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It was the shoes that did it for him. He'd first noticed them when he openedhis new shop in a middle class area. They seemed to be the new fashion amongstthe young mothers who frequented his newsagents during the school run. Theywere flat and round toed, with little girl straps. It was this juxtapositionbetween the girliness of the shoes and the well to do women in their late twentiesor early thirties who wore them that aroused him.

It was because of the shoes that he'd paid particular attention to one womanthat morning. In many ways she was typical of his new clientele, harassed bytwo small children wanting drinks or magazines. But the shoes fired his imagination,and as he appraised her further, he noticed many fine qualities. She wore herbrown hair short, but choppily stylish, and her tight t-shirt and A-line skirtrevealed a slim figure. Perhaps she wanted for larger breasts, and her hipscould be cruelly called 'child bearing', but she was his sort of woman – pretty,stylish and well-to-do.

If it hadn't been for the shoes, he wouldn't have been surreptitiously watchingher, and therefore wouldn't have seen her slip a packet of sweets into herhandbag. So casually did she do it, he could almost have been fooled into believingit had been the absent minded action of a harassed mother – apart fromthe quick look she had to see if anyone was watching. This was why he had installeda high quality surveillance system.

Luckily the shop had emptied as the mothers rushed to get their childrento school on time. His quarry left her children browsing the magazines as shepicked up a paper and brought it to the counter. He let her pay, then, as shewas leaving the shop, he called her back.

'I'm glad you at least paid for something' he said, 'but may I look in yourbag.'

Briefly she looked like a cornered fox, and then decided to brazen it out.'Of course' she murmured.

He found the sweets immediately, and as the expected argument was trottedout, that it was all a huge mistake by a harassed mum, he showed her the playbackfrom the security cameras.

'Would you like to be arrested by the police in front of your children?'he asked.

'Of course not!' she gasped, looking frightened. He wondered whether shehad stolen before. If so he doubted she had been caught.

'Reach up to the top shelf and bring me a magazine called Janus' he instructed.She did so, glancing at her children who were watching her intently from thedoor.

'Please, I have to get my children to school' she said.

'Well, this can take a short time or a long time' he replied with an evilsmile. 'Open the magazine.'

She did so and gasped in horror. It showed women getting their bare bottomssmacked.

'Now give me your purse' he ordered. She did so despairingly, glancing nervouslyat the magazine. He flicked quickly through the contents of the purse, alightingon her driving licence. 'Well Lisa,' he said 'step back and lift your skirtto show me your panties.'

She looked around, but her children were now engrossed in a magazine.

'Quickly, before someone else comes in' he suggested.

With a quiet sob she did so, revealing pristine white panties. They werenice, but she'd have to do better for her punishment. He tossed her a packetof beige tights from a nearby stand.

'You will take your children to school and then go home. I want you to shaveoff all your pubic hair, put on these tights with no underwear and the puton the rest of the clothes you are wearing now. At 10.30 you will drive tomy house for your punishment. If you are late your punishment will be doubled.If you are more than ten minutes late I shall call the police and I will alsopost pictures of you flashing your panties on the internet.'

With this he passed her a card with his address on. 'What are you goingto do to me?' she gasped.

'Young lady, I am going to thrash your bare bottom!'

With a sob she gathered her children and rushed out of the shop.

The school run had passed in a daze. Now Lisa lowered herself into a warmbath, preparing to shave of all her pubic hair. She couldn't understand whythe man would want her to. Her husband had asked her to shave and she alwaysrefused to do so. Now she was going to do it for a stranger, a stranger whowas going to dress her as he liked and spank her bottom! She could think ofno other way out of her predicament though, so, not quite believing she wasdoing so, she began to shave her pubic mound.

When she was done, she climbed out of the bath and dried herself. Lookingin the mirror, she was shocked by her appearance. She looked like a littlegirl, and yet a grown woman at the same time. Mournfully she pulled on thedisgusting beige tights and her girly shoes, unknowingly mimicking the stateshe was soon to be in. Quickly she pulled the rest of her clothes on – timewas running short and she dare not be late.

She was a minute early. Getting out of the car, she walked slowly up thedriveway to the newsagent's house. Her legs felt like jelly, barely able tocarry her. She reached the door and with a pounding heart, rang the bell.

After a tantalising wait, during which Lisa felt as though she was goingto wet herself, the door opened, and the newsagent leaned casually againstthe door frame, leering at her. Discomfited, Lisa endured his stares until,shockingly he said 'Lift your skirt up.'

'Not out here' she pleaded, her voice quiet and tremulous.

He just raised his eyebrows. Looking anxiously around the street for passersby, Lisa finally obeyed his command, exposing her newly shaved pussy and thetights he had made her wear. Yet he wasn't satisfied.

'At the back too' he growled menacingly. With a little gasp, she slowlyraised the back of her skirt, exposing her nylon covered bum to the street.For what seemed like an age he made her stand like this, utterly humiliated,dreading the sound of a car or pedestrian. When he finally beckoned her intothe house, she was almost relieved.

Today was not the first time Alan Lee had done this to a thieving customer,but this one was a class apart from the usual scumbags he caught. The moveupmarket was already a great success! Poor Lisa looked shocked and devastatedby the way he was treating her. Alan reckoned he'd be able to get away witha lot today – maybe the whole lot.

He made her stand in the middle of the room, holding her skirt up aroundher waist as he drank in the sight. Those shoes, and the beige tights thatdidn't quite go with them, but turned him on even more so because of this.Then there was the bald pussy, and further up, the embarrassed, anguished lookon her face.

'So you like stealing sweeties do you?' he sneered 'No wonder you've sucha big bum.' With that he slapped her buttocks hard and she leapt forwards yelping.The skirt fell to cover her.

'Get that skirt back up and get back into position' he shouted, and wasgratified to see her obey him quickly. He took the offending bag of stolensweets, and laid a trail on the floor with them. 'If you like sweets so muchyou can get down on your knees and eat them off the floor like the pig youobviously are.' he said.

Poor Lisa crawled along the floor, her bum sticking into the air, suckingup the sweets as her gluttony was brought home to her with sharp spanks. Thiswas so much more embarrassing than she could ever have imagined.

Eventually all the sweets were gone, and she was made to stand in frontof him again. This time he made her undo the skirt and let it drop around herankles. She stood like this, with her blotchy bottom on view through the largebay window, whilst he pulled a chair into the middle of the room. Then AlanLee beckoned her to him and she draped herself over his lap, her bum stickingvulnerably up in the air.

'Have you anything to say for yourself?' he asked.

'I'm sorry' she ventured.

'You will be you greedy little bitch' he laughed. 'How old are you?'

'Thirty three'

'Thirty three' he mused, his hand stroking her thigh, moving ever closerto her pussy. 'Have you ever been spanked before?'

'Noooo!' His hand had reached its destination as she answered.

'Imagine that. Thirty three and about to receive your first spanking forbeing a common thief!'

He raised his hand and began to spank her bottom, sharp rhythmical slapscovering each buttock. Lisa quickly began to yelp and squirm as they raineddown on her exposed flesh, her buttocks pinkening immediately. A wave of panicspread over her. The pain was incredible! She began to kick her legs and struggledto get off his lap, but he held her waist tight.

'You're going nowhere miss' he said sternly, and continued, increasing theintensity of the spanks, but slowing his rhythm slightly.

'Ow, Ow, oooh!' she yelped, 'please stop. I'm sorry I stole from your shop!'

'I bet it wasn't the first time either.'

'It was, I promise. Oh God please stop, it hurts so much!'

She started to scream as each slap ignited her buttock. Alan was beginningto tire of the constant struggle to keep her on his lap, and his own hand wasbeginning to sting. With a last hearty barrage he pushed Lisa unceremoniouslyto the floor, where she rolled into the foetal position, rubbing her bottomand moaning and gasping. He watched her for a while, enjoying her discomfort,before deciding that he needed to see more of her body and humiliate her further.

'Lie on your back' he ordered. Although she took her time responding, hewas gratified to see she did it without putting up a fight. He liked this viewtoo. Lisa clamped her legs tight together, but this just toned her legs furtherand her shaven pubic mound was visible through the material of the sheer towaist tights.

He needed to see those pussy lips though.

'Come on, spread those pretty legs of yours' he ordered.

She obeyed with a sob. Lisa looked up at her tormentor through a prism ofas yet unshed tears.

'Why are you doing this to me? I don't deserve this. It was only a packof sweets!' she whimpered.

'Well let's see' Alan countered. 'I'm doing this because thieves like youcost me hundreds of pounds a year. But mostly I'm doing it because I can. I'mdoing it because you don't want your husband or your friends know that you'rea common thief. Because you're too proud to appear in court and take the punishmentthe law demands.

But you're not too proud to lie on your back with your legs spread in frontof a stranger. You're not too proud to shave your pubes off or have your bottomspanked. You deserve everything you're getting!'

'You blackmailed me.' Lisa wailed.

'No. I gave you a choice. You chose this rather than going to court. Nowstop arguing with me and start playing with your pussy instead.'

'I'm not going to do it you pervert.' Lisa was already getting ready torise. 'You've done enough to me already.'

As she stood, Alan said quietly 'You are currently being filmed by 3 videocameras. If you leave this house I shall send a video of you to your husband.I shall also publish pictures of you on the internet.' He neglected to mentionthat he was planning to do this anyway.

'You can't.' Lisa gasped. But already she was beginning to waver.

'I can and believe me I will' he countered. 'Come here at once' he ordered,his voice suddenly steely.

Tears began to stream down Lisa's face, but she walked slowly towards him,receiving two sharp slaps to her thigh for her troubles. He made her standin front of him with her legs spread and began cruelly fondling her pussy,showing her who was boss. He did not take kindly to being called a pervert,no matter how true the accusation may be.

It was time to move on to the next part of her punishment. Alan stood upand lifted Lisa's t-shirt over her head, revealing small pert breasts in afloral bra. Her only protest was a quiet whimper as the t-shirt came off andanother as he fondled her breasts. He exalted in these moments of victory.She was his now, and his mauling of her exposed body reinforced this.

He led her by her ear to a large sofa, and bent her over one of the ends,pushing her shoulders down until her face and breasts sank into the plush cushionsand her bum thrust invitingly upwards. He then spread her legs until she neededto stand on tiptoes to maintain her position, and moved behind her to enjoythe sight of her bald pussy peeping through the pantyhose gusset.

Lisa had never felt so scared, exposed and vulnerable in her whole life.Her nether regions were now the focus of her attention. She was aware of hiseyes boring into her vagina, and awaited with dread the return of those fiendishprobing fingers. Then there was her bottom, glowing red, thrust up towardshis painful slaps. The spanking had hurt so much and yet there was much moreto come! She wondered what he would do to her, how far he would go. She'd alreadylet him to do so much more to her than she had ever allowed her husband, yetshe now knew that to protect her reputation, she would have to comply withalmost any order he gave her.

Lee himself was pondering which implement to use next on Lisa's magnificentlyupthrust arse. He doubted she would be able to tolerate a prolonged thrashing – she'dstruggled enough with the spanking. He was a traditionalist at heart, so thecane would finish her off, but he was torn between the tawse and an Americancollege paddle. In the end he opted for the paddle, looking forward to thebillowing effect it would have on those large firm cheeks.

He swatted it through the air above her, and she flinched and whimperedin anticipation.

'Patience my dear' he murmured sadistically, and then swished the paddledown onto her quivering buttocks with a resounding splat!

Lisa screamed, both her legs kicking out as the force of the stroke pushedher into the settee, the last of the harsh cry muffled by the cushions. Bothhands came back to grasp and knead her stinging buttocks. She panted and whimperedas Alan repositioned her, then SPLAT! The stroke landed on the same spot, billowingher buttocks and reigniting the smouldering fires. She drummed her feet intothe ground but her scream was muffled into the cushion of the settee.

'Get those legs back into position and turn your face towards me.' He hissed.As she obeyed he could see that she was struggling to hold back the tears thatwould inevitably come. For a moment he almost felt sorry for her, and the nextstroke was slightly lighter than the previous two. Nevertheless he was ableto see Lisa grimace and hear clearly her anguished gasp.

He hardened his heart and brought the next stroke smashing down onto themiddle of her thighs. Poor Lisa almost jumped off the couch, her hands shootingback to try and rub away the intense sting, her legs kicking wildly. She howledlike a banshee and tears began to stream down her cheeks.

Now Alan Lee was, it would be fair to say, a sadist. Yet it wasn't the painper se that did it for him, it was the power and the humiliation. He had brokenher, and if he didn't rein back, anything else he did would just be torture.So he said almost kindly 'Only two more to go.'

He waited until she settled back into position, enjoying her sobs and whimpers.Her bottom was a mass of red blotches, and as he stroked it he could feel theheat it was emitting. Lee moved behind Lisa and spread her legs again. He unzippedhis jeans and pushed his achingly erect penis against her vagina. If the tightshadn't been there he would have been unable to stop himself from fucking herthere and then. Instead, ignoring her screeching protests, her continued torub and push against the gusset.

'You can't do this to me!' Lisa screamed, fear raising the pitch of hervoice. He was going to rape her! But he didn't, not yet. Instead he finishedby rubbing his penis down her leg, and then returned to his paddling position.Now Lisa could see his member standing proudly erect as he raised the paddleagain and brought it down with a crack onto her buttocks. She screeched asa wave of pain exploded over her. 'Please stop' was all she could finally moan,unable to take her eyes away from the penis she was sure was soon going toviolate her. She was going to say no though, when he asked her. She'd rathergo to prison and have pictures of her placed on the internet than have thatthing inside her, wouldn't she?

Suddenly she was no longer so sure, and that scaredher even more.

The last stroke fell as she contemplated that ghastly thought. Catchingher by surprise it literally took her breath away for a moment, lifting heroff the sofa, and dumping her on a heap on the floor. She lay there sobbingand forlornly rubbing her aching buttocks. When she finally looked up it wasto see Lee and his erect member towering above her.

'You can have a short break,' he told her, 'remove your bra and go and makeme some lunch.'

Alan Lee followed Lisa into his kitchen. He sat watching her obey his instructions,stroking his cock. God he loved days like this! When she had finished makinghis sandwiches, he instructed her to get up onto the kitchen table. Lisa gavea panicked whimper as she did so.

'Yes my dear, I'm going to cane your arse now.' Lee told her. 'Lie on yourback and hold your legs straight up in the air.'

Poor Lisa felt even more vulnerable and scared. She drew her knees up toher chest, spreading and straightening her legs as instructed until her bottompresented an inviting target, her gaping cunt fully exposed. The cane! Themere thought of it sent waves of panic crashing over her.

'P..p..please don't cane me' she whimpered, 'I'll do anything else you ask.'Immediately she hated herself for saying it. Lee laughed.

'I do believe you're going to do anything I 'ask' anyway' he replied.

He brought the cane down in a smooth arc, whipping his wrist at the lastmoment to impart extra sting. It landed right in the middle of her buttocksand Lisa let out an anguished wail.

'Please, no more, I can't take this' she begged.

CRACK! The cane answered for him, leaving a parallel line as Lisa screamedagain.

Barely pausing to let her catch breath, Lee angled it back down, the rattanburying itself into the ample cheeks before springing back triumphantly tothe sound of sobbing. Tears were again flowing freely down Lisa's cheeks.

Lee realised he was only going to manage 'six of the best'. He was disappointed,as he would have liked to continue punishing her for longer, but had brokenher.

Stroke four landed onto her pussy, a particularly nasty trick. Lisa's handsshot to rub her sore lips and she lost her position, rolling onto her side.Improvising, Lee rolled her onto her front so she laid legs straight and buttocksclenched. He grabbed her arms, holding them tight behind her back, and canedher across her thighs. Her legs kicked forlornly, trying to dissipate the sting.

He stepped back to admire his handiwork, allowing Lisa to clutch her buttocks.

'I'd move your hands away if I were you' he told her. 'The last stroke isalways the hardest and I'd hate to rap your knuckles.'

'You bastard,' she sobbed 'you fucking bastard.'

'Language my dear' Lee chided.

He made her wait, watching her hands clench andunclench by her side as she anticipated the stroke, whimpering. Then the caneswished down one last time, billowing her cheeks.

'Noooooo!' she screamed, her hands clutching oncemore at her buttocks, her legs drumming wildly.

Lee waited for the sobs to slowly subside. It tooksome time but he was in no rush. Once Lisa was still, he moved to her feet,slipping off her shoes. He proceeded to give himself a slow foot job, the softmaterial of the tights urging him towards a climax. Finally succumbing to temptation,he came, spurting all over the soles of her feet.

Lisa could not believe what he had just done. Shelay there feeling his warm sticky juices on her feet, her bum throbbing. Sheconsoled herself with the thought that her humiliating ordeal might be comingto an end, but she was very much mistaken.

Lee ordered her to kneel on the table and spreadher legs. She heard a kitchen draw open and close, then felt scissors snippingaway at her gusset. In less than a minute she felt cool air on her pussy, thenLees' fingers probing her dry shaven vagina. She wanted to make him stop, butafter all the other things she had let him do to her, she had little choice.

For a moment he left her, returning with a ballgag and a set of handcuffs.

'No!' she gasped, but a moment later she openedher mouth when ordered to and allowed herself to be gagged. Tears again startedto fall at this latest submission.

Lee pushed her body down and cuffed her hands behindher back. She lay there, her exposed pussy thrust upwards invitingly, whilsthe went to the fridge and brought out a short, thick cucumber. Panicky squealsforced their way through he gag, but Lee held her tight as he smeared one endof the vegetable with KY jelly and forced it into her.

Lisa screamed as she felt it spread her to herlimits, filling her vagina. She felt violated and humiliated, her pussy coldand sore. Worse quickly followed. She heard a buzzing sound, then felt pressureat her anus. Unbelievably, a small vibrator was pushed agonisingly into herchute. Lisa had never let so much as a finger up there before, and the pressurewas appalling.

'If either of these falls out whilst I'm havingmy lunch, I'm going to cane you again' Lee told her. 'Do I make myself clear?'Lisa groaned her assent. She was already having to contract her pelvic musclesto keep the violating objects in place. As Lee settled down to eat the lunchshe had made him, Lisa was aware she was providing his lunchtime entertainment.

She tried desperately to block out the rhythmicalbuzzing of the vibrator, which now seemed to fill both her pussy and anus.As the meal wore on though, this became increasingly difficult. The vibratorand the contractions of her pelvic floor muscles were leading to an inevitableconclusion that she just couldn't fight against. Lisa felt her breathing quickeningand a familiar wetness down below. Unbelievably, the waves of humiliation seemedsuddenly to exacerbate rather than quell the feelings of arousal!

Lee smiled to himself. He watched Lisa's feet clenchand unclench, saw her fighting against the inevitable. With one final anguishedgroan of defeat and arousal, she came, her body shuddering in harsh spasms.

This was the time to strike, whilst Lisa was tooshocked at herself to do anything other than obey. He pulled the vibrator andcucumber out of her holes and dragged her off the table. Uncuffing her hands,he ordered her to put those sexy shoes back on. Lisa did so, feeling the coldwet sticky cum on the soles of her feet. Finally, Lee ungagged her. He wantedto hear her screams now.

He led her, still dazed, into the lounge, and thrusther back over the arm of the sofa. With quick, well practiced movements hespread her legs and dropped his trousers, his prick once more standing to attention,eager for the final prize.

Lisa knew what was coming, and although she coulddo nothing to stop him, she screamed 'Noooo!' as he entered her and began thrustingviolently. She was letting this pervert fuck her, and this was a fucking! Hewas using her as his sex toy now, each thrust knocking her painfully forward,forcing air out of her lungs as she screamed.

Lee grabbed her hair and pulled her head back,watching tears course down her face. He was fucking this thieving middle classbitch! This was what life was all about. He continued to fuck her for someminutes, able to control his arousal. She had stopped screaming now, the yellsreplaced by resigned sobs.

Lee was determined violate her completely. He pulledout of her cunt and pushed his penis against her puckered arsehole. Lisa screamedagain, a banshee wail of pain and frustration as he entered. He thrust hard,unconcerned at the pain he was causing. Lisa begged him to stop, pleading desperately,but he continued until he felt another orgasm building up.

Quickly he withdrew and pulled Lisa off the sofaand onto her knees.

'Suck it' he commanded.

She tried to pull away but he held her in placeand started slapping her face with his cock until she opened wide and tookhim in her mouth. He let her suck away at her own ineffectual pace to startwith, enjoying her muffled sobs. After a while he began thrusting harder andharder, gagging her, until his orgasm began to build again.

When he was ready, he withdrew, and tilting herhead back by her hair, ordered Lisa to open her mouth and stick out her tongue.

'No!' she gasped.

'You'd better,' he snarled 'or I'll thrash theliving daylights out of your arse.' She had no choice.

As Lisa obeyed, Lee allowed himself to orgasm.Cum shot all over her face and onto the tongue, causing her to gag. Despitehis earlier orgasm there was plenty of thick white semen to cover her humiliatedface, and she sat there sobbing, wiping it away from her eyes.

'Is it over?' she whispered finally.

'Not quite. You need some time to ponder the errorof your ways.' Lee told her. He let her put her t-shirt back on, but pulledit up over her breasts.

'I think I'll keep the bra as a souvenir' he laughed.

Next he took her into his back garden. Takinga long wooden pole, he thread it behind her back, through both sleeves of thet-shirt, forcing her arms into the crucifix position. Then he placed the endsof the poles into a simple framework, so she faced away from his house. Asa final humiliation, he pulled her tights down to her ankles and hung a signround her neck. 'Punished Thief' it read.

The afternoon sun baked down on Lisa's face, crustingthe semen, despite her tears which splashed down onto her breasts and her shavedpussy. She was a grown woman reduced to this humiliated posture!

She would have felt even more humiliated if shehad seen the video camera which recorded her from an overlooking window. Thiswas the 'money shot' for Punishedthieves.com, an exclusive members-only sitewhich dealt with the spanking and humiliation of real women. Within hours,Lisa's tears and semen streaked visage would be e-mailed to subscribers, invitingthem to watch the edited highlights of her punishment.

Little did she know that one of these subscriberswas her own husband!

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Hi. I am Raj, 20 years old. Doing engineering & living in Coimbatore. I am a great fan for ISS for about 5 years. This will be my first story. So in this story i am going to share how it happened between me and my neighbor, when i was 19. Do mail me your feedback to So coming to the story, whenever i get leave at college i used to go home. And during the semester holidays at 2014, when i was at home a new couple, recently married became my neighbour. Her name is priya, having slim awestruck...

2 years ago
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Great Pleasure With A Virgin Classmate Part 8211 1

I recently started reading ISS and became a big fan of it. I too want to share real incidents happened in my life. If you like my stories, please send an email to I would like to start with one of my unexpected pleasure with my classmate which lead to another unexpected encounter with my neighboring aunt. This is a true incident happened in my life and no friction involved except names to keep secrecy. Her name is Siri (don’t think a lot, yes name changed), she is my classmate during my...

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I'm now in my third marriage. (Apparently it is the charm), thankfully to a childhood friend of mine I've know most of my life, honestly this was the last thing I had expected. We have now been married for four years. Luckily our kids are grown and out on their own, so it's just the two of us. We grew up in the 80s and were known to be pretty wild in our day partying and having fun. He was only a year older than me when we met in Jr High school, and we had always been great friends,...

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The Review

Helene Cohen was an older woman. An attractive older woman I might add. She was always impeccably dressed, the way you would expect of a successful woman in a managerial position. One look and you could tell this woman was never inside the local K-Mart. Her hair was always impeccable. Her nails and makeup always perfect. That would be the word, perfect. She was full figured in a way middle aged woman often are. A very good way I might add. Those impeccably tailored business suits never...

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A Fantasy Susan My Dream Girl

A Fantasy, Susan - My Dream Girl.Susan - A mature lady with long straight blonde hair, fringe, curvaceous body with huge tits and I mean huge such that they sag down to her waist - gorgeous, big thighs encased in nylons and a liking for lingerie.I sit on the bed, my erection throbbing with expectation, she enters the room dressed in white lacy lingerie, waspie with frills, bowes and satin, suspenders, white lace top stockings, open crotch lace knickers, a satin and lace bra, too small which...

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Dyked Stoney Lynn Lexi Luna Fulfilling Her Femdom Fantasy

Stoney Lynn was in a bind for cash and was willing to do anything to get it. Her boyfriend recommended an unsavory option, but Stoney was incredibly desperate. She was sent to a big mansion where she met Lexi Luna. Within minutes of meeting her, Stoney was presented with a fat stack of cash and commanded to worship Lexi’s feet. Stoney followed instructions promptly, and before she knew it her tits were out and Stoney was getting DYKED hardcore style. Lexi then began to power finger her pussy...

3 years ago
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Meri Beautiful Chachi Ke Sath Like A Girlfriend

Hey guys…Mera name prem h main jaipur se hu, meri age 20 saal h or ye meri 3 mahiney pahle ki kahani hai, meri or meri pyari chachi… Main ISS ka regular reader hu or itni stories pdhne ke bad mujhe bhi apna incident share krne ka man kiya so maine ye story share ki h please ise jarur padhe or apne response de…pahle main apne bare mein bta du meri height 6 feet h main slim body ka hu or mera lund 6 inch ka h or 2.5 inch mota h, main engineering ka student hu or vaishali nagar me rhta hu…Meri...

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Through The Wormhole

You stand in front of the doorway, shivering in the cold that emanates from it. The clothes you're wearing aren't suited for the cold, but you know that soon you'll be somewhere else completely. As you hug yourself for warmth, a Gatekeeper approaches, her soberly-coloured robes offset by a fluorescent yellow hard hat. "Your papers are all in order, Mr. Greenwood", she says, her voice rough from years of exposure to cosmic rays. She hands you a tablet, then a folded piece of paper. You give it,...

4 years ago
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Cindy the slut

Cindy has always been a tiger in bed, never seeming to get enough fucking. Lately, it's all I can do to keep up with her. Seems like the more she gets, the more she wants. When we watch X-rated movies, I notice that her nipples get particularly hard when a scene with two men on one women comes up. One night I brought the subject up while we watching a tape, and she got really turned on thinking about it. When we fucked, her cunt was bigger than usual and she was insatiable even after we fucked...

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Buffy the Shemale Vampire Slayer

Waking to sunlight streaming through her bedroom window, between the parted curtains, Buffy Summers frowned, blinking. She'd had some strange dreams, including a few that had been prophetic, but nothing like the bizarre nightmare she'd awakened from just now. Last night, she'd fought a Feral Demon and the damned thing had bitten her! Of course, she'd slain it--eventually--but, by then, she'd already begun to feel sick and, concerned, she'd gone straight to bed. She was always...

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The Era of The Dead Maniacs

The federal government doesn't know how to deal with this unpredictable situation, the authorities quickly created walls around the city, restricting the problem. Second, when some of the only uninfected people tried contact – virgin girls of 18 years or more -, they received instructions throwed by drones that advised: 1.Closed places aren't secure; you have to run away all the time, preferably in an open and visible place by all sides. And does not carry baggage, it may retard you. 2.You have...

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Didi Sobat Keli Maja 8211 Marathi Story

Hello guyss this is my first story. I’ll describe my story in Marathi language. Kahi chuki zhali tar maaf kara.Sarvat aadhi me tumhala maazhi didi mhanje aatyachi mulgi ticha introduction deto. Naav-  Rasika Age- 20 Medium size stan (boobs)Full sliky smooth skin aani milky white body.Aata mazha intro deto Naav- sirish Age- 18Average body normal fair.Aata me mazhi story sangto. Mala porn baghaych bharpur ved aahe me naahi nahi mhanta dar divshi new new hd madhey porn download karun baghaycho....

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late night sissy turns into live in

Short story my first one! I ran to the store to get some smokes and a few beers and found a new friend.I saw what I thought was a girl riding a scooter stop so I said hello then I realized it was a very sexy dressed guy.He says hello and goes inside I wait for him to exit. He comes out and I just smile and make small talk.I see he is very feminine and that gets me hot.We talk for a bit then he asked me if he can have a beer I said sure,we drink a beer and I then ask if he would like to come...

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The Birth of Lesley Renee Charles

The Birth of Lesley Renee by: Lesley Renee Charles Part One - The Early Years I was born on Sunday, September 26, 1965 in Somerville, New Jersey. I was named Ernest for my father and Charles for his paternal grandfather. My mother says I was a prissy child from day one and had to be treated just right or I would be moody. My father always told me that I was a very good baby, and that they only had to tell me no and tap my hand and I would stop misbehaving. The first three years of...

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Seven Days of Lust Part 2

Dan awoke with a start. Today was his turn in the week-long fun leading up to his anniversary celebration with Kay. Yesterday she had dolled herself up in schoolgirl attire. He knew how much she loved to exhibit herself, so today he was going to allow her to expose her glorious little body to her heart’s content. Normally he tried to keep her under tight rein knowing how she could get carried away, but tonight he would allow her to flaunt her beauty more than ever before.He rolled over and...

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Tuckers Slut

I know children need their privacy. I know I shouldn't have bugged my daughter's bedroom and her phone, but what is a Mother to do? *What* I ask you? It's not like she's sweet and innocent. Not since those *damn* Tucker boys got their hands on her. *Damn* those boys. She *was* my *sweet* Jessica before they came along. Thank God I did wiretap her phone. The first conversation I recorded was Jessica talking to Mandy, her best friend. "Did you do *it*?" Mandy asked. "Yeah, but I'm...

5 years ago
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The Fantasy Fuck Store

First, let me own up. I am a mature man, yet ever since I was young and saw a gorgeous mature buxom lady wearing a girdle and fucking a guy on top, I have maintained a fetish to for plump mature women with big floppy tits wearing open crotch girdles and no underwear …oh yes, and they should have a lovely hairy cunt. So when a friend, who owned a fashion and shoe shop for shall we say, mature women, found out that I was semi retired she asked if I could help her for two days a week, who was I to...

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Brushing Moms HairChapter 7

“Your Dad asked me to do something special for you on Father’s day.” Those words replayed in my mind morning, noon and night. I just couldn’t shake them loose. It was like my head was one giant echo chamber, a walking sea shell. To make things worse, Mom put me on a starvation diet. Not food, of course. Mom treats were few and far between. By the time Father’s Day was only a week away, Mom had let me fuck her only twice since that fateful night when she’d whispered those deafening words....

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The AcademyChapter 53

Gonzalo: Thursday morning, the perpetually angry Decurion held a 'staff meeting.' I discovered that his staff consisted of your humble servant, the Sub-Decurion I had been given the pleasure of meeting the day before, and another, younger, female Sub-Decurion -- coincidentally also named Hopkins. Decurion Tillotson referred to them as Hopkins the Elder and Hopkins the Younger -- and at some point in the conversation, I was given to understand that they were mother and daughter... As...

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The Bikini Barista

Introduction: A young lady finds out tips are best, for those who do the most. ​The inspiration for the story: http://www.jailbaitgallery.com/show_list.php?id=3001 Katrina was tying her hair up in the back in to a loose drooping bun with lots of strands left hanging. She also let her bangs fall over her forehead so they fell just above her eyebrows. It was her first night in a new apartment with three other girls. They were all high school friends who had just graduated and Katrina was so...

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Jean Total Exhibitionist Slut Part Two

Part TwoFrom this point on I will have to hand the story over to Jean, as who would be better regaling the tale than the slut who was there.Dave left me at the table so I could enjoy a night of sexual passion with the three guys. True to form, the second Dave left, I nodded at the guys and Harry, Ross and Mike were back over at my table, knowing full well they’d already helped me remove my lace back thong, had played with my freshly waxed pussy and filthy talked me to such a state of arousal...

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The Life of Giving Chapter 8 Fate

After a weird sort of a breakup with Samer and even wieder oral sex with Hassan immediately after my break up, I've decided to be alone for a while. I figured it would be best for me to actually decide what to do when there is no pressure to do anything. But the pressure was there, some pressure came from Hassan who was really impatient to see me again; other sorts of pressure were mostly self imposed. The only place no pressure came from was from Samer.But, let me rewind this story a little...

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Jasons QuestChapter 17 Jesse and Marie

As Jesse and Marie stepped off the levee and onto the landing stage of the Irish Princess, Jesse paused to marvel at the riverboat. Marie had said that three of the boats owned by her father were smaller, "packet" boats that carried lots of cargo and some passengers. This one was the pride of Sean's fleet and the one he captained. The Irish Princess was a large, "Cincinnati" class boat, that is, one of the large passenger boats built for speed and elegance. She was, in effect, a...

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A Fresh Start0

Rolling up the sleeves to his elbows and putting on a pair of white Nikes, he couldn’t wait for the first day of classes to begin. Orientation had shown him that this school would be something worth remembering, he just knew it. The girls were extremely attractive, and he had met a couple of dudes that seemed pretty cool too. He walked into the kitchen of his apartment, grabbed an apple and headed downstairs to his pride and joy, his 95 Z28. Most people didn’t understand why he loved...

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18 October 2008Chapter 5

“I think I’ve had enough rest and ready for more fucking,” Dan mentioned taking a good swig of his drink. He cuddled Lisa to him, one hand fondling her bare breast, the other exciting her pussy and clit. “Are you going to fuck me here?” Lisa hoped. “No, back at your home on the couch or better yet, in your bed,” he said to her ear. “Shall we go then?” she asked and stood. She barely tied the bow that kept her dress closed and put the damp towel in her purse. The inner halves of her breasts...

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The Mangini Chronicles Vol I

The Mangini Chronicles Volume 1 (blackmail, humiliation, pictures, M/F, M/fff, F/Fff, n/c, bdsm, oral, anal, teen, high school) The Mangini Chronicles Volume 1 (blackmail, humiliation, pictures, M/F, M/fff, F/Fff, n/c, bdsm, oral, anal, teen, high school) Description:This is the first volume of what I hope to be many about High School Head Master, Eric Mangini.? In this volume Eric begins the manifestation of his dark desires by entrapping and blackmailing a student into sexual...

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Help My girlfriend is a Unicorn Chapter 8

Help! My girlfriend is a Unicorn! Chapter 8 As it happened, the next couple of days made me wonder about how exciting things were gonna be for me. All I had to deal with was being a girl in junior high, which probably was "excitement" enough, considering. Then on Friday, Melody told me her family was going to be hosting a "guest" over the weekend, and I was invited to come over on Saturday. So Saturday morning, I went over, and was greeted at the door by Melody's mom, who told...

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Bridgets NightsChapter 7

The foursome gathered around me. I sat on the couch with Linda on one side and Sue on the other. Pat nestled in her husband's lap in the big chair facing us. I don't doubt that my eyes grew misty and far away. I wasn't seeing the room, but rather the soft rolling green hills and dales of Ireland. I knew that the faint traces that remained of my Irish accent grew stronger the longer I talked. I was born the eighth and final child to my parents, Michael and Mary O'Brien. Five brothers...

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Hallo Leute, hier wird es ein Sammelsurium von Geschichten in denen, es rund ums Flaschendrehen geht. Junge Leute spielen Flaschendrehen oft, um erotische und/oder sexuelle Erfahrungen zu machen. Die Spiele werden deshalb meist in unbeobachteten Situationen, manchmal an geheimen Orten gespielt. Manchmal wird es auch mit dem Spiel Wahrheit oder Pflicht kombiniert. Die Spannung die immer da war, ob man dran kommt oder nehme ich Wahrheit oder Pflicht? Muss man nun Blankziehen? Darf man das hübsche...

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Andrew and James

Andrew helps me put my stuff in my car, then he climbs in the drivers seat, to take me back to his house. Or so I thought. The man drove to the cute little boutique in town. "A Dream for Him" , Andrew lead me through the door with him holding my hand. An older woman built like a brick house stepped out from the back room. "Hi, Louise" Andrew said. Louise came over and kissed Andrew on the cheek and gave him a hug. Andrew introduced me to her and told me to go look around, as the two who...

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Shagging My Partners Boss

I live somewhere slightly unusual where i ocasionally have to be evacuated.On one of these occasions i had to get out at short notice.Fortunately my partners boss had a spare room so we spent the night there.In the morning my partner went off to work and left me lying in bed.Angie shouted out from downstairs 'did i want a cup of tea'.'Yes ,i will come down for it'.Before i could make a move the door to the bedroom opened and Angie was stood there with a cup of tea in her hand.'i was coming down...

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OffWorld Slave Girl Chapter 8 Ursula

Again, a warm and hearty welcome to my Earth readers. I continue my tale of my adventures with my pleasure-slave Melora, and various other slaves too. As previous readers are aware I had retired to the planet Rigel VI, on the outer rim of our galaxy.The rich elite of this planet, of which I had become one of its newest members, bought and sold pleasure-slaves. Pleasure slaves were women (and men) who had submitted themselves to the auction houses in the big cities here.They were escaping the...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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The Gathering Book 1Chapter 43 The Mirrored Room continued

Eric returned with what would eventually be the 'mattress' when filled with water and busied himself with the final stages of preparing the waterbed. That is, he was hooking the hoses with which to fill it while trying to ignore the voluptuous Molly who kept brushing against him. "Are we going to test the bed when it's full?" she asked, knowing full well that was the case. "We sure are," he replied intent on making certain the hose connections were fast. He wouldn't want the hose to...

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Birthday Presents Part 1

“Happy Birthday Allison,” my brother whispered in my ear, pushing me out of my sleep. I was still to tired to give him the proper smile, but I knew that it would make its way out in time. I was not the best when it came to early mornings, but I knew that Corey would make up for the early to rise moment. He always woke me up early on my birthday and I always woke him up early on his, thats how it has always been. “Morning,” I groaned, stretching my arms out above my head. I could hear the...

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Sultry Summer Ch 26

‘Why can’t you come over to my place?’ Samantha pouted. She’d stopped Stacey outside school, told him her folks weren’t home, and invited him over. When he said he couldn’t go to her house, she got upset. Stacey really wanted to accept the nubile teen’s offer, but he couldn’t. He’d promised to go over to Mrs. Davidson’s house. ‘Look, Samantha, I really want to come over,’ Stacey said, pained, ‘Honest! But I can’t. I gotta go to Davidson’s.’ ‘How come?’ his companion said, placing her hands...

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Jaq Gets Some Big Cocks

As a couple in our late fifties, we still enjoy a superb sex life. I have written many stories based on our experiences, here is a true account of one of them.It was a Friday evening, I was home from work when my mobile rang."I'm going for a drink with some work colleagues," Jaq announced. This was not unusual so I settled down with a beer in front of the television.The television was not that great, I slipped in a porn movie and settled down to watch the action. At around nine thirty pm Jaq...

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My Passionate Liason

I needed a man, right now! My love life was, well, ok, so I didn't have one, but I needed a man. Taller men have always been my preference, knowing that when I looked up at them, they got hard !Dark hair, dark eyes, dark thoughts, mmmmmm.I had never seen you in the area before, but oh, I am so glad I did. Such a nice sight. As I left the house, you caught me looking at you, staring. You smiled and carried on down the street. I could do you, I thought to myself, yes I could. Shaking my...

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A piece Of her heart

I pulled into the driveway of my humble abode, smiling softly as I realized my hard day of slaving at work was finally over, and could once again return to the warm confines of my home, and her. I worked my way towards the front door, twisting the worn handle and stepping inside. Already I could smell the wonderful aromas of my beloveds cooking, knowing she had been waiting for me. I smiled at that notion, how much I cared for Rhianna, how much she made me smile at even the smallest things...

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Rukhsana Chachi Ki Niyat

Hi friends my name is Firoz aaj main aapko apne teenage samay ki kucchh yaadgar baten batane wala hoon ye un din ki baat hai jab main 12th me tha aur mujhe blue films dekhna tabhi se pasand tha kafi filme dekhi thi aur sochta tha ki mujhe kab ye mauka milega? Tab hum jis society me rehte the waha side wali society me ek family husband wife rehti thi unki do chhoti sitwilns ladkiyan thi. Kareeb 2 saal ki unko main unke sath khlne ke liye kabhi kabhi unke yahan chala jata tha main aunty ko...

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Bus control 3

Bus control-3By Clara High        - Attention! Control! All passengers out of the bus! In a line at the bus side! Move! – It was a gender police traffic checkpoint. A masked and heavily armed policewoman entered the bus’s saloon and started to give commands. She grabbed nearest man and pulled him roughly out of the bus. The man trembled. He was new in the city. He was rented as housekeeper in the home of an old retired woman just few weeks ago. He wanted to be perfect servant, because other his...

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First Time part 4a

The next couple of weeks I was at Paul's house everyday, sometimes just the 2 of us, but more often Mark would be there too. I was getting cummed in or on or swallowing 4 to 6 times a day when they were both there. My favorite was when one of them would be fucking my ass and the other one fucking my mouth. 18yo cocks get hard over and over and I was insatiable. I loved every minute of it, and I really loved getting high with them too. Mark started giving me a joint to take home with me once in...

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My ex-girlfriend is crazy. I know, everyone says that, but I mean it. I ended up breaking up with her after she tried to get me to agree to some majorly weird kinky sex slave thing. I mean, I like to spice things up in the bedroom as much as the next girl, but there’s such a thing as going too far. She had a fucking locking collar ready for me, for the love of god! And she just stood there, telling me to put it on, do it for her, do it and everything would make sense and I’d be hers forever. I...

3 years ago
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Crucifix Longing Ch 05

Dear Reader. Finally…Chapter 5…and it only took me 6 weeks to write it! The pressures of ‘daily life’ have a nasty way of keeping one away from things like writing! I hope you enjoy. Please let me know. (Oh, and for those of you who read Chapter 4 and came across a very odd paragraph…you’re not crazy…it wasn’t supposed to be there! I thought I’d deleted it, but, alas, I didn’t it. And for that crazy error…please accept my humble apology!) Chapter 5. Physical therapy for the mind as well as the...

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Cum Face the Boyz

I am not sure if this story belongs under this category since it doesn't involve nudity, but I think this is the most appropriate place. Last week I went to visit the guy I am dating, Adam. We were hanging out alone at his parent's house (they were out) and we decided to order pizza. While waiting for the pizza we started to fool around a little bit in his living room, and I ended up giving him a blowjob. I was really getting into it (Adam's always into it!) when the doorbell rang. I...

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Old Friends orSweet MindyMy Blonde MILF Hottie

Introduction: A meeting with an old friend leads to nasty sex!!! OLD FRIENDS a story about Sweet Mindy (My Blonde MILF Hottie) Part 1 She was standing in line at the Deli, the cutest blonde hardbody Id seen in a while, with an ass made for fucking and big nippled ripe titties, she was a horny studss wet and sticky dream. She was dressed in a long wrap around skirt, slit down the side to show some skin and a tight pink sweater. Way to classy a chick to try to bag with a little...

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