Horse Loving NieceChapter 10
- 4 years ago
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Sometimes things once perceived as a thing of beauty are allowed into our lives; sometimes, like Fallopia Japonica: 'Japanese Knotweed' they can quickly overrun a situation-and take control.
He had managed to escape the humdrum, rat-race office life of Banking and Stocks; after 30 years in which the stress had nearly killed him, he had taken advantage of redundancy to pursue his hobby of gardening and make a meagre living from it. He remembered how grown men had held their heads in their hands and even shed tears at the news; he remembered having a quiet moment alone in the toilets in which he clenched his fists and punched the air in joy. He was free at last.
Now more interested in Fuchsias than futures he had purchased a van which sat in the driveway of the small house he lived in alone, having parted company with a business oriented wife some years ago. He would rise in the morning just to watch the breakneck pace of neighbours leaving in droves like clockwork, to catch trains or drive to their cars to the grindstones which awaited them. He would sip his tea or coffee, relax, and check his appointment book. At 9:30 or 10:00 he would then casually venture out into the clear streets at a leisurely pace to some suburban or rural residence to indulge his love of gardening and get paid for it.
This morning was destined to be a little different though he would never have guessed so at the time. 'Mrs Grandellar-Favour: The Noke, Hobbs End.' He chuckled at the name; sounds like 'glandular fever' he thought. Hobbs End was a very well-to-do area just outside town; huge detached houses with gardens measured in acres. Many of these residences had commercial gardening outfits tend their vast lawns, but smaller one-man-bands such as he were often preferred as the personal touch, smaller cost, and usually the guarantee of a decent job being done outweighed the alternative. He approached the property down a winding drive through a front garden the size of a small park. The house was typical turn of the 20th century; five or six bedrooms at least. Mrs Grandellar-Favour appeared, accompanied by her husband who gave him the once over, smiled and shook his hand then went back to his newspaper. She walked him round to the rear of the house, and he was pleased to see that the gardens had been kept fairly well maintained, but needed some attention. They discussed terms and they were both happy for him to start.
'Oh, there is one thing' she put in quickly on remembering an important point; 'down at the wooded end past the walled garden near the boundary with 'Red Gables' property, I am afraid we have an infusion of that dreaded Japanese Knotweed. Whilst I do not expect you to rid us of it completely- I know what trouble it is- you will need to keep it in check for me if you would. I will see you get extra for it.'
'It will be a pleasure- almost!' he laughed; 'It is a pet hate of mine, I hate the way it takes over.'
He was shown that he could take his van down as far as the walled garden, on a rudimentary drive way. Looking back the house seemed a long way off, and the wooded area even further. The sense of space made him take in a deep breath and smile. If only he had done this since the age of eighteen he thought. It was hot and he removed his shirt in the mid-day humidity, the sweat ran down the back of his khaki shorts making it look as though he had wet himself. He toiled back round toward the house filling wheelbarrow after wheelbarrow with offshoots and cuttings. His hairy chest adorned with leaves and petals. Suddenly he was aware of a presence. He looked up and there with arm outstretched holding a mug of coffee was a tiny waif like girl with bright ginger hair and soft white skin.
'This is for you' she said as her sweet little arm wobbled under the weight of the mug.
'Thank you very much' he said, as he gratefully took the mug from her. He could not help but notice that her radiant blue eyes which shone out from her delicately freckled face were not looking him in the eye, but surveying his sweating middle-aged body. She pursed her lips and smiled at him;
'I must go now' and she skipped away on her bare feet across the lawn to the house. Suddenly something inside him wished she had stayed. He felt an erection growing and felt a little ashamed with himself. The lady of the house approached and he pulled the tee shirt over his body; suddenly feeling over exposed, unnecessarily of course. He sipped the coffee as she approached.
'You are working hard' she said; 'I know it is a big garden'
'It is just fine' he replied; 'I am enjoying the day- thanks for the coffee' he put in, as he wanted to enquire upon the waif.
'Abigail was so determined that you should have a drink, watching you work was distracting her from the weekly dusting she comes in to do.'
'So the little girl is no relation of yours then?' Mrs G-F laughed;
'No she is no relation and she is not exactly a 'little girl' either. Abigail is twenty I think; she is one of Miss Proctor's girls from 'Red Gables' and one of her tasks is to come here once a week and do the dusting. We like to spoil her, as I get the impression Miss Proctor is a little strict with her charges. 'Red Gables' is a sort of private 'Finishing School' for young ladies. Strange thing is they all seem to have red hair! Most extraordinary.'
He thought of the sweet nymph again; he had thought her to be about 14, which is why he had been so ashamed at his excitement. He was now even more ashamed inside as this new knowledge had given his carnal persona license to dwell further on the milky innocence that had affected his blood pressure so. All of a sudden he was anxious to get to work with the knotweed down by the boundary. He could have a look; maybe, just maybe 'Red Gables' would require his services also.
A few days later he returned to the house, having mowed and tidied the front and done likewise with the immediate area to the rear of the property, he could now justify an excursion down to the woods at the far end, beyond the walled garden. As he ventured down, the house was completely out of sight behind him; the woodland was serene and he could have been somewhere entirely disassociated with the tended garden landscape back up by the house. The woodland was in its natural state, apart from the tubular growths of the knotweed which popped audibly as he struck it down with contempt. He was perplexed as he could see the boundary wall about 100 yards off and his curiosity just to see what lay beyond it toyed with his inner soul endlessly.
Something inside him came to a working decision which reached a compromise; he would work his way down to the wall and back again. He would cut the weed down first then set to the arduous task of digging the roots out. Just the action of hacking through the jungle of the invading plant with a machete had him dripping with sweat. He reached the wall, which was a lot taller than it appeared at 100 yards. He eyed a fallen tree which lay at an angle beside the wall; a large limb providing a natural route up and over the top. He thought for a moment then said to himself- "get a grip you fool!"- He turned to work his way back through another thicket and slashed away with the blade.
"Hello again!" an excited little voice rang out. He turned and there atop the wall was Abigail; another red-headed waif sat beside her who had a smirk upon her cherub like face.
"Would you like some of my juice" she said waving a small bottle of fruit drink at him. He looked at her and her friend and smiled. A lump came into his throat. 'Behave yourself' he thought to himself as he strode carefully up the fallen tree.
"Thank you" he said as he took the tiny bottle of juice from her and had to be careful not to consume it all-the sip he took half emptied it and barely cooled the inside of his mouth, but he was not about to let her know this. As he handed the bottle back she looked at him starry eyed and her friend delicately touched the hairs on his sweaty arm as he extended it. She giggled and licked her fingers.
"Don't mind Cindy; she is a little crazy, she will get us into all sorts of bother with Miss Proctor" Said Abigail who panted making her little breasts heave as much as was possible for such a slight young lady.
"You do not mind us watching you work do you? We would love to help you but Miss Proctor would punish us if she knew we had spoken to a man we had not been introduced to by her or Miss Hunter." He really did not know what to say, and felt he was somehow being manipulated by the minxes, but they were interesting to him, very interesting.
"No, I do not mind at all" he said as he turned and stumbled slightly on the log. As he did a soft white hand grabbed his and squeezed.
"Careful" said Abigail as she held onto his hand for as long as she possibly could. He felt the warmth through her delicate little palm and their eyes met, bringing back the lump in his throat and a lump elsewhere below. He scrambled quickly down 'What are you doing allowing girls of that age excite you' he thought. He was hooked though, and he had an idea they knew this too. He got back to his machete and smiled up at them.
"We must not get our skirts dirty on this wall or we will be in for a stroke or two!" Said Cindy, and the two in unison lifted their skirts and pulled their legs back provocatively, careful to allow him a view of their crotches; their tight white panties outlining a sweet little bulge. The two smiled knowingly. He now wished he had not 'gone commando'; he smiled and cursed as he had to turn away from the sight- his erection now as stiff as the machete and very evident in his baggy khakis.
"You girls come here this instant!" The playful scene was suddenly shattered by a mature female voice from beyond the wall; the two looked terrified and Abigail put her erect index finger up to her lips to beg silence from him. The look of fear in the two girl's eyes had rendered him motionless anyhow. He watched as they scrambled from the wall in as lady-like a fashion as they could muster; skirts hastily dropped to hide the femininity they had so freely offered him. He could just hear the muffled conversation beyond the wall.
"I hope you have not been smoking again Brown! Let me smell your breath." There was silence for a moment. "And you Fisher" barked the unseen virago. She scared him, and he was a middle-aged gardener.
"Just what do you think you are doing; climbing up walls like tom-boys at YOUR age?!"
"I ... I ... I just wanted to show Cindy where I go once a week; it was my fault Miss Proctor"
His curiosity now got the better of him as the voices were a little fainter; they had obviously moved from the wall – he stealthily climbed the log and carefully peeped over the top, hidden by some convenient foliage he stared between the leaves. The sight that befell him only made him yearn all the more to be part of Red Gables. The ground on their side of the wall was three or four feet higher than his side, making the girl's access to the top of the wall that much easier. Now stood about twenty-five feet from the wall was the source of the authoritative and assertive voice which had terrified the two waifs.
Miss Proctor stood there dominantly in tight white jodhpurs and full length boots, a tight black blouse displaying her full and rounded body magnificently. She was not waif like by any stretch of the imagination. She also wore black gloves and was pointing and swishing a menacing and flexible cane at the two sweet nymphs who were kneeling submissively before her. Though she was a very impressive example of mature womanhood compared to the two waifs, she also had striking red-hair; this time a deep auburn, and her skin was milky white, her arms in complete contrast to her gloves.
"Get up brown, bend over and show me your panties!" poor Cindy began to snivel; she knew that even stepping out of place would earn her a caning from Miss Proctor. She bent over giving all a full view of her silky legs and pert little bottom. She knew the wall would have left its mark on her panties and now Miss Proctor would leave her mark in recognition of that fact; she patted her panties with the cane. He saw the mature woman smile victoriously.
"Filthy!" she barked, making both girls tremble- and making his now firm erection pulsate-
"Panties down- NOW!" The tears were already evident on the poor girls face. She pulled her panties down around her ankles, her beautiful white bottom exposed invitingly and her sweet sex peeped out from below. The Jodhpur clad woman stepped round lifted the cane above her head and held it there teasingly to allow the girl time to ponder the error of her ways.
'Whup!'; she brought the cane down; the little white bottom flexed, Cindy cried out in pain and a stripe redder than the hair of any person present blossomed across her sweet little rear.
Without even giving her panties an inspection, Abigail was ordered to drop hers also. She bent over at a three-quarter angle to the wall and she turned to face it. She knew he would be watching. He marvelled at the submissive little waif and though he wanted to take her home and keep her warm and safe, something else inside him was jealous of the governess at her work; he would have liked to cane that bottom too.
She blinked in expectancy of the cane as she stared hungrily at the wall, hoping to meet his eyes as she was punished, just for him, she thought. Down came the cane;
"Whup!" she yelped as the tears streamed down her pretty face and the red line glowed across her bottom. Both girls sobbed uncontrollably.
"Follow me. You shall have the other five strokes over a chair- I have guests who may be interested in your discipline!" He had been about to unleash his member and pleasure himself at the unbelievable spectacle until she had said this. His curiosity was now beginning to control him. He looked back and could just make out his van in the distance through the trees; it was behind the walled garden, so Mrs G-F would not know if he were there or not. He watched the three walk along a wooded path; the beautifully full rear of the vicious matriarch leading the way, the two sobbing waifs obediently following, closer to further punishment with each step. Occasionally Abigail looked expectantly behind her. Red Gables needed a gardener at this time, and she had been well trained.
He hopped down from the wall; it was barely five feet from the ground on this side. He dodged from tree to tree, and from clump of Knotweed to clump of knotweed; it was prevalent here as well and had suddenly become a friend. As he made a move a couple of hundred yards on, Abigail caught sight of him and her heart leapt; she knew he would appeal to Miss Hunter, not just because he was a good hard working gardener, she would appreciate his clean and polite ruggedness and would want to keep him –the way she had since she'd first seen him- they would both benefit from his entwinement.
He had to work his way around the perimeter for cover as he watched the dominant woman lead the two across an expansive lawn to Red Gables. The house was half as big again as the The Noke and had a suitably sinister air about it. Abigail saw him again as he moved to another point and smiled openly. She knew he would be caught and she was now looking forward to her caning. The two girls were taken into a downstairs room; the curtains to which were conveniently wide open with no nets. He had a clear view as he panted for breath; a large leather chair stood prominently in the centre of the room. Cindy was told to strip naked and was then helped over the black leather chair by two more red-headed girls, equally as soft and adolescent looking as the other two. Smiling eagerly they bound her wrists to the arms of the chair. Her now dangling feet were fastened to the chair legs to stop here lifting her own into the path of the stinging cane as she was punished.
Abigail had disappeared from sight, and though he was a little concerned about this he was sure that she was just being held back out of view to await her turn. He was consumed by Cindy's plight. To his astonishment Miss Proctor turned toward the window, unzipped her boots and kicked them off before peeling her own clothes off. She was a truly perfect picture of a supreme woman in her prime and his cock was now virtually bursting from his shorts. He found it hard to focus on one area as he watched her deliver the five promised strokes to the helpless waif; the movement of the mature beauty as her arms legs and buttocks flexed as she wielded the cane in obvious pleasure was the most erotic thing he had ever seen. Likewise, the cries of the sweet waif as her protruding bottom rippled and clenched as she accepted the bite of the cane evoked a sense of eroticism in him he had not known was there until that point. As the fifth stroke was delivered and Cindy squealed and wept uncontrollably, Miss Proctor once again faced the window smiling knowingly. She then walked right up to it and he turned to move away.
His cock was protruding like a tent pole behind his shorts as he turned; there behind him was another formidable looking woman, and sweet Abigail, who half smiled-half frowned as she looked at him.
"A peeping tom! What would the police say to that, I wonder?" his face went as red as their hair.
This was Miss Hunter. She completed the red-headed theme; she too had the glorious trade mark- her flowing locks tied in a bun at this point. She, like Miss Proctor was a beautifully full shaped hour glass figure, aged about 50. She had a tight black silk blouse and tight black skirt. She stood dominantly on tall stilettos and also carried a short cane. She eyed him up and down, contemptuously at first, then she smiled sweetly and looked him full in the eyes whilst patting the cane in her palm.
"There is an alternative to the police, of course. I hear from Mrs Grandella-Favour that you are a very good gardener – we need one here. We would want you to live-in though, as you would have other 'duties'. I know this would be easy for you; I've looked into your life in your little house and know you are alone; we can soon have that on the market. What do you say?"
He was astounded. Abigail looked at him like a lost puppy; her lower lip trembled;
"Please come and look after me" He was as lost as she sounded, what was happening to him; he thought of the consequences of the police; although he had not actually done anything wrong, it did not look to clever.
"I will make you very comfortable here" edged Miss Hunter as she saw him swaying toward her way. Having seen he was just as the waif had described him she was determined to make him hers.
"OK" he said.
"Good" she looked at him sternly and placed the cane on his protrusion; "We will have those off now." He was compelled to do as she told him; he felt as submissive before this woman as did her charges. He dropped his shorts and stood naked, his cock fit to explode with the afternoon's events. He noticed the faces smiling through the window. Cindy's tear stained face looked across at Abigail.
Miss Hunter smiled triumphantly; she too looked at Abigail. "You have caused our new gardener a great deal of trouble today, have you not?"
"Yes Miss Hunter, I should be punished for it" She knelt and looked up at him; his erect cock wavering before her delicate little nose.
"I have deceived you and want you to cane me." She stared longingly up at him. His cock throbbed.
The naked Miss Proctor appeared next to him; she smelled beautifully in her aroused state. She looked wickedly at Abigail as she handed him the cane.
"Welcome to Red Gables" she said.
Miss Hunter had Abigail stand and she walked them both into the room he had viewed from the outside. She noted that his face had a distinct look of shame, rather than guilt. As Abigail walked eagerly to the chair, looking back to ensure he had not lost his senses completely and fled, Miss Hunter took his arm;
"I know this is all difficult for you to take in, but I intend to make things very comfortable for you here; all the young ladies at this establishment are over 18" she looked deep into his eyes and smiled wickedly;
"I know just why they appeal to you, and you should not be ashamed of yourself-it is a basic failing in all males. This particular penchant you have goes hand in hand with an opposite attraction for older women does it not?" She stroked his erect cock, which jumped to attention; he could not deny he had just as strong feelings for assertive mature women, and he knew she knew this.
"Please smile for me. I intend to take a personal hand in your guidance now you have agreed to stay; I promise you will not regret your decision." He knew his 'decision' was really hers. He smiled just the same and Miss Hunter squeezed his cock as she leaned forward and kissed him gently on the lips. He knew from that moment on that she would have a hold on him that he could never be released from.
Abigail had been tied to the leather chair by the two red-headed attendants who had secured Cindy. They now kneeled out of the way of the cane and eyed expectantly the mature male with erect phallus who was going to punish the captive. Cindy was sprawled over the knees of the naked Miss Proctor, who was gently applying cold cream to the grateful nymphs red cheeks. He looked down the room and noted there was a bed with white silk sheets at the other end with chairs arranged either side of it. Miss Hunter saw him glance at the bed whispered encouragement to him;
"When you have administered the five strokes we will all go down there; everything will be ok, trust me" he was not sure what she meant but was compelled to do as she asked, and was eased by the enthusiastic atmosphere of those in attendance. Miss Hunter strutted over to Abigail and rubbed her hand on the delightfully exposed cheeks. He noticed the sweet sex of the red-head quiver and protrude as her mistress taunted her;
"Abigail Fisher, you have been a very bad girl indeed. You have been deceitful to a man who is now in my employ. What should we have him do?"
The sweet waif flexed her slender arms and legs against the tension of the silken cords that bound her, her white flesh glowed against the soft black leather, Miss Hunter pulled her soft red hair away from her back and laid it over her shoulder.
"Please may he cane me, Miss Hunter" The two attendants discretely fondled themselves as the spectacle unfolded.
"How many strokes are you owed" Said Miss Hunter.
"I should want five; Miss Proctor has shown me one already" said the captive, flexing her bottom as she eyed the hairy middle-aged man with arms which were a great deal more muscular than either of the women who had both enjoyed caning her before. His cock bobbed as he watched that sweet bottom quiver.
"You shall have six! Our new man was cheated of the first; we cannot have that, can we?"
"Oh yes please", said Abigail, rubbing her face impatiently on the soft leather chair. She looked at him as he came closer to her; she looked up almost lovingly at him. He could sense she was scared, but this seemed to excite her all the more.
"Oh Miss; I think I may wet myself", she pleaded with a studied tone of embarrassment.
"You know if you do you shall suffer an extra stroke!" said Miss Hunter, in a studied assertive tone, as she smiled at the waif as if to congratulate her. She stood back.
"Cane her!" She commanded. He faltered as he lifted for the first stroke; he was not sure that he really wanted to do this- the form before him was the epitome of innocence and it wrangled with his conscience. She looked up at him and pushed her little round white bottom as far up as she could manage.
"Can me, I beg you!" she cried out with impatience; he brought the cane down with a whoosh that was delicious to her ears. He struck her just above the line of her thighs at the lowest part of her bottom. She squealed with pain and her bottom flexed for the second time that day, but this time she felt a hidden ecstasy too. He was caning her, and she knew what was to follow.
He brought it down again, this time cutting a perfect line mid buttocks which produced just as excited a squeal as the smart line of impact blushed from pink to bright red. She sobbed with joy and pain as she watched him flex again. The third stroke bit home with the most elegant of deliveries; the two mistresses clapped at his accomplishment as her bottom lifted and splayed as she enjoyed the kiss of the rattan. Whoosh! The fourth had the tears dripping from the poor waif's face, and he noticed her sex was almost as equally moist. The fifth had her buck as the tensioners loosened slightly with her punished reactions. She sobbed and never took her eyes from him until the point of Impact. Her bottom glowed.
He was beginning to enjoy tormenting her now, and the ladies clicked away with cameras. He knew they had him now, with all that evidence. He lifted his arm for the sixth and final stroke; he would make her pay for her deceit. She looked away from him and lifted her head and whimpered as the cane cut through the air to meet its soft reward. Whup! She wailed and looked at Miss Hunter; the waif's sweet little womanhood bulged and she gushed a stream of hot pee which trickled down the black leather. Miss Hunter crossed her arms and smiled at him;
"She has earned a seventh stroke; make her pay dearly for wetting my furniture!"
Whoosh! He delivered a seventh with some venom; the flexible demon bit home once more and her buttocks squirted the pee as she flexed for the final time and cried uncontrollably.
He turned and wanted to throw the cane. Though his aroused state and an inner carnal sense had taken control at the deliciously submissive site before him, he was truly ashamed with himself now. He had indulged a base pleasure to fulfilment and was thoroughly displeased with himself as Abigail sobbed as she was released from her torment. Miss Hunter carried on smiling and took the cane from him. She held him with one hand and toyed with his now flaccid cock with the other.
"Look" she said. Abigail was walking toward him, still snivelling but smiling through her tears which were subsiding already. She knelt down and kissed his feet.
"Thank you for my first caning from you" she said sweetly. His cock roused again as Miss Hunter caressed it and he viewed the submissive ginger girl before him. She stood up again and Miss Hunter turned to allow the soft girl tip-toe and press her sweet body against his hairy torso. He squeezed her; she whimpered again slightly as he squeezed he punished little bottom involuntarily.
"Come" said Miss Hunter and she walked them down to the bed, which he noted was elevated somewhat. Miss Hunter spoke;
"Are you ready to reward Him Abigail?"
"Oh yes please Miss" she said as she eagerly climbed onto the soft cool white silk sheets. Miss Hunter toyed with his cock once more which was now rigid. She stood him at the end of the bed and elevated it a little more with a foot-pedal.
Abigail knelt before him on the bed as the small audience took their places in the chairs next to it; the two mistresses taking one of the attendant waifs each, placing their hands down to pleasure the young ladies during the show. Cindy was allowed to stand naked, side on, and she eyed the large male and her friend expectantly whilst rubbing away between her legs.
Abigail looked sweetly up at him;
"I am yours now, and I shall pleasure you"; she lay face down on the soft sheets, her eyes fixed on his manhood as she lifted her lower legs, put her arms back and held her ankles. Her sweet slender white arms accentuating the red stripes he had left across her bottom. She looked up at him and opened her mouth. He moved forward and her sweet red lips took him in. He shuddered as her hot little mouth sucked and squeezed over his glans and took the length of his cock in and out. He felt the ecstasy of the movement within her mouth and looked down at her act of complete submission; he thought of the caning and viewed her sweet tormented cheeks; he put his hand behind her head and she looked up with those adorable blue eyes. Cindy sighed and keeled in upon herself as she could hold back no longer. Nor could he; his knees and lower body trembled as he spurted in absolute ecstasy. He looked down to see her look up with eyes as pleased as punch. He felt her swallowing as he gave her more and more and only a little dribbled from the edge of her mouth.
The two waifs moaned as the two mistresses delighted in watching their pleasure. This had been a good day's work thought Miss Hunter. She and Miss Proctor both stood and held him either side as he withdrew, with Abigail looking up at him with bright blue eyes, her face beaming with satisfaction. They knew he was in a state of shock; if he had not it would have been a miracle. He was unsure of foot as he looked down at her half-smiling, half incensed at what he had allowed himself to do; she moved from the bed and wrapped her arms about his neck and kissed him; a sticky salty remnant from the performance stuck between their lips as she drew away, blushing at her faux pas. He wiped his lips and smiled back at her; now he just wanted to comfort the vulnerable creature.
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FetishVIXEN, TUSHY, and BLACKED bring you, Lottie Magne, like you’ve never seen her before. You won’t want to miss a moment of her eye-opening, erotic adventure: catch Episode 1 on VIXEN, then follow her bottom over to TUSHY for Episode 2 and finally see how far she goes in Episode 3 on BLACKED. Ravishing red-haired Lottie is off on the adventure of a lifetime, backpacking through Ibiza with just a yoga mat, some cute clothes, and an open mind. This college graduate doesn’t have a destination in...
xmoviesforyouThe evening had fallen, and everyone had decided to head to bed after a day of getting "busy" in different forms and roles. Damien and Jeremy had been assigned a room each while Mr. and Ms. Creneth retired to their luxurious bedroom. Markus had already crashed down onto the bed as he started to undres. For once he did it to just head off to bed. But of course, the nymphomaniac Andrea was not yet satisfied even after a day of getting nailed and used for her husband's pleasure. She was...
Welcome to a town known as Dan Ville, in this town, two boys grew up with their big sister. The boys spent may a day creating gadgets and widgets, to get the most out of each day. Their now grown and returned to Dan Ville for visit. The first is Candace Flynn, who married her teen crush Jemery, she has long red hair, next is Pheanis Flynn. He's the younger brother of Candace, he also has red hair, and married he child hood friend Isabella, who was a fireside girl, so she has many of skills....
BDSMMy God, it's hot today! Unusually hot for this time of year and I'll be glad to get home and get out of my boring, stuffy office clothes. I pull into the drive and park next to Richard. He's had the day off - lucky sod! As I go in the front door, I hear him shout "I'm in the kitchen!". "Hi there. How was your day?" I ask as I walk through. He's standing there with a beer in his hand, smirking. "Good. I've had a very lazy day - just lounging around waiting for my wife to come home." he says,...
Straight SexScotty gave a little yelp as he ran over to the table in the middle of the room. He stood there, gazing up at his naked mistress, his long, pink tongue lolling out of one side of his mouth. Dog-drool dribbled off the end of it. He panted. His body was tensed. He looked as if he were barely able to restrain himself, but he seemed to sense that Biff was the one in charge here and that he had best not move until he received his next command. "Ready for Scotty now, Sis?" Biff asked...
It’s getting closer to the holiday season everyone so don’t be a Grinch, and lets talk about who’s up next on the bed shall we? Well she’s adorable and could be little miss Cindy Lou Who from Whoville’s sister in the classic Christmas cartoon ‘How The Grinch Stole Christmas,’ because this week’s exploit Sylvie, or Sylvie Lou Who (SLO) I’ll call her, who’s delightfully precious by the way, is just itching to be roughly used and tossed around like a little fuck doll she...
xmoviesforyouAugust 16th was a dreary, rainy day. The weather had turned somewhat unseasonably cold and there was a light drizzle falling. Still it wasn't unreasonably cold out, so even wet the men weren't terribly troubled by the weather. They grumbled in a true soldier's fashion, but were not held back by it much. The assembly area was full of fully armed soldiers, ready to be sent off on their first real mission since taking the town weeks before. They were to root out a nest of locals who had been...
We had gone to a friend's daughter's wedding. Margaret looked stunning in her heels and seamed stockings. Almost as soon as we were at the reception, which was held right next door to where we lived, three young guys in their early twenties came up for a chat. One of them told me I had a hot sexy wife and she looked great in stockings, and they hoped they would get to see more as the evening wore on. They asked me if she dressed for sex. They were cheeky, to say the least, and Margaret was...
MatureIt was Friday evening and I was at the office trying to finish my market analysis report for Monday. I was running late and wanted to finish it so that I did not have to come on Saturday to finish it. And my cell began buzzing . . . . , - Hello - What is my bitch doing there??? was the reply to my hello. I knew it was my wife and she was calling for Cleopatra, you know, my asshole. I said - Cleo is fine, resting for a good week-end. - Then finish whatever is that you are doing and bring Cleo...
Anal"Damn Sylvia I always knew you were smarter than the average operator," the colonel said. "She is ruthless as well," the sergeant major said without a hint of kindness. "And thank God for it," Andrew said. "If she were less ruthless I would still be in a Vera Cruz prison." "Not likely, more likely a mass grave. There are not many mercenaries, who do jail time anywhere in South America," The sergeant major said. He still showed no approval at all. "Ah you guys," I said faking a...
Jen couldn't move. Carlos had left her over 30 minutes ago. Sitting in her car, she felt like she was in shock. She couldn't believe what had happened. She was both repulsed and aroused as she re-played the scene in her mind, remembered the old man's thick cock inside of her, his hands on her breasts, his tongue in her mouth, his cum shooting into her. She abruptly decided that she wouldn't tell her husband about it. If it had been just Carlos — well, she'd tell Michael about that,...
You’re My Bitch Now Part 9Chris stared at Rick. ‘Rikkie, what have you done? What have you toldhim?’‘It's a her, not a him, and I haven't told her anything. She caught mein the panties I was wearing the other day in the office, then she sawyour text message to me tonight and she put two and two together. Ihaven't told her anything, but she sussed that something is going on.’Chris sat down on the bed. ‘Shit, shit, shit.’ Rick came and sat next to him. ‘I don't think she really knows anything.I’m...
She looked across the room and saw Marie speaking earnestly to Joan, the hostess. She walked across the room toward the two women. Marie was dark-complected, Italian looking, although she wasn't sure what her heritage was, her hair was straight and black, worn down over her olive skinned shoulders. Her breasts were full and upturned, about 36 C she imagined. Her waist was trim and her hips had that Italian flair to them that screamed "Fuck me". Evelyn had seen her pussy on occasion, and...
Gradual decline.By Tor Melati.Chapter one. My name is Katie Blood and I was born in a small town in Hertfordshire 22 years ago. I am an only child and I suppose whilst I lived in England I had been spoilt incessantly. I had a very sporty upbringing which helped me to develop into an extremely fit and healthy young person. Always tall for my age, slim, attractive, and naturally blond I could well have become a fashion model, but my Father steered me clear of that profession. When I heard...
This encounter happened between my very sexy neighbor, Geetha; I was staying in Chennai doing my pg and was staying in a rented house, which was on the 3rd floor with a terrace next to it. I was the only bachelor boy (age 22) there and our building had families from all sects, Rajasthan, Tamil, Kannada, etc, Geetha (age 28) was a Bengali from Calcutta and her husband was a scientist for a space research organization. They were 4 in their family, her mother in law, son, she and hubby. Her mother...
I was called into the office one day to meet a Federal Agent, who explained that a slavery ring was operating in the region, and that their leads were few and far between... ut they ahd one, and if I cold get close to this guy, and perhaps infiltrate their operation, then maybe we could save a few girls lives! After a week of training and briefing, I was told to hunt downa nd get close to a guy called "WildFeather"... he had some Papago Indian in him, and fancied himself to be a...
Sweet Sophia returns for some more hot fun and loves being on camera. There is just something so hot about knowing that you are being watched while fucking. Sophia gets Donnie Rocks cock all to herself and she can’t wait to feel that curvy dick fuck her little pussy hard. She teases her way out of her tight little panties shaking that ass right in your face to make sure your own cock is throbbing for her. Imagine getting to have that sexy ass sit on your face while your dick throat fucks...
xmoviesforyouThis is my first attempt at writing, so please bear with me! Jim Was a 40 year old man, that had seen it all. He had recently broken up with his girlfriend, of 4 years. Upon their breakup Tina told him, that he needed to get to know Women! Learn to understand how Women think, and feel. Then maybe he could have a successful relationship with a Woman! He was sitting around his apartment, feeling sorry for himself. He was watching TV, but couldn't tell you what he had watched....
Part one of my story actually happened. My story continues as a fantasy. It all began in my 40’s. My professional suit and tie, desk job and fast food life began to take a toll on my waistline. I needed to drop a few pounds and tone my body. The transformation began when I changed my eating habits and joined a local health club where I worked out routinely during an extended lunch hour three to four times a week. I was beginning to reap the rewards of my commitment and hard work. I actually...
Creater's word: Welcome to this interactive erotic story. In this story, you will follow Sara Wade, the main character, and experience a lot of things happen in Lantern Memorial Hospital. Personally I would love to explore her affairs with different older males, which is always a thrill to me. But my dear readers and co-writers, you are free to guide the story to wherever you want. I hope every one can find his/her dream here. In order to give you as many options as you want, I offer the...
MatureCopyright© 2002 "Three hundred bucks an hour? I gotta be out of my everlovin' mind!" Yet here he was, sitting in the waiting room. Waiting. Vic had arrived twenty minutes early for his appointment. "Mr. Victor?" The middle-aged woman in a crisp nurse's uniform ushered him into the dimly lit room. The only furniture was a low, vinyl-covered padded table. There were what looked like television screens mounted on two of the walls. "You are to undress while you await Mistress...
He was playing with my pussy as I lay on his bed. His fingers touching my clit. I was moaning softly. His other hand playing with my nipple. “You’re so damn sexy,” he says. “I love playing with your cunt. Say you’re my dirty slut.” “I’m your dirty slut,” I say. He slid his finger inside my hole. “Aaah!” “You like that, slut?” He started to finger fuck me. His finger moving faster each time. “Oohhh baby, yeah, fuck that cunt. Fuck your dirty slut.” He gets on top of me slides his rock hard cock...
Group SexIts been a while since I posted on here, but having just returned from a contract in the UK, I thought id post again.The drive homeI purchased a motor home for a whilst working on a short contract in the UK, I found myself driving up to see friends after a weeks work on a Friday evening. Having finished for a 3 day weekend I started the drive north and found myself getting sleepy on the route. Not knowing the A11 too well I pulled over in a layby to look at the map, my luck was in, a food van...
"Look" I said, practically pleading at this point. "I introduced you to my family, and we had a great time. Surely you aren't embarrassed to show me to your family. Are you?" "It's not that." Replied my girlfriend "It's more that I'm embarrassed to show my family to you. You really wouldn't like them." Awkward silence I met this amazing young woman in my University Politics class. She was always able to come up with good arguments, while at the same time being respectful and open to alternative...
To make your dripping pussies furthermore wetter, I am here with a true encounter. This is a true story happened 10 months ago. I am Ashish(name changed), 6ft 2in tall guy from Chennai working in Mumbai. I live in Andheri in a reputed housing complex. The heroine of the story is Manisha(name changed), 34, a working woman but looks a lot younger. This happened during the Diwali time when all my roommates went to meet their parents. The same is the case for her. Since we were neighbors, we used...
Dead Girls Don't Cry All Souls Day 2008 Story Contest By Maggie Finson All Souls Day kind of sneaked up on Walt Hynes. With a soft, but insistent knocking at his front door at three AM. Turning over in his bed, unhappily without a partner, Walt groaned, stared at the bedside alarm clock and winced as the knocking at the front door got not only louder, but even more demanding. "All...
Hi, Guys and gals of indian sex stories dot net , this is Aryan (name changed), you can reach out to me at with the feedbacks. Without wasting each other’s time I will start with the story. This story is about my cousin and me when after so many phone sex instances we finally got a chance to get laid and I managed to take her virginity. My cousin has huge and sexy melons and a freaking big ass. I always wanted to screw her ass and till now have not got a chance to go for it. Since...
IncestI felt for the key in my pocket. With a grocerybag in one hand as i finally entered the key and unlocked the door. Prior to lay a little heap of advertising. I put down the bag with the food and pulled off my jacket, picked up the bag and advertising. Inside the kitchen, threw the advertisement on the table and began to pack the food in the fridge and freezer.When i was finished i settled down on one of the chairs around the table. I checked quickly through commercials before i became bored and...
Hello again people. I’m back with the part two of my story named – The Week Long Trip To Daman. This is the link to the first part is given above. In that part I had described how me, Adi and Tara had sex on the first night of our stay. I did get some mails asking how me and Tara lost our respective virginity. Those experiences will be written very soon. And even how i managed to fuck Tara in my college will be written very soon, so without any further delay let me begin with a quick recap....
My wife is turning 34 and I had a big surprise for her. She loves Broadway and there was a showing that she has always wanted to see. I booked a hotel for 3 nights and bought admission for the show. It is about a 12 hour drive to the hotel and when we arrive we shower and go right to sleep. The next day we walk around the city seeing the attractions, killing time until the show. Back at the hotel we started getting ready for our night out. I put my suit on and waited for my wife to finish...
Nick Tarent stood in his office, a smile on his face. At the age of 27 he was already on top of the world. At 6'1" with dark hair and hazel eyes, he was a very attractive guy, and he knew it. He was senior vice president of a major corporation. He also had quite a bit of money sitting in a bank account. But none of these things were what made his life the paradise that he enjoyed these days. That he owed to something else entirely. Glancing at the clock on his desk, he saw the display shift...
I'm in my 30s and have been completely straight all my life - other than some fondles at boarding school which were as much about sexual exploration as anything else. But now, having done a fair amount of straight stuff, I find a degree of curiosity about pushing boundaries with another guy. Here's one experience I had at school which has been recurring to me lately and a fantasy which gets me horny. If you like it... let me know. Would be interesting to hear from others who have similar...
Gay MaleThings finally started to settle down to a new normal. I was calling my dad, Holly, and Mandy about once a week. During one call, which we always scheduled when Linda was out, Mandy admitted she finally “did it” with Matt, and it had been really good. “He did not make me, ah, cum though. But he got better, and finally last time I did. Linda is barely here now, I think when she graduates next week she is going to move in with Melissa. I can’t wait, she has become a real cunt lately.” “Mandy,...
You feel a warm mouth slowly wrap itself around your rock hard cock. It starts to bob up and down, it's tongue expertly moving around your shaft, bringing you closer to climax. You try to see the owner of the mouth but you can't seem to see anything in the dark. Quickly you feel the cum building, ready to burst. Just as you're about explode, somewhere in the distance a loud blaring alarms jars you! You sit bolt up right, looking around frantically. You see the tent caused by your boner and...
The late-autumn light was fading quickly as Professor Lucas Wainwright slipped a thick sheaf of papers into his briefcase and snapped the locks closed. The beginning of a new academic year was always a difficult time, and he was in no mood for staying late. Satisfied that nothing remained that could not wait until the next day, Lucas tucked his spectacles into the breast pocket of his suit, picked up his briefcase, and turned out the lamp. His fingers had barely brushed the door handle,...
Two days of workouts, sports and sex later, they found themselves orbiting a blue-green planet named Ardent. Slightly smaller than Earth, but it had 2 small moons and it appeared to only have one massive continent that accounted for roughly one-third of the surface area of the planet, although there were many fairly large islands in the ocean. The continent itself appeared to be split into 4 regions by either water or mountains, so despite being one continent, each region was probably quite...
We walked into his apartment and he said we can be comfortable here in the living room. He started to remove his pants, so I did also. He was down to his bikini panties and after he took off his shirt, he pulled his panties down and off. He was now nude and I got my first look at his cock. He looked large, long that is, and he was cut. I finished removing my shirt and stood there in my garter belt, black stockings and black bikini panties. He said, “Nice.” I had told him over the phone...
It all started on my 21st birthday… My friend Rachel had her birthday the day before mine, so we agreed to get together and plan an insane party with plenty of booze for the entire weekend. We decided to meet the afternoon before the party at a local restaurant, to have lunch and talk about what food and drinks we should get for the it. I had figured it would be just me and a few of her friends, but Rachel had brought someone with her I didn’t expect. Being the unfashionably late person I am,...
The life was slowly draining away from me. My body, or at least the one I now occupied, laid on the bed in that little room, while my mind was elsewhere. It was like I was observing my own life from an outsider's perspective and I didn't like what I saw. It had been days since I'd eaten. Mrs. Taylor would come in offering food, but I'd refuse to acknowledge her offers. As I matter of fact, I'd stopped communicating all together. I laid there, in the darkness of the room, waiting for it...
We met over a year ago on The Lush Stories site. I will not go into a great deal of details of the first year, but suffice it to say, we chatted many times, then many phone conversations and eventually we met face to face. I will call her BG. Not her real initials, as you might imagine. I am an older guy and she is young. She is in college to be a nurse. She is 18, but very mature for her age. Our relationship has blossomed from lust to love. She is very dear to me, but on to the event that...
InterracialMera ek dost Rashid hai jisne apna ek asli wakiya sunaya tha. Yeh uski kahani uski apni juban se hai. Mera naam Rashid hai aur yeh us samay ka wakiya hai jab mai 21 saal ka tha. Hum Jaunpur ke rehne wale hain aur mere ghar mein mere Abbu aur Ammi ke alava ek choti behan Salma hai jiski umar 18 saal hai. Hum dono bhai behan Lucknow mein padhte hain. Main University mein BA mein padhta hoon aur Salma Lamartinaire mein padhti hai. Who school ke boarding mein rehti hai aur maine University ke paas...
Eventually, gravity settled down (as did her stomach) and she was once more right side up, positioned before the portal.‘I wonder where I am now,’ she mused as she gazed across the lake, recalling the earlier glimpses of enormous flora and fauna from the prison cell. Upon the distant shore stood a strange looking village made up of curiously shaped towers and buildings, walls and bridges, all painted in a cacophony of garishly bright colors. It looked like a child had taken building blocks and...
Oral SexFRIENDS OR LOVERS? by Rumple Foreskin Amy Marshall sat alone and miserable on the bank of the Mississippi River. A giant oil tanker heading upstream went unnoticed. She was too busy trying not to cry. The tall redhead felt angry and weepy, and incredibly stupid for not knowing why. Leaning back against a big, driftwood log, she closed her eyes and tried to come up with an answer. What has gotten into you, girl? One minute you’re feeling great, joking with the other guests—though...
OutdoorI’ve been doing some very naughty things recently. My name is Alice and I’m twenty-two years old and I just love to be with older men. Lately, I’ve been focusing my time on my neighbor. He’s married, but I just don’t know if his marriage is good or not. I often hear them arguing, when they're in the yard, or if he’s outside washing his car. His name is Vincent and he’s an older man. I’d think he's probably sixty years old. I just find him very attractive. I know sexually I could please him...
TabooThe next two weeks blurred together. Every morning was spent out at the park. Jason, Jessica and I always tried to get some exercises in first before we joined the others in a series of sports related activities. Soccer and kickball were the most common but we tried ultimate Frisbee and touch football as well. Sergeant O'Malley showed up occasionally and would drill us in unarmed combat techniques before having everyone run laps. At first the laps were small, but each time the Sergeant...
It was 2 a.m. and I’d been cooped up in my hotel room for over six hours, squinting at my laptop screen, tapping on my keyboard, and struggling with my lecture notes. There was a dull ache behind my left eye, a sure sign that a full-blown migraine was on the way. The sensible thing to do would be to take a couple of aspirins, climb into bed, and turn off the lights, but that wouldn’t get my notes finished.I compromised. I took the aspirins and soaked a couple of face cloths in the bathroom...
STYLE - Rachel Ann Cooper - (c) 2001 It was late May. Classes were over at Carrington High school. All the students had to do was go in and pick up their grades along with lists of potential classes for the fall term, in this case, the junior fall term. Lolly and Cherry (a nickname well deserved) were known for their wild and crazy parties. Both of their daddies were well to do businessmen with stay at home wives. Well, stay at home when you could FIND them there with all...
Introduction: Jessica awakes to find that the day she has waited for all her life her 18th birthday and the day she will Meat her destiny, over the coals. Jessicas Birthday Party Story: #1 Copyright 2004 Written: October 31 2004 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed By: TDM Please send any comments about this story to([email protected]) ********************************************************************* Jessica awoke to the smell of bacon being cooked by her mother in the kitchen and realized it...
The lost colony Chapter 1 - Generation ship A long, slowly rotating metallic cylinder, this is all what you would see if you could watch the 10 km long generation ship traveling through space. That is, you would probably see nothing, since there were no external lights and the surface was polished. Even in the empty interstellar space holes and steps were preferred sites for dust accumulation. The surface was perturbed only at the tips of the cylinder, with the telescope in the...