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Alicia was plotting rebellion even as she reached to put the last plate onits shelf. I froze her there, her naked body stretched across the counter,arm raised, her feet on tippy toe. Then I waited. It didn't take long. In afew moments she whimpered and made a few small begging sounds as her body startedto quake from the strain. She had a good body and she kept it well, expensiveballet and modern dance lessons in her childhood helped to tone it and fourlong years of high school cheerleading had done the rest. After two minutesshe was feeling the burn, her body screaming to relax, her mind desperatelytrying to order it to. I gave her another thirty seconds.

"I think Alicia is going to be a good girl now," I said.

I let her nod and whimper out her agreement, then I made her come down. Sighingwith relief she closed the cupboard door, picked up the damp dishtowel andcarefully folded in half. The towel was old and discolored, the thin blue linesthat had once formed the pattern were faded and indistinct. It was also thetwin of the towel that cleaved Alicia's cherry lips and held Maggie's pantiesin place.

Maggie was naked, tied spread eagle to the kitchen table. She had been fightingher bonds unsuccessfully for over an hour, long enough to convince her thatshe couldn't get free on her own. For the moment there was nothing she coulddo but lay there and watch her friend. I wondered in passing if Maggie wasenjoying chewing on Alicia's panties as much as the blonde girl was enjoyinghers? I suspected Maggie liked it a lot more than she was willing to let on,though the duct tape covering her lips made it hard for her to express it.

I turned my attention back to Alicia. She was standing, hands by her sidewaiting patiently for my next order. I paused to admire her naked body. Ateighteen Alicia Thompson was everything a red-blooded male could wish for.Young, rich, and with a trim athletic body that promised hours of hot sexualpleasure. Her wide, begging eyes were a rich ocean blue, her long blonde hairwas straight and reached down to her shoulder blades. One glance at the fuzzytriangle of pubic fur showed that she was a natural blonde. That reminded me.

Without a word Alicia started to fill a small plastic bowl with water. Oncethat was done she picked up a hand towel and the travel shaving kit I'd broughtand advanced on the table.

"Ummmmm," Maggie said, shaking her head. Maggie's dark eyes found Alicia'sblue ones and pleaded silently.

"No good begging her honey," I said conversationally, "she's not runningthis popcorn stand right now, if you need anything you deal with me."

Maggie craned her neck and gave me a dirty look. I think she thought shecould stare me down. If so she discovered that mistake a moment later whenI made Alicia take Maggie's clit between thumb and forefinger and squeeze.

"Ummmmmpphhhh," Maggie squealed, looking first at Alicia and then at me.

"Do you want your sex shaved Maggie?" I asked sweetly, "if so then all youneed to do is nod. Alicia can't squeeze your clitty and shave you at the sametime."

I made Alicia squeeze a little harder.

"Ummmm," Maggie moaned nodding her head wildly.

"Ok then."

Alicia took a pair of nail scissors and started to trim Maggie's pubic fur.

"Your friend makes a good puppet doesn't she Maggie?" I asked, "she's a hardernut to crack than you'll be but I like a challenge. That's why you're the onethat's tied to the table and she's my little toy. I like the feeling of despairwhen she can do nothing but obey my every whim."

Maggie sobbed.

Alicia had heard me. I could feel her anger rising as she fought to regaincontrol of her body. However all her body did was damped her friend's pubicfur and apply foam. A few moments later Maggie's cunt was shaved clean.

"There," I said, "Isn't that better?"

Maggie glared again. I smiled and walked over. Reaching down I stroked hersmooth mound. Maggie winced and looked scared.

"Shush," I said, placing my hand on the girl's naked belly, "you have nothingto fear from me."

Smiling I extended a mental probe into the most primitive part of Maggie'sbrain and ordered her body to ovulate.

I looked over at Alicia who had just finished shaving her own sex. "PerfectI said, "I like to see what I have to work with."

Alicia chewed on the gag and made a few muffled noises. I smiled wider, enjoyingher feelings of helpless frustration and her feeble attempts to throw off mycontrol. I had given her the use of her voice back and the girl had seen thisas a major victory, a sign that my control was weakening. She had spent thelast twenty minutes trying to extend her control or come up with a method ofremoving the gag without the use of her hands. That had kept her distractedenough for me to focus more of my energies on her subconscious mind, mappingsthe mental pathways that controlled her world view, her memories, her motivations,the keys I would need to control her completely.

And still Alicia fought. I had to give her marks for effort even if she hadn'tbeen smart enough to figure out I was playing with her. I suppose Alicia hadnever needed to be smart, when you looked as good as she did, when daddy isone of the richest men in town you don't need to be that bright. Still, I'dexpected her to realize by now that the only part of her body she had any controlover, her mouth, was the one thing I'd decided to control by other means.

I nodded towards the CD/radio player on the counter. "Turn that on and finda soft rock station," I ordered. In truth I didn't need to verbalize the orderand if we had been alone I wouldn't have bothered. However, Maggie was ourcaptive audience and spoken orders showed both girls who was in charge.

Alicia complied, finding a local rock station and then waiting for my nextorder. We had tuned in part way through a record so I forced her to stand withher legs spread, hands clasped firmly behind her head, and her shapely nakedbreasts thrust out until a new song started. Alicia whimpered and her bodyshivered a little with humiliation and anticipation.

"Look's delicious doesn't she Maggie?" I asked.

The silenced brunette looked at the shivering girl then turned her head andglared at me. Maggie wasn't as cute as Alicia but her young body was in excellentphysical condition. The two had been unlikely friends since their first daysin high school, Alicia tall blonde and wealthy, Maggie, shorter brunette andfrom a single parent family. Even Neil Simon hadn't thought of a couple asodd as this. Of course that was the secret of their relationship, it wasn'tone between equals but between a star and her satellite. Also opposites doattract, and there was something to their relationship, something unstated,that had first got my attention. With just two weeks to go until the girlsheaded out to college they had gone on one last Mall crawl. I had seen themcoming out of a jewelry store on the upper level happily comparing the friendshipbracelets Alicia had bought them. Although neither wanted to admit it theyboth realized that these were their last days together. Soon Alicia would beheading off to her Ivy League University and Maggie would head a few milesdown the highway to the local State College. It was possible they might meetagain at Christmas or New Year and of course they had made tear-filled promisesto stay in touch, but deep down they knew their close friendship was over.

For one the heartbreak had been so deep that her psychic emanations had summonedme to their side. A little mental probing and I'd found out about Alicia'ssleepover and the fact that the girls were going back to an empty house. NowI was going to give them a kind of togetherness that would last a lifetime.

Maggie's house was slowly deteriorating and even major repairs where beingput off due to lack of money. When the beam holding up the kitchen ceilinghad developed a crack two steel poles had been put in to take the strain, asupposedly temporary repair that had been in place for ten years. I noddedtowards that half of the room and the naked Alicia dutifully padded over. Whilewe waited through the commercials I had Alicia cup her firm little tittiesand roll the nipples until they were hard and pointy. I was just about to haveher work on her clit when the music started again.

I couldn't have chosen a better track ---the Divinyls "I touch myself" --the anthem of strippers everywhere. As the opening guitar rift started I noddedtowards the nearest red steel pole.

"Dance for me," I ordered, even though it was my will that controlled herbody.

The dance was lude, hot and raunchy, using the best parts of various striproutines I'd seen in my travels. I slowed it down a little. Unable to mouthbreathe because of the gag Alicia couldn't do too many things at once. Thataside I used her body in ways the girl couldn't even imagine. I had her wrapher long legs around the pole and hang inverted from it. She slid down slowly,body curled around the steelwork like a snake on a tree branch. I had her dismountthe pole with a little back flip, moved one leg up until her foot was levelwith her shoulder then plunged her fingers into her recently shaved sex.

Such extreme control required my full attention so it wasn't until late inthe routine that I chose to glance at Maggie. The dark haired girl lay transfixed,her big brown eyes fixed on the display in front of her. I felt her need again,washing over me with such intensity that I almost lost control. Laughing Isent my little puppet towards her bound friend. Once she was there I reassertedcomplete control and had Alicia tare the gag from her own mouth. Smiling sexily,the blonde crouched over the helpless Maggie, her tongue starting a slow journeyup her friend's spread body. Alicia started with Maggie's inner thigh, kissingand lapping her way up as the music reached a crescendo. As the final barsplayed out I made Alicia lock her mouth over the helpless girl's cunt, tonguelapping and exploring. Helpless Maggie bucked and moaned, she sweated, triedto resist but it did no good. Her unspoken need to have Alicia as her loverthat had first been kindled during a friendly kissing game bubbled to the surface.Helpless and needy Maggie came hard.

I made Alicia stand.

"Did she taste good?" I asked.

Alicia looked up horrified. I gave her the use of her voice.

"Oh… God… Maggie, I'm so sorry, he made me do it, I don't knowhow…. He just makes me do things. I tried to stop I promise I did…."

"Enough," I said silencing her. My control of Alicia was almost complete,now all I needed to do was test it. I pointed towards the plastic bag thatheld the items I'd bought from a local sex shop. "Open it," I said.

The sex shop hadn't been very well stocked, this town was so white breadthat even the bad part of town had a G rating. The leather cuffs that adornedMaggie's wrist and ankles had been an unexpectedly exotic find as had the lastremaining item in the bag. As my puppet pulled out the double dildo harnessher eyes widened. She may have been a good girl from a white bread neighborhoodbut somehow Alicia knew exactly what she was looking it. Robbed of her bodyshe pleaded with her eyes. I just smiled.

"Put it on honey," I said, "it's time to rock lil Maggie's world."

Her body obeyed, even though Alicia resisted my influence with all she had.I smiled because it was already far to late for her. The conscious mind islike a thin layer of pack ice floating on the deep, dark ocean of the subconscious.The swells and currents of the subconscious mind buffets the consciousnessconstantly, bringing with it impulses, desires and needs. Something ---let'scall it the Id--- is responsible for controlling and channeling these impulses.In my ice model the Id could be compared to steel bands that bolt the packice together into a single sheet. I had learnt that when I used my power tocontrol a person's conscious mind or body my will replacing that Id, controllingnot just the voluntary decisions my victim makes but also a thousand smallhousekeeping tasks. Even after many years of practice I can only fully controltwo people at a time and the strain of doing it soon tires me. Worse the momentI relaxed my grip or moved out of range the victim regained full control immediately.

I had found my answer in the deep dark ocean of the subconscious, discoveredthat changes made there were permanent and that their effect on the consciouswill was even more powerful than direct intervention.

Reaching into Alicia's subconscious mind I tweaked something. At that levelit was the tiniest of changes however the effect was the same as starting apebble rolling at the top of a mountain, the initial event may be small, butthe consequences can be dramatic.

In this case Alicia flushed a deep crimson. Her eyes widened and her nippleswere suddenly bullet hard. A musky smell started to fill the small kitchenand as Alicia started forward a bead of moisture started to roll down her leftinner thigh. A sudden mindless lust engulfed Alicia. In moments there was noconscious mind for me to control just a need and a target I released my fullcontrol and relaxed. At the table Alicia once again buried her face in herfriend's helpless crotch. A wet slurping sound started followed a moment laterby Maggie's gagged mewings.

I implanted a stray thought, reminding Alicia of the rubber cock that shenow wore between her thighs. Alicia reached down and grabbed the shaft, movingit backwards and forwards with her hand for a few minutes in an action anyman would recognize. I felt what she did, the sensation of the other end ofthe double-headed dildo sliding in and out of her sex. Alicia whimpered, eyesclosed, one hand masturbating the dildo while the other played with her hard,sensitive nipples.

A moment later she mounted Maggie, the brunette girl's own arousal providingall the lubrication they needed. Another tweak of her subconscious and Alicia'saggression increased as she started to ram the dildo home with more force.Maggie writhed and sobbed into the tape gag. I had suppressed both girls' abilityto cum and so as the weird lesbian rape continued their physical need and excitementjust rose to higher and higher levels. Another tweak and Alicia was swearing,calling Maggie her cunt, her bitch, her slave. Maggie was naturally submissiveand Alicia's new dominant streak pressed all her subconscious buttons.

When I was sure they were ready I did them a favor and let them cum.


Alicia was too tired to fight. Even without the use of my power she was easyto handle. I pushed her into a kitchen chair cuffed her hands behind and tapedher ankles to the chair legs.

"Please," she said, "please let us go."

I pushed another mental button and she started to quake. "Ohhhhhh ohhh God," shemoaned.

"Feel's good doesn't it Alicia honey?" I said as I moved her feeling of sexualexcitement and pleasure up a level.

She quaked. "Ohhhhhhh."

I looked down at the dildo harness, watching it move as her cunt musclessqueezed down on the rubber intruder. Her nipples where hard and sensitive,I brushed my hand across them and she strained up and chased my hand.

"You're going to enjoy serving me Alicia," I said as I pushed a balled updishtowel into her mouth, "and I'm going to enjoy using you."

She whimpered but didn't try to resist as I sealed her mouth closed withan X of duct tape.


I stroked Maggie's smooth damp cunt. It was her nature to be submissive andexhausted from the sex her mind offered little resistance to my probe.I drove in deeper, mapping the depths of her subconscious, the hidden wantsand desires I could bend to my service. While I worked I touched her, slidingfirst one and then two fingers into her wet hole, letting my thumb playagainst her enlarged clit while my other hand played with her nipples.

It didn't take long before her body was straining against the ropes again.I looked at her eyes, dark wide and lustful over the silver tape that sealedher mouth. Even without any mental tampering she was already mine, the needto be controlled had lain dormant within her just waiting the touch of an owner'shand. I slid my fingers in and out of her, feeling her muscles squeezing myfingers and listening to her gagged moans.

"I'm going to put my child inside you," I told her, "would you like that?"

I watched while her eyes widened. Then with no mental prompting she lookeddown and nodded. I smiled. I glanced at the kitchen clock. "We'll start soonmy pet," I said, "but we still have one last guest to look after."


"What the…?"

I glanced up and smiled. "Hello Meg," I said sweetly, "hard day?" I pumpedthe thick black rubber dildo into Maggie's wet hole.

The woman took three steps forward. Meg was Maggie's mother, a nurse at thelocal hospital. In many ways she was an older version of her daughter. Shewas the same height, had the same brown hair and dark brown eyes, eyes thatwere wide in horror.

"What are you doing to her?" she cried, taking another step.

"Just warming up little Maggie before I rape her," I said. "why don't youtake off your coat and sit down."

Meg was caught in a moment of indecision, part of her wanted to scream andrun for help, the other part wanted to use the can of mace she kept in herpurse. I helped her out and crushed her will with mine. For a second she froze,a look of horror on her face as she discovered that she no longer had commandof her body. Then she took off her coat, dropped her purse and walked overto the kitchen counter. There I'd left some supplies for her, a clean dishtowel,one of the rolls of tape and a pair of handcuffs. Her hand trembled as shefolded the towel into a ball.

"What's happening? What's going on?" she asked, her voice on the edge ofpanic.

I kept pumping the dildo into Maggie's wet cunt looking at the horror inher wide eyes as she watched her mother become my puppet.

"You're going to gag yourself Meg," I said matter-of-factly, "then you aregoing to remove your clothes and tie yourself to the chair next to pretty Alicia."

"No I Ummmmmppphh!!" she began.

I'll give Meg credit, she tried hard to resist me, but even as her mind triedto shut me out her traitorous hands were stuffing the cloth into her mouth.A moment later she was adding tape, covering her lower face with silver andsealing in all sounds of protest.

Alicia moaned into her gag probably trying to urge Meg on. Down on the tableMaggie's eyes were wild with panic as she tried to pull free of the ropes.For a moment the little kitchen was filled with three sets of panicked muffledcrying. And then Meg started to strip.

Her skirt and blouse came off in the first minute leaving her standing inbra, panties and pantyhose. She tried to stop herself removing the bra, squealinginto the gag and shaking her head as her hands reached behind for the catch.A moment later she was fighting even harder when her hands moved panties andhose down her legs. I made her stand naked for a moment with legs spread, handsbehind her head, on full display for her daughter and her helpless teenagefriend. Then she walked over and sat in the chair next to Alicia, taping herown ankles to her chair legs before reaching back and snapping the cuffs inplace. I took a moment to check the cuffs and ensure they were double lockedthen I returned to the table.

All three girls squealed as I removed my hard cock from my pants. By nowMaggie's need was so great that I knew she would cum even with her mother watchinghelplessly from the sidelines. Gently I pressed my cock against her puffy pussylips and pushed my way inside.


I tied the last knot binding Maggie's hands to the headboard and stood upto admire my work. My two teenaged slaves were tied to Maggie's queen sizedbed, hands tied above their heads ankles bound together then tied by ropesto bed frame at the other end. To reduce mischief I'd tied them head to footwith Maggie laying the normal way and Alicia bound with her head at the footof the bed. Two knotted summer scarves from Meg's closet cleaved their mouthsensuring they stayed fairly quiet while still allowing them some ability tomouth breathe.

Both had been indoctrinated to serve me. Now all I needed to do was waituntil the new programming had worked its way deep into their conscious minds.Tonight was their last with any semblance of free will, when they woke in themorning they would be my slaves.

Satisfied that both were safe and secure for the night I headed into theother bedroom where Meg waited patiently for me.

"Why are you doing this?" she asked when I removed the gag to give her water.I paused and ran my hand over her breasts playing with her hard nipples.

"Survival Meg," I said simply, "the need of any organism to survive and toproduce the next generation."

Meg's eyes widened. "Y…you don't mean?" she began, then her eyes widenedas the implications of my words dawned upon her. "Y …you're crazy," shesaid, "that won't work it can't…."

"Maggie and Alicia are both pregnant," I said filling a glass with waterfrom a bedside jug.

"Maggie can't be she only finished her period last week."

"I made them ovulate," I said, "upped the level of reproductive hormonesin their bloodstream to a point where they will counteract the contraceptivepill. My sperm count is….. let's just say it's high and my sperm livefor nearly three weeks outside my body. Any girl I have sex with that has aworking reproductive system will get pregnant, my biology leaves nothing tochance."

Meg's eyes widened. "Y…your biology?"

I laughed. "I'm…err .. different as I'm sure you've noticed. I don'tknow the exact story, the usual nature of my kind is to inseminate and runand that makes an oral history difficult to come by. My mother never knew myfather, he raped her one night at a rest stop in New Mexico. When they foundout that she was pregnant my grandparents wanted her to get rid of me. My motherdidn't, couldn't actually, I suspect some hormone released by the fetus effectsthe mother emotionally and makes her hyper protective of her child. In anycase I thought I was normal until I was seven or eight when I suddenly realizedthat the other kids couldn't read minds."

I fed her some water.

"One girl I….. err .. knew was an evolutionary biologist. She thinksthe telepathy could be a natural mutation, an evolution of the basic humantype. For a new species to thrive it needs to have viable offspring and theyhave to survive. In the human system the female chooses her mate, and thereforechooses the genetics of her children. A mutation, which allowed the male toforce the female to bare his children, would therefore favor the mutated gene'ssurvival. To make doubly sure ANY woman I fuck will become pregnant guaranteed."

Meg looked down at the damp tangled mass of her own pubic fur. "Oh my God……"

I smiled.

"You too Meg," I said, "you're what? Forty two? Under normal conditions thatmeans a reduced chance of pregnancy, a reduced chance of going to term andan improved chance of birth defects." I stroked her wet sex. "Not with thepremo stuff we have in here. Trust me, she's going to term and will be veryhealthy."


I frowned. "You always wanted another girl right?" I said, "my other womenall had boys, best way to spread your genes is with male children. Now withover two hundred sons in the world a man starts thinking about having his ownlittle princess to spoil. Having seen just how well Maggie turned out I thoughtI'd entrust my daughter to you."

Meg sobbed softly as I pushed the knotted scarf in her mouth and tied ittightly.

"I know you're upset right now," I said wiping a silent tear from her cheek, "butdon't worry. I promise I'll change your mind."


I came back from the store with more party treats and took them through tothe kitchen. Meg is starting on cooking up the first batches of finger food,sausage rolls and little cupcakes. When she sees what I've brought she smileshappily and thanks me respectfully. It took a while to remake Meg's mind tomy liking, a reminder if any was needed as to why younger women make easierpets. Still it was worth it, her obedience and loyalty are exceptional. I walkup behind her and rest my hand on her stomach imagining the fierce little daughterthat grows within her. She smiles and leans back against me, face flushed witharousal, smiling contently. Some of the hormones and exotic biochemicals releasedby our growing child act to strengthen the mother for the labor ahead. Evennow she looks ten years younger than she did before. Still there is melancholyin her eyes because she knows I must leave soon and move on to another smalltown and another batch of mothers for my offspring. She has raised one daughteralone and despite my conditioning she fears doing it again. Of course the lastdeadbeat didn't leave her with half a million dollars to look after his child.

I walk through into the living room, which has been decked out for a party.The banner proclaims "Jefferson High Girl's going away Slumber Party." Aliciais manning the phone, her palm organizer in one hand and a list of girl's nameson a pad of paper in front of her. I catch her in mid pitch. "Of course NOBOYS," she says giggling, "what kind of slumber party has BOYS?" She pauses,listening. "You'll come? Great see you at eight."

I look over her shoulder at the list. There are twelve names with ticks againstthem and times ranging from 6:30 to 9PM. Alicia is a popular girl, twelve hitsout of twenty seniors called is a great average, we are well on target forthe fifteen girls we plan to have over tonight. If all goes well we may haveenough names left over for another fifteen tomorrow. I kiss Alicia's cheekand she moans with appreciation. I tell her she's a good girl and walk throughto the den.

Two chains have been stretched across the room about six feet above the floorand fastened to sturdy brackets bolted to the walls. Maggie is standing ona stepladder bolting a pair of handcuffs to the chain every three feet. Inthe center of the room are some of the things we got from the home improvementcenter. The two trestle tables on the outsides have ropes tied at all fourcorners along with the cuffs needed for wrists and ankles. The table in thecenter holds supplies, a clear plastic bowl half full of rubber superballs,duct and medical tape, rope, scarves and a pile of new dishtowels. We are lookingat rape and impregnation on a factory scale in the back room of a suburbanhome.

It promises to be a busy night.

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Bob’s thought processes were already in a shambles. Humans often ask simple questions, to which a simple, truthful answer is unwise. An example is when a woman asks, “Does this dress make my butt look fat?” The simple, truthful answer might be, “Yup, it does.” But answering truthfully can poke a stick in the bicycle spokes. Another example is when your daughter asks you if you’d like to fuck her. There’s a “right” answer, just like the “right” answer in the previous example would be, “Why no,...

1 year ago
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Dream lover

This is my latest installment on my Kyle fantasy, for those new to the story line, Kyle is the next door neighbors son, I've been his babysitter since he was 5 or so. He's in his adolescent years and his hormones are absolutely raging, I've been as helpful as possible answering questions about his blossoming interest, sex. Kyle is the real deal, he's my real next door neighbor, and my fantasies consist of real life experiences with him, I hope you enjoy my latest story.Kyle's parents and mine...

2 years ago
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Beneath the Surface We Walk With DemonsChapter 3

The afternoon couldn’t be more of a perfect day for barbequing. Harper doesn’t know how Anthe convinced her father, but before the day ended she was called into the man’s office and invited formally. He told Harper that because she is so high up in the company, running many of the day to day operations, that it only seemed right she be there to mingle with the lower employees. Of course Harper didn’t turn it down. The barbeque is going rather well, with discussion about the success of the...

3 years ago
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Auntie Jean Rides My Young Cock

I dated a woman for a while and got to know her family quite well.One day i was lying in bed at home when i heard the front door open.As i lay there wondering who it was the bedroom door opened and in walked my partners Auntie Jean.She was dressed in a tight blouse,which could hardly contain her ample breasts,a very short leather mini skirt,black stockings and black boots.Before i could open my mouth to say something she came over to the bed and pulled back the covers.I had been playing with my...

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Dating Daddys Friends part 1

Sophia pulled off her yellow sundress and admired her naked body in the mirror. She was only 5’2 with a slim waist and long black hair that almost reached her butt. She turned to her side to admire her profile. Her father was Italian, but she more resembled her Filipino mother. Sophia knew just how pretty she was. She couldn’t walk down the street without getting cat calls from men of all ages. Every time her dad’s friends visited for poker night, she felt their lustful glances linger over...

1 year ago
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BangPOV Selina Moon Selina Crawls For Dick

Selina Moon a 5’11 west coast girl with long legs who’s into everything and he’s a pretty simple guy who’s into blow jobs and good sex. Damn right! That’s how it’s supposed to be. In Selina Moon’s very first POV with Bang Bros, Preston Parker assures her that there’s nothing to it and gets her excited for her shoot. She has a deep pussy to take long cock and can deep throat that does the same. See her long legs get spread out for some big dick. She take sit from behind, sucks it, rides it, and...

2 years ago
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The White Dove

You think you’ve got problems; try being a lesbian in the home of a Fundamentalist Christian pastor. My name is Lesley, and I realized in my early teens that I wasn’t attracted to boys. I didn’t hate boys mind you, it’s just when my girlfriends were all swooning over hot guys, I couldn’t see what was so great.My brother Toby and me were also best friends. He was a year older, but we had played together since we could walk. I told him everything, everything but how I felt about other girls. It...

3 years ago
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Finding Him

“You’ve got sex written all over you baby” It was the first thing he said to me, and I realised how sexy his voice was so deep and smooth. As I turned towards him, seeing his striking eyes so vivid I knew then that I wanted him. And usually what I want I get. So I made it my mission to be where he was, not for long but long enough to give him a glimpse, to maintain the mystery, and pretty soon it was him seeking me out. It started with subtle glances across the bar, discreet touches as we...

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My horny kaki in Ahmedabad

His all began when I was in 14th class. My Chachi who also lived with us (mine was a joint family) was married to my uncle who was around 10 yrs older to her. They were living very happily. But one thing which used to baffle me was that whenever me and my Chachi use to be alone she used to tease me by showing off hers legs or the cleavage of her boobs. Sometimes she used to touch my private property or used to scratch her pussy in front of me. She purposely used to slip the pallu of her saree...

1 year ago
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Cassies urges

Cassie came home from her job at Starbucks in the afternoon. "Jake? Miranda?" Her roommates weren't home yet. Good. Cassie was twenty years old and a virgin and didn't believe in sex before marriage, but she still had sexual urges. All afternoon her pussy had been tingling. She'd even been brazenly flirting with some of the male customers, something she'd never normally do. But now she was home and could relieve herself. She went into her room and was about to close the door, but then she...

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Ye Olde Water Faire 02 The Carousel

Slave puta ran ahead of us to the Carousel. When we got there, Master went up to Herr Dunkler and handed him an envelope. The Dark Lord– that’s what Dunklermeister, his full name, means– The Dark Lord held it in his hand for a moment and then said with a smile. “I know that you aren’t planning on buying any of my major offerings this year. Why don’t I allow your slave to ride on the Carousel and the Ferris Wheel for free this year and we will call it even?”“That is very generous of you,” Master...

1 year ago
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Fuck Buddy in acar

When we first started seeing each other her daughter was in her teens which made it hard meeting up. One day I had gone round to my friend’s house for a fuck but her daughter was there and no matter what we did she wouldn’t go out. Therefore, we decided we would go out. At this time we both lived in north east London so we drove into the countryside, but it took us quite a while to find a place where we could park in a secluded place.It was a warm summer evening so was still bright so it...

2 years ago
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Sunlight crept gently into the room and I awoke feeling unusually content. A slight movement caught my eye and there she was, leaning on her elbow watching me with an inquisitive smile on her face. "Morning you, she said leaned in and kissed me on the chest. Morning yourself, I replied and widened my smile of contentment. Anna moved closer, snuggling and I felt her body next to mine as we melded together. I wrapped my arm around her feeling her warmth mingling with mine. She leaned...

4 years ago
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My new neighbour 2

My new neighbour who was in her late fifties had introduced herself to me by squeezing my cock the first time she saw me,then inviting me to fuck her when i popped round for some milk.This set her out as a horny milf and i was soon to witness more evidence.One day she was out in her garden reclining on her sun lounger.She had a skimpy top on which she had pulled down revealing her nice pert boobs and a pair of denim cut shorts.She was obviously feeling horny as she had pushed her shorts down to...

3 years ago
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A Night of Family Fun

Thank God it’s Friday, I thought as I walked into the house. It had been a long, trying week and all I wanted for the weekend was to relax a bit. I knew my wife, Serena, was home and I figured that, if Serena was home, so was our “little girl” Tammy. But the den was silent and empty and I strolled through the house to the master bedroom, where I hung up my suit coat and my tie. I found them in Tammy’s room. Two womanly lumps were under the covers of the bed and they both snored lightly. I...

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Retreads Part DeuxChapter 10

Author's note: It has been a long time, I know. Those who have read my blog, have an inkling as to why. Events in my life have not been kind to me since my last posting. I won't go into detail, because I realize that many of you have faced similar issues. For some, these take a while to overcome. I'm only human, and that is the case with me. I lost the will to write, or do most anything else I enjoyed. It was only recently that I opened my editor once again. Even then, it was to write...

2 years ago
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Iam Not Gay But More BBC

Mark was quick to return to his hotel room after his tryst with Quinton and Jim. His emotions and excitement were high as he replayed not just the events that had just happened with the two men but the totality of what has happened the last 24 hours. He had now enjoyed pleasing what was surely the most impressive male genitalia he had ever laid eyes on. Quinton's ebony tool was the sort of physical attribute that Mark not only dreamed about for a long time but one that would haunt his memories...

4 years ago
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Dani and the Bull Ch 07

Bull came awake and felt like he had just run a marathon around the prison track, his heart was pounding, his body hurt and he could barely catch his breath. She had been so beautiful sitting there in the sunshine. Behind her the crystal blue of the water, the sounds of happy voices and joy in the air. Her voice had been so soft, it had been like a musical note to his ears. They had been talking, that was all just talking but he had felt like he had known her all his life, and her eyes…The...

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Mirror ImageChapter 9

After it was all over, they all went back to the mirror, gave kisses and hugs and returned. Tom went to bed that night, satisfied more than he could ever imagine. Mean while, at the Simpsons house Rebecca and Jill were naked, in bed together, trying to look at the magazine, they were overcome with such feelings of arousal they had to try each other out. Now laying in each other’s arms, naked and still rubbing their pussies together. It feels like it will last forever. Beth was in her room,...

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NubileFilms Emily Willis February 2021 Fantasy Of The Month

Damon Dice has a Valentine’s Day surprise for his girlfriend, Emily Willis. In a move made of pure romance, Damon has left a candle and rose petal trail for Emily to follow. He waits for her at the end of the trail, with rose petals on the bed and some sexy lingerie for Emily to wear for both of their pleasure. Emily accepts her gift with a smile and a kiss. She wastes no time in slipping out of her dress and existing underwear so she can slip into Damon’s present. Once she has...

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Wife Takes My Ass PT3

Gina-Marie and I lay in bed, exhausted after a recent sex session. She was panting, her eyes glazed over from the multiple orgasms that racked her body over the past hour. Her breasts were rising and falling with her chest in the evening light as I lay next to her trying to catch my own breath."Wow..." she panted. "I've never felt you that invigorated before.""Well, now that we have really started to open up to each other, I feel comfortable with everything we do, and I guess that fuels my...

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My Next Door Neighbor

I have always had a fascination with women in leather, ever since I can remember. It started with leather pants and skirts, especially mini-skirts and then over time grew to include boots and heels, gloves and now it is covers about everything. I can see an older woman who is not in great shape wearing a snug fitting leather coat and I get a raging hard-on. That is the only thing that has stayed consistent: I prefer tight fitting leather (although a long skirt or dress that gets loose can still...

1 year ago
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JamesDeen Wednesday Parker Amateur Application

Wednesday Parker applied to do a scene with James Deen. James is clearly distracted by how incredibly attractive Wednesday is and frankly, we don’t blame him. Wednesday is a petite brunette with an athletic body and a super fit frame. Her pretty face and desire for sex adds to her being super hot. James Deen barely sets up the camera and the two of them are off to the races quicker than I’ve ever seen in one of these application videos. The brand new, petite beauty loves to deep...

4 years ago
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Love Thy Neighbor Chapter 7

It was probably a week or so after the barbeque when Tommy was sitting at home feeling a bit dejected. He had been busy trying to find out what his options were now that he knew he wouldn't be attending MIT that fall. He had half-heartedly looked around for some kind of job that he would like to do, but he wasn't having a lot of luck.He had been looking forward to going to college that fall. He had found he liked working with computers and he discovered a real talent for it, too. He knew that...

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sexy wife and maid

This story is about my sexy maid Sumitra and my wife Rittu who is 36 years of age very fair complexion with plump ripe body and big boobs and heavy hips my sexual life with Rittu was very wild and we used to fuck in all the positions as we used to see in porn films even she used to take all my cum in her mouth and on her face as the years passed on our sexual life was getting very boring as we used to do every day the same sex positions.And even the c***dren were also growing up one day my...

2 years ago
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A Binding RelationshipChapter 45

As we drove back to work I started to think about all the things I had done over the past few weeks. I started to wonder if I could ever let Pete tie me again? I wondered what Nick is thinking about right now. He tied me last night and took advantage of me. I don't think that I could ever get that deep into this. I know Pete and Amber are not even close to this. What happened to Shelly is the taboo stuff people all think that bondage is all about. I start to think of this as a warning sign...

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ReflectionsChapter 7

Terry Wednesday was incredible. I left the office early to stop at the fish store for some fresh salmon filets. The rest of the stuff we had home. I had all my preparations done when the two ladies showed up. Clarissa gave me one of those tonsil probing kisses and Julie a chaste peck on the cheek. Instantaneously, my dick was hard in that unyielding plastic prison. I guess she had not come from the office but from her home because she looked hot with plenty of cleavage. After the...

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Kumar Apartment Season 2 Part 872 Kavita Aunty Ko Mila Naya Anubhaw

Narrated by Rahul Waqt guzarta gaya. Par naahi maa aunty ke taraf se kuch pahal ho rahi thi mere taraf. Naa hi Bharti mere kisi message ka jawab de rahi thi maa ke kamre se. Kareeb 9:30 baje hum sab khana khaye. Bharti aur aunty ekdam chup the. Sirf main aur maa hi yaha waha ki baate kar rahe the. Khane ke baad waqt tha apne kamre mein jaane ka. Par ab bhi mujhe kuch nahi pata tha ki aaj raat ka plan kya hai. Kareeb 10:30 baj rahe the aur main apne kamre mein araam se apne bistar par leta...

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The Snake Bite VictimChapter 10 The Relationship Unravels

Katherine was a little tired, but pleased with her effort when she returned home from work on Friday afternoon. She had insisted on taking the bus into Civic, so that she could have some independence. She welcomed Stephen fussing over her, telling her to rest while he got her a drink. It was nice to come home from work and not have to immediately start dinner and do housework. Once again they enjoyed home delivered pizzas, being a Friday night and a few glasses of wine as the two adults sat...

4 years ago
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Hey Its Just a Job

HEY, IT?S A JOB HEY, IT?S A JOB. Part One: As I start writing this account I do so knowing that I shall never finish it.? However because of a very interesting and nasty situation that developed a month ago, I know that it will be completed and published, as that is part of the arrangement I made with the other person involved. Sound confusing?? Well it probably is so let me explain.? As you read my part of the article please do not feel sorry for me.? Quite the reverse, I want you to...

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Sibbling fun

Note : This story is completely fictional! my name is max, i am 19 yrs old. i have 2 sisters saly, who is a 1 year younger than me and amber, who is a year older then me. my sisters are both extremly hot, saly having a killer figure with her c boobs and a big ass to match, amber on the other hand havig d tits but a rather small ass. whereas my cock is a solid 8 inches. all three of us enjoy a good relation. we always were loving and friendly to each other. i always thought my sisters were...

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B7 Chapter 14 Epilog The Enchantress

Chapter 14: Epilog - The Enchantress Several days later, the Enchantress learned of her fate. The all-father had summoned her to his great hall to pronounce sentence upon her. She arrived at the appointed time, and stood outside before two of the guardsmen, before entering. They said nothing, but seemed to have a smirk upon their faces, as they held the great oaken door open for her. The Enchantress glared at them but did nothing else. She could not afford any type of incident, today of...

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The Night to ComePart II

    Okay Katelyn, calm yourself down.  Just because she pressed you up against the wall, it doesn't mean she's actually still interested in doing anything.  I kept telling myself in order to keep a lid on my enthusiasm.  It was not working.   My parents had left an hour ago, it was very close to when Patricia was supposed to be showing up, and I was beginning to panic.   Ah well, might as well enjoy my Friday, right? I thought, logging onto my laptop in the living room.  After a few minutes of...

2 years ago
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Flames of LifeChapter 02

A group of people gather in the break-room to prepare for their mid-morning break. Snacks come out of bags and the fridge, hot cups of tea, coffee, chocolate, and various cold drinks are made or taken out of the fridge. People sit down at the tables and they talk in low voices so as to not disturb the others too much. The sound of the radio murmurs away in the background. They eat and drink for several minutes. All talking stops when a voice on the radio calls for a response by fire-fighters...

3 years ago
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GROCERY SHOPPING is our code word

This is a true story, but I will switch names and locations in order to ensure no one can be identified.Sherry is a married mother of one. Sherry has been married twice. In her first marriage, she was married to a guy mostly out of religious obligation. Her religion prompted her to marry young and the relationship never really worked out which prompted her to be divorced prior to having any c***dren from the relationship. Sherry remarried at an older age - in her 40's - and that relationship...

2 years ago
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A Maid to Play With

Have you ever had one of those days where everything just ends up as shit? Well imagine the worst of those shit days, multiply it by ten and then you will maybe come close to how my day is going. Let me put it this way, I am royally screwed, I know it, and there is nothing I can do but take it. I guess in the end I should have expected things to end this way, but when you are on top of the world its hard to see what can happen when you fall. The last thing I remember is eating...

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The Sex Swapping Sisters 8211 Part 2

I first thank ISS for publishing my story and to remind my readers that incest and taboo are part of our sex life as our humanity started with this incest and taboo. I, grand mom Honey is observing the sex future in the eyes of granddaughter Honey. We two sisters became are actually best friend and decided to start our sex life with out-side world after passing our matriculation exam and to take admission in Co-ed college to full- fill our desire and passion for sex and now we are only 18+ so...

2 years ago
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In My House Pt II

***Reading "...Just a Stranger on a Bus..." and "...In My House..." will get you up to speed, but isn't necessary.***I awoke to a mess of hair in my face. That wasn't unusual; what was unusual, however, was the color of the hair. Instead of red, a mess of honey blonde hair was in my face.The night came back to me in a blur, the memory giving me an instant boner. I had to pee, anyway, so I decided to go to the restroom, hoping the evacuation of my bladder would alleviate the morning wood I had...

2 years ago
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Down The Rabbit Hole XI

Fresh off a great fucking upstairs, I skipped downstairs and into the dungeon. I had my choice of cells and chose the only one with a solid iron, light-tight door. Like the rest of the dungeon, there were no windows and thus no way to tell time. I slammed the door closed behind me and attached my iron collar to an iron chain tethered to the wall. Serenity.For the first time in my life, I was at peace with everything. I didn't have to hide who and what I really was, quite the contrary, this new...

4 years ago
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Of Wine And Pearls

The hospital Amy works for had its annual awards banquet recently.We had to go because Amy was getting a 10-year employee plaque. It was a semi-formal soiree, so we both dressed up very nicely. I’m average height and weight, in my 40s and I wear my curly auburn hair at my shoulders. I would have looked stupid trying to dress as if I was 30, so I wore a plum knee length knit skirt, a matching cowl-neck knit top, and a pair of pumps. I also wore a double strand of pearls that found an interesting...

1 year ago
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MySistersHotFriend Alyssa Cole 22469

Well, well, well, what do we have here? Ryan finds a random tablet on the coffee table, and while checking it out he finds some erotic literature on it that references a character’s desire to fuck her friend’s brother. Who happens to walk in and catch him? His sister’s friend Alyssa Cole! Not only is she embarrassed that he’s reading her original erotica, but she’s mortified when he deduces that she’s writing about her thirst for his dick! Everyone thinks Alyssa’s a goody two-shoes, but when...

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Mexican Painter

I painted a 4-foot tall painting of an alien angel. It was admired by an older Mexican woman that I kept flirting with, but could never make a move on. I wanted to, but couldn't think of what to say. She asked me to sell her the painting a day after I brought it back home from the gallery. We made plans to meet at her studio the next day. I carried the painting from my apartment to her studio. When I got there, she offered a trade instead of the $300 I was asking for it. This is not uncommon...

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Matt Learns a Lesson

You never know where things will lead in life. That sounds all grown-up and I'm only sixteen but that is sixteen years of life, too. So here are the facts: My name in Madigan (Maddie, to just about everybody), five foot, three and a half inches tall, "dirty" blond, brown eyes, considered "cute" by most and "hot" by my boyfriend, I weigh-in at one hundred and seven pounds, my boyfriend's name is Jordan and we've been together for seven months now, my Mom is Rebecca (Becca, to friends)...

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The Westhampton Womens CircleChapter 8 A Change in Direction

Liz Pays The Price The Westhampton Ladies Circle was meeting in the home of Hannah Kleich. Hannah welcomed the group explaining the theme for their meeting. "I know," she began, "that many of you missed out on our recent visit to Sir Geoffery's studio. It was a shame of course but Julia, Liz and myself had a most, what shall we say, instructive afternoon. Sir Geoffery has been kind enough to lend us some of his equipment again and we thought that we should take the opportunity to try...

4 years ago
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The DanceChapter 4

They looked gorgeous again in almost identical calf length, black, wrap around skirts and burgundy coloured tops and I was the king of the world as I walked down to the pub with an arm around each of them. Karen had taken a leaf from mum's book and gone bra-less, she kept smiling on the way down and confessed just before we arrived that the silk of the blouse caressing her nipples was turning her on again, I suggested turning round for home and bed, but mum's fist thumping into my arm...

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