A Fistful Of Sand Book 1Chapter 4: A Frayed Knot? Afraid Not! free porn video

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Gregg was sitting at an Internet café just down the street from the hospital. He often came here to get business done. It was one of the few escapes he allowed himself. Closing down the University webpage he had just finished with, he sat back and smiled with satisfaction. He was proud of what he had just done and he knew it'd go a long way toward rewarding his students for all their hard efforts.

Looking down at his teacup, he saw that he had drunk it to the dregs and considered ordering more. The tea was excellent — not too strong and sweetened with honey. It was one of the reasons he frequented the place so much — besides the four computers in the corner. He checked his watch and to his surprise it was already almost 6pm. He needed to get back to the campsite so he could shower, change, and take care of some last minute business.

"More tea Mr. Gregg? On house!"

Gregg glanced up to see the shop keeper, a slightly portly and balding gentleman holding a carafe. After debating whether her wanted more, Gregg waved the man away. 'That was strange. Omar never offers free tea.' Omar was a shrewd businessman. He knew just enough English to be able to serve his clientele, and he counted every penny and gave nothing away for free. His business attracted Westerners who needed to stay connected to the rest of the world. Being able to charge western-prices allowed him to make a considerable profit. His establishment was one of the few able to afford to provide such service. Not exactly a big business by American standards, but having four computers put him ahead of other local independent businessmen. The four computers were set on two tables placed together so that there were two on each side facing each other.

Putting these thoughts aside, Gregg leaned back in his chair, closing his eyes and massaging his nose. His eyes were tired from staring so long into the computer's small monitor. Behind closed eyes, he could hear the sounds of the café. Patrons talked in languages he barely understood (he silently chastised himself for spending so much time learning only written languages that no one spoke anymore). He heard Omar ringing somebody up at the cash register. Closer to him, he heard the tippity-tap sounds of the other users on the three other computer keyboards.

"He's kind of cute. I see him here all the time ... how come I never noticed he's such a hottie? I wonder what kind of lover he is? I'll bet he's G-R-8!!"

Gregg opened his eyes and looked around to see who would be saying something like that out loud. The only female patron in the place was sitting at the computer diagonal from him. She looked maybe fifteen or sixteen, much too young to be having such thoughts. 'Probably some diplomat's kid, ' Gregg thought. But, the voice couldn't be hers because she was intently typing away — she barely even glanced in his direction. Besides, the two men on the other computers didn't seem to have heard anything.

Scooting his chair back, Gregg stood and walked around the computers up to Omar to ask for the bathroom key. He didn't want to walk back to the dig on a full bladder. Omar pointed to the occupied sign on the bathroom door indicating that he had to wait.

Casually looking around, he saw the young girl's computer screen and saw that she was instant chatting with someone. He was too far away to see what she was typing, but he thought he could hear her voice again. "I'm going to try to get his picture so you can see." The girl lifted her hand up to the webcam attached to the top of the monitor, adjusted it a bit so it was pointed right at him, clicked her mouse, and then moved the camera back into position. Gregg was stunned. How could she be so brazen. 'Doesn't she realize she's talking loud enough for me to hear her?'

The girl typed a bit more and then turned her head just enough to peek over her shoulder. When she saw that Gregg was looking at her she said, "Oh my God! He's looking at me!" and turned quickly back to her monitor. But it wasn't what she said that had captured Gregg's attention. It was that she didn't say anything at all. He was sure she didn't move her lips.

The door to the bathroom opened and a man exited. He placed the key on the counter and Omar handed it back to Gregg. Frowning in thought, Gregg entered the lavatory to take care of his immediate concern. After he finished, he washed, returned the keys to Omar and sat back at his computer.

Closing all his files, he logged off his session. While he waited for the computer to end its log-off routine, he kept his eyes on the girl. Focusing in on her, he began hearing her voice in his head — and since he was staring at her this time, he was SURE her lips weren't moving. "He's back. Did you get the picture? Cute huh? L-O-L." Now Gregg knew for sure he was reading her mind. I mean who would say "LOL?" He had learned that abbreviation a year ago when a colleague had sent him a joke that he didn't get and had tagged it with LOL. That had to be explained to him too. Gregg couldn't believe it. He could actually hear her thoughts! He had been hearing her mind speaking what she had been typing! He focused in again to hear what she was writing to her friend, but quickly pulled back when he heard her descriptions of what she'd like to do to him alone in that bathroom! For someone so young, she had clearly seen too many steamy movies.

Gregg quickly packed up his things. He went up to the counter to pay for his computer time. While Omar rang him up, he took a mental stab, literally, at the man to the girl's left. He was also chatting online. Concentrating as hard as he could — much as if he were trying to hear someone whisper from ten feet away, Gregg found he could hear what the man was thinking. "Yeah babe, I'd fuck you until you scream! Oh yeah, you like big cocks? We'll I got a huge one. Eleven inches ... No I'm not married. Build? Let's just say I'm often mistaken for Keith Ledger." Gregg pulled his thoughts back and suppressed a laugh. The man in front of him couldn't be more than five and a half feet tall and easily over two hundred pounds, judging by the size of his gut.

Gregg settled up with Omar, and hitched his backpack over his shoulder. He tried once more to probe someone across the room, but he could barely make out the faintest of whispers in his head. He tried harder and his head started throbbing, like the beginning of a migrane.

"Mr. Gregg? Okay?" Omar asked in his broken English.

Gregg found that given a moment's rest, his head had stopped hurting. It was more like straining a muscle than anything else. Giving up, he turned back to Omar and replied, "Yeah. Thanks. Excellent as always, Omar." The man beamed at the compliment as Gregg headed out the door.

So much was happening so fast. Things were changing around him and about him and he couldn't keep up. Like any of the texts he'd translated over the years, this puzzle would work itself out. Right now he just needed some distance from it and some sleep. On his way out he tried reading one more patron, but it was useless — like trying to do one more pull-up when your arms are dead. Hitching his backpack higher on his shoulder, he headed back to the campsite.

Gregg arrived at the campsite to find all five of his students sitting around one of the pits, their feet dangling inside. They were apparently just shooting the breeze until he arrived. Nobody seemed all that concerned that they weren't working. Chad was laughing at one of his own jokes and everyone was smiling except for David, who seemed upset for some reason.

"Why isn't everybody working?" Gregg said with mock seriousness. Everyone tensed up for a moment until they saw the big smile on his face. It had everyone a little off balance. They weren't used to seeing their professor smiling, making jokes, or even having casual conversation for that matter.

"I don't know what Heather has told you yet, but I've decided we need a party." Everyone looked around at each other, except Heather who already knew that much. "You've all worked hard this semester and I haven't acknowledged that. So, tonight we're going to have a cookout ... someplace with a little less sand that this. Okay, go do what ever you need to do for the next couple of hours. We'll be heading out around 8pm. Oh, don't forget to pack your swimsuits."

He looked around and saw grins on his students' faces. Even David managed to cheer up a little. Nodding, he turned and headed to his camper. As quickly as he entered the campsite, he left, not even giving them a chance to ask how he was feeling. His students turned back to each other to discuss whether aliens had replaced their professor's brain with one that was more fun!

At 8pm the group gathered in front of the campers. They each had a backpack with bathing suits, towels, etc. Heather had divided up the supplied so that everyone had some share to carry. When Gregg entered the campsite, Brian was pretending to drink out of the unopened bottle of tequila Heather had purchased.

Gregg flagged down a pair of taxis and gave them directions to the best of his abilities. Once everyone was loaded up, they zoomed away toward the foreign quarter, where many of the western businessmen and diplomats tended to live. They arrived at their destination faster than they would have expected, all tense from their white-knuckle dash through traffic. It seemed that for the local taxi drivers, traffic signals, speed limits, road stripes, and even pedestrians were simply a nuisance that could be ignored.

"Where are we?" Heather asked, exiting the taxi and looking around at the posh houses.

"You'll see. This came as a last-minutes surprise, but it's better than hanging around the campsite."

Gregg paid the taxi drivers, giving them a nice tip for their speed and for not killing them in any one of a dozen nearly avoided crashes. Gregg pressed the call button on the squawk box next to the closed gate. "Yes?" a heavily distorted female voice said.

"It's Gregg. We're here."

The box made an unintelligible sound and then the heavy gate creaked open on rollers. They started up the drive way and it shut behind them. It was an expensive looking piece of property, even by American standards.

Arriving at the front door, Gregg rang the bell. He had barely taken his finger away when the door opened and a lithe young woman with a brown pony-tail opened it up. She ran out, throwing her arms around Gregg's neck and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "You're here!!"

Everyone looked questioningly at their professor except Heather, who looked a little worried. "Everyone, this is Emily. She took care of me at the hospital and generously volunteered her house for our party." Clearly the guys liked what they saw: an attractive girl who looked about their age wearing jean-shorts cut off just below her well-formed and shapely ass and a low-cut tank-top that showed plenty of skin.

Chad looked at her questioningly, "Aren't you a little young to be a brain surgeon? I mean, how can you afford something like this?"

Emily smiled and replied, "No silly. It's not MY house — it's my father's. He works for an American import and export company that you've probably never heard of. Anyway, besides his salary, they own this house so that their agents can live comfortably while here. Besides, it impresses those guys he does business with. He's in Morocco now, so the house is ours! Come on in. I'll show you around and we can get this party started!" Everyone was impressed with the house, and the boys were glad there was another pretty female to look at.

"This is the living room, that's the kitchen, and out there is the pool. You can set up at the table next to the BBQ." She pointed things out, like the various pieces of art on the walls. Clearly, money was no object for this firm. "After I graduated high school last year, I decided to live here with Dad while I figured out what I wanted to do. I thought it'd be exciting living in a foreign and exotic land, but I quickly got bored. So, I started working at the hospital. I'd volunteered at my hometown hospital during my junior and senior years and the hospital here thought that was good enough to give me a job doing some basic work nursing. They're so short-handed that they'll take anybody with any medical experience!!"

With that, she ushered everyone to the patio. The weather was nice, so they didn't expect to be spending too much time inside. Out back, they were greeted with a view of what money could buy. In the middle of the patio was an in-ground pool that went from three-feet deep to five-feet deep. Clearly it was meant for lounging, and not swimming laps. On the far side were patio and deck chairs and tables. Closer to the patio door was the BBQ. Everyone set out their food and bottles while Emily went back inside to grab cooking utensils, place settings, glasses, and ice.

Gregg wasted no time at putting his students at ease. He opened the bottle of tequila and sniffed it wrinkling his nose. "You people actually drink this stuff?" Everyone laughed, still not used to seeing their professor acting like an actual human being. The guys were even more excited that they were about to be served alcohol.

Emily returned to the patio, her arms loaded with supplies. Seeing the bottle of Tequila, she ran back inside and returned with a shot glass for everyone - emblazoned with her father's company's logo. Gregg filled everyone's glass and picked up a knife. Pulling a lime out from one of the bags, he sliced it into wedges, and gave one to everyone. He licked the side of his hand and sprinkled some salt on it. Passing it around, he was glad to see everyone copy him. With a bright "Cheers!" everyone licked the salt on their hand, sucked down the shot, and shoved the lime into their mouths. Everyone grimaced at the taste except Heather who did her shot with a smile. Gregg barely managed to swallowed his shot and broke down coughing, almost on the verge of tossing the liquor back up. Without thinking, he put his hand on Heather's shoulder to keep from falling over while he was doubled over in a coughing fit. When he finally caught his breath, he was beet-red and his eyes were watering. "Oh God, that was terrible!" Everyone laughed. Gregg laughed too, once he caught his breath. Realizing he had his hand on his student's shoulder, he quickly pulled it off, embarrassed.

"You've never done this before? You looked like a pro for a minute ... until you actually did the shot, that is" Heather asked, cleaning the inside of the glass with her finger and licking it off, giving him a sly, sexy grin.

"I ... I ... cough ... I only read about it this afternoon. It seemed so simple on the website." This caused everybody to double-over in laughter. Apparently their professor hadn't grown super-cool overnight. Now that the ice was broken, the party was able to start in earnest. More shots were downed, but Gregg begged off. The boys cheered every time one of the girls did a shot, but while Emily looked to be getting a little tipsy, Heather was able to do shot after shot seemingly without being fazed.

Gregg started the BBQ and cooked the shishkabobs. He felt like he was in a Norman Rockwell painting. His "family" so to speak around the pool, he, the father at the grill. While he cooked, everyone else milled around talking, laughing, and drinking.

Heather felt more and more at ease being in Emily's house. Ever since that quick peck on the cheek when they arrived, Dr. Walters and Emily barely even spoke to each other. Emily was content to talk and flirt with the boys while Gregg conversed with his older student while they stood at the grill, fixing the food and putting the snacks into bowls. 'Maybe I was wrong about the two of them, ' she thought to herself. 'That or maybe my tolerance for Tequila isn't what it used to be!'

Everyone was having a good time. Even the sneer David had when arriving seemed to have vanished after he got a couple drinks into him. David was explaining in over-exaggerated detail to Emily and the rest how the Professor had shot him with a bolt of lightning and blew up the camera in his hand — gesturing wildly with his bandaged hand. The way he was talking, you'd think he was describing a battle between two superheroes. When the grilling was done, they all sat around the big table at the far end of the pool and enjoyed their feast.

After everyone had eaten their fill, Gregg stood and tapped his wine glass with a knife. He had switched to red wine after his first and only experience with hard liquor. "Can I have your attention everybody?" Everyone became quiet and shifted their seats to face him.

"First, let's say thank you to our generous and lovely host." Everyone clapped and raised their drinks, and there was even a wolf-whistle from Adam.

Heather was intrigued by Dr. Walter's apparent comfort speaking to the group. He wasn't stuttering or turning red. 'Maybe we should have gotten him drunk much sooner?'

When the clapping subsided he continued, "I'll keep this short so you can make use of her pool and swim and dance, and do whatever you crazy kids do these days!" Everyone laughed at his attempt to sound old. "So, a little business first. Part of my job here is to be a teacher and teachers are supposed to give grades. You'll be happy to know that this afternoon I submitted my final reviews and you all got A's. I also submitted detailed letters of all the work you did." The table erupted in wild applause with everyone clinking glasses or beer bottles.

"That brings me to my second point. Like I said earlier, you've all worked hard. I realize that I haven't given you the recognition you deserve, nor have I really given you a break. So..." With a dramatic pause, he pulled five envelopes out from his backpack by his feet and passed them out. "I'm letting you off early. Here's the pay you'd all have received if we had stayed the next two weeks. Plus an extra bonus. You're all free to do what you want — travel, go home, stay and dig up shards of clay ... whatever. I'm declaring the term over and I couldn't be prouder. What you have in those envelopes is what cash I could scrounge up — the rest is being direct-deposited in your bank accounts."

Everyone sat in stunned silence. Each student had $500 in cash and a receipt for $1,500 in direct deposit. It was easily a $1,000 more than they expected to have. There was also an additional $1,000 voucher to use at the airlines to fly them anywhere they wanted. Again everyone stood and cheered. Chad even came around and gave him a big hug, lifting him slightly off his feet. Even Heather hugged him in the excitement and kissed him on the lips. The guys whistled and Heather broke the kiss, turning very red. Brian, Chad and Adam were making kissy-faces. David sat expressionless, and Emily had a wry smile on her face, as if she knew something they didn't.

Gregg cleared his throat, settling everyone back down again. "Normally, that would be a breach of the teacher-student relationship, but as of now, none of you are my students! So, you're forgiven." He gave Heather a small wink. "Come on, let's have some fun!" Emily got up from the table and turned on the music. Everyone around the table raised a toast to each other again. Gregg sat down again and watched as the four guys all gathered around Emily and danced to the music that was playing.

"Thanks for covering. I guess I got caught up in the excitement," Heather said shyly after he took his seat.

"It was nothing. I meant every word."

Heather sat back in the corner of her chair and eyed him intently for a few long seconds. "Every word Professor?" she asked, with a deeply pondering gaze.

"Every word ... and it's not 'professor' anymore. Call me Gregg." Gregg responded, patting her on the hand that lay on the chair's armrest. On the second pat, she captured his hand in hers and gave it a squeeze, running her thumb over his fingers, keeping that same level stare into his eyes.

"Okay, I'll hold you to that — every word," she said somewhat mysteriously before standing up to refill her glass. Gregg could see she was considering something, but by the time he had thought to try his new mind-reading trick, her brain was back to other more mundane things — like her empty glass. She walked to the table with the drinks and her ass seemed to take on an even more seductive sway ... if that were possible.

And so for the next half hour or so, the party continued. Emily was like a perpetual motion machine, dancing with one boy, then the next, or all of them at once. Adam and Brian were a little too much hands-on, but she deftly deflected their advances. Despite their state of intoxication, they were sober enough not to upset their host in front of their teacher.

Chad unsuccessfully tried getting first the professor then Heather to join them. Gregg begged off saying he didn't dance and Heather simply and levelly responded, "Chad darling, if I got up there to dance with you, you'd melt into a puddle of your own desire." She punctuated this by seductively licking her lips. Chad had no quick comeback, but turned very red at the beginnings of a swelling in his Bermudas. He made a tactical retreat back to the other guys. When he was half-way back, she called to her vanquished foe, "Chad! Later. I promise you one dance later tonight." Chad beamed happily, and perhaps a bit nervously.

Gregg had a similar reaction to Heather's display and tried to nonchalantly cross his legs at his growing desire. Heather giggled at his uncomfortable situation, and thought to herself, 'Oh honey, it'd be a waste to let that disappear!' She was surprised that Gregg turned another deeper shade of pink.

At that point, Gregg looked up hoping to find an escape and was surprised that everyone was gone. He looked toward the door to see Emily coming back out. "I showed them to the basement where they are changing into their swimsuits. Heather, if you want I'll show you to my room? Gregg, are you going to change?"

"No ... I don't own a swimsuit," he said sheepishly.

Heather stood up and gave Gregg a kiss on the cheek, causing him to blush even more, if that were possible.

"What was that for?"

"For what you said."

"What did I say?"

"Oh, now it's a poor professor who doesn't even remember his own lectures," she said with a wink before following Emily inside and up the stairs. Gregg was left speechless. 'If I had known that women were such fascinating creatures, maybe I would have paid more attention all these years... '

Gregg looked down at the empty glass he'd been nursing all night. Shrugging, he decided that maybe it wouldn't hurt to have another. As he got up to refill his glass, he heard Emily telling Heather loud enough for him to hear, "I guess he'll just have to swim naked!" Their giggling faded as they went up the stairs.

Emily led Heather into her father's bedroom after a quick stop in the living room to gather Heather's backpack. She liked to sleep there when he was traveling because of the king-size bed and the TV. While Heather was pulling her bathing suit out of her bag, she noticed that Emily hadn't left yet. She was still there, watching her, sitting on the edge of the bed, chewing her bottom lip. The giggling girl that led her upstairs seemed to have been replaced by a more worried, pensive one. She looked past Emily and saw that the bedroom door was closed.

Heather was no stranger to being naked around other women, so didn't really think anything of it. 'Maybe she wants some girl-talk, or something. I don't imagine she has many friends her own age here. If she's uncomfortable, she'll leave.' Standing between the foot of the bed and the triple dresser, so she was facing herself in the large mirror, she began removing her clothing, one eye on herself, the other on Emily. Emily was watching the mirror, but her gaze was directed lower than eye-level. She appeared to be caught between watching the woman undress and wanting to say something.

Heather unbuttoned her blouse and threw it on the bed, then kicked off her sandals, unbuckled her belt and dropped her khaki shorts. Emily stared, her expression difficult to read — part lust, part awe, part jealousy. Heather was no stranger to those looks — often given by other women when she was at the gym. She pulled down her panties and kicked them to the side, now wearing only a bra. Emily's eyes didn't know whether to focus on the perfect pair of asscheeks facing her or the reflection of the near hairless pussymound in the mirror. The motion of Heather craning her arms behind her to unclasp her bra shifted Emily's attention up to witness the freeing of her large, perfectly formed mounds.

When the bra fell free of her arms, Emily gasped, "I slept with Gregg!" She seemed as surprised by the fact that she did it as by her saying it. Her hands clasped over her mouth as if to pull the words back and her eyes immediately welled up in tears. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry! I didn't know he was yours. There was just this ... I don't know ... I ... wasn't in control ... it just ... happened!"

Heather looked at the frightened young girl on the bed. Emily was holding her stomach as if her admission had caused her physical pain. "Why are you telling me this?"

"Because he's yours ... I mean because you two ... I ... I can't explain it."

Heather was at a loss for words. She had considered the possibility that Emily and Gregg had had sex when she found the girl's panties under his pillow, but she had talked herself out of it this evening. Now she was faced with the reality that it actually had happened. She was mad, but didn't fully understand why. She and Gregg weren't dating or anything like that. As of an hour ago, he was still her professor.

Heather sat down next to the crying girl, and put her arm around her. Emily broke down in tears as she hugged the older woman tightly. "It's okay. Shhh, shhh. It's alright." It wasn't really, but she also knew it wasn't the girl's fault. It wasn't anybody's fault. Heather had no claim on him.

"I ... I really am sorry ... sniff" she whimpered, the worst of her crying over.

Still gently rocking the girl, Heather asked, "Why. Why are you sorry? You and I never even spoke until after today ... Besides, I had a feeling you two did something last night."

Emily still held her close, but she seemed suddenly tense. "How did you know?"

"I ... I found your panties under his pillow."

Emily buried her face deeper into the woman's shoulder and giggled. "So that's what he meant when he said he almost got caught..."

"I hadn't even realized that I liked him until ... until..." She paused. Until that moment, she hadn't said the words out loud. She liked him. Part of her wanted to say love, but that was too strong a word for someone she felt like she had really only met this morning ... even though they'd worked together for three months now.

Emily looked up, realizing that Heather's comforting words and rocking had stopped. Heather sat there in a daze, forgetting for the moment that her arms were entwined around the young girl. Emily looked at her eyes — her very green eyes, and pulled back, looking down over her body — her perfect body. Turning slightly to the left to better face her, Emily placed her left hand in the small of Heather's back. Her right wiped a tear from her cheek and then returned to palm the breast that was pressing into her tank-top. It felt firm and heavy and the nipple stood out straight and erect.

Heather seemed distantly aware of the girl and slightly turned her head. Impulsively, Emily leaned up and kissed her, right on the lips. Heather became fully aware in the middle of the awkward kiss and pulled her head back slowly. She had a look of shock on her face as she realized what had just happened.

Emily opened her eyes and saw the look on Heather's face. Thinking the woman was disgusted by what had just happened, she immediately stood up and started apologizing. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I don't know what's wrong with me!" she sobbed, turning her back on Heather, facing the mirror, her eyes darting back and forth between her own reflection and the naked woman sitting on the bed.

"No, honey, no. Don't be sorry. It was nice ... you just ... took me by surprise."

"I'm not a lesbian. I ... I've never kissed another girl like that!"

Heather felt immediate empathy for the girl. She remembered the first time she had kissed another woman. She had been working at the strip club for a few months by then and had grown confident in both her beauty and her comfort around the other women. She had grown close enough to a few of her fellow strippers that they would often slap each other's asses on stage or fondle each other's breasts to excite the men and get more money thrown at them.

It was just after a lap dance gone bad that she found herself being comforted by one of those women. The man had gotten overly grabby and she needed security's help getting him off her all while he yelled obscenities like "whore" and "bitch." She ran back to the dressing room where she broke down in tears on the shoulder of her friend Cathy. Cathy had been in the business for a number of years and was used to this sort of thing. As they stood naked breast to naked breast, Cathy whispered soothing words to her while she gently rubbed the head of the girl crying on her shoulder. When Heather was all cried out, she felt Cathy grab her face gently in both hands, brushing away her tears with her thumbs. She then lifted Heather's head so they were looking eye-to-eye. Their eyes closed and they kissed. At first demurely, but with increasing passion.

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A Fistful of Sand Book 1Chapter 27 The Rules of the Game part 3

The red Ford Mustang pulled into the back lot of the Omega Xi house. The sun was setting behind the edifice, casting an ominous red glow to the already impressive structure. Brittany opened the door and slowly exited, barely able to stand on weak, exhausted knees. 24 hours. By her best guess, that's how long she stayed at that warehouse. That's how long she serviced men, women, couples ... all in the name of charity. It was beyond comprehension that she lasted that long. Every muscle in...

2 years ago
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Girls Night Out ndash messages in the sand

Another season came to an end for Annie’s hockey team. As usual, they had played harder off the field than on it. In fact, I always said they played their best games in the pub after the matches!But that was fine with me. Annie really enjoyed getting back into a team sport after many years as a house mum. She now had a whole new bunch of friends, some of whom were seasoned players. And when I say ‘players’, I mean that in the broadest sense. Especially Sue, a married woman in her early 40s who...

4 years ago
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Vanilla Sand

This story only available on Lush Stories. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen. The episode of Being A Romantic Stud had gone rather skewiff. Following his wife’s attempt at spicing up their lovemaking (when would he ever manage to call it a sex life?), he had made an attempt of his own. He had actually listened to her throwaway comment whilst watching a period drama, about thinking there was nothing sexier than the sight of a man rising from the water with his clothes clinging...

Oral Sex
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Love Letters in the Sand

A pinkish-orange glow decorated the distant horizon where ocean met early morning sky. That carpet of color would soon become the rising sun, and his northerly journey would have to commence not long afterwards. The cool dawn’s gentle breeze slapped the loose legs of his sweat pants and chilled his bare chest as he stood trance-like on the wet sand where they had walked hand-in-hand in the early winter moonlight a mere twelve hours earlier. The night’s tide had long since erased the two pairs...

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Wish Shift The Sand Between Her Toes

Wish Shift: Chapter Twenty One The Sand Between Her Toes Year 1 A.S. Day 115 "Hang on I want to ask Derek if he can get away," she said. Jenny quickly dialed Derek and talked to him for a few minutes and then hung up. "Derek can't come," she said obviously disappointed. "He can't get away from the shop today. If you had given us more notice he probably could have," she said turning back to packing her beach bag. Kira glanced at Dianne. She'd noticed the us in that sentence...

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Sails Sand and Sex

My name is Pam, I am seventeen. On my school holidays I wanted to learn how to sail, so joined a sailing club. Being a female with no experience in sailing did not endear me to most of the guys who were keen sailors. It was considered a sport for guys only. A very few girls did sail but were normally girlfriends of the skippers. I was breaking new ground as girls were only considered good for one thing and I was probably more experienced in that than any of the guys were in sailing. As I had...

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A Fistful of Sand Book 1Chapter 6 A Time to Learn

The room was dark. Maybe it wasn't even a room, but it was definitely dark, or maybe it was just big. The walls were black, or maybe the walls were so far away that they appeared black ... or maybe there were no walls. The room, space, whatever, seemed infinite, yet claustrophobic. There was no wind, but a fog was shrouding the floor. There were no lamps, but there was light enough to see. "Hello?" Heather called out. There was no response, not even an echo. "HELLO!!" Silence. "Anyone...

1 year ago
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A Fistful of Sand Book 1Chapter 18 The Price of Friendship

Deuce sat at his favorite table at the campus coffee shop he frequented ... well, frequented over the past few months anyway. He wore the same black trench coat as always, and was scribbling away on his yellow legal pad as always. Sitting back, he brushed his scraggly, oily black hair out of his face, which always seemed to fall into his line of site. 'Always... ' he thought to himself. 'It's always the same.' Taking a break from writing, he contemplated his appearance, scratching at...

2 years ago
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Sand Prints

We Oregonians know how waves sculpt the sand, but here in Stevensport, we sometimes sculpt it ourselves. If you beachcomb with your eyes open, you’ll find agates. I sell them to Tom Hartman, an ex-hippie who makes jewelry for the tourists. I see the necklace at Sea Scapes for $20; the girl who found the rock got fifty cents. Go figure. Maybe I should be an ex-hippie, but I think I’d rather go to college to be an English teacher. They at least get paid for reading about other places. You can...

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A Fistful of Sand Book 1Chapter 1 A Spark and a Flame

Heather slowly stood up from inside the pit. Her knees ached from being in a crouching position for so long. She stood up and bent over, stretching her hamstrings. Holding her nose to her knees, she exhaled deeply trying to get the most from her stretch. As if on cue, she heard a wolf-whistle coming from directly behind her. "Wow, I'd love to tap that!" Heather stood up straight and turned to face her audience. Chad was one of the other students participating in this semester-long...

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A Fistful of Sand Book 1Chapter 11 To Be a Queen To Be a Slave

Charli wiped another tear off her cheek as the computer in front of her beeped, signaling it was time to swap disks again. Dr. Harrison's computer was taking especially long to upgrade — which was ironic since this upgrade was the first time it had even been turned on since the last upgrade more than a year ago. 'Fucking God damn sorority bitches!' Charli muttered under her breath, looking nervously at the door as if to see if anyone overheard. Even in the almost sound proof confines of...

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Beach of Black Sand

[Note: this story involves the same characters as the series ‘Coyoacan Mi Amor.’ I wanted to make it part of that cycle but it can be read on its own. Enjoy!] —— ‘You’re in for a real treat,’ said Bernardo as he steered the Jeep Cherokee over the rutted road. Scrub brush lined the lanes, every few miles they stopped as a cow ambled across. ‘My kidneys are bruised from all the bumping. It’d better be great whenever we get where you’re taking us, Bernardo,’ said Dan Lissner, senior writer for...

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Sun Sand And Sex on a Greek Beach Chapter 2

We sat at a table on the edge of the terrace overlooking the sea. We seemed to be the only people there. The owner had gone to town and left a local girl to take care of us that evening. She was probably sixteen, slim with dark hair and wonderful olive skin. She was obviously trying to break out of the traditional mold, because she wore a tight thin purple leotard, cut low at the back, and a brief miniskirt which barely covered her crotch. As she came over I could see her young breasts and...

4 years ago
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White sand blue water palm trees and lots of sex

They are by any measure, not your average couple.   Brooklyn and Morgan both hold six figure jobs running a chain of fitness clubs.   Morgan is 30 and close to 6 ft tall with slightly longer, curly brown hair and a well tanned body.   Tanning on their very private deck means he has no tan lines.   He has broad shoulders that narrow to a much smaller waist.   His arms, back, chest and abs are well defined with plenty of lines outlining every set of muscles.   Not overly huge muscles,...

Straight Sex
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A Fistful of Sand Book 1Chapter 23 A Dish Best Served Hot part 1

"Well Dr. Walters, your MRI checks out fine, and your stitches are holding nicely. Heck, if I wasn't the one who'd sewn you up, I would have guessed you'd had them in a week ago." The doctor looked down in his file. "According to your records, you were hospitalized in Tunisia back in April ... lightning strike ... coma. But you were discharged just a few days later. I thought that was a clerical error, but you really do seem to possess some remarkable recuperative abilities ... makes me...

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A Fistful of Sand Book 1Chapter 9 Welcome Home

The plane was mostly empty. It was a late night flight and Gregg hadn't really slept in more than thirty-six hours. In fact for more than twelve of those, he had been, well, exercising vigorously. The darkened cabin, the soothing hum of the plane's engine ... Gregg's eyelids might as well have had weights attached to them... Nate Hampshaw looked out the window from his brownstone apartment on Clark Street. He would have liked to open the windows, but in this summer heat, everybody...

2 years ago
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Sand Sex Suntan Lotion with london escort

I booking escort with uk29.com escort agency .Growing up in Perth, Western Australia, sure was a great life style and certainly was an eye opening experience for me. When we first moved back from Canada my parents bought a house in City Beach and for me was my education in Gay Sex.For some reason and I don’t know why but nearly all nudist beaches are located near military facilities in Australia or in a very secluded spot. As with all beaches there is a gay section and non gay section.After I...

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Grinding In The Sand

I lay there on the beach soaking up the sun. The day just couldn’t get any better. I was thousands of miles from work, rush hour traffic, anyone I knew and I didn’t have a damned thing planned. As I watched the waves roll in and back out again I began to think about the nightlife here. I can’t very well sit on the beach the entire time. I mean I loved it, but I needed to get my blood pumping. Some excitement! I swung by the front desk of the resort I was staying at and asked what they did to...

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Knot your Average Girl Origins

Or the boyfriend who bought a dog, apparently. He leads me to our spare room, and there is scuffling behind this door as well. He opens it after warning me that “He’s kind of big!” I take a step back from the door as a huge German Shepard puppy slams into me, his paws on my chest. He’s full-grown, but still quite young. Jasper explains that he’s a puppy, but he’s fully grown and could use someone who wouldn’t get upset trying to train him. German Shepards are incredibly smart he says. They...

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A Fistful of Sand Book 1Chapter 13 The Hunger

"Thank you Regent McKensie. I really owe you one." "Don't thank me yet Gregg. I'm only buying you a little time. What you're proposing is either madness or genius, but you'll hail or hang on your own merits." Gregg gulped. The enormity of the task at hand was sinking in now that the ESU regent who co-sponsored the archeological dig in Tunisia had given him the green light. The deadline was fast approaching for him to find a way to save the dig before it got bulldozed to become a...

1 year ago
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My First Knot pt4

I turned my head just in time to be rewarded with a spurt of hot, sticky cum hitting my nose and open mouth. "That's right bitch! Eat my cum!" John urged through gritted teeth, as spurt after spurt of his cum hit me in the face. I have only tasted cum once before, and that was my own. I was alone and very horny and figured I'd try it. Didn't really care for it. John's cum was thicker than mine, and tasted much saltier. I liked his cum even less than my own. But, remembering the pics and...

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Acapulco Sand

It’s a warm summer’s morning. The sun is glowing radiantly, slowly heating the white Acapulco sand in this deserted, crescent shaped bay. It also illuminates the calm ocean, giving it a beautiful sparkle. The turquoise water of the Pacific is casually lapping at my feet. I’m still covered in beads of water from my swim, it has had a the most wonderful rejuvenating effect. I lie back and let my eyes wonder around the clear blue Mexican sky. Soon the heat of the day will come. With it crowds of...

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Generations of Sand

THE STORY The story centres on Nathan Sand, a high school boy and his growing sexual adventures with some of the females in his family. I strive to write between 400 and 800 words on each fork, not to make it too short and lose depth in the story and not to make it too long and boring. CHARACTER INTRODUCTION! Nathan Sand (our main hero) Age: 18 Height: 5,6ft Weight: 131lbs Hair: Short dark brown Occupation: Student Relation: Son Veronica Sand Age: 34 Height: 5,7ft Weight: 119lbs Hair: Long...

3 years ago
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The Lost Virginity on the Sand

I will never forget Brighton beach. The nudist beach that is. It was that very beach in the summer of 2009 where my life changed radically. I was never able to live my life in the same way. I had just finished my A-Levels and to get over the stress it was my mums idea to spend a week away on the coast. Simply to get away from the hustle and bustle of books, school. Well London really. For a weekend we packed the car and headed down to Brighton.The issue with Brighton was really that we were...

4 years ago
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Sun Sand and Seacombe

Sun, Sand and Seacombe By Charlotte Dickles 'From thirty feet away she looked like a lot of class. From ten feet away she looked like something made up to be seen from thirty feet away'. Abigail knew what she looked like in the mirror, and as she put her paperback down with a slap, she thought again about whether she should have cosmetic surgery on her face. OK, it was fine for Mr Raymond-bloody-Chandler to put wise-cracking words into the mind of that...

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Sun Sand And Sex on a Greek Beach Chapter 1

I stopped the rental car at the top of the hill overlooking the wide curve of the sandy beach on the west coast of Crete. Despite the fact that it was late September, the sand still shimmered in the late morning heat, and the lines of waves breaking in the blue water looked inviting. A few things had changed - there was now a new hotel block at the far end of the beach next to the taverna. But at this time of year, there would only be a few other people around, and I was looking forward to...

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A Fistful of Sand Book 1Chapter 12 Keeping Up with the Jonses

"How long do you think they've been going at it?" Gregg asked, staring at the ceiling. Heather lifted her head off Gregg's arm to peer over him and look at her bedside clock. "I don't know. It's 10am now ... I've been awake for about a half-hour ... and they're the ones that woke me up..." The rhythmic pounding on the wall sped up. "They're animals! They're as bad as ... as..." "Us?" Heather asked with grin. Gregg slowly traced his fingers over her arm in lazy circles....

2 years ago
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A Fistful of Sand Book 1Chapter 16 Rebirths

"G'mornin' Gregg." Gregg looked up from his desk where he was doing his best to re-immerse himself in finalizing his lesson plans. Classes resumed in less than two weeks and he'd been so preoccupied with saving the dig and satisfying other ... urges ... that the summer just flew by leaving him to finish his other 'homework' at the last minute just as he was sure many of his students would write their papers. "Morning Chad. Man, you look about as tired as I do. Didn't you get any...

3 years ago
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My First Knot pt 3

So there I was, exhausted and sore, lying in a puddle of mixed cum on my front porch. That's when I noticed that the sky was getting a little lighter off to the east. I thought that I had better drag myself inside before it got daylight. Didn't want anybody to see me like this. So I started trying to get up. My whole body was shaking from all of the intense stimulation I had just been through. As I made it to my hands and knees, I got the second surprise of the night. I immediately felt...

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All women can feel a knot

All women can feel a knotAll women can feel a knot thru their tummy with their hands, and a lot of women, especially petite ones (like me) can visually see their knot A dog cums directly into a girls womb thanks to their pointed cock which creates a warm, full feeling inside girls which often contributes to the intense orgasms, while men's cock which is curved away from the cervix makes it impossible for a man to ejaculate in a girls womb directly.Dogs ejaculate far more volume than necessary...

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A Fistful of Sand Book 1Chapter 25 The Rules of the Game part 1

The cool night air of the palace bedroom was warmed by braziers in each of the corners. Their soft orange glow provided just enough light for Heather take in her surroundings. The massive four-poster bed covered in silken sheets felt wonderful against her skin ... almost as good as the man languorously lapping away between her thighs. The servants had long since been dismissed from the royal quarters, as they always were whenever the High Priest visited for their "lessons." Of late, the...

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Widower Charlie Kantrel, mid 30's, light brown hair, blue eyes, about five foot eight with a decent build, watered the herbs he grew on his back porch early every morning before going to work. On this particular Monday morning, after he closed the nozzle on his garden hose, quieting it's hissing sound, he could hear a moaning coming from the other side of his fence. It wasn't just any sort of moaning either! From being previously married for eight years, he knew the sort of sounds a women...

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First time with dog ends up being knotty

At the age of 18 I was as horny as the next. I had been into internet porn for years. Beside cum-shots, big tits, dp’s the usual stuff; there were a couple of things that interested me. Here and there on websites I’d see a picture or a story relating to dog-sex. I don’t know what it was but it turned me on. Nothing got me to cum faster than a big red dog cock violating someone. I finally decided to try it. I had a large golden retriever that had a good sex drive, you know...

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A Dog Ties His Knott

A Dog ties his Knot Shelby raced down the field, her tan skin and toned muscles were flawless and all the men on the sidelines couldnt help but stare at her. Her long blonde hair was tangled, but that only made her more appealing and her perky breasts were a full firm B cup that you could see in all their glory as her thin jersey clung to her moist skin. With 10 seconds left in the game she ascended the last few feet and landed the ball into the net for the game winning goal. As her teammates...

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Sonic the Hedgehog My Life in Knothole

Your name is John; you used to live a normal life among your fellow humans, or as your new neighbors call them, the "Overlanders," until the evil Dr. Robotnik tricked your society, luring all your friends and family aboard your home-ship, the "Great Trekker." After witnessing the robotitization of your entire population, you desperately ran off to try and find a way out. Luckily, following a blue, robotic, hedgehog-looking robot who called himself Charles, you managed to escape, and find refuge...

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Husband and wife get the knott

This is not my story I am just reposting it.If this is your story and would like me to take it down just let me know and I will do so.Bernardzoophilia b********y masturbation oral couple Let me make it absolutely clear before I start with this true tale, I am not in anyway gay. I have never wanted to be fucked by another man or even thought about getting intimate with a member of the same sex. Sure, I love watching two women going at it, in fact, I derive great pleasure from seeing a couple of...

4 years ago
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Mountains of Rubber Chapter 8 Knotty

Synopsis: Dan/Daniella is enjoying a wonderful weekend of servitude, up in the mountains with Mz. Dominica. Saturday night, out for dinner and dancing, one of Mistress' friends took a liking to the little she-male slave, and tried to steal him away for the evening. Dominica turned the tables on her, and demanded the laces from her leather outfit as tribute. Mountains of Rubber, Chapter 8, Knotty By jessicablank The feel of the cords brushing against her face brought Daniella...

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NNKT e08 Krazy Nympho Karen ties the Knott

We’re in the living room of a well appointed and quite attractive home. The woman sitting in front of us is middle aged, slim and tanned – a little too tanned to be honest, with her skin just beginning to leather up. Blonde hair from a bottle, a twinkle in her eyes. She’s not a bad looking woman, in her prime she was most likely hot stuff. She speaks with a midland’s accent that hints at a life-time of cigarettes and alcohol.“My name is Karen Sellars, I’m a 49 year old, and I’m from...

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Eradicating Knotweed

Sometimes things once perceived as a thing of beauty are allowed into our lives; sometimes, like Fallopia Japonica: 'Japanese Knotweed' they can quickly overrun a situation-and take control. He had managed to escape the humdrum, rat-race office life of Banking and Stocks; after 30 years in which the stress had nearly killed him, he had taken advantage of redundancy to pursue his hobby of gardening and make a meagre living from it. He remembered how grown men had held their heads in their...

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K is for Knothole

Craig had been working out in the yard, just having finished mowing the grass as he now began paying attention to a few stubborn weeds coming up in his flower garden. He knelt, his trowel already loosening the dirt beneath such one as he glanced up. Directly across from him stood a six-foot wooden fence separating his yard from the neighbors. As he glanced, he caught sudden movement through a fairly large knothole in the wood. Like a naughty little boy, he leaned in closer towards it. Across...

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Mountains of RubberChapter 8 Knotty

The feel of the cords brushing against her face brought Daniella upward from trance, just a little bit. With her right hand still holding the laces in front of Daniella's face, Mistress reached over to the table with her left hand. The slave could only tell, from her kneeling position, that MzDominica was picking up something -- but she couldn't tell what. The looped cords continued to fascinate her, as memories from last night surfaced. Images of Annie dancing, sinuously. Remembering her...

1 year ago
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Mountains of Rubber Chapter 8 Knotty

Synopsis: Dan/Daniella is enjoying a wonderful weekend of servitude, up in the mountains with MzDominica. Saturday night, out for dinner and dancing, one of male slave, and tried to steal him away for the evening. Dominica turned the tables on her, and demanded the laces from her leather outfit as tribute. Chapter 8, Knotty: * * * * * * The feel of the cords brushing against her face brought Daniella upward from trance, just a little bit. With her right hand still holding the laces in front of...

1 year ago
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Leather or Knot

?Leather or Knot? by SwitchMan ([email protected]) F/m, M/f, bdsm, bondage, machine, slave, toys, kidnapping, cons, reluctant, nc, torture, XXChapter 1 – First ImpressionsChapter 2 – The Job InterviewChapter 3 – Dan’s First Modeling SessionChapter 4 – Things Get PersonalChapter 5 – Amanda’s in a BindChapter 6 – Dan’s Private Modeling SessionChapter 7 – A Lapse in JudgmentChapter 8 – Honesty is the Best PolicyChapter 9 – Dan’s New PositionChapter 1 – First ImpressionsIt was late June in...

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The Golden Knot

The golden hills stretched further onward under the blue, cloud-dappled sky, the shining sun bringing a hallucinogenically sharp contrast to the trees and bushes against the meadows. As Candice ascended the hills, her sandaled feet crushing the daisies and buttercups that pebbled the grass, she could make out ahead of her, at last, the silhouette, clouded and still hazy, of the mountain kingdom she sought. The Staff of Readiness was gripped firmly in her right hand, giving to its owner that...

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Sun Sand Sea Sex and Daddy

My friends husband once said to me, "It's easier for a woman to have casual sex, than a man".I thought about it for a moment and retorted, "If that was the case, who are these women having sex with"?Now it was his turn to look puzzled. Truth is for every horny man looking, there are just as many horny women wanting the same.As teenagers and young women in their early twenties, we got revved up for a weekend of debauchery, as much as the guys drank alcohol for Dutch courage, we girls were...

2 years ago
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Cat Sand

hi. My name's sherry marcus. My room mate alex and I have a problem. Well... It's MY problem really! But it never fails! Alex has lots of cats. I'm allergic to cats (sigh) she keeps the catsand in our bathroom! And I wretch at the smelly oder which she NEVER cleans, so guess who's winds up doing it? I think she keeps it in there to bug me. Really! She barged in yesterday and found me going #2! Suddenly her cat sprinkle came in and went in the sand box next to me. She smirked. "You two...

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Lightning in a BottleChapter 65 A Jewel in the Sand

December 22, 1985 Puerto Rico "Warm weather during the holidays is becoming an annual tradition," I said to Inez, a content smile on my face. The midday tropical sun was beating down on us as we made our way through the San Juan airport parking lot, toting our luggage. "That's one more amazing change in my life since I met you." She favored me with a sweet smile, before replying, "This kind of weather around Christmas is pretty much all I've ever known." "That goes for me, too,...

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DistributionChapter 5 Sand between her toes

Labor Day, 2007 Charlie showed up just as I was untying the ribbon that held the packet of letters together, offering to help with the windows. I took him upstairs to Mackey's room, and after an hour of trying every trick he knew, Charlie had to agree that it was the most stubborn window he'd ever run across. "You may as well face it, Brian. All the windows are going to have to be replaced. I've been telling Mackey that for years, but he refused to believe me." "I agree, but I may...

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The Dragons Of ArborChapter 15 The Sand Isles

The Sand Isles are a long way from Beletara, but then again, they are a long way from everyplace. They are far, far to the west of even the most westward reaching part of Arbor, the southern shores of Westhal. Far to the west, and far south as well. The shores of Beletara were warm, compared to Midhal where I grew up, but even Beletara was not close to the equator. The Sand Isles were, running both north, south and through the equator itself. You don't book passage to the Sand Isles just...

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My first knot pt 22

Fast forward several years. Blue never knotted me. I never allowed it. And I never had the opportunity to play with another dog for a long time. But I did continue with my ass play. My ex wife was into it too, so we explored anal fun for many years. Of course, i bought progressively larger dildos and strapons over the years. I even took her fist a couple of times. But, that's a different story, and all of that ended about 8 years ago. Last Wednesday, I had got home from work around 3 a.m....

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