Punished by the in Laws Again
- 3 years ago
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The Photograph
This story is all a reaction to a photograph I saw in National Geographic Magazine. Sometime in the 1980 NG did an an article on modern Japan. The purpose of the shot was to illustrate how the impact of population density and the scarcity of open land impacts the society. It showed two women in formal equestrian attire seated atop mechanical horses on front of a large projector television. The shot featured the mechanical equines with the image of a green leafy bridal path on the giant screen. Both riders were styling in snug jodhpurs, or perhaps just tights, and tall black riding boots. The horses were partly realistic and partly abstract. Not intended to be photographically realistic, they were 3-D and generally horse shaped in all the places that would be in the rider's field of view. That is: the head, neck, shoulder, even the flanks and rump were of proper shape and size and covered with a carpet-like hide, while the bottom of them, the area of the legs was purely functional, with an enclosed mechanism that allowed the horse move and mimic the gaits of a live horse. The riders, two attractive Japanese women that looked to be in their late twenties, quite obviously knew they were on camera. Both sported wide happy ad-agency smiles. The caption said that since land to dedicate to horses was rare, these equestriennes in training would practice indoors before graduating to live mounts. The rider?s attire was a but over the top, overly stylized and mildly suggestive. One rider in mid gait had lifter her athletic looking bottom a few inches above the saddle. Her tan jodhpur slacks looked like they were painted on. Very nice.
The rest of he story is sheer fancy.
The Agency
There is a somewhat obscure civil agency in Japan, and its name is very difficult for me to pronounce. A qusi-branch of the criminal justice system, this agency is dedicated to some non-traditional forms the punishment for men who have committed violent crimes against women. Men accused of assaulting women, whether acquaintances or strangers, are sometimes permitted to forego the humiliation of public prosecution, and jail, by permitting corporal punishment to be inflicted upon them by women who themselves has been assaulted, beaten, or robbed. The men under sentence know that the woman doling out the punishment is not the same woman that they attached and injured. The women who carry out the punishment and the men receiving it are matched at random and all remain anonymous. Sometimes the men get more than they bargained for. Policewomen oversee the punishment, and they have on occasion looked on and allowed a woman to inflict lasting injuries.
Corruption in the System
It has become increasingly commonplace to assign this form of sentencing to non-Japanese criminals, especially those from illegal immigrants from poor countries. Often this is done without the accused man?s consent. Foreign criminals are not afforded the rights of a Japanese citizen, and often they do not appear in public court. They are transferred into this program and receive often-brutal corporal punishment inflicted by a random Japanese woman. After the punishment they are summarily deported.
The agency?s location and charter have been a poorly kept secret for many years. While none of this ever hits the public media, there are many stories about it in circulation. If you know a Japanese woman who was the victim of violent crime, you might ask he if she has heard of this story. Chances are that she will smile shyly and say no, but you might just catch a naughty twinkle in her eye. But there have been stories of well-placed women, women with high social status and power, who arrange to visit the agency and being permitted to inflict severe corporal punishment simply for the thrill. If you visit the right discoth?que or women?s spa, you might hear rumors that a woman with connections can pay a visit for the right price.
The Protagonists
The big black Lexus pulls into a huge multi-story parking garage, after a time the driver manages to find a space. Two Japanese women in well tailored business suite step out and hoist large gym bags from the rear seat. They walk to a door where a uniformed guard stops them. The women offer him some sort of cards. He checks his clipboard, and admits them with a perfunctory bow. One of the women, Koihime, is older, perhaps even a well-preserved 50. She is an officer in a Tokyo law firm that specializes in gutting out failing businesses. And while she is a well-shaped and attractive woman, her demeanor is overtly businesslike: cool, rarely smiling, uncompromising, even a bit cruel. It is easy to imagine Koihime foreclosing on a company, throwing the employees out of work with a slight smile. Accompanying is her prot?g?, Satomi, a younger woman of perhaps 30. Satomi is taller and heavier than her boss, but in a way that some would still find pleasing to the eye. Satomi had been blessed with a very pretty face and big brown almond shaped eyes. These are the sort of eyes a Japanese would be proud of, and never ?westernize?. And unlike he boss, Satomi tends to make eye contact with everyone, giving him or her a disarming smile. But appearances can be deceiving. Like her boss, Satomi is all about money and power. The women had met professionally several years earlier. Both came from influential Japanese families, both shared a ultra conservative politics, and both seems to be more interested in business than in finding a man. The older woman had taken the younger under her wing and was instructing her in the ways of power and how to manipulate people, especially men. The younger woman has taken the lessons to heart and has become every bit as ruthless as her boss.
The Man
The young man had come to Tokyo from the streets of Manila to work in the construction trade. But plans fell through and he lost his job. Still, he opted to remain in Japan, quite illegally, and pursue his own fortunes. But the Japanese society is not merely homogeneous, but often outright xenophobic. And being of very particularly dark completion, and speaking very little Japanese, (understanding only a little the working class dialect, and only when spoken slowly) he never did catch up with any of those imagined fortunes. He had in fact gotten the distinct impression that the Japanese didn?t like him. He also discovered that he didn?t especially like them either.? Things went from desperate to worse. He fell in with a rough street crowd, most disenfranchised illegal emigrants, and soon he took to snatching the handbags of wealthy-looking women. Sometimes when the women didn?t let go, he punched them hard in the face. It always worked. He was very fast; within half a block he had the cash and credit cards, and sometimes the car keys out. The purse went into a dustbin. And it felt good to smack a smug looking Japanese bitch in the face. After a time he became even bolder and more confident, until one day he grabbed the wrong purse. This 20 something woman in business attire didn?t let go. So like with all the others, he spun and punched her in sharply the nose, breaking it. The blood ran, but she still didn?t let go. So he kicked her hard in the shin. But she still gripped her purse firmly. Then instead of running, he decided that she needed to be taught a lesson, and so he began hitting her again and again. It was about this time that her two female companions began kicking him both high and low and delivering other skillful martial arts blows. He went down on his knees, and they began to take turns kicking the stuffing out of him. He was lucky the policeman came when he did, even though the bastard just stood and watched him take a beating for a while before interceding. He spent two days in the police infirmary. Being a foreigner and faced with the testimony of unimpeachably Japanese eyewitnesses, he opted to plead guilty in exchange for an alternate sentence of some kind followed by deportation.
Algo ex Machina.
Now he finds himself bound hand and foot and being shoved along a hallway by three overly enthusiastic policewomen who give him mocking smiles. They seem happy with whatever it is they have in store for him. They own a door and shove him roughly into a small room. The room is overtly ornate looking, with large mirrors on the walls, except for one wall dominated by a huge projector television screen. Is he going to watch something on this TV?? One of the policewomen says something, and a gag in the form of a hard rubber mouthpiece is shoved into his mouth. He resists at first, but a one of the policewomen has gripped his hand in something like set giant plastic nutcrackers, and with a sincere smile, she squeezes them together until she?d very nearly broken the bones. The two other cows fastened the strap on this plug-gag thing around his head, and pulled it very tight. The effect is that he could not breath through his mouth at all much less speak.? The thing is jammed deep into his mouth and hurting. He is puzzled, and oddly alarmed at the odd sight, but this room contains two great life-sized artificial horses standing side by side. They face the big TV screen that takes up nearly all of one wall. The horse are very odd, they have furry carpet-skin, and stylized manes and tails that looked like they were made from yarn. But the horses both have authentic leather saddles strapped across their broad backs. They are mounted atop of some machinery. He guesses that they can mimic the movements of a real horse. Looking notices as well that the room is decorated with paintings of people on horses, like hunters and ladies in black coats. It?s all horses! Horses, horses, horses! What the fuck was this all about? Then clacking like hens the three shove him over to one of these horses, standing him directly behind it. There is the whir of an electric motor one of the horses lifts up, pivoting all the up on its front legs! It whirs to a stop with its nose to the floor, the back legs sticking almost straight up in the air. They shove closer the horse-standing-on-it?s-nose until he is looking right into its hollow plastic gut. Inside the horse?s hollow body is a harness of nylon web. And there?s a hole through the horses back. It hits him: this is where the saddle is!? The hole is through the saddle! There is a hole through the horse and through the saddle! He struggles, but the policewoman cheerfully gives him another prolonged crush with her nutcrackers, while the others shove him into the horse?s belly. Then by pulling and twisting his hair, they force his face up against the opening. Paralyzed in pain from the nutcrackers, he cooperates fully. The web harness is pulled across his back and ass and cinched up until he is wedged tightly inside of the horse. Chattering in business-like tones, the happy policewomen pull the straps even lightener, until his back is arched uncomfortably backwards. A strap is pulled tight against the back of his head, cramming his face even more tightly into the opening. He sees his own face reflected in the dark television screen and the picture is very disturbing: he is looking at the brown leather saddle and his face is in the center of the saddle! Clearly someone was going to sit on that saddle! And, the plug crammed into his mouth! It had a bump, a protuberance that exactly where their crotch might be. The policewomen! All women! All the guards were women!? He was going to be a live dildo for some fat Japanese policewomen! The horse moves again with an electric whir, lowering itself back down onto a more natuaral horse-like posture, standing again on all four legs, and he is now laying flat on his back, looking up an the ceiling. The smirking policewomen are back; standing beside the horse with their faces very close. Giving him a decidedly unfriendly smile one of them says something to him in Japanese, actually several sentences of something, even though she just had to know he didn?t understand a single word. She turns and disappears from view, the lights dim and he is alone, and lying on his back inside a fake horse with is face sticking out a hole in the saddle. Fuck. After a few moments there was a scuffle and feminine laughter. From the sounds it?s clear that someone is being tied inside other horse. Then the room was quiet, except for the soft sound of his neighbor?s nasal breathing. It matches his own.
The Transformation
Koihime and Satomi changed out of their business clothes and into western looking riding attire. Satomi pulls up the snug tights and appraising her backsides in the mirror, she says something that makes them both laugh. White button down blouse and tall black boots complete the outfit. Both now transformed from businesswomen to equestrienne, they leave the changing area and are met by a pretty young policewoman who smiles formally and welcomes them. She hands each of them a small white mask, the kind of costume mask that covers only the eyes, in the style of Zorro?s mask. Grinning, they put the masks on. The pretty young policewoman admires them, telling them that no one will even know who they are. They appraise one another with wide smiles, Koihime asks Satomi if she is ready. She responds with a wide grin, snickers, and nods yes.? The policewoman nods her own approval. Leading them to door, she opens it and ushers them in.
The Punishment
The room is dimly lit, but they can see well enough. The Koihime picks up a sheet of paper. Reading aloud in a sing-song voice, she details what each of the two men has done to land them here. Both women walk to his horse and look down at him. Their faces loom over him, only a few feet above his own. The older woman gives him a menacing smile. The younger one looks down without smiling. Behind her mask are two very Japanese looking brown eyes, and they survey him without revealing her thoughts. The women turn and look down at the other guy, whoever he was. They discussed something for a few moments, followed by the sound of the cracking and creaking sound of saddle leather. By looking out of the corner of his eyes, he can see one of the women has climbed up on the other horse, and is standing up in the saddle. It?s the old one; the mean looking one. So that guy is going first. And he gets the mean old bitch. Sorry about your luck. The other woman was still standing beside his horse; at the edge of his vision he can just barely see her shoulders a dark ponytail. So he gets her. She is younger and prettier and doesn?t seem as mean. The older woman, still standing up on the other horse looks down and says something in a personal tone of voice to the poor saddle-face-bastard beneath her. She laughs shrilly, brushes her hair back, and gives him an absolutely evil grin. She likes it! The bitch really enjoys it! And then, bending at the knee, she ever-so-slowly lowers herself down onto the saddle. The helpless face under inhales with a series of deep nasal breaths. The breaths rise to a panicked crescendo and then abruptly end. She is sitting. She says something to him, or perhaps only about him, him again in that mocking evil bitch voice. Both women laugh.
The younger woman turns back and faces him now. She grabs the rubber nub sticking up out of his mouth plug and shakes it back and forth, and saying something that she finds so humorous that she snorts a nervous laugh. Continuing her one sided discussion, she pinches his nose very hard, punching his nostrils together and holding them shut. Smiling broadly, she continues the one-sided discussion, yanking on his nose back and forth to drive home her point. He?s getting frightened. He needs to take a breath. He?s starting to feel a burning in his lungs but she continues to pinch his nose tightly shut. There was no way to get a breath through his mouth; the plug was absolutely airtight. He looks up and they made eye contact. He wanted to cry out that he needed air, but all he could do was make an animal grunt. At this she giggled girlishly and said something through her laughter. Suddenly her expression was angry. She gave his nose a violent twist and let go. He gasped in air through his nostrils. Her expression is back to unsmiling and hard to read.
She takes hold of the saddle with both hands and looks down. The horse shits a little as she puts her weight in the stirrup. The saddle leather is creaking and pulling against his face. Then the woman rises up over him and swings a tall riding boot over his face, slipping it into the other stirrup. She stands in the stirrups over him and he is looking up the length of her back: from her butt up all the way up to her shoulders, even a fleeting glimpse of her dancing ponytail. But it was the tan jodhpur-like tights stretched across her broad backsides that dominated his view. He considers how completely helpless he is and another shiver runs down his spine. The woman leans back in the stirrups, passing the crotch of her jodhpurs across his face. Looking down at him, she gives him a mocking smile. He looks back, desperate to make direct eye contact, to communicate, trying to use his eyes to plead with her. She meets his gaze just as directly; her smile broadens into a wide grin. She expression seems even more menacing because of the their postures, her peering down at him, exadurating her neck and chin and the openings of her nostrils. She straightens back up so that he is again looking past the curves of her big butt and up at her back. Then she says something, just a short utterance, and with that announcement she sat down. Just sat! Like he wasn?t there! The seat of her jodhpurs suddenly stretched even tighter, and her butt spread out even broader, and then it was dark.? She just sat down. Hard! It was surprisingly painful! Her butt had seems broad and even bit fleshy and he had hoped it would be soft. But instead it was remarkably muscular, hard and unyielding. Her pelvic bones were jammed right into his eyes, cramming them deep into the eye sockets till he was seeing colors, and his nose was being very painfully smashed as well. She just on him at first, but she wasn?t sitting still. She was moving her hip and shifting around while talking to her friend in an excited high-pitched voice. Each little movement was adding another sharpe stab of pain. And now his lungs are beginning to burn from the lack of air. He can feel the panic nearing. She stopped moving and now both of them were talking. He began to have spasms of panic! What if she doesn?t understand how desperate I am! Or what if she doesn?t care! ! He was dying and there wasn?t any thing he could do! She shifted forward, rolling her hips, and pressed her crotch down on the mouth plug, smashing it down on his teeth and pinching his lips to his teeth till they burned like fire. Some of the weight was off of his nose; he tried to pull in some air! She lifted her bottom even more till he was just able to drag some air in through and his nostrils. His breaths were long a labored and the inhalations made a loud sniffing sound. Laughter. The smell is bad! It?s just like he was afraid it would be! It was a think overwhelming musky odor, it was a bit like the smell of peanut butter, but strong. And he had to keep breathing it, and smelling her ass; he had to. The woman seemed to be enjoying it, too. She made an ?mmmmmm? sound and laughed when inhaling her smell. Everything hurt, his lips were on fire and his eyes hurt, and his nose was being smashed down until it felt like it might even be broken. But it was also that she was sitting on him. It was humiliating; it angered him and frightened him in a way that made him feel completely powerless. This woman just sat on him like an object, like sitting on a chair. For her it was nearly effortless. He was completely helpless, unable even to plead! He knew she hated him, because of what he had done to other Japanese women, and also because he was Philippine. She was a rich woman, he was sure of that; the clothes and the props were all designed to rub it in. She had never know what it meant to be poor, to be vulnerable. She would never know it. She would never imagine it. And she didn?t care. She just sat on him, put her stink on him and laughed about it.
He hears both women talking, chattering to one another with cheerful a high-pitched voices. The horse begins to move and horse hoof noises come from a speaker somewhere under the machine. The woman is rolling her hips back and forth to match the motion of the saddle, and every ten or twenty seconds she makes an effort to roll her hips forward and lift her bottom off his face. These are his only opportunities to get a breath, even if it does mean inhaling her ass smell. When she sits again, he is unable to breath at all. She leaves him in this predicament until the pain and the panic are very strong. Then once again she rolls forward and lets him smell her ass with a series of deeps sniffs. Its obviously that she is deliberately making him smell her ass. She wriggles her crotch against the rubber thing in his mouth and shifts her bottom around until she feels his nose. She shifts he bottom so his nose is pressed up into her ass crack. Then she traps him like that and he has to struggle to inhale through his nose. Sometimes she talks to him when she does this; other times she is silent. Now the horse is moving differently, moving up and down and more forcefully. The sound changes too. The horse is trotting. There is a wave of pain every time the horse goes up, since he is lifting her weight with his face. She uses her legs to stay up and only meet the horse with her bottom with every other thrust. This is better for breathing, but it hurts every time she comes down in the saddle. This trotting goes on for a long time. Sometimes she misses the beat, and this is worse yet. She lands harder than ever and then bounces hard, boom-boom-boom, with the motion of the horse. She finds the every-other-step rhythm again after a few bounces, unless she starts to laugh. When she laughs, she looses the rhythm and bounces on him again and again, very hard. Sometimes this makes the other woman laugh at her. If this makes her laugh, too, then it takes her longer to find get the rhythm again. The movement changes again, and he knows the horses are running by the classic 1-2-3 rhythm of the hoofs. The movement is easier for the rider to master, and she falls back on him less often. Both horses are running and the riders are getting an aerobic workout, their words now clipped and breathy. They go on and on like this, until long after he is seeing stars. The pain in mouth and cheeks of different now, unrelenting, and he is in fear that there may be pertinent damage, broken bones or damage to his eyesight. How long will the punishment go on? His greatest fear is that the women may not understand the incredible harshness of what they are doing. He grunts and screams against the plug in his mouth, but the sound is not very loud and it makes him ache to breathe even more. What if they don?t understand what is happening to him? He might even be killed soon!
Suddenly his rider is stopping her mount: it slows from running, trots for a bit, and then resumes the slow walking motion. The riders are talking: the woman sitting on him says something to the other, and she respond with shrill laugher. The woman sits back on her bottom: his breathing is cut off; her pelvic bones are smashing his eyeballs every time she bounces. She is speaking to him now, or speaking at him, since she knows that he can?t understand her language. But she goes on talking. Then she leans forward and raises her bottom off of his eyes. He is grateful to trade the deep and frightening pain in he eyes for the aching mouth pain, and also to get a breath. She farts; a short deep rumble, and being so close it is unexpectedly loud! He is shocked; instantly overwhelmed with anger and shame. The woman punctuates her fart with an exaggerated sigh of relief; this elicits a shrill giggle from the other rider. Then the smell hit: a overwhelmingly sour smell, like kim che or rotting vegetables, and very strong. Gasping in revulsion he holds his breath for a few seconds. But only a few seconds, and then with every sniffy nasal inhalation his nose is filled with her nasty stink. All the while they are talking about him, mocking him and laughing. She leans forward and farts on him again. It?s not as loud this time, but it goes on longer. Both of the women are convulsing with laughter; their voices shrill and excited. The sour smell is sharp again. Overcome with laugher, the woman lets herself drop on so hard that he sees stars. She leans back till her pelvic bones are jammed into his eye sockets; her bouncing convulsive laughter sends intense stabs of pain throughout his head. He is starved for air and his eyes are seeing flashes of color from having her butt cheeks jammed into them.
The laugher subsides and she makes the horse go faster again, and again she is bouncing her butt on him with no apparent concern. He is very frightened that she may be bashing him to death, perhaps deliberately, perhaps merely negligently. But the fear is strong; he knows she if she kills him, there will be no penalty, no retribution. It is difficult to time his breathing to her rhythm, and he can feel the growing panic. She has her horse in a slow canter now, and she leans forward on her crotch, driving the plug down into his lower jaw. She says something over and over; her voice deep and breathless with a pending orgasm. She is ramming her crotch down his throat, and he can both feel and hear something tearing deep in his jaw. She rips another little fart, but after a quick throaty laugh she goes back to breaking his jaw with her orgasm.
He wakes up in the infirmary, his wrists strapped to the bed?s steel rails. He jaw is broken, but it is more minor than he had imagined. It will heal. As will his broken nose. But the nose is now permanently altered, pug shaped and pressed over to the left. His facial bones had required x-ray. But despite the intense purple bruising, no significant damage was seen. The intense tenderness and the unrelenting headaches began to subside after a few days.
Koihime and Satomi drive away in Satomi?s Lexus. They left Tokyo drive directly to an expensive resort in the mountains, where among other activities featured there, they rode real horses.
The man was declared persona non-grata and after a few days they put him on a plane bound for the Philippines. People at the airport stared at him, standing there between the two bored policewomen. Many wincing at the sight of his battered swollen face, and at his blooded eyes within the mask of purple bruises. But others smiled. At the airport he was taken to the immigration counter. A Japanese bureaucrat was stamping and signing his papers without speaking. He was taken to another room, where a pretty young Philippine woman in uniform stamped his documents again. She finished and handed them to him, and their eyes met briefly. Her mouth curved into an ornery smirk. ?I see you got into some sort of trouble during your stay in Japan.? It seems more like a statement than a question. Then she made a sound like a horse?s snort and smiled.??
The Photograph
This story is all a reaction to a photograph I saw in National Geographic Magazine. Sometime in the 1980 NG did an an article on modern Japan. The purpose of the shot was to illustrate how the impact of population density and the scarcity of open land impacts the society. It showed two women in formal equestrian attire seated atop mechanical horses on front of a large projector television. The shot featured the mechanical equines with the image of a green leafy bridal path on the giant screen. Both riders were styling in snug jodhpurs, or perhaps just tights, and tall black riding boots. The horses were partly realistic and partly abstract. Not intended to be photographically realistic, they were 3-D and generally horse shaped in all the places that would be in the rider's field of view. That is: the head, neck, shoulder, even the flanks and rump were of proper shape and size and covered with a carpet-like hide, while the bottom of them, the area of the legs was purely functional, with an enclosed mechanism that allowed the horse move and mimic the gaits of a live horse. The riders, two attractive Japanese women that looked to be in their late twenties, quite obviously knew they were on camera. Both sported wide happy ad-agency smiles. The caption said that since land to dedicate to horses was rare, these equestriennes in training would practice indoors before graduating to live mounts. The rider?s attire was a but over the top, overly stylized and mildly suggestive. One rider in mid gait had lifter her athletic looking bottom a few inches above the saddle. Her tan jodhpur slacks looked like they were painted on. Very nice.
The rest of he story is sheer fancy.
The Agency
There is a somewhat obscure civil agency in Japan, and its name is very difficult for me to pronounce. A qusi-branch of the criminal justice system, this agency is dedicated to some non-traditional forms the punishment for men who have committed violent crimes against women. Men accused of assaulting women, whether acquaintances or strangers, are sometimes permitted to forego the humiliation of public prosecution, and jail, by permitting corporal punishment to be inflicted upon them by women who themselves has been assaulted, beaten, or robbed. The men under sentence know that the woman doling out the punishment is not the same woman that they attached and injured. The women who carry out the punishment and the men receiving it are matched at random and all remain anonymous. Sometimes the men get more than they bargained for. Policewomen oversee the punishment, and they have on occasion looked on and allowed a woman to inflict lasting injuries.
Corruption in the System
It has become increasingly commonplace to assign this form of sentencing to non-Japanese criminals, especially those from illegal immigrants from poor countries. Often this is done without the accused man?s consent. Foreign criminals are not afforded the rights of a Japanese citizen, and often they do not appear in public court. They are transferred into this program and receive often-brutal corporal punishment inflicted by a random Japanese woman. After the punishment they are summarily deported.
The agency?s location and charter have been a poorly kept secret for many years. While none of this ever hits the public media, there are many stories about it in circulation. If you know a Japanese woman who was the victim of violent crime, you might ask he if she has heard of this story. Chances are that she will smile shyly and say no, but you might just catch a naughty twinkle in her eye. But there have been stories of well-placed women, women with high social status and power, who arrange to visit the agency and being permitted to inflict severe corporal punishment simply for the thrill. If you visit the right discoth?que or women?s spa, you might hear rumors that a woman with connections can pay a visit for the right price.
The Protagonists
The big black Lexus pulls into a huge multi-story parking garage, after a time the driver manages to find a space. Two Japanese women in well tailored business suite step out and hoist large gym bags from the rear seat. They walk to a door where a uniformed guard stops them. The women offer him some sort of cards. He checks his clipboard, and admits them with a perfunctory bow. One of the women, Koihime, is older, perhaps even a well-preserved 50. She is an officer in a Tokyo law firm that specializes in gutting out failing businesses. And while she is a well-shaped and attractive woman, her demeanor is overtly businesslike: cool, rarely smiling, uncompromising, even a bit cruel. It is easy to imagine Koihime foreclosing on a company, throwing the employees out of work with a slight smile. Accompanying is her prot?g?, Satomi, a younger woman of perhaps 30. Satomi is taller and heavier than her boss, but in a way that some would still find pleasing to the eye. Satomi had been blessed with a very pretty face and big brown almond shaped eyes. These are the sort of eyes a Japanese would be proud of, and never ?westernize?. And unlike he boss, Satomi tends to make eye contact with everyone, giving him or her a disarming smile. But appearances can be deceiving. Like her boss, Satomi is all about money and power. The women had met professionally several years earlier. Both came from influential Japanese families, both shared a ultra conservative politics, and both seems to be more interested in business than in finding a man. The older woman had taken the younger under her wing and was instructing her in the ways of power and how to manipulate people, especially men. The younger woman has taken the lessons to heart and has become every bit as ruthless as her boss.
The Man
The young man had come to Tokyo from the streets of Manila to work in the construction trade. But plans fell through and he lost his job. Still, he opted to remain in Japan, quite illegally, and pursue his own fortunes. But the Japanese society is not merely homogeneous, but often outright xenophobic. And being of very particularly dark completion, and speaking very little Japanese, (understanding only a little the working class dialect, and only when spoken slowly) he never did catch up with any of those imagined fortunes. He had in fact gotten the distinct impression that the Japanese didn?t like him. He also discovered that he didn?t especially like them either.? Things went from desperate to worse. He fell in with a rough street crowd, most disenfranchised illegal emigrants, and soon he took to snatching the handbags of wealthy-looking women. Sometimes when the women didn?t let go, he punched them hard in the face. It always worked. He was very fast; within half a block he had the cash and credit cards, and sometimes the car keys out. The purse went into a dustbin. And it felt good to smack a smug looking Japanese bitch in the face. After a time he became even bolder and more confident, until one day he grabbed the wrong purse. This 20 something woman in business attire didn?t let go. So like with all the others, he spun and punched her in sharply the nose, breaking it. The blood ran, but she still didn?t let go. So he kicked her hard in the shin. But she still gripped her purse firmly. Then instead of running, he decided that she needed to be taught a lesson, and so he began hitting her again and again. It was about this time that her two female companions began kicking him both high and low and delivering other skillful martial arts blows. He went down on his knees, and they began to take turns kicking the stuffing out of him. He was lucky the policeman came when he did, even though the bastard just stood and watched him take a beating for a while before interceding. He spent two days in the police infirmary. Being a foreigner and faced with the testimony of unimpeachably Japanese eyewitnesses, he opted to plead guilty in exchange for an alternate sentence of some kind followed by deportation.
Algo ex Machina.
Now he finds himself bound hand and foot and being shoved along a hallway by three overly enthusiastic policewomen who give him mocking smiles. They seem happy with whatever it is they have in store for him. They own a door and shove him roughly into a small room. The room is overtly ornate looking, with large mirrors on the walls, except for one wall dominated by a huge projector television screen. Is he going to watch something on this TV?? One of the policewomen says something, and a gag in the form of a hard rubber mouthpiece is shoved into his mouth. He resists at first, but a one of the policewomen has gripped his hand in something like set giant plastic nutcrackers, and with a sincere smile, she squeezes them together until she?d very nearly broken the bones. The two other cows fastened the strap on this plug-gag thing around his head, and pulled it very tight. The effect is that he could not breath through his mouth at all much less speak.? The thing is jammed deep into his mouth and hurting. He is puzzled, and oddly alarmed at the odd sight, but this room contains two great life-sized artificial horses standing side by side. They face the big TV screen that takes up nearly all of one wall. The horse are very odd, they have furry carpet-skin, and stylized manes and tails that looked like they were made from yarn. But the horses both have authentic leather saddles strapped across their broad backs. They are mounted atop of some machinery. He guesses that they can mimic the movements of a real horse. Looking notices as well that the room is decorated with paintings of people on horses, like hunters and ladies in black coats. It?s all horses! Horses, horses, horses! What the fuck was this all about? Then clacking like hens the three shove him over to one of these horses, standing him directly behind it. There is the whir of an electric motor one of the horses lifts up, pivoting all the up on its front legs! It whirs to a stop with its nose to the floor, the back legs sticking almost straight up in the air. They shove closer the horse-standing-on-it?s-nose until he is looking right into its hollow plastic gut. Inside the horse?s hollow body is a harness of nylon web. And there?s a hole through the horses back. It hits him: this is where the saddle is!? The hole is through the saddle! There is a hole through the horse and through the saddle! He struggles, but the policewoman cheerfully gives him another prolonged crush with her nutcrackers, while the others shove him into the horse?s belly. Then by pulling and twisting his hair, they force his face up against the opening. Paralyzed in pain from the nutcrackers, he cooperates fully. The web harness is pulled across his back and ass and cinched up until he is wedged tightly inside of the horse. Chattering in business-like tones, the happy policewomen pull the straps even lightener, until his back is arched uncomfortably backwards. A strap is pulled tight against the back of his head, cramming his face even more tightly into the opening. He sees his own face reflected in the dark television screen and the picture is very disturbing: he is looking at the brown leather saddle and his face is in the center of the saddle! Clearly someone was going to sit on that saddle! And, the plug crammed into his mouth! It had a bump, a protuberance that exactly where their crotch might be. The policewomen! All women! All the guards were women!? He was going to be a live dildo for some fat Japanese policewomen! The horse moves again with an electric whir, lowering itself back down onto a more natuaral horse-like posture, standing again on all four legs, and he is now laying flat on his back, looking up an the ceiling. The smirking policewomen are back; standing beside the horse with their faces very close. Giving him a decidedly unfriendly smile one of them says something to him in Japanese, actually several sentences of something, even though she just had to know he didn?t understand a single word. She turns and disappears from view, the lights dim and he is alone, and lying on his back inside a fake horse with is face sticking out a hole in the saddle. Fuck. After a few moments there was a scuffle and feminine laughter. From the sounds it?s clear that someone is being tied inside other horse. Then the room was quiet, except for the soft sound of his neighbor?s nasal breathing. It matches his own.
The Transformation
Koihime and Satomi changed out of their business clothes and into western looking riding attire. Satomi pulls up the snug tights and appraising her backsides in the mirror, she says something that makes them both laugh. White button down blouse and tall black boots complete the outfit. Both now transformed from businesswomen to equestrienne, they leave the changing area and are met by a pretty young policewoman who smiles formally and welcomes them. She hands each of them a small white mask, the kind of costume mask that covers only the eyes, in the style of Zorro?s mask. Grinning, they put the masks on. The pretty young policewoman admires them, telling them that no one will even know who they are. They appraise one another with wide smiles, Koihime asks Satomi if she is ready. She responds with a wide grin, snickers, and nods yes.? The policewoman nods her own approval. Leading them to door, she opens it and ushers them in.
The Punishment
The room is dimly lit, but they can see well enough. The Koihime picks up a sheet of paper. Reading aloud in a sing-song voice, she details what each of the two men has done to land them here. Both women walk to his horse and look down at him. Their faces loom over him, only a few feet above his own. The older woman gives him a menacing smile. The younger one looks down without smiling. Behind her mask are two very Japanese looking brown eyes, and they survey him without revealing her thoughts. The women turn and look down at the other guy, whoever he was. They discussed something for a few moments, followed by the sound of the cracking and creaking sound of saddle leather. By looking out of the corner of his eyes, he can see one of the women has climbed up on the other horse, and is standing up in the saddle. It?s the old one; the mean looking one. So that guy is going first. And he gets the mean old bitch. Sorry about your luck. The other woman was still standing beside his horse; at the edge of his vision he can just barely see her shoulders a dark ponytail. So he gets her. She is younger and prettier and doesn?t seem as mean. The older woman, still standing up on the other horse looks down and says something in a personal tone of voice to the poor saddle-face-bastard beneath her. She laughs shrilly, brushes her hair back, and gives him an absolutely evil grin. She likes it! The bitch really enjoys it! And then, bending at the knee, she ever-so-slowly lowers herself down onto the saddle. The helpless face under inhales with a series of deep nasal breaths. The breaths rise to a panicked crescendo and then abruptly end. She is sitting. She says something to him, or perhaps only about him, him again in that mocking evil bitch voice. Both women laugh.
The younger woman turns back and faces him now. She grabs the rubber nub sticking up out of his mouth plug and shakes it back and forth, and saying something that she finds so humorous that she snorts a nervous laugh. Continuing her one sided discussion, she pinches his nose very hard, punching his nostrils together and holding them shut. Smiling broadly, she continues the one-sided discussion, yanking on his nose back and forth to drive home her point. He?s getting frightened. He needs to take a breath. He?s starting to feel a burning in his lungs but she continues to pinch his nose tightly shut. There was no way to get a breath through his mouth; the plug was absolutely airtight. He looks up and they made eye contact. He wanted to cry out that he needed air, but all he could do was make an animal grunt. At this she giggled girlishly and said something through her laughter. Suddenly her expression was angry. She gave his nose a violent twist and let go. He gasped in air through his nostrils. Her expression is back to unsmiling and hard to read.
She takes hold of the saddle with both hands and looks down. The horse shits a little as she puts her weight in the stirrup. The saddle leather is creaking and pulling against his face. Then the woman rises up over him and swings a tall riding boot over his face, slipping it into the other stirrup. She stands in the stirrups over him and he is looking up the length of her back: from her butt up all the way up to her shoulders, even a fleeting glimpse of her dancing ponytail. But it was the tan jodhpur-like tights stretched across her broad backsides that dominated his view. He considers how completely helpless he is and another shiver runs down his spine. The woman leans back in the stirrups, passing the crotch of her jodhpurs across his face. Looking down at him, she gives him a mocking smile. He looks back, desperate to make direct eye contact, to communicate, trying to use his eyes to plead with her. She meets his gaze just as directly; her smile broadens into a wide grin. She expression seems even more menacing because of the their postures, her peering down at him, exadurating her neck and chin and the openings of her nostrils. She straightens back up so that he is again looking past the curves of her big butt and up at her back. Then she says something, just a short utterance, and with that announcement she sat down. Just sat! Like he wasn?t there! The seat of her jodhpurs suddenly stretched even tighter, and her butt spread out even broader, and then it was dark.? She just sat down. Hard! It was surprisingly painful! Her butt had seems broad and even bit fleshy and he had hoped it would be soft. But instead it was remarkably muscular, hard and unyielding. Her pelvic bones were jammed right into his eyes, cramming them deep into the eye sockets till he was seeing colors, and his nose was being very painfully smashed as well. She just on him at first, but she wasn?t sitting still. She was moving her hip and shifting around while talking to her friend in an excited high-pitched voice. Each little movement was adding another sharpe stab of pain. And now his lungs are beginning to burn from the lack of air. He can feel the panic nearing. She stopped moving and now both of them were talking. He began to have spasms of panic! What if she doesn?t understand how desperate I am! Or what if she doesn?t care! ! He was dying and there wasn?t any thing he could do! She shifted forward, rolling her hips, and pressed her crotch down on the mouth plug, smashing it down on his teeth and pinching his lips to his teeth till they burned like fire. Some of the weight was off of his nose; he tried to pull in some air! She lifted her bottom even more till he was just able to drag some air in through and his nostrils. His breaths were long a labored and the inhalations made a loud sniffing sound. Laughter. The smell is bad! It?s just like he was afraid it would be! It was a think overwhelming musky odor, it was a bit like the smell of peanut butter, but strong. And he had to keep breathing it, and smelling her ass; he had to. The woman seemed to be enjoying it, too. She made an ?mmmmmm? sound and laughed when inhaling her smell. Everything hurt, his lips were on fire and his eyes hurt, and his nose was being smashed down until it felt like it might even be broken. But it was also that she was sitting on him. It was humiliating; it angered him and frightened him in a way that made him feel completely powerless. This woman just sat on him like an object, like sitting on a chair. For her it was nearly effortless. He was completely helpless, unable even to plead! He knew she hated him, because of what he had done to other Japanese women, and also because he was Philippine. She was a rich woman, he was sure of that; the clothes and the props were all designed to rub it in. She had never know what it meant to be poor, to be vulnerable. She would never know it. She would never imagine it. And she didn?t care. She just sat on him, put her stink on him and laughed about it.
He hears both women talking, chattering to one another with cheerful a high-pitched voices. The horse begins to move and horse hoof noises come from a speaker somewhere under the machine. The woman is rolling her hips back and forth to match the motion of the saddle, and every ten or twenty seconds she makes an effort to roll her hips forward and lift her bottom off his face. These are his only opportunities to get a breath, even if it does mean inhaling her ass smell. When she sits again, he is unable to breath at all. She leaves him in this predicament until the pain and the panic are very strong. Then once again she rolls forward and lets him smell her ass with a series of deeps sniffs. Its obviously that she is deliberately making him smell her ass. She wriggles her crotch against the rubber thing in his mouth and shifts her bottom around until she feels his nose. She shifts he bottom so his nose is pressed up into her ass crack. Then she traps him like that and he has to struggle to inhale through his nose. Sometimes she talks to him when she does this; other times she is silent. Now the horse is moving differently, moving up and down and more forcefully. The sound changes too. The horse is trotting. There is a wave of pain every time the horse goes up, since he is lifting her weight with his face. She uses her legs to stay up and only meet the horse with her bottom with every other thrust. This is better for breathing, but it hurts every time she comes down in the saddle. This trotting goes on for a long time. Sometimes she misses the beat, and this is worse yet. She lands harder than ever and then bounces hard, boom-boom-boom, with the motion of the horse. She finds the every-other-step rhythm again after a few bounces, unless she starts to laugh. When she laughs, she looses the rhythm and bounces on him again and again, very hard. Sometimes this makes the other woman laugh at her. If this makes her laugh, too, then it takes her longer to find get the rhythm again. The movement changes again, and he knows the horses are running by the classic 1-2-3 rhythm of the hoofs. The movement is easier for the rider to master, and she falls back on him less often. Both horses are running and the riders are getting an aerobic workout, their words now clipped and breathy. They go on and on like this, until long after he is seeing stars. The pain in mouth and cheeks of different now, unrelenting, and he is in fear that there may be pertinent damage, broken bones or damage to his eyesight. How long will the punishment go on? His greatest fear is that the women may not understand the incredible harshness of what they are doing. He grunts and screams against the plug in his mouth, but the sound is not very loud and it makes him ache to breathe even more. What if they don?t understand what is happening to him? He might even be killed soon!
Suddenly his rider is stopping her mount: it slows from running, trots for a bit, and then resumes the slow walking motion. The riders are talking: the woman sitting on him says something to the other, and she respond with shrill laugher. The woman sits back on her bottom: his breathing is cut off; her pelvic bones are smashing his eyeballs every time she bounces. She is speaking to him now, or speaking at him, since she knows that he can?t understand her language. But she goes on talking. Then she leans forward and raises her bottom off of his eyes. He is grateful to trade the deep and frightening pain in he eyes for the aching mouth pain, and also to get a breath. She farts; a short deep rumble, and being so close it is unexpectedly loud! He is shocked; instantly overwhelmed with anger and shame. The woman punctuates her fart with an exaggerated sigh of relief; this elicits a shrill giggle from the other rider. Then the smell hit: a overwhelmingly sour smell, like kim che or rotting vegetables, and very strong. Gasping in revulsion he holds his breath for a few seconds. But only a few seconds, and then with every sniffy nasal inhalation his nose is filled with her nasty stink. All the while they are talking about him, mocking him and laughing. She leans forward and farts on him again. It?s not as loud this time, but it goes on longer. Both of the women are convulsing with laughter; their voices shrill and excited. The sour smell is sharp again. Overcome with laugher, the woman lets herself drop on so hard that he sees stars. She leans back till her pelvic bones are jammed into his eye sockets; her bouncing convulsive laughter sends intense stabs of pain throughout his head. He is starved for air and his eyes are seeing flashes of color from having her butt cheeks jammed into them.
The laugher subsides and she makes the horse go faster again, and again she is bouncing her butt on him with no apparent concern. He is very frightened that she may be bashing him to death, perhaps deliberately, perhaps merely negligently. But the fear is strong; he knows she if she kills him, there will be no penalty, no retribution. It is difficult to time his breathing to her rhythm, and he can feel the growing panic. She has her horse in a slow canter now, and she leans forward on her crotch, driving the plug down into his lower jaw. She says something over and over; her voice deep and breathless with a pending orgasm. She is ramming her crotch down his throat, and he can both feel and hear something tearing deep in his jaw. She rips another little fart, but after a quick throaty laugh she goes back to breaking his jaw with her orgasm.
He wakes up in the infirmary, his wrists strapped to the bed?s steel rails. He jaw is broken, but it is more minor than he had imagined. It will heal. As will his broken nose. But the nose is now permanently altered, pug shaped and pressed over to the left. His facial bones had required x-ray. But despite the intense purple bruising, no significant damage was seen. The intense tenderness and the unrelenting headaches began to subside after a few days.
Koihime and Satomi drive away in Satomi?s Lexus. They left Tokyo drive directly to an expensive resort in the mountains, where among other activities featured there, they rode real horses.
The man was declared persona non-grata and after a few days they put him on a plane bound for the Philippines. People at the airport stared at him, standing there between the two bored policewomen. Many wincing at the sight of his battered swollen face, and at his blooded eyes within the mask of purple bruises. But others smiled. At the airport he was taken to the immigration counter. A Japanese bureaucrat was stamping and signing his papers without speaking. He was taken to another room, where a pretty young Philippine woman in uniform stamped his documents again. She finished and handed them to him, and their eyes met briefly. Her mouth curved into an ornery smirk. ?I see you got into some sort of trouble during your stay in Japan.? It seems more like a statement than a question. Then she made a sound like a horse?s snort and smiled.??
Dale was remembering the time, six years ago, when she was first spanked. She was now sixty-six-years-old and she had enjoyed building up relationships where she was the submissive and was spanked and caned. How it started was always a happy memory, although very awkward at the time.It was six years ago that Dale Brown opened the door to her house and stepped back to allow Emma Hogan and Amy Johnson to come in.Dale was sixty-years-old and a schoolmistress at the local sixth form college. Both...
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Carol and I had been going out together for over three months, she was 19 and at Art College, I worked in a car showroom and was 23. Her mother Mrs Whittingham (Janet) was around mid-forties, quite attractive looking for an older woman. We had been out to see a band who were late coming on stage and so the concert was late finishing, we hadn't wanted to miss the last couple of songs as they were our favourites but I could see Carol was panicking. She always had to be home by eleven during the...
When I last stayed with Aunty Beryl I was nineteen. I am now twenty-three and working for a consultancy company which means I have to travel a fair bit. At short notice, I was asked to work on a project in the West Midlands for a week or more and I was struggling to find a hotel room. On the off chance, I phoned Aunty Beryl to ask if I could stay there for the week and she said I’d be welcome. On the second day of my visit, Aunty’s daughter Kate was punished naked right in front of me and I...
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The Punished Peepers Chapter 1 TJ RyderIllustrated Fetish Adult Stories at www.Midnightx.com/**************************************************************** Marvin R., 18 yr old senior at Jefferson, gazed in love and lust at his Englishteacher, Miss Brown. Her lovely poised body, the way she stretched when she wrote at the top of the blackboard, the way her big firm breasts stretched her sheet sweater. ...
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My knees are trembling as I spread my legs and settle myself down onto the soft suede top of the vaulting horse. Reaching over I grab the legs on the other side. The apparatus is tall, making me stretch up almost onto tip toes as I settle myself for you. I can hear you pacing behind me, your shoes sound so loud on the sprung wooden floor. The gym is empty and echoing, amplifying every single sound. You like it here after school when we are alone, you like the way it sounds as you bring your...
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She walked in late as her dad stood waiting for her. He grabbed her by the hair and told her "Get into the basement. You are going to be punished. When you act like a whore you will be treated like a whore." She was scared as he d**g her down the stairs to the basement. He shut and locked the door. "Now take all your clothes off. I want you naked and do it fast. If I have to rip your clothes off you will be very sorry." She stood with tears running down her cheeks and removed her clothes. When...
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Lucky day, I thought. It’s not everyday you find a coin in the sidewalk. Money isn’t easy to get, I chastised myself. Being an owner of a small café is no easy task. I’ve been alone almost my entire life. My parents were divorced and none of them either cared for me anyways. To them, I was just a boy to feed, keep a roof over my head, and a heavy burden. Luckily, I’ve moved past all of those negativity that held me down. I continued my walk and finally arrived at my little Café....
Her breath came in short, sharp pants, shallow and sporadic. Her face was flushed a fiery red, tears were filling her eyes and spilling over the lower lashes onto her burning cheeks. Her breath caught involuntarily as the wide leather collar was abruptly yanked back and held…forcing her to arch her back. She knew better than to cry out, the consequence would be swift and merciless, so she had to be satisfied with the silent tears that were washing down her face. Just minutes before, she had...
I went to boarding school at the Convent of St Sade where rigid discipline was very much at the centre of life. It was a "crammer" for 18 year olds who had failed their A levels. No-one knows more about punishment than nuns and correct behaviour was enforced by pain and humiliation. All of us girls came from the sort of home where our school hols were spent under the watchful eye of our parents and there was definitely no opportunity to meet boys during term time so I am fairly certain we were...
Her breath came in short, sharp pants, shallow and sporadic. Her face was flushed a fiery red, tears were filling her eyes and spilling over the lower lashes onto her burning cheeks. Her breath caught involuntarily as the wide leather collar was abruptly yanked back and held...forcing her to arch her back. She knew better than to cry out, the consequence would be swift and merciless, so she had to be satisfied with the silent tears that were washing down her face. Just minutes before, she had...
Oral SexJill went round behind me and started to caress my cum filled scrotem with one hand and to stroke my cock with the other. I was finding it very hard to not cum there and then as it was so sensual as Jill spread my legs as far apart as she could and proceeded to kiss and lick my balls whilst I buried my face deeper into her panties.I was asked to go to see my MIL by my wife Cathy to help her with her computer. Jill is 72 years old but is still fairly attractive although she is quite plump, but...
The story is when I was studying in the U.S. and had an amazing life. 23years that time with a figure to die for 34c-25-36, fair and met this really amazing guy in college.But one day everything changed. I checked myself one last time in the mirror, red lipstick made my lips look perfect, little red dress hugged my curves, long brown hair styled to perfection and black heels made my legs look longer. Everything’s perfect. I glanced at the wall clock 30mins to go for my date. I took my car keys...
Punished You had decided that punishment was due for my misbehaviour. I had after all embarrassed you in front of your friends and though it turned out well, you remained a little red-faced from the moment. There was a glint of evil in your eye – you sought revenge but what exactly, I was unsure. We stumbled back into my room at the hotel. It was not quite late, the sort of late when you actually consider if it is worth going to bed or just start the next day. We were both a bit happy being...
Another one I wrote for my wifePUNISHED FOR FLASHING My wife, Hazel, is one of the best cock suckers I've ever known and I love watching her suck another guy's cock almost as much as feeling her sucking mine. She's one of the few women I've known that really enjoys sucking a cock and also loves the feel of a guy coming in her mouth. I've actually known her have an orgasm from the feeling of a a cock in her mouth. What I really love though is bringing a friend home that doesn't know her penchant...
Tom could only stare at his sister as she entered his room. Tammy had clad herself in a makeshift costume that resembled one of the girls in his beloved hentai videos. A short pleated skirt, white stockings and a crisp white blouse under a blue blazer. The blouse was unbuttoned just enough to display her tiny white bra to be visible. Wasn't she the same girl that he had caught balling her boyfriend not a few hours ago? She looked up from being boned and saw him looking through the partially...
IncestAs Jim drives up driveway he notices that light for the dining room is on and the d****s are half closed. His heart begins to beat a little faster with fear of what might greet him inside. With a silly looking smirk on his face he looks into the dining room to witness a plate of food sitting at his usual dining spot and across the table laid an empty plate sitting in front of his wife Edith. Edith lifted her eyes only to glare deep into Jim’s then crossing her arms and blurted out “where fuck...
Today, after I had finished work and came home I decided to go in gym. Accidentally, I took shirt with Italian flag and did not noticed it. Of course, my neighbor immediately saw it and got furious: “Hey girl! Today is football match Croatia Vs. Italy and you should shame your self! Now come here to see what can happen to you with that shirt!”I was afraid, so I followed him into his flat. He sat down and simply said “Down on your knees and please my cock Italian bitch!” I was hypnotized and...
Untitled work of Fiction or PUNished (HA-HA! Get it?!) By The Anonymous Bastard Hi, my name is Steve. At least it used to be. Now it's Jake. I had it changed last fall. No, I would never get it changed to some girly name like "Cindy" or "Jenny." Why on earth would I do that? Anyway, it all started last year. I was getting ready for the big homecoming festival. Naturally, I had my eye on the girl of my dreams- Suzie Lawsonitingshiremont. Looking back, all I can think is, "What a...
Punished By Margaret Jeanette Kayleigh Cameron was very happy. She had just closed on a million and a half dollar estate she had listed four weeks ago. The whole real estate office was happy to see the commission on the sale. Kayleigh told Sylvia Hopkins she would treat her to lunch. Sylvia was Kayleigh?s best friend. They went to lunch at Topper?s, a popular eatery with the business community. They were seated in a semi-private corner eating lunch when Kayleigh...
Jack turned right onto East St. His son was on an extended business trip and Jack had promised to stop by Jason's house to replace parts to fix the running toilet that his daughter in law Katie had been complaining about. He parked on the street since there were already two cars in the short drive way. Jack recognized the shared car of the young couple and an older Cadillac that he couldn't remember seeing before. Jack exited his car carrying a small tool box and a bag of parts from the...
First of all, let me explain to you that I am a fourteen year old guy. I’m 5'6, 125 pounds and I have a stunning girlfriend. We’ve been talking about having sex but she doesn’t want to do it until I cleared things up with her dad. And who was her dad? He was my science teacher, Mr. P, who I disliked. I had done many things over the course of the school year that had made him angry and that, coupled with the fact I was dating his daughter, had made me his least favorite student. For a couple...
Sam had had enough. Two weeks ago, he agreed to house-sit for his best friend Jim while he went off to Europe for a month-long sabbatical. Jim had explained that he didn't want to leave his daughter Paula alone with the house, because she was a little on the irresponsible side. Paula was a 22 year old blonde, and under normal circumstances, Sam would have thought her quite sexy. But she was one of those girls who had managed to slide through life on her looks and her skill at manipulating...
SpankingMy name is Mike, I’m nearly seventeen, and because I go to the gym I’m pretty fit but I was so bored with the PE lessons at School. They only had ancient equipment, no cross trainers, no weights and no rowing machines, so I skipped those lessons whenever I could.I was in a history lesson at the end of the day when Miss McKenzie stormed in and whispered something to Mr. Kramer before leaving just as quickly. When the lesson ended Mr. Kramer told me to wait behind.“Mike, Miss McKenzie asked me to...
SpankingCatherine, a young, 21-year-old blonde woman with a stunning body complete with b-cups, toned ass she worked hard for and a pussy she kept shaved bald, hurried into work wearing a tan skirt, white blouse with a matching pair of pink panties and bra (the same color as her lipstick), knowing how late she was. She had completely forgotten to set her alarm and then the traffic was a mess. Her boss, who wasn't too much older than her, was going to be pissed, and she knew it. She was very nervous as...
LesbianHis hand wraps around my throat as soon as he’s in my door. “Don’t you look pretty…” He’ll maintain contact almost the entire time he is in my living room. We don’t leave this room. He starts by turning me to face the wall. “There it is.” He gropes my ass through my dress. It’s short and I feel his fingertips graze my bare thighs. He unzips and drops his pants. “You gonna be a good girl for me?” One of his hands reaches around and slides into my mouth. He makes me nod, but I’m with him....
I was still wearing my swishy black cocktail dress from dinner, with the high strappy heels showing off my muscular legs, just like you like. You had already made me take off my lacey black thong in the car, on the way home, and I could feel the cool air washing over my wet pussy. I was blindfolded at the edge of the bed, my arms tied behind me with a soft rope just above my elbows, which was fastened to the upper crossbar of your fourposter bed, forcing me to lean slightly over the bed. I...
BDSMBroken she lay on the floor, barely conscious after her punishment. The candles flickered and the chains swung, below them she lay, marked from numerous strikes and oozing his lust from between her thighs. He stood over her for a few minutes, catching his breath,watching the trickle of cum work its way down her thigh and onto the carpet."You'll be cleaning that up tomorrow" he said in a low tone. She barely had the strength to nod in response. "I'm going for a shower" he said, grabbing a towel...
Punishment For Speeding I had been driving for 2 full days now trying to cross the country and get to the coast, I was tired, hungry and horny hardly stopping for more than a few minutes to gas up and grab a quick bite, so it was understandable that I didn’t see the speed limit sign as I entered the next town. The flashing blue and red lights in my mirror woke me up as I pulled over to the side of the road to await the Police Officer. A handsome older Sheriff walked up to my window and...
Jill knew that she was in trouble the moment she heard the sharp voice of Miss Norton ordering her to halt! It was way past curfew and here she was out in the hall trying to sneak back to her own room. "Hold it right there, Miss Penice!" the head of school security barked. "Do you know what time it is?" "Uh, yes ma'am," Jill replied with a sinking heart. "The why are you where not supposed to be?" Petra Norton intoned evenly. "Well uh, you see it's like this," Jill stammered. "Like what? Petra...
LesbianPunishedthieves.com It was the shoes that did it for him. He'd first noticed them when he openedhis new shop in a middle class area. They seemed to be the new fashion amongstthe young mothers who frequented his newsagents during the school run. Theywere flat and round toed, with little girl straps. It was this juxtapositionbetween the girliness of the shoes and the well to do women in their late twentiesor early thirties who wore them that aroused him. It was because of the shoes that he'd...
Steve woke with a splitting headache, he lay in bed getting his surroundings. he did not remember getting home or going to bed, he had been out the night before celebrating his 16th birthday now he was laying in bed with a hangover and cant remember getting there, Steve got out of bed his morning wood sticking up, he got his measure and measured it, 10 inches, he knew the money he had spent on the developer was with it. Steve heard his 10 year old step sisters voice and quickly put his bathrobe...
I showed up in the morning like I normally do but the front door was locked which was weird. I rang the door bell but it didn’t seem like anyone was home. I decided to try to back thinking that maybe if my aunt was back there she might have music on or something. I opened the back door to find my uncle completely naked beating off in the middle of the kitchen. I stood there frozen. He didn’t notice me at first so he kept going. I must have gasped or something because suddenly his eyes shot...
DeAngelo pinned my hands above my head and pushed his hips deeper between my legs. I looked down between my jiggling tits and watched his fat, black cock sliding in and out of my swollen, wet pussy. His deep, unrelenting thrusts hurled me into another mind-blowing orgasm. I cried out his name in heavenly fury as orgasmic waves drowned me in a euphoric oasis.As my body trembled harder, he ran his right hand down my arm and torso and grabbed my hip. I felt his body tensing, and as his balls...
CheatingThe cock widened his asshole with every thrust. He gripped the park bench and lent into the 8-inch monster destroying his hole. The pink walls of his gape clung to the rod that pounded tears from his eyes. He gasped and bent down further, worshiping the rod that was striking him down."Get over here now!" He heard the voice behind the rod say into the phone, "I've got an extra hole for you!"He salivated. He knew what to expect. Strong hands gripped his waist as his pants slid down to his...
Gay MalePrincipal Grant was sitting in his black leather chair. In front of him scattered papers lay over his mahogany desk. However his focus wasn’t on the papers, he had turned his chair towards the window and was staring through the blinds. It was a hot September afternoon, exceptionally hot even for the time of year. And although the blinds kept most of the sunlight out, the heat of the burning sun still found a way into the principal’s office. The heat had even made the principal take off his...
I was still wearing my swishy black cocktail dress from dinner, with the high strappy heels showing off my muscular legs, just like you like. You had already made me take off my lacey black thong in the car, on the way home, and I could feel the cool air washing over my wet pussy. I was blindfolded at the edge of the bed, my arms tied behind me with a soft rope just above my elbows, which was fastened to the upper crossbar of your fourposter bed, forcing me to lean slightly over the bed. I...
Sam had had enough. Two weeks ago, he agreed to house-sit for his best friend Jim while he went off to Europe for a month-long sabbatical. Jim had explained that he didn’t want to leave his daughter Paula alone with the house, because she was a little on the irresponsible side. Paula was a 22 year old blonde, and under normal circumstances, Sam would have thought her quite sexy. But she was one of those girls who had managed to slide through life on her looks and her skill at manipulating...
Tom tried to look away from the scene in front of him, but some unknown forces wouldn't let him. He tugged at his bonds hoping to find a way to free himself but was too well secured. He tried to protest at being tied up but due to the makeshift gag across his mouth, he was rendered silent. So he tried to keep his eyes shut and to mentally block out the moaning of pleasure that filled his ears, but he couldn't.It had started out as a typical evening for him. His parents were heading out for a...
IncestMy wife was visiting her sister and I was just hanging around the house one day. I looked across the yard and through her window and noticed my neighbor playing with her dildo.I quickly grabbed my cell phone and took a picture. I should have remembered the flash, because she quickly grabbed her robe and pulled the shade. It wasn’t long before she was at the door demanding my phone. In the interest of preserving the peace I relented, I figured she would delete it and we would be done with it....
It was eleven o'clock when the arguing stopped upstairs. I noticed my close pal Tim was getting scolded pretty harshly by his woman. I could tell she was mad. She would never argue in front of me even though I knew both of these guys since forever, they never felt it appropriate to get so mad around me.Right before she slammed the door shut I heard her utter, "You can sleep downstairs you sack of shit!" Pa-Thump!When he came downstairs I couldn't help but notice his body. Wearing jeans that...