Never Again free porn video

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The weeds were the first thing I noticed as I made my way along the paved path to Ben’s front door. My gaze followed the twisting lengths as they pushed through the cracks and strangled the roses once tended by me. It made my stomach drop to see how much he’d let it all go, as if the act of maintaining something that had meant so much to me was more than he could stand.

Almost six months had passed since we’d spoken. A closing door and a couple of boxes filled with the belongings I’d left here had signalled the end of our two year relationship. Even though I’d kept up with the happenings in his life through mutual friends, we hadn’t been in contact since.

I missed him.

I released a shuddering breath and tried to push away the thoughts. If I let my mind wander too much I’d lose control of the emotions I’d worked so hard to contain on the drive over here.

My limbs tingled with nervous energy as I stepped onto the porch. I stood in front of the door, smoothing my long brown hair then checking my sundress for any flaws in the yellow fabric. I had to fight down the urge to laugh at myself, knowing he probably wouldn’t care what I was wearing, even though this outfit used to be his favourite.

I braced myself and gave a couple of sharp knocks. Bright sunlight parted the shadows on the porch, warming my bare legs while I waited. My heartbeat quickened and I struggled to even out my breaths. Long moments passed until I finally heard footsteps on the wood floor inside.

The door swung open and all the emotion inside me swelled to bursting point. His blue eyes were calm and steady as they settled on me. He didn’t look thrilled or surprised to see me standing here.

He wore a pair of old jeans that hung low on his hips, with the button and part of the zipper left open. His chest and feet were bare and his dark hair rumpled. He looked as if he’d just woken and pulled on the nearest piece of clothing. I hadn’t considered the timing of my visit. Being Sunday morning I realised now he might still have company from the night before.


His sleep-roughened voice made me shiver. I crossed my arms over my body, clasping my elbows to keep my fingers from trembling. “Hi.” My mouth tried to form a smile but I could only lift one corner.

I remembered lazy weekends with him when neither of us had to get up for work. We’d never officially lived together but I’d stayed over often enough to make myself at home. I used to wake with his arm draped across me or his leg thrown over my hip. Those moments always made me happy and I’d burrow closer just so I could get lost in his warmth. I looked up at him now and realised there was no warmth to take comfort from anymore.

“What do you want?” he asked as his gaze swept over me.

I swallowed and took note of the tight line of his jaw. “I want to talk to you,” I said, keeping a close watch on his expression.

“We were done six months ago. You fucked up.”

I drew a steadying breath and glanced down at my feet, shifting an errant pebble with the toe of my sandal. “Can I come in?” I asked, meeting his gaze again.

“Why?” He blocked the entrance with his body, one hand holding the door while the other rested against the frame.

My throat thickened with emotion. I hadn’t expected him to make this easy on me. The idea that he might turn away completely without even giving me a chance had desperation building inside me. “Five minutes,” I said. “Please.”

He closed his eyes and tipped his head back, letting out a world weary sigh that would have made me smile at any other time. “Five minutes,” he said, “then I’m tossing you out on your ass.”

I did manage to smile this time in an effort to lighten the mood. “You’ve had some practise with that.”

He lowered his head and opened his eyes. We stood there looking at each other, me fighting not to break down and beg for his forgiveness, him letting out a harsh breath that made me think he was trying to maintain control. I wanted to touch him, not in a way that would change his mind about me, but because I just needed that physical connection with him again.

His expression tightened and he shook his head. “Don’t start that shit with me,” he said as he stepped aside to let me pass through.

“What shit?” I slid by him and moved into the hallway, glancing around for signs that he had company. The whole feel of the place gave me the impression he’d been alone.

“All those looks, those things you do. They don’t work on me anymore.” He closed the door and headed into the living room.

I left my handbag in the corner and kicked off my sandals the way I used to do, so I could feel the wood floor beneath my feet. His words should have kept me at a distance but the need to see this through had me trailing after him.

When I entered the living room, almost everything looked the same as I remembered; the oversized beige couch, the recliner chair he’d often claimed had character even though to me it just looked worn and old. The only addition to the room was a large piece of colourful art that filled the white wall. His sister had been painting the canvas while Ben and I were still together. It made my chest ache to see that life had gone on without me.

“I like what you’ve done with the garden,” I said.

He gave a derisive snort and turned to face me. “I don’t care about the roses. They were yours, not mine.”

I’d prepared myself for the words; I knew he’d still have more to say even though we’d covered it all more than once. I hadn’t prepared myself for the way he might look at me though, as if he couldn’t bear to be in the same room with me.

“Ben.” My gaze strayed to his chest, to that hard expanse of tanned skin. I wanted to press my cheek there and wrap my arms around him.

“Just tell me what you want.”

“I miss—” My voice cracked and I had to clear my throat before I could go on. “I miss you.”

He shook his head and let out a humourless laugh. “It’s over. You’ve been gone for months.”

“I’ve been thinking about you constantly. I had to wait to come see you because I didn’t want you to get the impression I wasn’t taking this seriously. You were so angry with me.”

“I proposed to you, Hayley. You freaked out.”

“I know.” That wasn’t the part that made him angry, though. He’d taken me out to dinner, to the restaurant near my apartment where we’d shared our first date. We were celebrating our two year anniversary and everything had been just perfect—right up until the point when he pulled a ring box from his jacket pocket.

I had no idea he was planning on asking me to marry him. He didn’t appear nervous; there’d been no quaver in his voice. He was so sure of himself, so confident this was what we both needed that it just ended up having the opposite effect on me.

My reaction had been to toss back a glass of champagne and tell him I needed time to think about it. True to his usual form he hadn’t taken it personally. He’d kissed me and told me to come back to his place if I wanted to talk to him, then he’d left me alone to contemplate the idea of becoming his wife.

I didn’t want to think about it right then so I downed the rest of my champagne followed closely by a few tequila shots. Unfortunately I’d never been much of a drinker so it only ended up leading to trouble.

“Then you got hammered and gave some random guy a blowjob.”

I covered my face with my hands. “I know… I know!” Tears welled in my eyes but I couldn’t let him see them. The exact details from the night hadn’t stayed with me. I couldn’t remember the man’s features and I’d never asked for his name. I’d ruined everything good in my life with an act that meant nothing. There’d been no choice but to tell Ben what I’d done even though I knew it would end things between us.

“Explain to me how you’re supposed to fix that.”

I pulled my hands from my face when I would have preferred to keep hiding. A tear dropped to my cheek. I caught it with my thumb and blotted it on my dress. “I can,” I said. “I will. Let me make it up to you.”

He shook his head, watching me long enough to have me squirming under the weight of his stare. Just when I’d decided he’d had enough of my company, he scrubbed a hand down his face and blew out a long breath. Our eyes met and I felt an overwhelming urge to touch him. It had just been too long.

He looked me over, his gaze caressing my breasts and lingering on my calves. We’d come to know each other too well for me to not realise he was still attracted to me. Despite wanting more than just his physical desire, seeing it in him caused the smallest flicker of hope inside me. I took a breath and made myself walk toward him, stopping when his eyes narrowed.

My heart thundered as I looked up at him. I knew I wouldn’t get another chance to say this if I didn’t take it now. “I love you,” I said. “I want to be with you again.”

“See… that’s the thing. It’s not about you anymore.”

The fact that he didn’t even acknowledge the first part of my admission only kicked my desperation up another level. I moistened my lower lip and stared at him. “Tell me what you want then. Just…please keep talking to me.”

He inhaled through his nose and slipped his hands into the front pockets of his jeans. His attention dropped to my mouth then flicked back to my eyes. He sighed. “I don’t know, Hayley. There’s a part of me that wants to throw you out and end this for good, but…there’s another part of me that just wants to shove you to your knees and fuck your mouth so I can take back what’s mine.”

Shock coursed through me. A rush of adrenaline took me by surprise. I pictured myself kneeling before him with his hands tangled in my hair, his thick length gliding across my tongue. I longed to touch him so I could turn those images into reality. “Do it,” I whispered. “I want that so much.” A shiver caressed my body, hardening my nipples.

“There you go again telling me what you want.”

The fragile hold I had on my emotions almost gave way. I took the final step to bring our bodies together, knowing if I remained passive in this whole situation we’d never make any progress.

He kept his hands in his pockets and watched me with a patience that would have unnerved me if I hadn’t been so focused on my goal. My palms slid over the chest I’d laid my head on so many times, slipping behind the neck I used to nuzzle and kiss. I wrapped my arms around him, stretching on my toes so I could touch my lips to his jaw. “I’m sorry,” I said. “I wish I could take back what I did. I wish I’d never hurt you like that.”

He didn’t encourage me but he didn’t push me away either. I heard the hitch in his breathing, felt the tightening of his muscles against my body. The beginnings of an erection pressed into me.

My head turned and I tucked my face under his chin, trailing my lips over his throat. I’d waited so long for this moment; I just hoped I’d chosen the right time to make a move. “Ben.” I kissed the underside of his jaw. “Touch me.”

He pulled his hands from his pockets and gripped my shoulders, easing me away from him. “Just…back off for a minute,” he said. "I need to think."

He’d put some distance between us but his hands slid to my upper arms and stayed there. His voice had turned low and throaty, his fingers flexing against my skin. His eyes closed as he appeared to be trying to find patience from within. We’d barely fought in the past so I didn’t know how to deal with this side of him.

“Do you want me?” I asked, wishing for about the hundredth time that I’d reacted differently to his proposal. “Do you still think about me?”

His arms lowered to his sides and he gave a slight nod of his head.

My heart pounded. “Good thoughts?” I asked, biting my lip to hide a smile of relief.

His eyes opened and I noticed just the barest hint of humour in them. “Sometimes. Mostly the other kind.”

“That’s…understandable.” My fingers interlocked and I squeezed them together to keep from fidgeting. So many words wanted to burst from me I could barely keep them inside. “Ben, I can’t even explain how sorry I am or how much I wish I’d acted differently. I just…” I paused as emotion crept up on me again. “I just—“

“Fuck it.” He reached out and cupped the back of my head, dragging me against him. I let out a shocked cry as his mouth covered mine. My arms went around him, my palms flattening against his spine as if they had every right to be there. I sank into his warmth, letting him take me along for the ride.

He thrust his tongue into my mouth, his hands clasping either side of my face like he didn’t want to let me go. My heart fluttered. I moaned and held him tight, relishing the feel of his body against mine. I could barely believe this was actually happening. His lips took control with an intensity that left me reeling. I needed to gasp for breath but I couldn’t make myself break the contact now he had me.

When I’d come here today my hope had been for him to invite me in so we could talk. I hadn’t expected it to get to this stage but I guessed the tension between us had just reached a point where it couldn’t be ignored. I tried not to think about whether or not he’d want anything to do with me after this was over.

My tongue searched out his and my palms swept over the tense muscles in his back. Ben groaned and turned around, shoving me against the wall. I pulled my mouth free and dragged in a shaky breath, my gaze roaming over him in wonder. “God, I love you,” I said, leaning in to kiss him again.

“Stop saying that.” His words came out breathlessly as he pushed me away. He gripped the neckline of my sundress and gave a hard tug, popping the row of tiny buttons that ran down the front. I’d never worn a bra underneath this dress so the two sides fell apart to expose my bare breasts. My heart raced; the force of the desire that tore through me took my breath away.

He spent a fleeting moment appreciating the view then slipped the spaghetti straps off my shoulders. The dress fell to my feet, leaving me standing before him in just a pair of white cotton panties. If I’d known I was going to be in this situation I would have worn something sexier, but the look on his face told me he didn’t care either way.

He pressed his body closer, pushing me against the wall. His mouth descended and I found myself on the receiving end of a kiss that had me yearning for more. His tongue slid across mine while the rigid length of his erection nudged my belly. Ben wedged a hand between our bodies to grip my breast, his thumb flicking over my hardened nipple.

A moan slipped from me as I fumbled with the zipper on his jeans. I lowered it so I could get my hand inside, whimpering with pleasure when I discovered no underwear and just hard, warm cock. My fingers enveloped his length and he groaned against my mouth. I gave him a couple of slow pumps with my hand, kissing him hard, challenging him to take it further.

He broke the kiss and moved his lips to my throat, his stubble grazing my skin. “Your mouth,” he said, “on my cock. Now.”

Before I had the chance to react, he pushed my shoulders and urged me to the floor. I could barely contain my excitement as I began moving to my knees.

“Stay on your feet.”

Oh, God. My stomach swirled with anticipation. He knew how much I loved this, but I knew he wasn’t doing it for me. I crouched in front of him, leaning against the wall. My knees parted, spreading wide to give him room to move.

He pushed his jeans lower and reached inside the opening. I licked my lower lip and tracked every movement, taking in the veins on the back of his hand and his long, tanned fingers. I watched them wrap around his shaft and take hold. He pulled his cock out, sliding his fist along the hard length while he looked down at me. I’d never seen fire like this in his eyes before. It made me want to dip my hand inside my panties just to get some relief.

He stepped into the space I’d created and stared down at me as I parted my lips. He guided his cock toward my mouth and I lapped at the tip with my tongue. The taste of him, the scent of him—it just increased the craving. I licked him again, circling the head. The groan that came from him only urged me on. My tongue darted out to sample the bead of moisture there then I pressed my lips to the tip of his cock in a soft, lingering kiss.

He sighed in response and I opened my mouth so he could slide inside. His silky length glided across my tongue and I closed my eyes as he filled me. I’d wanted him for so long, to finally find myself in this situation had my head spinning.

He pulled back and I opened my eyes to watch as he slipped into my mouth once more. The tense expression on his face had desire flooding me. I reached for him, intending to skim my hands over his thighs, to caress his balls and touch his slick length, but he grabbed my wrists and pushed them away. “No hands, Hayles.”

I would have been bothered by the harshness of his tone if he hadn’t used his old nickname for me. Tenderness spread through me and I moaned as he thrust into my mouth with a little more force, going deeper, filling me to the point where it stole my breath.

I used my tongue on him each time he withdrew, gasping and looking up at him as he came back for more. Again and again he thrust into me. I savoured his taste, his strength, and at the same time needed more.

My nipples tingled and my pussy ached to be touched. Desperate for relief, I slipped my hand inside my panties and massaged my swollen clit, moaning with pleasure. He kept up his rhythmic strokes, pumping and thrusting while he gazed down at me—then he caught sight of what I was doing and pulled his cock from my mouth.

“Ben?” The word came out as a panting whisper.

He squatted before me, looking me in the eyes as he swept the tendril of hair away that clung to my lip. “Do you want my cock?” he asked.

I nodded. “I need it.”

“Behave yourself then.” His fingers encircled my wrist and he pulled my hand free from my panties. All I could do was watch as he took my wet fingertip between his lips and gave it one long suck. Mesmerised by the action, by the way his eyes locked with mine, I sighed. He released my finger from the warmth of his mouth and tilted my chin to kiss me. “I said no hands,” he said huskily against my lips.

He pushed himself up from the floor and gathered my wrists in his firm grip. He held them above my head in one hand, pressing them against the wall. I snapped from my distracted state and tried to pull free, wanting to go back to pleasuring myself as I pleasured him, but he held tight. As I opened my mouth to protest he filled it with his cock.

I forgot about my objections and took it all in, revelling in the slick heat of him. Ben growled and thrust just hard enough to have me bumping against the wall. His fingers sank into the side of my hair, cupping the back of my head. I licked him as he pulled out, then sighed as he slid back in. God, I needed my hand in my panties again.

He swore under his breath and pushed a little harder. “I’m gonna come soon,” he said, his voice sounding throaty and rough. “I haven’t slept with anyone since you.”

Warmth filled me and I let out a whimper as I gazed up at him. I tugged against his hold in an effort to touch him but he wouldn’t let go. He met my eyes and gave me a tormented look. “Have you?”

Tears welled again and I blinked to set them free. I shook my head and sucked him hard, running my tongue over his shaft. My thighs trembled, barely able to keep me upright. His hand clenched around my wrists, his cock pulsed in my mouth. The fingers cupping my head curled into a fist in my hair. He gave a final thrust…deeper…harder… then let out a long groan of release and came with a shudder and a bucking of hips.

My wrists jerked in his hand. His cock throbbed on my tongue as he emptied himself. I moaned and swallowed his cum, closing my eyes to savour it all. My throat worked to swallow again, my eyes drifting open to catch the look of pleasure on his face.

He relaxed and placed his free hand against the wall for a few moments to get his breath back. I let him fall from my mouth and licked the moisture off my lower lip. With shaking limbs and a thumping heart, I stared up at him as he released me from his hold.

He groaned and dragged me roughly from the floor, lifting me from my feet. My arms and legs wrapped around him and he tucked his face in against my throat, squeezing me tightly as he walked in the direction of his bedroom.

I kissed his temple and drew a deep breath to try to keep it together. The notion that he might have forgiven me, or at least wanted to move on from what had happened between us months ago, overwhelmed me.

Ben strode into the bedroom and lowered me to the rumpled sheets where he’d lain earlier. He watched me while he kicked off his jeans and climbed onto the mattress beside me. Once he’d dragged the covers over us he pulled my back against his chest. His knees curled up behind mine and his arms went around me, inviting me into his warmth. My pulse raced even as I sank into the comfort he gave me. I’d never felt so peaceful and aroused at the same time.

He spent long moments skimming his hand over my body and exploring the back of my neck with his lips. We lay quietly and talked for a while, catching up on what we’d missed in each other’s lives. The conversation became easier the longer we spoke and eventually I began to feel settled.

I would have been content just staying here with him like this but when he repositioned himself his erection nestled against my lower back. He moved his hand to my breast, kneading my flesh. His thumb brushed my nipple and the desire inside me came back full force.

“Ready again so soon?” I asked.


Having his deep voice close to my ear made me shiver. My hips pushed back in invitation, my ass pressing against his erection. Ben’s palm slid from my breast to my hip, sweeping further until his fingers slipped between my thighs from behind. He caressed my pussy through the thin cotton of my panties, groaning as he kissed my throat. “You’re so wet,” he said.

“I know.” I let out a deep sigh. His fingertips rubbed my pussy until my body writhed against him. He pushed me to the point where I thought I could come with my panties on then he grabbed the elastic waistband and tugged them down my thighs, leaving them bunched around my bent knees.

He guided his cock to my entrance, nudging it between my legs. His lips pressed to my throat, and I held my breath as he slid deep inside me with one smooth thrust. My back bowed at the intrusion and a rush of desire took hold of me. “Oh, my God.” I closed my eyes, loving the sensation of fullness as he settled against my ass.

He groaned and trailed his hand over my body. “I’ve missed you so fucking much,” he said. His fingers gripped my hips while he pulled back to plunge inside me again.

A whole host of feelings overcame me right then but the one that overrode them all was just the pure pleasure in the moment. Happiness filled me and I pressed my lips together to keep from saying anything that might ruin the mood.

The way his cock drove into me had me crying out. His thrusts went so deep and his breaths were so harsh that I knew this would be anything but sweet and tender. I clutched the sheets just to steady myself, bucking back against him to show him I wanted everything he had to give me.

He growled and wrapped his hand around my knee, lifting it roughly from one leg of my panties so he could drape it over his thigh. The position left me open and he took advantage by slipping his hand down to tease my pussy. A sigh eased from me and I cupped my breast, squeezing my firm flesh.

Ben’s fingers massaged my clit, rubbing in firm circles while his cock plunged in and out of me. His quick thrusts had my breast jolting in my palm. His lips pressed to the curve between my shoulder and neck. The feel of his cock sliding into my wetness, his hair-coarsened thighs shoving against me, pushed me closer to coming.

I teased my nipple, resting my free hand on top of his as he rubbed my pussy. His mouth moved to my ear, his lips caressing the lobe. “Tell me again,” he said in a husky tone.

I knew what he wanted without needing it explained. Butterflies filled my stomach and my words came out in a rushed whisper. “I love you,” I said.

He groaned and drove inside me harder, faster, his breaths coming quickly. “Say it again.”

I let out a sob of pleasure as his fingers worked my pussy. “I love you.”

Ben thrust hard, once, twice, straining against me. He plastered his body to mine from chest to hips and exploded inside me.

I tilted my head back and gasped for breath, then everything felt like it happened at once. He didn’t spend any time recovering. I barely even realised he hadn’t let me finish before he’d flipped me onto my back and dragged my panties off my ankle. He tossed them aside and grabbed my wrists, placing them above my head where he’d held them earlier.

My legs spread and my hips lifted; I begged him with my eyes to give me what I needed. He leaned over me, his expression intense as he kissed my mouth. “Never again,” he said softly. “If you’re with me there’s no one else.” His hand slipped between my thighs, his fingers gently massaging my cum-slicked pussy. I circled my hips, raising them in response to his touch. He dipped his fingers inside me then used the wet tips to work my clit.

I nodded in agreement, unable to tear my gaze from his. My legs writhed and I thrust my breasts out to meet his waiting lips. He kissed one aching nipple, tonguing and drawing the tightened nub into his mouth before releasing it and moving across to the other. All the while his teasing fingers played at my pussy, bringing me closer and closer to climax.

He pulled back and met my eyes. The desire built inside me until my mouth dropped open and my stomach tensed. The connection we shared, the way he touched me, made me come apart in his hands. Tingles spread beneath his fingers and raced through my limbs. I let out a cry of release, my hips bucking against his hand as I came.

It took me a few moments to settle down from the high. Ben released my wrists and kissed my panting mouth. He collapsed beside me while our breathing quietened and our racing hearts calmed.

When his arm wrapped around me, all the worries that had plagued me before this moment ended. Rather than making me leave or resuming his indifferent attitude from earlier, he pulled me close and nuzzled my throat as his breathing deepened.

I shifted to a more comfortable position and stroked his arm, happy in the knowledge that I’d be stuck here for a while.


Many thanks to Tashtego for helping me tweak my story before posting!

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Never to be seen again

I got up and walked around, there seemed to be some activity in one of the large rooms, three guys standing at the door, two guys inside one guy who looked quite handsome, from the back, was sucking some guy, they were on the bed, the cute guys ass for all to see. I continued on, I was not one to watch I liked to be a participant, when I came around the next time the hall was empty, the door was ajar, the handsome guy laying in his bed with only a towel to cover his sexy parts, he really was a...

2 years ago
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Never The Same Again

I had been chatting to an older woman (40+) for a few weeks. I had found her on this site and we got on pretty well, had a few things in common and we were both looking for some no strings fun. She did explain to me that she had not been with a man sexually for about 12 years, she had never had k**s and sadly couldnt have any and struggled to keep down a solid relationship for more than a year. We hadnt seen pictures of each other but both of us didnt really care about that and we agreed to...

1 year ago
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Never Again

Disclaimer: If it's illegal for you to read sexually explicit material, do not read this fine composition. ~~~ It was 12:34 AM and Fai was awake in his bed. He couldn't sleep. Fai was an engineering student in Oregon. His grades were mediocre, but he was rather popular. He liked having a good time a little too much, really. He suddenly felt movement at the foot of his bed. Someone was there, but he was strangely unalarmed. The weight moved up and he felt a soft hand on...

2 years ago
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Never again

Well, I havent been around in last two weeks, I was busy at many levels. As you know, I hooked up with an older lady back in december, and it was thrilling, while it lasted. We had sex five days in a row, and after that, she just stopped answering my calls. I figured, that she satisfyed her libido, and decided to go back to her usual self - to be a shy, 47 year old single mother.After that, I went into a crisis. I was bothering my ex around and after new years eve, but she still firmly stands...

3 years ago
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Never Experienced Rough Sex

Jade is 26 divorced, mother of one child, self employed living and working in Addison Tx. I bumped into Jade a half hour after we were first introduced. She is drinking Shirley Temples since she does not drink, but she is loosening up quickly. When she sees me, Jade put her arm around me and asked me if I was having a good time. I told her I was having a great time. I glanced down at her tits. Jade smiled at me and pushed her tits up against me. I see it in her eyes that she wanted more, so I...

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Never bet your wifes pussy

I'm Jeff and this is how I got cuckolded for the first time. At the time I was a sophomore in college and lived in three bedroom house with two other guys. Nick who was an easy going nice guy and Dwayne, an arrogant black guy who thought he was the greatest thing on earth, especially when it came to women.I had dated my girlfriend Jen since our senior year of high school. After graduation we both went to local schools, me the local state university and Jen went to the local two year school to...

2 years ago
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Never Marry an Only Daughter

Warnings to the naïve, the unwary and those who are to love struck to make wise decisions. This writing is based entirely on personal experience. (Well kinda anyway). After three years of marriage, I began to take note of certain patterns of my loving wife’s behaviors. I guess many husbands and wives do this. Now these were not behaviors that she was aware were irritating to me. Certainly they were not ones that she deliberately did to piss me off. She has consistently claimed that my...

4 years ago
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Never be Mine

Never be Mine Belladonna As I walked back towards my Dorm after my class day ended, I saw Danielle walking towards her dorm. She smiled at me and that made me smile back. I thought the world of her. She was 4'10" with the skin of a china doll. Her face was the most beautiful I had ever seen, and it was perfectly framed with brown hair. I put my head down and walked on. I was too cowardly to ask her out. I always saw her around, but I knew I had no shot. She was perfect, and I had...

1 year ago
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Never Again Ch 04

————– —– As the hot water pounded her back, Gia released a long, deep breath. She stood in the shower trying to piece together her feelings about the evening. Aside from her shock at seeing Scott again, Gia didn’t know what was going on with her. Her head spun with images of his face and the memory of his smile, and each time she thought of his touch, a shiver ran down her spine. He was so much the same, and being with him had made her feel that she was 18 years old again, naïve and flush with...

2 years ago
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Never Bet a Women You wont Cheat Blacken

Toni called being very apologetic, asking if I minded watching our little girl while she attended a party thrown by a friend of Gingers. I told her it was no problem, not to worry, and to have a good time. Wanting to make sure she would be safe, I asked if she or someone else was going to drive. Though Toni was very conservative with her actions, she didn't drink very often and when she did, it always made her tipsy. She informed me that Ginger was driving and she was riding with her. She also...

2 years ago
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Never Say Never

"I've never seen a girl with pink contacts in her eyes!" exclaimed Janet, as I described to her the kind of girls I saw today in class. It was my first day at the local community college, and I saw a girl wearing these bright pink contacts in her eyes. We were talking about how girls can dress weird sometimes so I mentioned that to her. "Do you think it's cute when girls where tight yoga pant's?" Janet asked me in a cynical voice. "Well yeah, I'm wearing them now so I obviously do." I replied...

1 year ago
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Never Too Late

  It was the beginning of the year, and I was looking forward to my last class of the day. Theater class. I knew that I was at least going to shine in that class. I walked in, and there she was. Crossing the barrier between jocks and art She was talking to someone when I came into the room, and I must have caught her eye in her peripheral, because she turned and smiled and said hi. I said hi to her and smiled back, and she told me that there was a seat close to her, so I went and sat...

1 year ago
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Never Too Late

‘I’m sorting the wedding album, which pictures do you want?’ Like I would really want anything to remind me of my failed marriage with Sherry. I wanted to ask if she had any that showed her kissing my ass but decided against it, goddamned photographs anyway. That had been a lot of the problem between her and me, photographs, not to mention I hate to argue. Sherry had an internal Rolodex that contained reference to every event that had occurred since the time we met. She had a super database,...

4 years ago
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never too old for a sitter

Chapter 1: Heat WaveThe blackout may have turned out the lights across the city and several of its suburbs, but the phones were still workingbecause as soon as Rachel walked through the front door, her mother was telling her that Mrs. Carmichael had called.She and her husband were stuck in the city when the power went out and didn't know when they'd get home. Theywanted her to go over to their house and baby-sit their son."Mom!" Rachel burst out. First of all, she'd only gotten home herself,...

2 years ago
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Never too old to learn

Let me start off by telling you about me. I am now 60 years old and a widower. I have been married most of my life and considered myself as a normal man that loved his family and wife. When my wife passed away, I still had a desire for sex. I wasn’t interested in dating and going through all the dating games that people do and at my age, I felt that woman I could date were not actually what I wanted. Since I knew I couldn’t get a 20 something girl to have sex with, my sex life was mostly...

3 years ago
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Never Been Kissed

At Sweet Sixteen, Linda had never been kissed, at least not THAT WAY. By the time she got to be Sweet Thirty-Two, things were unfortunately still the same. But like everyone else, even those who have taken vows of celibacy, she found the traditional way to keep her sanity, until ... until... AUTHOR'S NOTE: In the grand scheme of things, no matter what you feel in the matter of religion or the absence thereof, it is imperative that every living thing, animal or vegetable, have a method of...

3 years ago
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Never Too Old to Be in Love IChapter 12

The afternoon of Monday 24 May - Robert and Sarah - [Sarah] My hands were shaking as I knocked on the door. He was behind the desk. Usually he never used the desk when he held tutorials. Always the big table so we could sit side by side and have a view over the garden. "I'm sorry to mess you about. Hope this time's not too late for you." Gruff and abrupt. My heart sank. Really, I could feel it, or maybe it was just my stomach. I shook my head and looked round wondering where to sit. It...

1 year ago
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Never to old

It was a cool and clear Sunday. Everything had been quiet all day and the evening patrol was no different. I came on duty at 3:00PM to start my shift. I had to cover until 11:00PM so I figured that if the day watch was an example, then it would be a very long night for me! I was assigned the 304 district over on the east side of the city. A mixture of residential, light commerical and some warehouses. The residential was middle clase, working people. Normal calls for service, and sometimes a...

4 years ago
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Never too young to FUCK

When I was a little girl, my parents would go out from time to time to eat out or go to parties and stuff. One time, they went out of town for a week and they had a girl, Brenda, who had sat for me several times, but this time was a whole week and I was a little nervous at my age, having them away from home so long this time. She was nice though and we always had fun, ordering pizza's, playing video games and watching scary movies, so I was comfortable being with her that long and overnight...

1 year ago
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Never Enough

Carrie and I had been dating for about five months when she decided to get her first set of breast implants. Though she had a nice, slim, curvy figure to begin with, she was always someone who absolutely craved the feeling of all eyes in the room turning to her when she walked in. She had always liked how men would watch her as she served tables at the sports bar at which she worked, walking about in her tight, khaki shorts that she used as a uniform. She knew she was pretty, that she had nice,...

3 years ago
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Never Been There Before

   In my earlier years when I was some what innocent to sex I had the best encounter ever. It all stared when I we moved to a new neighborhood. I must of been seventeen or so. After making my rounds with the easy girls in the neighborhood, I developed a bit of a reputation. I was the new guy with a huge dick and I knew how to use it. Around the same time we moved in a couple moved in next door. I never seen them, but, Moms and Pops went over and introduced them selves to them. I heard them...

Wife Lovers
1 year ago
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Never Just Friends

Sorry for the long delay if anyone actually cares… my computer decided to muck me around, and so I’ve been unable to access my files until a few days ago. Also, I’ll be uploading the next part of ‘Washing Up’ soon, but I haven’t had the chance to finish it yet. There’s not really any sex in this one, but I’ll be doing that sometime in the next week. Anyway, I hope this is worth the wait. Yours, as ever, romanticredhead A redhead with a passion . * ‘I don’t know, why don’t you ask her?’ I...

2 years ago
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Never Again Ch 01

10 years ago… ‘No, no way, so not happening. There’s no way you can win this. You may be faster, but I’m smarter and sneakier.’ Scott had both of Gia’s wrists encircled with his long fingers, but she twisted her arms outwards, forcing him to release her. She headed up the hill as fast as her bare feet would allow. For a moment, he didn’t chase her but instead watched her run, absentmindedly admiring her long legs and ass. ——————- Scott and Gia had known each other since the very first day...

4 years ago
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Never in November

Never in November © 2003 by Nom de Plume LOS ANGELES: In a remarkable feat of neurosurgery and tissue engineering, scientists at the University of California at Irvine have successfully transplanted penises and testicles from male rabbits to female rabbits, and ovaries and uteruses from the former females to the castrated male donors. Once they recovered from the surgery, the new male rabbits attempted to have sex within 30 seconds of being put in a cage with an engineered...

3 years ago
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Never a good deed goes unpunished

I guess you are wondering why this story is entitled "Never a good deed goes unpunished!" let me give you my story...... I work for a law firm and have done all my life, when I was younger I pulled in clients quite regular but as I grew older lacking ambition the clients grew sparse. So one day I was pulled into the old man's office, the owner of the firm and told I was being demote to office boy. Office boy at fifty-four, I should have told him to stick it but then I...

2 years ago
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Never MarryChapter 5 What If

Al thought that it was really Craig’s fault. She doubted that she could have persuaded a jury of that, though. He’d brought up marriage, and that made her think of what marriages had been like for her family, especially Deb and Mom. “Would you fight me for custody?” she asked on a trip back from yet another museum. “If we were in divorce court, I mean.” “Let me get clear. Do I have your permission to answer your question?” “Of course.” “There’s nothing ‘of course’ about it,” he said. “You...

1 year ago
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Never To Old To Start Some New Fun pt 1

Sex life takes a turn for the better after a guy at work lends me a porno then a new "blacklad" starts work! It turned me in to a gangbang party slut for Blackcocks to do as the please with! Never To Old To Start Some New Fun, pt 1 randysandy June 09, 2020 | 6 Views I thought I would tell you of what I have got myself in to as I still cannot really believe it myself! My name’s Sue & work at a printers factory in Derby UK, Have been marred for many years with not that much very "Sexually"...

2 years ago
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Never trust Aunt Angie part 1

It was the first time she spoke to me like an adult. That moment played in my head today, 13 years later When i found a secret folder on our home computer. Now just to make it clear, aunt Angie is a very nice person, she always smiles and gives me long loving hugs when i see her, my mom has a complicated relationship with her, but they are as close as sisters can be. "Never trust aunt Angie" i kept thinking As i examined the biggest collection of porn I've ever seen, it has to be Aunt...

2 years ago
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Never Would Have Thought

“Deanne” “Deanne”, he yelled. I snapped out of my brief daydream. “Yeah, what’chu want?” I asked. “Bring me a cup of ice.” His voice sounded so damn seductive to me. After bringing him the ice, I told him good night and went to bed. Kevin had been around our house since he was seventeen and now he’s twenty-eight. I have no idea why my mother even wanted him, she was thirty-two when he moved in. Right after snuggling under the covers, I quickly fell fast asleep. “WAKE UP!” “WAKE...

3 years ago
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Never Look at BBC in a Locker Room Gay

It caught my attention from across the empty locker room. I was sitting on the bench tying my shoes when I looked up for a split second and saw it. I could not believe how big it was. Long, thick, and black, it hung down low against his thigh. Fully flaccid, it was definitely bigger than I was when hard. I couldn't help but stare. This guy literally had a big black dick. Stereotypes must come from somewhere, I thought to myself. My eyes traced up and down his oversized dick and massive balls in...

3 years ago
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Never Forgetting Trip to the North

This Incident happened few months ago when I planned a trip to Manchester to surprise my cousin sister’s birthday. She had no idea I’m coming to surprise her on Friday night for her birthday and to spend time with her over the weekend. I have left work early and booked the 5pm coach to Manchester a from London which I was supposed to arrive there at 10 the latest. For my surprise the coach was packed with weird looking people and couples whom I was finding difficult to find a seat and however...

2 years ago
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Never Wanted To Be Your Girlfriend Ch 02

So, after being made up like a slut, left glued to a pair of silicon breast forms, and caught sucking-off my best friend, I was pretty sure my day couldn't get any worse, but I had come nowhere near the end of my torment, as Michelle now had something else planned that I was probably not going to like.Brittany got all tarted up to go clubbing with her friends. Michelle and I ordered pizza, flirted with the delivery guy like a couple of teeny-boppers at a sleep-over, and killed time by playing...

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Never Too Old

She sat at the same table every morning for breakfast. It was the only place I ever ate when visiting this small rural city. I was a semi-regular in that I visited every few months each year for about a month and I had an apartment across the road.Mrs Stein was her name the waitresses told me and she lived upstairs in the luxury apartment block in which this café /bar / restaurant was situated. For the past two years since first noticing her she had apparently been grieving the loss of her...

3 years ago
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Never Trust the Pretty Ones

"Never Trust the Pretty Ones" by Jennifer Brock I came back to my motel room feeling dejected. I'd been trying to find a target for my next big scheme and hadn't yet. My last con up in New York had been nearly perfect, and so I didn't want to follow up a big score like that with some penny-ante job. But so far I wasn't finding any good prospects in Atlanta, and it was the third big city I'd tried. It was the damn economy! I still had around fifty thousand in cash left so I didn't...

1 year ago
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Never Meddle in the Affairs of a Woman

Never Meddle in the Affairs of a Woman "For they are subtle and quick to anger." By Zapper Synopsis: 'Typical,' I thought, stepping away from the ticket counter in Heathrow. The short business trip to Ireland, for no reason comprehensible to mortal man, required a layover in London. Now, due to an ice storm hitting Chicago, my flight was canceled. "Well, at least I've got the first flight out in the morning and the airline is putting me up in a decent hotel," I said, as I...

3 years ago
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Never know what will happen

When my wife had just turned 18 she was a Senior in High School. She was somewhat restricted in her sexual knowledge and experience mainly due to her parents upbringing. She had just broken up with her High School boyfriend of 1 year and they had made out quite a lot and even had intercourse four times.She was a typical High School student with school spirit and cheered from the stands at every game. On this occasion she really wanted to attend an away basketball game but her ride canceled at...

First Time
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Never MarryChapter 2 Evolution

Craig Warren was happy with the date at the zoo. As much as he enjoyed -- needed -- the making out at the end of their dates, he understood that Alicia was less comfortable with it in the late afternoon. On the other hand, he had her company for a longer time, and she’d held his hand in public. “This is my woman,” even if it was in front of a bunch of total strangers. More than that, she had been obviously happy. When he called that night, he had the movie for next Friday selected. Alicia...

1 year ago
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Never Too Old to Be in Love IChapter 26

To Sarah's Home - Friday, 11-June [Sarah] I felt smart and holiday-ish after returning to my room. Sunshine chasing away the gloomy memories of the last days I'd spent there. As I sorted out a dress, I thought suddenly that I might never sleep here again. I felt shy stripping off in front of Robert. He was sorting through my books though, not looking at me. It as one of those weeks when May feels like June, but the world is so much fresher. Away from work on a Friday, playing hooky....

2 years ago
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Never Too LateChapter 13

Our clothes had mysteriously appeared overnight, folded over the back of a chair. We slipped them on and proceeded downstairs where Vanessa was busy loading up the washing machine, dressed in just a thin dressing gown. I ogled her, hardly able to disguise my desire. "I've got various cereals or I can cook you something up," she offered. "Cereal is fine," I replied, not wanting to put her to any trouble. Jenny cheekily asked what was on offer and finally accepted a minor feast of...

3 years ago
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Never in a Million YearsChapter 2

After mom had returned home, we went out shopping together where I was finally able to buy a few sets of new clothes, suitable enough for going out to dinner that evening in. We had dinner at a nice cozy, inexpensive Italian restaurant. And just as things had been whenever the three of us were together, all was perfectly natural and normal. Right up until the moment that mom excused herself to go into the "Ladies room," as she called it. She had barely turned the corner when my Aunt swung...

1 year ago
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Never Let A Hung Boy Share A Tent With You And Your Wife

(AdProvider = window.AdProvider || []).push({"serve": {}}); After reading the title of this story you could probably guess what it’s about, but you’ll never believe the shenanigans that transpired last summer when my wife and I went camping. My wife and I had been married for 3 years with no c******n, yet. Two years younger than me, at age 29, my wife is pretty hot. She’s a natural brunette with blonde hair, nice perky tits and as a result of being very athletic her...

3 years ago
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Never Forget

Introduction: Twin Brother And Sister Struggle To Maintain A Secret Relationship It was never supposed to be anything more than what it became. Kyle had grown up with Katie. He had watched her grow up into the beautiful young woman that she was. She was his best friend. She was his twin sister. They were seventeen. While Kyle had darker blonde hair and blue eyes, his sister had bright blonde hair and blue eyes. They were both slim and fit. Katie had matured well for a girl her age. She had...

1 year ago
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Never Forget Part 2

Mr. Forester paced in front of the class as Kyle fought sleep. This class always bored him. “For your assignment, I want you to pick one of the writings of Shakespeare and write a short story that is a modern day version of the writing. My personal favorites are MacBeth and Hamlet.” As the bell rang, he quickly gathered his things. His friend, Jordan, approached him. “Hey, Kyle. How come we never see you with any girls?” “I have been busy, Jordan.” “I heard that you and Michelle broke...

1 year ago
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Never Again Ch 03 Pt 01

Layna laid there on the couch, her eyes sparkling as she looked up at me. It was about 6:30pm. She had a date in a half-hour: Her best friend Jason. Needless to say, I was jealous and worried. Yes it was my daughter that I had touched, loved, seen but she had become more of a woman since the first time and I couldn’t get enough. I was worried, but then I thought, they are best friends. If one of them wanted to date each other it would have been years ago. And I would have known about...

3 years ago
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The hustle and bustle of everyday travels and business were hard. Two souls lost in a never ending battle between finding the ‘one’ and political hypocrisy. Long days and rotating shifts had him worn down. And her it was the added stress of all her long-time friends already having that person in their lives along with her own small business. That was all until they finally decided to have a long deserved night to themselves. They had never met before tonight. He had entered this quiet blues...

4 years ago
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Never To Forget

Never to ForgetBy: Londebaaaz Chohan Twenty Eight years! It is a very long time but for Jorge Diaz, it was only like yesterday. He remembers it like yesterday. He was a senior at high school, just turned 18 couple of days ago. His driving license was like the biggest joy for him because, it announced his adulthood. Driving past the local adult books and other paraphernalia store for the last almost a year, he had always wondered why it was such a taboo to visit that store. Today, he was free,...

3 years ago
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Never Trust your Wife with a Stud

Me, my wife and our friends had been drinking in my hotel room after a wedding. When Lucy disappeared into the adjoining room with Tim, the hem of her dress hiked up showing just the bottom of her round, thong-clad ass. They had been messing around on the couch, hence Lucy's bunched up dress. They got up and left without saying anything. I lay on one of the beds drinking beer with my wife, Kate - and my pal, Jim, Lucy's husband, lay on the other bed drifting off to sleep. I had seen how Lucy...

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