Acapulco Pt 2
- 3 years ago
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It’s a warm summer’s morning. The sun is glowing radiantly, slowly heating the white Acapulco sand in this deserted, crescent shaped bay. It also illuminates the calm ocean, giving it a beautiful sparkle. The turquoise water of the Pacific is casually lapping at my feet. I’m still covered in beads of water from my swim, it has had a the most wonderful rejuvenating effect. I lie back and let my eyes wonder around the clear blue Mexican sky.
Soon the heat of the day will come. With it crowds of people will flock to this shore. They come to frolic in the surf and work on their tans. They cover the beach like a blanket. It will lose that serene beauty that draws me to it. I almost always come early, and I only ever come alone. I bring my troubles with me, when I leave, they are gone, and I am then ready to start the day as a new person.
I am about to leave when my eye catches you strolling down the beach. This isn’t the first time I have seen you. In fact I regularly see you along this short stretch of coast. I have spent many mornings with a vision of you dancing through my mind, unable to think of anything else, I never think of it as a bad thing though.
Your rich golden tan compliments your curvaceous body. Every inch looks as though it was drawn by God’s hand. You are wearing a simple but sexy white string bikini, with a towel wrapped around your waist. You too are still wet, the water has made your hair jet black, it’s partially tied behind your head with the rest of it hanging on either side of your face.
Every time you have passed me I have desperately wanted to stop you but I always shy away. I pray for something to happen that will make me strong enough, but my calls go unanswered. Today is different. I am ripe with passion and energy, with guts and determination, a blazing fire is burning deep in my heart. I tell myself, if you want something you have to step forward and take it. I leap to my feet and push my glasses into my messy, salty hair. I do this knowing I’m going to need my green eyes to seduce you. I move into your path. You stop a metre or so in front of me.
‘What to say?’ I ask myself over and over. Pick up lines are cheap, reserved for last ditch attempts in sleazy bars. I am tongue tied. ‘Go with something simple,’ that inner voice keeps telling me.
Our eyes are locked. For a moment I fear that you are going to ask me to get out of your way. You don’t.
Spanish for hello. I immediately realize that I have greeted you in English, a reflex, as I have been recently dealing with a client in New York. I quickly switch to our native tongue. A far sexier language. We chat for a while, covering the simple stuff, as we gaze deeply into each other’s eyes.
We agree that we have noticed each other before, a mixture of pride and confidence, or more accurately, a lack there of, has kept either of us from making the first move. We drop down into the sand, our shoulders are come together. They feel warm and soft up against mine, which immediately sends a shiver up my spine.
‘Are you cold?’ you ask.
We look out at the ocean. Foot high waves are rolling in, building in height until they reach the elevated sand bar before slowly crumbling until they are nothing but white wash.
Out of the corner of my eye I notice you turn your head. I can feel your eyes on my face. I don’t turn to meet your look, acting as though I haven’t noticed your attention. I can only resist so long. I turn. Our eyes cross find each other for a moment, a very brief moment, before you turn focus back to the sea. I laugh at the game we are playing, just loud enough for you to hear.
‘What’s funny?’ you ask.
‘Nothing,’ I respond as I ease myself back into the sand. I watch a lonely cloud slowly being pushed across the cerulean sky.
Just as I am deliberating what to say or do next, you lean over and whisper into my ear,
‘Are you waiting for something?’
Our faces are only inches apart. I gently run my right hand up the silky skin of your arm. You close your eyes in delight as my hand crosses your shoulder and runs up your neck, gliding over the string of your bikini that’s tied behind you. Using that same hand I pull you in closer. I move my lips slowly towards yours. They meet. A fury of energy passes between them. My lips tingle for a moment as my heart pounds in my chest.
I leap to my feet. A million thoughts are rushing through my mind. I am lucky not to tumble over as the blood rushes away from my head. I reach down to you, extending an open hand.
‘The days young… I have a thought.’
You look intrigued by the mystery of my proposition. I lead us across the sand to my convertible. The top is down, it almost always is. The wind buffets our hair trying to pull it up to the heavens before throwing it back at our faces, there is a fascinating rhythm about it. It’s only a five minutes blast up the hillside to my villa where I ease the car to a stop on the gravel driveway that is flanked by palms.
We stroll down the limestone path that leads to the ocean side of the house. I direct you from behind, with a series of simple Spanish instructions, ‘izquierdo’ for left and ‘derecha’ for right. They aren’t necessary, it’s impossible to deviate from the path, but I do it anyway, to lighten the tension between us.
I have lost control of my eyes. They’re fixated on you, wandering over every inch of your exotic body. It moves with a graceful purpose. You don’t know where you are going, yet you are so confident and sure of every step you take.
It appears again. The big blue. It is such a captivating site. It looks different from this height, dressed in a much deeper blue. To an undiscerning eye it also appears much calmer.
‘Its gorgeous,’ you say as you turn back to me.
‘Isn’t it,’ I reply as I stop to wash my feet at a hidden tap in the garden that runs along the dence.
‘It’s a different world up here, a place where dreams come to life.’
‘I moved back here about three years ago, from New York, I haven’t missed being in the city for a moment.’
‘You didn’t like it?’
‘It was nice while I was there, but…’ I use my opened arms to point out our surroundings.
Once again we find ourselves locked into each others gaze.
‘I am going to get some Champagne. I will meet you by the pool in two minutes?’
You don’t respond, instead a smile stretches across your face. You turn and leave me in your wake. I am momentarily frozen in my thoughts before I snap back into life and shoot up to the kitchen. There is still several bottles of Moet left from a recent dinner party. I grab one, fill a chiller bucket with ice, kick off my thongs and head back down the spiral stair case.
As I slide open the big glass doors panic sets in. Where are you? Where have you gone? My eyes fail to spot you. I quickly think back over the events since we met. Had I said something stupid or offended you in some way? I couldn’t think of a logical reason for your disappearance. I turned to go back inside, with the thought that I had lost something that seemed like it could have been so special, when out of the corner of my eye I notice your hand hanging off the side of one of my big sun lounges. The way the chair was positioned you had been hidden from view. Letting out a deep sigh of relief I start towards you.
‘I was just about to come looking for you,’ you say as you get up to meet me.
‘Couldn’t find the ice bucket.’
A cheeky smile is taking over your face. Once more I find myself exploring your beauty with my eyes. These images cause a shot of adrenalin to pump through my veins. It makes my mind race. I come at you like a train. I have no intention of stopping. About a metre from you I put the ice bucket down, the champagne makes it top heavy causing it to fall. The ice spills out cushioning the bottle which stops it breaki
ng. I barely even notice. The agenda I have is far more important.
I grab you firmly around the waist, lifting you up in the air. You wrap your legs around my hips and throw your arms around my shoulders. The feelings that are running through me are indescribable. Suddenly we drop, I knew it was coming, but it happened sooner than I had expected. I pull you in tightly. We fall to the bottom of the pool like a pair of stones. The water engulfs us, it’s cool and fresh. Using my legs I spring us back to the surface. The water is just below our shoulders, your legs are still wrapped around me. I spin us around in slow circles as I hum a gentle tune, only just loud enough for you to hear.
We still haven’t shared our second kiss. We both know it will come, tempting each other by moving in and then pulling back. It is a dance, exotic enough to be the tango, it makes my blood boil.
‘How about that drink?’ I ask you softly.
Not waiting for an answer, I walk up the steps and onto the decking next to the pool. The champagne is still lying on the ground, around it the ice is slowly melting under the day’s brilliant sun. I pick it up and shoot the cork off like a mad gunmen, it lands on the balcony above. I take a mouth full, letting it bubble in on my tongue for a moment. I swallow it and then take another sip.
You climb the steps out of the pool, shaking your hair from side to side before collapsing onto one of the sun lounges at the far end. It’s under the shading of the bamboo thatched canopy which provides some shelter from the intensifying heat.
‘Are you going to share that around?’
I walk to where you lay outstretched. You close your eyes as I approach. I move one of my legs to the other side of the chair so that I am standing directly above you. That sexy white bikini is such a tease, barely covering your womanly features. I wait for you to open your eyes before I offer the bottle. Lifting it to your mouth, you wrap your lips around it letting the sparkling liquid spill into your mouth before passing it back to me. I take another mouthful and then lean down to your face. I kiss you. This time there are no games. Our lips meet. I open mine slightly, you do the same. I spill some of the sweet champagne into your mouth. A champagne kiss.
This time the kiss lasts far longer. Our tongues begin to explore each others, the feel of your’s gives me a brilliant rush. It’s still cold from the champagne which is a beautiful contrast against my warm lips. It finally ends as a shiver passes through you forcing you to pull back. Your skin is quickly taken over by goose bumps. I run my hands up the length of your arms in an attempt to warm you up, though I know it will only provoke the sensation you are feeling.
‘Cold?’ I whisper into your ear
‘No,’ you reply, pulling me back into you.
We kiss for what seems like an eternity, but is probably only seconds. With every kiss my lust for you grows stronger. I want to push this further but at the same time I don’t want to scare you off. I decide it has to be done. I compromise with my thoughts by making slow moves. I drag my kisses from your lips, down your soft cheek and over your neck. Another shiver tells me that you love what I am doing. I continue on to your collar bone and then to your shoulder. The smell of your perfume drifts up my nostrils. It’s the first time I have noticed it, probably because it’s the first time we’ve been still.
I untie the bow of your bikini which is hidden amongst your hair. I don’t completely undo it, just enough so it comes slightly away from your body. I direct my kisses back towards your collar bone and then onto your chest. My eyes notice a feint tan line under your bikini. With my right hand I trace down the string from your neck, running my fingers around the outside of your bosom ever so lightly. Your body quivers as my touch passes over your breast. Making your body move in such involuntary ways gives my confidence another push along.
I kiss all the way down your body, over your flat stomach, over your belly button, I kiss your hips, I even kiss your hands that lay at your side. I caress the material of your bikini bottoms with the tops of my fingers. I start to kiss your thighs, I can still smell the scent of your perfume. What an intoxicating aphrodisiac!
I pause when I get to your ankles and look up to your face. Your head is tilted back with your eyes closed. Suddenly you realize I have stopped. Your eyes flash open to investigate. You whisper something in Spanish, so quietly that I can’t hear all of it, though from what I can understand, you don’t want me to stop.
I lift myself back up to sit by your side.
‘I have never had such passionate emotions for someone. I can hardly control myself, and to be honest I don’t really want to,’ I whisper to you.
You get up and undo the rest of your bikini top, throwing it to the ground. Your eyes are filled with the same passion that I am feeling. You don’t say a thing. You don’t need to. You grab my hand, pull me up and lead me into the house. As we walk in, I stop you and pull your half naked body into mine. I softly kiss your cheek, grab your hand and take over the lead. I guide us up the stairs, through the kitchen, then the lounge and finally into my bedroom.
The huge windows in front of my bed give that same endless view of the Pacific. We both freeze in our tracks, captivated by it once again. The wind is building. There are now scattered white caps out to sea, though there is a cosy bliss about watching it from behind the shielding of the windows. I feel the urge to hug you and squeeze you tight, to protect you. I haven’t felt this way about anyone before now, much less a person that I have only known for an hour.
I have several notebooks open on the bed that are filled with my sketches and ideas for other designs I am working on. You gather them all and gently pile them on my reading table. Watching you do this, I notice how much care you take. You treat them as though they are made of gold, which to me, they are. You intuitively understand their importance. I am starting to fall for you.
You push me down onto the bed and kneel over me. I lay still, except for my hands which are running up and down your smooth, exposed back, only just making contact with the skin. I trace your beautiful shape out with my hands. Once again we are deeply focused on each other’s eyes.
The intensity has built up again, you fall to me. Your body feels incredible up against mine. My sexual energy is growing with every second. I run my hand back up the outside of your thigh and onto your hips, I grasp your behind and pull you up onto me, moving my hands back around your waist, I untie the knot at the side of your bikini. The loosened side falls to my stomach.
We can’t control it any longer. You start to rock back and forth on me. Our breathing gets louder. You are driving me crazy. The alcohol is making my head spin. My heart is pounding with such intensity it feels like it is going to burst. Without slowing you undo the other side of your bikini and throw it to the floor. You sit up a little. I can’t do anything but watch the length of your body slide itself up and down on mine.
Spotting my fixated eyes you run your hands all over your body in the most seductive and alluring way. You pull out the pins that are holding the majority of your hair in place. You push your hands through the length of your hair, letting it fall to where it pleases. It covers the left side of your face, giving you a mysterious air.
You lift yourself off me and untie the knot which is holding my board shorts on. They are still wet from our swim. You pull them all the way off me and throw them off the end of the bed. You lie face up on top of me, your hips are dancing from side to side, you press your back into my stomach, only to lift it away moments later.
I can’t stand this build up any longer. I rap my arms around you and pull you to my side
. I pounce on top of you like a tiger. Finding both of your hands, I intertwine our fingers. You lift our hands up, resting them just above your head on the pillow.
‘It’s time to let our bodies do the talking,’ you demand.
Every time you speak, you drive me further into your heart.
At first I struggle to find you. I am used to using my hands to take my weight so I can guide myself. You are probably laughing inside at my clumsiness, I begin to worry, I try to ward away the thoughts of insecurity. You move your hips to the side and suddenly I find myself pushing deep into you. I am still trying to find my balance as I slowly pull back. I push a little deeper this time, but still slowly as not to hurt you. It soon becomes a steady rhythm, constantly building pace as we both start to feel all the beautiful sensations that accompany such a passionate moment of sexual expression.
I drop my lips down to meet your open mouth. I can feel the heavy air you are exhaling on my face. I run my tongue around your lips, nibbling at it as I please.
All my worries from several minutes earlier have vanished. We are moving with each other in complete harmony. As I slow, you slow, as you speed up, I speed up.
I can feel myself nearing climax as you let out a passionate moan. Neither of us can last a second longer. In a flurry of chaotic movements we explode inside each other.
You let go of my hands from above your head. I drop onto you. Our chests are still bounding up and down struggling to draw in enough air. I roll to your side, my head falls next to yours. I want to whisper to you how incredible that was, how incredible you are, but all my breath had escaped me. The only sense that hasn’t let me down is smell, this time it is the scent of your hair that fills my nose, it isn’t the smell of shampoo or perfume, it’s the smell of the ocean, the smell of its salted water.
We lay in each others arms until our breathing slows. My eyes are again exploring yours as I wonder what is going through your mind.
I grab the champagne bottle and take a heavy mouth full, and then pass it to you.
Just as my heart rate is settling to an idle, you demand that I kiss you. I am not going to deny you, minutes later we are making love again. This time we adopt a less frantic pace allowing us to last far longer. Yet the feelings are just as intense, if not more so. I am not thinking about it as much this time, the moment has taken over.
The whole afternoon is filled with moments of intense pleasure and feelings followed by moments of euphoria and deep silence. When we talk, we are like friends that have know each other all our lives. In these gaps of relaxation we watch the ocean dance across the horizon, it has never looked so beautiful. The only time we leave the room is to get another bottle of champagne or some strawberries from the kitchen.
It is late afternoon. You have not only taken over my conscious mind but also my dreams. I wake up expecting to see your face in front of mine, deep in a peaceful rest. Instead all I see is your imprint in the satin sheets. Panic rushes through me! You have disappeared again. I can’t see your bikini where it had been lying next to the bed. I fear that you have left. I search the house for a sign that you are still here. I rush out to the kitchen. Nothing. I run to the bathroom. Nothing. The lounge room. Nothing. You are nowhere to be found. I even check the closets, thinking that you are playing with me, but you are nowhere.
I say a prayer, begging for you to appear.
I race back to my room. I aggressively throw the glass door open. It slams violently against the end of its rails. I race to the edge of the balcony and there you are floating on your back in the deep end of the pool. Your bikini is laying out to dry on one of the lounges. I stand in silence. Watching your beauty radiate from you.
I will come down and join you in a minute but I have to analyse my crazy thoughts first. I try to tell myself it can’t be love. It’s to soon to feel that way. I don’t believe in love at first site! It’s just lust I try to tell myself. But I know lust doesn’t feel this way. In fact, I have never felt this way, it has to be something more.
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The little bitch had started coming on to him almost from the first class. Giving him those doe-eyed looks, the sly smiles, sitting there with his legs spread wide apart so Professor Sanderson could see his hard boy-meat. And he continued do so up until mid-terms. But, even though the little bitch had been outrageously flirting with Professor Sanderson from his front row seat, he had also been careful to never actually approach the man, to give his professor any opening to act on the boy’s...
"In the repertoire of my being, that of a mortal with creative juices...I, The Sandman and sweeper of sensuality make my nightly journey to seek out the one female creature that I might make my own.”Neve read these words to herself, then said aloud, “The sweeper of sensuality huh? Not in my experience.”Neve sat back in her bed. The story was from one of those online sites that specialized in more adult themed stories. Stories of erotic encounters between two or more people that resulted in hot...
SupernaturalHi ISS readers, i am Bhargav back again. I really thank for the response to my real experiences . Already i told my real experiences in my last 8 stories. Now i am coming before you with my another experience happened last year. I lost my father in the last April and i was in some sad mood. One i was sitting alone on the terrace and i was lying on the floor and looking at the black sky and stars. It was 8-30 pm. Suddenly my phone rang. I lifted and said hello. I heard a sweet lady’s voice. She...
It’s cooler in the bazaar. Over the years and even centuries, layers of desert sand have been shaped by hand to make the domed roofs and the thick walls, so that generations of sellers and buyers could trade in the cave coolness of the market labyrinth. Matilda savours the sound of the call to prayer coming amplified from high on an unseen minaret. It’s Friday. The beautiful mosques will soon be crowded. She has arrived, at last, and she is not going to leave in a hurry. Ah, Le Maroc....
orgasm of the evening. Light sparkled off the sweat that poured over her creamy skin. Her bountiful breasts heaved in ecstasy as Monica ate out the blonde's tasty pussy. The taste of strawberries was unmistakable. (That was a great idea that Sandi had with the whip cream and ripe berries.) Her new craving for tongue was insatiable; Monica ran her tongue over the prickly surface of Sandi's shaved twat. To watch them it would be difficult to tell that this was only Sandi's first...
The story you are about to read is a complete work of fiction. None of the events depicted here actually happened. Any similarity to any actual person, place, or event is entirely coincidental.I promised I’d deliver the story about what happened between my daughter’s friend Sandi and myself. Well, here it is. Ah, memories…The summer afternoon of Kimberleigh’s 16th birthday party was a hot one. The sun was blazing overhead and made me thankful for the cool shade of the trees in the...
TabooHi readers! well this is my first story I hope you all like it for any suggestions you can on contact me on Long time back when I am in class 10th there was a girl name sandhya. Ufffff what a fig she has 32 28 32. We were classmate and am good in history or you can say am best in history at that time. One day after school she came to me ask me for little help. Sandhya: hi abhi! Me: hey Sandhya: sun na mujhe teri help chahea tha thora. Me: ya dear bol na Sandhya: kyat u mujhe thoa sa history me...
Hi Guys, Girls & Hot Couples, I am Santosh 32 M from Bangalore Married & working in a software mnc. My Sandhya is 33 years old. The incidents I am going to narrate are true facts which happened from last 15 years. This is not a hardcore sex story.It is more of a slow romantic please excuse me if you don’t like it. Also please don’t forget to give your encouraging feedback to [santubng2 at gmail dot com]. I try to recall the moments happened between me and my Sandhya and recent...
IncestHello dear friends. I m back with my new story. As u people know me that I m gigolo or male prostitute from Indore .I have so many contacts with females .mail me Today I’m writing story of Sandhya. Sandhya is a house wife. She is of 34. She is not very beautiful but she is very sexy. Her height is 5’5″.Color is fair. Big hips. Sharp boobs. Heavy thighs and thin west. In short she is a dam sexy material. Generaly she calls me at her house only when her husband is not at home and kids are in...
IncestHello guys and girls. Myself Rohit (20 yrs) from now. I am a student. Well i don’t like to praise my own personality by my own words. But my friends opinion about my personality is that “dude, you can impress any female of this world (whether married or unmarried, whether sound character or unsound) by your personality with in no time” I am here to narrate the first & till now last encounter of my life. I am eagerly waiting the response & suggestions of my story readers. It was summer vacation....
Lisa looked at Miss Sanders with horrified, young blue eyes. Her teacher was standing over her naked body with a long, sinister whip that dangled to the floor. Several teasing passes had been made along the inside of her thighs, and one, cruel blow had administered a searing, red welt across her backside. Now Miss Sanders was about to add a special surprise for the precocious girl. ‘It made me faint when I first experienced it,’ said the teacher. ‘What?’ There was a...
Lisa looked at Miss Sanders with horrified, young blue eyes. Her teacher was standing over her naked body with a long, sinister whip that dangled to the floor. Several teasing passes had been made along the inside of her thighs; and one, cruel blow had administered a searing, red welt across her backside. Now Miss Sanders was about to add a special surprise for the precocious girl. "It made me faint when I first experienced it," said the teacher. ...
Love StoriesEarly 2009 was a strangely frustrating time for Nikki Sanderson as she was feeling really pissed off with her life even though she was quite busy and making good money. Her numerous boyfriends had so far never seemed to quite gel with her and she had struggled to really enjoy her time with them as much as she had hoped it might being a true romantic. She couldn’t put her finger on the problem which made her so irritated but something was missing. At the time she couldn’t even share these issues...
by Philip Johnson Chapter One It wasn’t totally unexpected and yet, Lee still couldn’t believe it. His sweet aunt had died. Aunt Amalie Hansen was born in Norway and came to the U.S. as a child, and she was a long legged beautiful blonde her whole life. Even as her health left her, he couldn’t help but admire her regal fair skinned beauty. He was the only nephew, but she did have a niece, Anna Grierson. Aunt Amalie had a claim to fame of sorts. Many years ago she and Uncle Mathias had bought...
As for i was an origin still that exprience,sandhya is my house owner daughter-in-law ,she is a good looking lady, sexy figure 34-31-35 as told by her.i used to compare her for bollywood actress nanditha das ,but her boobs were bigger and the ass as always inviting to fuck. Me had completed my education and looking for a job ,tall handsome guy ,have a dick of 6.5 . I had a crush on her from the first day we came to there house ,they stayed on the second floor and we below them .everyday i used...
IncestThere I was downtown Tacoma. 733 was on the other side of Jerrys Adult Video Store. It was what people called an alternative club. The club never had a name, it just was on 733 Broadway, so everyone called it 733. I wish that I could just where a sign that say " I suck dick"Anywho, I am in the club at the bar getting a drink. I walk away from the bar and bump into the guy kind of aggresive like, as if to say, who is going to say excuse me.Alternative yea right, it was kinda a gay club. Fuck...
"Dammit," I muttered under my breath. I'd forgotten to pick up the carrier bag I'd left by the door. No biggie, just some suits and a dress for Lindsey to drop in at the dry cleaners. But still, for me, it wasn't the fact they would now be a day later in being deposited, it was the fact I'd forgotten them completely. And the wrath I'd face when I returned home later. Sighing with frustration at my lack of memory, I checked my watch to see if it was at all possible to get from the bus...
I looked up and saw my 18 year old Cassandra looking at me. I didn't know what to say. I was mortified. She just stood there looking at the three of us. Felicia perked up and she said, "what does it look like we were doing? Having sex cassandra. And don't act like you don't want to. Daddy knows all about the three of us and you watching him and touching yourself..* She stood there for another moment or two and then walked out and went into her room. I jumped up and put my shorts on.I ran to her...
Hi friends I am Shiva and I am 22 years old and from Bangalore. I am here to share with you my real life sex experience with my neighbour Sandhya mail me your feedbacks to Both our families are friends. She is 27 years old and is yet to be married. She looks fair, beautiful and very sexy. She always wears a T-shirt tops and a skirt leaving her legs below her knees open. I liked her and she also had the same feelings towards me initially I thought she was looking me like her brother but it was...
IncestCopyright© 2003 by Carlos Malenkov He remembered the sandbox. It was a fun place, a safe place. It was a place to play, to act out fantasies, to try out things, to make believe you were a grownup. You could run and jump, and even fall... and the sand kept you from getting hurt. Except for a few scrapes now and then. Fifteen years later Paul Unschuld was on a journey of discovery. Finally he was going to find out all about love and sex and women's bodies and that deliciously mysterious...
Mikey Sanderson was my favourite wrestler since the first time I started to watch wrestling on TV.He had a real Bear Daddy look to him. I meet him one night at the Hilton Hotel in Edmonton, Canada.The sauna was good and hot when he came in wearing his green speedo swim suit.My eyes were clued to the outline from his huge cock that was showing through the speedo." Hi there my name is Colt "" Hi Colt I am Mike Sanderson "I play stupid making sure that I don't let him know who he really is.We...
Hello friends, this is raja again from coimbatore. I am a regular visitor of this site and after reading all the wonderful experience of you all i am encouraged to write my own experience with my own mom sandhya. Before visiting this site i was too shy to discuss about this as i thought that this incident happened to me only, but now i am pretty much convinced that incest is very common in india also, although behind the covers. All this happened when i was 19 years old. My mom sandhya was 35...
IncestThis story has to be in the third person. I cannot do this in the first person, I cannot bring myself to put myself in this man’s shoes, so forgive me, because we all know that sooner or later everybody has to answer the final roll call. * The unarmed Medevac chopper hit the ground hard almost tossing out the Crew Chief, who was already precariously perched on the skid and ready to jump to the ground. The platoons of Huey Gunships circled the LZ, using their fifties and forty millimeter guns...
Is it bad that I take my 18-year-old daughter and dress her in a very very very seductive sexy school girl outfit and have her dollar face up with makeup? She loves it and so do i. I brought her out in the truck dressed up in her school girl outfit painted with makeup. She had high heels on. I took her down to the edge of a field a few miles away and fucked her like a dirty slut right in the grass. She loves playing dress up with me. I took her to very very sleazy hotel a few nights ago.. had...
ONE: A SIMPLE FAVOUR Sleep. Sleep is good. The warm, comfortable, soft cocoon of my own bed wrapping around me like a world apart. No cold. No noise except for the blood in my ears. I don’t know how long I’d been like that. It could have been days. Safe in the dark. Silent and whole. But the earthquake blast of the door opening. But the lights exploding on. But the rough, uncut voice of my father shredding my ear canal, ‘You been smokin’ them marijuana cigarettes, Boy?’ His breath reeked...
Prologue. From Out of the Past. The waiter showed me to my table in the hotel dining room. I ordered a glass of wine and then scanned the menu. As I made my decision about what to order the wine arrived. I sat back casually surveying my fellow diners, weighing up the possibilities. They were mostly elderly couples bent on spending their retirement money before the Grim Reaper cried ‘Sans everything.’ I was in transit from the city to one of the areas where a very successful mining operation...
This story only available on Lush Stories. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen. The episode of Being A Romantic Stud had gone rather skewiff. Following his wife’s attempt at spicing up their lovemaking (when would he ever manage to call it a sex life?), he had made an attempt of his own. He had actually listened to her throwaway comment whilst watching a period drama, about thinking there was nothing sexier than the sight of a man rising from the water with his clothes clinging...
You are bit like Cinderella, coming home and taking it all off and then going out to replant the bulbs in the garden. ... Joanna Lumley On The Ground — Covert Operations Base Weds, June, 27 12:30 AM (Local), Tues., June 26 20:30:00 (Zulu), Tues., June 26, 4:30 PM (Lake House) The huge Pave Low helicopter sat down gently on the tarmac, and for the first time the huge GE turbines wound down to silence. As though the turbines had powered him as well, the last of Darryl's energy drained with...
When Daddy got home from work, Patti was already in the shower. Daddy had called her earlier with the news they were going out for dinner. Daddy walked into the bathroom and joined her in the shower, much to her delight. Daddy helped her wash her hair. She loved the feeling of daddy's fingertips massaging the shampoo, then conditioner through her long strands of hair. He would turn her around to face him as she leaned back and let the water rinse out the suds. He leaned down and kissed...
The captain asked me to do another little chore for him in the early spring of that busy year, (ed: it must be 1778 but this is from the journal labeled 1777) about the time they were packing up to move the whole army south and east a bit to keep an eye on the Brits. I always worried when he smiled at me and asked for a favor. It seemed that a local woman, from a family of some note, wished to be transported to New York by way of Philadelphia in order to marry an up-and-coming naval officer,...
Hi Folks, thanks to everyone who read last week's story. Thanks even more to those of you who commented on it whether positive or negative. Everyone has their own opinion and there's nothing that anyone can write that every single person will like. This story continues the weirdness I've been exploring of late so some of you purists who've been writing me letters telling me that some of the stories aren't LW probably won't think this one is either. The story does involve a wife having sex...
Cassandra is a drop dead sexy 26 year old blonde with long hair reaching down to the small of her back. She is 5'10" even without the 6 inch heels she normally wears. Her 38DD-26-34 body is barely covered by her straining white tank top and denim miniskirt. Her creamy white legs are just to die for. Her beautiful feet and manicured red painted toenails are enshrined in a pair of enticing white strapped 6 inch stilettos. One thing is racing through her mind and that is that she needs a new slave...
BDSMSandra By A Happy Wife I met her at a seminar sponsored by a metaphysical church. We started to go out, just in afternoons to a movie or for lunch. I never thought I could have a relationship with her. She was too young, too smart, too successful and way too gorgeous to ever be interested in me. Sandra had been married once a long time ago. She had been single for over ten years; she had started her own business and had been quite successful. I on the other hand had been married for...