- 2 years ago
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Edited by 'LadyCibelle' and 'Techsan'.
I'm pissed, mad, aggravated and whatever other adjectives you want to use that are negative. I can't believe what she did to me. My so-called wonderful girlfriend and future wife took what I thought was a good relationship and threw it down a toilet.
Let me start at the beginning: Sheila and I met at a private party. I was nineteen at the time and she was twenty-two. We always laughed when people asked if she was robbing the cradle. It didn't bother me at all. In fact at the time I was proud that a sexy older woman found me attractive.
I'm a decent size guy at six feet tall and around a hundred ninety pounds. I have a boyish face, at least that was what I was told. Sheila was a sexy gal, not skinny but slender, nice boobs, shoulder length hair and a nice ass. She always tried to look good and it usually worked. Sometimes too much. She got a lot of looks which made me a little jealous.
We started dating and after a few months she asked me to move in with her. She said she hated living alone. Maybe I should give you a little history about us before going on with the story.
I moved here from another state. I was able to get a job as an electrical apprentice at a major automotive plant but I had to take the training here. I took electrical training at the vocational school and scored high. My dad, who already worked at the automotive plant, got me the interview. I was really lucky to get this opportunity and took it. I got a room at the YMCA. It only cost me fifty bucks a week. It was only a single room with a bed, dresser and desk. I did have a microwave. We used the community bath and showers. They let me work out at the Y also. I used the pool but that was about it.
Sheila lived in a trailer park. It was actually a pretty nice park. Mostly older retired people with well kept trailers. There were a few younger people. It was a pretty good size park.
She was married for about two years but it didn't work out and the guy left. I was told that he had cheated on her and left with the other woman, but looking back it could have been the other way around. She kept the trailer and went back to her maiden name. She was a department head in sales at one of the local K-Marts. The money was good and of course she was paying on her trailer home.
It finally happened. She convinced me to move in with her. Life was great. Three or four times a week we had sex. She taught me everything. Neither of us ever talked about our past experiences. I didn't have much experience since I was only nineteen when I moved here. Sheila, on the other hand, had been married; she literally taught me how to make love, not just have sex. I really did feel I was beginning to love her, something more than just the sex.
About every two months the people living at the park held a get-together. There was a big recreation hall where they held dances and it could be rented for parties. They also had a pool where the members of the trailer court could swim. As I mentioned, most of the members were older retired people. So when Sheila showed up dressed sexy as hell all these old timers probably got hard-ons.
She would wear tight mini-skirts and blouses and sweaters that always showed her boobs. To me she looked great and, yes, somewhat slutty. It was fine if she dressed for me but after a while I got tired of all the men ogling her. It was just becoming too much. If she dressed and acted like this in front of me, I often wondered what happened when I wasn't around. I know I didn't like her wearing those tiny two piece bathing suits in front of the old men and of course the younger ones.
One day she came home with a new friend. It was a woman she worked with. She said they were talking while on break at work and found out they both lived in the same trailer court. Gloria and her boyfriend Stan lived on the other side of the court from us. I met Stan for the first time at the next gathering.
Stan was around forty years old, a big mouthy type guy. I really didn't like the guy much. Gloria, on the other hand, was a really sweet girl. She was probably twenty years old, a little on the chubby side but still beautiful. She had one fantastic personality. I couldn't believe she would be with a guy as arrogant as Stan. What does he hold over her that she stays with him? After all they are not even married and he was twice her age. She could leave at any time.
Sheila, on the other hand, didn't think Stan was that bad of a guy. I was surprised when she told me she had met Stan months ago at work. He used to work in the shipping department as a stock person at K-Mart where she and Gloria worked. She told me she really didn't know him all that well but saw him around now and then. She mentioned that he might seem arrogant but look what he did for Gloria. I had no idea what she was talking about. Just when she was about to explain it to me, Stan and Gloria came to sit at our table. I guess I would just have to wait till another time to find out about Stan.
We were all dancing. I was with Gloria and of course Stan grabbed up Sheila. I saw that Stan was holding Sheila up against his body, then he whispered something in her ear. She was laughing as I saw him run his hand down to her ass and grip it. She laughed and slowly pulled his hand back up. I was pissed and told Sheila I was heading back to the trailer. For some reason she didn't come with me. She told me I was acting like a child. I told her not to be surprised if I wasn't there when she got back. She just laughed at me. I was pissed. I went back to the trailer and packed myself a suitcase and left for the YMCA - they always had rooms.
The next day she called my place of work and asked me to call her back. Unless it's an emergency we aren't allow to receive calls at work. I called her back and told her never to call me at work again. I'm not losing my job over her slutty behavior. I didn't talk to her for over a week, I was pissed. Then one night when I got off work she was waiting for me.
"Jerry, please come home. I miss you so much."
"Don't you have Stan and your other lovers to take care of your needs?"
"Please don't talk to me like that. I didn't do anything wrong."
"You let every Tom, Dick, Harry, and Stan grab your ass. Seems pretty wrong to me."
"I stopped him. Jerry, I just didn't want to make a scene."
"What do you want from me, Sheila?"
"I want you home with me. I want our family to be together."
"Family! What family?"
"I'm pregnant with our child, Jerry. After the baby's born I want to get married. We can be a family - you, me and our baby."
"What? You're pregnant, how do you know?"
"I took the pregnancy test two days ago. It showed positive, so I made a doctors appointment for today and he confirmed it. You are going to be a daddy. Now will you please come home?"
I was elated. I was going to be a daddy. I grabbed Sheila and kissed her and told her I would be home as soon as I picked up my stuff. During her pregnancy everything was great. We spent time with her mom and dad. Her mom was so happy; she was a nice lady. I always called her mom and, according to Sheila, she adored me. I was there for the delivery. I helped deliver my little baby boy. We were so happy and so were Sheila's mom and dad. Sheila wanted to name our son Jerry Jr. after me. I had no problem with that. Life was good again.
Sheila took a three month leave of absence. After about two months we got in a big argument. She wanted to go out. I told her the baby comes first. I remember her telling me she deserved a little fun too. I was working more and more since the baby was born and didn't spend much time at home. I was busy earning a living.
I was on the second shift and headed off to work mad. I guess I didn't have my mind on my job when I cut my hand. I went to the dispensary and the nurse sent me over to the clinic to get a couple of stitches. I had to take some medication so I was sent home for the night. I stopped off at K-Mart to get my prescription filled and saw Gloria. She asked me what happened and I told her about cutting my hand.
Gloria asked if I was going home. When I told her I was she asked me if I would drop a package off for her. Of course I told her sure and took the package. It was beer and cigarettes for Stan. If I knew that I would have probably said no.
I got my prescription and headed home. I pulled up to Stan and Gloria's trailer and knocked on the door. I heard noises coming from the inside. Stan was having sex with someone.
He yelled out, "Just a minute, be right there," and opened the door. He had on a bathrobe. He looked really surprised to see me.
"Gloria asked me to drop off this stuff for you. I cut my hand and had to get a prescription." I kind of looked behind him and saw a pair of purple panties and a bra just like Sheila owned.
Stan quickly said thanks and took his package and closed the door. I hurried home hoping to find Sheila. She wasn't there, so I went through her underwear drawer hoping to find the purple ones. They weren't there either. I was not really pissed. Surely she didn't have the baby with her.
I wrote her a note. "Where are you? I came home early and you're not here. I have to go out for a little bit. Talk to you later." I put the note on the fridge and got in my truck and headed out. I had to think what I was going to do now. She wants to fuck around. Fine, I'll get even with her and Stan and then move out for good. I was thinking, 'what about my baby?' By then I was wondering if Jerry Jr. was even mine. Shit! Damn! Fuck! I was really starting to love her again and she threw it all away.
Believe it or not I ended back up at K-Mart. I asked Gloria when she got off work.
"In about ten minutes. What's the matter, Jerry? You look like you've seen a ghost."
"I need someone to talk to really bad. Can we go somewhere and talk for a little bit."
"Sure, Jerry, meet me outside the main door in about ten minutes. I can't stay very long or Stan will kill me."
I didn't say anything right then. It would wait till we got to the restaurant. She came out and got into the truck. I drove to a little diner and we ordered coffee.
"What is it, Jerry? What happened?"
"I think I just found Stan fucking Sheila at your trailer."
"Oh, no, not again! He's back to his old ways," and she started crying.
"What do you mean 'old ways'? Has he done this kind of thing before?"
"Many times, Jerry. I'll have to tell you my life story so you will know what you're dealing with. God, I almost feel sorry for Sheila. He's a convincing but conniving bastard."
"She had a choice, Gloria, and she wasn't forced into it. I love her but our marriage is over. But I do want to hear your story. I need to know why you stay with this bastard."
Let me begin with: (Gloria's story)
Gloria said, "My parents were killed in an auto accident when I was twelve years old. We lived in Kansas at the time. I moved here to Michigan and lived with an aunt and uncle on mom's side. For a few years everything was nice. Then my uncle started touching me in inappropriate places. Just started with little things like slapping my behind or putting his hand on my thigh. I told my aunt but she was one of those 'afraid of her husband, look the other way' type women. I guess that's about what I turned into.
"When I turned eighteen, he got bolder. More touches more trying to feel me up. One night he came home drunk and got into my bed. I was able to fight him off but was really scared after that. I was a scared teenager and had no one to turn to. I was working at K-Mart as a cashier and, when I was taking a break, Stan saw me crying. He asked me what the problem was and I just let it out; I guess I needed someone to tell it to. He held me gently and said everything was going to be alright. I felt better after talking to him. He was almost like a father figure. Later that week I got in an argument with my uncle who basically said to have sex with him or get out.
"I was devastated that my uncle would do such a thing. Just so you know, I had dated and wasn't a virgin at the time, but he was my uncle. I ran out the door crying and went to work. Stan was there and saw me crying again and I told him about the ultimatum. He told me that he lived alone and, until I could figure out what to do, I could stay at his place. God, was I that naive? After work we went to my uncle's house and Stan went in with me. My uncle started calling me a slut and tease and things like that. I can't believe my aunt just stood there with a hanky and cried. Stan told my uncle to shut up and when my uncle started in again, Stan hit him. He said if he ever touched me he would come back and kill him. My uncle was scared to death as Stan, my protector, picked up my things and we left.
"Jerry, you have to understand that I wasn't in my right frame of mind, whatever it is. I was just glad to get away from my uncle. When we got to Stan's trailer he put my stuff in the spare room. I actually slept there for about a week. Then one night Stan took me out and got me drunk. We came back and had sex. I knew what I was doing even though I was plastered. I felt this man saved my life but of course he just started where my uncle left off."
"He started using me for sex and to keep his place clean. He would hit me if I didn't do what he said. Stan lost his job about ten months ago, not exactly sure when. He was called in the office and there were two charges of harassment against him. The women said he made sexual advances to them and they went to the office about it. To keep it all quiet and under the table everyone agreed that they would lay off Stan and he would never be allowed to work at K-Mart again. The girls were happy because they wouldn't have to testify in court since they were married. I found out later that Stan had sex with other women that worked there also. Most were single or divorced."
"Why didn't you leave him, Gloria?"
"I tried twice. I really had nowhere to go. I stayed at a cheap motel and he caught up with me and beat me. I wanted to go to the police and he told me he would kill me or mutilate me if I did. I was scared and went back with him. The second time he hurt me bad. He hit me in the mid-section and I doubled over. I missed two days of work that time.
"Then I met Sheila at work. I had never talked to her before but had seen her around. I told her where Stan and I lived and that's when I met you. I just told Sheila about my uncle and how Stan took me away from there. I never mentioned how bad Stan was to me. Since we four have been seeing each other Stan has been like a new man. I should have known he would have gone after a woman as beautiful as Sheila."
"What are you going to do, Jerry?"
"Do you want out, Gloria? Do you really want away from Stan?"
"God, yes, Jerry, I would do anything to get out of this hole I'm in. Will you help me, Jerry? Stan will beat me for just talking to you alone. He doesn't let me talk to hardly anyone. He's very possessive with me."
"As long as you promise to go along with everything I say and do, I'll take you away from all this. First, I have to find out if little Jerry is my son. It might take a couple of days. Can you just hang in there?"
"I've been hanging for over a year now. I doubt a few days will change anything. Just let me know what you want me to do, Jerry."
"Don't tell Stan or Sheila that we know anything about them and I'll get back to you."
I drove Gloria back to her car and then went home. It would be hard to put on a front but I knew I could do it. I was pissed enough to want my revenge on both of them.
When I got home, Sheila was there with the baby. I asked her where she had been and she tried to change the subject by asking about my hand.
"What happened to your hand, Jerry?"
"I was mad when I went to work and didn't keep my mind on my job and cut myself."
"You're not blaming me for you cutting yourself, are you?"
"No, but I would like to know where you were when I came home."
"I was at mom's."
"The car was here when I came home. How did you get there?"
"Mom came and got us. Why all these questions, Jerry? I didn't do anything wrong."
"Who said you did anything wrong? I just asked where you were."
"You act as though I went out and had an affair or something. I was at mom's."
"You act like I'm accusing you of being unfaithful. I'm not, I just asked where you were. Besides if I was suspicious of you, all I would have to do is verify it with mom, see, no problem. I'm going to go take a shower and go to bed. I have to take this medication and it's supposed to make me sleep."
As soon as I went into the bathroom I heard her on the phone. I could only hear one side of the conversation. Here's what I heard as She was talking as quietly as possible, but I heard her say, "Mom, I did something really stupid. If Jerry asks you if I was there, could you please tell him I was?"
"Please, mom, I need you to tell him I was there. I know you watched little Jerry for me but I told Jerry that I was there too and that you drove us both home."
"I know you like him and don't want to lie to him. But, mom, if he finds out the truth, I'll lose him and, mom, I love him but really screwed up."
"Please, I can't tell you right now. Jerry is in the shower. I don't want him to know I talked to you. I promise I will never ask you to lie for me again, mom. I promise."
"I can't tell you, mom. Just know it was the biggest mistake of my life. Thanks, mom, and I'm so sorry." I could hear her crying lightly as I got into the shower.
When I got out, I looked in the hamper and there were the purple panties with cum stains on them. She must have left quickly and came home and took a quick shower before mom came home with little Jerry. Damn, stupid broad, I can't stay with a cheating woman. The only thing I needed to know now was if Jerry was mine.
I got out of the shower and told Sheila I was going to sleep in the spare room for a couple of days. I couldn't take a chance of banging my hand. Of course it was a lie. I wasn't going to sleep with her; I was finished with this relationship.
I went to work the next day and went into the dispensary to see the nurse. She looked at my cut which was rather minor even though they wrapped it like I'd lost my hand.
I asked her if there was anyway that I could have a DNA test done. She told me that it was already on record and she could get me a copy by the following day. She would have to charge me five bucks for the paperwork. I told her that was no problem.
That evening when I got home Sheila asked if I called her mom to verify that she was there the day before.
"No, I never called. Why should I? If I can't believe you, then we have no reason to be together. Love and future marriage are based on truth and honesty, aren't they?"
She looked at me and said, "Yes, Jerry, it is."
I could see she almost wanted to tell me something but walked away. We watched a little TV and then I went back in the spare room. She was sitting there holding little Jerry, as I was wondering if he was mine and what I would do about it.
The next day the nurse gave me my DNA report. I asked her how hard it was to get and she told me she just had to type in DNA/Jerry Brown and it went through the files and eventually spit it out. I knew a little about the reports, they were pretty popular nowadays. Our plant ran them on all new employees to save a lot of hassle up the road. The chances of error were pretty slim.
All I had to do is get little Jerry's and match it up with mine and see how many dots coincided. That night, when I got home Sheila was still working. Her mom was watching little Jerry so I was home alone. I went into the safe and pulled out little Jerry's DNA and matched it up to mine. Hardly any matches at all. Jerry was no more my son then the man on the moon was. I have had it. I guess it's what I expected. Stan was probably the fucking father. I remember Gloria saying he was with another woman while he was working at K-Mart. It was time to set up my revenge. Then I would start my own life all over again.
DNA: Time On His Hands Just a little short story set in my DNA universe I've been working on. You don't need to have read the main DNA sequence or the other DNA side story to understand what's going on here. For those of you who are wondering, I have started work on DNA III. This story is copyright 1998 by Stephanie. All rights reserved. You may repost or store this story on your website as long as the work is not altered or charged for. As always, this is...
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DNA: Snapshots, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Virus By Stephanie "Martha, willya look at this crap!" "What is it, Wilbur? I'm busy in the kitchen." "You gotta see this. Some quack has found a way to change people with some drug." "Oh, that. Sounds too good to be true if you ask me." "Just think of what you could do with it. You could get a new body which wasn't so saggy!" "Yeah? Well you could get one that wasn't hung like a chipmunk!" *** "Do you...
Jim ran his hand over his curving stomach and probed the strange folds of his vagina, how in the name of God was a baby supposed to fit through that? Well you might get to find out, said a corner of his mind. He thrust that away, the chances of him getting pregnant were small, he decided. I've only had sex as a girl once and you are always hearing of couples who can't get pregnant, he thought. In a corner of his mind a voice was saying, but what if you are? He ignored it and got dressed....
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Anne hung up and rubbed her bleary eyes. She was getting nowhere. The DNA altering virus she had injected Jim with had resisted all her attempts to remove it. If she increased the potency of the virus any more it would destroy his entire genetic makeup and Jim would literally disolve. A more worrying fact was that the small supply of Jim's blood was fast running out. It was the only remaining stock of Jim's male DNA and when it was gone Anne would have no way to turn him back into his old...
The actual announcement was fairly low-key. Anne submitted papers to the more respected science journals, and forwarded copies to various research groups working in the same field as herself. At the same time, she held a small press conference. For the first few days she was deluged by phone calls, faxes and e-mails asking all sorts of questions about the DNA virus. Most of the researchers contacting her from around the world couldn't believe her claims. By the second week, the mainstream...
A more worrying fact was that the small supply of Jim's blood was fast running out. It was the only remaining stock of Jim's male DNA and when it was gone Anne would have no way to turn him back into his old self. But it was vital she used his blood to confirm it worked. There was one way to get a new supply of Jim's male DNA and that was to inject someone with a virus containing Jim's DNA but that would only result in another person being landed in the same problem. In other words,...
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Quince had stopped at a cheap motel late in the night and had booked into a room. He was glad to finally stop driving; his leg had been getting cramp. As soon as he reached his room, he opened his suitcase. A quick check confirmed that the vials and money were present and intact. The vials were clearly labelled. The last thing that Quince wanted to do was take the wrong one. Quince regretted leaving his horses behind, but there wasn't any real choice. At least with the DNA viruses based on...
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Jim wandered into the kitchen, "Finished?" he asked. "Yep, this should stop you, Julie and Paul, passing this on to anyone, if you have any more 'accidents'. How are Julie and Paul?" "Julie is handling it quite well, but Paul, I don't know. He is very withdrawn. Perhaps you should talk to him." "Tonight, today I have to prepare and test this." She gestured at the screen. "Julie needs to get some more clothes, You live near the institute, don't you." "Yeah, you drop...
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Simonds could here the anger in Quince's voice. "His clothes and documents are all gone. He obviously packed in a hurry." Quince gave a short humorless laugh. "I didn't think Kingston had the guts to do it. Never mind. His lab still seems intact. That's all that matters." "He's going to go to the authorities, and he'll be able to prove his story." "It'll be a close run thing, but I still believe we can process the consignment before we have to leave. Remember, this final...
As he got up he felt an unfamiliar weight on his chest shift. His eyes drifted over his large, firm breasts. He had hoped that it had all been some insane dream. That he still had his own tall, muscular body. Not a half female, half male one. He could still remember vividly how the horror had started. He had woken just two days previously and everything had been right with the world. He had been a successful lawyer, with a big house and a hefty bank balance. And he had just spent the night...
Anne worked way into the afternoon, finally she leaned back and stretched her stiff back. On the screen lay the plans for a simple addition to the DNA viruses running around, that should make the transmission much more difficult, but not impossible. She had to stop the problem now before it spread. Jim wandered into the kitchen, "Finished?" he asked. "Yep, this should stop you, Julie and Paul, passing this on to anyone, if you have any more 'accidents'. How are Julie and...
Paul slept better that night than he had since his transformation. For the first time there was light at the end of the tunnel. It was just after eight in the morning that Paul woke up. It was very quiet in the apartment. Michael wasn't up yet. The small amount of clothes he had lay on a chair in a small pile. He didn't like the idea, but he was going to need new clothes. Female clothes. Well, at least he could choose ones that were less revealing. Normally he started the morning with some...
"What do you mean, he's gone?" Quince's voice barked out of the mobile phone. Simonds could here the anger in Quince's voice. "His clothes and documents are all gone. He obviously packed in a hurry." Quince gave a short humorless laugh. "I didn't think Kingston had the guts to do it. Never mind. His lab still seems intact. That's all that matters." "He's going to go to the authorities, and he'll be able to prove his story." "It'll be a close run thing, but I still believe...
Haan tau abb mein yaani Adnan. Aapko iss kahani ka 2nd part sunnata hoon. Zara dill thaam ke baithoo. Aaj kal mein university of karachi ke hostel mein hoon . Jaisa ke aap ko maloom hai mein iss waqt 20 saal ka sporty body wala jawaan hoon. Pechley saaloon se koi sex ka waqiya nahi huwa. Sirf mooth maar ker guzzara kerlaita hoon. Idher hostel mein university khulne se 2 haftey pehley hi aagaya tha. Mujhey merey parents ne ek jeep bhi dee hai. Wo loog london mein business ke silseley mein udher...
Gay MaleHis head started pounding. He laid back on the bed and tried to remember what had happened the night before. He and Mandy had gone to a couple of nightclubs and had ended up getting drunk in a gay and lesbian club. Paul shifted under the bed covers as he remembered how he and Mandy had danced together. How had he ended up in her bed? Then he remembered lying naked in her arms on the bed, letting Mandy suck and caress his breasts. He remembered slipping his hard cock into her eager pussy...
It had taken Michael over an hour and a half to get there. He hoped he wouldn't be delayed here long by whatever Quince wanted. He had hit a brick wall in his research of the DNA-altering virus. He had been working on it for nearly two weeks now, and he still couldn't see any way to reverse the process without a great deal of danger to the subject. Nearly every day, Paul would journey to his lab to see if any progress had been made. Paul could never quite hide his disappointment when...
"I'll be ready in a minute!" Paul replied, and turned back to the mirror. The girl that stared back at him no longer startled him as much as she used to, but he was still far from comfortable with his new form. He was wearing a flowing long skirt which covered his legs. He would have preferred to have worn jeans, but they just made his masculine lower half too obvious for his liking. Paul fiddled with the buttons on his white blouse. He had never really noticed that woman's blouses had...
"Enough to know we have a severe security breach." The other man was small and wiry. He wore an ill-fitting suit and was carrying a folder. From the folder he produced several photographs. Quince scanned each one. They clearly showed one of his security guards, Jeff Stockwell, in a bar with another man. "Do we know who this other guy is, Simonds?" "He's a cop. We don't know if Stockwell is a cop as well or just an informant." replied Simonds. "Damn. How much do they...
"Are you sure about this?" asked Quince. "Enough to know we have a severe security breach." The other man was small and wiry. He wore an ill-fitting suit and was carrying a folder. From the folder he produced several photographs. Quince scanned each one. They clearly showed one of his security guards, Jeff Stockwell, in a bar with another man. "Do we know who this other guy is, Simonds?" "He's a cop. We don't know if Stockwell is a cop as well or just an informant." replied...
"Hurry up!" Mandy shouted from outside Paul's bedroom. "I'll be ready in a minute!" Paul replied, and turned back to the mirror. The girl that stared back at him no longer startled him as much as she used to, but he was still far from comfortable with his new form. He was wearing a flowing long skirt which covered his legs. He would have preferred to have worn jeans, but they just made his masculine lower half too obvious for his liking. Paul fiddled with the buttons on his white...
Michael Kingston had never been invited out to Quince's house before. It wasn't a large house, but being well out of the city, it had a fair-sized field which contained several expensive horses. Apart from his company, they were the only thing Quince showed any real interest in. It had taken Michael over an hour and a half to get there. He hoped he wouldn't be delayed here long by whatever Quince wanted. He had hit a brick wall in his research of the DNA-altering virus. He had been...
As Paul's eyes focused on the ceiling it gradually occurred to him that it was the wrong color. He raised his head and realised that he was in Mandy's room. His head started pounding. He laid back on the bed and tried to remember what had happened the night before. He and Mandy had gone to a couple of nightclubs and had ended up getting drunk in a gay and lesbian club. Paul shifted under the bed covers as he remembered how he and Mandy had danced together. How had he ended up in her...
Paul's eyes stared in horror at the syringe Bill was holding. Once that was injected into him, he'd start down the path that led to total servitude. "Hold still," commanded Bill. He reached out and grabbed hold of Paul. Despite all his efforts, Paul could not get free from Bill's iron grip. Paul felt the needle being pressed against his arm and he knew it was now or never. He bit Bill as hard as possible on the arm, drawing blood as he did so. Bill bellowed in anger, but didn't let...
Simonds drove in a state of near panic. It took all of his self- control not to accelerate wildly when he saw two patrol cars scream past him going the other way. He watched the flashing lights vanish into the distance. He wondered if they were heading to Quince's house. Whatever the case, he had to dump the car as soon as possible. He was now heavily implicated in the murder of eight policemen and Quince's thugs who had replaced them. Despite the misgivings he had about taking the virus,...
Anne was so preoccupied as she left the plane that she walked straight past the policeman. "Doctor Chamberlain?" he said. She turned and noticed him and his patrol car for the first time. "I'm sorry. Can you tell me what's going on?" "Lieutenant Harrison will brief you on the way to the hospital." Hospital? Anne climbed into the back of the car. A man in a crumpled grey suit was sitting in the passenger seat. He turned around as the car pulled out of the airport. "I'm sorry for...
Paul brushed his long, curly hair out of his eyes as he lowered his mouth to Anne's pussy. He ran his tongue gently over her lower lips until he reached her clit. He smiled as he heard Anne give a very familiar moan. At last she was getting into the mood. Paul began licking and nipping at her cunt. He had always enjoyed eating pussy. He had introduced Anne to it when they had first made love. Relations between them had been a little rocky since Paul had arrived at Anne's house. She was...
My name is Adnan , I am doing my msc in University of Karachi. Iss waqt meri age 20 saal hai…I am 6 feet height, and about 125lbs weigh…and I have a good size Cock- Lund…7 inch long and kafi moota hai…and its circumcised. .I am actually very proud of my Lund . Meri Gaand merey ek mamoo ney bachpun mein phaari thee jub mei 18 saal ka tha. . Huwa aisa uss waqt mein apney kunwarey mamoo ke ghar gaya huwa tha. .meri grand parents kissi wedding mein Lahore gaye huwey thay……mujhey daikhker merey...
Gay MaleMahboob ko nanga soota daikhker. Merey munn mein aaya chalo mein apney mamoo ka game isskey saath khailta hoon. Yeh sooch ker mein Mahboob ke ooper charrh gaya. Ussey ulta kerdia aur uski gaand mein apna Lund ghussaney laga. Dard ki wajah se Mahboob ki aankh khool gayi. Uss ne poocha. “yeh kia kerr rahey hai Adnan. Meri Gaand bari tung hai aur chooti aapka Laura tau meri gaand pharrh deiga. Aisa na karain. Abb aap tau merey doost hai na. Please. Na karain.” Mein ne Mahboob ki baton ki parwah...
“Adnan jaldi se meri gaand maarlo nahi tau Ghazi washroom se baher na aajaye.” Mein tau tayar hi tha. Mahboob ko bahir balcony mein leyjaker aur jhuka ker usski khoob gaand maari. Doggy style mein abbhi gaand maar ker room mein aaye thay ke Ghazi bhi shower leker aagaya. Aur itna chikna lug raha tha. Ke mera Lund ko masti aarahi thi. Ke kiss tarah isski virginity ko pharrey. Mager Mahboob ko daikhker khamoosh raha. Kooch dair baad mein ne Mahboob ko kaha. “Mahboob. Ke baher jaaker canteen se...
Edna’s BasementBy MissyChapter 1. Missy Revealed Missy looked out the window and watched as her Mom got into Bob's truck. He was kind of gross - when she'd let him earlier it was pretty clear that he hadn't shaved that day and his fingernails were dirty and he smelled like he'd been drinking beer. Her mom hadn't seemed to notice any of this - not that she ever did these days - and had told Missy not to wait up when she was walking out the door. It was not like she...
PrologueShe was stretched out stark naked on the bed, and knew well what she was doing. She closed her eyes, let her head roll back on the pillows, and surrendered to her fantasy. She needed to come too badly. She had to stop but she just couldn't. With the tip of her index finger she began to circle her clit, the most sensitive spot of all. She felt delicious rushes of pleasure as she rimmed the throbbing lump, and her hot cuntal juices began to seep out and run down the crack of her ass. She...
Later that afternoon Kyle managed to get near Hillary on the school steps when no one was nearby. It almost appeared that she had been lingering near the door just to give him a chance to talk to her. "Quick, tell me what happened." "I was told that I should have been made into a girl years ago. I might still have a chance. Not a great chance, but possible. I need to make up for lost time. First I need to do extraordinarily well on the eighth grade aptitude assessment. I know this is...
The TestAs he got out of the Uber, Joshua was nervous but yet excited. Several weeks after answering a private message on his favorite porn site, the day was finally here. It had started simply enough with posting a few anonymous pictures of himself cross dressing and a video of him riding his favorite dildo. Joshua's profile said he was looking to be a first time gay bottom and possibly a sub. He had posted the message to his profile while he was really horny and had forgotten about it after...
[note: this is a complete rewrite of the original] Edna Mayfield ◊◊◊◊◊ Is it perfume from a dress That makes me so digress? ‘The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock’ — T.S. Eliot 28 August The Mayfield house was unlike any other in the neighborhood, comfortable, perhaps, but hardly practical and certainly not in keeping with it’s more typical suburban neighbors. The house’s immaculate cypress siding, stained dark gray, hovered lightly under a copper roof, yet the sidewalk along the street...
The Loyalty Test Author's Notes: Thank you all for the help and support in making me better at my hobby. Tim Rodgers was still ecstatic when he hung up the phone and went to his computer. He opened up a new Word document to start his exit strategy from his job. He just got done with a productive conversation from the Dean of Business at Northeastern Wesleyan University. He was offered a full time professorship chair there. He could not wait to start making his plans and also tell...
Aptitude Test By Cassandra Morgan I'm pretty sure that all of the destruction caused by the Huns began with one thing. Junior homeroom. As usual, that morning it was chaos. Wads of paper filled the air, and the girls were chattering about sales and older boys, and the boys were talking about cars and football teams, and the noise sounded as if was coming from a nearby stadium. It was always like this. It was the last vestige of freedom for the students, after all, and Poor Mr. Moore...
Kelly: Hey did you study for this quiz at all? You: Not really, I was just getting ready to. U? Kelly: I've been up all fucking night. I still don't understand it. I'm in the class room now, want to come help me study? You: Sure. B there in a few. I locked my phone and hoped off my bed onto my dorm room’s dirty floor. I quickly started to throw my text book and notes in my backpack. My roommate was in class for the next two hours, so I had been watching porn with the volume up...
A Go No Go Test by Tigger with Vickie Tern (she said I could not name her as co-author, so I didn't...... sorta) The soft, slippery satin of her bed's comforter slid against the skin of my buttocks and the backs of my thighs. I felt so very alone. Which is silly, I guess, because I knew I wasn't really alone. I even knew exactly where she was. Furtively, my eyes stole over to the large, antique mirror that hung above her vanity table. It is a one way mirror. She'd shown me...
Time for a BDSM quiz at BDSMTest aka Kink Test! If you’ve read through a few of my reviews, then you already know that I can get down with some kinky BDSM. Well, I guess all BDSM is kinky. But, still, I like all that shit. There’s nothing hotter than tying up some chick, gaping her drooling mouth open, and shoving your cock down her throat while you call her a worthless cunt. Once you start fucking around with BDSM, then you’ll never be able to go back to vanilla, boring sex where some bitch...
Fetish Porn SitesThe Test By Elliot Reid "It's a test, Mark," said Amy. "A test?" I looked at my girlfriend, eyebrows raised. "What, a compatibility test or something?" "Something like that." Amy was seated on the bed, nude, cocking her head to one side, gauging my reactions. "We've been going out for a year and you said you wanted to take it to the next stage and I guess this is where we test whether that's going to work or not." "This magic will do that?" I looked at the pair of rings...
I messaged Kate that I was finally getting a membership at Three Lavender Rings. TLR is a very exclusive sex club for LGBTs. Kate and I are bi, so we fit the "B" category. We also share the same kinky tastes – bondage, exhibitionism, sex machines and more. We'd planned to go as a team and see how much ravishment we could collect. But first, we needed membership. The club had no website, no phone directory listing, and no advertising except word-of-mouth. You could not pay at the door. You had...
ExhibitionismI had just turned 65 and received my Medicare card. My wife was bugging me to get a complete physical (and a prescription for Viagra). Now I have been to many doctors over my lifetime but if anyone is going to stick their finger up my ass and hold my balls while I cough, I prefer a female doctor.Dr. Mia Kim who gave me a complete going over including the usual digital probe and ball cupping. I detected a slight smile cross her face when I began to get hard as she held my balls. Later when I...
It was evening and the lamplight gave the room a warm glow. The princess sat nearby in an armchair reading a far more interesting book. They had been here for several hours. Mia sighed again, not a little dramatically, and Liana looked up from her own reading. “Are you bored already?” She asked in a teasing tone. Mia turned to look at her as she replied. “How could I not be? These aren’t exactly exciting stories like the one you’re reading you know.” Liana replied in a stern voice,...
DISCLAIMERS I'm just trying to help with these disclaimers! I don’t want to spring things on anyone. My writing is SUPPOSED to be gross and wrong, which is what makes it so thrilling to write! You SHOULD feel icky reading it! I try to creep myself out as I write, getting into the mindset of a perverted VILLAIN. I do not condone any of the things I write about! All characters are 18+. This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to events, locales, or persons living or dead is purely...
The tall, willowy girl looked troubled as she walked the stairs of the university. She needed to ask a favour of the history professor, and she felt wildly insecure, as she always did when she was in a new situation. Three months earlier she had gone to the admission examinations at the university, but on the evening before the last test: the history examination, she was taken to hospital. Two weeks later she went to the university offices to present papers, signed and stamped by the hospital,...
A Painful Test Copyright 2012 Christopher D.B.Previous stories in this series: Off-Road Goddess, Paddled in the Boondocks, Lunch With A DominatrixIt was late on a Saturday afternoon that I drove to the east side of the city, following directions that had been given to me by Miss Julia. Near the industrial park where she worked, I turned onto a state highway and continued east just until signs of civilization began to fade. Making several turns down side roads and back roads, I found the...
even though it was simply a case of memorization. Most of the time was spent trying to find a comfortable position that would rest my still shocked and quite sore pussy. If I sat in any conventional way, it would constantly remind me of all the repositioning and abuse it had undergone for the “A” I was trying to make. Sometimes, I would sit Indian Style to “stretch –it-out” as if it was a muscle recovering from an intense workout. If I did find some rest that would take the dull ache of my...
“So, Mr Robinson, when you’re ready? I want you to continue down the road, and turn left at the junction.” The instructor sat there waiting for me to get the car moving, waiting for me to make another mistake. The test had gone horrible from the start. Forgetting to check my blind spot when I pulled out from the test centre, he maybe could have forgiven that, but mounting the kerb turning the first corner, or almost hitting that pedestrian when he told me to park up, no matter how nice he was...
Gay MaleThe following is a brief but completely true account of a trip taken with my strictly non-professional, older dominatrix partner who, subject to the satisfactory completion of the following trip, would then allow me to marry her and thereby commit myself to a life of absolute submission to her in strict accordance with her agenda. As mentioned, she had no professional interest in domination whatsoever but had a very definite sadistic streak in her psyche and I, as a lifetime submissive, fell...
"Please, Tessa!" begged Jason. "Please!" "No!" said Tessa again. She shook her head vehemently. "I just don't like it when it gets sticky like that." Her boyfriend had his pants and underwear partly down while he lay on her bed. He held his erect cock. "Come on," begged Jason. He hated to beg but what else could he do? She didn't mind touching his dick or stroking it, but when it got sticky with pre-cum she didn't want anything to do with it. "No, Jason!" Tessa said. "I'm...
This story starts out like many we have read before. I was out in the garage and my wife Alice was in the house. The phone rings and we both pick up the receiver at the same time. Before I can say hello, Alice speaks and it's her girlfriend Marsha. Usually I would hang up but for some reason I decided to listen for a few seconds. "Can you talk or is Allen near you?" asked Marsha. "No, I can talk. Allen is outside or in the garage. He's always busy doing something," remarked Alice. I...