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by Philip Johnson

Chapter One

It wasn’t totally unexpected and yet, Lee still couldn’t believe it. His sweet aunt had died. Aunt Amalie Hansen was born in Norway and came to the U.S. as a child, and she was a long legged beautiful blonde her whole life. Even as her health left her, he couldn’t help but admire her regal fair skinned beauty. He was the only nephew, but she did have a niece, Anna Grierson. Aunt Amalie had a claim to fame of sorts. Many years ago she and Uncle Mathias had bought a very large and stately home just north of Davis, North Carolina on North Harbor Road. They were within walking distance of the Atlantic Ocean, and could easily see the Cape Lookout National Seashore. It was nearly ideal for them. Uncle Mathias had been a very successful businessman, so when he died unexpectedly Aunt Amalie turned the huge home into a bed and breakfast that she named the Sand Castle. She was successful almost from the beginning, adding two more bedrooms and bathrooms along the way. She now had six bedrooms to rent, all with their own bathrooms, a real rarity in those days. Word spread and she would occasionally get very well known people staying there, and people wanting to hide from prying eyes, or just savoring the sweet quiet and home like atmosphere that she was noted for.

Four of the six bedrooms faced the ocean and there was a long second floor porch that ran the length of the house. People staying in any of those four bedrooms had ocean views and could walk out onto the porch, and if it wasn’t too hot, bask in the North Carolina sunshine and feel the ocean breezes. Aunt Amalie’s bedroom was on the ground floor, not far from the main kitchen and there was a smaller servant’s bedroom down the hall from hers, but that was seldom occupied.

Grace was her maid, friend, and helper and she came to her when she was still in her teens, staying in the bedroom for a time until she got married and moved into a house about three miles inland. Aunt Amalie paid her better than any maid in the

area and Grace was devoted to her. Of course, there was always the off season, but even then, there was rarely a time that more than four of the six bedrooms were empty. In season, if you didn’t have reservations well in advance, you were out of luck. Aunt Amalie ran the B&B as much for fun as anything else, but it was truly profitable because she could charge outlandish rates and still keep the rooms full.

It was a combination of her social skills, Grace’s wonderful breakfasts, and all that the Hansen estate had to offer. Not long before he died, Uncle Mathias had added a small swimming pool and a double tennis court. Curt Jenkins was the groundskeeper and had been with Aunt Amalie for some ten years.

It was all of those details that filtered through Lee’s mind as he walked the grounds the day he moved into Aunt Amalie’s bedroom to take over the bed and breakfast. It was in the will. It was his to run as he saw fit for ten years. After that it would be his free and clear the same year he turned forty eight. She had endowed him with fifty thousand dollars as a reserve fund as well, but beyond that it was up to Lee to succeed or fail. She knew her nephew. He was the only one in the family that had the drive and the steady, happy, and outgoing personality, which would be required to succeed.

The main floor of the home was a typical large show home for its day, with tall ceilings, and a number of modest sized rooms. Off of the south end, Uncle Mathias had built a solarium that soon became a combination solarium and sitting room, where people loved to gather, sip a brandy, or whatever, and talk or read. Against the wall between the solarium and the house, was a bar of about twelve feet long and guests were welcome to bring a bottle of their favorite libation or a six pack of beer. Lee even took to keeping a case of Michelob in the cooler. There was also a computer at the end of the bar for the guests to use. The front driveway curved up to the front door and then on around to connect to the drive to the parking area in front of the carriage house. Now the carriage house was another matter. It had been made into a very plush three bedroom home complete with stocked bar that would rent for two thousand a night in season.

At least sixty percent of Lee’s guests were regulars that he could count on to return again and again. Maybe not every year, but rarely did two years pass without him seeing each and every one of them. It took him a long time and a good computer to learn and memorize the names of his regulars, but he managed. For Aunt Amalie, it had been natural, but Lee had to work at it. He learned that if he had guests that were too demanding, he would be sure to be slow about seeing to their needs and they just wouldn’t come back again. Regulars that stayed at the Sand Castle knew that it was somewhat isolated, and very slow paced and their only bet for lunch or an evening meal was one of three restaurants within ten miles of there. Of course, they were welcome to buy things and put them in the refrigerator and even use the kitchen as long as they cleaned up after themselves. The butler’s kitchen and pantry were off limits to the guests however.

Grace or her sister Eunice were there every morning by six thirty to prepare breakfast, and then stayed until three making beds and cleaning rooms as needed. It things got too busy, they could call on Irene to help out as well. It went to Lee to work the desk, visit with the guests, and do general light maintenance. It was a good, but somewhat lonely life for Lee. He had people around him, but it was unusual to have guests his age, and he was usually too busy to stray too far from home. Morehead City was about twenty two miles northeast of the Sand Castle, and that was the closest true town for him. If he wanted a large city, Wilmington was a one hundred and sixteen mile drive.

Lee had his favorite guests. There was Max and Wanda, for example. He was a little stuffy and full of himself, and he had to be certain that his cell phone would work at the Sand Castle before he would agree to stay. He also had to have access to high speed Internet which Lee provided via satellite. But Wanda was as sweet as they came and easy to look at even though, she was a good ten years older than Lee. Wanda spent a lot of time at or in the pool or sunning in her bikini as she read, and Max pretended to be busy. Then there was Grant and Edna. They were in their fifties, but both of them acted like they were still in their thirties and kept Lee laughing. Grant and Edna always requested the south bedroom, and often as not, she would slip out and sun on the deck topless. That was one thing that would get Max off of his ass and out onto the deck.

Each person came with their own set of needs and hopes, but if they had been there more than once, they knew that when they left, they would feel rested and glad they had come. Don Blake came with his son and they would spend days in the Croatan National Forest or out at the National Seashore exploring. Every year without fail, a group of six younger couples would take over the place and it was bedlam, and Lee loved every minute of it. The six couples were still older than he was, but not by a lot, and after five years of having them around, he almost felt like one of the group. Most of them would end up just shy of drunk, some of them would end up in the pool with their clothes, on and on several occasions, the women ended up in the pool with nothing on. It was almost expected that there would be a lot of skin showing with that whole group. Watching the women play tennis topless would keep Lee from getting anything done for hours and the women loved knowing they were teasing him. With the six couples holding the keys to all the bedrooms, they didn’t have to worry about offending other guests and they sure didn’t offend Lee. Even mild mannered Grace got used to them and enjoyed having them come.

There were a lot of couples that Lee co
nsidered among his favorites, but his one very favorite couple was Gil and Kala Armstrong. They were his age and were an effervescent couple. It always seemed incongruous that such an outgoing and cosmopolitan couple would find it enjoyable to do very little beyond loafing, reading and visiting with the other guests. Gil was a successful business man as was Kala, but they made it a point to spend at least a week or ten days a year at the Sand Castle. Gil was prone to spending time on the computer as he continued to conduct business, but Kala said if she was on vacation, she wasn’t going near a computer. Gil was also prone to leaving in the morning and be gone all day, not to be seen until late in the evening, and he’d do that two or three times during their stay. When that happened, Lee broke the rules and invited Kala to have lunch and dinner with him so she wouldn’t have to go to town and eat alone. She was a good looking woman, very conversant on a number of topics, and she seemed to enjoy his company. Times like that were about the closest thing he had to a social life.

When Lee went into the front room where the receiving desk was, he looked at the reservation book and noticed that both Max and Wanda and Grant and Edna were arriving Saturday afternoon. This would be the first time that the four of them had been at the Sand Castle at the same time. There was no real significance to that other than Lee was sure the four of them would enjoy each other’s company, plus Lee knew that it was going to be a good week for him. Lee wandered into the dining room and made the rounds of the four couples having breakfast before they

checked out. ‘Good morning Lou, Martha, how’s breakfast this morning?’

‘Wonderful as always, Lee.’

‘And how was your stay with us this time?’

‘No complaints at all, but I have a suggestion’, Lou added.’

‘I’m all ears.’

‘How about having a shuttle to the ocean? You know, maybe one of those electric six seaters. Take us down to the ocean and pick us up say four hours later.’

‘That has potential Lou, let me think about it.’ Lee patted him on the back and moved on to talk to the other guests before going to the kitchen for coffee. ‘Morning, Grace.’

‘Morning, Lee.’

‘Grace, could you stay a couple of hours extra tomorrow. We have four of our best guests arriving and I’d like to give them that extra touch.’

‘Of course,’ he told her who was coming and she smiled.

‘Yes I’d be glad to, they all leave very good tips.’

‘And you deserve them.’

Chapter Two

As Lee waited for the arrival of his guests Saturday afternoon he took a call. ‘Sand Castle, this is Lee.’

‘Hi Lee, this is Kala Adler.’

‘Well hi Kala, how is my favorite guest?’

‘Doing well thank you, Lee, we have reservations for the end of August. Well, in two weeks actually.’

‘Yes, I remember.’ That wasn’t exactly right. He only knew they were coming so he had flipped the reservation book until he found them.

‘Lee, I know I’m asking a lot but…is there any way you could add a week to our reservation?’

‘Let me see what we can do, Kala.’ He knew that they had openings, but he wanted the world to think that they were very busy.

‘Gil just informed me that he is going to have to do more work than usual during our stay, and wants some extra time to make up for it.’ Lee quickly flipped pages back and forth and then said, ‘Thanks to a cancellation, I think we can cover that.’

‘Thank you.’

‘My pleasure, I’m glad we could help.’

‘We’ll see you soon then, Lee.’

‘I’m looking forward to it.’ If he had to, he was even considering giving them his room to have an extra week of his favorite guests. He could always move into the unused maid’s room down the hall, but now that wouldn’t be necessary.

Grant and Edna Exeter arrived first and since Lee didn’t have a license to sell alcohol, gave them the royal treatment complete with a complimentary glass of wine in the solarium. Before Lee could even sit down with the Exeters, he went to sign in Grant and Edna Lockland. Before long, they too were in the solarium having a glass of wine and the five of them talked for the next hour. Before Max and Wanda went to their room, Wanda said, ‘Max has worked so hard over the last few weeks that rest is what he needs.’

‘Then he’s come to the right place. If we do our job right we’ll send both of you home well rested and refreshed.’ Wanda smiled and with Max in tow, went up to their room where Grace had deposited their luggage and opened the windows to let some fresh air in. There was a soft breeze coming in off the ocean and the thin lacy curtains at each end of the windows drifted and rolled gently as though to wave a welcome to them. Then with Grant and Edna going to their rooms as well, Lee went back to see that Grace was going home to her family. There was one couple staying in one of the non ocean view rooms, and they came in from Morehead city about seven o’clock deposited some leftovers from their dinner in the fridge, and went to the lower back porch to rest and read as they enjoyed the rocking chairs, shade, and ocean breezes.

The next couple of days went smoothly as people checked in and checked out. Lee was having a good season. Not a record year, but a good year just the same. About mid day Sunday, Lee was walking around the grounds as he often did and found Wanda sunning herself at the pool. Wanda was a number of years older than Lee, but she still looked great. After availing himself of her good looks he retrieved a glass of iced tea and walked out to her. As he latched the gate behind him she

looked up and he said, ‘I took the liberty of bringing you some refreshments.’

‘Oh Lee, you darling thank you.’

‘Don’t tell the other guests or they’ll all expect the same treatment.’

‘You are such a sweetheart.’

‘I’m selfish, I want to make certain that you are contented so you’ll be sure to come back.’

‘Oh you needn’t worry about that, Max and I will be back.’

‘Where is Max by the way?’

‘You know him, swimming pools don’t interest him. I’ll bet he’s up on the deck asleep with his book across his belly.’

‘Good, then both of you are relaxed. Well, I’ll leave you to your sunning then.’

‘Thank you again, Lee.’

‘My pleasure,’ and with one last admiring look at her Lee went back to the house.

On Monday, Lee was presented with a problem he had never had before. Grant came to Lee and said, ‘I have a complaint about one of your guests.’

‘Oh I’m sorry to hear that.’

‘That Max guy keeps ogling Edna. It’s so bad that it’s spoiling her tanning at the pool.’

‘Have you or Edna talked to him?’

‘No, I was hoping you would see to that.’

‘Grant, Edna is a very attractive woman and you should be proud of her, but this puts me in an awkward situation. If I don’t talk to Max, you’ll be upset with me. But if I do talk to Max he’ll be very upset with me. Remember that it’s going to be a he said this, and he or they said that, and I’ve not witnessed any inappropriate behavior. Perhaps you should mention your concerns to him, Grant.’

‘I was rather hoping you would see to it.’

‘I can’t unless I witness Max acting poorly, I’m sorry.’ Grant just made a grunting sound, turned on his heel and headed toward his room. Lee was pretty certain that Grant was over reacting and that Edna hadn’t said a thing to him.

Lee heard no more complaints from Grant and by Tuesday he was sure there was no gawking issue. Lee would soon find out what the real problem was when Edna called down and Lee answered, ‘Front desk.’

‘Lee, this is Edna in five. Our sliding door to the deck has been sticking a little.’

‘I can fix that, when could I come up?’

‘Now if you’d like. Just come in, I’ll be on the deck and Grant is out and about somewhere.’

‘I’m on my way then.’ Lee picked up his spray lubricant and a rag and went up to room five. The sliders could cause a problem once in a while, but he was almost certain he had cleaned and lubricated them earlier in the season. He opened the door and called in, ‘It’s Lee’ and closed the door behind him. Going straight to the sliding door he tested it and it seemed fine, but he knelt down and gave the rollers a shot of silicone and tried it again. Then stepping outside to see if Edna was out there and tell her he had fixed it, he stopped and stared a moment.

‘Oh Lee, I hope you don’t mind.’ Edna was lying in the lounger with no more on than a tiny bikini bottom. Lee made no pretense to look away and said, ‘Now how can I mind seeing as beautiful a sight as you are?’

‘Oh thank you, Lee. I just love to lie out here like this. It’s something that just isn’t possible at home.’

‘I understand.’ Lee casually sat down near her and asked, ‘Now Edna, you aren’t teasing poor Max next door are you?’

She just smiled and said, ‘Well, maybe a little bit.’

‘Edna my love, you’ll give the poor man a heart attack.’

‘Oh, he’s much younger than I am.’

‘I’m much younger than you are too, but I can’t help but stare and get flutters.’

‘You are such a sweetheart.’ Standing up he said, ‘I’ll leave you to your pleasures, but take pity on poor Max and only let him see you in small doses.’ Edna smiled and Lee headed back through the sliding door and escaped. Edna was showing her years, but it seemed to please her immensely to have Lee look at her and flatter her. That had to be Grant’s problem. Edna was showing herself to Max and Grant didn’t appreciate it. Or perhaps, he did appreciate it, but it was his way of bragging that men might still stare at his good looking, but aging wife. The next time Lee saw Grant he said, ‘Lee, Edna said she called you about the sliding door.’

‘Yes, I went up and cleaned and lubricated it, I hope it isn’t acting up again.’

‘Uh no, it seems fine now.’

‘I’m glad. I told Edna that I thought I had it fixed.’

‘Oh, so you saw her then.’

‘Yes, she was sunning on the deck actually.’ Grant didn’t mention the fact that his wife was almost nude and Lee didn’t mention it either, but both now knew that Lee had seen Grant’s nearly naked wife. Edna got to flash herself, Lee got to look at her and Grant could puff out his chest knowing his sexy wife had showed Lee she was still good looking. That made three happy people.

Chapter Three

Wednesday afternoon Lee was on the front porch watering the plants when Wanda appeared. ‘Lee, have you seen Max?’

Shutting off the hose he said, ‘No…no, I don’t believe I have.’

‘I was out on the deck outside of our room reading and I guess I nodded off for awhile. When I woke he was gone and I can’t seem to find him.’

‘He can’t be far. Have you looked out by the pool?’

‘Oh, you know he never goes out there.’ Lee smiled and said, ‘He might if Edna is out there.’

‘Oh, so you know about that.’

Lee smiled in acknowledgement and said, ‘You go check by the pool and I’ll take a walk around the south side of the house. He might be down there in one of those shaded chairs.’ Lee went out the backdoor and around the small porch and went toward the small stone patio at the far south corner of the house. Sure enough he could see Max leaning back and it appeared he was asleep. As he approached he put his hand on Max’s shoulder and said, ‘Wanda is looking for…’ and stopped. Max was as cold as stone to the touch, and as Lee moved in front of him he could see that Max’s complexion had a definite blue cast…and he could tell that Max had soiled himself. Lee shook him just to make certain, but Max was dead and had been that way for some time.

Lee moved quickly and after calling the ambulance ran in and caught Wanda coming through the house. Stopping her he quickly pulled her into the butler’s kitchen and let the door close. ‘Wanda, I found Max.’

‘Oh good where is he?’

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Sarah Carerra 204 Song and Sand

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: August 23, 2010) Chapter 4 - Song and Sand Uncle Kevin and his family were gone when we arrived home after seeing Mary. I assumed that they had already headed down to the beach, and Mom said she'd drive me down after lunch to catch...

2 years ago
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Impression In The Sand

She blinked lazily awake on this heavenly stretch of sand, a cloud crossing the path of the summer sun. But as her focus sharpened, this cloud took a human shape. Above her now stood a man in silhouette, tall and lean, and as she looked first left, then right, there was no one else as far as she could see. This was a dream, surely. The beach had been crowded with people not so long ago, when the stresses of her life pulled out to sea with each retreating wave and her eyelids grew blissfully...

4 years ago
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Memories Written in Sand

Maybe your teen years were full of confidence and self-assuredness; mine weren't. I was bashful and kind of tall and lanky, not really girl-bait and had only been on a few dates. The time I'm telling you about was when I was fifteen and on vacation with my parents along the coast of Spain. I liked the beach, the rest, touring museums and old churches, well, it was okay, but I really liked watching the girls and the women, too, in their skimpy bathing suits. I had really never seen thongs...

1 year ago
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Dun and Dusted Part II Book 7 of Poachers ProgressChapter 4 A Line in the Sand

“The British Museum Expedition to Egypt is finally on site, on the east bank of Lake Timsah and opposite the settlement of Timsah. Where do you intend to start your first investigative excavation, Professor?” Crudwright gave me a world-weary look. “We do not just dig willy-nilly on arrival at our intended site of operations, Sir Elijah. First, I must have a detailed topographical map made of the area. All and any anomalies in the terrain must be investigated, and trenches dug in those areas...

3 years ago
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Matilda in the Sand

It’s cooler in the bazaar. Over the years and even centuries, layers of desert sand have been shaped by hand to make the domed roofs and the thick walls, so that generations of sellers and buyers could trade in the cave coolness of the market labyrinth. Matilda savours the sound of the call to prayer coming amplified from high on an unseen minaret. It’s Friday. The beautiful mosques will soon be crowded. She has arrived, at last, and she is not going to leave in a hurry. Ah, Le Maroc....

4 years ago
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It’s nearly midnight and Aya thinks to herself that she should probably be getting some sleep, not standing on her balcony, and definitely not eating a popsicle while doing so. It’s too damn hot in the apartment tonight, though. The mid-summer humidity had licked an uncomfortable coat of sticky perspiration on her skin while she lay in bed. It made it impossible to sleep. For thirty minutes she had shifted and squirmed on the clammy sheets, her blanket and pillows tossed on the floor. It was...

Oral Sex
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Shift Happens Kiara

Shift Happens: Kiara by Kaitlyn Autofield Prerequisite - Shift Happens: Lionel *****One Hour Before The Shift***** Kiara's hand slid down Jake's leg as she sipped down her Martini, a devious smile painted on her lips while the others flirted with one another. ?Silvia seemed distracted, although Tom continued making his moves on her while Hannah helped to shield Tom's advances. "Should we...?" Kiara flirted and giggled, running a hand through her vibrant red hair; her green...

2 years ago
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Shift Happens Hannah and Tom

Shift Happens: Hannah and Tom by Kaitlyn Autofield ****An hour before the Great Shift**** "Nice place you got here," Tom began flattering Silvia as they walked into her apartment, "You'll have to forgive Jake. ?He just got out of a relationship." "Well," said Silvia, "he certainly has taken Kiara's fancy." "Kiara seems to take every man's fancy," Hannah muttered trying to get Tom's attention, "And I wouldn't be surprised if there were a couple women in the mix." "Hannah!"...

3 years ago
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Castles Made of Sand

ONE: A SIMPLE FAVOUR Sleep. Sleep is good. The warm, comfortable, soft cocoon of my own bed wrapping around me like a world apart. No cold. No noise except for the blood in my ears. I don’t know how long I’d been like that. It could have been days. Safe in the dark. Silent and whole. But the earthquake blast of the door opening. But the lights exploding on. But the rough, uncut voice of my father shredding my ear canal, ‘You been smokin’ them marijuana cigarettes, Boy?’ His breath reeked...

2 years ago
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Built Upon Sand

Prologue. From Out of the Past. The waiter showed me to my table in the hotel dining room. I ordered a glass of wine and then scanned the menu. As I made my decision about what to order the wine arrived. I sat back casually surveying my fellow diners, weighing up the possibilities. They were mostly elderly couples bent on spending their retirement money before the Grim Reaper cried ‘Sans everything.’ I was in transit from the city to one of the areas where a very successful mining operation...

1 year ago
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Vanilla Sand

This story only available on Lush Stories. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen. The episode of Being A Romantic Stud had gone rather skewiff. Following his wife’s attempt at spicing up their lovemaking (when would he ever manage to call it a sex life?), he had made an attempt of his own. He had actually listened to her throwaway comment whilst watching a period drama, about thinking there was nothing sexier than the sight of a man rising from the water with his clothes clinging...

3 years ago
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Song of ThanksChapter 19 A Line in the Sand

You are bit like Cinderella, coming home and taking it all off and then going out to replant the bulbs in the garden. ... Joanna Lumley On The Ground — Covert Operations Base Weds, June, 27 12:30 AM (Local), Tues., June 26 20:30:00 (Zulu), Tues., June 26, 4:30 PM (Lake House) The huge Pave Low helicopter sat down gently on the tarmac, and for the first time the huge GE turbines wound down to silence. As though the turbines had powered him as well, the last of Darryl's energy drained with...

4 years ago
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Shift Happens Lionel

Shift Happens: Lionel by Kaitlyn Autofield It had been such a long Friday, and Lionel was eager to get home to his apartment and rest for once. ?He walked up the two flights of stairs just as Silvia was on her way down. ?She flashed a smile at Lionel which sent tingles down his spine. Silvia was obviously dressed for a night out with her friends, making her quite a lovely sight for Lionel. ?Secretly, he wished he would sum up the courage to ask her out, but living...

3 years ago
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Shift work isnrsquot always bad my 1st attempt

Sometimes shift work can be a pain you are off work when friends are at work, or working while friends have time off. Today however was one of those days when I benefitted from doing the late shift, this is when I start work at 2pm.I woke this morning to a bright sunny dawn and in quite a horny mood. So being alone I logged onto xhamster to see who was about and to read a story or two.I had been on line about half an hour and had started to get myself really worked up when the doorbell went. I...

4 years ago
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Shift Swap

* * * * * Copyright Oggbashan October 2006 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. * * * * * Malcolm wanted me to go away for a long weekend. I was reluctant because I didn’t think our relationship was developed enough. How much did he want me? How far would he go to prove...

3 years ago
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Shifted and Shafted

SHIFTED AND SHAFTED! Starring CAPTAIN JAMES T. KIRK and YEOMAN JANICE RAND Written and plotted by Eric, with editing and additional writing by Caleb Jones This story was inspired by a series of imaginative art drawings by the excellent artist Tebra. And after my old writing buddy's additions I was inspired to add a great deal more to the story. Especially one of the criticisms of my work has always been I rush my endings! No copyright infringement is intended. The story is...

3 years ago
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Shift Change

I thought I was doing fine, adjusting to our shift differences. I'm a first shifter, he's a third shifter, but we were making it work. Except when it came to sex. I was developing a relationship with my vibrators that, quite frankly, just wasn't quite what I wanted. So, I tried something once... I came home from work right around 7pm, about 2 hours before he had to get up for work. I knew he'd be asleep, tucked under the covers, safe and snug, next to impossible to awaken. It would take...

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Sex with aunty

After a long gap I’m back dear friends this time the story is about my neighborhood aunty with whom I get some exp. & still want to have more like that but every time ur luck will not being with u as now I’m in Hyderabad, India. Dear iss readers it was the story when I was around 18years and that time I not even aware of oral sex and other stuff as much. But after these incident my whole life was changed and I become very perfect in oral sex. After that I still dream about & get sometime wet...

3 years ago
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ConcordiaChapter 8

February 11-13, 2012 We were greeted by wind and chilly rain when we landed in New York. Fortunately, the in-flight bumps and dreary skies were made up for by Diane's sunny "welcome back," and of course, her delightful disposition. I was amused by the thought that I might never be able to take the girls on a commercial airline after their recent experiences with private jets. This time when we left the airplane, I had Diane's business card in my pocket. Most of the time, I am simply...

1 year ago
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18 Eighteen! Do you know what I love about teenagers? I keep getting older, but they stay the same age! Every time that one gets me in trouble, I just say I’m paraphrasing an old movie, but you porno fans know the truth. So does 18Eighteen, who have been banking on that same idea for nearly 30 years now. Hell, their original teens aged into MILF status years ago, but there’s always a new crop coming in. Take the 18-year-old cutie showing off her shaved twat and bleached butthole on the landing...

Premium Teen Porn Sites
4 years ago
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Just Fancy First Come

As she dressed for her last day at high school, Yvonne had no notion that during the next 24 hours her perspective on life would change so profoundly. With not a care in the world, she walked to school as usual on that Friday in late July. It was a beautiful morning, the end of term and the start of the long summer holidays. That meant no more homework and no exams until she went off to university at the start of the new term in September. Added to that, today was her birthday and she had...

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The garden shed

I worked hard that morning, hoping to get the majority of the physical work done before the real heat of the day. Even though I started and finished early, it was still incredibly hot by mid-morning, but I had managed to dig over the whole section of the vegetable garden to lay empty over the autumn. I set off to the small shed to log my work in the diary, looking forward to getting out of the searing heat.Kicking off my work boots and thick socks at the door, I instantly felt cooler. I flicked...

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Night Out2

“Wake up sleeping beauty,” he said smiling. I think I fell asleep on the way. “Where are we?” I asked, not knowing where the hell we were. He softly kissed my forehead, my cheeks then my nose, which made me smile. “We are at a park hun,” while kissing my neck. I smiled, wanting to feel his sweet lips on mine. “Let’s go to the backseat where it is bigger and we can have more space,” he said while grinning. I grinned back and slowly started to crawl back there, letting him have a good view of my...

1 year ago
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A Slaversquo Tale 6

I dragged anna upstairs and into the bathroom instructing her to run me a bath. I passed her a jar of bubbles and she added a cap-full. The bathroom filled with steam and the scent of jasmine. I motioned for her to help me take off my robe and then to remove my panties. I like to keep fit and trim so I have no shame in showing my body in front of my slaves. I cautiously tested the water. Not bad, I thought for a first try, a little warmer than I ideally liked, but not bad. I stepped into the...

3 years ago
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Goa 8211 Destination To Lose Virginity 8211 Part 1

Hello guys , this is my story moreover I am visiting this indian sex stories dot net site from past 6 years . Any one can send feedback to . Any girls or aunties in hyderabad can contact me for fun (privacy is gauranteed). Na peru satya , age 23 nenu hyderabad lo untanu . Naku sex ante picha kanisam roju ki 3 times anna masterbate cheskonevadini kani eppudu sex chese chance dorakaledhu . Roju pornvideos choosi satisfy ayyevadini . Okasari friends andaram kalisi goa veldam ani plan chesukunnam...

1 year ago
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South if Bikini 3 Things that go bump

Resuming their original mission- that of finding Prof. Samuel's missing Time Machine- Alex and company participate in a ghost hunt, where they provide most of the paranormal activity. How much will the Empress allow her fellow 'poltergeists' to enjoy the 'witching hour'? How much will their newest sister, Akane, influence the mission? Later, Alex and Jack attend Prof. Samuels' theoretical science lecture masquerading as her keynote speakers. Episode...

1 year ago
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PureTaboo Dee Williams Natalie Brooks Playing God

SCENE OPENS to a dinner, where Carson (Ryan Driller) and Kim (Dee Williams) have invited their goddaughter Kelly (Natalie Brooks) and her parents George (John Legendary) and Eleonore (Kiki D’Aire) over for a home-cooked meal. As the dinner progresses, Carson and Kim grow concerned for Kelly as her parents do and say questionable things towards her, scolding and body-shaming her. When Kelly is eventually slapped on the hand for reaching across the table, a withdrawn Kelly excuses herself...

3 years ago
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The Devil Never Dies

It happens to everyone. That moment you glance across the crowded room, and suddenly your pupils lock with a sinful pair of azure eyes. The stranger's razor cheekbones highlight the devilish grin sliding into place. He holds a whisky glass or did before the rich golden brown color vanishes down his throat. He strides in your direction, stepping to the music. Unconsciously, of course. He can't help himself. Man's got a sense of rhythm that infuses his being. And now he's so close you can almost...

4 years ago
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My wife and the hot tub Pt1

I had been married to my second wife Sonja for about six months when we were invited to a Saturday barbecue at the house of one of her married friends. Katie was a girlfriend she had known since college and her husband Fernando whom she had known for almost as long. Her friends live in Coral Gables, Miami and since we live in Fort Lauderdale, which is more than an hour's drive, we decided to take an extra change of clothes just in case we had to spend the night from drinking too much, which has...

2 years ago
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Starting off with, Panties of satin and lace. Just Putting them on, Brings a smile to my face. Next comes, Tights and a bra. I can't believe, I've gone this far. Slipping on, A blouse and a skirt. Look out world, I'm a flirt. Strapping on, A pair of heels. Oh man, So this is how it feels. Putting my hair, Up in a bun. I never thought, Getting all dolled up could be so fun. Finishing off, with lipstick and blush. My mind explodes, What a rush. Now that I'm...

1 year ago
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Five Vials First Date

"Excuse me. Can I buy you a drink?" Victoria looked up from her seat at the bar to see a handsome young face wearing a genuine - if not slightly nervous - smile. She glanced down at her notes, reaching for her train of thought and realizing it had hopelessly derailed. She looked back up, the man standing in front of her shifting slightly. He appeared to be trying to figure out what to do with his hands. It was kind of cute. Victoria closed her notebook and slid it off the table, into...

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ghost boy jayrich part nine

Visions Part 1 “And then, the milk started shooting out of his nose.” Danny, Sam & Tucker all share a laugh over Tucker’s story as they sit in a booth as the Nasty Burger. It’s a peaceful day for Danny as he hangs out with his friends. There’ve been no ghost attacks all day, and he’s been able to appreciate this moment without worry of the whole town being put in danger. He’s about to thank his friends for the great day he’s having, but nothing comes out. He tries to talk, but his vocal...

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Marshas Sofa

Marsha didn't expect my call and much less my visit. I was less than a mile away when I finally found a working telephone on my path to her residence. I had cut her shower short and she was dripping water all over the carpet, she complained, as she stood naked and cold in her room answering the telephone. But she wasn't mad; she was glad that I could drop bye and visit and invited me to come over. It took me less than 5 minutes to be parking in her dark driveway. Her house is a bit out of the...

4 years ago
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Urlaub in Daumlnemark

Und es war einmal ein Urlaub in Dänemark…….. Lange hatten wir uns schon auf die schönsten Tage des Jahres gefreut und sehnlichst erwartet. URLAAAAAAUUUUB. Und nun waren diese lang erwarteten Tage endlich gekommen. Wir packten unsere Sachen und verstauten diese in unser Auto und machten uns auf den Weg zum Treffpunkt. Am Treffpunkt angekommen warteten auf uns schon Diana und Sven. Wir begrüßten uns, und die Mädels quasselten sofort miteinander was alles mit genommen wurde. Wir warteten nur noch...

4 years ago
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Agony and Ecstasy Tortured Love

My newest friend, Becca/rebecca - I don't know why or for whom I wrote this.  I will be creating a posting of this on a story site, if you find any pleasure here, good.  If it scares you away, I'm an honest man, but honesty can sometimes harm hope and dreams.IT IS A STORY, NO MORE AND NO LESS, JUST A STORYI am a writer and reach maybe too deep.  This is lifestyle hardcore and the darkness - the worst of it, in words.  It jumped from my fingertips - and I have never written a story so quickly or...

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First Time Cuckoldress Part One

Bobby Jo Tina and I had been friends since college, more years than I cared to count. She had gone through marriage, two children, a burgeoning business, and finally divorce. Unfortunately, her ex had run afoul of some guys that don’t play nice. One night they came to their door with baseball bats looking for her husband. That was enough for her. Since divorce she had a few relationships, but nothing worth remembering the week after. The local papers had been full of ads for weeks announcing...

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