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Well, we got the locks changed and stripped out the spoilt carpet and furniture. The insurance would come through, eventually, and the ladies collaborated in making a new altar frontal. The CCTV and an alarm system were installed, though Robert continued to sleep in the building, in the vestry. Somehow, he was adopted by the fellowship and each evening was in one or other of our members' houses for a meal and a shower. I, at least, had set aside concerns as to what else the Hardakers might get up to, but the next encounter occurred in late October. Robert was disturbed in the small hours by noise from the front of the building and called the police.
The couple failed to break in, though they damaged the reinforced glass of the front doors, and it had to be replaced. They'd left before the police arrived, but the CCTV recording left no doubt as to the identity of the vandals. As it turned out, when they were arrested, their attitudes were such that they were remanded for a psychiatric assessment. In due course they were sentenced to be detained in a secure psychiatric facility, and I'll come back to what happened with them later on.
We relaxed somewhat. Robert was invited to live with the Campbells, and accepted. Teri and I ... what can I say? The Bible talks about 'a helper meet for him', and 'becoming one flesh'. We somehow just kept getting closer – we even finished one another's sentences. The sex, well, that was just indescribable. She was always there, even when she wasn't, if that makes sense. The church building was brought up to where we wanted it and the fellowship continued to grow. In fact, if it grew much more, we'd either have to move, or go to multiple services each week.
It was one of those days where, for once, there were no immediate demands on my time and when Teri came in, I said, "Why don't we go out this evening? We haven't done anything, just us together, for months."
"What about last night?" She grinned.
"You know what I mean."
She sobered. "Yes, I do. But I'm afraid it's call for a pizza time. We have people coming; extra-ordinary committee meeting."
"No! Oh, please. What's happened that needs another meeting tonight, that can't wait?"
"I don't know. But Beth called. Phil, Ben and she are coming over later, probably about eight."
I shook my head. "Couldn't they have been put off?"
"She did say it wouldn't take long. They just need to put something to you to think about, she said. Oh, and Sian's out this evening. Robert's taking her out to see a film. Don't know which one."
"Sian ... and Robert?"
"I know. But I trust him, don't you?"
I thought about that. "Yes, I think I do. It's just..."
She nodded. "She's come a long way since we found her. So has Robert."
"Okay, then."
Pizza. Not what I had in mind for the evening, but, okay. Robert came and collected Sian; I resisted a temptation to warn him about how to treat her. Our meal arrived. We ate, cleared up, went back to the lounge and cuddled. It would have been nice to do more than cuddle, but we were both aware of the need for discretion.
Beth led off. "Jim, the core group have had a discussion and we have a proposal to put to you. Ben, Yvonne and Dick are all in agreement, so Phil, Isobel and I are here with their knowledge and approval."
"Okay," I said slowly. Teri sat forward in her seat.
"Teri," Beth transferred her focus to my wife, "I apologise we didn't involve you in the discussion, but you'll understand why in a moment."
"Jim, we think you need to go full time. Probably Teri, too."
"We have grown so much in the last few months we need a full-time pastor. You and Teri are working too hard and it's not fair to you, and it's not right for the fellowship."
"We're prepared to fund study for a BD or a B. Theol.," she continued, "and if you think it appropriate the same applies to Teri. Not that we think either of you need the knowledge, but having the letters after your names would help when we seek recognition as a new church."
I was stunned into silence. Teri got up and came to me, knelt next to me and leant against my legs, one arm wrapped around them.
"I can understand you wanting Jim, but not me, surely?"
"Teri," Phil put in, "You've been a prime-mover in all this. Jim is important, of course, this wouldn't have happened without him, but..." he frowned and thought for a moment. "It's as if, say Jim is like the bus that's taking us somewhere, and the fuel is the Holy Spirit, I think you're the fuel pump. That's crude, of course, but ... the two of you together, well, separately you're both incomplete."
She looked up at me. "Jim, I think they make sense, but..."
"But it's a big step, darling. Big step." I sighed and looked round at my friends. "Beth, Isobel, Phil ... it sort of makes sense, but you know I never looked for or expected this?"
"We know," Isobel spoke for the first time. "That's part of why you're the right people for this. If you were a power-seeker, well, we wouldn't be here now. We don't expect an answer right away, anyway. Just pray about it, okay? We trust you to do the right thing."
They let it go after that and a brief prayer; we had cups of tea and general chat for half an hour or so, then they left; leaving Teri and myself with their proposal. We prayed together without receiving any identifiable guidance, and would have gone to bed, but for Sian. She'd been out with Robert before, but only to church meetings. A date, going out together for the sole reason of being together, was different. Yes, I trusted them both, but, Sian was only sixteen, if her next birthday wasn't too far off.
They weren't late back, and after Sian dragged Teri off to the kitchen, I found myself sitting with Robert in the lounge. He gulped. "Um. Er. Jim?"
"I'd like your permission to marry Sian."
I didn't respond immediately, but when I did, I said, "You don't need my permission. Sian is Scottish – she's legally an adult."
"Sian thinks we do. We both respect you and you've been like a father to her."
"Okay. Then I'd have to say I do have some reservations, Robert. There's, what, nine years between you? Not a great big deal, except that Sian is, yes, quite young to make a decision like that. Aside from that, I'd like to talk to both of you about your spiritual states, and also both of you carry quite a lot of mental and emotional baggage, don't you?"
"I hear what you're saying, Jim. Don't forget Sian was instrumental in beginning my recovery. I know about her history; she knows about mine. We both feel there's a connection between us. A connection, I'd have to say, rather like that between you and Teri."
"Well, if that's so, there's no argument. But Robert, let's make a date to get together to talk, and pray, all of us together."
He smiled. "Fair enough. I want to say 'goodnight' to Sian, before I leave."
"I think they're in the kitchen."
Sian stood when we entered the kitchen and went to Robert, who wrapped his arms round her. They moulded themselves together in an unmistakably close embrace, her head laid against his chest. "Good night, Darling," he told her quietly.
"Good night. Go safely." She lifted her face to him for a kiss; a kiss which was discreet enough, but clearly a lot more than a peck. Then they separated and I showed Robert out of the house.
When I returned to the kitchen, Teri and Sian were embracing. "I'm for bed," I said, and left them to it.
Teri appeared not too much later; I'd barely finished in the bathroom and was in the process of stripping for bed. She, too, spent time in the bathroom and flicked the bedroom light out when she came back. She slid into bed and snuggled up behind me. "I need you," she whispered.
"I belong to you," I said, turning toward her. "Aren't you tired?"
"Not too tired. Talking to Sian reminded me of just how much I love you."
I would have to be very tired indeed to resist the temptation of Teri's delightful body against me and my hands were already exploring.
Next day, Brenda challenged me. "You're very quiet today, Jim. Problems?"
It was quite an easy decision to share my dilemma with her. "I've been asked to go full time as Pastor of the church that's sort of happened around me. You know about that, don't you? We're up to about a hundred already; I suppose we need to start formalising membership ... Crumbs ... Mission statement, credal statement ... It's just piling in on me as I think about it. My friends think the fellowship can afford to pay me and to be fair, there is a lot to do. I suppose they're right. But to give up the security of a monthly pay slip and so on..."
She sat, looking at me, for a minute or so. Then, "Jim, I know that when ... that bitch ... left you, you had questions. You struggled with your faith, didn't you?"
"Yes – of course."
"But recently? Do you have questions now?"
I grinned. "Always! But I can see what you're getting at, I think."
"Seems to me God's been pretty good to you recently. I mean, it's not been smooth sailing all the way, but you really love that girl you married, and I know she genuinely cares for you, too. Jim, the office wouldn't be the same without you, but you need to, I don't know, follow your destiny? Something like that. In all honesty, you're wasted here."
Well, that was something to think about. That evening, we put it to our home-group and the topic monopolised our prayer time. We sat in the lounge for a while after our friends left, just sitting quietly, holding hands – no more than that – yet somehow linked more deeply than I can explain.
When Sian arrived home with Robert, we decided it was time for bed. We smiled at them. "It's been a long day and we're tired. See you in the morning, Sian," I said.
"Um, night, Jim, Teri. Is it okay if Robert stays for a cuppa?"
"Of course," Teri told her. Don't be too late to bed, though, will you?"
Sian blushed and Teri giggled. We headed upstairs...
Teri is beautiful. I can barely remember the mousy, quiet, girl I first met. At five foot six, she's a little over average height, and slim. With straight brown hair, often worn in a bun, and black-rimmed glasses (I eventually persuaded her to get some wire-framed ones that were less obtrusive) you would be forgiven for thinking she was the archetypal librarian. But once she committed to a relationship with me, well, she became a vixen. She had no reluctance in initiating sex and used her skills to explore the possibilities open to a heterosexual couple. In fact, if anything, I was the conservative one. As just one example, I've never seen the attraction of anal sex. She offered – I declined. She never pushed the issue. Anyway, when we left Sian and Robert downstairs and we'd finished our night-time routines, I found her in our room, naked and bent over the bed.
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xmoviesforyouFOR SALE By Charles E. Campbell with all due thanks and respect to ss, who put the thoughtsfor this short story in my head, and because she is a is a true and constant inspiration to me. Thank you! This story is copyrighted by me, [email protected]. Noportion of this story may be reprinted or reproduced electronically withoutthe express written consent of the author. This is a work of fiction, derivingfrom the minds of two consenting adults. I awoke slowly; very, very slowly. The...
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My husband Mark has been sharing me with other men and women for over 30 years, and in that time I've engaged in virtually ever sexual activity there is that doesn't involve pain or humiliation. But it all started very innocently, and this is the story of that fateful night. My husband Mark has been sharing me with other men and women for over 30 years, and in that time I've engaged in virtually ever sexual activity there is that doesn't involve pain or humiliation. That includes public...
WifeFORCED TO BE A PANSY BY CHERYL LYNN This is a story of pure fiction and is copywritten by the author. No one under legal age should read this story. May be downloaded for personal use or posted to other free access sites is authorized. Pat strolled into the kitchen sweat dripping from his sodden hair and discoloring his clothing. Grabbing a dishtowel, he turned on the cold water and stuck his head under its flow. He washed his face and the back of his neck, and then sipped the cool...
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Hello friends. I am die hard fan of iss. I m reading stories from 2 years. Almost each section i surf every time. In past 2 years my sex life was also very ausmm.. I dont know but my friends say to me that you have strong luck in ur sex life. This is my first posting in iss which recently happened in chandigarh. It is a true incident and u will believe after reading completely. Anyways not making u bore, i will straight away come to story. This story is about a girl taniya whose asets were 34...
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Nicolette had a strict upbringing although she still had her fare share of boyfriends with 1 being a long term relationship. Her parents are of Southern European background giving her lovely coffee colored skin, sultry sexy looks, stands 5’5′ tall, lovely round shaped breasts round size 32 with a then size 10 body, she could pass as a model. Although we are now divorced but still friends, the memories will never fade away and still gets me hard thinking about our adventure. All this...
[Thursday] [Janet] I had Roger and Mike wash me and Mike got me off by eating me out but I was still feeling a little edgy, like I wanted Brian's dick in my pussy. I blinked and realized I had the perfect opportunity to investigate something that had probably been a topic for discussion since the first two guys compared dick sizes. I looked around and spotted Arthur, a short kid who I'd heard denigrated in the locker room for his small dick and Greg who was known for a large one. I...
Carla's involvement in her latest play meant a cool-down period of sorts in the sexual arena for us. This is not say that we no longer had sex -- indeed, we did, to the tune of at least once every night or so -- but the extracurricular and obsessive nature of our sexual antics slowed to a comfortable simmer. At least they did for me. But as you can tell from the previous chapter, Carla's libido took no back seat when it came time for me to do some serious buckling down due to school and...
Chapter 1 Karen: I've heard lots of women talk about their horny husbands and that many of these wives are not as interested in sex nearly as much as their mates. It's pretty rare when I've had a woman friend tell me that she wants more sex than what hubby is giving her. But, that's me. That's me to a tee. I love sex. Oh, I have some vibrators and dildos and, sure, my fingers. I started using them when, well, I must have been, well, young any way. Masturbating in a serious, regular way became...
Wife LoversEllen heard muffled voices somewhere off in the darkness and froze in her tracks. The rutted path upon which she struggled to keep her footing, had no doubt been recently trampled by soldiers on their way to and from the irregular picket-lines, which the tattered remnants of the Georgia Militia had stretched thinly through the woods northwest of Savannah to defend their retreat. The deep grooves impressed into the mud, which made walking so treacherous, were dug by heavy cannon wheels, she...
HistoricalOwen strolled onto the patio Tuesday evening. Alice had heard his corporate jet land a half-hour earlier. With the daylight savings time and summer hours, the sky was light until almost nine o’clock at night. There was a comfortable dusk that evening, a light soft breeze of warm air that truly caressed the body, and then the pleasure that one feels when a lover kisses your lips with true desire. “Welcome home.” “Thank you. Julie should be up soon. She was getting some things ready in the...
Audra came boiling out of the sitting room and almost knocked me over as she bounded into my arms disregarding Mr. Whiskers who quickly leaped out of the way. Elise raised her eyebrows as she peered at us from the doorway of the sitting room. I certainly hadn't expected that reaction. Audra was blushing red as she disengaged herself from my arms. She did take me by the hand and pull me towards Elise and the sitting room where she had a pitcher of iced tea waiting. I spent the next thirty...
(Note : This story is totally fictional) I went off to college early so when my eighteenth birthday rolled around I packed up my car and headed back to our small town. On the drive there I listen to alot of the CD's my friends had gotten me for my birthday. One of which was an erotica CD. There were alot of stories that got me wet. The next to last track on the CD was about a girl that had a crush on her step-brother. I got to thinking about my own brother then. At first I wondered if he would...
IncestThis is a fictional dark fantasy story that will contain romance and some vanilla parts to it, but mainly consists of blackmail, rape, and violence. I don't condone or partake in any of the actions portrayed here. This is for people like me, guys and girls, who like this kind of harsh stuff with a good story. For those of you out there, enjoy. ***THIS STORY CONTAINS FICTIONAL RAPE, BLACKMAIL, AND VIOLENCE. READ AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION. YOU’RE WARNED.*** ****** Part 2 - “The Trick”. You...
I called to her asking about Karl, she got up and walked over to me. We were chatting, I looked around to see if anyone was watching. I suddenly grab Amy forcing her into my garage and hit the remote closing the door. I shove her against my car, pinning her hips to the bumper. She tries to spin around to see what is going on, but my hand tangled in her hair and yanked her head back. My other hand fondled one braless tit through her flimsy t-top. She realized she can't move and she feels a...
Having logged in, you get to the biggest question of all - who are you going to play? It's not like this is a big deal. You can just create your character and be on your way.
FetishHallo iss readers kaise hai aap sab aaj bahut din baad koi nayi kahaani sumbit karne ja raha hoon aur ab to har koi apni maa chuda raha hai yaani ki har launda apni maa ko chod raha hai jab se maine apni aur mummy ki chudaayi par kahaaniyan likhni kya suru ki har koi usi topic par likh raha hai koi apni g/friend ko chodna pasand hi nahi karta aakhir yahaan ki ladkiyon ko kya ho gaya hai unki taraf aakhir ladke dhyaan kyon nahi dete…? Kabhi sochiye is baat ko meri pyaaaari…pyaaari haseen bur...
Ch. 8: The Family Gathering Author’s notes: 1. This story follows on from my previous story ‘Mixed Emotions’ in which the characters are introduced and developed. It is strongly recommended that ‘Mixed Emotions’ is read first. 2. This is a work of fiction. The activities and practices described in this series are neither condoned nor recommended. If you choose to do anything described in real life with real people you do so at your own risk. 3. All characters are fictional and any likeness...