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I was walking so rapidly, my breath was to coming to me in rasps. Running was something I was no longer capable of doing that physical demand, after falling the way I had , hurting my knee. It was pointless anyway, trying to run from someone of you caliber and mass, you size would make the strongest man cower in fear. ?????????

Terror grips me as I walk past the freshly dug graves of the last victims of your brutal murders. This over sized graveyard, full of people and I know I am to be next, if I don’t do something, fast. The last little bit of adrenaline has left as I dive behind the nearest oak, my size will keep me hidden. You’re hunting for me I know it I feel it in my bones, I am your prey and I do not know why. I hear you coming; the fallen leaves are ground into the callable stones under your heavy footsteps.?

My heart speeds as it is told to do by I survival instinct?????????
To my reprieve you walk past me to rode the Iron Gate that stands two hundred feet away, I can see your shadow. Thank God you leave. I stand but you grab me ‘how’, is the only coherent thought until my breaths comes to me less and less. I start to claw and bite on your vice traps for arms. I hear you laugh, laughing at me for wanting to live.

You wake me by the overwhelming smell of alcohol. It burns my nose and eyes, at the thought of my eyes I they open but I cannot see, cloth, I can feel it on my eyes. I go to move it but my hands are bound by a braided material, rope. I know it by the feel it’s attached to my legs and hands I’m tied like a cow for branding.?

Before sleep consumes my sore body and mind, I feel the dampness of the rain. I don’t know when it was I awoke from the endless hours of sleep, I do know that the rain kept not only a steady beat with my heart but also it kept it collision with my head. I was now in a position of that of an angel with the minor exception on my hands behind my back. My elbows pointed in an odd way. I haven’t a clue as to where I am, but I do know that whatever it was cover my eyes is gone. In replacement is a piece of cloth between my teeth. Steps above me it’s you I know it, dear god help me.  The creaking of the steps tell me that you are coming closer, to kill me? No you are enjoying yourself to much. My pain assumes you.

The door opens letting light in it burns I remember the last time saw the sun, was it days ago, maybe hours? The last that was clear before I was being chased was, it was when I began the walk home I had cut though the cemetery it started to rain. You snap me back into reality with a hard slap across the face, I feel my teeth rattle. The sear detest I have for hasn’t been higher. My anger fuels my survival instinct   , I can’t wait to out I’ll have wishing you were never born, this is wrong I haven’t been here long and I want you dead , some would I would beg and cry. No not me, I will not show any weakness, not to you. Because you sick son of a bitch, you notice what I am thinking, my eyes gave me away. It’s not a slap it’s a punch.

My 5’3’’ frame can’t the impact I hit the ground, well semi only my head, my body tries to follow but it cannot, I hit it hard, ground be lack of a better term ? concrete, the teeth that where loose have now made their way down to my stomach. I’m pulled by my hair to that odd sitting a position. I’m dizzy I feel the blood going down the side of my head.?

?Bitch?, is all you say to me as you detach me from the pole. I am taken up the stairs and am in a house I can’t focus any longer. I know I am blacking back out, and I do.

I awake cold, too cold I know by the chill that it is night and I am naked, I feel cloth raped on my head to stop the bleeding.? My eyes are covered again, my mouth dry and also tied tighter. I am in the same position as before I hear people above me. Music a party, that bastard is having a party while I am down here starving.

The good news I don’t have to pee any longer, I start to think ? dare I say plan ? a way out but the only way out is for this big swine to trust me, I’ll have to earn it. Wonder if anyone is looking for me?? Doesn’t matter they won’t be able to find me in a basement .no one knows I took the grave ‘don’t go into the grave yard, there are ghost and creepy old men who have lost their wives’ I laughed at them all of them including my parents. Why must I be so stubborn well if I get out this I’ll know to pay more mind to their words next time won’t I. I hear you walking above me, you stop above the crack that let the water in, and I hear you speaking to someone telling them about a gift, for them under where you stand. Oh dear lord you mean me after all I’ve been though and now your pawning me off on some else your one sick puppy.

May God have mercy on your sick soul because with the people I know, you should be lucky to be breathing once they find my or body either way you’ll pay. I haven’t noticed till now that you’ve moved and I wait for the door to open. I hear it the door open. I shake the fallen ceiling from my head. As the two of you walk in. More to come the new one, Matthew I believe you called him was tall and lean the opposite of your stature.??

This new squirrely looking guy walked over to lift my head my head up get a better look at my face, I have to resist the urge to spit in this mans face. I would regret it and the plan would not work, and then is when I notice that his hands have moved to my chest taking one of breast in his hands ?the other traveling further down .not now or any other will I let some one do anything like to me , I move squirm even!

?Well Vic, she don’t have much, not a lot to look at, nah I’m not paying a dime for her, you couldn’t give her to me?, your name Vic short for Victor, ?ha now that I know that I have ammo, for when I get out of here.

?Don’t call me that in front of the animal?, Animal! You’re the animal, at least you hunt like on but you look like one too. I start to laugh at my thought which earns me a swift kick in my empty stomach, wait I haven’t eaten in 3 days,

?You don’t have to get the bitch I can find someone else to buy her?. The rest of the night men and women would come down and do the same as Matthew but one liked my attitude or my appearance.???


It was you, Vic, apparently, I woke up from the freezing night air to a hard hand across my still broken jaw. A few more teeth rattled as I was led up the wooden steps into a kitchen, led across the linoleum floor into a blue a carpeted room, such an ugly color, you order me to sit pointing to a stool that is in the middle of this grandma style room, no accounting for taste, I still, I have to compliant, it’s a matter of life and death.?

?Bitch, you will, do as I say, when I say, how I say, you will clean this whole house every day, prepare meals, that is all ,oh yes I almost forgot? you aren’t allowed to speak unless spoken to understand?? You stand as erect as possible and loom over my small frame; I shake my head in movement of understanding.

?Good now I’m going to work, the doors and windows have electric shocks on them if you try to go to open door you’ll die, oh yes no trying to call for help the blinds don’t open and there isn’t a phone.? ?With that you leave, leaving me in this pastel prison.


I begin my task of cleaning started with the kitchen as it looked the worst, it was then that realized my hunger, there is a note on the counter telling me that I am not allowed to eat or drink anything. Or use the bathroom what the hell!

Hours of cleaning none stop I am finally done as the sun goes down, I hear a whistling sound and then nothing but pain. My weak legs give outs, I hear you above me, Vic, walking around destroying the work I have done since before the sun rose and demanding me do it over, I smell nothing except alcohol, and smoke.

I feel the approach of you , the step are off , staging ,drunk ,wonderful a drunken captor ,this is how I’m suppose to die at the hands of a drunk psycho killer.

A knock at the door, praying it’s the police maybe someone called, if there are neighbors that is but who knows. I stand not knowing what is to come, you walk which is a word I use loosely, to the locked door the lock is another obstacle that you struggle with Vic.

Finally you open it and it reviles a short, morbidly obese sheriff, I smile for the first time in a long time knowing I’m saved. That knowing is shattered when he embarrasses you and looks at me with a look I can only define as hateful lust.
Time has stopped or so it seems, no wonder they hadn’t caught this kidnapping killer; the law is in on it. He comes over to me I don’t even have to look up he’s my height, he grins turn to you, standing to the side you are urinating on a plant. The cop laughs ?have a new toy Victor? I don’t know why you keep the women, seeing as your gay? Officer Cope says my eyes widen at the revaluating information. ?I only use the girls for practice and cleaning,’ sides I haven’t found a man worth enough for me yet, but when I do, we all know what happen to the bitch over there? he slurs? and then tumbles over onto the pastel couch.

Cope walks over to me with that look, as he reaches out to grab me, his radio go offs ?Henry we’ve got a demotic over near you Bruce is beat Nora again.? the cop says in a tone that someone use when talking about the weather. Thank god in heaven ?Fine Cliff?? after the Cop left I am taken down to the cell, basement ,whatever it’s called , am tied in a new fashion this time my hand as are above my head and my ankles attached to a wall. and I cannot sleep the adrenaline is still coursing through my veins from the Cope incident his intent was clear ,is moves need not be made.

Vic wasn’t going to stop him that was for damn sure , I could have fought him off I’m to weak with only? enough food and water to keep me alive. I’m surprised ? Again I awoken before the sun rises and I assume under the same rules as the day before began to clean finishing at the same time that is as the sun goes down. But this time it was different you didn’t come home at all, it is tempting to not go to and eat or drink, even to use to the bathroom and as soon I let my guard down Victor, you would surely walk in the door. Where are you oh evil one?

I am taken to the master bedroom where I am attached to these ropes and hoisted up into the air. Where I am left for hours finally the door is opened. It is you I see It’s Cope the realization hits me that what I feared is coming to light this officer of the law is naked and approaching me with that same glint in his eye that had formed earlier, he seems to let me down in an agonizingly slow way. As soon as I am on the floor running for the door it, doesn’t matter that my legs are asleep from sitting up there all that time. I make it to the door in seconds but Cope is behind me in a second.

Grabbing for the door knob but am dragged by ankles (which still had marks from the ropes which I was held by as well as my wrist) to the bed but not before leaving nail marks on the door. I am raped, I try by all attempts to remove myself mental from this action but it is difficult between his animalistic grunts and continues talking about how good his fat ass is. There was no point in trying to escape physically his weight was on his hands which at points on my bond in some form or fashion. He finally lets me go after hours of torture, god thing he used a condom, claiming I’m good enough to have his child. I realize you are gone, this is only after the fat bastard tells me the same rules I am given every morning and leaves. It is then I crawl into a ball for the first time and weakness, then and only do I fall asleep. ??

3 days is how long you were gone and just as I thought as soon as I made a move to get a drink ,you busted though the door with a night stick to the head, well across the temple to be more accurate. ?I awake to see you leering over my body with a grin that is the pure definition of evil, the devil himself could look that way I am taken back to that deadly cold room.

I am attached by way of barbed wire to a cross that looks as though the structure is an ‘X’ as my back facing you; I am blind folded(with what I can only assume to be a blindfold the kind that some people sleep with) ?and gagged (with some form of cloth this time) yet again. I wait for the pain knowing that it will come soon enough; the first hit is the worst my body goes numb after the first 5 or so, to escape the pain I start to count what injuries I have sustained in this abduction. First there was my knee which still hurts limping is the best I can do, my head seems fine when there isn’t coming across it (i.e. night stick) . And the parts of my body Cope attacked being any hole he could find plus biting me enough to draw blood, now the scars that I’ll have from this oh and let’s not forget the barbed wire which I am surprised it’s strong enough to hold me here, but you did wrap it around quite a few times.

It is all over now, Your unwrapping the wire from my feet, and take out the boxes from underneath them causing me slip and dangle making the wire cut into my hand, deep enough to make me wonder if it’ll leave scars. Your laughter bounces off the walls as you watch the pain in my face, you start to undo the wrist as the last piece of wire falls to the ground I fall to the ground with it.

I have no energy, my legs gave out on me, I have no reflexes, the tendons in my ankles have been severed. I am nothing but a heap of blood and flesh but my will power is not gone. But that you do not know. That is one thing you’ll never take, Vic, never.

My body is being dragged to the pole that stands in the middle of the room with a chain attached to it like I am a dog, a collar is put around my neck with out a word you turn and walk up the stairs shut the door I hear it lock, I am alone again, wet cold sticky from the blood that is going down my body.I have no idea how long I have been down here, hell I don’t know how long I’ve been here.

Apparently time is nothing when people think your dead, I am not dead? I wish sometimes that I was but accorded to the drunken ramblings I can’t be killed until you find a man? man. As much as it pains me to say I hope it is soon. I want to die, but at the same time I want to live so I can see you dead.

I feel as though I am going completely mental, I scream as long and loud as I can, know I will get beat for it but at this moment I do not care. You come down the stairs with a guy named Josh, ?well what an interesting doorbell you have, Victor? I am untied from the pole and retied with my hands behind me thrown into the backset of a car blindfolded a car.

?I am Josh an I will be over you for week, it appears Victor is having trouble with I am here to fix that, I am here to fix that you do one wrong thing and a few whip marks will be the least of your worries got it whore??  I nod free to speak but think better of it. I have to t stay here a week.

This you is more insane then Victor ever thought to be, he (Vic) feed me once a day, I’ve been with Josh for two days now and nothing of computation wise has passed though my lips.

To my dismay Josh is straight, and has raped me countless times all the while keep in reality and what is happening, like the mind numbing pain that comes with having my nipples and clit clapped any slight movement of my body voluntary or involuntary digs into my flesh making it bleed .

After he is finished I am give water with rust particles in it. When the last 3 days are up I put back into the trunk of a car and driven, I do not know where I am going, is it back to Victor, someone else, or to my execution?

Finally arriving at an abrupt halt, Josh gets out the car and leaves me where I am. I hear voices but I can not tell who they belong to, it seemed to be hours in the hot, smelly car when finally,finally the door opens , I am dragged out my oily hair, looking up I see something I haven’t seen in a long time the sun I’ve missed it.

for those few moments I had hope, it meant everything to me until like a black cloud, your face covers up my hope. ?Hello Bitch, this is your new home apparently I’ve been nice to you? You say indicating to the yard, and with that you and Josh turn and walk into the house, leaving me enjoy the sun. I walk around, going into the wood I come to a high, electric fence knowing this is my way to freedom, freedom it has a nice ring to it.

I sit down to think. The cold hard ground feels better then concrete in that ?place. I know Vic isn’t dumb enough for this to be a standard fence, to test my theory I pick up a pine cone and throw it at the structure standing between me and the free world. The pine cone makes contact with the fence and is charred.  Nope not climbing that, hmm I know I can climb the tree and jump to the next tree. I draw a line from the attic of the house to the trees and damn it he will be able to see me. Digging that would work but it would take a while and time seems like it was on my side for once.

Knowing Vic he would come to find me in a little while. I could start now; the best way for me to this is to build a makeshift shovel. I started to look around for what I would need, limbs for I sit down to think. The cold hard ground feels better then concrete in that ?place. I know Vic isn’t dumb enough for this to be a standard fence, to test my theory I pick up a pine cone and throw it at the structure standing between me and the free world. The pine cone makes contact with the fence and is charred.  Nope not climbing that, hmm I know I can climb the tree and jump to the next tree.

I looked and line the eye line of the house with the tree tops damn it all, they can see them. Digging that would work but it would take a while and time seems like it was on my side for once. Knowing Vic he would come to find me in a little while. I could start now; the best way for me to this is to build a makeshift shovel. The handle and anything flat with a dip for it. I hear the sound of hell, his steps or is it their.


The steps get closer, my heart quickens with each step. I turn to face you Vic, and you’re alone. Thank God. I don’t think I could take anymore of that creature. ?I have some news for you bitch, remember Josh? He’s bi, know what that means?? He waited for my reply. ?No? I say in a whisper. ?That means Josh likes to dominate woman and be dominated by men.? he pulls out a gun and points at me, I welcome death by now. The shot never comes. Instead you walk off, knowing this is part of his mental torture. Damn that Josh, I hope he gets AIDS. After all he did to me deserve it. Days? I have been alone, shaping the flat rock into a makeshift spade. I keep hearing them walking around or I think it’s them so I stop, cover it with leaves, the once beautiful fall leaves.


I have became obsessed with escaping, I only eat when I have to, berries that is all nothing more, I feel weak, the water from the little creek (that is a good ways away), and is murky, it can not be good for me .so I pry myself away from my escape I cover my hole with leaf cover that made with leaves and tied off at the ends with vines and cover it with a batch of real leaves. make my way off to the creek I come back as the sun goes down to find that you both are waiting on me I freeze, I drop the bottle that I have stole from the garbage can at night long after you demons are asleep.

I go to take a step then I feel pain instantly, the electricity moves through my body, then everything goes dark. I awake with my hands and feet tied (my hands are tied to my feet behind me I am on my side, blindfolded. ?I do hope you enjoy starving to death? Josh laughs at me I hear y’all walk away the laughter still echoing in my head.  I wait for a while, finally I able to get into a kneeling position and move to my makeshift knife.

I grab the knife with my hands and try to move the knife but my wrist wouldn’t let me move without my feet which caused the knife to be knocked out of my hands, by my feet. I put the knife side ways between my feet and begin to rock back and forth after hours of this  I feel the rope snaps , I don’t  know what time it is I still fight though the sleep depravation, as well as thought the cotton mouth .

I keep working I once again (after a while) I hear the next snap my left wrist free. I use it to cut next rope faster then I feel the pressure of the third and final rope fall lax. I remove the blindfold its night I search for my bottle, lucky for me the bastards didn’t move me I drink the bottle empty, I start back to work on my hole.

I am finally able to fit thought the hole; I see the rode but can not go on to it. I walk in the woods and keep walking until I can’t walk any longer, I pass out, when I wake it is mid day I wake and run as fast as I can I come to a house it’s empty apparently no one is home.

I knock out a small window and run into the house grab a dress and a pair of shoes and dash back out, I keep walking. Days I’ve walking and running until I pass out I don’t know where I am going nor do I know where I was to begin with, I see a sign, Welcome to Tassamilla. I keep running I go into the nearest shop and ask for the kind old lady behind the counter to tell me who the Chef of Police is, she tells me the offices name is James Coffinfield.

I then ask her to call him for me; she does and asks if I am ok, I say yes lying of course. When the cops finally get there I tell them my whole story and descriptions of everyone I came in contact with , they tell me that I am one county over and know Cope. after I recount his appearance and what he did to me in detail including some identifiable markers, they call my family to come and pick me up, I am over two hours away, while I wait I see them bring in  Satan’s son  they look at me and then to each other ? You said the bitch would die!? Josh screams to you ?I thought she would? he says with a cool chill to voice.  I hear my name being called I turn to see my whole family coming at me an alarming rate now.

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"You telling me this guy just helps you out without ever expecting anything?" Tanya asked. "That's where my story comes in..." Sandi replied. "Jake WAS out looking for an easy lay when we met. But, after we talked, he changed his mind." "About getting laid?" "No ... about the 'easy' part." Sandi then told our story, including her subsequent self-made business success. "Whooo ... so you richer now than when you were married to that suit? And got a man in the bargain who...

1 year ago
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Angela Part Three Fanny

We had been in Paris for a few days and become lovers. Angela was an amazingly exciting lover and I was on a distinct high when I got home. Cloudsley, my cat, was aloof and distant when I got back. Sir Cloudsley Shovell was one of my Dad’s heroes. He’d managed to sink an entire squadron of ships in 1707 off the Isles of Scilly and, as a result of his misfortune, the race to develop a timepiece that would assist navigators assumed huge importance. OK, so it’s a bit nerdy but the story has always...

4 years ago
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A Wifes Needs

Introduction: This is my first story. Just thought I would post it and see what yall thought. Please be nice! Some nights Stacy would fall asleep in their bed with no panties on and sometimes nothing at all. This let her husband know she wanted some much needed attention aside form their four girls. He would come in, get undressed, and slip the covers off his wife to reveal her voluptuous tanned naked body. Her soft straight short brown hair falling over her eyes, her pouting lips closed, and...

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Turned into a Sissy Slut

Turned into a Sissy SlutMy name is Mark. I’m 19, and am around 140 lbs, thin, with a kind of girly ass. I began to fully embrace my love of dicks by watching hours of gay porn and at the same time embraced my feminine side by buying and hiding a lot of women’s clothes. Still, by the time I was 18 and going off to college, I had not done anything with a man. It’s not that I didn’t want to or that I was scared, I just didn’t know any gay or bi people around my neighborhood.Luckily I was able to...

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Grey EyesChapter 4

Luke looked into Moria's eyes, for some reason she began to cry harder. He was confused, this used to be enough to make her stop crying. He leaned closer to give her a kiss. "NO! STOP!" she shrieked as she hid her face behind her hands. Luke looked wide-eyed at her as she continued to shriek, "I CAN'T DO THIS! I CAN'T DO THIS!" "Why Moria? Why are you freaking out so much? Here... how about this I won't kiss you." Luke said trying to calm her down but she merely rolled away from...

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Sonya and Her Staff

Introduction: This is just a short story and I would appreciate any constructive comments. By now Sonya was nearly 40 and a senior manager in the bank, in charge of a department of over 300. After 2 kids, her body was not quite as firm as it once was, but she was still really hot. There were quite a few young males in their early twenties who worked for her and she was regarded as the ultimate MILF. Some of them were unashamed in their flirting with Sonya, and she didnt complain as she loved to...

3 years ago
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Stranger in the DarkChapter 6 Living in the Light

I saw the relief flash over his face before Noah leaned down and kissed me again. He gathered me against him, holding me so tightly I couldn’t breathe. I didn’t care, eager to be in his arms. His mouth was hot on mine, his body hard against me. I threaded my fingers through his hair and tugged him down to my neck. I loved the feeling of his lips against my skin. He nibbled my ear and I moaned. BANG! BANG! BANG! I jumped as the loud sound ricocheted around the room. Someone was beating on...

2 years ago
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A Family in Need a Mason Degraves StoryChapter 8

After breakfast, Beverly and Amber followed Jorge through a rear door to a massive garden, where plants of all sorts, most of which Amber had never seen before, grew in great abundance. Jorge said, “Welcome to my home, my true home, where I serve the Goddess of the Earth in all her glory. Here is where our food is grown, where the Lady gives to us that which nourishes us in body and spirit!” He held up a handful of dark, rich earth and presented it to Amber, “This is the womb of the Lady....

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pure pleasure

A Sexy doctor invites her unmarried college best friend to spend the weekend, and then tempts her ..Horny House Guest Dawn chatted away heartily while Robert weaved the car through the scanty Sunday afternoon traffic on their way back home after dropping Jessica off at the airport. Although he made the right noises at the appropriate moments, Robert's thoughts were far from the topic of his wife's babble. His mind is preoccupied with memories of his dirty passionate encounter with Jessica the...

3 years ago
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Becoming the Man of the House

They used to have an active sex life three or four times a week. It has tapered off over the same period of time and is now every four to six weeks. Jill is sexually frustrated, resorting to using her fingers and toys. She's starting to wonder, "Does he have some cute, young, thing at the office?" Bob recently graduated high school and is attending a local Community College. He is living at home with his parents and has never had a girlfriend. For that matter, he doesn't have any close...

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Sisterhood of Sin 4 Private Revelation

"What do you mean, 'Give him the stiffy test'?" "You really don't know? You can find out if he likes something by seeing if it makes him hard when you do something or talk to him about something. For example, if you hold his cock, not stroke it, just hold it, and suck his nipples, his cock will tell you if he likes that." "I don't think that will work with Dan. If I even touch his cock it gets hard." "That happens with a lot of men, but it passes. If you hold it until it goes soft again, then...

3 years ago
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The Hand of God

Tiffany got to the girls room five minutes early to make sure that she looked her best for Layla. They had been so hot for each other lately that she couldn't wait until after school to kiss that little cutie and rub her hot pussy! She wasn't even going to wash her fingers when they were done so that she could smell Layla's intimate odor for the rest of the afternoon. Tiffany Brown and Layla Van Der Aa had been friends since sixth grade. Middle school sleepovers provided the opportunity and...

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The Ultimate Living My FantasyChapter 4

When I woke up, Melanie, Sally and Jodie were washing me. It felt wonderful and I lay there with my eyes closed, enjoying the feeling. After a few minutes, Jodie commented that she thought I was awake. So I opened my eyes and looked at them. They were the only ones in the room, and all three were stark naked. What a sight to wake up to! Melanie's hair and eye's are blond. She has blue eyes. Her breasts are 36C, and she has narrow hips and long legs. Sally must take after her father because...

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My Horny Aunt Heena 8211 Part I

Dear readers of ISS, I am a great fan of incest stories, especially those of mom and son, aunt and nephew. Today I am going to share my wonderful incest experiences with my aunt and mom which will be submitted on this site in parts. I am Ronit, studying in a boarding school in Dehradun. I used to visit my home in Diwali and summer vacations. I live in joint family consisting of my parents, uncle , aunt and grandparents, Unfortunately I am the only child of the family. Dad, uncle and grandpa...

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Play Time in the Park

Playtime in the Park She had caught him several times watching her from somewhere across the room when she has been at the parties. However, he had yet to approach her for any type of interaction. She tried to give the impression that she was more then interested in him, but she didn’t think it had yet dawned on him. She was sure it wasn’t the fact that she had a boyfriend because they were both open with their swinging lifestyle. She was sure also, that it wasn’t because he was black as...

1 year ago
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My Sexy Mature Mother InLaw

I am 29 years old and have been with my wife for 11 years, 4 of which we have been married. She is very close with her mom and so was I after living at my in-laws house while attending college and graduate school. We recently moved to our own place but visit frequently for long weekends and such.My wife's mother is a pretty, 55 year old, petite, devoted housewife with traditional Catholic values and tits that could beat a 20 year old playmate's! Although pretty in her own right, my wife looks...

3 years ago
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Storms Never Last Ch 03

Copyright© 2010 by Jake Rivers Chapter Nine – Terry Wow! I couldn’t believe I’d committed the revenue from my next three books on a ranch in Wyoming. Yeah, I had the first book in the editing process, but the second, my first western, ‘Death Rides the Range,’ seemed to be taking over my life. Last night I’d had another dream—one so realistic I remembered everything when I woke up in a sweat. I awoke in a feverish daze, glimpses of reality coming to me in fitful spurts. The room was...

3 years ago
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Spanking You

I arrived promptly at 6:00 pm, just as you said. One thing about me is that I am a stickler for time and keeping appointments - especially where a beautiful woman is concerned. A knock on your front door and you open it, your soft smiling face peeking out from around the door. "Hi! C'mon in," you tell me warmly. I come in and you take my coat, hanging it on the coat tree by the door. "Make yourself at home. Would you like a drink?" you ask me. "Sure, thanks," I respond and I walk into the...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Coco Lovelock Flexible And Petite Coco Will Make You Cum LIVE

Coco Lovelock is back and can’t wait to get a big black cock to fuck. She was hoping to get her tiny little pussy filled, but today it was her perfect mouth that enjoyed every drop. Coco sucks his cock and shows you all of her favorite positions while she uses her dildo to fuck herself. She grabs her ankles and goes into a pretzel position, so her pussy is right there as she drills herself deep with her toy! Lawson brings his cock down into her mouth so she could give him a super sloppy...

4 years ago
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Out Of TimeChapter 3

Steve and Monday showed up about nine the next morning. They asked if new names were decided. "Newsong, huh?" said Steve. "That's different." "God puts a new song in our heart," elaborated Mandy. Steve did a mental shrug. "I am glad you have new names," he said. "Monday, would you go get Tom?" The striking blonde went out the door. Steve asked, "Are you doing okay so far?" "Yeah," said Ryan. Mandy nodded agreement. "Good. Oh, here's Monday with Tom." A man dressed...

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The Evil Typing Teacher

The Evil Typing Teacher By Johnny Segundo Back in the 1950s public high schools were co-educational, but most elective courses were segregated by gender. Only girls could take home economics classes, and only boys could take shop classes. Typing, however, was open to both girls and boys. Mostly girls enrolled in typing, encouraged by mothers who wanted them to become secretaries until they found a husband, though a few boys always signed up as well. The typing teacher at Evelyn...

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Chennai Hot Hotter Hottest

My name is Prakash, working in one of the call centers. I have had several successful and unsuccessful relationships in office & near my residence. I will narrate one episode, which involves my neighbor girl. Check it out for you to know if it was successful or unsuccessful. Her name was Saira (Muslim girl). She was about 29 years old, still not married. My whole point here was that she was more than the age to get married hence should be horny and should be easy to fuck or have a nice affair....

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Grannys pleasure for massage

100% fiction! my gran is 60 years looking busty.i am living with my gran and i am 18 years old and a handsome guy. one day when i came from college gran asked me to massage her legs i agreed with that, but i had no intrest in mature sex. when i started massaging her legs using oil.gran told me little higher and i took skirt little higher i was shocked,because i found she was not wearing panties her pussy was clearly shaved.gran suddenly said stop starring on my things and please remove my skirt...

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GloryHole Carmen Valentina 05152021

Carmen is just coming from a wedding all dressed in her best hoping to have gotten some or at least met someone at the wedding to fuck after the reception. But the Wedding was a dud, not one cute guy and Carmen knows if she is gonna get through this reception she needs to get off first. So a little detour on the way there takes her to the Glory Hole to get some. Her Brides Maid dress up around her waist and playing with herself and here come the Cocks hard and hungry for her. Her cousin of...

2 years ago
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Subby Hubbys Hypno Humilation

******** I came home after work to find them fucking on the living room floor. My wife and some guy I didn’t know. He was on top. I remember her heels and toes hanging in the air as his ass flexed and he pumped away at her. “The FUCK,” I said. The guy looked back over his shoulder and smiled at me. Then he saw my expression and his smile left. My wife, she looked at me, then rolled her eyes. The guy sounded concerned. “I thought you said he’d be into this.” “He is,” she said. “He just...

4 years ago
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Cousin Hot for HorsesChapter 4

King tossed his head and neighed as the muscles under his white coat rippled with power. His thick mane and long tail swished and his nostrils flared. "God," Barbi sighed as she stared at the giant white stallion. "He's so big." She quivered, her flesh sizzling as she ogled the monstrous horse. "His cock is like the trunk of a tree," Mona said as she calmed the aroused horse with her hand. She scratched his forehead and allowed King to nibble on her tits. "Give 'em a bite." King...

3 years ago
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Jealous sister

There I was making out with Sonal, a gorgeous tall blonde beauty that I’d met two nights ago. She was wearing an awfully short skirt and tight little top. I was really into it with her hoping to maybe get her into bed. I was about to put my hands up her shirt when I heard a loud bang on my bedroom door. “Shit. What is it now?” I said quietly. Sonal looked at me innocently and started to put her shirt back down. She remained laying on the bed as I got up to see what was going on. I opened my...

1 year ago
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Tree House

Chapter 1 I had met Robert when I was 10 years old, he was already 12 but we were in the same grade. He had been kept back because he had gotten rheumatic fever and was out of school a year and had to repeat. We had been become close friends, playing cowboys and indians, army and building forts in the woods behind his house. I would regularly walk by his house at around 8:00 to pick him up on my way to school. His house was always in chaos at this time. His dad and mom both worked which...

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Deputy PorterChapter 52

Spring had come to the mountain, and it was glorious. I have survived the last two months without being involved in any of Mary Ellen's projects. I did pay off the Monk for saving my life, otherwise I had been celibate. How did I do it you asked. Well everybody showed me a lot of love at work and the community seemed to appreciate all that I had done. I guess I didn't need the love of a strange man to justify my existence at that particular time in my life. I was reporting for the new SOU...

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PenthouseGold Roxanne Hall Pounces on Her Prey

For some birthday fun, bikini babe Roxanne Hall enjoys a little target practice on stud Niko running around outdoors dressed in a rabbit costume. And a bullseye is definitely what you will get when you watch the horny vixen work her prey’s cock with her mouth and pussy in this premium Penthouse porn scene. After a lengthy professional blowjob, the gorgeous blonde sits on her man’s face to receive a pussy licking in return, and then they fuck nonstop until cum lands all over her...

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Blue Lagoon Book IIChapter 13

After they had all eaten supper, it was story time again. Allison went into more detail about Amy's mission of returning home to get everything in order for their ultimate return. Amy had continued to drink more scotch after they got back to the hut. She made sure she was sitting on one side of Nathan during story hour. Emboldened by the scotch, she had asked him, just as she had seen the girls do, if she could sit in his lap. She knew by this time that that meant spiking herself on his...

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EvilAngel Melissa Moore Sloppy Massage Slut Melissa

Hot, young Melissa Moore talks dirty, delivering a slippery body-to-body massage to well-hung client Toni Ribas. The adorable minx covers her natural boobs with handfuls of thick, slick gel lube and worships Toni’s hard cock in a wet blow job shot POV-style. She strokes his shaft with her lubricated bare feet! Melissa grinds her pussy on Toni’s prick while he slaps, chokes and dominates the lubricious slut in a passionate, silky, greasy fuck … climaxing with a hand job and a...

2 years ago
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Beach Paradise

Background: After winning a bet with a entity in a dream, you are able to mind-control whoever you please. "There sure is close to no traffic", you say to yourself while driving down an empty freeway. "Probably because I cleared", you say while motioning cars out of the way. You arrive at the parking lot connected to the beach and see two other familiar cars parking as well. Stepping out of the silver Subaru, is Mrs. Busty wearing a yellow bikini thats top is obviously a few sizes too small and...

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FapHouse Parody

When is the last time you visited the Fap House now that you have been wandering on the internet to look for the best stuff to float your sunk boat? Back up, dumbass! I am not referring to your auntie's place, where you are not allowed to fuck your teen cousin, leading you to the bathroom to rub out load after load. (Chill, son, I just know how painful it is to not fuck a hot cousin. Fap House is a premium site that has ridiculously made a grand entrance in the porn industry, getting up to over...

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Fucking My Hot And Sexy Nisha Chechi

ISS Readers, I am Sarang from Thrissur, Kerala. This is the story of how I fucked my hot Nisha Chechi (bhabhy). Let me describe myself. I am 18, well built, tall and handsome (I think). She was the wife of my bro, whose family was staying in the house next to ours. She must be 26, 5’3”, white with good round huge melons, lean waist and round asses. She must be 36-24-36. My Bro left to abroad 2 weeks after his marriage. So I was sure that she is sex deprived and she feels to be very much horny....

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Naughty Adventures With Kelly1

I had been fucking Kelly for a while now and we sat talking one day about the sex we had enjoyed.She told me that she was having the best sex she had had in ages but she wanted to be naughty.I said to her,'What.Having sex with another man in your bed at home wasn't naughty'.She said it was but she wanted to be even more naughty.I asked her what she had in mind and she said she would show me.She took my hand and placed it between her legs revealing that she had no panties on.I slipped a finger...

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GirlsWay Aidra Fox Jillian Janson Sabina Rouge Aria Lee Corrupting The New Girl

Sabina Rouge, a new girl in town who’s a bit of a tomboy, walks around, looking around unfamiliarly. She seems to be searching for a particular building. Not paying attention, she accidentally bumps into Avi Love. Avi yelps and drops the books she was carrying. As Sabina chats with Avi, a shy local girl, they hit it off right away. They like the same books and Sabina is impressed that Avi is into cosplay and good at makeup. Sabina moved to town a couple of weeks ago with her family just...

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Bitch for a Night

I reach up with my back leg to scratch that annoying itch just behind my ear. I am seething with anger inside. Just wait till I get my witch powers. I'll show her just what a "bitch" I can be! "Don't get fleas!" she laughs as she goes back inside. I sniff around the tree I'm tethered to. I am surprised how heightened my sense of smell is. I smell several other doggie smells around. I get kinda turned on by them when I realize that they must be male dogs marking the tree. Oh,...

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Jennifer was any man's dream. At 20 she was the perfect specimen of a female, a petite woman whose blonde hair and blue eyes reminded one of her Viking heritage and lustful play in bed. And David was no exception when it came to appreciating her charms.Their relationship had been a little lopsided from the beginning. Since he'd met Jennifer about four weeks earlier, she'd pretty much run his life for him. Telling him what to wear, and were they were going to eat, and what club they were going...

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Infidelity Revisited Ch 10

It turned out that he was out later than he thought, and he was quite drunk. Charmaine left Holly by midnight, and turned on her bedroom light at 1am, signaling that she was free to see her new lover. Two thirty rolled around, and she was climbing the walls with arousal. At two forty five, she gave up. She changed into her pajamas (which she sometimes wore) and got ready for bed. Looks like she would have to masturbate! Her pajamas are difficult to describe. They were one piece, and covered...

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