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My name is Jacob and this is a story describing my introduction to bondage sex and my further evolution into a bondage aficionado.  100 percent of what you will read is true and happened just as I described. This story spans 45 years and as will be come eminently clear is more than a bondage story. It is also a love story. The names have been changed to protect the innocent.

The Game

My introduction to bondage occurred at the age of 13 and can all be blamed on a precocious girl named Cindy Thiessen. Cindy moved to my town in New Jersey when I was in second grade. Cindy’s family was Norwegian and had just immigrated to the New York area where her father could setup his dental practice. They moved to the area because of the large Norwegian population in New Jersey and Brooklyn and the fact that they already had family in our town. Although I didn’t notice at the time, I now realize in retrospect that Cindy was already beautiful in second grade. At the time, however, it was not beauty that set Cindy apart from the rest of my friends but her aggressiveness, competitiveness, and intelligence. Cindy was taller than everyone, a better athlete than everyone, and smarter than everyone. She was not a tall uncoordinated girl but just the opposite. She ran with a grace that was breathtaking in a way that appeared that she was gliding over the ground. It was clear that at eight she was already goal-oriented and knew what she wanted. In second grade she wanted me. As such, I became her ?boyfriend?, emphasis on friend for the next six years until her family moved to California just before the start of eighth grade. She was very possessive and did not appreciate any other girls showing me too much attention. Cindy was not a prissy girl but the quid essential tomboy. During the next seven years we did many things together. She taught me to play chess and she wasn’t happy when I got good enough to beat her regularly. She was also my personal catcher for baseball, starting in Little League and continuing until junior high school. I turned out to be a pretty good pitcher being both all state and all conference in college and might have been able pitch in the majors if it were not for arm problems at the end of college. Cindy was definitely ahead of the curve as a female athlete. She not only played Little League in the 1950s when such a thing was totally unheard of but was a consistent all star. Baseball was important to Cindy.  One of the  only times I saw her cry was when they denied her application to play in the Babe Ruth league for 13-15 year olds because she was a girl. This was a travesty because she was better than 80% of the guys. Besides baseball and chess another of our favorite activities was fishing. Cindy lived about a mile from my house on a cul-de-sac that backed up on a large forested area. A trail left her back yard that in about a quarter mile terminated at Lemans pond, a place where we spent many happy hours fishing and doing other things (later!). One fishing episode still sticks firmly in my mind. It happened in fourth or fifth grade. We were busy fishing when my lure got snagged on something underwater about 30 yards off shore. I got mad, started stomping around, and complained that I no choice but break the line and lose the lure.  After hearing me say that, Cindy instantly jumps into the pond, dives down in about six feet of water, and frees my line. This was Cindy in a nut shell; she made decisions and acted on them. Not surprisingly our relationship was platonic for many years, just two friends. That started to change in seventh grade when Cindy developed interests that at the time were totally foreign to me. She became interested in me as a real boyfriend and not just a friend. We were actually quite comical in seventh grade- I was 4’11? tall and 90 lbs. and Cindy was close to 5’11? and probably 120 lbs. My first hint that things had changed was when Cindy keep bugging me to kiss her-something I had no intention of doing. The second hint was when she starting wearing lipstick. The curious thing was that when she was wearing lipstick I could be sure she that she would want to kiss. Just before the beginning of eighth grade Cindy had a party at her house during the Labor Day holiday. There were both girls and boys at the party, which was a first for me. We had a barbecue late in the afternoon and many kids had to leave immediately after because their families were going to the shore early the next morning. However, four boys and four girls hung around to play a game called ring-valeveo, which is a cross between tag and capture the flag. We formed two teams, girls and guys. The object was to capture a member of the other team (you had to hold them for the count of three) and bring them back to the base. The captured player couldn’t leave the base unless a member of their team came and tagged them. To prevent this, the opposing team would typically leave two or three players to guard the base leaving few to do the actual hunting. We played two games, in the first the boys were the hunters and in the second it was the girls turn. When the second game started the girls set out together to find a victim. That first victim turned out to be me. The strategy they used was to attack with all four of them at once. I was a very fast runner and no single girl or even two could ever catch me but the four of them trapped me in a fenced back yard and caught me. The base was just behind Cindy’s family’s garage. Leaning up against the garage was a long extension ladder with a rope attached that was used to extend the upper section. When we got back to the base the girls huddled up and started giggling. Then all of a sudden they were all on me pinning me to the ground. I had no idea what was happening because this was not part of the game. They rolled me on my stomach with one sitting on my legs and another on my head pushing my face into the grass. The other two each grabbed an arm and yanked it behind my back. They were them crossed and tied very tightly with this incredibly course hemp rope from the ladder. It was so tight that it hurt but I wasn’t about to complain to a bunch of girls. Next they bent up my legs and sat on them while I was tied in what I now know to be a very restrictive hogtie. I could barely move and was actually pretty sacred. I finally asked why they were doing this and they told me that if I was tied up I couldn’t escape even if I was tagged by a teammate. That way they needed only leave a single guard. At that point I thought they were done when Cindy pulls off this scarf that she always used to hold her ponytail and blindfolds me. Cindy volunteered to be the guard while the other girls went hunting. As soon as the girls were out of ear shot, she turns me on my back with my arms underneath me and my legs pulled up with my thighs acting as the back of a chair (not too comfortable), sits on me, and says now you have no choice because I am going to kiss you. With that she starts kissing me (my first kiss), tickling me, and in general driving me crazy. After a little while the panic faded and I realized that I really enjoyed what was going on. The strangest thing that happened, however, was that I got weird feelings in my penis and it got hard. This was not lost on Cindy (she was actually a year older than me) who thought it was really funny. I was embarrassed because I had no idea what was going on and what the implications of this were. Talking about anything remotely sexual was absolutely taboo in my family. I had never had a hard on and didn’t understand what it was for. I really didn’t even know what intercourse was. Well, Cindy then explained it all to me while sitting on my first hard on. The girls never did catch the rest of my friends and the game ended after about another hour. When the guys came back before heading home they thought it was pretty funny that the girls had tied me up. Everyone left for home and Cindy said she would untie me. She had other ideas. After we were alone she asked whether I knew what French kissing was. Of course, I had no idea. Cindy then said that I was going to learn. At this point I was begging her to let me go because my shoulders were killing me. Her reply was only when we French kissed. She next leaned very close to me and told me to open my mouth because she wanted to kiss with open mouths so we could touch tongues. I said definitely not and that it would be disgusting. She said it was my choice-stay tied up or kiss the way she wanted. So what do I do, I start to scream for her parents. Quickly she puts her hand over my mouth and tells me that if I don’t stop she’ll jam one of her socks in my mouth. I really wanted out because of my shoulders and the mosquitoes were starting to eat me alive. Finally, after about 15 minutes, I relented and had my first French kiss. When I got home after more than three hours bound I was so stiff I could hardly move. For the next several days I had to keep my Mom from seeing the rope burns. This was the beginning of an interesting year with Cindy.

The Pond

Eighth grade started and I completely forgot about the Labor Day incident. Cindy, however, hadn’t and was clearly planning an encore for some time. The encore occurred in November when her younger brother had a pee wee basketball game. Cindy invited me over to play chess, which we often did. I went over as I usual did but noticed that her parents were not around. This was odd because Mrs. Theissen never let kids in the house when she and her husband were gone. Cindy assured me that they really liked me and approved of my being there when she was home alone. After having some lemonade, Cindy asked if I wanted to see her new bicycle, which was in the garage. I said sure since we rode bikes together everywhere. As soon as I walked through the door into the garage the same three girls from the party and Cindy were on me again. I actually fought with everything that I had but each was far bigger than me. This time, however Cindy was a bit kinder. With girls sitting on me and holding me down my ankles and knees were tied together with cut up jump rope that Cindy pulled out of her soon to become infamous purple cloth bag. After my legs were effectively restrained they dragged me over to one of the garage’s metal support column and proceeded to tie my wrists and elbows together behind the column with more jump rope. After I was totally secured, Cindy thanked her friends and they left. Cindy had a huge following of friends-both girls and boys that did her bidding and would pretty much do whatever she asked. I guess this Saturday’s request was to subdue Jacob. I always wondered if the first encounter was totally scripted by Cindy. Next, Cindy walks up to me and again sits on my lap wrapping her legs around me and the post. Off comes the ponytail scarf and I am again blindfolded. Immediately the kissing started, most of which is French kissing-clearly Cindy’s favorite. My response was again to get hard, which appeared to please her. With no mosquitoes biting and soft ropes the whole experience was fantastic. I knew right then that I wanted to do a lot more of this. After hours of kissing and tickling Cindy finally let me go. That was the last time that I had to be forcibly tied. After that, all Cindy had to do was just ask. Several more times we repeated this activity in her garage in exactly the same manner. We would talk for hours with Cindy sitting on my lap about school, baseball, or whatever. I always got a little scared when Cindy left me alone to go into the house, usually for something to drink, food, or to use the bathroom. The longest she was ever away was probably 30 minutes when she once went to make me a toasted cheese sandwich. She really liked feeding me when I was totally helpless. Finally spring came and it was time to go fishing, which we did often. We’d dig worms out of her dad’s compost pile, pack a lunch, and we would be off for the day. Leman’s pond was a small farm pond with an area of about 10 acres and was only a short walk from Cindy’s house. On the far side sat the last functioning farm in our town. To the left was an inlet stream that drained a large swamp and to the right was an enormous blackberry patch that was probably 150 ft in diameter and ten feet high. One day in early spring of eighth grade Cindy told me that she had something to show me and walked me around the blackberry patch. About half way around Cindy stopped and pointed to an opening that had been cut into the patch and said go ahead and crawl in. OK I was game so we got down on our hands and knees and started to follows a meandering path through the briars. About fifty feet in the path opened up into a room about 8’x 8’ and 5’ high. Cindy then announces that this was going to be our play house. The ground on the path and room were covered with several inches of straw that Cindy had gotten from behind the barn on the other side of the pond. I had no idea how long it must have taken her to cut this out-it must have been days. In the room in the briars set a thermos, cooler, a blanket, and her purple bag. I immediately knew what this was all about. She had me kneel down and put my arms behind my back and then proceeded to tightly tie my wrists and elbows with the same jump rope. Cindy was very good at this- the bindings were always inescapable and usually fairly comfortable. Next, she had me sit facing her and she tied my knees and ankles. After the mandatory blindfold was in place, she was sometimes done and would immediately crawl up on my lap. Most of the time, however, she would have me lie on my stomach, bend my legs, sit on them and then tie my wrists to my ankles. Now I was totally immobile. Whatever the position she would spend hours kissing and talking. I thoroughly enjoyed every experience that summer but one. Even that one turned out great in the end. On that occasion Cindy bound me in a very tight hogtie and then announced that she needed to ride her new bike to her piano lesson and would be back in two hours. I begged her to let me go promising that she could tie me up when she was finished. She would have no part of it and I started to holler. She was totally prepared and quickly packed my mouth with a sock and then wrapped my whole head with an ace bandage going over the blindfold. Before leaving she said she thought I might react that way and, as such, had brought what she needed to gag me effectively. This was my first time ever being gagged- something I’ve grown to love. When she finally returned she did her usual and then freed me. One of the things that evolved during the course of the 25 or so sessions that we shared that summer was the inclusion of my desires into the activity. Initially the bondage was completely for Cindy’s benefit. Although Cindy was an aggressive, no nonsense young woman she was also very caring and astute.  She quickly realized that I liked being bound for long times and that I really liked it when she wouldn’t release me when I asked. Cindy said my penis was her guide. I also confided that the first session when I was bound during her weekly piano lesson was at first unnerving because of the gag, which was new, the length of the bondage because my shoulders hurt, and fear of being alone (What if something happened to her-no one would find me.). After I calmed down, however, I told her that much about my situation was very pleasurable. I liked the longer term bondage alone because it allowed me to drift of into some altered state. In addition I told Cindy that I really liked being gagged so that everything was in her hands and I would have no influence on her decisions. And finally I liked the feeling of having my head totally encased in the tight ace bandage with no sight and limited hearing. After that, my Wednesday afternoon piano lesson bondage became my favorite and clearly involved the strictest bondage I would endure with Cindy. The next Wednesday Cindy told me that I was really going to enjoy the day because she was going to do my head even more completely. The session started as it always did with a very restrictive hogtie with elbows and knees tied and the blindfold. Next Cindy shoved cotton balls in my ears, added gauze pads, and tapped over them. Then to the gag. She shoved in a sock and then unexpectedly pushed in another. I immediately tried to protest but said she knew I would really like it. Once my mouth was totally packed she tied an ace bandage tightly over the gag. This was not comfortable but I knew from past experience that Cindy would totally ignore any pleadings. Then she told me to close my mouth as much as I could and hold it. She quickly tied another ace bandage under my chin and up over the top of my head locking my jaw closed. Finally (at least I thought finally) she wrapped my whole head and neck with another ace bandage. I thought she was done but she added a final bandage for good measure. Sensing that by breathing might be compromised Cindy separated the bandages to expose my nostrils. Even though this helped immensely breathing was still not perfect because my nose was somewhat squished.  With that she asked if I was OK, told me to enjoy myself, and that she would be back in a few hours. It seemed like forever until she returned and I was really hurting and wanting out. In response to my groans she apologized for being so long. Because she thought I really wanted to be bound for a long time, she stopped at home after piano and had lunch. She knew that I really wanted her to release me but she wasn’t about to and she let me know it. This was the only time that Cindy really scared me. I had been bound very strictly since nine in the morning and it was probably around 2:00. She then tells me that she will let me go when we went home for dinner around 6:00. When she was home at lunch she dug some worms so she was going to fish for the afternoon while I was in our play house. Mercifully she released the hogtie, untied my elbows, and without a word was off to do some fishing. Although I was still uncomfortable with my wrists and legs tied at least I could stretch out and soon felt much better. After a couple hours Cindy was back and informed me that she was done fishing for the day and wanted to talk- actually she means that she wants me to listen since I am very effectively gagged. Cindy then tells me to roll on my stomach so she can redo my elbows and the hogtie. I’m really trying to protest and resist as best I can when she reaches down and starts pinching my nipples though my tee shirt very hard. I’m squirming because it really hurts but she just keeps squeezing. After 30 seconds or so, she says matter of factly ?I’m going to keep doing this until you turn over?. Not long after I relented. I think I must have pissed her off because she pulled my elbows much closer together than ever before. She wanted to talk about her move to California which was only 4 weeks away and tell me that she didn’t want to go. Before long she was sobbing and so was I under the head gear. Fortunately she couldn’t see me being very unmanly. About an hour before she released me completely she undid the hogtie, untied my elbows and removed all of the head gear except the blindfold. Then the kissing started with noticeably greater intensity than ever before. I asked her if she would like to take off the blindfold but she said no. I could never figure out why it was so important for me to have the blindfold on when we kissed- more specifically when we French kissed. We actually kissed many times without me being bound but it was always very reserved. When I was bound and blindfolded Cindy was like a different girl. This turned out to my longest bondage session with Cindy by far. It was also the only time I ever climaxed with Cindy sitting on my lap.  Being as na?ve as I was I though I had wet my pants. Cindy as usual explained what had happened. Strangely (at the time I thought it strange), it made her very happy that it had happened.  Despite the sexual overtones of our relationship she and I were always fully clothed and never touched the others ?private areas? with our hands or mouths. The only exception was one time when Cindy peaked to see what a hard penis looked like. You need to understand that this was the late 50s and we both came from strict families who had indoctrinated us well. The possibility of intercourse never even came up. Even though we got together many times the next four weeks where I was very stringently bound, gagged, and blindfolded these meetings were actually quite a downer because Cindy was just so sad. We wrote to one another for about two years after that. Her friend Ruth moved right into the vacancy left by Cindy. Although she was one of the girls that tied me up the first two times she had no interest in playing bondage games the need for which was now deeply ingrained in my psyche. Ruth was a wonderful girl but she could never replace Cindy. I never met another person with the zest for life that Cindy possessed until I met Becky, now my wife for 39 years (more about Becky later). Without a doubt Cindy changed my life forever.

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Chapter I: Salt and Pepper They were both trailer trash and walked from the trailer park to school together. She was salt: A little slip of a thing with hair so blond you could see her scalp right through it. Her short body was light and delicate. It was hard to believe she was only eighteen. He was pepper. Wiry black hair arranged in cornrows flashed in the light and his beard stubble glared through the pale translucent skin on his face and it look dark. He was short, slight and powerful. He...

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step ss

This a true story of the first blow job I ever got. My mom and dad got a divorce when I was very young. Until I was 9 I lived with my mom, then I moved to my dads. My dad happened to live with his evil tweeker girlfriend, the only thing she ever provided was a hot daughter who was the same age as me. Her k**s never lived with us but visvisited every other weekend. By the time we were 13 she started puberty and began to grow very nice tits and ass. Being mature our parents decided it was ok to...

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Swargam Chupinchina Pinni

Hi everyone this is madhu I’m big fan of iss this is my first story about myself age 23 years height 5.8 good looking with perfect body & m frm tirupati. If any comments please mail to Let’s come to story Heroine of the story is my pinni(moms cousin)fair ga vuntundi height 5.6 shapes 38 34 40 ee story nenu engineering lo vunapudu jarigindhi. Naku ma pinni pina elanti bad feelings levu aroju varaku nenu inter lo vunapudu babai pinni vala one year daughter(baggie) tesukoni ma home ki vacharu...

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DannyChapter 9

I log online, and invite the girls into the chat. Maddie signs on late. We start the chat. Screen names are as follows: Me: Asizzle17 Maddie: CAcheer31089 Jessica: JessGal66 Charlotte: AngelFace000 Alexandra: DreamBabe22 Elizabeth: PopStar0098 Brittany: BrittBaby201 Taylor: Sunshine774 Lucy: BevHillGrl126 Samantha: QtLady505 The Chat: CAcheer31089: hey you guys, thanks for coming to the chat Asizzle17: yeah you guys, thanks for coming DreamBabe22: no prob JessGal66: sure PopStar0098: can...

1 year ago
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JudgementsChapter 74

Marcus stepped inside the bedroom, leaned against the door as it closed, and tried to focus. He wondered if he'd have enough time to change the sheets, but realised that the new bed didn't have drawers beneath it, and the sheets were now kept in the airing cupboard in the bathroom. Running through his mental list of romantic gestures, he quickly discarded chocolates and flowers as too difficult to acquire quickly. His gaze fell on the row of candles on the desk. Candles were romantic,...

2 years ago
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My Big Brother Part 1

This happened when I was a teenager. I was inexperienced, I'd kissed a few boys but that was about it.I had of course discovered the pleasures of masturbation and my curiosity was on the increase. In thiose days there wa no interenet and dirty magazines only ever showed the female form. Anyway, I’d just gone to bed. My parents were downstairs watching TV.I’d turned off my light to go to sleep and there was a knock on my door.I asked who it was. It was my brother Neil. He was just over a year...

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Adam Vivian Naked In School Week Two The ProgramChapter 12 Thursday After School

Support group attendance, at least, seemed to be down. Instead of being packed, the room was only half full. If there was any joy, that was it. Dee Muntz was still hanging around but at least she didn't insist on sitting with the moderators. Maybe she was tired of getting her arm yanked. The first student with a so-called problem was Marilyn Lipsche, a luscious blonde who made Crystal look plain. And believe me, Crystal knew it. "Hello everyone," Marilyn began in her melodious little...

4 years ago
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Keeping My Sister in LineChapter 6

(As Told by Teddy Reddick) That night my father demonstrated how to inspect my sister. It wasn’t the complete inspection that he did to my mother, but I touched nipples, asshole, and pussy with my fingers. My sister had to lick my fingers clean between each attempt. I nearly jizzed my pants the moment her wet mouth engulfed my dirty finger, and I am pretty sure everyone noticed my stunned reaction. He explained and demonstrated how to use the essential whips, paddles, and floggers that were...

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SOSChapter 6

Janus. I was working furiously to restore the ships sensors, I had only activated 3 repair drones to ensure what ever had attacked us did not feel the need to do it again. Jacob had just launched the pod and we had not been attacked, I assumed that meant the hostiles would not attack the ship for sending out repair pods. I slowly increased the ships energy production, routing power to the sensor array, I braced myself for the mines still latched on to our hull to detonate. When they didn't...

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A Furtive Premise

A Furtive Premise by Cheltenham She had dark brown hair which currently sat in a braid that hung parallel to her breasts, down the middle of her back. Erin nervously liked to play with the ends of it. Her freckles were most prominent around her shoulders and an area on her back that I’d seen before. When she spoke, it was in a soothing tone of voice. She’d coddle me occasionally. I loved that about her and it seemed Erin realized I enjoyed those moments. Tonight, she was wearing a pair of...

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Kendall Baxter was used to being passed over for a lot of things in life. Having always been the smallest boy in class and presenting few signs of masculinity in his facial features or physique he was often mistaken for a girl, and a young girl at that. At 17 he had finished high school graduating in the top 10 in his class and a college scholarship had provided him with the path to degrees in Music, Performing Arts and Literature. It was other parts of his life which had challenged and...

2 years ago
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The Community Pool

I really hated the community pool in our housing development. Well, not actually the pool itself, but the fact that the place seemed to always be overrun with screaming kids and surly teenagers. I really wanted to be able to swim laps and get some sun while reading (and quaffing the occasional adult beverage); but found these tasks to be hard to accomplish due to the aforesaid. I was seriously thinking about giving up my pool membership, when a petition made its way to my door. Apparently, a...

Straight Sex
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White Knight

Carmine wiped the sweat off her brow with the dirty towel she was using to clean the table. Although it was nearly dark, the heat of the day still had its grip on the land. It was even worse in the dark, windowless inn where she worked. Grunting with the effort, she hoisted the pail of water and sent another splurge of water coursing down the long wooden table, sending several chickens flying out from under the table cackling and complaining loudly that she had ruined their meal of table...

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DTE night 2

it had been about a year since our first date night, and we were both getting worked up about trying it again. she had this night for next weekend. the anticipation of the night was killing me, and finally it arrived. once again we met at the bar. she was wearing a short skirt and a purple top that accentuated her shoulders and large tits. I could tell she wasn't wearing a bra. she had a guy on the hook already. I could see he had a hand on her leg. I sent her a text asking if she was having a...

3 years ago
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Milf Or Mermaid

Casey woke to the warm Florida breeze drifting through one of his condo’s open windows. Rubbing his weary eyes, he rolled onto his side and reached for his phone on the nightstand. Groaning that the time was only quarter to six in the morning, he rested his head back on the pillow and stared up at the ceiling. His mind drifted about, playing back the events of the past couple months in his head. Casey’s life in that short time period had been quite up and down, to say the least. The lowest of...

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I first posted this story on another site I belong to. I have thought about doing a story on Fictionmania for a while and decided this one may be a reasonable starter, but I will leave it up to you to decide. Please enjoy and if you like it, let me know if it's worth continuing. There I was, all alone, unable to move. My wife Amanda and I had been playing about earlier and now I find myself stuck. She had helped me dress and I felt such a sissy. How did I end up in this position?...

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Antelope FreewayChapter 32

Earth time: Saturday, March 19, 2033 6:00 PM Eastern Standard Time (29 minutes to sunset) Aina time: 5:15 AM, day 216 of 1436 H.E. (53 minutes to sunrise, morning of the first day of spring and the Red Bird Festival) "Visual image locked?" I nodded. A'moth and I were in a tight embrace, staring into each other's eyes. I linked with her mind, she join the lock of my mind's eye on my target destination ten feet away. An instant later we were both there. "Excellent Gary! You needed...

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The Beginning

Like most couples, sex for my wife and myself had become ho hum. We still enjoyed it but it didn't have that gut wrenching excitement it had when we were in our twenties. For several years I had been trying to get Jennifer to expand our horizons. Some things she did for me such as go without bras and wear short skirts but after a while this too became blasé. My very good friend and my brother in law were both going through this with their marriages also and, like most men we talked, cussed and...

4 years ago
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Polyjuice Potion and the squib part 4 Sarah 3

******************************************************************** *****Polyjuice Potion and the squib chapter 4 Sarah 3******* ******************************************************************** I was watching one of the tapes I had made of Sarah the next day when I heard a knock at the door. It was my aunty and Sarah again. She told me they were in the area and decided to pop in. It was a hot day so I asked them in and offered them a drink. Sarah was wearing a pretty green sundress...

3 years ago
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Working the Night Shift

I had been working in the Adult Book/Video Store for about 2 years. One night a guy comes in and I go through my usual greetings and chit chat. It is a small family run business, and usually we only had 1 or 2 customers at a time, so personalized service was the norm. We had racks of adult books from mild to wild, along with toys and videos. So this guy was browsing the store and eventually ended up by the magazine racks. He picked up a few and started flipping through them. I didn’t really...

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Dirty Panty Fetish

My first sex was with a woman, Mary, who was 7 years older than me. She had been sexually active from a very early age, and had a well earned reputation as the school whore, though she was already out of high school when I met her. She was willing to do almost anything sexual, and in me she found a kindred spirit and she led me down the paths of many varied sexual experiences. The very first time I fucked her was at a party after 4 other guys had already fucked her. When they were done they...

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My girlfriend the hoe part 4

C has always been faithful to me. I’ve never even had a question about whether she would cheat on me. At the same time, she does love a good, . She is one of the horniest girls I have ever known, and absolutely crazy (and amazing) in bed. We went on a two-week vacation recently, and spent most of the first four days in the hotel room, fucking each other’s brains out. I don’t know how many times she made me cum, or how many orgasms she had, but aside from time to sleep and eat the room-service...

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Bound For My Daddybylovecraft68©So Keri, did you and Mark ever hook up?"I looked over at Laurie, and tried to focus on her words. I was pretty sure I understood what she was saying, but couldn't quite get answer out. Instead, I shrugged and giggled at her. I'd been doing a lot of giggling tonight as had Laurie and Krissy. Giggling would be a normal occurrence anytime eighteen and nineteen year old girls had a sleep over, but tonight there was a lot more than usual. The fact that the bottle of...

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Love Older Women Chapter Two

When May arrived I helped her in with a lot of shopping bags. Her hair looked wonderful. The colour suited her well. May said, "I am very happy with this hair colour. It makes me feel so much younger." I looked at my watch. We had an hour and forty five minutes before we needed to leave for Edinburgh. I carried the shopping bags up to her bedroom. I then kissed her. It was a wonderful kiss with her tongue deep in my mouth. I went to her tits and her nipples were very hard. I started to undress...

4 years ago
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Snowys Visit Ch 03

“Just to go over it again – what you’re saying is that you…” Swan pointed at Snowy “…had sex with her…” he pointed at Lydia “…and him...” he pointed at me “…one night when you got drunk and played strip poker?” he finally finished.“Yep,” Snowy replied casually as if the question was about the weather.Well, it turned out to be a peculiar last few hours in our little apartment in Zuljana, in southern Croatia. After an incredible morning, topped off by brazen displays of sexual affection between...

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Surprise foursome1

Beep! Beep! "hey wanna meet up on Monday." Eagerly I replied, it was pretty obvious my crush on her everyone knew about it "Yeah sure Eloise". All right let's slow down a bit I'm 15 and a very athletic tennis player although I used to be small and scrawny, but recently started getting bigger muscles as I work out. Monday came fast, I arranged to meet up at her house to do some revision. By the time I got to her house I was nervous and sweaty, I had never been to a girl's house or even...

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CHARACTER OPTION 1: Female. Name: Lisa Jones. Age: 18. Occupation: High-School Senior -> Cheerleader Squad Captain. Cup Size: 36D. Sexual Orientation: Bisexual. Height: 5'6. Dating?: Jake Cameron; Football Team Captain. Immediate Family: Mother, Father, Twin Brother. Hair Color: Blonde. Eye Color: Blue. CHARACTER OPTION 2: Male. Name: Matt Jones. Age: 18. Occupation: High-School Senior -> Guitarist. Penis Size: 9 Inches -> 11 Inches (Erect). Sexual Orientation: Straight. Height:...

Mind Control
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Rants Tantrums and Hissy FitsChapter 2

Even More Rants Here's some more from my old rant collection, which is really my old blog back-ups. At the time I had no idea why I'd ever want to back up my SOL blogs, but maybe I have ESP and knew I'd want to use them someday as an excuse to post pornographic pictures on my website. Whatever the reason, some of this stuff might make sense (you tell me) but a lot of it, well ... You had to be there. Blogs are like that, which is another reason why it's so stupid to save old blogs. I...

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Our Train Adventure

Hornybunny74 and I had just arrived at Schiphol airport. As we were leaving the arrival terminal she gently grabbed my hand and held it tightly. Eventually we came upon the customs queue and as we stopped walking she squeezed my hand prompting me to turn my head and look her in the eyes. She had a shy but horny grin on her face and I could feel my brush tingle and sensed a distinct damp spot in my pants. Fortunately the waiting time wasn’t too long and we proceeded to walk towards the exit. We...

Straight Sex
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Screams of Joy Part III

“Do you like watching them baby?” he whispers in my ear, making me blush but still I nod my head. “Then enjoy it.” as his fingers move back to my ass pressing inside as I stroke his cock faster making it harder in my hands with every stroke. …. “And man had I enjoyed it” I think as our black cab whips its way around central London’s busy street while Craig’s hand cups my inner thigh, facing Lauren who’s pressed into Chris side kissing his lips at random moments as they chat. “Do her lips...

Straight Sex
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A Swinging Lifestyle Chapter 1

One day I mentioned to Linda that Sandy and I had borrowed some XXX movies from a friend and were planning to watch them that night. She got really interested and said that she and her husband, Bob had never seen adult movies and wondered if they could borrow them. I saw an opportunity and invited them over to grill some steaks and watch them with us, and she accepted without even calling Bob. She was breathing heavy just talking about it, and I was having a problem trying not to let my...

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Worlds end

TThe year is 2075. No one saw it coming, then again if they did who could stop it. A terrorist got his hands on a nuclear bomb and detonated it in Moscow. It was only a matter of minutes till they launched thier nukes setting off the chain of events that lead to today. My family got lucky, we built a massive survivor shelter and a reunion was under way when the news hit. Unfortunately not all of us made it in.

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Laura With A Friend

Laura closed the door behind Tonya, walked back to the couch and crashed down. She smelled her fingers.Yes, it had happened!Finally, or maybe already, she had been laid by a woman again. She always knew this day would come, and it had surpassed expectations. Laura inhaled again. The fragrance was so similar to solo-sex, yet so much better. She stretched her tired body.God, this had been good.Laura’s thoughts turned to her husband. She pushed them away. Eric could have been more attentive the...

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Impregnating Paula Ch 02

Impregnating Paula part two Paula didn’t understand what was happening. They had went to the Hypnotherapy Clinic on the recommendation of their family Doctor. Hypnosis was supposed to relax them and assist in her impregnation. Instead, her husband was impotent, except at the clinic. There, he was larger and more powerful than ever before, but, he couldn’t get an erection at home. He had never been like that before their first visit to the clinic. Maybe, she had gotten pregnant when he had...

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