Friendship Deepens free porn video

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“Hell, why don’t we just get rid of our suits completely?” Karen had surfaced sputtering and only then noticed her strapless bikini top had slipped down again. “I’ve been tugging at this damn thing all day.” Karen, her husband Tom, my wife Cassie and I (I’m Nick) had driven up to a small lake that was on Tom and Karen’s out of town property to swim and have a cookout.

We’d been friends for several years, frequently taking trips together and the other kinds of things married friends do. The sight of Karen’s tits was nice, but it wasn’t the first time I’d seen them. Nor would it be the first time any of us had seen glimpses of each other changing and such. In other words, while the four of us had never actually been naked together, it was no big deal.

“We should,” Tom chimed in. “It will be good practice for our next trip.” We had made a game of our vacations. Each couple took turns planning the trips, which happened about twice a year. At Tom’s words, both Cassie and I looked at him. Then we looked at each other and Cassie’s face broke into a smile. Meantime, I noticed Karen had untied her top and tossed it to the grassy bank.

Tom refused to divulge more about the trip. But we spent a great afternoon. Cassie was next to drop her top. Then Karen tossed her bottoms toward where her bra top had landed. Cassie whooped and turned to me. “Gonna be next, Nicky? You’re always the one who wants to go naked.”

I’ve never been one to turn down a challenge, but I’m not one of those, ‘hold my beer’ guys, either. Still, thinking about the next trip – if I was right – I scrubbed my trunks down my legs and tossed them toward Cassie’s top.

Another few minutes and we were four naked people enjoying the sun and warm water all over our bodies. The rest of the afternoon was full of loving and play. We climbed out of the water and lazed around, getting used to being naked with each other, before building a fire and frying steaks and potatoes for our dinner. We dressed and left for home.

Later, in the car, Cassie asked me, “What do you really think? Is this a good idea?”

Before answering, I turned over what she was asking. There had been definite sexual tension among the four of us that afternoon at the swimming hole. All that passed through my mind in a flash. “What? Stripping down in company?”

“Oh, Karen was waving her tits around at you, I figured Tom had the same privilege to see mine.” We laughed at that. Then Cassie said in a lower voice, “Did you feel it, Nick? When we were all naked? It was like, I don’t know. There was an energy flitting around through the air.”

I looked at her. Her face was flushed, and her eyes were trained on the windshield, but I knew she was deep into some vision, no doubt sexually powered. I wondered if she was wondering about the possibilities. I know I was.

“Just say it, Cass. What we felt – and I’m sure we all felt it – was sexual energy. Nothing happened that wouldn’t happen if we’d been in our suits. But, naked the way we all were, had they started something between them, I wouldn’t have minded watching. You know you felt the same. I saw it in your eyes.”

“And, I think if that had happened, you and I would have done the same,” she said. We both stayed pretty quiet the rest of the way home.

The next time we got together was at our house. It was two weeks later. Cassie opened the discussion. “So don’t leave us hanging about our next trip, Tom,” she said. “Out with it.” Tom gave Karen a look and she told us.

“Oh, for Christ’s sake! We found a clothing optional resort. It’s down along the coast and should be nice and warm in June. The only question is, how we want to do it.”

I was buzzing with all the things this meant that I had no words. Cassie was kind of in shock. Finally, Tom broke the spell. “We could rent one of those giant RV’s and all stay in it together, or...” He went on to say there were cabins for two and ‘family cabins’ where we could share. Or, he said, we could rough it and use tents. We had tents from a different vacation, along with all the gear for it.

Cassie seemed to be okay with the ‘optional’ part. “As long as I don’t have to walk around butt naked with a bunch of strangers all day and night, I guess...” She just shrugged.

The rates were kind of steep, but we decided to share a cabin. The idea of an RV was discarded out of hand. A ‘family cabin’, with two bedrooms and everything else shared was cheaper than two singles, and none of us wanted to sleep on the ground.

Later, Cass was quiet as we cleaned up. “What’s wrong, babe?”

“I’m just thinking about the trip. I don’t know if I like the idea.”

“What? Sharing a cabin somewhere we don’t have to wear clothes might prove to be more than we want to get into? Or else ... are you afraid Tom or I will do something?”

“Oh. No ... I don’t know what’s bothering me, honey. It’s a new idea, is all. I have to think about it and get used to it. I want to look up the place, too; see what it’s like.”

“They won’t be likely to show people there. Most don’t, at least those I’ve looked up. Or else anybody you see will be too far away to see anything.”

“I don’t mean that. I just want to see what they have to say about themselves. I want to see what their policy is toward sex. I don’t want to be seeing people fucking all over the place.”

“Most places don’t permit overt sexuality. They say they’ll kick you out if it’s anything but a stray erection that they expect to be covered up until it goes away.”

Cassie giggled. “That’s funny: ‘stray erection’. ‘Just passin’ by, ma’am,’ he’d say, tipping his little rolled up condom hat. ‘I’m a stray, lookin’ for a home,’ And he would go away.” I laughed with her. It was a funny image.

“That’s the way they refer to it,” I gasped. “I didn’t make that up.”

Two weeks later, Tom and Karen asked us to spend a long weekend at their house. We sat and had a drink beforehand. After a little while, Karen told Cassie she wanted to show her something and they went down the hall to their bedroom. I wondered about that. When we’re out somewhere, they always go together to the rest room, but not usually at home.

Tom and I got everybody fresh drinks and talked about things. I realized the girls had been gone quite a while. Just then I heard them in the hallway. Karen walked in ahead of Cassie. We nearly dropped our beers, because she was naked!

Cassie came timidly from behind Karen, wearing a pair of panties and nothing more. Karen said, “I wanted to get used to hanging out with you guys in the nude, not just skinny-dipping. I managed to talk Cass into going this far.”

“Well, we’ve all seen each other naked already. I didn’t see anything wrong with starting our vacation early,” she said. Tom and I glanced at each other, both of us smiling. We couldn’t wait to join in!

“I thought those things were supposed to be covered up,” Cassie said, grinning. She was indicating the two erect dicks staring her way.

“That’s only at some club or campground. When it’s just our party, or those who we ask to join us, we can do whatever we want. Does anybody here object?”

The wives looked at each other. Then they both said they weren’t offended. “Let ‘em wave, boys,” Karen said, gulping at her drink. Cassie clinked her glass to Karen’s and held it toward us in a salute of agreement. Cassie stripped off her panties, too.

So we hung out together the way we’ve always done, except this time we were naked. The boners dropped to no more than half mast. That was unless they were deliberately stimulated. Like when we were shooting some pool and it was Karen’s turn. With her shapely ass filling my view, she reached for the shot, but found it wasn’t enough. Leaning forward, she raised one leg and rested the thigh on the rail.

That changed my view to one of her cunt, shiny, open, and dripping. She took a while to line her cue up. In the first moment, my dick woke up. It rose up, demanding to be fed. Karen stroked her cue and made the shot. She finally dropped the leg and turned to me. She eyed my erection and winked at me.

After pool, we went toward the hot tub. But Tom stopped us. The afternoon was getting later, so Tom and Karen told us to go ahead while they started to prep dinner.

That day, there was no doubt where Cassie and I both would be when dinner was ready. We headed to their guest bedroom instead of the hot tub. Karen grinned at me when we passed her.

“Jesus!” Cassie said as she collapsed on the bed. “I don’t know Nick. I’m not sure I can take a week of looking at us all naked. I have to tell you that seeing Tom’s dick standing up hard made me horny. Even watching you watch Karen lining up that shot – you know the one – got to me. And I’ve never thought about sex with another woman.”

I tried to picture my wife with her face stuffed into Karen’s crotch. It was easy. Then I thought about Tom’s dick. Could I? Would he? “I understand, honey. Did you know she did that to show her pussy off to me? She winked at me afterward, and eyed my stiff dick.”

“That bitch! She’s trying to seduce you. I looked at Tom, too, but I didn’t make a big deal of it.” By then I was beside her and stroking her breast and belly. When I reached lower, I found her pussy was drenched.

“Maybe not, but it – or something – made you juicy. And it’s too much to have happened just from being here with me.”

“Okay, yeah, it made me horny. Are they both trying to seduce us? Are they already swingers or do you think this trip is supposed to experiment with it?”

“I don’t know. But don’t jump to conclusions, Cass. What if they are trying to get us into bed with them? Would you go along with it? Could you stand to watch me screw Karen while Tom screwed you too?”

“Nick! I can’t imagine it. Can you?”

“I can. But the thing that really gets to me is the thought of you with Karen, making out ... making love.”

“What about you and Tom? You said you’d never been with a guy. Could you make out with him, or suck him off?” I pondered her question.

“I admit, I’ve tried to picture two guys together. At first I wondered how they could do it. But with all the talk, and especially since same sex marriage has been legalized, I understand how two guys or two girls can love each other enough to express it physically. I’ve wondered what it must be like.”

“So, you’re saying you’d do it if Tom came on to you?”

“No. I didn’t say that. I just wonder what it’s like to have a dick in my mouth. I’m not gay, Cass.” She had my cock in her hand, stroking. “I just said I wonder how it feels.”

“I can see why you might do it with Tom. He’s pretty hunky. I told you that before. What would you do, though, if he suggested it?”

I shook my head. But I wasn’t saying no to the idea. “I honestly don’t know. He’s my best friend, just like Karen’s yours. I couldn’t react in horror. We’re too close for that. I guess I kind of love him, I’d do a lot of things for him, but I don’t know if I’d take his big hard dick in my mouth. What would you do if Karen held your tit? What if she leaned down to suck it?”

Cassie kind of shivered. Then she looked at me with a strange expression. Finally she said, “They’re both our best friends. I do love her. Back when we were skinny dipping, I watched her nipples get hard. Mine were hard too though. And you know how much I love to have my tits sucked. Like you, I can’t see me running away if she did.”

We never got to fucking – the reason we’d gone to the bedroom in the first place. About then, There was a knock on the door. “What?” I asked. The door opened a crack and Karen’s voice came from the hallway.

“Is it safe to come in?” M cock was hard as a rock. I told her she could come in. Her eyes went to my dick first, then to Cassie’s crotch. “Um, I just wanted to see if you guys still want to go in the tub. Dinner is cooking, but it will be a while.”

“Sure,” Cassie said. “We’ll be right out.” Karen disappeared. “Let’s go,” Cassie said, rising off the bed.

“Uh, what about this?” I asked, gesturing toward my hard on. She grinned.

“She’s seen it before, Nicky. Come on.” When I stood up, she gripped my dick and led me out. She didn’t let go until we got to the tub. Both our friends looked at it, then broke out laughing.

“Woo-hoo!” Karen said. “Looks like you needed a little more time. Sorry I interrupted.” Tom chuckled, taking in Cassie’s erect nipples.

We joined them in the bubbles and sat down. Cassie charged right in. “We were just talking about this trip you have planned for us, Tom.” She glanced at me smiling. I was clueless where she was going, but she had sex on her mind, just like I did. “What about sex? I get pretty loud sometimes when I’m really turned on.”

“So? I wouldn’t mind listening,” Tom laughed. Karen poked him I n the ribs, but she was laughing too.

“We’ve talked about that, too,” Karen threw in. We’ll have our own rooms. But we’re all so close, I wouldn’t mind it either. I know you love, Nick. I know you have sex. There’s no reason to hide it.” She hesitated, but then added with a blush, “I confess, I’ve tried to picture you guys making love.”

“Listen you guys. This wasn’t the idea, really. But if it happens, it’s no big deal. We’ve never done it, but if we ever wanted to swap with somebody, we both agree it would be with you guys.”

“Swap!?” Cassie exclaimed. “Nobody said anything about that!”

“And I’m not suggesting it,” Tom said quickly. “I’m just saying that sex is natural. If you’re noisy when you have an orgasm, Cassie, then you are.” He glanced at her tits, bobbing in the water. “All it would do is turn us on.” Their eyes met and Cassie smiled an embarrassed smile at him.

“What about you guys? Are you noisy lovers?” she asked.

“I kind of hum as I get close. Like Tom, if it’s a really good ... come, I kind of scream a little bit. It’s kind of embarrassing though.” She glanced at Tom before adding, “And, yeah, knowing you guys were in the other room where you’d hear it, would even be a turn on for me, I think.”

Tom was sitting next to her. I saw his arm move in front of her and she jumped. “Just talking about it turns you on. You’re slippery now, and we’re in the water.”

“Tom! God, do you have to broadcast it?” Karen scolded him.

“Hell, honey. What are we talking about? Sex! We’re adults. We all know we have sex. I’m rock hard, and I’m sure Nick is, too, Right, Nick?”

“Yup,” was about all I could manage to say. I wasn’t embarrassed. I was thinking about the other stuff we’d talked about. Tom and I had both gotten erections when we were swimming naked that day, but they relaxed after a while. I asked myself again, could I? Would I? I decided I could and would, but I wouldn’t suggest sucking each other off. I couldn’t initiate it. I didn’t think so, anyway.

We got out and dried. Tom and I headed for the house. Karen was drying Cassie’s back. “We’ll be right in,” she said. So we went in and I helped him set things up for dinner. A few minutes later our wives came in and took over. We went to sit in the living room with fresh beers. We still had mostly hard dicks.

“I hope this talk about our sex lives isn’t bothering you, man,” he said.

“No, it isn’t. Personally, I wouldn’t mind if we all had to sleep – and have sex - in the same room. The idea of watching and being watched has always been a kind of fetish desire for me. I guess that’s what you could call it.”

“Hell, why don’t we just get rid of our suits completely?” Karen had surfaced sputtering and only then noticed her strapless bikini top had slipped down again. “I’ve been tugging at this damn thing all day.” Karen, her husband Tom, my wife Cassie and I (I’m Nick) had driven up to a small lake that was on Tom and Karen’s out of town property to swim and have a cookout.

We’d been friends for several years, frequently taking trips together and the other kinds of things married friends do. The sight of Karen’s tits was nice, but it wasn’t the first time I’d seen them. Nor would it be the first time any of us had seen glimpses of each other changing and such. In other words, while the four of us had never actually been naked together, it was no big deal.

“We should,” Tom chimed in. “It will be good practice for our next trip.” We had made a game of our vacations. Each couple took turns planning the trips, which happened about twice a year. At Tom’s words, both Cassie and I looked at him. Then we looked at each other and Cassie’s face broke into a smile. Meantime, I noticed Karen had untied her top and tossed it to the grassy bank.

Tom refused to divulge more about the trip. But we spent a great afternoon. Cassie was next to drop her top. Then Karen tossed her bottoms toward where her bra top had landed. Cassie whooped and turned to me. “Gonna be next, Nicky? You’re always the one who wants to go naked.”

I’ve never been one to turn down a challenge, but I’m not one of those, ‘hold my beer’ guys, either. Still, thinking about the next trip – if I was right – I scrubbed my trunks down my legs and tossed them toward Cassie’s top.

Another few minutes and we were four naked people enjoying the sun and warm water all over our bodies. The rest of the afternoon was full of loving and play. We climbed out of the water and lazed around, getting used to being naked with each other, before building a fire and frying steaks and potatoes for our dinner. We dressed and left for home.

Later, in the car, Cassie asked me, “What do you really think? Is this a good idea?”

Before answering, I turned over what she was asking. There had been definite sexual tension among the four of us that afternoon at the swimming hole. All that passed through my mind in a flash. “What? Stripping down in company?”

“Oh, Karen was waving her tits around at you, I figured Tom had the same privilege to see mine.” We laughed at that. Then Cassie said in a lower voice, “Did you feel it, Nick? When we were all naked? It was like, I don’t know. There was an energy flitting around through the air.”

I looked at her. Her face was flushed, and her eyes were trained on the windshield, but I knew she was deep into some vision, no doubt sexually powered. I wondered if she was wondering about the possibilities. I know I was.

“Just say it, Cass. What we felt – and I’m sure we all felt it – was sexual energy. Nothing happened that wouldn’t happen if we’d been in our suits. But, naked the way we all were, had they started something between them, I wouldn’t have minded watching. You know you felt the same. I saw it in your eyes.”

“And, I think if that had happened, you and I would have done the same,” she said. We both stayed pretty quiet the rest of the way home.

The next time we got together was at our house. It was two weeks later. Cassie opened the discussion. “So don’t leave us hanging about our next trip, Tom,” she said. “Out with it.” Tom gave Karen a look and she told us.

“Oh, for Christ’s sake! We found a clothing optional resort. It’s down along the coast and should be nice and warm in June. The only question is, how we want to do it.”

I was buzzing with all the things this meant that I had no words. Cassie was kind of in shock. Finally, Tom broke the spell. “We could rent one of those giant RV’s and all stay in it together, or...” He went on to say there were cabins for two and ‘family cabins’ where we could share. Or, he said, we could rough it and use tents. We had tents from a different vacation, along with all the gear for it.

Cassie seemed to be okay with the ‘optional’ part. “As long as I don’t have to walk around butt naked with a bunch of strangers all day and night, I guess...” She just shrugged.

The rates were kind of steep, but we decided to share a cabin. The idea of an RV was discarded out of hand. A ‘family cabin’, with two bedrooms and everything else shared was cheaper than two singles, and none of us wanted to sleep on the ground.

Later, Cass was quiet as we cleaned up. “What’s wrong, babe?”

“I’m just thinking about the trip. I don’t know if I like the idea.”

“What? Sharing a cabin somewhere we don’t have to wear clothes might prove to be more than we want to get into? Or else ... are you afraid Tom or I will do something?”

“Oh. No ... I don’t know what’s bothering me, honey. It’s a new idea, is all. I have to think about it and get used to it. I want to look up the place, too; see what it’s like.”

“They won’t be likely to show people there. Most don’t, at least those I’ve looked up. Or else anybody you see will be too far away to see anything.”

“I don’t mean that. I just want to see what they have to say about themselves. I want to see what their policy is toward sex. I don’t want to be seeing people fucking all over the place.”

“Most places don’t permit overt sexuality. They say they’ll kick you out if it’s anything but a stray erection that they expect to be covered up until it goes away.”

Cassie giggled. “That’s funny: ‘stray erection’. ‘Just passin’ by, ma’am,’ he’d say, tipping his little rolled up condom hat. ‘I’m a stray, lookin’ for a home,’ And he would go away.” I laughed with her. It was a funny image.

“That’s the way they refer to it,” I gasped. “I didn’t make that up.”

Two weeks later, Tom and Karen asked us to spend a long weekend at their house. We sat and had a drink beforehand. After a little while, Karen told Cassie she wanted to show her something and they went down the hall to their bedroom. I wondered about that. When we’re out somewhere, they always go together to the rest room, but not usually at home.

Tom and I got everybody fresh drinks and talked about things. I realized the girls had been gone quite a while. Just then I heard them in the hallway. Karen walked in ahead of Cassie. We nearly dropped our beers, because she was naked!

Cassie came timidly from behind Karen, wearing a pair of panties and nothing more. Karen said, “I wanted to get used to hanging out with you guys in the nude, not just skinny-dipping. I managed to talk Cass into going this far.”

“Well, we’ve all seen each other naked already. I didn’t see anything wrong with starting our vacation early,” she said. Tom and I glanced at each other, both of us smiling. We couldn’t wait to join in!

“I thought those things were supposed to be covered up,” Cassie said, grinning. She was indicating the two erect dicks staring her way.

“That’s only at some club or campground. When it’s just our party, or those who we ask to join us, we can do whatever we want. Does anybody here object?”

The wives looked at each other. Then they both said they weren’t offended. “Let ‘em wave, boys,” Karen said, gulping at her drink. Cassie clinked her glass to Karen’s and held it toward us in a salute of agreement. Cassie stripped off her panties, too.

So we hung out together the way we’ve always done, except this time we were naked. The boners dropped to no more than half mast. That was unless they were deliberately stimulated. Like when we were shooting some pool and it was Karen’s turn. With her shapely ass filling my view, she reached for the shot, but found it wasn’t enough. Leaning forward, she raised one leg and rested the thigh on the rail.

That changed my view to one of her cunt, shiny, open, and dripping. She took a while to line her cue up. In the first moment, my dick woke up. It rose up, demanding to be fed. Karen stroked her cue and made the shot. She finally dropped the leg and turned to me. She eyed my erection and winked at me.

After pool, we went toward the hot tub. But Tom stopped us. The afternoon was getting later, so Tom and Karen told us to go ahead while they started to prep dinner.

That day, there was no doubt where Cassie and I both would be when dinner was ready. We headed to their guest bedroom instead of the hot tub. Karen grinned at me when we passed her.

“Jesus!” Cassie said as she collapsed on the bed. “I don’t know Nick. I’m not sure I can take a week of looking at us all naked. I have to tell you that seeing Tom’s dick standing up hard made me horny. Even watching you watch Karen lining up that shot – you know the one – got to me. And I’ve never thought about sex with another woman.”

I tried to picture my wife with her face stuffed into Karen’s crotch. It was easy. Then I thought about Tom’s dick. Could I? Would he? “I understand, honey. Did you know she did that to show her pussy off to me? She winked at me afterward, and eyed my stiff dick.”

“That bitch! She’s trying to seduce you. I looked at Tom, too, but I didn’t make a big deal of it.” By then I was beside her and stroking her breast and belly. When I reached lower, I found her pussy was drenched.

“Maybe not, but it – or something – made you juicy. And it’s too much to have happened just from being here with me.”

“Okay, yeah, it made me horny. Are they both trying to seduce us? Are they already swingers or do you think this trip is supposed to experiment with it?”

“I don’t know. But don’t jump to conclusions, Cass. What if they are trying to get us into bed with them? Would you go along with it? Could you stand to watch me screw Karen while Tom screwed you too?”

“Nick! I can’t imagine it. Can you?”

“I can. But the thing that really gets to me is the thought of you with Karen, making out ... making love.”

“What about you and Tom? You said you’d never been with a guy. Could you make out with him, or suck him off?” I pondered her question.

“I admit, I’ve tried to picture two guys together. At first I wondered how they could do it. But with all the talk, and especially since same sex marriage has been legalized, I understand how two guys or two girls can love each other enough to express it physically. I’ve wondered what it must be like.”

“So, you’re saying you’d do it if Tom came on to you?”

“No. I didn’t say that. I just wonder what it’s like to have a dick in my mouth. I’m not gay, Cass.” She had my cock in her hand, stroking. “I just said I wonder how it feels.”

“I can see why you might do it with Tom. He’s pretty hunky. I told you that before. What would you do, though, if he suggested it?”

I shook my head. But I wasn’t saying no to the idea. “I honestly don’t know. He’s my best friend, just like Karen’s yours. I couldn’t react in horror. We’re too close for that. I guess I kind of love him, I’d do a lot of things for him, but I don’t know if I’d take his big hard dick in my mouth. What would you do if Karen held your tit? What if she leaned down to suck it?”

Cassie kind of shivered. Then she looked at me with a strange expression. Finally she said, “They’re both our best friends. I do love her. Back when we were skinny dipping, I watched her nipples get hard. Mine were hard too though. And you know how much I love to have my tits sucked. Like you, I can’t see me running away if she did.”

We never got to fucking – the reason we’d gone to the bedroom in the first place. About then, There was a knock on the door. “What?” I asked. The door opened a crack and Karen’s voice came from the hallway.

“Is it safe to come in?” M cock was hard as a rock. I told her she could come in. Her eyes went to my dick first, then to Cassie’s crotch. “Um, I just wanted to see if you guys still want to go in the tub. Dinner is cooking, but it will be a while.”

“Sure,” Cassie said. “We’ll be right out.” Karen disappeared. “Let’s go,” Cassie said, rising off the bed.

“Uh, what about this?” I asked, gesturing toward my hard on. She grinned.

“She’s seen it before, Nicky. Come on.” When I stood up, she gripped my dick and led me out. She didn’t let go until we got to the tub. Both our friends looked at it, then broke out laughing.

“Woo-hoo!” Karen said. “Looks like you needed a little more time. Sorry I interrupted.” Tom chuckled, taking in Cassie’s erect nipples.

We joined them in the bubbles and sat down. Cassie charged right in. “We were just talking about this trip you have planned for us, Tom.” She glanced at me smiling. I was clueless where she was going, but she had sex on her mind, just like I did. “What about sex? I get pretty loud sometimes when I’m really turned on.”

“So? I wouldn’t mind listening,” Tom laughed. Karen poked him I n the ribs, but she was laughing too.

“We’ve talked about that, too,” Karen threw in. We’ll have our own rooms. But we’re all so close, I wouldn’t mind it either. I know you love, Nick. I know you have sex. There’s no reason to hide it.” She hesitated, but then added with a blush, “I confess, I’ve tried to picture you guys making love.”

“Listen you guys. This wasn’t the idea, really. But if it happens, it’s no big deal. We’ve never done it, but if we ever wanted to swap with somebody, we both agree it would be with you guys.”

“Swap!?” Cassie exclaimed. “Nobody said anything about that!”

“And I’m not suggesting it,” Tom said quickly. “I’m just saying that sex is natural. If you’re noisy when you have an orgasm, Cassie, then you are.” He glanced at her tits, bobbing in the water. “All it would do is turn us on.” Their eyes met and Cassie smiled an embarrassed smile at him.

“What about you guys? Are you noisy lovers?” she asked.

“I kind of hum as I get close. Like Tom, if it’s a really good ... come, I kind of scream a little bit. It’s kind of embarrassing though.” She glanced at Tom before adding, “And, yeah, knowing you guys were in the other room where you’d hear it, would even be a turn on for me, I think.”

Tom was sitting next to her. I saw his arm move in front of her and she jumped. “Just talking about it turns you on. You’re slippery now, and we’re in the water.”

“Tom! God, do you have to broadcast it?” Karen scolded him.

“Hell, honey. What are we talking about? Sex! We’re adults. We all know we have sex. I’m rock hard, and I’m sure Nick is, too, Right, Nick?”

“Yup,” was about all I could manage to say. I wasn’t embarrassed. I was thinking about the other stuff we’d talked about. Tom and I had both gotten erections when we were swimming naked that day, but they relaxed after a while. I asked myself again, could I? Would I? I decided I could and would, but I wouldn’t suggest sucking each other off. I couldn’t initiate it. I didn’t think so, anyway.

We got out and dried. Tom and I headed for the house. Karen was drying Cassie’s back. “We’ll be right in,” she said. So we went in and I helped him set things up for dinner. A few minutes later our wives came in and took over. We went to sit in the living room with fresh beers. We still had mostly hard dicks.

“I hope this talk about our sex lives isn’t bothering you, man,” he said.

“No, it isn’t. Personally, I wouldn’t mind if we all had to sleep – and have sex - in the same room. The idea of watching and being watched has always been a kind of fetish desire for me. I guess that’s what you could call it.”


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4 years ago
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Friendship By Sven the Elder© It was one of ‘those’ days. A bad hair day to end all bad hair days. Looking at the devastation in his driveway, Michael reflected that at least no one had been close by at the time. They would surely have been killed by the falling chimney. The lightning strike itself had been bad enough. The paramedics called by worried neighbours had been quite reassuring: his hearing would come back completely after a few hours. The firemen had covered the holes in the roof...

1 year ago
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Friendship threesome and pregnancy

THIS IS TRUE STORYNOTE: Since English is my second language please forgive any style or grammar mistakes.NAMES ARE MODEFIEDI know Sami since college days, he is my close friend and my wing man. When he married his girlfriend (Nadia) I thought he made the best choice, she is beautiful, smart, friendly and looked so in love with him.After graduation he got a job with a government sponsored company and I opened my own business which is constructions contracts, but we still maintained the...

1 year ago
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Friendship By Sven the Elder© It was one of 'those' days. A bad hair day to end all bad hair days. Looking at the devastation in his driveway, Michael reflected that at least no one had been close by at the time. They would surely have been killed by the falling chimney. The lightning strike itself had been bad enough. The paramedics called by worried neighbours had been quite reassuring: his hearing would come back completely after a few hours. The firemen had covered the holes in the roof...

2 years ago
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Friendship Se Sex Tak Pooja 8211 Part 2

Hi Friends! Mera naam nikhil hai aur main pune me rahta hun. Thanks for appreciating my real incident – friendship-se-sex-tak-pooja (jinhone meri 1st part nahi padha ho wo ye link se padh sakte hain – friendship-se-sex-tak-pooja). Jaisa ki maine first part me bataya tha – Pooja mere office ki friend hai aur humdono mall me mile the fir wo mere flat pe aai thi aur humne kaisa chudai ki. Aaplogo ko yaad dila dun ki pooja ka figure 32-28-32 hai aur us incident ke baad humdono regular hi sex krne...

1 year ago
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Friendship With Bhabhi Goes Into A Close Relation

Hello to all readers of iss. . I’m Shree me M.P. me Mandsaur ke pass rehta hun. . Ye story tab ki hai jab mein apni graduation ke liye Jodhpur me padhai kar raha tha. Mujhe friendship karna accha lagta not only for sex,. . But ese bhi mujhe kisi ki perSonal problems sunaa unka solution dena accha lagta hai. Agar app bhi koi ho toh u can mail me freely. Don’t think too much about it. Apke upar iss baat ka koi affect nahi padega. Ye story hai mere pados me rehne waali bhabhi ki unka naam Sonal...

2 years ago
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Friendship Interrupted

The biggest mistake of my life was keeping a secret from Jen. We were young and talked very seriously about what we wanted out of life. That’s the way we were, we could talk to each other about anything. It didn’t matter how intimate, we could just talk about it. I’m Ben, and that was how it was, Ben and Jen, friends for life. Just one time, I held it in, I should have talked with her. There has never been anyone since Jen that I could confide in so completely. We became pals in the third...

2 years ago
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Friendship Lost

Thirty-three years ago, or thereabouts, I lost a friend. It didn’t occur to me at the time that it would happen, but it has, and it is now one of my greatest regrets. I really hadn’t wanted to admit it for all these years, but I ruined a wonderful relationship with a person who would have made a marvelous life-long friend. How did I do that? It was quite simple. It all actually started out quite innocently. We were brought together within a group of people who went together to provide a week...

2 years ago
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Friendship First Ch 01

*This is my first submission. I would love feedback, good or bad. Let me know if I should continue. Thanks!* *Note: This story is based on fantasy and fact. But I will let the reader decide which is which.* * Steve and I had been together for quite a long time. We met as children in grade school, becoming instant friends. He didn’t live that far away from my house, only about a half- mile, so staying in contact even through the summers was quite easy. His family had a large in-ground pool in...

4 years ago
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Friendship Sincerity

Friendship SincerityBy: Londebaaz Chohan This was Frank’s 3rd semester in college and he was lucky that the scholarship he got once again covered his dorm charges as well along with the college tuition and other dues. He stayed put in the dormitory room but both of his friends, Helen and Iva had to leave and rent a two bedrooms’ facility at about 5 minutes’ walk. The only undesirable thing was that one bedroom was down stairs while the other bedroom was upstairs and the good thing was that each...

1 year ago
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Friendship In Village

Hello Everybody main hun Sonam Sharma. I am a very bindaas girl. Main aj apke saath apni life ki ik tedhi moment share karna chahti hu. Mera rang gora hai. My size is 34D and my ass is 36 (bahar ko haibhut). Poori figure hai 34-28-36.aur main bilkul mast girl hu. I beleive in ejoying life. Mere mama ke ladke ki marriage a gyi thi. Wo ik gaun mein rehte the.mera bhi gaon mein jane ko bhut man tha kyunki us waqt main 8th mein thi jab pichli bar gyi thi. Phir studies ke karan time nhi mila tha. To...

2 years ago
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Friendship club

Hallo mai pramod mai nashik maharashtra se hu mai apko meri ek sachhi kahani batata hu .maine local paper me ek add padhi thi ki apke shahar me aphi ki age ki ladki aunti ke sath dosti (friendship) kijiye maine us number pe phone kiya to samne se ek sunder ladki bat kar rahi thi usne kaha ki apko hamari membarship leni hogi uske liye apko 3000 /- rupees icici bank me jama karne honge to maine kaha thik hai maine 3000/- rupees icici bank me diposite kar diya. Do din chale gaye lekin wo log phone...

1 year ago
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Friendship Paid Off

Friendship Paid OffBy: Londebaaz Chohan John was kind of overwhelmed. Seven years is a long time and he was meeting his school time friend Robert after 7 years. They were the best friends and had gone to elementary school, middle school and high school together. After the high school they went to different colleges and slowly drifted apart because Bob had to work during college days and could not come back home as often and then after college, John returned home and got a job and his new...

3 years ago
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Friendship and infidelity Part 1

I met Sandra one Saturday in early spring. Phyllis and I had gone to the park for a run and were sitting in a coffee shop getting ready to go home for our weekly private afternoon when she waved suddenly. I looked over my shoulder at a very tall muscular black man and somewhat shorter black woman coming our way—though that still made her my height, give or take an inch. Phyllis said, “Dave, hi!” I shook hands with the man and she introduced us, “Dave, this is my boyfriend Cal. Dave is in my...

3 years ago
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Friendship With Married Colleague Turns Into An Affair

Hey everyone. This is Mr. K here again from Bangalore, India and currently working in IT. I am sharing one of my sex experiences here. This story involves a colleague of mine. Her name is Debbie (name changed). She is married but looks young and beautiful with nice assets. We got to know each other well slowly and became good friends. I had good respect for her and same way, she respects me. I thought my colleague was happily married but gradually, I got to know that there were some...

1 year ago
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Friendship Changed As My Sex Partner

Hi all ISS readers, this is Midhun from Chennai. I am religious reader of ISS and now I wish to share my experience. Introducing me I am 5.5 feet tall and with tool size 7 inches.  Coming to the sex story which happened in my life. She is my best friend her name is Swetha (name changed). We both were very close. We were working together in an MNC. We used to roam all around Chennai. Late night rides were our preferred roaming time. I had no intention or had any wrong thinking until I saw her in...

3 years ago
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Friendship Turned To Heaven On Earth 8211 Part 1

My name is Vinay (name changed fr safety) 23… 5.6 height..Thin . Note: story is true. Her name is Ananya 23 ..My first story..Apologies if mistakes..Please do give feedback .. This story was when I was in p.U.(12th) I was in depression when 1 of my friend(girll) who I had crush on was not talking to me because of my other guy friend who ditched me by double gaming .I had shared to him that I have crush on her(Samantha) but I want to overcome since we 3 are v.Good friends,but this asshole vikram...

4 years ago
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Friendship Se Sex Tak With Pooja 8211 Part 1

Hello friends! Main pune me rahta hun aur job krta hun. Mujhe sex krna bahut pasand hai. Main aap logo ko apni sach story batana chahta hun. Ye kahani 15 din pahle ki hai. Main mall me shopping ke liye gya tha waise mujhe kuch jaruri kaam tha. Main apna kaam khatam krke jb wapas parking me aaya to maine dekha ek ladki mujhe bahut dhyan se dekh rai hai. Usne apne face dhaka hua tha. Wo apne scooty me aayi thi aur wahi uski scooty thi jaha pe meri bike parked thi. Main apni bike ke paas pahucha...

2 years ago
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Friendship With Vegetable Seller

Hi friends. I am Arun. I’m 24 years old and I’m here to share with you my real life sex experience with my sweet looking and spicy vegetable seller turned servant maid. Her name is Kavitha and is 25 years old. She is a bit dark colour but looks very sweet. She works in a vegetable shop in my neighbourhood owned by her father. Her father takes care of the billing and Kavitha helps the customers in taking vegetables of required quantity. The very first time I went to her shop, my dick got a bit...

3 years ago
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Friendship Forever

Hi readers and thanks for full support. I also thanked to all females who approached me and I want t tell you one thing that I can’t come to you. You can chat to me by yahoo mail. This is another story request all the girls/lesbian if you ready to express your personal lesbian expression I will narrate an story on that. Please mail your experience. My id is For males- Please don’t make any bad comment in mail. I am lesbian and please leave your comment on stories only. Hi I am Madura from...

4 years ago
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Friendship is Valuable

Friendship is Valuable By ZeDD I"ve been friends with Robert for years now, enough to know what kind of person he is. Bottom line, he was a good guy, friends with anyone, willing to help out if you needed it. I'm not exactly that kind of guy. Don't get me wrong I'm friendly enough. But I'd rather be doing something I like than helping the neighbor out or something. I guess I'm a little stingy with my time. It's been weeks now since I've seen Robert, ever since he and I went...

1 year ago
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Friendship becomes more

Jess and I had been friends for nearly 2 years. We had just hit it off one day and were close from then on. We told each other everything. I never really saw Jess in a sexual way, although she was quite attractive with a sexy figure and 34C breasts. I just saw her as a friend. Because we shared everything with one another, it often included our sexual progress with others - and to this point we were still virgins. This obviously created a fair amount of sexual tension between the two of us -...

First Time
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---- I think I will get a drink Ralph... ---- Ok... see ya when ya get back. [Ralph laughs..., right... Elsie.] Elsie approaches the bar-keep. ---- Hello. ---- Hello he answers..., enjoying the party Elsie. ---- YES! .... How did you know my name, she asks... Mackay winks at her; I like to know the names of my good looking customers... Elsie laughs; --- Good looking eh! ... I am seventy young man... you should respect your elders. --- Oh I do, believe me... You just do...

4 years ago
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Friendship Bribe

Maryssa and Bill have been friends for nearly 2 years, during those 2 years, Maryssa told Bill "Bill, I know this may sound odd coming from me, but we have been through a lot as friends, what I'm trying to say is, I am starting to consider you as my older brother." "Why would that sound odd, I have always looked at you as a sister" Bill replied. You may think that during those 2 years Maryssa and Bill have known each other were perfect, well your very wrong. Maryssa is the kind of...

2 years ago
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Friendship into Lust into Love

Fuck this shit, he thought, slamming the phone into its cradle. I have work to do, and I realllly don’t have time to put up with Rachel’s nonsense. He knew he was going to pay dearly for that, but he couldn’t help himself. There was only so much blame a man can take for things that aren’t his fault, things he hasn’t even DONE before he just can’t take it anymore. Better to hang up in anger than for that same anger to make him say something he can’t take back. It’s not that his girlfriend was a...

2 years ago
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Friendship Renewed Ch 03

After giving it one more go for the night, Liz and Jay were both completely spent. Jay snuggled up next to Liz, pulling her close and breathing in the flowery scent of her hair. Liz shifted in Jay’s arms to face him and nuzzled her nose gently against his, gazing into his eyes lazily. ‘I love you,’ Liz whispered softly. Jay smiled, ‘But I love you more.’ Liz rested her head on Jay’s chest and just listened as his heartbeat slowly helped her drift off to sleep. Jay smiled at Liz in...

3 years ago
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Friendship and infidelity Part 2

The next Wednesday the four of us had dinner together. Sandra and I allowed ourselves occasional wicked glances, but for the most part maintained something approaching our earlier behavior. At one point Dave said, “Phyllis and I have another meeting Friday with Sloan to work on the course plan from late afternoon until we finish, probably late at night.” Sandra and I glanced at each other with what I at least intended to be little expression, and I said, “Crap, Friday?” She added, “Yeah,...

3 years ago
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Friendship Gone Wild

We had been friends for more than ten years and one day I realised that I had the hots for him. Whenever we were hanging around in his pool and having fun by touching each other, I realised that I wanted him to touch my naked body. However, I thought that he just saw me as a friend, because he never tried to go further.I realised that my pussy started to go crazy in his presence. I started to masturbate at home while thinking of him and imagined his cock. One day, we were hanging out in his...

3 years ago
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Friendship Leads Sex With The Office Colleague

Hi. Indian Sex Stories dot net readers, lovely hot horny women, and handsome guys. I’m a big fan of Indian Sex Stories stories. I have read for many years but today happened to write a story here. please excuse with my mistake since this is my first sex story. I’m Kathik(changed) from Bangalore, 32 yrs aged, very healthy and athletic gym body with height 5.7, weight 75kg with a dick to satisfy any lady here. I will be eagerly looking forward to your real feedback and any girls, women,...

2 years ago
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Friendship With Beautiful Aunt And It Changed To Sex

Hi, this is Ayush(name changed) from Ahmedabad. This is my first story in Indian sex stories as I started reading stories on this site from a couple of years ago when the incident took place in my life which was suggested by my Sakshi(name changed) aunt which she told me later. So please feel free to give me feedback about the story on my email id “” any aunties/girls feel free to contact me for any sexual pleasure or even just to talk sexual. This might go long as it is 100% true. Well let’s...

2 years ago
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Friendship To Lust 8211 The Journey Of Two Neighbors

Hi guys this is Raj here, well I am back with where I stopped, In case if any girls or women in having some fun or making new friends, Pls do get in touch to and other readers pls give your feedbacks as they are quite valuable. Now let’s get started. Well I just pushed Nithya back, she at the moment did not understand and then just looked at me and ran down, I followed her and she allowed me in as soon as I came she shut the door and as her mother had gone out of Chennai so we were safe as no...

2 years ago
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Friendship Turned To Heaven On Earth Part 3

Hello again ,thanks for the sweet emails sent to me, not sure they are really from females or fake accounts though. So let me begin without any delay. So her face was all sticky and wet in my cum,we went to shower,switched it on and sat down, I offered her a shower cap saying you have to go home baabu ,she replied “no dear,i am staying till tomorrow morning” and winked naughtily with tongue out,i invited her to sit in front between my legs,she sat ,she now learnt to spread her legs,i smiled put...

3 years ago
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Friendship Turned To Heaven On Earth 8211 Part 2

We were completely tired after that intense sex we had. Specially anu, she was completely panting high breaths and a smile of content ,seeing that feel in her eyes i held her face and planted a liplock and kept sucking her lips ,explored her mouth for around 2 minutes. She then held my hairs tightly and said “THIS IS THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE”. hearing this ,it became an emotional moment. i liplocked her and sucked her lips intensely, meanwhile my left hand grabbed her neck and hairs and my right...

1 year ago
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Friendship K Baad Chudai

Hi friends mera naam Rakesh hai main Bhubaneswar ka Rehna wala hun aur meri age 23 yrs hai meri lambai 5’9″hai aur mera lund 8 inches lamba aur 3″ mota hai. Yeh meri pehli story and mera pehla sex experience hai jo main aap logon k saath share karne ja raha hun agar aapko meri sachi kahani pasand aaye to mujhe mail kare par. Main pehla se hi bata deta hun frnds k mujhe sex karne ki icha 8th class se hi tha magar kavi mauka nahi mila meri do tin gf v ban chuki thi magar unke saath main kavi sex...

2 years ago
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Friendship To Sex

By : Subir11 Hello friends this is Subir and this is my first story in ISS. I have been reading iss stories from the past few months and finally I decided to submit my own story. Let me first tell me something about myself, I am a college student from Bangalore and I love sex. I had my first sex when I was in class 12. I have an average physique and quite good looking with a 7” dick and expert in sex and sex chat. I was in school when I first me Surbhi (name changed), she was my neighbor and...

2 years ago
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hi mera naam harshit hai aur mein delhi meni rehta hu meri age 18-19 hai aur mein kisi bhi ladki ko dost banana chata hu qki meri koi storie nahi isiliye dost banana ke mein kisi aur ki storie likh raha hu qki 1000 word se kam to likh nahi sakte aur apni baat khane ke liye 1000 pure karne the qki 1000 word se kam submit nahi kar sakte koi bhi girl mujhse dosti kar sakti hai mera email mobile no 9911624812 plg plg plg plg call me .V serial dekhne k liye or bakchodi karne k liye aa jaati thi. Or...

2 years ago
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Friendship Changes Mostly Fiction

OK, I'll admit it, it was weird. Well, to start with anyway. We had been friends of a sort for years. Not like, see you every day best friends, but the kind of friends that you didn't see often but you always knew had your back; trustworthy, etc. That really isn't the weird part, the fact he had my cock in his mouth, well, that was. Fresh out of another of my patented failed relationships, I went to my favorite burger joint to grab some lunch. The chick I had been with for the last...

1 year ago
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Friendship and lot of sex

I’m Ali again from Pakistan Karachi. First of all i must thank to this site, which provided me the chances to share; my sex experiences with u all readers. My last stories were appreciated a lot by u readers, which encouraged me to send u another experience. Aur jin house wife or college girls nay mujhay mail kee hai aur apnay pass bulaya haii is ka may sukariya ada karta hoooo isitarha mujhay mail kartay rahiya aur bolatay rahiya aur apni piyass bujhatayrahiya. My email id is umber was newly...

3 years ago
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Friendship Grows Chapter 3

The coffee had just started to drip. Kelly passed by and went out the back door and just looked around the yard. She did indeed seem to be enjoying the privacy. Across a wide yard and lot beside mine was a small auto repair business. A handful of cars in some state of either repair or decay were parked at the rear of their lot. I told her it created a tiny bit of traffic during the day, but honestly, I hardly noticed it being there. We had both kicked our shoes off when we entered the house and...

Love Stories
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It was one of 'those' days. A bad hair day to end all bad hair days. Looking at the devastation in his driveway, Michael reflected that at least no one had been close by at the time. The falling chimney would surely have killed them. The lightning strike itself had been bad enough. They had been quite reassuring: his hearing would come back completely after a few hours. The firemen had covered the holes in the roof with a canvas sheet. The small amount of the chimney breastwork that had...

1 year ago
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Friendship Forgotten As Desire Is Discovered

It had never been clear to Leighton just how different student life would be when she moved away from home and into an all girls halls of residence. This all soon changed when she met Kayla, who was tall and had a slim curvy figure with pert breasts and a tight bum. She had electric blue eyes and touseled long brown hair alongside a personality that was care free in the way that she was open to do anything she wanted. Leighton, who was average height with blonde hair and deep green eyes who...

1 year ago
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Friendship and its benefits

It had been a long day for all of us. A big group of us had gone to six flags for the day and were on our way home. We were all between the ages of 16 and 17, and considered ourselves close friends. It was the four girls; Jessica, Jackie, Laura, Judy, and 5 0f the guys. We had taken two cars and on the way home I got to ride with all the girls. My friends made fun of me for that, but they were the ones missing out. So we're in our home town and Laura, the driver, is dropping everyone off at...

First Time
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Friendship takes the next step

 I was feeling really nervous knowing what I had in store for Karen my best friend. I had been wanting her for so long. I had thought about this, About the moment I could get a chance to be with her for several months and had never got the opportunity to express myself nor did I want to risk our relationship. I was so nervous and excited as I heard the knock on the door I knew it was her. Karen was to be spending the weekend with me since the electricity in her apartment had gone out because of...

3 years ago
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A mother and sons sexual relationship deepen

Also I was high as fuck when I wrote this over the space of a couple hours and didn't bother to edit, so fuck knows, publishing this might be a terrible idea. I just so happen to like terrible ideas, though, so I'm happy. That's something I guess.Update: I have no marshmallows and I'm really in the mood for marshmallows now. I am no longer happy... Why, God?Why?1With long smooth strokes up and down, Lee massaged his rock hard cock with a fistful of baby oil and a mind full of vivid mental...

2 years ago
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Free Trader Marys DreamChapter 4 A quiet time Shadows Deepen

“The trip to Geghast” Having vacuumed DEFENSTRATOR clean of anything useful, we prepared to depart. Before we did, we left a salvage beacon, to properly mark its location to salvage crews. One moment of levity came when Crystal was in the middle of a, well, I don’t want to say rant, only because I don’t think AI’s can be programmed to rant, but let’s say an extended diatribe on the pirate’s sloppiness. She had commented on the fact that the ship’s sensors could have theoretically picked up...

1 year ago
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The Village of Agony and Ecstasy Ch 6

The Village of Agony and ecstasy : Chapter 6. By Powerone and Sinsationalsub. Sleep was fitful for Bella. Over and over she relived the events of the past few days. How horrible they were! She had lost her freedom and feared that she would never see her family again. They surely were worried by now but she knew that they would be searching for her. She would try to remain hopeful. She would never give up her will. It was buried inside of her and it burned brightly. She relented to serve this...

4 years ago
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The Imagine Chronicles

Friday, March 13, 2009 Today was a day like every other. I don't really want to write in this diary, I mean, diaries are not even my style. I'm just writing this to fill some space... I wonder how in the world Mrs. Katherine got that idea, it's not like we're in kindergarden anymore. In case I ever read this in the future, let me remind myself that Mrs. Katherine is the absolutely WORST english teacher I've ever had. The first day it was really exciting, getting a teacher that hot, she's more...

2 years ago
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I realize this is a strange way to start, but actually, I really don't know exactly where to start my story; perhaps a place to start might be by telling you something about me? The problem I have with that is for me to try and describe myself, I feel I come off as if I'm conceited, or I am better than others. I honestly know that my looks and the shape of my body are just the luck of the draw. I do go to a gym and work out as much as is practical just to keep in the best condition as I can,...

1 year ago
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House of Dark PleasureChapter 8

"He's a little backward," said Mildred, "but very affectionate and loving." She laughed, gently. "Sometimes he reminds me of a big, friendly dog that wants to paw you and lick you all over." Doris half-choked over her drink. He'll do more than paw me if he gets half a chance! They were sitting, Mildred and Doris, at the dining room window, sipping their third glasses of liqueur and watching Willis as he ambled about, aimlessly, in the grounds of the manor. Mildred took out a...

3 years ago
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The Tugboat Man in King Arthurs Court

My wife was born 13,000 years ago in a place called “New Atlantis.” Go ahead and say it, “Stop fucking with me!!” But it’s true. Believe me. I’ve met her folks. Maria’s 335 years old. But, Atlanteans live for thousands of years. So, my wife’s no crone. In fact, she has the freshest face and hardest body of any chiquita on the beach at Ipanema. She is also the hottest female in two, star-systems. Yes, I said “star systems.” Her people emigrated here from the beta planet of the star we call...

3 years ago
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She agrees to anal

True story Its been at least 2 years since we last were able to find ourselves somewhere that we could do it. She came to my house and we were all over each other in a matter of seconds. I love to lick and tongue her pussy while she's holding my head just where she likes my tongue. I'm pushing my tongue as deep as i can and sucking her lips while i push my finger into her. I can feel her starting to tense and i know from experience she wont be last long now. She cums hard and begs me to fuck...

2 years ago
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Sissy's hugs had a way of shaking the chill from Bobby's bones, chasing the pain away. His home was in these hugs, not the house standing before him. "Fuck those bastards, Bobby. We all know you're a hero," Eric blustered. His brother-in-law meant well, but Bobby was hoping to escape - for at least one day - the turmoil in his life. His sister - as always - came to his rescue and silenced her husband. "Hush, Eric! They'll be no war talk today. My baby brother's home. Nothing...

3 years ago
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Jane ch 1

Introduction: Havent written in a while so this is kinda like my warmup Story will be a bit rough havnt written in a while Jim walked through the large glass doors, glancing at the email from his hopefully soon to be boss. A reference from his college had given him the lead for the job. He figured his good college education along with him being the good guy he had good chances. He walked through some security gates and walked into a packed elevator full of people in suits. He watched as each...

1 year ago
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StepSiblings Leda Lothario Charlotte Sartre Orgasmic Massage Machine

When seductive Charlotte Sartre and her stepsister Leida Lothario get a special delivery to the house, our stud is pissed to find out that it was five hundred dollars! He opens the thing up and has no idea what it is, but Charlotte and Leida know that it is a special machine designed to pleasure their young pussies. To make sure the poor guy gets his moneys worth, the stepsiblings rip off his clothes and take an orgasmic ride while he watches. Then, he screws Charlotte so hard that she squirts...

3 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 765

These are compliments of John B. Volunteer Fire Brigade A fire started on some grassland near a farm. The county fire department was called to put out the fire. The fire was more than the county fire department could handle. Someone suggested that a nearby volunteer bunch be called. Despite some doubt that the volunteer outfit would be of any assistance, the call was made. The volunteers arrived in a dilapidated old fire truck. They rumbled straight towards the fire, drove right into the...

2 years ago
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Jennys Gang Bang

Hi, Cathy again. I promised if I got some response I'd submit some of my original ELG stories. I was actually a bit surprised at the favorable responses. I thought my stories would interest other girls more than guys and that most of the readers are guys. I wonder if there's any way to sort the voting by sex? Anyway, these four entries which I originally wrote about three years ago are probably even more girl oriented. I probably don't get into genital details as much as...

3 years ago
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It was a night I would never forget. Her parents were out of town and she called me over to her place. I dressed in my finest clothes and went to her house. After I reached there she was dressed in a turtle neck and full pants! OH SHIT! SHE DIDN'T WANT TO HAVE SEX! I freaked! I didn't wear any boxers. I made sure it was easy for her to undress me, but that was a waste. We sat in the living room. She kept talking to me but I all I saw were her HUGE BOOBS! I got imagine rubbing them with my...

3 years ago
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The Power of a Mistress

First person story of a Master's description of a brief moment in time with his Alpha Slave, Jan, who is PERFECT.   There are two house guests, Master Brad, and his slave, Emma, Who Master Brad brought over so that he may witness Jan in action.  Poor Emma.    Master Brad is here to see Jan in action.  He is a *Friend of a friend* in the bondage circle I am a part of, both physically and metaphorically speaking.    My close friend has seen Jan in action several times when she is truly at her...

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