Seeds of Evolution
- 2 years ago
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Mon Evolution
It was a slow night at the bar, I only had the two regulars sitting therewith their hands hugging drinks, one man in his fifties on the way to beingblind drunk and the other a man in his thirties who had just recently witnessedhis wife taking all her belongings just before telling him to 'Go fuck himself'after ten years of marriage. Oh yes, I knew all their stories, at the ripeold age of seventeen going on eighteen. I had to lie about my age to get theeasy job being a bartender at this small seedy nightclub. It paid well. Allmy other friends were slaving in offices, or still being raised by their parents,we were all nearing the end of the decadent era that was the Eighties. It was1988. The music was blaring, live and wondrous. The nightclub was one of theonly few that specialized in cabaret singing, where the women clad in elegantbody hugging gowns would finish their song numbers and then wade through thecrowd before opting to sit and 'converse' with another wealthy male patronwho was looking for the momentary elevation in status, for bagging a glamoroussinger – who would possibly give the ultimate blow job – was theultimate macho act to the man's peers.
On the weekends, the Friday and Saturday nights, the younger crowd came andthe girls and myself would view the younger merchandise. It was a novelty tous, we usually had the elder clientele during the week which consisted mainlyof men that were more senior as well as men that were already attached to wivesand children – something that we didn't want to pollute ourselves with.It was not the aspect of contamination that scared us, but the realizationof coming last in every aspect and we were young and bratty when it came toour conquests, well they were I pretty much worked for the nice pay packetit gave me. I knew that a nightclub was not the ideal place to meet a nicemale, especially one that was a meat market or which offered sex to the highestbidder. These men came in here for the fantasy of attaining crimson-lippedsexually available goddess. Sure the goddess would look like a train ran overher during the daylight hours, but in the evening the night-children came outto play.
I was technical virgin at 17, amongst the girls, not that it mattered becauseback then the main impetus behind my job selection related to the money itwould make me so I could pay the rent and have money left over for the niceties.Lingerie was my favorite pastime, although I never got to use it with a specialperson, feeling the texture of underwear gave me an added thrill for I wouldfantasize what another man would feel had he and I entered into that hot sexualarena. At 16 my fantasies were played out in staid playing fields. Sure therewould be the bonus of the man going down on me, lapping me up with his mouth,but whether or not I would suck his cock that was another matter entirely.The thought did not repulse me; let's just say that I was a complete novicein the fellatio department. Feeling a cock inside me, now that was the centerpieceof the fantasy. So the ideal sexual male-female fantasy with me as the starwould begin with the moment I see the man, he would see me. There would beattraction and at some point our tongues would intertwine, we would get nakedand it would all ultimately end in his wet thrusting inside my aroused vagina.This would satisfy 'Fantasy' me, and he would be immensely turned on. We wouldboth have an orgasm, hopefully simultaneously, but this was not essential becausethe thrill of the sexual journey was exciting in itself to my mind.
Each night I would get myself ready for work and hair was big in the Eighties.My hair, although at this time I know it resembled that of a sheep, underwentthe body wave permanent. The gentle permanent wave transformed my long hairinto masses of curls, which were I had difficulty in taming at the best oftimes. My face was my best feature, which I can describe as symmetrical ratherthan pretty – I don't want to come across as an egotistical female. AsI had the advantage of full lips without the need for collagen, I would reallyfocus on this feature painting them in deeply rich reds and browns. If I hada dollar for each time a man drooled over my mouth I'd be lounging in a chairin the Bahamas sipping a Pina Colada. The dark and exotic look was me personified,but exotic could also go for the attitude I had.
'No I don't want your phone number, I don't mix business with pleasure.'Was the standard reply I would give to interested males.
I was more statuesque than diminutive, thus I didn't fulfill the meek anddainty female image that many men would go for. My breasts could poke the eyesout of many males behind the bar where I stood night upon night, and my limbswere sturdier. The term stick insect, made famous in the Nineties, was somethingthat could never describe me.
My sexual thoughts took on a new meaning as I opened up Men In Love by NancyFriday one afternoon as I lay in the bath. I bought the book on a whim as thecover interested me in the same way Shere Hites' report on female sexualitydid, but this tome focused on the fantasies men were supposed to have. I wassoaking in the suds as I dipped in and out of various sections and finallycame upon the chapter titled 'Chains of Love'. It piqued my interest, chainsusually bind people and the term in itself can be taken in any way. Love bindingpeople together like a chain? A chain binding the person? What was it? So Ientered the chapter, and began to read.
There was something voyeuristic about reading another man's sexual fantasy,and there was Ms Friday in the introduction trying to balance it all. Of course'she' was not a voyeur, and yes there were many times that she felt the urgeto wash her hands as she held the letters that were submitted to her. But atthat very moment as I read about the desire to have a woman kneel on her kneesbegging to be punished for being naughty, and subsequently being fucked anallyas her punishment, the synapses in my mind were firing and my pulse did increase.In my bedroom, after drying myself I decided to make a coffee and return tothe bedroom to relax some more on my day off and head into the next fantasy.After the first sip of mocha Kenya, this woman woke up to find herself in adifferent environment – bound, blindfolded and gagged. In between herlegs was the mouth of the man describing the fantasy. She could only have anorgasm under his control and nothing else. If she had begged for one, he hadthe option to stop licking her wet pussy and tell her what a bratty littleslut she was. Then again he could also apply a few clothes pegs to her nipplesand watch her squirm. I found myself getting wet as I read on. As his threefingers harshly finger fucked her, I couldn't hold back and began. One fingertraced over my outer labia, and I noticed how moist I was. Making it's wayto the inner labia; my middle finger ran up and down from hole to clitorisas I read. I have to say I could have been the insolent brat myself, I couldnot wait as plunged two of my fingers inside my cunt and thrust them in andout. The book was tossed to one side, I got up on my knees, spread my legsapart, one hand grasping the bed-head as I faced the wall. Two fingers becamethree as I fucked myself while imagining being screwed in this very mannerand being reprimanded for being an ungrateful little whore as I was fuckedand tormented at the same time, having my nipples pinched or having an objectinserted in my ass. My sticky juices flooded all over my mound and I likedthe feel of the wetness, at intervals I used my fingers to spread my fluidall over my pussy. The ultimate moment came when my fingers glided with littlefriction over my throbbing clitoris and I felt my whole cunt contract, fromclitoris to vagina. It was at this moment that I thought that I simply hadto be fucked in this way, to be able to demand to be fucked in this way andat the same time have a person be comfortable enough to be harsh in order toscrew me senselessly in this very manner. Who was Ms Friday kidding? I beganto think that she too must have orgasmed many times as she read through thehot fantasies that were mailed to her. She may have palmed it all off as 'innocent'research, but that did not fool me. After reading the 'Women with Women' section,I did wonder what it would be like putting someone like Nancy in a corner,and pawing over her like a lioness readying before the kill, except that momentfor me entailed little Miss Nancy succumbing to her inner sexual urges andscreaming so loud as I too finger fucked her to climax just as I had done tomyself before.
'Yes Ms Pedestal, your too good to be dirty, slut.' I murmured as I re-readthe book introduction.
It was a momentous occasion for me, I was now 17 going on 18 and I livedindependently as many single people did in the city of Sydney, with two room-mates –onemale and one female a couple of years older than myself, who I did not seeall the time. Being the night owl myself we hardly crossed paths frequentlyand as they had their ongoing steady relationships, they were frequently doingwhat other steady couples usually did. I have to say that I did feel a littlebit dirty, and many questions were running through my head. Uncertain to whatwas lurking within me, all I knew was that it was not conventional, and itcertainly did not resemble anything that was portrayed in the standard romancenovels that I had come across. It also went against my family orientated culturethat preached toward the line of one day getting married, living happily everafter and being in the 'blessedly' nice sexual union with the knight that wouldeventually be the husband who would treat me in a nice gentle manner. Yet,I had found myself thinking of having the dirtiest sex, if sex can be describedas 'dirty' metaphorically. If standard coitus could be described as a sport,then the fantasies that were jumping inside my mind could be classified as'extreme' coitus.
Seeking out this hot little urge was the next step, and ideally it wouldhave been a piece of cake had I accepted the many offers that were presentedto me each and every night at work, however a roll in the backseat of someone'scar did not appeal and I had to seek alternatives. No one could know, as itwould also make things difficult if my sexual dalliances were 'known' the nightclubover, and I did take my work seriously as I became elevated to the positionof bar manager to three bars within the nightclub.
My work became more demanding, it was not just serving clients at the barsitself, but we also had a dining room capacity for 400 people. We had 10 waitersin total, on weekends this number would increase as bus boys were hired casuallyto empty ash trays. The club in itself was sophisticated but not targeted tothe upper echelons of society. Tables were arranged nicely, so patrons hadroom to move. Upon walking into the club, after walking through a short entryfoyer, a patron would encounter the first bar to the left, which was L shapedand had bar stools and lounges. This bar was cordoned off by a carved woodenpartition that had large gaps carved out so people could view the entire expanseof the club, including the central dance floor and stage.
If a patron did not want to stand at the bar, and came with their own party,they would either be ushered to a previously booked table on the lower 'ground'level, tables of which were arranged around a rectangular dance floor/stage.They also had the option to be seated in an elevated table section, which onlyinvolved stepping over three or four steps. This section gave the best viewof the club and on this level was a smaller bar in the center, which only providedbottled beverages, waiters would be served their bottles of champagne, wineor spirits. Walking through still, if one walked through the foyer, bypassedthe first bar on the right, and the elevated table section on the immediateleft, they would come upon the 'ground' level tables, they would then turnleft, walk the aisle, straight ahead and then if they turned right they wouldhave passed all the ground tables and have come across the three or four stepswhich led to my bar, which focused on servicing waiters. This bar was the mostchaotic, as it functioned to serve only mixed drinks, beer, ice buckets, waterand offer the occasional glass replacement should a patron break a glass orprovide glassware in the situation a waiter did not have time to fully re-seta table. This area was on the same level as the previous elevated tables, butone entire side was devoted to staff, it was where we ate breakfast or hadafternoon coffee before we would commence work for the evening. Straight behindus, if one walked on, was the kitchen, which we coined the 'pit' as one wouldhave to walk down a level to get to it, and we could only communicate withthe kitchen staff through an open long slit. As we would order our dinner orbreakfast, the kitchen staff would peer through the elongated window and lookup at us.
Each evening presented me with hours of fun of being in control, and I ambeing sarcastic when I say that, as it was no fun dealing with European waiterswho could be very chauvinistic. There might also be a correlation between spendinghours in control and having the urge for someone to take complete control ofme now that I think of it, but that did not enter my mind at the time, as Ihad to avoid patron complaints and make sure that waiters did their job whenit came to beverage service. So my nights at work were work orientated, notime for fantasies even when the occasional derogatory comment would surfacefrom a waiter I would admonish.
'You wouldn't say that to me if I was alone with you bitch. 'Would be the remark I would have directed to me if I referred to their forgetfulnesswhen it came to issuing out the correct table bill. I never had time to challengesuch comments, nor did I want to, the last thing I needed in my face each daywas a male waiter in expectation of a regular blowjob or fuck.
Another day off came along, and I looked forward to it with relish as theprevious week had been hectic with a new shipment of cabaret singers, we hada full house almost every night, and that together with my continual sexualdry spell made me itch to no end. My work was situated in a very open mindedneighborhood that featured people from various sexual persuasions, it was notunusual to walk down the main strip and see men holding hands with women, orvice versa. There was also a rise in gay pubs, where one could see the mostrecent drag-headlining act. Of course the area also featured its fair shareof nouveau restaurants, cafes and bookstores. The fact that a major universitywas a walk away also meant that university students frequented each and everyplace. At that particular time, we also had one sex shop on the strip and furtherdown, bordering on the next suburb was an adult theatre that had been theresince I was knee high to a grasshopper. It was called 'Hub', and was clandestinemeeting place for men to watch porn and live acts-, which did intrigue me.So on this particular day off I decided to make my way to watch an adult featurefilm or two, something I had not done in over a year since I discovered a troveof videos one of my room mates had kept hidden and had I known what was tounfold, I ask myself even now whether I would have willingly walked throughthe threshold of sexual depravity, not that I find anything depraved, I justlike the very word itself as it's so deliciously naughty.
Clad in the simplest of clothes, I chose to wear my matching black lace underwearunderneath a long denim skirt and light white cotton sleeveless blouse. Freefrom the need to apply makeup to pretty myself up, I swept my curly near frizzhair into a ponytail and made my way out of the house for the daily walk. Myheart was thudding inside my chest with the knowledge of where I was heading,but that added to the excitement of everything. It was sure nice to read others'sexual fantasies and other exploits but there were periods where one had totake one step forward in order to kick-start their own sexual evolution.
After walking for ten or fifteen minutes, I noticed that the time was nearingfour in the afternoon and I quickened my stride, as there was uncertainty.Would I miss any main adult features? There were no screenings listed in thenewspaper for this little picture theatre which was now a heritage listed building,ironic considering the salacious fare it screened day in and day out sevendays a week. I found myself standing in front of the burlesque type theatrefront, nobody could be seen exiting and there I was as peak hour traffic waszooming past. With no further thought concerning the possibilities of beingseen, I climbed the three steps and found myself standing in front of the boxoffice which was surprisingly manned by an older woman, in her fifties, shemerely sat there dragging a cigarette eyeing me like a regular.
'That will be ten dollars.' She stated without any further fuss. There wasno request to check my I.D, there was no frown etched between her brows thatexpressed disapproval of any form. I handed her the ten and turned to walkup the red-carpeted stairway and into the darkened den of the unknown.
Plumes of pastel lilac smoke whirled in the air; these cloudlike forms camefrom the cigarettes patrons were sucking on as they watched a naked form gyratingon the stage. Quarter filled, the cinema still appeared cozy, perhaps too cozyfor I had to locate an appropriate seat and the mainly male clientele was evenlydispersed amongst the rows. Scanning the scene quickly, I opted to stay awayfrom the older gentry and headed to the right, away from the center seats andto my right were two men that appeared to be at least ten years older thanmyself. Three rows behind them was my ideal seat and sans popcorn or any confectioneryof any type, I sat my ass down and was amazed that I had made it this far.My mind was whirling, not due to the naked stripper who now faced the patronswith her legs spread open, but over the mere fact that I finally developedthe nerve to walk into a place like this without any moral support. As forwhat could occur? That thought never crossed my mind.
The girl on stage appeared to be a little older than me from the distance,as she writhed on the stage floor she replaced her trusty fingers with a vibratorof a metallic shade, which glinted as it caught the sole stage light that illuminatedher. Once again facing the men, some of which groaned, she began to play ina tormenting fashion. Ever so slowly she rubbed it outside her pussy, tauntingthe patrons all the more as she began to focus on her clit. Her pose was typicallyporno, hand on vibe and free hand stroking one breast, her hips began to gyrateup and down, it reminded me of watching Aerobics with Jane Fonda as she thrusther pelvis upward and brought it down.
'Fuck that cunt!' Yelled a member of the audience.
I began to find the whole spectacle erotic, watching her play with herselfwas arousing to me yet at the same time I found it a humiliating experiencefor the girl. These two sensations conflicted within me as I felt dampnessin my crotch was increasing by the second. The two men three rows down fromme sat four seats apart and their eyes were glued to the girl. I sat nearerto the wall, far away from the aisle, which gave me an adequate view of bothmen, who appeared adequately groomed. They did not exhibit the youthful lookthat a man would have in his early twenties, so I placed them somewhere withintheir thirties. Both wore buttoned shirts, perhaps they placed their ties intheir pockets? They could have stepped out of the office for lunch for allthat I could tell. Something directed my eyes back onto the stage, that somethingwas the movement of another figure.
The girl smiled at the man that was kneeling next to her. Her legs openedwider as he gaped in awe. His arousal was evident as his trousers were bulgingand this bulge was straining against the fabric of his trousers. Young andnubile, the girl was angular yet well developed. Her breasts were ample withoutany obvious surgical enhancement. Dark brown nipples glared back at the manand the girl pinched one for good measure, to indicate how hard they couldbecome. Legs splayed open, her eyes maintained contact with the man as sheplunged her toy into her opening. Inch by inch it penetrated her, and the mancould not help diverting his gaze to her crotch. His mouth opened into a lazysmile, one that is reminiscent of a satyr eyeing his prey. As I watched, Iwas stunned by my own reaction. My eyes quickly scanned the cinema to see thateveryone was mesmerized by what was occurring between these two people on stage.She developed a steady rhythm as she fucked herself with her vibrator, tossingher head back to indicate that she was enjoying the ride. Pushing the toy allthe way inside her pussy, the girl left it there and cocked her head at theman, nodding toward the vibrator that buzzed within her. He understood theprompt and without any interruption he placed his hand on her cunt and fishedthe toy out only to get a firm grip and take up where she had left off.
'You like this don't you slut?' He asked of her.
She nodded as she spread her legs wider apart.
'You want me to fuck you?' He confidently asked.
A Cheshire grin spanned her face.
This was something I only read about, or would be something that no one inmy circle would believe – no female in any case. If any of my femalefriends knew of this moment they would shake their heads in disbelief and disgust.How could a woman allow herself to be treated in this very manner? Was it nothumiliating for a man to visit this type of place let alone get it on witha mere whore on stage? These would be the questions I would be bombarded withif I revealed my recent escapade so I opted for it to remain a delicious secret.So I reclined back into my seat as my hand snaked underneath my skirt. My fingersstroked my crotch, which was now sodden with my own juices.
Did I find it exciting being humiliated or did I want a man to fuck me inthis very manner? I was uncertain, but inside me I knew that I found the 'edge'of it all very exciting.
What began, as a slow rhythm now became a furious one as the girl was yellingto be fucked harder. She ordered the man to fuck her and if he could fuck heradequately, she could find someone else in the audience who could. He couldonly smile as he stopped mid-fuck and suddenly rammed the vibrator hard.
'Aaaaaaaaaaaarggggggggggggh.' Yelped the girl.
My heart caught within my chest. Was she hurt?
'I'll fuck your cunt, whore!' He growled.
He turned her to face the audience directly and prized her legs wider soas to display the whole scene. Crouching on his knees, his hands went to hiships as he unbuckled and pulled his belt off. The girl did not move, nor didshe scream. A sly smirk appeared on her face, her eyes appeared to be daringhim.
Pushing her arms up above her head as she lay, he looped his leather beltaround her arms, three times and secured the notch. Her arms held in place,she lay on her back, as her pussy was an open display to all. His hand traveledto her pussy; clasping the vibrator with one hand he began a rough deep rhythm.Piston-like, he rammed her for what appeared to be a lengthy period of time.Her wails were heard yet she did not struggle.
'You like it this way, yes or no?' He demanded.
Her pelvis thrust upward, as if to ask for more except he did not oblige.
'Answer bitch!'
' Yessssss!' Came the throaty reply.
My fingers found their way underneath my panties at this point, strokingmy clitoris in a slow fashion. I was enjoying this display and yes I wantedthis man to fuck her to oblivion just so I could see hear her scream, so Icould cum.
He ignored her reply, ignored the vibrator that was still nestled withinthe confines of her pussy and proceeded to unzip his trousers.
'Are you going to suck me slut?' He asked menacingly.
There was silence.
'I said… Are you going to suck me!?'
No response.
'Ah then little Miss Slut doesn't get her reward.' He curtly stated as heremoved the vibrator from her snug hole.
'Aowwwwwwwwwwwww.' She mewled.
'Suck me bitch, now!' He ordered as he slapped his erect cock against hermouth.
Her mouth opened but could not get a decent hold on the head of his penis;it was as though he had planned it this way. She raised her head slightly andopened her lips wide in an attempt to grab his thick shaft all to no availas he sat on kneeled and smiled at the audience.
'Let's make it hard for her shall we?' He suggested.
All at once there was a titter of applause from the small audience, includingthe two men three rows in front of me. I felt vulnerable and reclined furtherback into my chair. So many thoughts raced through my mind, the primary thoughtbeing one related to my stupidity. There was a risk that he could notice Iwas the only other female in the place. What was the possibility he could goadthe audience further? There were no ushers within the cinema and no one cameto monitor what had taken place up to this point. But here I was aroused byher humiliation and I wanted to alleviate my arousal by fingering myself silly.If one of the gentlemen ahead of me touched me at this point in time I wouldhave responded automatically.
Cock-slapped numerous times across her mouth and cheeks, she did not backdown and continued in her attempt to grab hold of his shaft. Seconds elapsedand the man on center stage decided to appease her. Holding his cock with onehand he slowly rubbed the head of his penis over her lips, all the while gazingdown at her supine form. The girl licked her lips and opened wide. Within minutesshe was slowly taking his cock into her ready mouth and began to suck him rhythmically.
'Yesssssss. You suck so well, everyone in here can benefit.' He slurred.
As she slurped on his penis, his hand dived between her legs.
'Oh yeah…' His voice trailed off as he slid two fingers deep insideher. His hand twisted and turned as his fingers were buried deep. As his fingersexited, they trailed down further and slowly fondled her anus. His pelvis wasslowly thrusting into her mouth as his fingers slowly entered her ass, histhumb lazily stroking her clit.
I did not want to cum at this point although my fingers were sliding allaround my pussy, with full awareness that one stroke on my swollen clit wouldbring me to a climax. Instead I stuck two fingers inside my pussy and slowlymoved them in and out as I watched the man simultaneously work the girls cuntand ass.
'Fuck her! Fuck her ass!' Came the call from someone in one of the frontrows.
The two men ahead of me were smiling, and I could not help but notice thattheir hands were in motion. They were stroking themselves just as I was strokingmyself. We were all wrapped up in a sexual heat; we all wanted her to be screwedsilly. Everyone wanted to see her come undone by the stranger on stage thatwas still fucking her mouth.
The man slipped out of her mouth and untied her arms. With one swift movementhe lifted her upward and directed her to her knees. Positioning her diagonallyin relation to the stage, we all got a side view of her well-rounded ass. Bothof her hands were flat in front of her as he opened up her buttocks with bothhands.
'What do you want hussy?' Came the question.
'I want your cock in my ass.' She replied in a perfectly audible voice.
He smiled and slowly plunged his engorged member into her ass-hole. Her facecontorted as his cock fully disappeared within her. Beginning with a slow andrhythmic movement, he did not pull out as he penetrated her. Inside her deeply,he rotated his hips as she began to moan.
'Oh yes, fuck me you bastard…' She moaned.
His hand wrapped around her hair and pulled her head backward. Pulling outhalfway, he slammed his cock into her ass hard. She yelped loudly for all ofus to hear.
'You give it to her!' Yelled another patron.
I wanted to cum, my fingers were soaked with my moisture. At this point Icould feel the skin of my fingers crinkling up from the wetness. Most of allI wanted to be nailed in any possible way. Hard, soft, fast or slow, I justwanted to feel something inside me other than my fingers and that thought appearedto take on a new momentum.
'Shhhhhhhh.' came to my left ear, from the left hand side.
I looked forward and noticed that one of the men ahead of me was missing.My pulse suddenly quickened as I slowly turned my head around.
The man looked directly at me as he slowly walked side on through the seatstoward my seat. He was tall, much taller than I expected and well proportioned.His hair was cropped short and brown, his eyes were dark but then again ina cinema everyone's eyes would appear dark from a three-seat distance. My handjerked out of my pussy and out from under my skirt. He smiled.
'You want to come with me?' He whispered.
He was just as aroused as what I was, that was obvious. Thoughts collidedinside my brain. Possibilities, risks and sex twirled inside my mind.
There was no need to answer; I just raised my body up without paying attention.It was reflex. He turned and began walking. I followed.
Where was he leading me? It was too late to back out although I could havemade for the illuminated exit sign. That was the direction we were headingtoward, which had me stumped. Once out of the smoky theatre, I followed hisfine form to the door labeled "Men".
I realized I was in the men's toilet the second the door clicked shut. Thecool air within jerked at my senses.
'Get up against the wall.' My guide ordered.
I did not argue.
He raised my hands and planted my palms flat against the white tiles.
'Spread your legs woman.'
I did just that as my heart rivaled the revs on a Lamborghini.
'Girls like you beg for it, coming into a strip theatre. Begging to be fucked!'He growled against my neck. His warm breath tickled the downy hairs on my neck.My cunt was still sodden, I was alone with a strange man and yes I wanted toexperience the very same humiliation and sex that the girl on stage did. Ordid I? I wavered between these two extremes as my stranger roughly raised myskirt and bunched it around my hips.
'Take it off bitch.' He ordered.
He took a step back to watch me fumble with my skirt. Tears stung my eyesas I unzipped myself and stepped out of it. My shirt then followed.
'And your panties. I want to see your ass and pussy.' He added nonchalantly.
There was no mirror handy for me to see whether my face reddened at thisvery demand.
I was paralyzed as all my physical senses crashed together. My knees weretrembling, as they usually did when arousal was high but at this moment I couldnot tell.
'Hmmmmmmph!' He groaned as I felt both of his hands on my ass, he tore throughmy panties and whisked them off.
My breath caught within my chest as he grasped my ass and began to grip mybuttocks fiercely.
'You think she was fucked? Wait until I'm through with you.' He snarled.
He pushed me up against the wall. My assumption was correct, he wanted meto have my palms against the tile and legs spread wide. As my back faced his,I could not see what he was doing but I felt his arm on mine, bringing it downand around my back. He then did the same with my other arm. Both arms together,I felt a strip of leather wind around them tight.
This was really occurring. It was real. I was exhilarated and fearful allat once.
'I want you to slowly kneel now.' He instructed.
He turned me around, and our faces met. His eyes were a piercing hazel colorand the gaze penetrated through me. A mouth that was full and well shaped,his lips parted slightly and he inhaled. My eyes were focused on his mouth,which I had to admit was rather beautiful and in one second I wondered whetherI would have a chance to sample those lips. His hands guided me to my new position.Slowly lowering me down onto my knees, I managed to balance myself in spiteof my arms being pinned far backward.
'While you were busy fingering yourself slut, you forget to notice I waslooking at you. Made me hotter than what was happening on stage. Now your goingto have to relieve the strain.' He explained.
My cheeks flushed with that new knowledge. So deeply lost in arousal andfantasy, I had not bothered to notice whether anyone was observing. As thegirl on stage was being ass fucked, I had forgotten about the two men sittingthree rows in front of me.
His hand unzipped his fly, and dug out his hard cock and all at once I feltfortunate and shocked. Taking it in my mouth daunted me. As he stroked hiserection, all I could see was a smooth slick penis that struck me as havingthe potential to fill me adequately. My eyes must have alerted him to my thoughtas he smirked while looking down at me.
'Open wide.' Was all that he said as he held his cock to my mouth.
My lips parted, it seemed, automatically. I felt the head of his shaft enterfirst as it came to rest on my tongue. Wanting to lick and swirl my tonguearound the head of his cock, I fought the urge.
'Commence. I will tell you if it is inadequate.' He instructed.
My mouth opened wider and my tongue slowly encircled the head. Circular wetmovements clockwise and then anti-clockwise. My head became dizzy from thesensation of his cock in my mouth. How long did I lick the head? Uncertain.I found my tongue licking the length of his cock.
'Stop!' He demanded.
Removing my mouth from his cock, he ordered I look up at him immediately.
'I want more wetness, more suction. Got that?'
I nodded my head.
'Answer me.' He demanded.
'Yes, I understand.' Came my feeble reply.
My mouth enclosed on his cock, my tongue licking in between sucking so asto leave more moisture. Head swiveling with the motion, my lips closed firmlydown onto his shaft. Cheeks working simultaneously with my mouth, the suctionincreased to the point where he was rhythmically thrusting in and out of mymouth. His pelvis met my face in a slow steady motion. Arms pinned back, thestrain had now evaporated as my head was being filled up with the sound ofhis arousal. Here I was in a bathroom with a stranger while the remaining menwere watching another woman being fucked in another nearby room and I felta heat pulse through me as the realization dawned that I was enjoying givingthis man pleasure.
'Ohhh.. How about I explode into your mouth now slut? Fill you with my cream…'He suggested as he grinned down at me.
'Get up.' Came the next instruction.
If my brain was running a marathon, it was now being suddenly re-routed.His hand threaded through my bound arms and thrust me toward the toilet cubicle.Kicking the door open, he shoved me forward so that I faced the toilet bowl.His one arm held my arms as he pushed forward, inadvertently making me bendover in a semi L shape. With his free hand, palm upward, he roughly strokedmy crotch.
'Mmmm nice.' He breathed.
There was no warning as I felt my cunt being stretched open as his fingersinfiltrated me.
'That's three for you.'
I then realized he had three of his fingers inside me and now they were beginningto move in and out with a momentum that was increasing. As he drove them inI could hear the soft wet sound of my canal as it wrapped tightly around hisfingers. The sensation was too strong for me to stand silent and sounds beganto escape me, sounds which I had never before been introduced to. Wanton and'slutty', each moan was guttural – primal almost.
In my own heated world, a distant sound echoed through the bathroom. Thecubicle door vibrated. My skin broke out in gooseflesh as his hands penetratedme deep and hard. The pleasurable horror of it all just about brought me tomy knees as I let loose a loud howl, my head was pulled backward and it wasat that second that I could smell a different aroma.
'See how she likes to be fucked?' Stated the man with his fingers deep insideme.
'Hmm yes.' Replied a second man. It was the second man from the theatre.
'Turn around.' Requested the first man.
My very special moment was interrupted with the shockwave of embarrassmentand discomfort. No bond existed between the man and myself whose cock I previouslysucked; yet I felt betrayed.
The second man was fairer in complexion, shorter than the first man but equallyathletic. Eyes of blue looked straight at me as his mouth curved into a sweetsmile.
'Are you wet?' The blonde man asked.
I merely nodded.
His hand came toward my crotch and I found myself retreating, which was uselessas the first man was holding my arms in place. At this very obvious refusal,the first man shoved me forward, prompting me to walk out and into the mainbathroom.
'That's not lady-like, now open your legs for the gentleman.' Demanded mybrown- eyed Adonis whose full lips curled in a sardonic grin. I turned my headas I performed this function. The blondes' hand was now nestled between mylegs; his middle finger trailed over my labia and slowly made its way towardmy entrance. Slowly and deftly he slid his finger all the way inside.
'Now that was an easy feat, she is a horny little slut.' Marveled the blonde.
The first man laughed and complimented me on my cock sucking abilities. Thesecond man continued to move his finger in and out of my cunt; the fingersof his second hand crawled underneath the cup of my bra and pinched my nipplewith such intensity that I bit my lip.
'Oh I want to hear you scream little girl.' He whispered and smiled.
The space between my legs was slathered with my wetness. The first man positionedhimself behind me and dug his hand between my buttocks as the second man workedthree fingers into my cunt.
'Oahhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmph.' Escaped my mouth. It felt like I was an observer,seeing my own reaction as two different men were fingering my ass and pussysimultaneously.
A brief moment passed, and the blonde man removed his hand and knelt down.His fingers parted my labia and his tongue slashed through my soaked foldsand into my cunt.
'Lick the slut, she surely wants it.' Demanded the voice from behind me.
The very sound of this man slurping through my juices was enough to lurchme into the present world, the moment itself.
'Bend her over the sink.' Ordered the blonde between sips.
No protest came through my lips as I was moved toward a white porcelain sink.As had occurred in the theatre itself, I felt a hand spread my juices upward,over my asshole. A cold chill spread through me.
'Tell me what you need bitch.' Asked the blonde man.
The timing was too close in between events for it to be classified Déjà vu.
'I want you to fuck my ass.' I replied much like an automaton.
As he slowly entered me, I was instructed not to struggle for it would hurtmore. One of his arms encircled me as the other guided his cock into my ass.Inching himself inside me to the brim, I exhaled as my eyes came upon a pairof the most beautiful lips I had seen previously. The Adonis leaned over asmy body merged in unison to that of the blonde, who was filling me up withslow smooth thrusts of his cock. From the full succulent lips I had previouslyadmired emerged a smooth wet tongue, which licked my lips before engulfingthem. My wish was satisfied as I fed on his lips and tongue while my anus clenchedthe other man's phallus.
The first man, the Adonis, softened as he kissed yet his fingers dived intome once more so that I felt engulfed from both directions. His mouth left mineonly to clamp down hard on my nipples. He bared his lips to show me his teethas he slowly sank them into my brown flesh.
The blonde man upon noticing this instructed the man to bite, as he expresseda need to hear me wail.
Well synchronized, the blonde partially pulled out of my ass and plungedhis cock inside, coinciding with the teeth that squeezed my nipple in a razor-sharpbite.
'Yes, that's it. Again!' Demanded the man fucking my ass.
My other nipple experienced the same sensation of this man's gleaming teethclamping down while his thumb and index finger squeezed the other nipple atthe same time. As the momentum increased, my once virgin ass was now beingpounded in a soft yet firm motion, which I could not describe. My skin flushedhot and cold. Fingers were curling and uncurling inside my cunt. I was beyondhelp as I felt my hair being pulled backward and a warm spurt of fluid insidemy ass.
I heard a zip being fastened as the blonde made a hasty exit. The first manstill had his fingers wedged deep inside me as he eyed me with the satisfactionof a satyr. Slowly he removed his fingers and brought them toward my mouth.
'Taste yourself slut, lick each finger in appreciation.' He drawled.
My mouth slowly took in his index finger, in very much the same way I tookin his cock before. As I finished licking his ring finger, he removed his handand began to unbind my arms.
'Get dressed.' Came his final order.
The panties were torn in two; my skirt and shirt were slightly creased butwearable. Shoving my panties into my handbag, I moved toward one of the mirrorsso I could get a glimpse of myself. I only managed a few brief seconds as thestranger I had encountered in the theatre turned me around and honed into mymouth. Standing on my toes, head craning upward, he took his time exploringmy lips and suddenly broke free.
His hand fished inside his pocket and pulled out a card.
'You will call me tomorrow at 9pm. No earlier or later. Do we understandeach other?
I could only nod in agreement.
©2004 L'etranger.
En ce temps-là j'étais espiègle. On ne me tenait pas. Cependant jen'avais vu venir le coup du mariage. Mon mari et moi nous avions voulufaire plaisir et comme pour nous débarrasser on avait dit oui décidés audébut de l'été de faire la fête. De toute façon on n'y couperait pas.Tous les copains nous avons chacun invité à leur mariage. Le cercle serefermait inéluctablement sur nous. Nous prîmes cela en bonne part. Jene regrette rien hormis qu'on aurait pu attendre encore quelques années.Je...
The next afternoon, Thursday, they were all back in the gloomy, secret little stone house with the aliens, and this time Grace’s mum was there too along with their erstwhile quarry Claude Simon. Grace knew the story, the basics anyway, and was waiting to see what Mia made of it and to hear it from the aliens themselves. Dr Simon had smiled at them, with his longish hair and little beard, and told them to call him ‘Claude’. He was obviously a kind person. He’d said it was rather clever how...
My Sexual EvolutionBy Christine [email protected] 1 – The BeginningHi, my name is Christine. I have already written and posted 8 stories on this website, about my bondage sex adventures, but I’ve been going through my diaries and journals, and have decided to write this multipart story about my sexual evolution, from the beginning. My diaries begin when I was in 6th grade, and first became interested in boys. Before then, I only have memories. Prior to starting my high school...
EvolutionMy name is Jacob and this is a story describing my introduction to bondage sex and my further evolution into a bondage aficionado. 100 percent of what you will read is true and happened just as I described. This story spans 45 years and as will be come eminently clear is more than a bondage story. It is also a love story. The names have been changed to protect the innocent.The GameMy introduction to bondage occurred at the age of 13 and can all be blamed on a precocious girl named...
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Author's note: Please feel free to post this story to any free site, as long as the following conditions are met. It shall not be posted to any site charging a fee for reading it, either direct or indirect (avs), the story remains fully intact, and the original author shall be credited in entirety. This story contains harsh language and scenes of a frank sexual nature and is not suitable for younger readers. Also if you are offended by Transgendered, Gay, and...
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I Want to Share My Wife Moni Shared Just Before Wedding After having long talks about what all we had done and been doing it was like we could finally tell each other anything. I had told her all my fantasies and she was starting to share hers with me. One night as we talked she shared that she always wanted to pick up some guys at a bar, total strangers and just let them fuck her. It was great for me to hear her say things like that as she had never been so open talking about things like...
Moni Shared Just Before Wedding After having long talks about what all we had done and been doing it was like we could finally tell each other anything. I had told her all my fantasies and she was starting to share hers with me. One night as we talked she shared that she always wanted to pick up some guys at a bar, total strangers and just let them fuck her.It was great for me to hear her say things like that as she had never been so open talking about things like this. But it turned me on to...
Moni on loanMoni has agreed to submit to my commands, because her husband has given her to me for the night. She has agreed she must do what I say, and I am so very excited. She will become my cumslut and will have the time of her life! My cock is hard as I make preparations. I buy her a black push-up bra for her tits; it will leave the nipples showing whether she wants them to or not. I also get her black “fuck me pumps” and a black dress with just the right cleavage and which will come to...
Moni on loan Moni has agreed to submit to my commands, because her husband has given her to me for the night. She has agreed she must do what I say, and I am so very excited. She will become my cumslut and will have the time of her life! My cock is hard as I make preparations. I buy her a black push-up bra for her tits; it will leave the nipples showing whether she wants them to or not. I also get her black “fuck me pumps” and a black dress with just the right cleavage and which will come to...
Monika: Das Abenteuer im AußendienstEs war für mich ein Arbeitstag wie jeder andere auch. Ich ging von Haustür zu Haustür und versuchte Leuten einen Vertrag für Internet und Telefon zu verkaufen. Es verlief an diesem Tag eher schlecht als recht. Die Leute waren auf Grund des Wetters nicht gerade positiv in Stimmung.Ich machte kurz Pause und steckte mir eine Zigarette an, ging noch einmal in meinem Kopf alles durch. Mache ich einen guten ersten Eindruck? Verhalte ich mich nett? Spreche ich die...
Moni has agreed to submit to my commands, because her husband has given her to me for the night. She has agreed she must do what I say, and I am so very excited. She will become my cumslut and will have the time of her life! My cock is hard as I make preparations. I buy her a black push-up bra for her tits; it will leave the nipples showing whether she wants them to or not. I also get her black “fuck me pumps” and a black dress with just the right cleavage and which will come to about her...
Moni has agreed to submit to my commands, because her husband has given her to me for the night. She has agreed she must do what I say, and I am so very excited. She will become my cumslut and will have the time of her life! My cock is hard as I make preparations. I buy her a black push-up bra for her tits; it will leave the nipples showing whether she wants them to or not. I also get her black “fuck me pumps” and a black dress with just the right cleavage and which will come to about her...
Moni has agreed to submit to my commands, because her husband has given her to me for the night. She has agreed she must do what I say, and I am so very excited. She will become my cumslut and will have the time of her life! My cock is hard as I make preparations. I buy her a black push-up bra for her tits; it will leave the nipples showing whether she wants them to or not. I also get her black “fuck me pumps” and a black dress with just the right cleavage and which will come to about her...
Hi friends yeh meri paheli kahani hai so please agar koi galati hobjai to maaf kardena mai iss regular reader hu aur bahut bada fan, bhi hu. Pahle mein story k characters ka intro deta hun mein Gujarat se belong karta hu mera naam Moksh hai age 22 body avg hai good looking hu filhall to business kar raha hu meine graduate ki he now about the heroin of the story name Monika age 20 color fair hai figure 36 28 36 hai ekdum maal hai waise to Monika mari mangatar hai hamari sagai arrenge thi. To aab...
This will hopefully be the first chapter in a long story of a you girls journey through the Kanto region. It's inspired by the games Fire Red/Leaf Green and will no doubt be full of references to them. Being the first chapter it has a somewhat slow start, though it ends with our heroine having her first sexual experience in a rather intense way. No doubt as this story progresses it will lean more toward pokephillia and ever escalating kinks and taboos. So read at your own discretion. N.B....
I woke up to your mouth against my shoulder, pressing soft kisses along my collarbone and up my neck to lazily capture my lips. Without opening my eyes, I snuggled deeper into you, our legs entwined, the firm heat of your chest crushing against my softness. Your arms pulling me closer, closer, I gasped for air when your mouth finally released mine. My eyes opened, and your face swam into focus, blue eyes amused and tender. ‘Good morning.’ I grinned up at you impishly, ‘It’s turning out to be!’...
Note: This is the second part of the story, following Ramona Jean’s Sinful Weekend. * Despite the fact that Mona was now on her honeymoon, as she sat leaning on and clutching the upper arm of her dozing husband on the swaying, thumping train, on a journey to a faraway land, she felt like a character in a spy novel. Never had she been privy to so many secrets. In the midst of such a public event as a wedding – even her small ceremony was announced in the newspaper – much secrecy surrounded the...
HiThis Moni's next ordeal with Lamont if it can be even called that now, as through my eyes, her husband, I woke up early in our room to some soft wet sounds. In the dim morning light I can see Moni's head moving up and down Lamont's still big but soft cock. I whispered to her "what are you doing". She just looked up at me and lifted up from his cock and smiled at me then proceeded to suck his cock. Pssst I did and she waved a dismissive hand at me. She continued to eagerly suck him. I saw him...
Sto passeggiando per strada quando vengo attirato da un cartello che mi invita a provare il più realistico videogioco interattivo di tutti i tempi. Incuriosito entro nell'edificio e vengo accolto da una donna di mezza età che mi dice:"Benvenuto!Abbiamo messo a punto un videogioco in cui il giocatore è fisicamente presente nel mondo virtuale e ha la sensazione che quest'ultimo sia parteciperai ti sembrerà di essere veramente lì e sentirai odori,rumori e anche sensazioni tattili uguali a...
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“Where the FUCK have you been?!" roared Carla Zahn. Solomon had only stepped one foot into the house. Jadzia was still out the door behind him. They both walked into the house, and Carla let loose again. “Well?! Your ass was out all night! Where were you??!”Jadzia was terrified. As much as she wanted to be with him, she couldn’t imagine him calmly stating, ‘Sorry, I’m leaving you for Jadzia. We’re in love!’ She couldn’t even begin to imagine the fallout from something like that. But her dad was...
IncestBy : Yadavankit2011 Dear All main Ankit ek baar phir hajir hoon apna ek aur sex ex. Laker. First of all I want to thanks to all frns jinhone muje mail kiya nd fb and orkut per frn request send karke mujse dosti ke. Tyme na waste karte hue main apni story per aata hoon baat aaj se kareeb 3 yr poorani hai. Mere mamaji ke sister ke nai nai shaadi hui thi. Tho summner vacation main maine apni didi ke sasuraal ghoomne gaya. Wahan per unki kaafi badi family thi ek jiju ke bade bhai the unki sabse...
My name is Melinda, I’m 55, divorced and live by myself near Nashville Tennessee. I have long Auburn hair, seductive green eyes, and a full figured body, I don’t go out in the real world to find someone to date, nor do I go online. Mainly because most of the people online are phony, I can never tell whether I am talking to a man or woman. However, my poor heart had been shattered so many times, and on Saturday nights you will find me in front of my computer chatting. His name was Mathieu, he’s...
Mum and I got home from her works party at one o clock in the morning, I felt tied out and ready for bed, I kissed mum goodnight and went upstairs to bed, mum passed my room and called goodnight once more, I returned by saying I love you, I took off my dress, followed by my bra and panties and sat down in front of the mirror and removed my make up, I heard mum go to the bathroom, I waited till she has come out before going there myself, back in my bedroom I slipped on a silky night shirt and...
Mum and I got home from her works party at one o clock in the morning, I felt tied out and ready for bed, I kissed mum goodnight and went upstairs to bed, mum passed my room and called goodnight once more, I returned by saying I love you, I took off my dress, followed by my bra and panties and sat down in front of the mirror and removed my make up, I heard mum go to the bathroom, I waited till she has come out before going there myself, back in my bedroom I slipped on a silky night shirt and...
The sweltering sun at noon baked the cobblestone pavement a dirty grey. Little beads of sweat trickled down my forehead, causing my hairline to stick. I pulled out my vintage uchiwa and gently fanned myself. I tilted my head back a little and let out a small sigh of relief. The cool air whirling around my body felt great. It was an absolutely beautiful day in Normandy, and I was standing outside of the villa waiting for my dad. I watched as the front door slowly opened before my 6' 3" tall dad...
Incestit started off pretty innocent, us on the couch watching some alien movie (the thing) laying together and snugglin a bit. i was behind her and every once in a while id start dry humping her ass and squeezing her tits over her shirt. nothing too crazy cuz i knew that after the movie i was set to bang her. she had on the sweatpants that make me happy, (with no panties...fucking bonus!) they're like a mix between yoga pants and sweatpants, real soft and comfy but thin and not heavy. they hug her...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Saturday, three whole days sense that beautiful afternoon with mom and sis. They are all I think about.Realy, what I have thought about is my sisters's beautiful pussy.Now that she has broke her own cherry she should be fair game. I finished my yard work faster than ever before. My prick was hard all morning.My mom yelled " lunch." I said "let me take a shower first." My sister walked out of her room and remarked" be sure to wash it good." Downstairs...
Incest“Hey, dad. Just hanging out?” Jadzia Zahn asked her father as she walked out of the house to the pool. She was a twenty-two-year-old beauty. She’d finished college last year, and was working, though not in her career. She still lived at home, much to her father’s delight.“Hey, sweetheart! Yeah, I’m just chilling. It’s the start of a four-day weekend. What better way to start than relaxing in the pool,” answered her father, Solomon Zahn. He was a lawyer, specializing in corporate law, taking...
IncestToots Melendez was a somewhat reserved, petite little thing, with smooth-brown, walnut, cream-colored skin…and she’d always had 36, 24, 36 measurements ever since she could remember having grown into her shapely, womanly figure at the age of f******n.She came up in the Ethnic Hispanic communities of East Los Angeles, near Pico and Olympic and her parents raised her on taquitos, Chile con Carne and Goats Milk –I know that sounds peculiar, but there are still immigrant Mexicans down in East Los,...