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Alicia was plotting rebellion even as she reached to put the last plate onits shelf. I froze her there, her naked body stretched across the counter,arm raised, her feet on tippy toe. Then I waited. It didn't take long. In afew moments she whimpered and made a few small begging sounds as her body startedto quake from the strain. She had a good body and she kept it well, expensiveballet and modern dance lessons in her childhood helped to tone it and fourlong years of high school cheerleading had done the rest. After two minutesshe was feeling the burn, her body screaming to relax, her mind desperatelytrying to order it to. I gave her another thirty seconds.

"I think Alicia is going to be a good girl now," I said.

I let her nod and whimper out her agreement, then I made her come down. Sighingwith relief she closed the cupboard door, picked up the damp dishtowel andcarefully folded in half. The towel was old and discolored, the thin blue linesthat had once formed the pattern were faded and indistinct. It was also thetwin of the towel that cleaved Alicia's cherry lips and held Maggie's pantiesin place.

Maggie was naked, tied spread eagle to the kitchen table. She had been fightingher bonds unsuccessfully for over an hour, long enough to convince her thatshe couldn't get free on her own. For the moment there was nothing she coulddo but lay there and watch her friend. I wondered in passing if Maggie wasenjoying chewing on Alicia's panties as much as the blonde girl was enjoyinghers? I suspected Maggie liked it a lot more than she was willing to let on,though the duct tape covering her lips made it hard for her to express it.

I turned my attention back to Alicia. She was standing, hands by her sidewaiting patiently for my next order. I paused to admire her naked body. Ateighteen Alicia Thompson was everything a red-blooded male could wish for.Young, rich, and with a trim athletic body that promised hours of hot sexualpleasure. Her wide, begging eyes were a rich ocean blue, her long blonde hairwas straight and reached down to her shoulder blades. One glance at the fuzzytriangle of pubic fur showed that she was a natural blonde. That reminded me.

Without a word Alicia started to fill a small plastic bowl with water. Oncethat was done she picked up a hand towel and the travel shaving kit I'd broughtand advanced on the table.

"Ummmmm," Maggie said, shaking her head. Maggie's dark eyes found Alicia'sblue ones and pleaded silently.

"No good begging her honey," I said conversationally, "she's not runningthis popcorn stand right now, if you need anything you deal with me."

Maggie craned her neck and gave me a dirty look. I think she thought shecould stare me down. If so she discovered that mistake a moment later whenI made Alicia take Maggie's clit between thumb and forefinger and squeeze.

"Ummmmmpphhhh," Maggie squealed, looking first at Alicia and then at me.

"Do you want your sex shaved Maggie?" I asked sweetly, "if so then all youneed to do is nod. Alicia can't squeeze your clitty and shave you at the sametime."

I made Alicia squeeze a little harder.

"Ummmm," Maggie moaned nodding her head wildly.

"Ok then."

Alicia took a pair of nail scissors and started to trim Maggie's pubic fur.

"Your friend makes a good puppet doesn't she Maggie?" I asked, "she's a hardernut to crack than you'll be but I like a challenge. That's why you're the onethat's tied to the table and she's my little toy. I like the feeling of despairwhen she can do nothing but obey my every whim."

Maggie sobbed.

Alicia had heard me. I could feel her anger rising as she fought to regaincontrol of her body. However all her body did was damped her friend's pubicfur and apply foam. A few moments later Maggie's cunt was shaved clean.

"There," I said, "Isn't that better?"

Maggie glared again. I smiled and walked over. Reaching down I stroked hersmooth mound. Maggie winced and looked scared.

"Shush," I said, placing my hand on the girl's naked belly, "you have nothingto fear from me."

Smiling I extended a mental probe into the most primitive part of Maggie'sbrain and ordered her body to ovulate.

I looked over at Alicia who had just finished shaving her own sex. "PerfectI said, "I like to see what I have to work with."

Alicia chewed on the gag and made a few muffled noises. I smiled wider, enjoyingher feelings of helpless frustration and her feeble attempts to throw off mycontrol. I had given her the use of her voice back and the girl had seen thisas a major victory, a sign that my control was weakening. She had spent thelast twenty minutes trying to extend her control or come up with a method ofremoving the gag without the use of her hands. That had kept her distractedenough for me to focus more of my energies on her subconscious mind, mappingsthe mental pathways that controlled her world view, her memories, her motivations,the keys I would need to control her completely.

And still Alicia fought. I had to give her marks for effort even if she hadn'tbeen smart enough to figure out I was playing with her. I suppose Alicia hadnever needed to be smart, when you looked as good as she did, when daddy isone of the richest men in town you don't need to be that bright. Still, I'dexpected her to realize by now that the only part of her body she had any controlover, her mouth, was the one thing I'd decided to control by other means.

I nodded towards the CD/radio player on the counter. "Turn that on and finda soft rock station," I ordered. In truth I didn't need to verbalize the orderand if we had been alone I wouldn't have bothered. However, Maggie was ourcaptive audience and spoken orders showed both girls who was in charge.

Alicia complied, finding a local rock station and then waiting for my nextorder. We had tuned in part way through a record so I forced her to stand withher legs spread, hands clasped firmly behind her head, and her shapely nakedbreasts thrust out until a new song started. Alicia whimpered and her bodyshivered a little with humiliation and anticipation.

"Look's delicious doesn't she Maggie?" I asked.

The silenced brunette looked at the shivering girl then turned her head andglared at me. Maggie wasn't as cute as Alicia but her young body was in excellentphysical condition. The two had been unlikely friends since their first daysin high school, Alicia tall blonde and wealthy, Maggie, shorter brunette andfrom a single parent family. Even Neil Simon hadn't thought of a couple asodd as this. Of course that was the secret of their relationship, it wasn'tone between equals but between a star and her satellite. Also opposites doattract, and there was something to their relationship, something unstated,that had first got my attention. With just two weeks to go until the girlsheaded out to college they had gone on one last Mall crawl. I had seen themcoming out of a jewelry store on the upper level happily comparing the friendshipbracelets Alicia had bought them. Although neither wanted to admit it theyboth realized that these were their last days together. Soon Alicia would beheading off to her Ivy League University and Maggie would head a few milesdown the highway to the local State College. It was possible they might meetagain at Christmas or New Year and of course they had made tear-filled promisesto stay in touch, but deep down they knew their close friendship was over.

For one the heartbreak had been so deep that her psychic emanations had summonedme to their side. A little mental probing and I'd found out about Alicia'ssleepover and the fact that the girls were going back to an empty house. NowI was going to give them a kind of togetherness that would last a lifetime.

Maggie's house was slowly deteriorating and even major repairs where beingput off due to lack of money. When the beam holding up the kitchen ceilinghad developed a crack two steel poles had been put in to take the strain, asupposedly temporary repair that had been in place for ten years. I noddedtowards that half of the room and the naked Alicia dutifully padded over. Whilewe waited through the commercials I had Alicia cup her firm little tittiesand roll the nipples until they were hard and pointy. I was just about to haveher work on her clit when the music started again.

I couldn't have chosen a better track ---the Divinyls "I touch myself" --the anthem of strippers everywhere. As the opening guitar rift started I noddedtowards the nearest red steel pole.

"Dance for me," I ordered, even though it was my will that controlled herbody.

The dance was lude, hot and raunchy, using the best parts of various striproutines I'd seen in my travels. I slowed it down a little. Unable to mouthbreathe because of the gag Alicia couldn't do too many things at once. Thataside I used her body in ways the girl couldn't even imagine. I had her wrapher long legs around the pole and hang inverted from it. She slid down slowly,body curled around the steelwork like a snake on a tree branch. I had her dismountthe pole with a little back flip, moved one leg up until her foot was levelwith her shoulder then plunged her fingers into her recently shaved sex.

Such extreme control required my full attention so it wasn't until late inthe routine that I chose to glance at Maggie. The dark haired girl lay transfixed,her big brown eyes fixed on the display in front of her. I felt her need again,washing over me with such intensity that I almost lost control. Laughing Isent my little puppet towards her bound friend. Once she was there I reassertedcomplete control and had Alicia tare the gag from her own mouth. Smiling sexily,the blonde crouched over the helpless Maggie, her tongue starting a slow journeyup her friend's spread body. Alicia started with Maggie's inner thigh, kissingand lapping her way up as the music reached a crescendo. As the final barsplayed out I made Alicia lock her mouth over the helpless girl's cunt, tonguelapping and exploring. Helpless Maggie bucked and moaned, she sweated, triedto resist but it did no good. Her unspoken need to have Alicia as her loverthat had first been kindled during a friendly kissing game bubbled to the surface.Helpless and needy Maggie came hard.

I made Alicia stand.

"Did she taste good?" I asked.

Alicia looked up horrified. I gave her the use of her voice.

"Oh… God… Maggie, I'm so sorry, he made me do it, I don't knowhow…. He just makes me do things. I tried to stop I promise I did…."

"Enough," I said silencing her. My control of Alicia was almost complete,now all I needed to do was test it. I pointed towards the plastic bag thatheld the items I'd bought from a local sex shop. "Open it," I said.

The sex shop hadn't been very well stocked, this town was so white breadthat even the bad part of town had a G rating. The leather cuffs that adornedMaggie's wrist and ankles had been an unexpectedly exotic find as had the lastremaining item in the bag. As my puppet pulled out the double dildo harnessher eyes widened. She may have been a good girl from a white bread neighborhoodbut somehow Alicia knew exactly what she was looking it. Robbed of her bodyshe pleaded with her eyes. I just smiled.

"Put it on honey," I said, "it's time to rock lil Maggie's world."

Her body obeyed, even though Alicia resisted my influence with all she had.I smiled because it was already far to late for her. The conscious mind islike a thin layer of pack ice floating on the deep, dark ocean of the subconscious.The swells and currents of the subconscious mind buffets the consciousnessconstantly, bringing with it impulses, desires and needs. Something ---let'scall it the Id--- is responsible for controlling and channeling these impulses.In my ice model the Id could be compared to steel bands that bolt the packice together into a single sheet. I had learnt that when I used my power tocontrol a person's conscious mind or body my will replacing that Id, controllingnot just the voluntary decisions my victim makes but also a thousand smallhousekeeping tasks. Even after many years of practice I can only fully controltwo people at a time and the strain of doing it soon tires me. Worse the momentI relaxed my grip or moved out of range the victim regained full control immediately.

I had found my answer in the deep dark ocean of the subconscious, discoveredthat changes made there were permanent and that their effect on the consciouswill was even more powerful than direct intervention.

Reaching into Alicia's subconscious mind I tweaked something. At that levelit was the tiniest of changes however the effect was the same as starting apebble rolling at the top of a mountain, the initial event may be small, butthe consequences can be dramatic.

In this case Alicia flushed a deep crimson. Her eyes widened and her nippleswere suddenly bullet hard. A musky smell started to fill the small kitchenand as Alicia started forward a bead of moisture started to roll down her leftinner thigh. A sudden mindless lust engulfed Alicia. In moments there was noconscious mind for me to control just a need and a target I released my fullcontrol and relaxed. At the table Alicia once again buried her face in herfriend's helpless crotch. A wet slurping sound started followed a moment laterby Maggie's gagged mewings.

I implanted a stray thought, reminding Alicia of the rubber cock that shenow wore between her thighs. Alicia reached down and grabbed the shaft, movingit backwards and forwards with her hand for a few minutes in an action anyman would recognize. I felt what she did, the sensation of the other end ofthe double-headed dildo sliding in and out of her sex. Alicia whimpered, eyesclosed, one hand masturbating the dildo while the other played with her hard,sensitive nipples.

A moment later she mounted Maggie, the brunette girl's own arousal providingall the lubrication they needed. Another tweak of her subconscious and Alicia'saggression increased as she started to ram the dildo home with more force.Maggie writhed and sobbed into the tape gag. I had suppressed both girls' abilityto cum and so as the weird lesbian rape continued their physical need and excitementjust rose to higher and higher levels. Another tweak and Alicia was swearing,calling Maggie her cunt, her bitch, her slave. Maggie was naturally submissiveand Alicia's new dominant streak pressed all her subconscious buttons.

When I was sure they were ready I did them a favor and let them cum.


Alicia was too tired to fight. Even without the use of my power she was easyto handle. I pushed her into a kitchen chair cuffed her hands behind and tapedher ankles to the chair legs.

"Please," she said, "please let us go."

I pushed another mental button and she started to quake. "Ohhhhhh ohhh God," shemoaned.

"Feel's good doesn't it Alicia honey?" I said as I moved her feeling of sexualexcitement and pleasure up a level.

She quaked. "Ohhhhhhh."

I looked down at the dildo harness, watching it move as her cunt musclessqueezed down on the rubber intruder. Her nipples where hard and sensitive,I brushed my hand across them and she strained up and chased my hand.

"You're going to enjoy serving me Alicia," I said as I pushed a balled updishtowel into her mouth, "and I'm going to enjoy using you."

She whimpered but didn't try to resist as I sealed her mouth closed withan X of duct tape.


I stroked Maggie's smooth damp cunt. It was her nature to be submissive andexhausted from the sex her mind offered little resistance to my probe.I drove in deeper, mapping the depths of her subconscious, the hidden wantsand desires I could bend to my service. While I worked I touched her, slidingfirst one and then two fingers into her wet hole, letting my thumb playagainst her enlarged clit while my other hand played with her nipples.

It didn't take long before her body was straining against the ropes again.I looked at her eyes, dark wide and lustful over the silver tape that sealedher mouth. Even without any mental tampering she was already mine, the needto be controlled had lain dormant within her just waiting the touch of an owner'shand. I slid my fingers in and out of her, feeling her muscles squeezing myfingers and listening to her gagged moans.

"I'm going to put my child inside you," I told her, "would you like that?"

I watched while her eyes widened. Then with no mental prompting she lookeddown and nodded. I smiled. I glanced at the kitchen clock. "We'll start soonmy pet," I said, "but we still have one last guest to look after."


"What the…?"

I glanced up and smiled. "Hello Meg," I said sweetly, "hard day?" I pumpedthe thick black rubber dildo into Maggie's wet hole.

The woman took three steps forward. Meg was Maggie's mother, a nurse at thelocal hospital. In many ways she was an older version of her daughter. Shewas the same height, had the same brown hair and dark brown eyes, eyes thatwere wide in horror.

"What are you doing to her?" she cried, taking another step.

"Just warming up little Maggie before I rape her," I said. "why don't youtake off your coat and sit down."

Meg was caught in a moment of indecision, part of her wanted to scream andrun for help, the other part wanted to use the can of mace she kept in herpurse. I helped her out and crushed her will with mine. For a second she froze,a look of horror on her face as she discovered that she no longer had commandof her body. Then she took off her coat, dropped her purse and walked overto the kitchen counter. There I'd left some supplies for her, a clean dishtowel,one of the rolls of tape and a pair of handcuffs. Her hand trembled as shefolded the towel into a ball.

"What's happening? What's going on?" she asked, her voice on the edge ofpanic.

I kept pumping the dildo into Maggie's wet cunt looking at the horror inher wide eyes as she watched her mother become my puppet.

"You're going to gag yourself Meg," I said matter-of-factly, "then you aregoing to remove your clothes and tie yourself to the chair next to pretty Alicia."

"No I Ummmmmppphh!!" she began.

I'll give Meg credit, she tried hard to resist me, but even as her mind triedto shut me out her traitorous hands were stuffing the cloth into her mouth.A moment later she was adding tape, covering her lower face with silver andsealing in all sounds of protest.

Alicia moaned into her gag probably trying to urge Meg on. Down on the tableMaggie's eyes were wild with panic as she tried to pull free of the ropes.For a moment the little kitchen was filled with three sets of panicked muffledcrying. And then Meg started to strip.

Her skirt and blouse came off in the first minute leaving her standing inbra, panties and pantyhose. She tried to stop herself removing the bra, squealinginto the gag and shaking her head as her hands reached behind for the catch.A moment later she was fighting even harder when her hands moved panties andhose down her legs. I made her stand naked for a moment with legs spread, handsbehind her head, on full display for her daughter and her helpless teenagefriend. Then she walked over and sat in the chair next to Alicia, taping herown ankles to her chair legs before reaching back and snapping the cuffs inplace. I took a moment to check the cuffs and ensure they were double lockedthen I returned to the table.

All three girls squealed as I removed my hard cock from my pants. By nowMaggie's need was so great that I knew she would cum even with her mother watchinghelplessly from the sidelines. Gently I pressed my cock against her puffy pussylips and pushed my way inside.


I tied the last knot binding Maggie's hands to the headboard and stood upto admire my work. My two teenaged slaves were tied to Maggie's queen sizedbed, hands tied above their heads ankles bound together then tied by ropesto bed frame at the other end. To reduce mischief I'd tied them head to footwith Maggie laying the normal way and Alicia bound with her head at the footof the bed. Two knotted summer scarves from Meg's closet cleaved their mouthsensuring they stayed fairly quiet while still allowing them some ability tomouth breathe.

Both had been indoctrinated to serve me. Now all I needed to do was waituntil the new programming had worked its way deep into their conscious minds.Tonight was their last with any semblance of free will, when they woke in themorning they would be my slaves.

Satisfied that both were safe and secure for the night I headed into theother bedroom where Meg waited patiently for me.

"Why are you doing this?" she asked when I removed the gag to give her water.I paused and ran my hand over her breasts playing with her hard nipples.

"Survival Meg," I said simply, "the need of any organism to survive and toproduce the next generation."

Meg's eyes widened. "Y…you don't mean?" she began, then her eyes widenedas the implications of my words dawned upon her. "Y …you're crazy," shesaid, "that won't work it can't…."

"Maggie and Alicia are both pregnant," I said filling a glass with waterfrom a bedside jug.

"Maggie can't be she only finished her period last week."

"I made them ovulate," I said, "upped the level of reproductive hormonesin their bloodstream to a point where they will counteract the contraceptivepill. My sperm count is….. let's just say it's high and my sperm livefor nearly three weeks outside my body. Any girl I have sex with that has aworking reproductive system will get pregnant, my biology leaves nothing tochance."

Meg's eyes widened. "Y…your biology?"

I laughed. "I'm…err .. different as I'm sure you've noticed. I don'tknow the exact story, the usual nature of my kind is to inseminate and runand that makes an oral history difficult to come by. My mother never knew myfather, he raped her one night at a rest stop in New Mexico. When they foundout that she was pregnant my grandparents wanted her to get rid of me. My motherdidn't, couldn't actually, I suspect some hormone released by the fetus effectsthe mother emotionally and makes her hyper protective of her child. In anycase I thought I was normal until I was seven or eight when I suddenly realizedthat the other kids couldn't read minds."

I fed her some water.

"One girl I….. err .. knew was an evolutionary biologist. She thinksthe telepathy could be a natural mutation, an evolution of the basic humantype. For a new species to thrive it needs to have viable offspring and theyhave to survive. In the human system the female chooses her mate, and thereforechooses the genetics of her children. A mutation, which allowed the male toforce the female to bare his children, would therefore favor the mutated gene'ssurvival. To make doubly sure ANY woman I fuck will become pregnant guaranteed."

Meg looked down at the damp tangled mass of her own pubic fur. "Oh my God……"

I smiled.

"You too Meg," I said, "you're what? Forty two? Under normal conditions thatmeans a reduced chance of pregnancy, a reduced chance of going to term andan improved chance of birth defects." I stroked her wet sex. "Not with thepremo stuff we have in here. Trust me, she's going to term and will be veryhealthy."


I frowned. "You always wanted another girl right?" I said, "my other womenall had boys, best way to spread your genes is with male children. Now withover two hundred sons in the world a man starts thinking about having his ownlittle princess to spoil. Having seen just how well Maggie turned out I thoughtI'd entrust my daughter to you."

Meg sobbed softly as I pushed the knotted scarf in her mouth and tied ittightly.

"I know you're upset right now," I said wiping a silent tear from her cheek, "butdon't worry. I promise I'll change your mind."


I came back from the store with more party treats and took them through tothe kitchen. Meg is starting on cooking up the first batches of finger food,sausage rolls and little cupcakes. When she sees what I've brought she smileshappily and thanks me respectfully. It took a while to remake Meg's mind tomy liking, a reminder if any was needed as to why younger women make easierpets. Still it was worth it, her obedience and loyalty are exceptional. I walkup behind her and rest my hand on her stomach imagining the fierce little daughterthat grows within her. She smiles and leans back against me, face flushed witharousal, smiling contently. Some of the hormones and exotic biochemicals releasedby our growing child act to strengthen the mother for the labor ahead. Evennow she looks ten years younger than she did before. Still there is melancholyin her eyes because she knows I must leave soon and move on to another smalltown and another batch of mothers for my offspring. She has raised one daughteralone and despite my conditioning she fears doing it again. Of course the lastdeadbeat didn't leave her with half a million dollars to look after his child.

I walk through into the living room, which has been decked out for a party.The banner proclaims "Jefferson High Girl's going away Slumber Party." Aliciais manning the phone, her palm organizer in one hand and a list of girl's nameson a pad of paper in front of her. I catch her in mid pitch. "Of course NOBOYS," she says giggling, "what kind of slumber party has BOYS?" She pauses,listening. "You'll come? Great see you at eight."

I look over her shoulder at the list. There are twelve names with ticks againstthem and times ranging from 6:30 to 9PM. Alicia is a popular girl, twelve hitsout of twenty seniors called is a great average, we are well on target forthe fifteen girls we plan to have over tonight. If all goes well we may haveenough names left over for another fifteen tomorrow. I kiss Alicia's cheekand she moans with appreciation. I tell her she's a good girl and walk throughto the den.

Two chains have been stretched across the room about six feet above the floorand fastened to sturdy brackets bolted to the walls. Maggie is standing ona stepladder bolting a pair of handcuffs to the chain every three feet. Inthe center of the room are some of the things we got from the home improvementcenter. The two trestle tables on the outsides have ropes tied at all fourcorners along with the cuffs needed for wrists and ankles. The table in thecenter holds supplies, a clear plastic bowl half full of rubber superballs,duct and medical tape, rope, scarves and a pile of new dishtowels. We are lookingat rape and impregnation on a factory scale in the back room of a suburbanhome.

It promises to be a busy night.

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4 years ago
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She cant help herself

It had been over a week since our little tryst on the bed and the moments had not past in my mind. In fact I could hardly walk around the hose without a hard on. As I sat on the couch downstairs mindlessly watching television I could hear her walking across the kitchen and starting down the stairs. She didn't even so much as glance in my direction as she entered the laundry room to start washing clothes. Ok I thought, I will see if I can peak her curiosity when she comes out. I stripped off...

2 years ago
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Diddly Chapter 4

I had almost fallen asleep when Robert and Clare began to whisper between each other. “Wow,” I thought to myself, “what a ride!” A small, content sigh trickled over my lips, and I enjoyed the warmth radiating from their bodies. Not for long, though, because Clare got up from the bed and stood next to it. “Go on,” Robert whispered to me, giving one of my nipples a pinch that made me gasp, “she wants you to undress her.” I hesitantly crawled out of the bed. It had been so comfortable, I wouldn’t...

3 years ago
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New Career at 40

Just after my fortieth birthday I got myself into a bit of trouble. When I drink I have a hard time backing away from dares and challenges. I have learned to avoid these situations as much as possible but can't always do it.A bit of background. I adore my husband to no end. I am five-feet-four-inches, weigh one-hundred-twenty-four pounds, and my vitals are 36DD-28-34. I have shoulder length light brown hair with blonde highlights and hazel eyes. I work out to stay fit. I'm also addicted to...

2 years ago
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Making Love To A Beautiful Stranger

Sirens were ringing and people started rushing to get out. This could turn into a stampede, I thought as I reached the basement and went to open my car. Jeez! I’d left my keys in my jacket at the Westend store. The whole day had been going well. I was shopping at the new mall for my girlfriend’s birthday the next day. The gifts were a surprise for her. All was well up until the curfew was announced. People still wouldn’t take the announcements seriously, so the mall’s management had started...

2 years ago
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NubilesPorn Brandy Amateur Fun

Kasteil is in for a treat when his amateur girlfriend Brandy wakes him up by stroking his cock and then leaning in for a lick. The harder he gets the harder Brandy sucks until she’s full on deep throating Kasteil’s stiffie. The best way to take care of that morning wood is to fuck, which is just what Brandy wants! They start off spooning together so that Kasteil can take long deep strokes into Brandy’s twat from behind while slowly working her out of her bra and thong. Once...

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Bobbie in the Summer of 1967

Journey of four teens in the age of discovery. The sweet smell of summer drifted lightly through the open window as we snuggled carelessly together on the double bed. We had been there for an hour that morning like we did numerous times over school vacation. Today it was my turn with Bobbie. It wasn’t what you may be thinking, no we didn’t have passionate sex, and she didn’t have it with anyone else although she was easy in some ways up to that point in time. It was the summer of love...

1 year ago
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Building the Dream Part One

I had to get a closer view so letting go of Phil I moved to the foot of the bed and peered below Jim’s thrusting arse. Jim wasn’t in her arse. Both he and Simon were in her pussy, right up to the root of their cocks and they were pounding her hard in alternate movements. There was no complaint from Jay. Building the dream: Part one A strange, but true story about what happened a few years back. So many times, I have wanted to write down what happened so it doesn’t get forgotten or changed...

2 years ago
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GangbangCreampie Mila Taylor G298

Mila’s luscious lips are in full effect (all four of them) as her gangbang begins. She is splayed out on top of the pedestal with Chris licking her into a frenzy on her lower set of lips while she smiles seductively with the other lips on her face. GUESS THE V winner Randy takes the first plunge into Mila’s non-birth controlled pink wetness. Her natural 34Cs jiggle with each thrust as she gets her first taste of each Cocksman as they take their first turns inside her already juicy...

3 years ago
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Unexpected Part 2

I recently took a weekend trip to my home town to visit family. Several other out of town family members we in also so I just stayed in a hotel with other relatives. After we all got checked in and rested a bit, we all got dressed up and went out to eat at a local restaurant. It was a nice little bar and grill type of place which usually had live music later in the evening. As we were sitting waiting on our food, I was tapped on the shoulder by someone. Just so happens it was a guy I had a...

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One time my mom borrowed my laptop to surf the net. After she used it I locked my room to watch some porn i downloaded and jerk off. When i opened the folder i saw that it was last opened minutes ago..."Fuck my mom saw these". I didn't know what to that instance, I didn't even want to show my face to her. Dinner came and everything was normal, my mom didn't act strange in any way. I was relieved because she might not have saw my porn but accidentally opened the file but didn't saw the kinky...

2 years ago
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A Friendly Fuck

A Friendly Fuck I was on way over to my best friend Steve. Although we both considered ourselves to be straight, we had often masturbating sessions lasting well into to the night. One time, quite recently, we were watching a porno where the woman obviously enjoyed her butt pounded. We discussed whether anal sex would be equally good when performed on men. The discussion lasted a while, and, as horny we were, we decided to try it. We agreed to decide on who should go first by rock,...

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Afternoon Lunch

We drive up to the mountains for an afternoon picnic. As we arrive you noticed that the place is a beautiful glen with a pond and waterfall. We get out and setup our picnic next to the pond. We take our time and enjoy our lunch. Afterwards we lye on the blanket and look up at the mid-day sky; fluffy clouds go past us as we guess which shape they resemble. After awhile I suggest going for a swim. You look at me with a face of uncertainty because we left our bathing suits behind. I grin at you...

2 years ago
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Rebeccas Sehnsucht

Mein Name ist Rebecca und in meinem bisherigen Leben habe ich immer gewusst, dass ich lesbisch bin. Das erste Mal verliebt habe ich mich mit dreizehn. Damals war ich noch verwirrt, denn meine Gefühle galten einem Mädchen aus der Parallelklasse. Leider hat sie meine Gefühle nicht erwidert - jedenfalls habe ich das vermutet, denn geoutet war ich damals noch nicht. Die ersten sexuellen Erfahrungen habe ich erst mit siebzehn Jahren gesammelt, als ich gemeinsam mit Freundinnen auf einer Party war....

5 years ago
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Danni the Door DollyJordans Surprise part 1 A

Danni fidgeted with the collar of her shirt and wondered once again how she'd let herself be talked into this,her plans for a weekend of clubbing and partying in London had fell apart when Julie had answered the door to her flat wrapped in a blanket looking like death warmed up. "Oh Danni I'm sorry I tried ringing you to cancel but couldn't get an answer" Julie explained through coughs and sniffles as they sat on her couch drinking tea. "It's ok babe" said Danni "It's not your fault I should...

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I was 15 when all this happend. It was a normal day of school. But something happend in the afternoon. I was walking down the hallway until six of these dumb jocks I hate came up to me and started picking on me. There names were Casey (he was kinda fat), Jake, Aey Jay, Taylor, and Josh. They called me gay, fag, queer and a other names. I said why do you guys pick on me so much? I have done nothing to you! They just said get the fuck outta here you fucking queer! I was so mad when...

3 years ago
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My neighbour aunty

Hi horny site viewers.This is sanjay from hyderabad,29yrs.I like sex stories very much.But I think most of those stories are not true.But this is a true incident in my life and it is a sweet memory.I was deeply attracted by sex when is was studying in degree std.I always fantasy about my neibourhood aunty.Her name is visali.She lives in the ground floor.My family is in 2nd floor.we are living in this flat for more than 10 years.She is a close friend of my mom,since they both are housewifes.They...

4 years ago
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Used and Abused

My first experience of being shared was my last for over twenty years. I had been married to my first husband for over fifteen years and we had three kids and to be perfectly honest the only time we had sex was when he wanted it. This was back in the seventies and women didn't have much say in such things then and I just lay back and thought of England as he fucked me till he came. There was no thought for my feelings, I was just a receptacle for his cum. It seemed like every time I came I got...

3 years ago
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Maid Ko Pata Ke Choda 8211 Part II

Hi readers this is Shasha again after my first story this is continuation of my first story. Thanks for your responses and views for the same jab maine sony ko chod ke thanda hua to hum dono paseene se bheeg chuke the aur hanf rahe the. maine uske hotho ko chuma aur bola meri jaan tumne mujhe aaj mast kar diya kash ki main tumhain roz chod pata. wo muskurai aur boli to chodo na maine kaha mana kiya hai. maine kaha aaj tumhari maa nahi aai wo boli maine use mana kar diya hai aur usko bol diya ki...

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Sex With My Married Cousin Shaziya

Hello readers. This is Faraaz, 24 years old from Bangalore. I am working as a software engineer in an MNC. This is the story of how I started my sexual relationship with my married cousin Shaziya who is of my same age. My cousin got married 6 months ago. She is from Chennai and she got settled in Bangalore with her husband who also works in another MNC. To describe my cousin, she is a very beautiful tall girl, that anyone can fall for. I am not someone who lies I got 7 or 8 inch monster, but I...

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WeFuckBlackGirls Anne Amari 11052018

Anne Amari is one horny lady. In fact, Anne is so horny, she’s pushed aside the porno she was jerking off to in order to get some real dick action over at her place!! Listen to this: Anne got online, started looking for “services”, and found a plumber! His picture was in his online ad, and sure enough, Anne loved his looks! The Plumber is tatted-up, and is built with lots of muscles! He’s a white boy, too! All this added up to Anne calling The Plumber to come fix her...

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EvilAngel Paige Owens Interracial Anal And Squirt

Porn princess Paige Owens has one strict rule when it comes to fucking: Only massive dicks get the privilege of drilling her sacred holes! The foul-mouthed sex fiend talks dirty to the camera as she fondles herself, edging her cunt to an intense, squirting orgasm! Paige chokes and drools as she gives Slim Poke a messy blowjob, eager for his big black cock to satisfy her asshole. Her gash gushes with juicy joy through graphic interracial action, and she gags while giving sloppy, ass-to-mouth...

3 years ago
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Terri fucks her supervisor while being watched

My childhood friend Terri has always been something of a flirt. We grew up together despite me being almost eight yeras older. She was (and is) my sister’s best friend, I was kinda’ like the older ‘big brother’ who looked out for the both of them. Before now, however, I never believed that Terri would become involved with a married man. She was married briefly after high school, but that lasted for only a couple of years. At twenty-seven, she’s now an administrative assistant for a large law...

4 years ago
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New Empolyee Orientation with Boss

I am 6' 3", salt and pepper hair, green eyes, and about 220 lbs. I stood there staring at her, smiling, I led her to the sofa and had a seat. She joined me, feeling awkward and timid. We chatted briefly, she kept glancing at my crotch. I caught her staring and she blushed. Are you ready to suck my cock? I asked as I leaned back and spread my legs a bit. She hesitated then she nodded yes and got down on her knees in front of me. I undid my belt then my fly, pulling down my pants. She...

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Gift From The FutureChapter 4

He started to fix the coffee. She was so intent on seeing what he was doing that she was always in his way. He turned and bumped into her and spilled the coffee grounds all over the floor. The fact that she was totally nude did little to help him. He cleaned up the mess and waited for the coffee to finish brewing. He saw her staring at him, "Would you like something to eat? I have no idea what your people eat, but I'm sure I have something that you'll like." "Where do you store the...

1 year ago
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Sunday Morning

For a tantalizing second it hung, suspended by the tiniest thread, a perfect teardrop, before dropping, glistening orange-amber in the morning sun. Just a second later, it splashed against tanned skin, rivulets spreading over the dark brown of a hardening nipple. I giggled and lunged forward, sucking the piece of mango out of your fingers. It was Sunday morning. Sunlight streamed through the windows and across the bed. Sunday papers were spread out amongst the rumpled sheets and our naked...

3 years ago
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Dozen Red Roses Surprise

Her face started to tingle as she felt my warm breath and soft lips on her face. As I shut the door she went to the kitchen to place the roses in a vase asking me, "How long are you going to be here?" I replied "I don’t know. I only bought a one-way ticket." Her heart dropped as I said that. Could John be the one she thought? John had traveled hundreds of miles just to see her for the first time. How did she find such a sweet romantic guy like him? Could this be true love? As all of...

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Fuck Club

Me and several of my friends have formed a club we call !! Fuck Club !!. My name is Joe and the club was my idea. There are two other white guys in the club, Ron and Jim. And we have three black guys in our club, Jack, Jake, and Wilson. We have three girls in our club also, Heather, Cathy, and Sue. To be in the club you have to have at an eight inch cock or be a girl. We meet once every three months and set our "Target" and select teams. When we meet we also watch video of the teams hitting...

4 years ago
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Convincing Mother

The incident that triggered it occurred in our home one day when my mother returned from work early. We were in the process of packing to move out to her brother’s place a couple of states away, just my mother and me. My two younger brothers had already gone with my uncle, a week or so earlier, and we had planned to spend a couple of weeks packing stuff up and drive out there later with a U-haul trailer. Dammit, she normally parked in front of the house, where we would have heard her pull up...

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Nagpur Netizen 8211 Part 2 Jungle Fun

Hi, I am Rohan 29 years old, 5.10 ht, a little dark, slim guy with a 7″ cock. Thanks for your lovely comments for appreciating my true story with Rohini. About Rohini, she is 5.6 tall, her figure as per her 34-30-33. After we had our theater fun, we were eager and excited to go to the next level. As days passed we got hornier. And also free to have oral fun even in public places if we got some chance. We love to go for long drives and prefer night time so that the ride gets more steamy. So days...

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Maddie the Babysitting Slut Chapter 1 Dream Job Lost

I know the themes in this story are not going to be for everyone, taboo, and morally wrong. I am not saying that they are mine or hers but this is what came from our chats. I was highly encouraged to edit our talks together and post them in story form here on XNXX. Each story will have set up but you can scroll to the good parts quite easily. But since these chats were not meant to be stories, there will be gaps, especially in the beginning where transitions should occur. All people involved...

4 years ago
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When It All Started For Louise

I was waiting to see my lawyer, Jessica. They called my name. I was sent in and sat down. We talked about my case for a while I noticed she was looking down my top. She asked me to come to her side of the desk, there is a huge amount of papers to sign, as I did the signing, I noticed her looking at me, I felt a little tingle. Now I’m 22 and I would say sexy, I’m bi-curious, she is gorgeous and a very well dressed 23, a certain amount of seductiveness about her. The sun coming in on her face...

3 years ago
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Anaacutes ruined sweet cunt

That late afternoon I was leaving my office, when I received a call form Ana. My sweet wife asked me not to hurry up, or I would find someone else in our marital bed.I smiled and asked her who was the lucky bastard, but Ana replied it was a secret…When I pulled in our driveway, I recognized Anita`s cousin car.I had known Noelia for many years, since my marriage to Ana. She was a very sweet girl, polite and well educated, younger than us. I had never imagined she would be able to fuck my sexy...

2 years ago
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The Team Mascot Ch 7

Movement from the bed to the blind was a blissful blur. I was looking at the morning sky our driver introduced himself,"I am John Deer Antler.". His native features were framed by his long black braids. I rested against Ben on our way into the blind to help me regain strength for the rest of the day. When we arrived at the cabin Ben and John hauled our equipment and supplies into the building. The two of them were talking in the back of the cabin as I settled into one of the chairs and...

3 years ago
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One day that changed my life

Every day I would wear a black short skirt and a white buttoned shirt which was always a long sleeve. I've always had a thing for uniforms even though my school didn't have any. Well, I guess the boys seemed to like it but that didn't seem to bother me. There was this shy guy in my History class, an average 6 or 7, he really had a thing for me and he would always sit next to and by now we were inseparable and he always looked forward to me sitting there. One day, I was really horny that I could...

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The Legacy Of PriamChapter 2 Coffee On The Quay

Freddie took a slow amble into the port of Agoras. He followed the dusty road that wound from the east of the island. It took him down from his villa, across the small valley where he'd first seen the girls and then staggered around the final bay into the clutter of white painted houses that was the island's only real town. It was a quiet walk for the most part. It was early in the year. Later there might be the occasional tourist revving their way past on one of the barely functional...

4 years ago
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Owners Dirty Slut

Sun poured in through the windows as the afternoon rolled on. iwas content and comfortable in my place on the floor, nestledbetween Owner's legs as He sat in His chair, His fingers idlytwined in my hair as He randomly would pull, or shift my headthrough the motion of His hand. The show was something i was onlywatching with half of my attention on it, so relaxed was i on thisSaturday afternoon.clicki blink, startled as He turns off the television and i look upslightly. With that slow smile that...

3 years ago
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My New Apartment Manager

My New Apartment Manager(Fantasy Story)It had been several months since I moved away from that small town. It was hard moving to a city with so much population but it was an opportunity to meet and hang out with more people. I had become really good at dressing up and fantasizing about meeting new people, but was becoming more and more restless of not having a regular, daily thing with someone.I began fantasizing about being with my apartment manager. He was always friendly when he came over...

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Twister with a Twist

My name is Amanda and this is the story of the most exciting night of my life. I’m 18 and about to graduate high school, so four of my friends and I planned one last party before we all go off to college. We had the slumber party last night and it was nothing like what I expected. First I’ll tell you who was there: there was me, a 5 foot 6 inch blonde with hazel eyes and 32 C tits. I’m mostly a good girl, I get good grades and I’ve been on a few dates with boys from school, but I’ve never done...

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The Breeding of Melissa

She was always meticulous, took great care of herself and those she loved and cared about. She had beautiful red hair and her body was what dreams are made of. Full and ample breasts with bright pink nipples, her lower abdomen had just the right amount of fat on it, her ass was round yet firm and when she walked her cheeks wiggled and moved in such a way, that any guy watching her would get a massive hard on. We had been married for three years and every time we fucked it was better and better....

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Maiden of Rome2Chapter 9

The Emperor didn't fool anyone. Not his close advisors, his wife Poppea, the Praetoriun Guard, nor the people of Rome. Penelope was the very first to guess that he was behind the fire that destroyed the center of the city followed by the others. Both Lucius and Agrippa felt betrayed. They were the first to hear the grumblings of other men of the Guard who lost everything. Family, house, and the meager belongings they had. The men were always promptly paid by Nero but that was for his own...

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The Poolside Question I Was Not Expecting Part 1

I met Jeannie just a few weeks after I first met her mother Kathy. Kathy and I met through some mutual friends and hit it off immediately. Over a few too many drinks one night we realized that we were both bisexual and we were also quick to admit that we were attracted to one another. One thing led to another and for the last five years, Kathy and I have been lovers. We both have our own lives, me and my husband and she and her boyfriends, but we get together, just the two of us, every once in...

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For My Master

I struggle a little, testing my bonds. An almost silent whimper escapes my lips as the realization that my limbs are not going move sets in. The air surrounding me in the quiet room is cool. From somewhere a soft breeze bathes my naked skin, causing goose bumps to raise along my sweat damp body. I arch my back some, continuing to test my restraints. What was that? I raise my head, straining my ears. Has Sir finally returned? It seems like ages since you left me here saying you'd be right back....

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Sharons Journey Part 4 A Good Year

Sharon's Journey Part IV - A Good Year Sharon groaned - the doorbell had just rung and she was in the middle of scrubbing the bathroom. Her hair was clipped loosely up in a bun, and despite the dreary winter weather outside, because it was a heavy cleaning day, she was wearing black leggings, a pink tee shirt and black ballet flats. The blast of cold air as she opened the door made her shiver, and she let Julie in quickly so they could both get back into the warm apartment. "Oh,...

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RuneswardChapter 63 Ground Forces

Radu stopped outside the chamber, his hand coming to rest on the sill of a window. For a moment, he reflected on the beauty of the stained glass. Its theme was a simple hunt, with a bowman, his dog at his side caught in the middle of a bark, and his arrow pointed at a distant deer. It was an uncomplicated scene and Radu had always enjoyed looking at it. It was a picture of a simple, joyful moment caught in glass. A simple scene for simpler times. Sadly, the simpler times were fading...

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Ann AccidentWhy had she waited so long, Anna wondered as she jogged down the hall, slowing to a fast walk when she saw other girls coming in and out of classrooms, trying to look normal. On any normal day she would have just gone when she needed to, before it became a problem— but today had been different. Leave it to Mr. Toba to show an interesting movie for once in his pathetic little life, she thought, cursing him as she passed the door to the vice principal’s office. ?Where are you off to...

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