Food for the AI
- 3 years ago
- 27
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Anne worked way into the afternoon, finally she leaned back and stretched her stiff back. On the screen lay the plans for a simple addition to the DNA viruses running around, that should make the transmission much more difficult, but not impossible. She had to stop the problem now before it spread.
Jim wandered into the kitchen, "Finished?" he asked.
"Yep, this should stop you, Julie and Paul, passing this on to anyone, if you have any more 'accidents'. How are Julie and Paul?"
"Julie is handling it quite well, but Paul, I don't know. He is very withdrawn. Perhaps you should talk to him."
"Tonight, today I have to prepare and test this." She gestured at the screen. "Julie needs to get some more clothes, You live near the institute, don't you."
"Yeah, you drop me and Julie off there and you and Paul go on to the lab." Jim said.
"I don't think we should take Paul, he needs to rest."
"We can't leave him here by himself. He needs to be with you to work things out."
Anne nodded, she would have to treat him carefully till she could undo the damage. "Alright, you get Julie and I'll get Paul."
Paul was in the dining room, staring out the window. He turned when Anne entered, "I don't know who I am anymore." He said close to tears.
Anne put an arm around him, "It's alright Paul. I'm here, I will sort this out I promise."
He looked up at her and nodded, "Okay." He said, managing a weak smile.
Jim and Julie had already piled into the back seat and were laughing at some joke one of them had cracked. They look like lovers, she thought. Paul climbed into the passenger seat grimacing as he moved the seat belt strap between his large breasts. All four were quiet until they had reached Jim's apartment. Jim and Julie got out and watched the car pull away.
"Paul is really starting to flip out, I thought he'd be more used to this by now." Jim commented worriedly.
"Well, he is a typical, macho, old-style male. He probably thinks becoming a woman, even half of one, has made him some sort of second class citizen."
Jim sighed, feeling again the still strange weight of his heavy breasts. "Well come on then."
He went up the first flight of stairs and unlocked the door to his apartment. He looked sadly around the obviously male occupied rooms, they seemed to be part of his life long gone. Being in so familiar surroundings reminded him how much he had changed. He felt so aware of his new body, his breasts shifted in their silken confines with every slight movement he made. His jeans fitted snugly around his wide womanly hips. He felt so out of place, this was no longer his apartment.It more properly belonged to Julie now.
He shook off the feeling and dug out some clothes for her, while she looked around the apartment. "Are you sure you live here? We haven't gone to the local landfill site by mistake."
"What do you expect, the Ritz? A single man lives here, you should expect a little clutter." He said, slightly annoyed.
"A little clutter? Looks like a bomb has hit it."
"I'm so sorry, it's the maid's day off." He grinned at her and she couldn't help returning it. She looked at Jim and felt herself growing aroused again. A small part of her worried he might notice, then she notice his eyes glance down and his grin widened.
With that all semblance of control went and Julie took Jim on her powerful arms and pressed her lips against his. Jim melted in her strong embrace, this was so different than with Paul, there was none of the fear he had felt when he had been with him. Julie's tongue pushed opened his lips and Jim felt himself become very turned on. His large sensitive breasts were crushed against Julie's wide torso, he was really wet between his legs and he knew that he must have Julie's cock in his strange new feminine place.
"Jim! You BASTARD!" A voice screamed from the door, the lovers broke off and stared at the source of the voice. At the door stood a petite Asian girl, who was very, very angry.
Jim gasped in horror, it was his girlfriend Catherine! She was directing her rage at Julie, who didn't have a clue what to say.
Catherine advanced on Julie. "You disappear for days without a word! And then I catch you with some cheap whore!" Jim felt slightly annoyed about the insult, but he could imagine how this looked to her. Julie was just searching for something to say when Catherine delivered a vicious slap, turned and stalked out of the flat.
Jim and Julie stared at each other open mouthed. Then Jim collapsed on the bed, "Well that just about wraps up a perfect weekend!" He realised he didn't feel as upset as he should, he wanted Julie more than he had ever wanted Catherine.
Julie felt his sore cheek, "So Paul wasn't the only one cheating on his girlfriend." She said.
Jim realised the absurdity of the situation and he collapsed in a fit of giggles. "Come on, Anne will be wondering where we are." He finally said. He handed the small case of clothes to Julie and they headed back for the short walk to the institute. Julie put her arm around Jim as they headed back to the institute, he found it very comforting. I'm falling for her like some lovesick schoolgirl, he thought. Do I want to do this, if we carry on like this I'll end up in bed with her. No, this is different than with Paul. She'd make life bareable if we stay stuck this way, more than bareable. She smiled up at Julie, who looked down warmly at him.
Anne held the batch of test samples in her hand, it seemed to work. The viruses effectiveness was reduced significantly, it didn't help her in her fight to turn the three back into their old selves, but at least it would mean no one else would suffer from the problem.
Paul sat on the far side of the lab, she had tried to interest him on what she was doing, but nothing she could say or do would bring any response from him. Finally she had left him to it as she worked.
He sat and watched her as she worked, he couldn't shake the sneaking suspicion that this wasn't some big trick he had pulled on her. That she could turn him back at any moment, but she was doing this to punish him for his infidelity. He remembered the way the guard had leered at him, as they had entered the building and cringed. He couldn't stand to stay in this weak body a moment longer.
He racked his memory, who could he turn to? Then he remembered, a few years before he had represented a biology researcher, who had been accused of stealing someone else's results. What was his name, ah yes. Dr Michael Kingston. Paul had got him off on a point of law, he knew he had done it, but he had been hired to clear his client. Anne had told him of his reputation in the research fraternity, it was obvious she didn't like him at all. If anyone could turn him back, it was Kingston.
Anne was still engrossed with her samples, he edged over to her purse, inside was about enough money to get a taxi to his house. From there he'd have access to enough to money to get to Dr Kingston. He took the money and was disconcerted when he realised he had no pockets, forcing him to wear a skirt was obviously another one of Anne's jokes.
He stuck the bills in his bra and went over to Anne, "Anne, where are the bathrooms in this place."
"Out the door, turn right and you can't miss it." She said without lifting her eyes from the microscope. He was out the door as quickly as he could and he glanced down the corridor, there were a few people around, but Paul got no special attention except from the lustful glances he got from many of the men. His skin crawled when their eyes moved over his ample curves, and he desperately avoided eye contact. Soon he was by a fire escape and after checking no one was around he slipped outside.
In the street he felt even more vulnerable, especially in the tight sexy skirt. It felt so confining, but left him feeling exposed and vulnerable at the same time. One problem he didn't have was flagging down a taxi, the driver was drooling over his steering wheel as he admired Paul's tits. He refused any attempt by the driver to start a conversation on the way to his house. He seemed to think suggesting Paul was a model was the height of compliments. After what seemed forever to Paul, they arrived and he pulled the bills out of his bra to pay him. The driver's eyes bulged to an extent Paul didn't believe was possible as he did so.
He ran to the door, feeling the taxi driver's eyes on his ass all the way there. He slammed the door behind him, and leaned against it, his breasts heaving with the fear he felt. He looked down at them straining in the bra. I'll be rid of you soon, he thought.
It was about half an hour later when Jim and Julie arrived in the lab. "We had to say Jim was Paul's twin sister when we came in. Where is Paul anyway."
Anne looked up with a frown on her face, "He said he was going to the bathroom. But that was some time ago, where has he gone?"
Jim cursed and ran down the corridor to the toilets. He ran into the ladies, feeling like an invader as he did do. There was no one there. He ran across into the men's toilets startling a man who was using an urinal. Apart from him the room was empty, he asked the man "Have you seen my sister? She looks exactly like me, but she is wearing a skirt."
The man managed to get his penis back in his pants and zip them up. "Uhhh... I thought I saw someone like you get in a taxi as I got here. I'm not sure, it could have been her. She was wearing a tight, black, skirt."
"Shit, thanks George!" Jim said and ran out the door.
How did she know my name, thought George.
Jim burst back into the lab. "George saw Paul get into a taxi, he must have panicked."
"Damn!" said Anne. She grabbed the samples she had been working on and ran for the car, with Jim and Julie in close pursuit.
She sped through the city, breaking the speed limit most of the way. By some miracle they were not stopped and soon they were back at Paul's house. Anne fumbled with the keys and opened the door, "Paul!"
There was no answer, they spread out and searched the house. Anne went upstairs and ran into the bedroom. Several pairs of pants were thrown on the bed and on the floor was a black, leather skirt. She picked it up, it's still warm, she thought. We just missed him. She looked out of the bedroom window and looked at the panoramic view of the city it provided.
He could be anywhere out there.
Anne raised the door of the garage and looked at the empty space inside. "He's taken the car."
"But where the hell is he going to go?" Julie asked in a deep voice that still surprised even her.
"I haven't a clue, I doubt Paul has either. He's probably just running in a blind panic." She sighed, the last few days were the worst she had ever lived through. "I know it's not much of a hope, but we better look through the city for his car."
As Anne had suspected the search was fruitless and it was near dusk by the time they got back to Anne's house. As Jim was passing the phone it started ringing and on reflex he answered it. "Hello?"
"Oh, there you are Julie. I've been trying to reach you all day." It was a woman's voice, he had a sneaking suspicion who it was, but he wasn't sure.
"Well, here I am."
"Your father and I are wondering when you're coming home. You said you'd only be over Anne's for a day." It was Julie's mother.
Jim thought fast, "Well I've got someone for you to meet, I'll bring him over tomorrow."
"Oh? Anyone I know?" said Julie's mom, obviously very curious.
"Aunt Anne's assistant at the institute, he's very cute." Now where had that last comment come from?
"I remember Anne telling me about him, bit of a hunk apparently."
Anne had said that? He blushed deep red, "Well you'll find out tomorrow. I'll see you about five o'clock, okay."
"Fine, goodbye dear"
"Bye, mom." He hung up and breathed a sigh of relief, Julie's mom hadn't noticed that it wasn't her daughter she was speaking to.
"Mom?" said an amused deep voice in the doorway.
Jim looked at Julie and threw her a brief smile, "Yep, I'm taking you to meet your parents tomorrow."
Julie looked confused, "Pardon?"
"Well, I can't move back to your house. Your parents would soon realise I wasn't their daughter. But you're old enough to move out into your boyfriend's apartment."
Julie worked it out in her head, "So you're going to introduce me to MY parents as your boyfriend and then move in with me at your old apartment."
"Well unless you have any objections?" said Jim.
Julie moved her broad hands over Jim's wide hips and grabbed his soft ass. Jim found himself getting very turned on again, "I want you so badly, Julie."
"Having fun, are we?" Anne said.
Both Julie and Jim jumped apart and looked a bit guilty. Anne decided to ignore what had been going on and held up to vials. "These should stop you passing on the DNA viruses in your bodies to anyone else. It won't make it any more difficult to remove the virus when I can work out a safe way of doing it." She handed one each to Jim and Julie. Julie drank hers in one swallow, Jim looked at it before he did the same. He was beginning to feel he would be trapped in femininity for the rest of his life and was surprised to find it didn't depress him as much as he thought it would.
Jim was driving his car in the evening twilight, in the distance a figure appeared with their thumb stuck out in the universal sign of the hitchhiker. As he got closer he saw that it was a buxom young woman, he felt himself get an erection and thought, well maybe if I play my cards right. He pulled over right over and she got in, they said nothing as he drove off. After a while, she turned to him and said, "Pull over here, I must have you."
He did so and then he reached over to her and their eyes locked, a moment of dizziness struck Jim and he was suddenly in the passenger seat wearing a dress. He looked over at the driving seat and saw his old body, somehow he knew the girl was in there. His old body reached over and caressed his breast, causing Jim to moan. He felt a fire build within him and Jim knew he, no she must have the man's prick buried within her.
Her old body moved over to Jim and she gladly welcomed him, ready and willing.
Jim suddenly sat bolt upright in the bed, fully awake in an instant, he felt a strong need deep within him. The hitchhiking dream again, he thought, but it never went this way before. He lay back in Anne's double bed and examined his feelings. Much, if not all dislike of his new body was gone. His male state, a part of him for a quarter of a century was now a fading memory.
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Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction concocted entirely within my imagination. Any resemblance to real people shouldn’t be surprising since most of my stories are based on people I know. While I hope you enjoy this story and are compelled to provide feedback, I don’t expect the subject matter will appeal to everyone who reads it. As such, I discourage venomous, nasty feedback full of violent wishes against essentially fictional characters in fictional situations. If this story does not appeal...
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Gregg was sitting at an Internet café just down the street from the hospital. He often came here to get business done. It was one of the few escapes he allowed himself. Closing down the University webpage he had just finished with, he sat back and smiled with satisfaction. He was proud of what he had just done and he knew it'd go a long way toward rewarding his students for all their hard efforts. Looking down at his teacup, he saw that he had drunk it to the dregs and considered ordering...
December 1979, Stockholm, Sweden “Karin, this isn’t a good idea,” I said carefully. “What isn’t a good idea?” she asked. “You. Me. This. I may look better on the outside, but my emotions are still a mess. I’m completely drained. It’s not just about your sister, Karin, there are so many other things that I’m dealing with.” “I’ll listen if you want to tell me,” Karin said. “Please let me help you.” I considered whether I should open up to her. She was young, even younger than Sofia. Was it...
It was another boring day at college. Drawing the objects kept on the table seemed FINE ART to the faculties here. Why don’t they understand I have taken FINE ARTS to make FINE PAINTINGS not to waste my time on basics which I have learned in the past. Let me introduce myself to you. I am Ravi, a fine arts student in a reputed art college in my region. I always had a passion for art and paintings. I lived far away from my home in the college hostel. I went against my family’s wishes and chose...
Traffic school can be so boring. That’s why they invented comedy traffic school. If you gotta go do the time you might as well be entertained. Well for this lucky class of traffic offenders they hit the jackpot when they got Misty Stone as their instructor. She too has to spend a Saturday for 8 hours of monotonous driving rules. Seeing that she has a class solely made up of men she would much rather spend it sucking dick. The men all take turns coming up and having their dongs sucked and...
xmoviesforyou(Mary Ellen is seduced into Anal sex by her loving neighbors)Chapter 1Mary Ellen Jakowski sat in her kitchen with her good friend Dana Carter having their usual morning coffee. The two women had been friends since the Carters moved into the neighborhood five years ago. Their husbands, Richard and Drew, had become buddies as well. They were "backyard" friends, as their privacy fences were connected. In fact, they rarely went to one another's house through the front door. It was a one-block walk...
“No, not here, my husband might see us… Uhmm! Your fingers are magical… keep rubbing my clit, just like that, O yes….”, I said to Priya’s husband who had lifted the frock coat and had grabbed my pussy when I was washing my hands in the washbasin. “I like that chubby ass of yours, you dirty slut. I’ll spank it hard and make it red”, a coarse voice spoke to me. Strange enough, I couldn’t see the washbasin, nor did I felt the water running on my fingers. But more importantly, I thought why was...
My Dad’s New Wife Cont.It’s been three months since I started fucking my dad’s wife. Terri and I did it with him and at other times. Sometimes it would be just a quick fuck with me lifting her skirt and pushing her panties aside. One day Barbara, my wife, and I were over at dad’s house for a backyard cookout. Barbara and Terri had been working in the kitchen and dad and I were tending to the fire and drinking a beer. Dad commented that Barbara looked good today, as usual, and that while he...
Wife LoversThe weekend with Robert The bell rang as Donna was busy cleaning up the house. Two weeks of neglect had made it very messy indeed, and her daughters hadn?t helped either. Old pizza was everywhere she found out, and the dust...She opened the door, wondering who it could be. ?Hello Cutty.? Ninon walked inside. She looked at Donna with disgust. ?That?s not the way you planned to see Robert, is it???Of course not, I?m cleaning up the house.? She answered annoyed ?What are you doing here Ninon, you...
As a site with such a transparent name, I am sure you already know what to expect from This place will help you meet lots of hot tranny chicks, so if you are into that, you are more than welcome to stay and browse because there is a lot to see. Now, this is a dating site, and while you can meet one-night stands, most of these people are looking for a relationship type meeting.Of course, there are a lot of different members on TS Meet, and thus their desires and everything overall...
Hookup SitesHey guys!!My name is shahid kapoor and i am a Delhi guy with an unending desire to fuck ladies older than me.I have posted a story about my ritu bhabhi whom i fuck every now and then.Today i would like to tell you the second best sex experience i had with her.Ritu bhabhi is 8 years older than me. I am 20 and she is 28. I always fantasized having sex with her so when i saw her bras and panties drying out in the sun i couldnt resist picking them up and smelling and licking them.But i didnt know...
IncestMystic Falls, 2011 Chapter I: Awakening “Get up! Get up! Get up!” I wake up, with the image of Damon screaming. “We have lots to do today, come on, sleepy heads!” “Damon!” I almost forgot about my girlfriend, Elena, rapped in my arms. She began to wake up, too. “Oh my God, Damon!” she screamed at him. He rolled his eyes and continued his speech as if nothing happened. “We have lots of research to do, come on get dressed!” “Get out of here, Damon, and we’ll get dressed,” Elena...
‘Nope, sorry,’ she said with a smile. His heart skipped a beat until he noticed her teasing grin. ‘Pretty please?’ he begged. ‘I think you need to kiss me to let me know if you are serious.’ He scooted up a bit, realizing as he laid back down on her body exactly where his cock was lining up. He gave her a nice slow kiss. ‘Forgive me?’ ‘Oh big boy, you are going to have to do better than that!’ He gently slid his hand behind her neck and pulled her forward to kiss her this time....
The safe house was a small two story crack house in a side of town that she'd never thought to be in. It had been taken over in a raid and had been used since as one of the five safe houses around the city. It wasn't pretty, old siding and an even older porch sagged across the front of it, giving it an abandoned feel. One of the gutters along the front was missing and two of the windows were now covered in plywood. The grass was over grown and the fence needed painting. Graffiti covered...
As we walked to Mr. Bell's car, I was feeling very confused by all that had transpired. Since I trusted Colleen and Mr. Bell, I knew they would explain things to me but the waiting wasn't pleasant. I needed a car, some clothes and shaving gear, as well as a place to sleep for a few nights, while I figured out what to do about the cabin. Rebecca and Colleen took care of part of that. Colleen spoke for both of them, "Brian, you're going home with us tonight. We'll put you in the spare...
Sometime the pain from my health problems disrupts my routine; however, I do not let it rule my whole day. Like today, I’m up way too early but only because I took a nap yesterday. I'm not in any pain, just horny as hell, and sitting here naked and masturbating. You see, I’m a bit of an exhibitionist, and love playing with myself, while fantasizing about my new lover John. I wish he were shoving his index finger deep into my drenched cunt. I love how it makes me quiver and tingly all over,...
When I was a radio deejay I used to get lots of chicks phone up and flirt with me, and some would visit me at the radio station when my workmates had gone home at night. It was great because I used to get lots of sex especially with teenage girls (I was only 19) who were infatuated with me. I fucked them everywhere in the building, but there was this one time I was feeling game and I asked one girl to suck me off while I was on air while I was reading out some community notices. As I turned on...
Marcy concluded early on that Kamon was a lot like his brother. She and Nikki were playthings to him. Oh, he didn't use denigrations like Jamal, in fact he was constantly complimenting her on her face and figure, but he was into her pants daily and there had been several foursomes. Marcy had asked Jamal about finding a place of their own but he seemed content, at least for the moment, especially with both Marcy and Nikki available to him any time he wanted. It was several days later that...
Sometimes things happen that can shatter the image you have of who you are. Given the proper motivation, the right incentive any man will give in. It may not be his fault but sometimes, thick, brown, smelly shit just happens. About 2 months ago it happened to me. It ruined my life. My therapist thought it would help if I wrote it all down. Here is a list of things that John Pressman never thought he would do. See a Therapist. Talk about personal feelings. Cry like a bitch Seriously...
Todd and Sam were standing in the office as the pesky reporter for one of the sleazy tabloids pumped them for details of what had happened at the Williams cabin. "I heard Sheriff Hawkins was forced to take off her clothes, that she was raped before..." "Where did you hear garbage like that?" asked Sam. "Oh, there are rumors. An orderly at the hospital said she was delirious when they brought her in, that she kept saying she was naked." "Yeah, well Sheriff Hawkins is funny that way....
Mike and I had been working together at Tony's Pizza for about a year. We were both twenty-two years old and we were both losers that didn't give a fuck. I lived at home in the room where my mom had changed me and tucked me in, I saw no need to move on. Mike lived in his sister's basement since his parents had kicked him out.We were both pot heads and we made enough at Tony's to buy some weed. We ate at Tony's and paid no rent. We both either walked, took the bus or road a bike. Picture a...
CrossdressingInspired by Luv_Lucy ;) Thanks hun. xxxI’m a slut! Lol ever since I first touched a cock (the feeling of slutiness was exacerbated once I touched a pussy- but that’s a different story) Previously I never really wanted to share any details until I read Lucy’s story.I’ve been having sex with my fuck buddy- lets call him Mark for about 6 months now and to be honest sex is great- FANTASTIC! And I’m sure he’ll love reading this. Anyway I got him to read Lucy’s story whilst I gave him a blowjob one...
It's twelve P.M. on a Friday morning and the only thing I feel is the humid summer air run over my half sticking out body as I attempt to get cool as I sleep in. It's not like me to sleep in but I'm at my dads house till about two when my mom will pleasantly rescue me from this hell hole, it's no wonder she left him. I finally decide to stumble out of my bed sit on the edge for a second letting my longish brown hair fall in front of my blue eyes. As I yawn confirming it is time to get my ass...