#Cockeyed free porn video

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I'm now in my third marriage. (Apparently it is the charm), thankfully to a childhood friend of mine I've know most of my life, honestly this was the last thing I had expected. We have now been married for four years.

Luckily our kids are grown and out on their own, so it's just the two of us.

We grew up in the 80s and were known to be pretty wild in our day partying and having fun. He was only a year older than me when we met in Jr High school, and we had always been great friends, and we stayed in touch throughout our adult lives too, though we never dated back then, maybe subconsciously we knew that wouldn't be feasible as wild as we were, thrre was always "something" stirring. I think we made out once at a party...and nothing ever came of it. Only now after getting together did we share some of the thoughts we had of each other the entire time.

We got along in just about every way, we know the same people have similar histories etc, he was there for me after the funeral, and it wasn't long before he was in my bed, I'm sure people talked, not that it mattered to us.

....except when we butt heads, neither one will back down both being very stubborn alphas and head strong to boot, we were a force to be reckoned with no doubt. Neither one of us would budge. And we both know exactly which buttons to push on each other. Standing so strong in our convictions it often lead to days of not talking, to hot passionate make up sex that lasted for hours on end. Never really solving the issues at hand, and overtime frustrations build up....

I worked part time in a restaurant and he has a auto sales lot that he built from the ground up, so being his own boss alloted him the luxury to come and go as he pleased and he pretty much did what he wanted. Where as I punched a clock and did not have that same luxury.

I had always found Brach "my now husband" attractive and sexy, he was feared by many and that was a turn on as well. The typical bad boy well known around town, not a bully by any means, he had to be provoked. Looking back he's always been very witty, charming, and outright hysterical when he got going...you always had a good time when he was involved. He was a smartass too, and still is.

He had a touch of shyness about him you wouldn't expect but was irresistibly cute. Deep down he was also extremely talented, smart and charasmatic.

So shy would be the last thing to describe my husband which added to his mystery. He had the stature of a gorilla and the head of a overgrown pitbull. That de***********ion i didn't come up with on my own many of people has mentioned the same thing only solidifying the uncanny likeness.

As a matter of fact people meeting us have jokingly made comments to me " so I see your into beastiality", he is a beast of a man with a size 15 shoe and with one hand could palm both of my asscheeks.

We purchased our house 3 years ago at a very reasonable price for where its located, of course it needed repairs and some updates which we did on our own and it turned out beautiful and exactly how we wanted located in a quiet , safe neighborhood.

With all the work and money we put into the house it seems like our relationship payed the price.

I remember on a Tuesday tired coming home from work on what was left of a beautiful day.

I pulled in my driveway and noticed a man walking a dog heading in my direction.

As I got out of the car he was directly behind me where as his dog chose to stop, attempting to leave little doggie mines on my lawn no doubt.

Our eyes met as I was watching the dogs intentions too.

He says hi how are you doing this fine day. He already mentioned it was a fine day so I thought I would match that. so I replied fine... im doing fine.

Is that a lil sarcasm I detect which I admit him saying that caught me a little off guard, sarcasm? No wouldn't be sarcasm I don't do that well I would go straight to kicking your ass before I would middle man sarcasm. Appearantly by the look on his face, My lack of smiling after that statement left him frightfully confused.

He looked at me with that shock and awe look. I immediately apologized and told him I was joking and remarked on how beautiful his ugly little dog was.

Then he chuckled I like you.

Well i appreciate your approval. I replied..

I always liked the big broad shouldered , barrel chested guys like my husband, but found my self somewhat interested in this clean cut average build fine shape of a man.

Dressed in a pale pink polo shirt and the whitest pair of shorts I've ever seen. Did he wash them or paint them to get like that. He's no incredible hulk but I noticed incredible bulk.

But he kind of turned me on in a refreshing way. Damn my luck hes gay probably.. He says nice to meet you my name is Vance this is rouge as he hugged a little wiry haired reddish colored dog I thought to myself how cute, he's gay.

He immediately added his ex named the dog and he got stuck with him.

I just moved in 4 doors down. Nice to meet you Vance I'm Shelby I replied. A moment of relief coming over me ok... he's not gay? .........

UNLESS his ex is a guy? My God the suspense is killing me and how do you politely ask.

But whats more disturbing is why I found myself so concerned to know.

Beautiful house you have here how long have you been in the neighborhood?

About 3 years now me and my husband.

Well judging from what I payed you guys must have paid a fortune for this sprawling estate.

I chuckled, No not actually it was a fixer upper that we went above and beyond with.

Would you like to see the inside I found myself saying in disbelief cause were ordinarily private people and don't mingle with neighbors but this one is kinda cute.

I would love to he replied.

So after a quick tour thru the house we ended up on the back patio under a 4 post awning with our patio furniture under it.

He seemed to be a really nice guy,

I felt a little awkward how much I started gaining interest in him. We sat and talked awhile as the dog intertwined his leash in a pentagram pattern around the furniture.

As I stood to excuse myself to the house for drinks i tripped over the dog leash trap.

Falling to my hands and knees. Thankfully the pain wasn't bad I remembered thinking so I cant be hurt. As I brush my hands together on my knees.

Vance replies " while your down there " is all he got out before I gave him the meanest look he'd probably ever seen, and blurted out well isn't that original.

He looked at me puzzled oh no I'm sorry when you tripped and fell you knocked my phone on the ground its right there beside you but I can get it if it's to much trouble.

I felt like such an idiot no im sorry I reached down and grabbed his phone then for whatever reason I don't know why, I put it in his lap instead of handing it to him, time seemed to slow down and I caught myself staring into his crotch and he noticed too.

I caught his eyes staring at mine staring at him and he had this smirk. I was thinking to myself I would love to indulge in that bulge.

He says oh you thought I was going to say something else well didn't know that offer was on the table.

Before I knew it I was on the table.

We were in an unannounced race to see who could get their pants off faster. The dogs barking the cell phones back on the ground and Vance is humping me like a jack rabbit. A jack rabbit with a 3 foot dick.

I felt like I was in the middle of famous porn film scene and my companion had been overfluffed.

I didn't get to see exactly how well endowed he was but I could tell from the thrusting pressure that it was somewhere between what I would describe as a coke bottle and or a fence post.

The dog barking seemed like a disgruntled porn director angrily barking out orders. Literally!

I was shaking and quivering so bad he probably thought I was having a seizure or had a bad case of Parkinsons that just flared up. I wrapped my arms around his back and gripped my hands like eagle talons into his back. I felt like a little kid on my first ride at cedar point just trying to hang on and not get sick from the intense euphoria from the thrill of the ride.

A couple of times I found myself gasping for air. Like running a relay race only im not letting go of this batton , this was my batton for now and it felt good and I liked it and I wasn't about to pass this batton to nobody else. I know now how those cowboys feel when they get that right bull and they ride it out till it tires and they feel like they beat the bull... on top of the world except this rides gonna be alot longer than that 10 or 15 seconds or at least I hope.

Omg my husband's home I yelled as I heard his truck pull in the drive .

I shoved him off me , he tripped on the same damn dog leash falling on his back.

I stopped for a moment as I caught sight of his cock still throbbing hard and noticibly spewing cum all over the patio furniture, kinda like one of those lawn spickets you see watering a big golf course.

Some even hitting the dog right in the eye, Beautiful money shot director spooge. I thought to myself. That shut him up finally.. which lord I hope I don't go to hell but I thought that was hysterical I just wish I wasn't in such a hurry that I could appreciate the profound humor in this moment.

I rushed to put my pants on and he his at which time we both noticed we had to switch britches.

He bundled up his dog and I ran to the back door.

I quietly shouted for him to wait by the side gate till he heard my husband inside and then to continue out the gate quietly and to muzzle the dog, I didn't care if he had to use his cock.

I hurried in the back door trying to act natural and with every footstep across the tiled kitchen floor I could hear a little smack and squeak from cum I had stepped on out in the patio.

I hurried to the living room to rub it off on the carpet.

.. Just as my husband had already entered the front door and was rounding out from the foyer past me at the same spot in living room. Hey babe how was your day I asked. Good he says I sold that damn Lincoln finally he said with sigh of relief.

I don't know alot about cars but this was one of the model and or year they appearantly had alot of problems with and it was hard to sell. I said well thats great to hear.

He followed with one of his favorite remarks ' theres an ass for every seat".

I said great babe does that mean I don't have to cook we can order out maybe get a big juicy steak from that Steakhouse around the corner.

He agreed. Deal ill call it in, you go pick it up. thinking that will give me time to clean up.

No problem hun. he replied.

After ordering I told him I was a little tired and wanted to take a shower and feel refreshed by the time he got back with dinner.

So I went and grabbed some clean pajama top and botttoms and took a thorough shower.

I felt dirty down to my sole.

I never did anything like this before or well at least since my mid 20s.

After I felt like I steam cleaned my body and took a toilet brush to my vagina.

I walked out to the kitchen and brach was just entering with the food.

My God that smells so good.

Brach agreed and added its so nice outside lets eat out on the patio.

He grabs silverware and plates while still holding all the food and heads to the patio.

I don't remember what I left the patio like when I rushed in the house earlier..

I hope to God theres no bra or panties out there.

Or worse vances underwear how would I explain that. Our sons have never lived in this house and brach hasn't wore anything that size since 8th grade.

I glanced around and nothing. Great what a relief everything appears fine.

Brach puts the food down, and grabs the candles under the table and lights them.

It was a beautiful night a calm breeze coming across the yard. The candles flickering a little at first and then maintaining a nice glow.

By the time he lit the third candle I could see big globs of cum on the table just in front of the bag out of his view.

Here hun let me set our plates. So I hurried and grabbed everything but first by just tearing the bag open and laying it all out there like a platter.

Making sure the opened up bag covered all the DNA sample.

Thank God I did not let him put blacklights out there like he wanted to.

It would've looked like a rave/orgy party on the patio.

After dinner I cleaned up the mess and told brach go relax I've got it..

Me and Vance continued to see each other for short random times in the evening when my husband wasn't home which was pretty risky whereas even though we had a privacy fence, the neighboring houses were 2 story homes so you never know of prying eyes and loose lips.

One day while arranging my closet i tripped over some of my shoes and fell thru the wall. There was a decent sized hole in my closet wall and the adjoining wall had a perfect rectangular like hole right into the bathroom how the hell did that happen i thought,, I hurried around to the bathroom and noticed the toilet paper holder was on the floor it looked fine nothing broken it just pops in the hole in the wall. I sat on the toilet putting it back in place mean while a vision from a porno site popped in my head.

This looks like one of those gloryholes.

Then I got an even better idea if I had Vance in the closet and me in the bathroom. Nobody would see or know what we were doing. Its alot easier to hide a cock then a whole person. I could spend all the time I wanted in the bathroom once I left theres nothing in there to hide.

The next day Vance stopped by when my husband wasn't home yet. I asked him in the house I told him come inside I want you to check something out for me.

So we went into my closet and I moved a shoe rack I had put in front of the missing drywall I broke when I fell I reached in and pushed the toilet paper roll holder out to the floor and I said check that out what do you think.

He said looks like you need some drywall repair. I said stay right here fast walked thru to the bathroom sat the toilet lid down and sat on the toilet I looked in the hole and stuck my hand in and said "give me your cock" I could see his eyes get big and light up and a big smirk on his face as his hands hurried to his zipper he was fumbling to pull his cock out in a hurry. He said oh my God no fucking way you made a gloryhole. I said no I fell through the wall and improvised.

By the time he pulled his cock out it was already rock hard. He poked his cock through the wall and slipped past my fingers into my palm.

My mouth was already salivating I couldn't wait to choke myself with this cock.

I wrapped my lips around it and sucked so hard i pulled him into the wall.

It didn't take long at all until I was choking on his load. Me and Vance have mingled careully around the house a few weeks now and I've had his cock in my mouth on numerous occasions but never was it this exciting!

This brought cocksucking to a whole new level of sexual ecstacy i would have never imagined .

To think something as simple as a hole in the wall and a guy sticking nothing but his cock thru would be such a turn on. I could tell that it really excited Vance too in the record time he came.

His cock rock hard throbbed a swelling surge I could feel each shot of cum charge thru his cock each load and not the normal pause in between shots fired. This was rapid fire 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, my eyes watering and bulging out of my head cum shooting out from my nostrils and getting in my lungs now I'm choking and coughing my God is it going to stop.

Finally as I was ready to disengage. Pulling away his last throbbing burst of cum released. I wiped cum from my nose and from around my mouth and tried to swallow what was still in my mouth all the while choked up over what had made its way into my lungs. I ve heard of waterlogged well I was cumlogged. I seen six guy blowbangs with less cum.

We both realized at this moment that this was going to be our Sexual rendezvous point. How perfect it would be in the closet out of view of anybody and I would be in the bathroom out of view we could carry on our sexual excursions without being noticed. As this carried on for 2 weeks i got a little courageous sucking vance off while my husband was home sometimes him even knocking on the door and talking to me when I have a mouthful of cock which it was very hard for him to understand me.

A few times he approached the door to strike up conversation right when the hail mary mouthful erupted like a geyser in my mouth my cheeks looked like dizzy Gillespie blowing a trumpet! Although i don't think blowing a trumpet would be as fun.

I kind of in a way felt like an evil person enjoying these sexual acts with a neighbor right under the same roof as my husband while he was there..

But the sexual euphoria was like nothing i ever experienced so that superceded all thoughts of guilt.

It got to where I would wake up in the middle of the night next to my husband in bed. He would be snoring away deep sleep , I would wake up horny and thinking of Vance and the gloryhole bathroom.

So one night I thought I would text him it was about 1:30 in the morning and just see if he maybe he's awake or if he might text back. I layed there with my phone tight to my chest on silent in case he text back nothing for several minutes then I jerked startled by the vibration of silent mode notification my God it was Vance he returned my text he was awake also .

I asked him if he felt like coming by, he said sure want me to meet you on the back patio? I said no ill meet you at the front door your going to my closet.

Okay ill see you in 10 minutes.

My heart was racing with excitement. 7 minutes later I heard light tap at the front door.. there he was in a tank top and boxers with the head of his dick sticking out of the slit they have on the front of those things.

I quietly opened the door holding my finger in front of my lips shhhh Hes still sleeping in the bedroom. I said to Vance referring about my husband.

I used my cell phone light to lead Vance into my closet and to platform the gloryhole. I carefully closed the door and lightly made a pass by our bedroom to check that he's still sleeping.

I backtracked to the bathroom that adjoins my closet and locked the door behind me, the house is pretty quiet at night so I figure I would try to be quiet but just on case ill turn on the vent fan, now I really appreciate buying a cheap loud vent fan rather then going with the expensive quiet vent fan.

I didn't turn the light on in the bathroom the nightlight plugged in the outlet above the vanity next to the toilet was all I needed.

I grabbed a towel , pulled the toilet lid down and placed the towel doubled over covering the lid so it would be a little more comfortable and not cold.

I sat down reached over and carefully popped out the t.p. holder and placed it on the vanity, following right behind the removal I seen vances girthy hard cock.

It was among the prettiest cocks I've ever seen about 10" long im not sure of diameter but when my hand is wrapped around it my fingers and thumb can't and won't touch. And when it's in my mouth I feel like my jaws dislocating to fit it in.

I always think of when a pythons eating and its lower jaw dislocates to eat bigger prey. Thinking that made me seem somewhat empowered. Yeah I'm going to devour this cock I was thinking to myself.

The only thing is my prey isn't afraid of me eating him and is more than happy to accommodate. My mouth was already watering I could feel the drool trying to exit the corners of my lips. Both sets I laughed to myself.

I didn't want to start out all aggressive and crazy so I slowly and seductively stuck my tongue out to meet the tip of his dick and while pushing my head into the wall slowly use my tongue no hands and guide his cock gently down my throat, all the while doing a massaging motion with my tongue as it slip past my lips .

I could feel his dick getting harder and firmer. I've sucked Vance off enough times now that I know just before cumming his cock gets rock hard sticking straight out from his body and just before he cums the whole head of his dick starts turning slightly upward the more he's aroused till you feel him quiver and lose it.

When he cums his cock feels like a really thick power washing wand at the car wash and someone's fluttering the trigger.

As much as I liked going down on him hes not getting off that easy this time no pun intended.

No tonight I would do some moderate fluffing and then that wand is going to be powerwashing my pussy.

After awhile of sucking on him in somewhat slow seductive manor.

I hiked up my nighty spun around and plunged my pussy over his cock.

He's bumping the wall into the bathroom, I'm shoving back equally as hard against him to counteract knocking this wall out too.

I could hear purses, hats and whatever else I had hanging on the wall in there hitting the floor. As Vance was fucking me I could feel him moving to dodge the items coming down off the wall.

Jesus christ I need a hard hat.

I heard him say while he was panting for fresh air being closed in the closet.

I thought to myself this hard cock is all I need.

I could tell he was getting ready to cum and sure enough he made one last thrust and held it keeping constant pressure on the wall keeping his dick shoved as deep In my pussy as he could get, I could hear the drywall cracking from the pressure so with both hands pushing against the vanity I pushed back to equal out the pressure on the wall. I didn't want Vance coming thru there like the Kool aid man... Oh Yeah!

Then I could feel it.

The warm pulsating blasts of cum exiting his dick and spraying the entire inside of my pussy. We held ourselves there squeezed tight together not moving like we were gluing an old broken family heirloom together and we wanted to make sure the glue set and it held so mom didn't notice we broke it.

After we both sighed from sexual satisfaction and the relief that we could go back to being quiet, we separated and I immediately stuck the t.p. holder back in the hole. Upon doing so I seen all the fluids running down the wall. FUCK! I said and grabbed the towel i was sitting on and scrubbed down the wall and surrounding floor. You ok I heard Vance say...

Yes I just have some clean up to do.

No problem he said ill lock the front door behind me.

Cool thanks I replied.

After I wiped the mess in that area up. I turned the vent fan off and kept the towel with me to take to bed.

I had a feeling I would probably need it thru the night.

Walking from the bathroom to the bedroom, I felt like a perverted tale of Hansel and Gretel as I left a trail of cumdrops. I was sure to drag a clean spot of towel behind me. As I approached the bed I could still hear snoring perfect I thought as I snuck in bed.

I could feel vances cum leaking making a little cum river down my leg or cum canal sounds better I thought to myself. My beaver needs to build a damn. Damnit I laughed to myself.

I fell fast asleep awaking again about 2 hours later. My husband still snoring away and I was behind him wrapped around him sleeping with my right leg strattled over his legs, I pulled my leg back and could feel I leaked all over him.

I hurried and grabbed the towel and carefully wiped him clean not wanting to wake him up.

I wadded the towel between my legs and put a partition of blanket between us and back to sleep.

This was the most sexually intense and turned on moments for me ever in my life.

It's sucking and fucking through the wall by this hole was a new heightened sexual experience that I had never thought I could reach.

Vance would come by each day around the same time I would let him in the house and you would go to the closet where he would stay until I went to the bathroom I sometimes left him a beer or pop on a small tray in my closet by the makeshift gloryhole.

One day I let vance into the closet and i shut the door as i was walking to the bathroom i seen water pouring from under the laundry room door, I opened it to see water spraying from a hose behind the washing machine.

It appears a supply line had burst, I helped hook them up so I was familiar as to how they are connected.

I hurried and shut the after supply valve off which stopped more water from spewing on the floor but I had to mop up the existing water on the floor, The stick on floor tiles were in great shape so we never replaced those. I'm not about to ruin them now.

So I rushed the mop and bucket and commenced to mop up the water.

Not hearing my husband come home he entered into the bathroom and nestled into the toilet for a #2 setting at what he calls the throne.

As he sat there on the toilet the toilet paper holder fell from the wall and to the floor by his foot , he leaned over to pick it up when he felt something protrude from the wall and poke him in the eye.

I heard a what the fuck and my closet door flung open and Vance running to the front door and gone.

I was in shock my heart fell to my stomach, My God its over im fucked in a whole new way and not enjoyably at all.

My husband ran past the laundry room to the front door Vance was already long gone. He peered out the front not a sign of anything! He glanced back at me and out the door one more time.

He slammed the front door and glared at me and said honey are you ok that pervert didn't hurt you did he.

I gasped and didn't know what to say.

Then I blurted out who the hell was that what the fuck is going on.

He said I don't know hun I sat on the toilet and the toilet paper roll holder fell on the floor by my foot I leaned to pick it up and some guy stuck his cock in my eye.

Even under the horrible circumstances it took everything I had to keep from laughing till I pass out.

All I could do is hug him so he couldn't see my expression and I said omg honey are you ok. Yes he replied did you get a look at him. I said no by the time I heard the commotion I seen a blurr go by the doorway here. Did you say he stuck his cock in your eye? My God honey thats so terrifying I don't know what I would have done had that been me in there.

Were going to have to get an alarm system and a thing of pepper spray for you to carry at all times honey, I'm not having some horny homosexaul do a home invasion and violate my husband! This neighborhood isn't is safe as we thought. I love you baby. Do you need me to kiss your Boo Boo?


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AUTHOR’S NOTE: Parts of this were posted in an earlier form as ‘Roger Simian’. BTW, the punctuation and style are SUPPOSED to be a bit weird. Just me being all wacky and experimental – haha. (COMPLEXION) The author of *Miss Babylon 1999* sits naked lonely and drunk up there in her bedroom/ slurping straight vodka from a coffee mug and gazing distractedly into the Looking Glass. Its not little blonde Alice she sees staring back at her though. More like a scrawny Snow White. Ink-black hair...

4 years ago
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"Judi, wait up please," called a tall, thin teen-ager. "May I walk with you? There's some things I want to talk with you about and on the way home is a better place that at school." "What do you want, Chaz? I don't have time to put up with your kidding today. I have to get home," the 18 year old told him. Judi Washburn was medium height, 5' 6", with a medium build. She had no single feature that stood out however the combination of ALL her features made her quite attractive. The fly...

2 years ago
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Wild GeeseChapter 4

My ‘orientation’ at the Medical Centre began with their Administrator. Amelia Harrison was abrupt, even brusque, but took me through the formalities most efficiently before handing me over to Doctor Greene. Doctor Greene – ‘call me Jane’ – gave me a quick tour of the facility. That included a locker-room, with a shower, which I was delighted to see. It would make life much more comfortable, especially in the winter. We ended in a small interview room. “I’m afraid we can’t give you a...

3 years ago
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BeckyChapter 2

“Sit down,” I said. She sat, looked at me with big eyes. I started to tell her I was going to take the other bed, but ... Those eyes... “What?” “Oh, nothing ... Which side do you want?” “This side.” “Okay.” We at least maintained the illusion of going to sleep. I was lying on my back, enjoying the spinning of my head. She lay on her side, facing away from me. Backed up until her butt bumped me. It’s been months since I slept with a woman, and THAT woman, for the last few months of our...

3 years ago
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Life Less LivedChapter 7

Friday, 2 shopping days to Christmas As expected, Sir Philip had Lady Barbara collected early on Friday morning with his chauffeur-driven limousine, which pulled up and parked outside the row of cottages precisely at six o’clock. She was ready to go, with an overnight bag packed and waiting inside the front door. She stepped out of her cottage as soon as the sleek vehicle pulled up almost silently outside. The chauffeur, a young man she didn’t know, stepped smartly around the car and opened...

4 years ago
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IHNC 55 Christines First Time

(These events are from the viewpoint of Christine Johnson, High School biology teacher who found out about the affair between Ed and Becky.) Sex, sex, sex. That’s all anyone ever talked about anymore. Every note being passed in class was about who loves whom. Every discussion in the teacher’s lounge was who was dating whom. Every program on the television was naked bodies writing in passion. Even my once pure romance novels no longer were about eternal love, every...

2 years ago
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The Pink Diva Chronicles Day 122128

Day 122 On the Road again, PD Dana and I are on our way to his parents. Quoting the man who owns the record of doing the quickest Kessel Run : "I do not have a good feeling about this." Dana is not his normal self, and we are planning on not staying overnight. If that is not enough to make me feel like today is going to be memorable for all the wrong reasons, Dana told me his dad is an asshole. Enough about what I cannot control; I will tell you all about Christmas. It was...

3 years ago
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The first visit

Nervous, its the only word to describe how I felt. Here I was, walking into an adult theatre with my Mistress. I'd been to one before, but back then I was a man. That day I walked into it in a black pencil skirt with a white blouse, black pumps, a black lace bra holding my tits which had recently had work done to them and a black garter and stockings while wearing modest heels. I'm tall, and the fact that you could see my bra through the blouse made me feel very slutty. In my purse I had a box...

2 years ago
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I’m naked, something I can rarely handle when not in some altered state. He loves my body, but as most twenty-something females, I am far from comfortable in my body. I stand at a short five foot one, curvy, but as most tell me, far from fat. A round ass, perfect for spanking or whipping, or anything else that strikes his fancy, a small waist, and large ‘c’ cup breasts. Long dark hair and my crowning achievement, my emerald green eyes. I’m tied to his bed, spread eagle. Moments, or was it hours...

4 years ago
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Son can you wash my back

It was monday evening, I had just finnished my homework and decided to go to bed. Altough when I got to the bathroom I could here the shower, mom was taking a shower, altough the door to the bathroom were open so I peeked in. -Mom? I said. -Yes dear? -Is it ok if I brush my teeth while you are in the shower? -Of course it is dear. -Thanks! So I started brushing my teeths, but then mom asked: -John? Can you help me wash my back when you are done brushing your teeth? I almost...

1 year ago
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EuroTeenErotica Nata Ocean Missy Luv Dorm Room Threesome

Euro Teen Erotica has got your teen sex cravings handled in this thrilling threeway featuring sexy brunette Latvian Nata Ocean and her hot blonde Hungarian girlfriend Miss Luv. Nata has broken girl code and fucked her friend’s boyfriend, Sam Bourne, but Missy is ok with that. In fact, the green-eyed beauty has been secretly wanting to fuck the two in tandem for a while anyway. The babes are both properly pussy fucked and they get to trade flavors for the first time in 69. Be sure to check...

3 years ago
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New Blood Part 1

November, 2028 It had been a long road for Nick Ross, a young catcher for the Worcester Red Sox. He was just received word from the Boston Red Sox general manager that the team's catcher had signed with another team so he was expected to be in shape to fight for the starting job in Spring Training to battle against their new free agent catcher. It was the news that he had hoped to hear for years, he was about to become a Major League Baseball player! When he went into the living...

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Snowed In 2

"I have a surprise for you when you get home Uncle Tom", the text read and slowly I shook my head thinking that the girl waiting for me at home would be my death. Kelly, who is not really my niece but the daughter of my cousin, had been staying with me for a couple of months. It had started out innocently enough but when the power had been knocked out for a week after a freak Halloween blizzard we'd become so much more. Kelly has still not returned to sleeping in her bed, not that I'm...

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BY BOYS IN THE HOOD. This is a story about a group of boys stranded on an isolated island after a plane accident. ***WARNING*** You are about to read a story that contains sexual activity between boys and teens and you need to be 18 and over to continue reading this. THIS IS ALL FICTION, MAKE BELIEVE, IT NEVER HAPPENED SO NO BOY/S WERE EVER INVOLVED IN ANY SEXUAL ACTIVITIES. What you do when you have read this chapter is up to you, I am not concerned what you do and...

4 years ago
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Aunty Sells Her Milk For Her Husband

Hai i am Rajesh and this is about a couple named sandhya & rajesh,she comes from an educated and tradional family,she is very beautiful and cute,she studied law and she is a lawyer but not started practice,her husbands name is rajesh who works in a bank as a debt recovery officer.Recently she has given birth to a child.Sandya is in good shape even after giving birth to a child. Her husband comes to house regularly at 7:00 clock and 1:00 clock some times,and at the time he comes late to house...

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Jackson in HRPGWorld 2 Exploding Kiwis in the Nether RegionsChapter 9

"Now where were we?" Fifi asked. Her hand caressed the back of DaBigBoom's neck. She stared at him, her eyes bright. And hard. Like precious stones. "Oh yes. Who are you, really?" DaBigBoom tried again to tell her his real name. "I'm Da--" Her tail came down and took in his whole length with a wet schlub. Jackson twitched as his cock was once again sheathed in soft, pliable flesh. The tail attached itself to his groin and began to pulse and suck obscenely. Warm juices were exuded...

2 years ago
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A Paladins WarChapter 4 Treemother

Smythe sat Thunder’s saddle just inside the first real line of oak and elm and pine trees that separated the Sorral Plain from the Emerin Forest. His view to the north, over the rolling grasslands, was unobstructed from here; a dense cluster of old trees atop a small rise from which his eye was thrown for miles over the flat plain. The morning sun sat low in the east, unobstructed but for a low band of thin cloud that it had already almost surmounted on its journey upward. A gentle gust...

1 year ago
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Hey There Cutie

Hey there Cutie Chapter 1 Liam Weber woke up screaming from his dream. He wiped the hair out of his face. He could not remember any details of it, but the dream gave him a sense of uncertainty about his life. In his mind, his dream made him feel like his life was a just a dream. He kept on screaming until the door to his room opened and a strange yet calming voice said, "Wendy, dear, are you alright?" He answered 'yes' to the question. His voice was high. That dream he had was so...

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The French Lesson

All characters in this story are currently over the age of 18 Main Characters Richard ‘Ric’ Anthony Evans –Son of a Texas Rancher Marge Evans – Texas Housewife, Ric’s Mother Carl Evans – Texas Rancher – Ric’s Father Yvette Michelle La Grande – French Cousin of Ric Barbara La Grande – American born, French Mother of Yvette, Marge’s Sister Henri La Grand – French Business Magnet, Yvette’s Father (Deceased) April – Texas Ranch Girl, Yvette’s Special...

4 years ago
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The Babysitter Part2

As the men continued to pleasure her she yelled at them to do it harder. This she found always made her orgasms more intense. Another hand from out of no where wrapped around her neck and choked her tightly. Just before passing out momentarily from her largest climax ever she felt fingers shove up her asshole. The force jolted her hips upwards. One of the men had an ass fucking interest. He flipped her over on the bed and jammed his cock into her tight ass. Her puckered little...

2 years ago
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Monica and the Three Girls Part 4

Okay, does "mortified" adequately describe the situation? I'm thinking that I'm almost home free, that I can step into the bathroom in a moment, grab my old underwear out of the corner, and be done. But no, Monica has found them first. She doesn't look mad really. I think it's more a confused smirk she's got on her face. Has she told Jackie what she found? I don't think so -- that's probably why she waited until the gals were gone. Does she also know that I took the pink panties off the...

2 years ago
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Vantier A whateley Tale chapter 7

Shadowsblade here. This is my newest story in a joint venture with a group of authors, so far this group is made up of Nuuan, then Branek and finally myself. We all got together and after a jumpy start decided to make a group of stories that all take place within the Whateley fanfic universe. This one here is my second one and hopefully its a good one. To have an idea about the main protagonist this story's will develop around here is a short introduction. Angels Peril a...

2 years ago
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انا و ام سيدبعد انتهاء السنة الدراسية و اخدنا الاجازة سافرنا انا و ماما و اخواتى اسكندرية عند خالتى علشان نقضى الاجازة مع بعض لان انا و اخواتى وعيال خالتى بيت خالتى فى منطقة شبه عشوائية قاعدنا حوالى اسبوع واحنا و مروحين اولاد خالتى و خالتى مسكو فيا مرضيوش يخلونى اروح وفضلو يتحايلو على ماما علشان اقعد معاهم فترة كمان ماما وافقت ورجعت القاهرة هى و اخواتى بس و انا فضلت عند خالتى بعد 3 ايام اخدت دور برد راحت خالتى جابتلى حقنة راحت ندت لابنها واد يا تامر روح نادى خالتك ام سيد نزل تامر جرى وجيه قال...

3 years ago
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Love You Like a Tree

© Nov, 2002 Jiri found it difficult to adapt to life in Adelaide. In fact, after his experience with Karen on that train journey, Jiri was finding it difficult to adapt to life. He felt hollowed out, empty, as if something was missing in his life; actually, as if everything was missing. During the day, he performed perfectly adequately in his job. The people he worked with were pleasant and efficient, but he did not develop any rapport with them. Time passed, he churned out reports,...

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It Wont Kill You to Try It Creampie

How to encourage their husband's to partake of the practice, I figured it was time for me to write something about the subject. The whole idea about a Creampie can make some women squeamish. This is something I don't understand since I love the act, but for these types of women the mess is gross. It is no different I suppose when you think about anybody's personal sexual preferences. Some women love hairy men, some don't. Some like tall men and others don't. There are women who swallow sperm...

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The Adventures of Juggs February 2011

As Tony and his beautiful girlfriend, Jenny, entered the restaurant there was an instant hush and all eyes were upon them. By them, I am, of course, referring to Jenny's implausibly immense breasts. They spilled over the top of her elegant ruby red evening dress and captivated the attention of everyone in the room. The waiters fell over themselves to seat the couple and then fawned over Jenny, looking in awe down the front of her dress while she and her boyfriend looked over the menu. Soon...

4 years ago
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First Time in the Woods

I was just a boy. I had turned 18 just the week before but I was small, thin and looked all of 16 due to my smooth hairless body.I had heard stories of truckers and "Homos" using the secluded wooded area off the interstate to meet for sex...I had always wanted to see if it was true.Well that one summer night I had done enough thinking about it and ventured out to the woods. I parked my car a fair distance away. I was afraid someone would recognize my car. It was pretty dark and I could see...

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Stuck in heaven between two mature angels

I was an eighteen year old high school student and had come to visit Frau (Mrs.) Rach after not seeing her for a year, but fantasizing about her all the time. She had left me with fond memories of the sensual education she provided for several months before moving away last year. We had spent the afternoon to get reacquainted, licking, sucking and fucking her on her couch and carpet.Then her daughter Stephanie showed up, who I remembered as a skinny teenager. She now was a very sexy, aggressive...

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AssParade Julz Gotti Alina Belle Big Booty 3some By The Pool

It’s a lucky day for all of us. Two Brazilian beauties Julz Gotti and Alina Belle are together and hungry for some good dick. They show off their amazing asses by twerking and teasing. Then they start making out and show us some girl on girl booty licking. JMac comes in and surprises them and they couldn’t be happier to finally get some good dick today. They have an amazing threesome in multiple positions and we can’t get enough. Enjoy as their booties bounce all over while they scream with...

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More High School Cyber Sex Real Email Daddy Fantasies by Sunny

Several months ago, I received an email from a high school girl named Sunny, who was in search of daddy/daughter incest cyber thrills. She'd read my stories and reached out to me. She's a very sweet, very pretty and insanely sexual girl. We quickly established a relationship and she's been sending me the hottest emails I've ever read. She also sends me pictures of her and her girlfriend, who she not only has a sexual relationship with but with whom she shares their mutual fantasies about...

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In The Park

I've been coming to this park for awhile. Looking to see if I see you again. I stopped wearing my shorts and started with the short skirts. I spot you every other day. I wonder if you would like a black woman. Today had been a lil different. Under my skirt is nothing. I'm going to see if this strong wht man is going to play with my wet pussy. This time of the day is always empty. So peaceful. I found you sitting in a corner all alone. I walk over and smile. With lust in my eyes. I sit across so...

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Meri buwa ne mere muh me muta

Hi to all..mai iss ko karib 10 dino se padh raha hun..aaj muje bahut dil kara raha tha k mai aapni story aap savi ko bataun..mera sex ka anubhav 1 month pahle hua avi tak maine kavi sex nahi kya tha..mai aj 23 sal ka hun par sex ka mauka 1 month pahle mila… Mai hydrabad me padhta hun ure aise mp ka rahne wala hun..ek mahine pahle mai chuti me gahr gaya tha. Tavi muje sex ka muka mila aure o v aapne bua k santh.. Jab mai ghar pahucha to savi bahut khus huye..mumy papa savi bahut khus huye kayoki...

1 year ago
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Theyd Seen a Hot Strip Show

It was just an overnight trip, a ninety-minute flight from home. Em hadn’t really wanted to go, but there was no one else on her team who could make it. So she had packed just an overnight bag, booked the best motel in town, and consoled herself that she’d be out of there first thing in the morning. The dinner was boring, as most such things are. It ended early, as mostly they did in two-and-a-half-horse towns. Most of the dinner goers called it a night but Em wasn’t ready to quit and neither...

Straight Sex
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The Nurse of My Dreams Fucks Me In Reality

I met Anne on an erotic stories site. She’s a nurse in a large southern California hospital and, on first glance, appears to be the girl next door. Anne has a friendly bespectacled smile and, I was soon to find out, a killer sexy body.Anne and I became fast friends on the site and we were soon exchanging sexy nude photographs. She told me that her husband took the pictures that proved beyond a reasonable doubt that her body was one to make most women her age VERY jealous.I soon wanted to meet...

Wife Lovers
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Miy first fuck

Due to malaria I got fever and was admitted in a well renowned hospital (name being secret). After three days, I started to improve. There was a nurse on night duty who used to give medicines to patients. Let me tell you something about her. She was of 20 years,having a fair complexion, reddish brown hair, beautiful eyes, with moderate swellings on her chest. She used to wear a tight shirt (Qameez) in which her buttocks used to look great. She had a very sexy smile. One night, she came to give...

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Learning Jenny

Much to my surprise Jenny and I did't anything for quit awhile after that. I became a little bashful as the brothers sat there staring down at us. There eye's big and full. I did manage to reach over and run my fingers through Jenny's public hair. She in return rolled over onto her side and began to rub and pull on my nipples. We giggled as girls do, laughed a little then jumped up, ran into the lake and washed any signs of our love feast off our bodies. We played in the lake and her...

2 years ago
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Vacation on RehomeChapter 60

The now awake Sylvia replied, "I needed a cuddle from John, Annetta. You don't mind, do you?" Angelina interposed, "Sylvia? I thought you were grieving?" Sylvia admitted, "I am, but I need to be cuddled by a man, and John seemed to fit the bill." "Oh? That's a good sign, Sylvie. Did you fuck him too?" "NO! No, I didn't. I just wanted a man to hold me, as I was so much missing Herbert's holding me. I remembered how good John was at doing that, so I just brought myself through....

4 years ago
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The Joy of Momdom 2 A Goddess is Born

The Joy of Momdom Part TwoThis is part two of the story some of you have been waiting for. Again, the usual disclaimers apply. If you're under 18, you shouldn't be reading this. If you're offended by stories involving i****t, then you don't want to read this story. In this story I inject an element which some who are offended by blasphemy/religious heterodoxy may not care to read. None of the characters in the story are under 18.My son lifted his glass.“Wait,” I said.I raised my glass and...

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Defloration sex education in OlsztynPL st10

About a week had passed by and it had come to a nearly ‘routinely’ meeting in the morning, after school, at afternoon and in the early evening. Not every day with the full program, but almost every day.On her way to school the ‘invitations’ had changed. The boys didn’t have to pass Irene up on the road, as she voluntarily left the street to meet her cavaliers. The boys had (partly) learned to hold back their cum for some longer time and so give Irene more pleasure. And she had a bit in love...

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A hike in the woods

What would you do if you looked up and realized another man was watching you fucking your wife? It happened to us and the rest of what happened is something neither of us have ever been able to explain all these years later. Looking up and seeing a man watching me fucking Lisa is exactly the situation that happened to us. It happened when my wife and I were spending a late summer day hiking. The state park we were at was a large, very large and after a few hours of following the paths, we...

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TinaChapter 8

It was Wednesday before Sam returned to the Oneonta office. He arrived at his usual time, fifteen minutes late, and settled into his office. Tina was working, but it seemed to Sam as if she was being stand-offish. ‘Shit!’ he thought to himself. Something was wrong, and he knew perfectly well what it was. He had managed to fuck up for real this time, a major league fuckup. Tina could barely look at him, let alone talk, and it was quietly tense. Mid-afternoon, Margie came into his office and...

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Dad's morning routine was anally observed with no deviations. We had exactly twenty minutes to be together. Mom would enter my room , remove her robe, and start sucking my cock. During the warmer months I usually slept nude, but even a pair of pajamas or boxer shorts were not much of an obstacle for her. Sometimes I pretented to be asleep as she took my cock into her mouth, suckling on the tip for a while. On those particular morning when I was asleep there was more pleasing sight than her head...

2 years ago
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An Amazing Opportunity

[ Yet another story dedicated to, and inspired by, my good friends A & T! As well as to Omar, for whom we all are indebted to! ]Sometimes, late at night, after the day is done and my two wives and my c***dren have gone to bed, I will stay up, setting out of doors, and recall the amazing experiences I had with Mara, the young wife of Tomas, who wanted me to provide the sperm in order for her to return home pregnant! Neither of my two wive's know anything about this, of course. They were back...

4 years ago
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Gioving Marcy a Ride

Several years ago I worked as a salesman for a large electronics company. As one of the five highest grossing producers I was invited to attend a company cocktail party being held at a local Ramada Inn for several of our biggest customers. It was attended by the president of the company, several of our VPs and general managers and of course their wives and girl friends. Since I was unmarried and between girl friends and Mark, another salesman, was in the same boat I was, we went to the party...

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The lights were dim in the corporate suite at the top of the Chicago Hilton. Soft music and the tinkling of ice in the glass were almost the only sound now that the guests had departed for the evening and only the executive committee remained. Joe, the CEO, Wayne the VP for Marketing, Mike the VP for Sales, and Herb the HR guy, were in the process of shedding their clothes. Claudia, the auburn haired Assistant VP for Corporate relations, had already shed her clothes, and now wearing only a...

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Mystery Encounter Her Story

It is dark and silent. I can see a very faint glow of light streaming in through the slit between the curtains, the moon is bright tonight. I am naked in the bed of a room which I have never been in before and I am waiting with anticipation. My heart is beating rapidly from the exhilaration of what I am doing, what I am about to do. I have never agreed to meet an online acquaintance until now and I have never been physically unfaithful in my marriage before. I am very nervous, excited, aroused...


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