host guides of the resort: Julie, Agnes and Stephanie. The topless snorkelers plunged the coral depths in search of aquatic flora and fauna. There were many to behold. The reef glimmered with neon colors and exotic shapes. Large and small fish circled, crisscrossed and skittered around them. Somer floated...

1 year ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 338

A platoon of soldiers was marching north of Kandahar when they came upon an Afghani terrorist, badly injured and unconscious. On the opposite side of the road was a Canadian soldier in a similar but less serious state. The soldier was conscious and alert and as first aid was given to both men, the Platoon Leader asked the injured Canadian what had happened. The soldier reported, 'I was heavily armed and moving north along the highway here, and coming south was a heavily armed insurgent. We...

2 years ago
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Jerryrsquos World ndash Doctor Surprise

It was only a 10-minute walk to the Doctor’s so I quickly showered and threw on a tee shirt and a pair of sports shorts and headed off.It was actually in a nice part of town in a leafy street, big houses and nice cars, I was honoured. I found the house and walked up the gravel drive to the front door, took a deep breath and knocked.The door was opened by a young girl in a white coat, about late teens quite pretty with blonde hair and brown eyes, “Hello” she said looking me up and down, “Are you...

4 years ago
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The Sexy Mistress

I sit in class, bitting my nails. For the whole day, all I’ve been thinking about is my Mistress. She is so beautiful. She has long golden curls that flicker at the top of her perky ass. She has bright blue eyes and I could never forget her 34D sized breasts. Just the thought of her makes me so wet. I bite my lip, hoping my panties and skirt won’t be soaked.Finally, the bell rings. I grab my bag and rush out. As I walk down the street, all I can think about is us. What if I don’t please her?...

3 years ago
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The Missadventures of Michelle Section Chapter 1

This is the story of something personal to me. I have broken this down in multiple sections with multiple chapters in each section. Comments regarding this personal journey along with my writing would be greatly appreciated. Please disregard any typos that may be present.The Miss-adventures of MichelleSection I: Hidden DesiresChapter 1 I must first state that everything recorded within these pages may seem far-fetched at times and quite unbelievable. However, the events that transpired are...

1 year ago
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Dad and Jimmy and I

My mom died as my b*****r and i were young teens. Life changed a lot for us then. Most of it better. Jimmy and i started to mature as I grew nice tits and a round ass and he got a nice big cock. My dad really noticed how his k**s were growing up. He was always looking at my tits and my ass. I loved him looking at me and i dressed to entice him. I wore thin tight t-shirts with no bra and my nipples would get very hard when dad stared at them.\\One night when I was asl**p i heard dad come into...

1 year ago
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NaughtyAmerica Sami Parker VR 22315

Asian beauty Sami Parker’s preparing for a yoga session, but she needs your help. She wants to be nice and warm and limber to put herself in various positions, so you’ll have to stretch her out. But first she warms you up by bouncing her nice big ass on her yoga ball, and then rubbing her nice natural tits and body with coconut oil. Sami’s all lubed up with nowhere to go, and that’s where YOU step in to help her with some extra-hot yoga. Slap her slippery, oiled ass with your hands and then...

4 years ago
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3 Clan Amir Falcon FledglingChapter 14

In September, 2007, Colonel Gordon Mannheim, acting Regimental Commander of the Protector’s Own, the Shields, has the full regiment on the Carmel bluffs exercising. In company groups they’re rappelling down the three hundred metre cliffs to the sea drenched rocks and climbing back up. They’re using the half kilometre long central section of the bluffs. This area is restricted access because it has a thirty degree downward slope for half of its length which is followed by a sheer drop making...

2 years ago
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Autumn. Wet, windy and dirty. At least, that is how I see it. Leaves falling from the trees clutter up the drains and footpaths and look so untidy. It was a horrible, wet Autumn night that I was driving home from work in the early hours one Tuesday morning at the end of October. My route takes me across wild moorland roads and the rain was pouring down with a strong wind making the car difficult to drive with visibility quite poor. Suddenly, through the rain soaked windscreen, I saw something...

4 years ago
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How I Seduced My Maid8217s Daughter

To tell about myself, I’m 32 years old 5.11″ tall Wheatish in color… No Belly, but not too athletic.. On an whole, an average looking Tamil Boy… Since I was from a village and since we were well to do, I used to stay in our Chennai Flats, which was usually used to be let out… The Servant maid and her Daughter (Srividya, the main character in the story) used to work in the home for sometime and were known to your family for a long time now… Our Servant maid, was in her late 30s used to cleaning...

2 years ago
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Comissioned by Moonlly Writen by Itsme Song lyrics included from Meredith Brooks, Shania Twain and Meghan Taylor. All rights reserved to those artists and record companies. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The radio clicked on. It was the morning alarm. Music played. "I hate the world today..." I turned over in bed. "I hadn't heard this song in a while. It's a song I used to hear all the time in the 90s," I thought. "I like the song so...

3 years ago
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Simon said we were going to a party tonight I said okay what shall I wear? He picked out for me a hot leather number that had nipple flaps so you he can open them up and expose my nipples whenever he feels like it sometimes he does it when were with a lot of other people like on a subway or walking down the street he likes the reaction of people as my nipples walk by I have really big nipples and Simon has pierced them so they are always adorned with rings spikes large hoops whatever he wants...

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My Name Is EdChapter 39

‭Dinner had been fine but it also left me pondering many things. I had always admitted that I was a racist to some degree, but I never had to define the amount. I either had to move past Maurine, or figure out a compromise. I needed a lot more information about Maurine’s life style before I decided to move forward seeking a relationship with her. It wouldn’t be fair to her to pursue a romantic relationship knowing I couldn’t go forward with it all the way. That would just hurt her more than a...

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The cock up my cunt was continuing to do a fantastic job of coaxing another bone-jarring orgasm from me. Whimpers of lust and enjoyment were spilling from my mouth as I clutched the sheets in desperation. My slit was receiving a class fucking. The sensory nerves in my young body were screaming as the owner of this hard meat up me moved his hands under my panting body and cupped my swollen, jiggling, breasts. A loud whimper of acceptance tore it self from my twenty - three year old body when...

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The Fountain of Youth

‘I want some of the weed you’ve been smokin’!’ Sam Beckett exclaimed, ‘Or a taste of your psychedelic mushrooms!’ ‘You can call off the narc squad – I’m as clean as a set of bowels after a gallon of polyethylene glycol colonoscopy prep,’ bantered Tom Kiernander, one of Sam’s poker buddies and a fellow sales associate at Kevvexx Pharmaceuticals. ‘Besides, I have the information on the highest authority.’ ‘Whose? The redhead’s in accounting whose skirt you’ve been chasin’ the last couple of...

1 year ago
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My awesome slave

Dear friends and readers of Indian sex stories this is my story when I was not married around a year before. I am Shefali a Marathi girl married to a Marathi Australian based businessman and enjoying life like anything. I used to stay in pune before my marriage. My husband is an awesome guy and is a business technocrat. I was working as a fashion model in pune for a private firm. This story is a true incident which changed my life and my loving and caring husband asked me to post it here so...

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PART – 31 FRIDAY FUN FUCK In the last week of March, I and my husband have decided to play our favorite game of fuck in the darkness of the room without seeing each other. Till date, we fucked each other either in day light or bright light in the night seeing each other in act. This was proposed by my husband and I have accepted it to have a new experience of fucking without looking at each other. It was Friday. In the evening, I received a phone call from my husband that he will not be...

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Whatever Happened to Wonder Woman The Amazons

Despite quitting the Justice League and retiring from being a superhero, everyone believed her to be Wonder Woman, yet she had so far avoided meeting Wonder Woman's people, the Amazons, worried they would realise she was an imposter. But no meeting can be put off forever.... (Note: This story is part of a series. If you haven't read the others then, at the very least, you should read WHATEVER HAPPENED TO WONDER WOMAN? before reading this one.) WHATEVER HAPPENED TO WONDER WOMAN:...

4 years ago
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Lockdown Vlll

Closing her mouth around Megan's breast, Savannah bit her nipple. Wincing in pain Megan moaned loudly. Reaching between her legs, Savannah rubbed her hand across Megan's sensitive clit area. As she arched her back sloshing sounds could be heard. Grabbing Savannahs hair, Megan pressed her mouth tighter against her breasts as the most powerful orgasm yet ripped through her body. Bucking liquid covered Savannahs hand. OH SHIT echoed off the walls. Pressing her vagina against her leg Savannah...

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CyborgChapter 5

Eric found the tour of the facility interesting. They allowed him to bring in a SNARK. It was able to scan, and even do limited diagnostics on some of the systems. The result of the diagnostics done, was that a lot of the machinery was found to be broken or breaking down. Maintenance had not been performed as it should have. Parts were wearing out, and no spares were available. Only one operating room was still staffed and functional. They were saving that for staff and selected persons...

4 years ago
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A New LifeChapter 10

"I've got some news," she said. I just looked at her, trying to interpret her expression. There was happiness there, but also apprehension. "How was the date?" she asked. "It was good," I said, "less difficult than I expected, but bitter-sweet, as I'm sure you know. You are avoiding something here. News?" She took a deep breath. "I'm pregnant." Her statement brought me up short. Of all the possibilities I had considered, this one came no-where. Had I thought about it at all,...

3 years ago
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Sucking Daughter Bucking HorseChapter 6

Ellen scrambled off the hay bale and ran over to Cloud and stroked his sweaty neck. "Easy, boy, easy." She led him away from Patsy. Patsy blinked, her eyesight blurred. "Ohhh, God." She moved. Every muscle in her body screamed in pain. "Well?" Mary asked, standing over Patsy. "How does it feel not having your cherry?" A dreamy smile decorated Patsy's mouth. "Fantastic." Tracy dropped between Patsy's long parted legs. "God, look at the cum oozing out of her cunt." She licked...

2 years ago
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Stacy Gives in to Cheating Part 7

Stacy and I hadn’t seen each other in a while, I had been working extra shifts and for some reason Brendan had wanted to spend more time with her. We’d stayed in touch over text and the odd quick phone call but that was it. The winter was just setting in, the temperature had dropped and the evenings were getting darker. It was Friday and I’d been at work all day and had been looking forward to meeting with one of my friends for a few drinks. We had decided to go to one of the nicer bars in...

Straight Sex
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How My Wife Went From Wife to Slut to Whore Part 2

My wife, Terri, and I were invited to a New Year's Eve party at the home of a man from her work named Mr. Bartlett; an older guy probably in his 60s. He and his wife lived in a nice place on a lake outside of Shreveport and we had been to their house a couple of times. Mr. Bartlett had started working there years ago when the old man who owned the company started it and apparently made a lot of money. He still had an office at their headquarters but nobody really knew what his job was, mostly...

Wife Lovers
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One day with her

I was in my office doing my hard work to be done which I have been requested to finish.By eleven'o clock on that day a couple came to my office and approached my boss to send me along with them.My boss was kind enough to give permission to go with them.We three went to my residence , had our lunch and the man told that he had to go to some place and return soon as far as possible. The girl was a blond.She did not care about her boobs . They were very big in size.I ...

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My husband and 3 BBCs

We had a nice hotel suite in the best hotel of Accra, it was really a pleasure.On the 3rd evening we where there, i realized after dinner that i had left my glasses by the swimming pool , so i went to look, but could not see them...so i asked at reception, and they told me to go into a store located on the other side of the swinmming-pool.It was 11pm, and i went to this place and opened the door : an unexpected sight was before me : 3 young blacks boys ( they were 18,19, and 22 years old ) were...

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sandis world of fashion pt 5

‘Of for god’s sake,’ she said. ‘I’ll come over the rest of the week to help but I need your sweet ass down here. We can’t run fast enough to cover for those bitches.’ ‘God I hate it when you whine’: I said ‘I’ll get there as fast as I can, but Des, it’s the last time. You’ll have to find another go to girl and Des…’ ‘Yeah?’ ‘Your ass is mine.’ I said. ‘We’ll talk,’ she said, just before she hung up. = = She hadn’t been exaggerating. The place was a mad house with garments everywhere and...

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Street Justice a Detective Lisa Benson StoryChapter 2

"On your knees, slaves!" Barked Freddie. The three naked, drop-dead gorgeous women couldn't comply fast enough and in the blink of an eye they were kneeling submissively at his feet. Tommy stood behind him, his face scrunched in concentration as he help Freddie reinforce the commands. "This is a reminder of what you are. And that is ... you are nothing! You are not real people. You exist for one reason and for one reason only, as cum-sluts for your Masters. Do you understand...

1 year ago
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My New Next Door Neighbor

My New Next Door Neighbors By Jennifer Allison As I sit here waiting for my date to show up, I get to thinking about what has happened over the last twelve months. Whereas a year a go I was a gangly thirteen year- old boy, now I am fourteen year-old boy/girl who causes any normal male to have hard on by just walking by. I was sitting in this same spot a year ago, when my life changed. For better or worse? You tell me... I was sitting there looking out the window when a large...

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Grammys Surprise

I had worked overseas for a number of years for the government in Italy. It wasidyllic. I had a house near the beach and work was about 10km away. We typicallyworked 12 hour days so I usually worked four days followed by three days off. I hadit in my mind to stay there for many years. But then one day I got word from homethat my grandfather had suddenly died from a stroke and I was needed at home tohelp. I took an extended leave of absence figuring I'd need at least a month andprobably more.It...

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NeighborAffair Olivia Nova 23101

A cup of sugar: isn’t that what every attractive female neighbor is looking for when she comes a-knockin’ on your door? Pete finds his sexy neighbor Olivia Nova chillaxin’ in his bedroom when he arrives home. Not sure what the hell is exactly going on, he inquires about it to the lovely brunette. Turns out her husband is out on the road for two weeks, and she’s bored as hell. And since she’s scene a gaggle of fine ladies going in and out of Pete’s home, she figures his place is the place to be...

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Loosing Virginity With My Cousin

Hello iss readers. How r u all? What I am going to narrate you is my real life experience. First let me describe myself to you. I am Rithika 22 old girl short in height but I have huge breast of 36d and my ass is also huge. My college mates used to stare at my breasts a lot. But the thing is our’s is a typical Andhra orthodox family. So from childhood onwards I grew up thinking that romantic feelings are sin. So I just refused to acknowledge them. At my 12th class my brother gifted me a laptop...

4 years ago
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Dear JohnChapter 39

I’d given my okay to put myself on exhibit because of the fact that Lieutenant Claire had gone out on a limb to get me on the show. And, because I saw it as an opportunity to make some serious points with my son, oh yeah. Was I thinking rightly—arguable—but it was my thinking and I was going to play it through to the bitter end. “So, you gave in without a fight,” said Jeffrey. “Yeah, I guess,” I said. “Well she does outrank me, us.” “Hmm,” he said. “So you coming to the big expose?” I...

2 years ago
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Finally Fucking My Hot Boss 8211 Part 2

If you haven’t read the first part, please do try to catch up. Here is the summary: My 40-year-old boss, Sasha, picked me up to go audit a client. On the drive, my boss put her hand on my thigh, and I finally got my chance to feel her body up and rub her pussy while in her car, on the side of a road. She let me drive after our quick stop to the client’s town while sucking my cock the whole way there. We’re about 20 minutes from the client’s office, so we’re now pretending to be on our best...

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My First Time With Multiple Girls

College was a great time for me. I probably averaged sex three times a week. Every straight guy imagines having sex with multiple girls. I've always dreamed of having a threesome with two girl but I never really thought I would get that lucky. I was a freshman in college and I had friend named Samantha. She was about five feet tall, had light brown hair, 32DDD breasts, and a butt to die for. She was absolutely beautiful. We used to hang out a lot but besides hanging out, she was my fuck buddy....

College Sex
2 years ago
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A Valentines Day Run Around

All characters in this story are over the age of 18. * Lisa rose from the bed and walked slowly towards Joey. He stripped down to his boxers and the dim flicker of light from the candles burning around the deep circular bathtub danced along his skin. His hand reached out for her and as she walked closer he grabbed her blouse and pulled her close to him. Their lips met and the familiar jolt of electricity shot through her body and electrified her. His lips never parted from hers while his...

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Blood Moon Chronicles Book 3 A New Moon RisesChapter 9

“So, Davik, this is where you have been hiding? I must say it is a quaint little camp that you have here.” The voice jarred me, given that I had not seen anyone here during my quick search of the rooms. I turned to see who had said that, as the voice was familiar, but my shocked mind was having trouble figuring out who it was. I soon looked into the deep brown eyes of my love’s mother, Ilane. “I assume you are having trouble understanding my presence here,” she said, with a smile. “You are...

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Silk Purse

This is a work of adult fiction. No resemblance to reality should be inferred or expected. Sort of. Copyright KLS 2007. Silk Purse By Kristina L.S. 1. It was my first meeting with the group... and probably my last. A half dozen would be girls and a psychologist slash moderator. A little room at the drop in refuge centre where...

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My first breeding with Bull

That evening i fed bull. I wanted him to be in good shape for the next week. It was my first time with an animal and i was anxious. But later that evening i decided it was finally time to test it. I closed all the windows and doors and curtains and released bull from his chain. I was wearing only a very thin nighty which was almost visible and i had some icecream on the next table. bull loved icecream. I wondered if he would love it off me. I put on the video of a dog fucking a girl i had...

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Sexual Hunger Secret Desires

Sunlight danced across the baby blue carpet in April’s new condo. She had just finished moving in the day before. Finally after 10 years in a rotten marriage she was free to make her own decisions and do as she saw fit. It was a new beginning for her and she was excited. As she lay there in bed, thoughts of her past life skipped through her mind. She thought about what a tyrant her husband, Dave, had been. She was forced to dress as he liked. She wasn’t allowed to leave their home for more...

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69696969SUMMER VA

It's not to far away and my summer vacances will begin oh my will i ever be so happy!!!This will be our first real vacation that we will take total advantage off at 110%!!!It's been way to long that i've been dreaming about getting licked and fucked by two guy's gone totally wild and i love every minyte of it.It will be our first group sex with a man...i will be the 1 and satisfied girl for hours on end and just can't stop dripping my juicy pussy watching my bf and the mystery man suck their...

1 year ago
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Wife isnt at all shy anymore Part 3

Katie was lying gloriously in-wait. (Like a blonde Cleopatra expecting her man servant...) ...Suddenly, there was a fit young man touching my, almost naked, wife. He seemed to be enjoying rubbing his hands all over her back and thighs - and she was responding with very complementary sighs. Yet, it was when he started gently rubbing oil into her beautiful bum that I got really aroused. When he’d finished enjoying my wife’s bottom, he whispered something in her ear and she nodded. He then untied...

2 years ago
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A Night Worth Remembering Ch 1

John and Kandy became friends with their neighbors Jeff and Erin shortly after they moved to the quaint Midwestern town. John and Kandy have a great sex life. They are not interested in wife swapping or swinging. Jeff and Erin are more reserved and are not into swinging. This is their story of how an innocent back yard barbecue can turn into something the four of them least expected. John is fifty-four years old and works for an accounting firm. He stands six two, has a masculine figure,...

Group Sex
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English ButlerChapter 3

Dolly (Lady Bishop) was having another cup of breakfast tea in the sitting room with Denise (Lady Dorran) the next morning. Neither had mentioned the previous evening, yet. Denise really had not slept well at all but Dolly had slept the sleep of the exhausted. "When your father died I became the matriarch and oldest member of the family. As a result I've been concerned about all the family members. This is confession time so please listen very carefully to what I have to say. I had hoped...

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First post is about my first time

I first lost my virginity at my high school, I was on the football team and was at practice where i got into an argument with the coaches daughter she called me certain names i called her a slut, I got kicked off the football field for the day lol, and one of the cheer leaders, followed me to the locker rooms she said she had to set up the football lockers for Friday cause we were playing a rival team, I believed her and just passed out in my tights on the bench, as i had to wait for my friend...

3 years ago
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Surprise HoneyChapter 8

Jan worked hard to get a great meal ready for us. She wanted to impress the ranger I think, and I was pretty sure that would happen. May checked the boat over and then asked me to go fetch our guest for dinner. Carl helped me get the zodiac in the water and I took off for shore. I could see the ranger waiting as I pulled in. She was wearing blue jeans and a nice shirt. Her chest was defined, as that shirt was snug on her. I tied off to the dock and stepped up onto the wooden walkway. I held...

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