Punished At St. Sades By Loyalsock free porn video

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I went to boarding school at the Convent of St Sade where rigid discipline was very much at the centre of life. It was a "crammer" for 18 year olds who had failed their A levels. No-one knows more about punishment than nuns and correct behaviour was enforced by pain and humiliation. All of us girls came from the sort of home where our school hols were spent under the watchful eye of our parents and there was definitely no opportunity to meet boys during term time so I am fairly certain we were all virgins. I know I was. Of course I knew the mechanics of sex and where he put his horrible thing up inside you but the thought of a boy doing that to you horrified most of us and none of us had actually seen an example of the organ in question. We were told that when we became married we would do our duty in allowing our husbands to do what they needed to do to us.

Modesty was seen as very important so that when we undressed for bed in the dorm we would always pull on our nightdress before reaching up inside it to remove our knickers. When we changed for gym we would face the wall so there was no chance of anyone seeing our breasts or, heaven forbid, anything "down there". Of course facing the wall meant that one's curved girlish buttocks and the unspeakable dirty slot between them were facing the room but, as all the other girls were facing the wall, no-one should even see our bottoms. When we went to the showers we were wrapped in our towels until we were between the individual partition walls in the showers which came up to our neck.

If any girl did take an unhealthy interest in one's body it would be our duty to report her to the nuns. We were all encouraged to inform on our friends because if you saw your friend going wrong it was your duty to report her so that she could be punished and corrected otherwise you would be guilty of the same sin as her.

Despite all these controlling measures we were all normal healthy, growing girls with the attendant passions but when you could not resist doing – that is when you found your hand going where we could not even mention in bed – you had to make sure that you were under the covers in the dark and you made yourself keep silent and prayed that the bed did not creak. If one of the other girls heard you pleasuring yourself she might report you and then you would have to stand up in Assembly and tell the whole school what you had done. This would probably be followed by a very thorough caning with you stretched over the table and facing the school so that they did not see your bare bottom when you were bent over with your skirt raised and your knickers around your ankles. The staff sat on the platform in Assembly so all the staff, some of whom were MEN would see your bare behind and the vivid red stripes across the white flesh. Of course being seen red faced with your nose running and tears streaming down your cheeks as you kicked your feet and begged for mercy was so deeply humiliating that it added to the pain of the caning.

The Headmistress was Reverend Mother who was a very strict and severe nun who had been a nun since she was sixteen and she had definitely never been troubled by unnatural urges of the flesh. There were, as has been said above, some men on the staff; some were ordained priests and some were not. I guess crushes between girls and staff of either gender may have happened but the consequences of these becoming known do not bear thinking about.

So it was against this background that I made my big mistake. I had happened to find the word "Lesbian" in a dictionary. You will think me very immature for an eighteen year old but you have to remember the sheltered world in which we were all kept; our television and reading material were very strictly controlled and most of us hardly knew ANYTHING. Well at tea time I was giggling with my friends around our table and I said that I thought sister Fortitude was probably a lesbian. How could I have been so stupid, stupid, stupid?

Of course one of them was bound to inform on me and the axe fell at breakfast the following morning. As I came into the refectory with the rest of my dorm sister Patience bustled over to me and told me to have a drink of orange juice and then hurry to Reverend Mother's study. For a moment I froze in horror. I was being summoned to Reverend Mother's room and was not even being allowed breakfast; of course I had forgotten my casual remarks of the day before so I had no idea of the reason for my summons but I knew it could only be bad. The other girls said nothing as I gulped down a glass of juice and then practically ran out of the refectory fearful of keeping Mother waiting.

I stood in front of the ornately carved oak door trying to control my panting and making sure that my hair was not straggling over my face then I knocked and heard her commanding voice bid me enter. She was sitting behind her huge desk and she did not ask me to sit so I stood practically to attention but with my hands entwined just below my waist. Reverend Mother did not waste any time before coming to the point and she spoke about the sins of gossip and false witness and coarse language. Of course with every word she spoke I felt more and more wretched and she made me sound like the Whore of Babylon. Then she paused for a second before pronouncing sentence.

"You are to be sent to do penance in the annex."

My mouth fell open and I thought I was going to faint. She might as well have punched me in the stomach. The annex was a self contained part of the school building down in the East Wing. It was reached down a cold gothic stone passage and through a huge arched oak door which was always kept locked. The domain of fear was presided over by Father Worthy and sister Penitence who was a grim faced and terrifying nun. Father Worthy was a huge man with a red face. If he so much as looked at you he made you want to back away, his eyes seemed to bore right into you stripping away all your clothes and he gave the impression that he could see right into your mind and was disgusted at what he saw. Some girls had gone to the annex and never been seen, or even spoken of, again. Mostly girls did return from their penance but none of them would ever say a word about what happened there. Some girls had been sentenced to spend every weekend in the annex and on Friday evening before going to knock on the terrible door they would be really quiet and withdrawn.

My shocked and befuddled mind was dimly aware that Mother was still speaking and I forced myself to try to take in what she was saying. It seemed that before being taken to the annex I was to be made an example to the rest of the school and, in Reverend Mother's warped, sadistic mind, the punishment would fit the crime.

".......and so, as you have tried to undermine sister Fortitude's dignity by your slander you, in turn, will find what it means to lose your dignity. You will now remove your clothing."

My arms, of their own volition, went across my chest in defence and my mouth fell open in horror. Surely she could not mean that I was to undress right here in front of her in the middle of her study. She raised her voice in command.

"If you continue to disobey me I will have Father Worthy undress you on the platform in Assembly."

Driven by the fear of having that man touch me I stripped off my red cardigan and placed it on a chair then I pulled off my tie and it joined the cardigan. Anxious to obey the command of the woman who was silently watching my every move my fingers fumbled open the buttons on my white blouse and put the garment on the chair. I now felt very exposed with lots of bare white skin showing and my neat little breasts only protected by the white regulation school issue bra.

Stealing a glance at the woman who was looking at me with utter contempt on her face I knew I had to further expose myself. Miserably I reached behind, which pushed my breasts out, to unfasten the grey skirt and let it fall. Now I was just in white kneesocks and my white bra together with my regulation white cotton knicks. I had to stoop to pick up my skirt and place it on the chair and, as I did so, I was very aware of showing my cleavage to the hawklike pedagogue behind the big oak desk.

Although her instruction to undress had been clear I could not imagine she meant me to uncover any more of my body so I stood facing her with my fingers woven together in front of the slight, puffy swell between my legs. No-one had seen me so unprotected except the school doctor who made annual inspections and I even hated exposing my body to the doctor as keeping covered up had been so ingrained into every girl in the school.

Her voice was level and terrifying as she spoke.

"You have not finished doing what you were told to do girl and my patience with your disobedience is beginning to wear very thin."

I knew that the command carried within it a threat of more punishment and as my self- respect drained away I hunched up my body and reached behind to my bra clasp. As I pulled the straps from my shoulders the garment came away and I felt the cold air on my boobs. I was aware of a very uncomfortable tingling in my tender nipples as I placed the warm bra on the chair and then made my hands go to the sides of my knickers and push downwards.

My face was burning as I exposed my little furry triangle to the woman's eyes and I was aware that the embarrassing hair did nothing to cover the fleshy lips between my thighs. I also shed my shoes and socks.

Reverend Mother stood and came around to my side of the desk.

"Have you not learned to fold your clothes c***d?"

"Yes Reverend Mother, sorry Reverend Mother."

I bent to fold each garment aware of my breasts hanging free. To my intense alarm my nipples had swollen and I had a terrible urge to caress them to ease the discomfort but I knew I could not do that. There was also a tightness between my legs which was increasing.

When there was a neat pile of folded laundry on the chair Reverend Mother ordered me to fold my arms behind my back and hold my elbows in my hands. As soon as I had adopted the humiliating position she strode to the door and opened it.

"Come with me."

This was too much. I fell to my knees on the carpet.

"Please Reverend Mother don't make me go out into the corridor. I can't go out there like this. Please."

She moved like lightning towards me and I never saw the slaps coming. Her hand caught me across the left cheek and then zipped back onto the right making my face sting, my ears ring and my eyes water. The anger in her voice was terrifying.

"Get up right now and come with me!"

It was impossible to withstand the force of her command. I stood, placed my arms behind me and walked out of the door into the corridor with her. Girls were trooping into Assembly and, of course, they all gawped at my naked body. Some gasped and others giggled with their hands over their mouth. The air was full of whispering. In utter misery I walked beside Reverend Mother into the hall and up the steps onto the platform where she positioned me at the side of the stage facing my peers.

I was looking at my toes and trying to make the tensions in my nipples and down there go away as Reverend Mother opened the Assembly and then she began to speak about me. Every word was like a whiplash as she told the whole school what a disgusting creature I was and how I needed correction for my own good and to discourage any girl who might be in danger of becoming like me. Towards the end of the discourse when I was having to work really hard at not sobbing out loud she put her hand into the pocket of her habit and took out a large white bar of school soap. She advanced upon me telling the school about the penalty for filthy speech and she ordered me to open my mouth.

Of course I obeyed and she thrust the soap into my mouth and commanded me to bite down. A ripple of laughter ran around the hall and then Assembly continued with songs, prayers and notices as I stood naked, exposed and totally humiliated. But she was not done with me yet as I discovered at the end of Assembly.

"Because Tara has chosen to use her tongue for such filthy purposes she will be denied the gift of speech for the rest of the day and she will spend the day in humiliation in the hope that she learns not to repeat her offences."

The whole school knew the traditional way of denying speech and, sure enough, the cast iron scold bridle was brought from the back of the platform. It was made of black strips of metal and looked rather like a domed bird cage. The thick band around the base hinged open and when it was swung shut the thick, iron tongue welded to the inside was forced between the lips of the unfortunate wearer. Rev Mother removed the soap from my mouth leaving evil tasting foam filling my mouth and then the dome went over my head and the cold iron invaded my mouth and the device was padlocked shut with the lock hanging from the front of the base band. Because of the domed structure going up over my head like a helmet I was forced to look at the world through the bars as my mouth was held wide open by the iron between my teeth.

I was made to stand naked and bridled as the whole school filed out past me and then Reverend Mother told me to go to join my classmates. I was to follow my normal school timetable but, of course, I would not be taking part in any discussions in class or even during breaks.

The first lesson was French with sister Patience and, of course, I arrived last and had to slip into my place as the lesson began. Someone had placed my book bag beside my chair. The wooden chair was cold and it stuck to the skin of my buttocks. Whenever I tried to move I made a rude sound as my skin came free of the wood and made my classmates giggle. I cannot describe how it felt to be sitting there with my naked nipples pointing at sister Patience at the front of the class but the thought was beginning to fill my mind that the next lesson was Maths with Mr Turner. I was certain that I would die of embarrassment.

Well, eventually the lesson ended with all the girls around me putting up their hands and answering questions while I sat mute with all that humiliating ironwork locked on my head. Now I knew that I would have to stand up and walk out of the room showing once again my dark secret hair and my most private place down there. My heart was pounding as I stood up and, of course, my bum had stuck to the chair so it came free with a loud noise and a tearing sensation which made me squeal into my iron gag.

Two girls behind me giggled.

"She's got a red bum as if she's been spanked."

"Well she should be spanked for running around with nothing on like that. She's lewd."

Of course I could not answer them. My heart was still pounding as I made my way to the maths room where I would meet Mr Turner the youngish Maths master. How could I possibly bear him looking at my naked body? And to make it worse I was damp between my legs and my nipples were standing out like two tiny red cucumbers. As I went into his room I held my book bag in front of me which made walking awkward and I hurried to sit down.

"Tara's in my place Sir."

"Tara, you know where your seat is. Move so Jenny can sit down."

Feeling foolish I moved my seat once more giving his eyes another good look at my body. We did a practical exercise which involved measuring the room with yardsticks and tapes and Mr Turner made me move around the room helping with this so I had to hold one end of the tape. This involved crouching down with my boobs hanging down and reaching right up into the top corner of the room, so I was on tiptoe at full stretch and showing every detail of my body.

Laura, on the other end of the tape, took so long to write down the measurement that I had to stand like that for ages and I was so embarrassed that I fumbled and dropped the tape to a chorus of "Oh Tara" from the whole class. I bent down to retrieve the tape and returned to my horribly exposed position until Laura had done what she had to do then, when I was allowed to move, I stumbled over a wastebin and blundered into a desk causing it to move and bang into Susan who screamed in pain. Mr Turner happened to be holding a wooden yardstick at the time and he brought it down with all his strength across my naked buttock making me scream into my gag and cut my mouth in the process. Of course the whole class laughed.

He spoke to me angrily.

"Tara, if you cannot do anything constructive you had better spend the rest of the lesson standing on that chair at the back of the room."

Miserably I climbed onto the chair with my face to the wall and he told me to turn around so that I could still see the blackboard (and so that he could see the front of my body). So there I stood for the rest of the lesson balancing on the seat of the chair. Because I was at the back of the class they all had their backs to me although several girls could not help turning around to steal a peep at me. Mr Turner was facing me the whole time and enjoying an uninterrupted view of my boobs. I kept my hands clasped in front of my fuzzbush with my left hand over the top of the right one but I could not keep my right hand from pressing into my soft depths which made standing still quite an effort. I have to admit that I felt a certain degree of pride to see the definite bulge in the front of Mr Turner's trousers and to know that it showed he was being affected by me. This pride was tinged with a little fear as I was fairly sure that his filthy male mind was imagining doing unspeakable things to me.

After an absolute age the bell signalled the start of Break and the girls trooped out while I was made to stay in place until they had all gone. Then Mr T gave me permission to follow the others which meant that I had to walk the length of an empty classroom under his lustful eyes. As usual a lot of the girls went to the tuck shop at break but, of course, this was denied to me as a girl can neither eat nor drink with a lot of scrap iron locked into her mouth. I was hungry and thirsty and was a little worried about what was going to happen at lunchtime. Break was a very lonely time as I could not speak to my friends and none of them wanted to be with me for fear of incurring Reverend Mother's wrath for associating with such a sinner as myself.

The end of Break was a relief in the sense of ending my time alone just resting up against a wall watching all the other girls from afar but it also meant another ordeal. The whole time from Break to Lunch was a Gym lesson and Gym was taken by the very same sister Fortitude whose sexual leanings I had slandered. sister Fortitude was younger than most of the other nuns and she normally wore a navy tracksuit instead of a nun's habit although she did keep her head covered in a black scarf. I had been having dark thoughts about the young nun during break because I had realised for the first time that sister Fortitude always supervised us in the changing room and showers. In my girlish naiveté I had always assumed that she did this to ensure we did not transgress the rules but now, for the first time, it had occurred to me to wonder why she spent so much time among naked and half naked schoolgirls. I was very nervous about how she would treat the girl who had spread gossip about her.

Everyone else in the class trooped into the changing rooms but Fortitude stood at the changing room door and ordered me to follow her into the gymnasium while the other girls changed. Of course I would spend the whole lesson in the same humiliating nudity as I had spent the rest of the morning.

There was a distinctly unpleasant tilt at the corner of Fortitude's mouth as she told me that I would spend the time waiting for the other girls to change by warming up. Then she began barking orders for me to do star jumps, running on the spot and sit ups. I was very aware of how my little boobs bounced and how much I showed of my most intimate parts as I did my enforced exercise with the padlock on the front of my bridle rattling. I was sure that Fortitude was really enjoying my discomfort. As I was bouncing about with my skin scarlet and running in perspiration girls began to drift in from changing and they just stood and watched while making little remarks among themselves.

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There Carter was lying on his sun bed by the pool. A few feet away the waves lapped gently at the white sand beach. Overhead the palm trees swayed in the breeze against a perfectly blue sky. The island was as close to paradise as he thought it possible to get.All the stresses and strains of his work life eased out of his pores as he lay there, thinking about not very much at all. And then suddenly this absolutely stunning woman came along the path and walked up to the bar. All eyes were focused...

4 years ago
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The Mirror loyalsock

Show me how you fuck yourself."That again, I thought. Why is it they always want to see that? All of them, every lover I'd ever had, eventually (or not so eventually) got around to asking to watch me get myself off. Rob was no exception. In fact, he was probably more fascinated with looking at my fingers slide in and out of my cunt than any of them. Thinking back on it, I try to remember just why it was I went along. I think I liked to watch him watching-see him get that inexplicable gaze, see...

2 years ago
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The Manor loyalsock

It was said that the Manor housed all sorts of inhabitants, from actors to accountants to clothing designers, as well as its own janitorial, kitchen and gardening staff to facilitate its remote location. There were no rumours in EdgeVille, Montana that held fast, however, much to the frustration of a group of socialites in the prestigious little cliff-side town. People stayed at the Manor for indiscernible intervals, the reason for which remaining unknown to all but said inhabitants.Situated...

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Flashed In Wal Mart loyalsock

It was an ungodly hour, or at least it felt that way. Five AM. It'd been a damn long time since I'd been out of bed at this hour except for fishing or hunting. But here I was, standing in Walmart checking on complaints that one of my people wasn't fully stocking the soda rack at this particular store. I'd left the house at four, driven an hour to get here, just to look at the rack and see that yes, Jenna had only partially stocked the rack. I was disgusted. I treated my people well, gave them...

3 years ago
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Spilled Milk loyalsock

I woke up first the morning after we made love for the first time. I wanted to stay in bed and just look at her, but I knew I needed some time to absorb what had happened between us. She was fifteen years older than me. Forty-two. She lived across the street from me, and I lusted after her for years. From the moment she and her husband moved in, with her short sundresses that showed off those perfect, tanned legs... Over forty or not, she blew away most of the girls my age without contest.Then...

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What A Cruise loyalsock

I'm really pumped as I am about to take a Trans Atlantic cruise in October. My last cruise was over-the-top great. We traveled from Los Angeles to Miami, via the Panama Canal. The Panama Canal cruise was my reward to myself as I was very tired as I had just finished up a long, long three-year project so I took two weeks off for the cruise. I even paid the higher price to cruise alone. I was looking forward to good food and wine, time alone, reading and generally forgetting the 70- to 80-hour...

2 years ago
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Dirty Laundry loyalsock

Living in a trailer park was beginning to piss Annette off. Half way through medical school, she hadn't minded at first, as the rent was cheap and she could spend more of her Hispanic charity grants on her car and clothes. But she had not even been able to enjoy that, as she was working and schooling her ass off. Miami was too expensive to live in, and she was eager to return home to New Mexico where she was born. She was tired of the humidity, and longed for the cool dryness of her home...

5 years ago
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Naughty Nurse Kathy by loyalsock

I had a friend that spent some time in the hospital recently and while visiting him I got to meet a wonderful and sexy person. Her name was Kathy; she was black and a part of the cleaning department. I wouldn't say that she was a janitor; she was more of a lower lever nurse that cleaned the rooms when there was a patient present. She knew quite a bit about nursing, I assumed that she didn't have enough schooling to just be a nurse so she cleaned to make some money to put herself through nursing...

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My China Doll by loyalsock

I'm an over-30 manager at a small marketing research firm. I keep myself in good shape and look younger than I am. I date much younger women whenever I can - they are sexy, fresh, and open to my particular tastes in sex and interaction. I love to teach them sexual techniques, and I have enjoyed being a sexual mentor with a number of young ladies half my age. This is the story of one of these younger women. She's a lovely Chinese girl named Lanni, about 20 years old. Very petite and young...

4 years ago
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My Chemical Romance 1 by loyalsock

"I think. . ." My hands grew slick with sweat as she looked at me with her beautiful brown eyes. Her lips plump and juicy, ready for mine to greet them. In my chest, my heart beat rhythmically, worried about her reaction to these words. The first time I would ever utter these words in my life."What?" She asked me, her hand traveling to my face. She traced my jaw line with her finger. I grabbed it and kissed it. Jayda had the most beautiful coffee-colored skin I'd ever seen. How in the world did...

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Midnight Maid Service 2 by loyalsock

I surprised her by picking her up and carrying her back to the bedroom, almost like the proverbial picture of the groom carrying his new bride across the threshold. Upon entering the bedroom, I gently laid her on the king size bed and rested her head on a pillow. She laughed, as she kicked off her shoes and settled in."Let's take this slow," I told her, as I settled in next to her on the bed. "I mean, even with everything we've done already, I haven't even given you a proper kiss yet. Let's...

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Midnight Maid Service 1 by loyalsock

That long, slow creaking sound, followed by a sudden thud -- a sound known to just about everyone who's ever stayed in a hotel as of one of your neighbors letting go of the door to their room, the door loudly pulling itself closed and slamming shut. I had just hoped it was something I would have avoided in a 5-star hotel, but, then again, why not something else to draw out an already long business trip. I rolled over to see my small travel alarm clock on the nightstand and saw the glowing red...

4 years ago
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Midnight Pool Party 2 by loyalsock

Danielle's hands clenched my shoulders hard with each lick of my tongue. Her nails dug deeper every time I sucked on her clit. She inhaled sharply. "Shit! Oooohhh, shit! Baby, you the man! Ooooohhh! Shit!"I would have chuckled, if I didn't have my mouth full. I was glad to discover that the techniques I'd learned definitely worked. It pays to be a good student. It was easy to give her oral. She was very demonstrative, and her pussy almost tasted like chocolate.Suddenly she clenched her hands...

2 years ago
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Midnight Pool Party 1 by loyalsock

The last couple of days have been so hot that I haven't gotten any more work done. I've been at the house about ten days. And I'm not that anxious to leave, to be honest. The house is large, comfortable, and has central air conditioning, not to mention a large library with lots of comfortable furniture and lots of books, plus a mini movie theater with a slamming audio setup and a huge flat panel TV. I need to make a visit to an electronics store and upgrade my own setup at home.I miss my house....

3 years ago
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Mactan by loyalsock

The briefing officer was very specific about what we couldn't say about this next mission."You are not to reveal to anyone the destination or purpose of this mission. A breach of security will cost you some jail time, so if one of you assholes wants to go to Kansas, just blab this around. Be at the aircraft at 2100 hours today. Be sober. And remember to keep your mouth shut!"Hmmm. It was about average for the briefings we had received for other missions. Julio Torres and I grabbed our tool...

3 years ago
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Lessons In Biology by loyalsock

So far, a month has gone by and thanks to Mark, Ebony's grades have gone up in nearly all of her classes. The coach has already told her that she has made the cheerleading squad and that she will be given her first practice in another week. Why shouldn't she become a cheerleader for her high school? She has a great body of 36C-24-36, beautiful black hair down below her shoulders, firm legs, and at 5'4, she only weighs about 110. "I have all of the assets to being a great cheerleader," she...

2 years ago
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Janitor Cums To School by loyalsock

Lewis has stood there for over fifteen minutes, staring at the white female soccer team, while they showered. This was something he did quite often. Lewis closed his eyes and rapidly started pumping his 10" black cock. It was easily the size of a small baseball bat, thick and veiny. His balls were gigantic compared to most men. Abby was alone now and like all the other girls, was unaware of Lewis' presence. The sensation of the water running over her naked body caused her body to awaken. She...

4 years ago
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Pygmies 2 by loyalsock

"You little fucking fuck-monkeys I'm gonna fuck you so hard you'll think its fucking christmas you little horny fucking stud-midgets-" rambled Sarah in rampant sexual rapture. She wanted to be fucked so badly by every pygmy cock in the village, as if she needed to consume the defensless little black folk with her aching vagina, she felt ravenous, predatory, slutty with extreme prejudice, she wanted their cum, was desperate for it. "It's a white fucking christmas for you hot little fucking human...

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Pygmies 1 by loyalsock

Rest at last, she thought to herself as they sat by the camp fire, finishing off their meals of curreid goat jerkie, maize-pudding and palm-wine, and settling down for what was to be their fourth night in the bush. She stretched her kahki-trousered legs out across the ground as Mkwambe, a local tobacco farmer and her chief guide for the journey, poked absently at the fire with a stick and puffed thoughtfully on his pipe. The air was thick with the sounds of crickets from somewhere within the...

3 years ago
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Lusting For Eva 2 by loyalsock

Paul watched her, amazed by what he had just heard. How could any man try to cause a beautiful creature such as her so much pain? She was so small and delicate, not to mention sexy as hell. If he had her as his own, he would give her nothing but compliments and would try to satisfy all of her needs. He leaned down and kissed her gently. His one hand rubbed down her leg and the other squeezed her side. She felt smooth and perfect. Soon, the kiss turned more aggressive. Before he knew it, both of...

5 years ago
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Lusting For Eva 1 by loyalsock

"Madam Kelly's Finest". Paul stared at the sign before entering through the doors. It had been a long two months and he was desperately in need of letting off some steam. He had never hired a prostitute and had never paid for sex his entire life. He certainly didn't need to with his charm and good looks. He was a prosperous business man who was tall and handsome with dark hair and an athletic body. It had been two months since Paul had had sex, though he had plenty of chances, if he wished to...

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Taking The Thompson Women 2 by loyalsock

She tried to regain her footing. "So... What's that?" She asked; pointing to a bag I brought with me."A surprise." I replied."For me?" she asked hopefully.I nodded, and walked up to her bedroom. There was no talk of studying. I sat down on the bed, and handed her the bag. Curious, she opened it, and inside, she found a light blue swimsuit. "This is beautiful!" She gasped."Its for you." I said, smiling."Thank you!" she said, and she gave me a hug and a kiss, she was already u*********sly...

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Taking The Thompson Women 1 by loyalsock

I first became aware of the Thompson women in high school. The mother, Ella, happily married, was very active in the school. Each year she was involved in the plays and the bake sales, and the musicals and concerts. Some thought she was a woman with a good heart. Ella had two daughters, Odetta and Mya. The mother stood at about average height and possessed the curvy figure that draws male attention. Her chest was massive, and one who observed closely could see her tits jiggle a little with each...

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Locked In My Room by loyalsock

'And so I said to the mailman. . .' Mom said while no one was listening. We were having dinner and everyone was enjoying their meal, except for mom. She was talking about everything and no one was interested. Me and my sister kicked each other beneath the table. I didn't like her that much. She was 20, one year older than me but she was always better at everything. After everyone was finished mom hadn't had a bite of her food and started to gulp everything in. 'Come on Elice, we don't want to...

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Bus Ride With Sster 2 by loyalsock

"Now I'm going to be sticky," Christine sighed. I looked at the side of the box, which was slowly leaking at a very minor pace. It hadn't even dripped to the floor yet, that's how slow it was. Yet my sister was already worried about it."I think the next stop is less than an hour away. You should be fine. We'll clean it when the bus stops.""Easy for you to say," she whispered with a sharp look on her face. "You're not the one sitting next to it. I am.""I guess so, but..."Before I could reply,...

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Bus Ride With Sster 1 by loyalsock

How could I refuse? My sister had two expensive tickets for a private bus tour through Southern California. It was the romantic kind of tour where couples would be taken from destination to destination on a large bus. And suddenly I was being pressured to go with her.Let me explain: Our family has always been adventurous. Meaning, we traveled a lot, especially when Christine and I were young. Christine's then-boyfriend was well aware of that fact, and he surprised her with tickets for a 3-day...

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My Sster Eva Started It All 4 by loyalsock

"I am not! Dad is crazy if he doesn't fuck you every night!""Well then he is crazy because I get it about once or twice a month!""Bull shit!""Back at you son! And from now on, you are only Dale to me and I am only Robin to you! I can't deal with 'mom' and 'son' while we make love. And I said 'make love'; I don't want you to fuck me. Yet!" I didn't say a word, just took her gently into my arms and kissed her deeply as I turned her and placed her on her back. Slowly I kissed all around her face,...

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My Sster Eva Started It All 3 by loyalsock

We rolled around on my bed, her on top, then me again, then Evie once more as she came at least three more times on my rock hard cock. I returned to the top position and began pounding her relentlessly as she stared into my eyes. I grabbed her feet and placed them onto my shoulders making her groan in pleasure before she cried out "Oh god yes, Dale. Fuck me and make me cum WITH you. Fill me with your cum, claim my pussy as yours and yours alone!"I rose to the occasion and released my cum as it...

3 years ago
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My Sster Eva Started It All 2 by loyalsock

I do have incredible stamina when I want to, and since I had just filled Amber's pussy with a huge load, I knew I could hold out for much longer than my sister expected her mystery man to do. I found a clock hanging on the wall and was laughing on the inside as twenty minutes passed and my sister was still doing everything she could think of to make me cum. I could tell she was frustrated that it was taking so long and I stoked the fire just a bit by gruffly saying, "Hurry up bitch! You said...

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My Sster Eva Started It All 1 by loyalsock

Chapter One:Ever since I was just learning to speak I have called my sister Evie, pronounced like the letters E V. At first I guess she thought it was cute, but as she grew older she lost her fondness for the moniker. Any how, I still called her that and she started acting like I was a royal pain in her ass. Maybe it had a lot to do with the two year (well, 1 ½ years actually but two grades) difference in our ages. When she was a senior in high school I was just a sophomore. I hated to admit it...

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Suzies Little Sster 2 by loyalsock

I grunted when she said it and she apparently heard me. The car was now filled with the sound of the slapping of my balls on her little asshole as I fucked her as deeply as possible. I wanted to hear more from her sexy young mouth too. So I prompted her."How does it feel Nancy?""Oh, it feels so good Matty!""What feels so good?""Your...your cock...doing it to me!" She gasped."Doing what exactly to you?" I was smiling when I said it and she now knew what I wanted to hear. She'd come through for...

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Suzies Little Sster 1 by loyalsock

Remember your first crush? Boy, I sure do. Little Nancy Evans. Sat across from me in grade school. She had a fabulous blond pony tail that she would swish as she walked around school. Well, we were just k**s and I never came within a hundred miles of even letting her know I secretly "Liked" her. I still wonder whatever became of her from time to time.Many years later, I was a sophomore in College and had met a great girl in Music Appreciation 101. Her name was Suzanne. Dark eyed and mysterious,...

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Ssters Licker 2 by loyalsock

"You go lay out the food with Mae. She'd be wondering where we've got to." His voice was gruff to his own ears, and he almost heaved a sigh of relief when she said lightly, "Okay." And her steps receded away from the clearing. Soon he heard her calling out to Mae, and only then did he relax, looking down at his discomforting erection, pressing it down furiously."Fuck!" he swore, hating the whole situation. For how long was he going to keep his unholy feelings from his sister, from his whole...

2 years ago
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sisters Licker 1 by loyalsock

Lacey tripped down the stairs to find her mom and brother in the kitchen. Her mom turned from the sink to give her a disapproving look."Sorry I'm late, mom! But you could have woken me!" "We tried! Well, Max did. He went up to your room, but found you dead to the world as usual." "Yeah, I know, sometimes I sleep like a log," she grinned at her brother, who twisted his lips. "That's a mild way of putting it," he muttered. She came to him to give him an elbow in his side, but he drew away as if...

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