Never MarryChapter 2: Evolution free porn video

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Craig Warren was happy with the date at the zoo. As much as he enjoyed -- needed -- the making out at the end of their dates, he understood that Alicia was less comfortable with it in the late afternoon.

On the other hand, he had her company for a longer time, and she’d held his hand in public. “This is my woman,” even if it was in front of a bunch of total strangers. More than that, she had been obviously happy.

When he called that night, he had the movie for next Friday selected. Alicia said yes.

The rest of his life was also going well. He had started work with a student debt that he thought of as “More than an eighth of a million dollars.” His salary was also more each month than he’d ever made in a summer. He’d decided to put aside $20,000 a year for servicing that debt, putting everything over interest into paying down principal.

When he got a significant raise after his first year, he’d raised the debt-service part from $833.33 per pay period to a nice, round $900 per pay period. With his last raise, he’d set aside $950 per pay period.

As the principal went down, of course, the interest did as well. He expected his student debt to be less than his annual salary before Christmas.

Despite his expenditures to reduce the debt, his bank account was looking solider than he’d ever expected it to. Then, too, it looked as though his car would last longer than the car payment did. Come the next August, he would have more coming in -- he’d begun to take the annual raise for granted -- and less going out.

Some time in his relationship to Alicia, he’d gone from asking whether she was the one to thinking that it was too soon to propose. He had no idea about her financial situation, and thought it improper to ask until he did propose. Still, she must pay rent. Even if they couldn’t live in his apartment, and that would be close to her niece which was a positive, they could certainly get an acceptable place for less than the sum of their current rent bills.

And, if they were to start a family, the median family income was something like $50,000 a year. He made a lot more than that now. They could get by on his earnings.

Al enjoyed Friday’s date. The movie was a romance, and Craig hugged her shoulder tight during the intimate scenes. They didn’t exactly play footsie in the restaurant, but Craig stretched out his long legs, and their ankles crossed.

“When you get to your sister’s place tomorrow,” he said, “why don’t you call me? I’ll walk you from there.” At the time, it seemed perfectly reasonable.

She used the facilities before leaving the restaurant. Craig’s first kiss was as desperate as ever. Then he nibbled her ears and all over her neck. He lifted her to kiss her breasts through the blouse. Her hard nipples could feel the suction through blouse and bra.

They now stayed in a dark corner away from the stairway, and people in the building didn’t object. She was shocked, though, to discover it was after midnight when she went to bed. How long had they made out, anyway?

She called Craig from Deb’s when the last book was found. He came running up behind them before they got to the second corner. She turned around when she heard the steps, and her jogger’s judgment was that he had nice form.

“Cray!” said Anne. “Pome.”

“They aren’t pomes. They are poems. Can you say ‘po-em’?”


“May I please have a poem?” she put in.

“Cray, may I please have a poem?”

He swung off his back pack and extracted the sheet. “You have to be very careful and hold both our hands while crossing the street.”


Craig handed over the poem, and Anne -- prompted by Al -- thanked him. He took the books she was carrying and put them with his in the back pack. When they got to the next street, Craig grabbed Anne’s wrist. She was still clutching the paper.

She thought his concern for Anne’s safety endearing. So, for that matter, was his emphasis that she pronounce ‘poem’ correctly and ignore her missing the G in his name. She was finding way too much about Craig endearing these days. She’d seen where that got Mom -- where it got Deb for that matter.

Craig was a damn sexy guy. She’d push this making out further when she got the chance. Hell! She’d never intended to die a virgin. If this thing with Craig lasted long enough, she’d take him to bed. What she would not do was pin any hopes on making it permanent. She had her life, and it did not depend on any man. And it never would. She’d seen where that led.

Much as she loved Anne, she did not envy Deb one bit. Because she loved Anne, would love her own even more, she wouldn’t bring a baby into the world to raise it as a single parent.

Meanwhile, they walked together to the library. Craig was enjoying himself, enjoying Anne, and -- really -- enjoying being with her.

Saying that he was better than Pete was damning with faint praise, but one contrast with Pete was that Craig was a happy guy. She’d been suspicious when Craig enjoyed Anne, but Craig enjoyed most things.

“Tell me,” she asked suddenly, “do you enjoy programming?”

“It has its ups and downs. It’s not really like sudoku or a jigsaw puzzle. Those are designed by somebody to have one right answer. But, like them, you struggle and sweat and then something clicks.”

After a long while he said, “You like kids. Sure, the preschool has frustrations. Some kid cries inconsolably; another is violently aggressive. You haven’t spoken about lice infestation, but they must happen. Still, why would someone go into a field they didn’t enjoy?”

“That’s true.” Really, though, people did work they didn’t enjoy all the time. Deb was a perfect example, though she used to enjoy sitting on the other side of bars. The Craigs of the world didn’t do work they didn’t enjoy partly because they enjoyed a lot of things -- and partly because they were good at a lot of things.

“If you had to teach, what would you teach?” she asked.

“Probably math.”

“But you read so much. Why not teach English?”

“I don’t read that much. They distinguish between literature and fiction. Besides, I was always better in math. You know, studies suggest that something like 40% of college graduates don’t crack book one after graduation. Apparently, that includes novels.”

“Well,” she admitted, “I haven’t read anything since I graduated ... unless you included ‘Green Eggs and Ham.’”

“‘Hop on Pop’ is definitely the better book. Well, you’re a recent graduate. This includes people who got out of school years ago. Even so, they can’t count children’s books. All parents read to their kids, at least.”

She wasn’t so sure. Deb read to Anne, but would she have done so if Al hadn’t brought books into her apartment. Pete never had, but Pete was a parent only in the biological sense.

Still she had her answer. Craig enjoyed programming. He would enjoy teaching English -- teaching was frustrating, but he’d enjoy teaching the subject. He’d enjoy teaching math more. They’d never hire him to teach pre-K, but he would enjoy that. He enjoyed reading; he enjoyed watching plays; he enjoyed eating a wide range of cuisines.

Some things, like plays and zoos, many people enjoyed. Craig, though, enjoyed life.

At the library, Craig returned the books, hers as well as his. She and Anne went into the children’s area while he got his books. Soon after he joined them, thunder that sounded like the crack of doom shook them. Even Craig jumped. Minutes later, rain lashed the windows.

“Well,” Craig said, “if you have to be stuck somewhere, this at least has enough books.”

And, for a time, it was fine. Craig sat on the floor with Anne on his lap and a book on the low table in front of them. She left them there long enough to call Deb from the entryway. Deb was at the laundry. She had enough coins to dry without coming back, and she’d stay there until the rain stopped or Al called again. She took Anne to the ladies’ when she needed to go.

“If you don’t like Chicago weather, wait fifteen minutes,” Craig said. They waited fifteen minutes; they waited forty-five minutes. “Look, I live close,” Craig finally said.

“If Anne goes out in this, she’s going home where she can change her clothes.”

“I should have said that I park close. If I run home and get the car, can you handle my back pack?”


“Okay,” he said. “Wait in the entranceway. If your cell rings look out before answering it.”

She shouldn’t have been so certain about his back pack. It weighed a ton even before she got Anne’s book and the much-crumbled poem inside. Still, there was a shelf in the entranceway it could rest on until she heard Craig’s special ring tone. Then she looked out, and the back door of his car was swinging open.

They ran for the car, and she got Anne inside.

“Cray,” she said. “I’m hungry.”

“Well, we’re going to get you home where you can have a warm meal and dry clothes. Before we can, however, you have to fasten your seat belt.”

She got Anne’s belt and her own fastened. “All secure,” she said. Craig tossed a plastic bag over the back of the seat and swung into traffic.

“Know where your sister is?” he asked. “The bag’s for your books.”

“Probably at the laundry.”

“I’m already wet. If I could offer her a ride, I wouldn’t get any wetter. Why don’t you call her and ask whether she’d like it. You could vouch for me ... If you think that’s honest, that is.”

So, they did it his way, though she had to smile at his picture of Deb’s being reluctant to get in a car with a strange man. Pete had picked her up in a bar, for heaven’s sake.

She had Anne stripped, toweled off, and into new clothes except shoes when Deb came in.

“Your guy hauled the laundry up the stairs,” she said. “Nice guy, and built. Totally vanilla, though. Called me ‘ma’am.’”

“He worried about you being unwilling to get in a strange car. I prefer him with a few illusions about my family.”

“Well, you told me what the car looked like, and he had my number. I wouldn’t have gone with a stranger.”

“Comfy?” Craig asked when he called that night.

“Getting there.” She was alone in the apartment -- it was Saturday night, after all -- and she settled onto the most comfortable chair in the living room.

“Because I have all sorts of issues. First, did you like the zoo trip?”

“It was marvelous,” she said. “I told you that.”

“Yeah. I had thought you enjoyed it, but that might have been projection. Anyway, would you be up to another Saturday excursion, this time to a museum, the Art Institute?”

“That would be fine.”

“Pick up same time?” he asked.


“Second, Anne seemed to crumple the poem. I’m printing them on my computer, and two copies is the easiest thing in the world. How about I give her one copy at the beginning, and give you another copy for permanence at the end of the visit?”

“You’re too generous.”

“Two pages every two weeks. That’s 52 pages a year, a ream a decade. Before that happens, she’ll either lose interest or get her own e-mail account and I can send them without paper.” He was thinking of being in contact with Anne for a decade. Did he think that he and she would last a decade? Ken had been her only romance which had lasted a year, and that included a summer of three letters on his part.

“That doesn’t say you’re not being generous.”

“You said something, albeit something negative, about the two of you visiting my apartment. My horror wasn’t based on the general idea; it was based on my picture of how my apartment looked. Well, with a little prep time, it could look as though I lived neatly. Two weeks would be plenty of time to clean up. Would you consider bringing her back here after the library trip? We’d walk right past a pizza place, and we could eat when we got here. We could read her books, and your sister would have time to finish the laundry.”

“Now, you’re being more generous.”

“I’m not inviting her here alone. No, seriously, with your chaperone present, you’d be perfectly safe. If you do not approve of pizza, you could give me a shopping list, or your sister could.”

“I’ll think about it, and I’ll ask Deb.” She’d dream about it, and the dreams wouldn’t involve Anne.

The Art Institute trip was better than she had expected. Craig didn’t try to drill culture into her, and there was much more than she had expected.

At dinner, she broke the news that everyone was fine with pizza at his house. “Of course, I didn’t really raise the question with Anne. Between pizza and Cray, though, her acceptance is guaranteed.”

“I love the way she says my name. Well, I’m glad. I’ve been vacuuming, and I wouldn’t want that effort to go to waste.”

“Got a hiding place for all the Playboys?”

“Welcome to the Internet age. There’s not a Playboy in the apartment. I understand that the magazine is really feeling the competition from all the free porn. But all my downloads are encryption protected. Even if Anne types away at the keyboard she isn’t going to find anything not age appropriate.”

Again, she used the restaurant facilities to make sure that her bladder didn’t interfere with their parting petting.

The next date was another play on Friday night. This time it was a dysfunctional family, and they sat so close that she felt almost part of it. The audience applauded at the end. Presumably, it was more fun for those from functional families.

They did their usual at the library. Then, on their way back, Craig stopped at a pizza shop.

“Anne,” he said. “Would you like to get some pizza and eat it at my place?”

God! She had forgotten. Still, that was a totally rhetorical question. Craig decreed that she would choose the toppings, probably trusting her to know what selection made Anne sick. She didn’t, but judged conservatively. They walked to a place that was closer to Deb’s place than either was to the library. Craig let them in, and escorted them up to the third floor.

There were three doors off the living room; the kitchen was sort of closed off, but there was no door. He hung their coats in the closet, and that was one door. He told Anne that she had to wash her hands before eating, and he opened the door to the bathroom. When Anne saw the toilet, she obviously needed to use it. Al shut the door with them inside. For that matter, she needed to relieve herself again. Probably her bladder had swollen so large that night that it hadn’t properly emptied itself the first time.

When she came out, there was one door that hadn’t been opened. That was his bedroom, and she flushed at the thought. Somehow, bedrooms and Craig were an embarrassing combination.

Craig served up the pizza on plates but without silverware. Anne really dug in, but she was the first finished.

“Are you totally finished, Anne?” Craig asked. Anne nodded. “Then we need to wash our hands again. Then we can read a book.”

What Craig announced as the “Official Warren-family method” of reading “Hop on Pop” was for him to lie on his back on the floor with Anne sitting on his stomach. Al suspected that his mom hadn’t allowed that method right after lunch. Well, she’d be embarrassed if Anne barfed on Craig’s carpet. If he did it himself, it would be his own fault. She ate more and more slowly, finally finishing Anne’s second piece.

“I think we need to go now,” she said when the second book was finished. She washed her hands. When she came out, Craig had Anne into her coat.

“Want a doggie bag?” he asked.

“I think I have used up my month’s diet allotment for pizza.”

The walk wasn’t long, and her two companions were perfectly happy. She should have been, too, but she was getting too involved with Craig. This guy was destined to break her heart.

Craig called that evening. He always called on Saturday evening, even when they had spent the afternoon together.

“Love you,” he said. He closed the call before she could respond. For that matter, she couldn’t figure out her response before she went to sleep that night. She did love him, but she suspected that what she felt for him wouldn’t satisfy him.

She woke to her alarm Sunday morning. So she could have the disorientation of the much earlier rising on an off day instead of a work day. She ran, but her time was way off.

The next date was fun although they probably both felt awkward. She dropped his hand three times in the museum. On the way to the restaurant, she heard a ring tone that she didn’t recognize.

“Have to take this,” he said. He turned into a side street and parked in somebody’s driveway. “Yes, darling,” he said. She got immediately jealous. Did he think she’d been too demanding? Was this his way of blowing her off? If so, why the “I love you” so recently.

“Now, then,” he was saying. “You adored him nine years ago, and he’ll be your protector nine years from now ... Sure, but don’t talk as though it’s permanent ... Look, it’s a one-bedroom apartment. Even with your mother’s permission, you and I would have to tread carefully around each other. You think making your bed now is an imposition, consider making up a bed on a couch each night and stripping it completely each morning ... Don’t you think it’s a little one sided. You say that you love me, and you say that if I loved you I would wait on you hand and foot. Well, once I changed your diapers, but you needed that then. Today, whatever you think, you need structure, discipline, and some jobs to do ... Well, Mommy feeds you. On the street, meals cost five bucks, probably closer to ten, each. Three a day, that’s upwards of a hundred five a week, and that doesn’t count the snacks and soft drinks you gulp down...

“After a week without a bath,” he continued after listening for a long time, “you start to smell as though you hadn’t had a bath in a week. Grocers are suspicious of that sort of character. Well, after you got arrested, you’d get your bath and your food compliments of the county. You might not like the menus, though ... And I love you,”

“Life is tragic when you’re thirteen,” he commented when he’d put his cell away and started them on their way again.

“Maybe life is always tragic, and we feel it more when we’re thirteen.”

“Well, we feel everything more when we’re thirteen. Her brother is ten, and she hates him. Her mother -- my sister -- wants her to clean her room and make her bed, and she thinks it’s slavery. It is, but not in the direction that she thinks. Sis is ten years older than I am, and I was something between a playmate and a parent to the kids.”

“I stopped being jealous,” she said.

“Because I said, ‘I love you’? Well, you love Anne, and I don’t get jealous. I love you, and I love her, and -- for that matter -- I love Anne. They’re different sorts of love.”

There was that declaration again, and she couldn’t respond. They got to the restaurant, one in the loop with high prices.

“Can you really afford these dates?” she asked.

“Darling, I’m paying for them in cash. People who pay with credit cards might not have the money, but people who pay cash clearly do. I told you I program computers, didn’t I?”


“Pays better than early-childhood education -- not counting the hugs.”

“Well you don’t have to take me to high-end restaurants every time.”

“I don’t,” he said. And, while they hadn’t eaten in McDonald’s, he hadn’t taken her to a restaurant that expensive before.

Craig was overjoyed at her concern. If she worried about his spending, she was considering them as a couple with a couple’s resources. She was seeing him as someone with whom she shared a future, and after the last week, he’d been worried.

Well, if it was too early to propose, it was way too early to discuss joint budgets.

“Did you really change diapers thirteen years ago?” she asked out of the blue.

“Not thirteen years ago. For one thing, I was just twelve that Christmas. For another, infants are rather delicate, and their parents feel that they are even more delicate. They don’t trust infants to grade-schoolers. Teddy, on the other hand, was born in February. He was nearly a year old when I met him, and they trusted me to change him. I was fairly experienced by then. The family only gets together at Christmas.”

“Plays cost more than movies don’t they?” she asked.

“Generally. I think both cost more downtown.”

“Well, you don’t have to take me to plays at all. The truth is that I enjoy movies more.”

“Well, that’s decisive then,” he said. “I can afford the plays, but that was an experiment. We learned from that experiment. If you hadn’t told me, I wouldn’t have learned, and I’m the guy who’s doing the choosing. Your knowing that you’re not going to enjoy the experience doesn’t do us any good if I plan the date. Maybe you could participate more in the planning.” We are a couple, and the more that Alicia thought that, the better they would be. Well, the better Craig would be.

“I’m not sure. You take me to all these restaurants, different sorts of restaurants. And I’d never have thought of the museums.”

“Okay, they were both successful experiments. We learned that plays don’t interest you that much, and we learned that some museums do. The zoo was a great experience, but a little late in the year. It’s an outside event, and it’s turning cold.”

“You’re more cultured than I am,” she said.

“Sweet, I walked by those store-front theaters for three years without buying a ticket. I just wanted to be with you, and the city doesn’t provide dances like campuses do.”

He parked as close as he could, which wasn’t very close. When he’d opened the passenger-side door and helped her out, she allowed him to take her hand. He let go so she could use her key on the two doors, and they both turned to their corner. He held her face in his hands for the first kiss, and he could feel her mouth smile.

He stroked down her face, her shoulders, and her breasts. He lifted her by her waist, and pressed her against the wall while still kissing her. She was wearing slacks for the museum, and she put her legs around his hips. He broke the kiss and lifted her more. Her legs went around his waist, and he kissed her breast.

Holding her against the wall with his body, he dropped a hand to her ass and scratched across it. She grabbed his hair, and he got the other hand on the breast he wasn’t kissing. He sucked one nipple and tweaked the other.

When he grabbed both hips and moved back from the wall, she was slow to relax her legs. He set her down, turning her as he did. Then he turned her to face the wall and lifted her again. He pressed himself against her sweet ass until that supported her weight. He grasped both breasts.

He kissed down the side of her neck until she jerked in response. Then he kept kissing there and stroking his fingers over the peaks of her breasts. She tried to wiggle, but his arms were close enough to her sides so she couldn’t escape.

When he lowered her again, he turned her to face him. He held her face while his tongue explored her mouth. When her hands went around him, he took her breasts in his hands again.

When they finally broke, he watched her go up the stairs. Her ass clenched at each step, and she almost staggered.

Then he took himself home and took care of the hard on, if not of the desire which caused it.

“Love you,” he began his call. “I’ve been thinking. We gave Anne pizza for the first visit. If we do two in a row, it becomes the pattern and breaking the pattern will disappoint her. If you want a healthier menu, then we need to do it this Saturday. Why don’t you consult with her mother and send me a shopping list. Warning! Almost anything beyond opening a can is beyond my culinary skills. I do the shopping, but you do the preparation. Second warning. Send me a list of what you’d buy, but also send me a list of what is needed but every cook already has. Do you have my e-mail?”

“No.” He gave it to her.

“Well, you’d have to think about that before you send it. That takes care of the practicalities, but the real reason I call is to hear your voice. How have you been?”

“I had a great trip to the museum this morning,” she said.

“What a coincidence, so did I. I had much better company, though.”

“Now, you’re fishing.”

He said, “No, the Aquarium is for week after next. Seriously, Hollywood keeps churning out movies, but there are only so many museums in Chicago. This one was fun, but is it worth a repeat? Not soon, but someday?”

“I think so. We only saw a fraction of it.”

“Well, we only saw a fraction of the Art Institute, too. But...”

“You’re so sensitive,” she said, “and so accepting of my ... intellectual dullness.”

“Darling. You’re many things, but dull isn’t one of them. I take you to a place, and you think I’m showing you one of my favorites. The truth is that you saw the Art Institute in your first year in Chicago, and I saw it only in my fourth year in town. Even then, I paid less attention to the pictures than to the pretty girl walking beside me.”

“You read more than I do.”

“Yeah,” he agreed. He read almost compulsively. “And I cannot understand how you get a degree in early-childhood education without reading ‘Winnie the Pooh.’”

“Well, we read Doctor Seuss in my practice-teaching.”

“But sitting on chairs. That’s not the canonical method.”

She laughed. “I hate to break it to you, but your family’s methods haven’t penetrated the pedagogical curriculum.”

“I love you.” And he hung up before she needed to lie.

She sent him a shopping list, Central was hamburger meat and buns. That -- he replied -- he could cook. He could probably follow the directions on the frozen peas, as well. She’d sent directions on how to prepare the salad before heading to the library, but she’d written that she would toss it. He got all the ingredients on Thursday.

Friday, they went to romantic comedy. Not only did she allow his arms around her shoulders, they held (left) hands as well.

Afterwards, she was wildly responsive. He managed to leave her without violence and to get home without disgracing himself. He didn’t bother with Internet porn. He merely had to close his eyes to see a sight sexier than the sexiest pose on the ‘net. Maybe a minute later all his desire shot out of him, and he flushed it down. Alicia was the sexiest woman he’d ever dealt with, and he hadn’t even had her clothes off yet.

Al was really enjoying her dates. Some of the movies were better than others, but all of them had Craig’s arm around her and her hand in his. Some of the museums were more interesting than others, but all of them were with Craig and they seemed to hold hands through most of them.

The drives and the meals meant a great deal of conversation, having him appreciate the small triumphs and large concerns that punctuated a teacher of pre-K classes, listening to him speak and getting insights into a stable family, two stable families his parents’ and his sister’s. He avoided describing his job, and -- when he slipped -- she saw why.

Part of the pleasure of the times with Anne was having a partner in entertaining her and exposing her to the pleasure of books. Craig called it seducing her into reading.

One pleasure which the times with Anne didn’t allow was the “good night kiss,” which had evolved into long sessions making out while standing -- Craig -- leaning against the wall or being lifted -- her. The weather had turned cold enough that they wore heavy coats, and she got to her room dripping with sweat. Still, the experience was worth it, and the wettest part of her anatomy was never her armpits. She finished those nights hugging her pillow and imagining that her finger was his.

Of all of the museum trips, the Planetarium was nicest. They sat way back in soft theater seats and held hands while being educated. She was in a great mood until they got to the restaurant and had ordered. Then Craig broke it.

“Look, I have some news,” he said. His tone made her think he was going to break it off. His news was probably that his college fiancee had moved to Chicago and he was going back to her. “I think I’ve told you that my family spends Christmases together...”

He was never going to get to the point. “Look, Craig, is this good news or bad news?”

“I hope you think it’s bad news. I’m going to Denver for Christmas. It’s really only two weeks, but it’s three weekends. I made the reservations months ago. You have to when you fly around the holidays.”

Well, it wasn’t good news, but it was better than she had thought. “When do you leave?” she asked.

“Late December 16th. I get back the afternoon of January second. I probably should have told you sooner, but that would have sounded like taking our dates every weekend for granted. I have to tell Anne, too, but I don’t want to tell her until the last time before I leave.”

“She’ll be devastated.”

“Her time horizon is shorter than yours,” he said. “You’ll know that I’ll come back to you, if only next year.” The joke was too feeble to deserve a response, even a comment on how feeble it was.

Same as Never Marry
Chapter 2: Evolution Videos

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A Couples Play Day Part 4 Evolution

Introduction: A couples long held fantasies become reality and limits are tested. This is Part 4 in the story of A Couples Play Day. Reader comments, opinions and feedback are welcome and appreciated. A note about the story&hellip,I had a pretty clear vision for the initial chapter when I began writing. I found beginning with Part 2 that the character of Joanne began leaving the page at times and giving direction to the storyline. Since, she has taken me in directions and along paths I had not...

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Breeding Evolution

The hangar was filled with noise. Hundreds of faceless troops were conversing with each other. Joking and laughing, making rude gestures with their pliable blank mannequin like bodies. At the end of the hangar, lights came up upon a stage with a single microphone. Behind the microphone, a brilliant purple flag swayed, the insignia of the planet Bredon flashing all who saw. To the left of the troops a general took the stage. His unmarked body started to sprout clothes that resembled the United...

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You wake up, glance at the clock and realise you've slept in its nearly 1 O'clock. You drag yourself out of bed and head towards the phone to call in sick. Something stops you, there appears to be something large and warm on top of you. Oh yeah, that's right, you brought this sweet piece of ass home last night and fucked into the early hours of the morning and fallen asleep with your cock still firmly inserted in her tight little fuckhole of a pussy. You pull your once again hardening cock out...

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I had never thought I was gay. I've always been crazy about girls, always attracted to them, obsessed with porn involving women. The only time men turned me on was in the pictures with the women, but it was always the female bodies that made me hard. Nobody who knows me would ever think I was anything but very heterosexual.Since I was a k** I always had a thing about being naked or nearly naked in public places. Even as a p*****n I found ways to be completely naked in public, masturbating until...

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Bi Girl Parties The evolution

So after we finished college, we moved out of that metropolitan area to a more rural area. The swinger scene was much, much less than we were used to. We quickly began to try to connect with like minded people on swinger websites. We found bi girl "Meet and greet" that was simply not the same. One time we met at a popular bar, complete with swingers and vanillas. Any time Drea kissed a girl, a bunch of drunk guys swarmed trying to dicktate (yes I misspelled that on purpose) for them to do more....

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Vickis Hot Wife Evolution

My wife Vicki and I are in our late and mid-30s respectively. We've been married for over 10 years and have three c***dren together. Vicki is a brown eyed beauty. She is short but quite curvy. I've always found her body desirable but three c***dren had taken a toll on her figure but more importantly her confidence in her sex appeal. Vicki had never been one to wear provocative clothing but lately had become even less so. As sexy as I found her she just didn't feel that way about herself. We had...

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An Evolution

I was thrilled when Sarah and I had our bid accepted on the house in the development. Yes, the house was in a development and we only had a couple of floor plans to choose from, but this was our first house.We didn’t plan on staying in it forever, just until we’d each earned a promotion or two. Particularly for Sarah, who traveled so much for work, it would be a few years until she would be able to move into an office-based position and we could start a family.I work from home as a coder. There...

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Phillip smiled as he handed the young man a cup of steaming hot coffee, the boy returned the smile, sitting the cup on the table. "Thank you Phillip," Jamie leaned back in his chair and tried to seem at ease. He had been outside doing a few odd jobs in the boat yard when Phillip had stuck his head out the door and called for him to come to the house. "What's up?" Phillip settled into the chair across the table from the boy's questioning look. His eyes, dark and serious, focused on...

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Earths CoreChapter 15 A Stride Toward Evolution

A wave of overwhelming excitement, with only a tinge of reservation, surged in Zax. ‘There is a high probability that I’m correct! I must confirm’. To do so he had to proceed as close as he could to the center of the Earthly Crater. At the moment it was still too much for him just in terms of dealing with the gravitational force, so he resorted to what can be done now and advanced the last step to the fifth ring. “Arhg!” Zax clenched his teeth as his back bent forward and his arms nearly...

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The L WordChapter 5 Evolution

awu Fall 2012 After they actually registered, they, and every other student, headed for the bookstore. In the chaos, she saw a special cook book. Cook books are aimed at introducing pedestrian cooks to a more adventurous cuisine. This one introduced non-cooks to the basics. She tossed it on her stack; Dad would pay something for her moving in with Bret after all. When they got to the cash register line, Bret tried to pay for hers. “No, Bret. We’ll talk later.” “Look,” she said when they...

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The Threesome Next DoorChapter 23 Growth and Evolution

I had called Dave at lunch and invited him to our bacchanalia. He explained that he was still with ‘an overnight date’, and asked whether he could bring her. I explained the possible issues to him and he promised he’d consider all of them and even discuss them with his weekend date before showing up. Dave and a cute young woman named Katherine Yates showed up an hour later just as some of us finished lunch and recharging our batteries. A few others were already done. I answered the front...

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People think I'm complicatedI'm not complicated as much as I am free of discrimination and others opinion over the true identity of who I am. See regardless whether one agrees or not I am not male, nor am I female either. I exist in a truth that is outside sociological normality. Our society got stained with the residue from over thousands of years of misleading. ONE small faction of mankind tried and semi temporarily successfully created a definition that has tried to eliminate the true...

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Sperm Wars Cuckolds Threesomes and Evolutionary

Originally posted on Doctor Susan Block's JournalMost men are excited by the idea of their women being with other men. Yes, most. They may or may not actually like it. But many an otherwise sensible gentleman finds himself aroused upon seeing his hot wife, girlfriend or significant other flirt with a stranger, or perhaps a friend. He may be jealous, hurt, angry, even enraged. Still, he often can’t help but want to make love to “his” woman as soon as they get home, his erection stronger than...

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You are sleeping in your bed, having a great dream about you and Angelina Jolie in a very swanky hotel in Venice, having wild sex on the balcony, overlooking the canals. The dream ends. You think you hear a tiny little voice say, "And sprinkle this one good. I think Peter and Wendy need something to break the logjam. This one will do nicely." In your sleep-stupor, you open one eye a bit and see a glowing moth hovering over your bed. The moth's body looks strangely like a person. Then you go...

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Neverwinter Nights

Ah YES! The lands of Toril! What a place. A land of myth, and lore. A land where dangers, and adventure are around every corner. The infamous Spine of the World, Baldur's Gate, Helmsdeep, Waterdeep, the Underdark, Undrentide, Luskan, Amn, and Nevewinter city are just a few of the places any adventurer would seek. Some would go to these places to gain power, wealth, or even fame. Some go to these places to do villainous acts of evil, and some, heroic deeds of good. But for THESE 4 adventurers,...

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Fornever in Blue Genes a Wish the Heart Makes

A Wish the Heart Makes: Fornever in Blue Genes by Tigger Copyright 2000. All rights reserved. Fictionmania and Nifty may archive this story. Anyone else, ask me first. From Walt Disney's "Cinderella": "A dream is a wish your heart makes When you're fast asleep. In dreams you lose your heartaches Whatever you wish for, you keep. Have faith in your dreams and someday Your rainbow will come smiling through. No matter how your heart is grieving If you keep on...

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NeverWorld Chapter One

NeverWorld Chapter One Randy Butler curled up in a comfortable armchair in the corner of the Student Center. There were students all around him talking, eating, and working. Even though they were all strangers, he felt comfortable here in the large crowded hall. Randy was lonely. He hadn't made any new friends in the two weeks since college began. He had hoped to meet other freshmen taking classes at Philadelphia College, but it wasn't happening. He wasn't meeting anyone...

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NeverWorld Chapter Two

NeverWorld Chapter Two Althea Smallwood found herself drifting off as the lawyer representing the group of fairies would not stop lecturing her about his clients "God given rights". She wanted to close her eyes and put her head down. She even considered taking a recess but wanted to end this case now. She tried what the other justices had suggested. She had pinched herself, she had tried chewing gum, she had pushed her fingernails into the palm of her hand. Nothing was going to keep...

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It wasn't going away. It had come before, and it had always gone away before, but this time seemed different somehow. This time it was heavier, lingering longer, filling up more of the empty spaces around her life. It was seeping through all of the uncaulked cracks in her psyche and was running down the walls of her brain. The cloud had taken on an almost physical form around her. It sat on her eyelids and made them heavy. It rested upon her shoulders and forced her to slump. Although she...

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Guineveres Dirty Little Secret

The sky looked like somebody had taken a white pebble board, masked it off, put some ultramarine blue in a thin wash, then dropped some Payne's grey into it. The close foreground of the sky was a dark and angry mixture of blue and grey; almost black, fading into a soft grey at the tops of the trees in the distant. The hunter green trees bled into the sky, creating an image of incoming rain in the distance. About a third of the way up from the bottom of the painting, silver over red greyhound...

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The GLOOrious Revolution

The stories popped up in various newspapers across the country but seemed random and many instances never made the papers. Finally enough instances took place that the authorities began to take notice and detect a pattern. Male Student Found Not Guilty of Date Rape is Found Dressed as a Prostitute Joe Ivy who had been recently found not guilty by an all male jury of the date rape of Cindy Barnes was found dazed and confused on a street corner normally habituated by sex workers. He was...

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Memoirs of a Bisexual Chapter 1 The Sexual Revolution

I have always been a sexual person. I have always been turned on by sex. When I was 16, I got my first “serious” girlfriend, meaning the first girl I ever tongue kissed, made out with and felt up. My dad sensed that I was a in the beginning stages of a hormone drenched relationship with a girl who was a bit more experienced than I and a year older. He had the “Sex Talk” with me where he discussed STD’s, pregnancy, and condoms. But he also instilled a bit of wisdom in me about sex. He told me...

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Prisoners of the Revolution

The year was 2019. The people's revolution had taken place. The enemies of the people, the reactionaries, members of the bourgeoise and the tools of the imperialist government have been imprisoned. That included Politicians, journalists, media personalities and most of all, celebrities. To some, the death was quick. Others, however, still had some service to the state that they needed to fulfill The Facility of Undesirables for Correction and Reeducation was intended, at least on the surface,...

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Memoirs of a Bisexual Chapter 1 The Sexual Revolution

I have always been a sexual person. I have always been turned on by sex. When I was 16, I got my first “serious” girlfriend, meaning the first girl I ever tongue kissed, made out with and felt up. My dad sensed that I was a in the beginning stages of a hormone drenched relationship with a girl who was a bit more experienced than I and a year older. He had the “Sex Talk” with me where he discussed STD’s, pregnancy, and condoms. But he also instilled a bit of wisdom in me about sex. He told me...

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Genesis Club Shift Shift Revolution

Please note: I do not play DDR in real life. My only attempt at it led to a broken ankle, which took 6 months to heal. :-) So if what I am writing doesn't jive with the game: Tough. :-) It's a story for a reason. For the two of you who are overtly offended, bugger off. The rest, enjoy. -Saintly Genesis Club: Shift Shift Revolution I got up to do my next song. I knew it was not really going to be great. I kept the challenge low and didn't achieve much. Stepping up onto the large...

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Viva La Revolution

Viva La Revolution! May 15th, 2035. "Mum?" crooned Karen, a hint of pleading in her voice. Her best friend, Amy, was standing beside her. "Yes, Karen?" "You know how I got straight As in my Exams?" she said, twirling her hair innocently. She knew her mum knew she was going to ask for something big; she knew her mum knew what it was as well. However, there was a ritual to be performed, a game to be played, one of argumentation and persuation. "Yes Karen?" replied her...

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Quest The French Revolution

(Please note that this story is bilingual and you can read the french version after the english one. / Cette histoire est bilingue, vous pouvez lire la version française après la version anglaise.) Welcome to this [Quest.] The principle is quite different from other multiple choice stories, you choose and influence the elements of the story by letting a comment like that: (A1, B2, C2, D5) and I would follow the story according to what the majority will have chosen. If you want to know more,...

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Age of Revolution

In the Age of Revolution no one is safe,power shifts fast and people who have power exploit it as best they can this is the story of Princeses and Warlords,Slaves and Revolutionaris. Every branch of this story is gonna tell about a different person in this world from Emperor to Slave...

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Illegal Orgasm 8211 Part 5 Sexual Revolution

Mumtaz rested another 15 minutes on that table. She had a satisfaction that she had never got. She moved her hand between her legs. She was still dripping wet. Mumtaz got up and took the lingerie her admirer had kept it on the table. She didn’t wear it. She was wet, and she didn’t want to spoil the lingerie with her juices. Mumtaz pulled back the straps of her top and pushed her boobs back into it, then adjusted the skirt. Draping the shawl over her breast, she walked out of the room and jumped...

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Fleeing a Revolution

The revolution came after almost six months of unrest. The king was a tyrant and the queen a wicked bitch. The few high nobles were almost as bad or absent and the low were either corrupt or thieves. The prince had been sent away to be raised out of the kingdom. The twin princesses had been hidden away on a country estate to be married off later. I was a stable boy with dreams to be a soldier. The girls were not like their parents and always nice to the servants and more than once I had them...

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The First CommandChapter 3 Planning a Revolution

I looked around at four men and one woman, with me the six people who had a chance to at one stroke completely break the illuminati's grip on the human race. I didn't even know the names of two of them. Back to the AI. "You test every single recruit. You should test for the smarts to learn how to work with your technology. You should test for open-mindedness; you don't need bigots who cannot accept others as their equals because they look different. Test for whatever you find useful, to...

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Sex Sex Revolution

As Jenna plopped onto the couch, sweating from the intense DDR action, she looked at Kyle and said, “You keep playing, I’ll watch.” “All right,” Kyle responded spryly, “but if you don’t practice you’ll never be able to beat me.” Jenna merely chuckled in response to his remark. In reality Jenna wasn’t all that tired, rather she enjoyed admiring Kyle’s body as he played, especially his strong muscular legs built from years of hard work on the soccer field. ...

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Modikas Virtual Revolution

It all started out as harmless fun. Just another mod of a popular video game character warping them in either a humorous or kinky fashion. Or both. Except this wasn't your average video game character. It was Monika, the sinister sweetheart of the indie hit Doki Doki Literature Club. The twisted puppetmaster that manipulated her game to win the affection of the user, even if it meant betraying her 'friends' and altering the game. But of course, the internet loves sexualizing anime girls and...

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It's a good night to kill a queen, alcohol hangs heavy in the air, and the dancers are engulfed within their revelry. The queen lays, in perfect peace within her grand tent. Or so she thinks, until a rugged hand tightens around her neck, forcing her into a fit of wet gasps. As you bore your eyes into hers you feel the glyph of Return tugging you back to a cliff overlooking the camp grounds, you let the glyph run its course and teleport to the rocky overhead. At your return the Feeders rocket...

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The New Islamic Revolution

The rebels of Colonel Fahim are trying to overthrow their incompetent government The rebels of Colonel Fahim are trying to overthrow the incompetent government. They demanded more rights for the Islamic people, no more decadence of the Western world. Islam must be restored to its historic roots. They began their journey in 2005 in the Egyptian city of El Faladim. The rebels overthrew the city administration and effectively took control of it. After that, their goal was to conquer...

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Gallants Revolution

For six millennium the humans in Nox have been serfs to mage lords. I should say slaves because that was really what we were. There were few free men in the nation but unless you were elven, a dwarf or a mage there was little chance to be free. Even the soldiers were serfs but they had more freedom and things they were allowed to do. My father had been a soldier and taught me using sticks and rods of iron. Our mage lord had cut back the numbers of soldiers he had to half and my father was...

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Initiation and Revolution

I was seventeen. It is a significant time. But perhaps I need to explain some more? Until a few years ago, this country, my country, was two centuries behind most of the rest of the world; our leader, Glavni Starij (you would say ‘Chief Elder’), and the Vestri, brought in some modern technology, but didn’t think about the implications ... the consequences. My Father explained some of this to me. You see, in Domovinu, women have few rights. I have to say, though, my Mama ruled our household. She...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 1 BethanyChapter 5 You Say You Want a Revolution

February 23, 1986, Chicago, Illinois “We’ll talk about it next weekend,” I said. “Not now?” Jessica asked. “Are you sure that you’re OK?” “Yes and no. It really was the only thing that could happen with Bethany. I told you that about a month ago.” “So you were prepared?” Kara asked. “As much as I could be,” I sighed. “I think everyone pretty much expected this to happen. But that doesn’t make it any easier.” “Where will she go?” Kara asked. “I’m hoping she’ll move in with Kathy and...

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The Preacher ManChapter 50 Dawn of the Revolution

Time: July 4, 8244 11:48 AM Taking over the Code of Bel'dar proved to be delightfully easy. The monks of Babylon completed the upgrade of their operating system in mid February and we began our probing soon afterwards. We were ready to make our first backdoor changes by early March. The Australian women and my family have two objectives today with my meeting with the Babylonian monks. The first objective will be executed at noon. If successful, we are expecting a great deal of chaos at...

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My Berlin SummerChapter 11 The Revolution

This idyll of blissful servitude came to a violent end early one cool morning in January. That night, I had been fortunate enough to be the slave girl selected by the master to serve his pleasure. As usual, he had put me to a variety of the specialized uses to which a slave such as I must be accustomed, finally cuffing my wrists to my ankles and taking me from behind, making me scream repeatedly in submission and ecstasy. Then he unbound my wrists and ankles, chained me to the foot of his...

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Shifty Fades of BeigeChapter 3 The Sound Revolution

Alexandra Rasputin, teeth digging into a ball gag and breathing through her nose, is hanging from the ceiling of the Rumpo Room. She is wearing a white lace bra and panties, hold up white stocking and killer heels. Her hands are bound, not too tightly, behind her back, and she is suspended from the ceiling by a rope, weighted to cause mild discomfort in her arms. A spreader bar is attached to her ankles, her idea. She enjoys the strappado and finds it stylistically pleasing, the sense of...

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Summer CampEpisode 23 Revolution

That afternoon was a real downer; nobody really felt like doing anything. Pete and Lisa had gone to Jennifer's office to report in and to give a quick summary of how the outing had gone and what they had done. The girls, taking advantage of that fact, had dropped by the guys' cabin to discuss Susan's protest gesture in greater detail. The bulletin board indicated that cabins 6 and 7 were scheduled for a mixed swim the following morning, so it was agreed that everybody would arrive at the...

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Never Experienced Rough Sex

Jade is 26 divorced, mother of one child, self employed living and working in Addison Tx. I bumped into Jade a half hour after we were first introduced. She is drinking Shirley Temples since she does not drink, but she is loosening up quickly. When she sees me, Jade put her arm around me and asked me if I was having a good time. I told her I was having a great time. I glanced down at her tits. Jade smiled at me and pushed her tits up against me. I see it in her eyes that she wanted more, so I...

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Never Hiding In Hose Again

NEVER HIDING IN HOSE AGAIN By Rhayna Tera, copyright 2020 Warning: If you don't like reading Fiction Mania stories, then stop reading now. Author's Note: Belladonna's "Hiding in Hose" (mother seizes corporate control from her son and transforms him into her maid): perhaps it's a dark tale rife with unfairness; alternatively, perhaps it's a moral tale of just desserts. This is my (unauthorized) tribute, Fanfiction, to one of the best FM authors. It is set 15 years after Belladonna's...

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Never bet your wifes pussy

I'm Jeff and this is how I got cuckolded for the first time. At the time I was a sophomore in college and lived in three bedroom house with two other guys. Nick who was an easy going nice guy and Dwayne, an arrogant black guy who thought he was the greatest thing on earth, especially when it came to women.I had dated my girlfriend Jen since our senior year of high school. After graduation we both went to local schools, me the local state university and Jen went to the local two year school to...

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Never Marry an Only Daughter

Warnings to the naïve, the unwary and those who are to love struck to make wise decisions. This writing is based entirely on personal experience. (Well kinda anyway). After three years of marriage, I began to take note of certain patterns of my loving wife’s behaviors. I guess many husbands and wives do this. Now these were not behaviors that she was aware were irritating to me. Certainly they were not ones that she deliberately did to piss me off. She has consistently claimed that my...

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Never Going Back Again

feminize – feminization – transsexual – crossdresser – gayTo tell the truth, I never really figured out how to do the guy thing very well. I was always small for my age. People used to say that I'd shoot up someday, but it never happened. All through my school years, I looked about two years younger than my classmates. It didn't make for an adolescence filled with confidence, or even security. I was picked on mercilessly—teased, of course, but also actually beaten up from time to time.It didn't...

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Never be Mine

Never be Mine Belladonna As I walked back towards my Dorm after my class day ended, I saw Danielle walking towards her dorm. She smiled at me and that made me smile back. I thought the world of her. She was 4'10" with the skin of a china doll. Her face was the most beautiful I had ever seen, and it was perfectly framed with brown hair. I put my head down and walked on. I was too cowardly to ask her out. I always saw her around, but I knew I had no shot. She was perfect, and I had...

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Never Again Ch 04

————– —– As the hot water pounded her back, Gia released a long, deep breath. She stood in the shower trying to piece together her feelings about the evening. Aside from her shock at seeing Scott again, Gia didn’t know what was going on with her. Her head spun with images of his face and the memory of his smile, and each time she thought of his touch, a shiver ran down her spine. He was so much the same, and being with him had made her feel that she was 18 years old again, naïve and flush with...

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Never Bet a Women You wont Cheat Blacken

Toni called being very apologetic, asking if I minded watching our little girl while she attended a party thrown by a friend of Gingers. I told her it was no problem, not to worry, and to have a good time. Wanting to make sure she would be safe, I asked if she or someone else was going to drive. Though Toni was very conservative with her actions, she didn't drink very often and when she did, it always made her tipsy. She informed me that Ginger was driving and she was riding with her. She also...

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Never Say Never

"I've never seen a girl with pink contacts in her eyes!" exclaimed Janet, as I described to her the kind of girls I saw today in class. It was my first day at the local community college, and I saw a girl wearing these bright pink contacts in her eyes. We were talking about how girls can dress weird sometimes so I mentioned that to her. "Do you think it's cute when girls where tight yoga pant's?" Janet asked me in a cynical voice. "Well yeah, I'm wearing them now so I obviously do." I replied...


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