Viva La Revolution free porn video

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Viva La Revolution! May 15th, 2035. "Mum?" crooned Karen, a hint of pleading in her voice. Her best friend, Amy, was standing beside her. "Yes, Karen?" "You know how I got straight As in my Exams?" she said, twirling her hair innocently. She knew her mum knew she was going to ask for something big; she knew her mum knew what it was as well. However, there was a ritual to be performed, a game to be played, one of argumentation and persuation. "Yes Karen?" replied her mother, smiling slightly. "And you know how we're going to the O2 festival next month?" "Indeed I do, oh daughter of mine," she said, rolling her eyes. "Well, I have certain concerns about the toilets at the festival. After all, if I need to pee, as undoubtedly I will during the course of the weekend, I'll be forced to join a lengthy queue every time I wish to do so, and in most unsanitary conditions." "Indeed you will. However this is all part of the festival going experience." "Perhaps. However, there is a way this aspect can be avoided." "Is there now?" Her mother raised her eyebrows dramatically. "Mother, I wish to grow a penis." Her mother grinned. "Yeah, I thought that's where you were going with this. I've seen those magazines you two have been reading: Girl+, and Annabel! - and I can't say I entirely approve." "It's the latest development in feminism, though! As long as men see us as... as creatures to be penetrated and themselves as being the penetrators, there's always going to be a culture of dominance!" "But... you're removing the one thing that makes you a woman." "Sorry, but I disagree. It's our experiences, our personalities, and our minds that make us women. All a pussy makes us is fuckholes and baby factories." Karen's mother looked a little hurt. "Karen!" "I'm sorry. But... I mean, there's nothing wrong with receptive sex, and nothing wrong with giving birth, obviously. They're great things! But there's more to being a woman than that, and men need to realise this. And that's what Girl+ culture is all about." "Well, I can't say I'm convinced. If you ask me, it's all just a silly fad. But my parents felt the same way when I got my nose pierced, so I suppose I can't really object. How much is it?" "Five hundred pounds." Karen's mother raised her eyebrows. "Please!!" Karen's mother tutted, and smiled. "Okay then." she said. Karen and Amy whooped and cheered, and hugged each other, and then Karen's mother. "Mum, you're the best!" * May 22nd, 2035 Karen and Amy were sitting in Karen's living room, watching TV. Nothing was on; they were just hanging out. Karen was painting Amy's nails: she had some new programmable-polish that Amy wanted to try on. They were going out tonight, to celebrate their last night as trad-girls. Karen's brother wandered in. "Hi Paul," said Amy, her voice gleaming. She had quite the crush on Paul, and made no secret of it. Why should she? Desire was nothing to be ashamed of. "'Scuse me," said Karen, who went away to pester her mother: she wanted to borrow some lipstick, as well as a pair of shoes. "Come, sit down beside me," said Amy. Paul was only fifteen, two years younger than the two girls. He was cute, but kind of dorky, and still nervous around women, even his sister's best friend, who had been around him since he was three. He sat. "Paul, I've got a wee present for you," she said. "Oh...?" He said. There was a tone of suspicion in his voice, and he adjusted his glasses nervously. She reached into her bag and got out a small package wrapped in shiny golden paper and containing something soft, the size of a fist. He took it from her, and stared at it. "Go on! Open it!" Tentatively, awkwardly, he ripped open the paper, and two pairs of panties fell out. They were extremely feminine: one pair was of soft, purple cotton, with frilly lace around the edges, and a black star on the front. The other pair was white, and covered with little black daisies. "They used to be mine. From a couple of years ago, when I used to be a really girly-girl. You remember, right? I mean, I even wore skirts! - Ugh! But... I think you'd look really sweet in them. Very cute..." "Amy- I'm a boy. I wear boys' underwear." "I know you do. But I want you to change that! I mean, what's wrong with being feminine? Why do you hate women? Why don't you like girlish things?" "I... I don't hate women. I just... don't want to be one!" "Nobody's asking you to become a girl! I like boys! But... you're still clinging to all these outdated gender codes, where men wear trousers and take charge of women, and women wear dresses and just have to accept it." "I don't want that! I just don't see why you want me to be a sissy." "Look, I'm going to very blunt here. I like you. You're really cute, and I like hanging around with you. But I don't want to be in a relationship based on the idea that I have to be submissive to you. I mean, I'm two years older than you. And anyway- don't say sissy. It's really rude. Tomgirl is the preferred term nowadays." "Fine... okay... But look, I'm not going to wear your damn panties! Anyway, won't you need them? Or are you going to start wearing boys' pants after your little operation?" Amy sneered. "No! I'm going to wear girl's pants, thank you very much. I've been buying them already, in advance. They're pretty, and they're feminine, and they're designed especially for dickgirls. Like I'm going to be tomorrow." "Look, I don't want to be your Tomgirl, okay? I like being a boy. Call it boring and traditional, and I know all the arguments about how gender flexibility is good for the mind, and about rebalancing the genders. But I don't want any part of it, okay, Ames? I'll see you later." He got up, and stormed off to his room, but Amy couldn't help but notice that he took his new panties with him. * May 23rd, 2035 Their hearts pounding, nerves a-jangle, Amy and Karen walked hand-in-hand to the Cosmetic Surgery clinic. Surgery had come along in leaps and bounds since the development of stem-cell based treatments and robotic surgeons, and operations that would have been unthinkable even when Amy and Karen were little girls were now routine. They walked in, and said hello to the receptionist; a cute Tomgirl in his early twenties. Amy considered flirting with him, but it was a little weird to try and pick up Tomgirls older than you. "Hi... we have an appointment: Karen Willis and Amy Miles?" "Okay, sure," he said, checking the names off on the computer. "Come through here, and I'll just get you set up." He led them through to another smaller room, and asked them to sit down on the other side of the desk to him. "So, just to confirm, what are you both here for?" "We'd like to have penises, please." "Okay. Just the bottom? You don't want facial hair implants, hip reduction, and breast removal?" "Breast...!" The two girls hugged their chests in protective alarm. "Just the dicks, then?" he replied, smiling. The two girls nodded. "And have you picked out the style of penis you'd like?" "Oh yes," said Karen. "I'm going for the Winston." "I see," he replied. "We recommend that if this is your first penis you should perhaps not go for such a large one. There are certain issues that can arise. Some young men can find it intimidating to make love to a well-endowed lady, especially if they're inexperienced. And a lot of women feel a smaller penis is more feminine and ladylike. Perhaps the Julian?" He turned the display towards her, and flipped it through to the member in question. "I feel it's a very svelte number." "Yes, okay!" she said. "And how about you?" "I think I'll have the Edgar." "A fine choice, miss. My girlfriend has one too; it's quite beautiful." "And you'd both like the urethral re-routing? So you can pee through it?" "Oh yes." "A good choice. "Testicles?" "Nah," said Karen. "Nope." "Okay. Do you want your vagina sealed? Or do you want to keep your opening?" "Keep it," said Karen. "Lose it," said Amy. "I see. And... Miss Miles? We have a new option for those who desire devagination: would you like to keep your labia? Penetration is still impossible, but many young women feel it strikes an oddly defiant note; a homage to your former alignment. It's purely decorative, but a lot of young men like the look of a lady's lower lips, and find their presences quite reassuring." "Hmmm... Yes, okay!" she replied. "A wise decision, I think. Some young men still cling to rather traditional notions, don't they? They still think that penetration should be a one-way street, gender-wise. But retaining your lips, well, they feel it says that you're still a woman, and it puts a lie to the tedious argument that you're trying to become men, or some such nonsense." Amy nodded. "So, what now?" "Take a seat in the waiting area, and I'll get one of the nurses to attend to you shortly." * Twenty minutes later the two girls stood naked in the surgical chamber. Karen's legs were shaking; Amy had propped herself up against one of the autosurgeons in a display of false bravado. The nurse came in, and smiled at them. "When you're ready, lie down on the couch," she said. The two girls hugged each other, and lay down. The nurse took a gasmask from the hook behind Amy head, and attached it to her face, and then did the same thing to Karen. She pressed a few buttons on the console. The two girls held hands across the aisle between the autosurgeons, and in a few short seconds, they were unconscious. Then the robotic arms set to work. The machine applied suction to each girl's clitoris, stretching it into a transparent tube. Needles within the tube pierced the clitoral flesh, injecting it with new cells of genital tissue, cloned from the girls' own genetic material. The machine paused for a minute, waiting for the new cells to settle in, before injecting a new batch into a different part of the organ. This process continued for six hours. By that point, the girls' clitorises had been resculpted to form convincing phalluses; however, they were still unable to pee through them. This required a separate operation. A prehensile needle injected itself into the head of the neophallus, and threaded its way through their bodies to the end of their urethra. This needle then expanded, its end opening out, and retracted to release a new length of urethral tubing. Robotic fingers secured the tubing at each end with a layer of tissue. Then, another robotic finger opened the girl's outer labia, and cut a slit just below their vaginal opening. It then cut and glued the new urethra to the old, and sealed the wound with a fresh layer of tissue, coupled with a number of hormones to stimulate healing. The old urethral opening was then sealed with a plug of the appropriate tissue, which soon fused seamlessly with the existing flesh. Karen's operation was complete, but for Amy, a plug of flesh was inserted into her vaginal opening, and sealed in place with cellular glue. The operation was complete; and after allowing two hours for the wounds to heal, and the itching to subside - an inevitable side effect of the ten-thousand repeated deep injections in the initial phalloplasty phase - the girls awoke. * Karen gazed across at Amy, and then down at her new penis. She gasped and smiled as she saw it. Amy was still unconscious. Karen stared at her penis. Her genitals still felt more or less the same as they had before; the clitoral nerves had simply become spread out in different shape. She reached down and touched it; it felt oddly familiar, and yet also strange and new. She pinched it between her fingers, and stroked her glans. It felt nice. Strange, and new, but with an undeniable potential for pleasure. "Amy?" she hissed. "Are you awake?" Amy's eyes opened slowly, and dropped closed again. "Typical," thought Karen. "Just like every sleepover." But Karen dozed off again too, and twenty minutes later she was awake again. Amy was standing by the full- length mirror at the end of the room, admiring her new penis, and holding a cup of coffee. "Hey..." said Karen, unable to stop herself from smiling."We've got dicks now." "I know," she replied, her joy barely constrained by her effort to sound cool. "I'm hungry. Let's go get something to eat." * The two dickgirls sat in BurgerShack, chomping through a pair of burgers and onion rings, each partnered with a large carton of Irn Bru. They didn't say much; they just smiled at each other. They hadn't eaten in over ten hours, and despite their excitement, they were still starving. Amy finished her burger first. "So, what now?" she asked. "Well, I really need to go pee," she said, grinning. "Cool..." she said, smiling at the prospect; this would be the first time they got to use their willies for urination; the novelty of it all appealed to them. Karen stuffed the last of her burger into her mouth, and finished her Irn Bru. "Come on. Let's go!" They ran down the escalator of the mall, and down to the toilets. They handed the attendant a 50p each, and went inside, standing for a moment inside the Ladies toilets, staring at the urinals. They turned to each other and smiled. They went forward, and unzipped their flies, their tight jeans making their packages visible to any who cared to look. They pulled out their respective penises, and started to pee. "This feels really weird!" said Karen. "It's flowing through my clit..." "I know..." replied Amy, "Oh, hold on, better aim right. It really pisses me off when my dad leaves little splashes by the toilet seat. I mean, what if we step in it?" "I know, it's gross. I mean, my dad left when I was two, but my brother... ugh!" "We're going to be way more responsible with our penises than that lot though, right?" "I know! Sometimes I think men just go out of their way to inconvenience women." A trad-girl walked past with her mother. She was twelve years old, and wearing a knee length skirt. She stopped for a moment and stared at the two older girls jealously, blushing with embarrassment. Her mother pursed her lips and grabbed her by the hand. "Come on, Dorothy! There's a cubicle free there!" "Sometimes I think men should be girled at birth," said Amy. "If they want their knob back, make them get a license or something. Sit an exam." "At the very least they should be made to pee sitting down," replied Karen. "You know, surgically. A urethral re-routing, like we had, but in reverse." "Okay, I'm done here," said Amy. She shook her cock, the last dribble of urine flying away. Then she took a piece of paper from the dispenser above her, and dabbed the end of her penis. It was funny; women's urinals always provided paper for dabbing, but men's did not. That men were willing to run the risk of a spare droplet of urine tainting their underwear seemed ghastly to her. "Yeah, me too," replied her friend. They went and washed their hands. * The two girls arrived back at Karen's house at 8pm. They had spent the last two hours shopping, buying new girl-plus briefs: thongs and tangas with enough space in front to comfortably house a penis, yet still pretty and feminine. Karen had bought a new vest-top, and Amy had got a new pair of jeans. "Hello girls," said Amy's mother, who was sitting on the sofa, watching the news. "How did it go?" "Pretty amazing!" cried her daughter. "I've got a penis now! It's... amazing." "Hey sis," said Paul. "Or should that be brother now?" he added. "A girl with a dick is still a girl, dumb-ass." "Wanna see mine?" said Amy, smiling at Paul. "Not really, no. I mean, you never offered to show me your cunt..." Amy sneered. "It's just not appropriate for a girl to do that!" Paul tutted. "I saw you playing football in the park the other day." she said. "Very impressive." "Thanks." "You were playing topless." she added. "Yeah. It was hot. What of it?" "I think you should get yourself a bra." "What? Why?! I've got nothing to put in it!" "Look, if a girl goes out with no top on, she gets arrested for indecent exposure. Why should female nipples be considered obscene and boys aren't?" "She does have a point," added his mother. "I mean, at least girl's nipples do something! Men's are useless!" said Karen. "I know! I mean, do you really want to see some fat old builder's hairy chest when you're walking down the street? Hell no!" "I don't need a bra..." said Paul. "I saw some nice boys' bras in H&M," said his sister. "Very... manly. Just enough support, but no frilly bits or anything. I saw one I thought would look really good on you." "Fuck's sake!" he mumbled, and wandered off to his room. The two girls burst out laughing, while Karen's mother shook her head. * The two girls headed back to Karen's room; they had decided Amy should sleep over at Karen's, to make the most of their special day. Karen and Amy were tucked up in bed together - they usually shared the bed, as it was a double bed, and there was no spare mattress. Karen flipped on her computer, and the wide-screen display on the opposite wall. "I've got a wee surprise for you," she said. "I downloaded some porn." The two girls had watched porn together since they were fourteen. They both loved gay porn; the thought of watching two men fucking really excited them. Of course, pornography had changed a lot in the past twenty years; now the market for women's pornography was almost as large as the male market, though the girls' stuff usually had better scripts, acting, and direction. This film started with a gay guy- very manly, with abs like an egg box and a perky smile - making a bet with his dickgirl co- worker about whether he could pull the new Tomgirl at their gym. The first half hour or so was mostly prelude; flirtation and attempted sabotage by the dickgirl, but with lots of nude or topless shots of the guys to keep the titillation levels high. Then the two guys started to get it on; their first kiss in the changing room after a football match evolving into biting and stripping. Soon the tradboy was biting the tomgirl's nipples... "Karen... are you getting an erection?" "Um..." "Because I am! My very first!" "Yeah, me too..." "Um... should we..." "Masturbate?" Silence filled the room. "Do we have...?" asked Karen. "Tissues?" "Yeah." Amy pointed at the box she kept by her dressing table. She clambered out of bed and grabbed them, and got back in. "So... do you want to go first?" "I was rather hoping you would." Silence. Onscreen, the Tomgirl was on his knees, unbuttoning the trad's shorts. "We should probably do it together," said Amy. "Okay... Um... how?" "I don't know. I mean, I've never..." "Yeah. Me neither. " "Well, let's take these covers off first," said Amy. They flung the duvet down to the end of the bed. Amy stared down at her bulging boyshorts, then down at Karen's bulging panties. "Let's get these off, then?" she asked, part-hoping the answer would be no. "Okay," said Karen. The two girls wriggled out of their knickers, and kicked them off the end of the bed. On the TV screen, the tomgirl was sucking his boyfriend's cock with a look of fierce concentration. They stared down at each other's erections, before turning their gaze towards their own. Amy's was a little bigger than Karen's; and Karen felt oddly embarrassed. "What now?" she asked. "I guess we... um..." said Amy. She licked her finger and started to rub the head of her penis. "How is it?" "Quite nice... yeah." Then she held the solid member in her hand, and started working it up and down, first slowly, then a little faster. "This is pretty good, actually," she said, almost surprised. Karen took her penis in her fist too, and started to work it up and down. "Oh, this is good. A lot more direct than before...." she said. The image on the screen showed the tradboy lifting the other boy's testicles and thrusting his penis into his tomhole. "Oh God," gasped Amy. "It is! It's so... immediate! I never realised how fiddly it was, the old way." "Mmm," agreed her friend. They stroked away for another minute or so, watching the trad holding down the tomgirl, watching his ass pulsing as he thrust in and out of his lover, the tomgirl, fingering his cock as he did so. "This feels weird... almost sore...." gasped Karen, with a hint of anxiety in her voice."I should stop..." "No, I think it's meant to be like that..." Karen felt her penis convulse and twitch within her hand, and watched with shock and delight as semen sprayed up onto her breast. Amy turned her head to watch, and gasped in surprise, her eyes wide at the display. She watched Karen moans subside, and turned back to the television, watching the two boys achieve simultaneous orgasm. She wanted to be grinding away inside that Tom, to watch his cute little bottom moving in those silk panties, to... The heat in her penis exploded in a series of throbs, as pleasure spread throughout her body. Her fist was wet now, and there was semen all over her thighs and hands. She fell back onto the bed. "That was pretty incredible," she sighed to her friend. Karen already had her eyes closed, a pile of scrunched up tissues on her belly. Amy wiped herself clean, and the two girls finished cleaning themselves off. They threw their dirty tissues in the bin, and fell asleep in each other's arms. * June 5th 2035 It was the first day of the festival, and Amy and Karen were already excited. They had queued to get from the campsite into the main festival, and spent the first couple of hours just wandering around, buying overpriced programmes, t-shirts, and other merchandise. They also bought a packet of weed brownies from the official vendor, based in large part on Karen's mother's advice to stick to marijuana and avoid alcohol for the festival. They saw a few bands, wandering from tent to tent to watch the up-and- coming bands at the bottom of the bill and the acts in the unsigned tent. They played giant Jenga and ate hot dogs, and Amy bought some really cute earrings at the market. As far as Amy was concerned, however, the main event of the day was the appearance of The Shuriken Incident, not least because of her massive crush on Chloe Mayweather, the lead singer. Chloe was one of the pioneers of the Second Sexual revolution, and was one of the most famous faces of the TomGirl movement in the mid-twenties. He inspired thousands, if not millions of young men to wear skirts and eyeliner, a fact which Amy was eternally grateful for. The show was fantastic; not only were the songs classics, but Chloe was an incredible dancer to boot. * By 9pm the two girls had gone their separate ways: Amy wanted to see the tomgirl burlesque in the Cabaret tent, but Karen wanted to hear Doctor Sunburst's DJ set in the dance tent. She danced alone and unashamed, lost in the music. An eighteen year old boy, with straggly hair and a tight vest that just concealed a well-toned stomach was dancing just in front of her. He was exactly the sort of macho boy that drove her wild, and that she wanted to dominate. * One hour later Karen was back in her tent, wearing nothing but a bra, and crouched on top of the naked boy. He stared down at her hard cock, grinning. "I've never shagged a dickgirl before," he said. She picked a bottle of lubricant from her bag, and squirted it onto her fingers. She massaged it onto her penis, lifted his legs up above his shoulders, and pushed her dick into his asshole. "You still haven't," she said, smiling. * The Tomgirl burlesque was in full swing. Although Amy felt a little awkward attending it alone - normally she had Karen along for company on most of her acts of sexual exploration - but she soon made friends with a gay trad called Mike and his tomgirl partner, Kyle. The show opened with a striptease - a beautiful boy stripping to just his panties and heels, before flinging his bra to the audience. Amy caught it, and grinned wildly: the stripper winked at her, covering his chest theatrically as he left the stage, his cute bottom wiggling with every step. Amy was glad she had bought herself a beer at the start of the show, as she had a significant erection, and was unwilling to go to the bar until it subsided. The rest of the show covered all the usual bases - a Zatanna- styled magic show, and a couple of cabaret numbers. In one song the lead debated whether or not to get castrated, with a chorus of other tomgirls offering conflicting advice, and another starring the troupe's token dickgirl, playing a deeply naive tradboy who didn't realise his new girlfriend was actually a tomgirl. The show ended with a rousing song and dance and stripping number and Amy left grinning and thoroughly entertained. * June 7th The autocar pulled up outside Karen's house, and two grubby, tired girls got out, and unloaded their luggage. Before they could even reach the door, Karen's mother emerged with Paul. Paul was wearing a black skirt and tights, and Amy thought she could just see the outline of a bra strap under his t-shirt. Amy gasped, her heart a-flutter. She dropped her bag and ran towards him. Before he could even speak, she squeezed him in a massive hug, and kissed him firmly on the lips. "My god, Paulie! You're so... so pretty!" she squealed. "What... what happened?" "Well, me and Mum had a big talk while you two were away. She said what a great girl you were, how perfect we would be for each other, and how silly I was letting my fear of... you know... being... yours... get in the way of our relationship. I was scared, Ames. I feel stupid admitting it." "Awww, sweetness, that's okay!" she said, as she squeezed him tightly, and closed in for a long, passionate kiss. The End.

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The rebels of Colonel Fahim are trying to overthrow their incompetent government The rebels of Colonel Fahim are trying to overthrow the incompetent government. They demanded more rights for the Islamic people, no more decadence of the Western world. Islam must be restored to its historic roots. They began their journey in 2005 in the Egyptian city of El Faladim. The rebels overthrew the city administration and effectively took control of it. After that, their goal was to conquer...

3 years ago
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Gallants Revolution

For six millennium the humans in Nox have been serfs to mage lords. I should say slaves because that was really what we were. There were few free men in the nation but unless you were elven, a dwarf or a mage there was little chance to be free. Even the soldiers were serfs but they had more freedom and things they were allowed to do. My father had been a soldier and taught me using sticks and rods of iron. Our mage lord had cut back the numbers of soldiers he had to half and my father was...

3 years ago
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Initiation and Revolution

I was seventeen. It is a significant time. But perhaps I need to explain some more? Until a few years ago, this country, my country, was two centuries behind most of the rest of the world; our leader, Glavni Starij (you would say ‘Chief Elder’), and the Vestri, brought in some modern technology, but didn’t think about the implications ... the consequences. My Father explained some of this to me. You see, in Domovinu, women have few rights. I have to say, though, my Mama ruled our household. She...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 1 BethanyChapter 5 You Say You Want a Revolution

February 23, 1986, Chicago, Illinois “We’ll talk about it next weekend,” I said. “Not now?” Jessica asked. “Are you sure that you’re OK?” “Yes and no. It really was the only thing that could happen with Bethany. I told you that about a month ago.” “So you were prepared?” Kara asked. “As much as I could be,” I sighed. “I think everyone pretty much expected this to happen. But that doesn’t make it any easier.” “Where will she go?” Kara asked. “I’m hoping she’ll move in with Kathy and...

1 year ago
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The Preacher ManChapter 50 Dawn of the Revolution

Time: July 4, 8244 11:48 AM Taking over the Code of Bel'dar proved to be delightfully easy. The monks of Babylon completed the upgrade of their operating system in mid February and we began our probing soon afterwards. We were ready to make our first backdoor changes by early March. The Australian women and my family have two objectives today with my meeting with the Babylonian monks. The first objective will be executed at noon. If successful, we are expecting a great deal of chaos at...

2 years ago
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My Berlin SummerChapter 11 The Revolution

This idyll of blissful servitude came to a violent end early one cool morning in January. That night, I had been fortunate enough to be the slave girl selected by the master to serve his pleasure. As usual, he had put me to a variety of the specialized uses to which a slave such as I must be accustomed, finally cuffing my wrists to my ankles and taking me from behind, making me scream repeatedly in submission and ecstasy. Then he unbound my wrists and ankles, chained me to the foot of his...

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Shifty Fades of BeigeChapter 3 The Sound Revolution

Alexandra Rasputin, teeth digging into a ball gag and breathing through her nose, is hanging from the ceiling of the Rumpo Room. She is wearing a white lace bra and panties, hold up white stocking and killer heels. Her hands are bound, not too tightly, behind her back, and she is suspended from the ceiling by a rope, weighted to cause mild discomfort in her arms. A spreader bar is attached to her ankles, her idea. She enjoys the strappado and finds it stylistically pleasing, the sense of...

2 years ago
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Summer CampEpisode 23 Revolution

That afternoon was a real downer; nobody really felt like doing anything. Pete and Lisa had gone to Jennifer's office to report in and to give a quick summary of how the outing had gone and what they had done. The girls, taking advantage of that fact, had dropped by the guys' cabin to discuss Susan's protest gesture in greater detail. The bulletin board indicated that cabins 6 and 7 were scheduled for a mixed swim the following morning, so it was agreed that everybody would arrive at the...

4 years ago
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Slaviversaryby Loraspa6loraspa6 (a) hotmail (dot) comAuthor's Note:This is a series of three stories (The last subdivided into two parts), telling the events of the past year from the view of each one of the three main characters. There will be repeating of several key events from the perspectives of at least one of the other main characters.Happy reading my friends ~ Loras Pa6-----It was days like today that made me regret retiring as a professional dominatrix and returning to the world of...

1 year ago
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Viva gals! Pornography may be shunned and looked down upon by many groups and individuals in modern-day society, even those who actually watch it during those lonesome days when their significant other is away on a ‘business trip’ where they’re actually having sex with someone much younger and hotter. But these people who put down pornography don’t even acknowledge it for at least one of its many benefits - porno is always here to aid us in our time of need, whether it be a quick fap to help...

Porn Aggregators
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One of the very first things Viva Street greets you with is a dialog box. However, this isn't your conventional "are you 18" greeting message, which is strange. Rather, this website suggests that you sign up to it right away, as soon as you open it up for the first time. This isn't a bad idea all in all, especially if you are dead serious about trying to get an escort in the UK. In the end, it all really depends on your will to have sex with some of the hottest babes on the Isles. If you're a...

Escort Sites
3 years ago
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Revival Of Sex Life

Revival Of Sex LifeBy: Londebaaz Chohan I knew that my girlfriend Helen was upset and things won’t be very pleasant when I got home. Actually, we both knew that our relationship was almost at the verge of breaking after we were together for the last over 3 years. Sex was not as wonderful as it used to be; particularly since I told her almost a year ago that I was offered a better job by my employer but I shall have to move. I had called Helen during the lunch break today and told her that I was...

3 years ago
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Vivacious Vixens

I open the door and you are there, wearing a smile and a very short dress. I see your friend with you, and I welcome you both inside. We all know why the two of you are here, and I get an instantaneous erection. ‘Come on in, my vivacious vixens! Have a seat!’ I request to both of you as I give each of you a good looking over. I see you have been developing quite a tan from the looks of your legs, and then my attention turns momentarily to your friend, Wendy. She’s taller than you, almost taller...

4 years ago
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Vivacious Vixens

I open the door and you are there, wearing a smile and a very short dress. I see your friend with you, and I welcome you both inside. We all know why the two of you are here, and I get an instantaneous erection."Come on in, my vivacious vixens! Have a seat!" I request to both of you as I give each of you a good looking over. I see you have been developing quite a tan from the looks of your legs, and then my attention turns momentarily to your friend, Wendy. She's taller than you, almost taller...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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                               SurvivalI was walking so rapidly, my breath was to coming to me in rasps. Running was something I was no longer capable of doing that physical demand, after falling the way I had , hurting my knee. It was pointless anyway, trying to run from someone of you caliber and mass, you size would make the strongest man cower in fear. ????????? Terror grips me as I walk past the freshly dug graves of the last victims of your brutal murders. This over sized graveyard,...

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I went back inside my house, and took a mental inventory. I knew that I was not going to be able to drive far, considering the devastation, but my 4-wheel drive would at least get me out of the hit area. I went to my office, got a couple side arms, and a shotgun, put on my vest out of habit, my badge, and some water. The truck started on the first try, and I rammed it out the garage door, and down the street. I knew I would be needed at the precinct house, and that chaos would be reining. ...

1 year ago
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Survival A Whateley Universe FanFic

Whateley: "Survival" [A Whateley Universe FanFic] By Zapper Synopsis: Kate's parents are both mutants and she's grown up knowing that there is a good chance she might become a mutant someday. But now sixteen she's dealing with the normal teen problems, puberty, boys, and her band. Then everything changes when she's kidnapped. Kate's now trying to survive long enough to be reunited with her parents. Note: This is a Whateley FanFic and has a little more violence than most...

3 years ago
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Survival of the Sexiest the Conclusion Roma Therapy

My name is Roma, and you will have gathered from the other stories in my Survival series that I take what I want when I want it – no holding back, no holds barred.This story has a twist on the other chapters – do I get what I want, or just get what I deserve?  Will I be fit enough to survive?A few weeks ago, my husband went away on business, and this, for me, is like a klaxon going off, accompanied by shouts of, “Playtime!”‘Who’s to be the lucky dog this time,’ I wondered and decided to call my...

3 years ago
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Revival of the Fittest

Five years of my life, up in smoke. I'd been suspicious of Claire for a while. Nothing major, just the odd thing. How she was more careful of her appearance. She was staying at work a lot later. She'd started being more cruel towards me, taking potshots that I wasn't the most masculine of guys. Making cracks like I wasn't a real man because I liked watching Strictly, how I'd probably prefer to wear the dresses (I didn't. Well, not then at any rate) or be held by the big muscular men, how...

4 years ago
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Revival Club

My husband Jack and his two friends had packed the car and left on their twice-a-year hunting trip. This all started after seven years of marriage. The other two were married for nine and eleven years. My lack of sex was getting to me. I called the other wives. I told both of them it was time for us to meet and plan a little adventure ourselves. I told them I would hold the first meeting at my house, and I am requesting you wear your sexiest outfit with heels. I thought I would get the...

4 years ago
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Survival Instincts Chapter 5

It had been two weeks since I made my mind up to visit Jen and Doug before I actually did it. Logistics got in the way. I needed transport and that meant a horse. Fortunately, one was on hand; loaned to me by a neighbouring farmer. I was not sure what they thought they were going to get for it in return, but I promised to bring it back in one piece and thanked them kindly. Directions were the next thing I needed and Emily was quick off the mark to show me how to get there.And so it was, that on...

1 year ago
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Survival Instincts Chapter 1

We ran and ran and ran, uphill, downhill, through tall trees and thickets, over boulders and scree; one foot forward, three slides back. Our breath rasping and our throats dry. We kept running, but not really looking as to where we were going. I had taken a side path from the main forestry road and Sarah blindly followed me; tall pines surrounded us and the floor was covered in brown tinder; it was full of material waiting to catch fire with the intense heat. We hit a clearing and then, in...

2 years ago
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The wind broke on the concrete, making it more bearable, and I desperately found shelter in one of the dusty buildings. Life I as had known it, as humanity had known it, became extinct. There were not many people alive anymore. Things didn’t even happen fast and sudden, and were not caused by one event, like in the movies.Against the prognosis from scientists, the temperature rose more than two degrees centigrade by the year 2018. It was not, however, something that would have destroyed...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
3 years ago
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Survival Instincts Chapter 4

Our time with Jeff and Emily Warren was wonderful. They made us feel as if we were part of their family. We had to work, to earn our keep, and it was hard work on the farm. We often ended up completely knackered in the evenings and we would all be glad to get to bed and sleep.Each of us occupied a separate room with a single bed and a shared bathroom. We couldn’t believe it at first; the least we expected was for us girls to be put together, but Warren’s farm was big enough to accommodate all...

3 years ago
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Survival Instincts Chapter 3

We approached upwind of the cottage in case there were any animals in the near vicinity. That was Mark’s contribution which was very sensible; I hadn’t thought that animals may be present but Mark reckoned on dogs and possibly horses this high up, and their sense of smell and hearing would have given us away in seconds.Sarah suggested we be quiet; which was a given as far as I was concerned and my contribution was that we should all go together; safety in numbers and all that shit. Not that...

3 years ago
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Survival Instincts Chapter 2

That evening, we cooked rice for three people. We sat at the table, ate and talked. Mark filled us in on his journey to this shack and we offered as little information as we could get away with in return. Deep down, we didn’t really trust him, but he seemed as anxious as us to get across the mountain, to safety.Mark had been in the house for three days before we turned up. He was sitting on the porch when we stumbled into his world. He said that he heard us before he saw us. He didn’t know how...

2 years ago
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Survival of the Sexiest part 4

In the last episode, I suggested I wasn’t totally without morals. Well, I lied, I do have morals, but they can, at best, be described as loose. My new customers, Jenn and her husband Roy, had clearly led me astray. But as you will have read in the last story, it was the business meeting to end all business meetings. Jenn and I had worked closely together, with Roy just putting his oar in from time-to-time when called on, if you know what I mean.Jenn was hooked. I was the first pussy notch on...

1 year ago
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Survival of the Sexiest Part 3

I hope you’ve read the first part of this story about how I managed to keep my job by sleeping with the boss, and I still do, and the second part where I was ordered to get a contract which I secured by sleeping with the customer. Oh, and I still do that too!But I’m not totally without morals; well, perhaps I am and that’s for you to say. More often I sleep with people because we both want it and there’s no ulterior motive other than a good fucking. If I get business out of it at the same time,...

4 years ago
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Three months ago, a miracle happened in the morgue of a small midwestern town—a man who was found dead the night before suddenly awoken. Somehow death had deemed it high time to take a vacation and in his absence, the souls of the damned seemingly went looked for their bodies. Unfortunately for the diener who was working that day the man who returned from the grave also came back with a deep hunger. Lumbering over the man the undead ghoul leaned over and ripped out a large chunk of flesh and...

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Survival of the Sexiest Part 2

Some of you out there seem to think that sleeping with the boss to keep my job was only the beginning. What sort of girl do you think I am? Oh, that sort. Well okay, I’d better tell you what happened next, but if you haven’t read the first part, then please do catch up. Well, Jason and I 'semented'(!) our new-found business relationship by having pretty regular sex. We acted normally in the office to avoid gossip, but every so often, one of us would get too horny to walk straight and, with a...

Office Sex
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A Ford F-150 pick-up truck drove down a lonely stretch of road flanked by nothing but trees. I was relaxing in the back seat looking out the window, thinking about how my parents decided that we would be spending time at the family cabin. The drive to the cabin from my house is two days drive, far away enough that you don't have to worry about people disturbing your time with your family. Closest people are at least a ten minutes walk away where theres another cabin and midway point of the town...

4 years ago
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I heard my sister saying good bye to our parents from the livingroom. They are going away for the weekend, leaving me and Bella home alone. *Bang* the door finally closed. "Finally all alone" Bella said when she entered the livingroom. I was laying on the couch watching some bad show. "Yeah awesome, you better not call your girlfriends over, because I already made plans" I said while focusing on my show. Bella is 22 years old, orange/red curly hair, her toned athletic body could make any man...

2 years ago
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Survival of the Sexiest

Sometimes you just have to make things go your way or the world will pass you by.My name is Roma and I work in Sales, and as you will find out, I still work in Sales. But that nearly wasn’t to be. The company I work for was going through a difficult patch and it was clear there were about to be redundancies with Sales always getting the brunt of these things. If we’re not selling, it must be Sales’ fault. I, however, knew it was a lack of good marketing, and decided that I should market myself...

Office Sex
3 years ago
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Survival of the fittest

The sweat begins to pour down the side of your head as you force your weapon into the large item beside you. Although these are just chores for a farmer, you've never done anything harder than digging through the hay for the horses. John! Time to eat!" You hear a familiar voice shout and you turn around to see your sister. She has black hair just like you and your mother but she has her dads eyes. She is still fairly young but old enough to go to town by herself. "Coming!" You shout as you wipe...

2 years ago
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Survival in the Wilderness

"Mommy, I'm so lonely." "Kimmy, what do you mean? You know Daddy and Mommy are here for you." "I don't have any girl friends or boy friends. I'm all alone. You and Daddy have each other. I heard you and daddy making love last night. I don't have anyone." "Oh, baby. I'm sorry. We knew that living way out here was a bit of a trial on you but I never..." "But Mommy, I love it here. It is beautiful and peaceful. But it is also very lonely for me. There aren't any guys or gals for...

3 years ago
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Survival of a High School Freak

This true story is dedicated to those brave men and women who fought long and hard and at great personal sacrifice for a cause. The dream of a tolerant society seemed far fetched, impossible to obtain in their own life times, but a torch that was carried on by a few equally persistent generations that has seen leaps and bounds in changing non-conformist attitudes, and a safer environment for today's gay youth. A long way to forge still, but a down hill trek. Maybe I'm a dreamer in believing...

4 years ago
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"Mamma, I'm hungry!" Carol sighed when she heard her six year old say those words. "Just a minute honey! I'll start supper soon. Why don't you go watch TV with your brother?" It had been a long hot summer and that day was no different. The thirty year old mother wiped the sweat from her brow, and looking up at the ceiling she prayed that her eight year old son was watching something her daughter would be interested in and thus avoid the inevitable fight. She paused for several moments...

2 years ago
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SurvivalChapter 3 Halfway there

I let Leo and Tiger deal with the zoologist that was waiting while we unloaded. I set the mini leopard eggs in the living area before putting the pelts in the storage area to clean later. Mom pulled all the girls away and into the bathing room when we finished. After they were done it was our turn to get clean. When we got out mom and dad took everyone to Kimber, the closest colony town. I stayed behind to start looking at the sat maps for our next site. I had just picked one below the great...

3 years ago
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SurvivalChapter 4 Almost there

I rode beside Momma and Griffin, when the transport landed I stood and coaxed her out. She seemed happy to leave and followed Griffin and Hunter without complaint. We unloaded and Dr James left in his small flyer with the lion eggs. Mom was staring at Momma as she sat at the edge of our landing platform. Griffin, Hunter, Gloria and Drake sat with her. After we were done I walked to mom and pulled her out to Momma. I pulled a blood fruit out of a pouch and gave it to her. Mom looked at the...

3 years ago
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SurvivalChapter 6 the Davis Academy

At first the pilot did not want to let Momma on the flight and then he wanted her in the cargo hold. I finally sighed, "tell you what, how would you like a pair of jeweled beatle hawks with their eggs?" He glanced around, "you have one?" I smiled, "I have several dozen that are traveling in the hold. Now I will take care of Momma in the passenger compartment and when we land you get a pair of jeweled beatle hawks." He nodded, "but you keep it with you." I nodded and he turned to...

4 years ago
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A Job In LondonChapter 2

Through glazed eyes I found myself looking in to that mirror again, I knew that me, dressed in the gold bisque and stocking, ring-gagged and bound, fucking myself off on the cock, would be the first sight Fays friend would see. Fay went to the door and I could hear excited voices, "Darling you cleaver girl, where is she,"--?"Jess control your self, all in good time, Bobbie, Josie, come on in, take your things off, here give them to me, ohhh you do risk it, don't you fear getting...

4 years ago
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Immune To My Beauty Chapter 8 Finale

I’m startled awake by the sound of something tapping against my car window. I’m shivering and I open my eyes to a bright fog. I sense movement outside my window and I wipe the condensate off to find a New York State Trooper staring at me. ‘Ma’am, are you okay.’ His voice sounds remote, so I turn the car key and roll the window down so I can see and hear him better. ‘I’m fine officer. I just needed to sleep.’ ‘Ma’am, maybe you should come inside and warm up. I’ll buy you a cup of coffee at...

1 year ago
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Ek Bahen Ki 3 Bhai

Hi we are a family of 3 brothers and 1 sister. I am Sonu, my twin brother is Monu and elder bro is Rinku. Our sister is youngest -18 years -Pinky. We 3 bros share one room, Pinky being a young girl has a separate room. Ever since my child hood days we all have seen each other grow with changes in our bodies. We could see our sis grow into a real sexy girl and she would wear tight jeans, skirts and sleeveless tops, exposing many of her assets. I could see my brothers staring at her and trying to...

1 year ago
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Caught in the act leads to something more Max Jazz

Introduction: This is the first story I finished let alone posted so constructive critisism is welcomed. It isnt for everyone, its about a father and daughter, so if youre not into that move on, because I could care less about your comments saying how disgusting it is. ITS FICTION! Other than that enjoy! Jazz had become used to various models going in and out of her father Maxs photography studio from a young age, and knew several by name. It wasnt uncommon to see one hitting on him between...

3 years ago
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The Neighbour I

I guess there are a few things you should not do when babysitting for the neighbour. Well, at least do not get caught doing them. Don’t drink their alcohol, especially that quality brandy in the decanter. Don’t raid their fridge and eat the whole cheesecake. Don’t use the laptop, especially to watch porn. Usually, my twin sister Rosie did the Friday night when Tom and Anne went out. Their son, Michael, four last month was a great k**, always polite and absolutely no trouble. Even me at...

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